atHome Spring 2020

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I s s u e # 1 8 • S P R I N G 2 0 2 0 • F R EE



celebrating the homes, gardens & places of the tri-state area of nh, vt & ma

What it Means These Days to ‘Have it All’


Making Simple Bread The Many Lives of a Library The Joy of Floral Prints Homes ‘For the Birds’ & More!

: ON I CT SE G! G IN PRIN S I RT OR S E DV P F A U AL CE I EC RU Spring 2020 • 1 SP SP

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We reach 15,000+ local folks who love their homes & gardens!

Our free publication is distributed throughout the tristate area of New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts.

Upcoming Advertising Deadline: SUMMER 2020: June 5 Reserve your space today:

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section dedicated to everything you need to clean up your yard

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10 • atHOME with History: Greenfield Library 15 • Having it All

Columns 4 5 6 18 20 22 24 30

• • • • • • • •

atHome with


Gift Picks art atHome: For the Birds In the Kitchen: Simple Bread Design: Why We Love Floral Prints Sustainable living: Recycle Your Clothes Garden: Get Tools Ready for Spring Pets at Home:Therapy Pets

Back Cover

Spring Shopping Guide


Having it all What does it mean to ‘have it all’? For this Fitzwilliam couple, a simple home, and a spectacular view of

Mt. Monadnock. Story on page 15


Kitchen Stuck at home self-isolating? You can learn to make bread! This recipe is SIMPLE! Story & recipe on page 18 In


Spring 2020

• 3

atHome with Marcia



ISSUE 18 • SPRING 2020 PUBLISHER Backporch Publishing LLC EDITOR Marcia Passos-Duffy CONTRIBUTORS

Robert Audette • Ann Henderson Peg Lopata • Leonard Perry PHOTOGRAPHY Beth Pelton

Having it All ... in the Age of the Pandemic


“It seems we are massively entering a quarantine of consumption where we will learn how to be happy just with a simple dress, rediscovering old favourites we own, reading a forgotten book and cooking up a storm to make life beautiful. The impact of the virus will be cultural and crucial to building an alternative and profoundly different world.” - Li Edelkoort, trend forecaster.


o doubt that by the time you get this magazine, your world will have changed. Many of us are quarantined at home, wondering if we are stuck in some third-rate pandemic movie. In our lifetime, none of us has experienced anything even close to this. Perhaps our great-grandparents could have shed some light on our predicament ... after all, many lived through the Spanish Flu and, later, the Great Depression. And perhaps that is why they were frugal, content with simple pleasures, and not consumed with consumption. How will we, as a community, society, nation, planet, change because of this? I would hope we will take less for granted. That we will realize we don’t need to “have it all” because we already do ... our health, our life, and our beautiful, miraculous planet Earth. May we all take this time “at home” to enjoy simple pleasures: A breath-taking glimpse of Mt. Monadnock, simple bread, gardening, the joy of the spring flowers. We will get through this ... but our definition of “having it all” will certainly change. And that, I believe, could be a good thing.

Marcia Passos-Duffy

Editor/Publisher, atHome Magazine

CONTACT US Magazine 16 Russell Street Keene, N.H. 03431 603-369-2525 atHome

atHome is published four times a year

(Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) by Keene, N.H.-based Backporch Publishing LLC.

atHome is a consumer publication that highlights the homes and gardens of residents in tri-state area of New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts. This

magazine is copyrighted.


part of this publication may

be reproduced without written consent.


views expressed

in atHome magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of its advertisers, publisher or editor.


every effort is

made to provide accurate information, neither atHome nor

Backporch Publishing LLC


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atHome reaches


local folks

& gardens! Our free publication is distributed throughout the tri-state area of New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts.

who love their homes

Upcoming Advertising Deadline: SUMMER 2020: June 5 Reserve your space today!

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Make Hand Washing a Simple Pleasure

gift picks

Joy Lane Farm Soap We are all obsessively washing our hands these days. Why not wash them in a beautiful simple scent of lavender? This soap, made

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Spring 2020

• 5

art atHome

ARCHITECTURAL BIRDHOUSES UNLIMITED 276 State Route 101 Amherst, NH 03031 Mike Descoteaux 603-554-8869

FOR THE BIRDS: Our feathered friends are looking for homes this spring.



give them a birdhouse

that is a work of art?

Architectural Birdhouses creates handcrafted, exquisitely detailed, historically accurate and endearing homes for birds made from top quality products.

Craftsman, Mike Descoteaux, along with his son and grandson, can create a range of birdhouses from simple shaker styles

to elaborate mansions and castles.

We spoke to Mike

during his busy

spring season to learn more about his remarkable birdhouses.

Interview by marcia Passos-Duffy Images courtesy Architectural Birdhouses Unlimited

The work you do is amazing. Tell me how you got started building bird houses … or bird “mansions”? Thirty seven years ago, I used to make furniture. When I would bring my products to furniture stores, they would say I’d have to go down in my prices, or else they’d order from overseas. So in other words, they closed a lot of us woodworkers down. At that point, I was looking for a job. I closed my plant and started making a birdhouse that my grandfather made years ago. It was real elaborate. Instead of putting it my backyard, I put it in the front. I lived on a main road. And people who saw it stopped by and wanted to know more about it. After the fourth person who stopped by, it suddenly clicked. I made a few on the weekend and started selling them. That was 37 years ago.

