Embracing Opportunities in 2021

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D igit al 4 | 2020

The official magazine of the World Floor Covering Association


Change is Good Embracing Opportunities in 2021

Products Technology Education

Faces of the Industry

Would you like to be featured as one of the Faces of the Industry? The driving force behind WFCA is connection. Our community gives us the strength we need to fight for our members on Main Street and our industry in Washington D.C. On our website, wfca.org, we highlight many of the faces of our industry from our members, to our industry partners, to our staff, sharing pictures and information and connecting our community. Would you like be featured? Please visit wfca.org/content/faces-industry and submit your information. If you know someone you would like to nominate, you can share their name and contact information with us there as well! #FacesoftheIndustry


Please support the WFCA to help shape and secure our collective future by joining today. Please visit wfca.org or call 855.330.1183. BECAUSE OF YOU

The official magazine of the World Floor Covering Association

Premier FLOORING RETAILER Digital 4 | 2020


What Now? Scott Humphrey, CEO, WFCA


Listing Management Best Practices for 2021 Charles Stiles, Business Evaluation Services


Affordable Flooring Software (for Even the Smallest Dealers) Chad Ogden, QFloors President/CEO


Why Most Salespeople Fail at Delivering a Rock Star Customer Experience Lisbeth Calandrino, Flooring Specialist

14 Changes Ahead and Opportunities for the Flooring Industry Dev O'Reilly, Founder, President & CEO, Rollmaster

16 This installation from Ajami Surfaces features a special polished limestone called Avorio, in which half of the material was honed at the designer’s request to create the checkerboard effect.

Creating Multiple Positive First Impressions Tom Jennings, Retail Training Expert


Schönox: Flooring Profits are Found in Doing the Best Work

22 Creating a Healthy and Hygienic Home with Karndean Designflooring 24 Know Your Customers and Build Relationships Margo Rodgers Locust Publisher, Fabulous Floors Magazine and Premier Flooring Retailer; Flooring retailer in Northwestern North Carolina

26 Ambient Data Loggers: Peace of Mind in a Box for Wood Flooring Installers Jason Spangler, Wagner Meters’ Flooring Division Manager


RFCI: The Story Behind Beautifully Responsible™

34 Metroflor Goes to Great Lengths With New Engage Inception 200XXL Large-Scale Planks 36 Employment Issues to Watch Out for in 2021 Stacy Eickhoff, SVP, Risk Strategies Company

40 Can Employers Require Employees to Get Vaccinated, and If So, Should They? Jeffrey W. King, Outside General Counsel for the WFCA


Healthier Choice: Carpet Padding or Carpet Cushion. There’s a difference

48 Want a better bottom line? Make sure your installers are certified. Steve Abernathy, Floor Covering Education Foundation Interim Director

52 Raffoul Ajami — a champion of the MagneBuild™ installation system Liz O’Connell for Premier Flooring Retailer

60 Vanguard Loose Lay from Engineered Floors 62

Engineered Floors — Know Your Carpet Fibers: Polyester and Nylon

64 fcB2B in 2020 Lewis Davis, Senior Director of Technology and Research

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



What Now?


Scott Humphrey CEO, WFCA

elcome to 2021. Like many of you, I willingly gave 2020 a swift kick out the door at 12:01 am on January 1. In fact, I don’t know that I have ever been so happy to see a year go and have an opportunity at a restart. It is safe to say that none of us expected the degree of challenges and turmoil that were forced upon us in the past year. How could we? Even the best of visionaries did not expect the degree of change we would be forced to navigate. Like many of you, each year, I prepare as best I can for what I believe lies ahead, and every year life throws us a few curves. Some we see in advance and are able to make adjustments, and some find us knocked down and struggling to get back up. For me and many others, 2020 was a “knocked down and struggling to get back up” kind of year. So, let me ask you a very simple question. What now? Your answer to that question will define your attitude and success in the future. There are many possible responses to that very simple question. Let’s evaluate a few of them:

Like many of 1. Some will lose because of lt. you, each year, My mind races back to the “Rocky” movies. I can’t recall how many times I prepare as through the numerous movies Rocky was down and managed to get back up. But best I can for everyone is not like Rocky. Some saw the past year as an ominous sign of things what I believe to come and said, “enough is enough.” I hope that is not you, but if it is, let me lies ahead, challenge you to get back in the ring. Maybe it will be a different “Ring,” or you will be playing a different role, but failure does not have to define you. Zig Ziglar and every year said it best, “Failure is an event. It is not a person.” In truth, success is almost life throws us impossible without failure. The lessons you have learned from your past can be the a few curves. springboard for your future. Learn from it. Some we see in advance and are 2. Some will live in it. able to make This sounds similar to those who toss in the towel, but it isn't. Those who “Live adjustments, in it” don’t quit. They move forward but remain haunted by the fear of what could and some find happen. They never truly shake the scars of the past. Instead, they wear them as an anchor in their psyche. Their fear of the past haunts every decision in their present us knocked and limits the potential success of their future. Let me remind you, as I have stated down and so many times before, “The past is a great place to learn, but a terrible place to live.” struggling to get 2020 has already had an impact on your life, but it can only impact you further if back up. you let it. 2 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Let me remind you, as I have stated so many times before, “The past is a great place to learn, but a terrible place to live.” 3. Some will learn from it. You may not be able to control what life throws at you, but you can most certainly control how and how long it impacts you. Many made major adjustments to their business model due to the impact of COVID 19 and went on to find new and better ways to address their customers’ needs. In short, people prefer to do business with those who approach life positively — those with a “Can do” attitude. George Bernard Shaw once noted that “Optimist and pessimist both contribute to society. The optimist invents the airplane, the pessimist the parachute.” So, let me ask you again. What now? Will you let 2020 define you as one who lost hope and quit? Will you move forward but carry the burden and pain of 2020 with you, impacting your attitude and potential? Or will you learn from the challenges of 2020 and allow them to become a springboard to your future success? As you approach the new year, please remember that the WFCA exist to ensure the success and profitability of the professional flooring dealer and to represent their common interest. We exist to help you shake the fear of the past and attain success in the future. Encourage others to join our ranks and check out the many resources we have made available to you at wfca.org. ❚ The official magazine of the World Floor Covering Association

Premier FLOORING RETAILER A Special “Thank You” to all the manufacturers and their marketing departments who provided outstanding editorial to make this publication a success. Publishing Staff Margo Rodgers Locust, Publisher Karen George, Managing Editor Stan Michelson, Communications Director Toelke Associates/Ron Toelke, Creative Director

This Issue’s Guest Columnists Elizabeth O'Connell, Fabulous Floors Magazine

Editorial and Advertising Offices: Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC Phone: 678-761-5002

Contributing Writers Charles Stiles, Business Evaluation Services; Chad Ogden, QFloors; Jason Spangler, Wagner Meters

Dev O'Reilly, Rollmaster Steve Abernathy, FCEF Interim Director

Email: Margo@pfrmag.net

Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and timeliness of information, Premier Flooring Retailer Magazine cannot be held responsible for discrepancies, typographical errors, discontinuance of product nor color reproduction.

WFCA Scott Humphrey, Chief Executive Officer Freida Staten, VP of Marketing, Communications and Member Relations Steve Abernathy, Chief Financial Officer Kay Wiley, Executive Assistant to the CEO

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any way without written consent from Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC or the WFCA.

Contributing Columnists Lisbeth Calandrino, Lewis Davis, Scott Humphrey, Tom Jennings, Jeffrey King, Stacy Eickhoff

Premier Flooring Retailer is published quarterly in print and digital by Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC located at 741 Main Street, Andrews, NC 28901 and the World Floor Covering Association located at 855 Abutment Road, Suite 1, Dalton, GA 30721.

The World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) Phone: 855-330-1183 Email: wfca@wfca.org Premier Flooring Retailer is a joint initiative of the World Floor Covering Association and Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC. Copyright© FABULOUS FLOORS MAGAZINE and WFCA 2020.

Change of Address: in order to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of Premier Flooring Retailer, notice of change should be made at least 5 weeks in advance.

Postmaster: Please send address changes to WFCA, 855 Abutment Road, Suite 1, Dalton, GA 30721.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020




Because of You, the WFCA was ready when retailers needed them the most. In a year of unprecedented adversity, the WFCA led the industry in providing guidance and resources for understanding how the PPP, CARES Act, layoffs, shutdowns, safety, and reopening guidelines and so much more impacted our members. Real change happens when we work together. #BecauseofYou

Please support the WFCA to help shape and secure our collective future by joining today. Please visit wfca.org or call 855.330.1183. 4 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Because of You, the WFCA fights for the industry in Washington, D.C., leveraging its industry-wide voice to make sure the independent flooring retailer is heard on the Hill. There is no one else to take up this fight and no one else with the resources to ensure our collective voice is heard. Membership in the WFCA matters. #BecauseofYou

Please support the WFCA to help shape and secure our collective future by joining today. Please visit wfca.org or call 855.330.1183. Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020




Because of You, the WFCA has a unique industry position as an advocacy group to pour their resources and leverage their position into helping solve the installation crisis. From the acquisition of CFI to the formation of FCEF, to our many industry partnerships, the WFCA has been ahead of this issue and is working with industry partners to create a lasting, long-term solution. Join us. #BecauseofYou Please support the WFCA to help shape and secure our collective future by joining today. Please visit wfca.org or call 855.330.1183. 6 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Because of You, the WFCA champions the people and policies that fuel success for our members, the jobs they create and the lives they impact. Membership in the WFCA means that you and your company are part of a 10,000+ member community. #BecauseofYou

Please support the WFCA to help shape and secure our collective future by joining today. Please visit wfca.org or call 855.330.1183. Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Listing Management Best Practices for 2021


of people who conduct a local mobile search visit a business within 24 hours. Every day, consumers search for local businesses to make purchases online and in-store. Local listings are a vital source of information connecting consumers to your business. It’s imperative that your listings are up-to-date and optimized with the latest information.

1. Keep Your Information Up-To-Date Charles Stiles, Business Evaluation Services Business Evaluation Services was founded by the current President, Charles Stiles. Charles comes from a background in retail; owning several retail gourmet food and gift stores in national malls for over 8 years. Quickly realizing the only way to differentiate his stores and stand out from the competition was to develop a consistent service culture and create a process for measuring the success of the training that was implemented. Through this process in 1996, Business Evaluation Services was founded. Today, BES is an International Mystery Shopper Company with over two decades of experience, serving a variety of industries.

86% of consumers reportedly have used a search engine to find local business information. Each listing should contain your business name, address, phone number, website, categories, hours, and description. Remember to include links or buttons for any delivery and appointment booking services available. It’s important to routinely refresh your business listings, especially with the holiday season and COVID-19 in play; it could be out of date. An estimated $10.3 billion worth of sales are lost every year due to wrong or missing information. Keeping your listings optimized will help maintain revenue streams, brand credibility, and consumer awareness for 2021.

2. Remove Duplicate Listings Duplicate listings are multiple business listings for the same location on a directory like Facebook or Google My Business. The duplicate listings from the average large enterprise brand range from 3,500 duplicate listings to over 100,000 duplicate listings. Local business listings get duplicated for various reasons and are costly, leading to a loss in online traffic or revenue. Aside from creating confusion among consumers and search engines alike, they can impact your rankings too. If you’re a client, our listings management services ensure that all of your local listings are protected from duplicates, inaccuracies, or bad data.

3. Think Quality over Quantity when it comes to Citations The secret to success with business listings is to focus on quality over quantity. You might wonder, “well wouldn’t I want my business to be visible in as many places possible online?” Although that’s a valid statement, it’s more important for expanding your presence on high-quality, tier 1 directories. Consumers regularly visit and interact with tier 1 directories such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, Bing, and Apple Maps. These directories hold a lot more weight because they receive far more views than insignificant directories. As a result, the search algorithm from large search engines focuses on these tier 1 directories.

