V19 N2 The Point Where Past and Present Meet

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Vol.19 No. 2 Winter 1993

The Point Where Past and Future Meet

Those who lived in Astoria during World War II have strong and evocative memories of the presence of the Navy here during those years. This community near the mouth of the great river, born of the salmon canning and timber booms and with its roots deep in the American expansion into the West, suddenly found itself nearly tripled in size. Servicemen were everywhere. The U.S.0. became a hotspot of social life. And for those who passed through or were stationed here during the war, this town remains indelibly in their memories as one of the busiest places that ever they were.

The Columbia River Maritime Museum is a historical institution. Ours is the domain of the sea and ships and ,boats, and the men and women whose lives have touched upon them or been touched by them. But we are not just a storehouse of community memories. Part of our role is to serve the community as a forum for the issues which face all of us here on the lower Columbia as a meeting place, as a focal point for discussion of ideas, as an anchor in the plans for waterfront revitalization. With this in mind, join us for a look at the past and future of Tongue Point.

A review and newsletter from the Columbia River Maritime Museum at 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria, Oregon


An escort carrier is prepared for commissioning at Tongue Point Naval Air Station during World War II. Woodfield Collection.

Much has changed since then. The canneries are gone now. News from the Port of Astoria brings discussion of importing logs to a place where not so long ago timber was king. The Navy, which remained here after the war to mothball ships, departed in 1962. Now it appears the Navy will be returning. Talk of these subjects touches upon deeply emotional issues: who we are, where we were, and what we are yet to be; our hopes and fears. This town with the longest history of any American settlement west of the Rockies stands at the crossroads. What we are to be we are now becoming.

Volume 19 No 2

Photo and illustration credits: Tongue Point, pages 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 16; cannery photos, pages 10, 11, 12, and 13; and Axel Karlson, page 3, CRMM archives Page 8, Barbara Minard. Page 9, upper left, Jerry Ostermiller; lower right, Lynne Johnson. Printed at Anchor Graphics, Astoria, Oregon

book from the freighter Vazlav Vorovsky, wrecked on Peacock Spit in 1941, is waiting for a reader of Russian to unlock its secrets. Coast Guard artifacts include a life-ring from the ill-fated motor lifeboat Triumph and dozens of photographs documenting Coast Guard activities on the North Coast. The salvage vessel Salvage Chief, based here in Astoria, is now well documented in our library collections thanks to a gift of photographs and research material pertaining to her long, illustrious career.


These by-laws define the Museum's mission in a carefully worded statement that delineates our unique reasons for existence, as follows:

Editor , Hobe Kytr. Editorial Staff : Jerry Ostermiller, Anne Witty, Barbara Minard, Rachel Wynne.

At our 30th annual meeting on October 23, 1992, the trustees and members of the Columbia River Maritime Museum voted to approve the Third Amended and Restated By-Laws.

A fundamental purpose of the Columbia River Maritime Museum is to collect artifacts and primary source materials which illustrate the past and present maritime history of the Columbia River region. This essentia l function (see related piece, "Mission and Purpose Revisited") is not as visible to our members and visitors as the exhibition galleries, public programs, special displays, or even the maintenance and renovation work that staff undertakes around the building But collections form the backbone of our Museum. Without our collections of maritime artifacts, we would literally not have a museum!

What follows is a sampling of the many wonderful items that have joined the collections of the Columbia River Maritime Museum in the last two years Some are everyday, some highly ceremonial; some are old, some contemporary. Each weaves a small part of the complex and richly human tapestry that is Columbia River maritime history

While attention has revolved around the Columbia River Maritime Bicentennial over the last two years, the museum's collections have quietly continued to grow. Many dozens of people from the local area and across the nation have generously donated artifacts and historical materials. We cannot mention all of their names here, but each of our donors has the Museum's sincere gratitude for their contributions to preserving the maritime story of this region.

The museum is collecting gear used aboard boats and selected small craft. Recent donations in the marine technology area include outboard engines from the 1920s and 1940s, a pair of boat pumps, and a 1950s era depth finder and chart recorder Several traditional navigational instruments, such as sextants and compasses, have been acquired to fill gaps in the collections. Many tools used in the maritime trades by longshoremen, riggers, caulkers, netmakers, sailmakers and boatbuilders have come our way, as has a complete shipwright's tool chest used around the turn of the century in Puget Sound shipyards.

All of these artifacts help the museum document the various vessels and technologies used to conduct business upon the waters . But behind all of them lie human stories. For example, the gift of a 1913 color lithograph proudly showing "Our Glory Battleship Oregon" is complemented by another donation of a personal album of photographs kept by the late Lester Haffey, a sailor aboard the USS Oregon during and after World War I.

Your membership support is fundamental to our ability to fulfill this mission. We appreciate your involvement!

The QUARTERDECK is published four times a year by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Dr, Astoria, OR 97103.


"The mission and purpose of the Museum is to collect and preserve historical and cultural material relevant to the Columbia River, and to display and interpret selected material from the collection for the education and enjoyment of the public." (Article I, Section 3).

In the "wrecks and rescues" department, souvenirs of disaster at the mouth of the river continue to make their way to the museum A scrap of sail and a lavatory fixture from the Peter Iredale wreck, a block from the Galena, and a pitcher that survived the fatal fire on the Danish vessel M.V . Erria in 1951 complement shipwreck material currently on display in the Navigation gallery. A 1939 log-

Museum's Collections Grow

Mission and Purpose Revisited

Interested members may obtain complete copies of the revised bylaws at the Museum offices, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon 97103 during regular weekday office hours.

Fishing gear, cannery items, and personal effects from the local fisheries add depth to the collection documenting this important maritime industry. Notable additions include a diesel-fired stove once used aboard a gillnet boat, a pair of scow buoys and some "cow bells" alum i num ne t floats that tinkled like a pasture full of cows when the net came over the side. Coffee makes the work go round, and coffee cups used in the Elmore cannery lunch room and the seining ground bunkhouses remind us of this warm ritual of "mug ups."

Getting fish to market involves advertising and marketing Over the past thirty years, the Museum has collected thousands of colorful canning labels and boxes. Recently, a notable collection of over five hundred labels, as well as some individual items not previously represented here, have added significantly to the seafood brand labels available for display and research.

Classic maritime artifacts such as ship portraits, models, half-models, and marine art continue to enrich our collections. Recent additions range from a modern etching of the Lady Washington and Columbia Rediviva by Howard Rosenfeld

to a folk art drawing of the schooner Chelalis in a macrame frame . Models of Columbia River towboats, HMS Bounty, and the transpacific rowing vessel Sector have been added to our diverse group of miniature ships.

In November 1992, the Museum lost a longtime friend and former president, Theodore H. Thompson. Mr. Thompson was an instrumental member of the building committee during the initial phase of construction of the new museum building. He guided the Museum as its sixth president from 1976 to 1977, during an important period of growth and planning for the future.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 2

items that document the men and women of the merchant marine and Navy during World War II. Two recentlyacquired collections in particular stand out: a donation from the family of the late Admiral Daniel E. Barbey, a collection of personal memorabilia including medals, weapons, documents, photographs, artwork, and archival material. These materials tell a great deal about the illustrious career of "Oregon's Admiral," also affectionately known as "Uncle Dan the Amphibious Man." Artifacts, photographs, and documents kept by another Astoria amphibious man, Edwin Parker, illuminate one sailor's experience in the Navy during the Second World War. During this fiftieth anniversary observance of the War, it is only fitting that a colorful addition to the Power Vessels gallery is a full set of the merchant marine medals recently issued by the U.S. Maritime Administration, recognizing the enormous contribution made by the merchant navy since 1942. Other contributions of items that tell the story of the home front, the Columbia River

Some of these new acquisitions will be used for display; others will be kept for research purposes. And no discussion of recent donations would be complete without observing that the research library has benefited enormously from donations of books and photographs covering a range of maritime topics.


