V11 N1 Winter 1983-84 The U.S. Cruiser 'Olympia'

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VOL. 11


NO. 1

THE U.S. CRUISER OLYMPIA The protected cruiser Olympia, named for the capital of Washington State, was laid down by the Union Iron Works in 1891 at San Francisco. She was launched in 1892, but not commissioned until 1895, when she became the flagship of the Asiatic Fleet. The ship was 344 feet long, 53 feet broad, and displaced 5,586 tons. She was capable of 21.68 knots when new. Her armament was: four eight-inch guns, ten five-inch, numerous smaller guns, and six torpedo tubes. The Olympia was manned by a crew of up to 466 sailors. The Olympia is best known as the flagship of Commodore George Dewey at the Battle of Manila Bay, during the SpanishAmerican War. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore

Roosevelt had instructed Dewey to keep the Asiatic Fleet prepared to operate against the Spanish squadron in the Philippines (then a colony of Spain), in the event of war. Only five days after war was declared, Dewey's seven cruisers and gunboats, led by the Olympia, daringly steamed into Manila Bay, defying reports of mine fields. They slipped past the shore batteries at the entrance in the dark, without serious opposition. At dawn on May 1, 1898 the Spanish ships were sighted at anchor off the Cavite naval arsenal, under the protection of shore batteries. The Olympia led the Americans in five sweeps past the enemy line. As she entered action, her crew spon{continued on page 2/





FROM THE QUARTERDECK 1984 will be a challenging year for the Museum. We hope to complete a number of capital projects in the months ahead that will greatly enhance both the efficiency and the effectiveness of our work: first, expansion of book stacks in the library and completion of cataloguing the library collections; second, construction of a workshop building adjacent to the Museum, which will result in elimination of potentially hazardous activity from the Museum proper and freeing more space for curatorial functions; and third, expansion of visitor parking and improvement of access to the Museum. Refinement and improvement of the permanent exhibits will go on through the year, and temporary, thematic exhibitions will be mounted in the Spring and Fall. Spring will also bring publication of the Museum's first historical monograph, a lively account of a young Portlander' s voyage from the Columbia River to Australia and thence to San Francisco in the British four-masted barque Lord Templetown in 1913. Throughout the year, continued efforts will be made to locate and acquire artifacts and archival material important to the maritime history of the region. Michael Naab, Director

NEW OFFICERS, TRUSTEES ELECTED John S. McGowan, whose grandfather was a pioneer Columbia River salmon cannery operator, and who himself recently retired as president of Bumble Bee Seafoods, was elected president of the Museum at the Annual Membership Meeting on November 5th. He replaces J.W. Forrester, Jr., who held the post for two years. Roland T. Fisher of Portland, president of Waterway Terminals, Inc., was elected vice president of the Museum, replacing Knappton Corporation chairman Peter Brix. Four Portland residents were newly elected to the Board of Trustees in November. They are: Robert G. Hemphill, an investment company executive; Niclaus H. Marineau, practicing dentist; Arthur A. Riedel, president of Riedel International; and Frank M. Warren, retired chairman of Portland General Electric Company. Reelected to the Board were Roland Fisher, Eric A. Hauke III of Astoria, and Eugene Lowe of Gearhart. Retiring after valued service as Trustees were James T. Clune of Warrenton; Ronald J. Honeyman of Seaside (who preceded Mr. Forrester as president); and David L. Roscoe, Jr. and Harry R. Swanson, Jr., both of Astoria. Twenty-nine men and women make up the Board of Trustees. Every year, seven individuals are elected to fouryear terms by the Museum membership. The incumbent president of the Museum Auxiliary serves ex officio. Officers are elected to one-year terms by the Trustees.