6 Home at

Were you doing custom designs in the beginning? No, not at first. But I started thinking that since I could make these detailed birdhouses I could also make replicas, of houses, churches, historical buildings, landmarks. And I started doing that, and been doing that ever since. Spring must be your busy season. Yes, spring is my biggest season ... and Christmas. It has slowed down some because of (the coronavirus). But I have quite a bit of stock (in the store). My workshop is in Amherst on Route 101, and I’ve been here seven years. My workshop and store are together. People can come in and buy what is in the store, or order a custom-made birdhouse. Continued



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The office of kcs ARCHITECTS was founded by Katie Sutherland in 2015. Katie Sutherland has twenty-five years of experience in the practice of architecture, the last fifteen years of which have been in New Hampshire.

䠀椀猀琀漀爀椀挀 䄀洀戀椀愀渀挀攀 䴀漀搀攀爀渀 䄀洀攀渀椀琀椀攀猀 匀攀愀猀漀渀愀氀氀礀ⴀ䤀渀猀瀀椀爀攀搀 䰀漀挀愀氀 䴀攀渀甀 䌀氀愀猀猀椀挀 䌀漀挀欀琀愀椀氀猀 ☀ 䰀漀挀愀氀 䈀爀攀眀猀 䤀渀琀椀洀愀琀攀 圀攀搀搀椀渀最猀 ☀ 倀愀爀琀椀攀猀 䔀砀攀挀甀琀椀瘀攀 伀昀昀猀椀琀攀猀 倀攀爀猀漀渀愀氀 ☀ 䜀 倀攀爀猀漀渀愀氀 ☀ 䜀爀漀甀瀀 刀攀琀爀攀愀琀猀

The office designs projects big and small. Katie has won numerous design awards throughout her career, and specializes in thinking creatively and adaptively, architecturally responding to each project in its own right.

Spring 2020

• 7


Tell us about the most elaborate custom birdhouse you have made. Most elaborate one was $4,000 and I had to ship it to Australia. It was a custom castle. All foundations on the “houses” I make look like rocks, but they are all made from wood. And this castle, a Tudor style castle, has a lot of stonework. It ended up measuring 2.5 feet by 3 feet. It took four months to make. I’ve also built a replica of a $2 million home, I replicated it down to the lions in the front. You have referred to your birdhouses as a work of art, and I agree. Tell me how long it takes you to create a custom birdhouse. A custom birdhouse takes two to three weeks, for a small one. I have done other types of buildings too, like churches, schoolhouses, lighthouses. Birdhouse prices range from $55 up to, well, $4,000. How do you go about in designing a custom birdhouse for a client? I have them take a picture of the house, on all four sides. I usually leave the front of the house as a focal point. I don’t put any bird holes on the front of the house ... I will put it in the back or on the sides of the house. What kind of birds do your birdhouses attract? Common nesting birds. The ones that live in birdhouses (not ones that nest in trees or bushes) and like their privacy ... they want to raise their kids, but don’t want interference! These are bluebirds, tree swallows, chickadees, nuthatches. What is your most favorite part of being a birdhouse builder? Getting educated from the Audubon Society. At first I would make big holes, and a perch. But I quickly learned you can’t do that. I joined the Audubon and learned about birds and what they like when nesting. Then I got really interested in birds. That’s what really got me started.


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And, what do the birds think of your birdhouses? They love them. They move right in. I get calls from my customers when the birds move in. The birds usually start making their nests in April, when its not too hot. Once they raise them, they move on. Some birds have a second batch if its a nice summer. After that, they leave and the birdhouse will be empty until the next spring. Are there any tricks to attracting the birds to your birdhouses? You can’t have a house that is too bright colored, or they won’t move in. I tell people that birds won’t go for bright purples, greens or florescent colors for their houses. I try to keep the colors natural that blend in with the environment. The exception, of course, is house sparrow. I call them McDonald’s birds because you always see them in the parking lot of McDonald’s eating French fries that have fallen on the ground. They nest all year round and they aren’t as picky about color. But they need to have a house too. Anything else you want to add that I didn’t ask? I’ve been building birdhouses like this for years. It was my grandfather who got me into woodworking, and we made miniature (houses) for years. He was a master craftsman and taught me carving, chiseling. I grew up with that. I loved making furniture, and I have a family and had to put bread and butter on the table. But when I got our of the furniture business, my second success was birdhouses. And I’m glad I did that. Note: View an interview with Mike and his family, and see his workshop and more birdhouses (and bird mansions) at:

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Spring 2020

• 9

at home with history

The Many Lives of the Greenfield Public Library Story by Robert Audette / Photography by Beth Pelton


he building that has been home to the Greenfield Public Library, in Greenfield, Massachusetts, since 1909 was built in 1797. “So it’s conceivable that every president of the United States could have visited this place,” notes Ellen Boyer, who’s been the director of the GPL since 2012. Before she came to Greenfield, Boyer was the library director in Manchester, Vermont. “This was the social center of Greenfield,” says Boyer. “And it still is.” The 15,253 square foot Greenfield Public Library is located at the eastern end of town at 402 Main St., on a 1.91-acre lot shared with the Greenfield Fire Department. The Leavitt-Hovey House is a wooden structure built by Asher Benjamin, a carpenter from the Greenfield area who became one of the best-known architects of the early 19th century. It was built for Jonathan Leavitt, the second judge of the local probate court, and his wife and four daughters. It was known by his family as the “Social Villa.” “Hospitality was dispensed with a lavish hand at the big white house,” states a June 9, 1953, article in the Greenfield Recorder. “Visiting jurists, local citizens, the ministers and a wide circle of friends, both young and old, were wined and dined in almost continual round of entertaining.”

