ShipBuilding Industry issue 5 2020

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SBI 2020 | VOLUME 14 | ISSUE 5

Experience the Progress.

SB I VOL. 14 ISSUE 5 | 2020

ShipBuilding i n d u s t r y

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• Up to 1000 t lifting capacity and 42 m outreach – Ready for a wide range of heavy lift projects • Low self-weight and centre of gravity – Increased stability and faster balasting • Litronic® crane control – Highest precision, speed and safety without control delay • LiDAT data transfer – Quick troubleshooting on the crane monitor and by remote service • Heavy lift ship cranes – Proven Liebherr technology and professional service worldwide


Liebherr CBB series: High performance for heavy lift

the 100 th cruise ship BUILT by Fincatieri

smm digital 2021 bringing the maritime community together online

Biofouling in the spotlight A NEW STUDY ON PAINTS & COATINGS




ALUShip Connect



ALUShip Connect



Kab elvägen 5 S E -364 4 3 ALSTERMO SWED EN in fo@amokab fi n d out more at a mo ka b el . co m/alush i pcon n ect

KOHLER® marine generators feature a built-in paralleling system. If one generator goes down, the second one takes on the load automatically. So you’re never down and always earning. Visit


Sharing ideas, inspiring change Numerous eveNts had to be rescheduled this year aNd various compaNies Needed to rethiNk their strategies. but we also saw maNy New coNcepts beiNg borN aNd Novel, iNspiriNg ways of workiNg aNd commuNicatiNg together. As we reflect on 2020, it has clearly been a tough year, although it has also created solidarity within the sector. Just like other trade events this year, leading international trade fair SMM recently opted to organise a purely digital event due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The SMM team is working full steam on creating formats that will digitally unite the maritime community from 2 to 5 February 2021 (page 14). When it comes to deck equipment & machinery, Sauer Compressors is breaking new ground with the design of the Levante series. The new three-stage air-cooled compressors are compact, highly reliable, and low-maintenance (page 38). You can read all about the completion of two major milestones on our ship report pages. Learn more about Enchanted Princess, which is the 100th cruise ship delivered by Fincantieri (page 10), and about the launch of Deme’s first-ever Service Operation Vessel (SOV) called Groene Wind (page 34). In this issue we will explore the theme of ‘big data’, as we take a closer look at innovation with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the development of a new AI tool to enable a service called Shipbuilder SENSE (page 24). We also hear from NAPA Design Director Tapio Hulkkonen about the need to move automated ship design into the 21st century (page 40). Turn to our paints & coatings pages for the latest on Neoguard Toughness, a coating by Nippon Paint Marine that is making quite an impact on the bulk sector (page 36). Or learn about a new study carried out by I-tech AB demonstrating that shipping needs to take a more proactive stance on biofouling and could benefit from antifouling coatings containing Selektope (page 17). With regard to Ship Design, we will introduce sailing cargo vessel Oceanbird, a concept for a PCTC (Pure Car and Truck Carrier) with a capacity to carry 7,000 cars (page 28). This issue furthermore features different companies sharing ideas and making inspiring changes such as Dometic Marine (page 20), Rustibus (page 26), and NR Cooling Services (page 32). Let’s continue to connect (online) in 2021. Sanny Ensing editor

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Complete and Certified Automation Solutions Robust. Connected. Secure. Bachmann electronic GmbH is the high-tech specialist for automation, visualization and monitoring.

Connected Our systems communicate in multiple languages.

Robust High performance systems designed for the toughest conditions.

Secure With us, security is fundamental and integrated. SMM 2021 Hamburg, Germany February 2-5, 2021


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Controller system at -30 °C in use.

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ISSUE 5 | 2020



38 28



Innovation with Artificial Intelligence – Shipbuilder SENSE Service 40 A new dimension for ship design – NAPA Design looks to the future



Sauer Compressors – Breaking new ground with the Levante series



Robust Rustibus – User-friendly products that last



Biofouling in the spotlight – A study by I-Tech AB 36 Making impact on bulk sector – Neoguard Toughness by Nippon Paint Marine



Sailing cargo vessel Oceanbird – Concept presented by research project wPCC



Enchanted Princess – The 100th cruise ship delivered by Fincatieri 34 Launching Groene Wind – DEME’s first ever SOV


01 04 46 48

Welcome News in Brief Yellow & Finch pages Next issues & Colophon



Dometic Marine – Improving onboard life for professional mariners 32 NR Cooling Services – Taking on a new course 42 IMO – Rallying efforts to protect biodiversity



SMM goes digital – Bringing the maritime community together online in 2021 On the COver

Enchanted Princess is the 100th cruise ship delivered by Fincantieri in the last thirty years. Photo Courtesy of Fincantieri.

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news in brief

Scalable solution for condition monitoring on ships Built upon the extensive experience gained over the past 20 years, Bachmann now presents a PLC-based CMS solution. The CMSPLC task runs directly on the M1 controller and integrates the condition monitoring process in your application. Bachmann offers a modular solution, providing users with a highly cost-effective start that can easily be extended step by step to a full online 24/7 monitored system. The configuration is realised by a web interface that can also be extended. Measurement and triggering can be realised with the configurable multipurpose analogue-digital modules. The range of AIC2xx modules provides state-of-the-art vibration sensor interfaces. Register LowLow-Low-High-HighHigh values, 24/7 RMS recording, event based recording (incl. time stamps) alarming, data storage, and much more. i.

EasyMax 2’s successful launch Yard number 851 – the EasyMax 2 vessel – was successfully launched at shipyard Royal Niestern Sander. For Wagenborg and its affiliated owners, this new build is the successor of the award-winning Egbert Wagenborg. With a cargo capacity of more than 14,000t and a hold capacity of 625,000cbft, Niestern Sander was able to build a relatively large vessel without a major increase in overall dimensions. With an installed power of less than 3,000kW, this vessel has low fuel consumption and due to her design, an excellent seakeeping performance. The focus on energy efficiency resulted in over 60% savings on CO2 emissions compared to her peer group, making EasyMax the greenest multipurpose vessel in her class. i.

All-electric Niagara Falls tour ferries enter service Maid of the Mist launched a new generation of iconic ferries that run purely on sustainable power enabled by ABB. The zero-emission ferries – named James V. Glynn and Nikola Tesla, respectively in honour of the Maid of the Mist chairman and the renowned energy pioneer – are the first all-electric vessels built in the United States, with power drawn from a high-capacity battery pack supplied and integrated by ABB. In addition to batteries, ABB also supplied a comprehensive integrated power and propulsion solution for the newbuild vessels, including an offshore charging system, enabling sustainable operation with maximum reliability.



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news in brief Marpro opens Rotterdam office Danish maritime recruiter Marpro is expanding its business in the Netherlands and will open a branch office in Rotterdam. Marpro has taken the maritime recruitment market by storm over the last few years and besides being responsible for delivering high-quality, strongly-motivated maritime employees for shore-based employments, Marpro is also becoming an ever more important matchmaker for strong international partnerships, matching companies to, for instance, sales agents and representatives across the globe. i.

Keel-laying ceremony for SH Minerva The keel-laying ceremony for the first of Swan Hellenic’s two new ice-class expedition cruise ships took place in Helsinki. The ship’s first 347t block was set on the keel on top of coins for good luck in accordance with ancient maritime custom. The ship was christened SH Minerva in honour of the iconic company’s first purpose-built vessel, named after the Roman goddess of creativity and wisdom. SH Minerva will feature a 4.6MW diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system with selective catalytic reduction, 3MW max. battery package and PC5 icestrengthened hull. At 113m, the 10.500t vessel has been specially designed to explore the most inspiring and inaccessible places on the planet. i.

M E a ve rit n im 2 – ts e SM 5 F e

b O M rua nl D i r i n g y, sm e it 2 m eve a l 021 -h n am t bu 12 rg .c – S e 15 om at A M r a pr ia d il s e mi, e C 202 a t Fl r u 1 r a or i s d e ida e G cr lo ui ba 18 se l gl – M 20 ob ar M al .c G i t i ay om or m 2 e i c 0 m h I 2 a r em n d 1 it im , T ust e - he r y in N 1 d u et – s t he N 4J r y rla o r un .n n l ds O -Sh e 2 sl o, i p p 02 no N i 1 r- or n g sh w i p ay pi ng 7 – .c om 7 th 8 J un I e n M t ad e r 20 l n rid n a 21 gc , S tio o n pa n g r in a l LN es 8 s. G co – C on m T O 10 gr C Ju es R E u ne ot r 2 s t o 0 e t o rd p 2 1 c- a e e v m, en T t s he -e N 22 u r et – o p he E l 24 e . rla ec J c o nd Am t r un m s i st c a e 2 e l er n 02 ec d d 1 a w t r i m, h y b or ca T r l d n d he i d ex h m p o y b Ne a r . c r i d the i n o m m rl e a r an w i n ds o r ld e




February s h i p b u i l d i n g - i n d u str

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news in brief Incat launches Buccoo Reef Incat Tasmania’s latest vessel, a 100m vessel destined for Trinidad and Tobago, was floated out of Incat’s drydock on Hobart’s Derwent River in October. It will remain alongside the shipyard wharf for machinery commissioning. Incat’s hull 094 will be delivered for service on the sea bridge between Port of Spain, Trinidad and Scarborough, Tobago. The passenger deck has a capacity for 1,000 persons. The vehicle deck offers 175 full height truck lane metres, plus capacity for 182 cars. Buccoo Reef will achieve a top speed of over 40 knots with powering by four MAN 16V 28/33 STC marine diesel engines each rated at 7280kW, Wartsila WXJ 1200 SRI waterjets, and ZF 53500NR2H gearboxes. Passenger comfort is enhanced with a Naiad Dynamics active ride control system combining active trim tabs aft and a retractable T-foil located at the aft end of the centre bow. i.




130 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Shipyard De Hoop concentrates on designing, engineering and building custom vessels, for both the inland and seagoing markets. The yard has all the core disciplines in house to provide clients with creative and innovative solutions, both in design and production. De Hoop is committed to a customer-oriented, goal-based approach in which quality and flexibility are paramount.

