Student Council Newsletter - Spring Edition 2022

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Spr in g Edit ion 2022

St u den t Tim es " RI CH I N DI V ERSI T Y, UNI T ED BY VA L UES"





The winter show

At ISF Tervuren we always put on a show in December, which is why it's called the Winter Show. For example last year we did the show ?Star Warts?. Because of the Covid pandemic, It was hard to do the Winter Show because a lot of people were in quarantine and sometimes it was the main characters, but we always tried to continue to do the show. It was also hard to wear a mask, sing and act at the same time but we still wore them because at that time it was the law! Every child could participate in the show, even if they did not speak much English or were scared to perform in front of people. Through lots of practice and repetition we managed to perform the show even though we had to do it in a different way from what we originally planned. It was a nice experience for everyone in the end!


The biggest project during Science Week for Years 5 and 6 was the straw roller coaster, it was exceptional and everybody loved it. You had to make a roller coaster out of straws and sellotape and the best thing about it was that everyone finished their roller coaster in time. That?s not the only thing we did during science week, Years 1 and 2 kids learned about the lever and created their own to help them lift a full jug of water. They also studied the pulley and built their own ski lift and skyscraper elevator. They even decided to make their own flying balloon rocket while constructing vehicles in their IPC unit. They had a fine experience! While the Years 3 and 4 kids looked at pulley systems even more and built pulley networks to transport objects to higher levels. The Pre-Primary and Pre-School did something really fascinating-they used hammers to carve golf tees out of polystyrene, they also cleaned up the trash on the field with litter pickers and then they raced vehicles down ramps made out of wooden bricks.

STEM Pre-School investigated floating and sinking by testing some of the animals in the water tray. They counted how many animals could float on a large leaf before they all fell in and sank to the bottom. Then they made floating gardens by planting cress . seeds in milk cartons. Pre-Primary did some fun activities about what food sinks or floats. They also looked at what would happen when you peel a fruit- will it sink or float then? Years 1 and 2 predicted whether an object would sink or float in water. They also talked about Bangladesh and discussed their floating gardens. They looked at some other floating gardens around the area (Namur). The children created their own gardens using Lego and grew their own cress seeds. They loved harvesting the cress and eating it on toast with cheese. In Years 3 and 4 the children designed and created floating gardens out of recycled materials. They tested the strength of these floating gardens by making the water move as it might during a storm. Years 5 and 6 looked at the problem of global warming and flooding throughout the world and they focused on Bangladesh as they have 6 months of rain every year. Their crops were being destroyed and so they began to build floating gardens. The children built their own floating gardens and planted cress on them. They ate the cress too!



ChineseNewYear (Lunar NewYear) Chinese New Year is celebrated not on the date of a specific day, but on the shape of the moon (lunar calendar).

We talked about the Chinese New Year, or also known as Lunar New Year and we learned about the legend of the peoples of the village, and how they fought back against the evil dragon that attacked their village every year, by putting red banners on the sides of their doors, making loud noises and hanging red lanterns. The dragon feared all of those things, so he would run away. But at the beginning of every new year, he would come back.

Years 5 and 6 recreated the red banners, from paper, and wrote Chinese messages. Years 3 and 4 looked at the different animals in the Chinese calendar and discussed which animal they are. In Pre-School they listened to a story about how children celebrate Chinese New Year. Then they made lucky money envelopes and Chinese dragons. Finally, they ate some noodles and fortune cookies. Pre-Primary learned about tigers and created their own dragon and ate yummy spring rolls.

Spagh et t i Br idges: By Sar a During PSHE and for Science week, Years 5 and 6 made spaghetti bridges with Mr Scott and we were put into groups of two. The only materials we could use were spaghetti, tape, blue-tack, scissors and ribbon.

The winner got a prize and that prize was candy! All the designs looked amazing, since each group was unique and had different ideas. The first week during Science Week, we had almost two hours to start building our bridges, but we didn?t finish, so Mr Scott gave us another two hours to complete it. This time we had to finish it! It was almost the end and almost time to show our designs, but there were strong winds that day and some of us had to go home early which was a disappointment since we were almost finished. Judging time: Mr Scott is looked around to see which design was the best. Then we tested them out to see if they were strong enough to hold five cars, and when they were all tested. Mr Scott said that the winner was ? Jared and Gabriella! They both received 50 house points for their house and got candy.

In Years 5 and 6 we had the opportunity to explore ?Jazz?as an inter-school collaboration art event. We watched a video about the origin of Jazz music and listened to smooth Jazz as we created our masterpieces! We looked at examples of Jazz art and then used these to inspire our own. We cut out simple shapes and overlapped them and we chose bold colours for effect. We also used scrap pieces of paper for recycling. They look brilliant on display.



In Pre-School they used drain pipes to create a tennis ball run. They joined the pipes together and then tested it to see if the ball would run to the end. Pre- Primary built a marble run with scrap materials brought from home: cardboard boxes, tubes, masking tape. They tried out the marble run and worked out how to make it run better if it stopped. Year 1 and 2 had fun exploring marble run construction toys and they enjoyed making marble runs out of Lego. Year 3 and 4 designed a marble run in groups and then choose the best types of materials to create and test the length, speed and sturdiness of their run. Year 5 and 6 looked at using gravity to make their marble run and friction/ bends to slow their marbles down. They had to work in groups and they were challenged with a deadline for their constructions. The winning marble run kept the marble rolling for the longest time. There was a lot of competition and designing and redesigning when the plans did not work.

DRAMA CLUB M aj a ?u cj a Ol ej ar n i k Drama club is surely a WONDERFUL activity to practice on a Wednesday after school, I can say so as a member of it. We have the most amazing leader Mrs Jo who is not just a wonderful teacher of drama and acting but also a person who believes in us and gives us the power to touch our dreams. In the drama club we are a team who work well together. Here are the members : Mrs Jo , Lukne, Alexandre , Maxim ,Olivia , Sara, Fabienne and me, Maja. In Drama Club we act, dress up in wonderful ( or sometimes crazy ) costumes, we discover amazing plays and have FUN !!!!! Our latest show ?Fairy tale Game Show? was for me a total success. It is a play talking about friendship and the main question was : "Can you have one best friend or more ??. I will be happy to hear your opinions. And if you want to have fun with us at the drama club, quickly sign up and start acting !!! I hope to see you there, oh and I nearly forgot the cost is 56 ? not so much, huh ?

Egg Hunt 2022

A big thank you to the Student Leadership Team and all the other students who contributed to the magazine.

Jok e Corner Q: What do you get when you cross a Sheep-dog with a rose? A: A Collie-flower Q: Why are A?s like flowers? A: Because B?s come after them. Q: What did the Alien Dandelion say to the Earth Dandelion? A: Take me to your Weeder. Q: What kind of tree fits into your hand? A: A Palm tree.

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