The third and last play of "The Northwest Trilogy: The Founding of the New Frontier" will be staged in several local school districts during the third week of February. This story of the early settlers of Clatsop County, titled "Chronicle from the Ashes," will be written, produced, and performed by Astoria school children. Funding is from a grant jointly obtained by the Museum and the Astoria School District from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

THE OLYMPIA (continued) taneously roared out the battle cry, "Remember the Maine!" Dewey recalled, " ... when we were within a distance of 5,000 yards, I turned to Captain Gridley and said, 'You may fire when you are ready, Gridley.' " Spanish fire was heavy and hit the Olympia eight times, but caused her little damage and no casualties, though a shell fragment gouged the deck below Dewey's feet and several others aboard had miraculous escapes. The Olympia's guns hammered back sorties against her by a Spanish torpedo boat and the enemy flagship. Incredibly, the Spanish took some 700 casualties and had all fourteen of their armed ships destroyed or captured, while the Americans suffered no serious damage and only eight wounds. The Olympia remained in the Philippines until May 1899. She helped blockade Manila until U.S. troops arrived and advanced to capture it, covered by naval bombardment. The Olympia then operated in support of the troops against Filipino insurgents, who were frustrated in their goal of independence by the U.S. decision to keep the Philippines. Routine peacetime duties followed until World War I, when the Olympia served as flagship of the Atlantic Patrol Force. In 1918 she joined an Allied expedition at Murmansk, Russia for operations against the Bolsheviks. Immediately after the war, she served in the Mediterranean, helping to police the Dalmatian coast after the dissolution of the Hapsburg Empire. The Olympia participated in aerial bombing experiments off the Virginia Capes in 1921 and brought the body of the Unknown Soldier home from France later that year for reinterment in Arlington National Cemetery. The Navy decommissioned the cruiser in 1922, but retained her until 1957. She was then presented to the Cruiser Olympia Association, which has preserved her to this day as a floating museum ship at Philadelphia.

COLLEGE COURSE OFFERED AT MUSEUM Museum Education Coordinator Richard Fencsak is currently teaching '' A Survey of Columbia River Maritime History" for Clatsop Community College. The sessions of this credit-bearing course are being offered at the Museum and are designed to draw heavily on the format and content of the Museum's galleries. Several films and presentations by guest lecturers will also be incorporated into the class, which is an introductory survey.


ENDOWMENT Mr. Stuart Alan Honeyman

60TH ANNIVERSARY OF MR. & MRS . RONALD J. HONEYMAN Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr.

GENERAL FUND Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Clarence DuBois

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr. Mr. Samuel S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Maveety Mrs . Theodore Nicolai The Wheeler Foundation

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, OCTOBER 1 - DECEMBER 31, 1983 MANGOR AKSE Mrs. Ellen Findal Mr . & Mrs. David Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Knudsen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Leslie Mrs . Ralph Leslie Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland EMMA SCHROEDER ANDERSON Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Wolford DEAN AYERS Mr . & Mrs. Orvo Nikula HUGH N. BROWN Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Chan BETTY LOU BURGET Mrs . Catherine S. Boyce Mr. Walter Gadsby, Jr. Ms. Carol Povey PETER F. BUTLER Mrs . Dorothy G. Butler FERDINAND CHRISTENSEN Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Irving Iverson Mr . & Mrs. Richard J. Rees Mr. & Mrs. F.E. Ross Mrs. Jordis Tetli Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen JOHN H . (JACK) DART Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Graham ESTHER E. ESKO Mr . & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. George Niemi Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Salo Mrs. Randi Salo Mr. & Mrs. Terry Salo Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Salo Mrs. Edith D. Schenk NEIL GILMORE Mr. & Mrs . David T. Eckels Mr. & Mrs. Marc T. Eckels Mrs. Stella M. Gordon PATRICIA GINN Mr. & Mrs. F.M. Ginn GEORGE GREBE Mr. & Mrs. Ray Peterson DANIEL C. HALL Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel

THERESA P. HANSEN Mr. & Mrs. Don Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Kuivala Mr. & Mrs . Chuck Lane Mr. & Mrs . Larry Perkins Mrs. Blanch Steph ITOL DART HEATH Mr. & Mrs . Theodore Graham CHARLES WOODFIELD HOELL, SR. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Howton Mr. Roger Riutta Mr . Terry Salo Mrs. J. Marlene Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Larry Telen ELISE M. HUMMASTI Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hansen RACHEL B. JENSEN Mr. & Mrs. Cecil R. Botkin Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Cole Mr. & Mrs. Sigfred Jensen Mr. & Mrs. John Lum Mr. & Mrs. Orvo Nikula WILLIAM KEIPELLA Mr. & Mrs. Alf E. Dahl JAMES KIRKER Mrs. Frances M. Dempsie Mr. & Mrs. Eino Koskela Mrs. Frances R. Spence ELLEN MAE KRAAKMO Mr. Lawrence Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Duane Gustafson Mrs. Frances Hoare Mr. & Mrs. Harold Johnson Mr. Walter I. Josephson Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lofgren Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pettett Mrs. Betty Takko CASPER LEDING Mr. & Mrs . Richard B. Hansen Mrs. Sylvia Laine & Sons CHRISTOPHER MAHONEY Mr. William F. Blitz DALE MATSON Mr. Laurie Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Salo Mr. & Mrs. Myron Salo

