Business Examiner Thompson/Okanagan March 2018

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MARCH 2018

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OKANAGAN Announcement: Inaugural Thompson Okanagan Business Excellence Awards



KELOWNA Three Tommy Golds for Gibson Contracting



Kamloops 4 Kelowna 5 Lake Country


Salmon Arm


Penticton 7 Summerland 10 Movers & Shakers

2018 Marks The 50th Anniversary Of Olympian’s Gold Medal Triumph BY DAVID HOLMES


News Update

There’s No Slowing Down For Nancy Greene Raine


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U N PE A K S – Ca n ad ia n S e n a t o r N a n cy G r e e n e Raine doesn’t spend much time thinking about her past Olympic glories – she’s too busy championing for youth health and fitness, completing her final Senatorial duties and of course regularly hitting the slopes. “Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that it was 50 years ago that I won that medal, but it goes by really fast. But when I try to think about what I’ve done in my life over those 50 years it seems like it’s been non-stop busy,” she said. The diminutive Greene (she’s only 5’2”) shot into the international spotlight during the 1968 Olympic Games held in Grenoble, France where she won a Gold medal in the Woman’s Giant Slalom as well as a Silver medal in the Women’s Slalom events. Her triumph catapulted her onto the world stage turning her into an

“The trail was blazed by some very strong female ski racers who came before me.” NANCY GREENE RAINE SKIER / SENATOR, SUN PEAKS RESORT

instant Canadian sports icon and a sign for all to see that Canada had what it took to take on the World’s best. “It’s kind of funny but I think of Nancy Greene as the girl who won the medal and picked up all of the sports accolades and Nancy Greene Raine is how I sign my cheques. So I never get upset if someone just calls me Nancy Greene,” she explained, in a conversation from the Sun Peaks Resort where she works as the operation’s Director of Skiing. Appointed to the Canadian SEE NANCY GREENE |  PAGE 18

Nancy Greene Raine works as the Director of Skiing at the Sun Peaks Resort where she’s on the slopes up to 80 days per year

Penticton Company Crushing the Artisan Food Market Winecrush Offers Award-Winning Approach to Culinary Industry


ENTICTON – Wine-lovers can now sip their BC Wine and eat it too, courtesy of Winecrush, an innovative madein-BC artisan food product. Less than two years after it was founded, this Pentictonbased start-up is crushing the artisan food market, receiving the Best Concept Award in the 2017 Small Business Awards and as a top Innovation finalist in the 2018 awards. Their Gamay Goat Cheese has been nominated for a Ca nad ia n Cheese

award. Winecrush is also negotiating province-wide distribution deals, and their packaged products can be ordered online at Winecrush is designed for a resource-conscious world. It squeezes new value, taste, and protein from pomace and lees, both of which had previously been discarded by-products from wine production. Compa ny c o-fou nd er a nd o w n e r B i l l B ro d dy h a d r etired to the Okanagan after an

entrepreneurial career in tech and enjoyed visiting the craft wineries in the region. But he felt wine-tasting experiences fell short because nothing accompanied samples. “Food always tastes better with wine and wine is always better with food,” he observed. Researching, he learned that the wineries had to meet provincial health and food-safe regulations to offer anything other than pre-packaged foods. With that restriction, it was difficult for

them to find bite-sized food to compliment wines and reflect the artisanal ethos. Visiting another winery during grape crushing, Broddy noticed the pomace – skins, pulp, seeds, and stems – left behind after the grape juice had been drawn off. Broddy put the pieces together. A hobby chef and wine connoisseur who has completed the WSET Level 2 Award certification, he understood the chemical SEE WINECRUSH |  PAGE 17


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2 Tolko Industries Heads South

Diamond Performance For Vernon Realtors

VERNON - Tolko Industries is going international. The Vernon-based lumber company is undertaking the construction of a sawmill near Urania, La in partnership with Louisiana-based Hunt Forest Products. This move marks Tolko’s first venture into the US. The project is valued at approximately $115 million, and construction is projected to start in April and finish by December of this year. The sawmill, operated by LaSalle Lumber Company, will process about 850,000 tons of timber per year in their 200 million-board-foot facility. It will also include three continuous dry kilns and a planer facility. The plant will produce southern yellow pine lumber using trees harvested in the surrounding area. The project will create about 110 jobs upon completion, and the excess wood chips, planer shavings, hog fuel, and sawdust will be contracted to an adjacent facility belonging to Drax Biomass. Hunt Forest Products LLC is a lumber and specialty wood product manufacturer that was founded in 1978. Both Tolko and their American partner company are family-owned. Tol ko I ndu st r ies h a s been operating in the BC region for 60 years, and now boasts 15 locations throughout BC.

VERNON - Vernon-based Lisa Salt and Gord Fowler were honoured at Remax’s Western Canadian Awards on February 25. The duo won Remax’s Diamond Award, which is said to be the pinnacle success for the company’s realtors. Salt and Fowler join less than one per cent of Remax realtors with this recognition, which is awarded to the country’s top producing teams. Fowler has been working in the region since he moved from Calgary in 2005, while Salt has been in the Vernon real estate industry for over 25 years. This Diamond Award will be added to an already impressive collection of laurels for the team. They hold designations as International Real Estate Specialists, Accredited Commercial Professionals, Certified Luxury Homes Specialists, and are Vernon’s only local representatives for the Remax Cross Canada Referrals Group, which is an elite group of Canadian realtors.

Renos Ahead for Penticton Airport PENTICTON - Transport Canada has announced its plan for a $5.4 million renovation for the Penticton Airport (YYF). This project will include complete renovations and expansion for

the facilities, to be carried out in six phases. The project will involve switching the locations of the restaurant and ticketing areas, expanding the behind-security hold area, moving the security area into a new addition, an overhaul for the baggage area and care rental desks, and the installation of a second washroom. The process proposed by Transport Canada was approved on Feb 7, and will involve fire safety, mechanical, and ventilation upgrades. Major renovations worth over $5 million are planned for the Penticton airport, Castanet News has learned. The project is expected to be completed approximately 20 months after the award of tender. No accepted tender has been officially announced at this point.

First Nations Collaboration Program Comes To Vernon V E R NON – T he Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) and City of Vernon are one of 10 new First Nations-Municipal partnerships in Canada. They are participating in a program by the Economic Development Initiative (CEDI), a national program delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO). CEDI seeks to improve economic




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MARCH 2018

prosperity through joint community economic development and land use planning. “I am pleased to participate in this important initiative with Mayor Akbal Mund and his Council,” said Chief Byron Louis. “We recognize by working together on economic development initiatives in our traditional territory, we will have the opportunity to identify some challenges and create strategies to overcome them. The result of these efforts will strengthen our relationship and the regional economy.” The CEDI partnership will provide an opportunity to increase awareness of OK IB’s history and share this information with others, creating a stronger understanding of the Okanagan Indian Band community. “I am confident that our common goals for local economic development will foster benefits that will extend to many other aspects of community building. The CEDI program is giving us the framework to work together to achieve strong local results.” said Mayor Akbal Mund. CEDI enables participating communities to benefit from workshops, study tours, and peer mentorship, which help build strong partnerships and therefore capacity for joint economic development planning, foster strong inter‐community relationships, and improve the quality of life for all residents. By working together, CEDI partnerships

explore ways to strengthen their communities, the cornerstone of a strong Canada. At a recent joint workshop, the City of Vernon and Okanagan Indian Band Councils identified some potential areas for future discussion, which may include Joint Land Use Planning, Tourism, Infrastructure, Emergency Management Planning and Food Security.

Strong Occupancy Rates In Spite Of Weather Challenges KELOWNA - Kelowna’s touri sm i ndu st r y put up st rong numbers for 2017 in spite of wildfires in the spring and summer months. These weather-related challenges couldn’t curb growth and development in the hospitality industry. Hotel occupancy over the summer months remained strong, though did not match results from 2016. The final months of 2017 saw year-over-year growth in hotel occupancy numbers, including September (+0.3 per cent), October (+2.7 per cent), November (+2.6 per cent) and December (+2.2 per cent). The 2017 year-over-year hotel occupancy remained virtually on par with 2016, posting just a -0.3 per cent decrease over 2016’s benchmark, which remains SEE NEWS UPDATE |  PAGE 3


MARCH 2018


Kelowna’s highest at 64.1 per cent. Since 2012, Kelowna’s hotel occupancy levels have risen from 51.8 per cent to 63.7 per cent as an annual average. “ We k n o w t h a t t h e weather had an impact o n lo c a l a c c o m m o d ators. We still saw visitors come, but some may have chosen to shorten their stay,” said Sean Coward, President of the Kelowna Hotel Motel Association. ”Kelowna had a very strong year in 2016. To see that our 2017 hotel occupancy numbers kept pace with that growth is a sign of a strong and desirable destination. We’re optimistic that growth will continue in 2018.” Tourism Kelowna works to drive overnight visitation to Kelowna and surrounding communities throughout the year. In 2016, over 1.9 m i l l ion visitors came to Kelowna and area and spent $337 million dollars. Overall, the local tourism industry contributes over $1.25 billion in total economic output and provides nearly 12,000 jobs and generates $142 million in tax revenues. Tourism Kelowna’s goal is to welcome 3 million visitors annually by 2021.

North Shore Anticipates Two New Buildings K A M L OOPS – A new development h a s been approved for Kamloops’ North Shore. The project, which has yet to be named, will include two different buildings to revitalize the neighbourhood surrounding Spirit Square. “We’re pleased to be able to announce that we’re building another project on the North Shore of Kamloops,” says Joshua Knaak, partner of Arpa Investments. “We truly believe in the potential of the area. “We worked in consultation with the community, including Friends of McDonald Park Association, North Shore Central, the NSBIA, and business owners. T hey said that they’re looking for developments that help revitalize the area, increase density along the Tranquille Commercial District, and compliment the vibrancy of the community. “O ne of t he key factors we also heard before drafting our plans was that the community wanted a community oriented development that maximized

the potential use of Spirit Square. We’ve listened and we believe this development will accomplish those key requests.” T he Spirit Square Kamloops development emerged from a vision to redevelop and revitalize the currently vacant lot tucked in behind Spirit Square on Kamloops’ North Shore. The project will include: Two mixed use buildings centering on Spirit Square; One building to feature 7,000 square feet of restaurant/commercial space w ith approx i mately 33 market units; One building to feature 5,200 square feet of commercial/office space with 43 affordable rental units for seniors, owned and operated by ASK Wellness Society; and Approximately 75 surface parking stalls. “The City of Kamloops is a key partner in this development along with other stakeholders,” says Knaak. “We understand that housing is one of council’s key priorities.” A key feature of t he project is a 60year lease of part of Spirit Square, to facilitate the affordable housing project. “We are happy to work alongside them (the city) to help make Kamloops shine,” Knaak says.

OKANAGAN Punishing Real Estate Taxes Not Felt Yet A c ro s s t h e re g io n of Revelstoke to Peachland, residential sales tallied 503 in February, up 12 per cent over January, yet consistent with this time last year, reports the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB). “The market typically picks up this time of year and this year is no exception despite recent new federal mortgage tightening rules and an interest rate increase,” comments OMREB President Tanis Read. Read notes February’s key indicators are largely consistent with last year. “Average price, at $509,545 is just 6 per cent over this time last year and within 3 per cent of January’s pricing. Days on market (how long it takes to sell a home) averaged 89 - fewer than January’s 99, but consistent with last year’s 86 days. New listings, at 912, were up 16 per cent over January, but comparable to last year’s 904 as was available inventory at 2333 active listings.

“While indicators suggest we are in a typical point in the market cycle, we have yet to see impacts arising from the BC Government’s recent announcement of an impending array of residential property-related taxes,” says Read, adding “While we appreciate that the intent of these new taxes is to cool the BC housing market and curb perceived speculation, we are concerned about the unintended consequences that are likely to arise.” Read points to the legions of non BC residents, primarily Albertans, who own properties in Kelowna and West Kelowna who are now going to be potentially subject to a new speculation tax. “This would force out-of-province owners to either contribute dramatically more to BC government coffers or rent out their homes to avoid the levy - effectively taking away the owner’s ability to use their own home.” “This is also liable to have a detrimental effect on the Okanagan economy, not because of the intended ch a nges to re a l estate prices, but due to the unintended loss of revenues generated by those homeowners who take advantage of local services such as car dealers, wineries, restaurants, gas stations, etc. and the resulting potential job losses,” says Read. “In the long run, I can’t see how curbing sales of recreational, student or non-primary housing options to people from provinces next door and beyond will address the Lower Mainland’s issues with housing affordability,” says Read, noting that, at this point, the speculation tax only affects properties in Kelowna and West Kelowna, and not elsewhere in the region served by OMREB. Read suggests that, more to the point, is the need to address a generalized lack of supply of available housing. “We have been lagging in housing supply for months and, when supply is limited, prices rise, housing becomes less affordable and fewer people have the opportunity to own their own home.” Read contends that the solution lies less in curbing demand through taxation and other measures and more in working with local governments to address factors that prevent the housing supply from keeping up with demand and affordability such as lengthy and uncertain approval timelines for building permits.


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MARCH 2018


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he success of any organization can be attributed to many factors. One of the most important factors is having highly skilled leaders who are committed to creating a high-performance culture that is built on trust and respect. The Kamloops Chamber of Commerce is passionate about developing business leaders. Our community’s future depends on it. And we know that, while leadership basics can be taught in the classroom, there is nothing like utilizing what you learn directly in your own workplace and with your own team. T h at i s why we h ave

developed a course that answers to both. The Kamloops Chamber is pleased to announce that we are now taking applications for our new Leadership Kamloops training program. The Kamloops Chamber of Commerce is working with New Quest Coaching & Consulting to give participants an excellent foundation in some of the leadership skills required to successfully lead their teams or departments. Leadership Kamloops is based upon New Quest’s popular “T he Balanced Leader” program. Leaders today must not only possess the necessary education or training and technical/process skills; they must also be equally balanced in their soft skills. Those soft skills include the ability as leaders to coach, effectively communicate, deal with conflict, hold staff accountable, develop a high functioning team, manage behavioural change, earn trust and respect while achieving their departmental or organizational goals. Ask a ny leader where most of their challenges and frustrations come from, and most will say the attitude and

the behaviour of their staff. Throw in the huge shift in the labour market where the majority of workers will come from the Millennials and you now have the need for leaders to be able to manage and lead a multigenerational workforce where each generation has a very different attitude and perspective around work and leadership expectations. These are the key reasons that Leadership Kamloops was developed; to help leaders balance their technical skills with the necessary soft skills, which are fundamentally important when it comes to managing human behaviours in the workplace. Leadership Kamloops is designed with the business manager in mind. Scheduled once a month in eight fourhour small group modules, this program makes it easy for the busy team leader to participate. Because there is limited space, each participant will receive the attention they require to address their particular training needs. For a curriculum synopsis and application form, go to leadershipkamloops.



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ow did you find one of your first jobs? Many of us who are over the age of 40 found those important first time positions through family, friends, a local ad or an ad in the newspaper. I remember my first real job (as in not working for my dad) happened because I actually walked into a business, resume in hand, applying for a position that was posted in a window. Fear, excitement, coming of age, the idea of having my own money, the entire experience was enough to

make any teenager’s palms sweat and hopes soar. Of course the job was not nearly as intriguing as the idea of it was, and the money was not going to make me the rich teen I had hoped it would, but it was independence in a way I had only dreamed of. Today, of course, there is the internet where you can search and apply for positions in a far more anonymous way. Most of the time, however, the employer will want a face to face meeting, or at the very least a Skype call before the position is secured. We would like to suggest another great way to find a job in Tourism. Why not attend the Tourism Job Fair hosted by TOTA and go2HR taking place March 15th at the Holiday Inn Express in Kelowna? Open to the public, it is a great way to find out more about the wide array of jobs available in tourism throughout this region. You will have a chance to meet employers face to face in a friendly and casual setting. There will also be a few live demonstrations that may help to tweak your interest in different types

of employment and an opportunity to interview with prospective employers one on one should you find that perfect match. For our tourism employers looking to hire this spring and summer, we encourage you book a booth at this year’s event to ensure your business is front and centre with potential employees. Not only will you have a chance to meet with students and first time workers, but we anticipate a large cross section of age groups and many boomers looking to find that next career, supplement their retirement income or just stay active and involved. Booth space is limited and registration is now open; go to events/thompson-okanagan-regional-tourism-jobfair Join us …and let us help you find that next great employee or that next great job…In Tourism! Glenn Mandziuk is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Region. He can be reached at


MARCH 2018





n 1625, Welsh poet George Herbert wrote “Every mile is two in winter.” Februa r y felt a bit l i ke t h at: here at the Kelowna Chamber, we hosted eight events, assisted in several by-election forums, enjoyed Family Day, watched the PyeongChang Olympics, upped t he com mu n icat ion s ch atter for Ch a mb er Week, and just generally dealt with all things Chamber. Under sometimes gray skies, it did feel like every mile was two, at times. But spring is nearly here, with its blue skies, and promise of great things to come. And no more snow to shovel! On the Olympic note, I did want to say,

“Way to go” to all the Canadian Athletes but a special congrats to the Okanagan’s Justin Kripps who along with brakeman Alex Kopacz captured gold in two-man bobsled, finishing in a dead heat with Germany. Summerland is celebrating! Perhaps as a sign of Canada’s new “gold rush”, ou r recent Cha mber lu ncheon on “T he Business of Cannabis,” drew a large turnout with more than 250 seeking to better understand the opportunities and potential workplace impacts of the pending legalization of cannabis. It was an informative session that provided insight into the cannabis brands to watch on the stock market, the enormous impact cannabis businesses will have on employment and job creation, and some sobering words about human relations rules and regulations for both employers and employees. O n Va l e n t i n e ’s D a y, o u r Chamber riding, the Kelowna-West riding, held its longawaited by-election for MLA. Five candidates duked it out, with wide-ranging platforms. In the end, former M L A Ben Stewart of the Liberal Party of BC was victorious with over 56 per cent of the vote, the NDP

in second place with 23 per cent and the Greens at 12.7 per cent. Our riding is looking forward to once again having sitting representation in the House, which began its Spring session February 13. With the House sitting, the new prov i nci a l b ud get wa s tabled February 20. Our Chamber brought a “post-Provincial Budget Breakfast Analysis” to our members the next morning. KPMG gave us insight from two of their senior tax managers, Judith Kaplan and Nicole Watson, dissecting the budget for breakfast guests. We then did the same post budget analysis a week later for the federal b ud get, t able d by M i n i s ter Morneau on February 27. That event was sponsored by MNP LLP and much of it centered on the proposed tax changes the Federal Liberals having been talking about for more than a year. For our Chamber, there are a number of issues front and centre for business in the Okan aga n r ig ht now, but l i kely none as concerning as the oil/ wine debate between BC and Alberta. Even as I write this, the scenario is changing – and certa i n ly ou r w i ne i ndustry here in the Okanagan wants to

see zero impact from the backand-forth between the two premiers. “Weaponizing” wine and linking it to the transport of oil is not the way to build a stronger Canadian economy. For our part, our Chamber is renewing its policy from 2015 at the BC Chamber AGM this May – “Interprovincial Trade Barrier Reform: Beer and Wine Industries”. We are updating it now – to reinforce the need to reduce ba rriers across a ll sectors for the benefit of the national economy rather than fueling political rhetoric that centres on f u r ther ta l k of boycotts. E a rl i e r, I m e n t i o n e d h o w much we had enjoyed Family Day on Febr u a r y 1 2 t h . Now that the government has announced a change for 2019 – to one week later so we can all party together (on the Prairies? In February?) we will join with ou r col leag ues i n W h ist ler, Kamloops, and the Okanagan to continue to work with the BC Chamber and by default, the government, to make the c a s e t h a t a s t ro n g to u r i s m economy – and a strong ski hill economy – relies on spreading out tourist and local visits for maximum positive economic impact.

