V25 N2 H.M. Bark 'Endeavour' Sets Sail for Astoria

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The Columbia River Maritime Museum prepares to host one of the finest sailing replicas in the world

A review and newsletterfrom the Columbia River Maritime Museum at 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria, Oregon

H.M. Bark Endeavour Sets Sail for Astoria

the ,ii • r;Jl" ' ,,·:.ll j , . """"'- ..-L,.,-.: ,:....,

Ken M. Novack

Scott Palmquist

WardV. Cook

Graham Barbey

* Trustee Emeritus

Cheri Folk

Alan C. Goudy

Samuel C. Wheeler

Ted Natt, Immediate Past Pres.

Larry Perkins

John McGowan *

On May 14th the brigantine Lady Washington will tie up to our pier and be open for tours through the 21 st • The Lady Washington is a full-size replica of Captain Robert Gray's 18 th century two masted fur trader, and is the State ofWashington's official sailing vessel.

S. Kenneth Kirn

Chet Makinster

Chris Maletis

Don Magnusen, Treasurer

attending schools, reading books or taking exams. Maritime history is full of stories illustrating how a young boy could go to sea to learn the ropes. The process would take months of effort just to earn a place on deck, and take a lifetime to master.

W. Louis Larson, Secretary

Senator Sid Snyder

J W. 'Bud' Forrester, Jr. *

As a salute to the U.S. Coast Guard presence in Astoria, the 295' barque Eagle will tie up to our dock for an overnight stay on the 22 nd of June. Deck tours are scheduled from 1 :00 to 10:00 P.M. She is a rare visitor to the West Coast, and we are honored to have her in Astoria. The Eagle has over 21,000 square feet of sail and over 20 miles of rigging. This is the largest sailing ship to tie up in Astoria since the visit ofU.S.S. Constitution in 1931. This is an event no

Robley Mangold, President

Joseph Tennant


Jack Schiffer


Hugh Seppa

Our third visitor of the year will be one of the world's finest sailing replicas, H.M. Bark Endeavour. This ship was built to the same specifications as Captain Cook's famous first ship of discovery, making her one of the most outstanding replicas in the world. Visiting from July 24th until the 2 nd of August, Astoria will be Endeavour's only port of call on the Columbia River.

For most of us the age of sail is not a personal experience. Although much of the language survives, few of us have spent time on a deck looking aloft at a full sized sailing ship. After all, how often can our children, nieces, nephews or grandchildren, and for that matter our friends, have access to one of these incredible machines? Through unique circumstances, the Museum is able to bring to Astoria not just one such ship, but three unforgettable vessels!

For centuries the education of sailors took the form of hands-on learning. It was a direct process based upon doing as opposed to

Ted Zell

Dr. James H. Gilbaugh, Jr.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 25 No. 2

Don M. Haskell

Ronald Collman

Jerry L. Ostermiller, Executive Director

From the Wheelhouse

Jack R. Dant in memoriam

Jim McClaskey, Vice Pres.

Herbert N. Steinmeyer

Harold Wilde

Walter Gadsby, Jr.

Richard T. Carruthers *

Jon Englund

Board of Trustees:

Duane McDougall

June Spence

Learning the Ropes

one should miss.

Peter Brix*

Senator Mark Hatfield

Captain Rod Leland

Willis Van Dusen

Dan Dutton


Charles Shea

Jerry Ostermiller Executive Director

With three great sailing ships in one year, we have a terrific opportunity to compare their similarities and differences. Bring your family and friends to the Columbia River Maritime Museum to walk the decks of these three great ships, and learn the ropes.

Quart e rd ec k, Vol 25 N o 2

During Endeavour's visit we will need a crew of volunteers to help visitors tour the vessel. Training sessions, materials, and a vessel orientation will be provided. Anyone volunteering for four watches onboard will receive an Endeavour polo shirt . If you are interested in being part of Endeavour's shore crew while she is in Astoria, please call Patricia Turner Custard at the Museum to place your name on the volunteer list. Be a part of this special event and sign up today!

The first question for the Fremantle project team was "What is a replica?" Some


Captain Cook departed Plymouth, England in 17 68 in command of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a scientific voyage of Discovery for the King of England and the Royal Society of London. Assigned to view the Transit of Venus (see sidebar) and look for new lands, people, flora and fauna, Cook would discover more unknown worlds than any other maritime explorer.

