Let's PORSE Magazine - Issue 20

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Issue 20, 2016 | FREE

Healthy, active families Get our Kiwi kids moving!

Supporting working parents New employer programme Saying goodbye Reducing tears at drop-offs

Sleep and self-settling tips with Dorothy Waide


Nanny Internship P20

Features Promoting active Kiwi kids................................................ 2

Let’s PORSE is published twice per year. Up to seventy thousand

Active families ...................................................................... 4

copies of each issue are distributed free throughout New Zealand.

Digital connections ............................................................. 5

channels and website.

You can also see what's happening at PORSE on our social media

Employers partner with PORSE ..................................... 6 Teaming up to manage diabetes ................................... 8 Avoiding the 'treat trap' - Claire Turnbull ................. 10 Awesome au pair ............................................................... 12 Saying goodbye - separation anxiety ........................ 13 Sleeping and self-settling - Dorothy Waide............. 14 Spread the love - refer a friend...................................... 16 Become an educator - Q&As ........................................ 18 ECE is for me - nanny internship.................................. 20 Little hands make light work ......................................... 22 Staying safe - Surf Life Saving New Zealand........... 23 Slip, slop, slap, wrap - sunsmart tips.......................... 24


Ecostore - gift packs............................................................... 1

Pureborn Organic - baby clothes................................... 17

Love to Sing - CDs.................................................................. 7

SmartPlay - puzzles............................................................. 19

Claire Turnbull - books........................................................ 10

Surf Lifesaving New Zealand - fun beach pack....... 22

Dorothy Waide - book and tutorial................................. 14

Cancer Society - sunsmart packs.................................. 24

Please note: Let's PORSE giveaways close 31 January 2017. You can enter online at www.letsPORSE.co.nz/competitions


Many of us at PORSE are parents. We understand what it's like to be a stay at home mum or dad or have to work full time. We have either been there/done that, or are on the same journey as you right now! In this edition we've tried to pick up on common areas of worry as a parent with young children – whether it be: separation anxiety, sleep and self-settling or healthy eating habits. We hope you find some useful tips and realise you're not alone on this journey! By partnering with PORSE for childcare we'll walk alongside you in your parenting journey with support and tips for the ages and stages of your child. If you have a passion for caring for children, we'd love for you to join our whānau as a PORSE Educator. We offer a range of free training courses on attachment theory, the power

Editorial team

of play, transition to school and our National Certificate in Early Childhood Education

Catherine Wedd

& Care (Level 3) which is a course accredited through the New Zealand Qualifications

Naomi Fergusson

Authority. Give us a call today to find out more.

Amy Shanks

Wishing you and yours a safe and enjoyable spring

Creative design

and summer - make the most of what beautiful

Ingrid Edwards

Aotearoa and your local community has to

Tracy Andersen

offer when you're out and about.

Photography Alan Dove Greg Wilson Nicola Topping Susan Maclaurin Tracy Andersen Richard Wood

Kerry Henderson

Editorial enquiries

PORSE General Manager

Catherine Wedd P 06 878 3196 or E catherine@attn.co.nz

Advertising enquiries Pip Thompson P 06 873 0033 E pip.thompson@porse.co.nz

Proudly printed by

Disclaimer: PORSE In-Home Childcare (NZ) Ltd and Attn! Marketing PR are not responsible for the content or photos published in this magazine which have been authorised by independent educators and families of children

Let’s PORSE is giving away six gift packs from ecostore. Enter online at:

pictured. This magazine is prepared for the provision of information to PORSE In-Home Childcare (NZ) Ltd stakeholders. It is to the best of our knowledge correct at the time of printing.




Children seem to have relentless energy; running, jumping and exploring the world. But sadly, our New Zealand health statistics indicate factors like diet and technology are taking their toll on our young ones. One in nine children (11%) aged two to 14 years were classified as obese in the last New Zealand Health Survey (2014/15), up from 8% in the 2006/2007 survey. Professor Barry Taylor, Dean of the Dunedin School of Medicine and Founder of Dunedin’s BMI Clinic for unhealthy weight children stated that, “by the time the children reach us, it appears their trajectory has been set, possibly since infancy. We know that overweight infants are more likely to become overweight children and end up as overweight adults. "Seventy percent of children between six months and two years are gaining weight too fast. This is a combined result of poor diet, poor sleep and not enough physical activity. If children don’t get enough sleep, the research shows that they eat differently too.” As parents, we all know our little ones are wonderful sponges, great at recalling statements we’ve made (usually at the most awkward moment) and mirroring our behaviours. They learn about life through the example we set, which is why encouraging healthy active lifestyles as a family is an important focus for PORSE. PORSE works with whānau and the wider community to promote healthy, active lifestyles for our little ones in those crucial early years before school, where so much of their mental, physical and emotional development occurs. We recently teamed up with national gym chain Snap Fitness to drive an initiative to get our children more active by offering parents ideas on how to promote exercise and healthy eating from an early age. The focus is on forging lifelong habits, not just short-term solutions. With advancements in technology, children are spending more time glued to screens. PORSE wants to get Kiwi kids engaging in active play

Getting active ideas: 1


and kickstart healthy lifestyles for the whole family.

Ball skills Is your little one a future Olympic champion? Playing with a ball in the early years helps your child develop coordination, balance and timing.


On your bike! Grab some wheels and get a bit of fresh air on your local cycleway, a great family activity that builds your general fitness.

We need to get people active from a young age - it makes a huge difference in the long term.

Making exercise

fun for kids

Vaughan Wilson of Snap Fitness is swapping press-ups for animal crawls and treadmills for letterbox sprints in a bid to make exercise fun for kids. The Snap Fitness area manager for Napier,

Each exercise is explained and the

“It’s as simple as going outside and

Hastings and Royal Oak in Auckland is on a

movements broken down to suit all

kicking a ball around. We need to get up

mission to promote fun family fitness.


off the couch and get active - it will benefit

Vaughan believes prevention and planning

“We want to show how it helps

can go a long way to tackling the issue

coordination and show which parts of the

Giving PORSE Educators access to a fun

of childhood obesity – one of the most

body it works on. This is not just for the

and easy exercise tool kit means they can

serious health challenges facing New

older kids, you can do this with a one-year-

easily integrate activity into everyday

Zealand children.

old or baby too.


