V16 N4 USCG Cutter 'Resolute' and Salute to the U.S. Coast Guard

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With this issue of the Quarterdeck we· continue our salute to the U.S. Coast Guard. In the Spring 1990 issue we explored the drama of life-saving and motor lifeboats, the blue collar work ethic of buoy-tending, and the legacy of the Northwest beach pounders of World War II. In order to pay tribute to as many of the Coast Guard's past and present guardians of the Columbia River as possible, we further explore our theme with a photo essay on the vessels of the Light

A review and newsletter from the Columbia River Maritime Museum at 1792 Marine Drive in Astoria, Oregon

the UARTERDECK Vol. 16 No. 4 Summer 1990

USCG Cutter Resolute: Columbia River Maritime Museum's "next door neighbor" since 1983, the Resolute is stationed at the foot of the 17th street pier in Astoria. When she isn't here, she is patrolling the waters of the Northern Pacific Ocean from Alaska to Baja California, and as far west as the Hawaiian Islands. The first of the "B" class, 210-foot medium endurance cutters, the Resolute was built in the Coast Guard yard in Curtis Bay, Maryland in 1965, and commissioned in 1967. She is the second cutter to bear the name Resolute, the first being the 1867 schooner Resolute of the Revenue Cutter Service. The modern Resolute's primary missions are inspection of foreign and domestic vessels to enforce U.S. laws and regulations dealing with fisheries, boating safety, and illegal contraband, primarily drugs hence, her motto, "Serve and Protect." On December 22, 1988 the Resolute, returning from a preChristmas patrol, was called to aid the disabled 144-foot Navy research tug Pacific Escort, which had lost its rudder 50 miles west of Newport, Oregon. The Resolute towed the Pacific Escort to Coos Bay through 30-foot seas, then with all due speed headed for home, arriving Christmas Eve, much to the delight of the wives and sweethearts of the crew. More recently, the Resolute earned accolades for her role in the clean-up operations of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. 86.11

House Service and Coast Guard which have served the local area, spanning a period from 1858 to the present. Also included here is an account of Coast Guard aviation, focusing on two and a half decades of service at Air Station Astoria. A life of service seldom ends with retirement, as is continually pointed out by the efforts of volunteers at the Museum. This issue acknowledges our thanks to a couple of old "Coasties," who are among the most generous of our volun-

teers. Finally, we are honored to have as flagship of the Columbia River Maritime Museum the last Coast Guard lightship to serve on the Pacific Coast of the United States. Our Museum shipkeeper takes a brief look at serving on board the Lightship Columbia, which illustrates the fond regard in which she is held by local mariners, old crew members, and those of us at the Columbia River Mari time Museum alike.

We learned that by actually putting a wooden boat on the water and using it as it was designed, our Museum can capture the imagination and interest of a significant number of folks in a way our outstanding traditional museum exhibits cannot. For each of us who have in vested months of effort in this project, we felt that we were finally "delivering the goods" through this outreach program. We were proud that our museum had succeeded in actually bringing from out of the past this recreated yet tangible working invention of our maritime heritage

Hobe Kytr, Editor. Editorial Staff: Jerry L. Ostermiller, Anne Witty, Rachel Wynne Contributors: Jim Maher, Kevin Violette.

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As we worked the lines and learned to handle the boat, we began to experience an entirely new dimension to this project. We became aware of the boat in a most intimate and personal way that was surprisingly different from before . We were seeing, feeling and handling not a replica we created from old photographs and drawings, but a very real and genuine sailing gillnetter boat. Our relationships with the project were no longer limited to just a historical concept, we became directly and personally involved in actually "doing" history.

the heavy boat gained great speed on its first long reach, Dave Green grinned at the virtually nonexistent wake, and voiced his pleasure as he realized the efficiency and beauty of the fair doubleended design Being the boat's builder, Dave had taken great care to make certain the details of the boat were just so Now, after 20 years experience building and repairing boats for fishermen, he was reaching a new level of understanding with the fruits of his craftsmanship Coming about and then easily sailing to windward, Curator Anne Witty, grinning her best smile said, "So Jerry, you thought she wouldn't point, eh?"


-Anne Witty

Photo Credits : U S.C.G. photos, pages 1, 4, 6, and 12, from CRMM archives. Photo of "Dolphin" helicopter, page 5, courtesy of USCG Group Astoria. Photos of Shubrick, Columbine, Onondaga, Redwing, and Fir, pages 6 and 7, and Lightship Columbia, page 8, from CRMM archives. Photo of White Bush, page 7, courtesy of U.S Coast Guard archives. Photo of H M.S. Bounty, page 12, courtesy of Turner Broadcasting System Hobe Kytr, page 3. Kevin Violette, page 9. Printed at Anchor Graphics, Astoria, Oregon

The boat we were working on was the celebrated Columbia River Sailing Gillnetter replica the Museum constructed as a public program last summer. Now it was time for that 26-foot beauty to begin its next phase of operation as our traveling ambassador. Beginning with the Wooden Boat Show at Seattle's Lake Union, we will be flying our flag throughout the Northwest at similar shows this year.

Bob Hauke's painstaking work brought the gig back to life. She is sound, and gleaming in new paint. Mr. Hauke, a native of Astoria, would like to see her used by Museum staff to learn the ways of the river

The Museum displays a very similar pilot boat, part of the permanent collection, in the Navigation Gallery. Mr . Hauke's seaworthy gig prefers to stay wet . She can be taken from place to place on her own trailer as a waterborne ambassador from the Columbia River Maritime Museum The pilot boat will join the sailing gillnetter built here in 1989 for small craft outreach programs interpreting the maritime heritage of the lower Columbia River. In July, both boats represented the Museum at Seattle's Lake Union Wooden Boat Show, where they were admired and enjoyed by many. We're delighted: what could be more appropriate for our Museum?

