2022 Rally of the Sun Program

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WELCOME! We are thrilled to welcome you to Valleywise Health Foundation’s second annual road rally, Rally of the Sun benefiting the new Arizona Burn Center at Valleywise Health. Huge thanks to OTTO Car Club for hosting our kick-off reception, Scott Gauthier for serving as co-chair of our event, board member Charles Brown, and to co-chair and burn survivor Jason Nelson whose vision and passion to celebrate the life-changing work of the people and place that saved his life, made it all possible. Extra special thanks to our sponsors listed on page 29. For those of you meeting us for the first time, Valleywise Health (formerly Maricopa Integrated Health System) serves as Arizona’s public teaching health system. For nearly 150 years, Valleywise Health has stepped up to address Arizona’s most critical healthcare needs and served as a place of healing and comfort for ALL who walk through our doors. While exploring the beautiful red rocks and pine forests of northern Arizona, you’ll meet the families of two special patient heroes, 11-year-old Isla Cook and three-year-old Westyn Tudor, along with their care team from the Arizona Burn Center at Valleywise Health whose determination, passion, expertise and heart are inspiring beyond words. You’ll hear how state-of-the art facilities will exponentially elevate care for patients and families throughout the Southwest.

Your support today will change the lives of burn survivors and their families for generations to come at the newly announced Diane & Bruce Halle Arizona Burn Center, currently under construction, and scheduled to open in 2023. Finally, Thank YOU for being a part of this very special day and for going ALL IN for a healthier Arizona with Valleywise Health Foundation. Now it’s time to start your engines!

Sincerely, Nate Lowrie

CEO Valleywise Health Foundation

Steve Purves

President and CEO Valleywise Health

A MESSAGE FROM A SURVIVOR It's odd to look back and know the exact date and time your life changed, your defining moment as a human being and the decision that changed the course of your life forever.

My moment was February 9, 2014 at 3:51pm with the simple flick of a lighter. It's been a long and difficult journey to say the least. Nine months in the hospital, hundreds of doctor visits, hours and hours and hours of emotional therapy. I learned to walk, talk, feed, bathe and clothe myself again as a 40 year-old man. Tons of surgeries, lots of tears, fears, doubt and uncertainty, and even some laughter along the way along with a new appreciation for life and a new purpose. Every year of this journey has been different. The first two years were just about surviving something I thought I never would. Year 3 was about surgery and recovery and therapy. Year 4 was about family and everyone who supported me in this journey along with more therapy and Year 5 has been about me getting back to me and finding purpose and a new calling in life. Now February 9 is starting to feel like another day in the year for me.

This year marks eight years since that life-changing moment. Although this has been my journey, I've been far from alone during it and owe so much to so many people who pushed me every day, cried and laughed with me and told me to hold my head high. Those who gave me opportunities to share my story and loved me when I needed it most. Those who wouldn't let me quit on myself and inspired me to be a better person and to try and make a difference in the world. I think about my accident every day. Early on in this journey, right after I was released from the hospital, I remember crying my eyes out and telling my wife Tammy, "I don't want to be burned anymore." Today, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm proud to be a burn survivor and wear this badge with honor.

Jason Nelson

Valleywise Health Burn Survivor


Arizona Burn Center - Valleywise Health Funds will support family support groups, hydrotherapy and hyperbaric therapy, physical and occupational wellness programs, expanded burn research support and emergency and crisis programs. Proceeds from Rally of the Sun will support future patients, just like Jason Nelson, Christin Lipinski, Isabella McCune, Westyn Tudor, and Isla Cook.














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PEOPLE PURPOSE who give us

WESTYN TUDOR O n N ov. 1 1 , 2020, thre e - ye a r - ol d We s tyn wa s i n vo lve d in a n u n t h ink a b le accide nt when he f e l l b a ck wa rd s i n to a fi re p i t on h is f a mily ’s Yuma pro pe rty. He sustain e d th i rd - d e g re e b u r n s ov e r 4 5% o f his b o d y. H e spent f our months a t th e A r i z on a B u r n Ce n te r a t Va lley w is e H e a lt h . Lik e most burn patien ts , e s p e ci a l l y k i d s , s u rg e r i e s a n d t h e ra py h a ve bec o me a way of lif e . S i n ce l e a v i n g th e b u r n ce nt e r, We s t y n a n d h is mo m travel to Phoen i x for a p p oi n tm e n ts ev e r y o t h e r d a y. D espite i t al l , Westyn i s wor k i n g h i s wa y b a ck to d o ing w ha t o t h e r k id s his age do - runni ng a rou n d 1 0 0 m i l e s a n h ou r, r id in g h is b ik e a nd sc o o t e r, swinging his rop e a n d p l a yi n g wi th h i s t oy t r uc k s .

