V19 N1 The Challenge of Making History Come Alive

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The second selection is a brief account by Hewitt Jackson recollecting the sometimes painful steps involved in researching and drawing a set of plans for His Majesty's armed tender Chatham. This was one of a number of projects undertaken in the 1960s and '70s at the behest of the late Edmund Hayes. One result of this research by Mr . Jackson is now on display in the Fur Trade & Exploration gallery of the Columbia River Maritime Museum: Eric Pardy's fine model of the Chatham, commissioned by the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Oregon in 1977.

Vol.19 No.1 Autumn

A review and newsletter from the Columbia River Maritime Museum at 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria, Oregon

The Challenge of Making History Come Alive

The first of these is the Vancouver reenactment, an ambitious project undertaken by the community of Vancouver, Washington, to build an accurate replica of Lt. William Broughton's cutter, and then to reenact his expedition by boat to the reach of tide on the Columbia River at Point Vancouver, near present day Washougal, Washington.

Douglas Brooks and a crew of volunteers row a replica of the Chatham's cutter on the lower Columbia in late October, 1992.

In our final issue of the Quarterdeck devoted to the maritime bicentennial, we examine two different but related projects intended to give tangible form to the great maritime exploration of the Northwest Coast of the late 18th century.

The value of a commemorative event such as the recent maritime bicentennial in the Pacific Northwest is that it affords an opportunity to focus on a particular period of history and what it means to those living today. The accompanying challenge is to find a way to breathe new life and understanding into events and personalities made distant by the passage of time, and do so in a way that represents them with a degree of clarity and accuracy. Perhaps the biggest task, given the distractions of modern life, is to present these distant events in a way that people find accessible.

"Mr. Vaughan's lifetime of service to the Pacific Northwest includes a special interest in maritime history," said Executive Director Jerry Ostermiller. "The creation of one of the finest maritime resource libraries by the Oregon Historical Society is a lasting legacy to generations of Northwest citizens."

Tom Vaughan served as Executive Director of the Oregon Historical Society for 35 years, and is currently honored as the Director Emeritus of the institution. He is also highly regarded for his work in maritime exhibitions and publications. Among these was the widely acclaimed exhibit, "Captain Cook, R. N.: The Resolute Mariner." Publications by Mr. Vaughan include: Soft Gold: The Fur Trade and Cultural Exchange on the Northwest Coast of America; and Voyages of Enlightenment: Malaspina on the Northwest Coast, 1791-1792.

Mr. Vaughan was elected to the position of "Fellow of Maritime History" in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the study of maritime history.


The real test of a institution such as ours, however, is not how busy the staff and trustees are, but whether the public comes through the doors. Despite the continuing recession and some pretty stiff competition from the new Oregon Coast Aquarium at Newport, our visitation was up slightly from last year. August, normally our biggest month, was a bit down compared to expectations. Normally we can count on a few rainy days in August to draw in North Coast tourists. Because of our continuing drought, that didn't happen this year. But whenever it turned hot, thanks to the new HVAC system, the place was packed!

Volume 19 No. 1

Although our visitation was down for the months of April, July and August, our overall visitation was 1.89% greater than last year.


Editor, Hobe Kytr. Editorial Staff: Jerry Ostermiller, Anne Witty, Barbara Minard, Rachel Wynne, Hewitt Jackson


UI .. 0 10000= UI > 80000 'It: 6000 4000 --<>--- FY90/91 2000 -FY91/92 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep

Visitation Increases During Fiscal Year 1991-1992


Adults Senior 15% 13% Adult Tour 2% Senior Tour 3% Youth Tour 5% Lightship 6%

Noted Northwest Historian Receives Highest Honor

A look at our visitor profile indicates that most of our visitors come in small groups, primarily made up of families. Adults and senior citizens account for over 70% of the people who come to the Museum. Organized tour groups, most with reservations, account for 16% of those who visit the Museum. Overall visitation for school groups was down slightly from last year, likely due to budget cuts. But visitation by school groups from within Clatsop County was nearly four times greater than during the previous fiscal year.

Oregon's Historian Laureate, Thomas J. G. Vaughan, was recognized by the Trustees of the Columbia River Maritime Museum during the 30th anniversary annual meeting on Friday, 23 October 1992.

Photo and illustration credits: pages 1, 5, 6 (upper rt.), Show and Tell, Vancouver, WA; page 3, courtesy City of Astoria; pages 4 and 6 (lower left), Anne Witty; pages 7, 8, 9, and 11, Hobe Kytr; page 12, Gene Paxton photo; page 13, courtesy Hewitt Jackson; page 16, courtesy Richard Carruthers. Image canoe, page 7, reproduced by permission of the American Museum of Natural History. Printed at Anchor Graphics, Astoria, Oregon

The QUARTERDECK is published four times a year by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Dr, Astoria, OR 97103.

We are now tracking visitors who sign in the log book by the front door to see what kind of geographic and demographic patterns come forward over time. This information should prove useful in developing marketing strategies for the future, so that we can ensure our Museum will continue to grow and prosper in years to come.

18000 16000 14000 12000

This has been a busy and eventful year at the Columbia River Maritime Museum. The Columbia bicentennial, a major exhibition, completion and finetuning of the new HVAC (heating, ventilating and air-conditioning) system, and the annual meeting of the Council of American Maritime Museums all took place during the past year and that's just the tip of the iceberg. During this same period, the City of Astoria's 17th Street pier expansion project was completed, plans for a Seafood Consumer Center near CRMM were carried forward, and literally scores of community meetings were held in the Kern Room.

Based on Monthly Visitation

When Astoria's first collector of customs, John Adair, arrived by ship in 1849, he was virtually alone as a federal government official in the area. The Oregon Territory was raw and largely unsettled. Statehood was still ten years off; indeed, the boundary with Great Britain had been agreed upon just three years previously. At Astoria, Adair found a straggling settlement of seven families, a contingent of U.S. Army engineers, and a conspicuous absence of male inhabitants. Most had run off to the California gold fields in hopes of striking it rich. (Even the appointed postmaster had left for California, so Adair took over the mail as well.)

The first building to house a governmental function west of the Rocky Mountains, the Customs House for the Astoria district was built in 1852 just above Shark Point in Adair's Astoria. This photograph shows the second Customs House, built around 1855 after fire destroyed the previous building. Here, around the tum of the century, it has been transformed into a modest dwelling. Clatsop County Historical Society photo.

Customs House Rises Again in Astoria

Builder Gregg Olson says the project is a first for Oregon: although he has restored several buildings of that era throughout the state, the Customs House project is the first time an Oregon community has replicated a pioneer-era structure using authentic techniques. This reflects well on Astorians' concern for their heritage. The design, researched by architectural historian John Goodenberger, is a small, classical revival style building similar to many government buildings constructed throughout the country in the 1840s and 1850s. Initial construction at the site will take place this fall; Olson will manufacture some elements such as windows at his workshop over the winter. Come spring, watch for an old-fashioned house-raising as the Customs House rises again.

Adair and his successors had a number of other jobs as well. In all, they handled considerable sums of money. Adair was comptroller of public monies, paying legislators.and other

-Anne Witty

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 1

federal and territorial officials; he supervised lighthouses, navigation, and buoys, and disbursed funds for the relief of sick and disabled sailors as Supervisor of the Marine Hospital Establishment. He was, almost incidentally, expected to build a customs house or headquarters for his operation, which he accomplished shortly after he arrived


In late October, an historic event took place in Astoria when builders began to shape logs for the reconstruction of the first U.S. Customs House west of the Rocky Mountains. Originally built in 1852 and rebuilt in the mid-1850s, the Customs House is rising again as an historic replica that documents original building methods for many of Oregon's pioneer structures. The building will be furnished and interpreted as a public heritage site, representing the importance of the Customs Service in Pacific Northwest history.

