V19 N4 Recreational Boating on the Lower Columbia

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Vol.19 No. 4 Summer 1993

That the Dyer family name is associated with the image above is an intriguing coincidence. Joe Dyer, a distinguished Astoria naval architect and a founding member of this Museum, was himself an avid recreational boater. In 1934, he was commissioned to design a boat for the Columbia River Yachting Association. The Columbia River One Design, or CROD, went on to become a regional classic. For a discussion of this and other recreational boats of the region, and of the Museum's growing collection of watercraft, please read on.

A Snipe race on the lower Columbia, possibly during the annual Astoria Regatta. The Snipe is a class of one-design recreational sailboat which has enjoyed considerable popularity on the lower Columbia River. 1975.35 coll.


Recreational Boating on the Lower Columbia

Boats and boating have long been a way of life on the Columbia River. Much attention through the years has been given the different classes of workboats in the region. But watercraft of many varieties and descriptions have served quite notable recreational uses along the river as well. Boats under oar, sail, and motor have been raced by enthusiasts. Other boaters, equally enthusiastic, have gone out in anything that floats to take part in the river's sports fishery. Still others don't need any excuse whatsoever to get out on the water.

The photograph above is from the Museum's Woodfield Photographic Collection, donated in 1975 by Mrs. Joseph M. Dyer and Mr. Frank E. Ross. The collection comprises 586 negatives and 274 prints photographed and/or collected by Frank Woodfield in the period between 1900 and 1940. Woodfield, a prominent local professional photographer, was interested in documenting all phases of life in the region. This collection contains a wide assortment of images by Mr. Woodfield and others, primarily of maritime subjects.

A review and newsletter from the Columbia River Maritime Museum at 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria, Oregon

Accreditation is a voluntary program. Applying for it signals that a museum devotes time and resources to achieving certain standards in all aspects of its operations. For the Columbia River Maritime Museum, continued accreditation means that the Museum continues to meet nationally-recognized standards of cultural and education service. We know, too, that it means we're doing all our jobs well, from running the business of an educational and cultural institution to performing research and preservation work to creating programs and exhibitions: in short, tackling the myriad of tasks expected of today's museums.

Chris Bennett

Virginia Rose

Margaret Ann Rothman


Ted Natt, Secretary

Ed Nelson

-Anne Witty

David M. Myers

Roy Snell


Jerry L. Ostermiller, Director

Walter Gadsby, Jr.

Mitch Boyce

Anne Witty

Darryl Bergerson

Celerino Bebeloni

Allen V. Cellars

Eugene Lowe

John McGowan

William T. C. Stevens

Don M. Haskell

Mark Tolonen

Rose Palazzo

Gene Sause

Frank Warren

Walt McManis

Peter J. Brix, Immediate Past President

Rachel Wynne

Every few years, the Museum gets a report card from the American Association of Museums, a unique, national membership organization that represents all types of museums and museum professionals. The American Association of Museums, founded in 1906, now provides services to more than 11,500 members worldwide. Foremost among its goals is encouraging excellence and maintaining professional standards for museums throughout the country.

The AAM awarded the accreditation renewal after the Museum completed an extensive self-study, examining and reporting on every aspect of our operations. Later, a committee of peers spent more than two days on site, meeting with staff and Trustees and going over the contents of our report. The process provided a wonderful opportunity for members of the staff and Board of Trustees to step back and take a long, hard look at our operations. We are gratified that, more than twenty years after we became one of the first institutions on the West Coast to achieve accreditation, we continue to rate the full merit accorded by our profession.


Museum Staff:

We are delighted to bring our latest report card home to you, our members and supporters, by proudly announcing that the American Association of Museums has awarded subsequent accreditation to the Columbia River Maritime Museum. This recognition signals our continued growth and health as a cultural institution one we fondly regard as a Northwest Treasure. The Columbia River Maritime Museum continues to be the only accredited maritime museum on the West Coast. It was first accredited in 1972, shortly after the American Association of Museums established the accreditation program. In 1981 and again in 1993 our accredited status was renewed.

Lynn Gray

Pat Longnecker

Board of Trustees:

Robert G. Hemphill

Carl Fisher

John Davis

Evelyn Georges

Jim Nyberg

Alan C. Goudy, President

Thomas R. Dyer

Steve Kann

Hampton Scudder

Justine Van Sickle

Jack R. Dant

Jon Englund

from the Wheelhouse ...