Everything Counts Every business has to pay taxes, but a solid tax strategy should help you pay less. Whether you’re responding to ever-changing regulations, expanding across provincial or international borders or aiming for a greater net profit after a strong year, MNP’s tax specialists identify opportunities to minimize your exposure, putting more revenue toward your bottom line. Don’t just file a tax return. Build an effective tax strategy. Contact Brian Posthumus, Thompson Okanagan Regional Tax Leader, at 250.979.1736 or or visit

From our point of view here at the base of both Big White near Kelowna and Silver Star near Vernon – plus numerous cross cou ntry tra i ls at Apex and the like – the more room at the inn, the better. There are likely advantages for the financial sector to align with other jurisdictions (markets) but at this stage, purely from the business perspective, we do ask if there is a strong business case for moving Family Day. From ou r research, we believe it is simply a trade-off and your views will vary depending on whether tourism or the financial sector is playing a bigger role in driving your local economy. As always, I want to welcome new members to our Chamber since my last column. Alair Homes Kelowna; Axis Insurance Managers; Cherrille Appraisals; Whiskey Island Pizza Company Inc. also known as Mr. Mozzarella Pizza & Wings; Checkmate Cabs; The Hidden Gem Restaurant; and Predator Ridge, our newest President’s Circle Member. Welcome to all. Dan Rogers Executive Director Kelowna Chamber of Commerce






elcome Indigo Cleaning Services, Salmon Arm’s newest cleani ng ser v ice. O w ner Nicole Henne is pleased to prov ide professional, licensed cleaners to Salmon Arm as well as the North Okanagan and Shuswap regions. Nicole and her team a re ded icated to meet a l l of you r sm a l l of f ice a nd commercial cleaning needs. When you hire Indigo Cleaning Services, you’ll find professional clea ners who ca n ha nd le a l l jobs, big and small. Wit h plenty of ex per ience i n a l l ty pes of clea n i ng a nd ma i ntena nce needs, f rom h o u s e h o l d to h o r s e b a r n s , they pride themselves on always working with vigor and a p osit ive spi r it, no m at ter the size of the job. Check out w w w. i n d i go c l e a n . c o m fo r more details. Mary and Ramy Athanasios at Blue Canoe Bakery Café are excited to expand their menu to offer freshly made and piping hot breakfast items such a s d e l i c io u s o m e l e t te s a n d brea kfast sa ndw iches. T hey a re a lso open i ng the ba ker y on Sundays to give their pat ron s even more oppor tu nities to enjoy all the wonderful of fer i ngs at t hei r c a fé. You can find them at 121 Shuswap Street NW in downtown Salmon Arm. Quaaout Lodge - Taste 2018 is happening now! Tantalize you r ta ste bud s at Q u a aout L o d ge’s Ja c k S a m’s d i n i n g room overlooking Little Shuswap Lake. Their culinary team

will take you on a delectable journey with locally inspired 4 cou rse t heme d i n ners i nclu d i n g b evera ge pa i r i n g s. The next dinner is March 24th “Indigenous Vines” and will feature pairing from Indigeno u s Wo rl d W i n e r y. D i n n e r tickets - $59 and rooms priced $99 for those who want to extend their dinner experience to an overnight adventure. For reservations call 1-800-6634303 or w w w.quaooutlodge. com. Don’t forget to book a t reat ment at t hei r a m a z i ng Le7ke Spa. Keystone Property Management has expanded their operations to Salmon Arm and are thrilled to offer strata, owner association, residentia l a nd vacation home rental services. Keystone services the North a nd Ce nt ra l Ok a n a g a n a nd Shu swap i nclud i ng a l l outlay i ng bou nda r y a reas such as Falkland, Westwold, Spallu mche en, A r m s t ron g, E nderby, Gr i n rod, Lu mby a nd Vernon. Visit www.keystone. pm to learn more about their property offerings. You ca n st i l l f i nd a seat at O p e n i n g N i g h t – S h u s wa p T h e a t r e ’s l a t e s t l i v e t h e atre production taking place u nt i l Sat M a r 10 2018. It i s the opening night of Richard Hyde-Finch’s latest play, but everything seems to be falling apart. Through a comedy of trials and tribulations, all of this adds up to hilarity and chaos as everyone tries to get what they want. Norm Foster is one of Canada’s best comedy writers. His ability to capture our human follies and foibles make him an audience favorite. To get you r t ickets ca l l 250-832-9283 or Corryn Grayston is the General Manager at the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (250) 832-6247 or

Looking for a successful business in the Kootenays? Glendale Tirecraft has been in operation for 50 years. This successful enterprise is a turnkey tire and mechanical business with increasing sales over $600,000 per year. This is a unique opportunity to live and work in the beautiful town Nelson B.C. Contact Pat Siller-owner {250-352-3591} for complete information package.

MARCH 2018


Lake Country Chamber Business Excellence Awards raising the glass to all finalists



he 2017 L a ke Cou nt r y Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards Gala was another sellout event this year! The eveni ng was a huge success w ith over 200 guests in attendance at the Four Points by Sheraton in Kelowna. The first award of the evening was the Volunteer of the Yea r- G erry Morton Awa rd, p re s e n te d b y M a y o r Ja m e s Baker to Bernard Dewonck of the Rotary Club. T his award was followed by the Employee of the Year award, presented to Anne Leistner of CIBC, and presented by Sarah Moorhouse of Okanagan Restoration Serv ices. T he New Busi ness of

the Year award was presented to Dairy Queen by Lydon Dyas of the Chamber of Commerce Group I n s u ra nc e Pl a n, a nd t he You n g E nt reprene u r of the Year award was presented by Demise Comeau of the Royal Bank to K im Chapman of Mountain Home Services. The Customer Service Award for 2017 was awarded to UBR Services Printing and Copies a nd presented by Fortis BC. This award was followed by the Employer of the Year award, which was presented to Interior Savings by Lynnaya Munro of TELUS PureFibre. Mayor James Baker had the honour of awarding Liz McKinney of Sip Happens Wine Tours the Tourism Excellence Award for 2017. Next to present the Business of the Year award to winner Nalu Massage Therapy a nd Wel l ness was Corie Griffiths of the Central Okanagan Economic Development Com m i ssion. T he B u si ness Person of the Year award was presented by John Devitt of the Kelowna International Airport to winner Garth McKay, owner of Turtle Bay Medical Clinic. T he L ic enc e d S er v ic e P rovider of the Year went to Sun


City Physiotherapy a nd was presented by Jaron Chasca of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services. T he R ising Star of the Year award was new this year and was created due to the number of new businesses that have opened i n La ke Cou ntr y th is past yea r, a nd also due to the overwhelming number of nominations submitted. Neon Counselling was the proud recipient of this Rising Star of the Year award, presented by Camae Thompson, President of the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce. T he final award of the night went to another new category created t h i s ye a r, Com mu n it y Project of the Year. Art Walk was the deserving winner of the Community Project of the Year, presented by Bonnie Flint of Interior Savings. To nominate a business for n e x t y e a r ’s 2 01 8 B u s i n e s s E x c e l l e n c e a w a rd s , p l e a s e visit our website at Kimberley Kristiansen is Executive Director of Lake Country Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at 250-766-5670.




MARCH 2018





entictonites know this is a great place to l ive, work, a nd play. Ma ny busi nesses b e g a n a f te r a n e n t repreneur visited the city a nd decided a move to the Okanagan should be planned, and many businesses and their owners have m ade Pent icton their home base, as seen in the increase in business licenses – up by 525 in 2017 over 2016. Grow th a lso i ncludes a n emerg i ng com mu nity of remote workers. What’s a remote worker? Someone who chooses to live here, but work elsewhere. Think of this as a new term for “telecommuters”. Many of these

bu si nesses a re i n h ig h tech or digital industries. A web designer, coder, or freelance writer has all of the tools they need to do their work in a home office or collaborative and connect with their team a ny where i n the world online. And that’s just an example. These “digital nomads” who can work from anywhere, so why not Penticton? Predictions are t h at by 2025, 30 p er cent of workers in North A merica w i l l be v i rtual. Penticton offers the tech nolog y t hey need, f r o m h i g h s p e e d n e tworks to support services and co-working, and research also shows that in Canada, these workers are interested in smaller com mu n ities w ith a lower cost of living, and access to a l l-yea r outdoor recreation. Penticton offers beaches, trails, ro ck-cl i m bi n g sk i i n g, nu merou s world-cl a ss sports events. Some say the Okanagan is “Napa North”, with a tip to the wine industry, but it’s also called “Silicon Valley North” with

a nod to tech. A nd that sector is growing across the valley. Individuals may move here to work from a home of f ice i n t he mor n i ng, then ride the KVR in the afternoon. A couple may move here when one gets a new job, and the other takes hold of the entrepreneurial spirit here to create a new business, or commute online to work elsewhere in Canada or on the other side of the world. These are remote workers who have chosen the Ok a n a g a n l i fe s t yle so they can live “here”, but work “there”. A great decision for them, and for our business community. Kim Kirkham is Executive Director at the Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at 778-476-3111 ext. 102.

A WORKSHOP FOR SALES REPS AND SALES MANAGERS ALIKE Sandler Method reflects over 45 years of sales expertise


ook i ng for a bu mper yield from your business this year? If so, the first quarter of the year is when you sow the seeds for your future success. A lthoug h it is tempti ng to think of the post-festive dold ru ms as dorma nt, the first quarter of the year is when business owners and managers have time to take a breath, regroup, and lay the groundwork to cultivate their business for the next nine months of 2018. The first step is to ensure you have the right people in place to take your business to the next level. T he economy i n BC is rebounding, creating a hot job market where good people in sales and customer service are being snapped up quickly. Recruiting now means you’ll be ready with sterling employees to meet current and future customer demand. It also gives you time to polish the skills your current employees or new hires will need in the coming months.

Joh n Glen non of Sa nd ler T ra i n i ng offers a nu mber of courses this spring to develop these skills, so employees and managers can keep the pipeline full of satisfied clients. A focus this spring is running the popular customer care program. It’s a two day Customer Service Bootcamp for your inside sales and customer service teams. Programs are in-person and have limited enrollment so visit our website at www.glennon. soon to book your space. The spring schedule also includes our ongoing series of sales classes that take place twice a month in Kelowna. Feel free to attend as a guest. In addition, the Sales Mastery and Management Training course for business owners and managers takes place once a month. Visit our website to book you r seat to ta ke you r leadership and management skills to the next level. We always welcome guests at any of our courses. If you wish to sit in and discover what we can do to help your business grow in 2018, please contact us at or call 250-765-2047 to reserve your seat.

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MARCH 2018

GIBSON CONTRACTING CAPTURES THREE GOLDS AT TOMMIE AWARDS Kelowna Homebuilder Has Been Serving The Okanagan Region Since 2001


ELOWNA – The multi Tommie Gold Award-winning residential construction company Gibson Contracting doesn’t just build exceptional single family homes – it builds communities. Organized each year by the Canadian Home Builders Association – Central Okanagan (CHBA – CO) the Tommie Gold Awards are the highest accolade a construction company can receive from its peers and during this year’s presentation, held January 27 at the Delta Grand Hotel, Gibson Contracting won no less than three – including the Single Family Home Builder of the Year (Large Volume) Award Grand Tommie “We actually won three Gold Tommies this year which was very exciting. In addition to the Builder of the Year we also won Excellence in Show Home $500,000 and Under (for a property located at The Village at Stillwater) and Excellence in Single Family Detached Home $1,500,000 - $2,000,000 for a home on Mine Hill Drive,” explained company owner and founder Darcy Gibson.


Congratulations to Gibson Contracting on the well deserved awards at the 2018 Tommie Awards Norelco Cabinets 675 Willow Park Road Kelowna, BC V1X 5H9 T: 250-765-2121

There was a lot of excitement during the Tommie Awards as Gibson Contracting picked up three Gold Awards While today the company is known as the builder of some of the finest high end single family homes and quality multi-family developments in the Okanagan region, Gibson Contracting in its earliest phase functioned primarily as a sub-contractor, providing framing services for numerous local General Contractors. “I’m not a Red Seal carpenter myself but started out in carpentry as a framer. I worked as a framer locally for about five to six years before taking the next step and building our first house, which started us in a new direction,” he said. Originally from Victoria where he also worked as a framer, Gibson moved to the Interior in 2000, bringing his skills and experience to his new home town. Gibson Contracting officially came into being as a corporate entity in 2001. Now a leading local custom home builder serving clients throughout the Okanagan Valley, Gibson Contracting has become one of the preferred builders in a number of the region’s newest and most exciting residential developments. “Our focus has really been on the Lake Country area, which is essentially the region around Vernon and Kelowna. We’ve become one of the preferred builders in

Gibson Contracting opened for business in 2001, and is today the builder of some of the region’s finest residences a number of the area’s top subdivisions which is a real source of pride for us. In The Lakes subdivision alone we’ve been involved in constructing a substantial amount of the houses over the past four to five years,” Gibson said. The Lakes is a master-planned community that overlooks the Okanagan Valley and its orchards, vineyards and Okanagan Lake itself. The Lakes community includes a mix of high end single-family homes and quality

condominiums and is strategically located about 15 minutes from both Kelowna and Vernon. A new development Gibson Contracting is currently involved with is Lakestone which is another masterplan community located only minutes from downtown Kelowna and the Kelowna International Airport. Featuring a variety of home sites including both lakefront and lake view, Lakestone is noted for its lush and idyllic setting that will retain more than half

of the site in its natural state. The development includes nearly 25 kilometers of trails and approximately 250 acres of preserved natural open space. “We’re just getting ready to start work on our new show home at Lakestone. Custom single family homes like the ones in developments like that are a big part of what we do but in reality we do a SEE GIBSON’S CONTRACTING |  PAGE 9

Congratulations Gibson Contracting from all of us at Absolut Stone & Granite! ABSOLUT STONE & GRANITE #1 – 470 Banks Rd. Kelowna| 778.478.9938 |


MARCH 2018

One of the Gold Awards Gibson Contracting won was for this fabulous home located on Mine Hill Drive

“I think the key to business success involves surrounding yourself with good people.” DARCY GIBSON OWNER / FOUNDER, GIBSON CONTRACTING

Quality in all things, from the site development to the construction, is a hallmark of a Gibson Contracting project


bit of everything,” he said. “Certainly we do a lot of single family custom but we also have a lot of multi-family going right now and there’s more of that on the horizon. When I say multifamily I’m not talking about apartment buildings but more along the lines of row housing, duplexes, townhouses, patio homes and

properties like that. We especially enjoy working on projects like row house and duplexes.” Gibson likes to say that he and his firm are building communities as much as they are constructing residential accommodation. “We have a 28 unit project going into the The Lakes right now as we’re just working on the last two buildings. Once we’re done with that one we have a 19 unit to start and then we have a very high end five-plex to take on so we work in a

lot of different styles,” Gibson said. For Gibson the evolution of his business over the past 17 years from what was essentially a framing contracting firm into the builder of custom homes was a fairly natural process. But his career could just as easily have taken a different course. When he first moved to the region in 2000 his framing business was in essence a part time venture as he was also working in construction with the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR). Eventually however the appeal of working in his own firm won out, and he threw himself completely into his own company. “I did framing when I wasn’t working on the railway for about six months, but after I moved to Kelowna permanently I shifted my focus to running my own business.

Gibson Contracting projects are always showpieces for quality materials and exemplary workmanship For the first few months I was working four days on the railway and three days off – with those off days when I worked on my own thing,” he said. “I worked on the steel gang with the railway, doing framing on my days off so those were some pretty intense times. But I was starting a family then and you have to do what you have to do.” Today, after having been in business for more than 17 years, Gibson Contracting has the experience and the staff to take a project from inception right through to the handing over of the keys. Operating as project managers the firm can guide their clients painlessly through the entire process – from working on the budget, to the actual construction stage including dealing with all of the necessary paperwork and warranties. The company’s website says it all: “Our Sales & Estimation, Contractor, Project Managers, Designers and Site Supervisor are here to help you through the entire process. We look

forward to meeting you!” Firmly established and with an impressive portfolio of finished products to its credit Gibson SEE GIBSON’S CONTRACTING |  PAGE 10

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Congratulations Gibson Contracting on your exceptional achievement! Kekuli Bay Cabinetry Vernon: 8111 Highland Place • Kelowna: 1794 Baron Road


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MARCH 2018


SUMMERLAND CHRISTINE PETKAU Quality in all things, from the site development to the construction, is a hallmark of a Gibson Contracting project


Contracting is today a preferred builder at many of the region’s most prestigious developments. “We certainly do a little bit of everything all over the place. While we’re still focused on the Lake Country we’re actually all over the Okanagan Valley, including a little bit on the west side,” Gibson said. In addition to The Lakes and the Lakestone developments, Gibson Contracting is a key player in any number of others, including Highpointe Terraces, Prospect At Black Mountain, Kirschner Mountain, Heritage Ridge and more. “We have custom homes in those developments so it’s great to be acknowledged as one of their preferred builders, it means a lot to be part of projects like these,” he said. Gibson Contracting currently has a staff count of about a dozen, with nearly half of those in its administrative office located in the Lakes. “As framing is really part of our core business we try to do all of our own framing, but when we’re working on a project we’re working with a large number of trusted sub trades just because of the volume of work we do,” he said. No longer working on site, Gibson spends most of his time looking after the details of running a construction business, handling administrative duties and seeking the next project to keep his crews busy. “I haven’t worn a toolbelt for years as there’s a lot to do behind the scenes. Putting in bids,

handling PR, customer relations and things like that,” Gibson said. Established and multi-facetted, Gibson Contracting is recognized as leading builder of quality multifamily and custom single family homes, and it has the awards to prove it. For Gibson, a large part of the credit for that achievement rests with the talents and professionalism of his crew. “I think the key to business success involves surrounding yourself with good people. Our core group is pretty solid and has been with us for a long time, we’re lucky to have very little turn over in the office and in our Supervisor roles,” he said. Com for table w ith the si ze and direction his company has achieved Gibson does not anticipate much in the way of future expansion, and is actually concerned that too much growth could negatively impact the amount of personalized service and attention to detail he and his crew provide their customers. “In 2017 we were involved with 18 houses and 16 duplex style units which kept us pretty busy. Some of the houses, such as the one that won us the Tommie had a build cost of just under $2 million, so for us that was plenty of work,” he said. “While we have done a little bit of commercial work here and there I have no real desire to move into that sector. Everyone here has a real passion for residential work and we wouldn’t want to lose that. We enjoy working with people and if we grew too much we might lose that personal contact which is something we never want to see happen.”