NEIL MORFITT Astoria Post Office Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Mr. L.B. Angus Mrs. Mary E. Ausnehmer Dr. & Mrs. T. Rex Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Graham Barbey Mrs. J.C . Boyington Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brewersdorf Capt. Joseph L. Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. A.S. Bubnick Mr. Allen V. Cellars Mr. & Mrs. Eben Carruthers Ms. Judith A. Dean Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Filliger Mr. & Mrs. Byron Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fluhrer Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Georges, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Griffith Mrs. Edith Henningsgaard Mr. & Mrs . Larry Hogeland Mr. & Mrs . Harold Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hyde Mr. Don V. Johnson Mr. J.C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Arne Jylha Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kessler Mr. & Mrs . Toivo Kuivala Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Kuratli Mr. & Mrs . Robert R. Kuske Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Mr. Marius Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lofgren Lovell Auto Company Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. Ed McCall Mr. & Mrs. John McGowan Mr. & Mrs. W.F. McGregor National Assn. of Letter Carriers Lt. Col. Victor L. Nunenkamp Mr. Art Paquet Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulsen Mr. & Mrs. Larry Petersen Mr. Anton F. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. James Pilgreen Mr. & Mrs. Mike Poell Ferne Morse Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Don Riswick Mr. Harvey C. Rones, O.D. RADM . D.L. Roscoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ross Mr . & Mrs. Tom Sandoz Mr. Melvin R. Schoessler Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Harry Steinbock Mr. Harry R. Swanson, Jr. Ticor Title Insurance


& Mrs. L.F. Van Dusen & Mrs. John Van Horn John Viuhkola & Mrs. William Welch Bob Williamson W.I. Wilson & Mrs. Donald Ziessler

ANNA ELVIE MORGAN Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Cornwell Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. George Harrison Mrs. Nannie Johnson Mrs. Anita Kankkonen Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Koskelo Mr. & Mrs. W.I. Loomis, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lundholm Mr. & Mrs. Ole Luoma Mrs. George Marvin Mr. & Mrs. Duffey Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Harold Niemi Mr. Alan B. Nilsson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. E.F. Rickman The Roerig Family Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Salo Mrs. Randi Salo Mr. & Mrs. Terry Salo Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Salo Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tadei Mr. & Mrs. Raimo Tila ELLEN McLEAN Jody Angus & Family Ms. Anna Askanin Ms. Anna Mae Baker Mr. & Mrs. Warren Bechtolt Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fastabend Mr. Ed Grotting Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hill Mrs. Anita Kankkonen Ms. Gloria Keithley Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Kuivala Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Pat Lavis Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Moxley Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Moberg Mr. & Mrs. Emil Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Henry Niemi Mr. & Mrs. Armas Niskanen Mr. Art Paquet

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Phillips Mr. & Mrs. John Peterson Mrs. Sylvia Roberts RADM. & Mrs. D.L. Roscoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Salo Ms. Gina Sherrett Ms. Kate Stoffelsen Mr. & Mrs. Jack Temple Mr. & Mrs. James Welch Mrs. Jim Wells Mrs. Rosemary Wells NELS "BUDDY" NELSON Mr. & Mrs. F.E. Ross CONSTANCE NEWMAN Mr. Arthur L. Smith JAMES PURCELL Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Brown Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Collman Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cox Mr. Cecil Cross Mr. Larry Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. James Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Capt. & Mrs. Kenneth McAlpin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Naab Mr. & Mrs. Charles Simpson Mrs. Ethel Wicks RUDOLPH RANTA Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Don Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mrs. Dee Frye Mr. & Mrs. David L. Jordan Mrs. George Laine Ms. Jane Luoma Ms. Esther Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Olson Ms. Elena E. Pesonen Mrs. Alice Ranta Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ranta Ms. Mary Alice Ranta Mrs. Hannah Seeborg JACKIE ROBERTSON Mr. & Mrs. L.F. Van Dusen

