The Monthly Roar | Sheldon Key Club | June | Volume 1 | Issue 1

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Sheldon Key Club | Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH


The Official Newsletter of Sheldon Key Club

JUNE | Volume 1 | ISSUE 1 Sheldon High School—8333 Kingsbridge Dr, Sacramento CA 95829


Editor’s Note


Meet the Officers The Eliminate Project

4 8

Recap of Events (April)


Recap of Events (May)


Upcoming Events


Featured Articles


Monster Madness


SHSKC’s Summer Plans


Farewell Seniors


Contact/Find Us




ola Sheldon Monsters,

My name is Marcia Cagandahan, and I am SHSKC’s Bulletin Editor for the 2017-2018 Key Club Term! I hope you are all having fun at the start of Summer Break and recovering from finals! I present to you the very first newsletter of the term, “The Monthly Roar”. With this newsletter, I am also introducing a new comic section, “Monster Madness,” in which members submit any funny shenanigans they’ve been through! While I am still getting a hang of this, I hope to improve as time goes on! Even though summer is here, there are still many opportunities to make a difference in the community! Look out for any updates on our Facebook, Instagram, and our new Snapchat. If you want to submit or add anything to the newsletter, please contact me as well!

Buckle up your seatbelts and enjoy the June Newsletter! Lots of Love,

Marcia Cagandahan


Along with the new year, SHSKC got an entirely new board! Read some random fun facts and get to know all the officers!


I love to eat food and I eat a lot apparently.

I love being active and doing outdoorsy things.

I hate eating sweets’s too sweet.

I love tacos!

I have a fear of rats

I waste my money on boba and makeup

I love watching K-dramas!

I enjoy boba drives.

I like taking extra long naps.


I love running and eating.

I enjoy watching movies.

I like to go out to get boba!

I was born from San Francisco.

I’ve been drawing since I was 3.

I designed the D7S t-shirt of the 16-17 year!

I’m left handed!

I love meeting new people.

Tennis is my passion!


I love marathoning with Netflix.

Love free food and anything free.

Love expensive things.

I have three dogs, one german shepherd and two chihuahuas.

Got7 is my love.

I love t4!

I was born and raised in China before I moved to Hawaii!

I’ve done bowling as a sport.

I’m never not tired (even if I sleep for over 12 hours).


What is Eliminate Week? •

Eliminate week brings attention to MNT by promoting The Eliminate Project.

The Eliminate Project is a call to action by Kiwanis and UNICEF to eliminate MNT for good.

What is MNT? •

MNT is Maternal and Neonatal tetanus.

MNT kills 1 baby every 15 minutes.

Newborns suffer from convulsions and light/touch sensitivity

How can MNT be stopped? •

Kiwanis and UNICEF team up to bring immunization to many poor areas in the world.

Mothers can pass this immunity to their babies after taking 3 doses of the vaccine.

Kiwanis and UNICEF are aiming to fund $110 million for The Eliminate Project

Find more information on the Eliminate Page!


HI Sheldon! District Convention was a weekend to remember, seeing all the Planters of Service celebrating a wonderful term was truly remarkable. Being that this was my second District Convention, I really enjoyed seeing how far Sheldon has came as a club over the span of the year. My District Convention was made memorable because of 3 individuals. Marcia, Elaine, and Theresa, even if we all were not able to go, seeing all the awards that the club won truly impacted me. I am so proud to say that Sheldon High School Key Club took a great honor home from DCON, winning second place in the CNH District Year-in-Review Contest. That award truly sums up my sophomore year as a proud monster. Lastly, I enjoyed Disneyland with Quoc, Stephanie, Devin, Tracy, and Venh. Those individuals truly made Disneyland a blast from the racing around to get on as many rides as we could. How could I forget the last ride of the night the Indiana Jones ride, to close up the day. DCON 2017 was a complete blast and I cant wait to be on the Service Safari at District Convention 2018!! -Sean Nguyen, Member Recognition Chair


1. RBYCR Packet Pick up, April 1st:

2. Run Because You can Race, April 2nd:

3. Marion Mix’s Earth Day Spring Special, April 21st:

Volunteers helped handle our race bibs, shirts, etc. to participants

Members helped hand out refreshments at the event.

Volunteers were assigned set-up and clean up in 4 different shifts.

4. Project Happiness April 22nd: SHSKC members and more supported Quynhanh’s Senior Project and made capes, nonslip socks, and totes to be donated to UC Davis’s Children Hospital!


5. Race for the Stars, April 23rd: Members helped with registration and set up/clean up. Elaine Phan and Angelica Lopez are helping set up.