Congratulations! We're proud to be part of Gibson's team of trades. 1925 Dayton St. Kelowna, BC

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e lc om e to o u r n e w Chamber members: WK Group LLP Cha r tered P rofessiona l Accountants: P rofessiona l accounting firm. Unisus International Schools Ltd.: UNISUS is the only intern at ion a l scho ol i n Wester n Canada offering JK to Grade 12 programs and weekly and full time boarding. DMD Contracting Ltd.: DMD Contracting is a licensed builder, consisting of a great team of skillful contractors who are able to assess your needs and achieve your vision. Okanagan Bloodworks: Nutritional Microscopy, edcuator

on acid/alkaline balance and holistic speaker. Purple Hemp Co. Massage: Relax, release and revive with massage therapy. World Pa ra d ig m s: O n l i n e sales. Resistance Electric Ltd.: Electrical Contractor. ••• Signwave Signs Inc. has celebrated its fifth year in business in Summerland! They also designed some new signage for Beadtra i ls as wel l as a l l the ArtVines space, and has helped T hornhaven Estates Winery with new Ecommerce website. Signwaves has also phased out the old 1-800 phone number, and will only be using 250-328-5012 number now. Clients can text or call that number now instead. Signwave has also only offering services by appointment only. ••• Ogopogo Tours was reassessed by Green Tourism Canada this month and achieved gold level! Green Tourism measures environmental management and corporate social responsibility against a set of criteria that are

aligned with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council Criteria. Ogopogo Tours offers sightseeing and wine tours in the South Okanagan and were recently nominated for Sustainability Leader Award. ••• Board Nominations In 2018 the Chamber Board has four positions open for election/ re-election, for 2 year terms. Nominations will opening February 20th, keep an eye on your inbox and the Chamber website for more information to come! It’s a great time to be thinking about who you would like to nominate, or becoming a Board member yourself! ••• Upcoming Events Mar 7 – Friends of the Summerland Gardens AGM Mar 20 - AGM/Business After Business Christine Petkau is Executive Director of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Summerland. She can be reached at

NDP ‘speculation tax’ pummels buyers and owners Punitive tax will negatively affect Canadians and foreign real estate buyers BY MARK MACDONALD BUSINESS EXAMINER


ANAIMO – The NDP’s surprise introduction of a 2 per cent real estate “speculation tax” in the recent provincial budget will have dire, unintended consequences, business leaders say. “A lthough the specu lation tax is aimed at foreign buyers, it w i l l a lso a f fect Ca nad ia n o w n e r s ,” s a y s D o u g T yc e , Partner and Regional Leader for Real Estate and Construction Services for MNP. “These a re not foreig n buyers, they are people who perhaps have bought a home in B.C. to rent it out and may be forced to sell it now. “We have an A lberta client who has a non-revenue producing $12 million home on Lake Oka naga n t hat w i l l be paying $2 40,000 in extra property taxes every year starting in 2019 if this speculation tax isn’t corrected. “There are families who have had vacation properties in Kelowna for 50 years,” he notes. “ T h i s new gover n m ent t a x would mean that on a $2 million property, they’ll be paying $40,000 a year in extra, new taxes.” Tyce shared a scenario where a client who lives and works in Nanaimo purchased a second home i n Victoria, where h is wife, a nurse, stays up to four nights per week while working

there. With this tax, the couple would be taxed 2 per cent annu a l ly on a home va lued at $500,000, meaning they’ll pay an extra $10,000 per year. Charlie Parker, who owns RE/ M A X of Nanaimo, says “t he s p e c u l at ion ta x h a s ro cke d everyone. Canadians that own these properties will be hurt, and some will have their lifelong plans disrupted. “The people that own those properties put millions of dollars a year into the economy,” Parker adds. “Many Canadians own properties in BC with the ultimate goal of living here and contributing to the economy. That will be lost. A lot of the affected properties do not allow rentals, leaving the owners with their only option being to sell.” Tyce believes the tax wasn’t very well-thought out prior to its introduction. “I don’t think they’ve clearly identified what their objectives are with this tax, and it doesn’t look like they’ve done a true economic impact analysis of these changes,” says Tyce. “This tax will not create any new supply of homes for the average person who may want to purchase a house.” Parker concurs, noting “This government interference in the marketplace is going to have very negative impact without ach iev i ng thei r objective of opening more rental units.” Parker provided a couple of

scenarios facing local owners. “One client owns a home here and has a condo, but they are in a position now that the B.C. gover n m ent v iew s t hem a s speculators,” Parker says. “He has checked with his accountant and are going to list, sell and go back to Alberta. “One of my next door neighb ou rs l ive s i n O t t awa , a nd comes to the Island for several weeks each year because of the weather. Because of his health, they cannot go to the U.S. They have-no intention of renting, and they are now checking with lawyer and contemplating selling, and returning to Ottawa.” Tyce says real estate developers are already “putting projects on hold” because of the taxes and their expected negative impact. “They’re wondering out loud, ‘if these homes and condos are not going to sell, why would I build them?’ This tax will actually decrease the amount of new homes and housing units on the market.” Tyce is calling on the government to introduce a consultation period prior to implementation of the tax in 2019, to hear from affected homeowners. He adds that the high volu me of opposition to the federal government’s planned structural tax changes last fall resulted in some significant changes that were reflected in the Trudeau government’s recent federal budget.


MARCH 2018

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Professional Services Offer Clearer Path To Success Professional Service Providers: It’s Their Business To Help Your Business BUSINESS EXAMINER STAFF


orkplace laws and tax ordinances are constantly changing. That’s why professional service providers help, with trained specialists who keep up with these changes, allowing businesses to focus on what they do best. Many small to medium-sized enterprises lack the man-power and funds to hire fulltime lawyers or financial service providers, and must look elsewhere for help. Professional service providers qualify as one of the most indispensable resources for these companies. Helping other businesses is their business. As someone once said, “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.” It’s possible for individuals to represent themselves in legal matters, sell their own home, or do their own taxes. However, each of these tasks involves heavy legal and

Jim Stewart is President of the British Columbia Real Estate Association

“Part of being a professional is recognizing that you’re going to be viewed as the best that you can be.” JIM STEWART PRESIDENT, BRITISH COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION


Working with a professional assures the client that the service provided will be of a high and consistent quality



MARCH 2018

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financial risk, especially for t hose w it h l i m ited knowledge in the relevant field. Professional service providers offer the expertise needed to minimize this risk. “Currently, passive income i n a cor p orat ion attracts a very high tax rate of 50.67 per cent,” says Stephen Struthers of Struthers Wealth Management in Nanaimo. Business owners often lack the intricate knowledge of tax law needed to maximize their passive income, and f i n a nci a l adv i sors ca n help. T hey work w ith thei r clients and other professional services to form a plan to shelter income and allow investors to access f u nds i n the most ta xefficient way possible. Struthers points out that ma ny busi ness ow ners tend to i nvest so much time in their company’s operations that they may neg lect ha nd l i ng thei r personal finances. “ O n e c l i e n t c a m e to us who was nearing retirement,” he says. “We helped him form a comprehen sive ret i rement plan, determ in ing how much income he needed throughout their life. “ Up on d e at h , lot s of t hose i nvest ments a re subject to a high tax rate, so we worked with him to restructure investments in a way that sheltered a majority of income from taxation, and converted those investments to a tax free disposition – a benefit paid out of the corporation upon his death.” A financial advisor works to understand the t a x l aw s of t he d ay so their clients don’t have to. Like with most professional services, the cost of hiring a professional pays for itself by freeing

up bu si ness ow ners to invest their time in their own areas of expertise. P ro fe s s i o n a l s e r v i c e providers adopt regulated industry standards in order to remain effective in their field. In legal matters, the Law Society of British Columbia has governed the province’s legal practitioners since 1869 with the goal of protecting the public interest in the adm i n istration of justice by setting and enforcing standards of professional conduct for lawyers. “ T h e L a w S o c i e t y ’s m a n d a te i s to p ro te c t the public. We do this by set t i ng a nd uphold i ng standards for the education, professional responsibility and competence of practicing law yers,” ex pla i ned Herman Van Ommen, QC, President of the Law Society in the Winter 2017 edition of the Bencher’s Bulletin – the Society’s newsletter. “Perhaps the most public-facing way we fulfil our mandate is through our Professional Regulation Department. The department handles complaints against lawyers, i nvestigates possible lawyer misconduct and incompetence, takes custodianship of lawyers’ practices when they are unable to practice, conducts discipline cases and takes action against those engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. All of this work is integral to our status as a self-regulating profession.” Having the power and the responsibility to regulate its membership is one of the many roles of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (CPABC) an organization charged with overseeing the accounting profession in British Columbia. “ We re g u l a te o u r

Herman Van Ommen QC is President of the Law Society of British Columbia members, we make sure t h e y ’re p ro p e rly e d ucated, we bring students up through the program and ensure they have the appropriate training and once they’re through their t ra i n i n g t h e y b e c o m e subject to our regulatory regime,” explained Lori Mathison the President and CEO of the CPABC. Respon sible for more than 32,000 Chartered P rofession a l Accou nta nt s (C PA) a nd n e a rly 7,000 students in British Columbia, the CPABC was also created to protect the public through its ethical standards and d iscipl i ne processes. “T he reg ulatory side is one half of what we do. T he other pa rt of what we do is to provide services to our members and students to help ensure that thei r professiona l obl igations a re bei ng met,” she said. A nother factor that separates professionals from workers is the commitment to formal education that practitioners are willing to undertake SEE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES   |  PAGE 13


MARCH 2018


For an individual to be classed as a professional they are typically required to be continually upgrading their skills


– often entirely at their o w n e x p e n s e . Fo r e xample to become a medic a l d o c tor i n Ca n a d a a n i nd iv idu a l mu st b e p re p a re d to c o m p l e t e no less than eight years of undergraduate studies a nd med ica l school instruction followed by residency within a medical institution that could last for up to seven years. Like with many profession s accou nta nts a re required to maintain predetermined educationa l levels, w ith ongoi ng cou rsework a requ i red part of their continued a c cre d it at ion . “ T here are annual professional continuing education requirements that have to be met,” Mathison said. “But in addition to that CPAs also have to complete a regular four hour ethics requirement every three years – they need to prove that they’ve taken a nd pa ssed t he necessary courses in ethics on a regular basis in addition to their more general continuing professional development.” “What separates a career from a job is that to be a professional you have to continually upgrade your education, and certainly education is a big part of the practice for any professional. Maintaining your educational standing is a big part of it, as is being required to adhere to a predetermined and recognized code of ethics in your dealings is another – whether you’re a doctor, an engineer or selling real estate,” explained Jim Stewart, the President of the British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) Board of Directors. “The courts see REALTORS® as professionals in the same lens as they

Lori Mathison is the President and CEO of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia do lawyers, accountants and others. Following the precepts of your profession is essential – if you’re a law yer and get called before the bar because of an issue you could be in trouble. Essentially any professional that violates their specific code could find themselves stripped of the right to practice their chosen vocation.” So what jobs are considered profession s i n modern society? T hose vocations that operate under the auspices of an u mbrel la orga n i zat ion could be one benchmark, as is the required commitment to a stated code of conduct or ethics. “Part of being a professional is recognizing that you’re going to be viewed as the best that you can be. Because you’re a professional you deal with your clients in a professiona l ma n ner a nd you ex pect you r peers to operate in the same way,” Stewart said. “I f you do someth i ng w ro n g o r i n v i ol a t i o n then your peers are going

to call you out on it. Cens u re c o u ld c om e f rom a ny nu mber of causes. It cou ld b e b ec au se of u n fa i r adver t i si n g, or trademark infringement, or it could even be how you treat other R E A LTORS®. There’s a reason why, i n a ny profession there are really good ones, and those that are not so good.” For the province’s accountants, and for many other professional vocations, the standards of training and ethics they must maintain have to be comparable not merely to their regional peers, but measurable on an internationa l level. “I n ou r world, i n the accou nti ng world, we a re t r ying to always ensure our standards at least equal international accounting standards, which are consta ntly cha ng i ng,” Mathison explained. “We want to make sure that we are at a minimum at that level – if not superior to that. So those changes are happening c o n s t a n t l y. T h e re’s a need, not merely that you know the new standards, but that you’re current on a whole range of things.” P rofessiona l ser v ices a n d t h e p ra c t i t i o n e r s that deliver them are vital components of any economy. By being registered through sector associations, by unflinching adherence to strict codes of conduct and ethics and through ongoing education the province’s professionals are delivering services and products the equal of those provided anywhere in the world. “A lot of it a l l comes down to how you operate your business. If you don’t act like a professional, and deal with your clients in a professional manner you’re probably not going to have much of an income,” Stewart said.

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MARCH 2018

OK EXCAVATING: BREAKING GROUND FOR OVER 50 YEARS Local Company Thrives Due To Owner’s Hands-On Approach


ELOWNA - At OK Excavating, success is all about digging deep. Second generation owner/operator Todd Horak is creating a culture of hard work and determination that is helping this Okanagan enterprise thrive. The company recently celebrated their 50th year in business. When looking back, Todd believes that the company’s success is due to their governing principle: doing whatever it takes to get the job done. OK Excavating is a Kelowna business that specializes in all types of earthworks and excavation, road construction, site development and servicing, underground utilities, screening and crushing for custom aggregate and topsoil production, demolition, land clearing, material removal and disposal, trucking, low-bedding with 6 or 7 axles, pilot car services, and snow removal. It was founded by Todd’s father, Al Horak, in 1967, and over the past 50 years, it has grown from a one-man operation to a booming business that takes on projects all

across mainland BC. Al started by working with his father, who was a logging contractor. After a number of years spent working in logging, Al started a business in Kelowna: a small one-man operation with just a rototiller and a pickup truck. When asked why his father was successful in the excavating business, Todd said, “in the logging industry, he had to learn how to do things on the fly. “When you’re out in the woods, you need to fix things at a low cost, with little time, and it’s important to be able to make your equipment work.” Todd credits his father’s resourcefulness as one of the key reasons the company has been as successful as it has. “He always kept his equipment maintained, and his machines lasted a long time because of it.” Al’s ability to make his investments go a long way helped the company thrive in its early years, and it wasn’t long until OK Excavating acquired more equipment and expanded their service. T he compa ny ex perienced steady growth through the 70s and 80s, before rapidly increasing its size in the 1990s in response to a growth spurt in the city of Kelowna. Now, 50 years later, the company boasts a fleet of 55 units, including, excavators, loaders, quads,

Proud to be part of OK Excavating’s Successful 50 years! CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS

#202 - 3320 Richter St | Kelowna, BC V1W 4V5 T: 250.860.8687

OK Excavating Owner/Operator Todd Horak dump trucks and low-beds. They field a workforce ranging from 25 employees in the low season to as high as 50 workers in their busiest seasons. Al is now retired, but his son Todd took over operations about 10 years ago, and has continued to run and grow the company. He is driven by an inherited commitment to resourcefulness, hard work, and integrity. For Todd, the excavation business is second nature. He has been on the company payroll since his early teens, and has carried on his father’s commitment to do whatever it takes to get a job done. Now 42, Todd is active in all levels of the company. “I want to give my employees an example of what a good work ethic looks like,” he said. This commitment to strong work ethic is at the heart of operations at OK Excavating. “Lots of customers hire me because they know what I can do,” said Todd. “I’m very intense. I

Congratulations to OK Excavating on 50 years of success! 1313 Innovation Drive Kelowna, BC V1V 3B3 T: (250) 765-1423 E:

“I do whatever it takes to get the job done, and I expect the same out of my employees.” TODD HORAK OWNER/OPERATOR AT OK EXCAVATING

do whatever it takes to get the job done, and I expect the same out of my employees. Some of our customers have been with us for over 20 years because of this.” Todd has been born and raised in the excavating industry, and has learned all sides of the business. It’s a principle he learned from his father: to run a successful excavating company, an owner needs to understand all aspects of the company. He needs to know how to fix, maintain, and run his

machines. “I’m not one to be an arm-chair quarterback. I’m involved in day to day operations, in the field side of our business,” he said. “You won’t usually find me in the office. I’m a hands-on guy.” When running his company, Todd also wants to make sure that he has the right people for the job. His staff has certifications for Gold Seal, Red Seal, Confined Spaces, WHIMIS, TDG, and First Aid, and share his enthusiasm for hard work and commitment to finishing the job. “There are always jobs for us to do, but the main obstacle we’ll face in the near future is a lack of workers,” said Todd. “I can hire a tech any day of the week, but there are few hard-working people coming up through the school system. “We try to keep the key guys going, getting them as much work as we can. Our key people could be employees at any level, as long as they show interest in their job and

Congratulations to OK Excavating, here’s to the next 50 years! From all of us at WTL. 7192 Vantage Way Delta, BC T: 604.241.9487 |


MARCH 2018

Crushing & screening blast rock at McKinley Road Reservoir

Clearing the water intake at the Postill Road Reservoir want to work hard.” Hard work isn’t the only reason for OK Excavating’s successes. Todd is always careful about how and when he purchases equipment. “Overfinancing is one of the major pitfalls in our industry. We don’t like to have a pile of equipment debt, so I don’t usually lease machines from a dealer,” he said. “I’m very adamant: if you have it, work on owning it, or own it. We don’t rent, and we don’t lease. It’s not good for the environment, or the economy.” These are business principles he learned from his father, who always made sure he worked with what he could afford. OK Excavating employees are expected to take exceptional care of their machines, allowing them to last as long as possible before needing to be replaced. With the Horak family at the helm, OK Excavating has become a sought-after service provider in the Okanagan Valley. Over their 50 years of operations, they have been hired to work on a wide variety of job types. The company has experience in building baseball diamonds, flood control, and various cleaning projects for water boards in the Okanagan. In addition to these

CONGRATULATIONS on your milestone

project categories, their team will be called in for more specialized work. “About two years ago, in the middle of winter, we were called to help some guys work on an antennae up in the bush. The site provided wi-fi for airplanes, and we ended up dragging a building up a goat hill, and cleared out a place for it,” said Todd. OK Excavating has also taken on some green projects, including concrete recycling throughout the Okanagan Valley. They take used and discarded concrete, crush it up, and make it into a usable product. “We do a lot of landfill work, doing jobs for multiple landfills throughout BC. This includes closures, expansions, and any other specialized work that requires our machinery,” said Todd. T he OK Excavating team is currently working on a storm water management project in the Campbell Mountain Landfill in Penticton. “We’re working to divert a water source from entering the landfill. We’re putting a drain around the perimeter of the landfill, so the fresh water runs into a settlement pond and is preserved from contamination” said Todd. These last few months, they

have been busy with several winter maintenance contracts. “Some seasons are busier than others, but we have business all throughout the year. We try to give our guys employment 12 months a year,” said Todd. So what’s next for his company? “We want to continue to control our growth, and ensure that we are always the best at what we do,” he said. OK Excavating relies on hardworking employees in order to offer their clients the best possible service, so Todd makes sure he has the right team in place before taking on new projects. “In our industry, we don’t need people with degrees. We need people with work ethic,” he said. “There are times when our guys have to work 10 straight hours, get called out at 2 in the morning, or work on a Saturday, and we pay them well.” “In the future, a limited workforce means we are going to have to modify how things are done. I think you’re going to see more and more automation in our industry’s future – like having one guy doing three different tasks,” said Todd. Before expanding, Todd wants to make sure that he has the right people in place who can handle

466 Leon Ave, Kelowna, BC


new jobs the company takes on. The company plans on keeping its current location at 355 Neave Road for the foreseeable future. “Our business is quite portable, so we don’t need to set up a satellite office. We’re always taking jobs in and out of town, and we send guys as far as northern BC,” said Todd. As his company relies on the hard work of his employees, Todd

makes decisions about the future of his business based off of the availability of good employees. Now, after 50 years in business, OK Excavating fields a strong, capable team that’s able to handle the wide variety of jobs they’re hired for. Driven by a strong work ethic, Todd believes his business will thrive in the Okanagan Valley for years to come.

