eMapepeza V7 Issue 5 - 15-22May2020

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M Mapepeza



Nurses honoured



22-29 MAY 2020 (issue #5)

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Churches unite to feed the masses of Ratanda

Christ heals despite Corona: Pastor Jacques performs healing prayers on some of the beneficiaries lined up for food parcels.

Leaders of various Christian churches in the Ratanda/ Heidelberg area joined forces to feed the many families needing relief during the COVID-19 pandemic. For weeks, the Lesedi Community Centre has seen lines of hundreds of residents waiting to receive food parcels. The parcels are made up of locally-bought vegetables and food products. Beneficiaries also get a small meal while waiting in line. About 350 people receive food parcels and meals on a daily basis. The Lesedi Community Centre is working together with the Lesedi Pastors Fellowship Forum to distribute the food parcels daily. The church leaders have also used the opportunity to spread the good word of the Lord to the waiting beneficiaries. Delivering an early morning sermon to raise the spirits was Pastor Andile Fodo. He spoke to the lines of residents urging them to keep their relationship with God despite not being able to attend church. As per regulations, churches

and other form of gatherings are prohibited across the country. Lesedi Community Centre a haven Jaco Kritzinger of the Lesedi Community Centre says that the centre has become a relief centre for locals needing relief during the lockdown. Apart from the feeding scheme, the Lesedi Care Centre also has a shelter for the homeless, health-care outreach programmes and skills training. Indawo Yo Sizo in under the Lesedi Community Centre, providing COVID-19 testing in the community. About 11 orphans are also cared for at the centre’s Galaxy Childrens Village, including 20 beneficiaries at the Lesedi Emergency Shelter. “There are 68 residents at LCC. This is the first time the centre is at full capacity. These residents also assist in cooking and packing food parcels. Lines of residents waiting to receive food parcels outside the Lesedi Community Centre As of 5 May, over 3769 food parcels have been handed out.

About 7126 cooked meals provided. The number of new beneficiaries grows daily. If people come for the first time, they come with their ID book and a ticket is provided. The ticket will be signed and a new date will be given for beneficiaries to collect again. “Every person receiving a food parcel is registered,” confirms Jaco.

Doing God’s work outside the church Leading the campaign was Pastor Clint Dixon, who explained the important role of the church when society is faced with at this moment. “We believe in excellence in whatever we do. So we try to give as much as we can because the Lord is guiding us through the work we do. According to Pastor Dixon, the

food parcels are privately funded by individuals and churches in the area. “We have a lot of support from the people of Heidelberg, from businesses to individuals. We are very grateful for that,” he said. Speaking on behalf of the Lesedi Pastors Fellowship Forum, Pastor Mduduzi Zulu the local church leaders have united regardless of their various denominations to do their part in helping others. “We are here to do the work of the Lord. This work does not only end at the pulpit but also in the community where help is needed most,” he said. Mrs Pat Mahlangu said the church leaders handing out food parcels is like the story of Jesus Christ, where he fed thousands of people as written in the Book of Matthew. “The work of the Lord is continuing here as we feed hundreds of people everyday,” she explained. The beneficiaries expressed their feelings of joy and relief, thanking the pastors and the LCC for providing the muchSHARE YOUR STORY OR PLACE YOUR ADVERT, KINDLY CONTACT US 078-221-8002 (Whatsapp incl) mapepezacn@gmail.com wwww.mapepeza.online


2020 2 VOL. 7 ISSUE #5 - 22-29 MAY

Have Your Say In The City’s Budget And IDP

Residents now have the opportunity to view and comment on the City’s ID and municipal budget, as part of the public participation process. Ekurhuleni has published the draft 2020/21 reviewed Integrated Development Plan and Multiyear budget is open for comments. This year, due to Covid-19, public participation will be through digital platforms. This is in response to Directions No 43291 issued by the Minister of Corporate Governance and Tradition Affairs, in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act 2002. To access documents and comment, please visit the City’s website (www. ekurhuleni.gov.za).

