V10 N1 Winter 1982-83 The 'Mary Moody', Pend Orielle Lake 1867

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WINTER 1982-83

roR1A·o VOL. 10


NO. 1

THE MARY MOODY, PEND OREILLE LAKE, 1867 A gold rush to the mountains of western Montana occurred in the mid 1860's. At this time, the Oregon Steam Navigation Company held a virtual monopoly of transportation on the Columbia River. In order to hold as much trade as possible, it moved to exploit this new gold rush by creating a water route into the area for the miners. A subsidiary, the Oregon and Montana Transportation Company, was organized to carry out this plan. Its officers and directors included such luminaries of early Northwest steamboating as J.C. Ainsworth, S.G. Reed, and R.R. Thompson.

The complicated route was to be from Portland to the Snake River on O.S.N. steamers, overland by stage from there to the head of Pend Oreille Lake in Idaho, across the lake and up the Clark Fork River as far as Cabinet Rapids by an Oregon and Montana Transportation Company steamer; there a portage road to Heron Rapids, at the head of Cabinet Canyon, would connect to another steamboat which was to run up to Thompson Falls, Montana; then, after another portage, a boat would go as far as the mouth of the Jocko. Here, only a few (continued on page 2/





FROM THE QUARTERDECK Response to the new Columbia River Maritime Museum has been phenomenal. Comments volunteered by visitors have ranged from an inarticulate (but totally expressive), "Wow!" to carefully weighed comparisons to some of the great museums of the world. Press notices have called the Museum "spectacular," "a tour de force," and "a jewel case of maritime history." Nearly 80,000 visitors have been through the Museum since the doors opened in May. The trustees and staff are deeply gratified by the positive response of Museum members and the general public, and we're proud of the Museum's success. But we're also challenged by that success - challenged to seek ever better ways to preserve this region's rich maritime heritage and to present that heritage to our growing audience in an ever more interesting and effective manner. The coming months will bring the start of a vigorous program of temporary exhibitions, increased emphasis on development of the library and archives, and substantial expansion of education programs, as well as general- and special-interest programs for Museum members and the public at large. We intend to keep this Museum - your Museum - on the cutting edge of achievement. Your continued participation, commitment, and support are vital to that effort. Michael Naab, Director

miles west of the main range of the Rockies, the route terminated. According to the proprietors, this was, " ... the only route from the Pacific Coast over which Freight and Passengers can be transported any great distance by water." The passenger fare from Wallula, Washington was to be $32.50 and the freight rate $140.00 per ton. The Mary Moody was launched April 30, 1866 on Pend Oreille Lake. The lumber used was sawed from logs cut nearby and the engines, which came from the dismantled Colonel Wright, had been freighted in by wagon. Under the command of Captain Robert Copely, the Mary Moody made her first trip in March, 1867 with fifty passengers, five tons of freight, and twenty-five pack animals on board (the fare for mules was $4.00 per head unloaded and $5.00 loaded). The Mary Moody crossed the lake and went up the Clark Fork to the foot of Cabinet Rapids where a party was landed to cut a portage road through the forest. While the steamers Cabinet and Missoula were being built above the rapids for upriver service, the Mary Moody shuttled passengers and freight back and forth across Pend Oreille Lake on a route of some seventy miles. Sufficient business failed to materialize for the Oregon and Montana Transportation Company boats on the Clark Fork route because the mining boom began to collapse in the summer of 1867. When it became apparent that the steamers would never pay for themselves, the company laid them up. The Cabinet and Missoula were run down through the rapids in 1870 to join the Mary Moody on Pend Oreille Lake, where they lay idle most of the time until 1876. In that year, they were all dismantled and their machinery was hauled to Texas Ferry on the Snake from whence it was shipped down to Portland.

• EDUCATION PROJECTS The Museum and the Astoria School District are sponsoring a project for students (ranging from grade school to high school) to research, write, and stage for school audiences three plays, collectively called "The Northwest Trilogy: The Founding of the New Frontier." Funding is by a $9,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The plays will center on the maritime fur trade and Gray's discovery of the Columbia, the establishment of Fort Astoria as a fur trading post, and settlement of the area by pioneer farmers. Participants will simultaneously learn history in a unique way and experience play production. Scripts and videotapes of the performances and process will be made available regionally to interested educators. A one-credit seminar, "Maritime Studies in the School Curriculum," will be offered at the Museum through Portland State University's Education Department on April 15-17, 1983. Participants, primarily public school teachers, will learn the relevance of the sea to their own lives and become acquainted with the Museum's resources and how these can be used in the classroom. Speakers will represent various segments of the maritime community. This is the Museum's first such collaboration with a university.