“I wou ldn’t w a n t We s t y n t o b e a t a ny o t h er fa c ility,” A my sai d . “ T h e Va lley w i s e H e a l t h t e a m t re a t e d my son lik e he was t h eir s o n . He’s g o i ng t o ha v e surg e ry throughout his life as h e grow s , bu t I c a nno t i m a g i ne g o i ng a ny where but Val l ey w is e Hea lth. They sa v e d m y so n’s l i fe a nd for tha t I a m f o rev er gra tefu l. ”


ISLA COOK In a matter of seco n d s , l i fe wa s forev e r ch a n g e d f o r t h e C o o k s a nd t heir 10-year- old dau g h te r, I s l a , wh o wa s cov e re d in f la m e s f ro m a propane tank. Isla suf f ered s econ d a n d th i rd d e g re e b u r n s ov e r 46% o f he r b o d y. She requi red s everal s u rg e r i e s , h e r d re s s i n g s h a d t o b e c h a n g e d da ily and s he was i n tu b a te d for a ti m e b e ca u s e o f t he s eve re p a in. D o c t ors and nurs es tr i e d to m a k e i t cl e a r to h e r w o r r ie d p a re n t s it o ften takes mont h s - i f n ot ye a r s - for a v i cti m t o re c ove r f ro m burn s of this magn i tu d e . M i ra cu l ou s l y, I s l a s p e n t jus t un d e r a mo nth i n the Valleywi s e H e a l th b u r n u n i t. Sinc e l eav i ng the h os p i ta l i n J u l y, I s l a h a s d ev ot e d he r s e lf t o living a s normal a l i f e as p os s i b l e , s ta r ti n g wi th re tu rn ing t o g y mn a s t ic s practi ce. A s a comp e ti ti v e g ym n a s t s i n ce s h e was f ive , s he w a s n o t go ing to let her inju r i e s g e t i n th e wa y of h e r p a s s io n.

“Bef o re Is la’s a c c i d e nt , I ha d nev e r he a rd of the A rizona Bu r n Cen ter a t Va l l ey wi s e H e a l t h. L i t t l e did I k now how p re cio u s a n d s a c re d t hi s ho sp i t a l wo ul d be to our fa mily as I pu lled u p fo r t he f i rst t i m e f e e l i ng ov erwhelmed, c o n fu s ed a n d te rri f i e d . B ut t ha nks t o t h e support of Val l ey w is e Hea lt h p hy si c i a ns a nd nurs e s , we’ v e lea rned you co u ld get thro ug h i t , t ha t l i f e c o nt i n ues a nd y ou c an th r iv e. In th e e nd , yo u c a n g e t t hro u gh ha rd things.” - Justin Cook, Is l a C o o k’s d ad


CHRISTIN LIPINSKI T he A ri zona Bu r n Ce n te r a t Va l l eywi s e H e a l t h w a s C h r is t in L i pi ns ki ’s home for two m on th s a s s h e re cove re d f ro m necroti zi ng f as ci i ti s i n 2 0 1 8 . Th e l i fe - th re a t e n ing d is e a s e des troyed 3 0 % of h e r b od y ’s s oft ti s s u e . A t the A rizona B u r n Ce n te r, Ch r i s ti n re ce i v e d w o un d care treatment s a n d g ra fti n g . Dr. F os te r a l so re q u e s t e d that the FDA al l ow th e u s e of th e ex p e r i m e n t a l s k in spray, ReCell, to b e u s e d on h e r d u e to th e a m o u n t o f skin needed to b e g ra fte d . Th e b u r n cl i n i c su p p o r t e d her through he r re cov e r y a s s h e s tr i v e d to re t u r n t o h e r f ormal lif e as a te a ch e r a n d m oth e r.