Ted Thompson is remembered as a practical, down to earth person who knew how to get things done. These qualities were invaluable to his work at the Tongue Point Naval Station, where he worked after his discharge from the Coast Guard in 1946. After the base closed, Mr Thompson remained as facility overseer. In 1964, he became facilities manager for the new Job Corps Center, and worked in that capacity until retiring in 1988 The Job Corps honored his contributions by naming the center's facilities operations building the Ted Thompson Building.

Finally, a particularly important and illuminating group of donations are

Whimsical moments from the merchant service and the Navy alike appear in several items, ranging from Capt. Kenneth Parker's World War I era memorabilia to the linen ditty bag fashioned by a 14year-old Danish boy on his one and only voyage as a merchant sailor. (Deciding the sea was not for him, he jumped ship to settle in Portland in the 1880s.) Sailors' arts are represented by the elaborate knotwork frames, knotted rope mats, and ships in bottles, all made by men aboard ship.

Acquisitions are made according to a Collections Policy that defines what the Museum collects and why. Should you have maritime items you might like to donate, please contact the Curator or the Director. We'll be happy to discuss any proposed donations, questions, concerns or ideas you might have.

Recent donations of family collections are particularly valuable as they document the effects of maritime enterprise on whole groups of people. Axel Karlson, deepwater sailor and later an employee of the U.S. Lighthouse Service, was keeper at Desdemona Sands, Grays Harbor, and Destruction Island light stations at the turn of the century His family lived with him. Memorabilia of their lives sheds light on the harsh but interesting realities of isolated duty.

shipyards and life in Astoria during the 1940s, remind us that anniversaries are about people as is history

Back row: Eugene, Axel, and Florence Karlson. Middle row: Ida (mother), Olive (on Ida's lap), and Annie Karlson. Front row: George and Chester Karlson.

-Anne Witty, Curator

U.S. Lighthouse Service Keeper Axel Karlson poses with his wife and children for a family portrait, circa 1910. He was keeper of the Desdemona Sands, Grays Harbor, and Destruction Island light stations near the turn of the century. A collection of Karlson's memorabilia is among the many fascinating items acquired for our growing Museum collections during the past two years. 1992.65.8

With over forty years work at Tongue Point, Ted Thompson was known as "Mr. Tongue Point," a reflection of his deep involvement and contribution to several of the government programs centered at there. He contributed his capabilities to the new museum building, leaving a lasting legacy that the Museum community will always appreciate.

Remembering Ted Thompson "Mr. Tongue Point"

Tongue Point: The Once and Future Landmark

The most obvious changes to Tongue Point have come as the result of government activities. The first of these, on the west side of the point and visible from downriver in Astoria, is the Tongue Point Coast Guard facility, established as a lighthouse and buoy depot by the Lighthouse Service around 1875-76. Adjacent to the buoy depot, inside the railroad bulkhead next to the point, is now located the City of Astoria's sewage treatment plant, built in the early 1970s on the former site of the Hammond Lumber Company mill, which began operations as the Tongue Point Lumber Company in 1906 and burned down in 1922.

Tongue Point has loomed in the background of paintings and photographs of Astoria since its founding, seemingly unchanged, or changed but little. But, a very real part of the story of Tongue Point today is that it looms large in the plans currently put forth to develop a

Yet another development proposal has been put forth recently by Doreen Dailey of Clatsop Community College. Her plan calls for transferring the college's maritime science and integrated technologies programs to the new industrial development area of South Tongue Point and for the establishment of a new environmental education center at the site. The plan is still in the formative stages, but a $300,000 federal grant has been secured for continued work towards bringing the project to reality.

Another contributor to heightened anticipations is the proposed basing of U.S. Navy minehunters at an area being called South Tongue Point, south and east of the point itself. (For reference, please see the aerial photograph on opposite page.) The proposition of a Navy homeport in the vicinity has generated considerable discussion within the local community in recent years. If final appropriations are approved, the Navy could be returning to Astoria next year after a hiatus of more than three decades.

end of town: Tongue Point. This descriptive name was left on the tongue of land 200 years ago by Lt. William Broughton as he entered the river in October of 1792. The peninsula forming the point rises on the west to a height of 270 feet and descends eastward towards the opposite shoreline. Tongue Point forms a natural barrier between the river below, which is broad, brackish and open to the sea, and the shallow, winding channels and partly submerged islands of Cathlamet Bay above. According to current geological theory, it was formed by invasive lava flows from the Columbia Plateau in the Miocene era, about 15 million years ago, along with Saddle Mountain, Tillamook Head, Neahkahnie Mountain, and other prominent landmarks in the area. The ancient shoreline at that time was 35 miles to the east near Bradley Hill (also a similar formation). The basalt outcroppings visible in this area today were formed as the lava flows oozed down into estuarine and delta muds along the coastline, later being uplifted along with the overlying Astoria mudstone and exposed by erosion.

In this photo of upper Astoria, circa 1910, Tongue Point forms the backdrop. In the foreground are fishermen's bunkhouses and netracks. In the distance on either side of the railroad are the Lighthouse Service buoy depot and the Tongue Point Lumber Company mill. Woodfield Collection.

History can be viewed in many different ways, depending upon one's perspective. The degree of interest that a historical subject holds for us often depends to a great extent on how real it seems. One of the particular charms of a historical institution such as the Columbia River Maritime Museum is that it is the sort of place where real things from times past take on real meaning for people today. In that sense, history is our business.

We are, then, very much in the midst of things with respect to Tongue Point. It seems fitting at this time to examine the historical development of the site, how those developments affect us today, and how they may bear upon the future.


Another approach to history becomes apparent when looking for the hidden stories behind familiar landscapes. One of the enduring features of the lower Columbia is found at the east end of Astoria a small forested point of land extending out into the river at the

marine industrial base near the mouth of the river. There have been a number of proposals in recent years to lease portions of the World War II era naval station on the east side of Tongue Point. One such venture to import cars through the facility recently lost its option on the property after failing to land a contract with an auto manufacturer. The Division of State Lands lately won spending approval to upgrade two former Navy hangars at the facility. One hangar is leased by the Ogilvie Company, the only buoy manufacturer currently in business in the United States. The other hangar during the summer of 1992 was used as a sound stage for the filming of the third Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, shot on location in Clatsop County, Oregon. How the property will be utilized in the long run is very much a drama in the unfolding at the present.

During the Great War, patriotic fervor in Astoria reached a climax between 1917 and 1919 when the city government acquired property at Tongue Point to give to the federal government for use as a naval base. In 1919, Congress appropriated $1.5 million for the construction of a submarine and destroyer base at Tongue Point. In 1921, the City of Astoria transferred ownership to the federal government. Dredging began the same year. By 1924, construction was completed, with a breakwater and four wooden finger piers extending into Cathlamet Bay. But civic expectations to the contrary, the base was never used due to scaled back military appropriations following the war. The east side of the point, long a popular site for summertime activities, went back to being a favorite picnic spot.