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news in brief Maritime Partner delivers ambulance boat After four months of outfitting at Maritime Partner’s shipyard, Norway’s largest ambulance catamaran named MV Thea Jensen has been handed over to shipowner Loppa Legeskyssbåter (Loppa Ambulanceboats.) It is Maritime Partner’s build number 2168. She will be stationed in Øksfjord in northern Norway and will be operated in the area of Loppa, Hasvik, and the outer Altafjord. The shipowner has an 8 + 1 + 1 year contract with Finnmark Hospital in Hammerfest to operate the service. A new foil system for ride comfort has been tested during the sea trials. This is a completely new product that is designed to reduce rolling/stamping in the sea by about 30%. i.

Finnish Navy Selects MAN 175D MAN Energy Solutions has announced the latest order for its MAN 175D four-stroke engine in connection with building four corvettes for the Finnish Navy. Each of the four ships will be equipped with 4 × MAN 12V175D-MEL GenSets with a total output of 7,700kW (4 × 1920kW), 16 GenSets in total. Rauma Marine Constructions, which is based in Rauma, southwestern Finland, will construct the vessels for the so-called ‘Squadron 2020’ project between 2022-2025. The first test-runs at sea are already scheduled for 2024, with all vessels projected for completion by 2028. The Squadron 2020 project is a Finnish naval project that aims to replace seven older vessels. The four modern corvettes will subsequently form the backbone of the navy into the 2050s. i.

Schottel EcoPeller for inspection vessel Schottel’s highly efficient EcoPellers will propel a new fishery inspection vessel ordered by the governmental Danish Fisheries Agency and under construction at Hvide Sande Shipyard. Beyond this, one Schottel Rim Thruster will provide maximum manoeuvrability and ensure lowest noise levels at the same time. The new vessel will be driven by two Schottel EcoPellers type SRE 360 CP (1,500kW each) featuring a propeller diameter of 2.3m. Latter ones will be driven by electric motors. The thrusters allow economical operation of the newly-built vessel at a free running speed of 17.5 knots. Thanks to the SRE’s outstanding overall propulsion efficiency and course-keeping stability, it is characterised by low fuel consumption, resulting in reduced operating costs and reduced emissions. i.


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news in brief Outfitting starts for next Lindblad Expedition’s cruise vessel The hull of the National Geographic Resolution, a polar expedition cruise vessel for Lindblad Expeditions, has arrived at Ulstein Verft shipyard in Norway. Comprehensive outfitting work will now commence. For the time being, expedition cruising is on hold due to the worldwide COVID-19 situation. The National Geographic Resolution is still planned for delivery in 2021. The hull will be transferred to the yard’s dock hall, where insulation work, electrical installations, and hotel outfitting will begin. All major equipment including engines and thrusters were installed in Poland. Her sister vessel National Geographic Endurance is currently also moored at Ulstein Verft. This vessel was delivered last March. She will make her inaugural voyage when Lindblad reactivates travel. i.

Hydro partners with Arksen The partnership with aluminium producer Hydro provides UKbased marine adventure company Arksen with access to both rolled and extruded marine-grade aluminium, as well as Hydro’s experience in developing cost-effective, efficient, and strong solutions for the marine industry. This helps Arksen with its goal of developing a fleet of more-sustainable vessels suitable for ocean research and conservation. The aluminum is made from a combination of process scrap and recycled aluminium, combined with primary aluminium. This offers a low-carbon alternative that is manufactured by using renewable energy. The first vessel, the Arksen 85 Project Ocean, is now being built at the aluminium specialist Wight Shipyard on the Isle of Wight in the UK. i.

New intelligent SOV/gangway concept To meet the future requirements of the offshore wind industry in overall project logistics and turbine-related O&M activities, Spanish engineering company Marcelo Penna Engineering and Dutch specialist in designing and manufacturing offshore transfer equipment Safeway, have joined forces to design an intelligent Service Operation Vessel with a very high focus on crew comfort, safety, reliability, and workability, in combination with lowering costs. The outcome of the collaboration is the DP2 MP625 SOV, with a recently introduced Safeway Gannet 3D motion-compensated offshore access system with its unique features, which include zero impact bumpering or hover-mode, and roll compensation capability. i. i. | Read more on

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ship report

Fincantieri delivers Enchanted Princess A LivE viDEO MESSAGE wAS SEnT By iTALiAn PRiME MiniSTER GiUSEPPE COnTE TO CELEBRATE THE DELivERy AT MOnFALCOnE SHiPyARD OF EnCHAnTED Princess to Princess Cruises, a Carnival Corporation & plc brand. She is the 100th cruise ship delivered by Fincantieri in the last thirty years. All Photos COURTESy OF FinCAnTiERi.

The ceremony was virtually attended from the United States by Chairman of Carnival Corporation Micky Arison, President and CEO of Carnival Corporation Arnold Donald, Group CEO of Princess Cruises, Holland America Line, Seabourn, Carnival Australia and Carnival UK Stein Kruse, and Group President of Princess Cruises and Carnival Australia Jan Swartz. Fincantieri was represented by CEO Giuseppe Bono, while Chairman Giampiero Massolo was remotely connected.

her 145,000GT and accommodation for 4,610 passengers in 1,830 cabins as well as 1,411 crew members, represents an evolution of the successfully delivered sister ships Royal Princess, Regal Princess, Majestic Princess, and Sky Princess, all built at the same shipyard from 2013 onwards. This class introduced a new generation of ships that was warmly welcomed by cruise passengers. The upcoming Discovery Princess vessel of the same class will be delivered in 2021.

A new generation of ships

Activities aboard the vessel

Enchanted Princess is the 18th unit built for Princess Cruises by Fincantieri at Monfalcone shipyard. This new vessel, with

The Enchanted Princess offers guests a wide variety of physical activities such as a sports field, fitness center, outdoor track, and


Enchanted Princess is the 100th cruise ship delivered by Fincantieri in the last thirty years.

The Princess class introduced a new generation of ships that was warmly welcomed by cruise passengers.

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ship report

The passengers can choose between various bars and restaurants.

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ship report

Enchanted Princess is a global novelty thanks to its innovative layout, outstanding performances, and state-of-the-art technology.

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ship report

SPECS Gross tonnage Length overall Beam moulded Design draught Service speed Max speed Classification Society MAIN MACHINERIES Propulsion DD-GG 2 x 12V46F Wärtsilä DD-GG 2 x 12V46F Wärtsilä Total installed el. power

jogging track. Relief for mind and body is easily found in the Sanctuary Spa. The new Royal-class ship offers several swimming and whirlpools. you will find the Princess Theater, an open-air cinema, and the Princess Live! tv studio on board. She also offers a new highlight: The Escape Room. Passengers can visit different bars such as vista Lounge, Bellini´s, Piazza Bar, vines, or jazz it up at the Jazz Club Take Five.

Shipbuilding partners

Just like her sister ships, Enchanted Princess is a global novelty thanks to her innovative layout, outstanding performances, and state-of-the-art technology. This project once again demonstrates that innovation and customer care are pivotal in confirming Fincantieri as market leader, further consolidating its historic partnership with Carnival Group, the world’s largest cruise ship operator. “with the delivery of Enchanted Princess, we officially welcome her into the Princess family and recognise the strong bond between Carnival Corporation, Princess Cruises, and Fincantieri, our long-standing

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Fincantieri shares the Princess spirit of delivering the highest level of excellence... shipbuilder partner,” says Jan Swartz, President of Princess Cruises. “Fincantieri shares the Princess spirit of delivering the highest level of excellence, and we know they will also share our enthusiasm and pride when the ship welcomes her first guests”. CEO of Fincantieri Giuseppe Bono comments, “Enchanted Princess is a special ship. She is indeed our first cruise ship delivered after the COviD-19 outbreak, and the 100th ship built by Fincantieri in the last three decades. we believe she demonstrates the best ability to tackle the hardest times with passion and

145.281grt 330.0m 38.40m 8.49m 21.9kn 23.0kn Lloyd’s Register

2 x 18,000kW 2 x 14,400kW 2 x 16,800kW 62,400kW

PASSENGER CABINS Suites Minisuites Balcony Inside Outside cabins ratio Balcony cabins ratio

1,830 46 374 1,064 346 81% 81%


757 5,800

commitment, as well as the historic resilience of our industry. Hence, i wish fair winds and following seas to this newly-built jewel, to our Princess Cruises friends with whom we have worked together successfully, and to all of the cruise industry workers, trusting that the global recovery has already begun”. The partnership between Monfalcone shipyard and Princess Cruises will continue with two next-generation cruise ships. They will be the largest ones built in italy and will weigh 175,000GT. The first vessel is expected to be delivered at the end of 2023, the second one by Spring 2025. The vessels will accommodate approximately 5,300 guests and will – in the owner’s fleet – be the first dual-fuel ships primarily powered by Liquefied natural Gas (LnG). Fincantieri has built 100 cruise ships since 1990 (70 for Carnival Corporation), and another 44 ships are currently being designed or built in the group’s yards. i.

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SMM digital 2021

SMM Digital lookIng forwarD to seeIng you onlIne In response to the CoVID-19 panDemIC, hamburg messe unD Congress Is organIsIng a purely DIgItal eVent for the marItIme CommunIty, smm DIgItal – the marItIme busIness hub, as a VIrtual meetIng plaCe. All photos Courtesy of smm.

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SMM digital 2021


xhibitors and customers from around the world will be able to discuss today’s and tomorrow’s maritime challenges online, and follow conferences featuring top-ranking experts. With the second wave of COVID-19 holding the world in its grip, events without physical presence are preferable. WindEnergy Hamburg will be the first digital trade fair launched by Hamburg Messe und Congress. Its example will be followed by SMM, the leading international maritime trade fair, in February 2021. “After close consultations with the exhibition committee and government institutions, we have decided to host SMM 2021 as a purely digital event. The progress of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting restrictions have rendered it impossible to come up with a reliable plan for a physical trade fair,” says Bernd Aufderheide, President and CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress. “By making this timely decision in favour of a digital SMM, we provide our exhibitors and visitors with a sound basis for planning so they will be able to network successfully in February 2021 despite the pandemic. What is clear right now is that the experiences we are gathering as an event organiser today will have a positive effect on future physical events. By leveraging various digital services we will be able to further increase the international scope of our trade fairs and

provide our customers with substantial added value.”