-Jerry L Ostermiller Executive Director

Feeling the tiller come to life, I wondered if my hand was receiving the same signals that generations of lower Columbia River fishermen had experienced. As

from the Wheelhouse

For wooden boat lovers, Dick Wagner's Center for Wooden Boats July gettogether in Seattle has it all. From "Bolger Bricks" to large traditional schooners, we shared mooring space with Whitehalls, vintage Chriscraft runabouts and literally hundreds of other small boat types. Bob Hauke's recently

As the deadline approached, all of the pieces finally came together. The new custom-built trailer was decked, wired, licensed and insured, and the boat's centerboard, mast and rigging were fine tuned The boat, completely repainted to everyone's satisfaction, was now ready. When Bill Vernon hitched his new blue truck to the boat's trailer, the Columbia River Maritime Museum's fledgling small boat program, with flags flying, was underway.

We were astounded by the interest in our boat. Apparently many people had known that we were building it, but seeing the only Columbia River Sailing Gillnetter replica in the world afloat and in person attracted a lot of informed attention. We answered many questions during the festival and made many new friends for the Museum. If we had loaded the boats on the trailers and headed home at that point, we could have con sidered our mission complete and our efforts worthwhile.

I had the pleasure recently of working side-by-side as a ''volunteer'' with Dave Green, Bill and Blaine Vernon and a few other hardy souls, spending our weekends and evenings at work in a space Tim Yeager generously provided at his Astoria boat yard. We were sharing in the age-old spring ritual of preparing a wooden boat for another season on the water

Pilot's Boat Gets Staff on Water

Recently, Mr Robert Hauke of Eugene presented the Museum with a most appropriate donation: an old Columbia River Bar Pilot's pulling boat, restored for on-the-water use. The 1924-vintage boat was once used by bar pilots to board ships ready to cross over the bar. When Mr. Hauke obtained the 12-foot gig last year, she was rapidly deteriorating, and was on her way to the boneyard.

Volume 16 No 4

That afternoon, we worked the boat back and forth across Lake Union and allowed interested visitors to take their turn Most everyone involved commented that they had gained a new appreciation of the pleasure many of the sailors in those old historic photographs must have had for the design.

But as we discussed our options, something remarkable happened. Dave Green's enthusiasm could no longer be contained and up went the sails Though none of us were sprit-rig experienced sailors, with surprising ease we found ourselves sailing handily

donated Columbia River Bar Pilot gig was also flying the Museum flag, and was moored next to the Gillnetter.


The QUARTERDECK is published four times a year by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Dr, Astoria, OR 97103.

"You know, I used to 'interview' engines back when I was an equipment appraiser. You can't learn much about a piece of equipment just by looking at it. You have to dig for it. Find out where it's been. Write for the service records in the places it used to be. Then you have to talk to all the operators and mechanics. You find out everything you can. Only when you can size up all the people who've ever been involved with that particular engine can you figure what it's worth. It's sort of like doing oral history. Museum work is like that, too. I've learned a lot about myself doing this."

Walt later served aboard the Cutters McLane and Atalanta in Alaskan waters. He was promoted to Chief Machinist's Mate after one particularly harrowing night on the McLane. They were on coastal patrol in bad weather, with an engine out because of a broken shaft. Walt went to his berth to catch some rest, even though he had a pretty good idea they were taking water down the stack. Hearing a clanking noise, he went down to the engine room to investigate. The one remaining engine had popped a piston. Before long they'd blown a cylin der. They were dead in the water in a big blow just off the rocks at Metlakatla. Getting permission to effect emergency repairs, Walt set to work with the fireman. Rigging a chain-fall from the track over the engine, they pulled off the head, and removed the broken piston and rod. "I still don't know how we did it. Man, that was a baq blow. But we put it all back together anl:l she ran. We blew a lot of oil, but we managed to limp in on five cylinders."

Weekend visitors to the Columbia River Maritime Museum since March, 1989 have been fascinated to find handson demonstrations of the maritime arts in the Great Hall. Saturday and Sunday afternoons are showtime for one of the Museum's most affable and generous volunteers, Walt McManis. Walt conducts rope-making and marlinespike seamanship workshops, and provides engaging entertainment with his baffling bag of knot-tying tricks. On Saturdays, Walt is assisted by Kenny Ginn. On Sundays, he is often joined by Georgia Maki, whose skill at net knitting and mending provides a whole new element of interpretation to the display of Columbia River fishing craft in the Great Hall. Well known in the local fishing community, Georgia decided to try her hand at volun teer work at the Museum after meeting Walt at the Astoria Regatta, where they shared adjoining spaces demonstrating the crafts of the mariner. Assisting Georgia in doing net-mending demonstrations at CRMM on weekends is Linnea Tennyson.

Doing extensive volunteer and community work is nothing new to Walt. He began working with the Boy Scouts in 1951, serving as a San Francisco Bay Area District Council leader, and spending twenty-five years as ranger-manager of a scout camp near Yosemite. In 1976 he was awarded the Silver Beaver Award for lifetime achievement in scouting. Before leaving California, Walt started volun teering with the Lighthouse Society on Lightship Relief No. 605.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 16 No. 4

Yarns in Great Hall

Ropewalker Spins

In addition to his rope-making and knot-tying demonstrations, Walt regularly leads guided tours of the Museum, and relieves the lightship keeper at lunchtime on weekends. During the last year, Walt put in more than 600 volunteer hours at the Museum. This old "Coastie" has found a home with CRMM, and we are delighted to have him in the ranks of our star volunteers.

continued with the fishing industry in Bristol Bay, Alaska following World War II, and on through three decades with Cummins Diesel and Caterpillar Tractor Company in California, eventually becoming a top rated equipment appraiser.

