Mover: Bill Finney Seconder: Bill Murray Outcome: CARRIED 16. Be it resolved that MBP lobby the Government of Manitoba for the establishment of a provincial agriculture Ombudsman. Mover: Glen Franklin Seconder: Greg Johnson Outcome: CARRIED
Bovine Tuberculosis
he following resolutions were presented for debate at MBP’s 34th annual general meeting. The resolutions were either passed at MBP’s 2012 fall district meetings or received as late resolutions. Of the 40 resolutions that came forward, 30 were carried, six were defeated and four did not proceed to debate (no mover and/or no seconder).
Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council
lobby the Government of Manitoba to end the and MCEC check-off and turn any surplus funds into an assurance fund to protect producers in the event of livestock dealer bankruptcy. Mover: Ramona Blyth Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: DEFEATED 5. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers investigate the establishment of an assurance fund, similar to the programs in Alberta and Ontario, to be established by a check-off from both producers and dealers. Mover: Mac McRae Seconder: Greg Johnson Outcome: CARRIED
1. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to direct MCEC funds, both producer and provincial contributions, to a federal slaughter facility outside the city of Winnipeg. 6. Be it resolved that Mover: Heinz Reimer Manitoba Beef Producers Seconder: Richard Carr investigate a third party Outcome: CARRIED “dealer credit rating program” that would rest 2. Be it resolved that upon voluntary particiManitoba Beef Produc- pation by Manitoba liveers lobby to have beef stock dealers. producers in Manitoba Mover: No mover/not insulated from, and not debated be liable for, any losses incurred by processing Crown Lands plants owned or operated 7. Be it resolved that Manby MCEC. itoba Beef Producers lobby Mover: Glen Campbell the Government of ManiSeconder: Trevor Atchison toba to ensure that leases Outcome: CARRIED for agricultural Crown land 3. Be it resolved that be transferrable, including Manitoba Beef Producers intergenerational transfers, lobby that the Government to other agricultural operaof Manitoba end the MCEC tions without being opened check-off. to third party interests. Mover: Glen Campbell Mover: Theresa Zuk Seconder: Greg Johnson Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED Outcome: CARRIED
Dealer Defaults/ Assurance Programs
8. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers 4. Be it resolved that lobby the Government of Manitoba Beef Producers Manitoba to re-evaluate past
agricultural Crown land which has been returned to the Crown to be re-instated for agricultural use. Mover: Theresa Zuk Seconder: Trevor Atchison Outcome: CARRIED
Domestic Agriculture Programs
9. Whereas wildfires have devastated southern Manitoba for the last two years; and Whereas there are 36,000 acres owned by Nature Conservancy Canada that is not grazed, in addition to ungrazed Crown land, that present significant fuel for future wildfires. NOTE: The resolution was amended to delete this paragraph. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby to have the Disaster Financial Assistance Act amended to ensure that fence lines are covered in the event that they are damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster. Mover: Heinz Reimer Seconder: Richard Carr Outcome: CARRIED The friendly amendment was moved by Heinz Reimer and seconded by Trevor Atchison. 10. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby to have AgriStability removed as a required backstop to the Manitoba Livestock Cash Advance Program. Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Ray Armbruster Outcome: CARRIED 11. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to compensate affected landowners for the
17. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers continue to lobby the Government of Manitoba to pay a mustering fee to producers who test their herds for bovine TB. losses incurred for the ben- Mover: Ray Armbruster efit of the major centres, irri- Seconder: Glen Campbell gators, and Manitoba Hydro. Outcome: CARRIED Mover: Ray Armbruster Seconder: Trevor Atchison 18. Be it resolved that Outcome: CARRIED MBP continue to lobby for 12. Be it resolved that a mustering fee of $15/head Manitoba Beef Produc- for producers required to ers lobby the Government participate in bovine tuberof Manitoba to have pro- culosis testing. grams that include loss Mover: Ben Fox of 2012 production for Seconder: Ray Armbruster both pasture and forage Outcome: CARRIED on land impacted by the 2011 flood (this would be Environment in addition to transporta19. Be it resolved Manition and forage shortfall toba Beef Producers lobby compensation). Manitoba Conservation Mover: Jackie Jonasson and Water Stewardship to Seconder: Caron Clarke take responsibility for waOutcome: CARRIED ter holes and dugouts on private land that have been 13. Be it resolved that contaminated by waterManitoba Beef Producers fowl. lobby the Government of Mover: No mover/not Manitoba and the Govern- debated ment of Canada to amend AgriStability to include the AgriRecovery payments in an operation’s eligible income for the purpose of margin calculation. Mover: Caron Clarke Seconder: Stewart Tataryn Outcome: CARRIED
20. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to re-institute a refundable deposit for beverage containers in order to preserve rural Manitoba. Mover: Trevor Atchison Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED 21. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby to have the Government of Manitoba increase the limits and season on Canada geese to better control the population. Mover: Trevor Atchison Seconder: Dave Koslowsky Outcome: CARRIED
Production Management
22. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers work to have traceability driven by market forces and not directed by governments. Mover: Gord Ransom Seconder: Trevor Atchison Outcome: DEFEATED 23. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby MASC to ensure that the representation on the Board of Directors is representative of all regions of the province of Manitoba (specifically the rural municipalities of Piney, Stuartburn and La Broquerie). Mover: No mover/not debated
Supporting local agriculture.
14. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby government to ensure that beef producers can have access to Manitoba Livestock Cash Advance Program without enrollment in the AgriStability program. Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: No seconder/not debated 15. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby for ongoing loss of production in 2012 (and in subsequent years) on land flooded in the spring of 2011.
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24. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers encourage producers to be aware of the insurance status of their fence lines and also to lobby insurance companies to cover fence lines. Mover: Heinz Reimer Seconder: Trevor Atchison Outcome: CARRIED
26. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby for the registration of more effective strychninebased gopher control products (e.g. Gopher Cop). Mover: Ray Armbruster Seconder: Tyler Fulton Outcome: CARRIED 27. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby for assistance in the reclamation of land flooded in 2011 (including but not limited to fences, forage restoration, etc.). Mover: Mac McRae Seconder: Caron Clarke Outcome: CARRIED
Manitoba to ensure that land purchased under the Shoal Lakes buyout program remain available for agricultural use. Mover: Stewart Tataryn Seconder: Ray Armbruster Outcome: CARRIED 29. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to address and remove problem beavers on both private and agricultural Crown land. Mover: Caron Clarke Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED
producers have the right to a system of arbitration for CFIA decisions. Mover: Ben Fox Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED
by Fred Tait, seconded by Heinz Reimer. The vote to debate the amended resolution was carried, but the vote on the amended resolution was defeated.
35. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby against mandatory membership in general farm organizations. Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Ray Armbruster Outcome: CARRIED
31. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to amend the “over length” regulations to include hay and straw farm trailers (the same as other farm implements). Mover: Heinz Reimer Seconder: Bill Murray Outcome: CARRIED
25. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers work to ensure that feedlot operators are not further disadvantaged by horned and non-castrated animals, especially after the adoption of the revised Beef Code of 32. Be it resolved that Practice. 30. Be it resolved that Mover: Trevor Atchison 28. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers Manitoba Beef Producers Seconder: Michael Decock Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the federal govern- investigate the opportunity Outcome: DEFEATED lobby the Government of ment to ensure that beef to license 14 year olds to operate a tractor on a public road prior to obtaining a full motor vehicle license. Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Don Ransom Outcome: CARRIED
eef Bul B m u lS i m
Water Management
33. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers continue with lobby efforts to establish a second outlet from Lake Manitoba to ensure that the level of Lake Manitoba does not exceed 813 asl at any time. Mover: Jackie Jonasson Seconder: Caron Clarke Outcome: CARRIED
MBP Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
34. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers shift the location of its Annual General Meeting to other parts of Manitoba, not exclusively Brandon, with the following friendly amendment at the AGM: but in a location where suitable accommodations are available. Mover: Heinz Reimer Seconder: Richard Carr Outcome: DEFEATED Note: The friendly amendment was moved