A.G. Appel would like to congratulate Al & Todd Horak and their crew on 50 years in business!


Installation of fuel tanks for emergency power generators at Kelowna General Hospital

We’re proud to be working with the OK Excavating team

Congratulations on 50 years in business! RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FORESTRY A.G. APPEL ENTERPRISES LTD.

1145 Gordon Dr. Kelowna T: 250-860-1211 E:

Valley Curbing Ltd. #102 – 1358 St. Paul Street Kelowna, BC T: 250.860-8742 E:


MARCH 2018

BE Awards Will Celebrate Best Of Region’s Businesses First Annual Thompson Okanagan Event Will Feature 17 Different Categories


ELOWNA – The search has started for the finest and most successful businesses in the Thompson Okanagan region over the past year. The First Annual Thompson Okanagan Business Excellence Awards will be a celebration of the best of the best in the

region’s business community, and the event is set for June 14 at the Coast Capri Hotel in Kelowna. Organizers are looking forward to a large number of nominations from awardworthy businesses this year as the May 1 nomination deadline is around the corner

We’ll be celebrating the very best in business in the Thompson Okanagan on June 14 And we’re looking for nominations for award worthy businesses!

1st ual n An

NOW ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS Tickets ($125 each) available at: or call: 1-866-758-2684 Ext. 120


on the calendar. “This event has been in the planning stages for a long time, and we’re very excited about the opportunity to put together an evening that celebrates excellence in business,” notes Mark MacDonald of Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan. “It’s been a good year for business in the Thompson Okanagan region, and we expect that to be reflected in the number and quality of the entries this year for the Gala.” The event will be similar to the Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards, which recently completed its 18th annual event. “These events are all about bringing out the brightest and the best in business for an evening to honour their accomplishments and ideas,” MacDonald adds. “Successful people are often too busy in their endeavours to get out and celebrate what they’ve been doing.” Anyone can nominate a business for the awards, and companies can self-nominate. A team of independent judges located throughout the Thompson Okanagan region will adjudicate nominations. There will be 17 Categories in the inaugural BE Awards: • Automotive (car and truck dealerships & fleet sales) • Construction/ Development/Real Estate • Entrepreneur • Food & Food Production (agriculture and food products) • Green • Health Care


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• Hospitality • Industrial Manufacturer • Manufactured Wood Products • Professional (legal, accounting, insurance, coaching) • Retail • Technology • Tourism • Trades (automotive repair, plumbing, electrical, roofing, etc.) • Wine Industry • Small Business (under 20 employees & under $1 million in sales) • Business of the Year (over 50 employees & over $1 million in sales). The nomination deadline is May 1, and there is no charge to participate. Nomination forms can be downloaded at www. For more information on the event contact MacDonald at 1-866-758-2684 ext. 120 or email:

ave you been married long? If so, I want you to think b a c k to w h e n yo u a n d you r spouse were f i rst dating. How your heart skipped a beat when you answered their phone call. How you looked forward to his or her car arriving to ta ke you out to d i nner. The longer you are married the more remote those days may feel. It’s not that there isn’t love, it’s just that the everydayness of the relationship has changed the response to each other. And yes, there may be some creeping complacency or even a feeling of being ‘taken for granted’. In fact, our most important relationships may be the ones that

we nurture and attend to the least. We see it i n bu si ness relationships every day. Sometimes our best customers a re treated l i ke spouses, rather tha n someone to woo. Back when they were prospects, we were highly attentive. T h e r e s p o n s e t i m e to them could be measured in nano-seconds. But as time goes by, we are trying to woo others and we (mistakenly) believe our present customers w ill wait until we have time to give them good service. It has been proven repeatedly that most people do not leave thei r present supplier because of price. They leave because they feel taken for granted and unloved. How can we put the excitement back into the relationship? Here are a few suggestions. Make a list of any clients you t h i n k m ay be suffering from neglect and invite them on a ‘date’ to review the relationship. Please, don’t ask the typical: How are we doing? Ask them tough questions: A re we e xce edin g you r

ex pectations? I f there was one thing we could be doing better, what would that be? Be specific, and ask your customer to be specific too. This is not about getting strokes from a client, it’s about digging down and finding out if there are more issues with which you could be helping. Discuss any problems that have occurred and make sure the fix worked. When they share issues, don’t m a ke excu ses or minimize the issue; talk about solvability. Customers will guide you to the best way to service their account. Finally, ensure you tell them how important they are to you and how much you appreciate their doi ng busi ness w ith you. After all, you want to lay the groundwork for future dates! Lucy Glennon specializes in customer service training and recruitment and hiring. She can be reached at 866-645-2047 or lucyg@ www.


MARCH 2018


Winecrush Offers Award-Winning Approach to Culinary Industry WINECRUSH CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

pro c e s s e s i nvolve d i n both cooking and winemaking. Plus, neighbour Gary Strachan was a wine bio-chemist. At the time, Broddy was experimenting with the fermentation for sou rdough bread and he wondered if the natural yeast in the pomace would enhance his sourdough. He took some of the pomace home and started experiment i ng, a ided by cofounder Tyson Still. T h e y d i s c ove re d t h e pomace was flavour and nutrient rich, with a wider range of ‘notes’ than the wine. Bread made with the pomace was tastier and healthier, resveratrol from grape skins, and antioxidants from the seeds. More experiments by Still led to crisp, sourdoughbased w i ne crackers. Those crackers were just the start. Winecrush developed a process to dry and grind the pomace, creating a w i ne ‘f l avou r spice’ – known as Winecrush™ powder – that reproduced the taste of specific varieties. These powders are infused into all of their products. From the lees, which is the bottom-of-the-vat residue left after the wine has been fermented and aged, they created a paste that added flavour and a creamy texture. In a play on words, they converted the French winemaking term “sur lie” – meaning aged on the lees – to trademark the new “Surlee” flavoured foods. Winecrush shared their new flavours with Okanagan artisan food producers Helmut Sausage in Vernon, Happy Days Dairy in Salmon Arm and Castle Cheese in Lumby. B i l l’s d a u g h t e r (a n d T yson’s pa r t ner) A llie Broddy came on-board as sales manager for the explosion of new products: • Cabernet Salami, Pinot Chorizo; Pinot Gris Turkey sausage; • Gamay Goat Cheese; Surlee Red Cheddar; • Gewurztraminer and Merlot Winecrisps; and • Hot Surlee and Red Surlee Mustard T he sau sage, cheese, crisps, and mustards are perfect for charcuterie platters and as the picnic

Leadership Programs That Create An Accountability Culture that Transforms Results and Lives.

The Wincrush family team are (left to right) Bill Broddy, daughter Allie, and Allie’s partner Tyson Still. The company’s product is nominated for a BC Small Business Innovation award

We utilize a variety of highly evolved tools and technqiues that include: Textbooks, personality assessments, EQi-2.0, half-days of learning, one on one coaching, experiential exercises, reflection journals and case studies. This nationally acclaimed Leadership Program has been described by CEO's as, "real, honest, life changing and highly impactful. A truly transformational experience."

Already available in some BC grocery stores, the line of Winecrush crackers, sausages, cheeses, and mustards is the perfect match for BC wines

“Food always tastes better with wine and wine is always better with food.”

Wine-imbued appetizes are a new artisanal food now available for BC residents who love the flavours of wine. The innovative product was created by Pentictonbased Winecrush fare that wineries find easy to market. At tastings, the wine-imbued bites echo the same notes as the sample glass. It’s a match made in culinary heaven. “It’s a perfect picnic item or appetizer or addition to wine-tasting rooms,” Broddy said. Winecrush expects to be in 50 Okan aga n w i ner ies by t he beg i n n i ng of t he w i ne tourist season. This winw i n pa r t nersh ip ta kes away the pomace and lees, which used to be a disposal cost for wine producers, and returns with a product that enhances the winery

business. “The wineries like that we’re actually trying to do something with the pomace and lees by making it into a food product. They especially like it when they start tasting the sausage a nd che e se w it h t hei r wine,” Broddy added. Racking up awards is just the start for this new company, which is also eligible for the BC Eligible Business Corporation investment program. Broddy envisions ta k i ng the proprieta ry technology and processes developed by Winecrush in BC to other wine-producing areas in Canada, the US, and the rest of the world. Winecrush is proof for a lifelong entrepreneur that launching a family startup can be both emotionally and financially rewarding. “It sure beats retirement,” Broddy said.

