V30 N3/4 The Museum as a Collecting Institution

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The Museum as a Collecting Institution

From the Wheelhouse


Capt. Rod Leland, Pres ident Thomas V. Dulcich , Vice President

Cheri Folk , Past President Don Magnusen , Treasurer Prudence M Miller, Secretary Jerry L. Ostermiller, Executive Director

Board of Trustees

George F. Beall Dennis Bjork

Peter Brix* R ichard T. Carruthers * Fred Fields

Walter Gadsby, Jr Alan C Goudy * W. Dennis Hall

E.H (Ted) Halton, Jr. Jonathan Harms

Don M. Haskell

Senator Mark Hatfield * Rep. Betsy Johnson Dr. Russell Keizer S. Kenneth Kim

W. Louis Larson

Robley Mangold * Thomas F. Martin James McClaskey John McGowan * Kon M. Novack

Larry Perkins David W. Phillips Hugh Seppa June Spence Joe Tennant

Willis Van Dusen * Bruce Ward

Samuel C. Wheeler Bill Wyatt Ted Zell

* Trustee Emeritus

For most people, museums are about the interesting items, stories and artistic displays that make up the exhibits. However, a few weeks ago one of our visitors wanted to find out more about the Columbia River Maritime Museum. He was a member of the board of directors for a maritime museum located on the east coast, and was vacationing aboard one of the river cruise ships that visit Astoria.

The visitor was interested in the number of visitors we have each year (98,000), the size of the Museum (40,000 square feet of exhibits, three buildings and a lightship located on a 13-acre campus), what our dependency on tax dollars is (none), and the numberoffulltime employees (14). He was "l d " astounded to learn just how ean an mean our operation was compared to his own and even more impressed with the fact that we have never borrowed money or operated in the red. It soon became clear however, that his true interest was in our "professional commitment" as a collecting and educational institution.

As it turns out, his museum was struggling to meet its mission to collect and preserve the cultural materials ofhis region's maritime history and he was interested to learn how we met this challenge . I shared

with him our "three pillars" philosophy Exhibits, Education Programs and our Collections. Our exhibits, as I mentioned, are highly visible and successful, they receive the highest of praise. Our emerging education programs continue to develop and expand. We offer inhouse programs for students K-12 as well as Elderhostel and adult tour groups. The Museum's field instructor, with our new "education mobile", takes the Museum into the classrooms in 5 counties and in 2 states, to deliver face-to-face programs for over 14,000 children each year

I then explained our plans to build the most significant collections program on the west coast by describing our outstanding library and archives, soon to be the best and most complete anywhere. Describing the attrition that is taking place to the historic boats and machinery of the region, and the need to acquire representative collections of our unique maritime culture before it is too late, I told him about our recently acquired 40,000 square foot collections storage building. This structure is being renovated to create the first "Maritime Repository" on th~ w~st coast. It is designed to house our growing collections of small craft, marine engines, and the many thousands of artifacts that comprise the actual fabric of our maritime history.

Needless to say our visitor was impressed with the vision of our museum and was anxious to share the details of our operation with his own institution. In discussing this visit with Dave Pearson, our Curator, he suggested that we dedicate this issue of the Quarterdeck to the Museum as a Collecting Institution. You know, I couldn't agree more .

The Qua rte rDeck, Vol. 30 N o 3-4

Planning for the Growth of Collections

As the Museum enters its 43 rd year of operation, the time seems right to reflect back on one of the primary missions of the Museum as a collecting institution. The Columbia River Maritime Museum accepted its first artifact in May of 1962, a framed oil painting of an English Gun Ship of 1780, given to the Museum by our founder, RolfKlep. Since that time the Museum has accepted over 35,000 objects into its care. In addition, 15,000 historic photographs have been collected, and an 8,000 volume dedicated maritime research library has been built. But these numbers mean nothing without a solid collections focus and strong programs to put these incredible resources to beneficial use .

The Museum strives to document, preserve and interpret the maritime heritage of areas influenced by the Columbia River, extending throughout the Pacific Northwest region to include Oregon, Washington, and, where directly appropriate, parts of northern California, British Columbia, and Alaska. All of the ports, maritime and naval activities, social and economic institutions and industries related to this waterway,

particularly its lower reaches, are the concern of the Museum.

The Museum first opened in leased quarters at the former Astoria City Hall in 1963 From the onset, the facility limited the collecting of maritime material, the bulk of which is large, heavy industrial material and craft. To solve this problem the Board of Trustees began to raise funds for a new museum building to be built on Astoria's waterfront. The building was designed by the Astoria architectural firm of Brown, Brown, & Grider. Within the contemporary wave design of the building RolfKlep reserved over 10,000 square feet for curatorial storage. This was an incredible amount of space and museum resources at the time, but showed they planned for a healthy growth of the Museum and its collection of artifacts. The new building opened to the public on May 11 th 1982, the 20 th anniversary of the Museum's founding.

And grow it did, 5 years later the space had nearly filled to capacity. In 1987 the Museum received the Astoria Train Depot Building through a generous donation from Burlington Northern. It gave the Museum a Co ntinu ed p g 5

Baskets and hat made by Queets Indians

These items shown are part of a collection of31 Northwest Indian baskets recently given to the Museum. They mostly date from the 1920s and are representative of the type of work done by Pacific coastal Indians in the early 20 th century for trade and sale. The donor's family were homesteaders in Evergreen on the Queets River in Washington, and these pieces obtained by their family were made by Indians living in the region.

