V19 N3 Featuring Stories from the Wellsprings of Family Memory

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Such keepsakes often are the stuff of which our heritage is made: how the hand-me-down turns to treasure as it unlocks an understanding of times now slipping away.

Vol.19 No. Spring 1993


It is easy to lose track of how important individual and family memories are to the preservation of history. But moments shared and remembered, once so commonplace, have a way of turning rare with the passage of time.

The feature stories in this issue of the Quarterdeck are drawn from the wellsprings of family memory. Tales of the visit of the frigate Constitution six decades ago abound in this community. Retelling them to members of a younger generation rekindled other memories: of oldtime boatbuilding, of folkways and beliefs widely held not so long ago.


A review and newsletter from the Columbia River Maritime Museum at 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria, Oregon

Ed Nelson

Don M. Haskell

Margaret Ann Rothman

John McGowan

William T. C. Stevens

Doreen Dixon Dailey

David M. Myers

Walter Gadsby, Jr.

Darryl Bergerson

Eric 'Skip' Hauke

Maurie D. Clark

J. W. 'Bud' Forrester

Peter J. Brix, Immediate Past President

John Davis

Roy Snell

Chris Ek

Evelyn Georges

Hobe Kytr

Carl Fisher

Robley L. Mangold

Barbara Minard

Rose Palazzo

Alan C. Goudy, President

Ward V. Cook, Vice President

Rachel Wynne

Lynne Leland

Robert G. Hemphill

Quickly the inherent discomforts of seat 28F faded away as my mind began to take in the true significance of the article I was now reading for the third time. I thought back over the thirty years of effort, vision and hard work that have made the Museum what it is today. Thirty years of commitment to high quality, and thirty years of hard decisions. The thousands of individual supporters providing innumerable hours of volunteer effort and contributing generously to the Museum's collections, fiscal base and human resources. And above all, you, our members for thirty years, ever more members faithful in their support and rich in their pride.

Pat Longnecker

Frank Warren

Jack Marincovich

Steve Kann

Jerry L. Ostermiller, Director

Allen V. Cellars

Richard T. Carruthers, Jr., Treasurer

Willis Van Dusen

Museum Staff:

Hampton Scudder

No, this was not a notable journey at all - until I retrieved the latest issue of The Ensign from my briefcase. As most avid boaters know, The Ensign boasts a large circulation among members of the U.S. Power Squadron, the largest boating organization in the nation. It serves up a lively mixture of news and boating tips. If I had to be on a plane, at least this magazine could offer nautical diversion.

Then I saw it ... a five page article in which the Columbia River Maritime Museum is described as one of the top four premier nautical museums in the United States. Similar honors were awarded to Mystic Seaport, Connecticut; South Street Seaport, New York; and The Mariners' Museum, Virginia. Author Robert Rosenfeld certainly placed our Museum in good company. Singling out the Columbia River Maritime Museum as a "mustsee" museum on the West Coast, Mr. Rosenfeld also mentions maritime museums from the Great Lakes area, the West Coast, and the East Coast, as well as special school museums.

Marietta Doney

Mark Tolonen

Walt McManis

Board of Trustees:

Mitch Boyce

Ted Natt, Secretary

Jack R. Dant

W. Louis Larson

Frankye Thompson

Gene Sause

Herbert Steinmeyer

Eugene Lowe

Jim Nyberg

There I was, crammed into seat 28F of an airliner, trying to make myself comfortable at 35,000 feet. A three-leg "redeye" cross country flight offers little pleasure. This particular trip also brought to a close my official duties as a Board member of the Council of American Maritime Museums. After three years of rewarding work with the Council, I was more than a little sorry to see my term come to an end.

Chris Bennett

Thomas R. Dyer

Anne Witty


from the Wheelhouse ...

Jon Englund


Celerino Bebeloni

Lynn Gray

The Columbia River Maritime Museum listed in the Big Four? The Columbia River Maritime Museum recognized in the national publication of the largest boating organization in the nation? Yes, why not? Knowing the quality of effort so many people have contributed during the Museum's thirty year history, none of us should be surprised. However, I must admit that for the remainder of that long flight, seat 28F felt pretty darn good.

- Jerry Ostermiller Executive Director

Justine Van Sickle

Curatorial 1,328.8

Landscaping 219.0

Thank You For Another Great Year!

Photo and illustration credits: U.S.S. Constitution, pages 1 and 4, CRMM archives; page 6, courtesy Paul Tolonen; volunteer reception, page 3, Rachel Wynne; boat moving operations, page 8, Anne Witty; Walt McManis, page 8, Barbara Minard.

TOTAL 5,860.9

Each department head recognized and presented certificates to those who gave over one hundred hours this past year. Certificates were presented to Ed Aho, Orabelle Bruneau, Ben Cadman, Bob Chamberlin, Bob Chopping, Jeanne Clifford, Russ Dixon, Kenny Ginn, Lynne Leland, Jim Maher, Jean McKinney, Dr. Bud McKinney, Walt McManis, Annabell Miller, Judy Lake Miller, Barbara Minard, Carol Moore, Curie O'Connor, Peggy Roeser, Byron Ruppel, Pat Samuelson, Don Shaw and Frankye Thompson.

This evening of camaraderie held hearty applause for our wonderful CRMM volunteers and their commitment. Thank you for another great year!

Mailings 60.0

Flags 300.0

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 3

Retail Sales 847.5

Hail and thank you to the volunteers of the Columbia River Maritime Museum! You are the dedicated individuals who provided 5,860.9 hours assisting in Museum programs and projects during 1992. Even a dark, windy, rainy, stormy night could not keep this hardy crew away. Braving the weather on the evening of March 4th, a hundred people attended a reception honoring the Museum volunteers and their contributions of valuable time and skills.

Museum activities. The Kern Room became filled with the sounds of happy talk, and with musical entertainment provided by the talented David Myers. Mr. Myers, a CRMM trustee, played the Baldwin baby grand piano donated to the Museum by Esther Jensen and Ebba Brown in memory of their sister Ethel Wicks.


Alan Goudy, CRMM president, assisted Jerry Ostermiller in presenting "Lifetime Achievement" awards to Carol Moore and Paula Morrow, a "Countless Hours" award to Walt McManis, and "1992 Special Achievements" awards to Orabelle Bruneau and Annabell Miller.

