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need around the world and closer to home.

Although Holy Week and Easter are moveable as to when they occur in the calendar, their message and sequence of events remains the same. Holy Week is the heart of the Christian year as Christians the world over focus on the central events of the Gospels, and this most holy of weeks includes the following events:


Jesus enters Jerusalem

Carol’s Considerations

Dear friends

This year Holy Week and Easter are about as early as they can be in our calendar, and by the time you begin reading this we will be getting into our Lenten journey of reflection and self-examination (not in a morbid way but being open and honest before God), re-vitalising the joy to be found in simply knowing God, and a re-kindling of our willingness to serve him, as we work on how best we can show and share Christ to the world, well here in Hessle for a start. It is also a time to celebrate and give thanks for even our smallest blessings as well as our thoughts and responses to those in


Jesus ejects the money changers and traders from the Temple and the religious leaders plot against him


Jesus is anointed at Bethany


Jesus enters Jerusalem


Jesus continues to teach in the temple despite growing opposition to him from the authorities


Late afternoon:


The Last Supper

He is arrested

Night: His Trial

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Early morning:

Jesus before Pontius Pilate

Late Morning:

Jesus is taken to be executed


3.00 pm:

Late afternoon:


Jesus is crucified

Jesus Dies

Jesus is buried

The disciples mourn the crucified Jesus EASTER SUNDAY


The tomb is empty. Jesus is risen. Hallelujah.

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Here we recall the symbolic events of one particular day in the life of Jesus as he journeyed to Jerusalem on the donkey. We reflect on how the crowds failed to recognise the significance of Jesus the Messiah as their shouts of praise and hosannas to the King of Kings were so quickly, just a few short days later, to turn to cries for his crucifixion and death. For us today we need to stop and ask ourselves if we too are missing opportunities to proclaim Jesus as Messiah. Are we any more attentive to God than the people that first Palm Sunday? If we are honest with ourselves the answer is possibly not as much as we should be. Let’s resolve afresh to keep looking for more opportunities to share the good news of Jesus by our words and deeds in our daily lives. And are we as fickle as the first crowds that Holy Week? Do

we in our daily lives proclaim Jesus one minute then reject him the next by our thoughtless words and actions both done and not done? So Lent is also a time for honesty with ourselves and with God, that so often we too betray our Lord, and need to return to him again and again for his forgiveness as we repent of our sins and grow in relationship with him following his example more closely than before.

Maundy Thursday is the day on which Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples and told them to remember him (and therefore his teaching and message of salvation) when they did this in the future. So, we do the same at our Holy Communion service as we remember and give thanks for Jesus in the world and in our lives so that we might be forgiven our sins and have everlasting life. Jesus also washed the feet of his disciples in an act of selfless service, and this is a powerful reminder to us that we too are called to serve others in Jesus’ name. In all this Jesus was giving of himself despite knowing that his death was near. What depth of generosity and love he showed! This is a challenge for Christians the world over, including you and me, to show that same selflessness, generosity, and love to others.

Jesus was born into one nation at a specific period in time and was therefore physically restricted in movement and contact with people. The Easter resurrection released him from these restrictions of time and place. He is now the universal Lord who speaks to all times and is

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present in all places, past, present, and future by his Holy Spirit. Our risen Lord has been released not only for every one of us, including you and me, and for the church, but for the whole world and for all time. Resurrection sets Jesus to be free to meet us all if we only let him, to be with his church in every place, and to be the Saviour of the world.

The exciting spiritual truth is that Jesus’ physical death and resurrection happened simply to give us lives full of His love, His joy, and His peace in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. When we believe not only that Jesus is raised from the dead but that He wants to be Lord of our lives as well and then we let Him in to our busy schedules, we receive an incredible sense of love, joy and

Job Vacancy

CoMMunity of tHe Holy nAMe in Hessle

We have an opening for a casual relief cook and a casual relief cleaner to cover for staff holidays or sick absences.

Usual kitchen hours: 9 am – 2 pm (flexible) This shift will either cover Monday and Tuesday or Wednesday to Sunday.