Walt McManis entered the U.S. Coast Guard in 1940. The C/O of the Seattle Lighthouse Depot talked him into going to engine school in Berkeley, Virginia, where he also received training in amphibious forces. His first duty assignment was on the Cutter Haida in Puget Sound. Reassigned to work on an Alaskan fishing boat acquired for coastal patrol duty, he boarded the buoy tender Cedar for transport to Ketchikan. They were off Vancouver Island December 7, 1941 when they received news of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Walt first developed his marlinespike seamanship skills in the United States Coast Guard. His sense of showmanship and enthusiasm for sharing his knowledge were developed during thirty-five years as a scout leader in the San Fran cisco Bay Area. He finds obvious delight in engaging Museum visitors in animated conversation about the caveman's first knot, holding eye contact and diverting attention from his hands. Repeated loops laid into a light line go unnoticed until, upon being offered the bitter end, the astonished visitor pulls a long string of half hitches from Walt's outstretched hand. He's done it count less times, and chuckles every time he sees yet another person's eyes grow wide with wonder. Next usually comes, "Now let me show you how we learned to make a man-rope in the Coast Guard."

I asked Walt what volunteering at the Columbia River Maritime Museum means to him. He replied, "I'd say that for me it puts it all together: the Coast Guard, the fishing industry, marine engineering, working with people-the whole ball of wax.

Walt was stationed briefly in Astoria before being reassigned to U.S. LST 205 in 1944 for duty in the South Pacific. Walt participated in more amphibious landings than he can even remember, finally serving with the occupation forces in Japan. Mustered out of the Coast Guard in 1946, he spent another three years in the Reserves while working for Libby, MacNeil, and Libby in the Alaska fishery.

-HobeKytr 3

Walt spent his professional career in diesel engineering, a course he began with his service in the Coast Guard. He

On August 13, 1964, Captain Robert L. Lawlis read his orders putting into commission a new Coast Guard Air Station at Tongue Point, just east of Astoria, Oregon . At the beginning the station had a complement of 8 officers and 22 enlisted men, operating two HH52A Sikorsky "Seaguard" helicopters. This model was the Coast Guard's first turbine-powered helicopter, as well as the first amphibious helicopter The jet engine was considerably more reliable than former power plants, even though "fast cruise"

speed was still a modest 95 knots, or about 109 m.p.h More significant than the engine improvements, however, were the instrument-flight capability, and the amphibious hull which permitted landing on water. Hovering to pick up a person in the surf can take minutes, whereas the new machine could pop down between crests and pick up a swimmer in seconds, lifting off before the next breaker arrived


During the 1960s, fishing vessels and fish-processing factory ships of several foreign nations were attracted to the North Pacific Ocean. This led to conflicts regarding conservation, interference with American fishermen, and possible espionage, particularly in the case of Soviet vessels bristling with antennas, and often sighted in suspicious locations Fishery protective zones were established by the U.S. Government, extending to 200 miles from the coast . The Coast Guard, naturally, was told to enforce them We soon found ourselves flying to the scene to verify alleged violations, many proving to be false alarms One incident of reported Russian trawlers a half mile offshore proved to be a pair of tuna boats from San Diego. Foreign factory ships and others did give a few fuel-stretching distance runs, though One involved a New Zealand ship with an injured man, picked up 130 nautical miles offshore As an old pilot once said, "Single engine planes go on automatic rough when out of sight of land . " I can vouch for that. A later case required pickup 17 5 miles out, and the helicopter was stripped of all nonessential equipment to lighten it and thereby save fuel. On those occasions a Grumman "Albatross" amphibious aircraft would fly cover for the helicopter

In 1968 Lt. Billy Lovett, executive officer of the Group, suggested starting a school for life boat coxswains and engineers. Commander 13th CG District in Seattle agreed, and we were blessed with a world-class team of instructors, including Chief Boatswain Giles Vanderhoof, Master Chief Boatswain's Mate

In April, 1966, a new hangar was completed at the airport and CGAS Astoria was commissioned. The hangar was built with a back wall that could be knocked out for anticipated expansion at some future date. A third HH52A was assigned, in addition to a pair of light Bell helicopters kept here between assignments aboard USCG Cutter Northwind, a major polar icebreaker. Annually

Air-sea rescue of troller foundering off Tillamook. The author was in a second HH52A "Seaguard" from which this shot was taken. Maxted photo. 1970.279

It wasn't long before the new station was called upon to perform a wide variety of assistance missions, including relief flights during a disastrous flood that December. Stranded cliff-climbers, sinking craft, and accident or illness aboard ships at sea were commonplace episodes for the new station. Tongue Point had some serious limitations as an operating base, however, and within a year plans were being discussed to build a facility at Clatsop County Airport to afford better access to the Columbia bar and the Pacific Ocean, and to provide instrument-landing capability.

Coast Guard Air Station Astoria

The first Coast Guard Air Station on the West Coast was established at Port Angeles, Washington in June, 1935. Its purpose was to assist persons and vessels in distress. During the next few years, and especially after wartime expansion, a detached aircraft from Port Angeles frequently was based temporarily at Astoria, in view of the importance of the Columbia River in commerce and defense. In the aftermath of World War II, pleasure boating and offshore commercial fishing increased dramatically, leading to correspondingly greater numbers of potential victims of the sea and the Columbia bar. Life Boat Stations at Point Adams and Cape Disappointment had a long history of Coast Guard assistance, but the need for a helicopter station became apparent; often distress cases occurred too far away for slow surfacerescue craft, or in positions where no boat could be of use

Snoopy and The Red Baron (the two Bells) would depart for the Arctic, returning a few months later with bearded pilots and crew.