“We have a huge problem in New Zealand

“We’re trying to make it simple to help

Children mimic adults around them, so

with obesity rates. By aligning ourselves

trigger better development of coordination

encouraging movement is very positive.

with an organisation like PORSE we are

and build muscle strength.”

influencing the population through parents and educators to get children moving. Gyms can be a part of that education from a health and fitness perspective."

something that is not only entertaining but

through Snap Fitness and PORSE websites,

also builds on fitness and basic

as well as social media pages.


the dominos in motion.

personal trainers are creating active movement video sessions featuring PORSE children. These videos give educators and nannies an active movement tool kit to

“We are staying still a lot more. Parents are using technology to keep their children occupied and coordination and healthy movement suffers.

Hockey or mini golf


PORSE is very excited to be offering

Videos recorded in the gym are available

"We want to make exercise a habit and set

As part of the solution, Snap Fitness

apply to their PORSE programme.

parents as well.”

Shot put


Using hoops as targets make a shot put from a small plastic bag filled with rice. Great for handeye-coordination!

Grab a stick and set up some goals! Be it hockey or mini golf both are a great way to get active.


Obstacle course Lots of fun to be had outside! Set up an obstacle course with things to jump over, roll under and balance on.

Shot Put


Gymnastics A great indoor or outdoor activity. Grab a mattress and some pillows and set them up for safe landing; jumping, rolling and diving on to them!

Shot Put



PORSE parent Victoria Campbell loves being active, especially outdoors and with her family. While pregnant, she still has a regular exercise regime that

Living just a stone's throw from parks and the beach,

includes swimming and walking with her two-year-old

provides plenty of opportunity for the family to enjoy fun

daughter, Emilee.


“Our daughter loves swimming, even in winter we go to

Even when winding down in the evenings, Victoria and

a heated pool, which is great for taking pressure off my

Brandon can be found stretching in front of the TV.

joints,” says Victoria.

Nutrition is also high on their priority list – especially for

Her aversion to sweating it out indoors is in contrast to her

Emilee, who has a low sugar, low processed diet.

personal trainer husband Brandon, but the pair manage to

In-home childcare means Emilee also has the chance to run, play and be active in a home environment every day. Victoria sees the new partnership between PORSE and Snap Fitness as another exciting opportunity.

strike a nice balance at home. “He'll do weight training at the gym and cardio outside and when I’m not pregnant we’ll take some kettle bells to the park or run up the stairs,” says Victoria. “Emilee will come along and do her own thing too. Most days we go for a family walk around the block for 10 to 30 minutes and she takes a runner bike, it’s a great way for her to burn energy.”

“It’s good to know the healthy lifestyle message is being instilled in children and they can have fun being active while taking away valuable lessons.” Emilee is learning that exercise is a normal part of everyday life, thanks to the healthy habits of her parents.


Connecting families with their children’s daily activities while they’re in childcare has become a whole lot easier for educators and nannies as PORSE rolls out a digital platform for parents. PORSE and Storypark, a cloud-based (private learning) programme, have launched a partnership so educators and nannies can privately share updates, photos and videos with families. This digital platform enables educators to communicate and involve parents with their children’s day while in care. PORSE General Manager Kerry Henderson said using Storypark’s technology is a great way to enable parents to be more engaged with their little ones early childcare education. Storypark enables stories to be accessed anywhere simply by logging in securely via an internet-connected smartphone, tablet or computer. “We feel confident parents will enjoy this great platform, which will enable them to invite friends and family anywhere in the world to the secure site. Parents own all photos, videos and

"It's so easy to use the app or website,"

content.” PORSE Educator Shae Poppelwell has been using Storypark and says it not only provides a resource within

says Shae

which to post photos and videos, but also enables educators to highlight how the activity provides learning outcomes. It does this by ‘tagging’ key moments of learning or activity and linking them to the early childhood education curriculum, Te Whāriki, and other dispositions or subjects. “I can take photos of the children using building blocks, and then through Storypark, I can create a story about the key learning outcomes for the children. For example, it illustrates that building with blocks uses their motor skills,” said Shae. Parent Kelly enjoys using Storypark and says she feels a lot more connected and informed about her daughters daily activities. “I love seeing the videos and photos while I am at work. They give me a boost, seeing Hazel so happy." Storypark CEO Peter Dixon says he is excited to be working with PORSE as the new partnership means more children around New Zealand will have a safer digital future. “Storypark helps parents be more engaged with their children's learning and helps educators support each child’s unique interests and strengths. “Everyone has a more holistic understanding of the child. It’s a reciprocal learning environment where everybody contributes.”

Top image from left: Maysin, Shae, Asher and Hazel.

I love seeing the videos and photos while I am at work. They give me a boost, says Kelly



From left: Rehka, Oliver, Riva, Ravi and Jerjen.

All parents face choices when deciding to return to work, as they try to balance the needs of their children with the demands of family finances and careers. A new PORSE Employer Partnership Programme aims to simplify the balancing act and support parents returning to work.


The initiative gives businesses both big and small an

“From our point of view it’s a great thing for staff to have

opportunity to support employees back into work with

childcare they can trust and rely on; it allows them to

in-home childcare subsidies for staff.

relax and focus when they are at work,” says Lisa.

MidCentral District Health Board welcomes the scheme

Palmerston North PORSE Consultant Hannah Read has

and has teamed up with PORSE to find in-home childcare

welcomed the positive response from the DHB.

for many of its shift workers.

“When families aren’t eligible for subsidies through Work

Nearly 20 DHB employees have come on board, with

and Income New Zealand (WINZ), childcare costs can

many more keen to take up the opportunity.

be a large portion of their income, so businesses see the

Human Resources Manager Lisa Henson says connecting

initiative as a good opportunity to help wages go further,

with PORSE has been a no-brainer.

as well as providing families with more flexibility.

“Our staff work shifts and often have issues finding

“Our educators are more than happy to accommodate

adequate childcare. Sometimes they are here really early

people working difficult hours where they can.”

or finish late and many centres aren’t open at these times,

Parents can expect to save up to $45 a week with the

so the flexibility of in-home childcare works.”

subsidies and reduced fees.

The DHB offered existing staff the opportunity, and sees

The Employer Partnership Programme has been

potential to use the partnership as an incentive to attract

popular, with businesses signing on from Whangarei to

new staff in future.