6. Portuguese Hall Spaghetti Feed, April 23rd: Members became waiters and helped serve tables!

7. Rancho Murieta Easter Egg Hunt, April 25th:

8. D7S Monster Mark’s Service Fair, April 29th:

Volunteers made SHSKC helped crafts and helped Kiwanians with paint a canvas to hiding eggs for Kiwanis! Jenny the kids! An Chen is making EGGciting event! nonslip socks!

9. Race to Remember, April 30th: Members helped as course monitors and distributing snacks and water in Leeza Xiong’s Event as all proceeds go to the Alzheimer’s Association!


1. Susan G Komen Race for a Cure, May 13rd:

2. May DCM plus Ice Cream Social, May 19th:

Volunteers helped out with organizing and handing out shirts and course monitoring! SHSKC member Darren Sze is folding up one of the shirts for the runners.

The first DCM of the new Key Club term! Hosted by LTG Anthony Chan, Sheldon along with other schools listened to a special guest speaker, . DLT members were announced and afterwards, members helped themselves to some sweet ice cream!


3. Relay for Life, May 20th: At Joseph Kerr Middle school, Key clubbers from Division 7 South came together to raise funds for the American Cancer Society! Members laid on the grass to play games and bond together, as well as compete for Miss Relay. SHSKC President Venh Vong struts his stuff on the runway!

4. Capital City Classic, May 21st: In Crocker Park Downtown, SHSKC helped with metal distribution, course monitoring, and registration for runners!













Sammy Quan’s Birthday!

25 Nicholas Meskell’s Birthday!

















Abby Vannavilay’s Birthday!


28 Jesstine Lintag’s Birthday!


SIGN UP FOR EVENTS HERE. BUBBLE RUN Saturday June 3rd, 6AM– 11AM Where: Cal Expo What: Members will be helping with various tasks throughout the event such as water station, bubble stations, or course monitoring!

KAISER PERMANENTE WOMEN’S FITNESS Sunday June 4th, 7:30 AM Where: State Capitol What: Volunteers will help with post race refreshments!

GOLD COUNTRY HALF MARATHON Sunday June 11th Where: El Dorado Hills Town Center 4370 Town What: Volunteers will help with course monitoring and clean up!

RUN 4 HUNGER Saturday June 24th, 7 AM– 12 PM Where: Elk Grove Regional Park What: Volunteers will help with course monitoring, water stations, and help with tear down.


By Jenny Chen


t has been such an honor serving as treasurer for Sheldon Key Club this past term. Working together with the 2016-2017 SHSKC board has been a great experience and a crazy journey. Sometimes it has been rough, but they have been there for me as one of the biggest support systems. There have been plenty of stressful nights and late simping sessions but it's also these moments that I remember the most. We have so many dumb inside jokes together, Cindy's Google nostrils, Mighty Dill Matias, Tracy's panting, Venh's head massager videos, Stephanie's GOOK friends, Theresa's technological imparities, Xbox VOONG’s trampoline just to name a few. Taking the leap forward to apply for a leadership position is scary, but it definitely is rewarding. You realize there is so much behind of the scenes work that goes on, and puts Key Club into a different perspective. There are the wonderful perks of seeing members grow and blossom from shy quiet members to confident candidates applying for the leadership positions, and the satisfying feeling of finishing your tasks on time. As a member, you have the freedom to be independent and the choice to rely on others when you need it. But as an officer, you really build on teamwork and communication skills in order to accomplish goals as a whole because you cannot do everything by yourself. It can get frustrating, but it is always a team effort that requires you to pull your part! Even though I have loved standing in front of Laurison’s room to lead the General Meetings every week, it is doing service in the community and working together with other members at events that I cherish the most.


By Shirley He


or those who can adjust well, moving to a completely new environment wouldn't be as difficult. However, that was not my case. I had the worst time trying to fit in. Thus, out of the recommendations from counselors and teachers I quickly got involved and joined key club in hopes of making friends. However, I didn't put my hopes high knowing that I have the tendency to act shy in new environments. At the first meeting I attended, I met a few people, but still felt like I didn't belong. I felt beyond awkward and out of place but still I decided to give it a try and sign up for a service event. My first service event was at a Easter event at Rancho Murieta. I went in that morning extremely nervous, not knowing what to expect, but the results were what has lead me to my current position. For the first time since I've landed in Sacramento, I didn't feel like the new kid. I felt like I was a part of a group. That day I meet some amazing people, people that included me, people that didn't care that I wasn't part of the group since the beginning, people that made me smile. Honestly for me, my favorite memories of this past month were just getting to spend time with the members of this amazing club. I looked forward to weekends, not because I could finally rest, but because I was able to attend service events and make some amazing memories with the most amazing people. Had someone told me a month ago that I'll be totally fine in this new school I would've laughed at how funny they were but look at me now. I'm a key club officer for the 20172018 term! I think if I had to thank one person for me becoming an officer it would probably be our club president. I never thought much of it when they mentioned the appointed positions at the meeting. I was just happy that I was fitting in, I didn't think that being so new I should run for a position. Our club president however, reached out and said I should give it a try. I've been the type of person to run for leadership positions so I figured, "Why not? Might as well give it a shot." I knew I wanted to stay in this club for the rest of my high school career so I might as well strive for even more than just being involved. It's been a week since the announcement of the board and I can’t tell you all how great it feels to have this amazing group of people that is my fellow board members at my side. I cannot imagine my life here at Sheldon without key club and I can't wait for what the future has in store for me and my love for key club.