“ I a m fo rev e r g ra t e f ul t o t he A ri z o na Burn Center fo r th eir ca re t owa rd s m e a nd m y f a m ily through my recov er y a nd s i nc e t he n. E v e ry o ne a t th e A r iz o na B urn C e nt e r - d o c t o rs, thera pists, n u r s es - ca re f o r e a c h a nd eve ry p e rs on. The pa s s io n th e m e d i c a l s t a f f ha s i s a s t ounding! I a m gra teful t o now b e a p a rt o f t hat fa mily.” - Christin Lipinski


ISABELLA McCUNE On S t. Patri ck's Da y i n 2 0 1 8 , I s a b e l l a’s l i fe c ha n g e d dramati cal l y. D u r i n g a ca s u a l n e i g h b or h oo d g a t h e r in g , a gas oline can wi th ou t a fl a m e a r re s te r ex p lo d e d a nd burned over 65 % of h e r b od y. I s a b e l l a wa s r u s he d t o the emergency room a n d for th e n ex t n i n e mo n t h s , her worl d rev ol v e d a rou n d th e A r i z on a B u r n C e n t e r a t Valleywi s e Heal th . The A rizona Bur n Ce n te r te a m wou l d a l s o b e c ha n g e d f orev er by the h e roi c I s a b e l l a M cCu n e .

“ I’m th a n k ful f o r t he t e a m b e i ng t he re for me w h en ev er I ne e d e d t he m . I knew t hey would a lw a y s be the re w i t h m e ev e ry st e p of the wa y a n d th a t I n eve r ha d t o wo rry a b o ut being a lo n e. M y m o m knew I wo ul d b e s a f e a nd tha t s h e co u ld tr us t t he m t o wa t c h ove r me.” - Isabella McCune


KYLE DRY K yl e Dry was arou n d fi v e ye a r s ol d wh e n h e f ir s t c a m e t o t h e A ri zona Bur n Ce n te r. I n a d ev a s ta ti n g h o u s e f ire , K y le sus tai ned thi rd-d e g re e b u r n s on 3 3 % of h i s b o d y. H e lo s t hi s mother and you n g e r s i s te r. For years, Kyle wa s b u l l i e d for h i s s ca r s b e ca us e k id s his a g e d id not underst a n d wh a t th ey we re . F rom h a ng ing o u t w it h t h e wrong crowd a n d s tr u g g l i n g wi th s ch ool , K y le p e r s eve re d t h rough cons tan t ob s ta cl e s . B u t h i s ex p e r i enc e s he lp e d him rel ate to so many d i ffe re n t k i n d s of p e op l e - b u r n s ur vivo r s , c h i l dren wi th no p a re n ts , p e op l e wh o h a v e st r u g g le d w it h a ddi cti on. A l l of h i s ex p e r i e n ce s d rov e h i m t o g ive b a c k by working at as a te ch n i ci a n a t th e A r i z on a B u r n C e n t e r.

“ T h ey o ffer a s m uc h s e rvi c e a s t hey c a n during y o u r time o f d i st re s s . F ro m b e i ng s a ved there, to w o r k in g th ere , eve ry o ne who wo rks t here - from c lea n in g peo p l e t o t he nurs e s , d o c t o rs a nd more. Th ey a ll h a v e a he a rt o f g o l d . ” - Kyle Dry


HAILEY BOYCE H ailey Boyce and h e r fr i e n d s we re ou ts i d e whe n s he n o t ic e d he r vapi ng devic e s ta r te d a cti n g s tra n g e . I n a m a t t e r o f seconds, i t explo d e d i n h e r h a n d s , i g n i ti n g h e r c lo t he s a nd parts of her uppe r b od y. S h e wa s 1 6 a t th e ti m e a n d f a c ing low c onf idence and se l f e s te e m i s s u e s l i k e n o oth e r k id s h e r a g e had to, not knowi n g h ow h e r s k i n wou l d h e a l.

“ T h e w h o le tim e , I w a s c o nf i ne d t o a hospita l bed, u ndergo in g a m o nt h o f surg e ri e s . Thi s wa s extremely h a rd fo r me a n d wa s t he t o ug he s t p o i nt of my life to g et th ro u gh . I f i t w a s no t f o r t he A ri z ona Burn Center at Va lley w is e H e a l t h, a nd t he st a f f m e mbers there, I d o n o t k n ow how I wo ul d ha v e m a d e it through the ordea l. We s h a re d i nsi d e j o ke s, a nd t h ey supported m e a n d ga v e m e c o nf i d e nc e whe n I needed it most.” H ailey i s part of ou r Te a m Cou ra g e R i s i n g te a m s ummit in g M t. Kilimanj aro t h i s J u n e , ra i s i n g fu n d s for fu t ure b ur n survivors just l i k e h e r.


