V17 N1 Art and History: Cleveland Rockwell on Exhibit

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Across America: Two Centuries of Regional Painting This long-awaited publication is an important reference that recognizes the growing interest in regional art outside the "mainstream" of New York

As a result of his mapping and drafting work for the Coast Survey, Rockwell painted with unusual precision. He was

Cleveland Salter Rockwell (183 7 1907) was a self-taught artist . Also a gifted scientist, Rockwell was a longtime engineer with the Coast & Geodetic Survey, which transferred him to the West Coast in 1867 . This was to become his home and the area where his art flourished

In October, one of our Museum's artistic gems traveled to South Carolina for exhibition as part of a groundbreaking show on ''Regional American Painting to 1920 . " Cleveland Rockwell's 1883 watercolor "Early Morning, View of Tongue Point from Astoria'' was chosen as a lovely local scene and as an outstanding example of American regional painting

"Early Morning, View of Tongue Point from Astoria." Many will recognize the view of Tongue Point, painted by Cleveland Rockwell in 1883 from the anchorage area located just to the northeast of the Muse um. CRMM 196 7 .104a. (Donor: George E. Ka both)

technically adept with both oil and watercolor He painted a number of works of the lower Columbia River and Pacific Northwest.

We're honored to take part in this major exhibition -Anne Witty


Museums often cooperate with loans from one collection to another for temporary and special exhibitions The show at the Greenville County Museum of Art in Greenville, South Carolina, was planned to accompany the publication of Dr. William H. Gerdts' new work, Art

the UARTERDECK Vol. 17 No. 1 Fall 1990

Art and History: Cleveland Rockwell on Exhibit

A review and newsletter from the Columbia River Maritime Museum at 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria, Oregon

Today, Rockwell is considered one of the finest painters of the Pacific Northwest, and a member of the well-known Luminist school. But Rockwell's works have an additional historical value . They are realistic, virtually photographic renderings of scenes that have since changed. "Early Morning," for example, documents Astoria maritime activities during the height of 19th-century commerce, fishing, and trade under sail.

In financial matters, both staff and trustees have worked diligently to manage the Columbia River Maritime Museum, resulting in revenues exceeding expenditures, while maintaining consistently high quality programming. Programs this past year included three marine art exhibits, special Coast Guard Bicentennial activities and demonstrations, video and living history programs, public meetings focusing on maritime

During this fall season, we at CRMM have much to be thankful for.

from the Wheelhouse


This was a significant year for the Museum's professional activities as well. Curator Anne Witty was only the second CRMM representative to attend the triennial International Congress of Maritime Museums-the first being Rolf Klep in 1975. (Her report may be found on Page 8 ot the Quarterdeck.) Anne also presented a paper on documenting maritime material culture at the AASLH Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C . She recently was reappointed to the Board of the Museum Small Craft Association at their annual meeting in Nova Scotia Also acknowledging the Columbia River Maritime Museum's growing stature in the museum field, I was appointed to the Board of Directors for the Council of American Maritime Museums, as well as to the steering committee of the newly formed Northwest Maritime Heritage Council. By representing the Columbia River Maritime Museum in these professional organizations, we are helping to lay the groundwork for our Museum to become more than just a regional institution.

As his successor in the presidency, I consulted with him constantly He was available as a volunteer to do anything I asked of him Whenever he saw or heard something he thought I should know, he was on the phone to me.

Photo Credits: Andy Cier, pages 1, 7, and 12. Nancy Carruthers, page 3. Nancy Douglas, page 4. USCG photo, page 6, courtesy of the Cutter Iris. Pat McLelland chart, page 6, courtesy of the Oregonian. Photo of Lightvessel Finngrundet No. 25, page 8, from Vasa Museum postcard. Lynn Johnson, page 9. Printed at Anchor Graphics, Astoria, Oregon

This year the Museum received the coveted "Award of Merit" from the American Association for State and Local History. The award was one of only a dozen chosen from a field representing historical institutions across the U S and Canada. This AASLH award honors CRMM for outstanding achievement and excellence, as exemplified by the Year of the Fisherman projects. In addition, our Columbia River sailing gillnet boat won international recognition as "Best Replica'' during the Classic Boat Festival in Victoria, British Columbia.

Soon after the Honeymans established residence in Seaside he was persuaded by Rolf Klep to become an active participant in planning and growth of the Columbia River Maritime Museum. His ascendance to the presidency of the institution was determined long before he got there . He was a gifted leader and his enthusiasm for everything related to the Museum set an example for all with whom he worked.

All our members and friends can take pride m the tact this institution is so well supported. Membership renewals have increased by 33% this year. Visitation is also up, setting a new record of over 97,000 people coming to the Museum just to see the exhibits The use of our meeting room and grounds has also increased dramatically, resulting in a combined overall site visitation of well over 100,000 people this year .

Editor, Hobe Kytr. Editorial Staff: Jerry L. Ostermiller, Anne Witty, Barbara Minard, Rachel Wynne, Amy Ross. Contributors : Bud Forrester, Kevin Violette, Andy Cier.

Our ability to enjoy the fall harvest of a truly excellent year at the Columbia River Maritime Museum is made possible through the efforts of many individuals working towards common goals. It is through the guidance, encouragement and support of our Board of Trustees . It is because of the Museum staff's desire to perform at the best of their abilities. But most important of all, it is your steadfast pride in and support of the Columbia River Maritime Museum as members which allows us to maintain what all of us have come to expect from this institution-a strong tradition of outstanding quality

Remembering Ron Honeyman

Jerry Ostermiller Executive Director

The eighth president of the Columbia River Maritime Museum, Ronald James Honeyman served in that role from November 2, 1979 to November 13, 1981.

I like fall because it is a time when we can reflect on the year's activities Perhaps that is why we hold our CRMM Annual Meeting in the fall, as the end of our fiscal year in October also marks the beginning of our new year. As director of the Columbia River Maritime Museum, I would like to take a minute to share with you my reflections on this past year's programs.

The QUARTERDECK is published four times a year by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Dr, Astoria, OR 97103.

Volume 17 No 1

That interest and enthusiasm continued through his lifetime

All who have served as president of the Columbia River Maritime Museum have known they were associated with a superior institution and all have attempted to perform accordingly. None more vigorously or lastingly than Ron Honeyman .

Finally winter (or what passes for it on the Northwest coast) is a time for squaring away and pursuing major museum housekeeping projects.