EDITH SHANER Mr. & Mrs . Pete Antonious Mr. Allen V. Cellars Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie Loop-Jacobsen, Inc. BETTE BELL SOLLARS Mr. & Mrs. L.F. Van Dusen LEONARD SPANDE Mr. Henry M. Gjovik Mr. & Mrs. Anton Peterson BUD SPROTSKY Mrs. Catherine S. Boyce RAY Miss Miss Miss

STANGLAND Adaline Svenson Leila Svenson Medora Svenson

ERICK J. SYLVAN Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Ostrom EDWARD THOMPSON Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Chan Mr. & Mrs. John Gizdavich Mr. Eugene Lowe Mr. & Mrs. John McGowan LILLIAN UTZINGER Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Leinenweber SVEA INGEBORG WEST Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pettett Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangland DON WILKINSON Mr. & Mrs. P.J. Maveety CAROLYN WINFIELD Mrs. Catherine S. Boyce JOHN L. YSLAND Mrs. Hilda Andersen Mr. & Mrs. Rod Gramson Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Hissner Mr. Art Paquet Mr. & Mrs. Donald Riswick Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolonen



PILOT Ocean Foods of Astoria, Inc.•

Capt. & Mrs. Warren Leback* Mrs. May S. Miller• Mr. & Mrs. Donald McGraw Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Naab Mrs. Edith Randall* Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sandoz•

SUSTAINING Mr. & Mrs. Jerome D. Davis* Mr. Edmund Hayes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Hemingway, Jr.•

SUPPORTING Dr. & Mrs. Peter L. Beal Dr. & Mrs. Gary M. Boelling• Mr. Richard T. Charlton•

LIFE Dr. & Mrs. John A. Banholzer• Mrs. Coleman H. Wheeler, Jr.•

Mr. & Mrs. David Corkill* Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Davis* Capt. Dale A. Dickinson• Mrs. Dale A. Dickinson• Mr. & Mrs. M.I. Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Jr.• Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Hadley• Mr. & Mrs. Don Haskell• Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen• Capt. & Mrs. James Lessard* Mr. & Mrs. Warren Mattson•



On Monday, February 13th the Museum will present a program about small craft design and construction, centering around an award-winning 1980 film, "Billy Moore: Chesapeake Boatbuilder." The motion picture chronicles the traditional construction of a wooden, Chesapeake Bay, oystertonging boat. Irving Johnson's 1929 film, "Round Cape Horn," will be screened on Monday, February 20th. It covers a voyage in the barque Peking and has a duration of 35 minutes. Both of these members' programs will begin at 7:00 p .m.

Lightship No. 88, formerly owned by this museum, has been acquired by a Canadian firm, renamed Belle Blonde, and converted to a sailing vessel. Built in New Jersey in 1907, she was stationed off the Columbia River from 1909 to 1939. After the Coast Guard absorbed the U.S. Lighthouse Service in the latter year, the ship was redesignated WAL-513 and transferred to the Umatilla Reef station. After a brief stint as relief lightship for the Northwest, she was decommissioned in 1960. The Museum purchased her from Seattle scrappers to become a floating exhibit in 1963. Excessive maintenance costs led the Museum to sell No . 88 in 1980, when WLV-604, her successor, became available. No. 88 was to have become a floating restaurant, but the project was never carried out. Skipper's Charters, Ltd., of Victoria, B.C., purchased No. 88 in 1982. She was registered as a pleasure vessel and extensively altered during the past year. She has been rigged as a hermaphrodite brig, a new deckhouse and poop have been built, and her interior accommodations modernized. A plan to make a charter cruise to Tahiti has been cancelled and the Belle Blonde will instead voyage to the Canadian Atlantic Coast for use in sail training. Captain Claude Lacerte, the firm's owner, gained his initial training in schooners in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and later served as an officer of the Royal Canadian Navy before going inlo lhe charter business.