If the responsibilities of the Collector of Customs were many, so was his authority great. According to Harvey Steele, the native Clatsop people at the mouth of the river referred to the Collector as "Great Chief," Hyas Tyee, "because of his power to stop ships entering the estuary and exact tribute. In their eyes, the Collector was the majestic symbol of the great American government." Steele is a U.S customs service import specialist and author of Hyas Tyee: The United States Customs Service in Oregon, 1849-1989, published by the Department of the Treasury in 1989.

It was largely due to Harvey Steele's interest in the history of the Astoria Customs District that the project to recreate and interpret the Old Customs House came about. Funded by a federal

The Customs House also pays tribute to Astoria's beginnings: it figured largely in the town's establishment as a port of entry and fast-growing settlement in the nineteenth century. Although a shoreside structure, the Customs House was and remains a most important site for maritime enterprise, the headquarters of a universal function at the heart of international trade.

With these inauspicious beginnings, John Adair coped well. As might be expected, a great number of duties fell to the Collector of Customs at the only port of entry on the Pacific Coast. Enforcing U.S. customs law required him to inspect the manifests (lists of shipments contained in a cargo) of arriving and departing ships, and exact a toll or duty based on the values of goods being imported or exported. With the Hudson's Bay Company still active throughout the Pacific Northwest, all British vessels supplying HBC forts and outposts were forced to stop at Astoria to clear U.S Customs.

government grant in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the U.S. Customs Service, the Customs House reconstruction will establish an authentic and lasting monument to the Service To that end, the City of Astoria, guided by a citizen committee, has chosen builders experienced with historically authentic construction techniques.

From the Columbia, Gray set sail to the northward, later that summer coming to Nootka Sound. There he met with the commander of the Spanish garrison, Bodega y Quadra, and gave him a copy of his chart. Quadra later shared this information with his British counterpart, George Vancouver. At this point, it is important to note that Columbia's River was still a very misunderstood place.

Reenacting Lt. William Broughton's Survey of the Columbia River


Unfortunately, Gray's chart did little to dispel those misunderstandings, being little more than a rough sketch with rudimentary soundings. Worse, though Gray's outline of the shore is tolerably accurate, the indicated scale of distance is greatly exaggerated about double that of reality. (See reproduction in the Quarterdeck, Vol. 18 No 4.)

Columbia. Edward Bell, the Chatham's clerk, vividly describes the scene:

Douglas Brooks, master boatbuilder for the Vancouver reenactment project, is the author of the article which follows. The construction of a replica of the Chatham's cutter and subsequent reenactment of Lt. Broughton's exploration of the lower Columbia River were Vancouver, Washington's contribution to the regional maritime bicentennial.

On October 24, 1992, the volunteer crew of the Vancouver reenactment project prepare to row a replica of the Chatham's cutter upriver from Astoria. For the purposes of the reenactment ceremonies, the replica brig Lady Washington represented His Majesty's armed tender Chatham.

Vancouver's fleet sailed past the mouth of the Columbia in the spring of 1792 heading north to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. On April 27, Vancouver dismissed what would prove to be the mouth of this great river as not worthy of further attention. (His opinion was probably colored by his recent reading of John Meares' account of his disappointment there four years earlier. See the Quarterdeck, Vol. 18 No. 3.) Barely two weeks later, on May 11, the Bostonian Robert Gray managed to sail his vessel, the Columbia Rediviva, into the Columbia's entrance. Gray stayed long enough to scout trading opportunities and sketch a chart of the river's mouth

On October 19th the Discovery and Chatham arrived at Cape Disappointment. Vancouver ordered Lt. Broughton in the Chatham to lead the way into the

We had a very fresh Breeze in our favour, but a Strong tide against us, which over the Shoals raised so very heavy and irregular a Sea, that it made a fair breach over us, and our Jolly Boat which was towing astern, was stove to pieces, and every thing in her was lost. I must here acknowledge that in going into this place, I never felt more alarmed & frightened in my life, never having been before in a situation where I conceived there was so much danger.

What is most remarkable about the first European exploration of the Columbia River is the way in which the principals involved seemed to misunderstand the scope and breadth of what they had found. When Captain George Vancouver's small fleet arrived at the mouth of the Columbia in October of 1792, they had just completed their first year of surveying in the Pacific Northwest. As a result of the controversy between Great Britain and Spain over claims to Nootka Sound, the British Admiralty had sent Vancouver with orders to prepare a comprehensive chart of the continental coastline, hoping to solidify British claims to the region. In 1791, Vancouver in the Discovery, accompanied by Lieutenant William Broughton in the Chatham, left England for what would be nearly a five year expedition.

Vancouver, Voyage.

It is probable that this River extends with very little alteration to the foot of Mount Hood, where the falls are that the Indians explained to us, or it may take a course round the foot of the Mountain, and I am inclined to think that its Source or termination is as distant from this Sandy point, as that is from the entrance.

In the possession of these people was seen a remarkable Tomehawk exactly similar to those used by the Canadian Indians. Signs were made that they had procured it from the Eastward, as well as a few little ornaments of brass they had at their ears.

We have several accounts of Broughton's exploration of the Columbia. Broughton's own notes are lost, but presumably the text of Vancouver's official report is extracted from Broughton's log. Edward Bell, the clerk of the Chatham, kept a journal that now resides in the Turnbull Library in Wellington, New Zealand. A short account by John Sherriff, master's mate of the Chatham, has only recently been published. In addition, Thomas Manby, master of the Chatham, who stayed downriver with the brig, wrote a short manuscript journal which relates some details not found in the others.

The most interesting and readable account is Bell's. Devoid of the soundings and bearings of Broughton's report, it is written in an easy narrative style and spends a great deal of time describing both the physical and human landscape. Broughton's party was followed almost the entire way by natives in canoes, and at least initially Broughton seemed ill at ease at their presence. After leaving their second campsite at Orchard's River (now Skamokawa Creek), Broughton traded with two canoes. Soon they were joined by two more, and an invitation was extended to have the party come ashore at a large village located at Abernathy Creek, just west of Stella, Washington. Broughton refused the offer, no doubt still remembering the sometimes violent encounters the boat crews suffered in the waters of Puget Sound. Broughton came ashore east of the village, but was forced to cross to the Oregon shore when the Native Americans followed. There he camped at present-day Mayger, and requested that his followers camp on the other side of a creek. The headland at the

had pursued for centuries in fact existed in the guise of the Columbia. Though it was not the uninterrupted conduit for navigation that Europeans imagined, it had long been a vital conduit for trade.

"About six o'clock on sunday morning, (October 28)

As the party progressed upstream, more Native Americans were encountered. The largest assemblage was at Warrior Point on Sauvie's Island, the site of a large village. It was here that Broughton, facing over a dozen canoes and by Bell's estimate nearly 200 Native Americans in war garb, fired a single musket shot.

It is perhaps ironic that the myth of the Great River of the West that Europeans

creek Broughton named Sherriff's Point (now known as Green Point) for his master's mate.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 1

Also, as noted by Manby:

Broughton's party continued as far as present-day Washougal, where almost within sight of the gorge Broughton took his final landfall, naming the point of land for Captain Vancouver. It is hard to know whether Broughton himself understood the scope of the river he had explored. Manby's journal records that Broughton told him that "another day or two would have brough[t] them to its source." This is a startling conclusion, given that the headwaters of the Columbia were still over a thousand miles away. But Broughton was a navy man and his survey of the Columbia focused on charting channels for ship traffic. He had reached a point he believed was the head of navigation and perhaps the furthest reach of his interest as well. Edward Bell notes, however:

Perhaps it might be deemed by some very sagacious people, an idle conjecture, was I to say that this River might communicate with some of the wkes at the opposite side of the Continent, but such a thing is not impossible, nor do I conceive altogether improbable

Mr. Broughton fired a Musket with a Ball in it into the Water, which at first seem'd to terrify the Chief, and all the Indians, for they immediately hid their heads below the Gunwhales of the Canoes, and it was some time before they could be persuaded to hold them up again.