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MARCH 2018

2018 Marks The 50th Anniversary Of Olympians Gold Medal Triumph

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W naad re i n e v e u n e th in g ais ati rctie.o d is g re tta am th w-er ewnse. w isoma : -acarel cliS seprein wor HeaaISrs seen . rtn FIRa wh rty s R M fo g k in R.W , Ca poGr oera aH adnin ild tRao as nat poom tec g h l a sw ’ d Nay re 26 R h D cy a na lo o e a r nto pa Sneeon d on pe inu an g N nn of ny Cor ormp buuril er ch thaa te ge we tC ariloy f o je cb k ienalt icdaic o a is rte do,N20 e fo m ag io te pro a R C l i s ge n m r e a y m pa do l ll.h deer is shite roosf D pa ent ata c afo e rin a h e de f H sta Seeall av fro agin s in yNisat loca oro hem t h S a e a s to – a h in eim o hset W h . n up a n 0bme imoothn tedp eler t t m Mnae im m str edic aall no,nshyeoamr m2m B o a s t t h inu e t s w it p o ka pirast erty gnid he C fir omBob ldn’t ture way to m – t 10 m . W iow uisr c oC’sha ahneamr rveolvu’snlidtt f ooof e Noa nal.e T o s F m p s m l e o . f e4 th imo Nt uin e. It e -g h- itsh d frer, ou fu her ne 2 are R.W d it fo C orp tz’u s a s d e a ntdh etco pro e S e o ag a lseo ’hcly v s anrin ta sp n th c lar d o n y ad on nim he n s th sid N le ly u C e S e s e a o rnad id th i ie uin to | p fa h o e e la a is a g f C e s it p y t 9 b I n sits ana bisy th . 4 e H N h . a u sv qg neto l p e th s in c u r e sgt a spa m d b ir lik rtic work the Io ou lley r N he H X d ag ith f Jo storo rceti -bse dcoen el rpaeo ed th at b u se inn vi n baerldo nde the g pa he g ate | p 11 an reate e. S is th mn’spa t0h0e dja Va n y de tN e n as sm ie ve ve S rin i ,0 IS RS to M c d R i ube v u ge in . in s Upd Valle re t aam l Gerefurcwhs. is a a dy ch in ati G e Ha e FI ue c t g : l 18 mer r an hild a3t0a ansicn noaw la tion ing s N ocu er w n26 RRC onhHD cy foa na lo o k e a r n sw p N Na Se a r e p a u li c in N h y n y Ne d h u y C a a g t aanil o je k i ic o o gsio l i s gen m re a m a is 19 fo her er t shecwRee ne t N R M ain e rth rR D wicpa ed moomopD t p r r t a m e d a im e Se Co aimo all nd e5ar 0 g r y irs RC em n th r fu ontfoh t S a he a us to – a h in k e s any 2a cim 2105 wo 20 t in e t s w it p o p n n d e iotht a n T h m B as ito s F ed t Ch sig w fo ratio le – rr is y ’sp na e Na vil 12 22130 te a inu join ge a 25 tol allo -pa C o rp. ’um a s s e a l n d s e com th imo Na u r r e u nyes-mf o he N ital. d fro rks oas2t c t e p y pa m iott sta pril wil dCphree nnt. Co Stz e s s a d r a th 20 32 na y th ry ’ i v aadr to Hos e lan tC lle e eh es Ell on ge a ich ahn. m b o a is s s qlu t Va9 iver th s in c u re e s to said e Jo eg H r e -s en ral th p R1 ors lle wh tiomnit gie eX ateW mox s ref est- e ers b u se in v bard a3t4 i m p,0 0 0 adjac entefiht,a”seed ap ntant es l o R ub Co ent, ltdays al cah inv ativ nd Upd aClloey pbell1 Shak C t G i in s a s g th tin in s N cu r us n u n m nr slua nio 3 0 n ic nal bepurcof . It ws n V Cam rs &18 RC on H ng ccou S Ne ha d b n sig W to a coa teat in u do e cli giothaenyhair ors e vi ve D 9 Ne an a n a and ding ry ne aspt oN R M main the furth for eeas p , c rn d th wic y sa toria app and Mo orial1 Rw Co aimo 5 ag n ajo e a Il s ion d om ic ve an .” or s Fir d RC Che sign for tion it 2105: n le at s e nc sta mrit 4 ls] c ag f go nithn it e o D 20 Vic elop ings e ed us Na vil s v v 12ct us22183-2068 CaspseMehinard o ecyissiomple o n by ath“NeaxIM- irst Ne r s u nnou nder totea r maininu join ge at 25 tol allow para rks oast de d sa gres a a u re tt il 05 2 ie arnyar bo us dadpeo io aNs F a d to pa C ey nta 6-7 il ri et 7 of lead tz’um llio sta pr wil d p nt. is 3 m uosye y’s o l 0 st all Co r 2 bu k pro to g rsit nim ad 2 e dec o”ard w eople Itlepeavgen ndumould t in S E ors onege a hich n an eme We ox V Rive1-86 rs [Ja 4eSh cp ic id a t “ t t s n re 3 ll v e p a w io p m a e ll n tr k sa8 iv n e h th efibt, .”e ve id. eeof ora at c me es l Co Co ent, ltat al ag be ha g ha sa Sre em th p sin u a s a nta st nth rC2 un s a u itte aid deth u mp lo &S ng ccou Ca ouof wa mm sels s ehaenb mairbliof lrsto. It ,”e he awaa.”m oeWUicS) deve d bu a n n sign g mconsotenti rs to a vi ve u ly e (MUN V ew an n nd in y co as itastet ,hcuh errfnuo ydoth sa toria app and Mo orial sity tia l ap d C m e an cu.”te hav raIl aty inla ion d a e a nd jor d le us r n t it m] w agnic nodv in oue reo eD t hme Nat uns e unc rsta ma us 5 a u ta , Vic elop ings ed n ive idues: e sa68t4, ceols ga wofog faisitiohn oounaityyyth a- f t SI ge e o e a in d res lete s acIM v v ss citehinin ’s y es t e n pa Itard eirec espleibilnitb Nhsais“Nex er o Firs deewr sh ahnt,n f und d to ’um de d sa gres a n W mp gen NIo e U prtac itt 8-2e iaCa M a t h ia’sConm m6r-7e5s id itmeier t,saenar’s b“o ot uths d apkeo nis s io awna mb le liak ot utog o lea Stz il ri dy a s A& o wa up o o n e u c le m r m g n 0 6 o u bu k pro y r e g l an is c lks ht p c a eSh ity im p o2 p e baerd m ct op itIt’s vIeth du uld t in go h e icto h co1-8 y c w of [J am id rs n lsd rees dels o u ind h at Vo roug By boa s a e pehidat. “ idof. e“ oran t co en le es vi tra aid D V a rc ne list d to s28tive ivuena e aha eth g h t s e l b e .” m s a v a sae ” s an id Cdath 8n1 g ha w a r un ras ta itte sath p ie a r b en rin be se d a g hu va seri rt, r m d li we s hear memgUe)3th velo Jam ls t n e eets W h bou il l f in tin ateo f iswa m els an m19b kn,”oh g,”aw a poVa ic de t se ky TV in sta e h a u ufu u unly ve.”(M n s str nt. eigh ip w to au n d id y o mlin com ass ittee hin toy e G r k oo ille g a tt|U inew ide Ca C m nd dfaecr yinoyuo cyuote ab r a e n rs h aditlegut-h w o w n a d a n rsitdenadtia at sp oksv ootin ey st he u h erNa me la es m a n “ e e2 s e,r d o haI d he c : ive aid th a le . n’tawu t in n o sta teet, co g wo ith uu’ra yo eSreIde t h pr n he 5 ll o e rsc s ag Sp spasg n Va itIoS at t inUgn icres itteeleeandt nary citinIt’s ir fa syyoo ility WispcRa r of Vic whe t, de date acna d ,W nore r pt leN en | p s t Po h it en r rt e N d e e ia p e e g m h h is e U o r Ip a e “ th ak sib e nN h b to aWs Aik& poom wa SuH p y t clu eior e t h de’s ncm rseesdidvis sta ich ke ug c t nd rb ag w t “l w mc s Rt n ea od a rit iledt, ra h-e e f u sw inn acraiaercieom w pu o miospno beSg mem Ne ’s li I tho ik u g rdzaenot Iis olk euagLeh go lk he • to ph ew-bp aonfdc ip bmuen nt y r Co ls are t els a T ta V e do tt it . “ e w r, o in By co h ig n d Vo le aid s Vic aerxc vanlue ligic es st nsdhto me tive 0an5th ice gse s ha said r z f loroD -beh na ut h ring SeCHbr al erie ” s an W up, h ire new a ired e ad a ate a cu ra15 02 u pCaas 81 a w T ie o a R d s e g v t, e h e b u o r e ts ti a g t12 13 m r rm d • y e3 th Gro kteoy a s h ip cqu 19 ya.t , now ,” h Vs te won ueile e” h hbo Seeilp l is ic m Jam ls f in Sttrinrealate ess in sta e h a ag lt dk d g w yin th P e n-, t o tsbtr ncat.s Wig ith t’s of elitos h le r ly a . sok ille T g in nt sse to au•n•a is incentr2f0co | p to e G r k d id sin d m e th ip or sacyu woeu aonun f t nko n ide Ca d w han ion lik wdne a nt hip a n lit aob feo elrrya aeunto ait g t h w o t- l o w n a d a n Bu dara lsip veoksv ooti ey eg tofa iey 012y e o f eN rs 17 u il es e2 ate rc at uld to ryce rs s m eils e -h w d o had he c : • Fa unnd den leevre y onat rate e rev“inou2’re Junate oeSId . ge s entdh able ’t w t in e t pr h ll ag ng hpao or e niz o wrnt vere eale o k e .5tom uoarrsc “je pa it at t ing ic• Stu lehad nar ersC ccu at w imoy nd in n dW pR y Vic 4s qP a h it ehn- n bdee datee can , no r t N | p di ams S torts s n Va ab e M ga o w dpoo a d il a e Hedig lsio leepr e a th na rou tieoNe d g o oll tr or wh e Iinm aavdey . un-S p cato$r0n-ds rto all dU th clud dem nc• to W ik p o HIp b is haig s a g plee Bu e te cte staforwich “ ew m v yg hre this co aerid •s ilvis pild b RS a 0-e kfinu e’s w l so o c Cen ots ers riuto a a re ewn I th le d re z e g 3 in ac perie e-ba nsdk pbeou ould idate of N reaiok ncom S l get icNal a h a aLe ,0h are cohlks w il w ik als nk srISoT own e th nste1la A tt bby-e,to Th n se bids Co lan thin in a aip wen nd ity bat a . e’l d 6ig • x lu Tr u to it ,” o de tN s – s s a n a b r, d h e V c s e r t d o a g 4 e v a w ic h e e b rc h – Is e o a g • rl s e ng ie. e pelo,s nhtripe nw ein mgn od s It a C toic it 14 w ers CH rz a be vide rth ject 7 •a v ate tion ac“umthe c the ectsu nar w r 20 thatt of m long on es toal ess as a gCo e emrmkk. ais aacehinW RS u- cryesh ir c hAnees teip aku.rirPe il e s r T -f lo il do eS usin m oeto r is p mye be is aon a titi op ic sin h r o G n id po tr ” fo r b X te N a ro e ro o f e g h o th n s q x d ic s y la g IM u o E a e t b e a a S ic t le c n p o tr eom is m e th P a wdaha iotslyG ivfak to 10 • re es in e e etw Se ossrh fa nress-tbac .m o P e n, tw t b cas de p d jor p y ati d,sts rac e h ed beull nd omT ls n se heNstb icuwilit acisnesnt’ thi endcoe rlieyk,”ePliearneboarleW in ws u a ictly ip n o o o y uto t ma pita 14 •a usin drais ce of c thSreipate y ho msabiniecwiaeli ral p at sh er merraosfw rasnad k f r he W eto too vpe e g th oth obo bhe ac . T rcifdb m s he dio oa wtont wd in ny eVn usth 5 m a illi -f elr a u il Ne tori gneg17 16 •B Fun ent- velnna c- ton 5“Mte s pate urrcr Avueat nooucrld Ho e c e re fl eem a lt db m ountil vewrrec aableorpakgee s .5 m a r e jew end e b l s gen in or um e r be os r oeg oiz Vic vepnati h 17 • Stud h let Do5cvoinrso.20cunraice e | o 4 u “ h- b oo-obwrwesynahtoip y 1 es0o ac gdaetnwtaup of is, add acyine ma aninrnddmh g feelles mfrobkinmgesmbegin ollab traev“Minilodtorgaamnnnttheoomwwp,inm ncdpdale oavrd n. y isdaNnK-S p a $ -s q to a h ig o o n In anic hore alle 1S8I • H ig– blsu12thelesps3 aa in am o’s g t c d nH ce waw vneaI inehare t 1 bendte.a s th gro Ha harmnhth e ais toBu eid 0 s Sa st S an V rs NIo 20 •orldskilakeople0 lder a ap y id p og hboop ias. t wnct mn bloeuril2d5in0tath.eaolsoipnakteCensarISlioTos htswt dunoeprs’BrthoAroriuiemto td ieedyg thp eSc thsa ,0 0 a k incehe’s il l We wich 3 hakoedy om ’s2w1 g ma ps t r yw2noaug adllidL entor sa ee a bicroesu ueseeds rvinicite e uarferetow a 0 ica wsN g eo O trhin cinogmWbNt abWby-e,to e1la 6 – srits w b tt gdeeW aen in s rv ocff sne itc tocha er omg ths3-0aim 23 M g no s – tnbal eglooralo in 2 •d u“Itma caWn stidegmorcw ss hem e. v Ntoelos ntrip ng ein n m g r Co les &4ySgog Wh man elp2in ie B e n fr ge u d e L h P o e th c u s a ) s a fo it C h in ral oeb prea co p- e,”s a esg taqn inTgh r o n dine to 7 pa eNa apsgiost KeaS vissin omwesmr ekrw . is a,acthin oisWreto- cres c hAe s te nkc.tir il e h a rs B in a e IM : eu kcneoG oatno k raia nt lo ids -as llbn gset ovs? ourowahduasvein ic a sid Ed a ufo b lp ahsre yg d s eX ate S Move ’s Su 10 t’s ais isc t iongene o.f(Bthalso C eX lt d g id hearnnhgder rfoWmT gchosmb to od a Seioet nly ceiva le os r o fa n eos-ntbstr m o me eveaensatsge ham we Wpea m tw tb neehs.sN inu o t d upd .W etw ia hcich d er- “ prelesuce ahnahse syraeoawfrilblrbtr lXl ouicutil cisesn thi ed rey,”P earbr w 14 H r u e R e is lop D W s o kt of T huee WghessesW re eN dcif ma re Wh w as in ws a Vcic u t 5 vXiX al s t th in Sh ve shtoderm e e d oa nt n W es traic c v. erob rwy eb s eo a ip s obfine ghabm he ecta wn e b em h co i,Ne torino g La itori 16 ais is ner o. ’s de n Caicath en dis n ell5 voef eloepm at it rep r spsh ll,”ugm ese inre asccsehhpE etoeoyug’vrr oAvu pnocr -ouwil toipawnine a b o page b. lkrasth h C 0-h kno the mXsX edd 4 all ia5 v ildenecemve D st ern VTicofi ntimn d H1u7s:art n8aim e b icwbsaehndeltmgiebinbguginsfo-grore,rsh r r w cdo b snaht is | n om n o dfo re fuannin e“vm wit 0 is v“in am e wh iam ,isth aXrX leasn naslit ut buT hm a th 1 tiitohnin, o0lnik2s,e0abs edg fehu sm ia e aef Pon th we Alb and Invuerisnich ore e lley is n a er 2,4 at nea ive r y aNK ct a 1p8 N-2a6 . W nad2w oaw b arsybo eeadntsH a ceil-dtowantte n a, n adHle h agre elisen seacm aoetrkir cXhX tmdeorl psim r.ti tinog ag onotaBrutt theyeo- htot ninewoaormdeit-in rt let la uolpte a Sh Va rtn a wh y s R e13 a n tB nta in58 .W a 1tsorraa0 h th yrTaem u Es sh c wht c unastlincmab’nestrp’sdt0w e to a m Po olira R r. s ag b om uergf pa on n ert u rercate ali san dugop oroiemriendninea m p WeS Cokers66-7 2o0f R1ny, Chyaoenrpaav2 ild psin rgayfo lt rbic th S est han gyr pisronm uini e cam ein C rd o ed bbe eitaia rp bluis his rtoe2u5 ,e2co lue to on ted o prop a in e foip SUut teolo e m ’B o o n t c 6 r C g m d te W ic u in o e f 2 r N in 0 is ro o a a W c o il re s r o b a r a d m ti U q g e c oW ad h -8 o ht ltaeC gaol .foc ehegkinmitoker ointhb e cuin rnt-inh Mcue mocfehH sta w p 2eetnrc w M in a ca oro he a m saSth ic low fr gs eg O to vt erelita 3ll0| huaarvltm ge tem ptu t t Co les & S g1Wh ic a–ll , ts o m lo bts o foed sta tfrob aW B sdtro ate 2 id e up inna ho in m dm u lfd e rsonre m8 aim st N rty lo nid e C ca stra eds W pa idpare.t Kay isitma kws wL t h WN oheantons’t na lo co e amcee,”m olv yliettgleitfsaen foTnhe m elu ye cdhoalurm Sa vers Suin rke sa r,mit . ” ioC r 2 10 Fir pe Sog f th e fiwer,nhyBly e 4 are reyo’rChnta min a tu eesr ws:evtoBkanno otne r ia , ee do amv udld t - v enIttl’sb aggsot d so? sghro adho is id min e R.W hiv ma ge h t tric d itrs fou im th abre weXth ow Mo o’s pro the e o alin ou cs. dnin p oNsaacsolstso th aly rerin urlt as faethaCroalytobceoinr lart ofufeW pa d hughonegsto es. N outto S yen adbe oant,nth d ent e sro h r h h s id lsXl llsim a | ie n b a -t e g X a n c h g f c e e u i le W w ts . N e a m by sin e oBre opip osocfnhy lika m ictricorkthroe p tw y u hatibsvit beitra In m tsth Na ueelaW ar in ses4 ed vX rita al Io p d ou lley g g h isveorro mendasin te rreth c retb g id he as La itori on pesh oegr ec’sh partis e walkg thget s|inpaeg achhE ey’v d e’sream Nat mXsX esedm in lo de eir S eth bnm ath a irin Va p a,hnhe e DSh wrin d ISu rersc th in ohf ea eseotsdrerfdul s.c anm in e v e u n e th in g reite hrce.ndikd.eis amre ed e utos: ng 84 RSt , aXrX leasn naslit ut b y e ew h e aaln hbiled “cetnsastwthr unWtam M fo g k dS ngct26you8-2c6k toe. Gtwm r isarT : a th ess e a n irHa yboefrPo nts e FI XchX tmdeorl psim pr. c rog ao teaBs peoywony N la uolpte R h D cy a na lo o e a r. n ta Se oL a ieto cntu n g itha l in sw ts oNNea am u m ar aefolixeur heetrocehein storan gaes -75ba cas ,”nts pr th refo yN R C l is gen m re a y m a eawr. stb vailaelrr o jeJaa k i wd ic buos ha n uetdth hrTEs rch ggyre pisronm uini Sut5 teolo U Re nd C itpay 66ing e onhyae av lllTish cth g kminog o aoDrd ds r sh p inr t t- m e ina imerhce aboSe |ecocu me t h S a e a s to – a6h in e s ny is il q 0 im C t ir IC donu eainG ou un 1-8m e th raettirch ulsei-C goaa ew th l to vt erelita 15 20 o ada m B o a s t th inu e t s gew it p o k pa ttem a einr ecnhan dsetaro t lfNa n l. mT re eR t s m co b ab2om 8 aidb eitr &s – foathsloistohyekdoee’s.lo2oeacnlts m asS ua – m s al s m e244 12 130 dstrp eluated in e oalurm see f ita dmfroo lymhanivid By nk agge igh com k is ms to ollr C o orp. tz’u s a s p li coic-” are aerim e a a n d e co cta csucor -e nutlyr e-gfoitth e2’ssa vear, ya’r nenN a o p n ny d ppa e m y lintcdh d dayho is m th 20 c s a u n T e r B n H r ’ h t s S th d i a C e a r t at ba se ew o r. Ca9b net icers th ySth o is a s s ivce u int to arHo e la Coa in e a st . C hn ow go egsrosw im q d o l th e ismtrb at, labr cHaard th s in c u re e s to said th est at X s: n alie . Lre ascth nhe to te ith f Jo sto r e s re-s nen Bra d lls -t we b u se in v bard W ut th doerd Cdaatev t Nllhe.Jeyawaesll 1n1dmDe an therer-gu bi mepr ha0 0reabdrajacideene hase oersoce’s sm ie ve ve Ca rita sX esm to R ub dy ch in ati a sg k a 8th ir b r e. b 0,0ofic esatsl G urc a mp , h , b ionw sLUep t aVto XaXs s la on ing s N cu RC on H n p c ry life TLdwS oNerwm gnhisgaentdo.,uan cakntorc. e1. mtehme maand ham c3ecssli nr W it cXl a r ati in u do her t “o N ate D gio ny r ua raic Ls yo ebstb a maese u r 19 heoxp he c ro ate XdX pdir lass ne t N R M ain e rt r w Ree pa l ie n tric ciyN id trCsot teysaaimW r y irs RC em n th r fu n fo g om XrXl lensSe rladliCt t e c nono,” f w 20 T e0p5 reagcom a v a in Jath Re sa eussnsd cn iait n ein ilCleth ito s F ed t Ch sig w fo ratio dis rin t u s o X Xo nt adgoa sim w C ir i IC rr m osvbfe israoti yuosi- 1215 2ed0th2the Gp nso ssmou Noafoth nd , p ee is ulp te a inu join ge a l 25 tol allo pa 'W au 4 . l e cha ysm eR saost aanb r & 2 13 s t r c r rk n 24 k t e b e e a u h to d A ir y re tt m o e 0 y e k a n d gr e M i U O m io sta pri wil d p nt. elo B is agg ig co hkais mpbs foocllaC m e’sallve ali rco-2 t 32a Tradornyc e s co lad an mo g, tl bdbpopa emr' il eliqu tem Eelln- on ge a ich an me t m at a bacn CsheaemeuwrWcestsr.e ,H s gS i rd a tb h in Lit x V a ivee ic duo tite h on ree ll v rs ” es e Ric oach b at s V orsrs e 3t4e pp nt th est at s:“on abliaCeom.oLeC eallsRth isatr ow lu ke in t dolu eshel s toColl nt, wltati l ag fit, Ca boa tu a e s a unta Ddois issXm r, Wrain ip C mo av N.J mepllb d&DSh ad e su tia W ut th ord s hCip st f the sin li rt e e g e v u m a e n o a a It t e h w b s n b o n n ic r h s n n c s im S b e , o w L t a Cs kavears . e air rs. e t m ro d b 0 n Ising eXas