FUR TRADE MANUSCRIPTS ACQUIRED "Saturday, 30th August, 1800. This morning, after taking leave of my friends and having previously arranged my affairs, I quit Boston in Mr. Clark's boat and proceeded to Nantasket Road on board of the ship Atahualpa, n. Wildes, Master, hound on a voyage to the North West Coast of America and Canton for the purpose of trade, which, by agreement with the owners, I have undertaken to manage. My feelings this day will never be forgotten. It is possible to conceive, but impossible to describe them. Boston has many charms."

So begins the sea journal of Ralph Haskins, supercargo in the ship Atahualpa of Boston on a fur-trading voyage to the Northwest coast in 1800-1803. The journal is one of a collection of Haskins manuscripts recently purchased by the Museum from a New England dealer . Another journal in the collection provides detailed accounts of natives encountered in the Northwest, the progress of trade (seldom up to Haskins' expectations) , contacts with other vessels trading on the coast, a stay at "Owhyhee" in the Sandwich Islands, and trade carried on at Canton before returning to Boston. Daily records of trade goods expended and furs collected during the voyage, sketch charts of Northwest harbors, and correspondence with the ship's owners and Haskins' family members round out the collection. Altogether, they constitute a most important addition to the Museum's archival collections. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hayes of Portland underwrote the purchase of the Haskins papers. Transcriptions of the manuscripts is now under way. It is hoped that they will eventually be published.

MAX CHANCE TAKES NEW POSITION Max Chance, the Museum's Chief of Exhibits since 1980, will take up new duties in February as Exhibitions Architect for The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (the Palace of the Legion of Honor and the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum). We shall miss him and his multi-faceted talent, but we wish him the best in his challenging new endeavors and congratulate him on this significant step in his career. He has made a great contribution here with the excellence of his designs for the Museum's exhibits.

The Belle Blonde (ex-L.V. No. 88)


Sign On! SUPPORTING (cont.) Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Naylor* Mr. Richard E. Nelson CONTRIBUTING Mr. & Mrs. Ray Ala* Mr. & Mrs. Max Bigby, Jr.* Miss Pat Broadwell* Mr. Timothy M. Campbell* Mrs. Natalie De Sassise* Mr. & Mrs. Ray Dreeszen * Mr. Glenn Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Don Elsom * Mr. & Mrs. Myles H. Esdon * Mrs. Walter H. Evans* Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fay* Mr. & Mrs. Terry Gramson * Mrs. Bernice J. Hoffman* Mr. Tom Jackson Mr. Arthur C. Johnson* Mr. & Mrs. Loren K. Johnson* Mr. John Karamanos * Mr. W. Dean Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Silas F. King Mr. & Mrs. John Kline* Mr. Arnold Krippendorf* Len's Hobby Center* Mr . & Mrs. Richard H. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Maddocks Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Martin* Mr. Bunny Mason* Mr. Myron Molnau* Capt. & Mrs. James McAvoy* Mrs. Vern Parks* Mrs. Al Perkins* Mrs. Carol Povey* Mr. & Mrs. William Powers*




$1,000 single payment


$50 per year


$500 per year


$25 per year


$250 per year


$15 per year


$100 per year


$7.50 per year

NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Rex Salfen * & Mrs. Buel Ward*

& Mrs. George M. Wilhelm* & Mrs. Jamie Wilkie*

ANNUAL Mr. J. William Bader, Jr. Mr. William B. Barnett Mrs. Edna-Ellen Bell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Benoit Mr. & Mrs. George Blomberg Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Christie Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Y. Currey Mr. & Mrs. F.C. Delbrueck Mr. Joseph May Geeley Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Howell Mr. & Mrs. G. Fritz Johnson



STATE _ _ _ __

ZIP _ _ _ __

Miss Jacklyn Kiser Mr. & Mrs. David R. Lut.lt.le11 Mr. & Mrs. George Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Loren R. Matthews Mr. Mark L. Miller Mr. Steve McClain Mr. & Mrs. Dana E. Olsen Mr. W.D. Patrick Mr. Harold H. Patton Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Paul Mr. & Mrs. James Rzegocki Mr. William A. Sachcrck Mrs. Lucille Scarborough Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Scroup Mr. & Mrs. James Sisk Mr. & Mrs. Jim A. Smith Mrs. Susan Smith Mr. John C. Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Williams

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