V22 N2 A Ship Named 'Astoria'

Page 1

U.S.S. Astoria (CL-90), first arrival from the War Zone at Terminal Island, California September 15, 1945, at 0800. Courtesy of Herman Schnipper, ship's photographer for the CL-90.

In October 1942 a light cruiser, U.S.S Wilkes Barre, was renamed Astoria and was launched in March 1943. Known as a vengeance ship, Astoria saw active service through the end of the war and beyond

recordings to tell the story of the ships named Astoria and the town our town t hat so closely followed their careers

A review and newsletter from the Columbia River Maritime Museum at 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria, Oregon

ties to this ship, following her progress with pride as the CA-34 served as U.S. flagship for a diplomatic trip to Japan in 1939. Three years later, Astoria played a key role in the Battle of Midway The heavy cruiser was sunk in ads astrous a ttack off Savo Island on August 9th, 1942, with the loss of 238 lives.

The exhibit, a permanent addition to the Naval History Gallery, was the inspiration of the U.S.S Astoria (CA-34) Reunion Association, which generously funded the gallery work in memory of their founder, Kenneth Cruse. The exhibit uses an exciting mix of artifacts, souvenirs, photographs, and sound

On July 4th, the Columbia River Maritime Museum will open a new exhibit inside the Nava l History Gallery. A Ship Named Astoria traces the stories of three ships of the U S. Navy, all named after Astoria, Oregon. Much of our twentieth century naval history is exemplified in these namesake ships .

Vol. 22 No. 2 Spring1996


Since the turn of the century, three U.S Navy ships have been commissioned as Astoria. The first, U.S S. Astoria (AK-8), was commissioned in 1917 as part of the Naval Overseas Transportation Service and shuttled coal and supplies from England to France throughout World War One. (A previous U.S.S. Astoria, an Alaska class wooden screw sloop of war built in Philadelphia in 1869, bore the name only briefly. When commissioned, this vessel was renamed U .S.S Omaha the name originally assigned at her keel-laying).

A Ship Named Astoria

The second U .S.S. Astoria (CA 34), was a heavy cruiser. The city of Astoria had strong

-David Pearson, Collections Manager/Registrar

Our feature photo essay on page 6 reveals just a few of the powerful images now on display in A Ship Named Astoria.

Jim Nyberg

W . Louis Larson

Trish Custard

W. Hampton Scudder

Charles Shea

Rachel Wynne

Herbert Steinmeyer, Treasurer

June Spence

-Jerry L. Ostermiller, Executive Director

Celerino Bebeloni

Rose Palazzo

Ted Natt, President

Eugene Lowe

Board of Trustees :

Don M. Haskell

Frank M Warren

Karen Carpenter

Lora Gerry Charlotte Jackson

Anne Witty

I was stunned because Peter was no weekend, would-be adventurer Peter Bird of Great Britain was a highly respected, very disciplined, and experienced mariner who embodied the highest traditions of the modern scientific explorer. His state-of-the-art 39-fool rowing craft cost over $50,000, and was sponsored by SECTOR, the world's most prestigious supporter of record-breaking sports challenges. Although his small boat (SECTOR II) was recovered 1,100 miles east of Japan, Peter Bird had mysteriously vanished lost in the million square miles of the world's largest ocean.

Alan C. Goudy

Kevin Hertig

Ted Bugas

David Pearson

from the Wheelhouse ...

Don Magnusen

Mitch Boyce

Lynne Leland

Willis Van Dusen

Now, Peter Bird, the first person in the world to row solo east-to west across the great Pacific, was trying for a second world record by rowing west-to-east, thereby becoming the first to row the Pacific both ways. But he just didn't make it. His extraordinary effort instead cost him his life and gained him few of the honors which go to those who "succeed "

Russ Bean

Jon Englund

Jack R. Dant

Ward V. Cook, Immediate Past Pres.

J.W. 'Bud' Forrester Jr., Emeritus

Allen V. Cellars

Finally, as to how it came to be that someone as experienced and prepared as Peter Bird became separated from his small vessel, I can do no better than to offer the words of Joseph Conrad, who wrote:

Peter Brix

Richard T. Carruthers, Emeritus

Alan Green, Jr

Jerry L. Ostermiller, Executive Director

Mike Foglia

Justine Van Sickle

Visitors to the Museum often ask what possesses people like Gerard or Peter to attempt such feats. For some there is an attraction to the sea that is difficult, if not impossible, to put into words. I am sure it is more than the setting of records; it is something intrinsic to the sea. Because the sea is a wondrous thing, both alive and moving, it has been viewed throughout recorded time to be all things known to all who experience it. And the most experienced tell us that the sea is not mean, angry or capricious, but simply indifferent. Indifferent to our dreams, and indifferent even to our technology. It is the single largest entity upon the planet, and it moves. It's no wonder then that it can move our souls as wel l.