New Maritime Business Hub

The SMM team is working full steam on creating formats that will bring together the maritime community digitally from 2 to 5 February 2021. The core component is a newly-developed Maritime Business Hub. This powerful platform will enable international exhibitors to present themselves online and interact with potential customers while avoiding the personal contact that is inevitable at a physical exhibition stand. Exhibitors may choose among several digital packages that differ in scope and range of services. Packages may be booked through the SMM website. “Of course, after all those months of social distancing we were all looking forward to a physical or hybrid SMM. However, the current development of the pandemic leaves a digital SMM as the only option. I am therefore excited that over the past months we have been able to combine our forces and develop a digital version of SMM 2021 for the maritime community,” says Claus Ulrich Selbach, Business Unit Director – Maritime and Technology Fairs & Exhibitions at Hamburg Messe und Congress. The new digital platform will allow SMM participants to network, educate


The digital platform will remain active until SMM 2022.

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SMM digital 2021

‘Driving The Maritime Transition’ is the motto of SMM 2021. themselves, and share information about innovative products as well as industry news, and to do so even beyond the fourday event in february 2021. “the platform will remain active until smm 2022. this means our exhibitors and partners can present themselves continuously until the next physical gathering, and intensify their business networks by utilising our large database,” says mr selbach. furthermore, the platform will provide the maritime community with current industry news and deliver special events on specific topics on a regular basis, significantly expanding the traditional services offered by smm. knut Ørbeck-nilssen, Ceo of DnV gl – maritime appreciates the positive aspects of the current situation. “the pandemic has demonstrated that so much can be achieved through digital means and that the maritime industry is more than capable of adapting to new ways of working. During these very challenging times, more than ever before safety must be at the forefront of every decision we make. I am therefore pleased

This year SMM exhibitors and customers will be able to discuss maritime challenges online.

that smm has shown the foresight and sound judgment to move next year’s smm onto a digital platform, says mr Ørbecknilssen. “as CoVID-19 puts live events on hold, we very much look forward to participating in smm Digital,” stresses sean fernback, president, wärtsilä Voyage. “a maritime phenomenon not to be missed, I’m sure the virtual experience will also surpass expectations to reach die-hard and new audiences like never before.”

by digital exhibitor presentations and the content of the expert conferences featuring top-ranking panellists, such as the maritime future summit but participation itself has transformed digitally, as well. from 2 to 5 february 2021, visitors can attend smm Digital simply with the click of a mouse button. furthermore, after the event, all items on the agenda recorded as video streams will be available online. i.

Living the motto

‘Driving the maritime transition’ is the motto of smm 2021. It is not only reflected

Kohler and Leonardo DRS team up to present ‘TOPS’ – Total Onboard Power Solutions. the marine propulsion industry is adopting hybrid and dieselelectric propulsion technologies at a high pace which prompts the need for qualified, experienced system integrators with global presence. kohler and leonardo Drs are recognised onboard power experts, with complimenting portfolios to control the wide variety of system configurations in different applications. tops offers a wide selection of power generation, power conditioning and power management & controls to handle all onboard power needs. aC and DC variable speed systems, as well as speed systems combinations, are available to manage hotelloads, propulsion power demands and emergency situations. tops supports diesel-electric, hybrid and zero-emission propulsion modes. It can be used with full hybrid propulsion, a hybrid, shaft mounted alternator layout, or a diesel electric setup with scalable power level to suit demand. i.

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n November 2020, member states of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) convened to chart the next steps of shipping’s environmental impact reduction journey. Decarbonisation is a big concern facing decision-makers in shipping, and hence dominated the agenda for this pivotal meeting. Hanging over the delegates are the results of the 4th Green House Gas (GHG) study published in August 2020. This research has found that the global shipping industry’s emissions increased by 10% between 2012 and 2018. The study also projects a 50% increase in industry emissions by 2050, which is in total contrast to the IMO decarbonisation targets.

Technical Director of I-Tech AB Dr Markus Hoffmann.

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A white paper by I-tech AB.

very rapidly as we approach 2050, catalysed by increased legislation. This is fuelled by the many technology solutions that can help enhance vessel efficiency to reduce fuel consumption and decrease emissions.

While it is difficult to predict exactly what legislative framework will make up the short and long-term approach towards ensuring a low-carbon future for shipping, establishing greater clarity on vessel efficiency will certainly be a major pillar. Stringency and efficiency will likely be the key words, especially since the GHG study highlighted just a 3% increase in vessel efficiency between 2012 and 2018 despite stricter EEDI regulations being in force.

A problem that has corroded vessel efficiency for centuries

One certain thing is that the technological landscape for ships of the future will evolve

Hull biofouling has been an issue that has hampered vessel efficiency for as long as

One large (surface) area that offers huge decarbonisation potential is the ship hull, which must be kept free from any biofouling. Taking a proactive approach to preventing biofouling should therefore be a priority for all ship operators.


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PAINTS & COATINGS ships have been at sea, with the chief culprit being the hard fouling marine creatures known as barnacles. A 2007 study from Michael P. Schultz found that a ship with 10% barnacle coverage would need a 36% shaft power increase to maintain the same speed through the water. This is a huge power demand hike, caused by colonies of crustaceans glued to the hull. While individual vessel and fleet performance penalties are well understood, with clear carbon abatement targets, the shipping industry must seek clarity on the cumulative impact of biofouling on the shipping industry’s carbon footprint. To gain greater insight into the true scale of the barnacle biofouling problem and its

Application of a fresh coat of Selektope containing paint.

impact, I-Tech AB, developers of the antifouling agent for marine coatings Selektope, commissioned independent marine coatings consultants from the Safinah Group to conduct a rigorous hull condition analysis to provide insight into the extent of barnacle fouling on the global shipping fleet. By examining dry-dock inspection data of a sample of 249 vessels of most types and sizes between 2015 and 2019, Safinah could accurately quantify the scale of barnacle fouling on each vessel. The results were shocking. Each surveyed hull had some level of hard fouling. Even more worryingly, 44% of vessels surveyed had more than 10% of underwater hard fouling coverage on the hull. According to marine coatings experts, a hull that has up

Barnacle fouling on ship hulls is adding an additional EUR 5 billion to the global bunker fuel bill. to 5% of hard fouling coverage is considered ‘good’, 10% is considered ‘acceptable’, and anything over 10% is considered ‘unacceptable’. To understand just how damaging this prevalence of fouling is, we extrapolated data from a later study published by Michael P. Schultz in 2011 that looked at performance and economic penalties created by biofouling. Using the data in this study, we estimate that if 44% of the global commercial fleet has just 10% of hard fouling coverage on the hull, an extra 110t million of CO2 is added to the shipping industry’s carbon footprint. Unsettlingly, this figure could be much higher in reality as our calculations only assume 10% hard fouling coverage levels across 44% of the fleet, yet many of the 44% of vessels with unacceptable fouling levels had much more than 10% coverage.

Antifouling paints containing Selektope confer superior barnacle prevention efficacy when ships are idle.

From a commercial perspective, this prevalence of barnacle fouling on ship hulls is adding an additional EUR 5 billion to the global bunker fuel bill. This is hardly welcome news at a time when certain parts of the industry are suffering the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to pressures related to decarbonising shipping operations.

Derailing decarbonisation

When considering the timestamps of the hull condition data collected by the Safinah Group and the results of the 4th IMO GHG Study, biofouling undoubtedly exacerbated the increased emissions between 20122018. While there is no magic bullet that will tackle biofouling in the same way for each ship, the results of the I-Tech/Safinah Group study demonstrate that, against the

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PAINTS & COATINGS backdrop of potential new efficiency-led decarbonisation rules, shipping needs to take a more proactive stance on biofouling. This means that biofouling must be stopped in its track by using an effective antifouling coating for the hull, one that is specifically matched to the vessel’s operating patterns and geographical range. When it comes to preventing hard fouling, since barnacle fouling can only accumulate on submerged surfaces that are static, choosing an antifouling coating with an extended idle period guarantee will offer insurance for any possibly longer idling periods in the future, like those encountered during the pandemic this year. Most antifouling technology coatings offer 14-21-day guarantees. However, antifouling coatings containing Selektope confer superior barnacle prevention efficacy when ships are idle, and come with 30-day plus idle period guarantees. As 2020 has shown, this extended insurance policy offered by Selektope and the close scrutiny of available antifouling technology is required to protect ships from future

Selektope containing paint patch test.

disruptions that put vessels into idle mode for long periods lasting more than a few weeks. This is also true for vessels that frequently visit warmer waters, where highly detrimental barnacle larvae are waiting for a ship hull to colonise and call home. i.

EXPERIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND EXPERTISE NR Cooling Services has extensive experience in various innovative solutions, such as air conditioning, engine room ventilation and ventilation of technical rooms on various types of ships. For new build, refit and conversion projects you are at the right place at NR Cooling Services. Advertentie ShipBuilding Industry 193x132mm_ED01.indd 1

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Leading in cooling technology. 2-11-2020 10:52:02

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special feature

Improving onboard life for professional mariners

By providing some Basic ‘human comforts’, dometic marine helps firefighters, patrol officers, and tugboat operators to focus on their mission-critical tasks. “our company motto is ‘mobile living made easy’, and it is our goal to improve the lives and working environment of dedicated firefighters, patrol officers, tugboat operators, and other professional mariners working so tirelessly to serve and protect us,” says eric fetchko, president of dometic marine. words by eric fetchko, president of dometic marine americas. All photos courtesy of dometic marine.

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Dometic Marine provides durable and reliable HVAC systems for fireboats and emergency response vessels.


or decades, dometic marine has provided solutions such as onboard climate control, food and beverage storage, water supply and sanitation systems, as well as marine steering systems, making people’s leisure time more comfortable on sailing yachts and powerboats. smartly designed galley equipment ensures onboard convenience, and unlimited access to fresh

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water enhances each journey. so does the ability to maintain a consistent pleasant temperature in the cabins and staterooms. these same comforts and conveniences are even more critical for those professional mariners who live and work at sea. crews are happiest and perform at their best when their basic needs are met, such as easy access to fresh water, food and yes, even

toilets. knowing that these needs will be met allows each crew member to confidently focus on his or her tasks. and that means the crew as a unit performs at a higher level. it also guarantees a high level of job satisfaction and crew retention. controlling environmental conditions onboard — both in work areas and living spaces — is equally critical for crew focus,


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Dometic SeaStar Steering is a fine choice for rescue speedboats.

performance, and positive attitude. maintaining comfortable air temperatures and adequate ventilation can be a challenge, given the constrained conditions and often harsh extremes of temperature at sea. comfortable temperatures and sufficient airflow not only helps the crew members to perform better, they can also impact their health — particularly in hot, humid environments and strenuous working conditions.