8 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

4. Add High-Quality Photos

Businesses with photos receive more requests for driving directions and click-throughs to their website. High-quality images regularly added to your business listings will help you stay ahead of the competition and stand out to consumers. When adding images to your listings, think of what will attract consumers to your business; products, events, the inside of your building, and surrounding areas should be standard within every business listing. Also, show how your business is handling COVID-19. Another benefit of updating photos is that it can drown out any user-generated content submitted by customers that might be unflattering or completely unrelated to your business.

5. Utilize Google My Business Features Google My Business (GMB), a tier-one directory, is single-handedly the most important tool any business owner can use. Whitespark’s recent survey of the 2020 Local Search Ranking Factors revealed that Google My Business signals carry 33% of the weight as the most influential ranking factor on Google search. Google has invested heavily in expanding features available in GMB. Newer features include “Virtual Care,” “Online Care,” “Curbside Pickup,” and more than your business can choose to share specific information. Google Posts makes it easy to share actionable content to boost engagement with consumers. The different types of Google Posts include: COVID-19 Update: This post type can be used to share any business changes or information related to COVID-19. Add Offer: Share any special promotions and include a “Call to Action.” Add Update: This post type can discuss business information, highlight product & service offerings, or other company news. Add Event: You can highlight special events at your business.

Add Product: You can leverage photos for products you sell. They include buttons directing consumers to book, order online, buy, sign up, and more. Are you active on Google Q&A? Google Q&A is a feature on GMB Profiles where anyone can ask and answer questions. While Google Q&A is an excellent way for consumers to find answers to their questions, these answers can be wrong and become a threat to brand consistency. Actively monitoring your Google Q&A will ensure you have brand-verified answers, as well as ask and answer your questions.

Listing Management Success in 2021 Managing your listings is a necessary aspect of growing your online presence and reaching consumers. Once your listing management strategy is set in place, make sure to monitor your listings, responding to reviews daily, and regularly updating and fact-checking your information. With Business Evaluation Services, you can ensure that each of your business listings is entirely up-todate and monitored. Want to get the complete picture of your local listing accuracy? Find out with an instant brand audit for free. For more information contact Business Evaluation Services, PO Box 507, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, 888-300-8292. ❚

888-300-8292 https://www.mysteryshopperservices.com/solutions/ https://www.mysteryshopperservices.com/ Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


The Next GIG

Chad Ogden QFloors President/CEO Chad Ogden is the CEO/ President and developer of QFloors flooring software. He grew up in the flooring industry, has a BS in Computer Engineering, and worked many years in the technology field before coming back to his flooring roots. He currently serves as the Secretariat of the fcB2B committee and is a widely recognized industry leader in floor covering technology. To contact him, email chad@qprosoftware.com

or call 801-563-0140.

Affordable Flooring Software (for Even the Smallest Dealers) significant number of flooring dealers


act as sort of a calculator, computing figures,

are hobbling along, not benefiting from

they were created for general business needs

all of the massive time savings that technol-

and not with flooring in mind. As a result, they

ogy can bring. Why?

aren’t ideal within our industry. For instance,

For many, the issue has been cost.

they often require a lot of workarounds to pro-

QFloors’ new QPro POS+ cloud software

duce accurate numbers, which a surprising

is hoping to remove that excuse completely.

number of accountants don’t realize. Off-the-

It dramatically reduces IT costs due to being

shelf software also can’t utilize the enormous

100% browser-based. That means it can

time-savings of fcB2B electronic transfers

be accessed by a device with an internet

from suppliers, which QPro includes.

browser, anytime, anywhere. This completely

QPro offers easy drag-and-drop navigation

removes the need for a business to have to

and practical features customized to the needs

set up and maintain expensive servers, net-

of a busy floor-covering dealer. It can be used

works, and other pricey tech overhead costs.

alone or alongside generic accounting soft-

And starting at only $500 down and $50

ware such as QuickBooks. QPro also offers

per month, QPro comes in at a price way

advanced integration with QuickBooks Online.

below what industry-specific software typi-

QPro POS+ streamlines and manages

cally requires.

inventory, sales orders, and purchase orders,

“We wanted to completely remove the

as well as commission, labor, and sales tax

barrier of cost, and $50 a month is less than

reporting. It includes instant job costing and

most people spend on lunch in a week, let

the ability to collapse, expand, or move line

alone a month," said QFloors President Chad


Ogden. “Even the smallest dealers can afford the efficiencies QPro will bring.”

“I love to show people how QPro works," says Chad Ogden, "because there's really not anything else like it in the market. It's

Resourceful Flooring Features. User-Friendly Mobility.

very innovative.” To see if QPro is a good fit for your needs,

Why not just use generic off-the-rack soft-

visit qprosoftware.com or qfloors.com. Or email

ware? While these types of programs can


10 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Why Most Salespeople Fail at Delivering a Rock Star Customer Experience Would you believe that for the first time, the customer rates their experience with the business ahead of price and product?

I Lisbeth Calandrino Flooring Specialist and Associate Publisher and Director of Social Media for Fabulous Floors Magazine

Customer service now encompasses your online presence, which includes your reviews, your installer videos (if you’re in the flooring industry”), and your social media.

know you’re saying it’s not so, they always ask about price. Here are some great responses to “Your price is too high.” HubSpot has some great ideas about how to overcome the price objection. Asking about price is their right; it doesn’t mean a price is too high! In 2008, I wrote a book, “Red Hot Customer Service,” and was in the process of updating it, and then COVID hit. I went back to research customer service and find out that customer service is now considered only part of the customer experience. Customer service now encompasses your online presence, which includes your reviews, your installer videos (if you’re in the flooring industry”), and your social media. Yes, they care about your Instagram and your Facebook page. COVID has made us more aware of how we treat each other and if your business is adhering to social distance, keeping your place spotless, and wearing face protection. COVID has given another dimension to the customer experience. We’re more aware of how people treat each other; even the supermarket clerk is suddenly an important part of our world. We are missing people, and a friendly hello goes a long way. Building relationships with your customers is the key to your sale, and it’s more important than your prices and what you’re selling!

I ‘hang’ around flooring stores and watch salespeople interacting with customers. It’s easy to pontificate about the sales process and how easy it seems to be. The pros provide a seamless experience; they find out the customer’s wants, needs, and past experiences. The others don’t have a system; they let the customer lead them around. Sales are more of a ‘hit and miss.’ affair. For the past three years, I’ve worked for a marketing company that handles sales events for car dealers. I get to talk with customers, qualify them, and get them to the right salesperson. All of this helps me understand the salesperson, customer, and the process. The more I watch, I’m convinced there are many mediocre sales professionals who think the way to close the sale is to show the customer how smart they are instead of letting the customer be in charge. Again it’s finding out the customer’s needs and wants and past experiences.

12 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Things successful salespeople do: ●A successful salesperson has a different mindset. They respect the value and worth of their products no matter the price; they realize every product has its value and sells them that way. Focusing on product can be dangerous; no one wants to know they bought the cheapest one. The cheapest one is sometimes the only thing the customer can afford. If treated respectfully, they may be back when they have more money. ●T hey build good relationships and understand communication. If the customer objects, it’s just the customer’s request for more information, not a way to stop the sale. This is where your relationship pays off. Having a good relationship with the customer will keep the process going and keep the salesperson from getting rattled when the customer brings up an objection. Again successful salespeople review the customer’s conditions of satisfaction so the customer understands what they’re paying for. The only way the price goes down is if the customer can lessen their conditions, so you can find a less expensive product.

Here’s how it goes: Customer: “The product is too expensive.” Salesperson: “I’m not sure I understand — are you saying it’s not worth the price I’m asking, or you weren’t planning on spending so much money?” (These are two different situations.) Customer: “I’m not sure it’s worth it.” (Obviously, you haven’t justified the price, and the customer doesn’t understand.) Salesperson: “Let me explain what makes this product cost more. Are you sure you need a product with all these features? If you don’t, I can find you one that’s less money.”

Salespeople, like the rest of us, tend to ‘size up’ people we meet. We decide if they’re rich, poor, smart, stupid, fashionable, and adjectives, which go on and on. We can’t help it; the longer we live, the more ‘short cuts’ we take and generalize situations. Successful salespeople put aside their stereotypes because they’ve learned their lesson. At one time or another, they’ve misjudged a customer and lost out on a big scale. The key is to treat each person as if they have the money and want the best they can afford.

I’ve heard salespeople say that customers are insulted if you offer them the best. Offering a person the best or the product with the most features and benefits just shows the customer what’s in the marketplace. Not every person wants the newest or the best, but it’s nice to know what’s available. Instead of asking customers what they’re looking for, it’s smarter to ask the customer what they want the product to do or what kind of features they want. Once you have this information, even the cheapest of customers will give up the extra dollars if it’s something that will solve their problems or something they can’t live without. These days even the novice buyer has done their homework online and knows the value of what they’re about to purchase. Likely, people aren’t insulted if you offer them the best, but they might be if you offer them the cheapest. Building a relationship with the customer will allow you access to how they think and make decisions. This is a great article on why small talk matters and what you should talk about. Therefore, small talk really isn’t small; it’s critical if you’re planning on helping your customer make the right decision.

The more you know about a person, the more helpful you will be. If you want to talk more about how to handle these objections, give Lisbeth a call and schedule a consultation for your business @518-495-5380 or send an email, Lcalandrino@nycap.rr.com. ❚ Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Changes Ahead and Opportunities for the Flooring Industry The pandemic has changed the retail landscape significantly. Consumers are smarter and demand job information as well as project transparency. No one will tolerate silence once an agreement has been signed.


etail clients demand additional services, i.e., quick and easy delivery and returns as well as the ability to conduct busiBy Dev O’Reilly ness transactions online, Founder, President & from any device. Flooring CEO, Rollmaster dealers must shift their processes to accommodate in-home selling. Consumers and flooring dealers need job details communicated to everyone involved in the process. Consumers want contactless installation, digital proposals, and contract execution with e-signature acceptance and settlement. As to the industry, IMO, in the next five years we will continue to see low interest rates and this will support flooring industry growth as the economy recovers from the pandemic. Housing starts should increase as low interest rates support growth and banks enable consumers to get favorable borrowing and financing agreements. Additionally, per capita disposable income is expected to increase and push delayed pandemic construction projects to resume. This, combined with a rebounding economy and growing housing market will support flooring industry growth. However, there are some issues flooring dealers will need to contend with in the coming months. Manufacturers’ rising cost of raw materials such as lumber, plastic materials, and resin are likely to increase the cost of materials purchased for resale, likely hampering margins. Nevertheless, demand will recover enough to mitigate declines in profit. Additionally, as economic con-

14 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

ditions continue to improve, consumers will be more willing to invest in premium flooring, which generates greater profit. As a result, profit margins are expected to increase. The other issue as I see it, is the continuing competition from the big box stores. They have many advantages in the current market and will retain and potentially gain market share. To combat this, flooring dealers must differentiate themselves from home improvement stores. The best shot is to embrace and implement flooring industry technologies, and increase staff who are properly trained and educated so they can deliver superior customer and installation services. Since the flooring industry provides highly specialized products, knowledgeable and helpful employees will drive sales and retain customers. In conclusion, the pandemic has forced flooring dealers to comply with the new regulations and this is where implementing flooring industry technology will be an important resource. The CDC’s rules about social distancing impacts how all business is conducted, particularly in physical store locations. Face coverings are now a normal requirement for many public places. These regulations will impact the way everyone conducts business. Flooring dealers must be ready to communicate, transact business, and manage and complete projects from any location on any device. Fortunately, RollMaster Software allows for you to operate and succeed in this manner and we will continue to help you evolve and adapt to the ever-changing market. ❚


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Creating Multiple Positive First Impressions


