V15 N4 The 'Annie M. Reid' at San Francisco, circa 1917

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VOL. 15


NO. 4




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THE ANNIE M. REID AT SAN FRANCISCO, CIRCA 1917 The last and biggest ship in a fleet of merchantmen operated since the 1840's by the Troop family of Saint John, New Brunswick was launched by Robert Duncan & Company, Ltd. at its shipyard in Glasgow, Scotland in 1892. This was the steel, four-masted barque Howard D. Troop, of 2,165 gross tons, with a length of 291.3 feet and a breadth of 42.2 feet . The Howard D . Troop quickly proved herself very fast and made several record passages. On her maiden voyage, she crossed the Atlantic to New York City in just thirteen days and two hours, including a run of 330 miles in 24 hours. In January 1899 the Howard D. Troop left Hong Kong in ballast for Astoria under a time limit charter. Unfavorable winds delayed her for 35 days on passage to Japan, but she picked up westerlies off

Yokohama and then crossed the Pacific in only 22 days, arriving at Astoria at dusk on the very day her charter expired, thus saving the owners $5,000. The Howard D. Troop's best passage was made in 1909, when she sailed for Astoria in ballast from Yokohama, with a crew of Japanese seamen. While in Yokohama, Captain Ervine Durkee discharged the previous crew for refusing to work, after he had hauled them before the British Consul on suspicion of having set a fire aboard ship. Astoria was reached in 21 days, with the best 24-hour run being 351 miles, the wind strong at S.S.W. In 1912 the Troop family sold the Howard D. Troop (which was renamed the Annie M . Reid} for £7,250, to the Rolph (continued on page 6/

UPCOMING EVENTS Wednesday, April 26, Noon. Slide/tape program, "The Astoria Bridge," by Leonard Vernon. May 20-27, Astoria's Annual Maritime Week Saturday, May 20, 12:30 - 4:00 p .m. 16th Annual Ship Model Competition (10:30 a.m. entry deadline). Jane Barnes Day events all day at Clatsop County Historical Society. Monday, May 22. National Maritime Day. Wednesday, May 24, Noon. Annual Maritime Museum Auxiliary fund-raising luncheon. Saturday, May 27, Noon. "Row-In" (for all types of humanpowered craft).


Jerry Ostermiller, Director

CHANGE OF COMMAND As most of our local members already know, the Museum's fifth director, Jerry Ostermiller, took up his duties this January, replacing Dr. Stephen Recken, who resigned last August . Mr. Ostermiller, a native of Ontario, Oregon, is 39 years old and was Historic Sites Administrator at the Idaho State Historical Society for the past four years. He received his training in anthropology and historical archaeology at the University of Idaho and is a graduate of the prestigious Williamsburg Seminar for Historical Administration, held at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. Mr. Ostermiller is making rapid strides in familiarizing himself with the local community and in strengthening the Museum's marketing and financial development efforts.

BEQUEST RECEIVED Last fall the Museum received a bequest of $31,189.57 from the estate of the late Rose Tolonen of Astoria. Since no stipulation had been made about a specific use, the money was allocated to the Museum's reserve fund, to cover unplanned major maintenance expenses (for example, emergency repairs previously required when riprap along the river bank was eroded by severe storms and high tides). The ability to build up our reserves to cover such situations is of great value to the Museum, and we should all remember Rose Tolonen' s thoughtfulness and generosity with deep gratitude.

In December the Museum achieved a long-standing goal when a purchase agreement was concluded for acquisition of the Columbia View Trailer Court from Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lovvold of Astoria. This property adjoins the Museum's existing parking lot and will ultimately be used to enlarge it, providing additional parking that is badly needed during the summer tourism peak. Elimination of the trailer court will also markedly improve the appearance of the Museum. However, the Museum will not be taking possession of the property until lhe end of the year, in order to allow ample time for tenants in the court to relocate. The transaction was skillfully negotiated for the Museum by Vice President John G. Williams, Jr. and Trustee W. Louis Larson. It was also greatly aided by generous donation back to the Museum of a portion of the purchase price by Mr. and Mrs. Lovvold.




