Spring 2013 Celebrating the Opening of the Barbey Maritime Center, Columbia River Maritime Museum

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Helena, Anne & Anita Barbey celebrate the opening dedication of the Barbey Martime Center.

From the Wheelhouse

History will be preserved where it was made.

project preserves one of Astoria's most historic buildings; however, this project is less about bricks and mortar than it is about capacity building. The restored Depot will provide many cultural and economic benefits to both the Museum and to the community. Preserving culture requires more than collecting and storing artifacts. How the artifacts were made and used is also important, and the best way to do this is through hands-on activities that pass these skills on from generation to generation. This is what the programs planned for the Depot space will do.

Executive Committee

H. Roger Qualman, Chairman

Helena Lankton. Vice Chainnan

Bruce Buckmaster, Treasurer

Capt. Thron Riggs, Secretary

Thomas V. Dukich.

Immediate Past Chairman

Ward Cook, Advisor

George Beall, Advisor

Donald Magnusen. Advisor

Sam Johnson. Executive Director


Rick Anderson

Dale Farr

Cheri Folk

Jerry Gustafson

Michael Haglund

Dennis Hall

Ted Halton, Jr.

"50 years of Excellence;' those were the words we used in 2012 to celebrate our 50th Anniversary as one of the finest maritime museums in the United States.

Now, as we move into our second half-century, the Museum continues our pursuit of excellence with the restoration of the historic Astoria Railroad Depot.

The Depot was given to the Museum in 1987 by the Burlington Northern Railroad and had no major alterations since its construction in 1925. Ilowcvcr, in addition to age - related wear and tear, the Nisqually earthquake of 2001 caused structural damage that had to be repaired before the building could be reopened to the public. The choice was clear: fix it up or let it die. In 2010 we chose to fix it up.

With the help of many generous contributers, the Depot has now been restored and stands as a proud reminder of the days when eight trains a day connected Astoria to Portland. Its beautiful Palladian windows, wainscoted and paneled walls, and coffered ceilings once again reflect the elegance of days past.

The successful completion of this

Now renamed "The Barbey Maritime Center for Research and Industry" in honor of the Barbey family, who were pioneers in the Columbia River salmon packing industry, the Depot will support a wide variety of uses. Boat documentation programs, and workshops and classes on the traditional maritime skills and trades of the region will be taught. As we move into the Museum's nexl 50 years, Rolf Klep would be pleased to see how the maritime museum he founded on the banks of the Columbia River continues to grow and expand its scope and reach.

Don Haskell

Bill Henningsgaard

David Hill

Senator Betsy Johnson

Dr. Russell Keizer

S. Kenneth Kirn

Irene Mmiin

James McClaskey

Prudence Miller

David Myers

Larry Perkins

Capt. Jim Richards

Jcanysc Snow

Mike Sorkki

June Spence

Guy Stephenson

Bill Stevens

Charles J. Swindells

Shawn Teevin

Bill Wyatt

Trustee Emeritus

Peter Brix

Richard Carruthers

Walter Gadsby, Jr.

Alan Goudy

On the Cover : Professional photographer Michael Mathers captures the Depot and the Peacock on a rare crisp dry December morning.

Louis Larson

Advisory Trustees

Dr. Tuba Ozkan-Haller

Dr James Lerczak

Honorary Trustees

Victor G. Atiyeh

Gloria R. Linkey

Mayor Willis Van Dusen

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013 MARITIME MUSEUM

The Astoria Railroad Depot

Designed by Thomas D. McMahon, the Great Northern Railway architect famous for the Many Glacier Hotel in Glacier National Park, the Astoria Railroad Depot is one of only two examples of McMahon's "Prairie School" style of architecture remaining in the Pacific Northwest. Constructed in 1925 by the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railroad, the Depot lies at the eastern edge of the Museum's campus, 600 feet from the Museum's main building and anchors the easternmost boundary of Astoria's Downtown Historic District.

The Depot is divided into two sections separated by a covered breezeway: the east wing, where freight was stored, and the west wing, further divided into two beautiful coffered and paneled waiting rooms. The western-most, called the "Women's Waiting Room" served as the ticket office and a waiting room for women and children. The other, called the "Men's Waiting Room'' served as railroad staff offices, luggage storage, and

as the men's waiting area.

The Depot serviced up to eight passenger and freight trains a day from Portland until 1952. With the advent of better roads, passenger service was discontinued and thereafter the Depot was used only for freight handling. In 1987 Burlington Northern Railroad gave this historic landmark to the Museum. In 1989 the Depot was used by the Museum as a boat shop to build the replica of a historic sailing gillnet boat now on display in the Museum's Great Hall. Between 2002 and 2005 the Depot served excursion trains as part of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial. Otherwise, it has been used as a storage area for the Museum. In 2005 the Museum acquired additional storage space , freeing up the Depot for other uses. Restoration, including seismic upgrading, began in 2011 and was completed in 2012.

