Religion Subject Catalogue - Fall 2022

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A Universe of Terms

Afro-Atlantic Catholics

Religion in Visual Metaphor Mona Oraby & Emilie Flamme

America’s First Black Christians Jeroen Dewulf August 2022 368pp 9780268202804 £56.00/ $65.00 HB

Religion and the Human November 2022 194pp 97 color illus. 9780253064172 £23.99/ $29.00 PB 9780253064103 £69.00/ $80.00 HB


Black Chris�anity in America has long been studied as a blend of indigenous African and Protestant elements. Jeroen Dewulf redirects the conversa�on by focusing on the enduring legacy of seventeenth century Afro-Atlan�c Catholics in the broader history of African American Chris�anity.


This book combines text and image to examine the human as both catalyst of crisis and principal agent for its mi�ga�on. Beau�fully illustrated and inspired by a range of media from graphic novels to podcasts, this is a visual experiment, one that invites readers to think again and anew about how the visual is integral to thought.

Agrarian Spirit

Alasdair MacIntyre

Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land Norman Wirzba

An Intellectual Biography Émile Perreau-Saussine Translated by Nathan J. Pinkoski Foreword by Pierre Manent

August 2022 268pp 9780268203092 £23.99/ $29.00 HB


Catholic Ideas for a Secular World September 2022 228pp 9780268203252 £34.00/ $40.00 HB

In Agrarian Spirit, Norman Wirzba demonstrates how agrarianism is of vital and con�nuing significance for spiritual life today. Far from being the exclusive concern of a dwindling number of farmers, this book shows how agrarian prac�ces are an important correc�ve to the poli�cal and economic policies that are doing so much harm to our society and habitats.


This award-winning biography, now available for the first �me in English, presents an illumina�ng introduc�on to Alasdair MacIntyre and locates his thinking in the intellectual milieu of twen�ethcentury philosophy.

Beyond the Synagogue


North American Religions November 2022 272pp 20 b&w illus. 9781479820511 £19.99/ $24.00 NIP

November 2022 320pp 18 b&w illus. 9781479823963 £24.99/ $30.00 HB

Jewish Nostalgia as Religious Practice Rachel B. Gross

The Failed Promise of Muslim Inclusion Evelyn Alsultany NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS


How diversity ini�a�ves end up marginalizing Arab Americans and US Muslims. In the realm of corpora�ons, Alsultany cri�cally examines the firing of high-profile individuals for an�-Muslim speech—a remedy that rebrands corpora�ons as an�-racist while ins�tu�onal racism remains intact. This book finds an ins�tu�onal pa�ern that defangs the promise of Muslim inclusion, deferring systemic change un�l and through the next “crisis.”

Argues that nostalgic ac�vi�es such as visi�ng the Museum at Eldridge Street or ea�ng tradi�onal Jewish foods should be understood as American Jewish religious prac�ces. Tracing American Jews’ involvement in a broad array of ostensibly nonreligious ac�vi�es, Gross argues that these prac�ces illuminate how many American Jews are making meaning within American Judaism today. Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ


Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Building Bridges between Chan Buddhism and Confucianism

Ceremonial Splendor

Performing Priesthood in Early Modern France Joy Palacios

A Comparative Hermeneutics of Qisong's "Essays on Assisting the Teaching" Diana Arghirescu

August 2022 288pp 11 hts. 9781512822786 £47.00/ $54.95 HB


By the end of France’s long seventeenth century, the seminary-trained, reformminded Catholic priest had crystalized into a type recognizable by his clothing, gestures, and ceremonial skill. Ceremonial Splendor examines the way France’s early seminaries promoted the emergence and construc�on of the true churchman as a mode of embodiment and ecclesias�cal ideal between approximately 1630 and 1730.

World Philosophies December 2022 336pp 9780253063687 £39.00/ $45.00 PB 9780253063670 £77.00/ $90.00 HB


Explores the close connec�ons between Buddhism and Confucianism during China's Song period (960–1279).