It was my good fortune to relieve Captain Lawlis as the second commanding officer of the Air Station, and later assume the responsibilities of Commander Group Astoria, having oversight of life boat stations, lighthouses, and electronic repair shops from Tillamook Bay to Neah Bay at the upper left hand corner of the United States . Following graduation from the Coast Guard Academy in 1944 and three years at sea in the Atlantic, Aleutian Islands, North China, and Kodiak, I had gone from sea duty to aviation. Having extensive experience flying a wide variety of missions at a number of air stations across the country, I was delighted with my first command assignment.

ing the Portland International Airport and blowing 70-knot winds down the river near the scene. State police and sheriff's rescue units could see the men less than 100 yards away, but couldn't risk a boat The buoy tender at Vancouver started up the river, but iced up so badly it was in danger of capsizing. Lt. Cmdr. Tom Finnegan, Lt. Ron Addison and Aviation Chief Electronics Technician G.L. Guthrie departed to assist. They used nautical charts, flying very low and steering from buoy to buoy in the gale winds and snow At the island they quickly spotted one hunter, dead and covered with ice, and then sighted the other, lying among some alders. Addison was lowered in a clearing and found the second man alive but helpless and nearly frozen. He broke brittle alders to clear the rescue basket and managed to get the unconscious victim in the basket. Within minutes they were enroute back to Portland Airport and a waiting ambulance. Even the return flight was a nightmare ordeal, with invisible high-tension wires and no landmarks to go by. Approach Control would not give them guidance until they were sure they had passed all wires This dramatic rescue won Lt. Cmdr. Finnegan a Distinguished Flying Cross, with the Air Medal and a Coast Guard Commendation Medal going to Addison and Guthrie, respectively .

Tom McAdams and Boatswain's Mate 1st Class Hicks They set high standards still being met at what is now the National Motor Life Boat School at Cape Disappointment.

With three fast jet helicopters and three speedy search and escort planes, Air Station Astoria continues its tradi tion of multi-mission readiness for hu manitarian service in the Lower Columbia and coastal areas.

-Capt. Jim Maher, USCG [Ret.)

place. The new craft greatly extended the range for over-water rescues. In 1977 another change took place as Ensign Jan na Lambine, first woman Coast Guard helicopter pilot, was assigned to CGAS Astoria. In the 1980s, after extensive expansion of the air station facilities, two more types of aircraft were assigned. Twin jet medium range Guardian landplanes and twin-turbine Dolphin helicopters became the new rescue team. The Guardian can fly rapidly to a scene and air-drop pumps or rafts, and can fly cover for the Dolphins offshore. Drug smuggling surveillance and offshore fishery zone and military patrols add to their chores. With no water-landing capability, the Dolphin required training of a new specialist in the Coast Guardthe rescue swimmer , who can drop into the water and assist an injured or un conscious victim into the rescue basket. In January, 1989, rescue swimmer Petty Officer 3rd Class Kelly Mogk was called on to do just that when an Air National Guard F4C Phantom crashed west of Tillamook Bay. She was able to free the pilot from his parachute harness and see him hoisted to safety. Unfortunately, the plane's weapons officer could not be found in time to save him as well. Petty Officer Mogk was awarded the Air Medal for her efforts in the rescue operation.

On December 31, 1968, two duck hunters were stranded on a Columbia River island some thirty miles east of Portland. A blizzard had descended, clos-

Air Station Astoria has experienced a variety of alterations in personnel and equipment over the years. 1973 saw a replacement for the venerable Seaguard, as large, twin-turbine Pelicans took their

Editor's Note: Most of us at CRMM first met fim Maher as a volunteer on the Columbia River Sailing Gillnetter Project. Dressed casually in Western hat and "Coos Bay tuxedo," he had the look of a rancher, or perhaps a retired forester. Rumor had it he had been in the Coast Guard. With the completion of the replica project, fim started helping with repairs of fancy-work for the lightship, and expressed his interest in leading guided tours of the Museum. Finally it came out that not only had he been in the Coast Guard, but that he was the former commander of the Air Station, former commander of Group Astoria , and had helped to found the National Motor Lifeboat School(!). Needless to say, fim is not one to wear his accomplishments on his sleeve . We are pleased to have fim among our corps of volun teers , and to present to you his personal account of some of the highlights of local Coast Guard aviation.

Fast, new twin-turbine "Dolphin" helicopters making an approach to CGAS Astoria, with the Astoria - Pt. Ellice bridge and the Washington shore in the background.

On one sad occasion during my years at CGAS Astoria, I flew on a rescue mission to central Oregon, landing near the top of Middle Sister Mountain to pick up the survivors of a family climb. The afternoon before, a man had taken his four children aged 4 to 11 to about the 10,000 foot level. The youngest had slipped, and in trying to save him, the father fell, receiving a fatal head injury. The children's uncle, the only other adult present, went down to their camp below, leaving the little ones and their dying father on the glacier. When I arriv ed at first light, a ground rescue party was climbing to the scene above, an area where I couldn't put down. I found a spot at 8900 feet and stopped the rotor, but kept the engine idl i ng as it would likely not start again if shut down After almost 40 minutes [burning 200 pounds of fuel per hour) the team finally arrived, carry ing the kids piggy-back and dragging the father's body on a stretcher. None of the children wore more than a sweatshirt, all wore sneakers, none had gloves or a hat. A few weeks later on a similar mountain rescue mission, Lt. Alex Klimshuk rescued a nurse from above the 10,000 foot level of Mt. St. Helens, a new record for Coast Guard helicopter pickup .