The Astoria Railroad Depot under construction in 1925 .
.310 4 ME MUSEUM
Image courtesy of the Clatsop County Historical Society
The QuarterDeck Spring 2013

The Barbey Maritime Center for Research and Industry

The Barbey Maritime Center for Re- name "The Barbey Packing Compan/' search and Industry is named in honor

The Barbey Packing Company of the Barbey family, pioneers and lead - was an independent salmon packer. It ers in the salmon packing industry of owned no fishing boats and had none the Columbia River. under contract, purchasing its salmon

The history of the Barbey family's directly from independent fishermen. involvement in the salmon industry of This brought it into direct conflict wilh the Lower Columbia River began in the the commercial packing companies like fall of 1912 when Henry Barbey, owner the Columbia River Packers Association of the Barbey Fish Company of Portland and the Union Fishermens Cooperative leased the Pillar Rock cannery from its Packing Company over gillnetting, purse owners Everding & Farrell. Immedi- seining, fish traps, and horse seining ately successful, Henry Barbey branched grounds at the mouth of the Columbia out with fish buying stations at Ilwaco, River. Chinook, and Hammond, selling fresh

The Barbey Packing Company and canned salmon throughout the continued to grow during the 1920s, country and exporting to Europe. In expanding its operation to include cold 1918 the Barbey Fish Company leased storage and packing facilities in Astothe Hill Terminals located in Flavel, now ria, a canning and fish receiving station Hammond, Oregon, from the Spokane, in Rainier, Oregon, and a fish wheel Portland, and Seattle Railroad, builders on Rabbit Island, just down river from of the Astoria Railroad Depot that now Celilo Falls near The Dalles, Oregon. In bears the Barbey name. The Flavel Can- 1925, Henry outbid the Columbia River nery began operating in 1919 under the Packers Association for valuable rights The

Qual'lerDeck Spring 2013
Barbey Packing Company employees at work on the Astoria waterfront.
CRMM Collection



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to horse seining grounds on Sand Island and in 1929, the Barbey Packing Company moved its operations to Astoria, closing the Flavel facility. By 1930 it was one of the three top salmon packers on the Columbia River.

In 1948 Graham Barbey, Henry's son, was elected president of the company with his wife, Anne Murray Barbey as vice-president Graham moved the Barbey Packing Company into canning tuna then later refrigerator trucking frozen tuna down to Terminal Island operating the company year round instead of just during the salmon season. He served on the County Planning Commission, dealt with the state legislature on issues affecting both his company and Astoria, and encouraged many of his young employees to further their education. While Graham concentrated on the business, his wife, Anne, represented the company in the community, serving on many boards, including the Red Cross, the United Fund, and the League of Women Voters. Together Graham, with Anne's counsel, ran a successful company in Astoria for nearly 30 years.

The Barbey Packing Company continued to be successfully operated until it was sold by the Barbey Family in 1974 to a group of local investors who renamed the company The Barbey Packing Corporation. This was sold in 1978 and all Barbey operations on the Columbia River ceased in 1981.

In 1962 Graham Barbey was one of a small group of people, who, with his close friend Rolf Klep, helped found the Columbia River Maritime Museum. From 1962 until his death in 2002 he was an active supporter of the Museum, serving several times as a board member and, along with other members of his family, helping secure financial support for the Museum.

The Columbia River Maritime Museum is proud to recognize the Barbey Family for their contributions to the maritime culture of Astoria and the Columbia River region and for their support of the Columbia River Maritime Museum and its efforts to preserve the culture of the Columbia River and the waters of the North Pacific.

The Barbey family:

Henry & Ethel Barbey

Admiral Daniel & Katherine Barbey

Graham & Anne Murray Barbey

Todd Liebow & Anita Murray Barbey

Allison Murray Barbey

Milt & Helena Barbey Lankton

Graham and Gary Coover

CRMM Collection 6
Early Barbey cannery packing label.
The QuarterDeck Spring 2013

Maritime Education: Classes, Workshops, and Demonstrations

Preserving culture requires more than collecting and storing artifacts. How the artifacts were made and used is also important. The best way to do this is through hands-on activities that pass these skills on from generation to generation . This is what the programs planned for the Barbey Maritime Center will do.

The East Wing of the Barbey Maritime Center will be devoted to woodworking. Traditional boats will be built, repaired, and restored here during the summer months . The Historic Preservation and Restoration Program of Clatsop Community College will use this space for its workshops during the school year.

The East Wing will also house the "Regional Roat Documentation Center" that the Museum is operating in cooperation with the U.S. National Park Service's Historic American Building Survey Program, the Library of Congress, and Clatsop Community College's Historic Preservation Program.

The Columbia River Ship Chandlery

The "Men's Waiting Room'' in the West Wing of the Depot will house the "Columbia River Ship Chandlery". When not being used for classes and workshops, the space will be used to demonstrate the manufacture of traditional tools and goods used by boat builders, the fishing and shipping industry, and yacht owners . Volunteers and staff will make a variety of items including small boats, nets and net needles, belaying pins, wooden stropped blocks, mast hoops, canvas ditty bags, fids, rat -tailed fairleads and all sorts of marlinspike and rope work. Although made as part of demonstrations, these items will be sold by the Museum store and on-line.

Copper Boat Nails

One of the most interesting and innovative uses of the Barbey Maritime Center will be to house antique machinery that will be used to make copper boat nails used in the construction of traditional Scandinavian-style lapstrake boats. As the only manufacturer of these fasteners outside of England, this "legacy" business will help preserve a 2,000 year old tradition ofboatbuilding and provide a source of income in support of the Barbey Maritime Center and its programs.

Guild of Traditional Maritime Trades

In time other small legacy businesses may be added to the copper nail business, creating a "Guild of Traditional Maritime Trades" operating out of the Barbey Maritime Center. These include the manufacture of steam bent wooden mast hoops and wooden rope-stropped blocks used on traditionally rigged boats from small dinghies to large vessels like the U.S.S. Constitution. The businesses making these and many other traditional chandlery items are mostly operated by elderly craftsmen .