THE NIELSONS The Ni elsons ’ li v e s ch a n g e d forev e r on A u g us t 16, 2008, when Stephanie a n d Ch r i s ti a n’s s m a l l p l a n e c ra s he d a n d expl oded on im p a ct i n th e A r i z on a d e s e r t. Ov er the next fou r m on th s , th e i r l i v e s a n d f u t u re w e re in the hands of me d i ca l ex p e r ts a t th e A r i z on a B u r n C e n t e r at Valleywi s e He a l th . Ch r i s ti a n wa s b u r n e d ove r 40 p e rc e nt of hi s body whi l e h i s wi fe , S te p h a n i e fa ce d b ur ns o n ove r 8 0 percent of h e r b od y a n d s p e n t fou r m on t hs in a c o ma .

“ I rem em ber t he d a y so v i vi d l y so m etime a fter th e a cciden t w he n a l i g ht swi t c he d on in me a nd I w en t fro m b e i ng a b urn vi c t i m t o a surv iv or a n d th en to a t hri ve r! Thri vi ng i n m y c ha llenges h a s em pow e re d m e i n s o m a ny wa y s a s I 'v e n a v iga ted a new l i f e a f t e r m y b urn i njury.” - Stephanie Nielson


CONNOR CORNILS During a work- re l a te d a cci d e n t, Con n or s u s t a ine d s e c o nd and third degre e b u r n s ov e r 2 5 % of h i s b od y. H e a n d h is w if e Chri s tina had jus t re tu r n e d from th e i r h on ey m o o n w he n t ragedy struck. Th a n k fu l l y, th e on e of th e b e s t b ur n c e n t e r s in the country wa s j u s t 1 0 m i n u te s a wa y. H e w a s a p a t ie n t at the A ri zona B u r n Ce n te r for j u s t ov e r a mo n t h , s p e n d ing t hree of those we e k s i n a com a . “Pl eas e don't gi v e u p on m e ,” wa s th e fi r s t t h ing h e w ro t e t o his wif e when h e wok e u p from b e i n g i n tub a t e d . Th e couple has com e a l on g wa y s i n ce b u t C o nn o r is s t ill in the mi ds t of h i s re cov e r y.

"The support we still receive from Valleywise Health and the burn community is to this day... absolutely priceless." - Connor and Christina Cornils


THE NEW ARIZONA BURN CENTER The Arizona Burn Center team had the luxury of designing the new facility from both the patient’s and clinician’s perspective, allowing us to bring the functions and features of world-class burn care into one location. The new 75,000 square foot Arizona Burn Center will include: • A Welcome Center with Family Support • Trauma and Emergency Exam Rooms • Private ICU and Acute Care Patient Rooms • Hydrotherapy and Hyperbaric Therapy • Physical and Occupational Therapy • Psychosocial Therapy for PTSD • An Ambulatory Clinic and Urgent Care Areas • A State-of-the-art Wellness Center for rehabilitation therapy and long-term survivorship care • A Dedicated Pediatric Wing • A Children’s Room and a Teen Room • Dedicated space for research and medical teaching


Investment in our community health care system and the new Arizona Burn Center allows us to engage our patients at the highest level. It gives the best clinicians in burn care the facilities they need to excel and provides patients with access to a full range of world-class care as they recover and thrive.

H OW I S T H E N E W PE D IATR IC B U R N C E N T E R D I F F ER ENT? The new pediatric wing of the Valleywise Health - Arizona Burn Center is being custom-designed from the ground up specifically with young burn patients in mind, something no other facility in the country has done. Pediatric burn care is a specialized practice that few facilities are equipped to handle. Customarily, pediatric burn care centers are focused on acute care and taking care of wounds, but burn injuries go far beyond that. “The state-of-the-art burn center will not only allow us to provide the outstanding acute care we are accustomed to delivering, it will also help transition patients back into the world, back home, back to school and back to their friends and families,” said Dr. Kevin Foster, Director of the Arizona Burn Center at Valleywise Health. “We want to get kids back to being the kids they were before they got burned, as quickly as possible.” At the new pediatric burn center, every patient will have a private room with space for family members to visit, stay and participate in treatment. These rooms will provide a sanctuary for patients, so they feel as safe and comfortable as possible during their hospital stay. When it’s time to do dressing changes or invasive procedures, children will go to another location in the burn center to avoid negative association with their room. The innovative facility will provide a holistic-care approach focused on treating the entire patient. Practitioners will concentrate not only on acute care of wounds, but also incorporate physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychological therapy, school re-entry strategies and anything else that makes the transition process from hospitalization to home life easier for kids. There will be special treatment rooms, children’s rooms, rooms for teens and family rooms. “What is really special about our burn center are the people who work here and that’s not going to change,” added Dr. Foster. “Our team is phenomenal and truly dedicated to what they do. We’ve had to work in adverse conditions for such a long time and we made do, but we won’t have to do that anymore. With the right tools, the right environment and dedicated, seasoned medical professionals, the patient outcomes are going to be remarkable. We are very thankful for the opportunity to help even more patients live their best lives.”