Keeping cool

Eric Fetchko, President of Dometic Marine Americas.

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fireboats must operate in extreme conditions. firefighters onboard are at times subjected to 50°c. as you can imagine, air conditioning in these situations is not just a luxury. it is in fact a key factor in a firefighter’s safety and wellbeing. dometic marine has long been providing its durable and reliable hVac systems for fireboats and other rescue/emergency response vessels. for instance, a new fireboat built by metal shark, the north american leader in high-speed patrol, fire, rescue, and work boats, and delivered to kuwait fire services directorate (kfsd) in 2019, features dometic marine climate

control. to meet these extreme demands, this vessel uses twin 27k btu dometic cruise stowaway turbo air hVac units — each capable of cooling the entire vessel’s cabin spaces — with a back-up, engine-driven 36k btu compressor for use in case of an ac power supply malfunction. it is hard to fathom a greater on-board cooling challenge than a fireboat operating in kuwait’s extreme heat. yet dometic marine’s robust and reliable air-conditioning system has proven to be fully capable of delivering optimum on-board working conditions for these firefighters on critical missions. in addition to climate control and comfort, workboat builders are also addressing the need for better vessel control and manoeuvrability. how a boat operates and handles can greatly affect the performance and effectiveness of a professional seaman at work. labouring for control of a vessel, especially in challenging situations and inclement weather, also makes the job harder and more tiring. to solve this, more builders are turning to the precise control and manoeuvrability afforded by dometic optimus and dometic seastar steering systems. not only do they

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special feature

In addition to climate control and comfort, workboat builders are also addressing the need for better vessel control and manoeuvrability. help crews perform better and safer, they furthermore ease the hardships of a tough job at sea. among the most popular choices for leisure powerboats in the industry, these steering systems can also provide the ultimate control for a wide range of workboats.

workboats, including ocean-going tugs, inland push boats, offshore supply vessels, ferries, cargo vessels, and the likes, serving clients that include both domestical and international commercial operations and government entities. When president of st. John’s shipbuilders steve ganoe saw dometic marine’s steering solutions for leisure boats, he had an idea. “Why not use this precise and smooth instant steering control for our workboats?” after looking at the possible steering solutions for a new-build project – a 7.5m, 23t steel-hulled commercial tugboat christened iron Jac – mr ganoe concluded that a purpose-made dometic optimus eps for inboard powered vessels would be an ideal steering solution for this massive workboat. “together with dometic marine, we have broken new ground and i’m pleased with

the result. st. John’s shipbuilders has played an important role by helping to introduce a new, innovative standard in workboat steering to the industry,” comments mr ganoe. “the steering capability and performance provided by our dometic optimus eps are completely relevant for large and heavy commercial vessels that require steady control in the most challenging conditions and environments,” voices mr fetchko. “We have been the leader in marine steering systems for leisure boats for more than 50 years. today, our technology is gaining wider attention across the marine industry, and this includes the commercial maritime and workboat sector. We expect the commercial sector to become an increasingly important part of our overall marine business.” i.

Precision control

first responders often have to retrieve victims from the water. typical rescue boats engaged in these activities are lightweight, albeit high-performance and high-capacity ribs (rigid inflatable boat) powered by two or more outboard engines. at critical moments when lives are at risk, a rescue boat’s speed and precise control can literally make the difference between success and failure. dometic seastar steering is therefore a common choice for these recue speedboats. the system combines a robust and reliable performance in the most extreme conditions, with comfortable manoeuvrability for professional operators. When combined with the dometic seastar trim tab system, dometic gives rescue workboats the stability to negotiate rough seas, enhancing safety for both first responders and those who need their assistance. another emerging trend in marine steering is the new all-electric steering system. dometic optimus electric power steering (eps) is the first of its kind and is breaking new ground in recreational and professional boating markets. the system truly raises the bar when it comes to comfort, precise control, and manoeuvrability. the industry’s key players are increasingly turning to eps for its unique capabilities and innovative use of new technology.

Dometic’s company motto is ‘Mobile Living Made Easy’, ensuring comfortable living conditions for professional mariners.

Electric power steering

florida-based st. John’s shipbuilders is a well-respected yard that specialises in the building and repair of a range of steel-hulled

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Dometic SeaStar Trim Tab Controller.

Dometic Optimus Electric Steering.

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big data

Shipbuilder SENSE has become a real sparring partner for the maritime sector.

Innovation with Artificial Intelligence sense, a sparring parTner for The mariTime secTor The mariTime secTor is enThusiasTic abouT arTificial inTelligence. buT whaT exacTly is iT? All photos courTesy of shipbuilder.


hat is the role of technology in the maritime sector today, and what does the future hold in store for this segment? Yves de Vos, Project Manager and Artificial Intelligence Expert at Shipbuilder, a Dutch IT company that helped to develop the intelligent online Shipbuilder platform, explains. “The term Artificial Intelligence is often misused, because a lot of tools are not intelligent at all. if you use genuine ai in your maritime projects, the possibilities and benefits are huge.”

Artificial Intelligence: from chatbot to mastermind

Mr de Vos continues, “Lots of people consider a chatbot to be a real AI tool,

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though it often isn’t. With most so-called AI tools, it works like this: typed or spoken words are linked to words in a database. That’s it. If you want to turn AI into a mastermind, it is important to know what to do if the answers of the tool are not helpful. if you analyse the missing or incorrect answers, write a code for it, and then refine it, you will develop a quadratic learning curve. Only then can we talk about AI, as far as I’m concerned.”

Biological neural: humans not always capable

“I regularly hear maritime companies saying they are completely digital. It often means that hundreds of Word, Excel, and PDF

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big data

Yves de Vos, Project Manager and Artificial Intelligence Expert at Shipbuilder.

documents with thousands of sentences have been drawn up around a project. The project team will then diligently check the accuracy of the information and bring structure to this jumble of documents, often resulting in costly mistakes as people are not always capable. A person can learn to do something very well based on various indicators, which is known as biological neural learning. However, we are unable to perform well consistently, especially when it concerns thousands of sources of information at the same time. The human brain is also not very good at visualising dozens of cross-connections. That is why specifications often contain costly errors. Now is the time for the maritime sector to deploy mastermind AI,” according to Mr de Vos.

Neural network: AI is apt

Mr de Vos explains, “For the past year, I participated at Shipbuilder’s in the development of an AI tool to enable a new Shipbuilder service called Shipbuilder SENSE. We started training the AI tool in the maritime jargon and built a neural network with it. We then fed the AI tool with the

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maritime knowledge that we built up over decades. We also ‘taught’ the system to see connections between all documents.” The results are impressive. “When we load specifications into the AI tool, the system is able to analyse the written language. The system subsequently understands that, for example, a named door in a specification list is the same door as the one mentioned in a room. we are therefore able to convert a jumble of information, hidden in thousands of documents from any maritime company, into a structured project data network. We think it is important that we now unite the power of the human brain and that of the computer to connect the best of these two worlds,” he clarifies.

The future: structure, overview, and fun

Mr de Vos concludes, “The new Shipbuilder sense service thus uses the computer in a clever way: it can instantly load data from maritime files into a database in a structured way, and without errors. A computer can also execute an action well repeatedly, as long as it is properly trained. Our system understands the maritime

Sense in action.

construction process, comprehends its jargon, and even suggests improvements, all in one clever dashboard. This gives an engineer time to truly use his talents and improve his data based on the results of Shipbuilder SENSE. This service also makes working in the maritime sector more fun. It has become a real sparring partner for the maritime sector.” i.

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Rustibus ensures that waste from old coatings is properly removed and does not end up in the oceans.

Robust Rustibus for user-friendly products that last For more than 42 years, rustibus has been the manuFacturer and supplier of norwegianmade, high-quality mechanical maintenance equipment & safety products for the marine, offshore, and oil & gas industry. All photos courtesy oF rustibus.

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ased on rustibus’s patented, revolutionary chain-link principle for paint and rust removal, its machines are exceptional as they achieve fine results without damaging the steel surface. Due to its ongoing development programme, rustibus is the first and only one in the market that provides asset owners and operators with ateX (eX-approVed)certified mechanical descaling machines, which are also fully dnV-certified for use on chemical, gas & oil tankers (a potentially explosive environment).

clients, wherever those clients need it, from a rustibus office situated nearby.

with offices and stock points in norway, singapore, belgium, the united states, and dubai, the company ensures weekly deliveries across the globe. in the last 42 years, many thousands of its machines have been in use around the world. they are delivered and supplied to long-standing

Built to last

using rustibus as part of a vessel’s onboard maintenance programme offers the crew a user-friendly and one-man operation, without needing specialised training or equipment. the robust and easy-to-maintain range of machines, which keep consumable items to a minimum, are easy to use and maintain, and are simple and efficient for crew and purchase departments to administrate.

when the enterprise started out back in the late seventies, it was decided that all its machines should be of top-quality and built to last (when properly used and maintained). this is still the goal today. the fact that many clients today still use the

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MAINTENANCE & SAFETY machines bought 40 years ago is a testament to just how strong they really are. rustibus sets out to make machines that lasts, knowing that quality is important. its products are sustainable and much better for the environment than those that are cheaply made and last only a season or two. Rustibus offers the crew a userfriendly and one-man operation.


the rustibus team knows it has its own role with regard to acting environmentally-friendly. the company’s products are developed for use in a maritime environment. its machines are made for removing old coatings. rustibus focusses on ensuring that the waste from these old coatings is properly removed and does not end up in the sea where it could harm the ecosystems of our oceans.

Safe Edge

rustibus also created safe edge, a highquality, durable and reliable series of safety products. this series is manufactured as a high-visibility foot-rail and reective cover that protects crew from fall hazards when the inspection hatches on deck are open. these simple and effective safety covers make a vessel a safer environment for crew and maintenance teams during night and day. they are specifically designed to allow for ventilation and ensure utilities are easily accessible via inspection hatches, while

Rustibus created Safe Edge, which is a high-quality, durable and reliable series of safety products.