The Tongue Point Naval Air Station was dedicated in 1939. As originally planned, it was to be a base for amphibious seaplane patrols of the coastline. This designation was shortly amended to a training facility, but the base saw limited use as an air station because logs and floating debris on Cathlamet Bay made takeoff and landing conditions hazardous for the seaplanes. The facility's most significant role during World War II was as a pre-commissioning and commissioning site for escort aircraft carriers better known as "jeep flattops" built up in the big Victory ship yards in the Portland-Vancouver area. What civic leaders had envisioned two decades earlier was finally true: Astoria was filled with a virtual sea of white hats. Up to 20,000 servicemen were assigned to Astoria during the war.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 2

It was not until 1939 that an actual U.S. Navy base at Tongue Point took shape, and then only after years of active lobbying by local civic leaders, notably Merle Chessman, editor of the Evening Astorian-Budget. Three out of four of the old wooden finger piers were removed. An area 800 feet offshore of the railroad right of way from the mouth of Mill Creek north to the isthmus was filled in to provide a level platform for construction. (By isthmus we refer to a low neck of land connecting the promontory of the northern point to the mainland, an area originally no more than fifty yards across and six feet above high tide level.)

Most of the recent interest, however, has centered on the disposition of the former Naval Air Station on the east side of Tongue Point. These developments (literally), and the expectations brought about by them, have taken most of the 20th century to unfold.

Following the war, the base was converted to a moorage facility for the Ready Reserve fleet. Seven new concrete piers were built out into Cathlamet Bay. From 1946-62, the Navy stored as many as 250 mothballed Liberty ships at the facility. Gradually, one by one, they were all "surplused," many of them going upriver to Zeidell Explorations in Portland to be scrapped. By 1962, the Tongue Point Naval Station itself was transferred to the General Services Administration as excess property. The GSA appraised the entire facility (including the buildings, the hangars, the piers, and two Navy housing projects known as Emerald Heights and Blue Ridge, totaling 748 acres) at $1 million. Federal notices for the sale were printed. The Astoria Chamber of Commerce also printed a brochure proclaiming, "Tongue Point Naval Installation declared Surplus Now the Wests (sic) Most Outstanding Industrial

The base reopened in 1964 under the auspices of the Office of Economic Opportunity for conversion to a Job Corps Center. Students began arriving the next year. (The property itself was transferred to the Department of Labor in 1971.) The Job Corps began during the Johnson ad-

On September 27, 1963, President John F. Kennedy, on a pre-campaign swing west to shore up his political fortunes, landed at Tongue Point. To the surprise and delight of local officials, he pledged to convert the vacant facility for future use, mentioning a weapons research lab in his remarks: "It makes little sense to build new facilities for new or expanded federal activities when existing, but unused, installations can be modified to meet the need." Less than two months later, President Kennedy was assassinated.

In this composite aerial photograph, circa 1950, the Tongue Point Naval Station and the ships of the Ready Reserve Fleet are seen to the right of and immediately below the point itself. The southern portions of the base now comprise the State of Oregon's North Tongue Point industrial area. (North is up, and the promontory of Tongue Point itself extends towards the NNE.) Mill Creek enters Cathlamet Bay south and east of the point, just below the former naval base. Farther down and to the right, on the low-lying land between the railroad right-of-way and the bay, is the currer.tly proposed South Tongue Point development area, adjacent to which is Mott Basin, here filled with mothballed ships. 1979.54.2


Park." Bids were opened on June 24, 1963, but no sale for the installation was concluded.

Prehistory and Early History at Tongue Point

Native American habitation of the lower Columbia goes back thousands of years. Archaeological sites at Fishing Rocks near Cape Disappointment and Ivy Station, ten miles upriver from Tongue Point, provide fauna! evidence of subsistence and settlement patterns over the last 2,000-3,000 years. The evidence suggests Lower Chinookan peoples occupied the lower Columbia valley for most of the past 1,000 years. The Chinookan name for Tongue Point is Secomeetsiuc.

The 176-foot Betsy Ross, sister ship to the U.S.S. Pueblo seized by North Korea in 1968, is a fully functioning small freighter, one of only four such maritime training vessels in the U.S. and the only one not connected with a full-fledged maritime academy. The presence of the Betsy Ross at Tongue Point and the status of the maritime training program as an accredited facility means that graduates of the program can enter employment in the maritime industry as able bodied seamen or junior engineers without additional training.

Before 1939, the east side of the point was lined with floathouses along the beach. Photo dated 1917. 1969.119.a


In 1981, the federal government sold 43 acres of the old naval station property to the Oregon Division of State Lands for $2.1 million. This included most of the filled land, two of three hangars, and five of the seven concrete piers constructed for the mothball fleet in 1946. This purchase from the Oregon Common School Fund was intended to provide a light industrial base near the mouth of the river, which would provide jobs and income stability for the local economy. But while the initial investment seemed

In 1805, Lewis and Clark spent several miserable days in November at Tongue Point on their way downriver towards their winter encampment at Fort Clatsop. They gave the name Point William to the landmark, apparently unaware that Lt. Broughton had preceded them thirteen years earlier. Nine years later, the North West Company proposed then abandoned building a fortification at Tongue Point.

to make the concept viable, dredging was needed to provide an access channel and a turning basin for car carriers coming into the proposed import staging area. That summer, the State Land Board and the Corps of Engineers signed a local cost-sharing agreement for the $3.S million project, with $2.2 million to come out of the Common School Fund. The contract was awarded to Smith Rice Company of Alameda, California, which completed the project with the use of a bucket dredge by October of that year. Dredged materials were barged out to

Surveying for the submarine and destroyer base in 1921. Big changes were in store for Tongue Point. 1972.49.10

In 1981, the Division of State Lands commissioned a Cultural Resources Inventory for the area, undertaken by anthropologist Robert W. Keeler. He focused in particular on the area near the mouth of Mill Creek, listed as the site of an aboriginal habitation by George Phebus in 1973. Keeler concluded that due to the construction of the Astoria & Columbia Railroad in 1897, the Columbia River Highway in 1916, and the Navy landfill of 1939, the site had been so seriously disturbed that anything of archaeological significance had been buried or destroyed, and was no longer available for study. Recommendations were that if further development were to take place, close watch for cultural resources should be kept and made available for study before additional disturbances occurred.

straightforward, finding industrial tenants has not. The only long-term tenant to date has been the Ogilvie Company's buoy manufacturing concern. For brief periods in 1987 and 1989, companies fabricating oil modules for Alaska's north slope and service towers for Titan IV booster rockets provided high-scale, union-wage employment. In April 1989, over opposition from the Port of Portland, the State Land Board privately signed an agreement with Consolidated Auto Resource Systems (C.A.R.S.) to lease the Tongue Point facility. In order

During the 1840s, Robert Shortess claimed two miles of shoreline in the vicinity, including Tongue Point proper, under the Organic Act of Oregon's Provisional Government and ancestral rights of his native wife. John Moreland built a mill on the east side of the point in 1849, hence (apparently) Mill Creek.

ministration as a federal youth vocational training program. Despite large scale changes in its organization, including budget cutbacks, "privatization" and a succession of corporate managers, the Tongue Point Job Corps Center has maintained a consistent record as a top performer in the overall Job Corps program. One of the notable success stories at Tongue Point has been the development of a maritime training program. In addition to the 66-foot tug John N (exBig Ed, recently renamed for retiring bosun John Nelson), the program now boasts a Public Nautical Schoolship, the Betsy Ross, built in 1944 for the Army and acquired in 1988 from the National Guard 144th Transportation Battalion.

of a maritime and environmental training center at South Tongue Point mentioned earlier in this article is part of a $2.3 million Housing and Urban Development grant to help retrain displaced Oregon workers. The goal of the project is twofold. The first objective is to move the college's maritime science and integrated technologies programs to larger quarters where they can interact with future marine industrial tenants at South Tongue Point. The second is to expand into the fields of environmental training and protection. The center would provide interpretive training, nature trails in the wildlife area, workshops on natural and cultural history, environmental training for the schools, and a forum for mediating environmental disputes. Research at the facility ideally would monitor the effects of industrial development in the area.