Education 1,143.0

1992 CRMM Volunteer Hours

Volume 19 No. 3

The QUARTERDECK is published four times a year by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Dr, Astoria, OR 97103.

Upholstery 10.0

Columbia River Maritime Museum President Alan Goudy presents an award for "Lifetime Achievement" to perennial volunteer Carol Moore during our recent reception in honor of all our Museum volunteers.

Amateur Radio 116.0

Volunteers, trustees, friends, family and staff were welcomed by Executive Director Jerry Ostermiller After introducing the Museum trustees in attendance, Jerry announced the 1992 volunteer hour totals by department. He invited us to take this opportunity to talk with our fellow volunteers. Because of scheduling or the nature of our projects, we do not always have a chance to meet the other people helping with various

Canoe Building 850.0

Editor, Hobe Kytr. Editorial Staff: Jerry Ostermiller, Anne Witty, Barbara Minard, Rachel Wynne, Mark Tolonen.

Administration 240.0

Row-In 125.0

Visitor Services 615.6

Printed at Anchor Graphics, Astoria, Oregon


Lightship 6.0

The harpies of the shore shall pluck

In May of 1933, Astoria's atmosphere was particularly festive, as streets from the railroad depot to the port docks were decorated to welcome the U.S.S. Constitution to Astoria's Pier 2. The Constitution's ten-day visit to Astoria was just one stop on a thirty-three month tour of America's major ports. The 22,000 mile journey by the world's oldest fully commissioned warship gave a much needed boost to public morale by exciting the imagination, curiosity, and patriotism of Americans on all coasts Then, as now, this floating national treasure symbolized the strength and perseverance that founded our nation.


Her deck, once red with heroes' blood, Where knelt the vanquished foe, When winds were hurrying o'er the flood, And waves were white below, No more shall feel the victor's tread, Or know the conquered knee

Ay, tear her tattered ensign down! Long has it waved on high, And many an eye has danced to see That banner in the sky; Beneath it rung the battle shout, And burst the cannon's roar

Should sink beneath the wave; Her thunders shook the mighty deep, And there should be her grave; Nail to the mast her holy flag, Set every threadbare sail, And give her to the god of storms, The lightning and the gale!

sides are made of iron!" she acquired the nickname "Old Ironsides." The term was popularized in a poem written in 1830 by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (above). This poem is generally credited with inspiring popular sentiment to rebuild the old frigate after she had been condemned to be broken up. Money was appropriated in 1833 to rebuild her for the first time. Thus the Constitution's national tour during the early 1930s marked something of a centennial in its own right.

At the time of the Constitution's visit to Astoria, the Japanese were aggressively on the move in Asia, Hitler was the new chancellor of Germany, and Franklin Roosevelt was pleading with the world for peace. Also at that time, much of America's labor force was striking for better conditions. The State of Wisconsin called in the National Guard to control a violent milk strike. Locally, members of the Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union were on strike, trying to raise the price of salmon to eight cents per pound. The Astoria strikers were soon joined wholeheartedly by many

The tug Shaver assists "Old Ironsides" on the Columbia near Westport, Oregon.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1830

sion, the West Coast lumbermen selected from rafts on the lower Columbia over forty of their finest Douglas firs to donate for her masts and spars. Timbers were milled at Westport, 27 miles east of Astoria, and sent to Boston by train. Eight of the timbers were over one hundred feet long, and required two fifty-foot freight cars to carry them. Bostonians held a great celebration when the masts arrived from Oregon. Other wood acquired for the restoration and rebuilding of the Constitution included cedar, locust, live oak, yellow and pitch pine from South Carolina and Georgia. White oak and pine from Maine and Massachusetts were used for the decks. The large beams are spruce.

Old Ironsides

"Old Ironsides," as the Constitution is affectionately nicknamed, is a source of special pride for those Clatsop County residents who contributed to her restoration between 1925 and 1931. School children from around the United States, with assistance from women's clubs, private donors, and other organizations, raised and donated approximately 70% of the $921,108.49 spent by the Navy on that major overhaul. Despite the Depres-

Oh, better that her shattered hulk

When "Old Ironsides" Visited Astoria

During the War of 1812 the Constitution's resilient white oak planking from Virginia earned her the sobriquet "Old Ironsides" while battling with the 44-gun British frigate Guerriere. According to legend, all cannon-fire from the Guerriere bounced off her outer planking without doing any damage. When one of the British soldiers shouted "Huzza, her

The meteor of the ocean air Shall sweep the clouds no more!

The eagle of the sea!

May 10: May 11 : May 12:

May 5 15: Free daily visitation, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

May 14:

Many of Astoria's clubs, churches and service organizations held special events to honor the crews of both the Constitution and her tow-boat, the U.S.S Grebe Commander Louis J. Gulliver addressed the Monday noon luncheon of the Astoria Rotary Club at the Hotel Astoria. A Kiwanis interclub social attracted 300 members from Oregon and Washington for a golf tournament at the Astoria Country Club, followed by a feast and dance at the Hotel Astoria where Gulliver and his crew were the guests of honor . The American Legion, Elks, Daughters of the American Revolution , and the Gyro Club also welcomed the Constitution with patriotic programs. The Astoria High School even produced a special vaudeville show in both English and Swedish. After her ten day whirlwind of activity in Astoria, the Constitution moved on to continue her celebratory tour of Pacific coast ports, where no doubt her welcome was equally festive.

Draft Forward 21 ft.; Aft 23 ft. Displacement 2200 tons.

Mother's Day at all churches.

The U.S.S. Constitution, christened October 21, 1797, by Commodore James Sever, was victorious in 42 naval battles, never lowering her flag in defeat. The 44gun frigate of 140 ton ballast had a 450 man complement. She could carry provisions for six months, including 48,000 gallons of fresh water. Old Ironsides is still in commission, in Boston's Charleston Navy Yard where she is open to the public.


May 6 :

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No 3

My uncle Paul Tolonen was one of the young men assigned to pier security duty, which was a serious concern at the time due to political turbulence overseas. Paul's elder sister, Elsie Olson, reflects fondly on the same era, during which school children excitedly voted the Western Meadow Lark Oregon's state bird (1927), Tom Mix' s three ring circus arrived at Miles Crossing, and the special effects spectacular "King Kong" came to the Liberty Theater.

