V31 N1/2 Lightship 'Columbia' Restored to Original Beauty

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Summer 1fJ05 Vol Jl,No. J..;1
A review and newsletter from the Columbia River Maritime Museum, Astoria, Oregon


Capt. Rod Leland, President

Thomas V Dulc i ch, Vice President

Prudence M. Miller , Secretary

Cheri Folk , Immediate Past President

Mr. Ward Cook , Treasurer W Louis Larson , Advisor Jerry L. Ostermiller, Executive Director

Board of Trustees

George F. Beall

Dennis Bjork

Peter Brix*

Richard T. Carruthers *

Fred Fields

Walter Gadsby, Jr.

Alan C. Goudy * W Dennis Hall

E.H (Ted) Halton , Jr. Jonathan Harms

Don M . Haskell

Senator Mark Hatfield *

Senator Betsy Johnson

Dr. Russell Keizer

S Kenneth Kirn

Robley Mangold * Thomas F. Martin

John McGowan * Ken M . Novack

Larry Perkins David W Phillips Hugh Seppa

June Spence

Joe Tennant

Willis Van Dusen * Bruce Ward

Samuel C Wheeler Bill Wyatt

Ted Zell

* Trustee Emeritus

From the Wheelhouse

Mariners hearing the cry "All Hands on Deck!" find their blood pressure soaring as they rush to face some unforeseen challenge which may spell disaster for their ship or crew That call, shouted by Mr. Murphy's Law himself, came to us just 24 hours before we were scheduled to send the Lightship Columbia 100 miles up-river to the shipyard for her long awaited haul out and refit.

Leaving nothing to chance, all of us worked tirelessly for months to coordinate the many different partners (Foss, Tidewater, Sundial Marine, Columbia River Bar Pilots, etc.) who generously agreed to help move the vessel up-river at no cost to the Museum. We waited months for "just the right opening" in the shipyard and we had worked out all the details. We waited to shut down the tours of the lightship at the last possible moment, and determined the best possible tides to provide just enough water for the Foss tug to move the ship out from behind our pier. I can assure you that these arrangements, made with Foss and Tidewater, involved complex coordination and long-range planning. It is not an easy task to move our vessel out into the Columbia River and attach her to a commercial tow for a long trip to Troutdale, Oregon

Just a few hours before the show was to begin , we received a phone call about a major problem that had come up . The I-5 bridge in Portland was stuck in the down position and our masts were a full 3 feet too tall for safe clearance. Bonneville Dam was also releasing generous amounts of water that added to the problem. A quick huddle with the Museum's crew determined that it was literally "now or never," as we might have to wait months for a similar alignment of all these stars. But what to do?

In situations like this we find our true friends Taking my hat in my hand, I drove to the office of Bergerson Construction (one of the NW's busiest pile driving/ dock building firms) and paid a visit to President and CEO Dennis Bjork. After listening to my story, Dennis simply smiled and assured me that he would send a crane barge, a full crew, and everything it would take to cut off the top of the masts and safely lower and secure them to the deck. And all in time to meet our original schedule and at no charge to the Museum.

The rest, as we say, "is history." The photos and story in this issue of the Quarterdeck document the value of your generous support of the Lightship Columbia Restoration Fund, which paid for the sand blasting, mast and ship repairs, transportation insurance and the repainting. However, I would be remiss if I hadn't shared the above story with you, because it illustrates the values we all admire and strive for: neighboring, professionalism, a belief in one of the best maritime institutions in the nation, and best of all, the high quality of the friends of this museum .

,-- COL U M B I RIVE R __ iv! A RI T I M _§~S EU _ M _____ _
The QuarterDeck, Vol. 31 No 1-2

Lightship Columbia Returns to Museum

One of the greatest accomplishments among the Maritime Museum's many projects this last year was the shipyard work done on the Lightship Columbia . In October of 2004, following a full year's worth of effort on the part of Director Jerry Ostermiller to make the arrangments, the Lightship was removed from its berth alongside the Museum by the Foss Maritime tug Tiger and placed in a position at the pier to allow the Bergerson Construction crane barge to prepare the masts for the tow upriver. Following an insurance survey, the Lightship was picked up by the Tidewater Barge Lines tug Liberty for delivery to Vancouver and then transferred by the tug Betty Lou to Sundial Marine Services yard in Troutdale, OR.

The scope of work while in drydock at Sundial Marine was to include the complete commercial blasting of the exterior hull and decks to bare metal and the application of two coats of anticorrosive paint; this was to be followed by a finish coat of antifouling paint to the underwater areas, a high-gloss Polyurethane Red finish to the hull, repainting of the designation COLUMBIA in white, and application of an epoxy nonskid deck paint. In addition, three hatches and one ventilator shaft on deck were replaced due to extensive rust damage Mechanically, the packing in the stem gland (the seal around the propeller shaft) was removed and the tailshaft and bearing plates were inspected before repacking and tightening to seal against leakage. All sea c hest valves were opened and inspected before resealing. In order for the Lightship to meet new Coast Guard regulations for being designated a Permanently Moored Vessel it was decided to cover all the sea chest openings . All the zincs that were attached to the exterior of the hull

were replaced with new zincs to control corros10n.

As in any major restoration work, new problems were discovered that had to be addressed. The Lightship's moorage arrangement consisting of cables and a large camel (a log fendering system designed to keep the ship from contacting the dock) had worn the surface of the hull in the area of contact to the point that it needed extensive welding to rebuild wasted welds and pitted plating. A new waist band of steel plate was welded over this area, and large vertical fendering was then installed over it to reduce wear and tear to the vessel hull. (A photo of the installation of the new system can be seen on the following page.)