10 Home at

Over the years, the building was added on to with wings containing a kitchen in the early 1800s. In the mid-1800s, it was owned by Dr. George H. Hovey, the owner of a pharmacy that was open from 1842 to 1903. In 1908, a 4,000-square-foot masonry addition designed to hold the adult book stacks was added to the north of the original building. In 1952, a 500-square-foot bookmobile garage was added to the east wing. GPL no longer operates the bookmobile, and that space has been modified as a children’s room. The Leavitt-Hovey House has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1983.

Modern-Day: A Library

On a recent Tuesday afternoon, GPL is full of people browsing the stacks, teenagers conversing quietly in a small, well-lit section reserved for them and even more people tapping away at the eight computers. “It was Jonathan Leavitt’s house for, I don’t know, a number of years,” says Boyer. “And he only had one son who died while he was a student at Yale. He had four daughters. And so one of the daughters inherited the house.” Over the years, the house fell into disrepair and in 1907, the town purchased the building for the purpose of renovating it to become a public library. While the exterior was preserved, the wings needed to be rebuilt.

Needless to say, the library is bursting at the seams, open 51 hours a week with a circulation of 300,000 volumes a year. “We serve about 350 to 380 people a day,” notes Boyer. “That number has gone down from about 500 since we’ve had to close our meeting rooms.”

The Greenfield Public library has been a library since 1909. Before that it was a private residence. Because the library is now bursting at the seams, it will be sold, and could possibly convert back to a private residence, or offices. In the meantime, the region is raising money to construct a new library, which will break ground in April 2021. “There was talk at that time of pulling down the wings because they were in the most advanced state of decay … but this motion was defeated by voters who were nostalgically attached to its past,” states the Greenfield Recorder. “The town wanted to preserve it,” says Boyer. “It’s a beautiful building.” Boyer says that over the years, the town has continued to maintain the building well, but the needs of Greenfield’s residents, and those all over Franklin County, have outgrown the building itself. This is evident in the downstairs meeting rooms, which are now closed to the public for safety issues. The building’s not ADA accessible and it’s elevator is too small for large wheelchairs. There’s also not enough storage space and the 16 staffers work elbow-to-elbow in the reference rooms and in between the stacks. “We also have a whole pool of volunteers who do all sorts of things for us like watering and taking care of our plants, shelving our books and delivering books to the homebound,” says Boyer.

But Not a Library for Long Libraries in Massachusetts are mandated “to serve all residents of the Commonwealth,” says Boyer. To pay for that, Greenfield gets about $35,000 subsidy from the state in what is called a nonresident circulation offset. “For all intents and purposes, we are Franklin County’s public library,” she says. The library’s board of directors, realizing the LeavittHovey House wouldn’t be able to accommodate the needs of the region’s residents, decided it was time to find a new home for the Greenfield Public Library. The plan is to knock down the old fire station next door and build the new library between the old one and the town’s post office. Greenfield’s public safety complex will be built at Beacon Street and Riddell Street. Greenfield’s new library is expected to cost about $19 million, and members of the city council initially balked at the cost. “The citizens of Greenfield took it upon themselves and organized without our help,” said Boyer. Town residents organized a march down Main Street, carrying baskets to collect donations. On that one day alone, says Boyer, people chipped in $100,000 in donations and pledges toward the effort. Greenfield also received a $9.4 million grant from the state in 2018. “In Massachusetts, the state treasures and values libraries,” she says. The actual capital campaign, which started in 2019, has a target of $2 million. “We’ve already raised more than $800,000,” says Boyer. In November 2019, the residents of Greenfield approved a $19 million bond for the construction of the new library. The $9.4 million grant from the state will help offset the tax impact on Greenfield’s taxpayers. Boyer says they hope to break ground on the new building in April 2021. What will happen to the old library building when the operations are shifted next


Spring 2020

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door is not known, says Boyer. “We have heard rumors that there’s an interested buyer,” she said. “We’re right across the street from Franklin County Courthouse. And this was once a lawyer’s home and office. Maybe somebody would be interested?” When the move is made, the new library will have 24 computer stations with access to the internet, 12 with safety restrictions for the kids, a specific space for teenagers with their own computers and television, two meeting rooms that seat 140 people total that will be open to the community after hours, will be ADA accessible, and have all new bathrooms. “And I, or the next library director, will have a real office,” says Boyer, with a laugh

Town residents organized a march down Main Street, carrying baskets to collect donations. On that one day alone, says Boyer, people chipped in $100,000 in donations and pledges toward the effort.

Robert Audette writes from Swanzey, New Hampshire.

12 Home at

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Spring 2020

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Having it All


What does it mean to ‘have it all’? For this Fitzwilliam couple, it means a simple home. Windows streaming with light. And best of all, a spectacular view of Mt. Monadnock. Story by Peg Lopata Photography by Beth Pelton

ome say you can’t have it all. But, perhaps a visit to the Entwistle’s second home in Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, could change their minds. Set at an elevation of 1,200 feet high, this unassuming ranch style house may fool you into thinking there’s not much to it. However, looks may be deceiving. This property, at the end of a steep, winding, dirt road has it all, most especially, it has spectacular views of Mt. Monadnock. It’s hard to imagine what more you could want. This three-thousand plus square foot home has privacy (there’s only a class six road beyond it), an indoor pool, geothermal heating and cooling, three bedrooms, three baths, and last, but not least, a picture-perfect view of Mt. Monadnock.


