V14 N4 Fall 1987 U.S.S. 'Coos Bay' (AVP-25) during World War II

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VOL. 14



U.S.S. COOS BAY (AVP-25) DURING WORLD WAR II The Coos Bay, named for the large bay on the Oregon coast, was a small seaplane tender, one of some 30 such vessels of the Barnegat class built for the Navy during World War II. These ships were about the size of destroyers and were capable of supporting one squadron of seaplanes. The concept of seaplane tenders was not to transport planes aboard, like aircraft carriers, but to serve as floating facilities to provide accommodations for the personnel of seaplane squadrons and to fuel and repair the planes. They also provided the shore defense of a patrol plane base and were, therefore, heavily armed. Since seaplanes land and take off from water, they could be

flown in to meet a tender at some remote island lagoon, establishing a base without the necessity of constructing runways on land. This proved very useful to the Navy, faced with the difficulty of providing sufficient air support over the vast reaches of the Pacific. However, since the performance of seaplanes was not as good as that of equivalent' conventional aircraft, their primary role was for patrol and reconnaissance, rather than combat. After World War II, seaplanes became obsolete for military use, due to the development of helicopters and long-range jet aircraft. {continued on page 4}





FROM THE QUARTERDECK The future looks bright, indeed, for the Columbia River Maritime Museum as we celebrate our 25th anniversary and embark on our second quarter century. At our annual meeting and dinner on September 18 retiring President John McGowan paid tribute to the vision of our founder Rolf Klep and recounted several developments during the last year which are suggestive of the Museum's distinguished future course. Burlington Northern' s very generous gift of the Astoria railroad depot and adjoining property ensures that the Museum will have ample space to develop new facilities and offer new programs. Surely the timing could not have been better to receive this property which offers such vast potential. Yet we must remind ourselves that developing the property will require careful planning and the vigorous support of our membership. On another matter, we can take great pride in the leading role the Museum has taken in researching and mapping the 1830 wreck site of the Hudson's Bay Company supply ship Isabella. Our Curator, Larry Gilmore, has coordinated the Isabella effort, and was responsible for drawing into the project the Underwater Cultural Resources Unit from the National Park Service. Because of Larry's knowledge and leadership, we now know conclusively the identity of the wreck. Information from these efforts has the potential of deepening our knowledge of the Hudson's Bay Company and the trade relations with native peoples. A third important aspect of our future will be the Museum's role in commemorating Captain Robert Gray's entry into the Columbia River. Governor Goldschmidt made a special visit to the Museum to sign House Joint Resolution 15 which calls for planning special observances of the event, in concert with our colleagues from the Oregon Historical Society and representatives from the State of Washington. Captain Gray's exploits have long played a special role in this Museum -it is no accident that our address is 1792 or that our founding date is May 11. With these developments in mind, we can look forward to another 25 distinguished years, beginning with the tenure of our incoming President Peter Brix. It is our responsibility to boldly seize the opportunities laid before us. Stephen L. Recken, Director

CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Our traditional Christmas music program will be held this year on the afternoon of Sunday, December 20. Although the details of the program are not yet finalized, it will, as usual, feature a variety of musical instruments and styles. Please join us in the sweeping space of the Great Hall to celebrate the spirit of the season and enjoy some fine music.

The Museum's annual election and membership meeting in September caused few changes in the composition of the Board of Trustees or its officers. Mr. Peter J. Brix of Portland, Chairman of the Knappton Corporation, succeeded John S. McGowan as President of the Columbia River Maritime Museum, while Admiral John G. Williams, U.S.N. (Retired), from Long Beach, Washington, took over from Mr. Brix as Vice President. Captain Robert Johnson, a Columbia bar pilot from Astoria, was elected to the Board of Trustees to fill a vacancy created by the departure of Mr. Roland T. Fisher from the Board. All other trustees and officers remain the same as during the previous year. The members and staff owe thanks to our past and present trustees for their fine service to the institution.