Coffin Rock, near Prescott, Oregon, is now the site of the Trojan nuclear power plant.

These Chiefs had besides their Bows & Arrows large Copper and Iron Daggers of European manufacture I suppose, which they had got in barter for Skins. [Such daggers were more likely of native manufacture. Ed.]

Mr. Broughton continued to proceed against the stream, and soon passed a small rocky islet, about twenty feet above the surface of the water. Several canoes covered the top of this islet, in which dead bodies were deposited."


The pattern for such expeditions had already been clearly set. Faced with the myriad islands and waterways to the north, Vancouver had relied almost entirely on his ship's boats to conduct surveys. Indeed, the Chatham's cutter was at this point a veteran of many expeditions, and was the first European craft to see Queen Charlotte Sound, thereby proving the insularity of Vancouver Island. After two day trips at the mouth of the river, Broughton realized that a longer excursion was necessary. On October 24, 1792, having provisioned the launch and cutter for seven days, Broughton and his men headed upriver. On their way they named Gray's Bay for Robert Gray as the furthest point upriver reached by the Columbia Rediviva earlier that year.

It is clear from this scene that the Native Americans away from the coast had little if any previous contact with Europeans. And yet it would be a mistake to assume that the native peoples were cut off from the rest of the world. It was later in this same day that Bell recorded:

The Discovery made two attempts to follow, but Vancouver eventually turned about to the south for Monterey. It was left to Broughton to explore the river.

Community Church, the Bicentennial Committees of Rainier and St. Helens, the Lady Washington, and the towns of Camas, Washougal and Vancouver.

The experience of building a replica of Lieutenant Broughton's cutter and staging a reenactment of his original voyage was an exploration unto itself. Finding accurate documentation for a boat of this period is extremely difficult, yet we were able to secure a drawing courtesy of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England. It showed a 25' cutter and was dated 1789 Given that the Chatham was commissioned by the Royal Navy in 1790, we can be reasonably sure that this was a very close approximation of the type of boat she would have carried .

The Chatham's cutter under construction at the Grant House Folk Art Center.


naming of this area for Vancouver has particular meaning for residents of Vancouver, Washington. Bell writes of the first day of the upriver journey, "I accompanied Mr Broughton in the cutter," and that settled the matter for us.

The crews for the upriver journey were selected from over 250 people who responded to a single newspaper article calling for rowers . The United States Coast Guard volunteered to row the longest and most difficult stretch of the journey 21 miles from St. Helens to Vancouver. Organizations the length of the Lower Columbia provided assistance, hosting each day's crew. These included the Columbia River Maritime Museum, Redman Hall, Skamokawa Grange, Norse Hall on Puget Island, Mayger

For all those who participated it was a unique experience. To row and sail the length of the Lower Columbia changes one's perspective dramatically Many people may wonder what the river must have been like 200 years ago, before humans changed the landscape. For myself, the greater realization was in how little the river had changed. Though above Bonneville the river is now engi neered with dams and locks, it still flows with a power that has remained unchanged for thousands of years Ultimately, 200 years is but a moment in the life of the Columbia, and its essential spirit will overcome any designs we place on it.

The construction of the boat took five months The entire process was open to the public at the Grant House Folk Art Center on Officer's Row in Vancouver. Unlike the original, which would have been framed in English oak and planked in elm, the cutter was built of native woods: Douglas fir for the backbone, Oregon white oak for the frames and Port Orford cedar planking. The boat was fastened with copper rivets, and treated inside with a mixture of pine tar, linseed oil and turpentine. Hewitt Jackson, familiar to readers of the Quarterdeck, provided graphics materials for displays and was very generous with his historical research . Among other things, he formulated the color scheme that would have been appropriate to the original boat.

Cutters as a boat type came late to service in the Royal Navy. The type originated in the town of Deal, where the local builders developed a reputation for fast, light boats In fact, their best customers were the smugglers of the day, and the Navy's adoption of the type grew out of their inability to catch these outlaws. The other boat carried aboard the Chatham was the launch. Although the two were probably nearly the same length, launches were very stoutly built, designed to carry the ship's anchor in kedging and to transport heavy casks when watering. Broughton also made certain the launch was equipped with a swivel gun on his expedition. They were bluff bowed and probably difficult to row. In reading Vancouver's log, one finds that every time he requested a single boat from the Chatham it was the cutter. Our decision to build the cutter was based in part on a desire to create the most comfortable rowing craft for future use, and find the boat with the most historical significance. Broughton's

Douglas Brooks

Preparing to depart, October 24th.

The boat journey itself was inspiring, beautiful and sometimes brutal. The bright sunshine and following tides of the first three days eventually gave way to lightning and a downpour October 29, as the Coast Guard crew rowed over nine hours against the current and a fierce headwind. The winds swung to the south and east for the final reach to Washougal, providing rain but also a favorable wind for sailing. On two occasions, yachts clocked the cutter at five knots under sail, an impressive speed for so small a boat, and testimony to the easy lines of her design. Our final downriver leg to Vancouver we also sailed, through cold rain but to a warm reception.

Just in from the Center for Wooden Boats in Seattle, a complimentary copy of Leslie Lincoln's new book, Coast Salish Canoes, Volume Three of the Traditional Smallcraft of the Northwest Series. As the introductory letter from Dick Wagner remarks, much has been written about the highly developed Indian cultures farther north along the classic Northwest Coast, but very little about the peoples of present day Puget Sound and coastal Washington. This book goes a long way towards changing that situation. The Central and Coast Salish, as a cultural and linguistic group, span all the way from coastal British Columbia to the isolated band of Nehalem/Tillamook in northern Oregon.

Model of Chinookan image canoe. AMNH 16.1/1786 a-h.

Lower Columbia utility canoe in the Fur Trade & Exploration gallery.

Ms. Lincoln is a maritime anthropologist residing in Port Townsend, Washington. As the title indicates, the focus of her study is on the Coast Salish as a maritime people, and particularly on the several styles of fine cedar dugout canoes indigenous to the people and to the region. This is a beautiful small book and one that fills a very big void. Particularly gratifying is the material that places the maritime culture of the central Northwest Coast in the broader context of the entire region, indicating how canoe styles were borrowed, traded, and adapted up and down the coast. The Makah (Nootkan) canoe likely came originally from the Eskimo umiak. Conversely, the magnificent Northern style canoe used by the Haida and Tsimshian of the northern reaches of the coast very well

Canoe building, paddling and racing are enjoying a revival among Northwest Coast Indians, which Ms. Lincoln has had the happy opportunity to observe and document first hand.

One minor disappointment concerns the absence from this study of any mention of the indigenous canoe types of the lower Columbia River, as used by the Chinookan and Salish peoples of sonthwPstPrn Washineton and northwestern Oregon. The image canoe was a type reported here by Lewis and Clark in 1805, having a carved totemic figure at either end. Most closely associated with the Chinookans, this variety of canoe was also reported to be the principal form in use by their Salish speaking Killamox (Tillamook) neighbors. The precise meaning and placement of the totemic images remains something of a puzzle.