Historically, the Queets Indians, along with the Quileute, Hoh, and Quinault of the Olympic Peninsula coast were part of the vast maritime trade network that included the Columbia River, encountered by EuroAmericans as they explored the Pacific Northwest.

Donors: JoAnne and William Grindstaff 2004.31

On The Cover:
The QuarterDeck, Vol. 30 No. 3 4

Featured Item from the Collection

David Taylor Pocket Watch

This pocket watch, a recent gift to the Museum by Thomas and Karen Klosterman, was originally given to Captain John H. Wolf (Thomas' great uncle) in 1862 by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. Capt. Wolf was given this watch in appreciation for many years of faithful service. Lewis & Dryden s Marine History of the Pacific Northwest relates the following:

"Capt. John H. Wolf, who saw more years of continuous service with the Oregon Steam Navigation Company and its successors than any other captain in their employ, was born in Germany in 1824 and came to Oregon in 18 52 on the schooner Emhous, which he left soon after arrival and commenced steamboating on the old Multnomah with Capt. Richard Hoyt, Sr. Quick to learn, and a general favorite with everyone, the young

man was soon promoted, in due season became captain of the Belle, and from this position rose steadily until he was in command of the best steamers owned by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. At various times during his long career he handled nearly every steamer belonging to that corporation, with the exception of the Willamette Riverboats. Captain Wolf was a thorough steamboat man in every respect, and no night was too dark, and no fog too thick, to baffie his skill. Withal he was a genial, kind-hearted gentleman, whose name will always awaken a flood of pleasant memories in the minds of those who knew him. He continued on the Columbia until a few weeks before his death, which occurred in Portland, October 14, 1885, after a third of a century of continuous service on river steamboats."

COLUMBIA RIVER MARITIME MUSEUM 4 ...... ,::....,",,""'.,' ··•Jfl1"•
The QuarterDeck, Vol. 30 No. 3-4

great opportunity for growth and development and much needed storage space. The space became a boat building shop and later a storage facility for the Museum during the expansion. Today this space is the focus of planning for a majorre-use, as the Museum explores different ideas for putting the proud historic structure to better public and community use.

Later, as the collection continued to develop, the Museum was compelled to lease another storage building (the old Darigold building in downtownAstoria) to accommodate a small craft collection, now at 33 vessels, and a growing marine engine and outboard motor collection. And still the collection continued to grow.

In 1996 the Museum again began an aggressive building campaign to renovate and redesign its now aging building and exhibits. On May 11 1h, 2002 on the Museum's 40th anniversary, the Museum opened a 6.5 million dollar expansion to the public with a new orientation theater, innovative exhibits, a new

museum store, and expanded meeting rooms for public events. Within this space, the architects Fletcher Farr Ayotte, were given the charge, this time to include over 2,000 square feet of space for the museum's growing library. Vital space and museum resources were dedicated to this goal. This was the first step in a long term plan to better utilize our growing collections.

The Ted M. Natt Maritime Library was built to help accomplish the goal of creating a lifelong learning center. To meet this ambitious goal the Museum needs to provide education, information, and research services to a broad section of the Museum's audience, thereby conveying an appreciation for the maritime history of the Pacific Northwest and a sense of the historical maritime importance of the Columbia River. The library has come to play an invaluable role in supporting the interpretation of the Museum mission for the education and enjoyment of our visitors. The Museum has the only nationally accredited, specialized maritime library in the Pacific

RolfKlep talking to an unidentified guest about the Columbia River Bar Pilot pulling boat from the Museum's collection.

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Continued pg 7

Featured Item from the Collection

Builder's Plate from the Pete r Iredale

On October 25, 1906 the British, fourmasted iron bark, Peter Iredale, hull no 59 from the Ritson & Company shipbuilders, grounded on Clatsop Spit during heavy weather about a mile and a half from the mouth of the Columbia River. The crew and captain were rescued by PointAdams Life Saving crew and the vessel was declared a loss. The underwriters sold their interests for $500 to the Pacific Iron Works ofAstoria who thoroughly dismantled the ship and sold what was left to other scrappers The hulk remaining was left to sink into the sand. Over the years the Peter Iredale wreck has become one of the most photographed landmarks of the Oregon Coast. This cast brass relic oflocal significance was recently given to the Museum by a

Seattle couple who had purchased it a number of years ago. The husband always wished it to go to the Columbia River Maritime Museum, and after his recent passing, his wife fulfilled that wish and made the donation. We are pleased and honored to have this significant piece oflocal maritime history here at the Columbia River Maritime Museum. Future plans to renovate the Peter Iredale exhibit include placing this item on display for all to see and appreciate.

The QuarterDeck, Vol 30 No 3-4

Northwest. The scope of the collections held included working with the History Channel, in the Ted M. Natt Maritime Library is directly National Geographic, and National Public related to the Columbia River and the North- Radio. west Coast. These include photographic materials, periodicals, shipping papers, manuscripts, ships' plans, corporate records, marine drawings, and cannery labels. Manuscript holdings include memorabilia from ship launchings, logbooks, customs house records, Bar Pilot Logs, and Navy cruise books.

The library works to offer applied research information to anyone who contacts the Museum with inquiries. This research supports the Museum's mission by allowing a better understanding and encouraging education about the maritime heritage of the Columbia River and Northwest Coast. This includes scholarly research, from high school Senior Projects to graduate level thesis work.

