V12 N4 Fall 1985 Oregon Naval Militia Marching at Astoria, 1898

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FALL 1985


NO. 4

OREGON NAVAL MILITIA MARCHING AT ASTORIA, 1898 Oregon once had its own navy? Well, not exactly, but there was a distinct state naval organization for several years. A number of states had formed their own navies during the American Revolution, and several Confederate states imitated that precedent during the Civil War. The Oregon force, however, was a "naval militia," originally organized as part of the Oregon National Guard in 1898, when war broke out with Spain. A number of other coastal states also had formed such organizations, ostensibly for coastal defense, because the U.S. Navy then had no reserve organization to provide for quick expansion in time of war.

A number of Portland citizens petitioned the governor, in April of 1898, to form a naval battalion as part of the National Guard. Under authority of existing law, two companies were organized at Portland and one in Astoria, each consisting of thirty-nine enlisted men and four officers (elected by the men!). Funds were allocated for purchase of uniforms, weapons, and equipment, but the battalion was not called into federal service during the brief Spanish-American War. This had an adverse impact on the unit's morale and, by the time it was reorganized into three divisions in May 1899, the battalion's strength had (continued on page 3}



Little more than two months remain before Christmas and it is time, like it or not, to start thinking about all that shopping you have to do. Please remember that the Museum's shop stocks a wide variety of decorative, entertaining, and functional gifts with a nautical flavor- and that our members are entitled to a ten-percent discount on purchases.

Newly elected trustees and officers of the Board of Trustees were introduced to some 250 members who attended the Museum's annual meeting and reception on September 28th. Roland T. Fisher, a resident of Lake Oswego and Seaside, is the new president of the Board of Trustees. He recently retired as a director and the corporate representative for government and public affairs of Western Transportation Company. He was president of Waterway Terminals until that firm merged with Western Transportation. Mr. Fisher is also actively involved with several other non-profit organizations. He succeeds John S. McGowan, who has served as the Museum's president for two years. Peter J. Brix, Chairman of Knappton Corporation, succeeded Roland Fisher as the Museum's vice president. Eugene Lowe of Seaside was re-elected secretary, and Edith Henningsgaard, Mayor of Astoria, was re-elected treasurer. Eight new trustees have been elected to the 29-member Board of Trustees: Jack R. Dant, Chairman of the Board of States Steamship Co.; Alan Green, Jr., ex-Chairman of the U .S. Maritime Commission; Gene Sause, President of Gene Sause & Co.; and Admiral J.G. Williams, Jr., U.S.N . (Retired) . Peter Brix, Edith Henningsgaard, John R. Brooke, a Portland attorney, and Blake Hering, President of Atlas Steamship Co., were re-elected. The retiring trustees are Walter Gadsby, Donald E. Hughes, and Jack L. Patterson , all of Portland.

AUTUMN TOUR SERIES On November 9th the Museum will conclude its highly successful fall series of tours with an excursion to the Seattle waterfront. The first two outings were a coastal birdwatching workshop and "Northwest Sentinels," a tour of present and former light stations around the mouth of the Columbia. The latter included a boat trip for close looks at the "super buoy" that replaced the Columbia River lightship and the old Tillamook Rock Lighthouse , as well as bus transportation to the operating lighthouses at Cape Disappointment and North Head, Washington. Both of these previous tours proved so popular that all available reservations were snapped up within a few days. The Seattle tour will include round-trip transportation from Astoria by charter bus, lunch in Olympia, a guided tour of the Seattle waterfront aboard the historic Puget Sound passenger steamer Virginia V, and dinner at a restaurant beside Lake Washington. The Virginia Vis 125 feet long and was built in 1922, but her fascinating triple-expansion steam engine dates from 1898. Museum Trustee Tom Dyer, a resident of Seattle, will provide commentary for the 3½-hour cruise along the deep-water port facilities at Elliott Bay, the fishing fleet at Shilshole Bay, and through the Ship Canal to Lake Union and Lake Washington. As this goes to press, one bus has already been filled, but it appears that a few seats might still be available on a second bus when this reaches you. The cost is $95.00 each for members and $120.00 for others. Call (503) 325-2323 to request reservations . Due to the popularity of the fall tours, it is intended to offer another series next spring, but details of dates and subjects are not yet available. Watch for future announcements!