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013

With extremely limited markets and small streams of revenue, these businesses are unlikely to be taken over by younger craftsmen as for-profit businesses. Incorporating them into a guild oflegacy businesses under the umbrella of the Museum will keep them alive, preserve important aspects of maritime culture and traditional maritime trade, and provide a small but steady income to the Museum. Like the manufacture of copper boat nails, these businesses would be operated in a demonstration setting.

Gillnet Boats & Cultural Identity

An important function of the Depot will be to bring back the double - ended sailing gillnet boats to the river.

In 1900, the U.S. Fish Commission, in a survey of the lower Columbia River gillnet fishery, counted more than 2,500 double - ended sailing gillnet boats on the river. Every community along both sides of the Columbia from Puget Island to the mouth of the river had boats in what is often called "The Butterfly Fleet". These boats participated in local regattas and are iconic symbols of the region's maritime culture. In 1989, when the Museum sought an example to add to its collection, none were to be found. In less than 90 years every single boal had rotted away or was lost.

Under the tutelage of a boat builder and using the facilities of the Depot, teams of individuals from communities on both sides of the river will be invited to build gillnet boat replicas. The first boat will be built by a team comprising one individual from each of six communities. These individuals will then recruit others from their community to build their own boat in the Depot for use in local and regional activities. In time, as the number of boats grow, competitions and regattas will bring back this iconic boat, rebuilding ties between local corn-

rnunities and representing the gillnet boat traditions outside the region.

Public Space

The Barbey Maritime Center will also serve as a large, unique public meeting space. The Women's Waiting Room, with its beautiful coffered ceilings, paneled walls and Palladian windows, will easily accommodate banquets, lectures, and social events in an unparalleled setting along the Columbia River. At the same time the Barbey Maritime Center will also provide the only space in Astoria capable of handling groups such as out -board motor and steam engine enthusiasts with their large equipment and special needs.

The extensive commons area around the building, serving as an extension of the indoor space, further enhances the centers ability to handle events like antique boat and car shows and small trade shows needing both indoor and outdoor facilities.

The Q11arterDeck Spring 2013
I7,e QuarterDeck Spring 20 I 3

Special Thanks to:

Jay Raskin, Architect

GaryKobes, Project Manager

Bremik Construction:

Brent Parry, President

Ben Carlson, Project Manager

Kirk Mason, Superintendent

Special Thanks to:

Bayview Transit Mix

Big River Construction

JP Plumbing Co.

MB Structures

MCM Construction

P&L Johnson Mechanical

Miller Paint

Donations to The Barbey Maritime Center for Research and Industry

Donations Received as ofJanuary 9, 2013

$250,000 And Above

The Barbey Family:

Anne M. Barbey

Anita M. Barbey & Todd S. Liebow

Helena Barbey Lankton & Milt Lankton

L. T. Murray Family Foundation

Fred Fields

Meyer Memorial Trust

M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust

$100,000 - $249,000

Peter & Noydena Brix

The Ford Family Foundation

Wheeler Foundation

$50,000 - $99,999

The Collins Foundation

CRMM Funding

James F. & Marion L. Miller Foundation

Prue Miller

Ann & Bill Swindells Charitable Trust

Mrs. Robert (Nani) Warren

$25,000 - $49,999

Natalie & Allison Cellars, In Memory of Allen V. Cellars

Ward and Lois Cook

W Dennis Hall

Don & Carol Haskell

Gary & Connie Kobes

The Lilley Family

Joanne M. Lilley

Lilley Family Foundation

Joanne M. Lilley Fund of the OCF

David & Anne Myers

Schnitzer C.A RF Fmm<lation

Snow Advised Fund of the OCF

William T. C. & Cornelia H. Stevens

Henry & Holly Wendt

$10,000 - $24,999

Columbia River Bar Pilots Association

John G. Earle Estate/

Mr. & Mrs. John W Dixon

Jon & Mary Jean Englund

William C. Farrens

Donna M. Gustafson

Jerry & Marilyn Gustafson

Ted Halton, Jr.

Elizabeth Holden

The Jackson Foundation

The Samuel S. Johnson Foundation

Kinsman Foundation

Ken & Dean Kirn

Donald & Veronica Magnusen

Nygaard Family

Pacific Power Foundation

Eric Paulson

Alice Philpott

Charles J. Swindells

Teevin Brothers Land and Timber Co.

Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust

Gerald Warnock

William Young Family

$5,000 - $9,999

Bruce & Lynn Buckmaster

Disidero Lumber

Tom & Cindy Dukich

Alan Goudy

Samuel E. Johnson

Lum's Auto Center, Inc./Lum Family

Miller Paint

Pacific Investment Company

Capt. James Richards

Capt. Turon Riggs & Betsey Ellerbroek

June Spence

Guy Stephenson (Westwood Shipping)

Henry T. Swigert

Vigor Industries

$2,500 - $4,999

City of Astoria - Permits

David E. & Mary C. Becker Advised Fund of the OCF

The QuarrerDeck Spring 2013

Edith Henningsgaard- Miller

Larry & Shirley Perkins

Roger & Katy Qualman

Robert Stack

Tidewater Barge Company

Western Oregon Waste

Molly & Donald Ziessler

$1,000 - $2,499

Richard T. & Margie Anderson

Bayview Transit Mix

George F. & Patty Beall

Richard T. & Joan Charlton

Robert & Margaret Chopping

Fishhawk Fisheries

Cheri & Del Folk

George Fulton

Jim & Marilyn Gilbaugh

Dr. Russell Keizer

Elizabeth J. Lilley

Irene & Kent Martin

Patrick & Darle Maveety

James McClaskey

Sally McCracken

MCM Construction, Inc.