MOTION PICTURE OF A CAPE HORN VOYAGE On Tuesday, March 15th at 7:30 p.m., Thomas Wells will speak at the Museum and show a film he made while a member of the bark Passat's crew in 1938-39 on one of the last commercial square-rigger voyages around Cape Horn. Mr. Wells is now an internationally known marine painter.

NEW TRUSTEES John McGowan and W. Louis Larson of Astoria, Raymond G. Jubitz of Portland, and James B. Thayer of Beaverton were elected to four-year terms on the 29-member Board of Trustees at the membership's annual dinner meeting on October 29th. Four appointments have been made by the Board since 1981 to serve out unexpired terms when vacancies occurred: Roland T. Fisher of Lake Oswego and Joanne M. Lilley, John R. Brooke, and William T.C. Stevens of Portland. Ebba Brown of Astoria has also joined the Board, serving ex officio as President of the Museum Auxiliary. The Museum's officers, elected by the Board, continue to be: J.W. Forrester, Jr., President; Peter J. Brix, Vice President; Edith A. Henningsgaard, Treasurer; and Fred A. Lindstrom, Secretary.

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, CONTINUED Mr. & Mrs. P.D . Thompson Ms. Katherine Thorne Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Tucker U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Company U.S. National Bank of Oregon F.E. Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wallin Mr. & Mrs. Fleming Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wolfgram Y ergen & Meyer HELVI KOSKELA Ms. Helen E. Caspell Mr. & Mrs. Bob Palmrose Mr. Scottie Palmrose ELSIE LAWREN CE Mr. & Mrs. P.D. Thompson CARYLE MAHNKE Mrs. Edith Henningsgaard Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Smith Mr. & Mrs. Larry Telen MARCELLA MATTSON Mr. Lloyd J. Arena Astoria Plywood Corporation Ms. Lila Bjork Mr. & Mrs. Roy Bjork Mr. & Mrs. C. Delmer Boman Patrick Brantley & Family Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Coulombe Mrs. Grace Eliassen Mr. & Mrs . Richard Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Johanson Ms. Iva Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Kaarlo Karna

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kinnunen Mr. & Mrs. Eskil Koster Ms . Mary Kuerndale & Debbie Mr. Bart Mattson Ms. Greta Meyers Mr. & Mrs. R.A. Mund Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mund Mr. & Mrs. Walter Nelson Mr. John Reith Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simmons Mr. & Mrs. William Schatzel Mr. & Mrs. Mel Schoessler Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Smith Ms. Dorothy E. Spiker PERRY K. MITCHELL Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd M. Halsan GEORGE PHEBUS Mrs. Margaret Hughes G. WILLIAM RAASINA Mr. & Mrs. Frank Alto Mr. & Mrs. John Alto Astoria ILWU Local 50 - Bldg. Assoc. Astoria ILWU Local 50 - Pensioners Mr. Glenn Beelar Hjordis Brown Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Clark Ms. Violette Crussell Mr. & Mrs. Roland Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. Milton Herold Mr. George Holt Mr. Edward Jasper Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Kemhus Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Kuivala Mr. & Mrs. Don Kujala Mrs. George Laine & Sons

Mr. & Mrs . Harold Lampi Mr. & Mrs. Harry Larson Mr. & Mrs. William Malmberg Ms . Edna M. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Uno Rautio Ms . Sylvia Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Chris Rose Fred Rova & Family Mr. Bill Saranpaa Ms . Vivian M. Sigurdson Ms . Annie A. Silver Ms. Margaret Waisanen MRS. FRANK SANBARN Ms. Ruth Pierson Cole TOIVO SARAMP AA Mr. George Kesti Mr . Rudy Ranta Mrs . Randi Salo Mr. & Mrs. Larry Telen CAPTAIN JOHN D. SATALICH Captain Kenneth McAlpin HUGO SEEBORG Captain & Mrs. H.T. Bohlman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brunner Mr. & Mrs . Trygve Duoos HERMAN SUTKOWSKI Mr. & Mrs. Larry Teien KAUNO WINTERS Miss Adaline Svensen Miss Leila Svensen Miss Medora Svensen Mr. & Mrs. P.D. Thompson