When the opportunity arises, a regional or national audience is reached through the Museum assisting as a knowledge source and historic resource provider. This is a growing area of outreach for the Museum, in which we have had some great recent success. Projects

The second step in this long term plan is to find suitable offsite storage, with the goal that all the Museum's collections be stored under one roof. What began 42 years ago as a small collection and a dedicated staff of one, has grown into the second largest collection of maritime items on the west coast ( second only to San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park.) With this reorganization, the economy of the building's location cannot be ignored. The closer the storage building is to our main building the easier it will be to manage, giving it a much better chance of meeting all of our goals. With this in mind the Museum Trustees made the decision to purchase a new storage building, one with room to grow for the next twenty years.

The USO Recreation Building, which later became the Oregon National Guard Armory, was completed in 1945; this giant 40,000 square foot structure is sited just east

The cavernous 130' x 80' upstairs to the armory building. This will house the majority of the Museum's collections. The stage for the U .S.O . is on the left .

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Continued pg 9

Featured Item from the Collection

This artful image by noted Pacific Northwest photographer Fred Wilson shows the 1,588 ton four-masted lumber schooner Sir Thomas J Lipton tied up on the west side of Tongue Point, circa 1925. The darkening sky and the setting sun silhouetting the rigging ofthis fine vessel evoke the somber feelings of the donor who remembered from his youth the waning days of sail in Astoria. This photograph was a wedding gift to the donor back in 1940, the same year the vessel was acquired by Island Tug & Barge Co. of Victoria and was transferred to Canadian registry as a barge. The print now finds a home here at the museum along with other artifacts from the Si r Thomas J Lipton.

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Page of the log book from the May 8, 1919 voyage of the Sir Thomas J Lipton. Donor: Mr. Don Goodall

Photo of the Sir Thomas J Lipton
List of Crew ana Report of Cftarader Re po t !ofc l>oracle • Chr rt a n a nd s. ma m e (a t e ngth ) o f each pa l"l<l n Capocityug g•d- j Cond•cl Ab ility . ~ I · (P , (J' /p ,, ,,
The QuarterDeck, Vol. 30 No 3 4

of downtownAstoria,just a block away from the Maritime Museum. Built to government standards, the armory was built to last. After many changes in owners and mixed success, the building again came on the market in 2002. Recognizing the need for space, and the Museum's mission as a collecting institution, the Trustees made the decision to acquire the property. The building was purchased outright; the Museum assumed no debt.

Planning has now begun to develop this facility into the Pacific Northwest Maritime Repository, making the Columbia River Maritime Museum one of the largest maritime artifact collectors on the west coast. For this to happen, a great amount of work must occur. The facility needs upgraded lighting, upgraded security, fire protection, and heat and humidity controls to create a stable and secure storage facility

When this project is completed the Pacific Northwest Maritime Repository will be a museum quality environment for the Museum's artifacts and small craft collection. This will be the third such building in the country designed as a repository of maritime artifacts, an ambitious undertaking for any museum The

other two, which have opened within the last three years , are Mystic Seaport, in Mystic, Connecticut and The Mariners' Museum in Newport News, Virginia. This facility, the first of its kind on the west coast, will provide scholars and visitors with research space and better facilitate public viewing of our collections, and continue RolfKlep's vision of the Museum as a collecting institution for decades to come.

The Museum is proud to announce the support of the James F and Marion L. Miller Foundation in reaching this goal of creating the Pacific Northwest Maritime Repository. The Miller Foundation has pledged $150,000 in a matching grant to the Museum, a strong first step towards our goal of one million to complete the project. For more information about the Pacific Northwest Maritime Repository and how you can help support this exciting project contact John Gibbens, Director of Development at (503) 325-2323 .

Side profile of the armory building from the original drawings.

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The QuarterDeck, Vol. 30 No 3 4
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When I moved back to Astoria in 2002 I was hired as the Education Assistant for ' ~e Col~mbia River Maritime Museum. My Job ent~iled teaching the history ofAstoria, the Pacific Northwest maritime trade, and many other subjects, in a five county radius (Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, Pacific, and Cowlitz) . I would become the Museum in the Schools (MITS) lady, or better known as Miss Cheryl.

Remembering the words of my father, "Tell the stories of the past," I eagerly began researching and writing programs that the Museum could offer to the schools. Becoming the characters of the fur trade and sharing artifacts and replicas with the children opened their eyes to their own community. Watching a six-year-old make a funny face while looking through a Fresnel lens and then explaining its purpose to another child is why we need this outreach program, to educate our young about the wealth ofhistory in the Pacific Northwest.

The MITS program started with the 1996 1997 school year presenting 162 pro~rams to 4,000 students in Clatsop and Pacific counties. At that time, the programs were offered three days a week and were free of charge. By 2001 2002 school year, the program expanded into five counties including: Clatsop, Tillamook, Columbia, Pacific, and Cowlitz, and boosted student participation to 7,000 students. The MITS program continued to increase in popularity with teachers and students and in 2003 2004, the program was expanded to five days a week. MITS program participation ballooned to 543 presentations and served 13, 921 students .