AUXILIARY NEWS Leonard Vernon will speak at the Museum Auxiliary's monthly meeting at noon on Wednesday, April 26th, presenting a slide program on the construction of the Astoria Bridge. The organization's annual fund-raising luncheon will be held during Maritime Week on Wednesday, May 24th. Last fall the Auxiliary donated funds, in memory of the late Helen Caspell, for purchase of a large-screen video monitor to be used with a video cassette recorder previously donated by Rear Admiral Dave Roscoe (U.S.N., ret.). This will permit the Museum to show programs much more frequently for small audiences and at a reasonable cost, compared to film rentals. Current Auxiliary officers are: Carol B. Moore, President; Frankye Thompson, Vice President and Historian; Lila Collman, Secretary; Orabelle Bruneau, Treasurer; Frances Hoare, Auditor; Janeice Crawford and Lucille Easley, Membership Chairpersons; Betty Farmer, Publicity Chairperson; Colleen Shafer, Contact; B.J. Neikes, Hostess; Marlene Mestrich and Dr. R.P. Moore, Program Chairpersons.

SPECIAL DONATIONS, JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Astoria Warehousing Mr. & Mrs. Graham Barbey Ben B. Cheney Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Christie Mr. & Mrs. Glen Crowl Mr. George DeStafano Estate of Rose Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Forrester Mrs. Ray Gordon

Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson Mr. F. Faber Lewis Linfield College Mrs. Lucille Littlejohn Mr. Donald Mackay Mrs. Marguerite S. Moyer Mr. Charles Mulvey Northwest Natural Gas Mrs. Eda H. Ross

Sunrise Shipping Agency, Inc. Mr. Hall Templeton Mr. James B. Thayer, Sr. Wessinger Foundation Wheeler Foundation In Honor of Walter Gadsby's 70th Birthday Mr. William P. Henry Mrs. Jane R. Kendall

MEMORIAL DONATIONS, JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 HOWARD ANDERSON Mr. & Mrs. Dick Anderson Mrs. Dorothy Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Jack Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Anderson Mrs. Ailene H. Crippen .Friends of Cathy Anderson Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Wenzel Luthe Mr. & Mrs. S.F. Mannetter Mrs. Ralph Morrow Mr. Loran E. Mattson Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Wolford

Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Kuivala Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Ms. Barbara Minard Dr. & Mrs. R.P. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund La Verle M. Porter Mrs. Elli Riutta Mr. & Mrs. George Siverson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Steinbock Mrs. Marie Sarampaa Mr. Howard Tihila Mr. & Mrs. Grover Trask Mr. & Mrs. Arvid Wuonola

WILLIAM BAY Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hodson Mr. Walter I. Josephson Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Ostrom Mr. & Mrs. John P. Syvanen

FRED Mr. & Mr. & Mr. &

DELBERT L. BJORK Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton

HERMAN L. GEISSEL Mr. & Mrs. Roy Aspen

TOM BERGSTROM Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie

ARNE HENRY GROTTING Mr. & Mrs. Roy Aspen Mrs. Ingaborg H. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Forseth & Family Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hauke Mr. & Mrs. Skip Hauke Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hutchens Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kairala Mr. Howard Landon The Leslie Family Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lofgren Mr. & Mrs. Meyer & Family Mrs. Elsie C. Osterlund Mrs. Ellen M. Peterson Mrs. Olga Scott Mrs. Elsa A. Simonsen Mrs. Jordis Tetli Mrs. Ida Wald Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram Mrs. Agnes Wolleson

EDWARD C. BLOMQUIST Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. Herb Hansen ROY CARLSON Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. George F. Ostrom HELEN ELIZABETH CASPELL Mrs. Theresa Andresen Mr. & Mrs. Max Bigby, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brown Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner Columbia River Maritime Museum Staff Mr. & Mrs. David Crawford Mrs. Mildred Doran Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Durham & Bates Agencies, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. A.V. Hilton Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hutchens Mr. & Mrs. John Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Johanson Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kettelkamp Mr. & Mrs. Norm Kimber Mr. & Mrs. Tom E. Kimber Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Koskelo

