The Monthly Roar | Sheldon Key Club | August | Volume 1 | Issue 3

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Sheldon Key Club | Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH


The Official Newsletter of Sheldon Key Club

AUGUST| Volume 1 | ISSUE 3 Sheldon High School—8333 Kingsbridge Dr, Sacramento CA 95829


Editor’s Note


Recap of Events (June)


Upcoming Events


Children’s Education


August Recognition


Featured Articles


Pop Quiz


Sheldon Survival Guide


Stress Less!


School Year Thoughts


Monster Madness


Contact/Find Us




ola Sheldon Monsters!

While it's sad that summer is ending, this is a start to a bright school year! I hope that this issue helps prepare or motivate you to do your best and start the 17-18 year with a bang! Even though school is QUICKLY APPROACHING AT AN ALARMING RATE, you're going to be okay. Although you might be struggling through those incredibly hard classes, know that you'll make it in the end and that you'll survive! As I like to refer to the iconic High School Musical, "we're all in this together!" Remember that our club is an ohana and you can always talk to me or the other officers about anything and we'll always be there for you. A good thing about school starting again is that you'll get to attend Key Club meetings again every week! Volunteering and serving your community is a great way to relieve stress! Don’t forget to sign up for events on our facebook page! Now study up and take some notes as you read the August issue! Lots of Love,

Marcia Cagandahan


1. No Excuses 5k, July 1st:

2. Eppie’s Great Race, July 13th:

3. D44N + D7S Jul & Ninja-Monster O pics July 16th: Volunteers gathered at Members helped William Land Park to help crowd control and wa- Ninjas and Monsters together at Angil Hof with post race snacks and tercraft takeout at monitor the course. American River Park- Park to bond and wo service projects. way.

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4. Sheldon/ Pleasant 5. Mikuni’s Scoop Scoot, Grove Kiwanis Takeo- July 21st: ver July 20th: Members go to downtown to Sheldon Board along help with set-up, clean-up, with Pleasant Grove and course monitoring. build bonds with Kiwanians and fund raise DCON money.








































Sign up for events HERE


COLOR RUN Saturday August 5th Where: Raley Field What: Volunteers will help with water stations, handing out color packets, and help at finish line

WALK FOR WISHES Saturday August 19th, 6:30 AM- 11:30 AM Where: 315 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814 What: Volunteers will help with morning set up and help course monitor!

RACE FOR ARTS Saturday August 26th Where: William Land Park What: Volunteers will help with course monitor and at finish line!

Back-To-School Interclub Social AUGUST 12th, 11 AM- 4:30 PM Elk Grove Regional Park Bond with key clubbers from Florin, Valley, and Cosumnes Oaks!


What is Spotlight on Service Program?

Spotlight on Service Program (SOSP) gives clubs the opportunity to participate in monthly focuses that makes a difference in our communities. Many service projects in the division focus on these themes. For August, the SOSP is focusing on Children's Education.

Why is education important? Education gives us information and the skills we need to survive...Not only that, but education helps us build our own opinions and viewpoints. It makes us more aware about ourselves and the world around us. For children in particular, learning basic knowledge like reading and writing is very important for them to grow. Education helps their development and empowers them.

How can I help? Everyone should have the right to an education, yet some may be struggling to get the basics they need to learn. You can: -Volunteer at libraries or recreational centers -Tutor students who need the help -Donate books to a book drive

What organizations can I support? There are several organizations which also helps out children in need: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America– Helps struggling youth in America with academics by pairing a child with a mentor to help tutor them. Make a Wish– An organization which grants wishes for young sick patients with life-threating diseases. March of Dimes-A nonprofit organization which focuses on preventing premature birth and other related defects. My Stuff Bags Foundation– Helps children in shelters by donating blue duffel bags with school supplies, toys, clothing, toiletries, a “security” blanket, and other comfy items which could help them adjust to their new homes. Project Happiness– A program which promotes spreading happiness by fighting against bullying and teaching others to become more compassionate and to value their passions. Builder’s Club– The largest service organization for middle school students where they also serve their home, school, and community!




uring the June's OTC and DCM, I was able to have a better grasp at different positions and learn more about the necessary skills used both in Key Club and in our daily lives. The June DCM consisted of updating all clubs, as usual, but also announced the DLT members for the term 2017-2018! Seeing the familiar faces of the new leadership team made me realize how hard they worked to get to that position and truly deserve it. I wish them the best of luck, and know that they will bring Division 7 South to greater heights this year! Service Project Coordinator, QuocViet Dam, also introduced a new addition to Key Club called The Thirst Project in hopes of building a well in Africa. After the DCM, many of us were hungry, but luckily at the OTC we were provided pizza for lunch. At the OTC, we had the chance to learn more about executive positions at the club level. The workshop I went to gave me lots of information about what it's like being in that position and what to expect from it. We were also given other opportunities to attend workshops that gave us tips on certain skills we may need. The best feeling was that not only did we walk out of a workshop with new information, but that we were given candy every time we walked into a different workshop!