Thomas R. Dyer

Museum Staff:


Evelyn Georges

Rob Rudd

Elaine Rusinovich

John Davis

Reading the short article, I was also struck by how society judges and therefore reacts to "success and failure." Recalling a similar effort, when Frenchman Gerard d' Aboville rowed his craft (also named SECTOR) from Japan to the mouth of the Columbia River in 1992, he received full honors. I remember being overwhelmed by the terrific crush of media that clogged the Columbia River Maritime Museum's plaza and Great Hall Newscasters from around the wor ld, speaking French, German, Italian and Japanese, gathered in Astoria. Trucks with satellite dishes beamed their camera images to the world. All of us who work for the Museum were thrilled to be part of this extraordinary event.

Walter Gadsby, Jr.


Sid Snyder

While reading the newspaper recently, I found a small article tucked way in the back announcing that Peter Bird's solo attempt to row 6,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean had ended in tragedy. The lone rower was feared dead, and I was stunned

James H. Gilbaugh, Jr.

Although Memorial Day had come and gone, I went home and flew my house flag for Peter Bird. I flew my flag to celebrate the fact that Peter Bird was no less a winner for not completing his ill fated journey, and to celebrate the human spirit with its enduring ability to forever challenge

Carl Fisher, Secretary

John McGowan


Rod Leland

Chris Bennett

Sali Diamond

Anne Morden

I doubt that Peter Bird was naive regarding the sea; certainly he was not an armchair romantic. He knew what he was about, yet he is gone just the same. Peter joins the thousands, the tens of thousands, the hundreds ·of thousands of mariners who have met their fate crossing the great ocean. On Memorial Day the Museum flew our largest holiday ensign for all the mariners lost at sea. We flew our ensign for all the sailors and soldiers who died in our wars, and we flew our ensign for those known, to each one of us, who have passed away.

Larry Perkins

Robley Mangold, Vice President

" the sea never changes, and its works, for all the talk of men, are wrapped in mystery."

Jim McCbskey

Richard G. Reiten

Bob and Mary are both 65, and are planning to retire this year. Bob and Mary bought 1,000 shares of Unilex stock in 1967 At the time, the stock was selling for $20 a share. It is now selling for $100 a share, with a total value of $100,000. The stock is producing small dividends totaling $1,700 a year . Bob and Mary could sell the stock, but are concerned about the high capital gains taxes they will face They would also like to reduce their anticipated estate taxes.


Quarterdeck, Vol. 22 No. 2

A Profitable Plan

For more information on Charitable Remainder Trusts and other planned giving programs, contact your accountant or attorney, or call the Museum at (503) 325-2323.

Over the past few months, generous donors have created charitable trusts worth more than 1 million dollars to benefit the Museum. These trusts have ranged in size from $85,000 to $400,000, and have been created using appreciated stocks, real estate, and bonds.

"Charitable Remainder Trusts" are a powerful financial tool and are now part of a growing Planned Giving Program at the Museum. A Charitable Remainder Trust is a trust created by a donor, with the income from the trust distributed to the donor during his or her lifetime, or for a couple, their lifetimes. At the end of the donor's life, the principal of the Trust is released to the Museum to be added to the Museum's endowment. Donors enjoy increased income during their lifetimes and reduce their estate taxes.

You, too, can increase your annual income for life , eliminate capital gains taxes on appreciated assets, reduce estate taxes, and receive a charitable tax deduction from your income taxes over as many as five years. At the same time, you can make a significant long-term donation to the Maritime Museum

Bob and Mary created a Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust. They donated the stock to the Trust, which then sold the stock and bought more income producing stocks and bonds. For the rest of their lives, Bob and Mary will receive a seven percent payment each year, giving them annual income of $7,000, an increase of $5,300 over last year. In addition, they will enjoy a charitable income tax deduction of $27,985, which they can spread out over the next five years. At the end of their lives, the Museum will use the principal of the Trust to create an endowment fund in their honor to support the Museum's education and preservation programs.