City of Saints

Convening Black Intimacy

Rebuilding Rome in the Early Middle Ages Maya Maskarinec

Christianity, Gender, and Tradition in Early TwentiethCentury South Africa Natasha Erlank

The Middle Ages Series October 2022 320pp 21 color, 33 b&w illus. 9781512823721 £28.99/ $34.95 PB


New African Histories November 2022 280pp 9780821424995 £28.99/ $34.95 PB 9780821424988 £69.00/ $80.00 HB


It was far from inevitable that Rome would emerge as the spiritual center of Western Chris�anity in the early Middle Ages. Conven�onal narra�ves explain the rise of Chris�an Rome as resul�ng from an increasingly powerful papacy. Maskarinec looks outward, to examine how Rome interacted with the wider Mediterranean world in the Byzan�ne period.


This social history of twen�eth-century Black in�macy and family life in South Africa is the first book to demonstrate the singular role of Chris�anity in reshaping sexual and marital tradi�ons.

Cultures Colliding

Disability's Challenge to Theology

American Missionaries, Chinese Resistance, and the Rise of Modern Institutions in China John R Haddad

Genes, Eugenics, and the Metaphysics of Modern Medicine Devan Stahl

January 2023 364pp 1 map 9781439911617 £34.00/ $39.95 PB 9781439911600 £100.00/ $125.50 HB

August 2022 316pp 9780268202972 £65.00/ $75.00 HB



This book uses insights from disability studies to understand in a deeper way the ethical implica�ons that gene�c technologies pose for Chris�an thought. Devan Stahl argues that engagement with metaphysics and a theology of nature is crucial for Chris�ans to evaluate both gene�c science and the moral use of gene�c technologies.

Why American missionaries started building schools, colleges, medical schools, hospitals, and YMCA chapters in China before 1900. Haddad recounts the unexpected origins and rapid rise of American ins�tu�ons in China by telling the stories of the Americans who established these ins�tu�ons and the Chinese who changed them from within. Excludes Asia Pacific


Eternity in the Ether A Mormon Media History Gavin Feller

Everyday Religiosity and the Politics of Belonging in Ukraine

History of Communica�on December 2022 216pp 8 b&w photos 9780252086854 £20.99/ $25.00 PB 9780252044762 £88.00/ $110.00 HB

November 2022 246pp 24 b&w hts. 9781501764981 £20.99/ $24.95 PB 9781501764950 £108.00/ $125.00 HB

Catherine Wanner



Inves�gates the impact of radio, television, and the internet on Mormonism and what it tells us about new media’s integra�on into American life. As Feller shows, the conflicts they faced illuminate the fundamental forces of control and compromise that enmesh an emerging medium in American social and cultural life.

Vibrant forms of everyday religiosity pave the way for religion to be weaponized and securi�zed to advance poli�cal agendas in Ukraine and beyond. Based on ethnographic data and interviews conducted since before the Revolu�on of Dignity and the outbreak of armed comba�n 2014, Wanner inves�gates the condi�ons that catapulted religiosity, religious ins�tu�ons, and religious leaders to the forefront of poli�cs and geopoli�cs.

Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Faith in Exposure

For Putin and for Sharia

Privacy and Secularism in the Nineteenth-Century United States Justine S. Murison

Dagestani Muslims and the Islamic State Iwona Kaliszewska

Early American Studies December 2022 320pp 15 illus. 9781512823516 £47.00/ $55.00 HB


NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies February 2023 168pp 24 color hts. 9781501767630 £17.99/ $21.95 PB



Recent legal history in the US reveals a hardening tendency to treat religious freedom and sexual and reproduc�ve freedom as compe�ng claims on public life. They are united, though, by the fact that both are rooted in our culture’s understanding of privacy. Faith in Exposure shows how, over the course of the nineteenth century, privacy came to encompass such contradic�ons.

Examines what it means to support sharia in twentyfirst century Dagestan, where calls for an Islamic state coexist with nostalgia for the days of Stalin's rule and Mecca calendars hang alongside portraits of Pu�n. Included is the self-reflec�on of a researcher in a conflict zone, how the experience can shi� understanding of the ways people think and live.