The Trans it of Venus


The Columbia River Maritime Museum is proud to host the H.M. Bark Endeavour, a replica of Captain Cook's vessel, during her North American tour. Sponsored by the National Geographic Society, the Endeavour will be in Astoria July 23rd through August 2, 1999.

The story of the replica Endeavour is written by Antonia Macarthur and John Longley, from the H.M. Bark Endeavour Foundation in Association with the National Geographic Society

vessel for a long voyage. Her huge hold would be able to carry all the necessary food and equipment, and the ship was flat bottomed, making the vessel easy to repair at any sandy beach. A crew of 92 would call this small ship home for over three years.

This issue of the Quarterdeck features the replica Endeavour, a vessel built two centuries later, but sharing a common spirit of discovery and adventure.

By calculating the time it took the planet Venus to travel across the sun, scientists had hoped to be able to find the distance of the sun from earth. This measurement would have been the first step in measuring the universe. The results were disappointing, such a measurement would not be made until the invention of a more accurate telescope.

Volunteers Needed

Over two centuries later, the voyages of Captain James Cook, R.N. still remain as one of the greatest maritime explorations ever undertaken.

The vessel chosen for such an incredible voyage was a small merchant coal carrier named the Earl of Pembroke, soon outfitted and renamed Endeavour. She was the ideal

The task of building any replica from a bygone era raises many questions. What was the original like; can we find the tradesmen and women with the requisite skills; can we obtain the materials; how much will it cost; how long will it take? When the replica in question is a 550-ton, 1gth century wooden sailing ship that needs to be fully operational in a 20th century world, the questions can seem to be insurmountable.


What is a Replica?


Endeavour Measurements:/ OverallLenght: 109' 3" ·~ ExtremeLenglit ·151' 10" Lenght oflow~r ~eck: 97' 5" Beam: 29' 2" ':'\ Depthinhold: ~1'4" "" capacity: 397 lon~ ns , lJ:tso Laci~m,ent:550lopgtons '-a -, .Saµ area: 10,500 square feet Maiii'mast: 127' 11' Foremast: l 09' 1O" Mizzen: 78' 9" Cost: 11 milljon (U.S , dollars) 500 ;000 wrson hours to build Quarterdec k , Vol. 25 No. 2

A compromise was found and the following criteria were agreed: The ship would be


exhaustively researched for historical accuracy. Materials were chosen for the greatest longevity, but would not be allowed to compromise the original method of construction, nor the spirit of the ship. Modem tools would be used when required . A minimum of modem equipment would be installed for safe navigation and the health of the crew. With these criteria in place, it was time to build Endeavour.


Daily Watches on Endeavour: 0000-0400 Middle 0400-0800 Morning 0800-1300 Forenoon 1300-1600 Afternoon 1600-1800 First Dog 1800-2000 Last Dog 2000-0000 First

argued that to be a true replica, the ship had to be built from exactly the same materials as the original, using the same tools and with no additions nor alterations. This was a noble position to take but one which would create tremendous financial, maintenance and safety problems for the future.

wood from the state forests which, due to a ban on vehicles and animals in the area, had to be dragged out by our shipwright's sheer muscle power.

Quarte rdeck, Vol. 25 N o 2

Building begins

0830 Sail handling

Daily Sea Routine aboard Endeavour: 0700 Call the hands, 0730 Hands to breakfast

0900 Muster on deck 0915 Cleaning stations 1030 Morning tea 1100 Lecture

Research showed that the original vessel was built of oak, with an elm keel and most likely Baltic pine for her decks, topsides, masts and spars. Oak is very susceptible to rot and to attack from marine borers, particularly in tropical waters. The original ship had survived only 29 years, whereas the replica would have to sail for 40-odd years. Here was our next problem none of these woods were available in the sizes required, nor at a cost that could be met. We decided to use local wood- the West Australian hardwood j arrah replaced oak, Douglas fir replaced the Baltic pine. Several other woods were used including karri, wandoo, blackbutt, tallow wood and tuart, with sheoak for the blocks. Some timber was specifically cut for the ship, however we purchased recycled wood whenever possible, from a redundant timber bridge, an old wheatbin, a war-time munitions factory, a woolstore and even a disused nunnery! Huge pieces of timber which had been felled during road construction work, were cut into supporting knees, together with