How the budget is drafted

The budget of a local government is a detailed plan of how it plans to spend funds in line with its objectives, needs and priorities. While local governments have discretionary planning and budgeting powers, their plans and budgets need to reflect priorities and objectives that are set out in national policies, plans and budgets. As a result, the local government planning and budget cycle must fit in to the national planning and budgeting cycle. The City works of, what can be called blueprint, the Growth and Development Plan 2055 – which is the City’s long term plan. This is broken up into shorter term goals, the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) that covers five years and is further broken down into fiscal year planning called Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plans (SDBIP).

What is the IDP

The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is a process where municipalities prepare a strategic development plan that covers a five-year period. It includes the: planning, budgeting, resource allocation, and decision-making processes in the municipality. It also includes the public participation process in which the public is consulted and asked to comment on the proposed plans of the City.

Add your inputs

The draft IDP and budget, including the approved tariff structure, can be viewed on the City’s website – www. ekurhuleni.gov.za. All comments and inputs on the draft IDP and budget must be emailed to – closing date for these comments is Friday, 22 May 2020.

Mapepeza Newspaper

Seven alleged drug peddlers including a woman nabbed!

Ekurhuleni Metro’s Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) members on patrol arrested a lady caught illicit substances in on May 14. The idling 35-year old fe-

male found on Nyanga street, was handcuffed after Officers uncovered 4 ziplocks of Khat valued at R800 after a body search. She was marched to Katlehong police station.

On the following day, six male suspects between the ages of 20 and 35 were picked up by the EMPD Eastern Region Task Team Members from their different place of residents. This was during a sting operation following a tip off in Tsakane area at extension 6. Officers exposed 53 pieces of Rock, 25 kilograms of Dagga, 643 knotted plastics and ziplocks of nyaope valued at R39,740. The half dozen, were escorted to Tsakane police station. All seven detained suspects, are facing charges of possession and dealing in illicit substances. They will appear in the Palmridge and Tsakane Magistrate’s Courts.

The Ratanda Development Centre, located at Ratanda Extension 4 has been robbed. Equipment ranging from computers, printers and other items have been stolen on May 20. Help them find the suspects by reporting it to the nearest police station or anonymously on 08600 10111. Alternatively, contact Pope Mabote (centre manager) on 0825841574.

Fatal crash on N12 Freeway! Two people died and one other critically injured when four vehicles crashed on N12 freeway northbound near Elands interchange. The accident occurred on Thursday morning, May 14.

City of Ekurhuleni Emergency services rescue team and paramedics got to the scene.On arrival, two Bakkies and two trucks were found to have been involved in a crash. The wrecks were scattered across the entire freeway bringing the traffic to a complete standstill prior being diverted onto N3 freeway south bound. Debris and fuel spillage were covering the most

parts of the road surface.

“Two of the three adult male casualties were as well found lying motionless and one was under the bakkie. The third patient was still trapped inside one of the bakkies which was on its side,” explained William Ntladi (City’s Emergency spokesperson) Pre-hospital medical treatment was rendered and unfortunately, two were declared dead on scene and one entrapped patient extricated from the wreck was road transported to Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital in Vosloorus. The third victim sustained intense head and upper

body injuries. Both trucks crews escaped without obvious injuries. All four lanes were temporarily closed for traffic flow for the duration of the operation. Rescue team and other stakeholders collectively rehabilitated the road surface before allowing traffic flow back on N12 freeway. It is alleged that the two deceased patients were from the bakkies and were busy towing each other in the middle of the road prior the crash. “The scene was handed over to the City’s law enforcement for in-depth investigations,” said Ntladi.

VOL. 7 ISSUE #5 - 22-29 MAY 2020 Mapepeza Newspaper

City enforces use of face masks at all facilities!

