V10 N2 Spring 1983 U.S. Lighthouse Tender 'Shubrick' (1857-1886)

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VOL. 10


NO. 2

THOUSE TENDER SHUBRICK (1857-1886) '' . .. a fleet of vessels whose duty it is to go where no other vessels are allowed to go, and who, through storm, darkness and sunshine, do their work for humanity . .. ," thus, one cabinet member described the tenders of the U.S. Lighthouse Service (consolidated with the Coast Guard in 1939). Their work was to supply the lighthouse stations and to place and maintain buoys or other aids to navigation. The first lighthouse tender in the Pacific and the Service's first steamer was the side-wheeler Shubrick, launched in 1857. At that time, steam power was still considered to be a luxury reserved for emergency use and the vessel, at first, ordinarily operated under sail with her topsail schooner rig. The Shubrick was strongly built of oak, left over from construction of a frigate, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. She was 140 feet long overall, 22.9 feet broad, and drew a maximum of 10 feet of water. Her single, steeple-type engine had a cylinder 50½

inches in diameter with a stroke of 48 inches, developing up to 284 horsepower for a top speed of 8 knots. After commissioning on November 25, 1857, the Shubrick sailed for San Francisco on December 23rd under the command of Captain T.A. Harris with a crew of 10 officers and 26 petty officers and seamen. The first inspector of the Twelth Lighthouse District, Captain John De Camp, U.S.N., was also aboard. It was a harrowing voyage. Eight men came down with yellow fever, after calling at Rio de Janeiro for fuel, and one died. Entering the Pacific through the Strait of Magellan, the Shubrick was delayed by stormy headwinds and ran out of coal. Despite a landing at Valdivia Bay to cut wood, the boiler had to be fueled with furniture and cabin panelling in order to reach Valparaiso, Chile. She finally arrived at San Francisco on May 28, 1858. (continued on page 2}




FROM THE QUARTERDECK Just a few years ago the total membership of the Museum was 750. Now that figure has trebled, and there is every indication that it will continue to grow. In part, the increase is due to the higher visibility the Museum has enjoyed since the new building was opened last May. Expanded benefits have also encouraged membership growth. But we've also noticed in the past months a great-or, at least, a more apparent- interest in simply supporting the Museum's efforts through membership contributions. That's gratifying- and it's absolutely essential to long-term success. The bulk of the Museum's operating income comes from paid admissions. Museum visitors (nearly 100,000 of them in the past ten months) underwrite the expense of building and grounds maintenance, utilities, security staff, administration, etc. But other vital functions such as education, artifact conservation, research, and the library, cannot be provided without the support of members and other contributors. In the long run, the Museum will be judged as much on the basis of its performance in these areas as on ils exhibits. The demands on the Museum are greater now than ever before , and there is a corresponding need to expand our membership base. I urge our current members to help in this effort by encouraging others to "sign on" and by increasing their own membership contributions if they can. Michael Naab, Director

SHUBRICK, CONTINUED The Shubrick was the only lighthouse vessel for the newly created Twelfth District, which then comprised the entire coast from Mexico to Canada. She was expected to do double duty as a revenue cutter besides and, due to the shortage of commercial shipping during her early years, also carried mail, passengers, and freight. It is a marvel that this lone, slow vessel was able to carry the district inspector on his rounds, supply lighthouses, and maintain buoys along thousands of miles of coast and still find time for additional tasks. Yet in 1859 she became the first seagoing vessel to ascend the Columbia River as far as the Cascades. Indian wars raged throughout the Northwest in the 1850's and Indian hostility had forced lighthouse construction workers on Tatoosh Island, Washington to build a defensive blockhouse before beginning the lighthouse. Therefore, the Shubrick was armed with several cannon, " ... in case of incursions of the Indians from the British Dominions of the Straits of Fuca and vicinity, to protect the keepers and citizens in that quarter against their attacks.'' She was never forced to fire her guns in anger, but they proved useful for intimidating the tribes into keeping the peace.