This school year a total of 5,252 students participated in Museum education programs. We often receive letters and drawings from the students expressing their enjoyment and appreciation. The following letters from Brandon and Ariel say it all :

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Student Correspondence

Changing of the Guard

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Volume 22 No. 2


Fair winds and following seas to Dan Niven, who leaves the Museum to become the Director of The Children's Museum in Astoria. We wish Dan all the best in his new endeavors.

Printed at Anchor Graphics, Astoria, Oregon

Columbia River Maritime Museum News and Notes


Jerry Ostermiller, Anne Witty, Patricia Turner Custard, Rachel Wynne, Rob Rudd, David Pearson.

The QUARTERDECK is published four times a year by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Dr., Astoria, OR 97103. Phone (503) 325 2323, Fax (503) 325 2331.

Editor, Karen Carpenter. Editorial Staff:

Welcome aboard to Elaine Rusinovich who joins the Museum as a Visitor Services and Education Assistant. Elaine hails originally from Clifton, Oregon where her family has been involved in fishing for three generations. She has an extensive background working with youth in social services and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Tourism and Leisure Studies. Elaine will present the Museum in the Schools programs and assist with the Student Docent program beginning in the Fall.

In May, a dozen traditional ships' boats and a hundred crew members flocked to the 1996 Pacific Challenge, hosted by the Museum and the City of Astoria "A great success" was heard on the breeze as the crews and boats defied blustery, rainy weather to compete in races and events that challenged their maritime skills. The spirit of these crews, who came here from all over the Pacific Northwest, spread easily to the hundreds of spectators drawn by the sight and sound of wooden boats on the river.

The Lower Columbia Power Squadron and the Columbia River Maritime Museum co-sponsored the first annual Educational Outreach Trophy The six-inch brass compass in a teak wood box was presented to Home Port Umiak of Bellingham, Washing ton. This dynamic group has created programs ranging from watershed enhancement to small boat construction and repair to the construction of a 3-dimensional topographical map. The map, now used by the Washington State Department of Ecol ogy in public meetings, will be distributed to all schools in their district.

The S.S. Jeremiah O'Brien Visits Astoria

The Pacific Spirit, The Pacific Challenge

The crews vied for many trophies, and the spirit of the Challenge made every participant a winner. Three perennial trophies were awarded to crews demonstrating outstanding community spirit, educational outreach, and seamanship. The fourth perennial trophy, the coveted silver Queen's Cup for overall excellence, was awarded to the Elder Spirit from Olympia, Washington. This crew of middle- and high school students not only demonstrated community spirit as a unified crew, but also proved themselves in traditional seamanship and maritime skills

At a time of great need during World War Two, Liberty ships became a lifeline for the United States and her allies. These cargo ships of simple design were speedily produced in vast numbers for the transporta tion of food, troops and war materials. They acted as floating hospitals, repair ships, net tenders and were even purposely sunk to create breakwaters for artificial harbors called "Mulberries " Liberty ships were an emergency product of war for a country facing disaster, but they faithfully aided in the war effort.

-Hampton Scudder, Museum Exhibit Specialist and Pacific Challenge Steering Committee

The O'Brien served seven tours of duty

Behind the scenes, a host of support crew made the weekend flow smoothly Our heartfelt thanks go to all those who served good meals (on time!), kept a watchful eye on the water events from their safety boats, provided hospitality in and around the Museum, kept scores and made ribbons. Three cheers to the numerous volunteers who ran knot-tying, ropemaking, and signal flag "hail and reply" challenges. A very special thanks to the Museum Auxiliary who created custom-made net float trophies for each boat and crew, and to Anchor Graphics who sponsored the event poster.

You'd think that, with plenty to do in running the event, the Museum crew wouldn't be on the water. But after weeks of spring training, our crew rowed and sailed the jolly boat Peace and Friendship with verve . David Pearson (coxswain), Rachel Wynne, Chris Bennett, Karen Carpenter, Dan Niven, and Neil Peterson placed first in the Rowing Race in the jollyboat class They also won ribbons for Fastest Man Overboard Rescue by an oared boat and Best Chanty Crew. All the crews sported ribbons of achievement for accurately completing all shoreside activities and seamanship challenges, including Blind Maneuvering, in which the crew were blindfolded, and Maneuvering and Charting on the Columbia River.