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simultaneously providing an effective fall prevention system that protects the crew. available in a multitude of sizes and dimensions to fit inspection hatches of varying nominal hole sizes and national standard dimensions, safe edge covers come in two basic forms: the original solid edge barrier versions and the lightweight cover version. upon customer request, rustibus has also developed and produced tailormade models to fit specific openings.

apart from the rustibus safe edge range, the enterprise also offers a series of tank/ hold ventilation units that can be used together with safe edge when carrying out hold or tank inspection and for access. with the introduction of the new sulphur in fuel oil limits introduced at the start of 2020, these packages have been popular. with vessels having to clean out old full residue, safe tank access was vitally important and rustibus’s safe edge and ventilation packages have been very useful for shipowners and operators for preparing their tanks accordingly. rustibus continues to improve its existing range and to develop new systems and equipment that meet the challenges faced by the marine industry. the company also always ensures that its high-quality products are sustainable. i.

Safe Edge covers come in two basic forms: the original solid edge barrier versions and the lightweight cover version.

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ship design

Presenting the sailing cargo vessel: Oceanbird INNOVATIVE SWEDISH TECHNOLOGY WILL MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO POWER LARGE OCEAN-GOING VESSELS BY WIND, REDUCING EMISSIONS BY 90%. Oceanbird is a concept for a PCTC (Pure Car and Truck Carrier), with a capacity to carry 7,000 cars.


eople have been sailing for thousands of years. The introduction of diesel engines meant faster crossings – at the expense of the environment. The sailing cargo vessel Oceanbird will leave behind 90% less emissions than today’s vessels, which shows that the maritime industry can bring about a major change and that zero-emission shipping is possible. The design will be ready for orders in 2021. The launch is planned for 2024.

An efficient Swedish cluster

The main project partners are Wallenius Marine, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KHT), and SSPA Sweden (SSPA). The research project is called wPCC (wind Powered Car Carrier). The collaboration presented the concept Oceanbird in September 2020. The project is supported by the Swedish Transport Administration, which has allocated EUR 2.6 million for the

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three-year development project during 2019-2022.

Introducing Oceanbird

Oceanbird is a technically challenging project where the rigging and hull work together as a single unit to harness the wind in the most efficient way possible. The hull has been designed for a large sailing cargo vessel and everything has been developed around this, including speed, steering technology, hull shape and appearance, and the design and construction of the rigging. It is a mix of aerodynamic and shipbuilding technology. Performance and safety can be evaluated using a combination of computer simulations and physical experiments. When the first ship is completed, it will be the world’s largest sailing vessel. Wallenius Marine’s COO Per Tunell elaborates, “We proudly present our design’s third iteration that we have now

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The sailing cargo vessel Oceanbird will leave behind 90% less emissions than today’s vessels.

Image courtesy of Wallenius Marine.

The rigging and hull work together as a single unit. Image courtesy of Wallenius Marine.

Carrying out model tests in waves at the Maritime Dynamics Laboratory. The basin dimensions are 88 × 39 metres, with a 3.5m depth. Photo courtesy of SSPA.

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(Left) Per Tunell, COO Wallenius Marine. (Right) Carl-Johan Söder, Ph.D. Naval Architect at Wallenius Marine. Photo courtesy of Wallenius Marine, Magnus Glans.


Image courtesy of Wallenius Marine.

Photo courtesy of Wallenius Marine, Oskar Omne.

worked with for several years. Shipping is a central function in global trade and stands for approximately 90% of all transported goods, but it also contributes to emissions. It is critical that shipping becomes sustainable. Our studies reveal that wind is the most interesting energy source for ocean transports and with the 80m high wing sails on Oceanbird, we are developing the ocean-going freighters of the future.” IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in April 2018 adopted an initial strategy on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships. The goal is to reduce the total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050 when compared to 2008, while at the same time pursuing efforts to phasing them out entirely. Carl-Johan Söder, PhD, Naval Architect at Wallenius Marine, explains, “Our unique design has been specifically optimised for

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The vessel will have an average speed of 10 knots on a typical Atlantic crossing. Image courtesy of Wallenius Marine.

Image courtesy of Wallenius Marine.

Oceanbird’s wing sails.

sailing the oceans. With our configuration, the vessel will have an average speed of 10 knots on a typical Atlantic crossing. A North Atlantic crossing with Oceanbird will hence take around twelve days, compared to the eight days it takes conventional vessels.” The Oceanbird concept is being developed for very large vessels designed to transport large and heavy cargoes over long distances for long periods. The wing sails are made of a mixture of metal and composite and will be about 80m high, twice the height of those on today’s largest sailing vessels. It will be possible to ‘reef’ the wing sails, reducing their height by approximately 60m. The height above the water line with the wing sails down will be 45m. The vessels will also be fitted with engines to enable them to manoeuvre in and out of port, and for emergency operation. The concept can change current working methods and time requirements and drastically reduce CO2 in the world’s transport chains.

Hope for a greener tomorrow Journalists at a digital press conference enjoyed a preview of this ship that will reduce emissions by 90%. Mr Tunell and

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Mr Söder have since been very busy. “We are overwhelmed by all the support we have received. A lot of the responses include hope. Finally, a solution that is real and that will make an actual contribution to slowing down climate change. I think we are all starving for positive news in this area,” says Mr Tunell. “People are interested in the technology with wing sails, in what fuel we will use for the engine, and other technical details. We try to answer as much as we can, though a lot of the design process still lies ahead of us. We have one year to go before we have an actual design ready to order,” concludes Mr Söder.

Wallenius Marine

Wallenius was founded in 1934 and has been working to reduce the environmental impact of all the vessels that the company designs, builds, and operates since the mid Nineties. It has so far designed and built around 70 vessels with a strong focus on sustainability, reflecting increasingly stringent sustainability requirements. As a pioneer in shipping, the company was an early adopter of a zero-emissions target for vessels. i.

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Maritime technology ... lower costs SURFACE PREPARATION TOOLS 600 kg/m load, lighter than steel ... E4.350 e-chain

certified cables, 414 x DNV GL ... chainflex cables

900° rotating loads, from the catalog ... rotary modules

high torque, up to 200 m length ... offshore e-chain

corrosion-free, sea water resistant ... super-alu trough

no slip ring, 17.000 cycles tested ... e-spool shore


RustibusŽ works on a global scale to deliver maintenance and safety equipment to the marine offshore/onshore industry. The main product line is the RustibusŽ de-scaling machines with our unique patented chain drum system, designed to de-scale & power brush ship decks, hatch covers and tank tops – free from paint & rust!



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EU-1204-Schiffbau 111x297.indd 1

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special feature



he company has experienced some difficult times in the past 45 years, but has continually weathered the storm. In fact, the tough times have always served as a wake-up call. “When you face stormy weather, you have to change course. Staying on track makes no sense in that case,” notes Johan Vermoen, Operational Manager at NR Cooling Services. The company sought and found this new course. “It’s all about delivering clear added value,” comments Mr Vermoen. NR Cooling Services decided to go back to the basics of entrepreneurship. Mr Vermoen continues, “As a company, you want to continuously provide customers with the service they are used to. To achieve this goal, we are actively working on informing customers about our NR Cooling 2.0 ‘Your problem, our concern’ motto. We offer quality, flexibility, and we commit to our agreements. We approach the product differently with this vision and at the end of the day, customers simply wish to be unburdened.”

Added value

When asked about the objectives when it comes to shipbuilding and shipping, Mr Vermoen replies, “We want to offer complete turnkey projects in newbuilds, but you also see a lot of activity in the refits market where we can add value to shipyards, shipping companies, and other partners in shipbuilding. Delivering added

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value means more than just providing the ship with good climate control and perfect cooling. If you can work efficiently, thus faster and with less material, you can save time and money, which yields added value.” According to Technical Development Engineer and Project Manager Ronald van Popering, that is just the beginning. “We are not the only company that installs marine components. Technology and innovation come together to aid customers with strict regulations. You do not build a ship alone, you do it together, from request to delivery and with only one goal: unburdening the customer and providing a fine quality-price ratio.”

Technology and innovation come together to aid customers.


The harbour and voyage service is new with regard to air-conditioning and cooling installations. It is part of NR Cooling Service’s added value. Ships are built and then put into service, so stagnation means decline. Mr Vermoen elaborates, “Upon completion, we also offer customers a tailor-made service contract. We do this by performing preventative maintenance and, in case of problems en route, by applying remote service. With this technology, our engineer can remotely reset the system and add the correct values to the system. If the problem is not resolved, we will schedule a time to come on board when the ship enters port and solve the problem.”

You do not build a ship alone, you do it together. Skandi Vitoria

NR Cooling Services is currently working on a project for a Brazilian customer, the Skandi Vitoria. This vessel has a length of 142m and was built in 2010. Mr Vermoen explains, “For this vessel, we take care of replacing the chillers on board. There are four of these on the ship, two for each side. Two of these are in fact completely redundant. They are used as a backup in case the other

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special feature

NR Cooling Services provides customers with the service they are used to and delivers added value.

one breaks down. We work on this project with seven people, including a project manager, project engineer, four technicians, and a commissioning engineer. We provide engineering, production, and installation within 14 weeks. For the FAT (Factory Acceptance Test), we use a unique test location, which is the only one in the Netherlands. A customer would usually come over for the FAT, but it is now carried out virtually. So we can work safely and focus on delivering to our customer what we promise.� Experience, technology, and expertise make NR Cooling Services 2.0 a reliable partner, with quality as a top priority. i.

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ship report

DEME’s Groene Wind is launched at the CEMRE shipyard in Turkey.

Launch of DEME’s Groene Wind DEME’s first EvEr sErvicE OperatiOn Vessel (sOV) GrOene WinD iMprovEs safEty, coMfort, anD Workability for offshorE WinDfarM MaintEnancE. All photos courtEsy of DEME.


EME recently launched its pioneering sov at the cemre shipyard in yalova, turkey, marking a major milestone in its fleet history. named Groene Wind, the small Waterplane area twin hull (sWath) vessel will be deployed for windfarm maintenance activities. Groene Wind is due for delivery in 2021 and will be directly chartered to siemens

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Gamesa renewable energy for the maintenance of the rentel and Mermaid & seastar (known as seaMade) offshore windfarms in Belgium. this is the first Dp2, twin-hulled sOV in the world and the first to serve three different windfarm sites. the name Groene Wind (Green Wind) perfectly reflects DeMe’s ambitions to remain a leader in the offshore wind industry, supporting clients with innovative solutions to provide green and affordable energy.

Total package of services for offshore wind industry

investing in such a pioneering vessel also means that DeMe can now offer the total package of services to the offshore wind industry – from installation right through to maintenance.