INDEX FOR PACIFIC STEAMBOATS Mary Ristola, one of our volunteers, has recently completed an index for Gordon Newell's book Pacific Steamboats, originally published by Superior in 1958. Her compilation has turned the book into a useful research source, whereas it was previously too inconvenient to use for quick reference, due to lack of an index. The primary purpose of Mary's work was to make the information in the book more available to our own staff and researchers in our library, but photocopies of the eleven-page index can be purchased by sending $1.50 and a self-addressed envelope to the Curator of the Museum. We deeply appreciate Mary's many hours of diligent work!

MAGNIFICENT VOYAGERS We recommend to our members that they try to visit Magnificent Voyagers: The U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842, a traveling exhibit of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. It will be at the Washington State Historical Society in Tacoma through December 27th. This expedition, commanded by Lt. Charles Wilkes, was the first major, organized American scientific effort. A squadron of U.S. naval vessels was sent to conduct hydrographic surveys in the Pacific, but it also carried several civilian biologists, geologists, and other scientists and illustrators. The expedition was first to establish that Antarctica is a continent. Other areas visited included Australia and various South Pacific island groups. Of most interest here, however, is the fact that Wilkes' squadron surveyed the Northwest coast in 1841 and produced the most accurate, detailed charts made of the Oregon Country to that time. The sloop of war Peacock was lost on a sand spit while attempting to enter the Columbia River. Her crew were saved, but many precious scientific specimens went to the bottom with her. The Smithsonian exhibit includes many of the actual natural history specimens and ethnographic artifacts brought back by the expedition, which became the original foundation of the Smithsonian's museum collections. It also has original maps and artwork produced by the expedition, portraits of its notable men, models of its ships, examples of naval weapons, and navigating or scientific instruments.

BURLINGTON NORTHERN DONATES ASTORIA DEPOT TO MUSEUM A milestone in the history of the Columbia River Maritime Museum was reached this summer when Burlington Northern, Inc. announced that it was donating the Astoria railroad station to the Museum. The gift includes not only the handsome depot buildings, but some 60,000 square feet of land east of the Museum. The donation, valued at $238,000, is the largest received since completion of our new building in 1982, and it will ensure that the Museum will have adequate room to expand its facilities for years to come. John McGowan, then President of the Museum's Board of Trustees, said, "Obviously, we are extremely pleased. I want to express the profound gratitude of the Museum's trustees and staff for Burlington Northern' s generosity. Acquisition of these properties will contribute in a major way to achievement of the Museum's long range goals and will enhance its ability to preserve and depict the maritime heritage of the Columbia River and the Pacific Northwest." Director Stephen Recken added, "It gives us a wonderful opportunity for growth and for future development of the Museum." This is not the first time that Burlington Northern has made a major contribution to the Museum. In October of 1985 they donated three acres of submerged property, located east of the Museum and north of their tracks. And the Burlington Northern Foundation gave an unrestricted grant of $10,000 to our general operating fund last June. A number of ideas for use of the existing railroad station buildings have already been advanced, but a final decision will have to await completion of an architectural and engineering study to determine their structural needs and suitability for various purposes. The Museum's current plan is to use the main depot building for small boat display and demonstrations of small craft construction. Eventually it may house an expanded maritime library. The former freight and baggage building will be used for artifact storage, while the adjacent undeveloped property will provide overflow parking during our busy summer months. The possibility for acquisition of the station property was first raised in 1986, when Burlington Northern closed its Astoria rail express office. Freight service for the Astoria area has since been handled through the office at the St. Helens depot (the railroad has not carried passengers in this area for decades). The present station structures were opened in 1925, but the site had been used as the Astoria railroad station for many years before that .