Early in the morning of February 27, 2005 , with crews having worked around the clock in order to get the ship off drydock on schedule, a final inspection was made and the drydock was filled and the lightship once again floated in the familiar waters of the Columbia River. This project would not have been possible without the tireless support of many people who volunteered physical and business help to the Columbia River Maritime Museum . A special thanks to Tidewater Barge Lines for transportation services, to Foss Marine for fussing the Lightship in and out of its berth, to Bergerson Construction for immediate, unanticipated crane barge help, to Tongue Point Seamanship Program for providing line handling crews to moor the lightship, and to Sundial Marine and Drydock for their expert staff help in getting the most and the best out of their services. Thanks to all these professionals, the Lightship Columbia will remain one of the finest Lightships preserved anywhere in the world .

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The QuarterDeck, Vol. 31 No. 1-2

Columbia was sandblasted down to bare metal for her new bottom coat of paint

New steel reinforcement was added to the hull and custom permanent fenders were installed on her starboard side

Once painted, the last step was to add the signature Columbia to her sides

Tidewater lends an assist as the newly refurbished Columbia is floated out of drydock

4 The QuarterDeck, Vol 31 No 1-2

The Remarkable Voyage of Capt. Benson

Capt. Nels P Benson, skipper for the shipping firm of Sanders and Kirchman of San Francisco, was known along the west coast of North and South America as "the fishing skipper."

He was also known as a hard taskmaster aboard any sailing ship he commanded. Nevertheless, thanks to his seamanship and navigation, he always cleared ports on schedule and brought home full cargoes; and as for his ability as a sport fisherman, although he had never established any record catches, he, significantly, rarely lost what he hooked.

He had, at all times, several rods and reels racked in his cabin, his favorite being an original design that he had fashioned himself, using an early Meek reel for a model. So, between voyages, or when he had finished with ship's agents and chandlers in different ports, he always made arrangements to enjoy a full measure of saltwater sport fishing.

His Scandinavian heritage called for it. By nature he was a solitary seafarer, brusque in manner and speech, well qualified, indeed, to handle tough sailing crews; and, as he made few friends, his hobby of fishing helped to allay his selfimposed loneliness.

The stocky, 46-year-old skipper in early March of 1913 had just completed arrangements for a week of sport fishing off northern California, when he received an urgent call from his shipping firm. He was to proceed immediately to Astoria, Ore., to take command of the four-masted schooner El Dorado which would load rough fir for discharge in Antofagasta, Chile.

Nels was annoyed at missing his fishing, and worried over his recent purchase of an old cottage in Oakland, Calif., for his "snug harbor." He had

been short of cash and so he had been compelled to take out a heavy mortgage on the dwelling.

And he had heard of the El Dorado, and he knew her reputation for perverse sailing; and a good crew would be difficult to sign on now that the Alaska fisheries season had started. Last, he had received his sailing orders from Saunders and Kirchman on a Friday, and Fridays were always bad-luck days for him.

When the El Dorado finished her loading of lumber at the Astoria mill wharf, Capt. Benson reluctantly gave Mr. Wilson, his first mate, a nervous nod of his head to receive the line from the tugboat to fasten on the bitts, and a halfarrested jerk of his thumb for the second mate, Johansen, to take the wheel. He was strangely loath to clear for the open sea.

He had every reason to be apprehensive. Staggering around on deck was the sorriest lot of eight drink-sodden seamen that he had ever received from a crimp 's combing of the waterfront dives: a squatty, furtive Japanese signed on as a cook, a blank-faced Frenchman; a glowering Dutchman; a battered German with two front teeth knocked out in a bar-room brawl; an American on the brink of delirium tremens; two expressionless Norwegians; and a cursing Swede.

And they had come aboard carrying suitcases instead of proper sea-bags!

The captain of the tug waved and hollered. "Couldn't you find a better day to cast off?"

Nels staggered slightly, as if slugged, and almost swallowed his unlit cheroot.

The El Dorado was sailing for Antofagasta, Friday, March 13, 1913 !

Scarcely clear of the Astoria lightship, the schooner ran into nasty weather. The crew, claiming virtual shanghaiing, were objecting strenuously to the food rations

The story of the voyage of Captain Benson was first printed in National Fisherman in June of 1968 The story was discovered yet again recently during an unrelated research project in our Library. The adventure and humor of the story seemed like a natural fit for our Quarterdeck readers. With the gracious permission from the editorial staff at National Fisherman we have reprinted the story of Captain Benson and his shanghaied crew from Astoria .

I C O L U M B - I A R I V E R M A R I T I M E M U S E U M -l ----------~- I
Th e Qua rterD eck, Vol. 31 N o. 1 2

and talking back to First Mate Wilson, who, with threats and his fists, kept some of the crew at the pumps emptying the water in the leaky holds. Fortunately, all plain sail could be hoisted and furled from the deck, but had the El Dorado been a square-rigger, the voyage would have been one of mass suicide for the green, rebellious crew.

Nels groaned and silently cursed his luck. With such a miserable crew the fates were all against him! And the voyage would normally take about two months, each way!

Somehow, miraculously, the schooner progressed southward with the captain and the mates maintaining a strict vigil for any overt acts of mutiny.

The weather cleared on May 22, and on the following day a calm set in. Nels, seated on the taffrail, stared moodily out to sea . Perfect weather and conditions, he thought, for bonito to be foraging. A sail could be rigged on the lifeboat to catch any vagrant wind and, with about four men rowing strongly, they might intercept a passing schooner. But, he rancorously decided, with my jinx-crew no such luck!

However, in mid-afternoon, a milelong school of bonito made "dark water" to starboard, and Nels ordered Mr. Wilson to turn out four of the crew to make a lifeboat ready, and then he rushed below to get his special pearl shell lures cut crudely in the shape of a small fish to which a barbless hook was lashed with sennit and tufted with a bit of red-dyed coconut fiber, which he had copied carefully from models he had bought from the bonito fishermen of Tahiti.

The first mate handed him down his selected bamboo poles, and before he gave the order to pull away from the side of the El Dorado, he called up pleasantly: "You can tell the crew that we'll have fresh bonito for supper. I dare say it'll be

a welcome change from that maggoty saltpork." To the sullen, muttering rowers, he shouted : "Now pull together, lads, and we'll soon be on that school of bonito!"