"CAPTAIN MARITIME'S TREASURE HUNT" That is the colorful title of a guide booklet about the Museum written by and for school children as a result of collaboration between the Museum and the Astoria School District in a summer program called OPUS (Opportunities and Projects for Unique Studies). Twelve local students in the fourth through sixth grades researched and wrote the booklet, which will serve as a guide to our galleries for school tours of third to fifth graders. It contains questions and clues regarding 25 exhibits, as well as maritime puzzles and drawings. The booklet became available in September.


Taking a close look at Tillamook Rock Lighthouse during "Northwest Sentinels" tour

A temporary exhibit of artwork portraying Northwest birds formally opened in conjunction with the Museum's annual meeting and reception on September 28th. It consists of nineteen exquisite painted wood sculptures, twelve watercolors and drawings, and a display explaining the artist's process of carving. The artist is Del Smith, who resides at Cascade Head on the Oregon coast. He has been carving birds for fifteen years, having been attracted to the subject by a study of antique waterfowl decoys. This very worthwhile exhibit will remain on display in the Museum until the end of the year. Do try to see it, if you were unable to attend the annual meeting!


Oregon Naval Militia unit at Astoria, circa 1898

fallen to only sixty-nine men. Reports of inspections revealed that weapons were also in poor condition. Although four boats were lent to the battalion by the Navy and annual training cruises aboard warships were provided, there was little improvement in strength. Therefore, the officers were discharged and the men transferred to the Guard's ordinary companies in 1902. Since California and Washington had both continued naval militia programs, the Navy wished to encourage a renewed effort by Oregon and offered the loan of a fully equipped warship to the state for training purposes. In 1910 the Oregon Naval Reserve was created as an adjunct of the National Guard by proclamation of Acting Governor Bowerman. It was to consist of not more than ten divisions, each to number at least twenty men, with the officers still to be elected by the men. A bill passed by the legislature the next year confirmed this establishment and specified that the state adjutant general would stand in the same relationship to the Navy Department with respect to the Naval Reserve as he already did to the War Department concerning the National Guard. The legislators also appropriated funds for the naval militia and accepted the loan of a warship from the Navy. Meanwhile, the officers squabbled among themselves, resulting in a court of inquiry which found, " .. .there existed no unity of action among the officers of the Naval Reserve; no respect for authority; no discipline; no harmony of purpose; and that said officers were divided into factions and their usefulness destroyed by dissension, jealousies and strife." Therefore, the Oregon Naval Reserve was disbanded on May 19, 1911 and reconstituted on the following day with new, appointed officers. As promised by the Navy, the U.S.S. Boston was assigned to the Oregon Naval Reserve as training ship in June of 1911. This was an old protected cruiser which had been launched in

1884 as part of the Navy's first group of steel warships. She had fought in Dewey's squadron at the Battle of Manila Bay in 1898, but was thoroughly obsolete as a fighting ship by 1911. The Boston was still useful, however, for drills and short training cruises. The Navy also provided annual training cruises aboard active warships. The outbreak of World War I in 1914 threatened the possibility of U.S. involvement, so training of Oregon's naval militia intensified. Its strength then stood at about 200 men. In December of that year, the Navy assigned a second warship to Oregon. This was the torpedo boat Goldsborough, which had been launched by Wolff & Zwicker at Portland in 1899. She was a vessel of legendary bad luck; her repeated breakdowns while trying to complete her trials helped drive her builders into financial ruin, and she never did meet her contract specifications. Despite a rebuilding in 1903, the Goldsborough remained a jinxed ship and was not commissioned until 1908. It was probably a relief to the Navy to turn her over to the Oregon militia, who used her mainly for cruises on the Columbia.