Spring 2020

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HAVING IT ALL (continued) Part of the former Turner Farm, this home sits on 75 acres with immediate views of a sugar bush, fields and pond. Beyond is a landscape vista layered with a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees as far as the eye can see, ending with a view of our area’s iconic monadnock. From most of the vantage points, there’s no signs of civilization. This is truly the perfect getaway idyll. Once upon a time, however, it was not a place to get away, but a working farm with sheep, fruits and berries, especially blueberries, which was formerly a major cash crop in Fitzwilliam. Around 1900, the fields reforested when farming in the area declined. The Turner farmhouse and barn burned down in the mid-19th century. The property was revived first with a hunting cabin, and later, a retiree’s home that included a fireplace built of locally quarried “Fitzwilliam granite.” Next, it was a family retreat for a Boston-based attorney. The subsequent owners made many changes, including a summer porch, indoor pool with a hot tub, and a whole-house wood-fired heating system. The Entwistles, Anne, an accountant, and Erik, a music professor and pianist, bought this place in 2011. It was a rural respite, just a 90-minute drive from their city abode in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “We wanted this place for its peace and quiet, acreage to grow crops, the view of Mt. Monadnock, and a place for our dogs to run,” explains Erik Entwistle. “It’s just 30 minutes from Keene, a peaceful, friendly town. So, this is a good location.”

16 Home at

Later, after their move to Florida, this place became their summer home, plus the year-round residence of their nephew, Alex Roberts and his wife, Laurie O’Hara. The house’s location was perfect for the citybased Entwistles, but inside, that was another story. Lots of fixing needed to be done, especially in the kitchen. “The kitchen was truly awful,” says Entwistle. “The scope was challenging. We started working on it right away. We wanted to keep the character, but the house configuration was bizarre. The pool needing unearthing. Everything needed redoing.” As with many renovations, adds Entwistle, “The project mushroomed over time.” So much needed to be done, but Entwistle feels the results made it all worthwhile. In particular, he says, “The kitchen came out beautifully. Adding skylights made a huge difference. The new picture window in the master bedroom overlooks a large, sugar maple bush and the forest beyond. You wake up with the sunrise in that room.”

‘Monadnock’ in the Native American Abnaki language means ‘the mountain that stands alone,’ but this home is just the opposite of aloneness. It’s not a lonely place. What really makes this place a haven is the joy it brings to those who live and visit here.

As with most remodels, of course, not everything comes out exactly to one’s liking. “The radiant heat installed in some of the tile floors malfunctioned in one room after a few years. Also, the geothermal system was not as efficient as we had hoped and extremely complex,“ admits Entwistle. A detailed manual is definitely handy for this complicated heating and cooling system. Luckily, the current tenant, Roberts, currently pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering, is not overwhelmed. Despite some of these problems, “Ultimately,” says Entwistle, “the house was fun to re-design and I think we improved it greatly.” Other areas of improvement took place outside. A wet area was logged and a gazebo was placed nearby a new dug pond. It is both a fire pond and wildlife haven full of frogs and dragonflies. You could swim in it, but the indoor pool might entice you more. As Entwistle explains, “You can use that whenever!” A northern New England home where you can swim inside year-round is certainly novel. Equally unusual is that the pool and hot tub are heated using the geothermal

system. The entire room with the pool and hot tub is an inviting space not just for exercising, fun, and relaxing, but also just to look at. Both the pool and the hot tub have a pretty tile pattern and the space has the spa-like feel of an oversized sauna because there’s cedar paneling on the walls and ceiling. However, practical details were not forgotten in pursuit of creating this pleasant room. There’s a moisture barrier of exterior style, sliding glass doors to ensure that excess dampness doesn’t get into the adjoining kitchen and master bedroom. A pool, a hot-tub and a beautiful view of the area’s famous mountain; an artesian well, a security system, an over-sized two-car garage, a long-standing asparagus patch; raspberries and blueberries everywhere. Spacious rooms, a modern kitchen, and energy efficiency are here too. “It has everything we could want,” Entwistle says. Last, but certainly not least, Mt. Monadnock presides over this home. “Monadnock” in the Native American Abnaki language means “the mountain that stands alone,” but this home is just the opposite of aloneness. It’s not a lonely place. What really makes this place a haven is the joy it brings to those who live and visit here. That is the home’s best feature. Entwistle himself sums it up: “It’s a great gathering place.” Peg Lopata

writes from

Brattleboro, Vermont.

Spring 2020

• 17

in the kitchen

Simple Bread In this strange moment in history

we may find ourselves with more time on our hands than we are used to. Why not take a day off from the news to enjoy some simple pleasures in life. Such as the smell of homemade bread baking in the kitchen. And the taste of warm loaf, made with your own two hands, slathered with real butter, with a side of justpicked spring greens.