Mayor's Welcoming Ceremony D.A.R. luncheon@ Hotel Astoria Gyro Club dinner and dance @ Hotel Gearhart Kiwanis Club dinner @ Hotel Astoria American Legion "Constitution Night"

Relief and fresh opportunities finally spread through the country in the wake of President Roosevelt's first Hundred Days. New Deal work relief programs began in 1933. Now, sixty years later, we are still enjoying the fruits of those labors In Northwest Oregon, the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Emergency Conservation Work programs undertook various projects under supervision of the National Park Service. Grasses and trees were planted to stabilize the sands at the South Jetty of the Columbia River Improvements were made to roads and hiking trails along the Oregon Coast Highway at Ecola Park, Short Sands Beach, and Cape Lookout. The C.C.C. also constructed the 7.2 mile road from the Sunset Highway to the base of Saddle Mountain, and the foot trail which winds to the 3,283 foot summit. (U.S. 26, the Sunset Highway itself, was not completed until 1939 ) The rise in employment and improvements to infrastructure offered by these New Deal projects gave hope to many Americans in the Depression era.

Mark Tolonen

May 7: May 8:

CRMM volunteer Annabell Miller contacted six of her Astor School classmates, who were among more than a dozen people responding as I wrote this article. All still speak of "Old Ironsides" with tremendous excitement. They remember the somber feel of this black-hulled military vessel, and especially the tight quarters. The decks are so close together that even some children need to stoop when below decks, and the small prison on board, a cramped cubicle with a single porthole, hardly has room to lie down.

First Presbyterian Church Constitution service. Commander Louis J. Gulliver, speaker. Port of Astoria "New Citizens Reception" to honor all new U S. citizens since the Great War. School Day for all school children in Clatsop and Tillamook Counties, Oregon, and Pacific County, Washington. Astoria Auditorium: dance free to officers of U.S.S. Constitution and U.S.S Grebe. Rotary Club luncheon @ Hotel Astoria. School Day for Wahkiakum County students. Oregon Governor Meier and Washington Governor Martin speaking at Civic luncheon @ Hotel Astoria.

Captain Robert Gray landing reenactment at Chinook, Washington Indian Day.


Constitution Visit Events Program, May 5-15, 1933

"Old Ironsides," on her tour of the American coasts, symbolized the renewal of hope that the New Deal brought about. The Constitution was open for free tours at the Port of Astoria from May 5 to 15. Over 31,000 visitors boarded her during that time, including literally thousands of children who walked to Pier 2 from their schools. Many people in our community today vividly remember those field trips from Astoria schools.

Overall length 204 feet; Waterline length 175 feet.

A spotlight masterpiece in our Naval History gallery is the model of the U.S.S. Constitution, built by Fred S. Rice of Tacoma, Washington. The model, created in 3/16" to 1' scale, was completed in 1945 after five years under construction. It was later presented to the Columbia River Maritime Museum by Dr . Bernard Berenson of Portland, Oregon

trollers and cannery workers from the American and Canadian coastal fishing industry.

May 9:


yard was the application of whiskey in the marine construction process. The plant employed a highly skilled crew of shipwrights, many of whom were a carryover from the heyday of wooden shipbuilding which occurred at Astoria during World War I. They were highly motivated, extremely competent and uncommonly independent. By their dictates, in accordance with what they truly believed, the application of whiskey at certain key occasions as a part of the construction process was an obligation to the client, lest the vessel be jinxed.

by Paul Tolonen

A U.S. Customs inspector told me one day at our firm, the Columbia Boat Building Company situated at Astoria on Young's Bay, that somewhere verified in British Admiralty records is an account of how the Royal Navy attempted to foil and to discredit maritime superstitions because of the time lost observing them. They set about to build a ship, twisting the sea-devil's tail all the way from keellaying and launching on Fridays without benefit of rum to failing to place a coin and a special kind of red hair in the mast-step prior to raising the main mast. The ship is reported to have sailed forth, never to return. Its exact fate was never learned.

The practice of the tradition gained converts beyond the actual construction phase when it was observed that it improved marine engine sales. When "Red" Payne sold a Caterpiller marine diesel he

Hey! Coil that rope the other way! What other way, I wondered. Then I learned, as I did about many other maritime superstitions at the Astoria waterfront in the 1930' s, 1940' s and into the 1950's that certain ways of doing things invite bad luck and trouble. You coil rope with the direction of the sun, not against it.


One observance which became mine to tolerate and even to honor at our boat

In 1934 I shipped out on the Astoriabased ship Memnon, just recently converted into a floating cannery. We proceeded to Ikatan Bay on the Aleutian peninsula where we anchored and were joined by four purse-seine boats under charter from Puget Sound. The first day a group of ship's crew went ashore to explore. They returned bringing a young eagle from one of the numerous nests. It blew day after day such that fishing was impossible. Finally Captain Johnson learned about the eagle, which was caged in a wooden crate. "A land bird on a ship brings hard luck," he said and ordered the bird destroyed. The wind promptly abated, the boats went forth, and eventually we filled every can on the ship from a run of reds at Port Molles.

The Columbia Boatbuilding Co. crew poses for a photograph during World War II.

The practice of this, what the uninformed might regard as pure superstition, occurred as a matter of unprecedented frequency during the winter of 1938-39 when we built fifty-five Bristol Bay fishing boats for the Columbia River Packers Association (later Bumblebee Seafoods). In spite of all, as heretofore, there was never at any time indication of intoxication nor were there any accidents from constantly turning handsaw, planers, drills, drydocking winches or whatever. An unobtrusive bottle of Seagram's Fine Crown ($2.50 at the OLCC outlet at Hellberg's Drug Store) resting on a work

The three key occasions were at the laying of the keel, when the final closing plank (called the whiskey plank) was fastened, and at the launching. Additional libations at interim intervals doubly blessed a vessel to reward the owner with additional tons of fish, to safe return from voyages to the sea, to trouble-free engine performance and to otherwise all-around good fortune.