The U .S.S. Boston at Portland

The torpedo boat Goldsborough on the Columbia

Meanwhile, during a cruise aboard the U .S.S. Albany in 1915, the Oregon Naval Reserve engaged in four days of target practice and earned commendations for scoring better than 87 percent of direct hits. In 1915 an attempt was made to form an aeronautical branch of the Oregon Naval Reserve by borrowing an airplane from two of its members. This experiment seems to have petered out, after an initial surge of enthusiasm, because the Navy failed to provide any additional aircraft. A deadly accident occurred aboard the Boston while firing a salute on July 4th in 1916. A defective round misfired in a six-pounder gun, killing Coxswain V.B. Burnell and wounding a seaman. During this same year, the aging Boston was replaced by the cruiser Marblehead, which had been launched in 1892. An interesting detail about the Marblehead's service in the militia is the fact that her crew included a detachment of 25 "marines" assigned from the National Guard. Unrestricted submarine warfare and other repugnant actions by Germany finally prompted the United States to declare war on April 6, 1917. The Navy immediately recalled the Marblehead and Goldsborough for active service, while the men of the Oregon Naval Reserve reported to the Puget Sound Navy Yard for induction into federal service. A second battalion was quickly raised and sent to a naval training camp at the University of Washington. Paradoxically, the war eventually led to the demise of the Oregon Naval Reserve. The militia entered federal service together, but were not kept together as a unit (although a great many of them were assigned to the battleship

The U.S. cruiser Marblehead

Daniel Hannula, Oregon Naval Militia

South Dakota}. In 1918 Congress transferred all the naval militia then on active duty to the new U.S. Naval Reserve, which was to absorb future efforts. Meanwhile, fear of possible sabotage caused Governor Withycombe to create a third battalion of naval militia, after the first two entered federal service. This battalion patrolled the harbors of Portland and Astoria, guarded merchant vessels of the U.S. Shipping Board while in port, handled recruiting for the merchant marine, and conducted naval funerals in the state. In 1918 it also began manning U.S. Shipping Board vessels in both Oregon and Washington. The Navy Department declined to continue recognition and co-operation with purely state organizations after the creation of a national naval reserve. Since it could obtain no replacements for the Marblehead and Goldsborough and most of its personnel had been taken into the U.S. Naval Reserve, the Oregon Naval Reserve was left with little purpose when the war ended. A small nautical school was maintained in Portland to conduct elementary training, using the launch Penguin. Otherwise, there remained a mass of paperwork relating to wartime pay, allotments, insurance, etc .; when this was wound up, Adjutant General White recommended the abolition of the Oregon Naval Reserve. It was officially disbanded on December 8, 1921, having trained some 750 of the 3,000 Oregonians who served in the Navy during World War I. The Editor wishes to acknowledge his heavy dependence in preparation of this article on the monograph The Oregon Guard's "Navy," by Colone/John Mewha, ONGR.

SPECIAL GIFTS & CONTRIBUTIONS, JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 American Legion, Clatsop Post #12

Burlington Northern Railroad


First Interstate Bank of Oregon

NEW MEMBERS, INCREASED SUPPORT(*), JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 LIFE Mr. Gene Sause, Portland* PILOT Mr. & Mrs. Richard Van Winkle* SUSTAINING Mr. James W. Bayless, Warrenton* Capt. Joseph L. Bruneau* Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Pellegrini, Santa Rosa, CA Pete Anderson Realty, Seaside* Mrs. Carlotta Honeyman Sinkey, Springfield* Adm. & Mrs. John G. Williams, Jr., Long Beach, WA SUPPORTING Astoria Pharmacy* Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Bowler* Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dymond* Capt. R. Barry Fisher, South Beach Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Graham, Arcata, CA* Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Leinassar Capt. Jack Patterson, Aloha* Mr. & Mrs. Arnold W. Seeborg, Warrenton* CONTRIBUTING Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ashworth, Portland* Mr. & Mrs. Max Bigby, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bowdish Mrs. Kathryn J. Capper, Cannon Beach* Dr. Tzu Sung Chiang, M.D. * Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Collman, Warrenton*

Mr. Jon Englund* L.R. Evans, Portland Mr. & Mrs . Donald F. Fastabend* Mr. & Mrs . Martin Frank, Los Angeles, CA* Mrs. Margaret Green Mr. & Mrs. Herman Haggren, Kodiak, AK* Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Hansen, Warrenton* Mrs. Alice M. Harvey, Seaside* Mr. & Mrs. Henry Houser, Portland* Ms. Teresa Hubbell, Warrenton* Mr. Dudley C. Humphreys, Seattle* Dr. & Mrs. A.J. Kerbel* Mr. Jack G. Marincovich* Mr. & Mrs. Colin Moore Mr. Michael Paul Mccusker Reed & Grimberg* Mr. & Mrs. William C. Reuter* Mrs. Hugo Seeborg* Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Skille, Boise, ID Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stephan, Ros burg, WA* Terry Hahn Auto Parts, Inc.* Dr. & Mrs. William Ward* ANNUAL Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams Mrs. Judith Atkinson Vicki Baker & Jan H . Faber Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Batchelder, Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Bean, III, Yakima, WA Mrs. Spencer Beebe, Portland Mrs. Margaret Bowerman, Walnut Creek, CA