he No Excuses 5K took place at William Land Park. I helped with the Pre-Registration booth where we checked in the racers and gave them their race bibs with numbers. Checking in the participants was my favorite part of the event because I was able to start a conversation with some of them and I also got to meet Erica, who was another volunteer and a runner helping at the Pre-Registration booth. After all the participants checked in and the race began, we also helped with the post race refreshments. We refilled the trays of chips, granola bars, and strawberries when the race was done. While the runners were getting their snacks, the other volunteers and I congratulated them for finishing the race and trying their best. At the end, we broke down the event by putting away the canopies, extra food, and tables. The service coordinator also offered us donuts which were delicious! This was a fun service event that I attended and I can not wait to go to more throughout the summer and the school year!



My favorite thing about volunteering is the helping aspect. Assisting people in needs of help is fun, always makes me feel better about myself and gives me something to do. I never get to do anything over the weekends so the accomplished feeling I get after just a few hours of being in assistance is wonderful because the ones receiving the help is thankful for the time and effort, while I’m glad to be able to bring them to their state of joy. That is why I enjoyed being a teacher aid in 8th grade for one my favorite teachers. Doing service also helps me with service hours for school so it’s like the saying “killing two birds with one stone.” Not only am I being helpful but I get to spend time with my friends and make new ones at service events. So, in the end I get to do many things I enjoy all at once.


How well do you know about August’s focus, “Children’s Education”? Let’s see if you studied!


What do Big Brothers Big Sisters of America do? A.) Houses rescued children in shelters and puts them in foster care B.) Pairs a child with a mentor to help them with school. C.) Grants wishes for patients with life threatening diseases


What are common ways to help with August’s focus? A.) Donate books to book drives B.) Tutor struggling students. C.) Both A and B


What does SOSP stand for? A.) Society of Serving People B.) Spotlight of Service Program C.) Sausage omelet sandwich pancake

(Answers on p.23)


Summer is ending and school is starting— have no idea what to do or how to deal with it? No problem! Here are some tips from the officers to get you ready and prepared for school!

Hello, beautiful monsters! School is coming up so soon and that is pretty sad, but on the bright side you get to see my beautiful face again! If you're stressed that school is in a few weeks, here are a few tips to help in relieving some stress: First, DO NOT save summer work until the very last night and try to finish it the night before. Second, buy your school supplies early so that you do not have to worry about stores running out of supplies that you need. And lastly, just enjoy the time that you have of what's left of summer! Thanks for reading and good luck on finishing up that summer work! - Venh Vong, President

Aloha Monsters! Sadly, schools coming up pretty soon which means it's time to crack open books and time to turn your brain on. With that, here are some tips to help you guys out with school! 1.) OWN a planner. Write down all upcoming events that way you won't forget. 2.) CREATE joy in you life, never beat yourself up and if you're stressing take a break. Health ALWAYS comes first. 3.) DON'T be afraid to ask teachers for help, that's why they're there. Most teachers are pretty cool to talk to as well. Hope to see you guys in the hallways! — Stephanie Ilaga, Vice President


How’s it going y’all, I can’t wait to see all of you guys when school starts again! Even though summer was fun, it’s time to go back and get your education. The only advice i have for you when you go back to school is don’t procrastinate. Procrastinating doesn’t benefit you in anyway honestly, being focused in school will get you that A+ that looks good on your report card. When school starts getting tough, just know, the next summer is only a couple months away LOL. I know you’ll be able to get those good grades that I’ve been trying to get for the last 10 years, and if you ever need advice or help, I’m just a message away. — Henry Duong, Treasurer

Hey guys! This is my advice for back to school, especially for the freshman and sophomores. Get involved as much as you can, being involved with different things exposes you to a lot of different groups on campus and helps with time management. Juggling commitments to clubs, sports, and school is something ive learned from being in high school. Getting yourself out there and making many different groups of friends helps well rounds you also!! Also remember that school does get tough, so please prioritize what means the most to you! — Sean Nguyen, Member Recognition Chair

HEY MONSTERS!!! You might not want to be in school yet but DON'T stress yet! Just start off the school year with a positive mindset you'll see many fun things happening~ Not everything will go your way but there will always be one good thing that will happen :) — Emily Nguyen, Service Project Coordinator