Marietta Doney

Ward V. Cook, Vice President

Robley L. Mangold

In their report, the AAM Visiting Committee noted that "the Columbia River Maritime Museum has accomplished much, especially since the time of subsequent accreditation in 1981, and those associated with the museum can and should be very proud of their accomplishments ... We wish our colleagues well in their continuing quest to revitalize their collection, preservation and interpretation efforts, and to play an increasingly significant role in the cultural and economic development of the region." What more can we add, except to say three cheers and full steam ahead!

Richard T. Carruthers, Jr , Treasurer

W. Louis Larson

Doreen Dixon Dailey

Barbara Minard

Herbert Steinmeyer

Eric 'Skip' Hauke

Willis Van Dusen

Maurie D. Clark

Russ Bean

Lynne Leland

Jack Marincovich

Chris Ek

J. W. 'Bud' Forrester

Garry Breckon, former museum director at the Oregon Historical Society, served as program director for the Bicentennial Commission. Other Commission staff members included Marguerite Wright and Lois Mack.


Volume 19 No. 4

The state legislature established the Commission in 1987 to coordinate events surrounding the bicentennial of Robert Gray's entry into the Columbia River. The Commission expired at the end of the 1991-93 biennium.

During the month of June, so many Astoria businesses and professionals joined the Museum that our roster of local business members more than doubled. Twenty-eight volunteers, including eight trustees and several staff members, canvassed local businesses on two afternoons, going door-to-door to enlist support for the Museum. Possibly even more important than generous financial contributions from the community was the positive feedback we received from local business leaders about their support for our programs and their perception of the Museum as a priceless community resource

Two short days did not permit us to contact every business owner in the area who might enjoy the benefits of CRMM membership. We encourage you to spread the word to the rest of the community.

The QUARTERDECK is published four times a year by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Dr, Astoria, OR 97103.

Many hands contributed to make our special business membership drive a success. Museum staff put in many hours advance preparation and direct participation in the drive We especially would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals who volunteered their time and persuasive abilities for this effort:

Thank You! Astoria Businesses

Russ Bean, Allen Cellars, Gordon Childs, Bob Chopping, Ward Cook, Carl Fisher, Al Goudy, Don Haskell, Esther Jerrell, Betty Korpela, Bud McKinney, Dave Myers, Judy Lake Miller, Carol Moore, Anne Morden, Ted Natt, Ed Nelson, George Phillips, June Spence, Frankye Thompson, Lisa Tolonen, and Nola Westling.

Editor, Hobe Kytr. Editorial Staff: Jerry Ostermiller, Anne Witty, Barbara Minard, Rachel Wynne, Mark Tolonen.

Now sailing into our 31st year, the Columbia River Maritime Museum has become a major contributor to the economic health of Astoria and tourism in the entire North Coast region. Area businesses benefit directly and indirectly from the Museum's 100,000 annual visitors and marketing campaigns. Strong mutual support between the business community and the Museum helps to generate economic growth. Active business memberships provide a visible manifestation of that symbiotic relationship.

Photo and illustration credits: Snipes, pages 1 and 6, and Tom Tom, page 5, CRMM archives; CROD No. 2, page 6, Dave Myers; Member's Open House, pages 6 and 7, Josh Long; CR Buoy, page 8, Jerry Ostermiller; drawing, page 9, from All Sail Set, written and illustrated by Armstrong Sperry, 1935. Printed at Anchor Graphics, Astoria, Oregon

Bicentennial Programs Honored

ccredited by the merican Association of Museums

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 4

interactive computer exhibits on Captain Gray's voyages financed by the Murdock Charitable Trust, a series of feature articles in area newspapers, and Exploration and Encounter, an educational materials package financed by the Meyer Memorial Trust The Columbia River Maritime Museum is proud to have participated in the Commission's educational enterprises.