By Quocviet Dam


his past term serving on the Division Leadership Team has been an amazing experience that will forever hold a special place in my heart and that I most likely will never be able to experience again. While there are so many other leadership opportunities and so much of Key Club I still have left to explore, starting my journey off on the DLT is a feeling that can’t be replicated. From planning my first project to holding my first fundraiser, there was so much to learn and so much that I didn’t know about this great organization called key club. My first project where we distributed care packages full of food and other essentials to the homeless was incredible. Although it was messy and unorganized, the spirit of each member waking up at 6 AM to make a difference in their community was inspiring. Not only were the members excited to make a difference, but the community we were serving were extremely welcoming and grateful for our service. I hope that each member who went walked away believing the man of that community who told us “YOU are the future!”. When I continued to make service projects, I realized that as Key Clubbers, we really do make a difference in our communities and I wanted to help the members in the Division I love the most know this. I went on to plan other events that were messy, last-minute, and in the end cancelled. Of course, failing so many times and serving in this position wasn’t easy. After all, serving as ANY position is difficult and a lot of hard work. But after planning my final project, the Division 7 South Service Crafts Fair, I got to see for one last time the impact that I could have as Service Projects Task Coordinator. However, at this project the impact that I had members was completely different. Instead I got to see how close I’ve gotten to all my friends from the Division and how we all took the time out of our Saturday to serve together. This time, I wasn’t alone and had so many amazing people there to support, care for, and love me. At that moment, although I was exhausted from all the late nights staying up planning and preparing the project, I was so happy that I have such an amazing Division to call home and that I was able to serve as Service Projects Task Coordinator. And although I am retired now, I hope that I left a legacy in Division 7 South and that the next Service Projects Task Coordinator will LOVE their position as much as I did.


While volunteering at a Key Club event or having fun with other members, you’re bound to experience some weird and funny moments. Here, members of SHSKC share their funniest experiences!

“My funniest moment happened during Fall Rally North! After were done cheering we went to use the bathroom and to get water. Out of nowhere Karen comes up to me and asks me if I want some water. I didn't want to pass up a free offer so I took it, and drank all of it (her cup was half full). As I got to know Karen she told me that she didn't expect me to drink it all. “ -Sammy Quan


“ DCON, all 6 of us girls slept through 5 alarms. We had like 5 minutes to get ready and I was the first to actually wake up, so I got up right away in the dark and accidentally stepped on Elaine who was sleeping on the floor. I thought she was someone's luggage...this is what DCON does to you. “ -Tracy Ly

“When I had to direct traffic for a vietnamese Moon Festival. There was one driver that didn't follow my directions and made many insults about me in Vietnamese. The funny thing was, I understood every single word he said. “ -David Nguyen


“I want to go to LA to visit

“Go to Seattle. and Stay home.”

family and go do things I haven't done before.” -Sean Nguyen

—David Nguyen

“I’m going to visit family in the Philippines!” -Dale Matias “Summer school and Florida” -Steven Tri “K-dramas and Netflix” -Nancy Le

“My plans for this summer include starting out with an entire month of PE with Jenny Chen to get a head start of the school year, and most likely spending time with my friends and loved ones. “ -Cindy Luu


“My plans for the summer include summer school, traveling to Mexico, and keeping myself involved with Key Club events!” -Nicole Hoang

“Make edits and spend time with friends.” -Karen Le

“My plans for the summer is to participate in key club events and spend time with the family. “ -Sammy Quan

I'm not sure but I'm going to be working on things for school! -Michelle Yang

“Service ,Starbucks and sleep!“-Jenny Chen

I am super excited to say that I will be working at UC Davis' Medical Center for the SPARK internship. Aside from that, I will most likely spend time with my friends and going on small trips when I can. -Tracy Ly


Hey Monsters! The end of the school year means the official end of Key Club for those who graduated, including me. I can't thank you all for you enough past year. As a club, we've achieved so much and really became a family. I hope you all continue your Key Club journey and bring SHSKC to new heights. I can't wait to come back and see how much you and the club have grown. I love you all and thank you! -Justina Voong