Quarterdeck, Vol. 16 No. 4

Columbine: A steam tender built in Cleveland, Ohio in 1892, and equipped with screw propulsion. She was 145 feet overall and drew 12.8 feet of water. She arrived at the Columbia River in January, 1893. Originally painted black, by the early 1900's her hull had been repainted white. Her duties included assisting the lighthouse tender Manzanita (1880-1905). In a 12 month period in 1893-94 she completed 21 inspection voyages and steamed 14,700 miles, illustrating that she was kept very busy in her first year of service. The Columbine distinguished herself in rescue work as well. One midnight on September 13, 1906 the passenger steamer Oregon ran onto the rocks near Cape Hichinbrook, Alaska and became a total loss. The Columbine succeeded in rescuing all the Oregon's passengers and crew. During her career on both seaboards, the Columbine received two gold lifesaving medals and a letter of commendation from President Woodrow Wilson. 69.285C

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Shubrick: A sidewheel steamer, launched at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in 1857. She arrived on station in 1858 and served the entire West Coast. The Shubrick also saw service as a revenue cutter. She was transferred to the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service in 1861, and returned to the Lighthouse Service in 1867. The Shubrick was sold at auction in Astoria in 1886. 82.17.627


Red Wing: The Red Wing was brought to Astoria in January of 1929 from Boston to replace the Algonquin. She was, at the time, said to be the best fitted vessel in the Coast Guard for the type of heavy duty she was called upon to perform off the mouth of the Columbia River. Built as a 187-foot steam tug by Baltimore Drydock & Shipbuilding Co., Baltimore, Maryland, her keel was laid in 1918 and she was launched in 1919. She was commissioned by the U.S. Navy in 1919, and in 1924 she was transferred to the U.S. Coast Guard. She was stationed on the West Coast throughout most of her career. This photo shows the Red Wing on her first visit to Portland after being assigned to Astoria. She is breaking ice between the Hawthorne Avenue and Ross Island Bridges on the morning of January 22, 1930. 64.170

Onondaga: Named for an earlier cutter, the Onondaga and her five sister ships were the first Coast Guard cutters to employ geared-turbine drive. Built by Defoe Works, Bay City, Michigan, in 1943 as a 165-foot cutter designed for light ice-breaking, she was assigned to Astoria, Oregon in place of the Red Wing. It was expected she would assist in breaking ice jams on the Columbia River as had been necessary in the unusual conditions of January 1930, but which never reoccured during her years of service here.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 16 No. 4 .l

Fir: A 175-foot tender, built by Moore Drydock Co., Oakland, California. She was launched in 1939 and commissioned in 1940. Here she is shown passing beneath the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge on her shakedown cruise in preparation for her maiden voyage to Astoria. The Fir was dispatched from Astoria to replace the Heather on Puget Sound in 1940. Today she is the oldest commissioned cutter in the fleet. 67.133.3


U.S.C.G. photo

White Bush: This 133-foot vessel was built for the U.S. Navy in 1943 and used as a lighter until 1948, when she was turned over to the Coast Guard and recommissioned as the buoy tender White Bush. She maintained markers on the Columbia River from Astoria to Vancouver, and on the Northwest Coast from Grays Harbor, Washington to the Ump· qua River, Oregon. The White Bush was a familiar sight in and around Astoria for thirty-seven years. When she was decommissioned in 1985 it was like losing an old friend.

Changing of the guard, October 31, 1979. Sam Foster photo, The Oregonian. 1984.60. 7

On July 9, 1989, former crew member Daryl Robertson wrote this in our Shipkeepe1's Lug:

One thing I have always wondered about is the fog. The mouth of the Columbia River is one of the foggiest places in the U.S., with over 200 days of peasoup a year. Accordingly, the lightship is equipped with powerful foghorns audible up to seven miles. How on earth, I ask them, did they sleep? A typical response is a shrug and an airy, ''Oh, you got used to it after awhile.'' One fellow even went so far as to say that it ''woke us up when they turned them off. "

Kevin Violette

''I recall when we got blown off station. I was at the helm with the engines ¾ full [into the wind, trying to hold ground]. What a ride, with hurricane winds. The first mate declared that I get relieved and hoist the hurricane flags [as a warning to mariners]. What a joke no one for miles and miles to say the least. The danger of being swept overboard was high. But we go by the book.

The Columbia (WLV-604) was recently honored by being designated a National Historic Landmark and placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Ironically, as a prominent aid to navigation, she always has been a "landmark" of sorts, though virtually her entire active duty career was spent at sea, for while in service she marked the entrance of the dangerous Columbia River crossing for storm-tossed mariners seeking shelter in the river.

Although No. 604, built in 1950, was superbly designed to her function, the job itself became something of an anachronism as time went on. By 1961, fixed towers began to replace lightships along the Atlantic Coast. Such advances as Loran, radar, and improved electronic navigation made manned lightships less necessary. The greater depths on the Pacific Coast made fixed towers impractical, but this only delayed the inevitable. Special buoys were designed to replace the lightships of the West. One of these large buoys, with its diesel generators and arsenal of electronic equipment, finally replaced the Columbia on November 2, 1979-a true case, as some joked, of sending a buoy out to do a man's job It was the end of an era.

And so it is with a certain respect that I walk the Columbia's decks and companionways. One has to wonder what life was like for the men aboard: buffeted by storms, blinded by fog, deafened by the blare of the foghorns, enduring monotony interspersed with periods of intense excitement and extreme danger. And danger there was-for while the ship could and did withstand the fiercest of gales, she was always at risk of being rammed by one of the very ships she was designed to serve. Freighters literally homed in on the lightship's radio beacon, and a foggy night or an inattentive helmsman could spell disaster In fact, the Columbia was struck by a Lithuanian freighter in 1963, but the gl ancing blow caused little damage .

Among the thousands who board the lightship each year at the Columbia River Maritime Museum come a few former crew members, eager to relive old memories of life at sea. Most of them seem quite young to be the last survivors of a now-vanished occupation. I always welcome the opportunity to ask them a few questions.