On the whole, Coast Salish Canoes is a splendid book, well researched and beautifully illustrated. Its arrival prompted the staff at CRMM to look once again at our own collections with renewed respect and appreciation. This book is a fine addition to the growing literature on the subject of Northwest traditional small craft.

George Gibbs depicted a totemic figure on the stern of a funerary canoe on Lacamas Creek, Clark County, Washington, in 1850. Jose Cardero pictured a canoe at Neah Bay in 1792 with an image (likely Thunderbird) on the bow, but no figure on the stern. No examples of the image canoe survive today, but a fine model on loan from the American Museum of Natural History was on display as part of the bicentennial exhibit at CRMM during 1992. The model has both a bird at the bow (similar to Ca'rdero's drawing) and a bear on the stern. Lewis and Clark's drawing shows a bird forward and a man aft, leading to speculation that the images in either location depended on the crests accorded the owner's lineage.

-HobeKytr 7

Taking a Fresh Look at Cedar Canoes of the Northwest Coast


Another much appreciated feature of the book, especially in light of the cultural resurgence among many of the native peoples of the Northwest Coast, is the healthy emphasis placed on continuity of culture in the region.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No.1

Another variety of canoe used exten sively on the Columbia was the utility canoe, of which an outstanding example is on display in the Fur Trade and Exploration gallery. As a small craft, the form would appear to be a compromise between the shovel-nosed river canoe described by Ms. Lincoln and larger seagoing canoes, thus ideally suited to the rapidly changeable conditions so familiar to boaters on the lower Columbia. No mention is made of this type in the book, either, perhaps because it was deemed to fall outside the bounds of the study area. These, however, are minor distractions, and do not detract from the overall excellence of Ms. Lincoln's presentation.

may have been influenced by the seagoing canoes of the Coast Salish. The shovel-nosed craft of the Yurok of northern California are also discussed.

One more author is planning to attend the 1992 Northwest authors' signing at CRMM. Ken Kesey will be here to "perform" between 1 and 2 p.m. His newest novel, Sailor Song, is about a small fishing village in Alaska in the year 2020 which finds itself in the throes of dealing with a movie crew using their community for a location. Sound familiar? Don't miss it!

Alfredo Rolando Ortiz performs in the Great Hall during the 1991 Holiday Program.

Taking advantage of the Columbia Rediviva deck replica constructed for the bicentennial exhibit , the Portland Folklore Society shanty singers are coming to fill the Great Hall with the songs of life at sea under sail. They will be performing from 2-4 p.m. In addition, a variety of fine local performers will be performing during the course of the afternoon.

Astoria author Joean Fransen will be on hand to sign her new book, Gray and Columbia's River. Paul Barrett will also be here to sign his latest book, Sea Stories II: Seagods and Sundogs. James Keyser's Indian Rock Art of the Columbia Plateau updates this fascinating subject for the first time in decades.

Photographer Craig Tuttle will also be here with his books Oregon Coast and Columbia Gorge and the 1993 Oregon Coast calendar.

The Columbia River Maritime Museum's annual holiday program and open house for 1992 is scheduled for Sunday, December 13. The event is our way of saying thank you to all our many friends and patrons in the community for their continued support throughout the year our holiday gift to the people of our extended community in the Columbia Pacific region.

As well as featuring a variety of entertainment during the afternoon, the Museum's open house is an invitation to come one, come all and visit the Museum The popularity of the event is demonstrated by the fact that every year, this day boasts one of the highest attendance figures for the entire season.

Each year the holiday program features a different lineup of talent, some local, others from out of town, and all great fun to see and listen to. Two years ago, a black gospel choir from Portland led by State Senator Margaret Carter set the entire town rocking. Topping the bill for the 1991 holiday program was South American harpist Alfredo Rolando Ortiz. Wowing the crowd with his virtuosity, Ortiz performed on beautiful Paraguayan style harps specially built for him by Astoria resident and instrument maker John Westling. The lineup for this year's edition of the annual holiday program promises to be just as entertaining as in the past.


One of the regular features of the holiday program is an author's party, where Northwest authors are invited to the Museum to autograph their works. This year we are fortunate to be able to include a number of Northwest authors whose books have been published during 1992.

Annual Holiday Program and Open House December 13th

Dancers from the Maddox Dance Studio await their turn to perform at the 1991 holiday program.

5. Journal of Tomas de Sur{a of His Voyage with Malaspina to the Northwest Coast of America in 1791, by Tomas de Suria (Ye Galleon Press, 1980). Tomas de Suria was one of two artists to accompany Malaspina on his northern expedition. Hardback, 16 00

1. Vancouver 's Voyage, Charting the Northwest Coast, by Robin Fisher, photographs by Gary Fiegehen (Douglas & McIntyre, 1992) A marvelous journey through pictures following Capt. George Vancouver's expedition to the Northwest Coast. Hardback, 35.00

2. On Stormy Seas, The Triumphs and Torments of George Vancouver, by B. Guild Gillespie (Horsdal & Schubart, 1992). Captain George Vancouver's story told through the voice of his younger brother John. Softcover, 18.95

13. Oregon's Seacoast Lighthouses, An Oregon Documentary, by James A. Gibbs with Bert Webber (Webb Research Group, 1992). Jim Gibbs takes you on a studied tour of Oregon's seacoast from Cape Blanco light to the old Lighthouse Tender Shubrick. On each stop he tells fascinating stories behind the lighthouses and the men who kept the lamps lit. Softcover, 14.95


15. Explorabook, A Kid's Science Museum in a Book, by John Cassidy and the Exploratorium (Klutz Press, 1991). This book is for the curious by nature. It is divided into seven sections of experimentation. A two inch magnet wand is included to aid in the projects under the magnetism section, agar packets to help grow fungi, a diffraction grating for the light chapter and much more. Hardback, 17.95

14. The Arctic Grail, The Quest for the Northwest Passage and the North Pole, 1818-1909, by Pierre Berton (Penguin Books, 1988). Just out in paperback, these are the stories of 19th century obsession, heroism, and suffering by men who would be first in the quest for the North Pole. Softcover, 12.95

4. Malaspina & Galiano, by Donald C. Cutter (University of Washington Press, 1991). Spanish voyages to the Northwest Coast in 1791-1792. Hardback, 35.00

Museum Members receive a 10% discount on purchases from the Museum Store.

10 Navigation, A 3-Dimensional Exploration, by Anne Blanchard (Orchard Books, 1992) The history of navigation from ancient times to the present is the fascinating subject of this entertaining and informa tive pop-up book. Hardback, 15.95

8. The New Beadwork, by Kathlyn Moss and Alice Scherer (Abrams, 1992). Bead work, one of the last of the traditional crafts, has reemerged in the 90's as a medium of multi-leveled challenge for artists. The diversity of form and function of modern beadwork will dazzle you Hardback, 25.00

3. Early Maritime Artists of the Northwest Coast, 17411841, by John Francis Henry (University of Washington Press, 1984). This is a gorgeous volume at a much reduced price. Get one while they last. Hardback, 16.00

9. The Sign of the Seahorse, by Graeme Base (Abrams, 1992). This is a love story, a fight to save a home and the near success of a scaly group of underwater thugs. Detailed, enchanting illustrations makes this a favorite for all ages. Hardback, 20.00

11. The Visual Dictionary of Ships and Sailing, by Eyewitness Visual Dictionaries (Dorling Kindersley, 1991). Packed with vivid photographs and thousands of names for different types of ships and their parts. For children from 10 to 100. A great value. Hardback, 14 95

16. Looking For A Ship, by John McPhee (Farrar Strauss Giroux, 1990). A tale of life aboard what may be one of the last American merchant ships. Much reduced from publisher's original price. Hardback, 10.00