For more details contact Sister Catherine CHN assistantprovincialchn@ yahoo.co.uk or 01482 770345

peace that passes all understanding.

We look forward to welcoming you, families, and friends to All Saints’, during Lent, thinking particularly of our Lenten lunch reflections, during Holy Week (including Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, details on page 4), and on Easter Sunday morning as we then celebrate the joy and hope that we share in our belief in the Risen Christ.

However and wherever you celebrate this season, may you experience the promise of rebirth and the renewal of life and love! May the love of God and the power of the risen Jesus bless you all on your Lenten journey and very particularly at Easter-time, and always.

The cross is the way of the lost the cross is the staff of the lame the cross is the guide of the blind the cross is the strength of the hopeless the cross is the hope of the hopeless the cross is the freedom of the slaves the cross is the water of the seeds the cross is the consolation of the labourers the cross is the source of those who seek water the cross is the cloth of the naked.

African hymn from 444 Surprising Quotes about Jesus

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at All Saints Hessle

PAlM sunDAy

24th March

8am Holy Communion with the Blessing of Palms

A quiet reflective service listening to the events of the week told in the Passion Gospel of St Matthew

10am Blessing of Palms, Procession and sung eucharist Together in this dramatic act of worship we will hear the events of the first entry into Jerusalem. The drama of the Passion is magnified in dramatic form with all having something to say and in places to shout out.

tuesday in Holy Week 4th April

10am eucharist at st James Centre first lane Hessle

Wednesday in Holy Week 5th April

10am open Door service – Lay led reflective service

MAunDy tHuRsDAy

28th March

10am Holy Communion

– Weekly service in the Lady Chapel

7.30pm sung eucharist of the last supper followed by the Watch of the Passion. This is a very moving and powerful service. We begin with a mood of celebration as the institution of the Eucharist is before us. The washing of the feet of twelve members of the congregation is a reminder of the dramatic gesture of servanthood as given by Jesus. Towards the end of the service, the building descends into darkness as the altars are stripped of their cloths and ornaments. Other decorations will also disappear. In the Lady Chapel the events of the Watch in the Garden of Gethsemane are portrayed as people are invited to take part in this candlelit vigil.

GooD fRiDAy

29th March

Nobody walking into the church on this day can fail to be struck by the sense of desolation. All forms of decoration have indeed now been taken away. Silence only serves to add to the solemnity of the day.

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9.30am stations of the Cross

Here is the opportunity to follow the events of the day by way of the fourteen pictures that are to be found in the church. The journey from the condemnation of Jesus to his burial is thus re-enacted.

11.00am ecumenical Procession of Witness

We meet outside the church in order to follow the cross by way of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church to Prestongate to meet members of Tower Hill Methodist Church in order to arrive at the Square for:

12 noon ecumenical service of Witness

We meet with our fellow Christians to sing, pray, listen to scripture and reflections on the day.

1.30 pm liturgy of the Day

Once more the events of the Passion are read together with time to reflect on the events of the Day as well as receiving Communion from that which was consecrated on the previous night.

eAsteR eVe saturday, 30th March

10am easter egg Hunt in Church

Children with parents and carers are invited to take part in the annual activities of discovery and creation for the joy of Easter. EGGS are indeed available ! All this happens while the building is being transformed by so many for the events of the following day.

eAsteR DAy sunday, 31st March

8am Holy Communion

This quiet service reflects the dramatic events of the risen Christ. Easter Breakfast in the Church Hall follows. As usual we continue to support Fairtrade through this culinary venture.

10am easter Ceremonies, Procession and sung eucharist of the Resurrection

This act of worship beings in a gloomy setting as the candle of Easter is lit. The Easter Garden, at the centre of the building, is subsequently blessed and it is from here that the Gospel will be read. Each person, of whatever age, is able to receive an Egg as the service comes to an end.

11.30 BCP Holy Communion

We conclude our celebrations in the context of a said act of worship using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.

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Living Christ’s Easter Story

The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, reflects on the Easter Story.

The Easter story invites us to rest in the compassion of Jes u s , something that we are badly in need of in our world at the moment. The risen Christ is not one who is far-removed from the human experience, instead, he continues to walk alongside those he loves.