Gender Essentialism and Orthodoxy

Grace and Gratitude Spirituality in Martin Luther Edited by Roger Haight, Alfred Pach & Amanda Avila Kaminski

Beyond Male and Female Bryce E. Rich

Orthodox Chris�anity and Contemporary Thought November 2022 272pp 9781531501532 £28.99/ $35.00 PB 9781531501525 £100.00/ $125.00 HB

Past Light on Present Life: Theology, Ethics, and Spirituality May 2022 120pp 9781531502225 £7.99/ $9.95 PB



Mar�n Luther (1483-1546) is a classic Chris�an author who spearheaded the Reforma�on and whose witness has relevance for life in the present-day world. Grace and Gra�tude presents two texts that represent his spirituality. They open up a specific, central, and dis�nc�ve mark of his concep�on of the structure of Chris�an life.

Within contemporary Orthodoxy, debates over sex and gender have become increasingly polemical over the past genera�on. Gender Essen�alism and Orthodoxy offers an immanent cri�que of gender essen�alism in the stream of the contemporary Orthodox Church influenced by the “Paris School” of Russian émigré theologians and their heirs. 3

Holy Envy

Imperial Zions

Writing in the Jewish Christian Borderzone Maeera Shreiber

Religion, Race, and Family in the American West and the Pacific Amanda Hendrix-Komoto

November 2022 208pp 1 b&w illus. 9781531501730 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781531501723 £84.00/ $105.00 HB

Studies in Pacific Worlds October 2022 276pp 8 photos 9781496233462 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781496214607 £85.00/ $99.00 HB


Among the great social shi�s of the post-World-War II era is the unlikely sea-change in Jewish Chris�an rela�ons. Holy Envy charts a new way of thinking about interreligious rela�ons, focusing on modern and contemporary writers (novelists and poets) who traffic in the vola�le space between Judaism and Chris�anity.


Explores the importance of the body in La�er-day Saint theology through the faith’s a�empts to spread its gospel as a “civilizing” force, highligh�ng the intertwining of La�er-day Saint theology and American ideas about race, sexuality, and colonialism.

In the Beginning Was the State

In the Shadow of Ebenezer

Divine Violence in the Hebrew Bible Adi M. Ophir

A Black Catholic Parish in the Age of Civil Rights and Vatican II Leah Mickens

Idiom: Inven�ng Wri�ng Theory October 2022 336pp 9781531501419 £28.99/ $35.00 PB 9781531501402 £100.00/ $125.00 HB

December 2022 224pp 8 b&w illus. 9781479816507 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781479816491 £77.00/ $89.00 HB



Uncovers how the Civil Rights Movement and Va�can II affected African American Catholics in Atlanta. Featuring archival and oral history sources, the book examines the religious and cultural life of the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, showing how this Black Catholic congrega�on fit into the overall religious ecology of the neighborhood.

This book explores God’s use of violence as depicted in the Hebrew Bible. Ophir shows how the Bible’s varied forma�ons of divine violence an�cipate the main outlines of the modern European state. A cri�que of the modern state, the book argues, must begin in unpacking its mostly repressed theological dimension.

Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Just War and Christian Traditions

Making Martyrs East and West

December 2022 340pp 1 table 9780268203825 £39.00/ $45.00 PB 9780268203818 £100.00/ $125.00 HB

January 2023 210pp 9781501768248 £22.99/ $27.95 PB

Edited by Eric Patterson & J. Daryl Charles Foreword by John Ashcroft

Canonization in the Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches Cathy Caridi CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS


For centuries, Catholics in the Western world and the Orthodox in Russia have venerated certain saints as martyrs. Caridi examines how the prac�ce of canoniza�on developed in the West and in Russia, focusing on procedural elements that became established requirements for someone to be recognized as a saint and a martyr.

Recent Chris�an reflec�on on war has largely ignored ques�ons of whether and how war can be just. The contributors to Just War and Chris�an Tradi�ons provide a clear overview of the history and parameters of just war thinking and a much-needed and original evalua�on of how Chris�an tradi�ons and denomina�ons may employ this thinking today. 4

Martin Luther and the Council of Trent

On Salafism

Concepts and Contexts Azmi Bishara

The Battle over Scripture and the Doctrine of Justification Peter M. Folan SJ

Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Socie�es and Cultures September 2022 232pp 9781503630352 £52.00/ $60.00 HB

October 2022 360pp 7 tables 9780268203290 £82.00/ $95.00 HB



On Salafism offers a compelling new understanding of this phenomenon, both its development and contemporary manifesta�ons. Salafism became associated with fundamentalism when the 9/11 Commission used it to explain the terror a�acks and has since been connected with the violence of the so-called Islamic State.