Congratulations to the Columbia River Bicentennial Commission! The Commission has received a 1993 Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History for its programs commemorating the era of maritime exploration on the Northwest Coast during the late 18th century. Partners with the Columbia River Maritime Museum and the National Park Service in creating the major 1992 exhibition This Noble River: Capt. Robert Gray and the Columbia, the Commission also developed a traveling exhibit (Adventure and Encounter) that appeared in more than 30 Oregon and Washington communities,

Chairing the Columbia River Bicentennial Commission was James B. Thayer, Beaverton. Other Commission members included Sen. Joan Dukes, Svensen, J. W. 'Bud' Forrester, Astoria, and Rep. Tony Federici, St. Helens. Former state representatives from Clatsop County Jackie Taylor and Tom Hanlon also served as ex-officio members of the Commission. Thomas Vaughan, Oregon historian laureate and former director of the Oregon Historical Society, was chairman of the Columbia River Bicentennial Honorary Council.

Tom Dyer, Joe Dyer's son and owner of the designer's own 1945 CROD Tom Tom, provided some historical background

Watercraft: the very word is summerlike, calling up images of small wooden boats on peaceful waters, sails spread to the breeze or oars at the ready. Over the last hundred years, boats were often photographed as people used them for recreation. But even more often, boats functioned as the workhorses of fishing, exploration, transportation, and industry.

The CROD is highly significant to our area. The type was designed by Astoria naval architect Joe Dyer at the request of the Columbia River Yachting Association, based at the Portland Yacht Club.

Whether for work or for pleasure, boats have always been essential to maritime enterprise. Today boats also occupy a central place in many maritime museums, where they are preserved for their aesthetic and historical value. People enjoy looking at the graceful shapes of old boats, marveling at the skill that went into building them and imagining them in use on the water. As documents of technology and use, boats can also tell us a great deal about our maritime past.

Considered a fast, modern boat in 1934, and raced as a class in Portland until the early 1970s, CRODs today are prized as classics. Here, designer Joe Dyer's own CROD, Tom Tom, fills her sails on a close reach near Astoria. 85.59.8

In recent months, the watercraft collection at the Columbia River Maritime Museum has grown by leaps and bounds. Several significant additions expand the Museum's record of recreational and exploration craft used on and around the Columbia River.

Foremost among these recent arrivals, a Columbia River One Design, also known as a CROD, was donated this spring by Dr. and Mrs. Gene Chernick.The sailboat is number 2 of a class of about 12 boats built from 1934 until shortly after World War Two; our example dates from 1934.


and first-hand knowledge of the CRODs. The 28-foot design fulfilled the original request for a simple, affordable "everyman' s" boat. The CROD's hard-chine hull design and shallow draft (2' 4" with the centerboard up; 5' with the board down) enables beaching on sandbars and islands. Tom Dyer, a member of the Museum's Board of Trustees, also mentioned that a low freeboard makes swimming off the boat easy. The keel and skeg arrangement was designed in part to

Watercraft Collection Grows

jump over gillnets without tangling. Designed specifically for boating on the lower Columbia, we are very pleased to have CROD No. 2 in the Museum fleet. Another recreational sailboat, a 15' 6" Snipe class sloop, joined the fleet this spring as a bequest from the late Edwin F. Polkey. This cedar boat, like the CROD, is also a one-design; that is, it belongs to a large class of identical craft that could be raced in fleets without handicapping. One-design racing has

Finally, some craft fill an immediate need, rather than a gap in the collections. We greatly appreciate Gary Aspmo's donation of a small wooden work skiff for use around the waterfront. That work includes the maintenance of the Lightship Columbia and another newly-acquired floating artifact: the Columbia River Buoy, a large navigational buoy (LNB) removed from service by the Coast Guard in June 1993 and donated to the

Quarterdeck, Vol.19 No. 4

Other examples of recreational craft from the lower Columbia, such as today's colorful windsurfers (also known as sailboards and boardsailers), are future candidates for acquisition. The Museum intends to collect certain recreational boats as a logical extension of our mission to collect, preserve and interpret materials relating to the maritime and cultural history of the lower Columbia River.

Note: As the Museum develops expanded storage facilities, we are interested in acquiring selected examples of small watercraft from the lower Columbia and Pacific Northwest region. Any watercraft considered for the collection should document work or recreation in the immediate area, or the work of a local boatbuilder or designer. If you know of a boat that might fit our mission, please contact the curator.

become especially popular since World War Two. The boats are relatively inexpensive and they perform well. Like the CROD, Snipes are also shallow draft, drawing only 8" with the centerboard up. Designed by William F. Crosby in 1931, the Snipe was hugely successful. Numerically it became the largest onedesign class in the world, with over 14,000 numbered boats by the mid-1960s. Snipes were very popular at the Astoria Yacht Club, where they were raced for many years.