. • •


Someone recently asked my favorite time of the year I was quick to reply that it is late fall. Spring is a competitive and anticipatory season which gives little time for reflection Summer, in the museum field, may best be described by Civil War Admiral Farragut's phrase, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"

His service as president of the Museum was through an extremely busy time. Planning the design of the building the Museum was to occupy in 1982 and expansion of all of the many functions of the Museum within that structure became an almost full-time activity.

When he died last June 15th, all but his most intimate acquaintances were astounded that he was 87 years of age Everything about him and everything with which he was associated suggested that he was much younger.

He and his wife, Sue, came to Clatsop County in 1975 from Portland where, as a longtime executive in Honeyman Hardware Co , he had been involved in a broad variety of civic affairs

-Bud Forrester

issues, visiting ships, and our new traveling small boat program.

-HobeKytr 3

GunnarF. Hermanson (1902-1990)

This motto was selected as a unifying theme for the CRMM/Oregon Sea Grant audio-visual production about the cultural history of the fishing community of the Columbia River. In a way, it also speaks to the true meaning of the entire Year of the Fisherman. This work was our joy, and it still is. Beginning was indeed difficult, but industry overcame bad luck. The real reward of the Year of the Fisherman lies not so much in recognition by the AASLH as in participating in an enterprise so very well worth doing. It comes from knowing that Gunnar Hermanson and others like him left behind glimpses of history that might have been lost forever. It comes from knowing that the Columbia River Salmon Boat, gone these many years, has been recreated for the future. It comes from knowing that a community rich in tradition and history has achieved a greater appreciation of its heritage.

I came here 1920 I fished with my uncle, Bob Carlson. The 1st or 2nd year, we were anchored in August oft Sand Island He was a great fish eater About 3 or 4:00 in the afternoon, we were waiting to lay out for the night. He decided to fish for tom cod. We got out about 10 or 12, and it was time to lay out. The nets down there were thicker than It wasn't long before we clinched the two nets-one on each side fust before, he told me to get out the Swede stove and boil the tom cod. Half done, the net bunched up. So he told me to take the bight of the net, and walk up to the bow. In those days, you had a little gas tank on one side. On top of that was the tent pole, light pole, pike pole, two oars, and that cross that held up the tent pole in the back. I got right there and I kind of lost my balance, so I stepped on this pile of lumber. And then I did lose the balance-tom cod all over the floor. fust let go, we have to clear the net first. Then I had to pick up the tom cod, and start all over again.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 17 No. 1

Perhaps the most evocative image of the Year of the Fisherman is the one quoted from our awards nomination at the AASLH banquet: "It was fun One of the highlights of the past few years at the Museum was the hubbub, noise, activity, and celebration in the Great Hall as the Scandinavian contingent of the Bristol Bay fishermen re-rigged our Bristol Bay boat to the accompaniment of heckling from the Italian contingent, who of course did it all differently."

Coincidence is a frequent Museum visitor. Sometimes it comes as a cluster of things or events. At other times it takes very personal form. Gunnar Hermanson died the same day Anne Witty returned from Washington, D.C. with the American Association of State and Local History's Award of Merit to the Columbia River Maritime Museum for the Year of the Fisherman. Gunnar was one of many who participated in a community effort to preserve and interpret the maritime heritage of the traditional fishing community of the lower Columbia River. They are the real reason that this prestigious national award was presented to us-to all of us

It was a labor of love, or rather, they were labors of love. They were filled with passions, joy and agony (sometimes inseparably intertwined), quarrels and occasional fits of jealousy, and long hours of work springing from devotion. The Year of the Fisherman represents not one effort, but many, dedicated to four separate but interrelated projects: an inventory of the massive CRPA/Bumble Bee Seafoods archives deposited with CRMM in 1985; the Gillnetter Oral History Project, leading to the production of Work Is Our fay; the Columbia River Sailing Gillnetter Project of 1989; and the Bristol Bay Reunion of gillnet fishermen who fished under sail in Alaska prior to the introduction of motors in the early 1950s

Winning the year's Best Replica award at the Classic Boat Festival in Victoria, B.C . was the highlight of a busy summer for the crew of t:KMM's t:oJumbia River sailing gillnetter. Shown here at the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend, Washington, the midnight blue gillnetter replica drew interest and admiration wherever she went.

Year of the Fisherman Nets Prestigious Honors

The AASLH Award of Merit represents recognition on a national level that some very important work is going on here. Several thousand nominations were submitted to the AASLH this year for their annual awards program. Of these, only twelve were selected for Awards of Merit

The Award of Merit is intended to recognize institutions with clear records of achievements, based upon programs with well defined and noteworthy historical goals, as well as the level of support provided to the institution by members and the immediate community. This award symbolizes the extent to which the Museum is involved in the community and the community is involved with the Museum. The Year of the Fisherman resulted from the efforts of a broad based group of individuals and cooperating institutions, without whom such an extensive interpretive program would never have been possible. This is perhaps the truest meaning of this award, that we have the honor of sharing it with our valued friends and supporters in the local community and Museum membership

"There is a saying in our family: Beginning is always difficult, work is our joy, and industry overcomes bad luck." So wrote Matt Korpela in a letter to his relatives in Finland about the founding of Union Fisherman's Cooperative Cannery in 1896.

When the 180-foot buoy tender Iris arrived in Kodiak, the crew soon found themselves doing just about everything that needed to be done. The cutter's first assignment was to guard the entrance of Cook Inlet, monitoring the approaching oil slick and directing oil sullied ships and boats to the cleaning station in Seldovia, northeast of the spill site. She unloaded oil containment booms and set a buoy to moor an oil boom. She then helped coordinate an oil skimming group operation. Called to Valdez, the Iris transferred equipment and specialists on the way. In Valdez, her job was to enforce a 1,000-yard safety zone around the Exxon Valdez, anchored west of Naked Island. The Iris was also called upon to survey western Prince William Sound for oil. Lending a hand [or in her case, a hoist) the Iris provided invaluable assistance to the difficult task of the cleanup crews.


The Salvage Chief provided a platform for diver support while the massive holes ripped into 8 of the 13 tanks of the Exxon Valdez were patched and the hull was steam cleaned. The Salvage Chief stayed with the tanker for the next four months. Her job finally ended 2,500 miles later, after assisting with the tow of the tanker to San D i ego for repairs

On March 24, 1989, the tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Over 11. 1 million gallons of crude oil spilled into the pristine waters and onto the beaches of the surrounding islands and mainland. Thousands of seabirds and mammals died. The destruction to marine life is still under scientific observation. Final results will not be known for many years.

