Women's rights book

Page 27

Colette Soler

Was Freud wrong about women?

at this level there is a difference, which would not stem

on what happens in bed. One cannot say that analysands

from culture, from discourse.

are excessively talkative on this subject.

It has to be said that Freud elaborated only a little bit on this

Essentially, in psychoanalysis since Freud we decipher the

difference. He was essentially interested in sexual failures,

unconscious. To decipher means to proceed word by word

in symptoms of failures — basically impotence on the one

and what we discover is that the unconscious does not say

hand with its different forms and frigidity on the other. But

all. The unconscious says about the desire and the phallic

Freud questioned little the enjoyment of the sexual act as

enjoyment, which led Freud to assert that there is only one

if it was something obvious.

libido for both sexes, what seems to be somewhat odd, as there are two sexes. On the level of enjoyment, there are

In the 1970s, Lacan came to the question of there being

words for solely the phallic enjoyment, the one illustrated

different types of enjoyment or not. There exists

by the penis, for the one connected with the drives. What

a famous and easy formula, even if you have never heard

we know of it, is its briefness, its fall announced in the act

of psychoanalysis, and which proclaims that the success

with, for instance, the anxiety of the interruptus, described

of the act, not the failure, not the symptom but the

by Freud. The other enjoyment, the non-phallic one, is the

success of the act, brings about the failure of the

one of which the unconscious, structured like a language,

“sexual relationship”.

does not speak. And it’s at this level that Lacan situates the difference specific to women. A woman has a relation

In short, this formula says that there are two types of

to the phallus, Freud was right, but she is not fully all in

enjoyment, which are heterogenous and which don’t meet:

the relation to the phallus, she has a different, non-phallic

what he called “phallic enjoyment”; this is not the phallus as

enjoyment, of which she doesn’t speak, even if, as Lacan

the signifier of desire, its prototype, it is the male enjoyment;

says, she were begged on the knees. Thus you can see

and the “other enjoyment” which is not the phallic enjoyment

how the construction presents itself. A sole signifier of

and which would be specific to a woman. You might be asking

desire — the phallus as the signifier of lack. A sole signifier

yourselves how psychoanalysis can bear witness to it since

of jouissance — the Phallus written with a capital letter.

as a practice, as I like to say, it doesn’t hold the candle at

But two enjoyments, a supplementary one with regard to

the feet of the bed and everything that psychoanalysts are

the phallic enjoyment on the side of the woman. It is what

able to say comes from what they hear from their patients.

Tiresias seemed to know. These of Lacan from the 1970s

Psychoanalysis cannot attest to anything which doesn’t

bedazzled the feminists. Lacan’s texts were spread at

pass through what is said in a psychoanalysis, sometimes

American universities in the cultural studies departments.



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