The former Astoria railroad station

SHIPWRECK CONFIRMED TO BE ISABELLA The Submerged Cultural Resources Unit of the National Park Service conducted work on the lower Columbia during late August of this year. At our request, this team of experienced professional underwater archaeologists and maritime historians dived on the shipwreck at Sand Island from August 20th through the 25th to conduct a survey and provide an independent analysis of the remains . As reported in our fall '86 and spring and summer '87 issues, our previous research indicated that this wreck was probably that of the Isabella, lost by the Hudson's Bay Company en route to Fort Vancouver in 1830. The collaboration of the Park Service was arranged through Jim Thomson, Northwest Regional Archaeologist, partly due to the connection of the Isabella with Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, which is operated by the Park Service. However, the Submerged Cultural Resources Unit is also currently charged with compiling an inventory of historically significant shipwrecks in United States waters. Thomson provided surface support to the Submerged Cultural Resources Unit, consisting of Dan Lenihan, Chief Archaeologist, Larry Nordby, Staff Archaeologist, and James Delgado, Acting Maritime Historian of the Park Service. Frank Geisel, a technical expert, also accompanied the team to operate the SHARPS (Sonic High Accuracy Ranging and Positioning System) equipment that had been provided for experimental use by Marine Telepresence, Inc. of Woods Hole, Massachusetts. This was the first use on the Pacific Coast of this computer-controlled underwater mapping system, which has only been available since March and has previously been used on only seven or eight wrecks in the world. It was used to create a detailed map of the exposed remains. A probe is placed by a diver on a significant feature of the wreck. The probe transmits acoustic signals to transducers, placed on the bottom as fixed reference points at three different locations, which relay them by cables to a microcomputer on the surface. The computer calculates ranges from each transducer to the probe, based on the time required for the sonic signal to travel through the water, and then plots a point by triangulation from the transducer locations. Two data points per second can be plotted three-dimensionally, with an accuracy within two centimeters at a range of 100 meters, and stored in the computer's memory for later analysis and printing. Over 10,000 data points were recorded in five days on the Sand Island wreck. Manual mapping techniques were also utilized as a backup, and construction details were extensively documented with videotape equipment. Additional assistance for these efforts was provided, both underwater and on the surface, by a considerable number of local volunteers, notably Lt. Michael Monteith and Petty Officer Randy Lewis, USCG, James S. White, and Mark Roe. The operation was made possible by the kind cooperation of the U .S. Coast Guard in making the Cape Disappointment Station available as a base. As a result of the investigation, the Submerged Cultural Resources Unit was able, somewhat to its surprise, to confirm beyond any reasonable doubt that the wreck is indeed that of the Isabella. The hull size, construction techniques, manner in which the wreck broke up, and other factors all played a part in {continued on page 4}

SHIPWRECK (continued) this conclusion. However, a key piece of evidence was the realization that an opening in the hull had been cut through from the outside and below the vessel's water line. We know from old documents that just such a hole was cut in the wreck by salvors in 1830 to let water drain out of the hull at low tide. The Park Service divers were surprised and impressed at the extent and good condition of the remains and feel that the wreck is very significant. Consequently, they will nominate it to be placed on the National Register of Historic Sites. A formal report and copies of the team's maps are to be filed with the Columbia River Maritime Museum in the near future. Further archaeological field work on the wreck of the Isabella will depend on the recommendation of the Park Service Submerged Cultural Resources Unit as to options for responsible investigation, and on the development of funding for equipment and trained personnel. We hope, however, that it will prove feasible to undertake at least a partial underwater excavation of the wreck over the course of the next few years. Such a project obviously must be directed by an experienced specialist in nautical archaeology. In the meanwhile, Astorian George Phebus , a former anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution who conducted excavations of Indian village sites at Seaside, Oregon, is serving on a volunteer basis as archaeological advisor to the Museum.

• U .S.S. COOS BAY (continued) The keel of the Coos Bay was laid in August 1941, and she was launched the following May 15th at the Lake Washington Shipyard in Houghton, Washington, sponsored by Mrs. L.E. Geheres. The ship was commissioned in May 1943 with Commander W. Miller as her first skipper. She was 310 feet, 9 inches long overall; 41 feet, 1 inch broad; drew 12 feet, 6 inches of water; and had a full load displacement of some 2,500 tons.