The City of Ekurhuleni would like to inform its customers that, in line with Level 4 COVID-19 Lockdown restrictions, it is compulsory for everyone using any of the municipality’s facilities to wear a face mask or any form of material covering mouth and nose. All visitors to the City’s buildings will not be permitted to enter any of our buildings or board any of our public transport modes without the face mask or the material described above. The restriction extents to all the City’s venues, offices, customer care centres and depots. Residents are urged to observe the lockdown restrictions and practise proper hygiene by washing hands with a soap for at least 20 seconds or use a sanitiser with alcohol content of 60% or more to curb the spread of the virus. The compulsory wearing of face masks or any appropriate item to cover mouth and nose in all public spaces and public transport is prescribed by Section 5.1 of the National Disaster Management Act Regulations gazetted on 29 April. The main benefit of wearing masks is to reduce the amount of viruscarrying cough or sneezing droplets released into the environment by those who do not wear a masks.

Metro cop caught red-handed!

The police have arrested two men, one of them an Ekurhuleni Metro police officer, minutes after hijacking a truck on the N12 in Boksburg. The suspects were caught a few meters from the scene of a hijacking. The men had allegedly just hijacked a truck carrying surgical masks when the police pounced. All of this happening in broad daylight on Thursday (May 14). When the suspects saw the police they sped off in a white VW Polo which was later involved in an accident (pictured). They were the arrested and it was later discovered that one of them was

an EMPD officer and the get away car also belonged to the metro police. The hijacked truck and its consignment was recovered on the N12. A firearm belonging to the State and other illegal firearm was recovered. The City of Ekurhuleni's MMC for Community Safety Frans Moko said the law must take its course and condemned acts of crime among the EMPD. "We cannot not harbour criminals in a law enforcement structure. We remain resolute in flushing thugs out of the service. "Our people need policemen and women who uphold the


law to protect them and ensure law and order in the city," Mmoko pointed out. Four suspects are still on the run.

2020 4 VOL. 7 ISSUE #5 - 22-29 MAY

Mapepeza Newspaper

President takes Mzansi into his confidence! President Cyril Ramaphosa has admitted that government might have fallen short of citizenry expectation in its endeavour to adequately respond to the outbreak. Addressing the nation on Wednesday (May 13) on the country’s response to the pandemic, the President made a pledge to consult citizens, mobilise resources to support the vulnerable and ensure that the rights of citizens are respected and upheld.

Lockdown measures were necessary

“There may have been times when we have fallen short of your expectations. Some of the actions we have taken have been unclear, some have been contradictory and some have been poorly explained.” He conceded that intervention implementation has sometimes been slow and enforcement has sometimes been inconsistent and too harsh. “This evening, I want to reaffirm my commitment and the commitment of the government I lead to take whatever action is necessary to safeguard the life, the dignity and the interests of

the South African people. The last time I addressed you, I said that we will soon be embarking on the third phase of our economic response to the Coronavirus crisis by outlining a clear strategy for economic recovery,” he said. The President said Cabinet is seized with this issue and will announce when the work has been completed. He said the State is determined and committed to ensure that all government decisions are taken in good faith, that they are reasonable and based on empirical evidence, and that they do not cause more harm than good. The President said government was also committing to be transparent, to take the nation into its confidence and to do so regularly. Government will also continue to be forthright on the state of the pandemic. “You want to know when things are bad, and be told when they could get worse. “[We are committed] to continue to engage and consult with you; to ensure that we continue to mobilise every resource at our disposal to support the most vulnerable, and to give the greatest support to those most

in need; and, to make sure that the funds that are dedicated to our coronavirus response are not wasted and are not stolen. “As your President, as this government, we are firmly committed to meeting the expectations you rightly have of us. Where we have disappointed, we will continue to make amends. Where we make mistakes, we will continue to correct them,” said the President.