17. The Cartography of North America, 1500-1800, by Pierluigi Portinaro and Franco Knirsch (Crescent Books, 1987). The late 1400's brought the Age of Exploration to the Americas The Asian connection was both accepted and rejected by the cartographers of the day. Follow the evolution of their speculation through the ages in this lush volume. Color plates throughout. Reduced dramatically. Oversized hardback, 13.00

7 . Incredible Cross-Sections , by Stephen Biesty and Richard Platt (Alfred A. Knopf, 1992). This is a book our founder Rolf Klep would have loved! Stephen Biesty takes us inside ships, castles, jumbo jets, opera houses and much more . Hardback, 20.00

6 Wind on th e Waves, photos by Ray Atkeson, text by Kim R. Stafford (Graphics Arts Center Publishing Company, 1992). This is the book Ray•had envisioned the year that he passed away. His spectacular photographs of the Oregon coast are complimented by the very personalized vignettes of Kim Stafford. Hardback, 29.50

18. Otter Skins, Boston Ships, and China Goods: The Maritime Fur Trade of the Northwest Coast, 17851841 , by James R. Gibson (University of Washington Press, 1992) . This thoroughly researched and scholarly volume covers all aspects of the maritime fur trade from beginning to end, with scores of quotations from contemporary journals and logs. It is likely to be a reference work for many years to come. Hardback, 45.00

12 Kid's Book of Secret Codes, Signals & Ciphers, by E A. Grant (Running Press, 1989). This book is filled with ways to send secret messages using secret languages, hand signals, secret writing, and even invisible inks you can make yourself . Softcover, 6.95

$50.01 $100 00 4.25

A. Ketch-Em Brand T-Shirts colorful and classy, screened with gold highlights. An instant favorite, available in white or ash; S, M, L, XL. 18.00

Museum Store Shopper's Guide and Mail Order Information

Order Form No.

The Ketch-Em Brand label was originally used on salmon roe packed for the sports fishing market by Astoria By-Products (now known as Bioproducts) . Canning and packing labels have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Once regarded solely as commercial art, many have become true collectors' items. This particular one has long been a favorite of ours, and as a label has attracted a good bit of attention in the Museum Store.

$30.01 $50.00 4.00

C. Sea Shanty cassettes: 1. Born of Another Time: Songs of the Sailor, Songs of the Sea. 14.00 2. Sea Chanties and Forecastle Songs of Mystic Seaport. 14.00

B. Weatherglass In use for hundreds of years by maritime communities. Simple, elegant and it works! Unit includes weatherglass, copper and brass hanger, instructions on how to interpret the glass. 28.50

D. High Strung! Beautiful semi-precious stone handbeaded necklaces, bracelets and earrings. This jewelry features garnets, turquoise, jasper and agate stones mixed with handmade brass beads, making it casually elegant. 12.00 to 44.00

Mail Title/Description Qty. 10% Discount

0 MasterCard Subtotal Card No. Shipping Exp. Date TOTAL Signature _ _

Since their introduction, Ketch-Em Brand T-shirts have been real crowd pleasers. Wait till you see your favorite fisherman in one of these! (Also weadble by those who just like flashy T-shirts.)

$10 01 $15.00 3 00



$100.01 and over 4.50

$15.01 $30.00 3.50

Now the label that sold the bait that landed the angler's catch is reeling 'em in at the Museum Store. Richard Carruthers, CRMM trustee and retired president of Bioproducts, recently transferred the rights for the Ketch-Em Brand label to the Columbia River Maritime Museum to be used for an entirely different kind of bait.

Unit Price Subtotal 0 Check Enclosed 0 Visa

Purser's Manlf__est

Columbia River Maritime Museum, Astoria 1792 Marine Drive Astoria, Oregon 97103 (503) 325-2323

$10.00 and under 2.50

Autumn 1992


A great day to shop! Yes,



Browsing through the Museum Store. the Museum wheelchair accessible.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No.1 9

Examining the model of H.M.S. Chatham in the Fur Trade and Exploration Gallery. join us for our annual holiday program and open house December 13. Explore the galleries. Enjoy the festivities. And bring your family and friends!

In short, this year's holiday program and open house promises to be interesting and great fun But then, it always is. That is certainly one reason for the Columbia River Maritime Museum to do this every year. But there is another and perhaps more important reason for throwing an open house. We want to share our beautiful museum with everyone in our community, especially if that i s the one day of the year they can make it in to see what we are up to. It is our firm belief that we are here to serve and be a part of our local community. So don't forget, Sunday, December 13, 1992, we're having our annual bash. Spread the word!


On the outward voyage of George Vancouver's expedition to the Northwest Coast, a minor passage from the journals of ship's clerk Edward Bell describes Christmas at sea. The Hakluyt Society's Voyage of George Vancouver, 1791-1795 puts it this way: "Neither Broughton nor Vancouver mentions Christmas day, but it was observed in a modest way, with due regard for safety at sea. The 25th being Xmas the people were allowed everything in the eatable way that the Ship afforded but being at Sea had no more Grog given them than their usual allowance the Customary was reserved until we got into Port." They were approaching Matavi Bay, Otaheite (Tahiti), in the South Seas bound for the Northwest Coast.

The Coast of Christmas Past

... .,1,r,,,,°f'· ·L ··

The decorations of the Columbia and fort at Adventure Cove raise some questions for the observant reader. Many of the early colonists were members of sects that had departed from orthodox practices they considered pagan or Romish. Their observance of Christmas was muted to suit their convictions, but may not have represented other beliefs in the region. Tradition in my family and teaching in my school days has led me to believe that the use of greens for decoration was first widely used in America in the early 19th century, and that this custom was brought by immigrants from central Europe at that time. The doings at Adventure Cove may have reflected the customs of cosmopolitan and seafaring Boston, or they may have been representative of New England as a whole. Other communities could have been far different in belief and practice. Perhaps our readers can help shed further light on this subject.

Hewitt Jackson

Many of our members have visited the Museum boatshop at the former Reed & Grimberg shoestore in downtown Astoria.

Had it not been for our anxious solicitude to get forward, and the excessive heat of the weather, our situation would have been by no means unpleasant; the ocean was tranquil, and abounded with a great variety of fish; its surface was covered with turtles, and the numerous sea fowls hovering over, and diving for their prey, presented such an animated scene, as the ocean, unassisted by intervening land, or other objects, is seldom, I believe, found to exhibit. We were here at no loss to provide a repast for this our fourth Christmas day since we had quitted the civilized world; and with the addition of fresh beef, mutton, and poultry we had brought from Monterey, the officers tables presented such an appearance of luxury as is not frequently seen in such distant regions of the ocean. In addition to fresh provisions, and what the sea afforded, the people were served such an extra allowance of grog as was sufficient for the celebration of the day, and to call to their recollection their friends and favorites at home .. .


the proud new owner of a Russ Dixon canoe weighing only 22 pounds, but capable of carrying up to 175 pounds.

There has been so much interest in the canoe raffle that we have decided to do it again. This year, for the first time, the Museum is planning to have a booth at the Portland Boat Show at the Expo Center, January 9-17, 1993. At the boat show we are going to raffle off a two-person canoe (well, maybe one-person if you're as big as curator Steve Kann). In order to ensure absolute fairness, both staff and trustees of the Museum will be ineligible to win the prize. Once again, proceeds will go to support Museum projects . Maybe you could be the lucky winner!

