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2023 MHA Stewardship Award - Michelle Rimke

The MHA is pleased to award the 2023 Stewardship award to Michelle Rimke. Michelle’s family has been involved in raising Herefords since the 1950s. Michelle and Albert began their involvement with Herefords in 1990.

Michelle was a CJHA delegate while she was a Junior, and was the chair of the CJHA calendar, which she did for a few years. She was a Manitoba Hereford Queen in 1985. In 1988 Michelle was the co-chairperson as a Junior for Bonanza that year. She was on the Bonanza committee in 1999. Michelle became co-chairperson of Bonanza in 2006, 2013, and what was supposed to be Bonanza 2020. She will be on the Bonanza committee for 2024.


Michelle has worked quietly behind the scenes to support the MHA in other areas and has proven a valuable resource. She has prepared forms for various Feild Days and MOE Shows at different venues and recorded and submitted results. She has shown her artistic side with the painting of the Commercial Breeders sign, Michele has often responded to questions at AGMs, by quietly providing the sought after information. In the past, she also prepared the AGM booklets. She has kept and still keeps, the MHA family informed on various individual members over the years.

The highlights of her involvement over the years were her, and Albert’s trips to Denmark and New Zealand to represent and promote Canadian Herefords internationally. We look forward to Michelle’s continued involvement and thank her for her past involvement.

CHA 25 Year Hereford Membership - Phil & Vivian Jones

The CHA is please to present Phil & Vivian Jones with their 25 Year Membership Pin.

The first purebred Hereford of Phil & Vivian’s was purchased at the Good as Gold Sale in December of 1996. The cow was from the herd of Don Sullivan and Doug Troop. The was followed by the purchase of a purebred bull at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in March of 1997 from Roseland Polled Herefords.

Phil expanded the herd from various sales around the province and Saskatchewan. The herd was capped at around 40 head. Twelve years ago, the herd was dispersed with the majority going to Lock Spur Livestock, as no one in the family wished to carry on the farm.

Phil & Vivian continue to be involved with the MHA in various ways. They look after the Hereford booth and attend various events such as Ag Days, Cattle Sales and Ag Ex. Congratulations Phil & Vivian!

Join us at the MHA Field Day - August 26, 2023 Twin View Polled Herefords, Strathclair, MB

Thank You

to Twin View Polled Herefords for the donation heifer at the Good as Gold Sale in November! The winning ticket went to Dan Gullett and he graciously donated the heifer back with half the proceeds going to STARS and half going to the MHA. The heifer was purchased by Albert, Jay and Levi Rimke. Thank you to Twin View, Dan, the Rimke’s and everyone that bought a ticket to support the MHA.