Government has learnt a lot since outbreak

“Although there may have been differences and disagreements, there has also been kindness, empathy and compassion. There has been courage and solidarity. A very different South Africa and world awaits us. The greatest test will be our willingness to embrace change. Let us rise to meet this challenge. Let us stand as one family and one nation to build a new and stronger society,” he said. He said although the coming days will be difficult, the country must draw strength from what it has achieved. “Over the last seven weeks, you have been asked to endure much and to sacrifice much,”

said the President. On several occasions, President Ramaphosa has during the lockdown asked the public to accept stringent restrictions that has altered every day life and brought about much inconvenience and hardship. “You have heeded these calls, firmly convinced that these measures are necessary for the health and the well-being – indeed the survival – of our young nation. In return for everything that is being asked of you, there are a few fundamental things that you ask of us, your leaders,” he said.

NYDA relieves distressed youth-owned enterprises! The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) has launched the Youth Micro Enterprises Relief Fund (YMERF) aimed at assisting youth-owned enterprises, which might not qualify for other funds. “This fund will respond to challenges facing youth-owned businesses, such as the inability to pay employees, lack of income and waiting periods for other funding mechanisms. “Funding will be capped at R10 000 for every qualifying business. More details about the NYDA Youth Micro Enterprise Relief Fund are available on www.nyda.gov.za and on all NYDA social media platforms,” the agency said on Monday (April 20).

Government has introduced several interventions aimed at assisting businesses during the COVID-19 lockdown period, including the Debt Relief Fund and the SMME Support Intervention by the Department of Small Business Development. NYDA chair Sifiso Mtsweni has called on all stakeholders to work together during this period and for youth to make use of the fund. “The efforts by government to this end are indeed commendable, and require all stakeholders in youth development to cooperate and mitigate against the negative economic impact resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Mtsweni.



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Stephen Seakgwe DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER: Anatola Mofoka (Lolliepop) EKURHULENI REPORTER:

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Lebohang Mashiloane

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VOL. 7 ISSUE #5 - 22-29 MAY 2020 Mapepeza Newspaper

Millions apply for R350 social relief grant! Over 3.5 million people have applied for the COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant - within three days of the system going live. “The special COVID-19 SRD Grant is intended to mitigate the undue hardships faced by individuals and families through this difficult time. We are pleased with the intake so far and we urge all eligible individuals to apply on time,” Social Development minister Lindiwe Zulu said. The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) started taking nationwide applications for the grant on Monday (May 11). According to the department, as of May 15, 3 585 040 applications were received. Of this, the largest number of 2 394 949 applications were made using the USSD (SMS) line, 204 434 on the website, 485 657 on WhatsApp and 500 00 were on email. Currently, applications are currently being assessed and verified. Those eligible will be notified and will start to receive their first payment of the six-month Special Covid19 SRD Grant of R350 by Friday – 15 May. “The grant is implemented in terms of the existing avenue provided for by the SRD channel, which is administered in accordance with the provisions as set in the Social Assistance Act, 2004. The Department wishes to stress that the first payment file was meant for testing. When the payment system is finalised, more regular payments will be made,” said the DSD. Once an application has been approved, the SASSA will ask for banking details. Those who have not been asked for banking details must know that they are not going to be paid. The department has appealed to people to wait to be contacted and not visit SASSA offices. “Once again, we appeal to those already receiving social grants not to apply as they are not eligible for the Special Covid-19 SRD Grant. It is only meant to benefit persons who are currently not receiving any form of income support from government,” the Minister said.

How to apply

People can apply in one of three ways, namely: • WhatsApp line: 082 046 8553 • USSD or SMS line: *134*7737# • Online: srd@sassa.gov.za All applicant must be either a citizen, permanent resident or refugee who is registered at the Home Affairs and is a resident within South Africa. “To ensure that the information system is not clogged, we appeal to all applicants not to upload any form of documentation on the application,” Zulu said. The department will continuously share information on developments across all platforms.