It’s not just large companies coming on board - small to medium businesses are keen to get involved too. Auckland-based ecostore sees it as a way to simplify life for their staff. Community and Relationships Manager Isa Corbett says it’s a practical and simple way to support the team. “We have staff in our ecostore shop, head office and factory - no matter where they are based this is something we feel they can benefit from,” says Isa. “It’s been a really simple process for us, all we had to do was let everyone know.” Their relationship with PORSE is a long-standing one, and extends both ways. Free samples from ecostore’s baby range appear in PORSE welcome bags, which are handed out to parents as they enrol with PORSE. “We see it as a two way street - we are able to get in front of people who we know will love using our products and our employees have the option of affordable in-home childcare - it’s a win-win!” Auckland PORSE Consultant Samantha Metcalfe says there are many benefits for both parents and employers.

Eva with mum Sam and Isa (right).

“Through the programme we are giving businesses an opportunity to pass on significant discounts to their staff at no cost to the business,” she says. “There are training courses and workshops on offer as well as free weekly PlaySchool, music sessions and outings.” Businesses who want to join can simply contact PORSE. The only requirement for parents is a minimum enrolment of 15 hours per week. “Staff are able to ask their employers to sign up if they haven’t already, and those who have children currently enrolled with us are also eligible for the discount should their employers sign onto the programme,” says Samantha.

Let’s PORSE is giving away seven sets of 2 CDs Songs I Love to Sing With My Mum, and Kiwi Kids Sing Favourite Christmas Songs and Carols. Each set valued at $33.98 from Love to Sing. Enter online at: www.letsPORSE.co.nz/competitions

Gives employees access to childcare subsidies and more: discounted childcare in your home or your chosen educator's home waived weekly PORSE administration fee no placement fees

Talk to your employer about partnering with PORSE and you could save up to $45 per week on your childcare costs.*

low ratio care - one dedicated educator to a maximum of four children free weekly PlaySchool, music sessions and outings full and part-time care, with flexible hours and locations daily journals that share your child’s learning experiences access to our For Life Education & Training parenting workshops.

*See our website for terms and conditions



“I feel very lucky to have an educator like Ginny, who can see those triggers and knows exactly what to do,” says Michelle.

Ginny (left) with Michelle and JJ.

The 26th is a day that Michelle Sands will never forget. Not only is it the day her son JJ was born, it’s also the day he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease. There was no sign anything was wrong with the happy

“Coeliac was always on my radar, because I have the

two-year-old except for an insatiable thirst which seemed

disease, but I never considered diabetes, especially not

to develop overnight.

this young,” Michelle says.

It was something both Michelle and his PORSE Educator

“When the doctor said there were high levels of glucose

Ginny Wigzell immediately picked up on.

in his blood I knew it was bad. My sister is a type 1

“He went from a boy that you almost had to force a drink

diabetic so it’s not foreign to me.”

into, to wanting water all the time,” says Michelle.

Michelle was told to pack a bag, pick up her son and head

“Whenever he saw a cup his eyes would bulge, and he’d

straight to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

hold out his hands.”

For the next week Michelle learnt everything there was to

After a week with no change, Michelle took JJ to the

know about the condition – signs of when his blood sugar

doctor for a check up and a phone call from the GP a few days later sent chills through her body.


was too low or too high; how to inject insulin twice a day and prick a finger to test his blood glucose levels.

Ginny took time off to be by Michelle’s side and soak up

“It changes everything, I can’t even walk to the dairy

vital information that would help her to adapt to JJ’s new

without taking food and juice, in case he has a low,” says

routine while he was in her care.


“It’s just so much to take in and when Michelle leaves for

“With coeliacs you have to read the back of every packet

work in the morning she needs to have full trust JJ’s in

– and gluten-free food is expensive.”

safe hands,” says Ginny.

Even when she puts her son to bed at night, there is no

At a time of immense change for Michelle, in-home

reprieve from the constant concern.

childcare provided a much-needed stable and safe

“I test him before he goes to bed to see where his sugar


levels are at and I usually test him again through the night

“I can’t imagine how JJ would cope in a centre with lots of children - I wouldn’t trust he was getting the right kind of care he needs,” says Michelle.

just to make sure he doesn’t go low.

“The one-on-one care he has at home with Ginny is vital.

24/7, which has been a huge relief for Michelle.

Financially, I need to work so Ginny is the next best thing

“Michelle is part of our family and we are close friends,

to me being at home with him.”

“It’s hard when you both desperately want to sleep - but we have been assured he will stabilise.” Ginny is always there to lend a hand or a supportive ear

so that doesn’t stop when she walks out the door,” says

Ginny knows how to control the diabetes with food and


drink throughout the day and has turned JJ’s glucose

As an educator with 14 years experience, Ginny has

levels test into a game.

worked with children's allergies, physical disabilities,

One of the challenges of managing toddler diabetes is

behaviour management issues and autism.

fussy eating, but Ginny found ways to work around it.

JJ started with Ginny when he was four months old so

“We call checking his blood glucose levels ‘checking his

she can tell when he isn’t ‘himself’.

numbers’ and we call the insulin his ‘medicine’.

“When his blood sugar is low he’s happy and co-

“If the numbers go too low, he knows he needs to have

operative and when it’s high he’s grumpy – he can’t tell

some juice. You can’t just explain this to a two-year-old,

you he’s not feeling well so you have to know the signs

so you have to break it down. I have been impressed with

and Ginny also knows the cues,” says Michelle.

how well he’s coped with everything,” says Ginny.

“I feel very lucky to have an educator like Ginny, who can

Diabetes has turned Michelle and JJ’s lives upside down,

see those triggers and knows exactly what to do.”

with trips to the supermarket, meal times and simple outings now filled with challenges.

Putting safety first! Did you know… PORSE holds a primary rating for ACC's Workplace Safety Management Practices, which recognises PORSE’s commitment to the wellbeing of its employees, families, suppliers and visitors, supporting safe workplaces, safe educators and safe homes. Willi Salisbury (left), HR Support with Kerry Henderson, General Manager, both from PORSE.



Healthy Food Guide Nutritionist Claire Turnbull knows how dangerous it is for parents to fall into the 'treat trap'. Speaking from experience, she shares some hot tips on how to reduce the amount of sugar little ones eat. How do parents stop breeding a ‘treat culture’ for children?

What are some of the pitfalls when teaching kids about healthy eating habits?