Accommodations were provided for 367 men, including 152 air squadron personnel. Twin Diesel engines could provide speeds up to 18.5 knots, and the Coos Bay had a range of 6,000 nautical miles at cruising speed. Her main battery consisted of two five-inch guns, but she also carried numerous anti-aircraft and machine guns. She was unique among her class in being armed with a "Mousetrap" anti-submarine rocket launcher, as well. The Coos Bay sailed from San Diego for the South Pacific in July 1943 and established a base at Florida Island for Patrol Squadron 71 in October. She was subsequently based at Tulagi, Blanche Harbor in the Treasuries, and at Green Island until June of 1944, then made transport voyages to Espiritu Santo and Guadalcanal. From September to December the Coos Bay was station tender at Saipan, and next went to San Pedro, California for an overhaul. Next spring, while on passage back to the war zone, she collided with a merchant vessel and had to return to San Pedro for repairs. The war was drawing to a close, in September of 1945, before the ship again reached Pearl Harbor. She was then dispatched to Ominato Ko, Japan and remained there until ordered home in December for decommissioning (at Orange, Texas in April 1946) . Two battle stars were awarded to the ship for her World War II service. Eighteen Barnegat-class ships, including the Coos Bay, were lent to the Coast Guard in 1946 and 1948-49 to serve as weather ships at six stations to be maintained as aids to commercial aviation. Each station was located about midway on a transoceanic air route to broadcast weather advice and position checks. These ships were selected because of their seaworthiness and very long range (20,000 miles after conversion of aviation gasoline tanks to Diesel fuel bunkers). The Coos Bay continued to serve under that name, but with altered armament and redesignated as WAVP-376, under the Coast Guard classification system. The Coos Bay was battered by a savage gale and fifty-foot seas on a winter patrol in 1951 at Weather Station Charlie, midway between Labrador and Ireland. She reported heeling fifty degrees on several occasions. Several men were injured in falls, and the superstructure suffered considerable damage. In March 1953, the Coos Bay rescued fourteen aviators from a disabled Navy patrol plane that ditched nearby while she was in the central Atlantic at Weather Station Echo. Eight more people were saved in January 1955 when a military transport was forced down in the sea, even though the incident occurred at night and in rough seas. The ship again distinguished herself in lifesaving during February 1964, while returning from patrol to base at Portland, Maine. A raging gale smashed in a hatch of the British freighter Ambassador, which began to founder. Other merchant vessels reached the scene first, and fourteen of the Britons drowned in a desperate attempt to reach an Italian passenger liner in lifeboats, while nine others were saved by a Norwegian ore carrier. Then the Coos Bay arrived. Even though a full gale was blowing, she daringly maneuvered within sixty feet of the Ambassador. Lines were fired across, with life jackets attached, and the remaining twelve men were pulled to safety aboard the Coos Bay, although one died of previous injuries. The Coos Bay was returned to the Navy in 1967 to be sunk as a target vessel.

NEW MEMBERS, INCREASED SUPPORT(*), JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 CORPORATE STEWARD Knappton Corporation Pacific Power & Light Co. Portland General Electric Western Transportation Willamette Industries, Inc. CORPORATE SPONSOR The Clark Foundation CORPORATE PILOT Astoria Warehousing, Inc. Bumble Bee Seafoods, Inc. SPONSOR Mrs. Joan Irwin Green PILOT Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Larsen* SUSTAINING Armstrong & Armstrong, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Bean, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Herman Haggren * Mr. & Mrs. Victor W. Horgan* Mr. & Mrs. David 0 . Johnson* Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nygaard* Dr. & Mrs. Gary Pedersen* Mr. & Mrs. Wendall Wyatt* SUPPORTING Astoria Pharmacy* Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bertucci* Mr. Howard S. Blitz* Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fluhrer Heritage, USS Gambier Bay* Mr. & Mrs. Henry Houser* Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jubitz* Mr. & Mrs. Victor Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Jack Marincovich* Mrs. Neva W. McCallum Mr. Michael Paul McCusker* Mr. & Mrs. Emery Neale Mr. & Mrs. William Orr* Mrs. George M. Osgood* Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Riutta *