The Museum is proud to have hosted and participated in this festive international boating challenge. Spectator participation in the shoreside challenges was so well-received that these activities will be offered again at the Lower Columbia Row-In on Sunday, August 25.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 22 No. 2

The last unaltered operating vessel of the 2,751 Liberty ships built, the S.S. Jeremiah O'Brien will be visiting Astoria and the Pacific Northwest this summer. Tours at each port will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entry fees are $3 adult, $1 child, $6 family and free for active military. Current schedule of docking: Port of Longview July 1923, Port of Portland July 25-30, Port of Astoria July 31- August 5. Cruises may be purchased through the Port of Longview, (360) 425-3305.

in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters. She made 11 trips from British ports to the beaches of Normandy during Operation Overlord, including a trip from Belfast, Ireland, to Normandy with troops from Patton's Fifth Division. Now this National Historic Landmark is stationed in San Francisco; where she serves as a tribute to the men and women who built, supplied and sailed her.

-Karen Carpenter, Marketing and Communications Manager


By David Pearson

U.S.S . Astoria (CA 34) passes under the St. John's Bridge en route to the 1937 Portland Rose Festival. The heavy cruiser spent the 1930s in routine peacetime duties, and residents continued to watch U.S.S Astoria with pride while she served as the U S. flagship for a diplomatic trip to Japan in 1939. It was one of the last peacetime missions to that country before World War Two.

Three commissioned vessels of the U.S. Navy have been named after our city. Among the namesake ships, two were key players in the singular event that defined this century: World War Two. In lives lost and material destruction, this was the most devastating war in human history. The sacrifice of these Americans both at home and abroad has given us our freedom.



Aboard U S S Astoria (CL-90) on July 15, 1945, the ship's butcher displays dried Columbia River salmon from canneries in Astoria By 1945, the town was working around the clock to supply American troops with the Northwest coast's abundant fish. Courtesy of Herman Schnipper, ship's photographer.

Unidentified Navy sailor on the bridge of U S S. Astoria (CA-34), ca 1939-40. Very few photos have been found of the heavy cruiser after the start of the war in the Pacifi c. In 1942, Astoria played a key role in crushing the Japanese carrier force at the Battle of Midway . The heavy cruiser was sunk in a decisive surprise attack off Savo Island on August 9, 1942, with the loss of 238 men. Donor: Alfred G. Boast (1981.59.1).

Quarterdeck, Vol. 22 No. 2

On December 16, 1933 Captain Edmund Root, First Commander of U .S.S. Astoria (CA-34), was presented with a silver plaque depicting the Astoria Column by Mayor John C. Ten Brook. The City of Astoria had strong ties to this ship, following her progress from keel laying to launch in 1933 at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. The money for the plaque was raised through a penny drive by school children, led by six Astoria High School students: Eleanor Hauke, Helen Seeborg, Betty Funkhauser, Marjorie Anet, Irja Thompson and Helen Carlson. The plaque remains with the ship today in the depths of Iron Bottom Bay Photograph Donor : Astoria Senior High School Student Body (1969.419)

Sailors remove paint from the ship's bell of U.S.S. Astoria (CL-90) on November 14, 1945. The 800-pound brass bell, now on permanent display on the Museum Plaza, is today a great source of pride to our community. Courtesy of Herman Schnipper, ship's photographer.


On duty with the Fast Carrier Task Force, U .S.S. Astoria (CL-90) provided screening for air attacks against the home islands of Japan and furnished unrelenting gunfire support for the Marines during the battle for Iwo Jima Returning from these strikes on March 3, 1945, the ship engages her 6 inch guns in firing practice before entering Ulithi Lagoon, Caro line Islands. U.S.S. Astoria continued attacks and screening support for the carriers off the coast of Japan until the Japanese surrender on August 15, 1945. Courtesy of Herman Schnipper, ship's photographer.

The U.S.S. Astoria (CA-34) and (CL 90) Re union Associations are planning a com memorative ceremony at the Museum on August 9th, proclaimed U.S.S. Astoria Day by the City of Astoria. Watch the local press for details.

U.S.S. Astoria (CL-90) Cleveland class light cruiser: 610' long, 66' beam, speed 31.6 knots. Photo ca. 1944. Donor: Mrs. Robert Lucas (1966.25).

U.S.S. Astoria (CA-34) New Orleans class heavy cruiser: 588' long, 61' beam, speed 32.7 knots. This is the last known photo of Astoria (CA-34) before its sinking; it is believed to have been taken by an Austrian seaman on or about August 7, 1942. (CRMM Archives 1996.18).