People can easily fall into the trap of rewarding kids for

1. Using ‘strong’ language: I am not talking about

everything – they go number two on the toilet and they

swearing, but instead talking too much about

get a jelly bean or chocolate, they behave well when you

food and it being ‘good’ or ‘bad for you’. I really

are out and the reward is a marshmallow.

avoid talking about food unless I am saying ‘this

It’s just so easy to use food as a bartering tool to get children to behave. With Zac I have learnt that it's best if there is little or no negotiation when it comes to food. I will offer one or

two options and then there is nothing else - peaches or banana on your porridge? I’m ruthlessly consistent with food and honestly, it works. How children behave around food has so much to do with what they learn from you, whether you realise you are doing it or not. If you reward with food or have endless fights about food with your children, then the first step is to become aware of what you are doing. Try keeping a diary so you can really see what it is that’s happening in your home around food. From here, you need to find

is a vegetable that grows in the ground’ or ‘this is porridge made from oats’. 2. Being too strict: While I am all for kids having as little sugar as possible, it’s important not to start creating fear around food. It’s not necessary to stop your children from having every last gram of sugar in order for them to grow up healthy and happy. There is a balance to strike! 3. Making fun activities about food: A lot of children learn to associate fun activities with bad food, which is wrong. The zoo or beach is fun without having to have an ice cream every time. Occasionally when we go out, Zac might get a gingerbread man but he doesn’t expect it, as it has not become a routine.

Try using other tactics; 'when you have finished your

Can you offer any tips on how to prevent children overloading on sugar?

lunch, we can read your favourite book or play with the

If I’m taking Zac to a birthday party, he only ever asks for

stickers we got today.' Find something that makes them

water as that’s all he’s used to and wants. I also feed him

feel special but isn’t about food.

before we go, so he’s not starving when he arrives.

ways to avoid using food as a negotiating tool.

As adults we are really the ones who have taught our children to care about food at a party. If it was normal in our society to give them a platter of fruit and toys, they would think that’s really cool. Sadly, kids have learnt that parties mean cake and chips most of the time. For Zac’s birthday I make a big cake for everyone to enjoy, then most other things on offer are savoury and healthy.

Let’s PORSE is giving away three Feel Good For Life books from Claire Turnbull valued at $30.00 each. To enter, visit us online at:


Tips to reduce sugar at parties: instead of sugary drinks, have jugs of water with slices of kiwifruit, lime or berries in them make a fruit platter have cake but make sure other options are savory,


think sandwiches, sushi, wholegrain crackers, dips


and vegetables.

Wellbeing and Nutrition

Healthy Carrot Cake Carrot cake is normally loaded with fat and sugar. This carrot cake is a much healthier version and still just as delicious.

I'm ruthlessly consistent with food and honestly, it works!

It has been adapted to reduce the amount of oil and is sweetened with a little honey rather than lots of sugar.

Ingredients 1 ¼ cups wholemeal flour ¼ cup ground LSA (ground linseeds, sunflower

seeds and almonds ) or ¼ cup more of

wholemeal flour ¼ cup desiccated coconut 2 tsp baking powder ½ tsp baking soda 1 tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp ground ginger pinch of ground nutmeg ½ cup roughly chopped walnuts ½ cup raisins or sultanas (lightly coated in flour

so they don’t sink to the bottom of the cake) 2 cups peeled and finely grated carrots ⅓ cup canola, rice bran or olive oil ⅓ cup honey or maple syrup 2 free range eggs 1 cup unsweetened natural yoghurt 1 tsp vanilla extract

Optional extra: grated zest of an orange

Method 1. Preheat oven to 190°C and line a cake tin. I use 18cm x 18cm but a similar sized round tin is fine too. You could also grease a muffin tray and make mini carrot cake muffins – the mixture will make 12 muffins. 2. Place the dry ingredients into a bowl: flour, LSA,

Healthy snacks TO go half a corncob, cherry tomatoes, cucumber fruit – an apple cut up or bananna

coconut, walnuts, sultanas, baking powder, baking soda and spices then add the carrot and orange zest if you are including it, and mix together. 3. Put the wet ingredients into another bowl: oil,

crackers or corn thins

honey, eggs, yoghurt, vanilla extract and beat

leftover meat, e.g. free range chicken tenders

together. Combine wet and dry ingredients and

unsweetened yoghurt

mix until smooth.

cooked penne pasta

4. Pour the mixture into the greased tin and bake for

homemade popcorn

about 40-45 minutes or until a knife comes out

cubes of cheese edamame beans or carrot sticks

clean. Muffins will only need 10-15 minutes.

To find out more about Claire, visit www.claireturnbull.co.nz 11 porse.co.nz

Rhonda (left) with Jethro, Frankie and Justine.

French au pair Justine Couillandre arrived like a modern-day Mary Poppins, just when single mother Rhonda Moore needed her most. After returning to her demanding job

Au Pair Link has recently partnered

enquiries from families outside our

as a midwife in Wellington, Rhonda

with PORSE to bring more au pairs

licensed areas so we are now able

needed flexible childcare for Jethro

to Kiwi households and provide

to meet these demands.”

(three) and Frankie (five). Finding an

families with more choice.

au pair was the perfect solution for

more networking opportunities and

Henderson says the relationship

access to extra resources as well as

"I work irregular hours, so I needed

opens up access to au pairs and

training with PORSE.

someone who could live with us and

gives families another option.

“The au pairs can enjoy the PORSE

“It’s another way we can make life

services such as playgroups, events

the mother of two.

be there for the children when I race off at short notice.

less stressful for parents. We are

and professional development.

“Justine is now part of our family -

very excited about being able to

“We take care of the paperwork

when I head out the door to work

offer families more choice in the

and programme support for the

the kids just say ‘see you mum’.

home-based childcare sector.”

children outside of Au Pair Link’s

Having an au pair gives me peace of

The partnership enables au pair

mind and makes life less stressful.” Rhonda sought the help of Au Pair Link and was impressed by the way


Kerry says it gives au pairs even

PORSE General Manager Kerry

matching services to reach key centres throughout New Zealand including Whangarei, Hawke’s Bay,

they worked with her to find the

Southland, Nelson and Marlborough.

right fit for her children.

Au Pair Link General Manager Casey

“Using an agency removed the hassle, simplifying the entire process. They were super helpful and great at sorting out the detail,” says Rhonda.