CROD No. 2 motors down the Columbia toward her new home at the Columbia River Maritime Museum. She came much of the way downriver under sail in very challenging conditions. Her handiness in heavy wind and high seas readily demonstrated the worthiness of the CROD's design and characteristics. Dave Myers photo.

Museum. (See related story page 8).

Other recently acquired watercraft may take advantage of the on-the-water display possibilities offered by the expanded 17th Street pier. Further illustrating the 18th-century exploration of the Northwest Coast are two replica boats loaned by the Oregon Historical Society. Like the replica American jolly boat donated last year by Thomas Vaughan, Snipes at the Astoria Yacht Club, circa 1940. 85.59.13

these craft were built at the Oregon Historical Society in 1989 and 1990. A crew of volunteer boatbuilders, including Tom Jackson of Astoria, built three replica craft under the supervision of master boatbuilder Bent Thygesen, Sam Johnson of the Historical Society staff, and Greg Foster, the designer of ,the craft. All three craft are based on research by Greg Foster, and are theoretical reconstructions of boats for which no original plans or models exist.

The 16-foot launch Buena Ventura represents a boat that might have been used

aboard the 18th-century Spanish schooner Sonora. A larger 19-foot ship's launch, Anna, replicates English boats of the type used aboard HMS Chatham. They join their sister boat, the jolly boat from the American ship Columbia Rediviva named Peace and Friendship, which remains on display in the Great Hall. Together, these three craft illustrate the small boats that led the way, exploring, sounding, and making shore excursions, during the era of exploration on the last unknown coast.

-Anne Witty


Rediscovering A Northwest Treasure:


Being a true Open House, curious members and guests were able to make special behind-the-scenes discoveries too. Everyone had the opportunity to meet the Membership Secretary; peek into the Executive Director's Office; talk with the Museum Store Manager; visit the Research Library; see how the Quarterdeck is produced; find out how artifacts are cared for; tour the production workshop; learn what HVAC means; and, perhaps the highlight of the evening, enjoy a special guided tour of the artifact storage room.

After a welcome by Executive Director Jerry Ostermiller, friends and supporters of the Museum began to stroll through the exhibit galleries where docents gladly entertained questions.

On the evening of National Maritime Day (May 22nd), Museum members and their guests took advantage of an after hours Open House to spend more time rediscovering a Northwest treasure: the Columbia River Maritime Museum. Volunteers and staff provided hospitality and refreshments in the Kern Room .

Above: During the Members' Open House, Volunteer Jean McKinney wears white cotton gloves as she retrieves one of the archival treasures to show guests in the CRMM Research Library.

Right: All ages attended the CRMM Members' Open House. Showing Lance Palazzo a model of a flounder, Museum Educator Hobe Kytr reels in a future museum enthusiast.

Russ Bean, Lorraine Berg, Kathleen Bouska, Ben Cadman, Karen Carpenter, Rose Carroll, Bob Chopping, Jeanne Clifford, Kenny Ginn, Charlotte Jackson, Betty Korpela, Eldon Korpela, Josh Long, Dr. Bud McKinney, Jean McKinney, Annabell Miller, Judy Lake Miller, Carol Moore, George Phillips, Patsy Reese, Byron Ruppel, Frankye Thompson, and Sydna Wenbert.

Barbara Minard

Above: With a sea otter pelt over her arm and holding up a harbor seal pelt, Docent Lorraine Berg shows Museum members and their guests various fur trade era items from the Education Program's "Treasure Box."

Left: Museum member Richard Palazzo, Sr., takes a closer look at a model sternwheeler in the CRMM main storage area, which was open specially for the Members' Open House. Collections storage is normally closed to the general public.

Many volunteers helped at various stations, allowing the Museum to make more work areas accessible for the Members' Open House. These generous individuals are:


CRMM Members' Open House

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 4

The Members' Open House offered members a way to learn more about the Museum, its operation and activities. Join us for future events to learn even more about the Museum. It is a way we all can reaffirm why we support the Columbia River Maritime Museum and its mission.