And at last the lifeboat did lunge across the outer line of silvery froth made by the baby squid leaping frantically from the surface. Nels experimented quickly with his lures, which ranged in color from a light-green hue to jet-black. Then, for almost a quarter of an hour, while seamen strained mightily on the oars, the captain cast out and trailed the lure acceptable to the fastidious bonito, and his arms and well-conditioned muscles worked in harmony. Count was soon lost of the bonito he jerked aboard .

When they headed back to the El Dorado, the lifeboat held capacity load, and in a rough sea they would have swamped. The four seamen cursed under their breath as they started the long pull back to the becalmed schooner, where, on deck, Mr. Wilson had the rest of the crew in readiness with bags of salt, casks, knives and tubs of sea-water to receive the bonito for salting down.

At sunset, a strong wind, pushing dark clouds ahead, came over the horizon, and the El Dorado continued its southward course to Chile. And, after supper, the second mate brought the captain a disturbing report.

"The crew refused the evening meal of bonito and dumped it overboard. Most of them have worked the Alaska fisheries, so I suppose they've had all the fish they can stomach."

Nels crashed his fist onto the table, making the crockery jump and rattle. "Those riff raff, rustlin' cowboys! Too good to eat fish, eh? Well, they might rue the day they tossed such lovely fish over the side!"

He couldn't know then how true his prediction was to be!

Three days later squalls overtook the

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El Dorado and clung tenaciously to her course. The seas and wind gained in force, causing the schooner to race as if out of control; heavy waves were shipped washing the full length of the deck, and the old schooner shook from stem to stern under the sea shocks.

In the early morning of June 12 the El Dorado, still far off the coast of Chile,was straining and opening her seams. The steam and hand-pumps had to be worked constantly. Regularly, a huge sea would smash against the schooner and heave her far over on beam ends, and because they were on the port tack, the starboard side of the huge deck-load oflogs started to shift.

Night brought no relief. The mainsail, with a report like cannon fire, tore away and flapped off eerily like a phantom bat into the rushing darkness.

Mr. Wilson shouted through the maelstrom: "Starboard deckload has shifted a foot, sir! And the poop deck is separating from the rail!"

Nels, cursing, swung the schooner around, but this only succeeded in shifting the port deckload.

Friday, June 13, brought no respite to the El Dorado and her exhausted crew. The sea as far as the eye could reach was a violently heaving and churning cauldron, as if a volcano had erupted to windward The El Dorado was being methodically pounded to pieces.

Nels ordered the first mate to see how much water there was in the hold and he came back quickly to report: "It's over my head!"

Nels ran a weary hand over his lined face. "I tell you, Mr. Wilson, I never could beat unlucky Fridays and 13 's. We'll abandon ship "

The captain went below for clothing, blankets and food--and his favorite rod and reel. He emptied the contents of the schooner's medicine-chest and filled it

with his sextant, navigation books, charts and the ship's papers.

The crew, under Mr. Johansen's supervision, had made the only lifeboat left in the spanker throat halyards, and at four p .m. the 22-foot lifeboat pulled away from the sinking El Dorado, This longboat had only a beam of 5 ½ feet and a depth of 3 feet, and loaded with 11 men in a hurricane-lashed ocean the prospects seemed hopeless.

It was at this time that Mr. Wilson gave an exclamation and touched Nel's arm. "I meant to remind you, sir--the chronometer!"

The captain stiffened, cursed. In his hurry, and the imminence of the bulkheads giving way under the tons of seawater in the flooded hold, he had forgotten it! Some 2700 miles off the coast of Chile, with no navigational instrument to calculate their position in longitude!

When Nels looked back for the last time at the battered schooner, he saw that her decks were awash to the rails. She had given up the fight and was wallowing, sinking slowly to her grave. A huge wave loomed like a black cliff on her port side, a wide screen of exploded spume smothered her, and then the sea was a whirlpool of floating lumber, doors, skylights and railing, in which dark sections of the schooner's broken ribs bobbed.

And in this instant the captain, seated in the stern-sheets, gave a loud groan of anguish.

"Damnation!" he exclaimed wretchedly. "I've lost my ship--but I'll lose something else more important if I don't get back to San Francisco quick!"

The shivering, white-faced crew looked at him as if he were suddenly bereft of reason.

And their only hope of reaching land was to set a course for Easter Island, the strange isle of the grim stone idols, which

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lay about 700 miles to the northeast by east. But as Nels had no chronometer, it would mean running out the latitude first, in consequence of which the voyage to Easter Island would total at least 900 miles, if they were lucky enough to reach it.

"Step the mast and bend the spreadsail and jib!" he ordered Second Mate Johansen. "We'll try to make Easter Island!"

Heavy swells violently rocked the lifeboat which had only a freeboard of 1O"; and the captain kept the crew bailing and handling sail, while he and his mates stood watches at the tiller.

Riding the crest of a wave and then tobogganing down its precipitous slope were repeated endlessly. The seamen became stupefied and slightly insane. Some called out weakly that they could see palm trees and entrances to harbors, even familiar vessels passing, with sailor friends waving to them.

Once, finding the captain's rod and reel in his way a seaman kicked it impatiently aside. Nels was on him in a second, shaking him by the slack of his jumper. "You'll treat that with respect, you fugitive from Jesse James' gang, it might serve us well before this voyage is over!"

Days merged with nights, and there was always the shrieking of the gale, the hissing of the waves and the scrape of bailers on the lifeboat's planking. Some of the men sang tunelessly, others sobbed hysterically, a few prayed.

Immersed in seawater even before they took to the lifeboat, the hands and the feet of the tossing boatload of men started to swell, their eyes were festering from incessant salt spray, and the skin was cracking, particularly the tender skin under the thighs from the constant chafing caused by the lifeboat's roll Pelvis bone ground on flesh, sinew

and nerve, and every hard rocking of the lifeboat caused moans and curses.