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From the MBP Board of Directors
38. Be it resolved that the membership of Manitoba Beef Producers supports the Board of Directors’ proposals for modernization of the organization’s bylaws, as they were presented at the fall district meetings and as published on MBP’s website. Mover: Theresa Zuk Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: CARRIED
Late Resolutions
39. Whereas the Agricultural Crown Lands Leasing Program’s purpose is to support the establishment of viable livestock enterprises in Manitoba by
40. Whereas most of Manitoba’s Crown land is available for use year round to the general public free of charge, e.g. berry pickers, hikers to name a few. Whereas Crown agricultural grazing lease holders pay for the use of the grass and also pay the municipal and school property taxes. Be it resolved that Crown agricultural grazing lease holders have similar options in regards to entry and access on leased Crown land as other taxpayers, e.g. Crown general permit holders and deeded land. Mover: Trevor Atchison Seconder: Bill Murray Outcome: CARRIED
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37. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers examine positive enticements (e.g. insurance programs) that would be made exclusively available to members in good standing. Mover: Bill Murray Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: DEFEATED
Black Angus Bulls
36. Be it resolved that non-members will not receive support services from Manitoba Beef Producers (e.g., age verification, bovine TB mustering fee). Mover: Bill Murray Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: DEFEATED
making Crown land available to resident farmers and ranchers and to encourage new and young farmers and ranchers in rural communities; Whereas livestock operations with a land base, both Crown and private, with a carrying capacity of 4800 animal unit months (AUM) or greater do not qualify for the program; Whereas 4800 AUM is equivalent to approximately 300 mature cows; Whereas many progressive livestock operations, including many operated by young farmers, are significantly larger than 4800 AUM; and Whereas the 4800 AUM program eligibility limit has not been reviewed in over 20 years. Be it resolved that MBP lobby the Government of Manitoba to review and change the 800 animal unit month limit for eligibility to the Agricultural Crown Lands Leasing Program to reflect the larger size of modern livestock operations. Mover: Stan Foster Seconder: Dave Mathews Outcome: CARRIED
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Outcome of Resolutions Sessions at MBP’s 35th Annual General Meeting The following resolutions were presented for debate at MBP’s 35th annual general meeting. The resolutions were passed at MBP’s 2013 fall district meetings. Twenty-two of the 23 resolutions arising from the district meetings were debated. Sixteen resolutions were carried. There were no late resolutions.
A. Check-off/ Administration/ Operational
1. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers increase the provincial check-off by $1 per head. 1.A There was a friendly amendment moved to meet the legal requirements for regulatory change under The Cattle Producers Association Act. Be it resolved that the Regulation to amend the Cattle Fee Regulation increasing the fee imposed under that Regulation to $3 per head of cattle, effective
July 1, 2014, in the form presented to this Meeting, be made as Regulation No. 1, 2014. Outcome: CARRIED Final vote on the amended resolution: CARRIED by a vote of 71 to 5. 2. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers increase the provincial check-off $0.50 per head in 2013-14 and that there be another $0.50 per head increase in 2015-16. Note: This resolution was not debated as the first resolution dealing with the $1 per head check-off increase had carried. 3. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers provide services only for beef producers who are members in good standing of the association. Outcome: CARRIED 4. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers
lobby the Government of Manitoba to amend The Cattle Producers Association Act to make the check-off non-refundable. Outcome: DEFEATED 5. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to change the refundability of the provincial check-off so that only 50 per cent of the check-off can be refunded. Outcome: DEFEATED
B. Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council
6. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba for full disclosure, transparency and accountability for the producer and government funds collected by the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council (MCEC). Outcome: DEFEATED 7. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers demand a full accounting and audit of all the activities of the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council, from the inception of the organization through to the end of the MCEC check-off on September 1, 2013. Outcome: CARRIED
C. Production Management