Visit Treehugger’s showroom for a wide selection of Lopi stoves! 603-399-8454 1046 Hwy 12 • Westmoreland NH

Stove Shop


• Kiln-Dried Firewood •

18 Home at

By Marcia Passos-Duffy You may not think that bread, made from scratch, could possibly fall into the category of “simple,” but, then again, you have not made this bread yet. Even if you are a bread-making novice, you can make these loaves of delicious crusty-on-the-outside bread with little effort (i.e., little kneading and dough-rising time). Believe it or not, this bread takes only 1 hour and 15 minutes to make, start to finish. And it is a perfect complement to light spring salads and casseroles.

Simple Bread Recipe 5-6 cups all-purpose flour (you can substitute whole wheat flour for 1 or 2 cups). 2 tablespoons of dry yeast 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 cups hot water (120-130 degrees F.) A cake pan of hot water

Celebrating 20 years of wood-fired breads made with organic flour & grains. Available at stores and farmers’ markets from Peterborough to Brattleboro & beyond.

Mix 3 cups of the flour with the yeast, sugar and salt. Pour in the hot water and beat 100 strokes (or 3 minutes with a mixer). Stir in the remaining flour until the dough loses its stickiness. Turn onto a floured surface. Knead for 8 minutes. Place dough in a greased bowl and cover with a warm damp cloth. Let rise for 15 minutes in a warm spot (away from drafts). Punch down and divide the dough into two pieces. Shape into round loaves and place on a greased baking sheet. Cut an “X” one-half inch deep in each of the loaves with a wet sharp knife.

Mountain ShadowsSchool Come for a visit ... and see what we’re up to! w w w. m o u n t a i n s h a d o w s s c h o o l . c o m (603) 563-8170

Place baking sheet with loaves in the middle of a COLD oven. Place a pan of hot water on the lowest shelf. Heat the oven to 400 degrees and bake 40-50 minutes until golden brown.



Preparing for the Wedding Season? Private cake tasting with our decorator• •All occasions cakes/pies• •Gluten-free available• •Delivery available• Please check our website for upcoming events! And call us for more info: 603-784-5653 •

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Spring 2020

• 19

it is Pretty” design “ ... Because(Miles Redd) Why We Love Floral Prints:

Rediscovering the Beauty of Nature

and bounty, the design was made possible by the roller printer, which was a revolving engraved cylinder that ontemporary designer, Miles could bring multiple colors. Yardage Redd, simply stated why was narrow and still quite expensive printed chintz is enjoying a complete and exuberant resur- to produce. The Tree of Life design is available today in every color, way gence in popularity. Not so very long ago the Swedish home goods manufac- and price point imaginable. Look for its characteristic open ground, sinewy turer IKEA launched an ad campaign movement and blossoming flora. entitled “Chuck Your Chintz.” Think Continuing into the late 19th again: beauty, self expression, color century, English printed fabrics and love of nature are back in full challenged the Industrial Age under force. Timeless and based in a rich the influence of William Morris. His historic tradition, printed florals will, beautifully intricate designs were in my view, never be “beiged out.” produced with natural dyes and a Textile printing as we know it return to hand printing the fabric with began in India and China in the 4th woodblock. The colors are slightly century with simple designs in one or greyed out, yet vibrant with stylized two colors. Derived from nature, the and swirling details gently structured motifs were printed with carved blocks by the blocking technique. Morris is of wood pressed onto a cotton cloth called Calico. In the 12th century trade synonymous with the Arts and Crafts Movement which influenced the period routes with the East brought these fabrics to Europe. The East India Com- like no other in the decorative arts. pany began importing printed Calico to The designer Arthur Liberty was also informed by William Morris who colEngland and a robust trade was born. laborated in his studio in the late 19th Many of these patterns are still printed century. Both houses still exist and by machines today and are known as their patterns live on in both custom Prints Indienne. Tiny leaves, flowers licensed and mass produced prints. and branch volutes are the inspiration Up until the 1950s much of our that has endured for centuries. design was influenced by regional and One of the most beautiful later adhistoric taste. In much of American the aptations of botany is the Tree of Life taste was described as Early Ameridesign. Conceived in the 18th century can and fabrics reflected traditional by the French designer, Charles Henri florals. Mid-century Modern brought Braque, the Tree of Life is a celebranew materials, solid color blocks and tion of creation and nature, offering up an accent on form devoid of pattern. twisting branches, beautifully detailed Interestingly, Early American co-exleaves and multiple species of flowers and fruits. Sumptuous in its coloration isted with this style and never went truly out of fashion. Later in the 50s, the Flemish designer Marimeko brought a modern Integrating shape, scale, color and texture into beautiful interiors. “Flower Power” vibe HENDER that could best SO N N N A be described as a celebration of the blossom. Pop Art and Scandinavian INT design continued ERIORS well into the 60s 16 West St., Keene and yet quell sur(603) 357-7680 prise, the French botanical prints re-emerged with Come Visit Our New Design Studio at 16 West Street!

By Ann Henderson


The Art of Inside

20 Home at

a tour de force popularized in this country by Jackie Kennedy in her young and fresh view of decorating the White House. The popularity has continued well into current times with designers such as Dorothy Draper, Mario Buatto (the Prince of Chintz) and Jane Churchill to name a very few. These popular designers used miles of chintz and licensed their own designs and color ways, a practice very much in full force for today’s most successful designers. The fabric industry today is a multi-billion dollar industry producing all types of fibers, colors, textures and patterns across all price points. Sitting down with sales reps from around the globe I am continually inspired by the colors and patterns offered. Beauty and nature, imaginatively and freshly portrayed, these creations are works of art that have endured in our creative minds. Doesn’t the world need “pretty”? Ann Henderson is the owner of keene-based Ann Henderson Interiors. Learn more at

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Spring into spring with herbal detox and allergy relief Spring 2020

• 21

sustainable living M

ost people know they can donate their unwanted clothes to organizations that will give them to those in need or resell them at inexpensive prices, but not too many people know what to do with the items that are in bad condition. What do you do with the mismatched socks or that ratty old curtain? What about the clothes with holes and stains?