This view of the east side of Tongue Point and Cathlamet Bay is from a postcard dating from the short period between the completion of the Columbia River Highway and the construction of the submarine and destroyer base in the early 1920s. 1978.6.7

Thanks to Paul See for his explanation of the geology of the area . Those who are interested in further reading on this subject might wish to consult the Clatsop County Historical Society Quarterly Cumtux, Vol. 8, No.3, Summer 1988, "The Natural History of Saddle Mountain," by Dr. Robert J. Carson.

The decision to dedicate North Tongue Point to a car importation facility, unfortunately, coincided with a general economic downturn nationwide. Fewer, not more, foreign cars were brought into the United States from 1989 to 1992. The C.A.R.S. lease expired on December 31, 1992, without a single car rolling off ship at Tongue Point. The state is now reviewing long-term plans for the site


Quarterdeck, Vol.19 No. 2

sea, because of concerns with levels of pollutants in the basin sediments.

Already located at South Tongue Point is an Army Corps of Engineers hydrographic field station. It is here also the state hopes to base two new Navy minehunters. An exchange with the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service for state-owned islands in the Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge to obtain the property is pending. The City of Astoria has annexed both the North and South Tongue Point industrial areas to provide basic city services. At this writing, the Navy's decision on basing the two minehunters, the Heron and the Oriole, apparently was not yet final, despite years of political efforts. Should the minehunters be assigned here, South Tongue Point could eventually employ 176 Navy personnel and 165 civilians, for a combined total $8 million payroll. In addition, other potential tenants have expressed interest in the site. The entire facility could eventually provide as much as 610 jobs overall, adding $1.1 million to county property tax revenues, and requiring an additional 555 housing units to be built in the local community Clatsop Community College's interest in South Tongue Point hinges upon the concept that it would be an ideal location for advanced technological training combined with an environmental research center. Says college president Doreen Dailey, "With the West's greatest river at our doorstep and thousands of acres of sensitive wetlands surrounding us, balancing development and the environment are perhaps nowhere more relevant." The $300,000 grant for the creation

The approximately 85-acre parcel of largely undeveloped land which constitutes Tongue Point proper forms the backdrop to this entire discussion, much as it does as a landmark to the surrounding area. Heavily covered with mixedspecies old growth rain forest, it is easy to imagine from a distance that it is completely undisturbed. However, the point is interlaced with a system of roads and shore battery emplacements built by the Navy during World War II. In addition to a number of bunkers, nearly 8 dozen small (now empty) high-explosive magazines dot the hillside A quarry site near the tip of the point once served as the county rock crusher, later operated

The area now called "South Tongue Point" lies south and east of the former Naval Air Station on Cathlamet Bay, stretching from the mouth of Mill Creek to the John Day River on 105 acres of undeveloped forest and wetlands an area roughly twice as large as the state's North Tongue Point industrial area . It is bounded on the west by the Burlington Northern Railroad, and to the eastward opens onto a basin approximately a mile square with an average depth of 25 feet at mean lower low water. Mott Basin formerly was used ,by the Navy as overflow moorage for the reserve fleet.

by the Brookfield Construction Company until World War II. A deep hole off the end of the point, said to be the deepest in the Columbia River, used to be occasion ed by a whirlpool. The Navy did extensive blasting to reduce its effect. An embayment near the tip of the point once was a rifle range. Even so, Tongue Point is still predominantly characterized by valuable wildlife habitat, including nesting sites for bald eagles. The promontory was transferred from the Department of Labor to the Fish and Wildlife Service in 1989 for inclusion in the Lewis and Clark Wildlife Refuge.

What will the future bring for Tongue Point and the lower Columbia region? Will civic expectations finally be realized, and if so, can industry coexist with the region's wildlife? Will we be able to accommodate differing visions of the future and competing use of resources? Tongue Point and its surrounding environs indeed may turn out to become a laboratory for balancing industrial development with concern for the environment. But, for that to happen will require substantial public involvement. History is literally in the making.

Long-time CRMM volunteer Carol Moore also volunteers at the Clatsop County Historical Society and the Red Cross, and is active in the American Association of University Women.

Volunteers are now offered training sessions to acquaint them with the Museum displays and interpretive concepts, and with some maritime history, skills and practices. During the past year, sixteen docents have been on call for tours, some regularly taking bus tours and some cruise ships, while others take the groups of school children. Another volunteer regularly comes in during the summer to give informal presentations to walk-in visitors. School groups usually visit during the spring, buses during the summer, and cruise ships bring their groups during their spring and autumn seasons on the Columbia In addition to all this, several volunteers have demonstrated rope-making and net-mending on weekends during the past three years.

These volunteers were self-taught and, of course, used the knowledge they already had just from living in Astoria Another group of volunteers handled the mailing of newsletters and other communications.

The signal flags flown from the flagpole on the Museum plaza are ma i ntained, mended, inventoried, and their messages coded (when they are flown) by one man who has given over 200 hours to this service each year.

Carol Moore


Then there are the volunteers who are largely unseen by visitors. One works in the business office reviewing financial records. Two professional librarians assisted by two other volunteers gave 630 hours in the library during the past year. They create files and shelf lists, receive and prepare for accession new books and periodicals, sort and shelve the large collection of periodicals, retrieve accessioned materials from folders of clippings and brochures, and photocopy clippings from out-of-town newspapers. Another volunteer gave 45 hours this past year researching the many requests received for information on ships and historical events. In addition, a professional conservation expert has donated 85 hours in consultation.

Other readily visible volunteers serve in the Museum Store. There, eight individuals give a half-day on a regular basis, and one more serves as needed Training is available for them in operating the electronic cash register and becoming familiar with the large stock of books and gift items They also learn about the Museum displays and local history so they can answer visitors' questions ("Where did Mr Astor live?" or "What are those islands we see?") as well as directing visitors to the appropriate gallery for special interests

Less readily identified as volunteers are four who serve at the admissions desk and seven who "man" the lightship, sometimes for only an hour, but usually for longer shifts. They receive extra instruction about the ship and the duties of those who served aboard her.

Another "invisible" group is that of the staff members who have given voluntary service beyond the call of duty to special activities during the past year, among these preparing, setting up and taking down the "Noble River" exhibit and rehabilitating a replica of the Columbia's jolly boat given to the Museum in 1992 Staff members gave voluntary time in other ways as well, from laundering the cotton gloves required for handling photographs and artifacts to installing artwork for exhibit in the Kern Room, to attending out-of-town meetings.

The Volunteers of the Columbia River Maritime Museum

If we think of the work of the Museum as a work of art, a sculpture for example, we can envision the staff as the body of the work the concept, the shape and form the unseen volunteers as the armature, and those volunteers who serve the visitors directly as the outer texture; thus we see that all are necessary. Without the staff, the Museum would not exist at all; without the hidden volunteers it could not stand, and without the visible volunteers, it could not serve the community.