Seeking to understand the doctrine of jus�fica�on by way of biblical hermeneu�cs, this book uncovers the differences between Mar�n Luther and the Council of Trent that set them on a collision course for conflict, and the church toward what has arguably been its most significant division in the West.

On the Medieval Structure of Spirituality

Order out of Chaos

Islam, Information, and the Rise and Fall of Social Orders in Iraq David Siddhartha Patel

Thomas Aquinas Edited by Roger Haight, Alfred Pach & Amanda Avila Kaminski

Religion and Conflict January 2023 240pp 2 b&w hts., 7 maps, 1 chart 9781501767944 £25.99/ $30.95 PB

Past Light on Present Life: Theology, Ethics, and Spirituality


Explains why Iraqis turned to the mosque a�er state collapse. Combining ra�onal choice approaches, ethnographic understanding, and GIS analysis, Patel reveals the interconnectedness of the enduring problem of how socie�es create social order in a stateless environment, the origins and limits of poli�cal authority and leadership, and the social and poli�cal salience of collec�ve iden�ty.

May 2022 120pp 9781531502195 £7.99/ $9.95 PB


If Thomas Aquinas was born in 1225 as it is commonly thought, then he died before reaching the age of fi�y a�er producing the single-most influen�al systema�c theology of the Western Chris�an tradi�on.

Origen and the Emergence of Divine Simplicity before Nicaea

Óscar Romero’s Theological Vision

November 2022 320pp 2 b&w illus. 9780268203610 £73.00/ $85.00 HB

July 2022 418pp 9780268104740 £28.99/ $35.00 PB

Liberation and the Transfiguration of the Poor Edgardo Colón-Emeric

Pui Him Ip



For centuries, Chris�an theology affirmed God as simple (haplous) and Triune. But the doctrine of the simple Trinity has been challenged by modern cri�cs of classical theism. How can a God, conceived as purely one without mul�plicity, be a Trinity? This book sets a new historical founda�on for addressing this ques�on by tracing how divine simplicity emerged as a key no�on in early Chris�anity.

Colón-Emeric explores the life and theological vision of Archbishop and Saint Óscar Romero, one of the founders of libera�on theology, which interprets Scripture through the plight of the poor.


Pastoral Care and Community in Late Medieval Germany

Philosophy of the Name Sergii Bulgakov Translated by Thomas Allan Smith

Albert of Diessen's "Mirror of Priests" Deeana Copeland Klepper

NIU Series in Orthodox Chris�an Studies October 2022 360pp 9781501765650 £47.00/ $54.95 HB

Medieval Socie�es, Religions, and Cultures December 2022 258pp 23 b&w hts., 4 maps 9781501766152 £47.00/ $54.95 HB


Offers a philosophy of language for contemporary theologians of all confessions who wrestle with the issue of language and God. It is a persuasive apologia for the mysterious power of words and an appeal to make use of words responsibly not only when speaking about God but equally when communica�ng with others.


Explores how local religious culture was constructed in medieval European Chris�an society through close study of a set of neglected, late fourteenthcentury manuscripts. This book offers fresh insights into the role of parish priests, the pastoral manual genre, and late medieval religious life.

Practicing Sectarianism


The Evolution of a People and Their Identity Charles Price

Archival and Ethnographic Interventions on Lebanon Edited by Lara Deeb, Tsolin Nalbantian & Nadya Sbaiti

November 2022 352pp 24 b&w illus. 9781479888122 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781479807154 £77.00/ $89.00 HB


November 2022 272pp 9781503633865 £22.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503631090 £77.00/ $90.00 HB

Illuminates how the Rastafari movement managed to evolve in the face of severe biases. Rastafari shows how this cultural and poli�cal context helped to shape the development of a Black collec�ve iden�ty, demonstra�ng how Rastafarians confronted society-wide ridicule and oppression and emerged prouder and more united, steadfast in their convic�on that they were a chosen people.