Rachel Wynne

The buoy consists of an all-steel, compartmented hull, where most of the radio equipment is stored, and a mast, where the aids to navigation and the antenna are positioned. Primary and secondary

Statistics for the Columbia River LNB cies built into all systems provide backup in case of equipment failure. tion. Early in 1993, the buoy

CR Buoy Joins Lightship "on Station" at CRMM

If a ship is a she, what is a buoy?

Many local fishermen and boaters have come by the Museum to get a closer look at the big buoy. They all remark that when they were out on the ocean it didn't look all that big, but now that they can stand next to it, they can't believe what a monster it is. A monster indeed, the CR Buoy is one of the largest navigational buoys ever produced in the United States. Its sheer size makes it a perfect companion for the Lightship Columbia. Be sure to come by the Muwas deemed too large to be serviced safely by a buoy tender and too dangerous to board in rough weather. The United States Coast Guard decommissioned the CR Buoy and donated it to the Museum.

Displacement 40 feet 4 feet 7 feet 6 inches 38 feet 8 inches 35 feet

Now moored next to each other, the CR Buoy and the Lightship Columbia provide an interesting comparison of modernization in navigational aids for mariners.

Hull Mast Whip antenna Weight


Hull diameter

When WLV 604 was taken off station in 1979, her replacement was a large unmanned navigational buoy. The CR Buoy, officially designated as CRLNB (for Columbia River Large Navigational Buoy), took over the crucial task of marking the entrance to the Columbia River. (The folks at the Museum's front desk like to quip that this was a classic example of sending a buoy to do a man's job .) For the next 14 years the CR Buoy provided visual, aural, and radiobeacon aids to naviga-

The last lightship to serve on the U.S. West Coast has a new companion at the 17th Street pier. Moored next to the Columbia (WL V 604) is her successor on the Columbia River station, the last Large Navigational Buoy to serve in the same capacity on the West Coast.

On June 1st 1993, the huge buoy was towed off station, across the Columbia River bar and up to our watery doorstep to join the lightship and become our second largest floating artifact and exhibit.

ballasted 192,000 pounds unballasted 120,000 pounds

seum to see for yourself just how big the big buoy is. And while you're here, don't miss the special exhibit in the Kern Room. (See back cover.)

Mast diameter

beacons are located approximately 40 feet above the surface of the water. The primary beacon system utilizes 1000-watt tungsten halogen lamps visible for 15 miles at sea. Electrical power is provided by two diesel-fueled engine generator units. Redundan-

ballasted 3 feet 6 inches unballasted 2 feet 6 inches

Josiah Gardner, First Mate, is the creation of Glenn Gordinier, Mystic Seaport research associate and director of the Seaport's living history program. Mr. Gordinier, a former school teacher, has been with Mystic Seaport since 1979, also serving as lecturer in history for the Williams College/Mystic Seaport maritime studies program since 1989.


"Bedbugs, they lives in your straw mattress, and I tell you the only way to get rid of them is to soak the bedboards in kerosene. Or, you can let the cockroaches loose on the bed. They'll eat those bedbugs if you don't mind them crawling on you at night."

In recent years, Hewitt Jackson has turned his attention to writing and lecturing. His writing has appeared in numerous issues of 48° North, the Northwest sailing magazine, as well as the Quarterdeck. During speaking engagements, Hewitt presents a fascinating store of information on the intricate historical details of our early regional maritime history. He has a way of bringing to life the difficult and arcane terminology of the age of exploration.

Josiah Gardner, First Mate appears by special arrangement for this year's annual meeting. Members, be sure not to miss this extraordinary event.

When the late Edmund Hayes, then president of the Oregon Historical Society, commissioned models of the ships of discovery along the Northwest Coast during the early 1960s, Jackson was chosen to conduct the research. During a period spanning two decades, Hewitt researched, drew, painted, and designed ship model plans for all the vessels of exploration along the Northwest Coast. Much of the present visual record of this important period in Northwest maritime history is due to his painstaking research and draftsmanship.

"The Life and Times of Josiah Gardner, 19th Century Seaman" has been delighting and educating audiences from coast to coast for the past several years, accompanied by critical acclaim from the nation's press. In 1991, Gordinier performed at the dedication of the National Maritime Museum of Australia, where the Australian Broadcasting System proclaimed: "No one can make the past come alive like Glenn Gordinier of the United States of America."