These activities were carried over to the new building in 1982, and include regular mailing of the Quarterdeck. This group has seen some changes in meth ods At first they had to moisten the typed address labels with wet sponges and then sort the entire mailing. Now the labels are "self-stick" and come on computer-generated sheets in zipcode order. The copies used to be folded and stapled, while those going across the country were put in envelopes and stamped. Now all copies go out flat, and only foreign first class mail need be inserted in envelopes. It still takes a crew of eight or ten for the more than 2000 copies of the Quarterdeck, but the job can now be done in about two hours.

Volunteers serve in many ways. Here Dr. Bud McKinney talks to school children.

Volunteers have been vital to the operation of the Columbia River Maritime Museum since its founding in May, 1962 Before the Museum even opened, many volunteers helped prepare newly acquired artifacts for exhibit. During the first years when the Museum occupied the former City Hall building (now the home of the Clatsop County Historical Society's Heritage Center), there were three docents who were called several times a week to take groups through the galleries. They explained the nautical equipment, from binnacles to steering gear to the sailing ship's skylight, to ship models and even the actual ships on the river (so readily seen from the second floor north windows), as well as the operations of the bar and river pilots.

A Special Meeting of the Columbia River Maritime Museum will be held at the Red Lion Inn, 510 Kelso Drive, Kelso, Washington, at 1 p.m., April 9, 1993.

Re: Adoption of Restatement of Articles of Incorporation


The sole purpose of this special meeting is to vote on the adoption of the attached Restatement of Articles of Incorporation. This Restatement of Articles of Incorporation is an amendment of the Articles of Incorporation undertaken as part of a review and updating of the legal structure of the Columbia River Maritime Museum. Its purpose is to make the Articles of Incorporation consistent with the amendment of the Bylaws that were approved by the membership at the last annual meeting. This Restatement of Articles of Incorporation is a simplification of the prior Articles of Incorporation . After making this change, the Museum will be relying on the Oregon State statutes governing non-profit corporation and the Bylaws of the corporation to define necessary corporate procedures and thereby provide the maximum flexibility in the technical aspects of the corporate structure and operations.

Notice to Members

If (I) (We), attend this meeting of April 9, 1993 or any subsequent meeting to which this matter is continued, this proxy is revoked so that (I) (we) can vote in person. Name:

Statement of Purpose

(I) (We), the undersigned (am) (are) (a) member(s) of the Columbia River Maritime Museum and wish to cast (my) (our) vote relative to the adoption of the Restatement of Articles of Incorporation by proxy rather than to personally attend the special meeting scheduled for April 9, 1993. (I) (We), hereby request that the Board of Trustees of the Columbia River Maritime Museum cast (my) (our) proxy at this and subsequent meetings as indicated below:

Signed _ _ Print

You are invited to attend the meeting, or to cast your vote by proxy by indicating your preference for approval or disapproval of the Restatement of Articles of Incorporation by signing the same and mailing it to the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon 97103, by no later than April 5, 1993.

Print Name:

_ _ Address: _ _ Signed _______________

Yes: I vote to adopt the Restatement of Articles of Incorporation.

This proxy is valid for the meeting of April 9, 1993 and any subsequent meeting for which this meeting is continued for purposes of obtaining sufficient votes to determine whether or not to adopt the Restatement of Articles of Incorporation.


Columbia River Maritime Museum Astoria

No: I vote not to adopt the Restatement of the Articles of Incorporation.

6.l(a) Registered Agent: Jerry Ostermiller.

4.1 Membership. The corporation shall have members as that term is defined in ORS Chapter 65 and as further defined in the Columbia River Maritime Museum Bylaws.

7.1 Notices. Address where division may mail notices is Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon 97103.

Article One

Article Six

8.l(e) Any act or omission in violation of ORS 65.361 to 65.367.

6.1 Registered Agent and Office.

Article Eight

Restatement of Articles of Incorporation

3.1 Purpose or Purposes for which the Corporation is Organized. The corporation may perform any and all activities permitted by the Oregon non-profit Corporation Law but with the restriction that no activity shall be in violation of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501-C-3, which governs the corporation's tax exempt status. Any statutory or code references include all future amendments thereof.

8.1 Corporation Trustee, Uncompensated Officer, and Member Liability. No trustee, uncompensated officer or member of the Corporation shall be liable for monetary damages for conduct as a trustee, officer or member and the Corporation shall indemnify and hold same harmless from such liability. Provided, however, this article does not eliminate or limit the liability of a trustee, officer or member for:

Article Three

8.l(b) Acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law;

Article Five

8.l(d) Any transaction from which the Trustee or Officer derived an improper personal benefit; and

2.1 Type of Corporation. This corporation is a public benefit corporation.

Columbia River Maritime Museum Non-Profit Corporation

1.1 Name of Corporation. Columbia River Maritime Museum

6.l(b) Office: Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon 97103.

8.l(a) Any breach of the Trustee's or Officer's duty of loyalty to the Corporation or its Members;

8.l(c) Any unlawful distribution;

5.1 Distribution of Assets on Dissolution. On final liquidation of the Columbia River Maritime Museum the assets will be distributed to such museum or d.epository of historical information as shall be the most beneficial to the citizens of the State of Oregon, and particularly, of Clatsop County; providing that the organization to receive the assets, qualifies as a non-profit organization(s) under the laws of the State of Oregon and is exempt under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code from federal income taxes as an organization described in Section 501-C-3 Internal Revenue Code.

Article Two

Article Seven

Article Four

One of Russ's 17-foot canoes was the centerpiece of our display at the Portland Boat Show. Many people commented that it was too pretty to put into the water and were surprised to find out that the construction technique is in fact quite durable. Russ has a small canoe on display in Astoria which he built two years ago and has used extensively, even dragging it across rocks, clamshells and oysters up in Puget Sound. Apart from a few scratches on the bottom, she looks as good as new "Buff it out with a little light sanding and put a coat of varnish on it and she'll look like she was finished yesterday," says Russ. "But, if you want to go whitewater rock-bashing, this is probably not the right boat for you."


Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 2

Museum Director Jerry Ostermiller and Exhibit Specialist Hamp Scudder man the CRMM booth at the recent Portland Boat Show. In the foreground is a Russ Dixon cedar strip-planked canoe. In the background is the replica jolly boat Peace and Friendship. The Boat Show provided an opportunity for the Museum to "show the flag" to boaters in the Portland metropolitan area.

Dick West of Portland was the happy winner of the 17-foot cedar strip-planked canoe raffled by the Museum at the Portland Boat Show in January.

Back at the Museum on Monday, January 18th, with the canoe in the Kern Room and the raffle tickets in an official raffle drum for shuffling the tickets, Jerry Ostermiller went scouting for a Museum visitor to do the honors. Ryan McBride of Tacoma, Washington, agreed to draw a ticket from the barrel. The winner of the canoe was Dick West of Portland. When we phoned Mr. West with the news, he exclaimed, "You're kidding . I've never won anything!" For his help, young Ryan received a free membership in the Museum.

As announced in the last Quarterdeck, CRMM had a booth at the recent Portland Boat Show. This year's event ran from January 9 through 17 at the Expo Center in Delta Park. Our purpose for being there was to inform Portland area boaters about our Museum in Astoria. Display panels with photographs of the Museum were part of the exhibit, allowing staff members to talk about our facilities with specific reference to things visitors could see when here.

The canoe wasn't at the Boat Show solely for display purposes. The Museum purchased the canoe from Russ to raffle it off the second time we have done this. And, as announced ahead of time, the drawing was held at the conclusion of the Boat Show.