To present a more revealing picture of Christmas observances on the Northwest Coast, we turn now to the journals kept on board the Columbia on her second voyage. In December of 1791, the Columbia was at Adventure Cove, Clayoquot Sound, on the western coast of Vancouver Island. The crew had been employed in building the small sloop Adventure, and had many opportunities for visits and exchanges with the local natives. John Boit was one of the young gentlemen on board, fifth mate at seventeen years of age. His journals are filled with many interesting observations . Boit's entry for Christmas Day:

Win a Canoe and Support Your Maritime Heritage!

25. This day was kept in mirth and festivity by all the Columbia's Crew, and the principall Cheifs of the sound by invitation din' d on board ship. The Natives took a walk around the work shops on shore, they was suppriz' d at seeing three tier of wild fowl roasting at one of the houses indeed we was a little supprized at the novelty of the sight ourselves, for at least there was 20 Geese roasting at one immense fire, and the Ships Crew appear' d very happy, most of them being on shore. The Indians cou' d not understand why the Ship and houses was decorated with spruce bows/ At 12 Clock fir' d a federall Salute, and ended the day toasting our Sweethearts and wifes.

Though seldom mentioned in the early logs and journals on the Northwest Coast, scattered references indicate that Christmas was observed at sea by explorers and traders alike.

This summer the Museum purchased a one-person canoe from Russ Dixon so we could hold a raffle. Proceeds were to help defray the cost of small craft demonstration projects. A total of 600 tickets were sold at $5 apiece. (Museum staff members were not eligible to win.)

Another reference is to be found in Vancouver's Voyage on the homeward passage of 1794, on board the Discovery soon after leaving Monterey:

During the two preceding days we had light variable winds from the eastward and s.E. with alternate calms, and very oppressive sultry weather; but by thursday following we had some little alleviation, as the wind then blew a moderate breeze from the north-westward. Whilst the light winds continued we were greatly incommoded by a very heavy swell from the south eastward, which made the ship very uneasy; this had now in great measure subsided; but the weather though perfectly clear was still very hot and sultry, the thermometer night and day varying from 81 to 83.

Russ Dixon and Bob Goss have been constructing stripplanked canoes and boats at the location on Commercial Street as a public interpretive project since the summer of 1991.

During the last week of October, the 600th ticket was finally sold and the drawing was held. Terry Ferguson of Astoria is

The facts speak for themselves memberships in the Columbia River Maritime Museum make distinctive and valuable gifts. New members receive a subscription to the Quarterdeck, complimentary admission to the Museum for a full year, invitations and notices for functions and programs, and, perhaps most valuable of all, discounts on all purchases at the Museum Store. If you know someone with an interest in the sea, life along the river, or the intricate pathways of regional history, the Museum offers a fascinating window into the past and many interesting opportunities for the future.

Dave Myers, center, CRMM trustee and chairman of the Membership and Marketing Committee, wrings his hands in anticipation of fruitful prospects at last year's annual Holiday Program and Open House.


Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 1

For the local community, the Columbia River Maritime Museum represents more than just a repository of the things of the past. The Museum is an active partner in the revitalization of Astoria's working waterfront. The 17th Street maritime park, of which CRMM is the centerpiece, serves as an anchor for the development of new interpretive walkways along the river. These walkways, connecting several "riverparks" along the waterfront, will provide for increased pedestrian access to the river while preserving the essential character of the businesses and workplaces that make Astoria's waterfront a unique and interesting place to visit. For this, as well as many other reasons, membership in and involvement with the Columbia River Maritime Museum is a vote on the side of Astoria's future.

Members are the life blood of a private, non-profit museum such as ours. The Columbia River Maritime Museum has a proud history of extensive community support, for which we are deeply grateful. Together, we have accomplished much to be proud of ours is a regional museum as fine as any in the country. But we can do more!

As most current CRMM members know, we have been working on a membership drive for much of the past year. By the time of the annual meeting in October, membership had increased by more than a third. This was the result of the hard work, salesmanship, and generosity of many people. But much more remains to be done. This is why, once again, we are appealing to all current members of the Museum for help in expanding our membership base. By giving the gift of membership, not only will you share your interest in the Museum, you will be providing essential support to the Museum.

And speaking of the future, nothing represents the potential of the future more pointedly than the younger generation. Youth memberships in the Museum are a genuine bargain and carry the same privileges as the adult categories. A museum is a great place to help awaken an interest in lifelong learning, and this is one of the best. Consider it you really could be giving the gift of a lifetime to some young person you know. Why not now?

This is where you come in. Do you enjoy being a member of the Columbia River Maritime Museum? Then consider sharing it with someone you love. Do you look forward to reading the Quarterdeck? Perhaps someone you know would enjoy it, too. Still trying to find that elusive gift? A Museum membership may be just the answer. It really is a gift that keeps on giving all year long.

Museum Memberships Make Great Gifts!

Contributions by individual members are an important part of what makes this Museum work. During Fiscal Year 19911992, individual memberships accounted for fully 12.4% of the Museum's annual income. Looking ahead, an expanded membership base can make a big difference in the kind of programs we can offer and the selection of projects we can undertake in the years ahead.

When one undertakes to provide a properly representative ship portrait, or a highly detailed model of museum quality, it is essential to gather and consider all the available graphic material and data that can be assembled for the purpose. It is no easy task; it is time consuming, expensive, and sometimes almost futile.

Patience, trial, error, and profanity consumed weeks of time. The Admiralty plans, which dictated much of the hull form, proved arbitrary and perplexing. In time a set of lines, plans and details emerged. A calculation of burthen derived from these fell within the expected range for this particular vessel.

Hewitt Jackson

CRMM's model of the Chatham on builder Eric Pardy's work bench. 1977.3

12. .... . •• it ~., ........ .

The incorporation of such material into working drawings is long and tedious, requiring not only a practical knowledge of the ships of the period, but also a good background in wooden ship-building and rigging, and the drawing and lofting techniques of the naval architect. I found my time at sea in working sail and an intimate familiarity with the vernacular of the seaman invaluable.

Rather than going into this step by step, explaining many details, and expounding upon calculations and proportions, it seems much more to the point to present the preliminary drawings developed from the outlined sources. The deck plans (viewed from above) were laid down as provided and then projected

Researching His Majesty's Armed Tender Chatham

A search was made for plans of vessels suitable for the service and agreeing with the known material at hand. Several surveying vessels were found, but they were entirely inadequate for the distant voyage and the accommodation of a large crew for a passage of several years. Studying vessels, brigs in particular, that were taken into the service for surveying and as store ships, was more rewarding. The lines and details of the Duchess of Manchester proved to pretty well fulfill the Menzies critique. Remarks in other logs and journals about "tub" and "our chamber pot" gave me material and confidence to proceed.

into a longitudinal section (interior side view). All other dimensions and materials were then sketched in. This allowed the construction of a mid-section or "dead flat," a detail governing the general form of the hull.

The dimensions were: length between perpendiculars, 67' 5", on deck 72'; beam, moulded (inside plank and wales), 21' 2"; depth of hold, 10' 2". The depth, if measured from the main deck, would have been 16'. The draft of 12' 3" is from remarks, though being variable it was not given as a dimension during that period. Calculated tonnage was 117-10 / 95 tons.

His Britannic Majesty's armed tender (brig) Chatham was no exception, though the effort required was somewhere in the middle range of such studies. The search for a reasonable portrait of the subject was quick and easy and not very productive. She was portrayed in the background of a well-known engraving of the Discovery on the rocks in Queen Charlotte's Sound, and again, possibly, in a rendering of the South American port of Montevideo. In both cases, she is only a small portion of the picture, thus lacking in needed detail. Of the two, the one with the Discovery was most rewarding, the engraving being done by Benjamin Pouncey, the foremost marine engraver of his time in England. Because of verifiable detail, there is more than a reasonable supposition that he had seen the vessels after their return to England.