SPECIAL GIFT HONORING THE 62ND ANNIVERSARY OF MR. & MRS. RONALD J. HONEYMAN Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Honeyman Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wilhelm

• NEW MEMBERS, INCREASED SUPPORT(*) OCTOBER 1 - DECEMBER 31 , 1982 LIFE Mrs. Annabell A. Miller, Portland PILOT Mr. Verne D. Gooley, Tigard Mr. Jerome G. Smith, Grants Pass SUSTAINING Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Glein Mr . & Mrs. Scott Hinsdale, Portland Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hunt, Portland * Mr. & Mrs . Edward Lynch, Vancouver, WA Mr. Arnold Mart Mrs. G. Art Randall, Portland* Captain & Mrs. George A. Waer Captain & Mrs. Martin West Mr. & Mrs. H .B. Wilde, Gearhart

SUPPORTING Mr. Peter Koerner, Portland Mr. William Leahy, Jr., Gales Creek Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Mead, Ilwaco, WA* Mrs. Benjamin M. Reed, Nehalem* Mr. & Mrs. Michael Soderberg CONTRIBUTING Mr. & Mrs . N.W. Brower, Jr., Olympia, WA* Mr. Richard T. Charlton, Forest Grove Mr. Roland Fisher, Portland Miss Mary Z. Gatewood, Portland* Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Genna* Rev. & Mrs. John L. Goodenberger* Mr. & Mrs . James Graeser, Coos Bay Mrs. Jane B. Harris, Boise; ID* Dr. & Mrs. Russel Hunter*

Mr. Oliver Knode , Jr., Tryon, NC* Mr. & Mrs. Leland H. Lowenson, Portland Mr. & Mrs . Robert Lucas, Portland Mr. John L. MacDaniels, Portland* Ms. Norma E. Mathre Ms. Brenda K. McCain Mr. & Mrs. William A. Nerenberg, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Glenn 0. Riddervold, Seaside* Mr. Tom Sandoz* Mr. Roy E. Snell, Portland Mr. & Mrs . Walter J. Stott, Lake Oswego* ANNUAL Mr. & Mrs. Jon L. Altheide Ms. Elizabeth A. Baldwin


GEORGE GREBE Mr. & Mrs . Ray Peterson

ELEANOR AUTIO Mrs. Edith Henningsgaard

WILDA A. GUNNAR! Mr. Rudy Ranta

JOHN BRADLEY Captain & Mrs. John Beall

CHARLES R. HARTLEY Mr. & Mrs. P.D. Thompson

NICHOLAS BEGLERIES Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis, Sr. Mr. John D. Karamanos, Jr. Mr. John D. Karamanos, III Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L' Amie

LLOYD H. HOFF Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Catlin

EUGENE S. COBB Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Fields DOUGLAS COOLEY Mrs. Carol C. Povey HAROLD DAHLGREN Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amato Astoria Marine Construction Roger S. Brooks & Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cox C. Maud Crouter Mr. & Mrs. Ed Fearey Mr. & Mrs. Byron Fitzgerald Ms. Helen S. Fowler Mr. Buddy Hoell Ms . Vivian F. Jackson Mr. Ragnor 0. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Ms. Marguerite S. Moyer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Naab Ms. Gertrude M. Oja Ms. Elsie Osterlund Mr. Henry Ramvick Mr. Harvey C. Rones Mr. & Mrs. Ted Sarpola Mr. Tom Sarpola Mr. Harold H. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tolenen Ms . Lillian E. Utzinger Yergen & Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Zankich MARTHA DEGERNAS Mr. & Mrs. Robert Palmrose Mr. Scottie Palmrose GENEVIEVE DYER Mr. & Mrs. Henry McCall, Jr. GLENWOOD F. ENGBRETSON Mr . & Mrs. Don Brunner Miss Donna Jean Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Trygve Duoos WALTER EVANS Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Catlin RUTHE. GINN Mr. & Mrs. William Larson Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Lee Mrs. R.C. Paulsen Mr. & Mrs. James S. Stacy