Mr. James M. Chester, Bozeman, MT Ms. Joann Cole Crab Broiler, Inc., Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Edward Delanty, Seattle Mr. Paul Gorman Mr. Thomas R. Graf, Hillsboro Mr. Bill W. Hyder, Long Beach, WA Miss Nannie A. Johnson Mrs. Dorothy Kappel Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kearney, New Smyrna Beach, FL Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lennon, Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Lynch, Portland Mr. Darrell Minus, Milwaukie Miss Martha J. McIntosh Mr. & Mrs. Roger Olson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ostgard, Warrenton Mr. Phil J. Overbey Mr. & Mrs. Edward Panowicz, Portland Mr. I.H. Pepper, Long Beach, WA Mr. David Peterson Mr. & Mrs. David Pfaff, Vancouver, WA Mr. & Mrs. William L. Rairdon, Portland Mrs. Jan Rea, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Robertson, Portland Mr. John A. Sarpola, Corvallis Judge & Mrs . Herbert Schwab, Cannon Beach Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seppa Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Shaver, Portland Tim Smith & Kathi Blackwell Mr. Harry L. Steward Mr. & Mrs. Jim W esorick Mr. Warren Westerberg Ms . Aleta M. Zak*

• MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, JULY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 LYDIA B. ANDRICH Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. H.W. Brick Grayum Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Ross

CULLEN Y. BAKER, SR. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Takalo

KENNETH A. COLE Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen

HENRY BANNER Capt. & Mrs. John Beale

"JACK" JOHN H. DART Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Graham

MARY PATRICIA McGOWAN ATCHESON Mr. & Mrs. Allen V. Cellars Capt. & Mrs. Dale Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Doupe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macdonald

HELEN HONEYMAN BURT Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wilhelm

VINCE DULCICH Mr. & Mrs. Herman Haggren Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Korpela

HAROLD J. CARLSON Mr. Leonard Vernon THELMA C. CLARK Mr. & Mrs. Norman Forney

WESLEY EPPERLEY Mr. & Mrs. Travis Tyrrell


ELIZABETH A. HANSEN Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Schneider

Mrs. Helen C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mrs. Hazel Hall Mrs. Vivian F. Jackson Mrs. Bernice Jager Mrs . Esther A. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kindred Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr . & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. Sam H. Lee Mrs. Leona A. Perkins Mrs. Ardelle Phillips Mrs. Henry Puusti Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Seppa Mr. & Mrs. Ed G . White


TOIVO LOUKKULA Mr. & Mrs. Harley Basel

ITOL DART HEATH Mr. & Mrs . Theodore Graham

CHARLES L. MARSH Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Marsh

MILTON HEROLD Mrs. Vernon A. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Butch Petersen

FRANCES E. MARSH Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Gramson Mr. & Mrs . Charles Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Hellberg Mrs. Katherine Hellberg Mrs. Dorothy Mickelson Mr. & Mrs. M.M. Sanford Mrs. Neva Sherwood

ROLAND MARSTON PAYNE Rowan Northwestern Decorators, Inc.

ANSON B. MOWREY Mr. & Mrs. Erland Fahlstrom

LORRAINE SARPOLA Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos

ROBERT L. MOXLEY Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr Bob McLean

ANNA SKAALEUREN Mr. & Mrs. Jon Brazier Mrs. Bessie Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hansen Ms. Lillian LeBeck Ms. Mary Lyon Ms. Elsie Pedersen

HILDA B. FOSTER Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen FRANKLIN WILLIAM FRICKEY Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund ALBERT G. HANSEN Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Schneider

GAYLORD JACKSON Mrs. A.W. Johnson ARNE H. JUOLA Mr. & Mrs. Clarence 0 . Dreyer Mr . & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Haga Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hellberg Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hendriksen Mrs. Ila Rae J uola Mrs. Anita Kankkonen Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Don Landwehr W.S. Loomis & Family Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lundholm Mrs. Vern Mogenson Mr. & Mrs. Mike Riva Ms. Hannah Seeborg Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. Ron Westerlund Ms. Theresa Wilson EDWARD KARY Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie JOHN LAGER Mr. & Mrs. Erland Fahlstrom CLINTON LAMAR Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland ARVID W. LARSEN Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jackson Mrs. Gertrude M. Johnson LEA CONSTANCE ODENBORG LARSEN Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cameron ELSIE E. LEE Mrs. Hilda Andersen Mrs. Berenice I. Baker