These early drawings show some details that later were refined or corrected. By the time a model was built, all that could be learned had been incorporated. A careful scrutiny of the drawings, paintings and the model will tell one much more than many pages of text written in the arcane jargon of the naval architect, shipbuilder and seaman.

A search of the Admiralty Collection of Draughts did manage to turn up some specific data, but only deck and accommodation plans. They were well and precisely drawn, and provided a great deal of information. Here we noted that the barrel windlass had been removed, though the bitts remained, and confirmed that a capstan had been mounted on the quarterdeck, which was standard naval procedure

The written data on the Chatham is brief in the extreme: "armed tender, of 135 tons burthen, built at Dover." Period. We fare somewhat better when it comes to description. Menzies, the naturalist on board, wrote from the Cape of Good Hope on 22 August 1791, "The Chatham was, without doubt, the most improper vessel that could have been pitched upon. She draws 12 ½ feet of water, and is scarcely the burthen of 120 tons; she had neither breadth nor length in the least reasonable proportion; where then is the fitness for rivers and shallows, which they say we are to explore? As you may conclude, we are very tender, and for sailing we have not been a match for the dullest merchant vessel we have met with " By August he had been at sea in her for several months adequate time to form a valid opinion.

Hewitt's preliminary drawings for the Chatham incline towards whimsy, perhaps symbolizing the researcher gone overboard in his work. After banging his head on the dimensions awhile, it appears that an appeal to the saints to resolve the difficulties seemed in order.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No. 1 13

t-~ IJO 0~ .2 rz~~~; s .H:.t! .i :.:.!. .,;,/,, ",,. 1/J,; The Admiralty plans proved arbitrary and perplexing when it came to calculating the Chatham's hull form. C.u:: 0 ::;.t;ti:·"0 ~·"'if" i i 3 lb Z.\" l"J" !M 't!,O RO P ROF\l.. t:: MAJOl'I 01!C'T"'- LS €,, T\MS EcRS OEYl!CRM MLO 1'1.'<' T E. SUR'V\'I\NC. AOMI A'-,-V P'O'l!E. SM!:r,- SMC""'"'• 61!.LA"'( AT 'TIMBE"" ME.ACS ClUTBO"'-Fl-3 PROF"tLI!:: I I 01:.C.K O c;_,..,e, ,., PL 5 '<E.RTICAL RCLA,-ION,,HlP.S FIRMl.V 1!.STA,l!>L Sl-l&:.0, &, RAl<IC. M"JOR 3 ILT \LS Ot:TEl'IM\N. 1! 0 A'!> WE.RC Tl-lose. IN "THE IN.'t!JO RO PRO'l'"\Lt:. OF '9,TCM., RUPDl<.R POS T, TR so,-.,, )w\,.,_,,,-5 OE.TLR.M\NC.O CON,-~Mf"OR l't'<' ~~;~,..,L~~,.. fw:D.:-,;J"'~';~~:~-:"p'ocs s~:.sl.:~ C E.STIC."' "" U SE.O IN RE.C.ONS,-ft\;C."TIO"N. so RL..,!SlON C. o.JuSrME...,.. e.r. ...,,.,or \1>1 OL"T \l. 't!J HO"T Fl>CE:0• ------SLE. T,.,_l'I.L..11[ FOR C.,.,_LC. SP,a,R Olt-,'ll,:NS\Ol<S \-IEAn'ROOM, T""!:LM 01!:C.K •.; Df'lAV<N s' o· "O. 01' MA CHLSTl!:R "" o• ::.:t~"';.~~~C-l-ti1'Mi~c··=- rr: (l kGE.R SM IP) ANc.Ho1-1-:.: "e."fLe,.L_,E. e;,·:;_; ::.~ ~:-::·--:.:..2~·~;-.;._-- c7;:~=--~l.!.;:;.~:..-~:o~ , ) 11 00 ,.0,., 1.s-(~) it:..,...,..., ._w_ '"""°"',-o'"-..,~T""'...,'"' CHOI< "?,,So• K~OG<l. > •oo• (1. S.A. 2Z.l. 6 S,M. \S-.)

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Butler

Errol Carlsen


Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin E. Cohen Lydia Morisette

'Jackie' Jacqueline D. Yakovleff

James L. Barta

Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Timmerman

Robert M. Drucker

Patricia F. McPhee

Dr. & Mrs. Curtis H. McKinney Robert E. McNannay

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smith

John Bogdan

Kevin Campbell

Trent Fisher

Nicholas W. Kunz Doyle Stevenson

Susan Schnitzer

Herb Crimp Carroll & Michelle Murphy Walter & Linda Walker Wm. T. McGreer

SUPPORTING McLean Frank Pinet Raymond A. Dodge

Craig Coulson

Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Byrant Michael P. & Deborah Lemeshko Mary E. Liedel Mrs. Clyde H. Mcintrye

Mr. John D. 'Sam' Karamanos Carole Bernfall

Harold Stewart

Mr. & Mrs. D. Richard Fischer


Mr. & Mrs. Martin Budak

FAMILY Walker & Cynthia Gardiner Henry R. & Mary E. Pinter V. Gordon Gerttula Ed & Sherry Ahlers Alan Gardner Steve & Lisa Pointer Austen D. Hemion Vickie Ames Karen Gates Brad & Nicola Popovich John 0. Jefferson Mr. & Mrs. David A. Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Michael Goldman Al Price Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Lambert Johnnie & Diane Anderson David Halme Patricia M. Reese Peter McDonald Michael D. & Susan E. Arevalos Mrs. John Hampton Wayne Reslerr Dom & Judith Monahan Ernie & Judy Atkinson Robert Hanigan Dean Richardson Mr. & Mrs. David M. Schmelzer Don R. Atwood Nancy S. Hauger Mrs. Gus Roberts

Richard K. McDonald

Jeffrey A. Johnson

Fred Garrett

Frank & Mary Dorscheimer Jack Olson Construction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Peter West June E. Olson

Charles Duncan Mr. E. S. Omelina Lt. & Mrs. Robert Wicklund

Tony Federici Susan Christiansen

Gerry Trimble

Conrad E. Thomason

Arthur 0. Heckard

PILOT Bank of America

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dahl

Mr. & Mrs. S. Kenneth Kim James E. Bisio L. Todd Jensen John & Diane Schick Victor Richardson William K. Blount Clifford A. Johnson H. Elaine Schmitt Emily Joyce Johnson

SUSTAINING David W. Beaty Dorsey & Nada Hensley Mr. R. L. Rossi Pam Bennett Bonnie Hermo Russ & Kathleen Rottiers


William Brocoe

Clayton N. & Deilla A. Smith

Nancy Sharp

Robert Newell Christine Washington Donald D. Murdoch Mrs. A.H. Denney

Jeff Mills

Lynn & Pat Knavel

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Cook

Michael R. Frank Warren C. Page Justine M. VanSickle Douglas J. Gamet & Nancy Gregory Paulitz

Mr. Hilton Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. Don Edy

Robert S. Benner

Jack Cates

Steve Myers

Richard A. Dewey

Alice Kreitler

Bruce & Carole Lyngstad William J. Switzenberg

Brian & Faviola Coons

Rev. & Mrs. Homer Mosley Nancy Vittor Randall Kidd

Alan & Jeannie Kidwell

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Shaw Colman Beghtol

Michael R. Wakefield

Regina Klein

Increased Memberships -July 1, 1992 - September 30, 1992

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Merritt Mrs. Henry E. Nilsen