Immense gratitude for major grant funding from the Diane & Bruce Halle Foundation to support naming of the new Arizona Burn Center at Valleywise Health.

The Diane & Bruce Halle Arizona Burn Center, currently under construction, is part of the new 10-story Valleywise Health Medical Center, scheduled to open in late 2023. The Diane & Bruce Halle Foundation works with community organizations to strengthen the daily opportunities and the lifelong outcomes for the people and communities in the state of Arizona. “The Halle Family Foundation Board Members realize the devastation and pain related to burn patients and we are inspired to help,” said Diane Halle. “May this grant allow the Arizona Burn Center team to provide a safe and supportive healing environment for burn patients and their families. We are proud to support the next chapter of burn care excellence at Valleywise Health.”


CO-PILOT CHALLENGE Every Co-Pilot who shares the event on social media (posts or stories) will be entered into a drawing to take home a special prize! Don’t Forget to use:

@ValleywiseHealthFoundation / #RallyofTheSun



Taste of INDE

Pinetop Cabin Weekend Stay

The Taste of Inde: Private Track

Escape the desert and enjoy a

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into the driver’s seat and accelerate

This cabin is complete with

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comfortable rooms, a cozy patio,

challenging 2.75-mile road course.

and close to outdoor trails! AVAILABLE STARTING IN FALL 2022

RAFFLE TICKETS: $100 Winners will be announced during dinner. 19



BAckpAcK DrIVe

with presenting sponsors


Help a child start school healthy and ready

to learn! Join us as we partner with the Family Resource Centers of Valleywise Health to provide backpacks and school supplies to students in Maricopa County’s most vulnerable communities.



OCTOBER 15, 2022 The Farm at South Mountain Join us for our largest philanthropic event of the year, A Night in the Valley. Celebrate our frontline health care heroes and our community’s commitment to go ALL IN for Valleywise Health.



Kilimanjaro 2 0 2 2

JUNE 13-26, 2022

On June 13-26, 2022, K2 Adventure Travel and members of the Valleywise Health Foundation will lead a team of burn survivors, medical professionals and donors to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. We will raise awareness of all that burn survivors can accomplish and the life-changing work done at the Arizona Burn Center at Valleywise Health. More than fundraising for a new Burn Survivorship Center and a climb, this is about showing our survivors AND community that anything is possible when we #RiseTogether.




Valleywise Health Foundation B O A R D



OFFICERS John Hoopes

Board Chair Vice President - Salt River Project

Patti Gentry

Board Vice Chair Former Senior Vice President - JLL

Sel Nutor

Board Treasurer Director/Arizona Market Executive Capital One Bank, NA

Pam Stelzer, CPA

Board Secretary Manager - Henry + Horne

MEMBERS Liz Agboola

Alicia Nuñez

Claire Agnew

Susan M. Pepin, MD, MPH

CEO Moses Behavioral Care Chief Financial Officer Valleywise Health

Betsey Bayless President Emeritus Valleywise Health

Charles Brown

CEO and Co-Founder Impact Diversity Solutions Corporation

Mark G. Dewane

Director - District 2 Maricopa County Special Healthcare District

Philip Gerard

Senior Partner Cavanagh Law Firm

Bryan Jeffries

President Professional Firefighters of Arizona

Jill Krigsten

Media Consultant COX Media

Scott R. Meyer

Chief Operating Officer iTether Technologies


Executive Vice President and CFO Chicanos Por La Causa Managing Director Health & Clinical Partnerships Arizona State University

David Pugh

SVP and Market Manager Audacy

Steve Purves President and CEO Valleywise Health

Jay R. Spector, CFP

Partner, Wealth Advisor Barton Spector Wealth Strategies

Hiral V. Tipirneni, MD Healthcare Professional CSRA, Inc.