R. FLUHRER Mrs. Bob Frame Mrs. Jack Keeler Mrs. Ruben A. Mund

VIRGIE C. HARROW Mr. & Mrs. George Webber HONEYMAN FAMILY MEMORIAL Mrs. A.A. Honeyman Mrs. Bruce E. Sinkey GORDON INGHAM Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin

DOROTHY LAMAN Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen TYNNI S. LEDING Mrs. Dorothea J. Handran Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hansen Mrs. C.H. Tolonen WARREN LEITZ Knappton Corporation RICHARD "RICK" N. MOORE, JR. Mrs. Marguerite S. Moyer WALLACE C. MUSTOLA Columbia River Fisherman's Protective Union DORENE MARIE RATERMAN Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie LORA E. ROESER Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mrs. Margaret Waisanen F. RICHARD SCHROEDER Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Capt. & Mrs. James Clune Mrs. Alice Eccles Mrs. Thelma Fitcha Mrs. Edith Henningsgaard Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. W.F. McGregor Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macdonald Mrs. Eda H. Ross Yergen & Meyer LAURENCE SIMONSEN Mrs. Eda H. Ross ROBERT E. TAYLOR Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie FRANK UNDERWOOD Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen JOHN G. WILLIAMS, SR. Mrs. Catherine Honeyman Engmark ETHEL MAE WINTERS Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie INGA MAE YOUTSLER Mrs. Eda H. Ross

NEW MEMBERS, INCREASED SUPPORT(*), JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 SPONSOR Mrs. Marjorie Fellows* PILOT Astoria Seafood Mr. Ted M. Natt, Longview, WA J.G. Newman, Co., Portland Tollycraft Yachts, Kelso, WA SUSTAINING Mr. & Mrs. David E. Becker, Portland Mr. Peter Beckett, Portland Black & Company, Portland Mr. Roland E. Brusco, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Collman• Mr. & Mrs. David Corkill* Mr. Walter Grodahl, III, Portland Heritage, USS Gambier Bay* Mr. & Mrs. Jason Hervin, Portland• Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Patrick, Ebensburg, PA* Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen• Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Melin, Longview, WA Mrs. Herbert H. Minthorn, Longview, WA Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mersereau, Gearhart Mr. James R. Moore, Portland Mr. Henry T. Swigert, Portland• Mr. Stephen Eberly Thompson, Portland* SUPPORTING Mrs. Marilyn J. Anderson, Eugene Benjamin Franklin Savings & Loan• Mrs. Anne Bjork* Ms. Helena Barbey Coover, Belvedere, CA Ms. JoAnn Fussell-Benesch* Custard King* Mr. & Mrs. John Goodenberger* Mr. Frank Hildebrand* Ms. Judith Hawes Holmes, Portland* Mr. & Mrs. Fred Korhonen* Mrs. V.S. Lawrence, Portland* Mrs. Bonnie J. Lewis, Oregon City Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Minthorn, Longview, WA Mr. Brian Rice, Portland Capt. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Salfen* Mr. & Mrs. AlanJ. Skille, Boise, ID* Mr. Newton C. Smith

FAMILY Mr. & Mrs. Reino M. Aho, Oak Harbor, WA Mr. & Mrs. Ray Ala* Mr. & Mrs. Fred Anderson, Warrenton* Mr. Keith Anderton, Stanwood, WA Mr. & Mrs. Steve Arndt, Woodburn, OR Mr. & Mrs. Edward Aspmo Dr. Roger D . Aydt* Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Baldwin, Warrenton* Mr. & Mrs. Vernon G. Barth Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bates, Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Black, Warrenton Mrs. Emelia Bohm* Ms. Deborah Brady, Redmond, WA Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Brown* Mr. & Mrs. Jim Capellen * Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Classen• Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Delanty, Seattle, WA* Mr. & Mrs. Byron A. Fitzgerald, Sa!Pm* Mr. Donald L. Goudy, Portland* Miss Margery P. Gray, Gearhart* Mr. & Mrs. John E. Griffith* Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hedrick, Aloha* Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hill* Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Hoekstra, Sequim, WA Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Houck, San Rafael, CA Mr. & Mrs. Ted Jacobson* Mr. William M. Kankkonen Mr. & Mrs. Gary Katz, Eugene* Mr. & Mrs. Ted Korten, Longview, WA Mr. & Mrs. Mel Landis, Warrenton• Mrs. William Langley, Portland* Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Leinassar* Mr. & Mrs. Fred Leslie* Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Leydecker Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lindberg* Dr. & Mrs. Charles Linehan• Mr. & Mrs. Albert Luukinen • Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lyngstad Mr. Roger McCain Mr. & Mrs. Leys Mccarter, Seaside Mr. R.E . McNanny, Longview, WA Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Martens Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Matthews*