Our mission as a historical institution includes tracking important events in recent history in addition to those of the more distant past. When an incident occurs that will have a profound impact on the environment and the maritime commerce of the West Coast for years to come, we pay serious attention.

vine Diving and Salvage Inc. of Portland, Oregon, the tug routinely travels worldwide to save cargoes and ships for in surance companies and shipping owners.

assigned to oil spill response, two were from Astoria-the Iris and the Resolute.

The Salvage Chief left Astoria for Alaska five days after the Exxon Valdez ran aground. The 203-foot salvage tug began by transferring the 40 + million gallons of oil remaining in the damaged tanker into a smaller tanker. After removing the cargo, high volume low pressure air blowers were used to pressurize the hull, permitting it to be floated free of the reef. Tugs on standby towed the crippled vessel to nearby Naked Island, where extensive underwater work was begun.

Regional Response to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

Readers outside the Northwest may not be aware of the response to the oil spill from the Columbia River region. Five ships from this area were called upon to aid Alaskans in their fight for life and livelihoods: the Salvage Chief, the USCG Cutters Iris and Resolute, and the Army Corps of Engineers dredges Yaquina and Essayons.

On April 18th, the Army Corps of Engineers arrived on the scene. The Exxon

The second Astoria-based cutter on the scene was the 210 foot Resolute. She was assigned to help clean up the beaches fouled with oil. The Resolute served as a control center and berthing platform for the personnel in charge of inspecting the progress and efficiency of the operation. Besides their cleanup duties, the crew of the Resolute handled seven search and rescue missions involv ing small fishing boats.

The cleanup of this enormous oil spill was accomplished through the combined efforts of many people and organizations. The Exxon Corporation brought in its own cleanup crew and equipment, but this effort proved to be sadly insufficient. The United States Coast Guard was called in to assist. Admiral Paul Yost, commandant of the Coast Guard, sent ten cutters to aid cleanup workers gathering from all parts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, western Canada, and even the Soviet Union. Of the ten cutters

'l'he Sulvuge Cliie( assbllug the lix.,1wt1 'Vulde1. 111 l'ilm.e Wllllum Souml, 1989. Photo t;OUI te1ty of Frtd Dt lut Dh lug uu<l Suh ugt, l11L

One of the first necessities at the scene of the incident was to off-load the oil remaining on board the Exxon Valdez and to get her off the reef. Arriving in Valdez a week after the accident was the legend ary salvage tug, Salvage Chief. One of the world's most powerful and best equipped salvage vessels, the Salvage Chief has been based in Astoria since 1 949. Owned and operated by Fred De-

Young Bligh proved himself an apt pupil on that voyage. It is worthy of note that the first landfall to be named by Cook on this voyage was in honor of his youthful assistant, Bligh's Cap off Kerguelen Island. Bligh is noted for the accuracy of his chartmaking during the voyage. However, official recognition for his work was diminished, tellingly, because of personal disputes with fellow officers, who he maintained had deprived him of the full credit he was due.

The fact that a once obscure reef in Prince William Sound should bear the name of William Bligh is one of those small ironies of which history is sometimes made. The connection with Bligh, however, has largely gone unnoticed by the general public. We at the Columbia River Maritime Museum have raised many an eyebrow during tours of the Museum by stopping at the Torrey Canyon exhibit to compare the details of the grounding of the Exxon Valdez with those of the Torrey Canyon, and there relating the story of Bligh Reef .

The Yaquina ' s first attempt at pumping aboard a pool of oil proved futile. Us ing her conventional dredge pumps with the starboard drag arm and head, the crew found they were pumping aboard more water than oil. One of the crew members suggested trying a simple but innovative tactic. By inverting the drag head so that the opening faced the sur face, Lheu a<ljusLiug the attitude of the drag arm so that the opening (resembling a storm grate) sat in the oil just above the waterline, it created a whirlpool of suction, somewhat like a draining kitchen sink. This worked better than anyone could have imagined. When the Essay ons, named for the Army Corps of Engineers' motto (French for "Let Us Try") arrived a few days later, she converted her drag arms in the same manner.

After final inspection of the beaches by the Coast Guard, Exxon halted beach cleanup September 15th-five months and five days after the accident Citing deteriorating weather that made further cleanup unsafe, Exxon promised to return the following summer As Exxon pulled out, small-scale, local cleanup efforts were organized. Some success was achieved, but over the winter much of the oil solidified and sank to subsurface levels, compounding the problem of re trieving it In the summer of 1990, over 1,100 workers continued the work, cost ing Exxon about $200 million, not quite 10% of what it spent in 1989

The work to clean fouled beaches was both tedious and dangerous. Uncertainty over the safety and effectiveness of the operations made the work even harder. To continue cleanup of the Valdez Spill over the winter months ''bioremediation" was introduced in some areas Bioremediation is the term used to denote the effect of spreading chemical fertilizers on sullied beaches The fertilizers promote the growth of oil-eating bacteria Some environmentalists oppose spreading phosphorus and nitrogenbased fertilizers in this manner, fearing it might cause even further damage to an environment already over-stressed by exposure to oil.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 17 No . 1

The effects of the oil spill on the food chain and fishing industry are difficult to assess. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has reportedly refrained from releasing its findings because of pressure from federal authorities and legal challenges by Exxon's lawyers Still pending are large numbers of lawsuits involving the state and federal governments, as well as Exxon Corporation. Some information, however , has been released, and the predictions of potential, long-term damage are alarming In April of this year, oil was found in the gall bladders of pollock retrieved in the Gulf of Alaska Other studies show that herring, rockfish and salmon may have been harmed. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game sent a statement to Congress in March with initial study results stating, "sublethal injuries are more insidious, of longer duration, and in the final analysis, may cause the greatest damage " The report goes on to say that in herring hatched from eggs collected in oiled areas up to 90% of Lhe larv ae we11:: aLuuuual.


That William Bligh sailed by this coast in the company of James Cook fourteen years before Robert Gray entered and named the Columbia River fascinates our visitors. That Bligh was a competent and respected, though not always well liked, officer has sent more than one curious individual back to the history books. Such is the value of museum education: to see things, events, and people in a new and unexpected light.