In 1861 the Shubrick was transferred to the U .S. Revenue Cutter Service, but continued to serve the needs of lighthouses and returned officially to the Lighthouse Service in 1867. She was involved, meanwhile, in an unpleasant affair at Port Townsend, Washington in 1862. Angered by Collector of Customs Victor Smith's intention to move the Puget Sound customs house from their town to Port Angeles, citizens of Port Townsend seized the customs house with its records and refused to surrender them until Smith ordered Captain J.E. Wilson to train the Shubrick's guns upon the town and threaten a bombardment. The townsmen subsequently obtained warrants for the arrest of Smith and Captain Wilson, but when a U.S. marshal went aboard at Steilacoom, he was forcibly removed by the crew and the Shubrick steamed on her way. Alaska was still Russian America when the Shubrick visited Sitka in 1865, becoming the first U.S. Government vessel to steam in those waters. Running in heavy fog near Point Arena, California in 1867, the Shubrick struck a submerged rock and lodged so firmly that she had to be blown off with gunpowder. She was then hastily run on the beach to avoid sinking. It seemed she would have to be abandoned, but Chief Engineer Winship said he could salvage her. All stores, provisions, guns, and machinery, including the boiler, were removed. The ship was patched, jacked up, placed on skids, and moved about 500 yards along the beach to a convenient spot for relaunching her. She was then reloaded and taken to San Francisco for repairs. Even afler Oregon and Washington were divided from the Twelfth Lighthouse District to form the Thirteenth District, the Shubrick remained the tender for the whole coast until 1880, when the new Manzanita relieved her in the Twelfth District. She continued her duties in the Northwest, but was so worn out by arduous service that her captain reported, '' . .. she is unable to make enough steam to tow a first-class whistling buoy into position," and, " . .. the Shubrick hasn't enough power left to get out of her own way." The Manzanita was finally sent north to replace her in 1885. She was sold at auction for $3,200 at Astoria on March 20, 1886 and was taken to San Francisco. There the Shubrick was stripped of anything of value and burned to recover her metal fastenings.

Shubrick at Flavel's Pier, Astoria, 1860's

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, JANUARY 1 - MARCH 31, 1983 GEORGEJ.ALTSTADT Mr. & Mrs. John Charlton Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith A. PITMAN ATWOOD Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thompson NICHOLAS BEGLERIES Mr. & Mrs. John Gizdavich OWEN W. BENTLEY, SR. The Autzen Family Mr. Thomas Autzen CAPT. WILLIAM G. DOUGAN Mr. & Mrs. Jon Altheide De Sassise Family Mr. & Mrs. Ed Fearey Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Neikes BARTHOLOMEW A. DUGAN Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Bergerson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Moore JOSEPHINE ELLIOTT Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cartt Mrs. Furn Coe Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Roger Olson Mr. & Mrs. John Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rehfuss Mr. & Mrs. Sam Snell Mr. Richard Trojan F. RICHARD FARLEY Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Neikes ROYE. FARLEY, SR. Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Neikes RUTH GINN Mr. & Mrs. Don Edy MRS. FLOSSIE HANSEN Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morrow THOMAS H. HINDMAN Mr. & Mrs. H.V. Adix Mr. Thomas E. Autzen Mr. Howard S. Blitz Mr. William F. Blitz Mr. James H. Brown Mr. Robert T. Brown Mrs. F. Sidney Burt Ms. Patsy Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hemphill Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hering Mrs. A. Alan Honeyman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Honeyman Mrs. Henry Houser Mr. & Mrs. Sam G. Hufford Mr. & Mrs. Alex Jenkins Mr. Eliot H. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Ted Jensen Mr. & Mrs. John W. Judy Mrs. Jane R. Kendall Mrs. Henri J. Laborde

Mrs. Arthur Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Maginnis Mr. & Mrs. James C. Maletis Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Marks Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer Ms. Este Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Roderick A. Norwood Mrs. Gerald Park Mr. & Mrs. Earl W. Redd Mr. Earl Repp Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Ridgeway Mr. & Mrs. James P. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. William Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Rossmann Mr. E. Carl Schiewe Mr. Henry T. Swigert Mr. & Mrs. Bud Toly Mr. & Mrs. Robert Turner Mr. & Mrs. Fred Whittlesey Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Wilhelm HONEYMAN FAMILY MEMORIAL Mrs. Catherine Honeyman Engmark ELLEN HOYER Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mm. Jordis Tetli CECIL JOSEPHSON The Chuck Anderson Family Andrew & Steve's Cafe Mr. & Mrs. Harley Basel Mr. Max Bigby Mr. Lawrence Carlson Mr. Gordon Elliott Mrs. Margaret Foster The Fransens Dr. & Mrs. E.W. Harvey Mr. Harold Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Harold Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Josephson Mr. & Mrs. P.B. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lempea Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lofgren Mr. & Mrs. Micky McSwain Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nikka Mrs. Andrew Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. Arvi Ostrom Mr. & Mrs. George Ostrom The Peitsch Family Mr. & Mrs. Larry Petersen Miss Edna Peterson Pier 11 Feed Store & Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. Bud Pruzynski Miss Virginia Rexrode Ms. Elsie M. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Marlowe Roeser Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Ross Mrs. Elva Seeborg Ms. Maynette Siren Ms. Barbara Sorensen Mr. & Mrs. Pete Thompson FORD KNUTSEN Mr. John S. Burlingham Mrs. Ingeborg Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. John McGowan Mr. Sam Spittle