When school is out, students plan for summer fun and teachers take a break, but the Columbia River Maritime Museum's Education Department encounters its busiest time by presenting Family Programs and Summer Day Camp . This summer

brought us almost 2,000 participants in Family Programs and 35 day campers. This is a particularly enjoyable time as parents and children participate in storytelling, lectures and hands-on activities. Each replica or artifact used in all the education programs has a story to accompany it and that is what museum education entails, the stories of the past using vivid imagery

It is always interesting to visit with other agencies that offer similar programs. They often have a staff consisting of more than five educators that present to around 1O 000 ' students per year at a cost to the participating school district. As the MITS program grows I . . ' envision our education staff increasing in numbers also. Unlike other education programs, the MITS program is still FREE to the schools. The Museum is proud of this accomplishment and feels a strong commitment to the Museum in the Schools program and its contribution to the education of young people . As an educational institution it is our goal to provide quality programs and resources to schools. Wouldn't it be great to expand MITS into the Portland and Beaverton areas? Imagine all of the students educating their parents about the fur trade, commerce on the river, weather, watersheds, marine life, and history. Imagine the students sharing the stories.

Every day the education staff encounters students and their parents who have participated in past programs. This summer in particular, I have had a number of students from the St. Helens area bring their parents to the Museum because of the MITS program presented in their classroom last year. One of my favorite comments was from a parent stating, "Miss Cheryl, my son explained the salmon cycle-he is only five! The MITS program must continue in the schools as one of the most valuable learning resources we have that is free to our educators. "

St. Helens teachers wrote to the Museum recently and pointed out several Oregon Dept. of Education content standards the MITS

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 30 No 3-4

program touches on, stating, "This program has been so valuable to us at any grade leve l here in St . Helens . Cheryl has made available to us so many lessons, teaching in such a way that students have a vivid picture of whatever concept she is imparting. As teachers, we watch in amazement all the lessons she has researched and executed. All the tools and materials she has collected to enhance each lesson are impressive. Due to her tremendous research and teaching style , she has enabled our students to learn beyond normal standards. These programs blend in well to our curricula and Oregon benchmarks "Kathy Keudall, Melody Biggs, Marcy Ramey, Kendra Griffin, Melissa Lake, and Laurie Beisley (McBride Elementary, St. Helens, Oregon) .

The Education Department's role is to bring history to life . And that is the point. I am an educator who uses storytelling to explain history to our children. What better investment could we make in the next generation? As those children grow, I hope they will remember their roots and support organizations such as our Museum, the Columbia River Maritime Museum, the place I call home.

Education Takes to the Open Road!

With a generous donation from the Quest for Truth Foundation the Columbia River Maritime Museum was able to purchase a Toyota Minivan for the Museum in the Schools Program. Having the vehicle will allow a greater choice of programs for the classrooms at each school and will offer a chance to highlight the Museum's commitment to the program and the community.

A special thanks to Lum'sAuto Center in Astoria for their expert assistance in helping us acquire the right vehicle for our needs.

Stay tuned for more updates as we take the show on the road.

The QuarterDeck, Vol 30 No 3 4

Museum Store

The human animal is a collector. It is our nature to become enamored of certain objects and begin to amass them. Some people begin to collect because they just love the objects themselves; some do it for the investment possibilities and others simply because they can't help themselves. Whatever category of collector we may fall into we could all use some help when it comes to the care of our precious collections. Your Museum Store understands this and stocks several titles pertaining to the collection and preservation of the objects of our desire. We also carry titles that focus on maritime related collecting and investigation of family heritage.

Caring For Your Colle c tions, Preserving and Protecting Your Art and Other Collectibles: Paintings, Furniture, Ceramics, Glass, Books, Manuscripts, Stamps, Photographs, Works on Paper, Musical Instruments, Textiles , Ethnographic materials, Metal and Stone Objects , National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, Arthur W. Schultz, General Editor, Abrams Books, NewYork,1992, HB $40.00/36.00

This book is divided into chapters according to materials. The authors concentrate on the importance ofpreventative maintenance, outlining the dos' and don'ts ofroutine carefrom cleaning and examination to display, shipping and storage. An excellent resource.

Marine Art & Antiques, Jack Tar, A Sailor's Life 1750-1910 by J. Welles Henderson and Rodney P Carlise, Antique Collector's Club, Suffolk, England 1999 HB $65.00/58.50

The author focuses on the 'ordinary' seamen in the American and British navies who manned and worked the ships and he follows their story through manuscripts, journals, diaries, log books, rare books, paintings, prints, sketches, wood carvings, ceramics, textiles, scrimshaw, medals, instruments, ship models, statues and photographs.



A SAILOR'S LIFE 1750-1910

China For America, Export Porcelain of the 18th and 19th Centuries, by Herbert, Peter and Nancy Schiffer Schiffer Publishing Ltd.,Atglen, PA 1980 HB $39.95/35.96

The importation of Chinese porcelain to America was only a small part of the early Sino-American commercial trade. From the first voyages ofAmerican ships to China in 1784,Arnerican vessels brought cargoes of varied types and origins dominated by tea, silk and a coarse cotton fabric known as nankeen. But even before American ships went to China, porcelain was made for, and used in, America. Colonial family crests, initials, names and original design decorations are explored within this extensive book.

Tracing Your Naval Ancestors , by Bruno Pappalardo, The Cromwell Press Ltd., Trowbridge, Wiltshire, GB 2003, PB $24.95/22.46

A comprehensive and up-to-date guide for family and naval historians, archivists, librarians and medal collectors. This book explains the wide and diverse range of records and secondary sources to trace genealogical and career information. This book focuses primarily on those who may have served in the

The QuarterD eck, Vol. 3 0 N o 3 4

Royal Navy and in the naval reserve or auxiliary forces formed to serve it, from 1660 to modem times

Plugging Into Your Past, How to Find Re al Family History Records Online , by Rick Crume, Betterway Books, Cincinnati, OH 2004, PB $19.99/17.99

Step-by-step strategies for effectively using revolutionary resources available at your fingertips. A friendly, accessible guidance manual that makes it easy to find vital clues about your family history with online marriage and census records, tombstone transcriptions, military and immigration records. Shipwrecks

With the Annual Membership Meeting just ahead of us and the world renowned author and lecturer, Mr. James P. Delgado as our featured speaker, it is only prudent that we highlight a few of his many books available in your Museum Store. I'm sure you will want to stop in after the meeting and pick up one, or maybe several.