HONEYMAN FAMILY Mrs. Margaret Wagner Honeyman Mrs. Barbara Honeyman Roll BEN HOWE Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton EARL 0. JOHNSON Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Johnson WAYNE JOHNSON Mr. Jon Bue Mr. Robert Nikka Mr. & Mrs. Arvi Ostrom Mr. & Mrs. Mike Riva Jamie & Mindy Riva MRS. JOHN KARAMANOS Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Curtis, Sr. JACK KARY Ms. Patricia J. Aslin Ms. Aili Kary Mrs. Edna L' Amie FORD KNUTSEN Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahamsen Ms. Mary Elizabeth Ausnehmer Mrs. Helen C. Baker Bank of Astoria Ms. Nell Berg Mrs. Deskin 0. Bergey Mr. & Mrs. Joe Boyington Mr. Elmer T. Brown Captain Joe Bruneau Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bubnick Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bugas Mr. & Mrs. Howard Burns C & C Body & Paint Clinic Mr. & Mrs. Eben Carruthers Mr. Alex Canessa Vieno A. Canessa Mr. & Mrs. William Canessa Mr. & Mrs. Dale Collins Captain & Mrs. Dale Dickinson Ms. Marjorie DuBois Employees of Knutsen Insurance Co. Ms. Wilma Englund Mr. & Mrs. George Fulton Ms. Margaret E. Green Mr. & Mrs. Warren Grimberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gustafson Ms. Nancy R. Haglund Mr. & Mrs. Jean Hallaux Mr. & Mrs. George Hediger Mr. Hokey Hendricks Ms. Kathy Hendricks

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Dave Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hoff Mr. & Mrs. Gwynn Holt Mrs. Allen D. Hulen Mrs. Helen E. Hyche Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jacob Ms. Grace P. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Eino S. Juola Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Dick Keller Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Toivo Kuivala Mrs. Madeline Kvistad Mr. & Mrs. A.J. L'Amie Ms. Mildred M. Larson Mr. & Mrs. R.E. "Dodo" Larson Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Lee Mr. & Mrs. David Legg Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lennon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Leslie Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lowe Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Lowell Mr. & Mrs. F. McGregor Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mestrich Mr. & Mrs. Don Mitchell Ms. Ruth Mitchel & Family Mr. Albert J. Mittet Mr. & Mrs. Larry Morgan & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bob Morrison Mr. & Mrs. George Moskovita Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Mund Mr. & Mrs. Ben Niemi Mr . & Mrs. Orvo Nikula M. Nygaard Logging Ms. Carol L. Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Opdycke Oregon Automobile Insurance Company Ms. Elsie Osterlund & Family Mr. & Mrs. Henry Osterlund Mr. & Mrs. David Palmberg H.G. Palmberg Mr. & Mrs. William Palmberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulsen Miss Solveig Pedersen Mr. & Mrs. Mike Poell Mrs. Henry Puusti Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Puusti F.W. Rafferty, M.D. Ms. Eleanor Rasmussen S.A. Rasmussen Mrs. Ferne Morse Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. John Rippet Mr. Harvey Rones RADM & Mrs. D.L. Roscoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ross Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Seppa Mr. & Mrs. Albert Simonsen Ms. Patricia Simonsen Ms. Virginia Hendricks Smith Ms. Esther Spofford Mr. & Mrs. Jim Stacy Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stangeland Mr. Harry R. Swanson, Jr. Mr. C.J. Steinhausen Mr. & Mrs. Dan Thiel D.C. Thompson & Company Realtors

Model World War II Elco PT boat, built and donated by Dr. Robert S. Norgren



Battleship Oregon (1893-1956) in Naval History Gallery Model built and donated by Dr. N.H. Marineau

The Museum is grateful for the significant additions to its model collection made by the donations pictured here. Two of the models were given by their makers after winning prizes in our Annual Ship Model Competition last May. His model of the battleship Oregon, a famous veteran of the Spanish-American War, earned Dr. N.H. Marineau of Portland the grand prize. The Oregon was also displayed for several weeks in Governor Atiyeh's office before coming to the Museum. Dr. Robert S. Norgren of Beaverton, Oregon took second place in the scratch-built category with PT-143, an Elco 80-foot motor torpedo boat of World War II. Mr. David McClean of Gearhart, Oregon presented an Indian model, owned by his family for several decades, which depicts a type of large dugout canoe developed during the last century by the Haida tribe of the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C.