The recent visit to the Columbia River Maritime Museum by the replica of H.M.S. Bounty had a special significance unrelated to mutiny or movie roles. The reef upon which the Exxon Valdez tore open her hull plates was named for the young William Bligh, sailing master of the Resolution on Capt. James Cook's third voyage to the Pacific. Bligh had been personally chosen by the great scientific navigator to be master of his vessel, and chief assistant on matters of navigation and cartography. He was just 23 years old at the outset of the voyage.

William Bligh on the Northwest Coast

Alaskans suffered the biggest loss of fishing industry revenues as a result of the spill, estimated at $300 to $350 million. However, half of the fishermen in Alaska are based in the state of Washington. Washington's financial loss also is

Corporation and the federal government had initially rejected an offer of assistance by the Corps The reason cited was that Corps vessels were untested in oil spill assignments But when the job proved more than a quick cleanup, and with lawsuits being filed by the hundreds, official policy began to change. The first Army Corps dredge to arrive was the 200-foot Yaquina, with the 350-foot Essayons soon to follow. Both dredges are based in Portland, Oregon, with normal area of operations stretching from San Francisco to the northern tip of Washington. Neither vessel had ever handled oil, nor were they equipped or designed to do so

Both dredges worked the waters of Prince William Sound, the Gulf of Alaska, and the vicinity of Kodiak Island The Essayons started at Gore Rock, proceeding north to Resurrection Bay near Seward, then south again to Sutwick Island off the Alaska Peninsula The Yaquina began around Knight Island in Prince William Sound, working south to rendezvous with the Essayons. Her primary assignments were, however, in the sheltered island areas of Prince William Sound and in Kenai Fjords National Park. The two dredges working together picked up a combined total of 6,904 barrels of oil, at 42 gallons per barrel equiva lent to 289,968 gallons of oil and debris.

There were also many smaller vessels aiding the cleanup efforts. Hundreds of fishermen and their boats grappled with the containment booms to corral oil for the dredges. Thousands of Alaskan citizens and people from all parts of the world concerned with saving livelihoods, traditional fishing grounds, the fragile ecosystem, and a cherished way of life filled out the ranks of government and Exxon Corporation cleanup crews.

Pacific Northwest jobs and revenue were lost when the Exxon Valdez was sent south, but recent problems with oil transport in the region left officials unwilling to risk bringing the tanker upriver. In 1984, a loaded Mobil Oil Corporation tanker ran aground on a submerged reef off Sauvie Island, spilling 164,000 gallons of heavy industrial grade oil. Another spill occurred in late December of 1989, when an oil barge was struck by a tug off the southern coast of Washington, releasing enough oil to kill hundreds of offshore waterfowl and giving the coasts of Washington and Oregon a black Christmas.

ed largely through the tireless efforts of volunteers with elbow grease and bales of straw. This display is here not because the Torrey Canyon ever visited the Columbia River, nor because she depicts the size of oil tankers that traverse the river to Portland. The exhibit is here in part so that the public will ponder a con temporary issue of great importance. Like it or not, our society has become increasingly dependent upon oil. And if it is to be used, this oil must be transported. How prepared are we for the hazards of maritime traffic in the petroleum products we consume every day?

Additional concerns were raised about the disposition of the tanker itself. The states of Oregon and Washington rejected Exxon's request to bring the Exxon Valdez up the Columbia River to the Swan Island shipyards in Portland for repairs, because Exxon could not guarantee the soundness of the ship's hull. Newly hatched salmon smolts would

-Rachel Wynne

Recently, Astoria was chosen as one of five West Coast regional centers for oil spill response, part of an upgraded national preparedness strategy. Astoria was chosen for proximity to the ocean and ease of access to points upriver. Ready response to large-scale oil spills near the Columbia bar is perhaps overdue. This point was reinforced on October 5, 1990, when the 334-foot tanker Contessa limped across the bar, bow down and listing to starboard after suffering extensive damage in a North Pacific storm. No oil was released into the river, but 81,000 gallons of diesel fuel bound for Alaska had been jettisoned into the Pacific Ocean 425 miles northwest of Astoria. Remaining on board the Contessa were 920,000 gallons of highly toxic diesel fuel. Had circumstances been a bit different, a major spill could have happened right on our doorstep. How will history view our response to the challenges of the maritime events of the late 20th century?

"Oil and Ice - Valdez 1989" The cutter Iris on patrol in Glacier Bay, Alaska.


Those who have visited CRMM in the past five years would undoubtedly agree that one of our most thought provoking displays is devoted to the Torrey Canyon, one of the first jumbo tankers. On March 18, 1967, the Torrey Canyon struck Seven Stones Reef off the tip of Cornwall in southwest England, spilling most of her 36 million gallon cargo into the region's often stormy waters. Oil spill technology at that time was virtually unknown. Spills were set afire and left to burn. Beach cleanup was accomplish-

estimated to be in the hundreds of millions. Fishermen from Oregon and California who travel to Alaska each summer have felt the pinch as well. Astoria fishermen who normally travel to Alaska for the herring runs stayed home. Gillnetters in Cook's Inlet were not allowed to fish during the record runs of 1989, but instead were paid by Exxon based on pre-season predictions of smaller than normal returns. While some made big money working on oil recovery projects, others lost thousands of dollars that were sorely missed when boat payments and other bills came due.

Difference in scale can be deceiving. The Exxon Valdez oil spill charted along the Oregon and Washington coast assumes startling dimensions.

have been coming down the river at the same time the tanker planned to make her trip. An oil sheen trailing from the mouth of the river to Portland, a distance of nearly 125 statute miles, had potential to cause serious harm to future salmon runs. Exxon was forced to make the long tow down the coast to San Diego, site of the only other West Coast yard large enough to handle the huge tanker, and where the Exxon Valdez was constructed.

-She has reorganized the photo archives, in the process creating an index, providing access to the thousands of photographs in our collection.

-She has performed basic library work in the archives-in itself an important contribution, since our library staff is all volunteer.

Kevin Violette

Annabell's one insistence in all that she does at the Museum is that her work be meaningful and of lasting value. Not always behind the scenes, she is also an active member of the CRMM Auxiliary, and helps to recruit new volunteers for the Museum. Clearly she is an enormous asset. When we speak of Annabell, we are not just talking about a volunteer, nor an arithmetic summation of her volunteer hours. These are hours we could never pay for, and could ill afford to do without.