You can recycle them!

Often mistaken as general trash, textiles make up 6.3% of landfills. We are all pretty familiar with the recycling of plastics, aluminum and other packaging material; however clothing is considered foreign territory. According to the EPA, in 2017, only 15.2% of the 2.6 million tons of textiles produced were recycled. Of the amount produced, 11.2 million tons were landfilled. All clothing can be recycled, regardless of quality or condition. Recycling clothing and textiles reduces solid waste in landfills, reduces carbon footprint and demonstrates sustainability. There are a number of businesses and organizations involved with collecting used clothing and textiles. They either sell them second hand, or reuse them as rags or blended fabric that is reprocessed. Here are a few to look for in your area:

Your old clothes and sheets don’t need to go to the trash just because they aren’t in good condition. Instead, check in your area for organizations that will recycle your unwanted textiles and clothes.

> 22 Home at

Cleaning Out...

Your Closet This Spring?



Recycle everything!

APRIL 25, 2020


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mini splits

Spring 2020

• 23


Goodwill will take textiles and shoes in any condition. That stained shirt, the one missing sock, and those curtains torn up by your dog, can all go to Goodwill to be recycled.

Planet Aid

Planet Aid donation drop boxes are located all over the country. These boxes take clothes in any condition and get sorted accordingly.


H&M stores are providing garment-collecting boxes in all locations for textiles and clothing of any brand, in any condition. As a bonus, H&M will reward you with a voucher for helping keep textiles out of landfills.

Transfer Stations

Contact your local transfer station and check if they take clothing or textiles. NOTE: Please do not recycle wet or contaminated clothes before checking with the collector. Article is courtesy of the Greenworks, a newsletter courtesy of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.


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Spruce up for Spring!

My Favorite Gardening Tools

“GROW WITH US!” We are family owned and operated, established in 1973. Complete Garden Center and Nursery, with a vast inventory of perennials shrubs & trees in season.

By Dr. Leonard Perry, Extension Professor University of Vermont I often get asked the question, “What are my favorite things to use in gardening?” After giving the matter some thought, I came up with the following list of tools and other items I use the most. So, I guess then that makes them my favorites! I used to use the least expensive pair of fabric gloves I could buy, only to have them wear holes after about three hours of gardening! Now I use these for delicate weeding and potting but have a pair of more expensive goatskin (or similar) gloves to use for other gardening chores. I pay more up front but usually get a whole season of gardening out of them. As for planting tools, I like the transplant spade. Spades have square tips compared to the pointed tips of shovels. The transplant one is longer, too— between 10 and 12 inches—and slightly curved. Since most my gardening is with perennials, this allows me to dig an appropriate sized hole much quicker. Of course, for the smaller plants and annuals, a good trowel is a must.


• Hanging Baskets Galore for Mother’s Day. • Our Outdoor Power Equipment Center Staff is ready with sales & service of your garden equipment! • We stock a full Battery Line of Equipment from Husqvarna. • Our FloristIL Shop is designed for All Occasions. ONZE R S VER Bhours • OPEN Year-round • Mon.-Sat. 8-5 p.m. (Sunday begin in April) E


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Achille Agway of Keene 80 Martell Ct. Keene, NH 03431 US Phone: 603-357-5720

Achille Agway of Walpole 334 Main St. Walpole, NH 03608 US Phone: 603-765-9400

Achille Agway of Peterborough 65 Jaffrey Road Peterborough, NH 03458 US Phone: 603-924-6801

Spring 2020

• 25






“Your one stop shop for all your pool and spa supplies” 233 Monadnock Hwy Swanzey, NH 03446 603-357-5874

Spruce up for Spring! GARDEN TOOLS (continued) For bulbs in the fall, for years I’ve used a bulb planter, one with a long handle so I don’t have to bend over. I’ve even found one now with a split cylinder for the planting part. Pull a lever, and it opens up to allow the soil to fall back into the hole where you just placed the bulb. For weeding I like the type of hoe that forms a closed shape on the end — a triangle, rectangle, or circle — and with the bottom edge sharp. This allows you to get close to desirable plants without injuring them. For hand weeding, I use a blade on a handle that’s slightly curved, about six inches long. This is good for deep roots like dandelions but skims the shallow rooted weeds off the surface as well. I also have one of the circle type weeders as above, only on a short handle. For pruning I have an arsenal of various implements, depending on the size of the job at hand. Usually I use the anvil type pruners (ones with straight edges) compared to the curved type (often called “bypass”) that operate more like scissors. I know that most gardeners prefer the latter, but much of what I cut is rather thick and tough. My latest acquisition is a pair of loppers for really heavy stems, two inches or more thick. It has extendable handles and a ratchet mechanism to allow for easier cutting. For carrying all these tools around I use a garden cart — the square type on large bicycle wheels — which is great for hauling almost everything up to 150 pounds, including soil, weeds and bags of compost. I also wear a garden tool belt. There are many types available, even ones to hold a cell phone! Mine simply has a couple pockets for my hand weeders, pruners, and perhaps a trowel if planting. I have a separate gardening apron to wear when labeling plants. This has separate pockets for my pencil, old labels, new labels and the occasional weed. Many labels are available for plants if you choose to label them, depending on your needs and budget. Since I try so many new perennials, I like to label them. My least expensive solution is to use plastic, six-inch markers with

26 Home at

Your trees shelter your home and surround it with beauty. But what happens when they threaten your house because of age, disease or overgrowth?