Prac�cing Sectarianism brings anthropologists and historians together to inves�gate the imagina�ve and contradictory ways people live and prac�ce sectarianism in their everyday lives, with the ul�mate goal of destabilizing sect as a category and sectarianism as a concept.

Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Religion and Broken Solidarities

Renewing Theology

Ignatian Spirituality and Karl Rahner, Ignacio Ellacuría, and Pope Francis J. Matthew Ashley

Feminism, Race, and Transnationalism Edited by Atalia Omer & Joshua Lupo

July 2022 460pp 9780268203177 £69.00/ $80.00 HB

Contending Moderni�es December 2022 188pp 9780268203863 £28.99/ $35.00 PB 9780268203856 £86.00/ $100.00 HB


This comprehensive study inves�gates the role that Igna�an spirituality has played in the renewal of academic theology using three prominent Jesuits as case studies. J. Ma�hew Ashley turns to Igna�an spirituality and three prominent twen�eth-century theologians who embraced its spiritual resources: Karl Rahner, Ignacio Ellacuría, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio—that is, Pope Francis.


The contributors to this original volume provide a new and nuanced approach to studying how discourses of religion shape public domains in sites of poli�cal contesta�on and “broken solidari�es.” 6

Retrieving Freedom

Sacrifice and Regeneration

The Christian Appropriation of Classical Tradition D. C. Schindler

Seventh-day Adventism and Religious Transformation in the Andes Yael Mabat

Catholic Ideas for a Secular World October 2022 550pp 9780268203702 £52.00/ $60.00 HB

December 2022 314pp 2 photos, 6 maps, 1 table, 8 graphs 9781496233530 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781496216700 £85.00/ $99.00 HB


Retrieving Freedom is a provoca�ve, big-picture book, taking a long view of the “rise and fall” of the classical understanding of freedom. In response to the evident shortcomings of the no�on of freedom that dominates contemporary discourse, Retrieving Freedom seeks to return to the sources of the Western tradi�on to recover a more adequate understanding.


Focuses on the extraordinary success of Seventhday Adven�sm in the Andean plateau at the beginning of the twen�eth century and sheds light on the historical trajectories of Protestan�sm in La�n America.


Sounding the Word of God

Sex, Gender, and the Contest for Souls in the Second Great Awakening Rodney Hessinger

Carolingian Books for Singers Susan Rankin

Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies November 2022 490pp 43 color illus., 24 music examples, 16 tables 9780268203436 £82.00/ $95.00 HB

December 2022 222pp 15 b&w hts. 9781501766473 £28.99/ $34.95 HB



Examines how the Second Great Awakening disrupted gender norms across a breadth of denomina�ons. The displacement and internal migra�on of Americans created ripe condi�ons for religious compe��on in the North. Opening their own hearts to new religious impulses, some religious visionaries offered up radical new dispensa�ons. A wide array of churches, including Methodists, Bap�sts, Mormons, Shakers, Catholics, and Perfec�onists joined the fray.

Drawing on a wide context of bookmaking, this sweeping study traces fundamental changes in books made to support musical prac�ce during the Carolingian Renaissance. Susan Rankin explores Carolingian concern with the expression and control of sound in wri�ng—discernible through instruc�ons for readers and singers visible in liturgical books.

Specters of God

Sufi Deleuze

An Anatomy of the Apophatic Imagination John D. Caputo

Secretions of Islamic Atheism Michael Muhammad Knight October 2022 208pp 4 b&w illus. 9781531501815 £20.99/ $25.00 PB 9781531501808 £77.00/ $90.00 HB

October 2022 416pp 9780253063014 £33.00/ $38.00 PB 9780253063007 £73.00/ $85.00 HB



In Sufi Deleuze, Michael Muhammad Knight engages Deleuzian ques�ons and themes from within Islamic tradi�on. Even if Deleuze did not think of himself as a theologian, Knight argues, to place Deleuze in conversa�on with Islam is a project of compara�ve theology and faces the challenge of any compara�ve theology: it seemingly demands that complex, internally diverse tradi�ons can speak as coherent, monolithic wholes.