It was impossible to find the huge timbers needed for the early construction stage and these had to be laminated. One inch jarrah boards were stacked together, cut to the required shape, taken apart and then glued back together; it was rather like doing a gigantic three dimensional jig-saw puzzle. All of the laminated wood was eventually covered with planking. To be faithful to the original construction, the floors and bends were made separately and fastened together with chocks. As the ship progressed, less lamination was needed, and the recycled materials were used for the breast hooks and deck fittings. All the external planking is solid timber, except the large curved wale around the bow and the planking immediately above. The original method of fastening was by large iron bolts. We copied this method, but to make them longer lasting we galvanized and threaded them on one end only, to obtain a

1200 Hands to lunch 1330 Stand easy 1400 Maintenance 1630 Wash down 1730 Hands to dinner 1830 Galley cleared 2130 Pipe down


The Endeavour is manned by a professional crew of 16, including the Captain, together with 40 voyage crew. The voyage

Rachel ifynne

Mary Davis

Ce lerino B ebe loni

Sheila Radich

The original ship featured a considerable amount of decorative carving.


Jim Nyberg


Quarterdeck , Vo l 25 No. 2

Patricia Turner Custard

Elaine Rusinovich

Arline Schmidt

In 1768 H.M . Bark Endeavour carried five boats, a longboat, pinnace, yawl, and two small skiffs, one for the boatswain, the other belonging to Joseph Banks. These were usually stowed inside one another on the boat booms, while the heavier longboat was probably kept on top of the main hatch. As the replica is required to carry modem rescue craft, we do not have the space to include

Rob Rudd

Lynne Le land

Christina Young

W Hampton Scudder

Designs for these were based on original plans and a drawing by one of the artists who sailed with Cook. All carving was done by hand, and finished ashore before fitting to the ship. The reason for the sailor's heads on the carrick bits is not known; perhaps they were to show what a real 18 th century sailor looked like! The modem paints and varnishes used to protect the hull, were matched to original 18 th century colors indicated by the research program.

John Davis

crew have some maritime experience, and are recruited in the countries the ship visits.


Stephanie Kiander

Nik k i Bryan

Russ B ean

Bonnie Kozowski

The final structure of Endeavour is immensely strong. Stronger than the original. Yet at sea, she moves and creaks and groans as James Cook's Endeavour.

Chris Be n nett

Museum Staff:

Jerry Ostermiller

Charlotte Jackson

David Pearson

these boats; however we have built the original pinnance which is on show at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney.

really tight joint. In places where threaded rod would show, copper rod was riveted over clench plates.

All planking was fastened in the traditional manner using thousands of trunnels (wood nails). However, below the waterline and at the ends of the planks coach bolts were used instead of iron spikes for added security. As each piece of timber was shaped it was treated first with an epoxy-based preservative and finally red lead.

Working on the Endeavour, they learn how to sail and live on an 18th century ship. This experience includes working the rigging, over 120' tall, and sleeping in the seaman's hammocks in the crews quarters!

The traditional skills of the blacksmith and the wood carver were used extensively throughout the ship. A blacksmith shop was built at the Fremantle yard and all the iron fittings including bolts, hooks, spikes, plates, mast straps, iron bound blocks, door hinges, the two stoves, the stem lantern and over 30 hanging lanterns were reproduced.

Gail Rogers

Unlike other replica ships, many of which have scaled down rigs for ease of handling, Endeavour's rig is exactly the same size as the original The question of how she would sail was one we constantly asked during the six years of construction . In retrospect we need never have concerned ourselves with the question. The Endeavour is a thoroughbred, her design having evolved over many years of sailing the treacherous North Sea. From the first day we sailed she was sea kindly, dry, easily driven, forgiving and surprisingly fast. In ideal conditions, 25-30 knots aft of beam, Endeavour sails in excess of9 knots, and she tacks through about 160 degrees.

In a testiment to the accuracy and construction of the replica, Captain James Cook spoke confidently of Endeavour in 1771 as "No Sea can hurt her laying too under a mail sail or a rnizon ballanc' d''.

Printed at: Printing Arts Center, Longvie w, Washington

Quart e rd ec k, Vol. 25 No. 2


• In Their Footsteps: An Update Work is progressing on the In Their Foot steps multi-media program being developed by high school students (see QD Winter 1999). The students are in the final phases of putting together their script with the images they have assembled and researched over the last 5 months. An instrumental soundtrack is also being created. The program has recently gained attention from the media. Grant McOmie, on-air personality from the Portland ABC affiliate KATU, spent a morning filming the students in action for an upcoming news report. Grant McOmie has also agreed to be the narrator for the program.