Annabell came to the Museum with a ready supply of applicable skills, and an accumulated store of local knowledge that makes these skills particularly well suited to work in a historical institution such as ours. She was born in Astoria of Norwegian immigrant parents-"Viking blood'' as she proudly says-and attended Astoria High School. She helped pay her way through Linfield College by

Museum Collections Manager Barbara Minard also praises Annabell highly. 11 She is absolutely invaluable, and often provides the connecting thread tying an

Annabell began her work at CRMM under former Curator Larry Gilmore, who quickly learned to appreciate her professionalism. Many of the projects Annabell has worked on began during his tenure as curator, and a number of them are ongoing. Annabell's knowledge of accession records, filing systems, and the status of ongoing projects following Larry's departure provided an important thread of continuity during the transition between curators.

Annabell has put in over 200 hours of volunteer time during each of the last four years, working to put in order the documents in the Museum's collections. Literally thousands of pieces of paper have passed through her hands: photographs, documents, letters, engravings, volumes of rare books and publications -the often fragile and irreplaceable records that help to document history. This work is fraught with responsibility, and demands high levels of skill, dedication, and integrity.

-She has spent hours, days, weeks, and months at the tedious but necessary work of updating accession records-a daunting task begun and carried forward under the supervision of former Curator Larry Gilmore.

-She has systematically worked on cross-referencing curatorial records. For example, she created an index of ships' names cross-filed with collections, photo and clipping file records that facilitates location of objects and information in the entire collection-no easy task, considering the thousands of items to be considered, located, and classified.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 17 No. 1

working summers at the old Bumble Bee Cannery. She also attended the University of Oregon and Portland State University. She worked as a librarian at Portland's Wilson High School until her retirement eight years ago. Intellectual curiosity and an adventurous streak then led to her involvement with the group Earthwatch, with whom she has traveled widely and studied in such diverse places as the Australian bush, mainland China, and Ireland. Four years ago, she decided to move back to Astoria, and shortly signed on with the Columbia River Maritime Museum, where her expertise and training have filled a genuine need.

Annabell Miller: Behind the Scenes in the Working Museum

In this issue of the Quarterdeck, we salute Annabell Miller, a volunteer whose work behind the scenes exemplifies CRMM's commitment to the highest professional standards. We like to think of our volunteers as unpaid members of the professional staff. Annabell, to whom important tasks in sensitive areas of collections are entrusted, lends meaning to that phrase.

A sampling of the projects Annabell has engaged in during the last four years may give some indication of the contribution she has made to essential Museum programs:

-She has organized and catalogued decades of CRMM founder and first Director Rolf Klep's correspondence. A voluminous writer, Klep solicited support for the fledgling Museum from an extensive and well connected group of notables, including politicians, popular figures, and top Navy officials.

-She has assumed management of the Museum's research files, organizing, cross-filing, and creating new subject categories for news articles as need arises. For example: the Exxon Valdez file, begun less than a year and a half ago, has now grown to considerable dimensions. History is an on-going process, and this work will immeasurably aid historians and scholars of the future.

artifact, a name, and a face together. No amount of schooling could replace her local knowledge of people and events."

Our Museum has dual historical missions: the presentation of regional maritime history in our exhibit spaces; and the equally vital, if less visible, task of collecting, documenting, and caring for artifacts in order to make our maritime heritage available for posterity. It is here that Annabell's efforts have proved so invaluable.

Anne Witty, CRMM curator since April of this year, has already come to rely on Annabell's abilities. "Annabell has a natural flair for solving mysteries-for matching records and objects-that is extremely valuable in curatorial work. The department counts on her patient and meticulous work. And I frequently have cause to feel grateful for her familiarity with the collections. 11


Beginning in Stockholm, the confer ence papers took place over five days Seminars included Swedish maritime museums; systems of documentation (record-keeping and information retriev al for museum objects); inter-museum cooperation; collecting contemporary maritime objects; maritime communities and working settings for museums; and the museum as an educational institution. Within these themes, topics ranged from the building of small boats to interactive videos as teaching tools

The final stop was Tallinn, Estonia. Many of us explored the town on our own, and were amply rewarded by Tallinn's lively streets, handsome buildings, shops, and best of all, another superb maritime museum. The medieval walled city boasts one of the finest any where, the Estonian National Maritime Museum. Not only has the staff converted a very challenging space (a round medieval tower) into a friendly and inter esting museum, but they have also created a treatment of historical and contemporary seafaring that transcends language differences. No mean feat consid ering the complexity of the Estonian and Russian languages!


The discovery and raising of the Vasa in 1962 was a grand adventure in mari time archaeology. Since then, preserving her hull has spurred the development of new conservation techniques for waterlogged wood, as well as new interpretations of the 17th century culture repre sented by the many objects found with the ship. Over ½ million visitors have visited the Museum since it opened in June, 1990.

The wonderful hospitality that Congress participants enjoyed throughout the voyage is a great credit to the organi zers. It also reflects the respect in which European governments hold the museum profession, and an overall awareness of how important maritime trade is to the history of nations around the world . From a professional perspective, the camaraderie developed by addressing common challenges to maritime historical work made the 1990 International Congress a rich and rewarding experience.

1990 International Congress of Maritime Museums

-Anne Witty

Happily, the Congress was not confined to an auditorium. Aboard the M/V Kristina Regina, the group sailed through the Stockholm archipelago to Mariehamn, Aland Islands, home of the last grain carriers to operate under sail. Visits to the Alands Seafaring Museum and the 4-masted barque Pommern were punctuated by a local sea music group, which performed chanties while setting sail. The Alanders also serenaded our ship's departure: another tradition carried on from the days of sail.

A major concern of the conference was examining how to record and keep current history for the future. As a delegate from the Columbia River Maritime Mu seum, I found this topic very timely. The Scandinavian response has been to devel-

When maritime museum personnel from all over the world gather together for ten days, they talk ships by way of talking shop. But the 1990 meeting of the International Congress of Maritime Museums offered much more. A series of embarkations from Baltic ports had over 200 Congress delegates actively participating in the traditions and ways of the sea, rather than simply interpreting them in museums. The ''work i ng cruise" included stops in the Soviet Union, Estonia, Finland, the Aland Islands, and Sweden. Both ashore and at sea, conference participants examined how museums all over the world collect, preserve and interpret maritime history from ancient times to contemporary.

