The Cost of Hunger

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men ta l d is ord ers in t eena gers

method Data were drawn from 6,483 adolescent–parent pairs who

Clinical Guidance

participated in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication Adolescent Supplement, a national survey of adolescents

Food insecurity is associated with mood, anxiety, behavior,

13 to 17 years old. Frequency and severity of food insecurity

and substance disorders above and beyond the effects of

were assessed with questions based on the U.S. Department

other measures of SES in adolescents, suggesting that it

of Agriculture’s Food Security Scale (standardized to a mean

may be clinically useful to routinely inquire about hunger

of 0, variance of 1). DSM-IV mental disorders were assessed

in child and adolescent patients.

with the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Associations of food insecurity with

Identifying children and adolescents in clinical care who

DSM-IV/Composite International Diagnostic Interview

experience recurrent hunger can be accomplished with

diagnoses were estimated with logistic regression models

a brief verbal assessment at each session.

controlling for family SES (parental education, household income, relative deprivation, community-level inequality,

Routinely assessing whether children and adolescents

and subjective social status).

in care are experiencing food insecurity provides the


at alleviating hunger and facilitating consistent access

opportunity to link families to social services aimed

Food insecurity was highest in adolescents with the

to food.

lowest SES. Controlling simultaneously for other aspects of SES, standardized food insecurity was associated with an increased odds of past-year mood, anxiety, behavior, and substance disorders. A 1-standard deviation increase in food insecurity was associated with a 14% increase in the odds of past-year mental disorder, even after controlling for extreme poverty. The association between food insecurity and mood disorders was strongest in adolescents living in families with a low household income and high relative deprivation.


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