U.S.S. Astoria Day August 9th

The Museum is proud to tell the story of the valiant heavy cruiser Astoria and the other Navy ships that have borne the name. We especially appreciate the support of the members of U.S.S Astoria (CA34) Reunion Association. They have made this exhibit possible in order to honor their ship and the men lost with her.


Thanks to the U.S.S. Astoria (CA-34) Reunion Association

Quarterdeck, Vol. 22 No 2

U.S.S. Astoria (AK-8): 319' long, 46' beam, speed 9.5 knots. Photo ca. 1919. Donor: Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNabb (1994.23.1).

A Second Look at the Tourist II

The Tourist II was appropriated by the U.S Army shortly after Pearl Harbor and used for planting and maintaining a mine network at the mouth of the Columbia River. Forts Columbia and Stevens were the control centers. Following the end of World War Two she was returned to ferry service. The Army modified the protective sides by removing some of the sides near the bow to gain more maneuvering space . I served on the Tourist II as a deckhand, in 1938 or '39.

Remembering Wilbur Smith, Riverman and Racer

Hugh 5. Ackroyd Ackroyd Photography, Portland

A fine ship's portrait of the 4 masted barkentine Jane L. Stanford, painted around 1906 by the Australian artist William Edgar, has taken on new life thanks to the generosity of Museum supporter David C. Meyer. The painting was professionally cleaned and stabilized by a paintings conservator, then its frame was regilded to enhance the appearance of the cleaned painling. Mr. Meyer of Sherwood, Oregon, a supporter of the Museum from its earliest days, underwrote the restoration.

Readers' Corner

Update :

Ship's Portrait Takes on New Life

Under full sail, the 4 masted barkentine Jane L. Stanford was painted by Australian artist W. Edgar. Recently, the ship's portrait was professionally restored thanks to the generosity of David C. Meyer. (1987.25.1).

Capt. Wilbur Smith (here wearing his lucky hat). Photo by Hugh Ackroyd (ca. 1955).

The Museum collections have many conservation needs. If you would like to contribute to our conservation efforts, please contact Anne Witty, Curator, or Rob Rudd, Director of Development, at the Museum . -Anne Witty, Curator

I 0

Wilbur Smith had Smith Towing at Rainier, a tug and towing business he started in 1926 It is now part of Foss. Enclosed is a proof showing him with his seaplane [an Aeronca Chief] at Rainier and casual mug shots with his plaque showing his speed boat. Believe this was rather early in time as it indicates the first boat to do 50 mph.

Your article about racing boats with accompanying picture in the Winter 1996 Quarterdeck (p. 5) stirred my interest. Without having the vessel in the background identified, I would have said "That's the old Tourist II " [Editor's Note : The photo caption identifies the ferry as the Tourist III]. The background is the Washington shore and appears to cover from Pt. Ellice, the second ferry landing for Fritz Elfving' s fleet (comprised of Tourist I, II and III), to Megler, the final and 3rd docking before the bridge was completed The first [dock] was located at McGowan, a few hundred yards upstream from the historic church which still stands. The dock was removed in the 1940s to the best of my recollection, maybe late '30s.

I enjoy the issues of the Quarterdeck. There are still a few living old timers in the area with marine backgrounds who could tell us of early Astoria waterfront and nearby areas, Their stories would contain interesting history as well as nostalgic reading. En courage them to come forward.

Sincerely, Harry Nelson

The barkentine plied the Pacific under the command of Capt. Thomas Mollestad, in whose family the portrait descended.

It used to be said that as Wilbur goes, so goes the river. He pioneered many concepts.

On June 1, 1996 the Tourist II entered yet another career as M V Kirkland, taking passengers for cruises on Seattle's Lake Washington

(I remember the rumrunner Tapawinga that had an owner's requirement from the builders to exceed 60 mph in the 1930s.)


Quarterdeck, Vol. 22 No. 2

Mr. and Mrs Jim Wilkins Captain

John Sweeny

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finzer Mr. and Mrs. John Power

Howard Ragan

Reed & Hertig Packing Co Navigator

Bergerson Enterprises

Dr. Del Corbett

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Curtis, Jr. Tim Dalrymple

The Rev. and Mrs. John Goodenberger

Eric Heinitz

Ervin W. Ervin

Mr. and Mrs Jon Johnson Mr and Mrs Joseph Kirwan John Long Libby Myers Clay Packard

Neil J Peterson

Capt. and Mrs. Mitch Boyce

Lynda Davis

Boatswain Crew/FamilyNavigator

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robbins Ric Tower Family Gerry Trimble

Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barehofer Mr. and Mrs. James L. Barr ett Mr. and Mrs. Ros Cornelius Joan Foy Ernie Geiger

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrissey Edwin K. Parker


Robert Bacon and Sue Daniel

Anne W. Powel

Mr. and Mrs John Paine

Robert Edmiston Haglund & Kirtley Michael Mathers


Walt Gibbs


In Memory Of Walter F. Bruning Muriel Bruning

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brix

Claude Kurtz

Robert C. Viereck Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wallace Helmsman



Clatsop Distributing Co.