Lee & Adrianne Peterson

Brian & Karen Radditz

George Siverson

Bruce Ward

$500 - $999

Chris & Dave Bennett

Clatsop County Distributing

Robert W Cummings

Franklin & Harriet Drake

Elnora F. Hertig

Dean & Carolyn Jacobsen

Senator Betsy Johnson

Karl R. Klep

Dick Lang

Sheila Nolan

Ted & Wendy Osborn

Richard & Esther Pettersen

Jay Raskin, Ecola Architects

Mike & Marian Soderberg

System 3 Resins

Celia L. Tippit


Tongue Point Job Corps Center

Brenda VanKanegan & Jon Peterson

Ellen & Andrew Whitten

Jay & Diane Zidell Charitable Foundation

Up to $499

Don & Patricia Abrahams

Rodger & Carol Adams

All Metals Fabrication

Edward and Julia Allen

Melody Mackey Allen

John Altstadt

Wesley & Beverly Anderson


Arbor Care Tree Specialists (Luke Colvin)

Beverly Aspmo

Katherine M. Astala

Ernest & Judith Atkinson, In Memory of Betty Borneman

Ernest & Judith Atkinson, In Memory of the Oliver Family

Ernest & Judith Atkinson

Harry B. Aubrey

AWACC Ambassadors

Brian & Cathy Aydt

Dave & Jackie Backman

Fred Baisden

Vicki Baker

Rosemary Baker -Monaghan & Daniel Monaghan

Jean & James Ballou

William B. Barnett

Capt. Barry A. Barrett

Dan & Susan Bartlett

Mary Ann & Michael Barton

Elaine Bauer

Carol Beil

Jim & Sue Bisio

Robert & Nancy Bowen

Bowpicker Fish & Chips

Dorothy Boyle

Phil Braestrup

John & Justie Braestrup

Betty J. Branson

Don & Glenda Braun

Bridgewater Bistro

David & Carolyn Brooks 11

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013


Daniel W Brown

Doris Bulletset

John Burlingham

Charles Canfield

Andrew Carlson

John & Joanne Carrell

Richard & Nancy Carruthers

Ron Cathcart

Robert Chamberlin, In Memory of Earl Philpott

Chown Hardware

Christenson Shipyard, Ltd

Rick & Ardie Coleman

Dave & Sue Corkill

Jacob & Elizabeth Covey

Joyle C. Dahl

John G. Davis

JoAnn Dawley

Virginia DeMaria

Capt. Deborah Dempsey

Depot Restaurant

Christina Dewitt

Art & Laurie Dolan

Philip & Laurie Drage

Stephen Dudley

James & Marilyn Durham

Lucille Easley

Tiffany Estes

William F. Farr

Dale Farr

LuAnne Farrar

Don Faulkner

Peter Ferrero

Mark & Jeanne Finkbeiner

Robert Finzer

Steve Forrester

Richard & Virginia Foster

Pat Fuller

George Fulton, In Memory of Ben Bay

Walter & Janet Gadsby

James & Lylla Gaebel

Robert & Janet Gannaway

John & Linda Gannon

Rae Goforth

Ann Goldeen, D. C.

Harvey Golden

Meade Gougeon

Michael L. Graham

Mike Green

John & Kelsey Grout

Raymond & Debra Grubbs

Michael & Melissa Haglund

Carol Hahn

Becky Hanna

Mark & Antoinette Hatfield

Loren Hillman

Richard & Nancy Hoffman

Clinton W & Esther M. Hoisington

Charles P Holboke

L. Gene & Linda Holmes

Gerald & Nancy Hopp

Merlin Humpal

Ann Hyde

Michael W Jackson

Leon & Mary Jackson

Michael C. Jacobi

Jim & Dixie Jarvis

Bob Jimenez

Troy & Lori Johnson

Larry Johnson

Samuel E. Johnson, In Memory of W "Bud" Forrester

Jeffrey B. Johnson

Steve & Kathy Johnson

Loren K. & Julia M. Johnson

Robert J. Karby

Frances Kaspar

Jan Kent

Edward & Mary Ann Kerber

Stephen Kessler & Alma Wong

Marilyn & Don Kessler

Craig Koon

Bruce Korum

Cliff & Arline LaMear

Bill Lind & Gin Laughery

John & Jane Lebens

Richard & Shannon Leonetti

Liberty Restoration, Inc.