Adventures of a Sea Hunter , James P. Delgado, Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver, B C 2004 HB $25 00/22.50

Together with author Clive Cussler, James Delgado hosts an international television series, The Sea Hunters, that takes its viewers along on dives to discover and explore famous shipwrecks. The dramatic stories in this book are based on Sea Hunter episodes and on Delgado's own underwater explorations.

Lost Warships, An Archaeological Tour of War at Sea , by James P. Delgado, Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver, B.C ., 2001 HB $50 .00/45.00

A lavishly illustrated tour of war at sea around the world and through the ages by tracing the three-thousand-year archaeological history of these events . Follow the author as he investigates the ancient conflicts in the Mediterranean and on China's rivers and lakes through to the lost ships and sea battles of the Second World War




Across th e Top of the World, The Quest for the Northwest Passage , by James P. Delgado, CheckmarkBooks, New York, NYHB 1999, $35.00/31.50

In the Great Age ofExploration, the quest for the fabled Northwest Passage lured the era's boldest adventurers to the icy Arctic. For nearly four centuries they risked and sometimes lost their lives in search of a sea route connecting Europe with Asia Across the Top ofthe World tells their story an epic tale of tragedy, determination and human struggle.

Don't forget your Museum Store for all your holiday shopping. Your membership discount gives you a great price on some truly special, one-of-a-kind gifts.

Call or visit your Museum Store today! (503) 325-2323

The QuarterD eck, Vol 30 No 3 4 /,'ll',H,/ 1,, CLIVE CUSSLER
\ ~ S E A A C H D F Famous

Museum Staff:

Russ Bean

Celerino Bebeloni

Ann Bronson

Valerie Burham

Cheryl Cochran

Betsey Ellerbroek

John Gibbens

Helen Hon!

Charlotte Jackson

Kathy Johnson

Arline LaMear

Jim Nyberg

Jerry Ostermiller

Robin Parker

David Pearson

Molly Saranpaa

Hampton Scudder

Jeff Smith

Cy nthia Svensson

Patri c Valade

Shelley Wendt

Rach e l rfynne

News and Notes

Thanks go to the Autzen Foundation for their generous grant to fund a new cardiac defibrillator for the Museum. The Museum has taken this proactive step to insure the best possible response to a cardiac emergency at the Museum. As part of the new American Heart Association training program, all Museum staff will undergo training to operate the new defibrillator.

Thanks to Darryl Bergerson and the crew ofBergerson Construction for equipment and services to construct a new floating camel log system at the 17th Street Pier for the Lightship Columbia. The old camel had been severely damaged during the storms oflast winter.

If you were not in Astoria during the Regatta this August you missed the Museum's entry in the Grand Land Parade . Staff and volunteer, Ken Charters, spiffed up Peace and Friendship, the replica of Capt. Robert Gray's jolly boat, for the parade. Summer day camp participants rode in the boat waving and smiling to the crowd. We were a great hit and had lots of fun.

Lightship off to Drydock

The Lightship Columbia is off to Sundial dry dock in Troutdale to have her hull and decks painted. Columbia is tentatively scheduled to be pulled away from the dock the second week in October. From there she will be towed up river with the generous donation of a tug and crew from the expert boat handlers at Tidewater. Thanks to Peter J. Brix, The Kinsman Foundation, Rose Tucker Charitable Trust, and the many individual donors for their generous support to help fund renovation of the Lightship Columbia.

We also wish to thank the Oregon Chapter of the U.S. Lighthouse Society for donating $1,500 to assist us in restoring the upholstery for the chairs and bench in the mess deck. Both of these improvements will help restore her to the significant Historical National Landmark that she is. We hope that you will come visit upon her return .

The Education Department received a grant from U.S . Bank for $1,500 to be used in conjunction with our Museum in the Schools outreach program. These funds will allow us to purchase replicas, models, and other items that pertain to our expanding list of programs. U.S. Bank has been a staunch supporter of our education programs and a valued partner. We thank them for their continued support, allowing us to offer quality experiences to children

The Friends of the Columbia River Maritime Museum have started holding their monthly meets again for the 2004-2005 season. The Friends meet every 4th Wednesday of the month and offer a distinguished lecturer, interesting conversation and of course a great lunch. If you are interested in learning more about the Friends ofthe Columbia River Maritime Museum, contact the Museum.

Th e Quarte rD eck, Vo l. 30 No 3 4

Volunteer Ranks Swell

There are many more hands on the CRMM deck this autumn The Museum Store welcomes Peggy Hines, Sheila Parsons, and Celia Tippit, along with long time CRMM friend Charlotte Jackson as new weekly volunteers. The Curatorial Department is pleased to have Mike Soderberg join its volunteer staff.

Children involved in Family Programs and Museum Day Camp have enjoyed the lively help of new volunteers Cindy Benson, Carol Camey, Wendy Gartrell, and high school student Lulu Wyeth. Carol Camey has also completed the docent training program along with Ken Weber and Jean Williams. And CRMM's own Chris Bennett is now a volunteer in the Lightship Program and a number of other special projects, as well. Welcome aboard, all!