Test of the validity of the practice occurred on a number of occasions when boat owners failed to observe proper maritime custom at launching time. On one occasion a gillnet boat was not only launched "dry" but the owner chose a most unfortunate substitute. In keeping with his moral "leanings" he provided ice cream. Incredulous shipwrights were filled with consternation. The boat proceeded to Ilwaco where shortly thereafter the owner was killed by a heavy iron sheave which fell from a boom on the barge to which he had moored his vessel. The shipwrights sorrowfully mourned that they had expected some such results from this brazen inattention to the whiskey ethic. On other occasions a dry launching would result in literally hours of frenetic effort to get a new engine to start, or ·else in much less than mediocre success for a fisherman year upon year. On one occasion we successfully "unjinxed" such a boat while it was up for repairs to the bowstem after a serious buoy-bumping mishap. To the shipwrights the continuing evidence was irrefutable, tangible and conclusive that bourbon and boats had a very special kind of affinity which had better not be thwarted.

The truth of these matters was proved to me many times. I was told of sailors who would quit a ship because rats were seen leaving it. The ship was doomed to sink and it was solemnly quoted that it usually did.

The Norwegian captain was not the least bit surprised at the turnabout of events. He could relate instances of the masters of becalmed sailing vessels scratching the main mast and whistling for a "cat's paw" breeze. Nobody on board would have laughed at such a practice.

bench would be the site of brief stops by the crew for a "snort." There were no abuses.

Purser's Manif__es_t_sp_rin_~_19_93

$10.01 $15.00 3.50


$100.01 and over 5.50


$30.01 $50.00 4.50

I. Sea Shanty cassettes: 1. Born of Another Time: Songs of the Sailor, Songs of the Sea. 14.00 2. Sea Chanties and Forecastle Songs of Mystic Seaport. 14.00

Qty. Unit Price Subtotal 0 Check Enclosed 0 Visa 10% Discount 0 MasterCard Subtotal Card No. Shipping Exp. Date TOTAL Signature ________________

A. Army/Navy Lighter


Mail Order

Soldiers and sailors in World War I used to fashion brass lighters out of spent bullet casings. This basic, simple but effective design was one of the results. It later became standard issue to all men being shipped "over there." The sliding outer case shields the flame, and when lowered snuffs the flame out and keeps the wick dry. Around the Pacific Northwest that could be an asset. This reproduction of the original is entirely serviceable. It comes in a wooden box with a flannel pouch. The filling aperture carries a brass ring to which a chain or lanyard can be attached. This is a handsome lighter. It could be used on camping trips even if you don't smoke. 15.00

Museum Members receive a 10% discount on all purchases from the Museum Store.

$50.01 $100.00 5.00

Columbia River Maritime Museum, Astoria 1792 Marine Drive Astoria, Oregon 97103 (503) 325-2323

H. Weatherglass - In use for hundreds of years by maritime communities. Simple, elegant and it works! Unit includes weatherglass, copper and brass hanger, instructions on how to interpret the glass. 28.50

$15.01 $30.00 4.00

Museum Store Shopper's Guide and Mail Order Information

$10.00 and under 3.00

Shipping Charges


3. The Sign of the Seahorse, by Graeme Base (Abrams, 1992). This is a love story, a fight to save a home and the near success of a scaly group of underwater thugs. Detailed, enchanting illustrations makes this a favorite for all ages. Hardback, 20.00

From Ship to Shore

2. Early Maritime Artists of the Northwest Coast, 1741-1841, by John Francis Henry (University of Washington Press, 1984). This is a gorgeous volume at a much reduced price. Get one while they last. Hardback, 16.00

In the days before electricity, light below a vessel's deck was limited to candles, oil and kerosene lamps. They were all dangerous aboard a wooden ship. A solution to the light problem was the deck prism. Laid flush into the deck, the prism point drew light down below decks during daylight hours without losing strength in the deck planks. Hand-poured reproduction. 32.00

5. MacMillan Visual Dictionary, (MacMillan Publishing Company, 1992). 862 pages with 3,500 color illustrations, 25,00 terms describing 600 subjects. This is one of the most informative books for people of all ages that we've ever seen. Illustrations are clear and colorful, explanations are very straightforward. A great gift! Hardback 45.00

D. 5" diameter clock, quartz movement, nonstriking. 100.00 ·

6. Kid's Book of Secret Codes, Signals & Ciphers, by E. A. Grant (Running Press, 1989). This book is filled with ways to send secret messages using secret languages, hand signals, secret writing, and even invisible inks you can make yourself. Softcover, 6.95


F. 7" diameter clock, quartz movement, nonstriking. 140.00

9. Barbey, The Story of a Pioneer Columbia River Salmon Packer, by Roger T. Tetlow and Graham J. Barbey (Binford & Mort, Portland, 1990). This is the history of the Columbia River Salmon packing industry as seen through the life of one of its early-day pioneers, Henry Barbey. Hardback 25.00

We are proud to offer Clocks and Barometers from the Bell Clock Company. These affordable precision instruments are of the highest quality and accuracy. The timepieces are assembled with care, using the finest cast brass, hand-polished with a beautiful protective finish. The 8-day clock has a German keywind movement and bellstriker, with eleven jewels for precision and durability. All clocks and barometers come with a full one year warranty from date of sale.

G. 7" diameter, 8-day, striking on the ½ hour. 295.00

B. Deck Prism

10. Salmon Fishers of the Columbia, by Courtland L. Smith (Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, 1979). A definitive history of the history of the salmon fishery on the Columbia River, beginning with the first salmon fishermen the Native American peoples living near the river. Methods both ancient and modern are explained. Hardback 19.95

8. The Visual Dictionary of Ships and Sailing, by Eyewitness Visual Dictionaries (Dorling Kindersley, 1991). Packed with vivid photographs and thousands of names for different types of ships and their parts. For children from 10 to 100. A great value. Hardback, 14.95

C - G. Ships Clocks And Barometers

E. 7" diameter barometer, Chelsea works. 160.00

4. Navigation, A 3-Dimensional Exploration, by Anne Blanchard (Orchard Books,1992). The history of navigation from ancient times to the present is the fascinating subject of this entertaining and informative pop-up book. Hardback, 15.95

