V7 N1 Spring 1979 Str. 'Dalles City' Approaching Cascade Locks

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VOL. 7



STR. DALLES CITY APPROACHING CASCADE LOCKS In the last decade of the 19th century, the easiest way by far to get from Portland to The Dalles was by steamboat. Boats left the Portland waterfront in the early morning, loaded to the guards with passengers and freight for The Dalles and way points. By mid-afternoon, after making as many as three dozen stops to discharge or load freight at small landings on both sides of the Columbia, the boat arrived at the Cascades, an impassable series of white-water rapids forty miles above Vancouver. Here the passengers would disembark, freight would be unloaded, and all would transfer to a railway line that connected with another

steamer in the smooth water above the Cascades. After several more stops the weary passengers finally stepped ashore at The Dalles, 15 or 16 hours after departing Portland. One of the best -known boats on the route was the 142foot sternwheeler Dalles City, built at Portland in 1891 for the Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company, popularly known as the Regulator Line. For the first five years of her life she plied the Willamette and Columbia between Portland and the Cascades, connecting with the slightly larger DP&AN boat, Regulator, which operat-:d on the Middle River between the Cascades and Th~ Dalles.


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FROM THE QUARTERDECK It is gratifying that, after a number of months during which there has been no activity at the new Museum building, we are once again about to get construction underway. The Building Fund, which made substantial gains late in 1978, was further augmented early this year by major grants from the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust and Mrs. Harold A. Miller. Funds now on hand will enable us to proceed with the building's plumbing, wiring, insulation, and installation of the heating and cooling system. At this writing final specifications for the work to be done are being prepared for contract bidding. It is expected that work will be well along by early summer. This is a major step forward. Interior wall sheathing, painting, lighting, and all final stages of construction are dependent on completion of these phases. We hope that the current activity will inspire a renewed effort on the part of every member and friend of the Museum to achieve the long-awaited completion of this vital project. Rolf Klep, Director

• MEMBERSHIP LIST The List of Members of the Columbia River Maritime Museum, mailed to all members in late March, has met with a generally favorable response. As with most such undertakings, however, there were some omissions and some errors. Our apologies to Student Members Claudia Barnes, Joseph Greeley, Gary Hancock, Cheryl Majors, Ray Nutting, Blaine Vernon, and John Zimmerman, whose names did not appear, and to anyone else whose name might have been omitted, misspelled, or wrongly listed. Though new members and members who renew in a higher membership category will continue to be listed in the Quarterdeck Review, the List of Members will henceforth be an annual publication .

Late in 1896 the long-awaited Cascade Locks were opened for river traffic. The Dalles City and the Regulator now provided direct service between Portland and The Dalles. The Regulator Line prospered and, in 1903, merged with the famous White Collar Line, owners of the elegant passenger boat, Bailey Gatzert, fastest sternwheeler on the Columbia. By 1915 the Dalles Cz"ty and the Gatzert were alone on the run, the latter as an excursion boat making daily round trips, while the former left Portland on alternate days, taking a full day for each one-way trip and stopping at no less than 37 intermediate points along the way. But this was the last gasp of steamboat passenger service between the two cities. The Bailey Gatzert was sent to Puget Sound in 1917 and two years later, the Dalles City was sold to a towboat company and renamed Diamond 0. She sank at her moorings in Portland in April, 1934.

6TH ANNUAL SHIP MODEL COMPETITION The Sixth Annual Ship Model Competition will take place at the Museum on Saturday, May 12th. Any model of any type of vessel may be entered, provided it is entered by the builder. Categories in which awards will be offered are: Plastic Kit Models, Wood Kit Models, Plan-Built Models, Ships in Bottles, Fanciful Models, and Radio-Control Models. Two sets of awards will be given in each category, one to adult and one to modellers under 15. All entries will be on display on the competition date. For further information, write to the Museum or call Mr. Naab at (503) 325-2323.