The Columbia River Maritime Museum, with its strikingly modern facility on Astoria's historic waterfront, is a noted local landmark. The eye-catching red hull of the Lightship Columbia, moored in graceful retirement next to the Museum, just 20 sea miles from her original duty station, serves as an ex clamation point to what is already a visually dramatic location.

I well recall spending four miserable hours one foggy night years ago perched on the bow of my father's commercial fishing boat, straining eyes and ears for a glimmer of light or a waft of sound from this sentinel of the sea. This was in the early 1970s, when radar was less common for small craft such as ours than it is today (we nagivated by what my father called "deadly reckoning"). A storm was blowing up and we were weary and anxious. Finally, to my relief, a muted moan came drifting on the chill wind-a melancholy yet comforting sound that told us safety was near at hand. We slipped by this little island of humanity on our way inbound, and our gratitude as we passed her was profound I wondered if the brave Coast Guardsmen aboard knew how much they were appreciated.


The men who served aboard the lightship are scattered now But in this 200th anniversary of the U.S. Coast Guard we should remember those who manned the ships that stayed at sea year-in, year-out, just to keep the light burning.

"All in all I have no regrets and am very proud to have served on the 604. I would proudly do it again in a minute."

As a member of the Museum staff, I have worked aboard the lightship here in the relative calm of the river over the last nine years, and have come to admire her rugged simplicity and charm. Many of our artifacts are fragile and delicate The Columbia, like those who manned her, is not . A lightship's duty is to hold her ground in fair weather and foul. The safe haven to which her light, foghorns, and radio beacon guided her more mobile sisters was denied her. She's probably not the most beautiful ship that ever sailed, but I know first-hand that the Columbia was a vision of loveliness for those running from an approaching storm.

Frotn the Museum Shipkeeper' s Log

U.S. Coast Guard Cutters eJ Craft 1946-1990, by Robert L. Scheina. Naval Institute Press. 50 00/Members 45.00.

A History of Coast Guard A via ti on, by Arthur Pearcy. Naval Institute Press. 27.00/Members 24.30.

CRMM ''Family Picnic''

Kenny Ginn was one of many who enjoyed the CRMM Staff/Volunteer Picnic. Seated behind Kenny are Lucille Berger (facing camera) and Peggy Roesser.

Quarterdeck, Vol. 16 No. 4

The word is out! Schools, cruise lines and tour bus companies from across the Northwest have discovered that the Columbia River Maritime Museum offers one of the finest guided tour services to be found anywhere

The Marlinespike Sailor, by Hervey Garret Smith. Degraff. 15.00/Members 13.50.


Chapman's Nautical Guide to Knots, by Brion Toss. Hearst Maritime Books. 14.95/Members 13.50.

The Ashley Book of Knots, by Clifford W. Ashley. Doubleday . 35.00/Members 31.50.

Additional Reading from the Museum Store

This spring season CRMM saw a substantial increase over last year in the number of tour groups wishing to visit the Museum. Over 100 individual tour groups totaling approximately 4700 people booked in advance during the months of April and May. Of that number, 69 groups requested and received guided tours. Nineteen cruise ship groups booked tours, totaling approximately 1250 visitors. All but one of the cruise ships requested docents In fact, Wilderness Cruises rescheduled once, coming a day early in order to make certain they would have a docent during their visit to the Museum.

Each of CRMM's volunteer tour guides (docents to museum folk) receive special training from the Museum's Education Department. Though coming from a wide variety of backgrounds, all of our docents share a keen interest in maritime subjects, and stories about their own fXpf.rifnr,fs with thf sfa makf every tour unique.

-Tracy Sund

A total of more than 3400 visitors received guided tours by a contingent of volunteer docents that numbers less than 20 All of us owe these volunteers a debt of thanks for a job well done.

The Klutz Book of Knots, by John Cassidy, Klutz Press. 10.00/Members 9.00.

On July 17th, the staff of the Columbia River Maritime Museum sponsored an informal potluck picnic to thank our large complement of great volunteers for their generous contributions of time and skills. More than 50 volunteers, staff and their families gathered on the grassy area at the rear of the main Museum building. (We affectionately call it ''Hampton Point" for our Exhibit Specialist Hampton Scudder, whose workshop is nearby.) Good friends, good food and good fun were the order of the day. We all hope this event will become a regular summertime tradition.

You too can join us in learning to share our rich maritime history. For more information about becoming a volunteer docent, please contact the CRMM Education Department.

We continue to develop our docent program with a special emphasis on the educational needs of young people. Education Coordinator Hobe Kytr is preparing a new set of guidelines, "Tips for Field Trips," designed especially for school groups planning to visit the Museum. It is intended for use by schools throughout the region, in order to better prepare for field trips, and to take full advantage of all that the Columbia River Maritime Museum has to offer

Tours Take Off!

Fisherman's Knots eJ Nets, by Raoul Graumont. Cornell Maritime Press. 7.95/Members 7 15.

Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope Work, by Raoul Graumont Cornell Maritime Press. 25.00/Members 22.50.