Old model of Haida Indian canoe Donated by Mr. David McClean

NEW MEMBERSHIPS, CONTINUED Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Baldwin, Vancouver, WA Mr. & Mrs. Harley R Basel Mr. & Mrs. Harold Beall, Vancouver, WA Mr. & Mrs. Norman W. Bernhard, Scappoose Mr. & Mrs. Nick C. Boyovich Mr. Philip R Brothers, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Bryant, Cheney, WA Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Burgher Mr. Ken Campbell, Cannon Beach Mrs. L.J. Canessa Mr. & Mrs. William Canessa, Tolovana Park Mr. & Mrs. James Cardarelli, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Clyde P. Carroll, Jr., Lake Oswego Mr. & Mrs. Philip Christensen, Milwaukie Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cik, Portland Mr. & Mrs. R. Dale Collins Mr. & Mrs. Henry Corbett, Jr., Portland Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dailey, Cornelius Mr. & Mrs. Donald Davis, Vashon, WA Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Dunn, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. Don Elsom, Newberg Mr. & Mrs. Myles Esdon, Cannon Beach Mrs. John Fencsak, Clifton, NJ Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Ferrero, III Mr. R.B. Gayman Mr. & Mrs. H. Goklay, Aloha Mr. Roger W. Hallin, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Haynes, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Hemingway, Jr. Mr. Scott Holmstedt Mr. & Mrs. B. Honald, The Dalles Dr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Honl Mr. Bob Hutchison, Portland Mrs. Jean P. Hutchison, Portland Mr. Jim Hutchison, Seattle

Mr. Richard Hutchison, Portland Miss Carol Johansen Mrs. Trygve Johansen Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Johnson, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Loren K. Johnson, Chinook, WA Dr. Orville N. Jones, Portland Mr. John Karamanos, Lake Oswego Mrs. Lou Karamanos, Lake Oswego Mr. Sam Karamanos, Portland Mr. Monte Kauffman, Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kelly, Portland Mr. Arnold Krippendorf, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. RD. Lamb, Warrenton Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Landwehr Mr. & Mrs. Hoyt Laney, Rainier Mr. & Mrs. Duncan K. Law Mr. William J. Leahy Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lewin, Camden, ME Mr. Douglas Dean Lindly Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Lower Mr. Gene Lukoszyk Mr. & Mrs. Colin Macdonald Mr. & Mrs. John R Madden, Portland Mr. Stephen Martin Mr. Bunny Mason, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Mattocks, Seaside Mr. & Mrs. Warren Mattson Robert McCracken Family, Manning Mr. & Mrs. Clifford I. Mccroskey, Portland Mr. & Mrs. W.G. McGowan, Rainier Mr. & Mrs. James E. McNeeley, Portland Mr. Myron Molnau, Moscow, ID Mr. David P. Montgomery Mr. Fitz-Randolf Moore Mrs. Lois Morford Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Morgan, Seaside Mr. Robert A. Morrison



Miss Patricia North, Warrenton Mrs. Michael J. Nusbaum, Beaverton Mr. & Mrs. Monford Pate, Portland Mr. & Mrs. M. Partridge Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Paulson Mr. & Mrs. Alva Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Phares, Warrenton Mr. Mark A. Pollard Mrs. Carol Povey, Portland Mr. & Mrs. William Powers, Portland Mr. Michael Ramsdell Mrs. Norma P. Reeder, Vancouver, WA Mr. Carl Reynolds, Portland Mrs. Mary Reynolds, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Rex Salfen Mr. & Mrs. Dan W. Schausten, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. Larry Scott Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scott Mr. William W. Scott Mr. Mark Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stratton, Portland Mr. Robert C. Stricklin, Dallas TX Mr. & Mrs. A.D. Stuart, Seattle Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Swensen Mr. Alan Takala & Family Mr. RJ. Tepper, Portland Mr. & Mrs. George Trick, Bethel, CN Mr. Arnold Troeh, Seattle Mr. Jeff Walker Tom Walsh Family, Portland Mr. RP. Washburn, Portland Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Westley Mr. & Mrs. Lee Westley Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Weybright, Beaverton Ms. Diane Williams, Cannon Beach Mr. Frank Wolfe, Ocean Park, WA Mr. & Mrs. Albert Woody, Wapakonita, OH

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