Other highlights included an insider's look at the ideas behind Stockholm's new Vasa Museum (the site of the Con gress' first few days). A dramatic new hall was built especially for the 1628 royal warship Vasa , which sunk on her maiden voyage in Stockholm harbor.

The Congress voyaged on to Kotka, Finland, and then to Leningrad and Tal-

Lightvessel No. 25 Finngrundet served on station on Sweden's Finngrundsbanken, Lat. 61° O' N, L. 18° 31' E, from 1903 until 1969. Now a museum ship, she lies at anchor outside the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, alongside the icebreaker Sankt Erik.

Perhaps the most astonishing event of the conference was billed as a '' secret tour'' : a visit to the Soviet naval base at Kronstadt. Established in 1704 to guard the entrance to the Neva and the new city of St. Petersburg, then under construction, Kronstadt had been all but closed to foreign delegations until our visit. Along with much of the Soviet Baltic fleet, we found huge graving docks and lock systems, elegant four-story buildings now housing sailors and officers, and a magnificent cathedral that has long since been converted into a museum of naval heroes.

linn, Estonia before returning to Helsinki. Time ashore in the Soviet Union was carefully controlled; guided tours by bus were the order of the day. An evening reception in a Leningrad sailor's club, with a riveting performance of Balkan folksong and dance, contrasted strongly with the crumbling city and endless queues that we saw in the streets. The group also toured the Central Naval Museum, a crowded jumble of fascinating artifacts housed in a former stock exchange, and the naval cruiser Aurora , which fired the signal to storm the Winter Palace in the October Revolution of 1917.

op a cooperative system to document contemporary maritime culture that is examplary in its thoroughness and scope .

"Yes Sir, we do have the bridge from the U.S.S. Knapp. Oh, you served aboard her?"

No Two Visitors See Quite the Same Museum

"Good morning. How many? That will be six dollars, please .. . Thank you. Enjoy the Museum." Repeat that formula 300 times and you have an idea of a busy summer's day at the front desk of the Columbia River Maritime Museum. ''These are your boarding passes for the Lightship Columbia. She's moored outside at the pier. 11

"Yes Ma'am, we do have boat models Oh, you build them?"

You'll Find What You're Looking For at the Museum Store

Each visitor to the Museum brings his or her own personal viewpoint. lt may be direct and personal, or it may be the fas-

Of course, not all our visitors arrive well informed (though they often leave that way). A walk through the galleries answers many of their questions.

Those who have experienced shopping in the Museum Store know it is the place to find distinctive gifts for special friends, loved ones, and family members. This is never more true than during the holiday season. Come see for yourself how easy, interesting, and fun shopping can be.

headed into the Great Hall pushing the chair ahead like a walker, her cane resting on the seat. She spent the entire afternoon in the galleries, walking her wheelchair from exhibit to exhibit, sitting in it only as she read the descriptions. Several hours later, she returned to the front desk and requested a taxi. She told me her husband had fished on the Columbia. The Museum brought back so many memories, she said.

You needn't be a grownup to enjoy the Museum. Each day wide-eyed children exclaimed, "Look at all the boats!" and dashed into the Great Hall, their parents trailing behind.

As well as a fascinating and comprehensive selection of nautical books and regional histories, the Museum Store is well stocked with cookbooks, calendars, handcrafted jewelry, contemporary scrimshaw on fossil ivory, limited edi tion prints, and many more intriguing and unusual items. For the younger set there are children's books, Woodcrafter model kits, and a selection of gifts under $5

Amy Ross

Museum memberships also make wonderful gifts that keep on giving throughout the year. As well as free admission to the Museum, basic benefits of membership include a subscription to the Quarterdeck, and discounts at the Museum Store. Check out our holiday gift selections and you'll see just how valuable membership privileges are Gift wrapping? Of course! And you've got an entire museum to browse through while you wait. Shipping? You bet! But remember, shop early enough for your gift to arrive on time.

Happy Holidays from CRMM!

Quarterdeck, Vol. 17 No. 1

One of my favorite visitors was a frail, elderly lady who walked into the Museum alone, leaning heavily on her cane She asked to use a wheelchair, then

''Yes Sir, that is a Bristol Bay gillnetter. Oh, you fished on one?"

The summer brought us many memorable visitors I met people from virtually every state and coastline; from savvy, relaxed travelers from Europe to Portlanders who weren't quite sure how to find their way home from Astoria. There were also people whose first-hand knowledge of the Columbia River was truly awe-inspiring, who had spent their entire working lives on the river. The Columbia River Maritime Museum is one of the few places they can see what remains of their past

cination of an inlander who has never seen a river the size of the Columbia, but no two visitors have quite the same perception of the Museum

But it was an elderly gentleman who summed it up for me one summer afternoon He came to the desk, stood for a moment gazing at the Great Hall, and sighed, "It's a different world." And in deed it is. It's a world of living memories and the preservation of a way of life. It's a museum.

The annual Holiday Program at the Columbia River Maritime Museum is the ideal occasion to bring friends and family to the Museum, and to browse the Museum Store, This year's festivities are scheduled for Sunday, December 16th. Admission is free, with entertainment from noon through closing time. Pictured above are Little Ballet Theatre "sugar plums" from the Maddox Dance Studio performing in the Great Hall during last year's program. Join us December 16th for our special gift to you.

More than 50,000 people visited the Museum this summer, and every one was greeted by the visitor services crew But what struck me most during my first summer here is that there isn't a single standardized museum experience.