Some tried kneeling, but then these sockets started to grind painfully. One seaman, Tassaman, tried to leap into the sea and end his misery and had to be tied up . Carlson, a Norwegian, wore only a shirt and drawers and he shook constantly as if with fever, grinning idiotically He begged the captain to hit him over the head with an oar and lighten the lifeboat.

On June 18 catastrophe struck. Just before dawn the demented Carlson had hurled most of the food over the side!

Nels, after Carlson had been tied up, made a grim inventory of the remaining rations that had to last them at least a week longer: 3 cans of corned beef, 5 cans of soup, 8 cans of condensed milk, one can of jam, and a can of beef tongue .

The hopeless predicament of 11 men in a 22 foot lifeboat in a stormswept sea was brought to the captain with sickening clarity. What was left of the jettisoned rations would hardly sustain one man a week!

On June 21 the condition of the seamen was serious. Some were no longer able to bail, and now were sprawled, silent as corpses, in the bottom of the lifeboat. Nels estimated the remaining provisions; one can of corned beef, the can ofbeeftongue a can of soup and two cans of condensed milk.

His anguished eyes shifted to his rod and reel, wrapped in its oil-soaked cloth, then lifted to contemplate the sea. It had abated somewhat. Was there a ghost of a chance that he could bring about a miracle? Could deliverance be placed in his hands? He had fished successfully for sport, now what would be his fisherman's luck in this portentious predicament?

He held a whispered conversation with Mr. Wilson.

"It'll mean doing some chumming ," he told him. "I'll have to sacrifice that

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The QuarterDeck, Vol. 31 No. 1-2

last can of corned beef, and perhaps the tongue, too. But the beef and tongue will never carry us through to Easter Island. If I can catch a good size fish, we have a chance."

The first mate nodded heavily, grunted through salt-cracked, swollen lips "I'll pray that you can do it, sir."

Unobserved by the starving seamen, Nels opened the can of corned beef and, with blank expression, he and the two mates watched the precious red meat trail behind on the surface, and finally disappear from sight into the lacy backwash of the lifeboat. The captain made ready his rod and reel, selected a lure, and cast out astern.

The whir of the reel and the sight of the captain with rod gripped desperately in his hands didn't even interest the huddled or prone seamen.

Fifteen minutes passed, with nothing happening. Nels picked up the can of beef-tongue, methodically opened this, broke the contents up in his hands and dribbled it over the stern.

The motion of the lifeboat, the empty sea, the effects of hunger, created a soporific effect. The captain's eyes became heavy, his chin lowered slowly on his chest. Then a hard nudge!

It was Mr. Johansen, his face distorted, exclaiming hoarsely: "Fish, sir! There's fish out there now!"

Nels bent forward, peering intently. Now he caught sight of something just below the surface, astern, cruising handsomely, illuminating the sea like summer lightning in a storm-cloud. It was tuna, and they were barreling gracefully searching for more chum, and now one nosed up to within a few feet of the stern.

There was a strong following sea to assist a steady wind in the sails, and the lifeboat was moving rapidly, despite its depth in the water. The speed was

sufficient to make a lure effective, but would a tuna, one tuna, strike?

Suddenly the arched line pulled tight, and Nels felt the prodigious weight! A tuna had taken the hook and was now swimming stubbornly deeper. The captain sucked in his breath slowly, calming his nerves, concentrating his waning strength There must be no wrong move, no desperate decision!

What was on the hook spelled the difference between life and death for 11 men! Eighty feet or more of the line unwound with uniform speed.

Now wondered Nels now Now?

He gave the drag a hard twist, watched until the line snapped up tauntly, and then, with his hands gripping the rod high, he gave the tuna his weight. His shouldermuscles strained agonizedly from the sudden shock, and he braced his torso and legs hard, straining backward to equalize the pressure. "Lower the sail!" he gasped to Mr. Johansen.

Suddenly, there was another responsive jolt on his entire body and he gave a startled grunt. The thick rod bent dangerously, the butt gouging his stomach, and he was violently jerked forward. But he heaved up with all his strength, straightening slowly, with the precise action of a strong-man hefting a heavy bar-bell.

Nels inhaled slowly and hit the tuna again. The reel shrieked like a witch's banshee; line evaporated from the spool. Now a sudden slack! He pumped hard, winding. The reel protested. The tuna had started another run, deep-down!

He tried to brake, but the thumb-guard burned him, and he glared with helpless rage at the disappearing line making its cut-water on the surface. Abruptly, the reel slowed its revolutions.

A half hour later, with grim determination, Nels brought the tuna longside. Mr. Wilson and Johansen

The QuarterDeck, Vol 31 No. 1-2

grabbed the leader and worked the fish under the stern .

While the 250 lb. tuna was being lashed to the side of the lifeboat, the seamen lifted their heads and stared stupidly. Now some broke into sobs, others made chewing motions with their mouths, and saliva dripped from the corners.

Nels reached down and pinched the fish expertly, trying to control his emotions. "It'll make fine eating," he said quietly. He moved aside to permit the two mates to cut up the tuna.

"Chew the flesh carefully, which will be sweet and good, and it will mean food and water for you." He nodded and grinned. "Well, I think we're going to make Easter Island after all."

He stood up, braced his legs. "And now I think that it's appropriate that I offer up a short prayer."

With his face lifted to the grey sky, the captain gave an impromptu prayer. He made no quotes from the Bible, but spoke simply and forcefully, giving thanks for having been blessed by deciding to bring the rod and reel into the lifeboat, and his ability and final strength to land the tuna.

Mr. Wilson, busily stripping succulent fillets from the giant tuna, lifted his baritone voice in a hymn, and the seamen joined in weakly. It must have been a strange scene with the small lifeboat once again under sail, moving in a turbulent sea, and the cracked voices of the shipwrecked seamen riding the now increasing gale.