EDNA C. KUKURA Mr. Allen V. Cellars Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie BURNICE LAULAINEN Capt. & Mrs. John Beale ELEANOR F. McALPIN Mr. & Mrs. R.C. Anderson Mr. Lloyd J. Arena Capt. Joseph Bruneau Columbia River Bar Pilots Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cox Capt. & Mrs. Dale Dickinson Mrs. Marjorie Dougan Ms. Grace Eliassen Dr. & Mrs. E.W. Harvey Mrs. Edith Henningsgaard Mr. & Mrs. Michael Naah Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulsen Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Seppa Ms. Dorothy E. Spiker Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Swanson, Jr. Miss Katharine Thorne THOMAS LAWSON McCALL Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gadsby JOHN EDWARD NIEMI Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Anderson Mrs. Anne Askinen Mr. & Mrs. Ed Aspo Bank of Astoria Mrs. Helen C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Frank 0. Berg Mr. Max Bigby Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown Capt. Joseph Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. Howard Burns Mr. & Mrs. Bob Canessa Capt. & Mrs. James T. Clune Mrs. Shirley Brooks Cole Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Curtis Capt. & Mrs. Dale Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Doran Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos Mrs. George Erbe Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hauke, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hellberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jackson Mr. Harold P. Jacob Mrs. Elsie Jarvinen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Johanson Mr. & Mrs. Ragnor 0. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Arne Jylha Mr. & Mrs. Dick Keller Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Mr. & Mrs. Bill Larson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe Mr. Ed Lundholm Miss Sylvia Lundholm Mr. & Mrs. Sven Lund Mr. & Mrs. Wenzel Luthe Mr. & Mrs. V. Malon

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, CONTINUED Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mestrich Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morrow Mr. & Mrs. R.A. Mund Mr. & Mrs. Emil Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Jack Niemi Mr. & Mrs. Ed Nimma Mr. & Mrs. Eldred Olson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Palmberg Mr. & Mrs. John Palo Mr. & Mrs. Osmo Perkiomaki Mrs. Margueritte Petersen Mrs. Marguerite K. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Kent Price Mr. & Mrs. John Rippet Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Seppa Mrs. Vera Seppa Mr. Wayne Severson Mrs. Patricia Simonsen Mr. & Mrs. C. Snow Mrs. Kathryn Sorensen Mrs. Esther Spofford Mr. & Mrs. Harry Steinbock Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel Mr. & Mrs. Ed White Mr. & Mrs. Fleming Wilson Women of Astoria Golf & Country Club Y ergen and Meyer Mrs. Pearl L. Young MARY N. NYLAND Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown Mrs. Ethel M. Wicks

PAUL ALBERT PARIS Mr. & Mrs. Irving Iverson

LARRY SALME Mrs. Aili Kary Mrs. Edna L' Amie

BERTELL PEARSON Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lindstrom

SYLVIA E. SARKIE Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Tolonen

VALDEMAR PEDERSEN Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Nielsen ALVA PERKINS Andrew & Steve's Cafe Miss Carol Bakanen Mr. Max Bigby Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Carlson Mr. & Mrs. T.F. Clark Mr. & Mrs. R. Dale Collins Capt. & Mrs. Dale Dickinson Mr. John M. Gizdavich Ms. Donna Hitchman Mr. & Mrs. Dick Keller Mr. & Mrs. Jack Keller Mr. & Mrs. James F. Kindred Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Kindred Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Long Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murray Ms. Linda M. Oleson Mrs. Anne Ridenour Van Dusen Beverage Co. Women of Astoria Golf & Country Club GEORGE W. PHILLIPS Pier 11 Feed Store & Restaurant Mrs. Edith Rich Mr. Leonard Vernon

ADELAINE E. SATHER Mrs. Anna Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bue Mrs. Helen S. Fowler Mr. G.E . Peterson MAX SCHAFER, SR. Mr. Max Schafer, Jr. HUGO SEEBORG Mrs. Virginia Shepherd KATRI SJOBLOM The Caspell Family Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie LYDIA SMITH Mr. & Mrs. George Hediger DORIS STONE Mr. & Mrs. Berg Hansen ROBERT W . SWANSON Misses Adaline, Leila and Medora Svenson