Telephone: (503 )325 2323 Fax : (503)325 2331 E-mail us at: columbia@seasurf.com www.crmm.org

The Quarterdeck is published four times a year by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon 97103.

Editorial Staff: Jerry Ostermiller, Rob Rudd, Patricia Turn e r Custard, Nikki Bryan.

• Museum volunteer John Gaw works to inventory , a new collection of ship plans recently donated to the Museum. Volunteers work tirelessly in many behind-thescenes projects at the museum.

• Welcome aboard to two new staff members. Gail Rogers joins the crew as our administrative secretary. Born in Oakland, California Gail has lived throughout the world thanks in part to a stint in the Navy. Gail currently resides on the Long Beach Peninsula with her two daughters and fiance.


Editor: David Pearson

• The replica sailing ship Lady Washington is scheduled to arrive at the museum on May 14th for a week of tours and group sailing adventures on the Columbia River. Dock side tours and public sails are scheduled throughout the week. Call the Museum for more information and scheduling. The Lady Washington is homeported at Aberdeen, Washington as part of the Gray's Harbor Historical Seaport.

• To Celilo Falls A Storyteller Remembers: Ed Edmo will present his one man performance, "Celilo Falls: A Place, A Memory" Saturday June 5th at 2:00 P.M. in the Kem Room. Edmo, a Shoshone-Bannock storyteller portrays a Columbia River Indian fisherman and uses artifacts, stories, and reminiscences to explore how the River and Falls have changed since the building of the Dalles Dam. An open discussion will follow the performance. This presentation is co-sponsored with the Center for Columbia River History as part of their James B. Castles Heritage Endowment Program.

We also welcome Mary Davis as the Museum's media coordinator. Mary hails originally from Columbus, Ohio and has a industrial engineering and management science degree from Northwestern University. Focusing on non -profit marketing, Mary is familiar with the North Coast, having served as an recreation coordinator for Astoria Parks and Recreation and in customer service for BioOregon.

News and Notes

The Qua rt er d eck Volume 25, No. 2

Meet Rod Gramson, owner of Wadsworth Electric, serving Oregon and Washington since 1961. Rod is the 1999 recipient of the prestigious George Award, presented annually by the Asto ria-Warrenton Chamberof Commerce for outstanding community service.

From the Membership Desk


Membership Committee Established

Mr. Gramson was honored for his dedication to local community projects including the Waterfront Trolley, the Astoria Column, and the Aquatics Center.

Mr. Gramson has provided significant financial support to community events including the Astoria-Warrenton Crab & Seafood Festival, and Regatta He sponsors numerous Parks and Recreation youth athletic teams. He has been a loyal supporter of high school programs such Drug Free Graduation Night, and contributes to scholarship funds and athletic programs .

Corporate Member Profile

Memberships make wonderful gifts!


We are proud that Rod Gramson is a member of the Columbia River Maritime Museum, and thank him for 14 years of support!

A new committee has been created to promote membership growth, benefits enrichment, and to rekindle the interest of former members. In addition, members of the committee act as liaisons to the community and host membership events . We would like to thank the following members for serving on the Membership Committee: Harold Wilde Chairman & Trustee, Roma Bigby, Richard Carruthers, Trustee, Charlotte Childs, Gordon Childs, Dorothy Comstock, Donna Gustafson, Dr. Bud McKinney, Dorothy Millikan, Ryan Snyder, Vera Steiner-Blore, Frankye Thompson, and Bill Williams.

What a fantastic year to be a member! Sailing with the Lady Washington, walking the teak deck of the majestic USCG barque Eagle, learning the remarkable heritage of Captain Cook's Endeavour this must certainly be the most exciting year for mem bership events in the history of the Museum.

Without the support of our members through their annual membership contribu tions, we would be unable to provide these interesting and educational events, fulfilling our larger mission of relating our maritime heritage to the greatest possible audience. For this, we are truly appreciative. Thank you!

Looking for a graduation gift? Perhaps a Father's Day gift for the Dad who seems to have everything? Museum membership is the perfect gift for everyone on your list. We will be happy to send the gift packet to you for your personal note, or we can send it on with your best wishes. It's as easy as picking up the phone . If you'd like to order a gift membership, or if you need further information, please call the membership department Monday through Saturday at (503) 325-2323.

Qua rterdeck, Vol. 25 No. 2

This month we kick off a new feature spotlighting our contributing c orporate members. Their unfailing genero s ity helps us to fulfill our large r mission of relating our maritime heritage to the greatest possible audience.