Muraahi says the partnership with

licensed regions and Au Pair Link will continue to interview, screen and match the candidates to ensure they will be the right fit for families.”

PORSE enables them to support more families, due to the size of the PORSE network. “We can now reach out to families nationwide and in some of the more remote areas. We receive regular

For more information

0800 AU PAIR


Saying goodbye

Separation Anxiety

As parents, we all know that feeling - the nervous anxiety we can feel in those early days of saying goodbye to our child and leaving them in the care of someone else. It’s not made any easier when our child may also be having big feelings in response to our departure. By Erin Maloney, General Manager of PORSE Education & Training What is separation anxiety? The age and stage of a child will play a part in how a child responds to separation, however, it’s important to know that separation anxiety is a completely normal part of childhood due to the attachment relationship that develops between a child and their key caregiver(s). Separation anxiety can manifest as clinginess, distress and withdrawal. Typically, it begins from about six months of age, appears again around 15 to 18 months of age, and sometimes when a child is three. In between these times, you may see separation anxiety when a child begins a new relationship with an unfamiliar adult (such as

Acknowledge the emotion – then redirect or distract. Always let children know you get how they are feeling (“I can see how sad you are that Mummy had to go to work”), before you find something else for them to become interested in. Our brains can’t be upset and curious at the same time so helping a child to focus on something else does really help at times of distress. Connect with them. When transitioning into a new care arrangement, a child will feel more comfort and build more familiarity when this is with one primary caregiver who genuinely likes them and has time and patience while their relationship develops. Having this one-on-one nurturing relationship will help

an in-home educator)

feelings of security and

or when they have

trust to grow.

experienced significant changes in their lives like moving house.

So what can we do to help?

Build a routine. Help your child to build a pattern of expectation around separation with a predictable leaving routine - like reading one story

Children rely on us to support their transitions, to help them to manage their big feelings and to take care of their emotional needs. This isn’t always easy, especially with young children who aren’t yet able to tell us what these needs are. Here are Photo supplied by Richard Wood

some ideas that can help:

before you go. Children find routines comforting so find one that works for you and your relationship. Allow home comforts. Encourage children to take their own familiar or special possessions with them into care – a favourite cuddly, book or toy. Sometimes something that reminds them

Ease them into it. A gentle transition into new care

of the parent they are saying goodbye to, can help them

arrangements will help a child to feel more comfortable.

to know the parent will return.

This could involve the parent remaining for periods of time over the first few weeks of care to support the child to build familiarity with their new environment and relationships with their new care provider.

If you are the new person providing care, don’t forget the parents. Remember parents also need emotional support when leaving their child. Communication is key here – a text message to let them know their child has

Talk to them about it. Empathising with a child and

settled, photos and detailed accounts of their child’s

supporting them with words helps them understand

day will all help to support parents with their own

their feelings and feel heard and understood.

feelings around leaving their child.

During periods of separation, children need to know their new environment is secure and can be trusted. This trust is fostered through relationships, having their needs met

porse.co.nz sensitively and consistently and being shown genuine affection and attention.


Self-settling is: a foundation for babies to learn how to fall asleep independently, without the use of aids or props an opportunity to engulf your baby quietly in your arms with no words, movement or props - instilling a confidence and sense of security that will help them find sleep providing your newborn with a sense of feeling completely protected and emotionally secure in their environment so they can switch off and fall asleep contented

Let’s PORSE is giving away Dorothy Waide's book and a digital tutorial session. To enter, visit us online at: www.letsPORSE.co.nz/ competitions


using TACT - time, acceptance, consistency and touch - as well as repetition, patience and commitment to achieve success.

Self-settling is not: controlled crying or ‘sleep training’ - self-settling is always done with nurturing leaving your baby to cry it out alone to finally fall asleep due to stress and exhaustion.

Expert insight "O ne of my favourite expressions is don’t start anything in your arms that you can’t replicate in a bassinet or cot." Newborns don’t have the ability to self-settle without your help until somewhere between 12 and 16 weeks of age. Once parents understand this, they can enjoy the process and be less fraught with expectation. As adults we have choices at bedtime - we may read a

It’s likely many hours will be spent supporting and

book, meditate, watch TV, have a bath, or chat to our

comforting them - see it as a valuable opportunity

partner before we go to sleep. For a sleepy baby, a

to nurture your baby and bond with them as you

most natural response is to cry.

discover which sleep cues your baby likes best

Self-settling - also known as self-soothing - helps your

and responds to.

baby learn how to fall asleep unaided. It enhances

Self-settling is always done with nurturing.

your baby’s quality of sleep and is the key to helping your baby establish healthy sleep patterns. Self-settling means stepping aside to allow your baby to find sleep independently, either in your arms or in the bassinet/cot. It might be for as little as half a minute or longer (up to a maximum of five minutes), depending on what you feel comfortable with, before you feel the time is right to intervene and support them to sleep. Although at times it can be difficult for us as parents to listen to our baby crying as they attempt to find sleep, it’s worth keeping in mind that as long as they are well, not in pain and being nurtured, these small intervals of crying - with you present - are a positive and necessary part of your baby’s progress.

Self-settling is a learning process. It begins as early as day one and evolves as your baby grows and their needs change. Remembering that babies won’t have the ability to self-settle until around 12-16 weeks of age, if you are able to spend time holding them in your arms or sitting with them to support and guide them as they learn to find sleep, your efforts will go a long way to establishing

I want to shout this from the rooftops - the objective of self-settling is to provide your newborn with a sense of feeling completely protected and emotionally secure in their environment, so they can switch off and fall asleep contented. When it comes to settling a baby, my advice is to keep it simple. In my experience, the most effective way to help your baby fall asleep is to sit quietly and use small and repetitive techniques, such as cupping and patting that can be done in your arms or in the cot. These subtle but firm movements are calming for a newborn and, when the time is right, can be gently tapered off so that eventually your baby will be able to fall asleep without the need for them. If circumstances allow, I encourage parents to predominantly self-settle their babies in their arms for the first 12 weeks, then follow their instincts when deciding whether to self-settle in the bassinet/cot. Perhaps your baby prefers certain settling techniques over others, or sleeps better at different times of the day. As they grow, self-settling becomes an integral part of their sleep ritual, and it is a skill for life.

foundations for healthy sleep patterns.