CONTRIBUTING Mr. & Mrs. Philip Adamsak A Great Shop* Daryl Birney, Ph.D.* Mr. & Mrs. Henry Boyd* Mr. & Mrs. Alton Chase* Mr. & Mrs. Harry Claterbos III* Mr. & Mrs. David Crawford* Ms. Ruth Dixon* Mr. Robert L. Eaton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Eckert* Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Fastabend* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Georges, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hammond* Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Huber* Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Jenkins* Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James F. Kindred* Mr. & Mrs. Ron Louie Mr. Dennis P. Maher Dr. & Mrs. Rodney Miller* Mr. & Mrs. David Myers* Mr. Steve McClain* Mr. H.W. McCurdy* Lt. Col. & Mrs. V.L. Nunenkamp Mrs. Margaret Palmer* Mr. & Mrs. Dave Parpala Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulsen* Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Petersen Ms. Heather Reynolds/Mr. Mark Barnes* Mrs. Pamela Ruegg Ms. Beryl Scoggin* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scott* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Simonsen* Mr. & Mrs. Ed Steve* Terry Hahn Auto Parts* Mr. & Mrs. Daniel VanDusen Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Young* ANNUAL Mr. Roger D. Aydt Mr. Alfred Berthelson Mr. Peter Black Mr. Wayne D. Blake Mr. Dan Brandenberg Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cannard Mr. Owen F. Capps

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cushing Mr. James F. Danielsen Mrs. Eleanor Ewenson Ms. JoAnn Fussell-Benesch Ms. Marty Giles Mr. Donald L. Goudy Miss Marge Gray Ms. Judith Hawes Holmes Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Fred Korhonen Dr. Lucina E. Lampila Ms. Ann Landis Mrs. William Langley Mr. Jack Lively Mr. & Mrs. John Mewha Mr. Christopher Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Newton Mrs. Edith Olson Mr. Michael Parker Mr. & Mrs. John A. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Monte Perry Ms. Roberta Recken Mrs. Laura M. Reith Mr. Carl Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Richrod Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Ripley II Ms. Brook Robbin Mr. & Mrs. Craig Rosenkranz Mr. Brad Schmitt Mr. Michael Stark Mr. & Mrs. Gene Steele Ms. Elizabeth Sund Mr. & Mrs. Michael Swanson Mr. Richard Taunton Mr. Mark S. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John L. Wentland Mr. Warren Westerberg* Mr. Gary Whitney Ms. Ann M. Wilson Ms. JoAnn M. Wilson Capt. William A. Worth Mr. & Mrs. Glen 0. Yates Mr. James W. Young STUDENT S.D. Ellersick Ms. Susan C. Lewis

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 WALTER AHO Ms. Viola Abrahamson Mr. & Mrs. Arvo H. Aho Mrs. Dick Aho Mr . & Mrs. Edward Aho Mr. & Mrs. Reino Aho Mr . & Mrs. Tauno Aho Astoria Ice & Cold Storage Astoria Seafood Company Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Jon Hayrynen Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hendricksen Mr. Henry Koski Mr. & Mrs. Arvid North

Mr. & Mrs. Eldred Olson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Olson Mrs. Almeda Oltmanns Mr. Joseph Peschl Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy E. Saukko Mr. & Mrs. Jim Spain Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Dick Thompson Mr. & Mrs . Pete Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Webb Ms. Marie Yost GARDA M. ANGEVINE Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Johnson ROBERT ASHBAUGH Mrs. Eleanor Ewenson

MARY LOUISE BARRETT Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Anderson Mrs. Walter Norblad HARLEY R. BASEL Mr. George Abrahamsen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Abrahamson Mrs. Viola Abrahamson Mr. & Mrs. Finley Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Kay A. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Albert Basl Mr. & Mrs. Roy Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Berney Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Bidema Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cordiner Ms. Dorothy C. Dodd