John L. Price


Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Mathews

Mr. & Mrs. Waring Jones

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Yotter

Dr. H Victor Adix, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs . Don Seago

DANIEL CLIFFORD, JR. Mr. & Mrs Victor L. Berger Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kettelkamp Patricia Longnecker Mr. & Mrs. James McCafferty Dorothy A. Tienson

Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. James Dybvik Eleanor Ewenson

Edwin W. Polkey

Mr. & Mrs. Rex West Mr. & Mrs. Ed Whittington

Ed & Lila Nimmo by Harry & Leslie Dichter

Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H jorten

Mr. & Mrs. L. Keith Merkin

Mr. & Mrs Earl A Malinen

Esther M Olsvik Arnold Petersen

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Labiske

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Honeyman Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Keller

Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Aho

Jacqueline D. Yakovleff

Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Astoria Regatta Association Bank of America, Oregon

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Kindred

Mr. & Mrs Ed Grotting

Dr. & Mrs Dale P. McGinty Susanna Von Reibold

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Marincovich

Mr. & Mrs. Lonn W. Taylor

Milton E. Love Geneva G. Watkins


Mr. & Mrs Don Brunner


Mr & Mrs Don E Link

Mr. & Mrs. Dawson C. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. R.C. Paulsen Hannah Seeborg Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Shoquist Mr. & Mrs. James S. Stacy Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland Jordis Tetli Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel Mr. & Mrs. Frank Thorsness Thorsness Glass Shop Helen Utti

Cdr. Robert B. Hurwitt

Mr. & Mrs Edward H. Aho

Mr. & Mrs Harry Dichter A.J. L'Amie Marguerite S. Moyer

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Collman Margery P. Gray

David R. Coburn

Jon Garland

Alice G. Kerbel

Memorial Donations -July 1 - September 30, 1990

Roy ALBERT Duoos

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Luukinen

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd M. Halsan

Charles Kofler

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hendrickson

Ted M. Natt

Thane W. Tienson



John E. Espey


Mr. & Mrs. Bob L. Miller



Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman

HOWARD L. BUTLER Linnea Tennyson

Sylvia Black

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Labiske Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lake Mr. & Mrs Harry L. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Sven Lund Mrs. Vern Mogenson

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Frey

Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Larson Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lumbra Ray Martino & Family

Dale A Perkins

Mr. & Mrs. George Hediger G. F. Herkes



Mr. & Mrs. Sven Lund

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman

SPONSOR Security Pacific Bank of Oregon COMMODORE Stimson Lumber Company

Edwin W. Polkey


Mr. & Mrs. Rolland E. Broadwell

Mr. & Mrs. Gustave A. Wiegardt, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Allan Bernhoff Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner and Donna Mr. & Mrs Allan L. Bue Nora S. Bue


Judith Hawes Holmes Loyds Flowers & More

SUPPORTING John Q. Buckley Eric Ladd

Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Fosterling

Kevin Crow

Increased Memberships

Mr. & Mrs. James L Hope, Jr

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Calcagno Eleanor D. Caples Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Cordiner Mr. & Mrs. Clarance O. Dreyer

PILOT Erskine B. Wood Van Dusen Beverages, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Alfonso

R. F. Lewis

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Clarke

FRANCES M. DEMPSIE Mr. & Mrs Ken Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fluhrer Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Elsie Gjovik


Patricia Simonsen

Dorothy Lois Kenney

Mr. & Mrs. Tauno Aho

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Wood-Gaines

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Petersen Paul Seamons/Dee Vadnais Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Shortt

Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos

Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. L. Harry Casper Mr & Mrs Ed Grotting Mr. & Mrs. Doc Haglund Anita M. Holdrige Pete Holmgren Walter M. Knudson Gordon Olvey Mr. & Mrs. Duane Patching Mr. & Mrs Arnold C. Petersen Arnold C. Petersen Lyle Schwegler Mr. & Mrs. Larry Telen Dorothy Truedson

Mr. & Mrs. Franz Ridgeway George Shaver


Mr. & Mrs. Armas E. Niskanen Carol L. Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. A W. Ostrom Marian Kay Palmberg

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Coulombe

Lolly Rytsala


HARLEY RICHARD CORDER Mr. & Mrs. Henry Boyd Gerry Gerritz Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hutchens Mr & Mrs. David Kindred Mr. & Mrs Toivo Kuivala

Mr. & Mrs. Fleming Wilson


Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Seabold

Mr. & Mrs. G. Michael Stanley

Virginia O'Neill

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Goin

Mr. & Mrs. Reino Aho

Neal Winkle

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne P. Robbins Jordis Tetli


Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hauke, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Skip Hauke Mr. & Mrs. Jim Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jackson Clarence Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Arnold F. Johnson John Kemmerer Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Kivisto Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr. & Mrs Henry Koski

New Members -July 1 - September 30, 1990



Elaine H. Powell

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hutchens



Mr. & Mrs. William Brewster

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Green , Jr.

Ernest C. Swigert

DR. JOHN A. PARPALA Mr. & Mrs. Allen V. Cellars Mr. & Mrs Oscar Daun Mr. & Mrs. Herman Haggren Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hope, Jr. Dr. & Mrs . Robert D. Neikes Mr. & Mrs Paul Phillips Dr. & Mrs David I. Williams

Phineas McCoury

VERL C LEBACK Gertrude Leback & Family

Gladys L. Rosenfeld

RUTH ELMIRA LUQUE Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kairala

DENNIS SMITH Col. & Mrs V L. Nunenkamp

Mr. & Mrs Melvin 'Pete' Mack, Jr.



LOIS L. RYDING Mr. & Mrs. James F. Parker

Ann C. Andersen



Mrs E. Charlene Griffin

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland

Marjorie Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen Yergen and Meyer

Mr. & Mrs Robert W. Gamble

Margaret Paulbach


RAGNOR 0. JOHNSON Frances R McLeod

Mr & Mrs. Gene A. Hill

THOMAS BUSH KING Mr. & Mrs. James Dybvik

DAVID LEE PRESTON Annabell Miller Historical Tours of Astoria

Mrs. Herbert Malarkey

John B. Souther

RUTH A JOHNSON Mr & Mrs. Arnold Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Eric A Hauke, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Stephen Fulton Clara B. Johnson Peter A. Johnson Nancy E. McEleney Frances R McLeod Mrs. J.E. Niemi Mr. & Mrs. Ragnar Norgaard Mr. & Mrs. William Orr Jordis Tetli

Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs . Eric A. Hauke, Sr. John Kemmerer

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lake Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Moberg Carol L. Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. A.W . Ostrom Helen Utti

JAMES ARCHIE RAINEY Mr. & Mrs. Bob Herold Mr. & Mrs. Iver Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Tom C. Frye

Mr. & Mrs Peter Wilson


Mr. & Mrs Bruce E. Sinkey


LEO F. LUNDMAN Marna Forseth Mr. & Mrs. Ed Grotting Dorothea J. Handran Mr. & Mrs Bob Herold Mr. & Mrs. Raymond V Johnson


Dorothy V. Braun

Jeffrey, Brenda, Megan and Stephanie Honeyman Jane R. Kendall

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kairala Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lundholm Mr. & Mrs. Veikko A. Manners Mr. & Mrs. Dagfinn Meyer Mr. & Mrs. James O'Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Arnold C. Petersen Hazel Rogers Hazel G. Savala