Books from The Museum Store

The Third Voyage of Captain Cook , by Heinrich Zimmermann. Ye Galleon Press 1988 Originally published in 1783 and translated from a French version. The first English translation of this volume was in 1926-one hundred and forty-three years after its first publication. Zimmerman, who appears as 'coxswain' on the muster roll of the H.M. Discovery was in the habit of keeping a small diary or jotting down notes to refresh his memory, which he did not surrender as commanded by the Admiralty of all journals kept while on board. Some of the dates conflict with those published in other authorized accounts, and there is some question as to how much official information a coxswain would be privileged to. Zimmermann's journal should be viewed as an account as perceived by a common hand signed before the mast. A rare manuscript published in a lot of 500. 128 pg. HB 29.95/26.96

Captain James Cook, a Biography , by Richard Hough W.W. Norton Pub. 1994 A meticulously researched narrative that captures the excitement of Cook as a link between the vague scientific speculations of the early eighteenth century and the industrial revolution to come . Hough has consulted archives in England, Australia, and New Zealand and had traveled in Cook's wake from Alaska to Tasmania. The result of his research is an immensely readable biography, full of new insights into one of the world's greatest mariners 398 pg. PB 15.00/13.50.

Call the Museum Store to place your order. Don't forget your 10% discount for all Museum Members! (503) 325-2323


Quarterdeck, Vol. 25 No 2

The Museum Store has put together a small collection of the best books available on Captain James Cook and his ship H .M. Bark Endeavour for those who wish to brush up on their Cook history.


features, details of navigation, and impressions of various Pacific peoples he encountered. 292 pg. 9.95/8.96

The Explorations of Captain J ames Cook in the Pacific, as to ld by selections of his own journals 1768-1779 , Edited by A. Grenfell Price. A Dover publication from 1971. This reprinting of selections from Cook's journals abounds in descriptions of newly discovered plant species, particulars of coastline and land

The Life of Captain James Cook , by J.C. Beaglehole. A Stanford University Press book, available only in paperback, is one of the most complete studies ever done on Captain Cook. Originally published in 1974, this is a full-scale biography of one of the greatest explorers of all time. This book can be read not only by specialists but also by anyone appreciative of writing with style, elegance, and humor. The book includes 5 maps and 51 illustrations. 760 pg. 24.95/22.46

Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCracken Lady Ann Kerr McDonald Mr. Edwin K. Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Green

Mr. James H. Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. Max Bigby Mrs. Margaret Bowerman

January 1, 1999 March 12, 1999

Mr. and Mrs. Curt Johnson

Mrs. Dorothy Mathiot

Gifts to the AnnualFund

Mr. Revell Carr

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Roberson

Mrs. Donna Mary Dukich

Mr. and Mrs. Orvo A. Nikula LTC and Mrs. Victor L. Nunenkamp

Mr. Harold Barton

Mr. and Mrs . Jon A. Englund

January 1, 1999 March 12, 1999



Mr. Dick Frank

Mr. Ryan Snyder


Mr and Mrs. Dave Backman

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Perkins

Astronome r Charles Green's cabin aboard Endeavour.


Mr. Floyd Fredrickson

Mr. George Williams

January 1, 1999 March 12, 1999



Mr. and Mrs. G . V. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walker

Mr. John M. Butler

Mr. Philip R. Mason

Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Burke

Mr. and Mrs. E. Orwick


Ms. Sharon Halsey

Mr. Jake Bowser

Mr. and Mrs. John Dawley Judge Thomas E. Edison

Mr. and Mrs. John Kalander

Ms. Margo Grant Walsh



Mr. and Mrs Joe M. Herman


Dr. and Mrs. Michael Carlson

Mr.John Gaw

Mr. Joseph Supple

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ward

Mr. and Mrs. David Fry

Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Huff, III Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. Agnar A. Straumfjord

Mr. Robert Elliott Mrs. Catherine Honeyman Engmark

Mr. and Mrs Kent Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hirschler




Ms. Thelma B. Moisio

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Frame

Mr. Terry Finklein

Ms. Jennifer Miller

Mr. Hjalmer Leino


Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Barnum

Increased Memberships

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Autio

January 1, 1999 March 12, 1999

Mr. Arnold C. Swanson

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Curtis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Westerholm

