Talking about a past event

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Talking about a past event INTRODUCTION (who, where and when) It all began when... One afternoon/day... Last week/year... Two years ago ... THE STORY (what, how and why) Firstly/in the beginning/at first... After that/then/later/eventually/suddenly... Finally/in the end...

INTERACTION Really?/That’s amazing!/Sounds frightening!/Wow, that’s great! Questions

Tenses: Past Simple, Continuous and Perfect. Vocabulary: connectors, time adverbs, interaction expressions. Pronunciation: regular “-ed”. Grammar: questions.

The best mark

TASK: In pairs practise telling your partner the most amazing/frightening or embarrassing story that has ever happened to you. It’s a conversation so you have to ask him/ her at least two questions.

talking about a past event

1st Bacc.

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