C. 5" diameter barometer, Chelsea works. 125.00

7. A Long and Terrible Shadow, White Values, Native Rights in the Americas 1492-1992, by Thomas R. Berger (University of Washington Press, 1992). Native peoples have defied the odds, waging a tenacious struggle to survive and to reemerge as distinct cultures. As Native voices demand action and Native land claims take their rightful place on the political agenda, this book provides a focus for crucial debate. Softcover, 12.95

The Council also brings people together across state and national boundaries. Participants live and work throughout British Columbia, Oregon and Washington. Establishing the council has helped define common challenges in maritime heritage education throughout the region, in keeping with the international nature of our maritime history.

promptly came to the yard with a "jug." This seemed to have a salutary effect upon likelihood of future sales. On one occasion "Red" came by just as the crew were leaving for the day. He uncorked and handed a bottle to the first man who forthwith swigged and gave it to the next, and so it went. Contemplating the cork in his hand he asked, "What shall I do with this?" I advised him to throw it away. Red glanced at his watch as he tossed the cork into a pile of planer chips and noted that the entire fifth was gone in less than sixty seconds, qualifying as record time. Very shortly thereafter he had sold another "Cat" and brought another jug.

tage Council is unique in North America because its focus is not limited to museums, nor to sail training programs. People working in any aspect of maritime preservation or education are welcome at the Council's table.

In the article "Museum's Collections Grow" in the previous edition of the Quarterdeck, I inadvertently promoted Astoria's H. Kenneth Parker to Captain. Those who knew Mr. Parker will remember that his Navy career was as an enlisted man during the First World War. My apologies for the error. A.W.

up the last sternwheeler on the Willamette. Later in the day, we were able to visit the Oregon Maritime Center on Front Ave., for an in-depth view of their current projects.

would become a social procedure instead of part of the construction process. Nostalgically, however, "splicing the main brace" with a cocktail at a plush waterfront restaurant can never equate to a quick swig of 90-proof right on the job to appease the gods of the sea.

As time went on the yachtsmen learned why some boats were a series of troubles and others weren't. The company built four boats for Thomas Autzen, prosperous Portland lumberman. Tom was mighty astute, accepting carefully the counsel of waterfront logic. The building of his boats was amply blessed with applications of "Old Taylor."

But they could tell you why.

The Pacific Northwest Maritime Heri-

What was then could never be today. Laws are different (shades of OSHA!) and people behave differently. Whiskey

-Anne Witty

The oldtimers are gone. They rest in untroubled sleep never to know about the increasing hundreds of distress calls the Coast Guard must answer every year.

Paul Tolonen served on the Columbia River Maritime Museum's original Board of Trustees, where his wit, wisdom, and persistent efforts aided Rolf Klep to found the Museum. Paul's father, Matt Tolonen, founded Columbia Boat Building Company. Paul and his brother Matt, Jr., were partners in the business for many years. Later, while working at Clatsop Community College with his wife Leona, Mr. Tolonen established the Marine Technology education program there. They are currently enjoying retirement in Gresham, Oregon. This article was first printed in the Sunday Oregonian' s "Northwest Magazine," October 8, 1978.



For over three years, the Columbia River Maritime Museum has actively participated in a group that brings together people working in maritime heritage programs all over the Pacific Northwest. Fellow members of the Pacific Northwest Maritime Heritage Council are active in a wide variety of programs ranging from restoring old vessels to youth sail training, watercraft centers to classic maritime and history museums. All have in common a remarkable enthusiasm for all things maritime.

Occasionally I was asked regarding the proper amount of whiskey for a launching. Working back from existing practice I evolved minimum standards. For a workboat the formula was P=KWL where P is pints, K is the constant 0.0167, Wis the beam in feet and Lis the length in feet. Thus, minimum for launching a gillnet boat was 0.0167 x 8' x 28' = 3.64 pints, or about two fifths. For pleasure boats these figures were usually at least doubled.

When the Council meets, about four times a year, members get to know one another in a focused but informal setting. The meetings move from site to site so that all get a chance to become acquainted with the many regional organizations who are members. For example, last February the Council met in Portland in a newly refurbished meeting room aboard the sternwheeler Portland. We were the guests of the Oregon Maritime Center, which has undertaken the restoration of the Portland. We toured the vessel, learning firsthand about the restoration effort from the dedicated volunteers who spend their free time fixing

Tom's launchings are a story in themselves, catered and moistened as they were in approved fashion. Discreetly

Like the crew of the Portland, many Maritime Heritage Council participants are volunteers dedicating their free time to projects they love teaching youngsters and people with disabilities how to sail; making old engines work again and old wooden hulls fly through the water. Others are professional staff charged with preserving and interpreting the artifacts of the Northwest's rich maritime history. A few work in businesses that are not heritage related, and use their professional skills in advertising, public relations, management, or fundraising to advance maritime education.

The Columbia River Maritime Museum has been involved since the Council's very informal beginnings. As active members of the steering committee, Director Jerry Ostermiller and Curator Anne Witty have helped guide the development of the group. We are proud to participate in this effort to share information among our fellow maritime organizations and to share our excitement about maritime heritage in the Pacific Northwest.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 3

invited as guests were local and state police, who clearly understood maritime convention. On one occasion, attended by our then ranking U.S. Congressman, the launching rites were being heeded so faithfully by such a convivial turnout that belatedly we realized the tide had gone down so far it was questionable whether we could even launch the boat that day anymore, albeit all the preparations. Hastening to do so we noted that thumping the bottom at the end of the ways caused no damage whatever to the hull which again proves something.

Regional Council Considers Maritime Heritage

The soaring spaces of the Museum's Great Hall were meant for large displays. Here, that usually means boats the beloved fleet of fishing and rescue boats that has graced the Great Hall since the Museum opened.


The Small Craft Fleet Returns to the Great Hall

One of the striking lessons of mounting a major historical exhibition in the Great Hall was how much our visitors missed the small craft collection normally on display there. The experience of entering a grand room of sweeping lines and being able to walk around classic wooden boats to see and appreciate their elegant lines is part of what this Museum is all about.

Seeing the boats back home again, smiles were all around. A notable sense of satisfaction and excitement came back to the Great Hall with them. Visitors, staff and volunteers alike were heard to say, "You know, it's good to have them back. I sure missed 'em."