Bedbugs, hardtack, plum duff and salt horse are in store for those who venture to this year's Columbia River Maritime Museum annual meeting, scheduled for Friday, November 12 at the Seaside Convention Center.

A native Northwesterner, Hewitt Jackson first went to sea in 1925. His active sea-going career extended through 1937, during which time he rounded Cape Horn and Point Barrow under working sail. During this early period, he began to draw the various ships on which he served.

During the Second World War, Jackson joined the Army Air Corps, where he was assigned to writing and editing technical manuals. Following the war, he went to Boeing as a wind tunnel model-maker, technical illustrator and training aids designer. From 1950 through 1959, he worked on the University of Washington's oceanographic research vessel Brown Bear. Between voyages on the Brown Bear, Hewitt began researching and drawing historic vessels, consulting with the likes of Howard Chapelle at the Smithsonian and Samuel Eliot Morison, dean of American maritime historians.

Hewitt Jackson: Fellow of Maritime History

We're going to have a salty time at this year's annual meeting. Please join us November 12 in honoring Hewitt Jackson. Make your plans now to attend!

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 4

Yankee Tar Comes West

Josiah Gardner, first mate of the 1876 full-rigged ship St. Nicholas, will travel through time and across the continent to make an appearance for members of the Museum. Gardner's historic character ships out of New England and is a veteran of working sail since the time of the Civil War. His tales are of the high seas and distant ports, of mutiny and shanghaiing, and of the salt-encrusted life of the deepwater sailor.

November 12 Annual Meeting to be Salty Occasion

The Columbia River Maritime Museum will present the award of Fellow of Maritime History to Hewitt Jackson at the 1993 annual meeting, in honor of Mr. Jackson's decades-long work in marine art and maritime historical research. Hewitt Jackson should be familiar to most readers of the Quarterdeck from his articles published during the recent maritime bicentennial. Hewitt's paintings and drawings of the 18th-century ships of discovery on the Northwest Coast form the backbone of CRMM's Fur Trade & Exploration gallery.

Tony Dirksen

G. C. Claussen

Captain & Mrs. Barry A. Barrett SUSTAINING BerniceSTEWARD & Trudy Enke Captain Don N. Dackins Nancy Lloyd T Talrymple


VICTOR L. BERGER Doug & Terry Arnall Gus Leino Bill & Madonna Pitman Patricia Longnecker

Greg Higgins

Walter & Jeanne Pendergrass

Judy Sorrell & John Dobe' Clyde K Stephens


Increased Memberships - April 1- June 30, 1993

Art Reigns Gallery Astoria Antiques & Jewelry Astoria City Motel Astoria Cleaners Astoria Coffee Company Birdwell Motors Brass Pelican Columbia Chocolates by Mordens Columbia Travel Commercial Barber Shop Mrs. H. B. Cooper, Jr Finn Ware of Oregon William J. Fornas Glen's Barber Shop Golden Star Restaurant Hong Kong Restaurant Integrated Business Services J P. Plumbing

Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. McClaine

Mr. & Mrs. L. Custer

Bob & Moira Flower

Herbert & Ruth Jensen-Norman Lamplighter Motel Lee's Kitchen Robert W. Lehman

Papa Aldo's Paragon Tax Services Parnassus Boks Persona Vintage Clothing Peter Pan Market



SUSTAINING Bayshore Motor Inn Falcon Cable

John & Kelly Tucker

Don & Evelyn Huber

Mr. Fultano's Pizza August & Rita Meyer Fred & Alice Neth North Coast Haircutter Old Town Framing Company

J. F. Danielsen

HONORARY LIFE Jim & Lorna Hamil Mr & Mrs. Wilfred E. Jossy

Jerry L. Miller Maureen Morris Paul & Kristin Newbry Starla Niemann Bob Olds

John P. Walsh

Don Jackson

Mr. & Mrs . Acie G. Dunlap Carl & Patricia Erickson

Dr. Elliott D. Becken Maurie Clark Nancy Loukkula Robert E. Jolma & Rebecca A. Joel & Mary Haggard Carl & Lois Fisher Dorothea J L.Handran Byrne Waterman Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Dave U'Ren

PILOT Hewitt Jackson Dorothy L. Millikan Edwin L. Luoma

Matthew B. Haycock

New Members April 1- June 30, 1993

James L. Meredith

Bruce Hoff

Olaf Jacobson & Michelle H. Brown


Parker C. Cooper

F. B. Holmes Family

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Lane Byron & Susan Marsh David Mathre Sam May


Don Snodgrass

Mr Charles Shea

Mr. & Mrs. A. William Rouzie PILOT Wecoma Partners, Ltd.