Dorothy Waide is a Karitane nurse and one of New Zealand’s leading sleep consultants with strong international connections. With almost 30 years’ baby nursing and sleep-settling experience in homes here and abroad, Dorothy returned from overseas in 2010 and set up her unique ‘BabyHelp’ consultancy, dedicated to teaching new mums the timeless art – and everyday parenting skills – of ‘mothercraft’. She is the author of 'You Simply Can't Spoil a Newborn'. www.babyhelp.co.nz




Spread the

Ask Jo Davison about her job and you could walk away inspired to seek a new career. The Dunedin educator joined PORSE six years ago and loves it so much, she’s brought five friends on-board! She is quick to list the benefits, from flexibility to

“I really like what PORSE has to

spending quality time with her own children, Ruby (six),

offer – the simple sign up process

and Jonty (four).

and free training is a drawcard.

“I always tell people how amazing PORSE is – you can be a stay-at-home mum and earn a good wage,” says Jo. “I’m not paying for childcare and I get to experience everything with my children.” Jo first discovered PORSE when looking at in-home childcare options for her daughter Ruby, but after being made redundant while on maternity leave, she turned to the organisation for a career change instead.

I’m still running a business, but now I’m a stay-at-home mum too.” Jo took just six weeks off with the arrival of her second child Jonty before 'easing' back into work. “I had one boy with me part-time and then my own baby so it was the perfect way to get into the swing of things. There aren’t many jobs where you can do that.” A real passion for children and education has led her to

It’s a far cry from her previous life as a corporate

share the positive experience with others by referring


them to PORSE.

“I was managing a multi-million dollar business and had

Her friends have different reasons for following her path,

200 staff under me, but when the redundancy came I

but all are happy they did.

made a lifestyle choice for my family.


Left to right: Deanna, Nicole, Jack, Jacinda, Holly, Margaret, Jo and Jacob.

I always tell people how amazing PORSE is – you can be a stay-at-home mum and earn a good wage, says Jo.


nationally recognised training

One referral was a grandmother who, later in life, found herself as a primary caregiver for her daughter’s threeyear-old twins. “I told her to come for a coffee and a chat, she brought another of her daughters along, and they both decided to become educators. I explained she can look after the grandchildren and earn a living.” Another moved to PORSE from a different organisation after seeing Jo out and about one day. “The mother of a child I care for signed up because she saw what a great family-friendly career it was versus the career she had prior to becoming a mum, and my best friend just moved to Dunedin from Auckland, so she’s the most recent one.” As an experienced educator, Jo firmly believes home is the best place to grow young minds, and always aims to challenge children. “We go out every morning and come home for lunch, while younger ones sleep the older ones prepare for school with maths, learning and reading. “You just don’t get that kind of one-on-one in a kindergarten where there might be 40 children and four teachers.” The job of an educator is not easy, but the rewards make it all worthwhile, says Jo. “I open my door at 6.30am and I don’t close it again until after 5pm, but I wouldn’t change a thing. “There’s such a great sense of satisfaction in being part of a child’s learning and development – I get to see a lot of ‘firsts’ which is really special. I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing.”

Building your future in childcare starts here Work from home, be independent, have flexibility. If you love children and have a passion for growing little minds at home, make it your career with PORSE.

Let’s PORSE is giving away five Pureborn print vest and shorts sets valued at $40 each from Pureborn Organic. Colour and print subject to availability. Enter online at: www.letsPORSE.co.nz/competitions

Call us on 0800 023 456 or visit our website porse.co.nz



What are the requirements to be a PORSE Educator?

What help will PORSE give me to fill my childcare vacancies?

First and foremost, you need a love for children and a

PORSE has a number of ways to help you fill your childcare

passion for growing little minds! You will also need:

spaces. Your educator profile will be listed on the PORSE

New Zealand citizenship or hold a working holiday visa a First Aid certificate a safe home to work from. PORSE welcomes anyone over the age of 17 years. Our educators include stay-at-home parents/carers and

website, and used to help match you with families. We can offer Facebook advertising, signage, flags, brochures and flyers to support you to market your business.

How much can I earn by being an educator?

grandparents, early childhood teachers and foster families.

It depends on the market rate for the region you live in, but

Do I need a qualification to be an educator?

example, if you choose to care for four children for 30 hours

you set your own rates, and what hours you work. As an

No - you will be well supported in your role by a trained

per week, you could earn $32,000-$40,000 per annum,

teacher, who will visit at least once per month, and is also

or around $42,000-$54,000 working 40 hours per week

available on phone and email if you have any questions or

(depending on your location).

need guidance. workshops through to the National Certificate in Early

Does PORSE provide the required equipment, or do I need to have my own?

Childhood Education & Care (Level 3), which is available

PORSE will offer you advice on what you need to get set up,

free to all PORSE Educators, and can be completed while

and can loan you equipment for a period while you source

working with PORSE.

your own. We also have a range of resource boxes available

We provide ongoing opportunities to build your skills, from

for loan at any time.

To provide care from my home, what do I need to do to make it safe for children? Safety and cleanliness is paramount when caring for children. PORSE fully supports you in what is required to make your home safe. We work with you to meet PORSE health and safety standards, based on the requirements for Home-based ECE services provided by the Ministry of Education. As a quick reference: your property must be fully fenced any pools, spas, lakes and streams must be fully fenced

As a PORSE Educator you will get to FREE access to: ongoing professional development options, from short courses to an NZQA qualification a support network, including monthly visits from our trained teachers play resources and a weekly activity programme (PlaySchool, music groups) plus monthly outings, which can be journaled using an online tool like Storypark ongoing professional support including business advice, programme development and health and safety.

any heating source such as a fireplace or heater must be guarded if you drive a car, it must be registered, and hold a current warrant of fitness and have appropriate child car seat anchor bolts all pets must have a safe place away from the children homes with stairs, decks and terraced gardens must be made safe for children (methods of ensuring safety will vary based on the nature of the environment, such as access to, and heights of structures. We will work through this with you).


GREAT reasons to join PORSE!

1. We have a great reputation and are well-known and recognised in the community. 2. Generate income and gain support to care for your own children or grandchildren at home.