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 0. Dreyer Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Everson Ms. Ann C. Ferguson Mrs. Helen Fuller Ms . Elsie Gjovik Mr. & Mrs. Howard Graham Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gunnari Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gustafson Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Helligso Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Hill Mr. Mel Hjorten Mr. & Mrs . Dave Hobbs Ms. Joan Jacer Mrs. Esther A. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Kip Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Bob Jones Mr. & Mrs. Ray Justen Mr. & Mrs. John Kemmerer Mr. & Mrs. Bill King Mr. & Mrs. Rangvald Kraft Aune Lager Mr. Karl Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Larson Ms. Evi Larson Mr. Walter Larson Ms. Florence Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lloyd, Sr. Mr. Earl Malinen Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Mart Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Marxen Mrs. Bernice Mathre Mr. & Mrs. Cecil C. Moberg Moore Lithograph, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Nordstrom Mr. & Mrs. Arvid North Mr. & Mrs. Lester Raw Ms. Dorothy Riutta Ms . Julie Riutta Ms. Roberta Riutta Ms. Hazel Rogers Mrs. Marie Sarampaa Mr. & Mrs. Onnie Silver Mr. & Mrs. George Siverson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smith Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Tucker Mr. Don Tuveng Mr. & Mrs. Gene Tuveng Ms. Rosanne Tuveng Mrs . Dale Wahlstrom Mr. & Mrs. A. Wainio Mr. Bill Walman Mrs. Margery Warila Mr. & Mrs. Uno 0. Winters Mr. & Mrs. W.T. Wisbeck Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram RAY ARNOLD BASEL Mr. & Mrs. Roy Baxter Mrs. Dorothy C. Dodd H.T. 'TED' BOHLMAN Mr. & Mrs. Roy Chamberlain Mr. & Mrs. David Cordiner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cordiner Mr. Cecil C. Cross Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Ms. Gloria Hayes

Capt. & Mrs. Gene Itzen Mrs. Patricia Longnecker Ms. Barbara Dodd Menhinick Mr. & Mrs. George Togretti Valley Oil Company

LILLIAN HROMAS Astoria Middle School

NEAL BUSH Mrs. J.E. Niemi

RICHARD B. KNOTTS Ms. Donna Mary Dukich Mrs. Bernice Enke Mr. & Mrs. Gil Gramson Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sharp Mr. Leonard Vernon

ETHEL CLAIBORNE Mr. & Mrs. Warren Skaggs PETER DE ZWART Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangland Dr. & Mrs. David 0. Williams CAROL EDISON Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bondietti Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie DALE ESTOOS Astoria ILWU Pensioners Mrs. Esther Estoos Mr. & Mrs. Mark Youtsler Mr. Gary Ziak

ADOLPHE J. KERBEL Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin

KATHARINE RUTH KOWALSKI Ms. Betty Cleator Mrs. Wilma Jensen Ms. Barbara Murphy Mrs. Ellen Roper Ms. Marie Schultz Ms. Maxine Shulze MABEL LABISKE Mrs. Dorothea Handran Mr. & Mrs. Wm. C. Perkins, Sr.

PEARL GEIB Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen

TAIMI M. LAMPA Buddy Hoell/Rae Goforth

WILLIAM JORDAN GUSTIN Ms. Laura Gustin Brooks Mrs. Shirley Brooks Cole

JOHN Mr. & Mr. & Mr. & Mr. & Mr. & Mr. &

EDWARD W. HARVEY Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Bakkensen Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ilrown Mrs. Nancy T. Carruthers Mr. & Mrs. R. Dale Collins Mr. A.J. Conger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cox Mr. & Mrs. C.W. DuBois Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rod Gramson Mr. Leonard Haga Mr. & Mrs. Dave Hobbs Mr. H. Ruben Kuratli Ms. Evelyn H. Lazarus Mrs . Patricia Longnecker Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe Mrs. Bernice Mathre Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. John S. McGowan Mrs . Anne H . Naab Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Quinn Mr. Stephen L. Recken Mr. Myles C. Rorvig Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen Miss Ethel Wicks Mr . & Mrs . W .R. Wollenbecker Mrs. Agnes Wolleson Yergen & Meyer HOWARD HINSDALE Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hemphill BERNARD HOWE Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. Dan A. Thiel