In dialogue with Schelling, a new turn for him and the lynchpin of this argument, Caputo addresses the nocturnal powers in being, the specters that haunt our being and bring us up short. Caputo returns to the original impulse of his work, the "mys�cal element" in things, here under the name of an "anxious apopha�cs," as dis�nct from an "edifying apopha�cs" anchored in unity with God. 7

The Book of Revolutions

The Messiah Confrontation

September 2022 320pp 1 photo, 1 map, 6 tables 9780827615229 £24.99/ $29.95 PB

November 2022 224pp 9780827615533 £24.99/ $29.95 HB

The Battles of Priests, Prophets, and Kings That Birthed the Torah Edward Feld

Pharisees versus Sadducees and the Death of Jesus Israel Knohl Translated by David Maisel



The Book of Revolu�ons unveils the epic saga of ancient Israel as the visionary legacy of inspired authors in different �mes and places, and the Torah as an emblem of pluralis�c belief born of three revolu�onary moments in history that preserved spiritual reali�es that con�nue to speak powerfully to us today.

Casts new and fascina�ng light on why Jesus was killed. The Messiah Confronta�on argues that Jesus was convicted and crucified because of a confronta�on between two Jewish ideologies— expec�ng a Messiah or rejec�ng the Messiah idea— in which Jesus and the Pharisees (the majority of Jews) were actually on the same side.

The Moralist International

The Mystical Presence of Christ

Russia in the Global Culture Wars

The Exceptional and the Ordinary in Late Medieval Religion Richard Kieckhefer

Kristina Stoeckl & Dmitry Uzlaner Series edited by Aristotle Papanikolaou & Ashley M. Purpura

Medieval Socie�es, Religions, and Cultures September 2022 382pp 4 b&w hts. 9781501765117 £47.00/ $54.95 HB

Orthodox Chris�anity and Contemporary Thought December 2022 208pp 9781531502157 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781531502133 £84.00/ $105.00 HB


The Mys�cal Presence of Christ inves�gates the connec�ons between excep�onal experiences of Christ's presence and ordinary devo�on to Christ in the late medieval West.


Analyzes the role of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian state in the global culture wars over gender- and reproduc�ve rights and religious freedom.

The New Heretics

The Requirements of the Sufi Path

Skepticism, Secularism, and Progressive Christianity Rebekka King

A Defense of the Mystical Tradition Ibn Khaldūn Edited & Translated by Carolyn Baugh

February 2023 256pp 1 b&w illus. 9781479836147 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781479822065 £77.00/ $89.00 HB


Library of Arabic Literature October 2022 320pp 9781479806331 £24.99/ $30.00 HB

Drawing on three years of ethnographic fieldwork in North America, Rebekka King focuses on tes�monies of deconversion, collec�ve reading prac�ces, and the ways in which religious beliefs and prac�ces are adapted to fit secular lives. Ul�mately, the book showcases the importance of engaging with the ethics of belief in understanding contemporary Chris�anity.


Sufism through the eyes of a legal scholar. In The Requirements of the Sufi Path, the renowned North African historian and jurist Ibn Khaldūn applies his analy�cal powers to Sufism, which he deems a bona fide form of Islamic piety.

Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ


Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

The Whole Mystery of Christ

The Women’s Mosque of America

October 2022 390pp 9780268203474 £60.00/ $70.00 HB

November 2022 288pp 4 b&w illus. 9781479811304 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781479811298 £77.00/ $89.00 HB

Creation as Incarnation in Maximus Confessor Jordan Daniel Wood

Authority and Community in US Islam Tazeen M. Ali



Jordan Daniel Wood changes the trajectory of patris�c scholarship with this comprehensive historical and systema�c study of one of the most crea�ve and profound thinkers of the patris�c era: Maximus Confessor (560–662 CE). His panoramic vantage on Maximus’s thought emulates the theological depth of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Cosmic Liturgy while also serving as a correc�ve to that classic text.