Mr. & Mrs. J. Edgar M oir, Gresham* Mr. & Mrs. Kendall E.M . Nash, Milwaukie Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Newton, West Linn* Mr. Brian Noble, Newport* Mr. & Mrs. David Palmberg, Warrenton* Mr. & Mrs. William Powers, Lake Oswego Mr. & Mrs. Guy A. Randles, Portland Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Richrod, Gearhart* Mr. Richard E. Robillard, Eugene Mr. & Mrs. Jim Santee Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. See, Seaside* Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Seabold, Warrenton* Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Shaver, Skamokawa, WA* Mr. & Mrs. David Siegel, Nehalem Mr. & Mrs. Gene Steele, Portland• Mr. & Mrs. Norman Street* Dr. & Mrs. Juan Swain* Mr. James Taylor, Cornelius* Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thompson• Mr. & Mrs. John L. Wentland, Portland* Ms. Aleta M. Zak, Chicago, IL* INDIVIDUAL Mrs. Helen C. Aho Mr. Joseph Andrich Astoria Public Library Judge John Beatty, Jr., Portland Mr. Don Dean, Salem Mr. Richard DeRossert, La Mesa, CA Mr. Thomas E. Dymowski, Aloha Mr. Steven Gerttula Mr. Samuel E. Johnson, Portland Mrs. Arlene Jones Ms. Barb Kachel, Ilwaco, WA Mr. Donald M. Kerr, Bend Mr. M. Don McCollum, Aloha Mr. David E. Maki, Portland Mr. Richard Nokes, Tigard Mr. Keith E. Norrington, New Albany, IN Ms. Diantha Palmrose Mr. Ralph Peitsch Mr. Brad Schmitt, Kirkwood, CA Ms. Ann Wyatt, Durham, NY



Our Sixteenth Annual Amateur Ship Model Competition will be held on Saturday, May 20th. To provide for entry of all types of model watercraft, there are six categories: ships-inbottles, scratch-built scale models, radio-controlled operating models, wooden kit models, plastic kit models, and decorative or fanciful models. There are also separate age divisions for modellers below age fifteen and for those fifteen and above . The competition is open to any completed ship or boat model, made by an amateur builder, that has not previously won an award in our competition. The entry deadline is 10:30 a.m. on the contest date. No entry fees are charged. All models will be on display to the general public from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. Ribbons and certificates will be given to winners in each category and age division, with awards announced at 1:00 p.m. There is also a trophy for the best model in the show. For further information, contact Larry Gilmore by writing to the Museum or calling (503) 325-2323.

In our last issue there was an article by Ms. Denise Alborn about Shanghaiing. The article had been on file here for a long time and, unfortunately, a similar one by the same author had meanwhile been accepted for publication by the Clatsop County Historical Society in their Cumtux. The Editor wishes to express his regrets to Ms. Alborn and the Historical Society for any inconvenience and discomfiture that I inadvertently caused by running the article without recontacting Ms. Alborn about its imminent publication.

FROM THE EDITOR I regret that production of the Quarterdeck Review fell behind schedule during the interim period in which I was Acting Director of the Museum. A number of grant applications and other projects involving strict deadlines simply did not leave enough time. However, now that we are again fully staffed, it is my intent to bring out issues more frequently than each quarter until we have caught up on the number of issues.

