Alta 246 Noviembre 2014

Page 130

“Viajé al País Vasco, trabajé en restaurantes españoles, toda la pasión de mi vida la puse para aprender sobre esa gastronomía”. "I traveled to the Basque country, worked in Spanish restaurants, i placed all my passion into learning about the food." opposite. First obtain the product, and then the recipe. Ideally, the fish should be right out of the sea. And can that be found here in Buenos Aires, for example? It’s not easy. It has to be a joint effort: customers must demand it from the fish markets, the fish markets from transport suppliers, and the cargo people from the fishermen. I’m aware that’s difficult in Argentina, especially because the beef is so good. But people should give fish and shellfish a try. The country also has an extensive coast. It has a bigger coastline than Japan! There are good Los bocaditos de langostinos están entre las recetas favoritas de Takehiro Ohno incluidas en su libro De mar a mar. / The shrimp appetizers are a favorite Takehiro Ohno recipe from his book From sea to sea.

fishermen and good fish markets. We have to develop this gastronomic culture together. Which is your favorite recipe in the book?

¿Cuál es tu receta preferida del libro?

My favorite is the grouper with Yulin sauce. It is a fried

La número uno es el mero con salsa Yulin. Es un pescado

fish and resembles a local Criollo dish, but in fact, it is of

frito, y parece una receta criolla, pero es en realidad un

Chinese descent. I grew up eating Chinese food in Japan.

plato chino. Yo crecí comiendo comida china, en Japón. What flavors differentiate Chinese cuisine from ¿En qué sabores se diferencia la comida china de

Japanese cuisine?

la japonesa?

The main difference is that there have always been many

La principal diferencia es que en China siempre hubo

different types of ingredients in China because it is an

todo tipo de ingredientes, porque es un país muy rico.

abundantly rich country. It has cooking oil, for example,

Tiene aceite, por ejemplo, algo que en Japón no hay. Por

something we don’t have in Japan. Hence sushi, which

eso el sushi, que no lo necesita.

doesn’t require any.

Una de las recetas del libro es el sushi preparado

One of the recipes in the book is called “home-

“como en tu casa”...

style sushi”…

Primero hay que saber que el 80% del sushi lo hace el

First of all, one must consider that 80% of sushi is made

arroz. El arroz tiene que estar muy bien hecho. Minutos

up of rice. The rice has to be prepared well. Exact cooking

de cocción exactos, a la temperatura exacta. Está todo

times at the exact temperature are required. Everything is

explicado en la receta. Y si el pescado está recién sacado

explained in the recipe. And if the fish is straight from the

del mar, conseguís el mejor sushi.

sea, you achieve the best sushi.

Y los platos de tipo mediterráneo, ¿cómo los elegiste?

How do you choose the Mediterranean style dishes?

Mi especialidad es la cocina vasca, mucha gente no sabe

I specialize in Basque cooking. Many people don’t know

esto, porque soy japonés y tengo esta cara... (risas). Viajé

that because I am Japanese and I have this face (giggling).

al País Vasco, trabajé en restaurantes españoles, toda la

I traveled to the Basque country and worked in Spanish

pasión de mi vida la puse para aprender sobre esa gastro-

restaurants, putting forth all my energy into learning about

nomía. Éstos son platos que me encantan.

that gastronomic style. Those are the dishes I love.

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