Analyzes how American Muslim women assert themselves as religious actors in the US and beyond, using the Qur’an as a tool for social jus�ce and community building in The Women’s Mosque of America (WMA), a mul�racial, women-only mosque in Los Angeles, is the first of its kind in the United States. Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

The World and God Are Not-Two

To Bring the Good News to All Nations

Compara�ve Theology: Thinking Across Tradi�ons December 2022 256pp 9781531502058 £28.99/ $35.00 PB 9781531502041 £108.00/ $135.00 HB

The United States in the World November 2022 312pp 12 b&w hts. 9781501768194 £26.99/ $32.95 PB

A Hindu–Christian Conversation Daniel Soars

Evangelical Influence on Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Relations Lauren Frances Turek



When American evangelicals travelled abroad in the late twen�eth century to fulfill their Biblical mandate for global evangelism, their experiences led them to engage more deeply in foreign policy ac�vism at home. Lauren Frances Turek tracks these trends and illuminates the complex and significant ways in which religion shaped America's role in the late–Cold War world.

The World and God are Not-Two is a book about how the God in whom Chris�ans believe ought to be understood. The key conceptual argument that runs throughout is that the dis�nc�ve rela�on between the world and God in Chris�an theology is best understood as a non-dualis�c one.

To Govern Is to Serve

Trading Futures

An Essay on Medieval Democracy Jacques Dalarun Translated by Sean L. Field Foreword by M. Cecilia Gaposchkin & Anne E. Lester

A Theological Critique of Financialized Capitalism Filipe Maia November 2022 224pp 9781478018780 £20.99/ $25.95 PB


Medieval Socie�es, Religions, and Cultures February 2023 240pp 3 b&w hts. 9781501768354 £21.99/ $26.95 PB

Offers a theological reflec�on on hope and the future, calling for escape routes from the debt economy. Drawing on Marxism, con�nental philosophy, and La�n American libera�on theology, Maia provides a cri�cal portrayal of financializa�on as a death-dealing mechanism that colonizes the future in its own image.


Explores the prac�ces of collec�ve governance in medieval religious orders that turned the precepts of the Gospels—most notably that "the first will be last, the last will be first"—into prac�ces of communal delibera�on and the elec�on of superiors. 9

Unholy Catholic Ireland

Vernacular Religion Collected Essays of Leonard Norman Primiano Edited by Deborah Dash Moore

Religious Hypocrisy, Secular Morality, and Irish Irreligion Hugh Turpin

Foreword by Judith Weisenfeld

Spiritual Phenomena September 2022 344pp 9781503633131 £22.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503613157 £77.00/ $90.00 HB

North American Religions December 2022 336pp 16 color illus. 9781479818679 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781479818662 £77.00/ $89.00 HB



There are few instances of a contemporary Western European society more firmly welded to religion than Ireland is to Catholicism. In this book, Turpin offers an innova�ve and in-depth account of the nature and emergence of "ex-Catholicism"—a new model of the good, and secular, Irish person that is being rapidly adopted in Irish society.

A comprehensive collec�on of the pioneering work of Leonard Norman Primiano, providing a founda�onal look at one of the preeminent scholars of twen�eth-century religious studies. Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Western Monastic Spirituality

Wisdom's Journey

Continental Mysticism and Popular Devotion in England, 1350–1650 Steven Rozenski

Cassian, Caesarius of Arles, and Benedict Edited by Roger Haight, Alfred Pach & Amanda Avila Kaminski

July 2022 350pp 7 b&w illus. 9780268202767 £100.00/ $125.00 HB


Past Light on Present Life: Theology, Ethics, and Spirituality

Wisdom’s Journey reopens old discussions and addresses new ones concerning late medieval devo�onal texts, par�cularly those showing con�nental and German influences. Rozenski examines the forms and strategies of late medieval transla�on, of early modern engagement with Con�nental medieval devo�on, and of the la�er’s literary a�erlives in English-speaking communi�es.

May 2022 120pp 9781531502164 £7.99/ $9.95 PB


Western Monas�c Spirituality presents three authors as individuals, certainly, but also as textual informants who, like road markers, represent a line of the development of a Western monas�c spiritual tradi�on.

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