Who's ready for school? Because I'm not... But while in school make sure you all do your best! Although you give it your all, sometimes your grade isn't as high as you wanted it to be. However, don't beat yourself up over the letter grade or the one bad score you got on your test. It's okay to cry when you're stressed or vent when you're overwhelmed, there are MANY who are going through the same emotions. This one score can only motivate you to do so much better, and you'll be sure to knock it out of the park next time. And sometimes you just want to take a break, that's fine too :) B when you take your breaks, make sure you give yourself enough time to finish all your tasks. Other than your extra-curricular and school work, you'll run into drama. My advice for you is to stay clear from the useless gossip and carry along with your own business. Getting caught up in such minor problems will only cause a larger crowd, and thus a larger problem. However, the MOST IMPORTANT thing you should do is to take care of your health. Prioritizing school and your other interests are great, but do not let your health deteriorate! When it does, everything else will fall. And because I had to learn this the hard way, please listen when I say keep yourself happy and healthy! — Elaine Phan , Secretary

For anyone dreading or perhaps afraid of the upcoming year just know others are too and that you have nothing to worry about but here are some things that got me through the past year! Just remember to take a moment to breathe, relax, and think about your problem if you are ever feeling stressed. Your health is very very very important more important than the paper due the next day so always make sure you get enough sleep and begin the day with breakfast. However there is also something else that is very important. Never. Ever. Procrastinate. That due date will come out of no where so make sure you don't stress yourself with an all nighter because you were marathoning on Netflix ;) There are many due dates, tests, and events so make sure you organize everything onto a planner to keep track of upcoming dates. Also remember that it is a new year you may not have the same amount of time as you did before you may have less or more but always no matter how little time you have you should enjoy it as best as you can and always make time for service :) . I could go on and on with advice but I don't think you'd want to read that but just know there are many wonderful eccentric people in key club who are willing to help! I hope this helps you in an way possible I love you all __ Devin Tran, Tech Master


First of all, welcome to high school class of 2021! Im sure you all are so excited but at the same time, super nervous. I know, I was once in your shoes. But don't worry! High school is so much fun and freshman year isn't as scary as you think it is. Honestly, if I had to give one piece of advice to make sure you have an enjoyable year is, to put yourself out there. The worst type of regret anyone can have is the regret of not doing something you wanted to. High school is short. These four years of your life will pass by in the blink of an eye. So enjoy it as much as you can and get involved! If you see a club you're interested in or if you want to try out for a sports team, go for it! Don't ever feel like you can't do something before you even try, because who knows, that might just be your hidden talent. Also, if you're interested in joining a club and you missed club rush, it's not too late. Point is, do everything you love, try everything you want, and enjoy the ride that is high school. I hope you all have a wonderful year, and I wish you all the best of luck! — Shirley Lin, Social Chair

Howdy Monsters! High school sure is intimidating and scary, but you’ll definitely get through it! Please remember that your mental health ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS comes first! If you aren’t doing well and you aren’t healthy, this will also affect how you perform at school. If you start to feel overwhelmed or stressed, remember to talk with your loved ones or your counselor so you may get better. Don’t bottle in your feelings either, it’ll just make things worse. Remember that you are loved and you are worthy despite your grades. You are still an incredible human being, and that F on that quiz doesn’t define you. Learn how to take care of yourself and how to deal with stress. Don’t compare yourself to other students or put yourself down— there is no one like you! You’re one of a kind and you’re going to change the world someday, starting with one step at a time! Like always, Sheldon Key Club is a safe place for you and we’re here to spread positivity and love. If you ever want to talk to someone, we are always available and here for you! <3 —Marcia Cagandahan, Bulletin Editor


School can be a stressful time when you’re overloaded with homework and extracurricular activities! Here are some ways to ease that tension:


Seeing my friends and creating new friends along with memories! - Steven Tri

Making my last year of high school the best year - Matthew Vu I look forward to meeting new people. - Sammy Quan


While volunteering at a Key Club event or having fun with other members, you’re bound to experience some weird and funny moments. Here, members of SHSKC share their funniest experiences!

"On the way back, I ran into some members of Division 27 South, the Koi Fish, and since they knew I was from Key Club, they excitedly asked me how I felt. I proudly exclaimed the "How Do You Feel" chant and started strong until a man from behind me interrupted with "GET THE H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS OUT OF THE WAY!". Needless to say, both me and the other D27S members were shook and scared as we became smol cinnamon buns. They apologized not knowing that would happen but we had a good laugh over it in the end." - Dale Matias


"At the Getty Owl Run, I tried to make little jokes to make people laugh because everyone was so tired. Some jokes I had were "All these bananas & you still lack potassium" & "All this water and youre still thirsty". Eventually Henry cracked when I tossed him a cardboard box and said "All these boxes and you wont square up". He threw the box back at me and it was one of the funniest moments I had being apart of Key Club's services. " -Abby Vannavilay



Bulletin Editor

Venh Vong

Marcia Cagandahan

Vice President Stephanie Ilaga

Service Coordinator Emily Nguyen

Secretary Elaine Phan

Tech Editor Devin Tran

Treasurer Henry Duong

Member Recognition Sean Nguyen

Social Chair Shirley Lin


Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. B


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