Tom Jennings Retail Training Expert Tom Jennings is a lifelong member of the flooring business. Since selling his family’s retail business in 2006, he has served the industry as an educator and speaker. He is a past board chairman of the WFCA and is currently the board chairman of WFCA Services, Inc. He may be reached at tomg.jennings@gmail.com

any successful flooring retailers spend a great deal of time mastering the art of making a great first impression when first greeting a customer in their showrooms. Clearly, this is critical, but it’s important to remember that this is not the only opportunity to control first impressions. Let’s examine the opportunities to make positive impressions when the customer meets the installation staff. Remember, whether your installers are employees or contractors, the customer courtesies received should not be discernable, just the feelings of confidence conveyed. There will have been several impressions made before the installer actually arrives at the job site. If goods were custom ordered, was the customer kept aware of the expected delivery dates? Did the store proactively call to schedule the installation, or was this task left to the customer? Was the installation scheduled at a time that was most convenient to them or the installer? Did you promise a reasonable arrival or act like the cable company by giving only vague timeframes? These are all interactions that will affect the installer’s day before he ever arrives to perform the work. First of all, just as I advise sales professionals, the installer should always be respectful of a customer’s time. In a day when everyone has a phone in their pocket, there is no excuse for arriving late without prior notice. A good habit to get into is calling the customer a few minutes prior to the promised arrival time to advise her that you will arrive on schedule. She will now know that you are coming. She won’t feel compelled to look out the window, wondering if you remembered her or not. This is a courtesy that she will appreciate. It will also make you stand apart from other service providers. She will now likely greet you at the door with a smile, and you will be well on your way to establishing a good working relationship for the day. When arriving to perform the installation, a flooring mechanic should always arrive at the door carrying nothing but a clipboard with the job site information. They should dress correctly and offer their name. I suggest always finding something complimentary to say about the customer’s surroundings. Such topics may

First of all, just as I advise sales professionals, the installer should always be respectful of a customer’s time. In a day when everyone has a phone in their pocket, there is no excuse for arriving late without prior notice. 16 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Now is the time to ask the customer job-specific questions (where to set up saws, put furniture, disposal of job waste, location of the water faucet, etc.). Ask the customer’s permission to leave the truck in the driveway once unloaded. include the family pet, the view out the window, the landscaping, etc. The subject matter isn’t important, but setting a positive tone for the day is. This will give the customer the indication that they are cared about as a person, rather than as just today’s job ticket. They should ask to see where the work is to be performed and listen to the customer’s wishes. If any potential problems are revealed, they should be pointed out at this time. Should any “surprises” be discovered, the store should always be notified immediately. Remember to never complain or point fingers. Doing so will solve nothing and could begin to put the customer on the defensive. Now is the time to ask the customer job-specific questions (where to set up saws, put furniture, disposal of job waste, location of the water faucet, etc.). Ask the customer’s permission to leave the truck in the driveway once unloaded. Once this has been completed, now is the time to carry in toolboxes and materials. To the retailer and the installer, these are very important steps. If you were going to have surgery, the doctor wouldn’t meet you in the waiting room wearing a gown and carrying a scalpel! He would counsel you, ask for questions, and advise you that he was going to go prepare and would see you in a few minutes in the operating room. He wouldn’t try to intimidate his patient. Rather, he’d do his best to be reassuring and professional in his approach. He wants your respect and knows how to earn it. While we may not be saving lives with our work, shouldn’t we strive to be just as professional and respected for the work that we do? Do you really think that a clerk wearing an apron of any color at a big box is going to show them this attention? While these may seem to some like unnecessary steps to take, my experience is that they are a great way to differentiate your firm and will produce a tremendous gain in confidence by the customer. The goal should always be to have as seamless an experience as possible from your store’s front door to your customer’s front door. In today’s world, where properly managing posted reviews is more critical than ever, failure to make great impressions at every turn should never be an option! ❚

When arriving to perform the installation, a flooring mechanic should always arrive at the door carrying nothing but a clipboard with the job site information. They should dress correctly and offer their name. Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Flooring Profits are Found in Doing the Best Work

It Starts With The Subfloor


● Is the subfloor porous or non-porous? ● What is the physical condition of the subfloor?

he success of every flooring project begins with the subfloor. A smooth, strong, durable flooring installa-

tion owes most of its qualities to the preparation of the subfloor. Conversely, a floor installation failure often results from subfloor issues. Flooring professionals know this, but many flooring customers do not. Not talking about the subfloor

●A re there elevation changes, peaks, or valleys across the subfloor? ●A re there time constraints to be considered with the subfloor preparation? ●W hat are the performance needs for the final flooring surface?

conditions with flooring customers is a sorely missed opportunity every time. Here’s why.

The questions may vary in how each is presented based

Subfloor issues concern flooring customers. They know

on the nature of the project, the customer’s knowledge of

the issues should be addressed and rely on flooring profes-

flooring projects, and whether you are able to be on-site or

sionals to guide them through the process, developing a plan

not with the customer. Gathering information enhances the

for project success. The greater the number and degree of

subfloor answers you can provide and guides customers

subfloor issues, the greater the opportunity to help custom-

through the decisions they make for their project plans.

ers. Making the subfloor an integral part of the discussion for

Schönox HPS North America provides access to techni-

any flooring project ensures the customer gets what is needed

cal professionals who can address the issues surfaced with

for the subfloor and the flooring retailer maximizes the overall

the above questions. Their comprehensive subfloor products

product offering in the sale. It’s a clear win for both.

equip flooring professionals and customers with the solutions

The process starts with the right questions. Many con-

needed for durable, long-lasting flooring installations. Solv-

versations with flooring customers focus on the floor cov-

ing subfloor issues builds long-term relationships between

ering. Style considerations, durability requirements, and

customers and retailers. Retailers tap into Schönox’s team

top-surface performance questions fill those conversations,

daily for answers and support.

but the subfloor for every flooring project should be consid-

Subfloors are important and they are getting even more

ered just as closely. While not an exhaustive list, the following

so given the tremendous growth of floor coverings such as

questions for flooring customers will help determine the best pathway for high-quality subfloor preparation: ● Is the flooring project indoors or outdoors? ● I f the substrate is concrete, are there any moisture issues? ●D oes the subfloor have any contaminants or residual materials? ● I s the subfloor gypsum, concrete, wood, or some other material? Flooring professionals should embrace not fear challenging subfloor issues that provide opportunities to help customers, building longterm relationships and project successes along the way.

18 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

LVT, requiring better, smoother subfloors. LVT sales grew a tremendous 340% over the past five years, taking share from other floor covering categories. This growth is expected to continue and with it, the need for higher-performing subfloors. Related growth is taking hold with self-leveling compounds, where subfloor issues are comprehensively addressed with self-leveling pours. In its 10 years in the US, Schönox has advanced the use of self-leveling compounds with its wide-ranging solutions for every day to extreme subfloor situations. “During my

Before: Wood subfloors with residual adhesives presented concerns for the flooring customer.

15 years founding and growing Centiva, I saw so many instances where the right subfloor materials were not available in the US to best address issues faced by the growing LVT category as well as other floor coverings,” explained Thomas Trissl, Principal, Schönox HPS North America. “Bringing Schönox to the US provided the subfloor solutions to positively impact every flooring project, making this our fundamental goal for the company.” 2021 marks the 10-year anniversary of Schönox’s debut in the US, but the 130-year anniversary of Schönox’s operations internationally. In February 2011, Schönox HPS North America partnered with Schönox GmbH in Germany to introduce, market, and support Schönox subfloor products throughout the North American market. The strategic alliance allows Schönox to move with the flexibility of an entrepreneurial startup

After: Schönox AP, synthetic-gypsum self-leveling compound, covered the space, resulting in a smooth, strong subfloor ready for covering.

while supported by products refined by 130 years of intense research and development, which continues to this day. Renovation projects constitute a high growth area for flooring retailers and certainly involve subfloor opportunities. This is common in the commercial sector, where more than 44% of the available building square footage was built before 1980. That’s 38.7 billion square feet of commercial square footage. Much of that will be renovated, repurposed, and reused, with subfloors being a key issue. Of the subfloor manufacturers, Schönox has invested most heavily in research and development, creating products custom made for renovation situations. Schönox subfloor solutions address previously insurmountable subfloor issues, allowing modern floor coverings to be used in those renovated structures which are rich in character but quite often do not have smooth,

Before: This gypsum-based subfloor presented heavily cracked sections with flex in the materials.

sound subfloors. Retailers can provide subfloor solutions with confidence for commercial and residential renovation projects, further enhancing their value to customers. Often a flooring project failure is blamed on the floor covering, but the subfloor is the real culprit. Arming a customer with the subfloor products needed to address the issues of the project and to get a successful outcome ensures customers are repeat customers. In the process, flooring professionals provide great value and expertise to the customer growing a trusted relationship that endures over time and pays dividends to both. In the past, subfloors may have been ignored and many subfloor problems covered over with floor coverings that bridged or hid those problems. Floor covering trends and consumer tastes have changed, and that’s all the better for flooring professionals. Providing integrated subfloor solutions sets customers up for success and provides additional sales and opportunities for floor covering retailers.❚

After: Ideal for renovation projects, Schönox APF, synthetic gypsum, fiber-reinforced, self-leveling compound, leveled this project subfloor with extraordinary strength for years to come.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


When it comes to the need for speed , Fl


©2021_HPS_PFR_NFS_ Q4_20-310

Being first is important. Helping customers finish first is outstanding! At Schönox, our research and development work has propelled us to many firsts: first with a moisture-resistant patch, first with synthetic gypsum levelers, first with hybrid active-dry technology. Those firsts support the work of flooring professionals, which is what really counts. Every time we help installers to finish a project with a tough timeframe using Schönox solutions, it’s a shared win we celebrate together. Schönox Need for Speed™ touches every part of what we do. Fast service, quick project consults, timely support in the field, and fast product solutions, of course. Every day, the proof of our word is demonstrated in the performance of our products and the actions of our team. Call us first and raise your expectations. We’re ÖN IT and coming fast.

Take your business to a whole new level. Call 855.391.2649 or visit hpsubfloors.com to learn how your projects run smoother with Schönox Ön It.

20 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

looring Professionals know who to call.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Creating a Healthy and Hygienic Home with Karndean Designflooring


he current pandemic has put a spotlight on the type of materials we bring into our homes. Ease of maintenance, the ability to harbor dirt and bacteria, and the overall

environmental footprint are among the top concerns of homeowners shopping for flooring in today’s climate. With many homeowners also taking on home renovation projects during this time, RSAs are more likely than ever to be asked about hygienic flooring options. You, your staff, and Pale Limed Oak KP94 & White Painted Pine KP105)

your customers can rest assured that Karndean Designflooring is a healthy and hygienic choice for the home.

Safe Materials Karndean products are free from BPA, phthalates, and formaldehyde; and based on vinyl (PVC), the most widely used polymer in building and construction and the same material used in vital medical equipment including heart and lung bypass tubing. Karndean floors are in compliance with California’s Proposition 65, meaning that they are neither carcinogenic nor do they contain raw materials which are either reprotoxic or endocrine disrupting; and therefore, do not require warning labels in the United States.

Unlike carpet and carpet tile, Karndean luxury vinyl will not harbor dirt, dust mites, or bacteria, which can easily get trapped or grow within carpet fibers…

22 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Allergens and Bacteria

Air Quality

Unlike carpet and carpet tile, Karndean luxury vinyl will not

All Karndean products have been tested for contribution to

harbor dirt, dust mites, or bacteria, which can easily get

indoor air quality, and independent testing proves that our

trapped or grow within carpet fibers; and hardwood floors

products are very low emitting in terms of volatile organic

typically don't harbor allergens, but they can trap dirt between

compounds (VOCs); and carry a FloorScore® Indoor Air

planks, which may trigger an allergic reaction. Although car-

Quality certification.

pet made from naturally hypoallergenic materials sounds like

Karndean Korlok rigid core products are among the first

it would be allergen-free, it could still trap allergens and will

to be ASSURE Certified™. This standard, developed by the

require professional cleaning. Karndean planks and tiles are

Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI), ensures that rigid core

nonporous, so not only will they resist spills, but they do not

products are manufactured to the highest standard and meet

contribute to bacterial growth. With Karndean luxury vinyl

the requirements for indoor air quality, rigorous performance,

tile, homeowners can comfortably go about day-to-day life

and are free from heavy metals and ortho-phthalates.❚

with no outside maintenance costs.

