2017-18 MHS Success Guide

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Yearbook The Chieftan, Mariemont High School’s yearbook, is a student-produced, award-winning publication. Students interested in helping with The Chieftain and being a part of the yearbook staff are welcome to do so by signing up for the class that meets daily all school year. Occasionally, this group meets after school and a few times during the summer. This club and course is all about learning how to create a yearbook from start to finish, including: writing, editing, taking photographs, designing, organizing, selling, and distributing the book, itself. In order to be considered for one of the editing positions on the staff, a student must have one year on the yearbook staff under their belt. Come show us what you can do and help The Chieftain as we pursue Gold Medal status from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.