DEME’s in-house newbuild team worked in close collaboration with Vuyk engineering rotterdam and research institute Marin. the new vessel significantly improves safety, comfort, and workability for windfarm technicians – even in the roughest sea conditions.

Impressive cuts in fuel consumption

the sWath design ensures low wave impact on movements when approaching wind turbines, compared to a traditional monohull sOV. Groene Wind will enable safe crew transfers in significant wave heights. Her Dp2 technology means that the vessel can hold her position in rough seas, but at the same time operate with lower fuel consumption when compared to traditional

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ship report

Groene Wind is due for delivery in 2021.

sOVs. an impressive fuel consumption reduction of up to 50% can be achieved compared to a monohull sov, further reducing the cost of windfarm maintenance. in line with her green credentials, environmental considerations are integral to the vessel design and include a waste heat recovery system and a clean Design notation.

Safety and comfort

at 60m long, the sOV will be equipped with a motion compensated gangway and daughter craft to safely transfer technicians to the wind turbines. it is also designed according to the latest comfort standards, allowing the vessel to be a homely offshore base for up to 24 technicians and a nautical crew. Michael Glavind, Business Unit Director DeMe Offshore, enthuses, “We are proud about this major milestone and look forward to welcoming Groene Wind to our fleet. Groene Wind highlights the DeMe innovative spirit and our willingness to

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invest in green technologies. this further boosts our ability to serve the growing offshore wind industry, throughout the entire lifetime of an offshore windfarm. We are delighted to take this important step together with our partner siemens Gamesa renewable Energy, which also shares our ambitions for the energy transition.” rené Wigmans, Head of Offshore service logistics siemens Gamesa, explains, “siemens Gamesa is dedicated to finding flexible and competitive solutions. the rentel and seaMade windfarms make up the largest wind power installation in Belgium and with DeMe’s first ever sOV Groene Wind, we will be able to provide further optimised and safe maintenance solutions.” DeMe specialises in dredging, solutions for the offshore energy market, environmental and infra marine works. the company can build on more than 140 years of know-how and experience. the company’s vision is to work towards a sustainable future by offering solutions for global challenges: a rising sea

DEME’s first ever SOV marks a major milestone in its fleet history.

level, a growing population, reduction of co2 emissions, polluted rivers, seas and soils, and the scarcity of natural resources. i.

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New coating makes impact on tough bulk sector

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ippon Paint Marine’s new Neoguard Toughness has already been applied to the holds of 37 bulk carriers operated by owners that include Eastern Pacific Shipping, Synergy Group, Far East Lines, Iskenderun Shipping, and Wisdom Marine. Nippon Paint Marine is a subsidiary of Nippon Paint Holdings, a top five global paint supplier. The company has been producing marine coatings in Japan since the 1880s and has developed all kinds of marine paint technology, specialising in antifouling paints. “We developed Neoguard Toughness following demand from shipowners for a more impact-resistant epoxy coating system for holds and hatch coamings, but we didn’t expect to have quite as many applications so soon after market launch,” comments Nippon Paint Marine’s Marketing General Manager Makoto Nakagawa. “Neoguard Toughness is undoubtedly one of the hardest, toughest coatings we have produced for the commercial marine market.”

Protecting steel structures

The thickness of the highly solid epoxy coating is particularly suited for protecting steel structures from abrasion and impact damage from iron ore, coal, and other bulk cargoes, while providing long-term protection against corrosion. The product satisfies the American FDA’s requirement for compatibility with grain and feed. “Mechanical damage to cargo holds from abrasive cargoes and high impact loading procedures is the primary reason why traditional coatings fail, which when neglected can lead to corrosion and structural failure. Neoguard Toughness reduces this risk,” says Mr Nakagawa.

Coatings performance Application of Neoguard Toughness to a large (Cape Size) bulk carrier in a dock earlier this year.

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Resistant to cracking from impacts of up to four joules, the hardened paint is applied to achieve a dry film thickness of 250µm. No special equipment or machinery is required for application. The coating is applied using

This picture of applying Neoguard Toughness to the cargo holds of a bulk carrier were taken five months after application. The vessel had been carrying coal cargoes, which are typically aggressive to coatings.

a conventional air spray. A full cure dry takes five days at 30°c. commenting on the coatings performance, Ahmet Hamza, General coordinator at Iskenderun Shipping that applied the coating to the holds of the 32,676dwt Iskenderun M, states, “So far, so good. We have found that Neoguard Toughness offers significant cost savings by reducing the maintenance and repair requirement. The coating’s easy cleaning properties have also allowed for quick and efficient turnaround times between cargoes.” While hold cleaning and reduced maintenance are obvious benefits, Nippon Paint Marine Director John Drew added that the coating’s toughness can mitigate against port delays following failed cargo hold inspections. “Neoguard Toughness significantly improves the chances of passing inspection. The coating enables shipowners to keep their cargo holds in excellent condition.” i.

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deck equipment & machinery

Sauer Levante compressors on a great journey WITh The neW Three-sTAge AIr-cOOLed cOMpressOrs OF The LevAnTe serIes, sAuer cOMpressOrs OFFers hIghLy reLIAbLe And LOWMAInTenAnce sTArTIng-AIr cOMpressOrs. all Photos cOurTesy OF sAuer cOMpressOrs.


ith the development of the Levante series, Sauer presents a new range of three-stage air-cooled compressors that are tailored to the high requirements of international shipping. In comparison with conventional two-stage water-cooled starting-air compressors, they provide a number of advantages. As they do not require cooling water, it is unnecessary to install and maintain cooling water systems. In addition, temperatures remain moderate during compression, unlike their watercooled counterparts. The lower thermal load during operation is a major advantage, since the service life of wearing parts can be approximately doubled. One reason for this is that no clogging due to coking occurs. While the valves of water-cooled compressors need to be serviced after about 1,000 to 2,000 hours of operation, the valves of air-cooled compressors can be used for 4,000 hours in the first and second stage and for 2,000 hours in the third stage.

Innovative design

Sauer is breaking new ground with the design of the Levante series. One unique selling point is the use of block coolers in all three stages. The cooling unit is located between the motor and the compressor, which optimises the air flow and conceals moving components, making the compressor significantly safer in operation and maintenance. Moreover, it ensures that the crankshaft exhibits fewer interruptions

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that require sealing. A further novelty is the split cylinder that can be removed more easily than a cylinder in one piece, greatly facilitating maintenance. Assembly is also easy and less prone to errors.

Space is scarce

The smaller, the better. This applies to all ship technology and is particularly true for small and medium-sized ships, as well as cruise-liners. In the cruise sector, no technical equipment can be installed above the waterline, because this is where passengers need space. There is hardly any space below deck, since the ships have little draught in order to call at destinations in shallow waters. The Levante series compressors have therefore been designed to save space. The compact design is further enhanced by the compressors’ low temperatures, as no space-consuming railing is required because all directly accessible surfaces heat up only moderately.

Operating costs in view

Compared with the purchase price of a ship, the initial costs for the compressor package are almost negligible. For shipping companies and owners, the expenses for operation and maintenance, and the service life of the compressors are much more important. Thanks to the high fill-up capacity of up to 460 m³/h in the Levante series, even large ships require only a few compressors. Most of the world’s largest

The Levante series presents a new range of threestage air-cooled compressors that are tailored to the high requirements of international shipping.

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deck equipment & machinery

The Levante compressors are assembled at Sauer Compressors’ main factory in Kiel.

container ships already use Levante compressors. even with high transport capacities of over 23,000 Teu, only up to four compressors of the largest type Levante Wp 460 L Marine are used. The series proved its suitability, even before the official sales launch. during a field test, about 8,000 operating hours were achieved on six ships of three shipping companies. The compressors subsequently showed hardly any wear on pistons and cylinders, and the oil turned out to be cleaner than average thanks to the new oil filter.

User-friendly and safe

special attention was paid to userfriendliness during the development of the Levante series. The compressors have a modern user interface with an integrated

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pressure gauge panel that bundles all important data at a glance. Operators in the past had to read off values from various spots on the compressor, as the pressure gauges were directly installed during the respective stages.

Maintenance with guarantee

To ensure reliable and long-term operation, sauer offers its maintenance concept sauer easy care which is customised for shipping. The concept distinguishes four maintenance kits for four intervals. A kit with all spare parts is available for each maintenance stage. When all the parts are used correctly at the recommended intervals, reliable operation is guaranteed, unlike with grey market parts of unclear origin. Offering

complete kits makes it easier for operators to order spare parts and furthermore simplifies budget planning and eliminates the need for costly warehousing. There is also the certainty of always using new parts. This is particularly important for seals that become brittle and thus unusable if stored for too long.

At home on the largest ships

The Levante series feels right at home on the largest ships of the world, including container ships with a length of just under 400m, a beam of over 61m, and a 16m draught. such ships can carry over 23,000 Teu and are usually equipped with three sauer Levante Wp 460 L Marine. i.

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Bulk carrier model in NAPA Designer.


Tapio Hulkkonen, Director at NAPA Design.

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hip design has long been three dimensional. And yet, despite this, for designs to meet class societies’ rules they still need to be translated into two dimensions. Then, once signed off by class, any feedback has to be re-translated back into three dimensions so that the ship designers can implement it. It’s a painfully inefficient and unnecessarily lengthy process. A naval architect colleague and I recently estimated that a standard tanker hull structure will take approximately 3,200 hours to design in 2D. Around 30% (or 960 hours of that time) is taken up with drawings, and about 65% (2,080 hours) on calculations. For the design of a cruise ship, we concluded that it would be common for this process to take ten times longer. What makes this even more remarkable is that class societies are already performing these calculations before they give approval. 2D information is already being transferred into their 3D rule check and finite element modelling software, and this constant back

and forth between dimensions repeatedly and substantially increases the risk of inaccuracies and version control errors. In the end, you’re left with a process that’s operationally similar to using Google Translate to convert a Finnish phrase into English, and then re-translating the resulting English phrase back into Finnish. Sometimes the final phrase is the same as the original, sometimes it isn’t. For any naval architect born after 1800, this 2D aspect of ship design would be broadly recognisable. This means that the status quo is older than most classification societies, and one that’s overdue for change.

Seeing clearly

Most naval architect studios today work from shared documents, which means they’re always using the most current version. When you work from a single source of truth you save time, reduce risk, and can easily adapt to the changing needs of your clients.