Glen MacPherson

Patricia Madden

Eve Malarkey

Roseanne Martin

Elizabeth Martin

Maxwell PR

The QuanerOeck Spring 2013


Marshall D. McCollurn

Major & Mrs. Donald McDaniel

Pat McDonald

Jean McKinney

Raymond & Kathleen Merritt

Kenneth W Meyer

W Don Miller

R. S. Mitchell

Mitch & Toni Mitchum

Carol B. Moore

Don Morden

Ronald & Katherine Mowrey

G. E. Muehlberg

Michael Naab

Frank Nau

Lela Newell

Gary & Helen Niemi

Phil Nock

Walt & Karen Novak

Herbert Olson

Charles & Susan O'Neal

Alyssa & Michael O'Rourke

George Osgood

Jim & Jan Paschall

Sandra Patterson

Violet Paulson

Robert L. Peterson

Dave & Marcy Phillips

Jack Pietarila

Juanita Price & Marcella Price

Phil & Auila .l{als Lakk.a

Steve & Cindy Ramsey

Doug & Denise Ross

Charles & Carol Ray

Patricia Reese

Laura Reith

Earl Reynolds

William & Lora Rhodes

Edith Rich

Jeanne Rich

Milo Ridenour

Dave & Jane Roberts

J Dennis & Mary Lee Saulsbury

Ben & Jamie Schluckebier

Schoolhouse Electric

Fred Schott

Dorothy Scott

Richard Scott

Scott & Heather Seppa

Carol Seppa

Dolores Sharp

Arlen & Ruth Sheldrake

Doug & Sharon Simmons

Steve Skinner

George & Elisabeth Skou

Joyce Smith

Hal & Jeanyse Snow

Rich & Kathy Snyder

Russell & Susan Solt

Mike Sorkki

S. Specht

Kirn & Dan Supple

Bob & Gerry Swenson

Glen & Judi Swift

Russell & Marie Taber

Fay Thompson

Capt. Michael R. Tierney

Shirley Tinner, In Memory of Bob Gannaway

Shirley Tinner, In Memory of Virginia Zafiratos

Dave & Linda Tozer

Capt. Peter Troedsson

Carol Trotter

Jerry & Marlene VanderPool

Torn and Sherry Vaughan

Margo Grant Walsh

Ruue1 LWeisma1111

Carol Welch

Jim Wilkins

Rick Williams

Thomas & Alexandra Woodworth

James A. Wuollet

Marie Yost

Clyde Zaidins

Ted Zell

The QuarterDeck Spring 21113

The Columbia River Maritime Museum is very pleased to offer courses at the Barbey Maritime Center. They are drawn from both Western and Native American maritime cultures and are suitab le for a wide variety of interests and sk i ll levels

Classes will be small , and each student will have the opportunity to interact with instructors who have been chosen for their expertise and ability.

Courses at the Barbey Maritime Center

Sign up for classes today!

Full course descriptions and registration information is available at crmm.org.

All Museum members get a discount.

Be2innin2 Woodworkin2

Instructor Darrin Fiskum

Duration: Two days

Dates: May 4-5 OR July 20-21

Tool Sharpenin2

Instructor Darrin Fiskum

Duration: Two days

Dates: Jun 22-23

NW Native American Crafts

Chinook-style Cedar Basket

Instructor Pat Courtney Gold

Duration: Three days

Dates: Jul 26-28

Chinook-style Paddles

Instructor Tony Johnson, Earl Davis, Al Mcisaac

Duration: Two days

Dates: May 4-5

Chinook-style Spoons and Ladles

Instructor Earl Davis, Al Mcisaac

Duration: Three days

Dates: Aug 17-18 andAug 23

Northwest Native American Bentwood Boxes

Instructor Jim Bergeron

Duration: Three days

Dates: Jun 28-30

Northwest Native American Canoe Models

Instructor: Tony Johnson

Duration: Three days, non-consecutive

Dates: Sept 21-22 and Oct 5

Northwest Native American Carvin2 Tools

Instructor: Earl Davis, Tony Johnson, Adam Mcisaac

Duration: Two days

Dates : May 25-26

Northwest Native American Halibut Hooks

Instructor: Tony Johnson

Duration: Two days

Dates: Sept 14-15

Small Northwest-style Basket with Rattle Lid

Instructor: Pat Courtney Gold

Duration:Three days

Dates: Aug 23-25

Small Twined Pouch

Instructor: Pat Courtney Gold

Duration: One day

Dates: Jun 29

Traditional Northwest Native American NetMakin2

Instructor: Terry Courtney

Duration: Three days

Dates: Aug 23-25

Traditional Woven Wasco Basket

Instructor: Pat Courtney Gold

Duration: One day

Dates: May 11

Twined Rattle

Instructor: Pat Courtney Gold

Duration: One day

Dates: Jun 30

Weavin2 with Plant Fibers

Instructor: Pat Courtney Gold

Duration: Two days

Dates : Jun 8-9

Boat Building

Buildin2 the Lazy Weekend Canoe

Instructor: Andrew Linn

Duration: Two days

Dates: Jul 13-14

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013

Carvel Plank Boatbuilding

Instructor: Jeff Sayler

Duration : Five days

Dates: Jul 22-26

Glued Lapstrake Faering

Instructor: James McMullen

Duration: Five days

Dates: Aug 5-9

Glued Seam Plywood Boat Building

Instructor: Sam Devlin

Duration: Five days

Dates: Jul 29-Aug 2

Half-Hull Model Making

Instructor: Steve Kessler

Duration: Two days

Dates: Jul 6- 7


Instructor: Steve Kessler

Duration: Two days

Dates: Jul 13-14

Oar Making

Instructor: Jeff Sayler

Duration: Two days

Dates: Aug 3-4

Pacific Northwest Drift Boat Models

Instructor: Roger Fletcher

Duration: Two days

Dates: Aug 31-Sept l

Skin-on-frame Kayak

Instructor: Brian Schulz

Duration: Seven days

Dates: Nov 10-16

Taking Boat Lines

Instructor: Steve Kessler

Duration: Two days

Dates: Jun 8-9

Traditional Lapstrake Boatbuilding

Instructor: Jeff Sayler

Duration: Five days

Dates : May 27-31

Classic Maritime Crafts

Decoy Carving

Instructor: Bill Antilla

Duration: Two days, non-consecutive

Dates: Jul 27 and Aug 3

Introduction to Bronze Casting

Instructor : Sam Johnson

Duration : Two days

Dates: Aug 10-11


Instructor: Jason Linnett

Duration: Two days

Dates: May 11-12

Needle and Palm Work

Instructor: Misty O'Brien

Duration: Two days, non-consecutive

Dates : May 25 and Jun 1 OR Oct 5 and Oct 12

Net Making

Instructo r: Al Olson

Duration: Two days

Dates: Jul 6-7

Rope Work - Coarse

Instructor: Jason Linnett

Duration: Two days

Dates: Jul 20-21

Rope Work - Fine

Instructor: Jason Linnett

Duration: Two days

Dates: Aug 3-4

Sign Carving

Instructor : John Paul Zipprich

Duration: Two days

Dates: Aug 17-18

Wire & Canvas Decoys

Instructor: Sam Devlin

Duration: Two days

Dates: Oct 5-6

You will come away from these courses with the knowledge and confidence that you can create things out of wood, metal, or rope, even if you never build an entire boat, have no particular need for a beautiful rope-stropped wood block, a hand-made fishing net, a bentwood box, or a cast bronze oarlock.