X to ac co te vi off d Lo ders t ca no ce al em a r N eW life Tw orm gis td., aowaMn a5n,0a0n ainangd ding srs p aairpso s th , ch erno d th pit itss ss dXcXl rit n y sa toria app anX r a s n m m t n a ri ir “ o Il tb r te r e e n o a N o ’s n d epd s la is , Le fi ] w gic ov a it.” e o Da ti f $e d Spce a inajo sch be id tra s L eels m dit u r h o tric ciVic elop inogXrsXl alensSe adliCt lia erce nd n’s Nae ou s n un rst usm in sa ss s iate ekW om oen o f w us: 684 ssels hina of g ision on y thaxIM hou rie arv dis rin t strize r s aganno nde etoba , m s c th f C o ct 8-2 Ca Me ard dec ple n b a“Ne orl lput 8 e Xv X grenstsadgo sim de d saw ier, m mo aga a u eagd n’u w id P at p Fir nd , p ee is ge ia n sso of r o s is n y onta -75 u au eo io aNs h ie nar bo s r'W il d pa d atnto of le ub o m h n . ll otz a paor A air be cu a C 66 on m usae ’s ou 0 p cis w k a n d gr e M Utk boelod ilis n ui bu k proO t ea f C e Ric oka cts plean le ken m uCldo aintsS n, s st w ly a[Ja idtSh yrsity nim ad 2 e de oard an mo g, tl c ch am r fo e , m t m 1-8 bd emr' eogr “It e eOv s.ndu acn liq n B r o in e du vic h tb h in Lit ic t an s mra aagt o vmeenW aga t is ejun tra sa8 ive na e h th e b duo tite e p .tu rof uow ll ve olute 14 C o u a s re be ra th ro es e Ric oach b at b n lotep a n epe V r.tors s t r ols ord o ath lu “ ge r 2 un s a u itte aid d th ng.” hav said re oerm K a am t Lor r s at e t p pa 2 h ip Ddois is min lit d r, W in C mo ouof wa mm sels s e an mbli l to ,” he awaea.”FamdoOUick) doerveS e ok oant cth gvfoes cu s -e to e w con or C h l a m e ur m a s s V ses u r th bin in ty e c in ice orra rshyip ash n fo s,ro a a y al co as itte hu erfu you telyntgavme (M I 0 U o w 3 ff es p ls to im k le n it L t t s ad h on C m nd d in cu oiuth h a fe in o s g s o 0 g n s p om ed cs y u it r me la en to,0 loino h a weosrd m a n er enti sat X cu ief 34 ow on and eaadu rtastu , ch a ire r’se aug e d top 5 erit co ing wo faith ou nayy ypoe faareeeirf th V heafnt$5 aSrepr er t din h elSI n iv sid e nt, de date ge ais ce, dnLd ’srefis lete n a s polec ncbe n y’v s to on g C pa h cit ItI’s eir es ymailit citis c tehr o en wecho hats 14 5 k in s Up NIo e U pre itte e ia “S b on h rb th akreiz eggnt,n at ned bbup ewoh –Porie gpaisr-t the help ing r, li er osna gAa&nW ompwage up k g c in t h ’s m s id iter t, w d2y0 Io t th atooonsiwh ae8 f r a nhaint ha lnto ully la nna . c s ht elip onua “ R dllaeg own, aeid in a k p ga n efombut ’s bie mm hm Ne oo 262 h e n toria com p re f cr ee y N pu o m’tsp enaXg rie rsbe om likd “Iktha olk ug m n n r e t e lo e nt eau f Co Roicu g inkda a cattsis d yyg oCoo htso hne,ths m ey Ks enlodwps inlaBnd ic h ew o tew y, w tooo r-b id alsreenreneuels eas sa oes, na’trtaitn . O u ng V bro a llBe ll sa a n r ei hg ride a n. ang zWea w 308V ea rc a n list ad to goo h a e s all rt ly ea- s d pla ll a d e v n m nnBs- r o aainr eD beeho ondth re th re assre 1 a e d rwis sa u hm l g lye ie g ttish juenti ettrteicSIlscyabn sr.” va seri Neewac aimo n14Va a w e r areir be rnre ettsth phre ouri l be dn rt,” r m d 32 0s nd ti ng te h By Io he trep Cco198riey.b ansotow u,” reortugega3rnaa f tevJamaanendlsa te– a am Lod s ae W ky TV in p Nanlespicahgae pasll2ey kers sta e h a otomo hwilceoe oan-is H n e ov KC 6fi u n ida 1to ek sroSnt okss nxc p. efosr.s nuasbys Nfr tr ighb w il n thein cPult upk nneg moF | paO 3 r o t t s n h e v i le r a G to e G k d p a e r w a d m a e u o d co th g is o yre il So g oBer u Cc he 4o d o eg sfo xo in eo e e a te l ablaemndora g a n C ata urn ne h ip wait g th w o r as Chrfa o“uyth in e ig w n a31d91 a n p o dg eNnt tasgres snidtliunre -Cls c nkic , pebdin sp oksv ootin ey C oamolo lbe&rnS3hil 2 hs a g re the lers . pes onscto gothsin r int agtya r ne n r t ’ree huen Ida sfe y ars e d o hrsad e c : o ge CK h sso loo ish adBnyryrd ll fs o r ea te an’t oti n N e t er aol mge eaadn | gpohw do a loprbe ss. r onutr nyco ReSaitsh t pr eon to tosit crusck itm Sp ve cN 3 e Va eX ate port ss ad ary itke t th g | pa ce me r ey nuy eWdepwfa meeirUnVlaicyeV uhcacte aarelt er t edvewo le e ntic o e r lt nBpeasu ty’vcea nsto rsil-l Polo hhie r n fo d da c , n r t Moort Moririaall 414Sehta tha ludin Ip w a e Ncnit pthw ipn sc etsW 0t h7 ba oote d le ision der suc for the s la tart hanind Upd dg p onc spuRisIe o nenitdyg brbyCisfowaglle s si- to “We w ik p o n elpn Hg to accto s t e i SH e c e p c se a I m o o a u ic e R t it e & 5 o lo v p 0 e il a h a lt sas t hen 2R a is e Im - e f uil s c nho itSeeho vfo e r N tuth w h ee yin ntr Le re ws eddit enrsS 20 in nd p e – RISg s t thD w th S f isoto e r ed -b nd bu ojeg haekcin r m Co sw en m pV-olksta l nedw ik r, erT rzu t o nXa riefe re NIo t o ati dea u wkae by st“ f tha tw er e aCHn inwhtainol sto Ne r t d fa lue a ip n pl les ove et-t ull. copnr inhhigre 262s: ee He ichn’t uebrs esdo s,,ab a’ttli ed ug u 3oood Hhao -et h m lodwe Bd M g ey 84 va gic sh me dy lo nre edopeon c-eTar z floo vd-is ata y,e n toWt eb r-peb,etsh irpseeladnneuwatrte auencveire lo SC e thn s an ril g zoe dh e S allm ma ut do sim is ua C enwe rtehta gduoin t u30 -26 a trate tion acu goo Kien wschinlano ll r pasr o- aild th oR os h ip w prow hteh ti tethrrSeeI eyrbsoetur.” eoypdoh aaabll il r ethaebne, idrsis rc.h a in g ic mem nte tw nbt u id h a aapl , Tly Bardcquerpn ml ir e” en See p eea aim n Va y ntac 58382 S relar ess in re eopnre rotrin thSt scrGe fs krto s y d t s n e r n t N • e e y tr B w k s a Ut dolo tem e e o a to e h n o r s – -7 to ’s d , P p an s ha lle C rs 6 n h tr pacsaybrPiee ars puurs anre ng rfe ya edt ss a w et a b itNIo n t’o niloeeepakeliernHa letnhetly T v. cia om na n tfo 1306 min alit e •ae si rais ce f c e6 mdo ysc tob rw fo x N alewic vpas i ak-8 ein c li orvis p o n. toe ntsuo pean ard n ddygchfranmaotipoThr uhld G. hoipenrm d aC illioela acenagrsrs e p a sne mm s- n ialrl, aaus ilCtu l te e. e te h y Bu nd t- l o nen s tteh toCrisreluvPiem do dolu ssis SCo oloxo ernSh 1 ch 4wd ry s y vnr nwnced engdheabrsu. ralle ip 38 191t ••Fu den leve raooin vege mn w nic eosig a ra he a uth pwre eod ilalino intta er izd B ou tC netoeaevrnedre t e m yeenaleoemrotkmae 4.5 m in sim & il le e b tu h u oa k“sajea hd-rin dby g thM alapngeero wtnhdta|poopwsargtw b a 0a lo a ss cnoli sarso cu . Cw gyo l ite eyc hC m ali e ut CKoa rt aelb d rs cNe it rs 2 a s te ng n iloo onlrye th P d iq u •S ig alsnsqit Fcain pe e accesths at er feuntr n nt reo cceeres alt coisllavBnertrye tiorg o wh lteaBIm ine at ovdeyna.n7 ouefnrc-bS p itsa. $ is m 5 keur guglpe i er lo bhruig pMoovrt M aall s rm r isu 350w lae d ythe w 0il- nkto la fo 9 e r e te acis cH s ra vIe pygshhreahanth •H ills ople ld b ucte htao otsn ners s uriuRto usnaeid ,0 sk pe u sida e fo the a sDla ra$nd hpism, aipnlaouotshu e W 0a7lso k Ce ro ix o l th 15 20 praind liqu hto0w Bkyainbcheyew’sfo silaelllves as4i- a M e t mebyn po dititooriri &heSe d fo g o d w b -teia to la h 20 isan sNspISoT ow RenISthApdsettt thein Dinug a bta 6c ne–aclait rsn 12 130 e r,elo ylt s f o h fo rc d isre a s eed enrsS veed tem e e il –folw v lo t thb ralo ss eCrcHa ng in lan din d •a It w can th t o is s it yeeav urmitu yaMs y t ssn , ego,e1jeinmre ws e og Ptho m ty “ e ais hie. to pl ry les dolu ove 20 e-te crts . fa e sdsa ern ll er he il n lo h r eb e d ec, a oatttw d b g ues 3aosf HeSaagCto sine mSemerm de iprhdAuepncsrteateti : M gre 84 C w th Sin ttPh se ausin ilh oIM bdu- ceoG anokrk. eyangaactinentisbre icle Bce EhduNt hanaufokocref obouilpno rocep a w e v is datt ld bu ip a de s ar sid f th us 6 mtaegout do sim e o t u a T u il u r n r d ie e ly a is ro s c o orafbito s-tbBer map eppa a s -2 m ro eeh tbtw wmd srio c iva il r a n in ng u s h inf b pnrd Tow t a upth e no diq bu 40 h eNse ifbicuil Sciste net ri edcsetreyr,”oPpoe rsbw e id ge hs e 58 a eic nta hep d tse Ca Ut dolo tem ar ri o art Pe r kid u rc neyr o enrsaa crke,fr Ty’s in V htheoau.ttTineh5 ocniatl to r men oscacidins bthe Mr-e llel out W eto Cog 66-7 c rrm e vue odth croea p ntear ntW e o 6 t p b e p a b . rm o b a u t n 1 y ilv win ug oAm noh ouw n . bt eprsa baerd y u ral ab lu e fo a s upm nem 5 sp in in a blo eali ic r|spagtlyer r y s est cecriayl, rshta dsb. C do dolu ssis nti 1-8 “o m wpT -bconhto o fevend mm n m b em n lim th17 8 nm c e v roan , fig iear rPaalletip ed ? w egin eipn isyeNfaK re ve ich re ed 15 v 020 ge C gam it w inCoam im ey t to , nchdoatow e o ey 28 a v ildtoa nte a e rs t s l il h m e in m li in y In th ws ll g c s 1 rd c o t b a s n b p t a H 12 y a l e o a a a h e er’esre at it 24 13 pa d of no lots e hce wa ie n t adles a n70tB co sr. ea.n ’sFGin ailrd luy 9P re u ng titen t m f u isungeht 50boma ia Sa st S an V ur 20 lpu er ge rs ate ali s duop ’B romriedinehamapnWeS of n itg toisr ucnek 0 ybeu oecrac ”94th yeed iq srs k 20 la ry 3ed isit la rnredntham pa hbw 250 . nu qui We wich o hake om 21 v w4 ilM fo ho re’s t h a geW e c ot hWN ix l u hso Bl rBa te7w osw in ua bDro cru$s n h gre ut m 00 cip wn e t Ow ro M go li a to m Co les & S g Wh fo aur, nitd yc, heMcho n fro to 3 arti Kelo itingswsho Lin m ia w a un n e nisea m rond “Wg he in in it B 22 te fo ve eg r T y w ve s p st vis no t ew , t hdoWN a ent ce, tion atbhoe t isfor hrety“ he afas e pla ,din ;dt ble ’s e,” Sa vers Suin Ca lute bye estcua s?ott e s: k a d ru a of hna d r pt e t te ll th auidil aisn il a d y ing e o n ia e ro a tsid amdo Mo o’s B hN a tu e pSa sutltP as g ear h er h of W ugh to s. N utto r Se udt e sb autipit avilad- b o ta k caus aw . leX es h e u n4o0 e ck iXlX it ide aro lae tprog tahs ago aubpoie reuocldwiq Wh w e W ry ch b er- s l reuc ip h f y a mb ict ro ing sse ed o ’ve X a v a b e w g t h r e rs d aecl udt e’r y b ry.” a re gc Bh e La itori th eve em at it re sh g o ch istr alkth gett sine ach chE ey i w ed mXsX edd p no W it r u o ea inoc t, t yMise sll th atin on s tin 84 ed nin he e D ss w nd bu rPorers , th hin ike “m wh mo d aXrX leasn naslit ilult oles us: ry mrsetninobmy iaalra e yaba ch. thdeec- a l hu sq T h th e e ef lo ly y y oTcaelk ct 8-26 wit l b e n ut on pfi nd cP ll d u cXhX tmdeorl psim e res? 00 la ch n ts a eir bof ants rk rent c e r 5 nta tsr er. to g o B ey to uolpte ut d r sim ilis u m s, epcoie 9tehr eVcateo m wfitth nyow wit busi ha n ut th huraTEmsyrch o Gr erlo Bu Co 66-7 ts aena vali is sin for. g b er gyr pisronm Utuin 24 i 4,0 SUut teolo o nr g r re. ce’s yevae 6hcecu om4m m in erc abo |ecoc l me ss il gloe in q dpoam rchhyeCa oa l cu ing kin ord ad ses ino ak fo’sr lo he pB 1-8 To c ” ilhyae do totim reto rtto vt erelita Ru m ore ansSth ua sdtro ate ic m8et id l s g – fo look e loo ts in dm oalurmte olute is m alit tus dBru t 70paogw ofew agreeeWn h llhesre in tpagea sta self k r e ir 2 d h m IT w it c id a o to lu t e y s n y a n in h u ’r a m ” d le ro f n sa in a b “ at s r lym iv p “ ofa y tl it o o h ED r, ic are y ta t m tcd adho is th Ba en ing rd oany ind de edu oamb t is he hCe rr pe p ’tid, tisc; ableNt ’s| g it t e it sim b e ntr ers the con alin ali ou w n c To cr sw st rec d oa e C to y a ch fr ehs a r t t t hu e tstteh vesna jeitc a il Med y kin se -to gesro llsim ce emb at, ular lpu er sio | Pho we as ran e B ar ocnh d b a s re argt ette h a o. onou hace hroat av Loo bp o ta cau ncuk qui m an threg rita ers he s r h reb id mis se sem we ith l fa ch ckla g t ag ab eru ewp ce Ven ’re be .” e mpo he’s to g a th eir d. mbe of ests wa veedli tem om lie llo . w Tota xtra a ti in a rs ing t,wB Ty his pa N nded We ity rry u a r c a ry, ge un to li dS th pan cha cess r W t C ug an yo ck . e r ua ., fo .m . ll e ile .81. lsyoe alk en m l s NCyaa h. e c hu sq oL il les dolu or p ex he pro ate str as ba case ,” .m 0 p p.m g kae wh 127 ill a mT pm no cia eadllUe uc h th rea l 00 yN a li Jan ch ut do sim T e re irp erio e Re nd ity ing e on 3 a 12:3 :57 dBinur 3, st $ n w d fro velo eco mer SV a v in th G ilis r o m it y ,0 IC ou un m e th ti sioaa nt F ed the . l e C hair 11:4o at at 2 ucslus 140.8 l co Joh an Ut dolo tem he om h a n o to e w a n r 4 eR t s mm co to b abora a bu r & in 244 t .c c t B e e s im e T h y re e il in a in g im fo d e o c a mg t. e to B d t ry o, R $ w trStu ig co k is s oll e’s alie oep o nran id do dolu ssis papa ali ily of o w ic to at a een a ll s ag IT ry icd Tra in c as c im aim lga hair eEDto t m at a a n seemew c r. H Cav e c ict tae es opra ruvle S rd a | p da t C rry p ’t b t c na an Ca annacim r, sN pr t th stb at n lie e s th tr a t e it sim omcr lg ,dFe sed m w ali 14 We t th rds: ava .J. L ll a Dis p e e nd eN Na om N l in N bo l ocTo Ca y oa tJsectheer. frod nees hu e ste ven oje c lpu er rge u o C N e d pM oxo-w t a sX tosiow| ilPh o to ndabim fr riva ryis v re cearg et esa fa pa be r e on e ha pr nu qui , b o w Le t at s w k an , ae W eLo XaXs s e Ha iden ith olu ouanch tick ar olgma m lixeesse aim tooNw ilw li eV life Tw orm gis td., a ban rce. mem m a m it w he cXl t a tag an nfoll da. y VaTnoctanxntr “ N te L st e r ve Mreik res a 1. o T Nd o XdmX sSepdir Ct lass te C ic C a ra r e l e m h u s p X . iu e d id l. C t tr a lu il .8 ls c d r anp m N itio., ect,p.m n.m ll o Xr to sa 3ss st iate e W om on o f w ge e-p len adli UN dw dis rin t 0 y7ap alsgoa , wh55$127 ill a om s -s l-po io o ao3dfad.mdir orl lput X Xo nt adgoa sim nraciavic ed ne ssoc of th of C is y o r ydin 3 est n w fr nd , p e is u Se on Caair isFer fr aIn au ld oe12:3 2a:5 r'W mea e :4 boiv A 14air ber cus a n k a nd gre e M Utk boelod ilis n ui O , n ndo not w otn11 t pcalun 0.8 pacgo Joh and at aalg rtm tiv e e ctDa Cnre an mo g, ittl ch am r fo e , m bd emr' ily noasaim aidim a-ricoeenrt.C y min 14 |ill liq pomxecu emX rief duo tite v th ae o eVaeimrs iro stb ich chin at L a eecoo, to $ trIoy Nw rt St. ice to da im ll ve olute C2h0 ou b a s aw raens the n sMtJim ily B e beaolgw th lu “ nd o rv haimal e UCa We e R Coa ob a Ptheeaneacnth ch nadNo N o ac t e to da p Ddois is min lit di ws in 2ip S ark rt Nevdseins Csho aTn-stricomm StaRlg o, F t se aen aetG w W im tJe er, ain ip h m u n pNeaer,a 2n4d. ive yN a W s2h s o 14 alley gaelr s Ndrou illfro oNC aim tJe er. d ne inxm gIn a na e s Ne aim Ne ge l la eeotnto mnntea rece adysbM ffic Lorr rsh as es im ” n s ie toinp wirs s eoCto m 0fre0o sgta y aN Na d W 30 own ts n pa an V s E5x0,0 , ag Se’sast.Ners n o and eade rst c a We ouv nce te hsinerrneivntraryeosfasesin w il etw a Il pHi gidJue to .,ra e o r ” n D y t l ic $ Na h h o eri 0 a s im u c p y ty a fi s is e , L e n o inhxoildc naebc to k3e2 es ie .C pe eoss4f , nwppSha ingCaablg tJe eMbik tin in dc aLili- Van nno wic vall IM nutisditta lia erce nd n’s arie iopnwara8 n bhugNin es rgveicr sta-pr r cit beBo uriiesizrneQnga7to Co Na x i Pth t eucbt,li an ier, m mo aga e o l Bp ene-ags w inl- degqaeuya, nnw stid o a ia, lowin r todw Na m 36 3 dhitard mo sea ern 5 ub o m h n . o rivrd aeid irP roynIn aysea2ls n he CaCaoanllisdmtsearc an arvyic t tw wil bnadrdSkykoain Co e5 ea f C e Ric oka cts alb e4il io, s IncsetaAw oergde tleyain a arbnfr 5 39 rt n iv icainlg aypnPah-n sRes rs pag oeom t m vge rs at gmra e rOrn “.T d linrtyip ju Wnwd N1 n B r o in e du n lsm | pf o e aga ctellise ecGee ztr or uti e fi e th Bo tuf ilcr ya, mo anqnaudgaaatim 15 20 e aenert re be a th ro X Mc rs d vc .n re c zs aC ncotn o oltrdi- -pteN l, 12 130 ag Ka am t Lorrrs at et p irp xec f th vic t of h doa Foaru rie ort imka nnaSnte e klba tJnrecEtexp fo de .m al20 ake e eMwu cliocCnotIotrr ia in rinr. buosethMehoto p p ry taheoAth Ch l a me urm n OroNuoar11 o a t e e o ser lee bcle in s in B ecsoe ineengP lafobcM ori & S2h 20 rT in re e th eth inteRUtyuos uese o kb in H im tJe n ctS ’s f puan ngNa e4. ssanttu 2 pa sto go O ls otG dity w yoW xre kthgSeakrnys oUrdpps, oreme reiaCaondNSugInhd drhoon p es u ief na Wes o dyirNeeW ore t,lclaa yoeuenitehnoen2 afeerVcyeeiv b Ne aimo Vaelle vers eg to lo e e c a t c th e t C d d 0 l, n a ive ia l. arl o f nw erry 43 : in bJueiralgr teha 0aN N d re Il nc rawf il e fa n n sto 4 e n oandaw spoale Mo nceaSee en eyR’v h l o g Ch Ca to c E ect mabe cit ilgl th Da Na ha rc gCto 14t5us 2 68 sbsra d help an c l, ey o SI tib ewoh – Coan r rgaisc tyth ir o tim gieCs en paera Qe4n0ts Rpaath e ho w c20 3 8-2 tinrin tJ m toin: o o g n a in wic vall nd Dwpait IM Io l, nein a n to 8“ atu p eas’tato vcitut th T tw h olom eunllty S c hn intiot a nk in e oe r Co fw teiarg in tvaic w roern ofo Na y N x i onta 2-7625 6 ar lo t nserurs hseta n in oefa ,hwe toC th s leeas, b il’t l blik ie g 7 good e haoy, eiv Na od mo ern C r-wb y n tur e h e s-e n 66 03 ye n o isn bard ya in are ne rTyreahttw z d whdrr es emtiaellCy edrin Co bes r plasti a Joe v alim d sgo alb eil 1-8 3 8 2 39th re re gareflrigsbte d atrw ttn SIcayrd d”a d Ina ll St. d e Tr n an n . a rt hr ra l iplyandd a–Btha ednth rt 3 08 By N e thsto Borsm he trep coe firi beyNIoAmw iloens. a nin H r t e w thve hn a irhn c g ftr a n t assn tw re po Mc rs 1326 en the ths P icepa t onfeu m ofo inte ens do e.m. atex e. e igCnhoeadygerifrto oSpehrcucpeerhtro4isf dFoal,nagndGSot. nJod SCt. 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R T Nancy and her husband Al Raine have made skiing and promoting the sport their R