CRMM Shows the Flag at the Portland Boat Show

Forming the backdrop for the Museum's display was the replica jolly boat recently part of the bicentennial exhibit at the Museum. Peace and Friendship was constructed by volunteers at the Oregon Historical Society in 1989. Designed by Gregory Foster of Galiano Island, British Columbia, the boat is one of more than two dozen replicas of 18th-century ships' boats constructed for the recent maritime bicentennial. She was presented to Tom Vaughan upon his retirement as director of the Oregon Historical Society in 1990. He in turn presented her to the Columbia River Maritime Museum in 1992. With sails illuminated by dramatic lighting, the wooden lapstrake jolly boat provided quite a contrast to the modern fiberglass and aluminum power boats which prevailed throughout the rest of the exhibit area. Among the many visitors who stopped by were some of the volunteers who worked on her at OHS in 1989 . Not only were they pleased to see their creation, they were doubly so to find her well cared for and put to good use.

The real show stopper at this year's Boat show was one of Russ Dixon's cedar strip-planked canoes. For the past couple of years, Russ Dixon and Bob Goss have been building strip-planked canoes and boats in the storefront of the former Reed and Grimberg shoestore on Commercial Street in downtown Astoria These gleaming canoes, built of laminated strips of cedar reinforced on both sides by fiberglass cloth and covered with several layers of gelcoat epoxy, are fine examples of the marriage of traditional craftsmanship in wood with appropriate use of modern materials.

Cannery Days in Astoria: A Time to Remember

This image from an old color litho postcard is apparently of the original Elmore Cannery located on Bond Street. The building burned down in 1931. 1991.61

By 1898, Elmore moved his operations north because of shoaling along the shoreline and the completion of a rail link between Seaside and Astoria in 1896, which bisected his property. It is this second cannery of 1898 and the additions made to it over the years that burned re-

n Canning, Astoria, Oregon.

C.R.P.A. was the largest employer in Astoria for decades after its founding, carrying on through wars, the Great Depression, and changes in the Columbia River fishery. One of the more notable changes came about as the result of a troller bringing back an unusual catch in 1936 Nobody knew what it was, but they decided to try canning it anyway. When they sent samples down to California for identification, the answer came back, "Hasn't anybody up there ever seen albacore before?" Thus began the local tuna industry. C.R.P.A. built a new tuna canning facility at the Elmore Cannery in 1938. During the late 1940s, C.R.P.A. began supplementing albacore caught seasonally in local waters with imported frozen tuna of other species


In 1946, C.R.P.A. president William Thompson sold controlling interest of the company to Transamerica, Inc. The company then moved into new markets and expanded production. By the 1950s, greater amounts of frozen tuna were needed to keep the plant busy In order to ensure an adequate tuna supply, C.R.P.A. merged with Hawaiian Tuna Packers, Ltd , a subsidiary of Castle and Cooke, in 1956 Castle and Cooke eventually bought out Transamerica's shares. In 1961, the C.R.P.A. and Dole Corporation were merged into Castle and Cooke. C.R .P.A. was renamed Bumble Bee Seafoods after its best known and most successful label.

The S. Elmore Cannery of 1898 as it looked near the tum of the century. 1968.56

cently. In 1899, Samuel Elmore was one of the organizers of what became known as "The Combine,"!an effort by local cannerymen to consolidate operations because of over-capitalization in the industry. The Columbia River Packers Association joined seven major canneries into one operation. A number of smaller canneries were closed. The Elmore cannery became the principal site of operations for the C.R.P.A.

According to the Historic American Engineering Record report prepared for Astoria Warehousing owner John Supple by Roger Tetlow in 1991, Samuel Elmore began operations in a building purchased from J. M. Coleman of San Francisco in 1886. The original Elmore cannery, first operated as the Union Packing Company in 1881, was located between Hume and Washington Streets. It fronted on Bond Street (which at that time was built up on pilings on the riverfront) and extended out on a wharf over the river.

Early Tuesday morning, January 26, 1993, the Elmore cannery, former home of Bumble Bee Seafoods, burned down. The old cannery building was one of the last remaining 19th-century salmon canning facilities left on the Astoria waterfront. Although listed on the National Register of Historic Landmarks since 1966, the old cannery had been deteriorating rapidly in the last few years. Two years ago, the city granted Astoria Warehousing, Inc., owners of the property, permission to begin tearing it down The fire destroyed a considerable quantity of valuable materials, such as timbers, which might have been salvaged, but it merely accelerated the inevitable end.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No 2 11

make way for expansion at the Port of Astoria, the old cannery still lies in rubble today. Overheard after the Elmore cannery fire a few weeks ago were comments to the effect, "I wish our cannery had gone that way, too. It breaks my heart to see her lying there. She should have burned."

The tuna side was the salvation of the Elmore cannery operation, at least for awhile Built to process albacore, the Astoria plant had to turn increasingly to imported tuna supplies. Albacore range the world's oceans and the local catch did not supply the cannery as anticipated when the facility was constructed. Rising overhead made it clear that other, newer facilities operated more cheaply. One day in early 1980, John McGowan, Bumble Bee president and member of a pioneering family in the Columbia River salmon packing business, called Bud Forrester, editor of the Daily Astorian to make an announcement. Bumble Bee was pulling out of Astoria.

As time went on, forces beyond the company's control combined with the advancing age of the Elmore facility to number the working days of the old cannery in Astoria Federal hydropower projects along the main stem and principal tributaries of the Columbia beginning in the 1930s extracted a tremendous toll on the once mighty salmon runs of the Great River of the West Catches and allocations of the fishery resource diminished steadily after the completion of Bonneville Dam in 1937. Consumer tastes and buying preferences started turning towards the fresh or flash frozen product and away from canned salmon. The salmon side of the Elmore cannery quietly closed in 1975.

Trailers line up alongside the receiving doors at the Elmore Cannery. 1985.55.1360

The Elmore cannery as it appeared circa 1940. The S.P.&S. (now Burlington Northern) rail line is in the foreground. 1970.212.b

When Barbey closed shop in 1981, so ended a tradition stretching back more than a century. The town built by canning salmon would have to look elsewhere for its future. Once the waterfront was lined with canneries. No more. We'll not see their likes again.

Bumble Bee was not alone. Union Fisherman's Cooperative Packing Company, founded by Finnish and Scandinavian fisherman following a strike against the canneries in 1896, was an alternative to the "private" canneries and a social force within the community. The cooperative sold the cannery to Nick Bez in the late 1940s, but continued to operate under the same name until 1973. Between 1973 and 1975 it was known as Union Seafoods. Barbey Packing Corp. during its final years of operation was the last to use the old cannery, but closed the doors for the final time in 1981. Demolished in 1988 to


Butchering and sliming salmon at C.R.P.A., circa 1940. Note the division of labor, and not much English spoken on either side.

Union Fisherman's Cooperative Packing Co. was located near the Port of Astoria's West Mooring Basin. It is seen here with gillnet boats tied up to the nelrack in the foreground. 1979.27.5

Beyond Union Fish in this view is the old Pillsbury flour mill. Scheduled for demolition in 1985, the old structure proved very nearly indestructible, withstanding multiple attempts to blow it up, and finally resisting the wreckers ball for a period of several months.

Below the flour mill and to the right at the end of the pier, the low white building is the Barbey Packing Corp. cannery of 1925. Barbey later operated the old Union Fish cannery during its final years. The Barbey cannery, Astoria's last, closed in 1981.