We hope your curiosity will be whetted, and most of all, that you will have an entertaining and enriching experience .

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013
16 The Q11arterDeck Spring 2013
1 COLUMBIA RIVER MARITIME MUSEUM 17 The QuarterDeck Spring 2013

News and Notes

Sixth grade students from Hilda Lahti Elementary School spray a fire hose during the Museum's "Adopt a Ship/Adopt a Class" program aboard USCGC FIR in February.

The QuarterDeck

Spring 2013

The QuarterDeck is published by the Columbia River Maritime Museum, 1792 Marine Drive, Astoria, Oregon 97 I 03

Tel: (503)325-2323

Fax: (503)325-2331


Editor: David Pearson

Editorial Staff-

Blue Anderson

Iliana Arroyo

Betsey Ellerbrock

Julie Flues


Printed by Printgraphics fleuve!lun, Otegun

Volunteers are an integral part of any museum. CRMM is so lucky to have a dedicated corps of volunteers that are willing to assist us with their skills and talent. Your museum could not survive without their commitment and enthusiasm. We would like to recognize one volunteer that contributed 425 hours during 2012 . Steve Skinner could be considered a "Jack of all trades." Besides welcoming visitors on the Lightship; Steve led guided tours for Cub Scouts, school groups and adult groups; worked with families during the Museum's hands-on vacation programs; taught people how to make rope both in the Museum and at festivals;

assisted with craft projects; roamed the galleries interacting with visitors, filed records for the Curatorial department, and assisted with other education projects. Bravo Zulu to Steve and his enthusiasm for volunteering.

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013

A special thank you to Alice Philpott for her generous support of the Barbey Maritime Center with her donation of tools to the wood shop .

We bid Volunteer Coordinator, Jackie Welborn , farewell. Jackie is pursuing a career in nursing as she attends Clatsop Community College's nursing program. Her bubbly personality, enthusiasm, and infectious laugh will be truly missed.

CRMM welcomes Genia Van Wormer as our new Volunteer Coordinator. Genia hales from Seattle and has years of experience in the customer service world. Welcome Genia.

The education staff would like to acknowledge the generous gifts that were received to further the mission of the Museum and provide lifelong learning opportunities to visitors and students.

U.S. Bank gave $1,500 to assist us in purchasing new technology equipment to use in our outreach programs.

Quest for Truth Foundation, a steadfast partner for CRMM education programs, gifted us with $30,000 to further enhance our educational presentations and offerings.

Friends of the Columbia River Maritime Museum donated $1,200 to be used for programming with local school children.


It is with great sadness that we note the passing of long time Museum volunteer Carol Moore . Carol was involved with many organizations in Astoria since moving here in 1961, giving unselfishly of her talents and time. Her first assignment as a volunteer at the Museum was in 1982 when she helped in the store . Later Carol assisted in the curatorial department. During her time at the Museum Carol donated more than 3,240 hours and at almost 100 years old was an inspiration to all of us.

Frankye Thompson, will be remembered for her sense of humor and her dedication to the Museum. She was one of the first Museum Store volunteers and was very involved in the Friends of the Columbia River Maritime Museum. Frankye tirelessly spent hours creating cedar float souvenirs to sell to tourists visiting Astoria. Often she took a picture of a cruise ship as it docked at the port and then printed the pictures, gluing them on floats to sell inside the Museum . Her creativity raised money for many Museum projects and education programs. One of her floats is on display at the Smithsonian. We are proud to have known Frankye and will miss her.

Joining the Museum's vuluuleer <.:rew in 2000 Earl Philpott was a regular face on Sundays in the Museum Store and Fridays on the Lightship Columbia Working as a merchant seaman for 40 years Earl brought a wealth of maritime knowledge to CRMM. His expertise gave our visitors the opportunity to learn more as they engaged in conversations with him. His generosity is observed in the 2,900 hours he gave to support the Museum. Earl will be missed.

Museum Staff:

Blue Anderson

Iliana Arroyo

Celerino Beheloni

Ron Becerra

Ann Bronson

Betsey Ellerbroek

Julie Flues

Helen Hon!

Eileen Houchin

Jim Grey

Kathy Johnson

Sam Johnson

Karen Sexton -Josephs

Arline LaMear

Darren O'Brien

Misty O'Brien

David Pearson

Nathan Sandel

Hampton Scudder

Carol Shepherd

Jeff Smith

Aaron Stinnett

Patric Valade

Genia Van Wormer

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013

New Members

(2/24/2012- 3/14/2013)

George Abbott

Ted and Shirley Anderson

Bruce Austra

Mark and Michele Bachmeier-Evans

Kathy Backman

Heather Bee

Richard Bence

Carey Birkenfeld

Michelle and Matthew Bisek

Neal and Barbara Bond

Shalome and Mary Briggs

Marcus and Kristin Brown

Robert W. and Patty A Bryant

Sara and Rory Cameron

Charles Cannon

Suzanne Cannon

Cheryl Cochran

John Roberts and Jolleen Crider

Justin and Nicole Dalton

William DeJager and Sheila Nolan

Mark and Beth Doyle

Dick and Khris Frank

Cynthia L. Giles and Mary Lee Overby

Stephen and Louise Halsey

Russ Hansen and Thor Hansen

Dale Harmer

Joanna L. and Gregg Hazlett

Lynne Hemingway

Verna M and Ronald L Hilburger

David Hill

Arlene Ruth and Robert Denison Holmes , Jr.