SADIE PATTERSON Mr. & Mrs. George W. Blinco

Mr. & Mrs. John Hill

Jim H. Branson

Mrs. Robert Cass


Richard T. Charlton

Mr. & Mrs. L.W. Harris, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Chris C. Brunner


Mr. & Mrs Eugene Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. Dan T hiel Mr. & Mrs Chris Thompson

Mr. & Mrs Richard Riutta

HENRY PETERSEN Elmer Raitanen Robin Raitanen

Mr. & Mrs. R.M Landwehr

Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. William W Rosenfeld

RALPH OLSON Mr. & Mrs . Armas E. Niskanen

K ENNETH A. NESS Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H Bartcher Gladys H. Duncan Tina Fitcha Mr. & Mrs Charles W Haglund Mr. & Mrs. Gil G Johnson Mr. & Mrs Dick Keller Mr. & Mrs Carl Labiske Jennie Lerback Jan i ce Martin Diana Morrison Mr. & Mrs Bob Paschall


Mr. & Mrs Theodore H. Miller

Quarterdeck, Vol. 17 No. 1

Mrs. William P. Hagen

Mrs A. Alan Honeyman

Jo Lynn McGee

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hutchens

Mr. & Mrs. Blain Mack Mr. & Mrs Bob L. Parnell Mr. & Mrs. George Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Seabold Dorothy 0 Soderberg Betty Takko


John A. Sprouse


DORIS A STALCUP Anna Basel Troy Basel


Capt. & Mrs. Dale A. Dickinson

LOUELLA H PITKANEN Astoria Emblem Club, No. 387 Mr. & Mrs. Kay Baker Anna Basel Troy Basel Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dreyer Judie Dreyer

Marjorie Arnold

EL VI KEMMERER Anna L. Basel Troy Base l Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Cordiner Vera Craig Annabell Miller Mr. & Mrs Toivo Mustonen Mr. & Mrs. Armas E Niskanen Dorothy Palmrose Mary Palmrose Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Pitkanen

Dr & Mrs. Gordon Grout

Robert E. Van Osdal

HAROLD L. STONER Mr. & Mrs. Chuck E. Hansen Curtis L. Olson

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd M. Halsan


RUBEN 'RUBE' KURATLI Captain & Mrs. Alf P. Hammon Mrs. Benjamin M. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel


HENRY E. McCULLOUGH Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman

TOIVO U. PUUSTINEN Kathleen Breckenridge Jon Westerholm


Mr. & Mrs. Duane Patching

Mr. & Mrs Eugene Knutsen

Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Historical Tours of Astoria, Inc. Mr. & Mrs Perry H. Nordmark

Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hjorten

PAUL H. PERILA Mr. & Mrs Gerald H. Carlson Gail A. Jervik Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Ostrom

Mr. & Mrs. Carvel Tinner


Carol Puderbaugh


ROLLIN 'BuD' PRATT Mr. & Mrs. George W Blinco

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wilhelm

KARL E. SMITH Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams

FRED SOLLER Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen

SENATOR CHARLES HANLON Northwest Fisherman's Wives Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel

Paula Morrow

Harry E. Mangan

EVA E. RAISTAKKA Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hutchens

Mr. & Mrs. Walt Curs

Mr. & Mrs James Patching

Mrs. J. Irwin Hoffman

Mr. & Mrs Ruben A. Mund

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Zafiratos

Mr. & Mrs. Maurie D Clark

WALTER E. NAYLOR Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Metro Women, Inc Claudia Ray Mr. & Mrs Jack Spence


Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Ostrom Mr . & Mrs. Ron Westerlund

Dr. & Mrs. R P. Moore

Mr. & Mrs. C. Gordon Childs Columbia River Fishermen ' s Protective Union Mr. & Mrs. Mike F. Fitzgerald Friends & Fishermen of South Naknek Seafoods


Mr. & Mrs. W Calder McCall

JOHN P. SYVANEN Marjorie Arnold

DAVID W. KILLION Dr. & Mrs David I. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Mustonen

HOWARD 'NIG' TIHILA Ethe l M. Berry Don, Jean & Donna Brunner Nora S Bue

Frances M. Rogers

USCG Cutter Onondaga. Model built 1988. Scale: 1/8" = l'O"

Astoria, Oregon Permit No. 209


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cameron

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hope, Jr.



Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams

Edward K. Neubauer: Master Model Builder

Jon Westerholm & Family

Quartermaster 1st Class in the U.S. Navy.


Mr. Neubauer's work is noteworthy for exceptionally fine detailing. Longtime Museum patrons may remember when his model of Lightship No. 88 was on loan to the Columbia River Maritime Museum for display onboard old No. 88 during the year 1973. It has been our pleasure to welcome back Mr. Neubauer's craftsmanship to CRMM with this year's special loan exhibit.


In addition to his ship modeling, Mr. Neubauer is active in the Nautical Society of Oregon, and is a Board member of the Oregon Maritime Center and Museum in Portland.


Yergen and Meyer

Mrs. Theresa Wilson

Edwin W. Polkey

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Thompson & Family


----..---;i; ~

The Columbia River Maritime Museum has been fortunate to have several beautiful models constructed by Edward K. Neubauer on display since last May as part of our observance of the 200th anni versary of the U.S. Coast Guard. Ship modeling has been Edward Neubauer's hobby for the past 45 years. Now retired, he spent 38 years with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Mr. Neubauer is a registered professional engi neer. During World War II, he served as a


This model of the Cutter Onondaga displays Edward Neubauer's fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. The Onondaga was built by Defoe Works, Bay City, Michigan in 1934 , and not 1943 as was inadvertently indicated in last issue's Coast Guard photo essay. Typographical errors have a way of drawing comment from careful readers. In the case of the transposed digits of the year of the Onondaga's construction, we learned just how well (and how fondly) people remember the old cutter.

Included among the selections for this exhibit are models of Columbia Lightships Nos. 50 and 88, the Umpqua River and Cape Arago Lighthouses, and the Cutter Onondaga. Our thanks to Edward Neubauer for sharing with us his beautifully crafted work. Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Jerry Westerholm & Family

Theresa Andresen

Memorials (continued)

MARY Lou WooDs

Erskine B. Wood

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Aspen

Jay Westerholm & Family


Mr. & Mrs. Veikko A. Manners

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