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That’s yet to happen for ship design. Historically, it’s always been easier to maintain design consistency in 2D rather than 3D. That’s because 3D data comes in many forms and formats, and the checks that class performs are already complex. This is in part a hangover from the past when the drive to increase design efficiency split it into specialities. However, as those fields have evolved, they’ve often developed their own specific requirements for different information. For example, 3D CAD models don’t typically include the information needed for rule checks, such as calculating hull steel weight or welding length. In 2019, more than 95% of shipyards that launched ocean-going newbuilds used NAPA design software for at least one part of their construction. From this vantage point we get to see enormous diversity of construction and use, and it opens up conversations with vessel designers about what they wish was possible. The vast majority recognise that these processes need to change, but as we also reluctantly conclude, this presents a chicken and egg situation.

Digital twins are a concept that we’ve been hearing about for many years, and they’re finally starting to justify the hype. authentic digital twins – and all of the benefits that this could bring. Digital twins are a concept that we’ve been hearing about for many years, and they’re finally starting to justify the hype. However, at present we can only accurately represent certain aspects of a ship. As there are many thousands of individual assets on each ship, representing each one and how they interplay with one another is an enormous endeavour.

Once this process is complete, we’ll be able to optimise to a much higher level of sensitivity and be able to more accurately validate the sensor inputs that are critical for IoT applications. It will also streamline the coordination of seafarers and shoreside teams in an emergency, or – more commonly – fix software errors or optimise vessel performance. It’s reasonable to anticipate its arrival in the coming years, but this evolution isn’t going to happen immediately. There’s far too much at stake for this to be rushed or to cut corners on safety-critical design and approval processes. Unfortunately, while we’re still stuck with antiquated processes like 2D drawing based rule checks, it’s going to be difficult to progress to this reality. i.

Forward planning

To help overcome this dilemma and to give us a better understanding of the practical realities, we’ve teamed up with ClassNK, the biggest classification society in terms of deadweight tonnage, and Japan Marine United (JMU), Japan’s second largest shipyard. Towards the end of 2019, we completed a joint feasibility study on 3D MBA using 3D CAD models. ClassNK held a trial evaluation of hull structural design on a 3D CAD model of a VLOC, and the model was created by JMU using NAPA Designer – a 3D CAD software application for ship design – as a 3D model viewer and a platform for performing and launching the rule check. At the end of the process, we reached two main conclusions. Firstly, that the same person can easily and effectively perform multiple rule checks and adjust designs without needing to learn multiple programmes. And secondly, that all the information needed for class approval can be included in NAPA Designer, the most commonly used ship design software. These developments will enable more efficient vessel design, as well as help to produce smarter ships that are better optimised to higher specifications. For example, because we can now include more information in a single, accurate model we are now closer to developing totally

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Frigate model in NAPA Designer.

Mega-yacht model in NAPA Designer.

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special feature

Protecting biodiversity

The InTernaTIonal MarITIMe OrganisatiOn (iMO) is rallying efforTs To geT ahead of The envIronMenTal curve wITh a wave of new alliances and treaties that put biodiversity and reduced ship emissions first. All photos cOurtesy Of iMO.

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he protection of marine ecosystems has risen to the top of the maritime industry’s list of priorities in recent years, best exemplified by the recent signing of an international treaty that helps to prevent the spread of potentially invasive aquatic species by ships. the Ballast Water Management convention (BwM) aims to protect marine ecosystems by requiring ships to manage their ballast water so that harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens are removed or rendered harmless before the ballast water is released into a new location. it first entered into force in 2017 but following china’s extension of the treaty in May 2020 to the Hong Kong special administrative region, it now covers more than 90% of shipping worldwide. ships flagged to Hong Kong, china – the fourth largest flag administration in the world by shipping tonnage – will now be required to apply the requirements of the BWM.

Environmental focus

the BWM convention now has 83 Parties, representing 90.98% of the gross tonnage of the world’s merchant shipping, up from 81.83% previously. since the entry into force requirements for the treaty were met in september 2016, there have been some 30 ratifications, with the percentage of world merchant shipping tonnage covered increasing considerably, from 35.14% to 90.98%. Its aim is to help prevent the spread of invasive species – as well as potentially harmful pathogens – and works in parallel with the iMO-industry alliance that looks to broaden the scope of action to cut ship emissions. following a video conference in May, the global industry alliance (gia) to support low carbon shipping is now intensifying its work on the ship-port interface to reduce emissions from ships and support ship decarbonisation.

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special feature

IMO considered aims and objectives of IMONorway GreenVoyage2050 Project in the wake of Covid-19 to support the financial recovery of the maritime sector.

The protection of marine ecosystems has risen to the top of the maritime industry’s list of priorities.

New areas of focus for the GIA include alternative fuels and validating the performance of energy efficiency technologies.

Concentrating efforts

The BWM Convention now covers more than 90% of shipping worldwide.

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new areas of focus for the gIa include alternative fuels and validating the performance of energy efficiency technologies. they also agreed to embark on an entirely new workstream aimed at creating a “holistic approach to reducing emissions in the ship-port interface”. this will support implementation by ports of regulatory, technical, operational and economic actions to help reduce gHg emissions from ships, such as providing onshore power supply and safe and efficient bunkering of alternative low-carbon fuels. the new workstream builds on the gia’s previous efforts on the Just-in-time (Jit) arrival of ships. Jit operation allows ships to optimise their speed so that they arrive at their destination port when their berth is ready for them – cutting the time ships spend waiting outside ports with their engines on, thereby saving energy and cutting costs and emissions.

Working together

the group also looked at how it can support the financial recovery of the maritime sector in the wake of covid-19 and considered the aims and objectives of the iMO-norway greenVoyage2050 Project, which it recently became part of. topics of focus were how to catalyse demonstration and trialling solutions in the greenVoyage2050 pilot countries. the greenVoyage2050 is an iMO-executed project funded by norway to initiate and promote global efforts to demonstrate and test technical solutions for reducing ship emissions. the project also aims to enhance knowledge and information-sharing to support the iMO gHg reduction strategy. i.

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Media Kit 2021 Available Now!

Photo courtesy of Stena RoRo.

Boulevard Bankert 290, 4382 AC Vlissingen, The Netherlands • T +31 118 473 398 • E • I

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People Mediakitdef.indd 2021 full44 SBI page.indd 1

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people Giorgo Alemanno

Jelmer Domela Nieuwenhuis

Michael Houen

Elisabeth Lönne

Managing Director

Erik van Boom

Director of Smart Port Strategy

Trade Director Business

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

ScHottel italia

Jrc europe & alpHatron marine


Stena line

Giorgio Alemanno has been appointed Managing Director of Schottel Italia, a position that will enable him to contribute his extensive market expertise and many years of sales experience in the shipping industry. Before joining Schottel, Mr Alemanno was head of sales for a supplier of propulsion solutions. Schottel is also expanding its strategic network in Southern Europe with the addition of a new subsidiary in Bozen, Italy.

Jelmer Domela Nieuwenhuis has been appointed as Division Manager of the European division of JRC Europe. Based upon his extensive knowhow in the marine electronics field and his working experience with larger entities like SAM, Wärtsilä and L3, he is a valuable contribution to the management team of the Alphatron Marine group. At the same time Erik van Boom is appointed as Managing Director of Alphatron Marine Netherlands.

Hatch is pleased to welcome Michael Houen as Director of Smart Port Strategy. In this new role, Mr Houen will focus on utilising Hatch’s global engineering capabilities to bring safe, innovative, and sustainable solutions to the challenges of digitisation and automation in ports. He joins Hatch after having spent nearly twenty years at Patrick Terminals, where his vision and leadership were instrumental to the successful pioneering of terminal automation with automated straddle carriers.

Elisabeth Lönne has taken over the position as Trade Director Business Region Denmark at Stena Line from Johan Edelman, who is now Trade Director, Baltic Sea North. Ms Lönne is now returning to Gothenburg, where she began her career at Stena Line as a management trainee in 2003. Since then, she has held several leading positions within Scandlines and Stena Line in sales, marketing and service.

Ina Lutchmaih

Cathrine K. Marti

Peter Rondhuis

Brian Vlad

Managing Director Singapore



Marine Product Line Manager

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

appointment at

Wikborg rein

ulStein group

roll group


International law firm Wikborg Rein has appointed Ina Lutchmiah (partner) as the new Managing Director of its Singapore office. Ms Lutchmiah already heads up Wikborg Rein’s transactional practice in the Asia Pacific region which encompasses both shipping and offshore energy projects (including renewables). A fluent Greek speaker, Ms Lutchmiah works for a large number of international clients, including some of the largest Greek shipping groups.

Cathrine Kristiseter Marti has been appointed as the new CEO of Ulstein Group. Gunvor Ulstein and Tore Ulstein welcome her in her new position. Ms Marti’s former role was that of CFO at Ulstein Group, a position she has held for the past six years. She holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole/ McGill University. Throughout her entire career, she has been working in the maritime industry.

Roll Group is pleased to announce that Peter Rondhuis will take up the position as Group CEO with effect of 1 January 2021. He succeeds Adriaan Aarts who is appointed to the supervisory board of Roll Group. Together with Martine Kok (CFO), he will form the board of Roll Group. Mr Rondhuis joined Roll Group as Group CCO in 2019. Since 2000, he worked within the shipping industry and held several management positions within international companies.

Airmar Technology Corporation is pleased to welcome Brian Vlad to the company as Marine Product Line Manager. The company specialises in ultrasonic sonar and Chirp technology. Mr Vlad will focus on the direction and evolution of Airmar’s line of marine products, and joins with over 20 years of marine electronics experience, primarily in product development and line management.

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AncoferWAldrAm SteelplAteS Bv P.O. Box 190 4900 AD Oosterhout The Netherlands t +31 (0)162 491500 f +31 (0)162 429806 e I Over 100,000 tons of quality heavy steel plates in stock AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. (AWS) is a stockholding wholesaler and steel service center, specializing in the supply of hot-rolled heavy carbon steel (quarto) plates, and profiled parts for more than 40 years now. Over the years, AWS has developed into a business that sets the standard for its industry. Plates from stock or profiled parts The choice is yours! It is the combination of comprehensive stocks of over 100,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant that gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.