New fleet for EMPD

Ekurhuleni Metro Police (EMPD) Specialized and By-Laws units have received 28 new motor vehicles from the Head of Department. The handing over was conducted in Kempton Park area, at the Dries Niemandt stadium on May 11. EMPD Chief Police Jabulani Mapiyeye was joined by his management team, to unveil the 13 Light Delivery Vehicles (LDV) and 15 sedans to their officers.

"This fleet will be utilized for attending crash/ accident sites, rapid deployment to crime scenes, enforcing of municipal By-Laws, visible policing and serving our communities at large, amongst others" Chief Mapiyeye explained. Officers seemed expressed their gratitude to the department. Some say that the added wheels came at the right time, since police are also involved in enforcing COVID-19 lockdown regulations.

2020 6 VOL. 7 ISSUE #5 - 22-29 MAY

Mapepeza Newspaper

Dignified and traditional funeral services since 1979

Zenzele Funeral Undertakers is the first formally established funeral business in Ratanda. Mapepeza spoke to the son of the founder and director Bongani Sikhonde (pictured) recently.

Bongani says his father started in the funeral industry when he wanted to give black families living in townships a dignified funeral. Back then during Apartheid, people were give a ‘donkey and cart’ to send-off their loved ones. But the entrepreneurial gene already existed in the family as Themba Sikhonde’s father was an expert watchmaker. Started in 1979 by the late Themba Sikhonde, the enterprise is still in existence to this day. Although starting the business with three other partners, Themba Sikhonde eventually became the sole owner through a buy-out of his partners’ shares in 1986. Sikhonde went on to establish other businesses in Ratanda including the community’s first dry cleaner and delifoods store. “When KKK Supermarket opened its doors in 1993, he organized three big food trucks and gave masses of people food parcels,” said Bongani. Bongani joined Zenzele in 2006 while running his own marketing company. “My father sold some of the company shares to me instead of merely inheriting my place in the family business. This was my way of securing a legacy for my children,” he explained.

Zenzele is fully compliant and certified. They also have their cold-rooms and every other funeral related items like tents,transport and tombstones. Another initiative which was established by the late Sikhonde during his days of helping the community, is the burial society. “When people came to my father to pay for their funerals, he realized that some people just did not have enough. So he found a way to put some sort of ‘funeral insurance’ so it can be affordable. People paid as little as R20 a month back then,” he said. Currently, Zenzele Funeral Undertakers is looking to provide 50 families in the community who have lost their income due to the pandemic. As the business grows, more families can be accommodated. “As Zenzele Funerals, we will give them funeral cover for as long as we exist, free of charge. We need your help in identifying families who are not well of and cannot afford funeral cover,” said Sikhonde. Looking forward, Zenzele Funeral Undertakers aims to stick to its dignified, traditional funeral services and will introduce new offers to new and its current clients. Call Zenzele Funerals on 083 435 6033, Facebook: @ZenzeleFunerals

Located at Mnguni Street in Ratanda since it was established, Zenzele has grown to become a full-service funeral undertaker. “We help the berieved families from Day one. Everything is arranged to their specifications. From removal of the deceased until the last day of burial, everything is taken care of,” Bongani explained. Vopak South Africa Developments (Pty) Ltd NOTICE OF A LICENCE APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 17 OF THE PETROLEUM PIPELINES ACT, 2003 (ACT NO. 60 OF 2003) INTERESTED PARTIES ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED: That Vopak South Africa Developments (Pty) Ltd (2008/019455/07) has submitted an application to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA or ‘the Energy Regulator’) for a combined licence for the operation of pipelines and petroleum storage facility located at 190/3 Blesbok, Poortjie Road, Jameson Park, Gauteng Province (Ref No. PPL.sf.p.F3/334/2020). The application also contain tariff applications for the abovementioned facilities. The applications are available at: www.nersa.org. za (Petroleum Pipelines > Licences > Applications under considerations) The applications are also available between 08:00 and 16:30 daily (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and during lockdown) at: A.Vopak Terminal Lesedi, 190/3 Blesbok, Poortjie Road, Jameson Park