The next morning, Sunday, June 22nd, Nels staggered forward to try and rig a canvas cover for an auxiliary sail. He stopped short, staring! Was it land, or was it a mirage?

"What do you see?" he gasped to Johansen.

"It's land alright!"

Two points off the port bow loomed the grim silhouette of Easter Island!

On June 24 an excited Easter Islander burst in upon Percy Edmunds, English manager for Marlet Livestock Co., at the ranch house at Mataveri, in Hanga Piko to announce that two ragged, wild-eyed, bearded white men had stumbled into the village settlement, shouting incoherently and gesturing toward the East Cape.

Edmunds sent natives and horses to bring in the castaways. And when the strange procession of ragged seamen rode into his front yard, he stepped down from the porch to announce importantly, "Welcome to Easter Island. You 're the first shipwrecked seamen who have ever landed here. Congratulations!"

The Captain, hunched miserably over the pommel of the lead horse, lifted redrimmed eyes, absently dug salt-crust out of his left ear, and then managed a weak grin.

"Thank you, I'm Capt. Nels Benson of the American schooner El Dorado of San Francisco, which sank on unlucky Friday, June 13 in a bad storm."

He gingerly dismounted, and when his bloated feet touched the lava rubble he let out a bellowing curse that aroused seabirds in rookeries a mile away. "And these buckos are my hard-ridin' rootin'-tootin' Texas Rangers!"

Nels and his two mates were quartered in the ranch house at Hanga-Piko, while the crew was sheltered in the deserted Mission House in the native village of Hanga Roa, or Cook's Bay. Hot food and a change of clothes worked wonders with the exhausted men, and some set up housekeeping in the abandoned ancient stone huts, above which, on the slopes, stood the huge stone gods of Easter Island. Others started planting gardens; and all turned to in assisting Edmunds with his shearing, sheep-dipping, rounding up cattle and lassoing wild horses .

"Well, they're finally getting to follow

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 31 No 1 2

their rightful trade," was the captain's wry observation.

To occupy his time, Capt. Benson tried some sport fishing off Cook's Bay, but without a single nibble or strike . To the British manager of Easter Island, he remarked sourly: "I think these rummy statues of yours here have scared off all the game fish in these waters."

Nels at the end of 105 days was acting like a deranged bull sea lion. He paced eternally the high cliffs, peering for the sight of a sail or a smudge of a steamer's smoke. But few vessels came by Easter Island.

Abruptly one mornin g , at breakfast, he announced to Edmunds: "I'm leaving for Tahiti tomorrow!"

"Tahiti's 2500 miles away!" exclaimed Edmunds . "You're crazy if you try it!"

"I'll be crazier if I'm stuck here any longer!" snapped Nels "Look, Matey, I'm buying a home in California on the installment plan, and ifl don't get back they'll foreclose on the mortgage." He drew forth his cheap nickel-plated Pocket Ben watch. "If I had remembered to wind this I could have used it for a chronometer. Well, on the trip to Tahiti, I'll use it alright, and I'll bet the watch company will pay me a pretty penny when I endorse their watch in one of their ads ."

He grinned broadly. "And I'll bet, too, that any reel-maker would give me plenty of cash to endorse one of their products . After all, my rod and reel saved our lives."

The captain had already scraped and recaulked the El Dorado's lifeboat, and the next morning he was ready to cast off Water kegs were put aboard, wood for fuel under the little half-deck forward; a steer was killed and the meat jerked to preserve it, and sweet potatoes, eggs, bacon and taro-root were stored in

abundance . And a 10 gal. steel drum was fashioned into a crude stove.

The French seaman, Alex Simoneau, and the Dutchman, Steve Drinkwater, whose name must have been a sardonic reminder on the perilous voyage of shipwreck, decided to accompany him. It was the month of September, the approach of summer below the equator, and there would be fair weather, steady winds and calm seas.

Once out beyond the line of dangerous surf, Nels bawled back at his staring seamen on the beach: "Yah, and as for you, you mangy cattle rustlers, scared to go with me, eh? Well, stick to your bulldoggin', you misbegotten recruits for Boot Hill! By the time you're picked up by a ship, you'll be able to use your beards for lassos!"(* A British steamer came by Easter Island six months later, to pick up wool and hides, and took the crew to Sydney, Australia, where they were able to get transportation to Puget Sound, Washington.)

Capt. Benson set a course for Magna Reva in the Gambler Group, 1600 miles distant. On Oct. 23rd the lifeboat was floating in a calm sea off Riki tea Village of this island, completing the voyage in 16 days, thus averaging 100 miles a day.

Curious natives paddled out in outrigger-canoes with an invitation from the Catholic priest of Riki tea to come ashore and rest and eat, but Nels brusquely refused, sending back a hastily scribbled note which read: "Thanks. Sorry, but I can't. I'm running a race against time. Those human sharks in America will gobble up my home if I don't get a move on!"

And a real man-eating shark followed the lifeboat on its course from Manga Reva to Tahiti, 900 miles away. Finally, outraged at this lurking symbol of misfortune, Nels lashed a sharpened marlin-pike to the end of the oar, and

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when the brute slid up astern again, he rammed it hard into the unblinking gruesome eye. There was a mighty splash, and the shark was seen no more.

On November 5 Nels steered the lifeboat through the Taunoa reef passage into Papeete's lagoon harbor, completing, from the scene of the original shipwreck, an amazing open-boat voyage of more than 3500 miles!

He rushed to the American Consul. "I'm taking off tonight in my lifeboat for San Francisco!" he shouted. "I'll need some money and provisions!"

"The steamer Moana is due in three weeks," the Consul advised him. "I suggest that you wait for this vessel."

For the next three weeks, while awaiting the arrival of the Moana, Nels was out in the channel between Tahiti and Moorea in a native sailing canoe, manned by stalwart Tahitians, maintaining his reputation as "The Fishing Skipper." He landed a number of tiger sharks, a marlin and a broadbill, none of then record catches, but of great personal satisfaction to himself.