Nancy Hoover

Sue Jamerson

Dugan Jennings

Patricia R. Johns

Roy Roger Johnson

Margaret and Christian Jones

Patrick D'Haem and Terresa Juag

JoAnna and Timothy Kamppi

Jerry and Colleen Keenan

Gordon J and Dara C. King

Marjean Langley

Mary E. Langston and Christopher P. Womack

Robert and Cary Lattus

Jai Lee

John W. and Mary R. Liedel

Vita Mac Arthur

Jessica & Michael Maclachlan

Norma and Bynner Martin

William M Martin

Peter Marx

Phillip A. and Rosalyn Anne Massey

Gwyneth McAlpine

Barton S and Stephanie H. McDonald

Robert Meadows and Janice Potter

James Miller

John W. Miller

Aaron and Cecelia Mills

John and Caryn Ogle

New Business Members

Bank of the Pacific

Chinook Indian Nation

Chown Hardware

Clatsop Community Bank

Disdero Lumber Company

Ferguson Wellman Capital Management

Lum's Auto Center

MCM Construction, Inc.

Miller Paint

Providence Seaside Hospital

Randall Vogt, PC

Dawn Pierce and Ken Rommel

Jennifer Raiklen

Verna and Thomas Rogers

Cindy Sapp

Scott Saulsbury and Linda Moreland

Alan and Patricia Schulte

Virginia Shepherd

Julie and Ken Stilwell

Michael J. and Priscilla L. Strand

Floyd M . Swartz and Regina Hannu

Alanna and Ed Taylor

Nick and Janice Thiry

Michelle and Elijah Toepelt

Clark and Christine Trexel

Carl Vandervoort

Christine and Matthew Wells

Robert A. and J. Amelia Williams

Paul Winiarz and DJ Leonhardt

James Wuollet

Tina Yeager

Safeway Companies Employee Association

System 3 Resins

The Mallory Company

Versa Corporation

Western Oregon Waste Winks Hardware

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013


(2/24/ 2012- 3/14 /2013) Jerry Ostermiller & Bill Gunderson, Jr.

George Fulton & June Spence

Lynne Johnson

Ella P. Hill

Don & Patricia Abrahams

Jerry Ostermiller & LoisAhola

Nora J Estoos

John Anderson

John & Trudy Dawson

Ral12h Barrer PH3c

USS Knapp DD-653

Benjamin Russell Bay

Beverly Aspmo

Daniel & Susan Adkison

Donald E. Link

Elsie Vaughan

Elva Andersen

George C Fulton

Grace Sender

John Niemi & Alice Codd

Lester and Erma Heisler

Myron & Bonnie Salo

Ward & Doris T Paldanius

The Turnbull Family

Albert Blakey

John & Trudy Dawson

John Sam Bozanich

Patrick Kearney

Tom & Cynthia Dukich

Cfil)t. William B. Brown. USN Ret

William B. Brown, Jr.

Warren R. Bruels GM2c

USS Knapp DD-653

Elizabeth M. Bussey

David & Mary Jane Hill

Anthony J. Ca12riglione Sic

Larry & Jeanie Petersen

Ken & Ardi Chapman

George, Helen & Bruce

Donna Gustafson & Daughter

Arline & Cliff LaMear

David & Linda Haskell

Robert Keith Cordiner

Donald Fastabend

George Fulton

Ward & Doris Paldanius

Terri & Jim Bekken

Gordon & Carol Wolfgram

David & Heidi Fastabend

Kathy & Dale Salsberry

William Dee

Judy and Robert Oliver

Marilyn Dugan

Allan Maki

Gladys H. Duncan

Dorothy A. Labiske

Dellora Duoos

Elaine Duoos Boone

Donna & Eric Moberly

Don & Jean Brunner

Laverne Guetz & Family

Antoinette McBride

Barbara Tenney

Peter L. Yost


Ann Hyde & Kathy McCall

Larry & Eileen Johnson

Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leinassar

Warren & Jean Mattson

Roberta Muehlberg

Larene Olsen & Daughters

Jerry Ostermiller &

Lynne Johnson

James & Nickie Piipo

Frank & Magdalene Royston

Blue Anderson

Lynne Johnson

Joseph E . and Gwynn Bakkensen

Esther K. Jerrell

Capta in Fred B Jerrell

Estelle Duggan

Phili12 Johnson

Jon Westerholm

Donald J. Keigher Lt.