Grey Riven Slate ST16

Low Impact Cleaning and Maintenance Karndean Clean or another pH neutral, fragrance free cleaner approved for use with vinyl floors is all that is needed to keep Karndean floors looking their best. When used properly, routine maintenance with Karndean Clean will safely kill and remove germs (just as washing your hands with soap and water does), effectively killing Coronavirus COVID-19 on the floor’s surface. Customers who incorporate Karndean luxury vinyl into their home will get more than a low maintenance floor, one that contributes to a healthier home. French Oak VGW85T

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Know Your Customers and Build Relationships


Margo Rodgers Locust Publisher, Fabulous Floors Magazine and Premier Flooring Retailer; Flooring retailer in Northwestern North Carolina

ne of the things we know about retailing and selling is that it is going through powerful changes. Newspapers continue to struggle as technology changes how we communicate with customers. Everyone has a cell phone, installers are using iPads to layout the consumer’s house, and everyone is online. Cities are laying underground cable and installing 5G so everyone will soon be connected. One thing that hasn’t changed is the importance of knowing your customers and building relationships. Salespeople used to be the only place consumers could get information; now, consumers come into the store with mountains of information they have garnered from the internet. Our job is to be there and help them through the maze of information. We must set new standards. Google continues to tell us in “The Zero Moment of Truth” that the number of opportunities to connect with customers expands every day. If we are going to be successful, we must follow them around the internet and continue to engage them at every possible avenue. If we do not, someone else will.

The future of retail is now We are all are setting the stage of what it will be. A successful retailer is one that can continually change, seek new opportunities, and expand their horizons. Our customers have been telling us they want more and are setting their own rules. Now, in light of the pandemic, most consumers prefer a contactless shopping experience. This will likely continue into 2021, and retailers who take the initiative to create a comfortable and safe customer shopping experience, whether in-store or online, will reap the rewards. The following pages are designed to will help you become more educated and incorporate what lies ahead. Our job is to inspire you to continue the journey, embrace changes, and ultimately enjoy what you do and be more profitable.

One thing that hasn’t changed is the importance of knowing your customers and building relationships. Salespeople used to be the only place consumers could get information; now, consumers come into the store with mountains of information they have garnered from the internet. 24 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Schönox hs sturdy repair, patch and smooth. all At the same time. we’re ön it.

Customers are very influenced by what they see and hear online, so be careful. How social media can make or break your business Social media can help you build friendships or create hardships, depending upon how you use it. Certain precautions should be taken to assure a safe and positive experience for anyone in your store who is posting. Encourage your customers to join you on Facebook and other social media sites. Customers are very influenced by what they see and hear online, so be careful. 1. Be careful about posting sensitive material. You certainly don’t want to alienate customers by challenging their political beliefs. Stay away from posting inappropriate language and events. Showing people partying will not help the growth of your business. 2. Inappropriate YouTube, TikTok & Instagram. Photos and videos can also be a problem, so be careful what you post.


3. Suggest that your employees have a private page that is not accessible to everyone. This way, they can post personal information that isn’t available for everyone to see.

The new Schönox HS Sturdy, rapid-drying, repair and smoothing compound, incorporates hybrid active-dry technology creating a powerful solution with versatility and strengths previously unseen in flooring. From featheredge to 2" depths, HS Sturdy repairs, patches, and smooths combining tasks for use on a wide variety of substrates including concrete and gypsum as well as diverse ones such as wood, vinyl, and ceramic.

4. Check spelling and punctuation. You want potential customers to believe that everyone is smart in your business.

Stay away from posting inappropriate language and events. Showing people partying will not help the growth of your business.

©2021_HPS_PFR_1-3_HS STURDY_Q4_20-318

5. Google your business and your employees often to see what has been posted. Make sure that you have enough positive testimonials to offset a negative one. The ratio should be about 10 to 1. (Ten positive for every negative.) Don’t forget to ask your satisfied customers to post reviews online. ❚

Take your business to a whole new level. Call 855.391.2649 or visit hpsubfloors.com to learn how your projects run smoother with Schönox Ön It.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Ambient Data Loggers: Peace of Mind in a Box for Wood Flooring Installers Introduction


onitoring and controlling temperature and humidity are critical for all phases of wood flooring installation.

But a lot can happen at a job site that you’re not aware of while you were away. You might

think you’ve had proper conditions for the last 72 hours while your flooring is acclimating, but without your knowledge, somebody opened the windows somewhere. During installation, you might think you’re maintaining perfect ambient conditions, but someone turns off the A/C every night. Jason Spangler Wagner Meters’ Flooring Division Manager Jason Spangler, Wagner Meters’ Sales Manager, has more than 25 years’ experience in sales and sales management across a broad spectrum of industries. He has successfully launched a variety of products to the market, including the original Rapid RH® concrete moisture test. Jason, who received an MBA from West Texas A&M University in November 2018, has extensive industry involvement, including the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA), the International Certified Flooring Installers Association (CFI), and is Vice Chairman of Associations for The Flooring Contractors Association (FCICA). Call Wagner Meters today at (844) 533-9100 and ask for Jason or www.wagnermeters.com.

Even after the installation is done, the floor can be damaged by the owners if they don’t maintain proper ambient conditions. If they start to see a problem, the blame could fall to you. So you need to carefully monitor and control moisture every step of the way to ensure a successful installation, defend against liability, and protect your reputation. But you don’t live at the job site, so how can you do that without hiring detectives to watch the place?

The Data Logger Solution Temperature and relative humidity data loggers are becoming a more realistic solution to the problem. They can be programmed to constantly monitor relative temperature and humidity for you so that you don’t have to be on the site. Wagner Meters offers a small battery-powered data logger that can record ambient temperature and relative humidity for 300 days of replaceable battery life or up to 12,000 readings. The Smart Logger™ communicates via Bluetooth® to a smart device app for download of recorded readings, report generation, and emailing or printing of report data. These capabilities, combined with its rugged design and affordability to be scaled in numbers to fit any size job, Continued on page 32

Even after the installation is done, the floor can be damaged by the owners if they don’t maintain proper ambient conditions. If they start to see a problem, the blame could fall to you.

26 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


make the Smart Logger an ideal tool for flooring profession-

may suspect dramatic shifts in temperature and relative

als who need discrete hassle-free data collection and report-

humidity. Put them in discrete locations where they’ll be

ing capability. These devices can be instrumental in helping to

safe from tampering. Coordinate with residential/business

keep you from paying for the mistakes of others.

owners or general contractors (GC) to find other areas you may have overlooked. Use the app to set your recording

Installation and Use

intervals and alarms. To monitor the data, return to the site at regular intervals

To install a data logger with a smart app, follow the man-

to download it to the smart app and generate your reports.

ufacturer’s instructions and place several around the job

Each time you visit your building owners or GC, it will serve

site to ensure complete coverage. Place them in areas you

as a reminder to them to maintain proper conditions and a reminder of your professionalism as well as your use of advanced technology.

Summary Monitoring and controlling moisture are critical for all phases of wood flooring installation, from acclimation to installation and after installation. It’s impossible to be at the job site constantly to monitor temperature and humidity. Ambient data loggers are an easy, affordable, and complete solution to the problem. For more information, you can go to www.wagnermeters. com/smartlogger. ❚


28 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

COMING JUNE 2021 The Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) and Fabulous Floors Magazine Presents The Luxury Flooring Resource Guide


e are all about educating the consumer on resilient


flooring! It is all about sustainability, durability, afford-

Resilient Education • Resilient Innovation • Resilient

ability, and style. The Luxury Resilient flooring category

Language • Rigid or flexible • Comparatively Speaking

includes vinyl sheet flooring, vinyl composition tile (VCT), rig-

• Waterproof vs. Water-resistant • Flooring Where

id-core, SPC, WPC, luxury vinyl tiles and planks, linoleum,

Appropriate: commercial applications • Luxury Flooring

rubber, cork, and other types of synthetic flooring.

Tools of the Trade: Premium materials and underlayment • The Finishing Touches: Radiant heat, decorative grates,


matching trims and transitions • The Responsible Flooring

● Use LF in your store

Choice: The importance of Certification

●H elp salespeople with new products ●S how product applications with room scenes

Celebrating its 18th year, Fabulous Floors Magazine is

●C reate a label “Compliments of…” with your store name

uniquely positioned with RFCI to create this magazine

and information. Place magazines in local waiting areas (Doctors’ and dentists’ offices and salons ) ●S taple a coupon/offer from your store on the cover

●T he 1st and only consumer magazine devoted to flooring styles as a key design element in home decor. ●P ublished by owners of a specialty floor store serving

FOR MANUFACTURERS AND AFFILIATES ●G et your brand in front of your customer ●1 0,000 copies on newsstands and booksellers across North America

both residential and commercial ●F irst-hand knowledge of what consumers and the A&D community need FABULOUS FLOORS MAGAZINE PRESENTS

●2 0,000 digital copies distributed to top designers, architects, and specifiers ●A vailable online at MAGZTER, JOOMAG.COM, and ISSUU.COM

Luxury Flooring


A Design Resource Guide

Contact Margo Locust at margo@fabulousfloorsmag.com or call (678) 761-5002 for advertising rates and PREORDERS; $1.50 per copy plus the cost of shipping.



America’s Fastest Growing Hard Surface Flooring Luxury Vinyl Sheet, Tile, Planks, and more . . . The Resilient Floor Covering Institute


Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Have Your Brand in Front of Your Customer

Luxury Flooring

Your Commercial Design Resource For Luxury Vinyl Tile, Planks, Sheet Vinyl, and more… Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



The Story Behind Beautifully Responsible™ An interview with Dean Thompson, president and CEO of Resilient Floor Covering Institute, about the new consumer campaign Beautifully Responsible™ Q: Dean, as the president and CEO of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute, can you share with our readers what RFCI is about? A: W e are the leading industry trade association for hard surface flooring. Our mission is to help homeowners, designers, facility managers, and architects make wise flooring deci-

Beautifully Responsible™ is an exclusive social media, consumer campaign divided into three messages: Mindful Manufacturing™, Living Well™, and Made for Life™. Each of these messages address concerns consumers have about any purchase for home improvement— particularly flooring.

sions. Our members represent Resilient Flooring, whether it’s rigid core and flexible luxury vinyl, vinyl composition tile, linoleum, vinyl sheet, rubber, or cork flooring. Q: What was the role of RFCI in creating the Beautifully Responsible™ campaign? A: As a trade association for the Resilient Flooring industry, a key component of our mission is to educate the market about the advantages of resilient flooring ownership. While our member manufacturers do a great job communicating the benefits of their individual product lines, RFCI and its manufacturing members agree to the advantages associated with a common high-level message about this growing category. Q: How did the idea of Beautifully Responsible™ come about? A: Through recent research of the consumer market and valuable input from our members, we discovered some very compelling facts about all resilient flooring that truly resonate with consumer needs and desires. For example, we learned that 41% of Americans want to be seen as buying ecofriendly products but who don’t want to make trade-offs. We also found that all of us spend, on average, about 90% of our lives indoors, and so indoor air quality is important. And consumers want investments in their homes, such as flooring, to last and keep their beauty without the need for premature replacement. So, in a collaborative effort with Shelton Group, the leading marketing communications agency focused on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, and with the insights and leadership of our member manufacturers, we created a campaign called Beautifully Responsible™. Q: How is this being communicated to consumers? A: B eautifully Responsible™ is an exclusive social media, consumer campaign divided into three messages: Mindful Manufacturing™, Living Well™, and Made for Life™. Each of these messages address concerns consumers have about any purchase for home improvement—particularly flooring. Resilient flooring ‘checks all the boxes’ when it comes to these concerns.