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Invest nve No Northwest hwe Pub Publishing, h ng 25 Cavan S St., Nana Nanaimo, mo BC V9R 2T9


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Senate in January 2009, she will be completing her official duties in May of this Postal Pos a Code Code: year, W where she is currently a l d p pm ma n yo w en an velo al A com tio working the paske y to ensure S g de spit 14 yo in volu ateg nt ho MAKE IT EASY! dsage l lilbeo W r i e r 20 a e a t of legislation aimed at u s r s Ter in CV r B e Order your subscr subscription pt on on online ne at al o een olor ssim ts asc R PFer rci intr prohibiting r m rti oin the marketing s your source of local Business news e i g or p u mm ley ld esse q doadnonlex 1424” www businessvi ca foods and bevCo ang nfiet praof B 07 x 7 .8” L ow di tis eratunhealthy s r 9 bTr agnimim iuserages toointchildren. yea er 4 4 p n st M aess a an x 1 2” l r B 7 p “Having served inverthe 70 .8” x 9 to Senate has certainly en proem v o rh a much v ided me w it mp wi better appreciation for the ho s es The Fathers of institution. sal e m Confederation where a lot Ho T than people realsmarter W ize as the Senate has a real value as it is so independts oin said. ent,” Raine er 4 p nn 14 Ba 07 x x 2” “In 7 many ways it’s an ” 9.8 organized think tank that has people in it from every region and every walk of life to analyze public policy issues through its committees and to review legislacontinues to be a leader in practical solutions in tion to identify unintended planning, designing and engineering livable communities consequences prior to them becoming law.” throughout BC. Our ability to employ visionary and cost effective During her time in the approaches has allowed us to create thousands of homes, local Upper House she has been involved in a number of amenities, parks and commercial areas for our many private and d i f ferent leg i sl at ion s, public sector clients. CTQ is entering our 15th year and we are many focused on youth very excited about the future of British Columbia and have ob e sit y i ss u e s, scho ol sports and the importance strategically positioned ourselves to respond to the needs of our of providing students with growing and evolving communities. healthy food options. At the peak of her competitive ski i ng efforts, from 1967 to 1968, the then Greene won no less than 17 Canadian Championship titles, including being the overall World Cup Champion for both years. Despite that record of achievement she denies being a trailblazer, either 1334 St. Paul Street Kelowna as a female athlete or as a Canadian. Instead she attributes her success to the pioneering women skiers Address: Add ess City: C y

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Appointed to the Canadian Senate in 2009, Nancy Greene Raine will be winding up her Senatorial duties in May who preceded her. “The trail was blazed by some very strong female ski racers who came before me. The first one to win a medal was Lucile Wheeler who won two Bronze medals in the 1956 Olympics and followed it up with a Gold medal in the 1958 World Championships. Her teammate Anne Heggtveit won a Gold medal in the 1960 Olympics, so they were the real trailblazers,” she stated. She stopped skiing competitively when she was 24, having decided that the best way to end her sports career would be to leave when she was at her peak, and not to continue on to t he fol low i ng Oly mpic Games. “It seemed to me to be a good idea to go out on top. Anne Heggtveit retired

after her Gold medal, so I figured why shouldn’t I? I’d reached my goal, and four more years was a long time, so I knew it was the thing to do,” she explained. Now 74, Raine shows no signs of slowing down, typically spending 75 days or more per year on the slopes at the Sun Peaks Resort, when not fulfilling her Senatorial duties. “I’m on the hill as much as I can be. I used to be skiing with the guests about 120 days per year, now I’m probably 75 or 80,” she said. “I’m out on the slopes a lot. My schedule is known to the resort so they put out a sign at the bottom of the lift that tells visitors when I’m skiing so they can come and ski with Nancy Greene. So that’s what I do.”


MARCH 2018

Business Examiner Gold Event Sponsors

KELOWNA Kelowna company RewardMob Digital Inc has teamed up with Waves Platform to make available a more efficient and secure means to offer loyalty rewards. Waves Platform facilitates the issue and trade of custom tokens in a secure manner which allows RewardMob to reward their players easily and can bring countless possibilities to the ever-changing market. With this new partnership, the business is anticipated to grow from $1 million to $15 million within six months. Last year worldwide, mobile gaming generated $43.6 billion in global revenue and grew to 2.7 billion active players. Construction has begun for the One Water East Tower project, a 36-storey building at One Water Street in the downtown core. The project is being developed by the Northern American Development Group and Kerkhoff Construction, who also initiated a “Kick off the Count” program which donates $1 for every foot of pile used in construction of the East Tower’s foundation to JoeAnna’s House. JoeAnna’s House is a place for out-of-town families to stay while their loved ones get treatment at the Kelowna General Hospital. T he City of Kelowna’s City Manager, Ron Mattiussi, will be retiring as of March 30th. Mattiussi has served with the City for 22 years, with 11 of those being as City Manager. T h re e Oka naga n College students, Josh Wiebe, Cooper Simson, and Nick Gallant, have founded a sustainable phone charging initiative called ReCharge Project. A solar-powered ReCharge table was installed at Okanagan College’s Kelowna campus to enable students to charge their phones in a sustainable way. The project was one of 13 national finalists for Enactus Canada funding, contending for a $20,000 grant. The three students have also launched Central City Solar, a solar installation and distribution company that was featured in the Venture Acceleration Program through Accelerate Okanagan. Deanna Kent and Neil Hooson, loc a l aut hors a nd cre ators, have teamed up with Imprint, a subsidiary of Macmillan USA publishers. The three-book publishing deal will feature their SNAZZY CAT CAPERS characters, marketed to middle-grade readers. The series features several Kelowna-specific references,

and the couple has obtained the rights for film, TV and games in anticipation for the books’ launch. Kelow na entrepreneu r a nd founder and president of Keenfit, Sherri Simson, has been named among the Top 8 finalists for the Award of Excellence category in this year’s National Mompreneur Awards. Keenfit is a company that produces fitness walking poles. The YLW Kelowna Airport has issued plans for their next phase of growth, which anticipates long-term growth resulting in serving 3.5 million passengers yearly by the year 2045. Preliminary concept plans have been submitted to Kelowna City Council for expansion and improvement of airport facilities, with the next building expansion expected in commence in two years. These improvements would see a larger pre-board screening area and departure room beginning in 2020. Official concept and design plans are scheduled to be delivered to Council by April 2018. Mission Group, one of the City’s leading home building companies, announced their groundbreaking ceremony for their newest project, ELLA, a 20-storey tower with 116 condominium homes. The site is located on the corner of Lawrence Avenue and Ellis Street, within the Bernard District. The March 6th ceremony featured a photo op, brief remarks from the Mission Group CEO, Jonathan Friesen, and Vice President of Development, Luke Turri. On May 24th and 25th, Trade Accelerator Program (TAP) workshops will be offered in Kelowna to businesses from the Okanagan region. TAP is put forward by the World Trade Centre, and has recently been made available in British Columbia. The program helps businesses enter the international trade market by providing coaching, advice, and the tools needed to help businesses increase revenue and become export ready. Those interested in participating in the workshop may find out more by visiting The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a “Business of Cannabis” Luncheon in partnership with the Okanagan College Luncheon Series, and sponsored by MNP LLP. More than 250 guests attended the event, which provided information on the cannabis industry and its economic impact. T he BC Fruit Growers’

Association has named their new Board of Directors for 2018: Pinder Dhaliwal – President, Peter Simonsen – Vice-President, Fred Steele – Past President, and Directors Karmjit Gill, David Machial, Sukhdev Goraya, Ravinder Bains, Sukhdeep Brar, and David Dobernigg. The team at MNP LLP Kelowna extended congratulations to Curtis Krause, Ashley Odermatt, Jared Cook, Jennifer Wells, Jeffrey Durrant, and Rose Lariviere upon the successful completion of 2017 Common Final Exam. Jennifer Wells was also recognized on the Charter Professional Accountant’s National Honour Roll for her exceptional results. MILLS Nutrition-Golf-Fitness has decided to sponsor this year’s Agur Lake Camp 10th Annual Swing for Kids Charity Golf Tournament, hosted by Summerland Timber Mart.

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MARCH 2018


- $750,000 categories.


The Larch Hills Nordic Society received $20,000 from the North Okanagan Regional District for their Chalet Expansion project, which is anticipated to be completed by October 2018. The basement of the chalet has been completed, and their newly-received funding will go towards the construction of the upstairs of the building.


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welcomed eight new members last month, including: Power Industrial Training Services Inc., Anytime Fitness, Lake Country Heating & A/C, Beach Radio 103.1, Annette • Asphalt repair Denk – Realtor, Invati Yoga + Wellness, • Line The Chase Wines, andmarking Kelowna Toyota.

grmin www.

Made in India, a take-out restaurant owned and operated by Sheeshpal Singh and Brijesh Negi, has opened a second location at 112 – 1677 Commerce Avenue.

• Crack sealing

• Industrial floor coatings • Food grade floor coatings, sealants and waterproofing • Exterior building sealants • Anti-slip coatings for tiles and concrete • Concrete restoration, including crack repair and shot blasting

Compugen Joins with Kamloops Innovation to Promote Regional Economy “Compugen believes that technology can improve lives and simplify business, and that Canadian entrepreneurs are second to none in the world in the quality of their ideas and their potential to drive economic development. Kamloops Innovation offers regional start-ups a support system that brings those ideas together with smart people and investors to help them go to the next level,” said Terry Mirza, Compugen's VP of Sales, Canada West and United States, in joining the board of Kamloops Innovation. “We welcome Compugen as an important new backer of Kamloops Innovation,” said Lincoln Smith, Executive Director. “I look forward to working with Terry as we together build supports for new technologies that will change our lives for the better by creating a stronger, technology-based regional economy, good jobs for our tech graduates, and a nurturing environment for our amazing entrepreneurs.” Kamloops Innovation is a non-profit society and is a BCIC Acceleration Network partner supported by the British Columbia Innovation Council (BCIC), National Research Council (NRC-IRAP), Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust (SIDIT) and many Start-up Community Backers. Compugen is one of Canada's top IT solutions providers, with offices across Canada and in the USA. Their motto is Simplifying the Business of Technology . . . Together.

Terry Mirza

Compugen's VP of Sales Canada West and USA

The 2017 Business Excellence Awards Gala, hosted by the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce, took place on February 23rd at Four Points by Sheraton Kelowna Airport hotel. This year’s winners featured: Bernard Dewonck of the Rotary Club – Volunteer of the Year, Gerry Morton Award; Anne Leistner of CIBC – Employee of the Year; Dairy Queen – New Business of the Year; Kim Chapman of Mountain Home Services – Young Entrepreneur of the Year; UBR Services Copy and Print Center – Customer Service Excellence; Interior Savings – Employer of the Year; Sip Happens Wine Tours – Tourism Excellence Awards; Nalu Massage Therapy and Wellness – Business of the Year; Garth McKay of the Lake Country Medical Clinic – Business Person of the Year; Sun City Physiotherapy – Licensed Service Provider of the Year; Neon Counselling – Rising Star of the Year; and Art Walk – Community Project of the Year.

SALMON ARM The City of Salmon Arm has been named as a finalist for the BC Open for Business Awards in the medium community category. The Open for Business awards celebrate communities who have created a welcoming and supportive economic environment for small businesses to flourish. Winners will be announced at the Small Business BC Awards gala on February 23rd. The team at Pharmasave welcomes new pharmacy manager, Greg Hutchinson, to their location at 270 Hudson Avenue. On February 20th, the Salmon Arm Economic Development Society (SAEDS) hosted their third yearly Technology Meet Up. The event took place at the Sullivan Campus of Salmon Arm Secondary School, and offered an opportunity to engage students who are interested in the technology sector as a career path. Many local businesses and educators attended the successful event and were able to communicate with students about opportunities within the field. Local company Copper Island Fine Homes Inc., owned by Greg Vistisen, took home some prestigious awards from this year’s Canadian Home Builders’ Association Central Interior’s 13th Annual Keystone Home Builder Awards of Excellence. Copper Island received gold for Best Renovation over $300,000, the Gold Award for Customer Service, and silver for Best Home Design and Best Home - $500,000

KAMLOOPS February 15th marked the 50th anniversary celebration of Nancy Greene’s gold medal win at the Olympic Games in Grenoble, France. In commemoration of the event, Sun Peaks Resort hosted a day of celebration that included a ski with Nancy Greene herself, a flag parade, presentation and cake, as well as a reception and Olympic Celebration at Masa’s Bara and Grill. The Kamloops Central Business Improvement Association (KCBIA) held their Annual General Meeting on February 5th at Hotel 540. This year’s AGM featured the election of their new Board of Directors, and the presentation of a leadership award and the Business to Business Kudowards. The 2018 Board of Directors are: Dino Bernardo of The Commodore Grande Café & Lounge, Shane Brooks of Stantec Engineering, Mike O’Reilly of Caffe Motivo, Ryan Gentile of Big Boot Inn & Red Wing Shoes, Bill Sanesh Jr. of Bikini Bills & Can 21 Developments, David Fuoco of McAllister and Howard Clothiers, Meaghan Summers of The Noble Pig Brewhouse, Miranda Burdock of BDO Canada LLP, Scott Campbell of Campbell & Company, Jocelyn Bennett of National Hospitality Group, Grayden Flanagan of Subway, Ted Ockenden of BCLC, Gloria Pain of Genesis Fashion & Beauty Complex, Mike Blackwell of Fulton & Co., John Dumbrell of Urban Systems, and Andy Philpot of St. John Ambulance. The KCBIA Leadership Award was presented to Christina Grono of The Art We Are Café for her outstanding leadership in the Kamloops downtown core. Winners of the B2B ‘Kudowards’ featured: the BC Interior Community Foundation for Giving Back – Social Stewardship; Instinct Adornment for Good Neighbour; Main Street Clothing for Curb Appeal; KSPIN Indoor Cycling Studio for New Business; Caffe Motivo for Experience Enhancement; Red Collar Brewing for Social Media; and Stephanie at Blue Sky Clothing for the Downtown Star Award. Andrew Peller Limited (APL) recently acquired three Okanagan Valley estate wineries – Black Hills Estate winery, Tinhorn Creek Vineyards, and Gray Monk Estate Winery for $96.6 million. As a result, APL has released their third quarter fiscal results for 2018, showing significant with the acquisition contributing approximately $5 million in sales for the third quarter. Sales rose by 10.1% to $103.5 million from $94 million in the third quarter, which ended on December 31st. Kamloops will soon have access to a new SPCA facility at 2815 Tranquille Road, near the Kamloops Airport. Local company, A&T Developments Inc. has been hired as contractor for the project by the BC SPCA, and construction is anticipated to begin later this spring with expected completion by the summer of 2019. The 10,500 squarefoot project will feature a Community SEE MOVERS AND SHAKERS |  PAGE 21


MARCH 2018


Animal Centre and a clinic for spay/neuter surgeries, as well as 12 indoor-outdoor dog kennels, five cat rooms, a small animal area, and office space for care and education, as well as other designated rooms. Thompson Rivers University has named Chief Nathan Matthew of Simpcw First Nation, as their new chancellor. Chief Matthew replaces outgoing chancellor, Wally Oppal, bringing with him extensive experience in advocating for education, serving as the first executive director of Aboriginal Education at TRU, and participating as a member of the Assembly of First Nations Chief Committee on Education. The Kamloops and District Real Estate Association released a report showing a 20 per cent increase in home sales this January, compared with January 2017. Of the reported 159 home sales, Sun Peaks lead with the most sales at 22, and Brocklehurst development was at 18. The value of home sales also increased by 43 per cent to $60.1 million. The new year is bringing about change for the New Life Community Kamloops non-profit organization with Executive Director Stan Dueck set to move on in April. It was a decision Dueck made with much careful consideration, informing his board in the fall of 2017 of his plans to prepare for the transition to a new Executive Director now underway. “It was a tough decision for me to make,” says Dueck. “This organization has become a big piece of my heart, but there comes a time when you’re looking at what you and your team have accomplished and what’s ahead and you know that the organization would be best served by a new leader who can take New Life Community Kamloops to that next level.” The New Life Community Board is conducting a search for a new Executive Director who will start in April 2018. Local principal of Twin Rivers Education Centre (TREC), Kent Brewer, has received a national award for his commitment to educational excellence, care for students and remarkable contributions to his community. Brewer was one of four other BC principals to receive Canada’s ‘Outstanding Principals’ Award, put forward by The Learning Partnership. After 14 years of service, David Duckworth, the Corporate Services and Community Safety Director for the City of Kamloops, will be departing his position as of March 5th to become the new General Manager of Utilities and Environmental Protection for the City of Calgary. The Canadian Home Builders’ Association Central Interior (CHBACI) hosted their annual 2018 Keystone Awards ceremony on February 3rd. This year’s winners featured: Fulcrum Development, The Burrows – Best Single Family Detached Home: Under $350,000 – Affordable; Intra Pacific Ventures Ltd., Ironstone Ridge – Best Single Family Detached Home: Under $350,000; Thompson Rivers University, 2017 Training House – Best Single Family Detached Home $350,000 - $500,000; Enzo Holdings Ltd., Mahal Residence – Best Single Family Detached Home: $500,000 – $750,000; Trophy Developments Ltd., Reid Residence – Best Single Family Detached Home: $750,000 - $1,000,000; Arpa Developments Ltd., The Vistas on Battle – Best Multi-Family Development; 7 Point Millworks Ltd., Kitchen Reno – Best

Residential Renovation: Under $75,000; Malcolm Homes Ltd., Sahali Remodel – Best Residential Renovation: $150,000 - $300,000; Heritage Stone Paving & Landscaping, Scenic Place – Best Landscape: New or Renovated; Orchards Walk Developments Inc., The Residence at Orchards Walk – Best Outdoor Living Space: New or Renovated; Enzo Holdings Ltd., Knaak Residence Kitchen – Best Kitchen Design Project: Under $30,000; Living Kitchens Ltd., Urban Road Residence – Best Kitchen Design Project: $30,000 and over; Motivo Design Group Inc., Pierobon Residence – Best Interior Design: New or Renovated; Trophy Developments Ltd., Reid Residence – Best Housing Design; A&T Project Developments Inc., Village Walk at Sun Peaks – Best Marketing Project: Website; Copper Island Fine Homes Inc. – Best Customer Services by a CHBA CI Member – Builder; Thompson Rivers University, 2017 Training House – Best Public / Private Partnership; Upcountry Integrated Design + Construction, 953 Quail’s Roost – Building Energy Efficiency Award; Robinson Masonry – Best Sub Trade; Casadio & Son Ready Mix Ltd. – Best Supplier; HUB International Barton Ltd. – Best Service / Professional; Intra Pacific Ventures Ltd. – Customer Choice Awards (6-9 homes).