3. Receive quality support, training and professional development.

4. Enjoy the flexibility of working from home and being your own boss.


Want to study Early Childhood Education? The PORSE National Certificate in Early Childhood Education & Care (Level 3) is a fantastic pathway to understanding more about the influence you have on the growth and development of children in your care. Graduates often move into careers in ECE, enrol in Degree study, or continue to grow their skills as parents and carers. Delivered nationwide as a 21-week distance learning course, students from all walks of life enrol, choosing to either study independently or attend the Programme Study Options provided by PORSE area offices. At the completion of this New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) accredited course, you will have gained valuable learning covering many different areas of early childhood education and care, including:

Professional educator Donna Walker is still upskilling and completes most PORSE training courses on offer.

Te Whāriki, the early

health and wellbeing

childhood curriculum

child development

participating in play

ethical behaviour

Donna's childcare career spans 25 years but it was the


PORSE National Certificate in Early Childhood Education

early childhood

observation skills

& Care (Level 3) that really got her hooked on education. “I think the Level 3 course is something every educator and parent should do. It’s really good to to get ideas and feedback from others on different strategies.” The certificate introduces valuable learning in many areas of early childhood education and care, including attachment behaviour, observation skills, programme planning and health, wellbeing and nurtrition. Donna says she attended tutorial classes in the evenings

education services and

resources for play

government agencies

guiding behaviour

programme planning

providing a safe

effective communication with parents, family and



hygiene practices


basic needs

professional behaviours

attachment behaviour

cultural diversity.


led by PORSE. She also studied at home to complete her assessments. “It was refreshing to be in a classroom with other educators sharing ideas. I learnt a lot about how to communicate, listen and observe children and about attachment relationships.

To find out more, call us 0800 023 or visit porse.co.nz


“I really liked the communication and behaviour unit standards. Looking at different ways to talk to children is helpful. Learning to observe and give the children some time to work it out themselves is so valuable. This seems simple, but it’s good to analyse this behaviour and understand how it effectively works in practice.” PORSE Education and Training General Manager Erin Maloney says "we want to promote learning in ECE and encourage people from all walks of life with a passion for childcare to complete study that will enable them to grow as a parent, carer or educator.”

Let’s PORSE is giving away three sets of four puzzles from Smart Play - total value $271 To enter, visit us online at: www.letsPORSE.co.nz/competitions

Donna with Zoe and Oscar.



Nanny Internship

Ruby, Lisa and Tara.

When Lisa McEwing left school and started working at one of the local garages in Dargaville she never imagined she would end up in early childhood education. However, when the garage closed, Lisa was at a loose

“I really got a taste for ECE from the course and I

end so after seeing an advertisement on Trade Me, she

wanted to learn more and more.”

applied for PORSE’s Nanny Intern Programme.

enrolled at university and is currently working towards

started. I realised during the course that I really enjoy

a Bachelor of Education in early childhood.

working with children and early childhood education

While studying, the 23-year-old works as an educator

was the career for me. Seeing the sparkle in their eyes ignited a passion that I never knew existed.”

for the Roach family, caring for Ruby (four) and Tara (eight) in Glendowie in Auckland.

Lisa was a nanny intern with a family for 20 hours a

“I was very blessed to find a job straight away with

week, during the 21-week training course, enabling her

an amazing family. During my degree I learnt about

to gain practical skills.

cognitive development, attachment theory, and the

“The course was life changing because it was an

sociocultural theory. I apply this with Ruby and Tara.”

amazing hands-on experience where I knew I was

“Seeing the attachment theory in practice is useful. If

making a difference in a child's life.”

I take Ruby to the playground, I always see her look

On top of the practical experience, Lisa spent a day in

around for me. She knows her circle of security so she

the classroom each week, which included lessons in


So after finishing the Nanny Intern Programme Lisa

“I absolutely loved the course from the moment I

will look for me, then she carries on.”

early brain development, attachment theory and

Lisa says she spends time preparing Ruby for school

care routines.

and focusing on her numeracy and literacy.

She was able to get a National Certificate in Early

“At the moment we are working on her name. I want

Childhood Education and Care (Level 3) for free.

her to realise that learning is fun and it’s exciting. It’s

not just sitting in a classroom. We go through the alphabet and she’s becoming more confident in recognising the letters.” Mother Kathryn Roach says the family connected with Lisa immediately. “Lisa is the youngest educator we have had. She came straight from the Nanny Intern Programme, so I was a little skeptical at first, but we had an instant connection and have built a strong relationship. Lisa is respectful of the children and because she is studying she is very enthusiastic about bringing fresh ideas and learning into our home.” Kathryn says she was instantly attracted by Lisa’s background because their family values were similar. “When you have someone in your home, its important that you share the same values and have a close relationship. Instinctively Lisa does many things in the same way I would and I have also learnt a lot from her. “I have seen a lot of Lisa’s learning in our home. I think my children benefit from Lisa being so up to date with ECE. She is also learning from my girls so it’s a two way street. Ruby has just blossomed with Lisa.” PORSE Programme Tutor Chris Ryder says the nanny intern programme often ignites a passion and desire in the graduates to gain further qualifications in early childhood education. “PORSE works with nanny interns to nurture and develop their career development. We are very happy that Lisa has chosen to further her career in ECE and we aim to support her on

"I absolutely loved the course from the moment I started!"

the journey. “Lisa has become a PORSE professional educator and has developed a strong level of confidence since completing the Nanny

Would you like to become a nanny? Gain hands-on experience in an industry that will give you a nationally recognised career pathway in early childhood education and care. Benefit from:

a FREE 21 week qualification. Gain a National Certificate in

Intern Programme.”

Early Childhood Education & Care Ruby, Kathryn, Lisa and Tara.

(Level 3) valued at $1,293.00

a FREE First Aid Course valued at $45.00

workplace visits, training and tutor support

access to the PORSE Programme including fun outings, events and ongoing learning and training opportunities

future opportunities to work worldwide.

Nanny Nanny Intern Programme

Key Facts

Nanny Intern courses run in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Hawke's Bay, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch Over 320 nannies have interned with PORSE since it started 148 nannies trained with PORSE last year Demand for places has increased by 90% since the course started.

To register your interest in the Nanny Intern Programme

0800 023 456

porse.co.nz 21 porse.co.nz

Dirty hands, muddy gumboots and digging holes was all part of the fun for dozens of children who celebrated Matariki at a PORSE community planting event.


Antony (HBRC), Caydn, Heidi and Emma.