Kenneth Allred Mary Bartholemy

William Crabbs

JOSEPH A. BALLARD ARNE E. Mr.BOHM & Mrs Arvi W. Ostrom Mr . & Mrs. Lawrence Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Ala

Gerald & Page Bynum Griffin

Ed Zimmerman

Norman J. Blanchard

Tony Farrenkopf

Jane Carson

Lolly's House of Fashion MTC Training & Placement Services

Memorial Donations April 1- June 30, 1993

Dan Gibbs


Sam & Myrna Patrick Phillips Family Thor & Barbara Sabo Kurt & Lisa Schiebel Vonnie Sheadel


David Drafall

Joyce Stewart Frank Tachau

Plyter's Pet Store Polk Riley's Commercial Printing Poulsen & McClanahan Computer Services Recreation Tavern Riverfront Seafood Market Roy's Maytag Home Appliance Center Safeway Seafood Technologies, Inc. Shakey's Pizza Parlor Sky's Gunsmithing TP Freight Lines, Inc Thundermountain Art Works Trudy's Treasures

Bob & Sandy Bomar Frank Calciano

Margaret Benton Sam & Janice Absher Pentilla's Chapel by the Sea US National Bank of OregonGeorge W Cottrell, MD Mr. & Mrs. Arnold E. Andersen Ruth Shaner Astoria Branch

Richard R Palazzo Louise Tobin Stewart Todd

Video Horizons


Dale Hendricksen

Mr. & Mrs . Thomas Vaughan Edwin K. Parker Roy E. Snell & Associates

Stephen C. Allen, CPA Annie's Uppertown Tavern

Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Turner Bert & Wendy Wickersham David Wood Rod Zecher

Warren W. Braley Douglas M. Kerr


DOROTHY ScHNEIDER Mr. & Mrs George Abrahamsen Florence Wrenn

EDWARD G. WHITE Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen

Mr & Mrs. Andrew D Carlson Vivian Fisher


Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Johanson

Sign On!

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Johnson

Ralph & Charlotte Martin

Mr & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram

SUSIE M. WELSTED Captain & Mrs. Dale A. Dickinson

SALLY V W. ROHNE Mr. & Mrs. John D. Karamanos


Mr. & Mrs. James Kindred

Mr. & Mrs. Art Johansen

Mr. & Mrs. Sven Lund

Thelma L. Smith

MARTHA PHILLIPS Mr. & Mrs. Gerry E. Backanen Allan Maki Mr & Mrs. Donald Willits


Mr & Mrs James Nissen

Mr. & Mrs. Oliver A. Schulz

Mr. & Mrs. George E. Siverson

Mr. & Mrs. M. W. Duddleston

Mr. & Mrs Lawrence Nielsen


VILHO PERTTU Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Larson

Mr & Mrs. Viekko Manners



Mr. & Mrs. Ed G. Fearey, Jr

Dr. & Mrs . David 1. Williams

ALBERT R. SoRKKI Susan E. Herron

Mrs Henry L. Puusti

EDPOLKI Mr. & Mrs . Eldon Korpela


ToMTEUTSCH Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen



Mr & Mrs George W. Blinco

CECIL C. MOBERG Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Campbell Roy & Loretta Carlson Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union Ken & Muriel Douglas Mr. & Mrs Clarence 0. Dreyer Freda Englund Mr. & Mrs Robert C. Forness Elsie Gjovik Leonard Haga Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Halsan Edith Hilliard and Sons Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hjorten Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Johanson Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Johanson Helen V. Johnson Nora Johnson Mr . & Mrs. Raymond Justen Jennie Lerback

Quarterdeck, Vol.19 No. 4

Mr & Mrs. C. Harold Weston, Jr.