"Fishing keeps my nerves in shape while waiting for that damned Moana," he informed the Consul, when the latter suggested he get all the rest he could after his harrowing ordeal.

When the M oana did anchor in Papeete's lagoon, Nels had the lifeboat lifted aboard.

"If this old hooker sinks, I'll still have my own boat to sail on to California!" he shouted hoarsely.

Then he galloped up the gangway, followed by Simoneau and Drinkwater, waving and bellowing to the astonished mailboat's skipper. "Push this old cheese box for all she can stand! I've got to get to San Francisco in record time! The building-and-loan vultures are roosting on the eaves of my house!"

He waved the wrapped rod and reel.

"But this is my ace-in-the-hole and this too!" He held up the Pocket Ben watch Landing in San Francisco, Capt. Benson's first dutiful visit was to Sanders and Kichman the shipping company of the El Dorado, to make an official report of its sinking .

But they had already collected insurance on her, and they had another vessel awaiting his command . And for a bonus they let him keep as a souvenir the lost schooner's lifeboat. He, also, was given a few weeks leave for some sport fishing .

Did Nels arrive back in America in time to save his home?

The building-and-loan company hadn't even sent him a notice of delinquent payments!

Did Nels sell his "rod and reel and watch rights" to the companies for advertising purposes?

Unfortunately, no. With the typical hard-headedness of a seafarer, he demanded too exorbitant a price, and eventually they lost interest.

Nevertheless, we must admit that Capt. Benson's unreasonable distrust of mortgage companies had compelled him to make one of the most remarkable voyages in the history of shipwrecked seamen, aided and abetted by a Meek-type rod and reel and a cheap, nickel-plated Pocket Ben watch.

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The QuarterDeck, Vol. 31 No 1-2

From the Museum Store

Hand Puppets A Big Hit!

With summer upon us and our children and grandchildren at home what could be better entertainment than to set up a puppet show? Your Museum Store now carries the Folkmanis line of hand puppets in every maritime character or oceanic creature available. We have a pirate puppet (that looks suspiciously like Johnny Depp from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie), blonde, brunette and redhead mermaids, Great White sharks, stingrays, crabs, octopi and fur bearing mammals that are associated with the China fur trade, i.e. otters and beavers. There is even a small sea serpent to frighten unwary sailors far from land.

This line of hand puppets never ceases to amaze me with the extremely high quality of workmanship and the materials used in construction. The fur seems real, soft and very like the creature it represents, the skin of the stingray glistens in an undulating pattern just like the real thing. As you can tell, I really love this line of children's hand puppets. As a matter of fact, so do other adults,

as is evidenced by the number of mature folk who stop and play with them in the store. Stop by your Store to see these great puppets or call for more details and price quotes. Remember, as a valued member of the Columbia River Maritime Museum you will always receive a 10% discount on all purchases. Your Museum Store Manager Rachel Wynne

Summertime fun is always a welcome change of pace! Russ Bean, RachelWynne,and Valerie Burham create a quick puppet show at the front desk.

The Quarte rDe ck, Vol. 31 No 1 2

Museum Staff:

Russ Bean

Celerino Bebeloni

Ann Bronson

Valerie Burham

B etsey Ell erbro e k

Helen Hon!

Kathy Johnson

Arline LaMear

Jim Nyberg

Jerry Ostermiller

David Pearson

Deb Pyle

Lulu Quinn

Nathan Sandel

Molly Saranpaa

Hampton Scudder

Jeff Smith

Cynthia Svensson

Patric Valade

Eddie vega

Rachel Wynne

News and Notes

This season over 16 large oceangoing cruise ships will call upon Astoria for day tours. Visitors have been enjoying the historic tours, our emerging downtown shopping, and of course a visit to the maritime museum. When two of these giant ships arrive on the same day, one of the ships anchors out and tender in passengers, dropping them off at the Museum plaza. The next cruise ship to anchor off the Museum will be September 25 th • Thanks to all the dedicated volunteers who have helped welcome these visitors ashore.

This fall, Oregon's premier bicycling event, Cycle Oregon , will be following the path of Lewis and Clark out to the coast. The finish line, which will welcome over 2,000 cyclists from across the country, will be at the Columbia River Maritime Museum. We are honored to be able to host the Cycle Oregon Event on the waterfront directly to the east of

the Museum. The festivities will begin around 1:00pm on Saturday September 17th •

The Museum's dedicated crew of Lightship Volunteers got a complete tour of the Lightship while she was in drydock. Special thanks go to Sundial Marine for making this a possibility in their busy shipyard schedule. A great time was had by all. Seeing the Columbia out of the water provided an opportunity to appreciate her true size and scale .

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The Qua rterDec k, ro/. 3 1 N o 1- 2

The Museum's website has had some impressive new upgrades. A new live video web camera has been installed on the peak of the Museum. A special thanks to Hazel M. Sealy and Dan Sealy for their generous donation of the camera and the countless hours of time donated to get everything running smoothly. The camera offers a stunning 3 60 degree view of Astoria and the Columbia River. Check out the view at crmm.org .

In addition to the web camera we have also added live weather monitoring to the website with our own weather station. The fully automated system is installed on the 17 th Street Pier just outside of the Museum. Now you can watch the winter storms from the comfort of your home and even see how much rain has fallen outside your window.

The Library has also made some exciting advances now available online at our website. With a generous donation from the Judy and Jim Sloan Foundation of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund the Library catalog is now searchable online. Researchers can check the shelf listing to see what resources are available in our library from anywhere in the world. With this we have also launched a new interactive shipwreck database showing the shipwrecks at the mouth of the Columbia River in collaboration with MapBureau.com through an interactive timeline. To see both of these new features go the Museum's webpage at crmm.org and follow the Curatorial link to the Museum's Library page.Visit crmm.org and let us know what you think.