Mr. Ottar Dahl* Mr. & Mrs. Amo DeBernardis, Tigard* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ellsberg* Dr. Robert W. Haglund, Tacoma, WA* PILOT Mr. James A. Henderson, Mr. Jerome Smith, Grants Pass Bainbridge, WA* International Shipping Co., Portland SUSTAINING Miss Gayl F. James, Concord, CA• Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Brown* Mr. & Mrs. Steve Johnson Mrs. Frances M. Keerins, Lake Oswego* Lt. & Mrs. Donald J. Keigher, Mrs. Ethel M. Wicks* Los Alamos, NM* Mr. Glen 0 . Yates* Mr. & Mrs. Nels T. Lindey, Cannon Beach SUPPORTING Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Lipman, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd K. Bowers, Salem* Portland Mr. P.S. DeBeaumont, Mr. Carl F. List, Portland* Manchester, MA• Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lofgren, Portland Excel Services• Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M . Mayer, Portland* Bauer's Cyclery* Mr. & Mrs. David C. Meyer, Sherwood* Mrs. A.A. Honeyman• Mr. John K. Morris, Mr. Ronald J . Hylton, Portland* Mt. Lake Terrace, WA Mrs. Susan H. O'Neal, Wenona!, NJ* Mr. & Mrs. Art Tilander* Mrs. Katherine Nelson-Nichols, CONTRIBUTING Tolovana* Mr. & Mrs. Robert C . Anderson* Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Swinehart, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. T. Rex Baldwin, Gearhart* Bothell, WA* Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Berney* Mr. & Mrs. Willis L. Van Dusen• Mr. James H. Brown, Hillsboro* Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Van Ogle, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chopping* Ocean Shores, WA•

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Wallace, Warren, PA* Mr. James R. Wirkkala* ANNUAL Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Anderson, Longview, WA Mr. David P. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Anderson, Rainier Mr. Robert C. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Arenz, Cannon Beach Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Austin, Tillamook Mr. Dan Baxter, Kelso, WA Mr. Tom Beard, Port Angeles, WA Mr. & Mrs. David Bebich, Aberdeen, WA Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Buckendahl, Kalama, WA Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Cain, Camas, WA Dr. George W . Cottrell, Gearhart Mr. Eric M. Dahlin, Santa Barbara, CA Mrs. Ellen Day, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Dan Dean, Warrenton Mr. Gerald Dietze, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Doolittle, Portland Mr. & Mrs. James Dybvik Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flint, St. Helens

MARITIME WEEK Astoria's 1983 Maritime Week will run from Monday, May 16 to Sunday, May 22. The event is timed to include National Maritime Day, established by Congress in 1933 to commemorate the departure of the Savannah on May 22, 1819 for the first crossing of the Atlantic by a steamship. There will be a series of Museum events in observance of Maritime Week: Monday, 7:30 p.m. - motion picture "Ghosts of Cape Horn" Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. - slide/tape program "Guardian Pillars: Lighthouses of the Pacific Northwest" Wednesday, noon - Auxiliary fund-raising luncheon 7:30 p.m. - slide/tape program "When the River Was the Road: Columbia River Steamboating" Thursday, 7:30 p.m. - school play "The Northwest Trilogy: The Founding of the New Frontier" Saturday afternoon - Ship Model Competition, adult and junior awards in 6 model categories (11 a.m. entry deadline, contact Museum for details) Sunday, 1:00 p.m. - "Salmon Run" marathon foot race starts at Hauke's Sentry (co-sponsored by Museum)

Maritime Week events of other organizations include open houses on Coast Guard vessels, an evening program at the Clatsop County Historical Society, and Astoria Yacht Club sailboat races.


"FISHING BOATS OF THE OREGON COAST" The Museum will hold a special exhibition of watercolors by Walter J. Brick from May 1 to July 31, 1983. Some thirty pictures will be on loan from the artist, a retired art teacher who resides in Springfield, Oregon. They are all marine scenes, principally of fishing vessels, painted along the Oregon coast since Mr. Brick became seriously interested in watercolor about twelve years ago. There will be a special preview for members and their guests at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 30.

PUBLIC HISTORY INTERN JOINS STAFF For the first time, the Museum is currently participating in a practicum or internship program, whereby a student preparing for historical agency work can gain practical work experience in the field, while continuing to earn academic credits. Ms. Susan Bevelhimer is a graduate student in Portland State University's public history program. She will be working in the Museum three days per week for the duration of the internship, January to June. Her tasks are to revise and amplify educational materials provided to schoolteachers by the Museum to prepare their classes for museum tours. Ms. Bevelhimer, a native of Indiana, holds a degree in history from Butler University in Indianapolis. She worked for three years at the Conner Prairie Pioneer Settlement, a living history museum in her home state, and spent last summer with the Oregon Historical Society's Bybee-Howell House on Sauvie Island.

