Ecodefense a field guide to monkeywrenching

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the well). The s ucker rods are usually made from several sections of steel pipe, or solid steel rods , threaded together. An effective way to render a windmill inoperative is as follows: " Stop the motion of the windmill. " Using a couple of pipe wrenches, disassemble the sucker rods at a joint. " Draw the sucker rod out of the well cas ing until you come to another joint. The weight of the rod will depend on the depth of the well, but unless the well is deep, one or two people should be able do this. " Using the wrenches, remove the next section(s) of rod. " Let the remaining sucker rod fall down into the well casing, where it will be difficult to retrieve. Note: it might be possible to cut the sucker rods with a hacksaw, if they are not too thick. This would probably be simpler. Some monkeywrenchers shoot holes in the oil reservoirs on windmills to burn up the gears . They aim for the metal cover on the gearbox; oil dribbles out. If the vane is folded and the windmill is unable to turn, they pull up on the lever to open it up and hope for a good breeze. Because of additional criminal penal­ ties attached to crimes where firearms are used, and pollution by the oil, mon­ keywrenchers should be very reluctant to try this. A windmill may also be pulled over by cutting s upport cable (if any), loosen­ ing nuts at the base, and pulling it over with a come-along, winch, horse, or vehicle. Be careful of the falling tower! Cutting


Fences are what tamed the West for the l ivestock barons . They impede the movement of Elk, Pronghorn, deer, and other wildlife, as well as that of hikers . They destroy the open-space feeling of the land and give it a cow-pasture, pri­ vate property look. Fences are the key management tool in making the range available to livestock grazing. Simply cutting fence will cause great disruption to our landed gentry. Fences are expensive. Some experts estimate that 1 00 people cutting fence on a ,regular basis around the West could put public land ranchers out of business. Fence cutting is easy and relatively safe, The best tool for fence cutting is a "fence tool." It looks like a weird, over­ grown pair of pliers and a good pair can be purchased for about $20 at most hardware stores. It can be used for hammering, twisting wire, pulling staples, and cutting wire. Most fences are constructed of barbed wire or net wire. A fencing tool will cut either with ease. You s hould not just go out and cavalierly start cutting fence. Some fences protect the land. You do not want to cut a fence and allow cattle from over­ grazed areas to enter an ungrazed area or one in relatively good condition. Never cut a fence separating an ungrazed National Park or National Wildlife Refuge from grazed National Forest, BLM , state, or private land. Do not cut fences in riparian areas (public lands agencies are actually trying, in some areas-against great rancher opposition in some cases , but with rancher s upport in others-to get cattle out of some sensitive riparian areas). It is dangerous to cut fence along highways . People die every year in the West from hitting cows in "open range" areas with their cars. Leave highway fences

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