PENTICTON The City of Penticton has been named among three finalists for the Large Community category of this year’s 2018 Open for Business Awards. The awards function as part of the Small Business BC Awards, applauding communities that have fostered a business-friendly environment that enables small businesses to flourish. The Open for Business Awards were presented at the Small Business Awards Gala on February 23rd in Vancouver. A new Economic Development strategy for the City of Penticton is in its final stages of development, spanning years 2018 – 2022. The initiative results from a collaborative planning process, created over several months last year with the input from various community stakeholders and leaders including business support organizations, business leaders, the broader business community through a business climate survey, and Council and staff. The strategy puts forward five priorities: communication, collaboration, attraction, retention, and expansion and organizational excellence, which the City will focus on to promote economic growth. Two local projects and a wood construction industry leader have been recognized in the 2018 Wood Design Awards: the Penticton Lakeside Resort, with CEI Architecture Associates Inc. overseeing their west wing construction, took home the Commercial Wood Design award; Structurlam Mass Timber Corporation President, Bill Downing, whose materials contributed to the construction of the Brock Commons building, received the Jury’s Choice Award. Penticton Western News has been nominated for this year’s provincial Ma Murray Awards, which celebrate excellence in community journalism. The Western News was nominated for the category of Newspaper Excellence; winners will be announced at an event on April 28th, at the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond. Grant Thornton Accounting Tax and Advisory, at #201 – 99 Padmore Avenue East, has been joined by White Kennedy’s

Penticton office. While the company’s name has changed, the staff remain the same and clients will now have access to more business advisors. The staff at Body & Sol Spa and Hair Salon, located at 105 – 2601 Skaha Lake Road, welcome two new estheticians to their staff: Teisha Tribble and Kelsey Simpson.

SUMMERLAND T he Summerland Chamber of Commerce welcomed seven new business members last month: WK Group LLP Chartered Professional Accountants, Unisus International Schools Ltd. - the only international school in Western Canada offering Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 programs and weekly and full time boarding; DMD Contracting Ltd.,a licensed builder consisting of a great team of skillful contractors who are able to assess your needs and achieve your vision; Okanagan Bloodworks, a Nutritional Microscopy business and educator on acid/ alkaline balance and holistic speaker; Purple Hemp Co. Massage, a business that enables customers to relax, release and revive with massage therapy; World Paradigms, an online sales company; and Resistance Electric Ltd., an electric contractor business. Signwave Signs Inc. has celebrated its fifth year in business in Summerland. They also designed some new signage for Beadtrails as well as all the ArtVines space, and have helped Thornhaven Estates Winery with new Ecommerce website. Signwaves has also phased out their old 1-800 phone number, and will only

be using their 250-328-5012 number now. Signwave has also only offering services by appointment only. Ogopogo Tours was reassessed by Green Tourism Canada this month and achieved gold level. Green Tourism measures environmental management and corporate social responsibility against a set of criteria that are aligned with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council Criteria. Ogopogo Tours offers sightseeing and wine tours in the South Okanagan and were recently nominated for a Sustainability Leader Award. A total of 22 different craft breweries, distilleries and cideries, including locally-owned and operated Dominion Cider, participated in the event, Brewski, at Apex Mountain. The event showcased Okanagan brews and entertainment for attendees. On February 24th, the Summerland Badminton Club hosted the grand reopening of their facility, after completed renovations. The facility now features a new floor, updated viewing lounge, and an insulated ceiling.

VERNON SilverStar Mountain Resort’s Nordic Manager, Shane Landreville, has achieved the status of Nordic Master – one of only five in Canada to have attained the designation. Landreville completed his Level 4 CANSI instructors certification early in February, which is the highest level of instructor certification. SilverStar is now SEE MOVERS AND SHAKERS |  PAGE 23

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MARCH 2018 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Thompson Okanagan Office #210-347 Leon Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684  Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: Website:

PUBLISHER |  Mark MacDonald EDITOR |  Robert MacDonald SALES |  Cheryl Lee -, John MacDonald - john@, Josh Higgins – WRITERS |  John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes, Kristin van Vloten, Val Lennox WEBSITE | John MacDonald




urprise, surprise. It’s the same old NDP. That’s what this version of the NDP, with the Green Party in tow, demonstrated with their first provincial budget in February that called for almost $6 billion in tax increases in just its first year in government. Not to mention driving the provincial debt up by $4.1 billion to $69.4 billion – the biggest single-year increase in six years. It appears that despite 17 years on the opposition benches after a disastrous decade in power, the NDP hasn’t learn anything about the economy. It’s the same old tax and spend, and the all-too-familiar message to business: Look out. The wolves are back in the proverbial hen house, searching for nest eggs. Particularly for those in the

real estate market. And, gasp, small business – the “sector” the GreeNDP always claims they support. Call this the first flexing of the GreeNDP’s boa constrictor effect on the economy. As they’ve been in power less than a year, it won’t be enough to stop the provincial economy’s momentum, since it will take a lot more than that to undo the progress that’s been made by free enterprise governments since 2000. But the budget is still an indication of where the business community feared this version of the NDP would tread. Let’s look at a couple of areas: Real estate and small business First, real estate, starting with two words: Supply. Demand. These two words explain commerce in its rawest of forms. It’s a very simple concept, worked out in full view, every day in the marketplace. If the amount of supply goes up and demand goes down, there is less competition and the price of supplies goes down, since there are less buyers for more products. If there is a scarcity of supply and abundance of demand, prices rise because there is more competition and demand. It’s the same principle, with the opposite effect,

as more purchasers for less goods means prices climb, because they can. This is the most basic of any economics lesson. In regards to B.C.’s real estate market, arguably THE driver of jobs and revenue over the last decade, there isn’t enough supply, and with increased demand, prices rise. So what does the NDP do in its first budget? Start strangling demand, by introducing a potential $1.3 billion in additional real estate taxes, and hiking the punitive foreign buyers tax on real estate from 15 to 20 per cent. A headline in the Globe and Mail summed it up thusly: “B.C.’s NDP budget takes aim at real estate market”. Former Premier Christy Clark introduced the 15 per cent surcharge during her reign, a wealth tax aimed at the well-heeled outside the country, to score political points with voters concerned about the high cost of housing. By squeezing the market by adding more taxation, the government has narrowed the number of buyers interested in purchasing homes, meaning retirees looking at their primary residences as their largest investment for retirement will now get less. By attacking demand, the NDP is

making it less appealing for foreign buyers to buy B.C. real estate. They think this is a noble pursuit, failing to acknowledge it is punishing our own citizens whose opportunities to sell their homes to fund their retirement for more money will diminish. The real issue with real estate in this province is supply. There isn’t enough. The solution? Build more. Yet that isn’t really something the provincial government can control, because development decisions are made at the civic and regional district levels, which are, more often than not, led by nodevelopment factions and layer upon layer of bureaucrats that set up roadblocks up to stop development, aka “delay, delay, delay”, that limits supply, which drives prices up even further. And this brings us to a segue into Small Business. The NDP’s commitment to raise the minimum wage to $15 is a roundhouse kick to the solar plexus for small business owners more than anyone. It leaves owners with one of two options: Raise prices to cover the new wages which means inflation, or cut staff to keep overhead costs down if the market can’t bear higher rates. Another punch in the gut for compa n ies ca me w it h t hei r

announcement of an MSP payroll tax. One business owner with a $3 million payroll states that the NDP’s new tax will take an additional $60,000 from the firm each year. We haven’t even touched on the extra carbon tax adds “hidden” costs for company vehicles, deliveries, etc. All these tax hikes make the miniscule reduction in the provincial small business tax rate meaningless. Here again is NDP ideology-overreality at work once again. It’s as if they believe by boosting pay to a so-called “living wage”, that minimum wage workers will suddenly be able to buy homes, for example. Minimum wage jobs don’t pay enough to allow workers to purchase homes. They never have been, and never will be. Maybe the GreeNDP deliberately intends to discourage high-end real estate purchasers from investing in B.C., and by lessening demand, they think it will make real estate more affordable. Or perhaps they think that by hiking the minimum wage, those same minimum wage earners will be able to buy homes. Either way, the NDP is wrong. And they’ve now officially begun to squeeze B.C.’s economy.


THE FRASER INSTITUTE BY HUGH MACINTYRE AND CHARLES LAMMAM As the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But good intentions alone aren’t enough to justify government policy. Real-world evidence matters. BC P rem ier John Horgan nonet heless re cent ly a nnounced plans to raise the province’s minimum wage by 34 per cent over four years, from its current hourly rate of $11.35 to $15.20 by 2021. Horgan made clear his good intentions when he spoke of lifting “people out of poverty.”

Raising The Minimum Wage Is A Flawed Strategy For Achieving The Critically Important Social Objective Of Raising People Out Of Poverty

We certainly applaud this sentiment and share the premier’s goal. Unfortunately, the evidence shows that raising the minimum wage is a flawed strategy for achieving this critically important social objective. For starters, the minimum wage does a poor job of targeting the people we want to help: the working poor. According to data from Statistics Canada, the vast majority of BC’s minimum wage earners don’t live in poverty. In fact, 89 per cent are not part of a low-income household.

W hile this may sound counterintuitive, it makes sense once you realize that the overwhelming majority of minimum wage earners aren’t the primary or sole earner in their households. They are mostly teenagers or young adults working their first jobs or working parttime while in school. In BC, 54 per cent of minimum wage earners are under the age of 25, with the vast majority living at home with parents or other relatives. Another 19 per cent of all minimum-wage earners live with an employed spouse who often earns more than the minimum wage. So even older minimum wage earners tend not to be the sole breadwinners in households. Thankfully, a single parent struggling to get by on minimum wage is pretty rare - only 2.1 per cent of minimum wage earners are single parents. The fact that the minimum wage ineffectively targets the working poor helps to explain why Canadian research finds that past hikes have failed to reduce poverty. To the extent that some people do gain, 70

per cent of the income gains go to non-poor households. In fact, one study found that raising the minimum wage can increase poverty because job losses associated with a higher minimum wage are disproportionately felt by the poor. Specifically, 47 per cent of job losses are felt by the poor or near-poor (those with incomes less than 50 per cent above the low-income threshold). But the problem is not just that the minimum wage ineffectively targets the working poor. It also makes it harder for lessskilled workers in our society to find work. When employers are forced to pay higher wages to young workers with little work experience and skills, they tend to cut back on the number of people they employ, work hours, and other forms of compensation such as job training and/or fringe benefits. In some cases, they pass along the higher labour costs of the minimum wage to their customers in the form of higher prices, which, perversely, has a disproportionate impact on the poor.

Fortunately, there are better policy options available to help the working poor with fewer negative consequences. The government could help the working poor by topping up their wages. The Working Income Tax Benefit (WITB), a federal program, represents one important example. First implemented in 2007, the WITB provides a cash subsidy to low-income workers. At a certain point, the WITB begins to phase out with additional income, but only gradually. The WITB more efficiently increases the income of the working poor without making it harder for employers to hire less-skilled workers. When it comes to helping the working poor, good intentions aren’t good enough. Evidence should guide policy. Raising the minimum wage doesn’t provide the desired results. Charles Lammam is director of fiscal studies and Hugh MacIntyre is senior policy analyst at the independent non-partisan Fraser Institute (

SUBCRIPTIONS  |  $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan, 2017. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240


MARCH 2018





ou have an inventory to take, a phone call to make, and a report to write. But instead of diving in and getting the tasks completed, you put them off. “I’ll get to them soon,” you tell yourself. But your definition of “soon” and Webster’s definition have little in common. You’ve collected all the facts and figures, weighed the pros and cons, and performed the cost-benefit analysis. It’s time to make a decision…but you don’t. You want to chew on the information just a bit more. After all, the voice in your head tells you, “Important decisions take time.” You have a project to complete.

But rega rd less of how much planning and preparation went into the design of the project, or how well you mapped out the necessary steps, you always run short of time. You’re always working up against the deadline. Can you relate to these situations…or perhaps other recurring situations of similar thought and behavior? In those situations, it’s typically not the external circumstances of the world that make you think, feel, or act in an unproductive or counterproductive manner. It’s your “scripts” and the significance you’ve assigned to them. W hat is a script? It’s your programming—behavior based on patterns of thought and action that was derived from early childhood “messages” you received from your parents and other authority figures. Through their messages, they taught you (their version of ) right from wrong. They taught you behaviors such as looking both ways before crossing the street and not to talk to strangers. They taught many “do” and “don’t” behav iors. Perhaps, “Don’t

act hastily,” “Be patient,” and “Don’t make decisions until you weigh all the facts.” Those messages shaped your behavior then…and created the scripts that continue to influence your behavior today. You may have a “procrastinator” script, a “double-check everything” script, or a “thinkit-over” script. You may have a “tell the truth at all costs” script or a “some things are better left unsaid” script. You may have a “don’t be in such a hurry” script or an opposing “never be late” script. Scripts, and their associated behavior, that once served a purpose may no longer do so. Today, some of those scripts may actually hinder you from accomplishing your goals, and it may be time to change one or more of them. How do you know if a script needs changing? If it doesn’t… encourage you to take action; acknowledge your environment as it is today (rather than as it once was); or prescribe behavior that will get


home to three of the five Nordic Masters in Canada, including Marie-Cat Bruno and Guy Paulsen. Finalists have been announced for this year’s Business Excellence Awards, hosted by the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce. This year’s nominee line-up features: Spruce Salon, One Step Foot Care, and A Twist of Yarn for Small Business of the Year, sponsored by Community Futures; Ted Fox of Fox & Sons Plumbing & Heating, Trevor and Lynella Henke of Vernon Teach and Learn, and Byron Bolton of KingFisher Boats for Business Person of the Year, sponsored by Kal Tire; Nixon Wenger LLP, Wayside, and Caufields Engraving for Employer of the Year, sponsored by Telus; Katie Matheson of Spruce Salon, Linda Heng of The Beauty Bar, and David Scarlatescu of The Sprouted Fig for Young Entrepreneur of the Year, sponsored by Nixon Wenger Lawyers LLP; The Crate Escape Dog Adventures, Pacific Coastcom – Telus, and One Step Foot Care for the Customer Service Excellence Award, sponsored by Rellish Transport Services; Red Bird Acupuncture, Voila Spa, and She Devil Delights for Solopreneur of the Year, sponsored by Okanagan Spring Brewery; Sage Environmental Consulting, Roost Solar, and The Gleaners Used Furniture Store for Green Business of the Year; The Beauty Bar, Power Trips, and Cobbler’s Rack Shoes & Repair for New Business of the Year, sponsored by The Herbal

you closer to the accomplishments you seek… …then it’s time to rewrite the script. What will it take to rewrite a script? A massive commitment. You’ve been living with your scripts for some time…and you won’t change them over night. But you can initiate the process if you are massively committed to it. Begin by identifying the actions your new scripts would require. Start a daily journal and commit those actions to paper in a present tense, first person manner. For example, “I gather facts and make decisions quickly,” or “I always keep the commitments I make,” or “I follow up and follow through on a timely basis.” Then, identify where in your daily routine the behavior defined by the new scripts would occur. And when you reach those points, take the new action. Do that to which you committed on paper…even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. There is always some discomfort associated with change.

Rather than allow the discomfort to dissuade you from taking action, let it serve as an indicator that you’re doing the right thing…that you’re on the correct path. Some people are more likely to keep their commitments when they know that someone is looking over their shoulder. So, you may find it helpful to share your intended new behavior with those who will hold you accountable—friends, family members, or colleagues, perhaps. Some scr ipts need rew r iting. Even though you played a somewhat passive role in the development of the original scripts, you now have the opportunity to rewrite them to better serve your current goals, interests, and challenges. Don’t ignore the opportunity.

Speaker Awards. During his career, DeVolder has empowered and motivated organizations worldwide, including McDonalds, Siemens, Suncor, NASA, PepsiCo, and Verizon.

Outfitter, Okanagan Rawsome, Green Croft Gardens, D & L Painting, and Crocus Floral Design for Micro Business of the Year; Royal Canadian Legion Branch 98, Feed Enderby & District (FED), Enderby Lions Club, Enderby & District Community Resource Centre, and Enderby & District Arts Council for Not 4 Profit of the Year; Tyler Rands of Century 21, Little City Merchants, Enderby & District Chamber of Commerce, Enderby Jewellers, Enderby Autobody, and Deb Deveau of Re/Max for Service Excellence; and Sheryl Hay, Scott Hemenway, Sutherland’s Bakers, Enderby Jewellers, and Enderby & District Arts Council for Community Contribution.

A Mr. Mikes Steakhouse Casual, owned by Reri and Shane Fuson, has opened on 31st Avenue in downtown Vernon. The steakhouse had previously had a location in Vernon in the 1970s for nearly a decade before closing down. This location will be the 13th in the province for the franchise.

Shane Landreville, Nordic Manager at SilverStar Health Centre; Teresa Durning Harker of Durning Directions, Lisa Anderson of Upper Room Mission, and Jason Keis of Armstrong Regional Cooperative for Community Leader of the Year, sponsored by MQN; Bollywood Bang, O’Keefe Ranch & Historic Society, and Family Resource Centre for the Non-Profit Excellence Award, sponsored by Lake City Casino Vernon; Skevik Skis, The BX Press Cidery & Orchard, and Okanagan Spirits: Craft Distillery for Manufacturer of the Year, sponsored by the City of Vernon; Roost Solar, Restoration Lands, and Pickleball Depot for Innovator of the Year, sponsored by Silver Star Mountain Resort; and Sparkling Hill Resort, Marten Brewing Co, and SilverStar Mountain Resort for Tourism Excellence Awards, sponsored by YLW Kelowna International Airport. Winners will be announced on March 9th, at the Business Excellence Awards Gala

at Vernon Lodge. T r ue L ea f Med ici ne International Ltd. announced the beginning of construction for their new cannabis production facility in Lumby, BC. The project will feature a 16,000 squarefoot cannabis cultivation facility, as well as a 9,000 square-foot facility for laboratory services, production of therapeutic cannabis products, and whole-plant extraction. The facility will be named, True Leaf Campus, and is anticipated to create 35 full and part-time jobs at the beginning of their operations, in addition to the 150 workers required for construction. True Leaf Campus is scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2018. Local international change ma nagement spea ker, Mark DeVolder, received the honor of “Top 25 Speaker” in 2018 from DeVolder was also named No. 1 for the Top-25

Robert McLaren is congratulated upon being named Salesperson of the Month for February at Bannister GM, on 4703 27th Street. The Enderby and District Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards have released a list of finalists in advance of this year’s ceremony, held on March 10th. Finalists include: Okanagan Rawsome, Little City Merchant, Crocus Floral Design, Baird Bros., and Armadillo Trailers for Business of the Year; Judy Dangel of Endergy Jewellers, Gabrielle Wesle of Green Croft Gardens, and Afke Zonderland of Okanagan Rawsome for Business Person of the Year; Starlight Drive-In, Mabel Lake Golf Course, Lorenzo’s Café, Larch Hills Winery, and Farmer John’s for Tourism / Hospitality Business of the Year; Wild Flight Farms, Okanagan Rawsome, Green Croft Gardens, and Fink Machine Inc. for Green Business of the Year; Okanagan Rawsome, Larch Hills Winery, Kaze Japanese Restaurant, Green Croft Gardens, and Farmer John’s for Food / Farm Business of the Year; Tony O’s

John Glennon is the owner of Insight Sales Consulting Inc, the authorized Sandler Training Licensee for the Interior of British Columbia. He can be reached at jglennon@sandler. com, toll free at 1-866-645-2047 or visit

The Vernon Morning Star was named as a finalist for the annual Ma Murray BC Yukon Community Newspaper Awards, for the category of General Excellence (best overall paper).

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