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We started the shed, gazebo and horse barn business twenty years ago. We started the shed, gazebo and horse barn business over twenty years thatthat timetime, we have evolved into an Amish destination locationlocation by ago.Over During we have evolved into an Amish destination offering finefine interior furniture, exterior furniture, drying racks, by offering interior furniture, exterior furniture, dryingcanned racks, goods,goods, coppercopper toppedtopped cupolascupolas and weather vanes, brooms, canned and weather vanes,chicken brooms, and, new thisthis year,year, greenhouses for your chickencoops coops, and new greenhouses forback youryard! backyard!

the names written in pencil. These will last a season, or longer, if out of direct sunlight. I place these at the base of most perennials, so they are out of sight from late spring onwards. Sure, I do have to relabel, but I figure this keeps me in touch with each plant at least once a year. And I use different colored labels each year, for tender plants, and for new plants. As I come across new tools in my travels both in real life, through catalogs and on the internet, this list of my favorite things changes, and, in fact, has even since last season. The lesson here: keep up and keep current with new gardening items each season. There always seems to be a better tool for the job at hand.

Everything we have at our location is made by the Amish. We have over forty Amish families proudly represented in our shop and on our grounds. People frequently come her to buy a shed but leave with a lot more!! Located at 1835 Rt. 12, Westmoreland, NH Open Tues. – Sunday 10AM - 5 PM Call (603) 399-4470 or visit our website:

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• 27



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Spruce up for Spring!

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Spring 2020

• 29

pets at home Sitting Around is Their Job:

Therapy Dogs in the Monadnock Region

Visiting with seniors can brighten their day. Photo courtesy Monadnock Therapy Pets 30 Home at

By Amee Abel


t’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. Taking in all the love, pets and admiration is part of the daily grind of therapy dog work, but throughout the Monadnock Region dogs and their people are stepping up to the challenge. Certified therapy dogs are the dogs that visit to make people feel better. Their status is not the same as assistance or service dogs (those dogs, that like a pair of eyeglasses, help an individual overcome a disability.) Nope. Therapy Dogs are subject to the same travel and access limitation of any other pet dog. Think of the certified therapy dog as holding a master’s degree in “Making People Feel Better.” Together with their handler, they’ve taken classes, passed rigorous exams, survived a clinical internship and must adhere to the ethical and behavioral rules set by an independent certifying organization. In their practice, they are covered by liability insurance, protecting the facilities where they visit. Throughout the Monadnock Region, the places where you will find Certified Therapy Dogs at work keep increasing as schools, residences, libraries, colleges,

courtrooms and correctional facilities invite these hard-working volunteers to work their magic. As adjuncts to education, therapy dogs can help students improve academically by providing non-judgmental support to struggling readers Increasingly, the dogs are also being used to support healing from trauma and domestic abuse as schools cope with being the front line in psychological support for their students. Therapy dog, Haleigh, demonstrates her relaxation techniques to some local The dogs elementary school students. Photo courtesy Monadnock Therapy Pets. also help relieve social isolation for clients both young and old — whether working with children on the autism spectrum, patients in the hospital or seniors on memory care units. Because hygiene in the form of frequent baths, brushing and anti-septic wipes is all part of the therapy dog’s brief, visiting dogs rarely provoke allergy attacks (though clients are encouraged to wash their hands before and after a dog visit and to refrain from putting their hands near their eyes, mouth and nose). At the Cheshire County Department of Corrections, a program of monthly therapy dog visits is entering its third year. While officials were initially skeptical about what petting a dog could do, the inmates’ positive response to the visits has created a demand for increased visits from the dogs. And there’s the rub: The Monadnock Region needs more dogs to step into the job. Does your dog likes meeting new people? Is your dog comfortable going new When pets talk, we listen places? Do you have time to volunteer? If so, you can find out more about how to become a certified therapy dog team in the Monadnock Region from a support group called Monadnock Therapy Pets. The group meets on the K e e ne , N H 6 0 3 - 3 5 2 - 9 2 0 0 2nd Wednesday of each month (except December) at 6:30 I n Th e Mo na dno c k Ma rk e tpla c e p.m. at the Monadnock Humane Society in Swanzey, New Hampshire. They ask you not bring your dog to the ww www w.On .OneStopCoun first meeting you attend, so that you can concentrate on asking your questions and meeting the teams. At most meetings, there will be an opportunity to train your dog, to learn about visit opportunities, and to get to know other members of the therapy dog community in the Monad-

nock Region. The meetings are free. For more information, you can email MoTherapyPets@gmail. com Or find them on Facebook. Monadnock Therapy Pets. Amee Abel

is a

certified profes-

sional dog trainer.