30 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

water-resistant options. And pet clean up is easy with Resilient Flooring. Q: How will you reach consumers with this message? A: I n order to educate and position resilient flooring as the answer to their flooring needs, Shelton Group, working with RFCI, developed a multi-pronged strategy to reach homeowners, designers, decorators, and businesses with the advantages of Resilient Flooring. These tactics include a new consumer website: BeautifullyResponsible. Q: What do you mean by Mindful Manufacturing™?

com, as well as influencer marketing, blogs, video, social

A: Mindful Manufacturing™ is a validation of the sustain-

media, including Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube, Goo-

able practices used by all RFCI members that align with consumer eco-friendly values. Practices such as envi-

gle Display Network, and others. We have also included the Beautifully Responsible™

ronmental health and safety, transparency in ingredients,

message on our website RFCI.com and will be promoting

reduced energy, water, material waste, decreased green-

the campaign to the floor covering trade.

house gases, and careful use of resources are part of our Mindful Manufacturing™ message.

Q: H ow many of your members are participating in the campaign?

Q: You mentioned Living Well™. What does that mean? A: L iving Well™ assures consumers that Resilient Floors

A: All 22 RFCI member manufacturers, representing well over 90% of all the resilient flooring manufactured and

contribute to good indoor air quality and that the floors

marketed in North America, are participating in this effort.

are easy to clean without the use of harsh chemicals.

The campaign kicked-off in January 2021 and will reach

They can also improve accessibility between rooms and

millions of homeowners in the market for flooring.

can soften the acoustics in the home. Q: H ow can anyone learn more about Beautifully Q: We assume Made for Life™ has something to do with how long a floor will last? A: That’s right. Made for Life™ promises that Resilient

Responsible™? A: We invite you to learn more about Beautifully Responsible™ Resilient Flooring and share that information with

Floors will last and last. In fact, 20+ years is the typi-

your flooring customers. Remember, RFCI represents 22

cal lifespan of resilient flooring. That means long-lasting

manufacturers who make thousands of different styles to

beauty with less waste. Many options provide advanced

choose from. But they all have one tremendous advan-

scratch and stain protection, as well as waterproof and

tage in common. They are all Beautifully Responsible™.

As a trade association for the Resilient Flooring industry, a key component of our mission is to educate the market about the advantages of resilient flooring ownership.

Visit BeautifullyResponsible.com or RFCI.com for more information. ❚

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


32 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

We are exclusively

In 2021, the Resilient Floor Covering Institute and its manufacturing members are taking their exclusive Beautifully Responsible™️ message to millions of consumers, everywhere. Resilient Flooring is all about Mindful Manufacturing™️ and a commitment to sustainable sourcing, designing and manufacturing. It’s also about Living Well™️ providing a healthier indoor environment. And Resilient Flooring is Made for Life™️ making it the ultimate in durability, performance and reduced waste. Check out BeautifullyResponsible.com only from RFCI member manufacturers. It’s just the beautifully responsible thing to do!


Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Metroflor Goes to Great Lengths With New Engage Inception 200XXL Large-Scale Planks


ith the soaring popularity of SPC flooring, Metro-

● Superior stain repellency for easy-to-clean peace of mind

flor has responded to the trend towards extra-long

●U nmatched resistance to abrasions and micro-scratching

woodgrain plank looks with the exciting new Engage Inception 200XXL floors: three distinctive Oak designs measuring 9" × 72" with authentic In-Register Embossing (IRE) neces-

to keep the floor looking new longer ●T ough enough protection for households with active families, small children and pets

sary for these outsized, bold and dramatic planks. On the design front, Engage Inception 200XXL is perfect for open-concept floor plans and large rooms. The planks

Beautiful designs are three more reasons to believe in Engage Inception 200XXL planks:

have longer, continuous natural graining with fewer end joints for a cleaner, more modern look. And longer, rigid core planks

●C ooper Oak reflects today’s trend toward tonal variation

mean fewer planks to install for a faster installation than tra-

in planks and the effects of white in the graining for a pol-

ditionally sized planks.

ished, refined look.

Engage Inception 200XXL’s performance keeps pace with

●R anchero Another easy-to-live-with design, Ranchero

all the benefits of SPC. Stiffer, denser and heavier than WPC,

is more subtle in toning but vivid in texture. The IRE

Engage Inception 200XXL enables greater resistance to tem-

embossing of this sawcut design creates not only a visual

perature changes and indentations. The premium attached

but a tactile quality of comfort: a sophisticated yet rustic

HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) foam underlayment pro-

and homey effect.

vides sound absorption, reduces transmitted sound and foot

●M asthead A clean design with fewer knots, very sub-

fatigue, and helps conceal minor subfloor imperfections. The

tle toning and softened contrast, Masthead features an

DropLock 100™ locking system provides fast, easy, glueless

elegant updated color range. The more sophisticated

drop-and-lock installation and a tight fit. The 100% water-

yet classic oak design captures the authenticity of easy,

proof floor is suitable for traditionally wet areas such as mud-

simplified living.

rooms, bathrooms, laundry rooms, kitchens and basements. The collection also features Metroflor’s proprietary FX2 Surface Protectant:

With a 5.2 mm gauge, 20 mil wear layer and AccentBevel Edge, Engage Inception 200XXL provides a Lifetime Residential and 15-year


Warranty. With Engage Inception


there’s no limit to the lengths Metroflor will go to provide homeowners and end-users with beautiful, innovative and high-performing SPC. ❚ Left to right: Masthead Reclaimed Oak; Ranchero Cavendish; Cooper Oak Timber Brown

34 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Innovations in Metroflor's Metrostone Provide New Opportunities in Tile Stone, Tile & Plank Looks with Grout Effect™ Edge


etroflor is taking SPC tile to the edge with a strategic

designs that can compete with ceramic and stone in visuals

new product innovation: Metrostone. A quality man-

and color, yet at an affordable price point with easier installa-

made natural, Metrostone replicates stone and porcelain tile

tion without messy mortar and grout.

in an SPC format with a simulated grouted edge instead of

With a curated portfolio of designs — ranging from stone

the painted beveled edges popular in SPC plank formats.

visuals and marble tiles, to woodgrain planks and even a

Our proprietary Grout Effect™ edge treatment replicates the

textile-inspired linen look — Metrostone creates a strong,

look of a traditional grout line without the staining, crack-

competitive entry into the tile space. The Grout Effect edge

ing and maintenance associated with traditional grout lines.

elevates Metrostone to a more realistic look that will strike a

This new technology has opened a new window of opportu-

resounding chord with consumers. ❚

nity for Metroflor: More natural-looking, high-performing tile

Metroflor Stone Alpaca

Metroflor Linen Abstract Greystone

Metroflor Marble Uptown

With a curated portfolio of designs — ranging from stone visuals and marble tiles, to woodgrain planks and even a textile-inspired linen look — Metrostone creates a strong, competitive entry into the tile space.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Employment Issues to Watch Out for in 2021


Stacy Eickhoff Stacy Eickhoff is senior vice president for Risk Strategies Company. She has worked in the insurance industry over 25 years with a focus on property and casualty within the floor covering and construction industries. Ms. Eickhoff holds licenses in over 40 states. Risk Strategies Company is the endorsed provider for the World Floor Covering Association.

s a business owner, you have a wide range of relationships to manage, and how you manage these relationships can make or break your business. One of the most important relationships you have is the one between you and your employees. In a direct to consumer business driven by sales, we tend to overlook our internal relationships and focus externally on our customer’s needs. Therefore, it is not uncommon for internal processes and procedures to fall by the wayside and become less of a priority. While 2020 was a very difficult year for everyone, retail businesses were particularly affected. The impact of Covid-19 on revenue and the complexity of the local, state, and federal guidelines have forced businesses to make significant changes, including reductions in workforce via layoffs or furloughs, remote working environments, redesign of office space, and showrooms, and employee privacy/leave issues. A USA Today article from January 5, 2021, reported that COVID-19 sparked more than 1,000 workplace-related lawsuits in 2020. It was also reported that 690 of these suits were filed due to layoffs or firings, and nearly 25 percent were brought about by employees due to safety related concerns. https://www.advisen.com/tools/fpnproc/fpns/articles_new_1/P/386555636.html?rid=386555636&list_id=1

Allegations cited poor sanitation, lack of social distancing protocols, or inadequate personal protective equipment, which contributed to employees getting sick or dying from COVID-19; employer retaliation after an objection to unsafe working conditions or workplace exposure to individuals displaying COVID-19 symptoms; disability discrimination by failing to accommodate remote working or inconsistency on who is allowed to work remotely; improper notice prior to layoffs or furloughs; and discrimination related to laying off or furloughing employees. On January 21, 2021, President Biden signed an executive order titled “Protecting Worker Health and Safety.” The order seeks to reorient worker safety guidelines and enforcement at the Labor Department’s workplace safety division, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This new order requires OSHA to update Covid-19 safety recommendations for businesses within the next two weeks.

On January 21, 2021, President Biden signed an executive order titled “Protecting Worker Health and Safety.” The order seeks to reorient worker safety guidelines and enforcement at the Labor Department’s workplace safety division, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 36 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

It is no wonder that Elizabeth Owens Bille, an employment attorney and the Senior Vice President of Workplace Culture at EVERFI, states in her blog post for The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) that the top 6 Workplace Practices trends in 2021 are expected to be the following: 1. New responsibilities for HR and Compliance 2. Broader focus on employee well-being 3. S ustained action to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion 4. Continuation of remote work 5. Increased compliance complexity 6. Business pressure to elevate workplace practices https://blog.shrm.org/blog/6-trends-that-will-shape-workplacepractices-in-2021

All of these are drivers to keeping and maintaining good employee/employer relations. Regular communication with your employees is important and having clear and consistently applied HR practices is critical.

Most small businesses do not have a dedicated Human Resources person or staff; therefore, those duties often fall on the owner or office manager. During times of uncertainty, it is crucial to be stringent with file documentation and consistent with the application of your internal policies. Many employers are taking this time to both round out internal protocols and update policies to more current standards. Employment-Related Practices Insurance (EPLI) can protect employers in the event that an employee brings allegations of discrimination, retaliation, harassment, or wrongful termination. Most employment practice policies include HR resources, management, and employee training, and often legal guidance on how to deal with employment-related issues. The costs of these policies are often offset by the additional resources they provide. Additional resources may be available from your insurance carrier’s loss control department, your insurance broker, and/or your state and local governments. Risk Strategies Company is a full-service insurance brokerage. Contact Stacy Eickhoff with any questions. ❚

Many employers are taking this time to both round out internal protocols and update policies to more current standards. Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


38 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Can Employers Require Employees to Get Vaccinated, and If So Should They?


Jeffrey W. King Legal Counsel for the WFCA Jeffrey King has more than 35 years’ experience in complex litigation with a focus on contracts, employment, construction, antitrust, intellectual property and health care. He serves as legal counsel for WFCA and other trade associations, and is a LEED Accredited Professional. For more information, contact him at (561) 278-0035 or jeffw@jkingesq.com.

ith the promise of expanded availability of COVID-19 vaccinations, there is hope that current restrictions will be eased by mid-year, and businesses can begin to fully reopen. To ease customer’s concerns, flooring retailers and contractors may want to advertise that all of their employees and installers are vaccinated. This raises the question of whether an employer can mandate its employees and contractors be vaccinated and what to do if employees refuse to get the vaccine. In making the decision whether or not to mandate vaccination, an employer must consider federal and state legal requirements, safety concerns, and the practical considerations of requiring its members to be vaccinated. As explained below, imposing a mandatory vaccination policy raises multiple and complex legal issues and may even be illegal under some state laws. Given these issues, employers should begin planning how they will deal with vaccination programs and whether to mandate vaccinations or simply encourage vaccinations under a voluntary program to avoid these potential issues.