LA ROCQUE Mrs. James Kindred Mrs. Don Nelson Mrs. Tom Nelson Mrs . Tom Nelson, Jr . Mrs . Carroll Seabold Mrs . James Wellborn

VICTORIA LINK Ms. Barbara S. Doyle Ms. Myrtle L. Immer Mrs. Bertha K. Lee Lt. Col. & Mrs. Victor L. Nunenkamp Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Olsen DUANE W. MARTIN Mrs. Marguerite A. Moyer WAYNE MORISETTE Mrs. Viola M. Cariglio Mrs. Dorothy Mickelson Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nichols Mr. & Mrs . Roy F. Oman RALPH MORROW Capt. & Mrs. Joseph Bruneau Mrs. Margaret Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. Alf Dahl Mrs. Alice G. Kerbel Mrs. H . Ethel Klopfer Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mrs. Ellen Kiiski Moody Mrs. Ingrid Murray Mrs. J.E. Niemi Mrs. Walter Norblad Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Renney Mr. & Mrs . Lennart J. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stevenson Mr. Leo Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Zankich

JACK MUDD Ms. Anne Askinen

MARY REGIS POELL Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen

BARBARA H . VINCENT Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hemphill

WILLIAM G . McCALLUM Mr. Steve Arndt Mr. & Mrs. James M. Audritsch Mr. & Mrs. John Blalock Mr. & Mrs. Marvin G. Brown Mr. Paul Driskell Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Heide Mr. & Mrs. George Iwasaki Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. William H. Key Ms. Marie J. Kocher Mr. & Mrs. Merle Leighty Ms. Irene Luzarrindell Mr. & Mrs. Leo D. Mellon Mr. & Mrs. David G. McCallum Ms. Lela J. McGarvey Ms. Mary M. McKay Mr. & Mrs. Milton D. Parker Mr. Keith Robinson Mr. Paul Shaffer Mr. Dale Yuranek

JACK A. ROBERTSON Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr.

NAHUM 'SHORTY' WARD Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Truman E. Slotte

LILLIAN D. ROBINSON Mr. & Mrs. Rick Culver Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie

EARL WASSER Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kennedy

MARCUS MONROE SANFORD Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Kuivala

ANN WELBORN Mr. & Mrs. Kenton Cruzan


STEVE WEST Friends at The Office Tavern Mr. & Mrs. Richard Huckestein Mr. George Kesti Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scheve Mr . & Mrs. Rodney Silva The Office Tavern

A. McFARLANE Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie JESS McLAUGHLIN Mr. & Mrs. George Blinco ARTHUR RAY NIEMI Mr. & Mrs . Henry Boyd Mrs. Edith Schenk BEVERLY OLSON Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Larry Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Classen Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hartill Mr. Buddy Hoell Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hogeland Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hutchens Mr. & Mrs. Arnold F. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Johnson Mr. Bob Koskela Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Larsen Mrs. Dorothy Martin Mr. & Mrs. Wm. A. Marxen Mr. & Mrs. Perry Nordmark Mr. Donald V. Riswick Mrs. Sylvia Roberts Mrs. Elsa Simonsen Ms. Kate Stoffelsen Mr. George Strom Ms. Frances Vandenburg Mrs. Margaret Waisanen Mrs . Patricia Westerlund PETER FRANK PAULSEN Mr. & Mrs. Gil Gramson ARLIE L. PETERSEN Mrs. Berenice I. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Larry Telen Mr. & Mrs. Bill Whitten SANDRA LEE PITTMAN Mrs. Helen C. Aho Mrs. Clara B. Johnson