been helping

people in the

Monadnock region become Therapy Dog handlers since 2009 and is the founder of

Monadnock Therapy Pets. She teaches dog training classes

Monadnock Humane Society and through the Peterborough Recreation Department, in at the

addition to offering

in-home pet services

Abel Dog TrainLLC at


T rea t them li k e fa m i ly

26 A sh Brook Roa d

Spring 2020

• 31

Home Spring! Buyers Guide

at Accountants Anderson & Gilbert

295 Park Ave. Keene, NH 603-357-1928 •

Architects KCS Architects

310 Marlboro St., Keene NH 603-439-6648

Banks TD Bank

603-695-3234 •

Bakeries Waterhouse Baker’s Station 18 Depot St. Peterborough, NH 03458 603-784-5653

Orchard Hill Breadworks 121 Old Settlers Road Alstead, NH 03602 603-835-7845

Building/Construction Chris Parker Building

& Restoration 4657 Coolidge Hwy Guilford, VT 05301 802-257-4610 • Eco-Logical Building Solutions 27 Frost Hill Road Marlborough, NH 03455 603-876-4040 K&J Dean Builders, Inc. 20 Pine St., Swanzey, NH 03446 603-499-3561 MT3 Unlimited LLC 856 Guilford Center Rd., Guilford, VT 802-254-1688

Education Mountain Shadows School

149 Valley Road Dublin, NH 03444 603-563-8170

Events Gallery Walk

Downtown Brattleboro, VT Historical Society of Cheshire County 246 Main St., Keene NH 603-352-1895 • Horatio Colony House Museum & Nature Preserve 199 Main St., & Daniels Hill Road, Keene, NH 03431 603-352-0460

Flooring Lawton Floor Design

Woodell & Daughters 85 Jewett Road Langdon, NH 03602 603-835-7873 woodellanddaughters

Food Co-op Monadnock Food

Co-op, 34 Cypress St., Keene, NH 03431• 603-283-5401

Furniture Shaker Style

292 Chesham Road Harrisville, NH 03450 603-827-3340 •

Garden Achilles Agway

Six Locations in the Region Coll’s Garden Center & Florist 63 North St., Jaffrey, NH 603-532-7516 Ecoscapes 121 Pond Brook Rd West Chesterfield, NH 603-209-4778 Tom Amarosa Plants/Property Care Call or text: 603-209-1427

Pets One Stop Country

Pet Supply 26 Ashbrook Rd. Keene, N.H. 603-352-9200

Play Systems Granite State

Rainbow Playsystems 149 Royalston Road Baldwinville, MA 01436 508-845-5300

Plumbing Plumbusters

In the Company of Flowers 106 Main St., Keene, NH 603-357-8585 Joseph’s Coat 32 Grove St. Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-6683

Real Estate Giselle LaScala

RE/MAX Town & Country 117 West St. Keene, NH 03431 603-357-4100

24 Lakewood Dr. Jaffrey, NH 03452 603-831-0594

Robin Sanctuary Traditions Real Estate P.O. Box 138, Walpole, NH 03608 603-313-9165

Pool/Spa Clearwater Pool & Spa

Tree Services

233 Monadnock Hwy. Swanzey, NH 03446 603-357-5874 clearwaterpool

Renewable Energy Green Energy Options 37 Roxbury St. Keene, N.H. 03431 603-358-3444 greenenergy

McClure’s Tree Service PO Box 363, Keene, NH 03431 603-203-0613 Wilcox Tree Service 1968 NH 9, Spofford, NH 03462 603-363-8197

Upholstery/Decorating Spofford Upholstery Spofford, NH 603-363-8057

Inns Hancock Inn

33 Main St., Hancock NH 03449 603-525-3318

South Pack Solar 68 Cunningham Pond Road Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-7229

New England Fabrics & Decorating Center 55 Ralston St. Keene, N.H. 603-352-8683

Interior Design Ann Henderson

Restaurants Elm City Brewing

Interiors • 16 West St. Keene NH 603-357-7680 •

222 West St. #46, Keene, NH 603-355-3335

Wood Stoves/Firewood Treehugger Farms, Inc.

Healthcare/Hospice Home Healthcare Hospice &

The Pub Restaurant & Caterers 131 Winchester St. Keene, NH 603-352-3135

Community Services 312 Marlboro St. Keene, NH 03431 603-352-2253 •

Holistic Health Wondrous Roots

103 Roxbury St., Ste. 300, Keene, N.H. 603-439-2603

Jewelry: Handmade Geo-Graphic Gems

Keene, NH 03431 603-369-2525

Locksmith Goodwin’s Locksmithing

4 Elm St., No. Swanzey NH 603-252-5625

Massage Therapy Body Song Massage

91 Hancock Road Peterborough, NH 03458 603-924-8353

972 Putney Road, Unit 3 Brattleboro, VT 05301 802-254-9303 32 at Home

Roofing Craig Finnell Roofing

PO Box 925, Brattleboro, VT 802-257-0841

Specialty Shops/Chocolate Nelson’s Candy & Music

65 Main St., Wilton, NH 03086 603-654-5030

Specialty Shops/Gifts Monadnock Oil & Vinegar

3 Grove St., Peterborough, NH 03458 603-784-5175 Cultural Cocoon 32 Main St. Peterborough,NH 03458 603-924-6683

1046 Route 12 Westmoreland, NH 03467 603-399-8454

Woodworks/Padio Furniture, Sheds Millbrook Farm Woodworks 1835 Route 12 Westmoreland, NH 03467 603-399-4470

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