In March, after an absence of almost a year, the boats returned. One sunny afternoon a crane shadowed the doorway. The crew rigged slings under the boats; the crane operator lifted them off their trailers and swung them slowly onto dollies and jacks. The crew were sweating under their hard hats as they carefully maneuvered several large, heavy wooden boats back inside the Museum.

Last year, as host for the Columbia River Bicentennial Commission exhibition "This Noble River," we emptied the Great Hall to make way for special exhibits and artifacts. After seven months, "This Noble River" was dismantled and our Museum's largest exhibit space was left empty again.

Once the boats reached their places, they were cleaned and the accessory artifacts replaced on board. One of our familiar fleet of boats did not return. The double-ended motor gillnetter is due for some conservation work and will not be placed back on display for a while.

The Bristol Bay boat returns to the Great Hall from storage in early March following the conclusion of the Columbia River Bicentennial exhibition "This Noble River." She is one of many such boats built by the Tolonens at Columbia Boatbuilding Company.

Walt McManis, "Dr. Knots," ties Turk's-heads on the rope rails of the Columbia deck replica. Bringing the boats back to the Great Hall affords a perfect opportunity to upgrade interpretation. This will include adding lifelines and fenders to the Coast Guard rescue craft. Selected artifacts from collections also will be displayed to strengthen thematic areas. Large scale photo-murals and enhanced use of pictorial materials will help put the exhibits into context.

Over the next day or so, staff fine-tuned the placement of the boats. Exhibit cases and a replica of the Columbia's deck were already in place, the legacy of the recent bicentennial exhibition. The 36-foot Coast Guard motor lifeboat had not moved, but instead had been walled in for the duration. Removal of that enclosure and of the numerous exhibition cases and walls set up for the bicentennial exhibition had meant plenty of work for the crew over the winter renovating floors and walls.

Amphibious aircraft, primarily the J2F "Duck," but an occasional JRF Grumman "Goose" from Sand Point taxied in and out of the water on the ramp. PBYs had beaching gear rigged off the ramp by seamen in wetsuits and the Catalinas were hauled in and out on the ramp by tractor. This demanding beaching task ceased with the arrival of the PBYSAs in 1943, which were based at the newly completed airport.

shop building. There were three cooks as I recall: a Filipino officer's steward, a Marine sergeant, and Hillary Robinson, Cook 1 /C. (I remember Robinson with gratitude as he allowed me to skim the cream from the milk cans to gain weight for the Navy V-12 program.) On or about 1 July 1941 we moved into the barracks.

The Dispensary and Recreation Buildings were completed in Spring or Summer of 1942. One of the first two nurses to report aboard was Mary Ann Bruvold, a spectacular blonde from Minnesota. The first USO dance at the Recreation Building was quite an event. Most of the new sailors were 17 20 and very shy. The chaplain had to push them to dance with the Astoria girls who were equally shy.

As I write, a few things come to mind. Immediately after the war started a group of Chinese Americans from Portland enlisted and were sent directly to NAS Tongue Point instead of to boot camp. I believe they enlisted as officers' cooks/stewards. One of the Marines, Jim Fry, was detailed as their drill instructor. Apparently Jim did an excellent job. Upon graduation the jubilant Chinese had a special dinner and gifts for Jim.

To start out with, the 50 CVEs (escort carriers) which were built in Vancouver, were sailed down river and sea trialed by civilian shipyard workers with a few naval officers on board and brought to the Port of Astoria naval station at port docks, where final outfitting was done by Astoria Marine Construction Company. Upon completion they were commissioned there not Tongue Point.

The Navy never stored Liberty ships at Tongue Point Navy Station. The Maritime Administration stored Liberty ships at Cathlamet Bay anchorage until Mott Basin (Maritime Base to us older residents South Tongue Point as of late) could be built, and then the merchant vessels (Liberty ships, Victory ships, Knot ships, convoy tugs, etc.) were moved in. Over 200 vessels in all.

In the Quarterdeck story, mention was made of the danger from deadheads to seaplane operations. In addition there was a shoaling problem. The Civilian Conservation Corps planted grass on the sandbar labeled "soil stabilization" to try to abate the shoaling. Although I was not a member of the boatpool crew, on one occasion the BM2 in charge (I can recall his face but his name escapes me) let me take a detail of CCC to the sandbar in the station's 26-foot motor whale boat. Apparently my recent experience as a Sea Scout qualified me as a temporary coxswain. The regularly assigned engineman, a Fl/ C, was also aboard and checked me out on the bell signals.

The last edition of the Quarterdeck was very interesting, as I was stationed at Tongue Point Naval Air Station from April 1941 to May 1943, and I attended Aviation Metalsmith School while there.

In the Spring of 1941 there were only five officers that I recall: George Hasselman, LCDR (NA) CO; Ray N. Latimer, LT (NA) XO & A&RO; a LCDR flight surgeon; an LT Dental Corps; and a LT Civil Engineer Corps who was resident in charge of construction. The Marines were under the command of Gunnery Sergeant Samuel A. Johnstone, a fine man who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in the 1950s. In the summer and fall of 1941 the complement doubled, at least, and we received two more Grumman J2F "Ducks" for a total of three. Shortly after the war started we received three squadrons of PBYs as mentioned earlier.

Referring to the photograph on the back cover of the Quarterdeck, none of the piers were present in my time. Tongue Point was strictly a naval air station. Visible lower left is a seaplane ramp between the third and fourth piers (latter ramp constructed in '42, I believe.)

When the Navy owned them, the two housing projects, Blue Ridge and Emerald Heights, were known as Dogpatch and Navy Heights.

Mott Basin was never used as overflow anchorage by the Navy. Mott Basin was in fact never used by the Navy at all.

At the start of WWII the Army Air Corps operated a Hudson bomber off the Astoria airport. The Navy began construction of the current facility at about the same time. The airport complement was billeted at Tongue Point initially.

The latest Quarterdeck (Vol. 19 No. 2), while being interesting reading, has quite a few errors of fact.

I recall a J2F Duck arriving crated on a flat car. The engine making the delivery belonged to the Wolf Creek and Wilson River Railroad. Apparently that engine did switching and carspotting for S.P. & S. when not hauling logs. The Duck was uncrated and reassembled in Hangar No. 1 by the A&R crew.