Federal Requirements Federal law does not prohibit mandatory vaccination programs. Rather, the law is concerned with ensuring such programs do not discriminate and protect the employee’s privacy. The primary laws that need to be considered are the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the religious and race accommodations under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and the National Labor Relations Act. The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) recently issued guidelines on mandating the COVID-19 vaccination. These guidelines have widely been interpreted as authorizing businesses to mandate their employees be vaccinated. EEOC guidelines, however, neither authorize nor prohibit a mandatory vaccination program. Rather, they only provide guidance on ensuring that mandatory vaccination programs comply with the ADA and other anti-discrimination laws. The EEOC Guidance makes clear that employees may be entitled to exemptions from employer-mandated vaccination policies if they have a qualifying disability. According to the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”), anyone who had an immediate allergic reaction to any ingredient in either of the two available COVID-19 vaccines

40 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

In making the decision whether or not to mandate vaccination, an employer must consider federal and state legal requirements, safety concerns, and the practical considerations of requiring its members to be vaccinated. should not be vaccinated. A list of the ingredients of the vaccines can be identified at CDC Pre-Vaccination Checklist for COVID-19. The People with other allergies, like food or mold allergies, should be fine to get the COVID19 vaccine under the CDC guidance. Claims of other “disabilities” that preclude vaccinations would need to be individually evaluated. Caution needs to be exercised in probing whether the employee has a legitimate disability that precludes them from getting the COVID-19 vaccine. In the case of an employee who declines to get vaccinated on the basis of disability, the employer cannot automatically terminate the unvaccinated employee. Rather, the employer must first determine whether the unvaccinated individual disability prevents them from doing their job. In the case of not being vaccinated, the issue would be whether the unvaccinated employee poses “a significant risk of substantial harm to the health and safety of the individual or others” in the workplace. In determining whether there is a significant threat, the employer needs to consider: (1) the duration of the risk; (2) the nature and severity of the potential harm; (3) the likelihood that the potential harm will occur; and (4) the imminence of the potential harm. As applicable to COVID-19, is likely to be considered a significant risk if the employee who is unable to take the vaccine has close contact with other employees or customers. If there is a risk, the ADA requires the employer provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities unless the reasonable accommodation creates an “undue hardship” on the employer. The courts have defined “undue hardship” as having more than a de minimis cost or burden on the employer. Reasonable accommodation regarding COVID-19 vaccination may be allowing the employee to work remotely from their home, partitioning the employee’s workspace, allowing them to work off hours to minimize contact with other employees or customers, or granting them a leave

of absence until the threat of COVID-19 is minimized. Only if there are no reasonable accommodations can the employee be terminated. Pregnancy Discrimination Act The Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits an employee from taking any negative employment action because of an employee’s pregnancy or related medical condition. As to whether pregnancy is a valid excuse to refuse the vaccination, there is not enough data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant women. Until such information is available, pregnant employees should be allowed to reject taking the vaccine and reasonable accommodations should be provided similar to those provided under the ADA. Religious Accommodations Similarly, employees can refuse to take the COVID -19 vaccine because of sincerely held religious practices or beliefs. It is illegal to discriminate against employees based on their religious beliefs under the Civil Rights Act. Accordingly, employers must undertake an analysis like done under the ADA to determine whether the unvaccinated employee poses a direct threat and, if so, whether it can offer reasonable accommodations. The employer should ordinarily assume that an employee’s request for religious accommodation is based on a sincerely held religious belief. If, however, an employee requests a religious accommodation, and an employer has an objective basis for questioning either the religious nature or the sincerity of a particular belief, practice, or observance, the employer would be justified in requesting additional supporting information, such as requesting a third-party from a religious officials or fellow church member. Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


Civil Rights Act The Civil Rights Act also precludes discrimination against employees based on their race. Studies have indicated that some minority group members may be more reluctant to be vaccinated due to historical abuses during medical research. Mandating vaccination could create an environment for racial discrimination claims.

and ADA requirements. Under HIPAA and the ADA, if employers keep medical information-including vaccination records-the information must be kept in a confidential medical file separate from the employee’s personnel file. In addition, employers should check state and local laws, which may require employers keep any vaccination records confidential in a certain manner or method or hold onto records for a certain period of time.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Occupational Safety and Health Act Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) protects sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. The ADA also protects health information regarding disabilities. Certain actions to combat COVID-19, like taking employees’ temperatures or asking if they have tested positive for COVID-19, are not considered sensitive health information under HIPAA or the ADA. Similarly, administration of a vaccination is not a medical examination under HIPAA. However, the pre-screening vaccination questions recommended by the CDC under the CDC Pre-Vaccination Checklist for COVID-19 is likely to be considered protected HIPAA and ADA health information. Accordingly, if the employer administers the vaccine or hires a third party to administer the vaccine, it will need to ensure that it complies with the HIPAA

Under the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (“OSHA”) and many states’ laws, employers are obligated to provide a workplace free from serious recognized hazards. To comply with that requirement, employers have the right to establish legitimate health and safety standards, policies, and requirements so long as they are job-related and consistent with business necessity. However, the extent to which an employer can implement policies mandating that employees be vaccinated depend largely on the employer’s industry and location. For example, policies mandating vaccinations are more likely to be appropriate for employers in the healthcare industry and other environments where employees provide services to individuals who are at a high risk of having serious complications if they were to contract the flu. Accordingly, courts in a number of jurisdictions have held that these workers can be required to receive vaccinations, such as rubella or flu vaccinations, as long as the requirement is job-related and consistent with business necessity. National Labor Relations Act The National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”), as applicable here, protects the rights of employees to unionize and to collectively bargain with employers. In 2012, it was held that the adoption of a new flu vaccine policy is a mandatory subject of bargaining. Accordingly, if the employees are unionized, any mandatory vaccination program must be approved by the union.

42 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

State Requirements Many states are currently considering legislation regarding mandatory vaccines. Some prohibit an employer from mandating its employee be vaccinated, while others require all employees be vaccinated. Some will only apply to certain employees, such as healthcare providers and state government employees, while others will apply to all employees. In New York, for example, there is a pending bill that bans mandatory vaccinations and another bill that mandates all employers institute a mandatory vaccination program. States are likely to continue to consider proposed legislation, and employers should check to make sure they are complying with the state that could either require or ban a mandatory vaccination program.

Safety Concerns with Vaccine The current COVID- 19 vaccines are receiving approval by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) under “Emergency Use Authorizations” (EUAs). An EUA would allow vaccines to be used before full FDA approval. It is unclear whether an employer can mandate a vaccine that is approved as under EUA. By the time a COVID-19 vaccine will be broadly available to most employees, the vaccines could have “full” FDA approval. If it does not, employers may not want to mandate employees take the vaccine.

Practical Considerations Assuming employers can mandate vaccines, the issue is whether employers should do so. The question arises of what to do if an employee without a disability. pregnancy or religious belief refused to be vaccinated. Will they be terminated? What if a significant portion of the employees refuse to comply—will all of them be terminated? The business must also consider the impact of mandating vaccinations on the moral of employees. It makes little sense to mandate employees be vaccinated unless the business is prepared to enforce the program.

In addition, employers should consider the logistical issues, such as who pays for the vaccination, how are the records verifying vaccination are stored, are the employees paid for the time spent getting the vaccination, and will the employee be paid if they are unable to work due to side effects. Before implementing any mandatory vaccination program, employers need to answer these questions and prepare for such a mandate.

Voluntary Program Many employers are leaning toward encouraging, rather than mandating, vaccines. The employer can ask for proof of vaccination and allow employees to obtain the vaccine through their chosen health care provider. The employer can offer incentives but needs to be careful not to discriminate against employees who decline the vaccine because of a disability, religious beliefs, or pregnancy. For example, if cash or extra paid days off are offered to those who voluntarily get vaccinated, these incentives should also be offered to those unable to take the vaccine because of a disability, religious beliefs, or pregnancy.

Conclusion The decision whether to mandate vaccines is months away for most employers. The law in this area will develop further in the interim. Employers should monitor and consider the issues as discussed above, and begin planning to implement the vaccine policy it decides to use. Given the complexity of the issues raised, it is recommended that competent legal counsel be consulted before implementing any vaccination program. ❚ The information contained in this article is abridged from legislation, court decisions, and administrative rulings, should not be construed as legal advice or opinion and is not a substitute for the advice of counsel.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Carpet Padding or Carpet Cushion. There’s a difference


hen it comes to carpet, people tend to focus on what they see and feel—that is the top side of the carpet. After all, it's why we select carpet, right? Well, not entirely. Carpet, unlike any other type of floor covering, provides a cushiony softness underfoot. But that cushiony softness is not totally attributable to the fiber, pile density, or tufting style. A lot of that enjoyment of carpet actually emanates from beneath it — from the carpet cushion itself. To be sure, carpet cushions aren’t the glamor part of choosing and buying a new carpet, but they are every bit as important. However, most carpet customers (and surprisingly carpet retailers for that matter) don’t give carpet cushion its just due. To them, all carpet cushions are pretty much the same. They believe they are begrudgingly necessary but certainly not worth much attention (out of sight, out of mind). Even the term "carpet padding" still persists, just like those bizarre multi-colored recycled bits and chips of foam (and whatever else) welded together with heat, pressure, and glue. Thank goodness those things are hidden under a beautiful carpet! Because of this common under-appreciation for the benefit of carpet cushions (stemming from an uninformed consumer and a retailer anxious to make a quick sale), significant opportunities are often missed. A REAL carpet cushion, like the kind made with high-density memory foam by Healthier Choice, creates several advantages for the carpet retailer. Here are just a few:

44 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

A REAL carpet cushion, like the kind made with highdensity memory foam by Healthier Choice, creates several advantages for the carpet retailer. Increased customer satisfaction. Perhaps no greater, long-lasting advantage to the retailer is a happy, satisfied customer. Memory foam carpet cushion ensures a better installation, a longer-lasting and easier to clean carpet, as well as luxurious comfort your customer will brag about. Easier customer education. Most people understand the concept of memory foam and equate it with the unrivaled comfort of premium mattresses and pillows. Using the same technology for unrivaled comfort underfoot is an easy “dot-connecting” moment in the sales associate’s presentation. Opportunity for customer up-sale. So the customer has already invested in a beautiful, quality carpet. For just a little more, that customer can now protect their enjoyment and purchase with a state-of-the-art carpet cushion worthy of their new purchase. Empathizing with customer quality concerns. As people spend more and more time in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a growing consciousness of the quality of flooring and other home improvements that go into the home as they relate to general health and wellbeing. A quality, U.S. made memory foam cushion-like Healthier Choice is the ultimate, responsible choice. Not only does the memory foam cushion provide comfort and softness, but Healthier Choice also prevents mold and mildew growth with Ultra-Fresh … and it’s even sustainable and recyclable! There are carpet pads, and then there are carpet cushions like the kind made by Healthier Choice. There is a big difference. You owe it to yourself to offer this difference to your valued carpet-buying customers. ❚

There are carpet pads, and then there are carpet cushions like the kind made by Healthier Choice. There is a big difference. You owe it to yourself to offer this difference to your valued carpet-buying customers.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



The World’s Best Carpet Cushion 46 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


Made of 100% high density memory foam, Healthier Choice Carpet Cushion offers the luxurious comfort you want while providing the support your carpet needs.

Healthier Choice Cushion’s dense, micro-cellular structure cushions every step by acting like millions of tiny shock absorbers, allowing your carpet to look newer and last longer. NEVERCRUSH


The appearance retention warranty for any brand of residential carpet is instantly doubled when installed over Healthier Choice Carpet Cushion.

The only carpet cushion to be awarded the UL GREENGUARD® Gold Certification for indoor air quality as an extremely low VOC emitting product.

Healthier Choice Cushion is infused with Ultra-Fresh® antimicrobial protection to prevent the growth of harmful mold, mildew and bacteria.

A revolutionary Breathable Moisture Barrier keeps liquid spills from penetrating down into the cushion while allowing moisture vapor to escape.