Warren Whitney Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Valleywise Health

Marci Zimmerman-White

Owner and Founder Delete Tattoo Removal & Medical Salon Delete Foundation


J. Woodfin Thomas Vice Chairman - District 4

Mary A. Harden, RN Director - District 1

Mark G. Dewane Director - District 2

Susan Gerard Director - District 3


Campaign Cabinet CO-CHAIRS


Nita and Phil Francis

Karie and Rich Dozer Kevin Foster, MD


Laurie and Charles Goldstein, MD

Betsey Bayless

Kathleen and John Graham

Jason Schechterle

Bart Patterson Susan Pepin, MD, MPH


Jaye and Barry Perricone


Mary Kay and Bill Post

Kote Chundu, MD

Sara and Steve Schramm

Nathan Lowrie

Anne Stupp

Steve Purves

Traci and Jim Swanson Erin and Greg Vogel


A growing circle of leaders actively taking a stand to improve community health. The Arizona Legacy Circle, a group of nearly 380 leaders supporting Valleywise Health, makes the work we do possible: to passionately and proactively take on the Valley’s most critical health care needs – and to care for our neighbors with nowhere else to turn.


$ 5,000 LEVEL

Mary Dewane and Joe Anderson Anonymous Susan Baum and Honorable Redfield Baum, Sr. Honorable Betsey Bayless Lydia and Phillip Bell Lee J. Benson Bidstrup Foundation John B. Brewer Christy and Daryl Burton Su and Bill Byron Kristen Campbell Deborah Carstens Ashley and Darren Case Gene Cavallo Lia Christiansen Drs. Kote and Rupa Chundu Cowley Family Foundation Matthew B. Cunningham, PC Wendy and Mark Dewane Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation Robert Dixon, MD


Carol and David Eaton Edythe Fairbanks Whiteman Family Foundation Suzanne and Carter Emerson Evans Charitable Foundation Laurie and Budd Florkiewicz Scott Foreman Juanita and Phil Francis Katie and Greg Gale Garcia Family Foundation Burns Family Foundation - Patti Gentry Laurie and Charles Goldstein, MD Stephanie and Adam Goodman Kathleen and John Graham Nancy and John Hoopes Cathy and William Hurtle Ellen and Howard Katz Alison Lewis and Craig Krumwiede Robert Lavinia Jan and Tom Lewis Amy and Timothy Louis Sherry L. Lund



Tara and Kevin MacKenzie Jean and Jim Meenaghan Shari and Erik Miller Carole and Arte Moreno Robert Myers, MD, Jr. Cheryl and Jahm Najafi Tammy Yohe and Jason Nelson Carolyn and Mark O'Malley Diane and Patrick O'Malley Aleka and Tim O'Neil Rebecca Pierson and Frederick Pakis Bart Patterson Jaye and Barry Perricone Shar Najafi-Piper and Brian Piper Pivotal Foundation/F. Francis and Dionne Najafi Bill Pope Mary Kay and William Post Mary Anne and Stephen A. Purves Weezie and David Reese Rizing Tide Foundation


Rob and Melani Walton Foundation Roots & Wings Foundation Patricia Rose Lois and Stephen Savage Sara and Steve Schramm Judith and Bill Schubert Douglas G. Smith Bethany and Jay Spector, CFP Pamela Stelzer Katie and Slade Stewart Anne C. Stupp Traci and James Swanson Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation Stacy Wilson and Neal Thomas Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust Vogel Family Charitable Trust Marci Zimmerman-White and Michael White Marcia Scott and Warren Whitney Dawn and Steve Whitworth Megan and Charles Wosaba

$ 2 ,5 00 L EVEL

Lisa Andrus and Saro Hayan Liz Agboola Claire and Mike Agnew Nancy and Patrick Andler Jasmine Barker Michelle Bowdren Chris Boyles Kirsten and Charles Brown Rebecca Clayton Hoyt and Gregory Hoyt Dean Coonrod, MD Anthony Dunningan, MD Keri and Manuel Eisenberg Jennifer Frost and Bob Gilson Sue and Philip Gerard Joyce Graham Joanne and Mark Halberg Mary A. Harden, RN Barbara and William Harding Lisa and Jerry Hartsock John Higley Dan Hobohm, MD Leanor and William Johnson, MD Karen King-Brooks Eli L. Kogan Jill Krigsten Mari and Evan Lederman, MD