Mr & Mrs. Ken R. Hickenbottom

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen

Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mrs. John H. McAnulty, Jr. R.L. McCulloch Mrs. Jack L. Meier Prudence M. Miller Tom & Ilda Murphy P L. Nock

Frances B. Randall Mrs. Benjamin M. Reed RAdm. & Mrs. David L. Roscoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rude Mr. & Mrs. Truman E. Sage Flossie Snider


Mr. & Mrs Chris Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Hayes, Jr. W .F. Henningsen, Jr. Mary B. Hoffman

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence O, breyer

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Newlands

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Heinz

Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Larson

Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred E. Jo ssy Peninsula Pharmacies, Inc

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Phillippi Universal City Studios, Inc. William H. Reilly & Company Yeager's Marine Service

Thomas Koch

New Members - April 1 - June 30, 1990

Columbia River Fishermell,'s Protective Union


RICHARD 'DICK' MERILA Rae Goforth Buddy Hoell

Carlton E. Appelo


Mrs. Ralph Morrow

David Haskell A. Keith Pierce

EVELYN MARIE KING Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gemelke

Ernie Garcia

Frances C. Dahl

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Acker Henry E. Baldridge

GINGER ANN MCELDOWNEY Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. Harry Steinbock Judy Vineyard


Mr. & Mrs. Marcel L. Lafond



WALTER H. LOFGREN Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pitman H. LURDDMANN Mr. & Mrs. George W. Blinco

PATI ANN MCELDOWNEY Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C Honeyman

The Timbs Family Max Vekich Family


Mr. & Mrs. Heinz Pfaeffle Carolyn Sanco Gary Schalliol

Mr. & Mrs. K. Thomas Connolly

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McGhee

Mrs. Glen Kern Duffie

Mr. & Mrs. L.L. Rice


J A Zorich Trucking

BILL MEYER A.J. L'Amie Ocean Foods of Astoria Mr. & Mrs. Arvi W. Ostrom

Mr. & Mrs. Albin !hander and Family


Mr & Mrs. Franklin G. Drake

Mr. & Mrs Don E. Link

Heidi C Gann

Evelyn G. Hankel

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron L. Clark

Charles M. McCarty

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Atiyeh Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bugas Dudley C. Humphreys

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Merritt

Mr. & Mrs. Wade Newbegin Mr. Evans W. Paschal

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gehlar Mrs. Edward H Halton

Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Korpela

James L. Holland Mrs. A. Alan Honeyman

J. FRANK MAIZE Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Hjorten

Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Forrester Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr. Roberta C. <;;raham Doris H. Harkson Judy Harrison Katherine Harrison


Capt. & Mrs. William Deselover Mr. & Mrs P.J. Doop


Mr. & Mrs. John M. McClelland, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hal Snow

Rip Knot Ultramarine Services Rees R. Williams, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland CINDY M. HELLIGSO

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold C. Swanson

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Strandberg


ROBERT L. LAWLIS Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Neikes Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Mayer D. Schwartz Stephen Tuckman

Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Fisher




Mr. & Mrs. Michael Riva Mamie Riva


Mr. & Mrs. William H. Bishop





Darrell J. Murray

Mary W. Brand

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pitman

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dichter

Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Erickson


Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Karby

Agnes Wolleson

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman Mrs. Lyle B. Kingery


Patricia Longnecker

Dr. & Mrs. Keith D . McMilan Margaret Ann Rothman


Mr. & Mrs. Elkan J. Morris

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Andersen Mr. Warren W. Braley

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Aho

Mr. & Mrs. R. William Ryden Mr. Mark A. Watson

JACOB DAVID MCELDOWNEY Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman

Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Ziessler



Mr. & Mrs. Roger N. Barben

Mr. & Mrs. Armas E. Niskanen

Mr. & Mrs. Albin !hander and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Albin Jliander and Family Hanna Isaacson

Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Boyd

Thor Larsen

Increased Memberships

Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Foster


Mr. & Mrs. L.F. Van Dusen

Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos

Mr. & Mrs. Lee M. Meneice


Mr. & Mrs H. Ruben Kuralti Mr. & Mrs Theodore Lilley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe Leland H. Lowenson

Memorial Donations - April 1 - June 30, 1990

John Karlinsey


John Kemmerer

Mr & Mrs. C. Delmer Boman

Frances T. Swigert Henry T. Swigert Mr. & Mrs. Richard C Tevis Mrs. Frank W. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Wakeman Mr. & Mrs. William L. Woolley Thomas Wrightson

WALT 'lRv' JOSEPHSON Mr. & Mrs Roy A. Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Robert W. Gibson Annabell A Miller Mr. & Mrs. George E. Siverson


Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Strandberg Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams


Mr & Mrs. Ke nneth Lockett

Quarterdeck, Vol 16 No. 4

Mike & Donna Hall

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Branham

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brooks


Mr. & Mrs. Herman M. Haggren

Bonnie Nedrow

Peggy Rysdam

Mr. & Mrs. Russ Fluhrer

Mr & Mrs. Ellis Hill

Mr. & Mrs. Kaarlo J. Karna Mr. & Mrs O.A. Kiminki Mr. & Mrs L.A. Kincaid Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kinnunen Mr. & Mrs Eugene Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Korpela Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kujala Mr. & Mrs. Orren E. Kvinsland Mr. & Mrs Ronald L. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. William Leahy Mr. & Mrs Gene Leech Bud Lindwall Mr. & Mrs Einar Lovvold Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Lovvold Mr. & Mrs Edwin L. Luoma Georgia Maki Mr. & Mrs Al Malchow Mr. & Mrs. William R. Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Ed McCall Mr. & Mrs. Randy Miller Mrs. Vern Mogenson Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund Mr. & Mrs. Dale Nelson L. Carol Nygaard Ocean Foods of Astoria Mr. & Mrs. Alf Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Olsen Roberta Palo Mr. & Mrs. Donald Parker Mr. & Mrs. Larry R Petersen Lawrence & Esther Petersen Althea B. Peterson Edna Peterson Edwin W. Polkey Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Randleman Sylvia Roberts Margaret Ryding Arthur Sagen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Salo Mr. & Mrs. Myron Salo Mr. & Mrs. Terry Salo David & Beth Samuelson Dorothy J. Sarpola Mr. & Mrs. Wesley S. Shaner Mr. & Mrs. George E. Siverson Fred L. Stokes, Jr.