Joan Herman & Richard Fencsak DianeC.Kem

Beverly Aspmo Capt. & Mrs. John Marcus Baldry Heather Reynolds & Mark Barnes

New Members-July 1, 1992- September 30, 1992

Marian C. Morrison

Larry Bybee

Thomas Landau

Charles & Valeria Luukinen Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Sunderland Leland F. Edtl

Jeff & Lorrie Kuhnhenn Rusty Spiker W. Ben Cadman

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Fleming Thomas & Victoria Oxholm Glen 0. Yates Jerome A. Rueff Mr. & Mrs. Dick Ford John Pagana Marsha Zaritsky Mr. C. E. Scarpino

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Graham

Ian D. Clark


Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Korpela J. M. & Burdette McClelland Mrs. B. Rhdonna Zilk

Harold E. Chase

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Nutter Peter & Janet Weidman

Dennis Carlson

Lauren Arena

Lawrence Piersol Bob Fah Ken & Laurie Orwick Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Williams Jon Radel

Mr. Val J. Bragg

Mr. & Mrs. Fred !hander Bryan Saario



Milo & Janet Kramer

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Barrows

Mr. & Mrs. John McKenna Bosch

Tom Muir

MARY LAW BENNETT Columbia River Bar Pilots

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Miller

Tony & Helen Robnett

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. W deM Marler


Barbara J. Parpala Ed & Judy Fisher

DoNALD G. DRAKE Dennis & Jolee Ford Dick & Joyce Keefer

Mr.ANNIVERSARY & Mrs. Arnold Swanson Capt. & Mrs Paul A. Jackson A. J. L' Amie, Sr. & Family

George & Dede Wilhelm

GORDON H . Mr.OLVEY & Mrs Richard Lee

Dr & Mrs RP Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald RADM.Honeyman & Mrs. D. L. Roscoe, Jr GARY LUTHER ANDERSON CAPT. KENNETH MCALPIN

Anchor Graphics Andrew Young Family Mr & Mrs. Robert Lovell

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dryden

Mrs. Vern Mogenson Mr & Mrs. Roger S. Meier Capt. & Mrs. Bill Dougan Irene Ochal Mr. P. L. Nock Mrs. Phyllis Dubb

Paul A. Stangeland Don & Bonnie Fisher Frank & Nancy Thorsness

RJR Nabisco Foundation Linda A. Phelan

Mr. & Mrs. Warren W . Braley Mrs. A.D. DesBrisay


Mr & Mrs. Arvi W. Ostrom Mr & Mrs. Robert MacDonald

Oregon State University Foundation

THELMA ERICKSEN Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram

Mr & Mrs. John Macintyre



Mr. & Mrs. James S. Stacy Beverly Aspmo Ken & Dawn Hickenbottom Capt. & Mrs. Joseph L. Bruneau

Helen V. Johnson

John & Waverlie Warila Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cordiner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chopping

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pitman Max & Sandra Darnielle

BERTHA BENNETT Elizabeth E. Bryan Bobbie Talbott Nora S. Bue Libby Roberts Allen & Natalie Cellars

THOMASJ. WHITE Bob & Iona Hemphill Mr. & Mrs. Don M. Haskell Guy Tucker Iran C. Butcher Palmer & June Henningsen

Henningsen Cold Storage


Frame-Tek, Inc.

Alan C. Goudy

Jessie M. Pavlinac

Bob & Iona Hemphill Kim Reller

MEMORIAL Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kettelkamp

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Neikes



Mr. & Mrs William R. King


WARREN E. BECH1DLT, SR Cindy Blifeld

Mr. & Mrs. Sion Wentworth Diane Curs Guy Tucker Mr & Mrs. John L. Christie, Jr. J. Dan Webster

Annabell Miller Bob & Iona Hemphill Capt. & Mrs. Dale Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Anderson

Anna L. Basel

John & Sharon Rhoads BROOKS STEVENS Olga Forbes Dr. & Mrs. Robert Neikes

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Englund Marine

Mr. & Mrs . Arnold Swanson Marie Backa

Mr. & Mrs. Roderick A. Sarpola

Mr. & Mrs William J. McGowan Mrs. Marguerite S Moyer


Memorial Donations - July 1, 1992 - September 30, 1992

Mrs. J Irwin Hoffman

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Neikes

Pig-N-Pancake TonyRestaurant & Helen Robnett

US National Bank Astoria Mr. & Mrs. Heinz J. Fick Arlene T. Corneil

Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Petersen Bill & Pirkko Carlson

Rundell, Inc. George & Dede Wilhelm

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hendrickson BERN BREEDEN Steve & Sally Cullen


Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Lindstrom

ROLAND JENKINS Patricia Longnecker

Mr. & Mrs. William Perkins, Sr .

Mr & Mrs. Fleming Wilson Mr Allan Maki Ron & Joyce Honeyman Mr. & Mrs J. W. 'Bud' Forrester, Jr Mrs Clyde H. Mcintrye

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson Frank & Roberta Glenn, Jr . Shannon H Grey

PATRICIA L' AMIE WALKER Marva Jean Frisbie Phil L. Nock George & Louise Fulton Barbara Parpala

ALICE T. NIEMI Norman & ldamae Forney Mr. & Mrs Carl R. Hertig Susan Malen


Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dichter

Special DonationsMr. & Mrs. Bruce Sinkey John C. Lienhart Curtis Olson


Dorothy Millikan

Don & Wini Doran

The Ship Inn Wooden Boat Foundation


Special Memorials

Capt. & Mrs . Jeffrey Salfen VERN V STRATIDN Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Astoria Marine Construction Capt. & Mrs Stanley Sayer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arvi W. Ostrom Marguerite Moyer Joe & Gwynn Bakkensen Wade H. Scudder, Jr.


GERALDINE M. 'JERRY' GOHL Mr. & Mrs. Blair Henningsgaard

Lou & Cindy Marconeri


PETER N. PaulTHOMPSON A. Stangeland Beatrice Bergey Ruth Shaner

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sorkki

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pitman


George & Patricia Wikstron Mrs. Clyde H. McIntyre

A.J. L' Amie, Sr.

Digital Equipment Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe

0scARDAUN Judge & Mrs. Thomas Edison Corrine H. Hedeen

HARRY E. MANGAN Laurie Peter

Judge & Mrs. Thomas Edison

Mr & Mrs. William C. Reuter

Mr . & Mrs. William Perkins, Jr . Charles & Pauline Mestrich

Mr. & Mrs. Onnie Silver

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 0. Dreyer Ron & Joyce Honeyman Tom & Ann Conway

LEONARD A. FORSGREN Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gustafson Libby Roberts

Dr. & Mrs. Russel L. Hunter

Quarterdeck, Vol. 19 No.1 15

HERBERT B. COOPER, JR. Natalie DeSassise

Yergen & Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. Willard E. Skeel Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Ernest & Ebba Brown


Mr. & Mrs John McGowan

Red Lion Inns

Donald V. Riswick

Dr & Mrs Robert Neikes

Evan & Gladys Bash

Dr Collister Wheeler

Ketch-Em Brand Lands 'Em! See Purser's Manifest Inside.

On the roe line at Astoria By-Products, packing salmon eggs for the sport-fishing market. The location is the old Tallant-Grant Packing Company, immediately west of Elmore Cannery, during the early 1920s. From left, Louise Tallant Carruthers, Eino Mortti, unidentified, unidentified, Eben Carruthers, Cub Niemi, Dick Carruthers, Plug Nelson, and E.W. Tallant. Carruthers family photograph.

Ketch-Em Brand T-shirts Now on Sale ASTORIA, ·OREGON. COLUMBIA RIVER MARITIME MUSEUM 1792 MARINE DRIVE ASTORIA, OREGON 97103 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED ISSN 0891-2661 Non-profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Astoria, Oregon Permit No. 328

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