Bruce Whisnant


Mr. & Mrs C. Harold Weston, Jr

Margaret 1. Hughes

AS A MEMBER OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER MARITIME MUSEUM Youth Individual Family Supporting $10 per year $15 per year $25 per year $50 per year Sustaining Pilot Captain Commodore $100 per year $250 per year $1,000 per year $5,000 per year Name _______________________________ Mailing Address ____________ City ____________ State ____ Zip______ 11

Dr & Mrs David I. Williams

DENNIS T. 'JOHN' O'CONNOR Jim & Gurie O'Connor

Mr & Mrs. Sven Lund Earl & Zona Malinen Mr & Mrs A.J. Matson Dorothy Mickelson Clara E. Miles Dr. & Mrs R. P Moore Marguerite S. Moyer Mr. & Mrs. Armas E. Niskanen Mr. & Mrs. Arvi W. Ostrom Wil & Violet Paulson and Family Mr & Mrs John A. Pietila Bill & Madonna Pitman Donald V Riswick Ellen K. Sanford Marie Sarampaa Mr & Mrs. Roderick Sarpola Mr. & Mrs Frank H Satterwhite and Family Mr. & Mrs Onnie Silver Elsa Simonsen Mr. & Mrs. George E Siverson Mrs. Albert Sorkki Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Thompson Mr & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram

WILLIAM K. IVERSEN The Bunco Group Helen V. Johnson Ida Long Bill & Madonna Pitman Edward & Dorothy Swanson

Mr. & Mrs William K. Maki

The Kipps

LUKA RADICH Mr & Mrs. Allen V Cellars Bill & Jo Hendrickson Mr . & Mrs Lawrence Neilsen Dr. & Mrs. David 1. Williams

ROLLAND 'RON' SALSBERRY Mr & Mrs. Andrew D. Carlson Mr & Mrs. Donald F. Fastabend Donald & Edith Helligso Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Hill Mr. & Mrs. George Moskovita

Peter A. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr . & Mrs. Eldon Korpela Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lovvold


HELENE. KENDALL Robert P. Kearney

Betty Moberg


Mr. & Mrs . Fleming Wilson

Captain & Mrs. Dale A. Dickinson

TOIVO ED KOSKI Mel Iverson Ruth Lager John West

WILLIAM F. McGREGOR Clifford & Kay Powers

Mr . & Mrs. AC. Manners

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Montgomery


Lars M. Gjovik Donald & Janet Mackey Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Maxson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sorensen


SELINA SoLONSKY Mr & Mrs. Harry L. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Armas E. Niskanen

Mr. & Mrs. Alvin W. Pollard

Bob & Ruth Parnell

Ted L. Martin

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Montgomery


Mr. & Mrs. Clarence E.James


IN HONOUR OF MR. & MRS. GEORGE ABRAHAMSEN Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Georges, Jr.

HOWARD 'HOKEY' HENDRICKS Margaret I. Hughes Mr & Mrs. Sven Lund

Richard & Kathy Schroeder Science Staff of South Salem High School

Carl & Barbara Bechert Sandy Bengford

DELBERT W. 'SHARKEY' MOORE Mr & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown

ISSN 0891-2661

Columbia River Maritime Museum, Kern Room through December


Bill Rouzie is a Portland resident whose lifelong love of sailing and painting, as well as several years in the Coast Guard, give him familiar ease with his subject. He is an architect by training, now retired from the Portland architectural firm of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Readers may recall that two of his works were included in the Museum's 1991 juried exhibition "Marine Art of the Pacific Northwest" from the American Society of Marine Artists.

We cordially invite all museum members and visitors to take advantage of this unique opportunity to enjoy Mr. Rouzie' s paintings of today's waterfront activities along the lower Columbia. The Kern Room is open daily during regular Museum hours.

Non profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Astoria, Oregon Permit No. 328


Waterco{ors of tlie Co{um6ia on 'E~lii6it

The scene along the Columbia River is ever changing and always interesting, and accomplished Portland artist A. W. (Bill) Rouzie has recently turned his brush to record many appealing views along the lower river. The Museum has just opened a special exhibition of Mr. Rouzie' s work in the Kern Room. Colorful and precise renditions of traffic in the shipping channel, fishing boats at work and rest, log rafts, and the cannery buildings that pepper the waterfront are among the works shown. Mr. Rouzie's work will be on view in the Museum's Kern Room from July through December 1993.

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