LEONARD G. VERNON Angora Hiking Club of Astoria Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Carruthers, Jr. Columbia River Maritime Museum Auxiliary Dorence Cote

Mr & Mrs. Andrew E. Young

CHARLES A. SPARLING Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C Honeyman

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hill

Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Neikes Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Nidever Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Paulsen Carol Puderbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Rinell Dr. Harvey C. Rones

Sign On!

Mr. & Mrs. William Whitten, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Baldwin

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Finucane

Mr. & Mrs. Gene DeMent

Mr. & Mrs Donald F. Fastabend

Mrs. Deskin 0. Bergey Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Browning Mr. & Mrs . Sam Churchill

Anchor Club

Frances M. Canham

Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Green

AS A MEMBER OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER MARITIME MUSEUM Student $7.50 per year Sustaining $100 per year Individual $15 per year Pilot $250 per year Family $25 per year Sponsor $500 per year Supporting $50 per year Steward $1,000 per year Life Member $5000 Single Payment or Cumulative since 1962 Mr. Mrs. Miss Mailing Address City______________ State ________ Zip ______ 11

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 0. Dreyer


Mr & Mrs. Willard A. Ivanoff Carol Johansen

Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Hill

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pitman Dr. & Mrs. David I. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Max C. Bigby, Sr.

Marian Ferguson Dan Hess Donna Hitchman Charles Kraus Richard Laughlin

Jim & Roxanne Raymond

Mr & Mrs. Robert C. Eaton

Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Neikes Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pitman Mr. & Mrs Mike Soderberg Dorothy 0. Soderberg Mr. & Mrs. Peter Strandberg Mr. & Mrs. William L. Vernon Paul York

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Abrahamson

Mr. & Mrs. J.R Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. John Vermeul Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Wachholz Vina Weber

Lorraine L. Canham

Evelyn Abraham

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Adams

JOHN P. SYVANEN Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ahonen Mrs. Mary Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Forness Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gunnari Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Leslie Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Link Mr. & Mrs. Carl Lofgren Mary L. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Rinell Carlyn Syvanen Francis B. & Helen Syvanen-Sinclair Michael & Sue Syvanen Shane & Linea Syvanen Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tadei Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Yost Helene Zatterlow

Mr. & Mrs. Willard Conley

Evelyn Abrahams Mrs. George Andresen Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Koski A.J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Matthews Mr. & Mrs. William F. McGregor Mr. & Mrs. William F. McGregor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arvid North Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Riutta Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland Mr. & Mrs. Paul Strandberg Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Trout


Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Hauke, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. William C Elder

Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Haggren


Mr. & Mrs. Walfred Degernes

Mr. & Mrs. Myron W Beals

Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Hall

Mr. & Mrs Walter 0. Fransen

Mr. & Mrs. John Holmstedt

Mr & Mrs. Albin !hander and Family



Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Conger, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Johanson W.I. Josephson

Mr. & Mrs Ronald C. Collman Mr. & Mrs. George C. Fulton A.J. L'Amie Patricia Longnecker Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mrs. Ralph Morrow

Mr. & Mrs. Einar Lovvold

Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Englund

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Edison

Barbara K. Cordell

Albert Aho

Mr. & Mrs Harold C Hendriksen

Mr. & Mrs. George C. Fulton


Lou Ann Aldrich

Mr. & Mrs Dick Baird

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Cahill, III

Mr. & Mrs Charles E. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. George E. Siverson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Strandberg Adaline Svenson Leila Svenson Dr. & Mrs. Juan Swain J. Dan Webster


Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Forseth

Elsie C. Osterlund

Rochelle Hall

Nora S. Bue

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hutchens

Tmvo U. PuusTINEN

Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Eaton

Mr. & Mrs. David Fastabend

Mr. & Mrs. C. Delmer Boman

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Cunningham

Replica of H.M.S. Bounty to Visit CRMM Soon

ISSN 0891-2661

ship Columbia, which is diminutive by today's standards. Come see for yourself what life may have been like on board an 18th century vessel such as the Bounty, described by crew members in colorful but not entirely affectionate terms as the 11 floating chamber pot. 11

Astoria, Oregon Permit No. 209


Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID


Yocona: For twenty-nine years the Yocona kept vigil at the mouth of the Columbia River. In 1954, the Yocona came to Astoria and served in maritime law enforcement, search and rescue operations, and in support of the National Buoy Data Office projects. On September 25, 1959, the Yocona rescued 10 survivors from a downed U.S. Navy P5M seaplane after they had been located by a Coast Guard aircraft. Built by Basalt Rock Co., at Napa, California in 1944 for the U.S. Navy as U.S.S. Seize, this 213-foot former salvage tug is powered by twin diesels with 3,030 BHP. She has a top speed of 14½ knots and can make a 10,000 mile trip with a maximum tow. The Seize was acquired by the Coast Guard in 1946 and recommissioned as the Cutter Yocona. 65.122.2


Details of the Bounty's visit are still being worked out as the Quarterdeck goes to press, but anticipation is running high. Mark your calendars and make your plans now to join us for a close look at this interesting and noteworthy vessel while she is here in Astoria.

Don't miss your opportunity to go on board this reproduction of one of the most famous of the British naval vessels of the late 18th century. To those accustomed to transportation in the 20th century, it is a lesson in itself to view the dimensions of a sailing vessel of that era in person. According to noted maritime scholar and artist Hewitt Jackson, the Bounty and Robert Gray's Columbia Rediviva were almost identical in dimension and tonnage, at 83'6" between perpendiculars, and 24'2 11 in beam. This compares with 128' overall for the Light-

A replica of H.M.S. Bounty built for the Marlon Brando version of Mutiny on the Bounty will be visiting the Pacific Northwest at the end of summer. She is due to be at the Columbia River Maritime Museum September 7-10.


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