The Elmore cannery salmon facility was built to let in as much natural light as possible. Canning salmon is a wet process, so the floor was constructed with wide gaps between the floor boards lo permit drainage. The combination of cold waler and updraft from the river made for very cold work. Breaks, and a chance lo get warm, were eagerly awaited.

Chinese workers did much of the hard and dirty work of butchering salmon in the canneries on the Columbia River. At one lime, Astoria is said lo have had the largest Chinatown on the West Coast outside of San Francisco, little evidence of which remains today. The Chinese community over the years has made substantial contributions lo the development of Astoria. 1985.55.1332

This photo was taken prior to the invention of the E. H. Carruthers canning machines, still used in the canning of tuna throughout the world today. When the first protoytpe was tested at the Elmore cannery in 1943, it packed as many cans in a minute as a skillful hand-packer could in an hour.


The reputation of Columbia River canned salmon in the marketplace, on the other hand, was based on the fact that it was hand packed. On the salmon side of the operation, fish of a wide variety of grades and sizes were processed at the same time due to the multiple species and runs of salmon which entered the river. Hand sorting, grading, and processing became a point of pride in the Columbia River salmon canneries.

Canning tuna utilized a dry process, which meant working conditions for tuna employees were considerably warmer than on the salmon side. The tuna facility at the Elmore cannery was built to take advantage of electric lighting, which meant fewer windows were needed to let in natural light.

Didn't the canneries have quite an odor? "Smelled like money to me!" remembers Frankye Thompson.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 2 1970.214.1 13

The Wardle Family

Mr & Mrs Kenneth K Kunkler

Patrick J. Kearney Elizabeth Kink


Mr & Mrs. Charles E Hansen


DARLENE L. BOZANICH Earl & Zona Malinen



Mr. & Mrs Theodore T. Bugas Frank & Aida Day

Mr & Mrs. Charles E. Hansen


Margaret Ann Swindler

Margaret A. Boynton Robert A. Bradel Frank Cloyd

Franz Ridgway

Joyce Andrews

Peter N. Gillingham Earl Hansen

Mr. & Mrs William B Webber

Mr. & Mrs Stephen A. Forrester Elsie M Gjovik and Family

Lloyd A. Humpage

Tim Corder

Increased Memberships - October 1, 1992 December 31, 1992

J. Lee Haney Gary Havens Jim D. Higgs David Hood Walter Hubble Kevin Hughes Mac Janke

Robert & Sheryl Ginn & Bernice Baker

Larry & Carol McRae & Family

Wood & Nancy Stone Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Swire Dennis L. Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Nokes

Ken R. Campbell Joe & Lucille Easley Jeff & Micah Keto Bob & Betty Kreyer Dale & Martha McGinty Guy Tucker

Mr & Mrs. Harold C. Hendriksen

Mr. & Mrs. Earl R. Rogness P. E. Sandstrom



Christopher C. Lambert K. J. Lambert & Tanya Mantela Scott Lane & Wendy Ackley Scott & Helen Langley Rose M. Larson

Mr. & Mrs Gene A. Hill


Dorothy G. Butler

Molly P Kearney

Mr & Mrs. Peter M. Carlson Tobin & Sue Collins

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Aho

Robert S. Ball

Stanley K. Anderson

Elenore Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Gino Leech

Mike & Tracey Clark

Jerry R. Bartoldus


Marianela Mercedes Smith


Harold & Karen Kunkler

Steven Aamodt

Mr. & Mrs . David D. Corkill

Lloyd Pitzer Edith Schenk Mary Lou See Sandra Seet Stanley Evans Snoudy Robert V. Thompson Celia L. Tippit John A. Wiegand

Dr Curtis K. Li Lower Columbia Power Squadron


VERA GAULT Bill and Madonna Pitman

Kathryn Lambert Mary L. Lillegard


Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Englund

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Allen & Family Beverly Aspmo Astor Elementary School Staff Bank of Astoria


Philip Misner


Mr. & Mrs. Edmund H. Stevens Kelly Stone

Mr. & Mrs . Ernest J. Barrows

Juanita E. Colling

Capt. & Mrs. Rod Leland Mrs. Hester Nau

Capt. William P Connoly Gloria English

R. J Bartoldus

Mr. & Mrs. Kent Cruzan

Mr. & Mrs . Warren E. Bechtolt, Jr. Francois P Briand Bob & Betty Brumm

Ann Alexander Joyce Allen Betty M Aubrey Robert J. Baldwin

Edward Miller

Capt. Niels Nielsen Frances K. Palsson

Frank & Mihoko Butter

Major Duffy E. Morgan

Mr & Mr s. Armas E Niska nen Elsie C. Osterlund Lois Searle Lil Stuart

Timothy S. Hurley

Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Greenough

Jack C. Johnson Allen G Jones Brian Kelly & Family Bill & Kathy Kindall Christine Clark King Pat Kust

Mr & Mrs. Earl E. Johnson

Susan Riemer & Russ Stauff John & Elsie Roehm

Mr & Mrs Dick Keller E.L. & Marion Krebs

Mr & Mrs. William R. Cunningham


Ron Hoxie

Mr. & Mrs Clarence 0. Dreyer Judie Dreyer

Joe & Lucille Easley

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Fultz

Janice Coughlin

Terry & Brad Soper Gary & Cherie Stedman Beth E. Steinbock

Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Link

Capt. & Mrs . Joseph Bruneau Mr & Mrs Robert Chopping Capt. & Mrs. James T. Clune

Mr & Mrs. William Hagerty

Mr & Mrs Carl L. Johnson

Joel Bechtolt and Jennifer Crosby

Dale & Beverly Friedemann

Mr . & Mrs. James H . Carmel

Jacqueline LeBeck


Mr. & Mrs . E.R. Baldwin

Mr & Mrs. R. J. Comstock

Thelma Lattin

Mr & Mrs. J W ' Bud' Forrester, Jr

Columbia. River Fishermen's Protective Union

Mr . & Mrs. Don M. Haskell

Mr & Mrs. Larry J. Haskell

Mr. & Mrs William C. Elder Empire Beverage of Astoria, Inc. Freda Englund

James R. Cowan Capt. James R. Driver Wayne K. Ford Dennis & Nancy Forrester

Judith Lake Miller


F. J. 'Joseph' Balden

Mr . & Mrs . Arthur Tweed

Mr & Mrs. Warren E. Bechtolt, Jr. Mr & Mrs Max Bigby, Jr. and Family

Memorial Donations-October 1, 1992- December 31, 1992

Mr. & Mrs Kenneth D. Hageman, Jr.