Contact Person Name: Sandile Ntuli Telephone: 031 466 9200 B.NERSA, Kulawula House, 526 Madiba Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, Telephone: 012 401 4600 Objections to the issuing of the licence applied for or comments on the tariff(s) applied for must be lodged within 30 working days from (28 May 2020). Objections must be submitted in the prescribed form (Form D to the Petroleum Pipelines Act: Rules, 2019) and must be substantiated by way of an affidavit or solemn declaration. This form is available at www.nersa.org.za (Petroleum Pipelines > Legislation > Petroleum Pipelines Rules) as well as at the NERSA offices at the abovementioned address. Objections must be addressed to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa: Executive Manager: Petroleum Pipelines Regulation and must be: (a)hand-delivered at Kulawula House, 526 Madiba Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; or (b)sent by registered post to PO Box 40343, Arcadia, 0007; or (c)emailed to pipelines@nersa.org.za; or (d)faxed to 012 401 4700. All objections must be submitted by (10 July 2020). Objections received after the closing date will be disregarded.

VOL. 7 ISSUE #5 - 22-29 MAY 2020 Mapepeza Newspaper



International Day of the Nurses celebrated

International Nurses Day and nurses from Heidelberg Hospital took the time to observe this day on Tuesday, May 12. Nurses read their pledge of service and lit candles to honor the profession. This year the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this year to the Nurses and Midwives.

MoTsha does its part to help distressed families

Since the nationwide lockdown began, many families in Ratanda have been assisted by the MoTsha Teens Organization. Food parcel drives have been going around the community, donating food to the less fortunate. MoTosha began their first donation of 100 parcels, received from an anonymous donor. “The second drive we did the No Shaving Challenge, that was headed by Mohlalefi Lebotha to get the men in the community involved. We managed to a further donate 30 parcels” said Pretty Kekana (MoTsha member). The food parcels came from individuals and small business owners from Ratanda, including social media. “We selected informal settlements in ward 2, because it is an area within close vicinity where I as the founder of Motsha grew up in. The rest we were responding to people that have reached to our organization for help. Others were suggested by parents who have registered their children on our programs,” explained Kekana. “A big Thank You goes to MoTsha friends and the Ratanda community members (people and small business owners that donated) and MoTsha moms. A special thanks to Louisa Opperman and Mohlalefi Lebotha for their involvement through put the campaign.”

2020 8 VOL. 7 ISSUE #5 - 22-29 MAY


Mapepeza Newspaper

Gerrie: The Boksburg Boxer who KO'd Apartheid on every count!

An American film company who has been researching the life of SA boxer Gerrie Coetzee ahead of filming operations for 'Gerrie' (a documentary) has unearthed findings that showed the man popularly known as the 'Boksburg Bomber' was a passive anti-Apartheid campaigner. Kenddrie Utuk of American film company Fontabila Productions will start production of 'Gerrie' in July after spending more than a year on gathering in-depth information on Coetzee who acquired world fame at the height of South Africa's Apartheid regime. "Our interest in Coetzee as a subject for a boxing film was first aroused when he was honoured by HAPA (Hollywood and African Prestigious Award) two years ago in California. The organization honours outstanding achievements by Africans and Americans and they must have known a thing or two about Coetzee denouncing racism in his home country. Because of what HAPA stands for Coetzee would have been a worthy recipient." In the press conference that followed Coetzee's World Boxing Association world heavyweight title conquest after defeating Michael Dokes in Ohio in September 1983, there are quotes in American newspapers which suggest that he disapproved of the internationally popular 'great white hope' label. The Washington Post reported that Coetzee despised being referred to as "the great white

hope"."I feel I am fighting for everybody, black and white. What makes me happy is for black, brown and white people to accept me as their fighter," said Coetzee. The New York Times reported Coetzee's promise to promote racial harmony in South Africa: "When I return home, I will continue working to help people get together.''

was using a hammer when he knocked on the door," Coetzee recalled. "Once I opened the door he brushed me out of the way and went through the whole house. He wanted to know where the boy slept and where he washed. "A few days later, I was issued with a court summons, but I failed to respond, and nothing came of it."