Excellent and friendly volunteers are one of the biggest factors in attracting still more volunteers and CRMM is richly endowed wilh them. A look at the 2003 recognitions from Volunteer Appreciation Night is indicative of just how dedicated our volunteers are. Those contributing over 100 hours within one year were: Frances Burham, Ben Cadman, Kristy Ann Chamberlain, Bob Chamberlin, Ken Charters, Bob Chopping, Jeanne Clifford, Kenny Ginn, Doris Hay, Rod Leland, Walt McManis, Gene Mellott, Carol Moore, Larry Nordholm, Gurie O'Connor,Al Olson, Earl Philpott, Peggy Roeser, Byron Ruppel, Fred Schott, and Bill Williams. Al Olson and Doris Hay also received pins for working over 300 and 500 cumulative hours respectively.

The 1000 Hour plaque hanging next to the Columbia Theater has two new names this year. Kristy Ann Chamberlain volunteered for two shifts in the Museum Store each week to help put her over the 1000 hour mark. Earl Philpott has worked weekly shifts both aboard the Lightship Columbia and in the Museum Store to reach the same impressive status.

Ben Cadman and Bill Williams joined the select circle of those contributing over 2000 cumulative hours this year. Ben has worked The

Vol 30 No. 3-4

two weekly shifts aboard the Lightship Columbia and Bill has been working in the Curatorial Department. Try multiplying a 40 hour work week by a 52 week year and you will see how impressive this gift to the Museumis.

Ken Charters received a special award for all the work he has done in updating the Docent Gallery Notebooks. But the highlight ofVolunteer Appreciation Night was the presentation of"The Man of the Hours" award to Bill Williams for his curatorial accomplishments. Bill received a handsome brass ship's clock found in the Museum Store .

The Museum Store brings this article to a final bit of volunteer news. Gurie O'Connor has retired after 17 years of service to the Museum. She donated over 2,700 hours of her valuable time to help customers have a more rewarding, enjoyable, and memorable experience at the CRMM. Thank you, Gurie. A hearty thanks to all the volunteers! If you are interested in getting involved please call Cynthia Svensson at the Museum.

Upcoming Events:

Castles Lecture

October 30 2:00 P.M.

Molly Gloss and Robert Pyle, both Northwest authors, will present a lecture that will address the construction of the Big Foot myth and the Pacific Northwest landscape. Molly Gloss is the author of Outside the Gates. Robert Pyle has written Where Bigfoot Walks: Crossing the Dark Divide. Free to Museum Members

Rivers that Were November 27 2:00 P.M.

Barbara Bernstein, a radio producer, musician, and composer, draws on her award-winning public radio documentary to explore the consequences of redesigning rivers in the west. Through lecture, discussion, audio clips, and a slide show Barbara will recreate the landscapes, wildlife, and cultures that once flourished throughout the Columbia River Basin. Free to Museum Members



Focus on the Future

When it comes to focusing on our future, we're indebted and grateful to friends and supporters who have included the Columbia River Maritime Museum in their own personal estate plans. Through these planned gifts, it is possible for us to focus a measure of our attention on the future.

Planned gifts provide a way for anyone to fulfill philanthropic objectives, establish a lasting legacy, and often take advantage of a number of attractive tax benefits at the same time.

These planned gifts also provide an opportunity for the donor to specify how their gift is to be used. Whether it's to support the Museum in general or to be designated for a specific program the Museum will administer any gift in accordance with a donor's specific wishes.

Give Today, and Receive a Lifetime Income

There are some unusually favorable tax benefits to be derived from using a charitable trust to provide a future gift. At the same time, the trust can be designed in a way that provides a lifetime income to the donor. The following example illustrates the benefits, as well as the basics ofhow a charitable trust works.

Ralph and Sally Brown, age 70, are recently retired . One of the assets they own is a second home with a value of $265,000. The home originally cost the Browns $28,000. The couple has considered selling it and giving part of the proceeds to the Museum, but reconsidered after learning about the unfavorable tax consequences of a sale.

The couple learned that a charitable trust might make it possible for them to achieve their objective with much more favorable tax


Highly appreciated assets, like the Browns' second home, may be transferred into a charitable trust and subsequently sold by the trust without the imposition of a tax on the capital gain. Most of the value is preserved by using this simple plan. There are, in addition, income as well as estate tax benefits that are derived.

After selling the second home, the trust reinvests the proceeds from the sale, and the Browns will receive income from this reinvestment for the remainder of their lives. Upon their deaths, the value remaining in the trust is transferred to the Museum.

Other planning tools exist, and offer unique opportunities to derive the highest levels of value from any assets that have appreciated over the years.

An increasing source of support for the Columbia River Maritime Museum is coming from wills and trusts. And if we're to successfully meet the challenges of tomorrow, this kind of focus on the future is essential.

If you would like more information about how you can plan now for a future gift to support the Museum, please call the Development Office at 503-325-2323 or send a note to us at the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, OR 97103.

