Success Starts Today | Research Process Book

Page 75


4.3 SOLUTION EVALUATION A rough prototype was presented for evaluation to a group of users and experts. Feedback was given based on their particular needs or areas of expertise. Below are summaries of feedback received.


Positive feedback was received from Panel of Experts regarding the final design solution. Their feedback suggested that this solution could be a great asset to their existing outreach efforts and could be easily implemented given the funds availability for production costs. Positive assets of the solution included its small size, aesthetic quality, accessibility in terms of communication language and product form and the three-box breakdown used to divide the process into a more manageable monthly system. Their only worries included production cost and overall distribution of the solution to target users since they are generally the most difficult to get to.


Prototype was shown to a group of three users in target audience demographic to be evaluated based on their specific needs. Being that the current prototype is only in English, solution had to be verbally translated and explained in Spanish during evaluation session. Users found solution to be extremely helpful and very aesthetically pleasing. They specifically appreciated how user friendly and intuitive the solution prototype was, making it easy for them to understand how to use it and keep on top of the enrollment process. They suggested having more room for notes each month or perhaps having a separate section this.


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