Navigating the Past summer day camp will be a fantastic adventure for participants this summer, thanks to a $3,400 grant from U.S . Bancorp . With these funds our June and July campers will be transported to North Head Lighthouse for a tour, explore Cape Disappointment State Park, and feel the rush of the wind on their face as they ride in the jet boat Outrageous. August participants will learn about archaeology as they simulate a dig at Fort Stevens State Park. The children will be treated to a special experience as they take part in a cooking class at the Duncan Law Seafood Cooking School. Culmination for the August camp will also be aboard the jet boat. U.S. Bank has been an avid patron of our education programs and wc thank them for their generous financial support.

A special thanks to the Oregon Chapter of the U.S. Lighthouse Society for helping to re-upholster the Lightship's galley furniture while the ship was at drydock.

The Quarterdeck Volume 31, No. 1-2 Summer 2005 The Quarterdeck is published by the Columbia Rive r Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon 97103. Tel: (503)325-2323 Fax: (503)325-2331

www crmm.org

Editor: David Pearson Editorial Staff: Betsey Ellerbroek

Jerry Ostermiller

Molly Saranpaa

Jeff Smith

Printed by Printgraphics Beaverton , Oregon

A huge thanks to the Friends of Columbia River Maritime Museum , who for the second year in a row, have contributed a very generous donation of $3,000 to the Museum's education programs. Their donation has assisted us in offering unique hands-on experiences for children in schools in five counties as well as for families visiting the Museum.

The Q ua rterD eck, vo l. 3 1 No. 1- 2

Education Programs Continue to Grow

We would be remiss ifwe didn't share one of our greatest sources of mail with our members. These are two examples from the hundreds of letters we receive from students every year regarding our Museum in the Schools programs. This school year we presented 517 programs to 5 82 classes reaching over 13,000 students.

from Max

1 c o L u M B I A R I v E R M A R 1 T I M E M u s Eu · M -- ----- 1 ------------------~ 16 I
The QuarterDeck, T-vl. 31 No 1-2

Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Johnson

Mr and Mrs David D Corkill Marilyn Milburn

Mr and Mrs Robert E Frame Steve and Debbie Mansfield Jon Westerholm Hugh Ferguson George Fulton Zell Ostermiller Anna Basel

Pat and Peter Roscoe Donna M. Gustafson Grant and Mary Polk Ella P Hill Mr and Mrs George Schmeltzer Bob and Virginia Kearney William Sacherek and Liselotte Florence Belkna11

Robert and Dorothy Scott Eugene Knutsen and Peggy Lamerdin Gurie O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. George E. Siverson Person Mr. and Mrs . Peter Strandberg Roma Bigby Mr. and Mrs . Chuck Snell Eldon Korpela David and Linda Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Hauke Sr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Soderberg Joe and Edith Miller Peter Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Johnson June Spence Susan Orr Helmsman Eugene Knutsen and Peggy Mr. and Mrs Harold Sutlief Harry Phillips Bud Carpenter and Caroline Person

Nancy Walker

Mr. and Mrs . Hugh A. Seppa Weubbrn

John and Sally Laine Columbia House Condominium June Spence Connie Chester Larry and Cheryl Lockett Homeowners Assoc. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Arthur and Laurie Dolan Captain and Mrs. James T. Maher Richard Comer Zafiratos Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Flynn Ann and Craig Meyer Marcella L. Hatch Heikkala Harold Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leamy Jerry Ostermiller and Lynne Jack Dant Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Tim Martinez Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Tevis Zafiratos Mr. and Mrs. Richard David and Susie Romppanen Tom Doig Donald Rodney Schroeder Helmi Romppanen Nelzel Mr. and Mrs. Norman Forney Mr. and Mrs Norman Forney Sharon and Oliver Waldman Carl and Sarah Snow Edmond Ellis Ca11t. Paul Jackson Boatswain June Spence Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kennedy, Jr. Charlotte Jackson Dr. and Mrs. James Gilbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson Erland Fahlstrom

Helen Johnson Paula Marineau Conrad and Kim Timmerman Mr. and Mrs. David D. Corkill Ella P. Hill

Anthony and Lorraine Nailor Ron and Vicki Westerlund Mabel Herold

Howard Johnson Pilot Paul Byrne Vern and Gloria Larson Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. ILWU Local #21 Crew of the USS Knapp DD-653 Mr. and Mrs. Toivo Mustonen Johnson Navigator Richard Cameron Arthur E Farr Mr. and Mrs. Toivo Mustonen Michael and Sharon Malone Patricia Drake George and Janet Emmanuel Dr. and Mrs. David I. Williams Admiral Eileen Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Graham T. Hunt Ann C Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. DeArmond Lloyd Classen Deutsche Asset Management Phil Nock Allan Maki James and Joyce West Jennie Johnson Memorial Donations Ca11t. Raymond Collins Helen Fastabend Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Oja September 16, 2004 Roy and Dorothy Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Newton Keck June 28, 2005 Kay and Evelyn Bredleau Johnson Eva Moore Mervin Andersen Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Gloria Fick Olga Kerekes Ben Bay Mr. and Mrs. Allen V. Cellars Kaarlo and Katherine Karna Robert and Dianne Palmrose Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hjorten Mr. and Mrs. John L. Christie, Eugene Knutsen and Peggy Mildred Kilburn Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson Jr. Person Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kennedy, Jr. Eugene Knutsen and Peggy Bill and Deborah Cook Bart Oja and Family JackM Kirk Person Capt. & Mrs. Dale A. Dickinson Dr. Robert Friedrich Jeffrey D. and James A. Kirk Donald Link Donald Fastabend Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mestrich Esty Knutsen Violet Paulson Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Hauke, Sr. CaQt. Robert Gibson Elva Andersen Jack and Madeline Strickfaden Robert Hauke Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Mr and Mrs. Donald R. Teppola Ella P. Hill Miriam Goodman Bakkensen Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weaver Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kettelkamp Mr and Mrs. Nicholas D. Ben Bay Loui se Arzabala Joan Kroll Zafiratos

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Canessa Gurie O'Connor Linda Krugel Jane Goudy Mr. and Mrs David D Corkill David Baker Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Krugel Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Mr. and Mrs . Clarence 0. Crew of the USS Knapp DD-653 Mike and Donna Kuratli Jr.