Th e Qu a r terD eck, Vol. 3 0 No. 3-4


Don and Lucille Seeback

Dr. and Mrs. Donald W elcome Back to MemDan and Melody Strite Pachal bership

John and Linda Taggart Helmsman

April 21, 2004New Members

Eugene andAngela Wallace Mr. and Mrs Robert September 15 , 2004 April 21, 2004- Ken and Katie Weber Erickson Statesman September 15, 2004

Marcia and Stuart Weiss Mr. and Mrs . Peter Gearin TimDahymple Statesman

Helmsman Richard and Daphne Green Ensign/Individual George Lamb

Mickey and Eric Anderson Mr and Mrs. Donald Hoff Philip Hubert, III Paul Weeks Corey and Kim Brunish Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. John Markham Melissa Weissman

Kathy and Jeff Carlson Lemeshko

Crew/Family John F. Williams

Phillip Cooper and Claudia D .B. Lewis and Cindy Mr and Mrs HaroldAllsup Ensign/Individual Vargas Ymgst Michael and Katie Autio Robert Earle

Raymond and Louise Denny Nancy E. Masters Mr. and Mrs. George Maryla Fitch

Richard and Margaret Field Kevin & Nancy Miller Dolaptchieff Gary Hubka

Clifton Heitz & Nikki Kris andAnca Nickelson

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hill James Mockford Nisco-Heitz Robert Olds E.R. and Ben Flodquist Darren O'Brien Dennis and Judy Hollinger Mr. and Mrs. JackG. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hoppes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seppa

Jerry and Cindy Howe Robinson Peter and Jennifer Miller Terry Shumaker Mark and Rhoda Ihander Gary Sunderland & Family Bernadette Murray and Crew/Family Mr and Mrs.Arthur Don and Meredith Tuschoff Family George and Sue Brice McArthur Boatswain Gary Nothstein K e lly and Bill Bums

WilliamMcLoughlin and Elizabeth K. Barker Stephen Poyser and David and Pat Densmore Cynthia Marsh Robert and Sheryl Ginn Carolyn Phelps Richard Dominey & Susan Kenneth and Margaret Mamoru Inouye JohnPylkki Kauffman Nelson Mr. and Mrs . Irv Iverson Stephen Sable Ed and Kathy Flowers Capt. and Mrs. Lonny Mr. and Mrs. Tony Charles and Sandra Sarin Jana Fussell and Karen Rodgers Kischner Helmsman Hightower

Gale and Beverly Scobie Mr. & Mrs. John M.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Robert Galante Ronald and Deborah Taylor McClelland, Jr. Boyle Gretchen and Stephen Boatswain Ken and Rose Marie Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Byers Gaydos

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Paavola Errol and Gail Eshaia Tilzer and Martha Dobbin Mr. and Mrs. Audrey J. John Hopkins and Christine Hargraves John and Merikay Ducich Pricher Lolich Timothy and Kathryn Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Harris, III Susan and John Spring William Switzenberg Haslach Russell and Donna Thompson Alan and Linda Takalo Raymond and Margaret

Increased Memberships Mr and Mrs. Wendell Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Johnson

April 21, 2004- Wyatt Ulrich Chris Kelly

September 15, 2004 Pilot

Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Patrick and Sandra Killion

Ensign/Individual Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vlahos William L. Lang & Allen County Public Library Johnson Marrianne Keddington-Lang

Jeanne Clifford

Mr. William B. Pope Steven Miller & Dhyana

Lorraine Street Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Kearly

Crew/Family Williams

Matt and Bree Phillips Gloria Jones and Richard Nav igator Julia and Matt Richert

Captain and Mrs Rod Howard and Michelle Rub James and Esther Kirkland Leland Richard Schramm & Carol Moore

Particia Bugas Schramm


The QuarterDeck, Vol 29 No. 2


Memorial Donations

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Calley Kay Slater

Virginia M. Kaufinan

April 21, 2004

James W. Cook and Martin and Toni Sosnoff

Mr. and Mrs. Robert September 15, 2004 Wendy Hutchins-Cook State Street Global Advisors Erickson Viola Abrahamson Richard Crooke Trust Company of the West Betty Korpela Kati Tuominen DalmasAccountancy Corp. UBS Global Management

Mr. andMrs.AlbinE.

Dr. Bernard Berenson Steve and Peggy Dawson VEF Group Management, Thander James and Debra Berenson Mr. and Mrs. Mel Emberland LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Ward Dr. Berenson and Ms. ENERFAB Wall StreetAssociates Paldanius Cohen Fiduciary Management Karen and Heinz Weiser

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mr. and Mrs. DaleA. Associates, LLC George and Norma Winters Strandberg Russell Capt. Calvin (Mike) Foss Maritime Company Sheila Fitzgerald Kingsley and Betty Freeman Associates Astoria City Hall Employees Leback Sheppard

Investment Management Dennis and Debbie Dokken Gladys Halsan Kathryn T. Browning Froley, Revy Investment Edith Hickam

Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jackson Elder Company Carol Kindred

Clifford M. Johnson Ruth Howe Cavens Mr. and Mrs. Walter Capt. Robert Gibson

Dorothy Labiske Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Oja Gadsby,Jr. Bruneau

Mr. and Mrs. Toivo Bob Clement Melinda Gordon Mustonen Harry Phillips Evelyn P. Gutowsky

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mestrich Esther Lind Shirlex Dichter Mary Jane Hall

Richard Green

Curtis Olson

Peter Lindguist, Sr. Staff ofAMCO Harry and Leslie Dichter HGK Management, Inc. Rod Grider

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dichter Hayes Mechanical

Vern and Gloria Larson PaulDoumit Local 7 6 IBEW/NECA Capt. & Mrs. Joseph JackLove Mr. and Mrs. Albin E. IBEW Pacific Coast