• ANCHOR CLUB GRANT A number of important additions will soon be made to the Museum Library's collection of 18th and 19th century Lloyd's Register books, thanks to a generous grant recently received from the Anchor Club, a local women's civic organization. The register books, now rare even in facsimile reprint editions, are invaluable research tools for the maritime historian. Approximately 50 volumes will be purchased to fill out gaps in the Library's collection.

Ken Manske, Portland, prepares his entry, a model of the Colonial schooner Sulmna, built from a wood kit.

NEW MEMBERS, INCREASED MEMBERSHIPS (*) LIFE Mr. John B. Altstadt * SUSTAINING Bioproducts, Inc ., Warrenton* Hayden Island, Inc., Portland* J.M. McClelland,Jr., Longview* Shear Magic Haircutting * SUPPORTING Claus' German Motors, Inc. * Mr. & Mrs. F. Warren Munro, Portland* Mr. & Mrs. Roderick A. Norwood Portland* CONTRIBUTING Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Anderson* Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Berney * Mr. & Mrs. John C. Caldwell, Oregon City * Channel Casuals * Mr. & Mrs. Jean Hallaux * Mr. Peyton Hawes, Portland * Mr. & Mrs. Victor W. Horgan*

Mrs. Frances M. Keerins, Lake Oswego * Lt. & Mrs. Donald]. Keigher , Los Alamos, NM* Dr. & Mrs. Everett E. Jones, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Martin* Mr. & Mrs. D.B. Morden Mrs. Lauri 0. Pernu * Mr. & Mrs.James B. Race, Portland* Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Richen, Portland* Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Ross * Mr. & Mrs. Homer V. Tunks Mr. Joseph E. Willard, Kirkland, WA *

Mr. Albert C. Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm McCulloch, Novato, CA Mr. & Mrs. Gudmund Rassmussen, Rockaway Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Robillard, Portland Mr. Jon L. Robins, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Julian Thornton, Sherwood Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tolonen, Gresham Mr. William Zimmerman

ANNUAL Harry K. Bailey, M.D., OakHarbor, WA Mr. & Mrs. John S. Carver, Jr., Seattle Mr. Andrew E. Cier, Salem Mrs. Phyllis Falleur Mr. Cedric Hawkshaw, Lasqueti Island, BC, Canada


STUDENT Mr. Kent Barnard, Oregon City

HONEYMAN FAMILY FUND Mrs. Catherine H. Engmark, Los Altos, CA Mrs. Margaret Wagner Honeyman, Gearhart Mrs. Barbara Honeyman Roll, Carmel, CA

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS ERO J. ASULA Amalgamated Retirees Auxiliary P-554 Femhill Progressive Club Mr. & Mrs. Andy Grove Mr. Leonard Haga Mrs. Edwin Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kumpula Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Lake Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Fred Leslie Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lundholm Mr. & Mrs. Ole]. Luoma Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Niemi Mr. & Mrs. Gary Niemi Mrs. Lillian Niemi Mr. Warren Niemi Anna O'Bryan Jean O'Bryan Mr. & Mrs. John Sture Mrs. Margaret Waisanen Mr. & Mrs. Einard Wilson PAUL HAUKE Mr. & Mrs. Allan Bue Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Hauke, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. 'Skip' Hauke Dagny & Dave Holland Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Irby Mr. & Mrs. Dick Keller Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Klep Mr. & Mrs. Ray Lerback Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Nygaard

Mrs. Agnes Ramvick Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Ross Ms. Emma Wright HAROLD C. JENSEN Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie OTTO KOLA Ms. Aili Kary VIOLET BRACH Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton ANNIE D. HAGLUND Ms. Annie Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Earl Anderson Mr. Gearhart Backlund Mr. & Mrs. 0. W. Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Guy Bennett The K. Carlstrom Family Mr. & Mrs. Sam Churchill Mr. & Mrs. Jon Craven, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Cummings Mrs. Bessie Curtis Mr. John W. Dahm Mr. & Mrs. James A. Doig Mr. & Mrs. Roy Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ennis Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Fick Mrs. Ellen G. Findal Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Forney Ms. Myrle Grohs