The only carpet cushion made with more than 50% soybean oil and natural minerals which reduces the use of fossil fuels while supporting sustainable alternatives. Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Want a better bottom line? Make sure your installers are certified


Steve Abernathy, Floor Covering Education Foundation Interim Director

nstallers with certifications drive value along three major fronts—effectiveness, efficiency, and employee engagement. Effectiveness is seen in improved service quality, customer satisfaction, project execution, and compliance. Efficiency is bolstered through operational excellence, return on investment and reduced installation costs. Put simply, certified workers are more confident, more knowledgeable, more reliable, and perform at a higher level. They are artisans. To the consumer, floorcovering has no value until it’s installed. Getting it installed—and installed correctly—is a challenge faced by every professional flooring dealer across the country. In the sales process, it can be treated as an after-thought when, in fact, it represents a critical service experience, the final and most impactful touchpoint. For the craftsmen, expertise gained through training and experience and up-todate product knowledge matter intensely, particularly as new flooring products and installation technology is being introduced into the market rapidly. For the professional flooring dealer, competition for installers is tough, and supply is tight, and there’s uncertainty about how well prepared the future workforce will be. That combination places a high value on the workers who possess the right qualifications. Artisans inherently understand the value of training and certification. They know an improvement in their skillset opens opportunities, increases efficiencies, builds their confidence, adds value to their billable work, and possibly higher wages. But to understand the value of certification to the entire industry, think about how it affects the whole consumer experience. What does it mean for the retailer, the installer, and the customer, and how does this impact your bottom line? For the retailer, there may be resistance to supporting independent contractors in their training efforts when they may take those skills somewhere else (even if they mostly work for you.) You also may lose installers for a period of time while you are already trying to keep up with the load in front of you. Of course, there is also a question of who will pay the cost. Training is viewed as an expense rather than an investment. You need to consider the long-term benefits of certification—advanced troubleshooting and the ability to do many jobs. Subpar installation services have a

Put simply, certified workers are more confident, more knowledgeable, more reliable, and perform at a higher level. They are artisans.

48 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

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higher opportunity cost at every level of the sales process, impacting call-backs, margins, time on site, and customer loyalty. Calculate these gains in effectiveness and efficiency across multiple projects. You can easily see how investment in a worker’s technical training and certification can pay back an organization many times over a short period of time. If you are a retailer, ask yourself:

“Training and education are cornerstones to the professionalization of floor covering installers and play a significant role in solving the installation crisis,” said Scott Humphrey, board chairman of the Floor Covering Education Foundation (FCEF).

● What is the cost of a call-back? (not just the actual cost in lost dollars, but the lost time for support and sales personnel managing the relationship and the installer set out to make it right) ● How much more gross revenue could you have made? Trained installers allow for more upsell opportunities in custom installations. ● What is the value of a happy customer? Though the time between projects may be long, the relationships are hard-won, and the all-powerful online reviews and word-of-mouth from a dissatisfied customer can translate into a meaningful impact on your bottom line. Learning and development is one of the primary drivers of worker satisfaction, attraction, and retention, bolstering engagement and elevating the industry. Essentially, workers are telling organizations, “If you fully invest in me, I’ll fully commit to you.” “Training and education are cornerstones to the professionalization of floor covering installers and play a significant role in solving the installation crisis,” said Scott Humphrey, board chairman of the Floor Covering Education Foundation (FCEF).

50 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

According to CFI Executive Director Robert Varden, “A beautiful floor is only as good as the installer behind it. There are value and confidence that comes with certification. That confidence, quality, and craftsmanship of someone who knows and understands how to complete a project correctly, the first time is easy to see in their work. “With FCEF’s goal of recruiting, training, and placing the next generation of flooring craftsmen (and women), it starts with elevating the trade—and that comes from certification.” In addition, many commercial projects are writing certification into spec as a way of protecting the quality of the work. This trend will continue. If commercial work is important to you, then certifications and training should be as well. According to CFI Executive Director Robert Varden, “A beautiful floor is only as good as the installer behind it. There are value and confidence that comes with certification. That confidence, quality, and craftsmanship of someone who knows and understands how to complete a project correctly, the first time is easy to see in their work. As the demand for high-quality flooring installation increases, so does the demand for properly trained craftsmen. Our goal is to set the standard and raise the bar across the industry.” In the end, the person that appreciates the certification and the training the most is the customer. The installer is the final touchpoint for the customer’s experience. It is one of the most critical and will reflect most strongly on how the customer views the retailer even more than on the product or the installer. Having professional, confident, loyal, well-trained craftsmen will ensure good work and a happy, satisfied customer, which is what everyone wants. According to flooring industry guru Tom Jennings, “The consumer will willingly spend more for services when you show them the value of a quality installation compared to substandard offerings.” There is a great and necessary focus in the industry on the installation crisis. How do we expect to grow the industry if we don’t change the perception? In addition to the need to add more craftsmen, it is also critical to understand the value of the training and certification for installers. We must continue to provide training and educational resources, supporting those programs that develop a future workforce. Certification is a mark of a skilled flooring installation professional. If you are a retailer, this all equates to a better bottom line. ❚

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


SHOWIN’ OUR STUFF Liz O’Connell for Premier Flooring Retailer

Raffoul Ajami, a Champion for Magnetic Technologies: Attraxion™ and MagneBuild™


fter 50 years in the flooring and surfaces business, Raffoul Ajami is a champion of the MagneBuild™ installation system using Metroflor’s Attraxion that he claims is an

industry game-changer. In fact, in less than eighteen months of selling the products, Ajami Surfaces, based in Doral, Florida, is the leading provider of MagneBuild™ in the nation. Metroflor LVT with Attraxion is designed to be compatible with Magnetic Building Solutions’ MagneBuild magnetic underlayment to facilitate a fast, easy, and flexible installation of the floor. Metroflor District Sales Manager, Kevin Parker, and Manny Alayon of Cain & Bultman Distributors presented Raffoul with Metroflor’s Déjà New with Attraxion as an option for the Bentley South Beach Hotel project in Miami Beach. Michael Bennett, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at MBS, works closely with the Ajami Surfaces team with their MagneBuild™ projects. He says, “Raffoul was keenly inter-

Raffoul Ajami

ested in the MagneBuild™ platform the first time he was exposed to it. He did his due diligence to confirm that the product was safe and sound. He knew his consumer base would have questions, and he would be prepared to answer them. “Ajami Surfaces presents to the A&D community in south Florida regularly and also shows the product to his residential customer base daily. Raffoul maintains that he has never seen a better combination of flexibility and ease of installation than he has experienced in this magnetic platform.” During an in-depth conversation with Premier Flooring Retailer, Raffoul outlined the benefits of MagneBuild™ and shared, for the first time, his methods for selling this new star of the market.

“What really sealed the deal for Bentley South Beach was when I told them, ‘Your maintenance guy who changes a light bulb can just as easily replace a damaged plank, so the room can be rented right away with no downtime, thanks to Metroflor’s Attraxion magnetic attachment technology.’” Raffoul Ajami 52 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

The Bentley South Beach showcases a contemporary interpretation of Miami’s unique perspective, integrating the MagneBuild™ LVT products. When introducing customers to MagneBuild™ Raffoul explains its selling points:

PROJECT: Bentley Hotel

● Ease of use

South Beach, Miami, FL

● Interchangeability and aesthetic flexibility ● No adhesives in installation – minimal VOC


● No tongue and groove, no seaming

Ajami Floorings & Granite,

● Application versatility

Inc., Doral, FL

● Suitability for residential and commercial. ●T ime savings to the end-user resulting in a minimal shuttering of business

DESIGNER: Renata Giovannini, Bentley South Beach,

and impact on business ●T he whole system can be picked up, moved to a new space, and re-laid five or six times — renters would appreciate this.


● Safe with technology

Cain & Bultman

● Hassle-free remediation of any damage


Bentley South Beach Renovation Bentley South Beach hotel is located in the heart of Miami’s vibrant South Beach district. Built-in 1939 in the Art Deco style emblematic of that era, the recently renovated Bentley South Beach has reopened its doors. The Bentley South Beach showcases a contemporary interpretation of Miami’s unique perspective, integrating the MagneBuild™. Working with Raffoul and his team, the hotel’s management sought the most innovative

NEW WITH ATTRAXION FLOORING USED: 15,000 sq. ft. San Marcos Oak Waxed Greige DN1445117ATX

flooring in the renovation marketplace. Metroflor’s Déjà New with Attraxion Magnetic Attach-


ment Technology was installed throughout the property, from guest rooms to public areas.

Chris Phebus Photography,

Its stylish yet beachy good looks complement the hotel’s modern aesthetic. Like Bentley’s

Lexington, KY

classic façade, there is more than meets the eye with Déjà New with Attraxion.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


Raffoul’s showroom is designed to showcase the products he carries. When introducing customers to the MagneBuild™ system, he has a wall with the membrane attached and painted over to blend in with the adjacent surface. He lays the LVT on the wall, and it sticks like magic. “What really sealed the deal for Bentley South Beach was when I told them, ‘Your maintenance guy who changes a light bulb can just as easily replace a damaged plank, so the room can be rented right away with no

Specifications DÉJÀ NEW WITH ATTRAXION San Marcos Oak Waxed Greige DN1445117ATX Size: 9" × 60" planks Wear Layer: 20 mil Gauge: Attraxion LVT — 2.5mm MagneBuild™ Underlayment 1.0mm

downtime, thanks to Metroflor’s Attraxion magnetic attachment technology,’” Raffoul explains. “The speed and ease of installation was a major factor in the Bentley Hotel’s choosing Déjà New with Attraxion. The ability to stagger the installation conveniently when guest rooms were unoccupied was important, and there were no odors from adhesives in public areas to interfere with guest comfort. Replaceability was another factor in the flooring’s favor: the property can quickly change the color or design of the planks without the expense of replacing the entire floor.”

Installed System 3.5mm

Ajami Floorings & Granite Showroom

Embossing: In-Register

Raffoul’s showroom is designed to showcase the products he carries.

Bevel: Microbevel

When introducing customers to the MagneBuild™ system, he has a wall

Finish: FX3 Surface ProtectantTM

with the magnetic membrane attached and painted over to blend in with

Warranty: Lifetime Residential / 15-Year Commercial

Then he’ll take them out to his warehouse and show a loaded forklift

the adjacent surface. He lays the LVT on the wall, and it sticks like magic. spinning and maneuvering over magnetic LVPs, and the flooring remains whole.

54 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Raffoul describes his next step, “Finally, I bring the people to where we installed a magnetic area, about 1200 square feet. I take one plank, and I damage it with a magic marker. So this is your fluid damage. I ask, ‘What are you going to do with that floor? Rip it up? Raffoul describes his next step, “Finally, I bring the people to where we installed a magnetic area, about 1200 square feet. I take one plank, and I damage it with a magic marker. So this is your fluid damage. I ask, ‘What are you going to do with that floor? Rip it up? Do we have to remove the glue? If this is about click, a professional guy has to do it.’ “Okay, then I bring them a suction cup. I remove the piece, and their eyes open up. I get a new piece and just put it in. That’s it. For big jobs, they come five or six times to check it out. “And the last sales meeting with the Bentley South Beach group; they told me that the tipping point was when I mentioned that the guy that replaces your light bulb could replace a damaged plank. This was the winner because one of their biggest problems was every time a tenant left if there was any damage, they lost a day or two of rental income plus restoration costs.” ❚

The floor installed in the video above in Ajami’s warehouse is Magnebuild™ from FloorFolio.

The Ajami Surfaces showroom

Ajami Surfaces, located in Doral, FL, has been awarded the #1 retailer of MagneBuild products in North America for 2020! Ajami Surfaces is also the exclusive dealer in South Florida for Floorfolio products. Congratulations to Raffoul Ajami, an active member of the WFCA.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


Shout out to the donors who are helping workers with catastrophic medical condi�ons get through hard days.

2020 FCIF Donor Wall of Fame The Floor Covering Industry Foundation depends on contributions from industry manufacturers, distributors, retailers, buying groups, trade associations, vendors, and individuals. Donations provide assistance directly to flooring industry workers when coping with life-altering injuries, severe disabilities, and catastrophic medical events.