AUXILIARY ACTION Members who have not visited the Museum recently may be unaware that we now have a full-fledged gift shop in operation. It is staffed with volunteer sales clerks under the direction of a part-time manager, Patricia Longnecker, who coordinates volunteer schedules, orders the stock, and keeps the books. She has previous experience in the shop at the California Academy of Sciences. The shop is now well stocked with items having nautical or regional themes, including books, toys, decorative and useful objects, and souvenirs. Members will receive a ten percent discount on purchase of most items.

The Museum Auxiliary has made another very important contribution by defraying the cost of the Museum's recent (and long overdue) purchase of its first photocopy machine . The Auxiliary meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, except during the summer, and recent programs have included a slide show on Columbia River steamboats, a talk on the art of scrimshaw by John Hagnas, and a film, "The Last Log Drive on the Clearwater River." The program for the April 27th meeting will be Ed Fearey on "Ship Service." The Auxiliary' s annual fund-raising luncheon, featuring a great variety of homemade breads and salads, will be at the Museum on May 18th.

NEW MEMBERSHIPS, (CONT.) Mr. & Mrs. Owen E. George, Deer Island Mr. & Mrs . J.P. Gotshall, Longview, WA Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gourde, Castle Rock, WA Mr. Bill Gunderson Mr. & Mrs. William Haaheim, Oregon City Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hadley, Lake Oswego Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hale, Brush Prairie, WA Mr. & Mrs. Anton Halsey, The Dalles Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Harris, Gervais Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hartley, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. Billy D. Haynes, Rainier Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Hedeen, Colton Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hidden, Battleground, WA Mr. William Paxton Hoag Mrs. Marjorie M. Horner, Seaview Mr. Herb Hyvari Mr. Keith G. Jacobs, Kelso, WA Mr. & Mrs. C.M. James, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Jeffries, Boring Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kanick, Raymond, WA Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Karnes, Salem Mr. & Mrs. John R. KPith, Reaverton Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Keith Mrs. Gloria Keithley Mr. & Mrs. T.D. Kernes Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kopra, Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kriz, Newberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lahti Mrs. Edna S. L' Amie Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Dale C. Lee, Clatskanie Mr. & Mrs. Robert James Lennon, Jr. Mrs. Becky Leshley Miss Kristi Looney, Warrenton Mr. William C. Looney, Lebanon Mr. & Mrs. Colin A. MacDonald, Portland Mr. Allan Maki




$50 per year


$500 per year


$25 per year


$250 per year


$15 per year


$100 per year


$7.50 per year


NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Manske, Gresham Mr. Michael S. Martin, Aloha Mr. Stephen B. Martin Miss Gayle McKennon, Hyannis, MA Mr. & Mrs. Jerry McKenzie, Boring Mr. & Mrs. David Mellis, Portland Mr. & Mrs. David Miller, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. David P. Montgomery Miss Karen A. Moore Mr. Robert A. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Mott Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Nagasawa, Grays River, WA Mr. Leonard L. Nelson, Longview, WA Mr. & Mrs. Arvid V. North Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Olsen, Salem Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Osterman, Naselle, WA Mr. & Mrs. Larry Overfield, Newberg Mr. & Mrs. LaVega E. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Marion Partridge Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Poirier, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pogue, Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Paul Radu Mr. & Mrs. Duane J. Rea, Boring Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Rictor, Gresham Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ring



STATE _ _ _ __

ZIP _ _ __ _

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Rosenberg, Tillamook. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schell Mr. John H. Seward Mr. & Mrs. Dana Shape, Vancouver, WA Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Sigurdson, Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Marc Skegmo, Raymond, WA Mr. & Mrs. Harry K. Smith, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. James C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joe Perry Smith, Clatskanie Mr. Mark Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. Burton Tarnbochia Mr. Boyd M. Thompson, Seaside Mrs. Cindy Tilander Mr. John A. Tomberg, Hillsboro Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Trunk, Jr., Long Beach, WA Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Turner, Portland Mrs. Dan Van DeWalle Mr. & Mrs. John Walkush, Longview, WA Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ward, Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wells, Seattle, WA Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wheaton, Seattle, WA Mr. & Mrs. Rick White, Long Beach, WA Mr. & Mrs. James J. Wilson, Rainier Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Young, Seaside

Non-Profit Organization


PAID Astoria, Oregon Permit No. 209

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