Educators, parents, staff and children mucked in to plant

“I think it is the youngest group of children we have ever

200 trees with Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC).

had, but they are so enthusiastic, it’s never too early to

Programme Tutor Barbara Thomson said the planting

start learning about planting and why it’s important.

initiative was a good way to ring in Matariki (Māori New

“In a year the bank will be covered with amazing New

Year) while giving back to the community.

Zealand natives to attract birdlife.”

“It’s a hands-on-way for children to learn about Māori

Little hands made light work for the pint sized taskforce

culture, language and new life, which all ties in with the

who smiled and giggled as they planted - clambering,

spirit of Matariki.

climbing and exploring in the great outdoors.

“Educators and kids came from all over Hawke’s Bay

Napier educator Debbie Buckley brought her children

to put a spade in the ground and the end result looked

along to get stuck in.


“It was something totally different to our normal routine.

Eight tree and plant varieties including kowhai, rewarewa

There is nothing better for the kids than to get outside

and miro were chosen to beautify and reinforce the

and play in the mud.

embankment overlooking a nearby stream.

“It’s also a legacy project, and it will be good to go back

HBRC Open Space Development Officer Antony

and see how the plants have grown.”

Derek and Jesse.

Newcastle was there to get eager helpers started with a few tips.

Let’s PORSE is giving away one 'fun at the beach' pack from Surf Lifesaving New Zealand. Enter online at: www.letsPORSE.co.nz/competitions


At PORSE we value the work of organisations like Surf Life Saving New Zealand to ensure our little ones are kept safe at the beach. Here are some of their safety tips. Find a beach that is patrolled. Visit www.findabeach.co.nz. Swim between the flags and listen to advice from the lifeguards. Always keep an eye on children in the water - that means standing within reach at the water’s edge or even better swimming with them. Don't get distracted chatting to friends or checking your phone. Don't overestimate anyone's ability to cope in the conditions. Even waist deep water can be life threatening if you step in a hole or get hit by a large wave. Set boundaries and make sure your children aren’t out of their comfort zone. Never swim alone - it's more fun with a friend! Watch out for that rip - learn how to spot one below. Check with lifeguards/locals about the conditions and the safest place to swim. If in doubt, stay out!

HOW TO SPOT A RIP? A rip is a body of water moving out to sea that can sweep you out quickly. Look for: Calm patches in the surf with waves

breaking either side. A deep hole close to shore surrounded by

an uneven sandy bottom. Discoloured water compared to the water either side of it. Foam and debris floating on top of the water. Waves that are breaking in a criss-crossing fashion towards the shore.

If up you get caught in a RIP - DON’T PANIC! Lie on your back, stay calm and conserve your energy. Put your hand up and wave it side to side. Even on an unpatrolled

coastline, this will attract attention. When the current has subsided, swim parallel to the shore towards the

breaking waves before returning to shore, swimming slowly.

Surf Life Saving New Zealand is the charity representing 74 Surf Life Saving Clubs. This summer around 4,000 volunteer lifeguards will spend over 200,000 hours keeping a watchful eye on over 80 beaches throughout the country, helping to make them safer. Last season, over 1,500 people were rescued from life-threatening situations!

Visit www.surflifesaving.org.nz to find out more about water safety.


on a shirt

on sunscreen

on a hat

PORSE works closely with the Cancer Society to ensure our children are kept safe from the sun. New Zealand has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world so we know how important it is to promote sun safety. Cancer Society of New Zealand CEO, Claire Austin provides some sunsmart tips. How careful do we need to be with babies? It's very important to keep babies out of direct sunlight.

How quickly can children get sunburnt in the New Zealand sun?

The Cancer Society recommends babies under 12 months

It takes just a few minutes for children to get sunburnt.

are kept away from direct sunlight. Some parents think

UV radiation can penetrate light cloud and parents often

you need to expose babies bottoms to the sun when they

get caught out because they can’t feel the heat.

have nappy rash, but they really just need fresh air, not

How long does suncream last?

sunlight. There is a much higher risk of sun damage when children are young, so it’s critical we are vigilant in using shade, applying suncream and covering them up.

What about Vitamin D? Vitamin D is important for bone, muscle and brain health. During daylight saving months, New Zealand’s high UVR levels mean that even when babies are outdoors for short periods (before 10am and after 4pm), they are likely to receive enough ultraviolet radiation exposure to maintain healthy vitamin D levels. In winter, it is generally safe and advisable for infants to spend some time in the sun.

What are the common pitfalls to watch out for when children are in the sun? Thinking you don’t need to worry when it’s cloudy. UV comes through the clouds. From September to April everyone needs to be sunsmart especially between 10am and 4pm. Forgetting to re-apply suncream every two hours or after swimming.

If stored well in a cool dry place suncream can last for a few years. But people need to check the expiry dates and follow the manufacturers storage instructions.

What is the Cancer Society doing to promote sun safety in early childhood? We are currently testing an Early Childhood Service Resource. This will provide educators and nannies with information and knowledge, so they have more of an understanding about UV and how it works. This will give them sunsmart confidence and will be able to be used as part of their Professional Development progamme.

Skin cancers are the most common type of cancer in New Zealand. Approximately 67,000 non-melanoma skin cancers are treated each year. There were 486 notified deaths from skin cancers in 2012 (Ministry of Health, 2015).

Just relying on suncream. It needs to be a combination of things: seek out shade, put on wide brim hats to protect face, ears and neck and cover up with clothing. Suncream SPF 30+ and above should be used.

Let’s PORSE is giving away two sunsmart packs to keep you protected this summer from the Cancer Society. Enter online at: www.letsPORSE.co.nz/competitions


on sun glasses

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Want to earn a living while at home raising your own child? With PORSE you can work from home, be independent, have flexibilty and start your early childhood career. Call us today to find out more.

0800 023 456 porse.co.nz

We Need Educators! We have families waiting for caring, dedicated educators in your area. If growing little minds at home is your passion, contact us!

Plan your childcare for 2017 now!

In-Home Educators

Nanny or Nanny Share Options

Au Pairs

If you’re considering your childcare options, register with us now to ensure your child gets the best start in life. With a maximum of four children with one dedicated educator, your little one will get high levels of personal attention, knowledge and interaction, and less exposure to illness. Learn more about how easy it is to become an educator on page 18 of this issue of Let's PORSE!

0800 023 456 PORSE.co.nz

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