New Members -January 1, 1996 March 31, 1996


Cynthia Rimer

Mrs. Nora S. Bue


Increased Memberships -January 1, 1996 - March 31, 1996

Welcome Back to our Membership -January 1, 1996 - March 31, 1996

Terry Finklein

Mr. and Mrs. Ward V. Cook James A. McClaskey

Mr. and Mrs. James Jarvis, Jr. Mrs. Frances M. Johnsrud Mr and Mrs Larry Perkins Hughes-Ransom Mortuary, Inc.

Melvin H. Iverson Jackson Foundation

Raven Fisheries Crew/Family

Mrs Ann S. Prince

Mr. and Mrs. James Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Bradford D Soper

Christopher M. Boyce

Richard J. Ralston

Esther Hughes Broerman

James M. Rock

Jerry E. Matney

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Larson

Exploradores! Exhibit-February 17, 1996-March 31, 1996


Hal S Ayotte Helmsman

Capt. and Mrs. James. Maher

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Phillips

Mona Smith

David Mebust & Merry Togliavento Dorothy R. Mickelson James Pilgreen Thelma L. Runde!

Mr. Fred Antilla

In Honor Of

Special Donations

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Drake Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kearney Mrs. Theresa Wilson

Glen Bay


Glen Bay

Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor Bill and Madonna Pitman Honeyman Family Memorial

0. W. Beasley Dorothy Anne Labiske

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frame

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Larry Perkins Seaside Unit A.C.B.L.

Memorial Donations-January 1, 1996-March 31, 1996

Mr. and Mrs. David Hallin

Wendell Gray George W Blinco

George Kesti

Lawrence Blue

Wayne Ostrom

James Nicholas Price

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schoning

Dick Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frame

Mr. and Mrs. Dee Thomason 50th Anniversary Mrs. Anne C. Tevis

Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brix

Richard M. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. David Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Stew Brown Mrs. Carol Jean Haskell Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hjorten Mr. and Mrs. John S McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. King

Elliott Becken Richard E. Cameron Family

Helen Blinco George W. Blinco

Folger Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Blair

Mrs. A. Alan Honeyman

Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvi Henry E. Koski

Ralph Abrahamson

Tim Dalrymple Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hertig Mr. and Mrs. Ted Natt Kurt Nelson

Captain Ed Quinn Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Edward Riutta


Allen Larson

Barbara Bankson

Alan Hendrickson

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Simonson Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Teppola

John F. "Ted" Hakanson

Mr. and Mrs. Donald A Kessler

Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hendriksen Mr. and Mrs. Albin E. !hander Mr. and Mrs. Toivo Kuivala Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Larson Hjalmer Leino Ed Lundholm Robert A. Nikka

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barendse Mr. and Mrs. Evan T. Bash

Mr. and Mrs. Waino R. Simonson

Nancy Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lavey Phil L. Nock

Ted & Hazel Henningsen 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William Merzke

Dorothy McGregor

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith

Captain Ken McAlpin

Jack Nash

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bondietti Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cameron Englund Marine Supply

Susan Elizabeth Anderson Ms. Marian L. Boyd

William Puustinen

Annette Burkholder

Mr. Fred Antilla Mr. and Mrs. Max Bigby, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dreyer William Fleming & Ethel L. Wilson Leonard Haga Mr and Mrs. Eino Mattson RADM David L. Roscoe, Jr. Mrs. Ellen K. Sanford

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hedrick

Non-profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Astoria, Oegon Permit No. 328

Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Bruneau

Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Paronen RADM David L Roscoe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tadei EdwinSalme Ed Lundholm Theresa Wilson and Patricia Drake

Mary Jane Van Dusen Mr. and Mrs. C. Harold Weston, Jr. Lucille Whitcomb Mrs. Ruby K. Smith

Anna L. Mitchell


Joseph L. Hillard, Jr.

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