Mr. G. J. Haglund Mrs. Joe Henningsen Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Johnson Miss Gertrude Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Knapp Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Knudsen Mr. & Mrs. Herman Labiske Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Larson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph]. Leslie Mrs. Mary Lyon Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Mustonen Mr. & Mrs. J. Oren Ms. Anita Rasmussen Ms. Emma A. Rock Harvey C. Rones, O.D. Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Sarampaa Mr. & Mrs. D. Standage Family Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph]. Vinson CLAYTON W. HOY Mr. & Mrs. William]. Fidler Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hoy LYDIA KARNA Mr. & Mrs. C. Delmer Boman Mr. & Mrs. Kaarlo J. Kama JASON EDWARD ROGERS Mr. & Mrs. Eric A . Hauke III Dr. & Mrs. Frank Rafferty Mr. William Seeborg

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS EINAR TOPPILA Capt. & Mrs. John P. Beale THOMAS W. MOXLEY Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie MYRTLE WEBSTER Mr. & Mrs. Deskin Bergey Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Klep Mr. & Mrs. Michael Naab Mr. & Mrs. Charles Simpson Mr. & Mrs. J. Dan Webster JESSIE CALHOUN Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Klep WILMA BALDRIDGE Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Klep FRED ANDRUS Mr. & Mrs. John A. Warren ARNE ABRAHAMSEN Mr. & Mrs. Loyal Alderman Mr. & Mrs. Harley Basel & Troy Mr. & Mrs. David A. Balfour Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Blomquist Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown Cascade Insulation, Inc. Joe E. & Patrick Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Roy Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Axel Englund Mr. & Mrs. E. G. Fearey Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Stan Grimberg Terry Hahn Auto Parts, Inc . Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hauke, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Hauke III Mr. & Mrs. George Hediger Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson Mr. Henry M. Jgovik Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Johanson Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Johanson Mr. & Mrs. RolfKlep Ms. Beatrice Lacoste Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Don Landwehr Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lovvold Mr. & Mrs.Jack Middleton Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Mittet Mrs. Dorothy Moberg Mrs. Vern Mogenson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morrow Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Mund Mr. & Mrs. Evert McNeeley Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulsen Dr. & Mrs. Frank Rafferty Mr. & Mrs. John H. Reith Mr. & Mrs.John Rippet Harvey C. Rone, O.D. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schroeder Mr. V. William Seeborg Mr. & Mrs . Arnold Swanson

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Thorsness Mr. Edgar Tucker Mr. & Mrs. K. E. Wrenn INGA M. ABRAHAMSEN Mr. & Mrs. David A. Balfour Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Roy Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs . George Fulton Mr. & Mrs . Eric A. Hauke, Sr. Mr. & Mrs . Eric Hauke III Mr. & Mrs. George Hediger Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Johansori Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Johanson Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Klep Ms. Beatrice Lacoste Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lovvold Mrs. Vern Mogenson Mr. & Mrs. Jack Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Albert]. Mittet Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund Dr. & Mrs. Frank Rafferty Mr. & Mrs. John Rippet Mr..& Mrs. Frank Thorsness Mr. & Mrs. K. E. Wrenn DR. FRANK FOWLER Mr. & Mrs. F. Richard Schroeder FRANK PFLEGER Mrs. Arthur Bell Mr. & Mrs. Bob Eheler Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kairala Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Knudsen Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen JAMES MACKEY Mr. Robert Nikka Mr. & Mrs. John A. Warren JOHN H. NOWLIN Mr. & Mrs . Rolf Klep NEIL LAMBERTSON Mr. George Abrahamsen Mrs. Vurila Averill Mrs. H. Edmond Baker Mr. & Mrs. Harley Basel & Troy Ms. Mabel Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Blomquist Mrs. Lydia Bumula Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dahlgren Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ehrlich Mr. Leonard Haga Mrs. Anna Lake Mr. & Mrs. A. J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Al Larson Mrs. Gertrude C. Marvin Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mestrich Mrs. Robert Mills Mrs. Dorothy Moberg Mr. Leif Sandvick Mr. Ole Sandvick