Harry Phillips Bruneau Thander

Pension Fund

Herman Haggren

Richard Maize Rosalie Driggers Grant Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Albin E. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dichter Gordon and Katherine Keane Thander Knutsen Wally Erp JohnA.Kcmp Uorothx Hanson

Carroll and Lydia Seabold Kathleen Slotte Kennedy and Associates Mabel Herold

Captain Kenneth McAlpin ArthurE. Farr

Real Estate Counsel, Inc. Harlan Olsen

Capt. & Mrs. Joseph AMVESCAP Lazard Asset Management Roxce Hendrickson Bruneau FredAlger Management, Inc. Lindquist, LLP

Vern and Gloria Larson Hugh McKenna Alliance Bernstein Loomis Sayles and Company Dr Arthur Huber Carol Moore Richard and Nancy Anders JonLund

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Oja

George Moskovita Atlanta SosnoffCapital, LLC Larry and Carolyn McKinney Ellen Pietila

Daughters ofNorway Bank oflrelandAsset McMorgan & Company

Esther K. Jerrell

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Botkin Management

Mr. and Mrs. WarnerD.

Captain Fred Jerrell

Judie Dreyer

Jeanne Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Barnes Nelson Arthur Johanson

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 0. Raymond H. Barnes Cristina Noyes Alice Codd and Stacey


Charles and Diane Bingham Daniel and Karen O'Connell Sundquist

Harold Hendricksen Brotherhood Bank and Trust Johanna and WtlliamH. Padie

Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Link

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hjorten Callan Associates Propeller Club of the U.S. Niemi Oil Company

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoff Prudential Financial Clifford Johns

Mr. Craig Johnson Margaret Rawlinson Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T. Mr. and Mrs. Howard

The Segal Company Hjorten Lovvold

The QuarterDeck, Vol. 29 No 2

AllanMaki Dan L. Stephan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr and Mrs. Robert E. Yvonne Rothwell Mr. andMrs.AlbinE. Cordiner Frame Thomas and Judith Rudol:fi Thander William Crandall

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Griffin Mr. and Mrs Gordon Story John Supple Dolores Ducich Donna M. Gustafson Mr and Mrs. Martin Tomich Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Mardelle Hartlauf Leonard Osmus

Za:firatos Hjorten

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tadei Joe Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T. Helligso Lucille Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hjorten

Gerry Henry Marilyn J. Anderson Cameron Bruce Holmes Mr. and Mrs. WillardA. Andy and Doris Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Ivanoff Mr. and Mrs. Norman Erickson Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Forney Walter and J oean Fransen Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jackson Marie McLaughlin Marva Jean Frisbie King Kaarlo and Katherine Karna Anna Smith, Candy Harold Hendricksen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bob and Virginia Kearney Lockhart and Tommy Mr. and Mrs. Walfred Knutsen

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stevens Hendrickson Kenneth & Esther Lampi Knutsen Loreen Phillips EllaP.Hill Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Link Marian Leonardo Harry Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Link Captain Ed Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Albin E Paldanius Gerry Loomis Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Thander Mr. and Mrs Kenneth John McGowan Bruneau Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert V. Weaver Richard Morse Dr. Rodi Kamara Jack VanH)'.ning Inez PiukstaIT Harry and Leslie Dichter Eldon Korpela Eldon Korpela Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pouge Nick Rusinovich Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Larsen Bill Vernon Joyce Ricker AllanMaki AllanMaki Mr. and Mrs. John L. Carroll and Lydia Seabold Rusinovich and Pass Families Betty Markham Christie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Captain Stanley Sayer Mr. and Mrs. RobertM. Oja RoyWoods Seppa Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Curtis Olson Mr. and Mrs. Grant Orr Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bruneau Harry Phillips Arden Wright Siverson Ellen McMindes Scott Myron and Bonnie Salo Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Ray and Carlene Smith Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeE. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ron Knutsen Siverson Ronald andAnitaAngberg Westerlund Arthur L. Smith Dr. and Mrs. LeroyW. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Frances Anderson Steinmann Bakkensen Za:firatos Jim and Michele Leqve Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tadei Patricia Berry Margery J. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Mr. and Mrs. David R. EdNimmo Thompson Brooks

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Randell Westerholm Bugas Gene and Linda Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mr. and Mrs . Allen V. G . Marlain Van Hoof Westerlund Cellars

Tim and Eileen Wyatt Ben and Jackie Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. William R. Helen Sorkki Kenneth W Thompson Cunningham EllaP. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Englund Marine Supply Mr. and Mrs. John Jensen Andersen Co., Inc. BenBay Mr. and Mrs . Erland John and Lucille Bowles Fahlstrom

19 Th e QuarterD ec k , Vol. 29 No 2




You are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Membership Friday, November 19, 2004

Join us at the Museum for an exciting evening presentation, Adventures of a Sea Hunter, by James P. Delgado.

James P. Delgado has led, or participated in, shipwreck expeditions all across the globe. His undersea explorations include RMS Titanic, the discoveries of Carpathia, and the ghost ship Mary Celeste. Recent expeditions have lead to the discovery of two previously unknown U-boat wrecks in the North Atlantic. Delgado is the Executive Director of the Vancouver Maritime Museum in Vancouver, British Columbia. When he is not at the Museum he is the co-host of the new National Geographic International television series The Sea Hunters along with best-seller author, Clive Cussler. Delgado's other television credits include specials for the Discovery Channel, A&E, the History Channel, and ABC.

Dinner is $30.00 per person, Please reserve early, seating limited. 503-325-2323

Non-profit Organization U S POSTAGE PAID Astoria, Oregon Permit No. 340


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