Rick Applegate & Bess Wong

Jim H Branson

New Members - October 1, 1992 - December 31, 1992

Mr & Mrs. Larry R. Petersen

Matthew & Marie Willing

GARY LUTHER ANDERSON Judge & Mrs. Thomas E Edison

Dr & Mrs. Eugene Perrin

Gary Lindstrom

Lyle P. Christopherson, D 0. Gilbert S. Fortune

Mr. & Mrs Gordon Wolfgram

Mr. & Mrs. William Jarvi Mr. & Mrs Art Johansen

Mr & Mrs Dan A. Thiel Christine TortoriceMr & Mrs. Howard R. Traver Catherine Van Horn and Tanya Mr. & Mrs. James L. Welch Mr . & Mrs. Sion Wentworth Mrs. Tyne Westman

Elsie C. Osterlund

Mr & Mrs Earl A. Malinen

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Nordlander

MARY J. PETERS Helen Aho Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J Barrows Ruth L. Shaner Mr & Mrs Carvel Tinner

Jan Piippo

Special Memorials

THEODORE H. 'TED' THOMPSON Mr. & Mrs Robert Chopping Mr. & Mrs William R. King

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Hill Jewel Hobbs

Mr & Mrs William R. King


CAPT WILLIAM G MCCALLUM Dorothy G. Butler Jean P McNeeley Mr. & Mrs Robert Chopping Mr & Mrs Richard C. Paulsen

DoNNA W. MILLER Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Hill Mr & Mrs Eugene Lowe Bill and Madonna Pitman

Carl & Dorothy Labiske

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold C. Swanson



CHARLES VASEY Mr. & Mrs . Arthur L. Smith

KENNETH E. WRENN Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Capt. & Mrs. James T. Clune Mr. & Mrs C. Harold Weston, Jr Yergen & Meyer

MARY I. STEINBOCK Bill and Madonna Pitman

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Marconeri Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Matson

John-Day Fernhill RFPD 5-108 Mr. & Mrs Dale M Johnson Dee Johnson


A. WILSON PORTER Mr. & Mrs. George C. Fulton

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Grove Walter E. Larson James Pilgreen, Sr. Henry E 'Hank' Ramvick

WALTER KANDOLL Mr & Mrs Daniel Stephan

PETER N. THOMPSON Astoria Post Office Paul & Thelma Love Mr. & Mrs. Ed G. Fearey, Jr. Alice Hansen Donald V. Riswick James & Martha Thompson Lee Westley Helen Wilson

Mr. & Mrs. Dick Keller

JOHN J. TENNANT Brix Maritime

WILLIAM I. LOOMIS, SR. Mr. & Mrs Donald F. Fastabend Buddy Hoell & Rae Goforth Mr. & Mrs Rode r ick Sarpol a

VERN V STRAITON Judge & Mrs. Thomas E. Edison

Selma Peterson

Joe & Lucille Easley Patricia Longnecker Annabell Miller

CHARLES S. YEAGER Maj & Mrs Daniel Hearn Mr. & Mrs. David Hearn and Family Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Hill Buddy Hoell & Rae Goforth Elmer Raitanen

Mr. & Mrs. Arvi W Ostrom

FRED PARDEE Sharon E. McClean Mr. & Mrs Ron Santilli

Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Korpela Mr. & Mrs. Eino Koskela


Mr. & Mrs Patrick T. Ryan

Mr . & Mrs. Gary Steele Maureen Sundstrom

Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Hauer, Jr.

Mr & Mrs. Gary Mogenson Mr. & Mrs. L.W. Morris

Mr. & Mrs. John Palmrose, Sr Mr & Mrs. Larry Perkins

Mr. & Mrs Kent Johnson Nora Johnson

Alan C. Jones, President & CEO, United Grocers Mr. & Mrs Harold Jones

Buddy Hoell and Rae Goforth Lavon C. Holden

Mr. & Mrs. William Merzke

Mr . & Mrs. John Palmrose, Jr . and Family

Dr. & Mrs. Juan Swain

CONRAD KOSKI Alice Ranta Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Sarpola AGNES C. 'PETE' LAWRENCE Lori, Matthew & Christopher Perkins

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Palmrose and Family

Quarterdeck, Vol 19 No. 2

LAWRENCE 'SWEDE' NELSON Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Blair Mr. & Mrs. C. Delmer Boman Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 0. Dreyer Mr & Mrs. Ragnar Gustafson Mr & Mrs. Raymond V. Johnson

Mr & Mrs. William Leahy

Mr. & Mrs . Eldon Korpela Walter E. Larson Ed Lundholm Elsie C. Osterlund and Family Mr. & Mrs Carl H Paronen Mr. & Mrs Truman Slotte Dorothy 0. Soderberg Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Tolonen Theresa Wilson

Dr & Mrs. Robert D. Neikes

DARRELL H. WADSWORTH Mr. & Mrs. Heinz J Fick Mr. & Mrs. Leaman J Sullivan

IN HONOR Of RADM. DAVID L. ROSCOE Mr & Mrs Phinizy Spalding


PATRICIA L' AMIE WALKER Mr . & Mrs . George C. Fulton

Barbara Mahnke

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lennon, Jr. Florence Lindgren Lombard Sentry Market

Dwight Matson & Family

Jerry L. Ostermiller and Lynne Johnson

Staff of Edwin Luoma, CPA PAULINE MCCALLUM Dorothy G. Butler

Mr & Mrs. Orvo Piippo Bill and Madonna Pitman Ruth Pruzynski Sylvia Roberts

Arlee Huhtala

Mr. & Mrs . George Crandall Don & Wini Doran Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 0. Dreyer Mr & Mrs. William C. Elder Freda Englund Marie P. Henderson Nora Johnson Hjalmer Leino Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Lindstrom Ida Lundgren Marguerite Moyer Donald V. Riswick Thelma Runde! Mr. & Mrs Roderick Sarpola Mr . & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram Marie Young

Mr & Mrs. Charles Mestrich Mr. & Mrs. Joe Miller


Mr & Mrs Hugh A. Seppa


Crew of East-End Hauke's Sentry Market

RADM & Mrs. David L. Roscoe, Jr.

Mr . & Mrs . Charles E. Simpson

IN HONOR OF ETHEL & FLEMING WILSON'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY Matt & Elva Andersen Ben & Georgene Bay Mr. & Mrs Don E. Link Mr. & Mrs Ken Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. John S. McGowan

Mr & Mrs. George E Siverson

CAPT. DORANCE SoULE Kathleen Tucker

Dr. & Mrs Curtis H. McKinney

JAMES W. MORRELL Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tevis

MARILYN LEQVE Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Smith WALTON D. 'WALT' LIVELY Capt. & Mrs. James Clune

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Lovell Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe

MARJE K. SKILLE Eleanor Ewenson

Tim & Pam Herrmann

Mr & Mrs. Clarence Barendse Mr & Mrs George Crandall Eleanor Ewenson Mr & Mrs. Harold C. Hendriksen

EDNA JOHNSON Capt. & Mrs. Gene Itzen

Tony & Helen Robnett

INGA S. JACOVETII Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kairala

Eliot H . Jenkins

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Paul L. Purvine

Nellie A. M. Reed

The Ready Reserve Fleet of mothballed Liberty ships await the call to return to duty at the Tongue Point Naval Station in this photo, circa 1950. This view was taken looking towards the southeast across the former naval installation.

Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Goudy

Frank M Warren

Non-profit Organization

Friends of Ilwaco & Ocean Park Libraries

Anchor Graphics

Carl 0. Fisher

Ernest & Ebba Brown





Many of the challenges facing our local community today relate to and/or date from this period, including navy housing, disposition of existing facilities, and introduction of marine pollutants into the sensitive wildlife area east of Tongue Point.

Mr & Mrs Ward V. Cook


Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Skinner, Jr.

The proposed South Tongue Point development area lies in the distance, across the wetlands visible here near the mouth of Mill Creek.

A & G Enterprises, Inc.

Patrick A Arnbiel, PA



Astoria, Oregon

Mr . & Mrs . Jon Englund

Dr . & Mrs. Robert W. Davis

The buildings in the foreground are now occupied by the Tongue Point Job Corps Center. The State of Oregon's North Tongue Point industrial area now occupies the southern portions of the base, including all but the two nearest concrete piers visible in this photograph.

Reserved Parking Only

Robert G. Hemphill

John B & Marjorie Howard


Permit No. 328

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