Mary Magdalene was the first. Early in the morning, while it was still dark, she discovered the empty tomb. In her distress and confusion, she ran to her friends to tell them. Eventually she ends up in the garden alone. Jesus comes alongside her. He speaks to her: ‘Woman, why are you

weeping?.’ But she only recognises him when he says her name.

Perhaps it is the same with us? We only know Jesus when we know that he knows us, when we find him alongside us, gently, compassionately calling our name.

Easter is a renewal invitation to come into Christ’s presence, to surrender yourself to him, and then to go and tell others what it is that you find. Mary and the disciples did not keep the good news to themselves. They went courageously and boldly to continue telling the story that Jesus had started to tell. And, just as Jesus commissioned the disciples, so too are we commissioned through our baptism.

We are invited to participate in God’s mission and ministry, sharing the good news, offering gracious and generous hospitality, seeking to make God’s peace and love known in this world, living Christ’s story.

ChoColate Bingo

Saturday, 16th March at 2 pm in the church hall

in aid of the Tower Appeal.

Please come and join us for an afternoon of bingo.

Chocolate prizes galore

£2 a strip (5 games).

Tickets sold on the door — Refreshments available.

Come and win your Easter chocolate!

Best wishes, Penny and Linda

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“With Courage Nothing Is Impossible”

On the 4th March 2024 there will be a national service of thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, a charity which has developed a world wide reputation for its maritime search and rescue work.

The foundation of the charity, originally called the National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck (later renamed the RNLI in 1854), is credited to Sir William Hillary, author and philanthropist , based in Douglas on the Isle of Man and whose original family motto is the title of this article.

Sir William had witnessed dozens of shipwrecks on the Island and had bravely been involved in rescue attempts himself. Through the publication of his “Appeal to the Nation” in February 1823 he appealed to the government, the navy and prominent Victorians to help form a national institution to help preserve lives and property from shipwreck. With the support of MP Thomas Wilson and George Hibbert, Chairman of the West India Merchants, the charity was founded just over a year later.

At first the focus was to raise money through wealthy individuals, and it was not until the latter part of the 19th century that the RNLI began to benefit from the wider support of the general public. That arose from

the loss of 27 lifeboat crew members from Southport and St Annes who lost their lives in trying to rescue the crew of the barque Mexico. In turn this led to the first ever Charity Street collection in Manchester in 1891 which raised more than £5000.

The service on the 4th March together with services around the country in the coming months including at York Minster on 20th April will not only celebrate the charity’s work in saving over 141,000 lives but offer a chance to reflect on the ultimate sacrifices made by lifeboat crew down the years where the likes of the Longhope, Penlee, and other lifeboat disasters still stir strong emotions in Lifeboat communities and supporters around the country.

Today the mission to provide a 24 hour search and rescue service up to 100 nautical miles around the UK and Ireland is carried out through 238 Lifeboat stations operating over 440 all weather and inshore lifeboats together with a number of hovercraft. The latest figures show the charitable spend of the RNLI in 2022 was £188million whilst the net income for the same year, after allowing costs for generating the income, was £177 million. Some 64% comes from legacies and 30% from donations including from local fundraising branches such as Hessle.

So many thanks to all our supporters for your continuing efforts over the years and we hope you will continue to support the RNLI through 2024, its 200th anniversary year

12th February 2024

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Prayer Calendar For March

1st Fri

2nd Sat

3rd Sun Lent 3

Those who come for Baptisms during the month Park Row, Peart’s Arch, Peasholme

Those who are planning their Weddings here Penshurst Avenue, Penshurst Mews, Pilgrim’s Walk

Those who come for Funerals during the month Poplar Mews, Primrose Villas, Princes Avenue

4th Mon Growth in our Church in response to LYCIG Privet Drive, Pulcroft Road, Redcliff Road