Another comment on the back cover of the Quarterdeck: the vessels in the picture are mostly LSTs (landing ship tank) with LCTs (landing craft tank) carried on deck. Some net tenders and small auxiliaries are visible in the background, but there are no Liberty ships in the picture. Liberty ships or Victory ships (successor to the Liberty) are visible in

When I reported on board NAS Tongue Point the enlisted complement was quartered in the shell of the machine

Don Fastabend Astoria

We received several letters full of interesting and specific information in response to the last issue. We have learned a lot! It is a pleasure to hear from all of you.

Thanks for writing.


As pointed out in the feature story on Tongue Point, flight operations shifted from seaplanes to land based at the airport in early 1943. I recall two mishaps from logs in the takeoff-landing areas: summer 1941 a J2F Grumman "Duck" piloted by the skipper, LCDR George Hasselman, damaged tail section; and a PBY-3 belonging to VP41, 42 or 43 struck a log on a predawn takeoff in January February 1942 with loss of the entire crew.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 3

the aerial photograph on page 5 in the anchorage south of Mott Island and west of Lois Island. If you have extra copies of this issue of the Quarterdeck, I would appreciate them. There are a few of us from the NAS days that I occasionally meet. Possibly they might become CRMM members.

The photo on the last page is not of mothballed Liberty ships of the Maritime Administration but of many classes of naval vessels stored at Tongue Point Naval Station. The following classes were stored there close to 300 in all: LSTs, LSMs, LSSLs, LSMRs, PCs, LSUs, YTBs, YTMs ATAs, ATFs, ALRs, APLs, AMs, ARDs, YRDs, and in the late 1950s, a few DEsand DDs.

Readers Respond to Tongue Point Article

Don Dackins CAPT (Retired) Portland

Floyd Schnetzky Don Smith

Ted & Rhonda Lively & Family Mary Lueck

Memorial Donations January 1 - March 31, 1993

Bob Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Sion Wentworth

Donald V. Riswick

Paul D. Stull, M.D. Charles J. & Doris L. Thompson

Lee R. Caldwell


Bob Finzer

Kris Jacobson


Sam Zucati

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Victor L. Nunenkamp

Commander P. Jack Eagan, USNR(R)

C. Edwin Francis

Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Kennedy, Jr.

Rick & Susan Gustafson

Herb & Marilyn Kottler


Mr. & Mrs. Allen V. Cellars

Rick Miner

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Roman

Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Dorothy L. Churchill Borghild S. Coleman

John Field

Jane Warner

Josie E. DeFalla

Jack & Helen Acton Bay's Upholstery Dean Cameron Mark & Lori Carlson

Mr. & Mrs. John Shipley

Mr. George C. Fulton

Barry Griffin Mary Hafer Hale Family Gregg & Sally Heppner & Family Melody Shepherd Hodgdon Allan & Gerry Hodge


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tevis

Ruth Niemi

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Patten, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Paulsen

Mr. & Mrs. F. M. Ginn

Agnes Wolleson

Mr. & Mrs. John S. McGowan

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Johnson Dorothy V. Kuralti


Mr. & Mrs. George W. Blinco

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Robb

Marian Y. Rudd

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Daudistel, Jr. Dupuy Family



Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lucas

Mr. & Mrs. Alf E. Dahl Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hedrick Margaret I. Hughes Hanna Isaacson Mel Iverson

Marcella L. Hatch

Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Bondietti

Birgit P. Hanssen

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stevens Buel J. & Caroline Ward William N. West

The Richard R. Carter Family Keith D. Crimin

Tim & Vicky Walsh

LORITA 'TOOTS' Cox Irene Ochal

Kevin R. Trendell Family Robert & Betty Vinson

Jim & Mary Strickland Susan Trabucco

R. L. & Dolores Borland

John E. Panowicz

Marc & Laurie Perrett Candy Ripplinger

Mr. & Mrs. Allen V. Cellars Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Frame


David & Lori Miller & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Sion Wentworth

Cheryl Newman

Mr. James L. Peterson

Donald V. Riswick

Mr. & Mrs. R. L. McCulloch Merton & Helen Meinicke


Kenneth R. McCune Paul & Ellen Middents

Mrs. Edith Henningsgaard-Miller Annabell Miller

Mr. & Mrs. John S. McGowan

Julianne Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Stromsness

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Carl & Dorothy Labiske Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Leinsassar Clara E. Miles

Frank & Joan Battuello

Alan D. Robitsch

BARBARA J. BAY Bill & Jo Hendrickson

LouISE 0. 'Sus' FULTON

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Barrows

Dave & Mary Sue Olson

Wade & Mary Carter P. S. DeBeaumont

John & Juanita Price

Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Bishop, Jr. Excel Services

Ryan M. McBride

Lincoln A. Calvert


Mrs. Edward L. Casey


Don Marshall Loran Mathews

David Kendrick

Margaret I. Hughes Mel Iverson

Robert J. Wujcik

Darryl D. Bergerson

Nick Xidis

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr. Alice Gantenbein MaryC. Goss

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Stacy Jordis Tetli Chuck & Judi Tolboe Yergen & Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Macdonald

Mrs. Walter H. Evans

Jim Emery

Debra Keith



John K. Vitas

RADM & Mrs. Edward Nelson, Jr. Harold H. Patton Captain John C. Porter

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Spencer

David K. Tienson

Ebbe L. Ericson

Liz Mitchell

Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Boyle

Captain K. Y. Rogers Virginia W. Rose

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Young

Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Bishop, Jr.