LARRY SORENSON Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sorkki GRACE SUNELL Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie W.B. TUKEY Dr. & Mrs. T.C. Hon! Mrs. O.M. Olsen RICHARD 'RIP' VAN WINKLE Mr. & Mrs·. Chris Mestrich Mr. Paul Williamson ANNETTE M. VERNON Mrs. Laura E. Balke Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cox Mr. & Mrs. John Christie Mr. Cecil C. Cross Ms. Vivian Fisher Mr. & Mrs . George Fulton Mr. Spence Hackney Mrs. Dorothea J. Handran Mrs. Donna Hitchman Mrs. Esther Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Sigfred Jensen Mrs. Jalmer Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Johnson Mrs. Nora Johnson Mr. & Mrs. W .R. King Ms. Barbara J. Knotts Mrs. Viola L. Kononen Mrs. Florence Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lindsay Mrs. Patricia Longnecker Mrs. Dorothy R. Mickelson Mrs. Ellen Morris Mr. Lyle Morris Mr. & Mrs. Abel Olson Mr. Donald L. Orwick Mr. & Mrs . Erling Orwick Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petersen Mr. Stephen L. Recken Mr. & Mrs. Bob Roeser Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sharp Dr. & Mrs. Norm Shatto Mrs. Virginia A. Shepherd Mrs. Maude E. Shotwell Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stidham Mrs. Jordis Tetli Mrs. Marguerite Zorich Mr. & Mrs. Steve Zorich

HUBBARD WHITAKER Mr. Harry Bourne Mr. George Hayes Mr. Charles P. Howell Mr. David Lettich Capt. & Mrs. Donald S. Moir Mr. Tom MacKay Mr. John Owen Mr. John Parsons Mr. Willia Robertson NORA WHITTEMORE Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman ROBERT N. WILLIAMSON Mr. & Mrs. Lennart J. Ross FERN WITTLIFF Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mrs. J .E. Niemi GEARHART WUORI Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Arnall Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brunner Mrs. Aneta A. Englund Englund Marine Supply Mrs. Florence Hansen Mr. Leonard Haga Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Helligso Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Hill Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hjorten Jensen Communications Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Eino Mattson Mr. & Mrs. Steve Miller Mr. & Mrs. F.J. Mcswain Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Nielsen Mr. Robert Nikka Mrs . Elsie Osterlund Mr. Ross Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. Uno Winters Mr. & Mrs. Milton Zell RUBIN E. 'RAY' YOUNG Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hemphill Mr. Jason A. Hervin





SPECIAL DONATIONS JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 Anchor Graphics Mr. David Haskell Mrs. Jane R. Kendall Thunderbird Seafare Restaurant HONEYMAN FAMILY MEMORIAL Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Honeyman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sinkey




$500 per year


$250 per year


$100 per year

$1,000 single payment

□ Supporting □ Contributing

$50 per year

□ Annual □ Student

$15 per year

$25 per year

$7.50 per year

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The curatorial staff wish to extend their thanks to Tom Kindred of Astoria Seafoods and Mike Josephson at Josephson's Smokehouse for their aid in solving a preservation problem. They generously provided access to freezer facilities and materials needed to treat a cannery ledger that was suspected of being infested with carpet beetle larvae (bookworms), which might have spread to other materials in our collection. We are also indebted to the Clatsop County Search and Rescue Team for performing a survey of the river bed beneath our lightship Columbia to locate any foreign objects that might damage her hull during extremely low tides. Mr. Jerry Zebor planned the operation as a training exercise for the group's divers, with the approval and support of Sheriff John Raichl and Ed Hauer.

Education Coordinator Richard Fencsak will once again teach his popular college course on the maritime history of the Columbia River, beginning in January. Classes will be held at the Museum, but registration is through Clatsop Community College. Previous students have greatly enjoyed the course, which spans a broad spectrum of the great river's history from the explorers and fur traders to 20th century shipbuilding and fishing, not neglecting the great days of the salmon canning industry, the colorful era of sternwheel riverboats, or the deepwater tars who carried Northwest grain and timber to distant markets in towering windjammers. If you would like to deepen your knowledge of a vital aspect of our regional history, call (503) 325-0910 and ask for the Evening School Office in order to obtain details on the course.




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