Jerry Ostermiller and Lynne Bank of Astoria Leonard and Hilde Kaufman Mr and Mrs. John W Liedel Johnson Del and Cheri Folk Clarence Barendse Mr. and Mrs. Toivo Mustonen Rod G ri d er George Fulton Larry and Avelia Normand Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Bill Henningsgaard Jerry Ostermiller and Lynne M ary Lou Haggren

Admiral Barbey Duncan and Flora Law

Mr. and Mrs. William R. King Johnson Mr and Mrs. Theodore T. Bugas Eldon Korpela

John and Juanita Price Mr and Mrs Allen V. Cellars Mike and Donna Kuratli Phoebe Ridman Mr and Mrs. Ronald C. Collman Donald Link

!_______ C O L U M B I A R I V E R M A R I T I M E M U S E U M _______ :
The QuarterDeck, Vol. 31 No. 1-2

Nancy Lowe

Earl Malinen

Helen Robnett

Edith Leslie Ed Lundholm

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Barrows Mr. and Mrs . Frank Royston Ellen Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lundholm Mr and Mrs Elmer T. Hjorten Frank and Betty Satterwhite

Patricia Hallin Mr. and Mrs . Charles Mestrich Mr and Mrs. Melvin Hjorten Carroll and Lydia Seabold Raymond Torkelson Bill and Sara Orr Eldon Korpela June Spence Allan Maki Mr. and Mrs Ward Paldanius Allan Maki

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Story Carl Utzinger Mr. and Mrs. Larry Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert M . Oja Marlene Taylor

Mr and Mrs. Wesley J. Carroll and Lydia Seabold Janet Maxon Lou Ann Thorsness Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Seppa Edith Leslie Nancy Thorsness

Mr and Mrs. Robert E Frame Mr. and Mrs. George E. Siverson Capt. Kenneth McAll!in Carol Welch Dave Walker June Spence Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Ron and Vicki Westerlund Becky Belangy Robert and Mary Swingle Annabell Miller Eben Parker Clifford N. Stephens John Ten Eyck Frank Frost Allan Maki Ruth Watson Mr. and Mrs . Dick Thompson Margo and Brad Jacobsen Lucille Perkins

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Barrows Lou Ann Thorsness Mr. & Mrs . Louis Kennedy, Jr. Edith Leslie James Wells Nancy Thorsness Maude C Nilsen Cal!t. Ed Quinn

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kennedy, Jr. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Weaver Nikki Stuart Director Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Kathleen Williams Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Virginia Lee Morell Frank Ragusa

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zafiratos Marcella L. Hatch Crew of the USS Knapp DD-653 Magnusen Mr and Mrs. Donald G. Ziessler Abraham Morrison Sandra Ramsdell Mrs. Gary Winlund Edwin A Lahti Crew of the USS Knapp DD-653 Melton, Julie, Keifer, Kyle and Dr. and Mrs. David I. Williams Lorna Kairala Harold C. Nelson Jared Lucore Arden Wright Judi Seago Mr and Mrs Elmer T. Hjorten Donald Riswick Hugh Ferguson Dr. and Mrs David I. Williams Columbia River Gillnetter Eldon Korpela Marilyn Milburn Mitzi Latourette Wells Kristian Nielson Allan Maki Phoebe Ridman Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Tevis Dr. and Mrs David I. Williams June Moskovita Chris Zafiratos Jim Lavis Rall!h Nordstrom Jon Westerholm Joe and Gwen Bakkensen Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T. Hjorten Bart Oja and Family Columbia River Gillnetter Donald and Marilyn Kessler James W. Leach Michael Olsen Carol Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Lori Leach and Brian Powers Mr and Mrs Norman Forney Gurie O'Connor Zafiratos Doris Link Grant Orr Nick Rusinovich Elva Andersen At-Sea Processors Association Elaine Rusinovich

In honor of.. Mr. and Mrs. George Crandall Mr and Mrs Philip J. Blair Capt. Stanley Sayers S. and R . Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 0. Joyce Cameron Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Marilyn and Seymore Schuster Dreyer Mr. and Mrs Charles B. Coggins David Seaberg Mr. and Mrs. William R. King Steven and Marilyn Dahlmeier Patricia Hallin Eugene Knutsen and Peggy Mr and Mrs. Clarence 0. Dreyer George Shaver Person Donna Mary Dukich Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr. Jack and Madeline Strickfaden Donald Fastabend Dottie Sorensen Nancy Lowe Ed and Charlotte Fearey Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Anderson George Fulton Helen Sorkki Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gannaway Mr. and Mrs Donald Helligso Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Eugene Knutsen and Peggy Harold Hendricksen Bishop, III Person Mr. and Mrs. Dave B. Hubbard Mary Ann SI!icka Capt. and Mrs. James T. Maher Mr. and Mrs . Ronald Reed Allan Maki John McGowan Hubbard Richard Steele Jerry Ostermiller and Lynne Charles and Ruth Johnson Libby Holden Johnson Harriet Johnson Harry Swanson June Spence Bessie Justen Crew of the USS Knapp DD-653 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Kenneth & Esther Lampi Claude Swingle Zafiratos Mr. and Mrs Bob Landwehr Mr. and Mrs Bob Canessa Nancy and Eugene Lowe Paul Lydolph and Joyce Benson Joe Thompson Mr and Mrs. Marsh Hoffman Edna Magnuson Mr. and Mrs Warren Mattson Ralph Mace Mr and Mrs Charles Mestrich Odea! Tillson Don and Donna Speed Mindy Pin Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson Georgia Maki Mr and Mrs Alexander Rainey La Verna Tindall

Jon Westerholm Bob Rakita and Ingrid Nielsen

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The QuarterDeck, Vol. 31 No. 1-2
ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Non-profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Astoria, Oregon Permit No. 340

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