CONSTRUCTION OF REPLICA BEGINS On March 1st the Museum began building the previously announced replica of a Columbia River sailing gillnet boat. Last fall, a $25,000 grant was received from the Ben B. Cheney Foundation of Tacoma, and an additional $10,000 was anonymously donated by a local individual in December. This funding completed the estimated budget, making it possible to begin the project. Thousands of sailing gillnet boats were used for commercial salmon fishing on the Columbia from the introduction of canneries in the area during the 1860's until gasoline engines supplanted sails in the teens of this century. The particular boat to be replicated was built around the turn of the century by Victor Carlson, who fished for the Union Fishermen's Cooperative Packing Company of Astoria. The building plans for the replica have been drawn by Freddryck Barfuet, a professional naval architect from Manzanita, Oregon, based on a rough drawing designed by Carlson. It has been necessary to reconstruct many details left out by Carlson, who only needed a general guide for his own work. Dave Green of Astoria, an experienced professional boatbuilder, has been hired to construct the replica, with completion due in the fall. The public is welcome to come watch the boat take shape in what used to be the baggage and freight office of the old Astoria railroad station, located east of our main building. No admission will be charged, and Green will be working Tuesdays through Saturdays.

VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTIONS RECOGNIZED The great collective contribution made to the Museum by our fine group of volunteers was recognized in our traditional fashion at a potluck dinner, attended by 80 people, the evening of March 6th. Volunteer Coordinator Mary Steinbock (herself a volunteer) summarized the statistics on donated time: 92 people put in 3,714.5 hours of unpaid work during 1988. Even calculated at a relatively low average hourly wage of $5.00, this would translate into a monetary value of more than $18,000. More importantly, many of the volunteers have unique skills and experience not represented among our paid staff, which enables us to carry out projects that might otherwise be impossible. The volunteer store clerks led with 1,680.5 hours, followed by 523 .5 in education functions, 521 for curatorial work, 494.5 in ottice and miscellaneous work, 395.5 in lightship maintenance, and 99.75 hours for preparation of bulk mailings. Certificates of recognition and pins were awarded to eleven volunteers who put in more than 100 hours of time in 1988: Freddryck Barfuet, Lucille Berger, Jeanne Clifford, Annabell Miller, Carol Moore, Gurie O'Connor, Pat Samuelson, Mary Steinbock, Frankye Thompson, Leonard Vernon, and Joan-e Wheeler. In addition, a special posthumous award for volunteer achievement at the Museum by the late Helen Caspell was presented to her sons, Tom and Robert. In spite of her fatal illness, Helen led in volunteer work for the year, accumulating 440 hours! All of us here miss Helen sorely, not just as a helper, but as an inspirational friend . I hope that all of our membership and the community at large will join the staff and trustees in thanking our generous and dedicated volunteers.

Helen Caspell's posthumous volunteer achievement award being presented to her sons, Tom & Robert Caspell, by Office Manager Carol Puderbaugh.



$5000 - Single Payment or Cumulative since 1962 LIFE MEMBER $50 per year $1,000 per year □ SUPPORTING STEWARD FAMILY $25 per year $500 per year SPONSOR □ INDIVIDUAL $15 per year $250 per year PILOT □ $7.50 per year SUSTAINING $100 per year □ STUDENT




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Pictured above are the Westminster Bells performing in the Great Hall during our annual holiday music program on Sunday, December 18th. Generous sponsorship by the Bank of Astoria permitted the Museum to allow free admission to the public lhal day, and some 850 people attended. Cavenham Forest Products kindly provided Christmas trees for holiday decorations. The event featured eight choirs, ensembles, or individual performers, and the entertainment ranged from traditional carols through classical guitar to American and Scandinavian folk music . The music was very well received by those who attended the program.

Navigation & Coal Company, owned by James Rolph, Jr. of San Francisco, who was also a partner with George Hind in the noted shipping firm of Hind, Rolph & Co. After World War I, Rolph made an unsuccessful effort to maintain trans-Pacific trade under sail (he also owned the full-rigged ship James Rolph, the four-masted barque Golden Gate, and the barquentine Rolph}, but there were plenty of steamers to carry all the cargo available. The last voyage of the Annie M. Reid was probably from Honolulu to San Francisco in 1921. She was laid up in Oakland Creek until James Rolph died in 1934 and was broken up at Alameda, California in 1935.




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