5th Tues Redstacks Richmond Road, River View, Riverside Court

6th Wed Emmanuel Nursing Home Robert Barnett Close, Rosner Drive, St James Close

7th Thur The Hollies St James Mews, St John’s Walk, St Mary’s Close

8th Fri The Old Coach House Salisbury Street, Seagran Avenue, Seaton Road

9th Sat Hesslewood Hall Care Home Sheldon Gardens, South Lane, Southgate

10th Sun Mothering Sunday Lent 4 St Mary’s Riverside Care Home Spicer Croft, Springville Avenue, Spire View

11th Mon Bell Ringers Station Road, Stock Dove Wood, Stock Dove Drive

12th Tues Handbell Ringers Sunningdale Road, Swanland Road, Swinegate

13th Wed Servers Sycamore Close, Tall Trees, Tennison Walk

14th Thur Lay Assistants The Briars, The Circle, The Coachings

15th Fri Healing Ministry The Hourne, The Square

16th Sat Lesson Readers The Weir, The Willows

17th Sun Passion Sunday Lent 5 Prayer Leaders Thornton Close, Tower Hill

18th Mon Sides People and Welcomers Tower Hill Drive, Tower Hill Mews, Trafalgar Close

19th Tues Open Church Tranby Avenue, Tranby Lodge Gardens

20th Wed Mini Saints and Plus Saints Tranby Park Meadows, Trinity Grove

21st Thur Level Up Ulverston Road West, Unity Avenue

22nd Fri Soft Play Vaughan Road, Vicarage Lane

23rd Sat Mother and Toddler Group Victoria Street, Waudby Close, Weelsby Way

24th Sun PALM SUNDAY House Group West Hill, Westbourne Avenue

25th Mon Uniformed Organisations Westbourne Grove, Westfield Rise

26th Tues Spire Choir and the Church Choir Whitegate Court, Whiting Court

27th Wedy Church Website Windass Court, Windmill Way

28th Thur MAUNDY THURSDAY Parish Magazine Winston Churchill Close, Wintersgill Place

29th Fri GOOD FRIDAY Brass Cleaners Winthorpe Road, Woodfield Lane

30th Sat EASTER EVE Those who work on and use the Humber Bridge Woodhill Rise, Woodside, Yew Close

31st Sun EASTER DAY Members of the Congregation who live outside the Parish Our fellow Christians in Hessle

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Before You Act

Seen on holiday. It’s a thing that’s put up on posters about the place here as a teaching point for young people to think about as they grow up to become good citizens.

“Before you act, apply… the four Way test of the things you think, say and do.

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

If so… Go ahead.”

What a good mantra for us all – Linda Cork

It’s Wonderful to Hug

It’s wonderful what a hug can do It cheers you up when you’re sad and blue. A hug can say, “I love you so”, Or “I hate to see you go.”

A hug is “welcome back again”, A hug can soothe a small child’s pain And bring a rainbow after rain.

The hug, there is no doubt about it

We scarcely could survive without it.

A hug delights and warms and charms. It must be why God gave us arms. So stretch those arms without delay And give someone a hug today.





23 January JEAN EMILY WOOD Aged 74

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Hessle West Open Gardens 2024: Our 30th Anniversary

This year’s Hessle West Open Gardens will be our 30th year of raising funds for local charities and we are hoping that, with your help, it will be our best ever! Since our very first event, a fantastic £130,000 has been raised and donated to local charities so please help us get to £150,000 by coming along on Sunday 19th May, from 11am to 5pm.

We are delighted to welcome several new gardens joining us for the first time as well as others returning after a break. As far as humanly possible, sunny weather is guaranteed as you stroll around up to 20 beautiful gardens on Davenport Avenue, Southfield, Woodfield Lane, Ferriby Road, Dunston Drive, South Lane, Barrow Lane and Boothferry Road.

All participating gardens will have balloons and posters outside their property and to get your ticket, simply go into any of the gardens between 11am and 5pm on 19th May and make your purchase. It costs £5.00 per adult and children are free. The ticket takes the form of a map so you can clearly see which gardens are open and plan your preferred route. We are grateful to the Hessle Community Centre who provide a free minibus service on a loop around the participating area and the Hessle Scout Leaders who drive it - simply hop on and off!