Mrs. Grace Thiel Mrs. Mary H. Thompson Mrs. Helen Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Wilson Mrs. Frances L. Ziem MARSHALL LEATHERS Mr. & Mrs. Graham Barbey Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Johnson Mr. EarlJohnson Mr. & Mrs . Rolf Klep Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs . Clyde Lee Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel Mrs. Annette Vernon Mr. Leonard Vernon CHESTER]. VINCENT Mr. & Mrs . Oscar K. B"erg Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis Mr. Ottar Dahl Mr. & Mrs . C. Dreyer &Judie Mr. & Mrs . Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. George Foster Mr . Fritz Fremstad Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. Jon Hissner Mr. & Mrs . Wilbur Hissner Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Johnson Mr. Earl Johnson Mr. & Mrs . Ragnar O. Johnson Mr. & Mrs . Earl Keck Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Klep Mr. & Mrs . Eugene Knutsen Ms. Helen Koski Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H . Larson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs . Arnold Mart Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund Mrs. Elsie E. Niemela Mr. & Mrs. Ragnar Norgaard Mr. & Mrs . Andrew Nygaard Mr. & Mrs . George T. Olsen, Sr. Olympia Towing Co., Olympia Mr. & Mrs. Art Paquet Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Seppa Mr. & Mrs . George Smith Mrs . Jordis Tetli Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Willie Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Wolfgram Ms . Pearl L. Young R. RUPERT BULLIVANT Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Klep ZANE MATHIOT Western Transportation Co. CHESTER MATTSON Mr . Al Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lindstrom Mr. Don McHughes Mr . & Mrs . R . A. Mund

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VOLUNTEER DOCENTS IN TRAINING School classes and other groups visiting the Museum and Lightship this Spring are likely to find the experience more enlightening and rewarding than in the past, as a result of a new docent training program instituted by edu cation coordinator Rich Fencsak. The initial class of docents or tour guides have been meeting regularly at the Museum and studying at home to familiarize themselves with the exhibits, learn group guidance techniques, and develop a base of knowledge in the many areas that the exhibits reflect. Those involved in the program to date are Ted Bohlman, Donna Davis, Phyllis Falleur, Billy Harris, Diana McAlpin, Tami Officer, Jim Purcell, and Bill Vernon. There will be others as the program develops. By focusing the attention of visiting groups on highlights of the collections, by illuminating the exhibits with anecdotes and background information that labels cannot provide, and by being available to answer questions raised during a tour, the docents will greatly enhance the experience of thousands of Museum visitors.

Education Coordinator Richard Fencsak explains the rigging of a five-masted bark to volunteers Diana McAlpin and Donna Davis.









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GRAND TOOT & STEAM FAIR What could the sternwheeler Charles R . Spencer, the pipeline dredge Multnomah, and the coastal passenger liner Catala have in common? For one thing, all were powered by steam. For another, the whistle of each is in the Museum's collection. Third, those whistles will once again come to life with steam on July 4th at the Hammond Grand Toot and Steam Fair. The Grand Toot will take place at the plant of Bioproducts, Inc., in Hammond, Oregon, 10 miles west of Astoria. Live steam at 110 lbs. pressure provided by two 150 horsepower boilers will be available to make even the largest whistles sing. Sponsored by the Town of Hammond, the event is being organized by the Town staff and former mayor R. T. Carruthers, Jr., a founder and past president of the Museum. Invitations have been sent to historical societies, museums, and live steam organizations throughout the Northwest. Anyone is welcome to bring a whistle, whether from a pleasure launch or a battleship, for the one-day Toot. The Maritime Museum will be on hand with every operable whistle in its collection. We hope you will be, too! For information contact the Town of Hammond, Oregon 97121.

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