The Boxing Renegade

There are several instances when Coetzee ignored laws during the height of Apartheid, although his actions were never under the spotlight of the local mainstream media. Coetzee fought black American Randy Stephens in 1976. Subsequently, Coetzee and Stephens became sparring partners. During this time Coetzee also had another black American heavyweight James Dickson as a sparring partner. Both Americans lived at his home in Boksburg which was against the law because it conflicted with the Group Areas Act. In the mid-1980s, Coetzee had adopted a boxer, then classified 'Coloured' from a place close Boksburg. Initially, the boy asked Coetzee to train him. Because of the boy’s travelling concerns, Coetzee offered him accommodation at his Boksburg home and later adopted him. When the SA Police heard about this, a policeman called at Coetzee's Boksburg home. "You thought the policeman

Boxer meets Boxer

After being crowned world heavyweight champ, there were numerous requests for media interviews. Coetzee decided to appoint an Indian journalist Farook Khan as his media spokesman. This appointment did not go down well with white South Africa, more so as Khan had won acclaim for investigative journalism during Apartheid. "Farook lived in Durban and often he travelled to my place in Boksburg for meetings. On occasions he slept over at my place," said Coetzee. "He travelled with me a few times when I fought overseas." Despite his rise to fame as a genuine world heavyweight contender, sponsors were hard to come by.

2020 Comrades Marathon cancelled! Parliament's Select Committee on Education, Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture has welcomed the decision to cancel the 2020 edition of the Comrades Marathon.

For the first time in over a century of its existence, the marathon has been called off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Committee Chair, Elleck Nchabeleng said because of the Kwa-Zulu Natal province being among the highest-ranking in positive cases, the right decision was taken. “The committee welcomes the cancellation and believes it is in the interest of participants at heart. Any possible

interventions and steps should be taken to ensure that the virus spread is contained. The urge to continue with the season among many sporting codes is understandable, but that should not be at the expense of the athletes," Nchabeleng said. The Comrades Marathon is run annually in June in KwaZulu-Natal. The race was, at first, postponed to September due to the lockdown. However the race has since been cancelled. Athletics South Africa (ASA) President, Aleck Skhosana said that cancelling what would have been the 95th edition of the Comrades Marathon was a “long and arduous

Thinus Strydom, Coetzee's business manager then, had managed to tie up a world title bout with Don King, who promoted Michael Dokes, the reigning World Boxing Association (WBA) champion. Given Coetzee's racism stance, it was ironic that an Apartheid cabinet minister Pik Botha was at the Johannesburg airport to give him a hero's welcome after he lifted the WBA world title. Botha was the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time.

decision to make.” “With the race’s rich history, its powerful nationbuilding attributes and contribution towards social cohesion, as well as its immense economic impact, it would have been premature to rush into an outright cancellation sooner.” Skhosana said. Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) Board, Chairperson, Cheryl Winn said they had hoped to postpone the race to a date not later than end of September (owing to climatic conditions), but with the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of abating and anticipated to peak in the coming months, there is no telling what is yet to come.

"Throughout all of this one of the most treasured moments of my career was when I was called to Nelson Mandela's office in the early 1990s. It was overwhelming because the country was preparing for democracy and Mandela was leading the way," said Coetzee. "It was a surreal moment and he awarded me a medal. I was surprised to hear that he had listened to radio commentaries of a few of my fights while he was in prison. He invited me to visit again on two other occasions later on. During one of these visits, I gave him a medal which FW De Klerk (SA's state president at the time) has awarded me on behalf of the SA Government. "It didn't seem to bother Mr Mandela that is was a SA Government medal. He saw it as a gift from me and I was grateful for that." Producers expect to premiere the film in December.

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