Anne Kerr McDonald


Increased Memberships January 1 - March 31, 1993

Robert D. Miner

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Wilkins



EDWIN H. CONDIT Georgia Maki

New Members -January 1- March 31, 1993

Mr. & Mrs. Loren 'Bud' Kramer


Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Delbrueck

Mr. & Mrs. Victor L. Fox Amy Gill

NelM. Reed


Mr. & Mrs. Sven Lund

Gail & Barbara Wright

McCall Tire Center, Inc. John A. Sprouse



Tom Wilson

Harriet D. Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Graham J. Barbey

Bill & Jo Hendrickson

Janet & Michael Eglitis Mrs. Wilbur J. Smith Oswald & Hildegard Eglitis Matthew, Lori & Christopher DR. ROBERT C. McLEAN Mr. & Mrs. James S Stacy Steve & Darlene Felkins Perkins

George C. Fulton


Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kennedy, Jr Mr. & Mrs William C. Perkins, Sr CALVIN M. MORRISON Mr . & Mrs. lmpi Aspen Captain & Mrs. Niels Nielsen

Mr & Mrs. Orvo Piippo


Lou Ann Aldrich

David Moberg Family




Mr . & Mrs. Arthur L. Smith Mr. & Mrs Melvin Hjorten

Mr. Dixon J. Scoffem

Barbara Tenny & Family Mr. & Mrs. Don M. Haskell

Mr & Mrs. Carl B. Bondietti Paul A. Strangeland Margaret I. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Bob Canessa George C. Fulton

Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Bruneau


Mr & Mrs. Kay A. Baker Anita Weinhold Bank of Astoria Clara E. Miles Ocean Foods of Astoria Mary & Janet Bergstrom HALL TEMPLETON


Mr & Mrs. J. R. Thompson


Brix Maritime Mr. & Mrs Ernest J Barrows

Mr. & Mrs Robert N. Hauke

Mr & Mrs. Cecil Moberg

Mr. & Mrs Melvin Hjorten

Mr . & Mrs. Walter Nelson


Anna Basel

Michael & Julie Sorkki Judge & Mrs. Thomas E. Edison Stew & Sharon Brown

Mr P. L. Nock

Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hjorten Georgia Maki William Leahy

Mr & Mrs Fleming BWilson

MIRIAM GUSTAFSON Ken & Muriel Douglas

DOROTHY ANN JACOB Mr. & Mrs. L. F. VanDusen



Margaret I. Hughes


Mr & Mrs Dick Keller

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Roman


Dorothy Soderberg

Helen W. Johnston

Allan Maki



WALNEYC. WALLACE Mr. & Mrs Eugene Knutsen Hanna Isaacson Jerry & Janet Franciscovich Clara E. Miles

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Stromsness Mel Iverson D. F. & Phyllis Church Carl & Dorothy Labiske Harriet D. Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Thompson HONEYMAN FAMILY Mr & Mrs. F. C. Markham

Mr. & Mrs. John S. McGowan


Capta in & Mrs. Joseph Bruneau

Wil & Violet Paulson

Bill & Madonna Pitman

MEMORIAL Lt. Col.& Mrs Victor L.

Mr & Mrs. Don Brunner

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cadd

Hatem & Janet Atta Ruth Niemi Mr. & Mrs. Carl Swenson Norman L. Lowrey Chuck & Barbara Dobbins

Stanton & Sun Noble

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Thompson Mr & Mrs. John S McGowan Helen Utti

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Stacy Mr . & Mrs. J. R. Thompson Alice Fiene and Family Mr & Mrs. William Perkins, Jr

Anna L. Basel

Mr & Mrs Charles Farmer Emma Morten Baisley John & Sandy Price

Ralph Nordstrom

Marie Backman



Mr & Mrs Larry R. Petersen Ray & Loretta M . Carlson

Mr . & Mrs. Albert Luukinen Lois Searle Mrs. L. J. Canessa Mr. P. L. Nock

J & Carol Roland

CAPTAIN DORANCE BarbaraASHLEY Honeyman Roll Donald V. Riswick Capt. & Mrs. Dale A. Dickinson Mrs. Richard Schroeder

Mr & Mrs Howard Lovvold


John D. 'Sam' Karamanos

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 3 11

Eric Paulson

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Welch Catherine Honeyman Engmark Nunenkamp Brix Maritime Jim & Rhonda Wills Mrs. A. Alan Honeyman Gretchen Patterson

Dale I. Krueger

Clara E. Miles

Mr & Mrs. Clarence Dreyer Cheri Folk

Mr. & Mrs. Don E Link

Donald V Riswick

Kaiser Permanente Extended Mr. & Mrs Eugene Knutsen Mr & Mrs C. Harold Weston, Jr Ray & Clara Adams Care Staff Theresa Andersen

MARY NICOL CurtWATERBURY Olsen Jean Mr.Haynes & Mrs James W. Spencer Paul & Rena Reimers Mr. & Mrs Gene A. Hill


EDGAR A. QUINN Nora Johnson Paula Morrow SALLY MADDEN

Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Anderson



Frank & Roberta Glenn Ed Lundholm


JERRY Mr.WALKER & Mrs. Trygve Duoos



Mrs & Mrs Trygve Duoos


Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smethurst Mel Iverson

Mr. & Mrs. C. Harold Weston, Jr Russ & Cheri Sipe

Mr. & Mrs. Don V. Johnson

Buddy Hoell & Rae Goforth

Mr & Mrs Richard Tevis Ed&LennaJohansen


Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brooks


Mr. & Mrs Carl B. Bondietti Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hjorten SUSIE M. LEONARDWELSTED PRINCE WILLIAM I. LOOMIS, SR. Helen E. Huhta


Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Ray & Gonul Jones

William & Ellen Shaw Ruby K. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Evan T Bash

Captain & Mrs Gene Itzen

Bill & Dorothy Matthews

Walt Larson

Mr. & Mrs. Dan A. Thiel

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Scheve Estoos Family

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gotting Ben & Terri Richards

Mr & Mrs. Hugh A. Seppa Mr. & Mrs. William C. Perkins, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Graham J Barbey

Carl & Dorothy Labiske Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Neikes PARKER Edna Gordon Clara E. Miles Bill & Madonna Pitman Mr. & Mrs. Herman M. Haggren Donald V. Riswick Donald V Riswick Rebecca Myers



Vicki Stockwell

Mr. & Mrs Arvi W. Ostrom

David Nicodemus

Buddy Hoell & Rae Goforth

Mr & Mrs. James R. Agan


Dorothy 0 Soderberg

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Jensen, Jr. Mr . & Mrs. Alf E. Olsen

Special Memorials

Clara E. Miles


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Saturday, May 22, 1993

• Graphics Workroom

• Physical Plant

Corne see how and where Museum staff members do their work. Meet the Membership and Administrative Secretaries and the Fiscal Officer See how the Quarterdeck is assembled. Join the Curators for exclusive tours of collections storage. Learn about the importance of air quality and environmental controls for historic preservation. All these and more await you on May 22nd.

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