Some gardens also offer refreshments at very reasonable prices including tea, coffee, soft drinks, cakes, biscuits, ice creams, and BBQ so you can really make a full day of it. Visitors are also welcome to bring their own packed lunch and sit and eat it in their favourite garden.

Some gardens will have plants

Hessle and Anlaby Foodbank

Food Bank Donations will be collected in church on the first Sunday of each month

Revd. Gemma Turner, Vicar of Hessle, All Saints’ Church

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for sale too, all home grown with many ready to be potted out. Others offer activities for younger visitors such as a train ride and treasure hunt.

Please note this is a cash only event.

All money raised on the day is donated to local charities including Dove House Hospice, so you not only have a great day out but also contribute to some wonderful and very worthy local causes. Our donation to the Tranby Gate Woodland and Wildlife Haven on the corner of Ferriby Road and Heads Lane last year should be visible to all who pass it and raise a smile as they used the money to plant nearly 1000 spring bulbs!

word to friends and family and help us raise the profile of this wonderful community event in this, our 30th year.

We have a Facebook page: Hessle West Open Gardens so please like, comment and share.

If you are reading this after the event, please come along in 2025! This annual event usually takes place on the third Sunday in May.

If anyone has any questions or would like to find out more about getting involved, please contact the Joint Coordinators on 07973 915692 or message us on the Facebook page. Thank you.

We hope to see as many of you as possible on the day and would be grateful if readers would spread the

100+ Club Winning Numbers

February Draw:

1st Prize: £21.00 - No. 78

2nd Prize: £14.00 - No. 50

3rd Prize: £7.00 - No. 51

Beginning the fifth year of running the 100+ club subscriptions are due now.

Many thanks to all who have supported the club in 2022/2023 when £1518 was raised for the Tower Appeal and we wish you good luck in the next twelve months.

Thanks, Christine, Penny, Linda and Emma

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A Big Thank You

Thank you to everyone who joined our charity carol service this year (Dotty Askew the mince pies flew off the shelf and if I hadn’t reserved one for myself after the service I would have missed out!)

Everyone enjoyed the North Ferriby Ladies Choir and the brilliant All Saints’ School Junior Choir.

In all we were able to raise over £500 which I was pleased to present to the President and Secretary of the Merchant Navy Association, and they were extremely grateful and send their thanks to you all.

God Bless


sleep for babies – support for families



Saturday, 9th March — 10 am ’til Noon


Tombola, Win a Teddy, Bric-a-Brac Chocolate Tombola, Coffee, Tea, Cakes, Jumble Sale and Much More!

Please join us for a fun morning

Supporting Bereaved Families

Supporting research into sudden and unexpected death of babies

Promoting Expert Advice on Safer Sleep

Become a Lullaby hero too!

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In 1950 tortilla production at the El Zarape Tortilla Factory in Los Angeles was automated. The factory could now churn out twelve times more tortillas than anyone could by hand. But the machine also had its setbacks – many of the tortillas came out misshapen and had to be thrown away. But a line worker called Rebecca Carranza saw something in the rejects that fascinated her. She began saving the discarded tortillas, cut them into triangles and fried them. Trying them out at a family party, they were an instant success. In fact, Mrs. Carranza went on to eventually run the company, and created the famour “tortilla chips” that fill supermarket shelves world-wide. Rebecca Carranza died at 98 years old, still considered the inventor of the tortilla chip. She wasn’t educated, rich or well connected, but she had a vision – the kind of vision we need to take what is rejected and discarded and, by the grace of God, put life into it.

From a basket of Gems

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Cllr John Bovill, Mayor of Hessle, pictured with his wife Diane; the Deputy Lieutenant of the East Riding, Andrew Horncastle, MBE; Paul Hardy, Deputy Mayor and Church Warden; and Rev. Gemma Turner, Vicar of All Saints’ Church, Hessle and Mayor’s Chaplain, after the Civic Service held in All Saints’ Church on 11th February.
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The editor reserves the right to decline to publish any item, to amend, shorten or hold items over to a later date. Articles do not necessarily represent the views of the PCC, the Vicar or the Editor.

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