Lower Columbia Power Squadron

Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Wade Carter

Weyerhaeuser Company, Longview



Mr. Jonathan Harms

Ms. Jane Warner

Mr. and Mrs. William Cook and Family

Mr. Philip Hubert

Dr. and Mrs. Duane V. Jue

Mr. Scott Nicol

Dr. and Mrs. Robert William Davis

Mrs. Mary B. Hoffman


Mr. Tom Sutherland

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schauer

Mr. and Mrs. Ken Austin

Mr. Douglas Finegan

New Members

Mr. and Mrs. James Kirker

Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Groshong

Mr. Thomas Koch Mr. Clayton Naset

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Taylor

Mr. Clayton Packard

Mr. John G. Davis

Quart e rdeck , Vol. 25 No. 2

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Dukich

Mr. Philip R. Mason

Mr. and Mrs. BlaineN. Dymock

Mr. Dan M. Dutton

Ms Estelle Duggan

Welcome Back Memberships

Mr. and Mrs. David Hallin

Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ginn

Ms. Ann Hunter Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Orr

Ms. He len Crichton

Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Greenough Mr. ElmerT. Hjorten

Mr. John E. Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berney

Mr. David Vlk

Robert Bacon and Sue Daniel

Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Emrick

Mr. and Mrs. William V. Owens Mr. and Mrs. James B . Race William Sacherek and Liselotte Larnerdin

Mrs. Barbara Jean Begleries


Mrs. Anna Basel


Mr. Paul Bernick

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kearney

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hedrick

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Zafiratos

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Larson

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mattson Ms. Dagmar McIntyre

Henry E. Koski

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Zafiratos

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Godwin

Mrs. Diana McAlpin

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bondietti Mr. Ed Lundholm

Mr. and Mrs. William R. King Mr. and Mrs. Eldon E. Korpela Mr. and Mrs. John Price

Carl Pierson

Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Kessler

Mrs. Helen Sorkki

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Knutsen

Ted M. Jacobson

Mr. and Mrs. Trygve Duoos

January 1, 1999-March 12, 1999

Ms. Margaret Webber

Mr. George Fulton

Mr. Guy Tucker

Mrs. Valerie Tarabochia


Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Paronen Mr. Donald V. Riswick

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bondietti

Elizabeth Casovich

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Knutsen

Mildred Schwab

Helen Gillard

Mrs. Mary Keech Don Kelly

Mr. Donald V. Riswick

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kairala

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Haglund

Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor

Agatha May Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thorsness

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Forrester Jr.

Andrew Crichton Ms Carmaine Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Malinen Ms. Sylvia Mowrey

Quarterde c k , Vol. 25 No 2

Mrs. Ella P. Hill Ms. Betty May JosephsonHagberg

James L. Welch

Gilbert Keech

Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Sarpola Mr. and Mrs. James Seal

Richard Green

Ed Ulmer

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lundholm

Steve Felkins

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tadei

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bish

Cindy Silra

Virginia Carpenter

Ruby Lilley

Steve Lilly Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor

Mr. Lars Gjovik

Terry Salo

Dorothy 0. Soderberg

Mr. William Perkins, Jr.

Mr. Mel Iverson

Charlotte Meek Mrs. Marcella L. Hatch

Mrs. Marcella Hatch

Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Link

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Knutsen

Sylvia Oia

Mr. and Mrs. Don Seago Shelly and Shanna Seago Ms. Margaret Webber

Bill Hayden

Mrs. June Spence

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olsen

January 1, 1999-March 12, 1999

Ms. Evelyn Gillard Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Elton A. Anderson

Mrs. Dorothy Sarpola

Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor

Mrs. Donna M. Gustafson

Mr. and Mrs. Ed G. Fearey Jr. Mrs. Ella P. Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Perkins

Celia Viuhkola

Mr. and Mrs. L. James Kennedy III

Memorial Donations

Helen Brock

Mrs. Jean Macdonald

Mr. Donald V. Riswick


Mary Ristola

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan S. Olsen

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon E. Korpela Mr. Ed Lundholm

Gifts to the Library Cataloging Project

Mr. and Mrs. David Hill Capt. Thran Riggs

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Larson

Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Malinen

Captain Cook's great cabin aboard Endeavour.

Donovan F. Mitchell Mrs. Jeanne Clifford Mrs. Betty Farmer

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chopping

George Phebus

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. James C. Fluhrer


A special thanks to Endeavour .Foundation for their great assistance in putting together this issLf:e of ihe Quarterdeck. All photos and graJ?~ic~ Jot the feature article on Endeavoud:ite courtesy of the H.M. Bark Endeavour Foundation

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Non profit Organization



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