USS Knapp DD-653

Virginia Kearney

Hazel & Berry Schlesinger & Bob & Mary Frame

Josh, Caleb & Brand

Michael & Marian Soderberg

June Spence

Ann & Tony Syrett

Karen Van Cleave

Don & Molly Ziessler

Edith Miller

Richard & Mary Kettelkamp

Sheila & Mark Radich

Allison Zoe Cellars

Natalie Cellars

Bob & Ruth Parnell

Dan & Sheila Fay

Ron & Doug Westerlund

Larry & Jeanie Petersen

Jukka & Judy Perkiomaki

Bart Oja

Maury Plumlee & James W Davis

Nancy Bakkensen Plumlee

Terry Duoos

John & Ada Wolcott

Margery Warila

Shirley George

Maury Plumlee & Charles Ragland

Nancy Bakkensen Plumlee

Idamae H. Forney

USS Knapp DD-653 Crew Dorothy A. Labiske

Thomas J. Carleton F le

Robert Gannaway

USS Knapp DD-653 Crew Shirley A. Tinner

June Spence

Jeanne Clifford George Fulton

Betsey Ellerbroek

Jack and Shelley Wendt

Ernest & Virginia Barrows

William and Theresa Farrens

Merle Garner

Lela Newell

Edith Leslie

Arthur Holmes

Bob and Mary Frame

Art Hilton

Ron & Doug Westerlund

Bart Oja

Charles Hindman

Sue Honeyman

Ca12tain Donald E. Hughes

Harry & Nancy Leonard

Nancy L. Grimberg

Geri Chisholm & Harvey Peeke

Joseph & Gwynn Bakkensen

Bob & Beth Poole

Ernest & Virginia Barrows

Kathleen Whitley

Kathleen Engerran

Joyce Cameron

Sharon Aldouby & Len Schwartz

Susan R. Evans

John & Marilyn Ducich

Robert Klages, Lt.

USS Knapp DD-653

O.J."Jack" King Jr. YN3c

USS Knapp DD-653

Albert Laakso

Jon Westerholm

Dorothy Labiske

Keith & Lisa Torkelson

The Oscar Haglund Family

Joanne 0. Posey

Michael Ramsdell

Elton & Marilyn Anderson

Judy & Norm Clark

Marie Yost

Luanne & Jeff Lynn

Mary E Tolonen

Edith Leslie

Lower Columbia Danish Society

Patrick & Marilyn Dugan

Capt. Thron Riggs & 21

Betsey Ellerbroek

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013

Memorials (continued)

Louise Larson

Jack & Mary Kerwin

Marilyn & Richard Petersen

Don & Nancy Pachal

The Stenbloms

Hellmut and Susan Hameyer

Gwen Lawson

Lela Newell

Ole Lilleoren

Susan E. Holway

F. Warren Lovell

George C. Fulton

Luis Mastellone

John & Trudy Dawson

John S. McGowan

Ernest Barrows

Floyd and Elaine Bennett

Allison Zoe Cellars

Natalie Cellars

Ward V. Cook

Walter Gadsby, Jr.

Alan C Goudy

Barry & Lori Greenberg

Jack Grey & Phyllis Edy

Henningsen Cold Storage Co.

Charlotte Kathrens

Joann & O .E . "Bud" Kerns

Virginia & Bob Kearney

Mary J Lovell

Bill and Julie Mackenzie

McAlpin Family

Edith Miller

Carol Seppa

Dan , Kim and Joseph Supple

Harold and Jeanyse Snow

June Spence

Robert & Margaret Chopping

Edward & Joyce Nelson, Jr.

Women of the Moose Dollars

Comer Chapter #2119

Don and Renay Patterson

Stephen and Rebecca Roman

James and Patricia Radich

Mary Steindorf

Gordon & Carol Wolfgram

Christo11her Mestrich

Margie Thompson

Pauline Mestrich

James and Patricia Radich

Robert W. Millerick CPO

USS Knapp DD-653

Lydia Morrisette

Patrick Lines

Carol B. Moore

Arline & Cliff LaMear

Betsey Ellerbroek

Jerry Ostermiller &

Lynne Johnson

Capt. John and Cynthia Svensson

John & Shelley Wendt

Lawrence Nelson Jr.

Loretta Larocque

Helen Nielsen

Elaine Broten

Ca11tain Niels Nielsen

Walter and Janet Gadsby Jr.

Jack and Shelley Wendt

Elaine Broten

Earl Phil11ott

Chris and Dave Bennett

Clatsop County Master Gardeners

Betsey Ellerbroek

Jerry Ostermiller & Robert and Marcella Chamberlin

Lynne Johnson

Joseph E and Gwynn Bakkensen

Susan S. Miller

Charles Mestrich

Mark Alfonse

Kathy and Steve Johnson

Russ and Joanne Bean

Patricia McDonald

Jack and Shelley Wendt

Capt. John and Cynthia Svensson

Harriet Antoni on Phil Raistakka

Harry and Nate Antoniou

Young Family

Margie Thompson

Jon Westerholm

Norvin Rieser

John & Trudy Dawson

Gene W. Robertson SK3c

USS Knapp DD-653

Alfred 0. Rotz

Philip & Joyce Lively

Thomas Smith SK2c

USS Knapp DD - 653

lyY Thom11son Stacy

Stephen and Susan Craig

Betty Curtis

Alice N. Codd

Ca11tain James Alden Strou11

Captain Fred B. Jerrell

Joseph E and Gwynn Bakkensen

Frank Tarabochia

Bob & Mary Frame

Dennis "Denny" Thom11son

Arnold & Erica Curtis

Betty Curtis

Paul & Helen Curtis

Dave Wenger

Horace & Kalliopi Harrison

Don Wright

Arline & CliffLaMear

Ste11hanie Yutkowitz

John & Trudy Dawson

Virginia Zafiratos

John & Trudy Dawson

George Fulton & June Spence

Don & Marilyn Kessler

Maury Plumlee &

Nancy Bakkensen Plumlee

Dan , Kim and Joseph Supple

The QuarterDeck Spring 2013

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