Harmony Fulton and Nathan Lowrie Candace Lew Deila and Carl Mangold Roselyn and Scott Meyer Deborah and Dan Nelson Alicia and Jorge Nuñez Erin Wiedmeier-Nutor, MD and Sel Nutor Carol Olson, MD Anna Marie Palumbo Carolyn Pendergast Kim and Phil Petersen Julie Piccione Karrie and James Pierson, III Eric Robison Albert Roh, MD Martha Steiner James Stelzer Sherry Stotler, RN Cheryl Sucato The Lockton Family Foundation Amy and Ray Thurston Hiral Tipirneni, MD and Kishore Tipirneni, MD Ross Vroman Danielle and John Werstler Darla and David Wisinger, MD



$1 ,000 LEVEL

Tracy and Richard Adams April and Jose Aguiñaga Erum N. Ali, MD Matthew Allen Geoff Anderla Shellie Andreen Anonymous Naftaly Attias, MD Christine and John Augustine Sherrie Beardsley Kathleen and Michael Benaquista Rebecca and Adam Birr Casey Boles-Fuller, DNP Alice Bongers Heather and Jason Boysel David Brodkin, MD Susan and Richard Burnham Elizabeth Bussone Susan Byrd Joo Cantor Monnie and Martin Calfee, III Carly and Todd Case Dominic Chacon Pamela and Jim Chamberlain Linda Chambliss, MD Vincent Chapman Shannon L. Clark Renee and Mike Clarke Donna Cleinman Kathleen and Jeffrey Cohn Betty Coleman Ronnie Collins Alyssa Crockett Gina and Chris Curry Beth Darling, DO Taylor David Davis Family Fund Jori Davis Robyn and Michael DeBell Clarina Dela Cruz DelFranco Family Fund Debora and Timothy DeMore Melanie Sanguinetti and Martin Demos Jo-el and Jeffrey Detzel Sara Dial Erika and Russ Dickey Karie and Richard Dozer Lawrence Drewsen Diane and John Eckstein, MD


Rochelle and Brandon Eggleston Kate and Jeff Fassett Jean and Bob Fitzer Max Fose Susan and Kevin Foster, MD Vern Foutz Nancy Freelin-Woods Michael Fronske Joy and Michael Gallante Julie and Neil Garcia Sheila Gately, MD Scott Gauthier Ronald and Susan Geren, MD Celsius-Kit Gesmundo, MD Thomas Gillespie Ross Goldberg, MD Sara Gordon Patricia Graham, MD Jennifer Granger Jen and Dan Gridley, MD Melody Goss Brooke Guzman Patricia Habak, MD and William DeHaan Charlton Haerter Victoria and Grant Hamill Ellen and Samuel Hand, MD Sharon and Oliver Harper, MD Whitney and Benton Heglie Sheri Heitner-Anderson Deborah Helitzer and David Sklar, MD Lisa and Robin Henderson Carolyn and C. David Hetrick Benee Hilton-Spiegel and Jay Spiegel, DDS Lene' Hudson Vin Jain Heidi D. Jannenga, PT, DPT, ATC Bryan Jeffries Katie and Jeff Jensen Maria Jesus Bailon, MD Karis and Michael Johnson Patricia Johnson Crista Johnson-Agbakwu, MD Jennifer and Brian Joiner Renee and Craig Jones Nancy Kaminski Portia and Sondra King, RN John Kingsley, MD Kathleen and Jeffrey Kirkland Shauna Kisicki Craig Kotrys



Suresh Lal, MD Lynn Lancaster Donna and Beau Lane Maja and John Langbein Richard J. Latsko, Jr. Honorable Alicia Lawler Jocelyn Leano Debbie Levin Jardot and Leo Jardot Tiffany and Joshua Lewis, MD Kathleen V. Lindsay Harley Lisherness David Matthews Vicki and Simer Mayo Maryann and Adam Mays Aubrey Maze, MD Shawn R. McMahon, MD Anne McNamara, RN, PhD Julie Meshanko Monica and Mark Miller Melissa Monheit Mikala Morris Melissa Mullard Danielle Munoz Carey Musil Mary Beth and Richard Mutarelli Runjhun Nanchal Michele and Kevin Neal Aletha and Michael Neill Stephanie Nelson Bin Nguyen Stephanie and Ed Olsen Robin Ormsby Joy Othites Robinson M. Overly Rose and Harry Papp Peter Pascu Duane Patterson Veronica and Sheriff Paul Penzone Susan Pepin, MD and Anthony Dietz Michele Pino Kamala Premkumar, MD and Arcot Premkumar, MD Becky and Doug Pruitt Christy Pylman Asia Quan, PharmD and Dan Quan, MD Kevin Rhode Karen and Doug Riley Denise Robbins Nancy Rowles