Hello Sheldon Key Club members, I guess it's time to say goodbye to the one club I truly called home these past 4 years and I must say it is bittersweet. Sweet because I was able to end my journey with such astounding and beautiful underclassman like you but bitter because it really is time to say goodbye. But before I leave, I just wanted drop some advice for you all who are the "future" of Sheldon Key Club. Do NOT be afraid to reach for the stars because if you miss you have landed somewhere among them. Not everything will work out the way you expected it to but don't be afraid to go big or go home! You won't always win every election or pass every test in high school and sometimes

balancing your academics, family, friends, and everything will be tough - but with a strong mind and confidence you can conquer it with grace. You have another Ohana called Sheldon Key Club just supporting you all along to share your hard times but also share your smiles and laughter like they did for me. Good luck on your future endeavors and I can't wait to come back and visit to see all the amazing things you have accomplished!!! -Quynhanh Dam


Hello Sheldon Key Club! I would like to thank each and everyone of you who have become a huge part in my Key Club journey. We have created countless memories and bonded so much as a family. Although my journey comes to an end, my love for you guys and this organization will still continue on. And don't worry my babies, Mama Mindy will visit so make me proud when I come back (even though I know you will). I hope you all continue to share your love and passion for service and for our home club. Keep serving and making a difference in our community! I wish you all the best of luck in the following years! Love you bunches my little sugarplums.

-Mindy Phan

Hello Sheldon Key Club!! ...Or should I say goodbye? Before doing so, I would like to wish you all the best of luck with your next year of high school, and to the seniors, I know you'll all go do amazing things. Four years ago, I joined Key Club as a freshman, not really knowing how much I'd fall in love with it. Attending my first service event, Fall Rally North, DCON, bonding with the officers, and other events such as Awake-AThon's and movie nights, has allowed me to meet some of the greatest people during my first year in Key Club. Moving on, I had the honor to serve Sheldon Key Club as Vice President and President during both my Sophomore and Junior year, which has by far been the most memorable experience and greatest opportunity for me. I was so incredibly in love with and proud of the club and the members I served. As Senior year approached, I was able to witness from the outside looking in, the growth of all the members and the club. It was crazy knowing you all as little freshmen from the start, but now seeing you all grow and improve as leaders. As the "Seniors" graduate and leave Sheldon Key Club, it's up to you guys to create your own legacy and to lead the future generation of Key Club with genuine care and passion. Remember to dedicate your time to service, whether it's service to the community, service to the members or service to the club and division. Remember to take initiative and try new things, meet new people! Take the opportunity to talk to Ms. Lau-

rison and our Kiwanis Advisors, Coit and Sharolyn because they are truly the sweetest individuals ever. However, remember to take time for yourself and breathe. Don't push yourself TOO much to the point where you stress out. Take care of yourself!! The next few years you have left in Key Club and high school are what YOU make of it. If you want it to be golden, if you want it to be's up to you to make it happen. Make it count. Make yourself proud. And lastly, to the "Seniors." I may not be far, but I'll truly miss you all so much. Thank you for being apart of not only my Key Club journey, but my life as well. Each of you has significantly impacted my life, for the better and I feel blessed to know such sarcastic, weird, but brilliant individuals! I somewhat love you all and your fetishes and flaws.

See you all soon! In service and friendship, Leeza Xiong


Thank you all for being who you are. You are what makes Key Club memorable for me. I will never forget your smiles. It makes me smile especially when I see you all decked out in Key Club spirit gear. Flashback to freshman year I wore Key Club stuff everyday hoping someone would notice me. People outside of KC would call me the weird walking pumpkin, but it makes me happy to see that you all do it too! Keep up the great work because I will come back occasionally next year and I hope you all will stop crying by then. Don't cry... but then again you are stuck with Venh and Dale next year. Not to mention, Anthony will be your LTG. Kanoodles doodles!

Dear Sheldon Key club. It's been fun while it lasted. You guys were and will forever be my second family. The memories I've made within key club and with every single one of you are irreplaceable and will forever hold a place in my heart. I wished I could have been a super senior so that I could spend more time with yall, but sadly nah. I know that as we, the seniors, leave the club is in good hands. I know that it'll flourish even more and stay lit. Remember that even tho we are leaving for college we are one text/call away. I truly love

-Theresa Nguyen

yall Sincerely, Zyruss Carl Enciso Edjan



Service Coordinator

Venh Vong

Emily Nguyen

Vice President

Tech Editor

Stephanie Ilaga

Devin Tran


Member Recognition

Elaine Phan

Sean Nguyen


Social Chair

Henry Duong

Shirley He

Bulletin Editor Marcia Cagandahan


Instagram: @sheldon_keyclub Facebook: @Sheldon High School Key Club Snapchat: @sheldonkeyclub Visit our SHSKC Website ! Schoolloop us for any inquiries!


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