Diamond $50,000+

CCA Global Partners Engineered Floors Floor Covering News* Floor Trends & Floor Covering Installer* Mannington Mohawk Industries Shaw Industries Group World Floor Covering Associa�on

Mullican NWFA/ Hardwood Floors Magazine* Spartan Surfaces Stanton Carpet Corpora�on The Dixie Group Will Young

Bronze $1,000 - $4,999

Sid's Carpet Barn Star Flooring & Decora�ng Starnet Worldwide James and Susan Walters Kaye Whitener Wilsonville Carpet and Tile

Genesis $500 - $999

Abbey Carpets Unlimited

Absolute Flooring Inc. Steve Abernathy Atlanta Flooring Design Acierno & Company B.T. Mancini Co. AHF Products Brockie Interna�onal Platinum $25,000 - $49,999 Andrea Blackbourn Carpet Mart Loca�on #10 Carl Bouckaert Floor Covering Weekly* Carpet One Floor & Home Brentwood Flooring America Floor Focus* Asheville & Hickory Builder's Carpet The Interna�onal Surface Horizon Flooring Inspec�ons C3 Connect Event/ Informa Markets Sco� Humphrey Carpet One of Livermore LICO US and ACP Gold $10,000 - $24,999 Carpet Spectrum Linoleum City All Tile / Carpet Cushions & Congoleum Supplies Dalene Hardwood Flooring Co. Moda Floors and Interiors Natus Corp. DBA Hamernicks American Biltrite F5 Finishes Decora�ng Armstrong Flooring The Flooring Contractors Northwest Trends of Spokane Emily Morrow Home Associa�on* Pat's Carpet Outlet FEI Group Floor Coverings of Winona Sarah & Wendell Presco� Helen & Harry Saul Founda�on FloorCovering So� Roy Lomas Carpet Contractor Herregan Distributors Chet E. Grisso Signature Flooring Karndean Designflooring Healthier Choice Totally Floored Redi-Carpet Tanja Kern Resilient Floor Covering Macco's Floor Covering *donated trade media Ins�tute MP Global Products Collison Thank you to the following for Roppe Holding Company Mr. G's Flooring America making planned and endowed Paul Murfin Silver $5,000 - $9,999 gi�s: William A. Gold Premier Flooring Retailer Arrowstar Endowment, Laurence & Robin Magazine* Central Alabama Flooring Nagle Charitable Remainder ProInstaller Magazine* Dossche Family Founda�on Trust, Alan Greenberg Na�onal Floorcovering Sharon Greenberg Memorial Fund, and Shaw Alliance Invista Industries. Margie & Sam O'Krent J.J. Haines Founda�on RFMS Linron 56 Corpora�on Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Alan GreenBerg Memorial Golf Tournament $5,000+ Emser Tile Floor Covering Ins�tute Karndean DesignFlooring Mannington Mills Mohawk Industries Shaw Industries - Coretec $1,000-$4,999 AHF Products Sue & Lee Allwein Ansira Armstrong Flooring Art Guild Howard Brodsky Beaulieu Canada / Peerless Flooring Brown Smith Wallace Cain & Bultman Carpenter Co. CommCrea�ve Connectria Couristan Customer Analy�cs, LLC Dal�le Floor Covering Weekly Magazine Forbo Flooring Systems Future Foam Healthier Choice Flooring Interceramic, USA Kaleen Rugs and Broadloom Legge� & Pla� Flooring Products Marke�ng Alliance Group MasterBrand Cabinets MC2 MP Global Products

Na�onal Coop Bank Novalis Innova�ve Flooring Phenix Flooring PNC Financial Services Promo�onal Spring Republic Floor RFMS Riezman Berger, P.C. Stanton Carpet Corp Swiff-Train Synchrony Financial Tarke� NA Verisk (Xactware) Versatrim, Inc. WarmUp, Inc. WFCA $500-$999 Jim Acker Beasley Flooring Products /Floors For Life Rick Bennet Commerce Bank Cornerstone Solu�ons Group CR Produc�ons Design Materials, Inc. Charles Dilks Tod Greenberg iGAD Produc�ons ITEL, Inc. Joy Carpets & Co. Kane Carpet Keith Spano Liminality, Inc. Michael's Carpet Nourison Ron Negley Saturn Freight Systems Andrew Shulklapper Taylor Adhesives Sco� Wheeler


How CAN The Floor covering Industry Foundation Help Me? Help Your Fellow Man Here are a few examples:

Rent/ Mortgage Emergency care Food Equipment Doctor Visits

Physical Therapy Utility bills Transportation

X-Rays Accessibility

Medical Care Hospital Stays Testing Prescriptions

Nursing Care

MEdical Supplies

hOW CAN I QUALIFY FOR ASSISTANCE? #1 Life-Altering Medical Event, #2 financial crisis, & #3 5+ Years in the floor covering industry Know someone in need? Visit fcif.org, call 706.217.1183, or email info@fcif.org.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020


58 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Vanguard Loose Lay from Engineered Floors


e are excited about the introduction of our new Vanguard loose lay product. Boasting ten different colors, this 5mm thick plank will transition seamlessly to 5mm car-

pet tiles providing multiple unique installation options. One of the shining features of our new Vanguard loose lay is its exceptional sound insulation. The fiberglass core also provides impressive dimensional stability. Vanguard loose lay is waterproof, stain-resistant, and scratch-resistant, making it the perfect choice for active households looking for a tough, low maintenance LVT without giving up beautiful aesthetics.❚

One of the shining features of our new Vanguard loose lay is its exceptional sound insulation. 60 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



Know Your Carpet Fibers: Polyester and Nylon

Understand how they work with your customer’s lifestyles


ur Purecolor fiber system is more widely known within our polyester carpets, representing the majority of our soft surface offerings at Engineered Floors. Polyester fibers are inherently stain-resistant and

provide a pillow-like softness. Originally, polyester fiber had style and design limitations due to a variety of reasons. However, at Engineered Floors, our proprietary twistX technology uses a patented process delivering enhanced styling capabilities resulting in new, unique visuals never before seen in polyester offerings. By utilizing a blend of multiple fiber components, we can also achieve a high bundle size, meaning there is more

Essence 7088T 3113 Quarter Turn

carpet and higher density in each square yard, resulting in a more durable fiber without sacrificing softness. We also offer a limited collection of Nylon carpets; over the year's nylon has established a reputation for durability, making it ideal for high traffic and, more specifically, for commercial applications. Our residential Nylon carpet offerings are manufactured with our proprietary PureColor fiber system, where the dye color permeates one hundred percent of the carpet fiber. This process produces a carpet with unbelievable stain, fade, and soil resistance. PureColor carpets are manufactured using the most environmentally responsible processes in the industry. Our state of the art facilities uses 87% less water in the making of our carpet. Because we do not use traditional piece dying processes to color our carpet, there is no need to waste millions of gallons of this precious resource every year. Our PureColor solution-dyed carpets are also made using 42% fewer greenhouse emissions. ❚

PureColor carpets are manufactured using the most environmentally responsible processes in the industry. 62 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



fcB2B in 2020


Lewis Davis Senior Director of Technology and Research

appy New Year, everyone. I have never been so happy to say those very words like I am this year. As COVID-19 expanded across the world and shelter in place orders were implemented, technology became a critical factor in doing business. We changed how we conduct business from the explosion of online meeting platforms like Zoom to the growth in eCommerce sales. Here at fcB2B we collect metrics of Purchase Orders and Invoices generated from member companies. We expected a dip in PO totals as retailers in states with shelter in place orders began to shut their doors. We track phone, eCommerce, and B2B orders from suppliers that are willing to share. This allows us to see the growth of B2B orders compared to other types. In April, we saw a 33% decline in total orders processed. Although total orders were down, the number of B2B orders received was up compared to January, February, and the prior year. The trend continued throughout the rest of 2020, with more orders being received via B2B than the prior year. Why is this significant? As the number of COVID-19 cases grew, more people were forced to take leave and reduced office staff. Being able to utilize B2B to increase the efficiency of placing orders by the retailer meant the business could still function with the remaining staff.

Here at fcB2B we collect metrics of Purchase Orders and Invoices generated from member companies.… We track phone, eCommerce, and B2B orders from suppliers that are willing to share. 64 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

This past year has shown that utilizing fcB2B standards will benefit the supply chain when a pandemic causes the disruptions we saw in 2020. But what about during a normal year with no pandemic? The short answer is YES. The efficiencies that are gained by a retailer are many. A few are listed below. ● Price updates in a timely manner, without manual entry or wait-

ing for the USPS. ● Ability to check a price in real-time, without making a call. ● Stock check while talking with the customer. ● Once stock is confirmed, placing a reserve. ●P lacing an order for the reserve and getting confirmation

of the order status. All of these can be accomplished without picking up the phone or visiting a website. These are just a few of the benefits that are possible. It is a new year, so what better time to look at becoming more efficient in your business. Visit our website at www.fcb2b.info and click on the Resources tab to learn more about fcB2B. The Organization tab has a listing of the members that support fcB2B. Do you B2B? If not, Why? Contact me to find out how to be more efficient in your business. Lewis Davis can be contacted at 706-217-1183 ext. 132 or via email at ldavis@wfca.org. ❚

This past year has Jshown that utilizing fcB2B standards will benefit the supply chain when a pandemic causes the disruptions we saw in 2020. But what about during a normal year with no pandemic? The short answer is YES.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020



• Watch sessions, product preview videos, and events • Review product spotlights to see the new products for 2021 • Drop business cards to vendors for more information The International Surface Event (TISE): SURFACES | StonExpo/ Marmomac | TileExpo has exciting news updates for the industry inside the new virtual event, TISE Live Virtual Event. If you missed the event January 26-28, that’s ok! The TISE Live platform is staying online through February 25. Opportunities for retailers, distributors, architects, designers, builders, contractors, installers, fabricators, remodelers, and more are all available inside TISE Live. Register Now for a Free Virtual Pass & Gain Full Virtual Access >> 66 Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020

www.TISELive.com | Use Promo Code GIFT

Specialty Programs // Trends, Virtual Tours & Events

Design Trend Virtual Home Tours

Virtual Quarry Tours

Wine & Vegas Experiences

Education Programs // Sessions, Speakers & Training

CONVERGE Education Sessions

Industry Expert Speakers

Special Education Programs

Product Sourcing // Vendors, Product Pitches & Spotlights

Hundreds of Live Stage Over 200 Vendor Product Spotlights Product| Pitch Videos Premier Flooring Retailer | Digital 4 2020 67 Booths & Profiles #TISE2021 www.intlsurfaceevent.com

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Articles inside

Raffoul Ajami - Champion for Magnetic Technologies: Attraxion™ and MagneBuild™

pages 54-57

Know Your Carpet Fibers: Polyester and Nylon

pages 64-65

Vanguard Loose Lay from Engineered Floors

pages 62-63

Can Employers Require Employees to Get Vaccinated, and If So, Should They?

pages 42-45

Carpet Padding or Carpet Cushion. There's a difference.

pages 46-49

Want a better bottom line? Make sure your installers are certified

pages 50-53

Metroflor Goes to Great Lengths With New Engage Inception 200XXL Large-Scale Planks

pages 36-37

Ambient Data Loggers: Peace of Mind in a Box

pages 28-31

Know Your Customers and Build Relationships

pages 26-27

Employment Issues to Watch Out for in 2021

pages 38-41

RFCI: The Story Behind Beautifully Responsible

pages 32-35

Creating Multiple Positive First Impressions

pages 18-19

Schönox: Flooring Profits are Found in Doing the Best Work

pages 20-23

Creating a Healthy and Hygienic Home

pages 24-25

Changes Ahead

pages 16-17

Why Most Salespeople Fail at Delivering a Rock Star Customer Experience

pages 14-15

Listing Management Best Practices for 2021

pages 10-11

Affordable Flooring Software

pages 12-13

What Now?

pages 4-9
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