Ben Runkle Mary Jane Rynd Hildy Saizow Mehrdad Saririan, MD and Baharak Tabarsi, MD Sandra and Stephen Schiavone Joette Schmidt and Kent Derdivanis Nicholas Scutari Susan and Charles Shields Jeffrey E. Shiffra Marcella C. Simpson Shanna and Lanford Slaughter, Jr. Laurie and Jeffrey Smith Shabnam Sood, MD Katya Spielberg Vicki Staples Alanna Stelzer James Stover Linda and Larry Stuckey Karen and Kelly Summers Faye and Tom Tait, Jr. Melanie Lynn Talbot Yvette Tanner Claudia and Jeffrey Teetsel Lauri and Eric Termansen Janet M. Tierney Mark Tiscornia Lydia Torio, MD Chaplain Gail Torres Collee Tucker Susan and Nigel Upton Nancy Velarde-Franks Estil Wallace Isaac Walraven Renée Warthman Sunshine Reinken Watson Chris Watts Thomas Wertin Jolene and Michael White, MD Charlene Whitfill, MD and James Whitfill, MD Susan Willars Gail Williams Melody Williams Barbara and Larry Winter Reine Yazbeck Hamilton Eleanor Zeigler Frank Zimmerman Shaunna Zoeckler


CORPORATE PARTNERS Arizona Central Credit Union Arizona Coyotes Foundation Ballard Spahr Beck Legacy Group Blue Cottage of CannonDesign Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Chicanos Por La Causa Clear Title Agency of Arizona, LLC Compass One Healthcare CopperPoint Mutual Insurance Company Cuningham Group Architecture DBJ Enterprises LLC Delete Tattoo Removal & Medical Salon / Delete Foundation District Medical Group East Valley Firefighter Charities Elite Flight Training Epic Systems Corp. Gallagher & Kennedy Gila River Resorts & Casinos Goodmans Interior Structures Hanger Clinic Hilgart Wilson HOH Investment Group LLC JLL JP Morgan Chase K2 Adventures Foundation

Kitchell Lockton Risk Finance Team Mednax Health Solutions Partner Molina Healthcare Moses Behavioral Care Mountain West Series of Lockton Companies, LLC Murphy Cordier Casale Axel PLC Nova Home Loans nThrive Nunez Law Firm, PLLC PHI Air Medical ReThinc Advertising Ride Sold Salt River Project Strategic Risk Solutions Sunstate Equipment telaGen West, LLC The Albertsons Companies Foundation The Construction Zone The King Approach, LLC The Private Client Reserve of U.S. Bank Thunderbirds Charities Tri Sigma Phoenix Alumnae Chapter Vanir Construction Management, Inc. Vizient Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

JOIN THE ARIZONA LEGACY CIRCLE TODAY Membership in the Legacy Circle is an annual commitment of $1,000+, the Angel Level is an annual commitment of $2,500+ and the Founders Level continues at an investment of $5,000+.

arizonalegacycircle.org 28

Updated as of April 2022





Rally Start 8:00 AM Otto Car Club 15550 N. 78th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85260



Starting Address 15550 N. 78th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Stop 1 2010 N Beeline Highway Payson, AZ 85541

estimated 1 hr 28 min (78 mi)

Lunch 12:00 PM Enchantment Resort 525 Boynton Canyon Road Sedona, AZ 86336


Stop 1 Stop 2 2010 N Beeline Highway 1897 Pueblo Ridge Road Payson, AZ 85541 Camp Verde, AZ 86322

estimated 1 hr 5 min (58 mi)

Dinner and Overnight Stay 6:00 PM Hassayampa Inn

122 E. Gurley Street Prescott, AZ 86301




Stop 2 Lunch - Enchantment Resort 1897 Pueblo Ridge Road 525 Boynton Canyon Road Camp Verde, AZ 86322 Sedona, AZ 86336

estimated 43 min (33 mi)


BREAKFAST 9:00 AM Hassayampa Inn 3


Dinner and Overnight Lunch - Enchantment Resort Stay - Hassayampa Inn 525 Boynton Canyon Road 122 E. Gurley Street Sedona, AZ 86336 Prescott, AZ 86301

estimated 1 HR 32 MIN (73 mi)


The Enchantment

Hassayampa Inn

1897 W Pueblo Ridge Road Camp Verde, AZ 86322

otto car club 15550 N 78th St Scottsdale, AZ 85260 8:00 - 9:00


R A L LY O F T H E S U N . O R G

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