Bus 515 week 10 discussion questions – strayer new

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BUS 515 Week 10 Discussion Questions – Strayer NEW Click On The Link Below to Purchase A+ Graded Material Instant Download http://budapp.net/BUS-515-Week-10-Discussion-Questions-Strayer-NEWBUS515W10D.htm Week 10 DQ 1 "Resource Planning" Please respond to the following: 

From the e-Activity, analyze three to four benefits of the ERP, and then select an ERP vendor. Determine two or three factors that contributed to the selected vendor having improved productivity. Compare and contrast independent and dependent demand, and then provide three to four advantages and disadvantages that are evident in both. Provide specific examples to support your rationale. Week 10 DQ 2 "Scheduling" Please respond to the following:

Using the priority rules steps, propose a situation where you must utilize priority rules. Determine the effectiveness of priority rules in the situation you have selected. Provide specific examples to support your rationale. Select an industry, and then discuss any bottleneck challenges you have witnessed in that specific industry. Suggest two to four methods in which those challenges can be mitigated by operations managers using the Optimized Production Technology (OPT) principles defined by Eli Goldratt.

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