BRIAN T. McLEAN Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Frank LaPay Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Ostrom JAMES W. McMILAN Dr. Keith & Elva McMilan NELLIE HORTON McMILAN Dr. Keith & Elva McMilan WILLIAM HOWARD McMILAN Dr. Keith & Elva McMilan ANTHONY NAIMO Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Classen MRS. NAYLOR Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Trout UNO NIEMI Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amato Mr. Fred Antilla Mrs. Lila Bjork Mr. & Mrs. Pete Davis Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dreyer Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. William Elder Mrs. Axel Englund

Mr. Leonard Haga Mr. Ahti Hayrynen Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kinnunen Miss Helen Koski Mr. Henry Koski Mr. Ed Lundholm Mrs. Marguerite Moyer Mr . Edwin Niska Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Ostrom Ms . Dorothy Palmrose Ms. Mary Palmrose Mr. & Mrs. Joe Parnell Mr. & Mrs. James Rainey Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rinell Mr. & Mrs. Don Rundel Mr. & Mrs. Ted Sarpola Mr. & Mrs. Ed Westerlund ARTHUR PAQUET Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Orin Hess

KEVIN MATT PETERS Mr. & Mrs. John Baird Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dyke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland Yvonne, Eric & Erron Viukkola

CURTIS SWAIM Puget Sound Tug & Barge SELMA K. SWANSON Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Mund HAROLD A. SYMMONDS Mr. Herb Hanson PAUL DENNIS "CASEY" THOMPSON, III Mr. & Mrs . George Abrahamsen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Allen Mr. & Mrs . R. Keith Allen Ms. Mary E. A{isnehmer Mrs. Berenice I. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Barrows Mr. & Mrs. Warren Bechtolt Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bellingham Mr. & Mrs. Victor Berger Mr. & Mrs. Max Bigby Mrs. Helen Blomquist Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bondietti Mr. & Mrs. Kay Bredleau Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jack S. Brown

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS (CONTINUED) Capt. Joseph L. Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. Peter Buchan Mr. & Mrs. Howard Burns Mrs. Vieno A. Canessa Mr. & Mrs. Willard Caspell Mr. Paul Colby Columbia Travel, Staff Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cordiner Mr. & Mrs. David Corkill Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Craig Crandall Mr. & Mrs. George Crandall Mr. & Mrs. George Cruzan Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Alf Dahl Capt. & Mrs. Dale Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Doran Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dreyer Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Elder Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Filliger Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. Tom George Mr. Bill Gittelsohn Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Green Ms. Dorothea Handran Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Heberling, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George Hediger Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hill Mr. & Mrs. John Hill Mrs. Lempi Hill Mr. & Mrs. A.V. Hilton Mr. & Mrs. Dave Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Harold Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jacob Mrs. Elsie Jervinen Mr. & Mrs. John F. Jensen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Art Johanson Mr. & Mrs. G.G. Johnson Mrs. Gertrude M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ragnar 0. Johnson Ms. Robyn Juola Mrs. Ila Rae J uola Ms. Gloria Keithley Mr . & Mrs. Dick Keller Mr. & Mrs. James Kindred Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kinnunen Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mrs. Ford Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Koskelo Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Lane Mr. & Mrs. Grant W. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lawrence Mrs . Bertha Lee Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leinassar Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lindstrom Mrs. Patricia Longnecker Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Sven Lund

Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lundholm Mr. & Mrs . Wenzel Luthe Mr. & Mrs. W .E. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macdonald Mr. & Mrs. Vern Malen Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Warren Mattson Mr. & Mrs. William R. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Randy Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Mund Mr. & Mrs. Clyde McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Don McKay Mr. & Mrs. E.V. McNeeley Ms. Gloria M. Nelson Mrs. J.E. Niemi Mr. & Mrs. Ed Nimmo Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nygaard Ms. Robin O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Eldred Olson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Olson Mr. & Mrs. A.W . Ostrom Mr. & Mrs. Carl Paronen Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Paulsen Mr. & Mrs. Osmo Perkiomaki Mr . & Mrs. Arnold Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Butch Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Larry Petersen Mr. & Mrs. George C. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. James Pilgreen Mr. & Mrs. Eino Puusti Mrs. Ferne Morse Reynolds Adm. & Mrs. D.L. Roscoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Art Sandstrom Mr. & Mrs . Stanley Sayer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schroeder Mr. William R. Schwegler Mr . & Mrs. Carroll Seabold Mr. & Mrs. George Siverson Mr. & Mrs . Lewis Smith Mr. & Mrs. Carl Snow Mrs. Dorothy 0. Soderberg Mr. & Mrs. James Stacy Mr. & Mrs. Harry Steinbock Mr. & Mrs . Daniel Supple Ms. Lola M. Swanson Mr. & Mrs . Phillip Switzer Ms. Chris Lynn Taylor Ms. J. Marlene Taylor Mr. & Mrs . Donald R. Teppola Mr. & Mrs. Dan A. Thiel Mrs. Katharine Thorne Mr. & Mrs. Frank Thorsness Mr. & Mrs. Carvel Tinner Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Trout Mrs. Helen Utti Mr. & Mrs. L.F . Van Dusen Mr. & Mrs. Willis L. Van Dusen Mr . & Mrs. J. Dan Webster Mr. & Mrs. Sion Wentworth Mr. & Mrs. Ed White

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wrenn Yergen & Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Young Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Zankich KURT W. TONJES Astoria Marine Construction Co . Mr. & Mrs. Victor Berger Mrs. James Borders Dr. & Mrs. Michael Buckman & Family Mr. Harry Casper Capt. Virgil L. Cathcart Mr. & Mrs . John Christie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Clark Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Everson Mr. & Mrs. Don Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Fisher Ms. Vivian Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Helligso Mr. & Mrs. Dave Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Slaton Hughes Mr. Herbert Hyvari Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Hyvari Ms. Joan Jacer Ms. Aileen E. Jenson Mr. & Mrs. W.R. King Mr. & Mrs. Carl Labiske Mr. Carl Larson Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Larson Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Mart Mr. & Mrs. Don Mathews Mr. Glenn Meier Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Mustonen Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. Robert McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Nordstrom Mr. Harry I. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Albert Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Palmrose Mr. Harold Paulsen Mr. & Mrs . Ralph Peitsch Mr . Mike Ramsdell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Reimers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sheets Mrs. Viola P . Sheets Ms. Gina M. Sherratt Mr. & Mrs. Warren Skaggs, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sorensen Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stuart Mr. & Mrs. James Tennyson Mr. & Mrs . Eugene Tuveng Mr. Andrew Young & Family Mr. Dan Young Mr. Wm., Dawn & David Young Mrs. Marguerite Zorich LESTER A. VALL ET Mr. Walter Gadsby, Jr. VELMA VLASTELICIA Mr. & Mrs. Alan Takalo





Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sinkey





Oregon National Guardsmen with a Gatling gun aboard the civilian steamer E.L. Dwyer off Astoria, 1890's

$1,000 single payment

D Supporting

$50 per year

D Sponsor

$500 per year

D Contributing

$25 per year


$250 per year

D Annual

$15 per year

D Sustaining

$100 per year

D Student

$7.50 per year

NAME ADDRESS,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ STATE _ _ _ __

ZIP _ _ _ __

HISTORIC BUMBLE BEE SEAFOODS RECORDS RETURN TO ASTORIA Bumble Bee Seafoods, recently purchased by a group of its executives from Castle & Cooke, Ltd., donated a large group of old corporate records to the Museum in August. The new owners felt that the records should be returned to Astoria, where the company originated, from the current headquarters in San Diego. Mr. James T. McCarthy, Executive Vice President for Resources & Development, Bumble Bee Seafoods, made the formal presentation at the Museum on August 16th. The gift was accepted by John T. McGowan, then President of the Maritime Museum's Board of Trustees, who is a retired president of Bumble Bee. The donation consists of fourteen filing cabinets and




several large boxes full of all sorts of ledgers, correspondence, documents, etc., ranging in date from 1888 to 1982. This is a very significant acquisition for the Museum's archival collections, since Bumble Bee is the direct descendant of the Columbia River Packers Association, founded at Astoria in 1899 by A.B. Hammond through consolidation of eight previously independent companies. It became, therefore, much the largest of the Columbia River's salmon canning concerns and it also played an important part in the extension of the canning industry to Alaska early in this century. The records will be of great value to historians, but will not be accessible until the lengthy task of inventory and processing can be completed.

Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE

PAID Astoria, Oregon Permit No. 209

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