Art4 technIcAl SyStemS Bv Nieuwegracht 9-11 3763 LP Soest The Netherlands t +31 (0)35 582 2468 f +31 (0)35 642 4860 e I contact: Mr Paul Schraven Art4 Technical Systems BV is an independent Dutch company. We design, build and deliver fully turnkey solutions for hydraulic and electrical systems for customers worldwide. Our clients use the hydraulic and electrical systems for various end products such as:Mobile drives, transport conveyers, winch drivers, jack up platforms, cranes, both onshore and off shore, a-frames, special equipment, fairground attractions.The systems can be custom built to fit the specifications of the product they are used for.

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BAchmAnn electronIc GmBh Office Veenendaal: Vendelier 65-69 3905 PD Veenendaal The Netherlands t +31 (0)85 210 0550 e I contact: R. Epskamp Bachmann hardware matches the harsh conditions in the maritime and offshore industry. We take pride of extremely high availability using stateof-the-art technologies. Integration of AMS, PMS, CMS, etc. in a Redundant solution is realized with our modular and marine certified PLCbased product range. The group of companies includes the CMS specialist Bachmann Monitoring and Certec EDV, the developers of the 1st fully web enabled SCADA software atvise®

dBr Bv Lelystraat 53 NL-3364 AH Sliedrecht P.O. Box 1039 NL-3360 BA Sliedrecht The Netherlands t +31 (0)184 613 200 f +31 (0)184 612 654 e I contact: H.J. Hafkamp DBR BV is the Dutch specialist in diesel and gas generator sets up to 4,000kVA, pumps and diesel pump sets up to 2,000kW in the oil and gas, wind farm, dredging and shipping industry worldwide. The well-engineered generator and pump sets are custom-built and assembled by DBR in accordance to high quality offshore standards and marine classification rules.

crAmm hlS Bv PO Box 186 9100 AD Dokkum The Netherlands t +31 (0)88 457 0457 f +31 (0)88 457 0458 e I contact: Paul Boelens Cramm HLS BV is a sister company of Cramm Yachting Systems (www. Cramm HLS deliveres equipment for safe and secure landing and handling of helicopters. One of the products is the helicopter landing grid (, which is used for safe landing in rough conditions. Besides this also Helicopter moving systems and the delivery of hangardoors are in the delivery-package. After 60 year anniversery we are proud to use: quality based on experience.

emIGreen B.v. Noordeinde 21 3341 LW Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht The Netherlands t +31 (0)184 415 317 f +31 (0)184 415 582 e I contact: Niko J. Dalpis Emission Control Technology Emigreen produces customised, integrated emission control solutions, for, among others, the maritime sector. Emigreen also provides services including design, specification, production, installation instruction, training and aftersales. Emigreen has expertise in emission control technologies, flow dynamics, thermodynamics and noise and vibration control. Emigreen develops and tests components including catalytic converters, particulate filters, selective catalytic reduction systems and related instrumentation. The Emigreen Alfa Alfa burner assisted soot filter system has set the standard for others to beat. All Emigreen

solutions are highly efficient, highly reliable and highly controllable, whether designed for an inland barge, shortsea carrier or luxury yacht. Emigreen links science and the market

heInen & hopmAn Produktieweg 12 3751 LN Spakenburg The Netherlands t +31 (0)33 299 25 00 f +31 (0)33 299 25 99 e I contact: J.W.E. Hopman Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world leader in air conditioning, mechanical ventilation,central heating, refrigeration, sanitary systems, fire protection, environmental systems and air duct cleaning. Founded in 1965, the company is renowned for being an innovator in the design, engineering and installation of customised solutions. We work in four specialist areas: – Superyachts. – Commercial shipping. – Offshore industry. – Navy vessels. Our mission is to ensure that the climate ‘indoors’ will perfectly meet the needs of people and products alike, whatever the weather outside. Heinen & Hopman offers a worldwide, 24/7 service via a network of subsidiaries and sales centres.

KlAy InStrumentS B.v. P.O. Box 13 7990 AA Dwingeloo The Netherlands t +31 (0)521 591 550 e I Klay Instruments is a Dutch manufacturer of ‘All Stainless Steel’ Pressure- and Level transmitters for the Marine & shipbuilding. All our transmitters are ATEX and IECEx Ex ia certified and have five different Marine Type Approvals. Our Pressure transmitters are available in threaded and Flanged process s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u

25-11-20 11:17

YELLOW & FINCH PAGES connections with flush diaphragm for all pressure applications. The available accuracies are 0.2% (series 8000) or 0.1% (series 2000). For Level measurement we manufacture Compact transmitters (series 8000 and 2000) and submersible level transmitters (series Hydrobar). Typical applications: – Ballast Level – Oil / HFO and (waste) water level – Manifold pressure More than 30 years experience in the Marine and shipbuilding industry!

men technIeK Bv Caïrostraat 55 3047 BB Rotterdam The Netherlands t +31 (0)10 820 8717 e I contact: Lucien Tuinfort Safety, quality and innovative entrepreneurship. Men Techniek BV is a company with a very broad field of activities. We are specialised in general repair on and offsite and have a lot of experience in welding, fire work and mechanical and electrical work. We can also offer a full NDT examination.

nIcoverKen mArIne ServIceS Bv Algerastraat 20 3125 BS Schiedam The Netherlands t +31 (0)10 238 0999 f +31 (0)10 238 0988 e I contact: Jacco Vermunt Distributor, 24/7 service & spare parts agent of marine equipment. In our programme there are stainless steel marine pipes and drains, filtration, anti-fouling & cathodic protection, reverse osmosis desalinators (water makers), wastewater treatment, vacuum sanitary systems for yachts, deck equipment (doors & hatches) and watertight sliding door systems. Our Ship Repair department is specialised in the overhaul of all types of main and auxiliary engines, including attachments i.e. governors, s h i p b u i l d i n g - i n d u str

yellowpages SBI 14-5.indd 47

turbochargers, fuel equipment and the sales of spare parts and engines. We are capable of crankshaft grinding. Our service is 24/7 worldwide!

pIenInG propeller Am Altendeich 83 D-25348 Glueckstadt Germany t +49 4124 9168-0 f +49 4124 3716 e I contact: Mathias Pein Noise reduction relies upon the quiet operation of a yacht´s propulsion system. Piening Propeller fulfils its briefs in: Consideration of all hydrodynamic aspects during the design and an accurate manufacturing of propellers and shafts according to highest ISO classes.The company is approved by all common classification societies. Repairs and adjustments of propellers are done with the same care as new buildings. Piening Propellers scope of supply includes: Propellers FPP > 800mm Ø CPP > 1.100mm Ø Shafts up to a several length of 16,000mm Sterntubes with sealings and bearings Shaft brackets complete Gearboxes Brand ZF

rBI mArIne conSultAncy De Ruyterstraat 62 4335 GN Middelburg The Netherlands t +31 (0)6 190 358 20 e I contact: Ruud Bimmel RBi Marine Consultancy provides full-service 24/7 worldwide. This is the core of our business. We advise, manage and carry out projects with expertise and experience; a result of years in supporting the Marine industry both locally and internationally. Our business conduct inspection, surveying, new-build, repairs, refurbishment, regular maintenance, fleet management, site management,

owner representative, and of course project management. Our network contains more than just that. Together with established partners we provide delivery of genuine marine parts, blasting and painting, welders, fitters and sorts of craftsmen. For more details please call us or view our website:

and special engineered products. Winel’s strength is offering a complete in-house service package which includes 3D design, engineering, testing, manufacturing, assembly, project management, support & logistic services.

Suhbo Industrial co., ltd. 6, Mipyeong-ro, 106 beon-gil, Wonsam-Myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Kyunggi-do, Korea t +82 31 334 6979 f +82 31 334 1789 m +82 10 4999 6979 (Korea), +61 434 509 501 (Australia) e I contact: Joey Kim, Export Sales Manager Established in 1985, Suhbo Industrial Co., Ltd is the major leading Korean manufacturer and supplier of high performance roundsling for heavy & shipping building industries. We have been supplying high performance roundslings to major heavy industries companies and projects in Korea and Asia. Our Suprime roundsling with Ultrapowerful Poly Arylate fiber is highly recognized from many customers due to its excellent performance, the maximum lightening, the optimum handing efficiency (slim in size) and optional functions such as anti-cutting, anti-flame and multi-checking.

G.J.WortelBoer Jr. B.v. Quarantaineweg 5 3089 KP Rotterdam P.O. Box 5003 3008 AA Rotterdam Harbournr: 2637 – The Netherlands t +31 (0)10 429 2222 f +31 (0)10 429 6459 e I Every now and then anchors and chains must be replaced, so we understand your need for quality and speedy delivery. Wortelboer has what you are looking for. Our enormous stock of anchors and chain cables of all sizes and diameters in both our Rotterdam and China ports gives you the certainty that we can deliver the required materials very quickly and to any port in the world! All our materials are approved by any of the well-known class societies such as LRS, BV, RINA, DNV/GL, ABS and RMRS. Do you have problems with finding the right anchors? Could you use a hand while fitting anchors and chain cables aboard your vessel? We are more than happy to help you with it. Wortelboer has been a reliable partner in the shipping industry for more than 50 years. And that is why our customers keep coming back for more. Do you need anchors and chain cables? Come to WORTELBOER.

WInel B.v. P.O. Box 70 9400 AB Assen The Netherlands t +31 (0)592 366 060 f +31 (0)592 312 392 e I contact: Bert Knijp Since its foundation in 1956, Winel has grown into a leading global supplier of high quality products and services tot the world’s maritime industry. An experienced team of specialists offer a wide range of doors, hatches, platforms, tank venting systems S B I 2020 | Vo l u me 14 | I s s u e 5 | 4 7

25-11-20 11:17

NEXT ISSUES We have already started preparing our upcoming issues of ShipBuilding Industry. Below, you will find some of the main topics we are planning to cover. Please feel free to provide our editorial staff with any relevant information, so they can take your input into consideration for publication. Our commercial department will be happy to assist you with your marketing needs.

ShipBuilding Industry – Issue 1 Refit & conversions Marine propulsion & power generation Cruise vessels / river cruise vessels NAVCOM Copy deadline | 28 January 2021 Advertisement deadline | 18 February 2021

Photo courtesy of damen.

Photo courtesy of Nor-Shipping.

ShipBuilding Industry – Issue 2 NorShipping 2021 Ship design & naval architecture Focus on Northern Europe Workboats & tugs Deck equipment & machinery Copy deadline | 23 March 2021 Advertisement | deadline 13 April 2021

Subjects can be changed without prior notice.


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