8. Whereas elk can cause significant damage to crops and fences. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship to issue more elk tags for game hunting in regions where elk are known to cause problems. Outcome: CARRIED 9. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to return all drainage inlets into Lake Manitoba to pre-2011 flood levels as is directed by The Emergency Measures Act. Outcome: CARRIED
10. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the federal and provincial governments to provide the RFID tags at no cost. Outcome: DEFEATED
D. Community Pastures
Be it further resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to meet this commitment. Outcome: CARRIED
15. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers continue to lobby the Province of Manitoba for the policies and programs required to ensure the continuation 19. Be it resolved that 11. Be it resolved that of the Community Pasture Manitoba Beef Producers Manitoba Beef Producers Program in Manitoba. continue to lobby the federal work to increase the under- Outcome: CARRIED and provincial governments standing of the requirements for a $15 per head musterfor organic beef production. 16. Whereas the Com- ing fee to compensate proOutcome: DEFEATED munity Pasture Program ducers in the RMEA who provides an environmentally participate in TB testing. 12. Whereas “night light- sustainable use of the land Outcome: CARRIED ing” (or hunting at night and the process has been using lights) poses a sig- provided to manage that land 20. Be it resolved that nificant safety issue for both retaining the same principles. Manitoba Beef Producers people and livestock in rural Whereas the community lobby the Government of Manitoba. pastures provide a valuable Manitoba for full compenBe it resolved that Mani- resource for the preserva- sation, including the cost of toba Beef Producers lobby tion of species at risk. raising an animal, for predaManitoba Conservation and Be it resolved that Mani- tion losses. Water Stewardship and the toba Beef Producers lobby Outcome: CARRIED RCMP to ensure that regula- the Government of Manitions prohibiting “nightlight- toba to remove the school 21. Be it resolved that ing” are universally enforced tax rebate cap for the com- Manitoba Beef Producers throughout the province. munity pastures. lobby to have needleless inOutcome: CARRIED Outcome: CARRIED jectors funded through the Growing Assurance – Food 13. Whereas rural Mani- E. Animal Health Safety On-Farm program tobans depend on a reliable 17. Whereas the reclassi- under Growing Forward 2. power supply for their per- fication of anaplasmosis by Outcome: CARRIED sonal safety, as well as to the Canadian Food Inspecensure proper care for their tion Agency will result in G. Ongoing Impact of animals; and decreased surveillance and the 2011 Flood Whereas a lack of time- support to producers; and 22. Whereas the flooding ly emergency repairs puts Whereas this disease can of the Shoal lakes and Lake both people and livestock result in significant and on- Manitoba caused significant at risk. going costs for the beef in- damage to fence lines on Be it resolved that Mani- dustry. both Crown and private land. toba Beef Producers lobby Be it resolved that ManiBe it resolved that Manithe Government of Manitoba toba Beef Producers lobby toba Beef Producers lobby and Manitoba Hydro to en- the Government of Manitoba the Government of Manitoba sure that emergency services to ensure that adequate sur- to provide support for the reto rural Manitoba are im- veillance, laboratory facilities pair of these fence lines; and proved from current levels. and producer supports are in Be it further resolved that Outcome: CARRIED place to adequately deal with Manitoba Beef Producers this disease. lobby the Government of 14. Whereas freeze-up Outcome: CARRIED Manitoba to take measures to and snowfall do not happen ensure that lake levels remain at the same time every year F. Domestic below levels that caused the and; Agriculture original damage. Whereas Manitoba’s ma18. Whereas the Govern- Outcome: CARRIED nure management regula- ment of Manitoba made a tions do not have adequate commitment to fully com- H. Miscellaneous flexibility; pensate producers for losses 23. Whereas McDonalds Be it resolved that Mani- incurred in the 2011 Lake is continuing to utilize 100 toba Beef Producer lobby Manitoba flood and for on- per cent Canadian Beef; the Government of Mani- going losses beyond 2011. Be it resolved that Manitoba to build flexibility into Be it resolved that Mani- toba Beef Producers carry, manure management regu- toba Beef Producers re- free of charge, McDonald’s lations to accommodate mind the Government of advertising in Cattle Country fluctuations in weather con- Manitoba that this ongoing to show our appreciation for ditions. compensation has not been McDonald’s support. Outcome: CARRIED forthcoming; and Outcome: DEFEATED
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Outcome of resolutions session at TH MBP’s 36 Annual General Meeting The following 39 resolutions were presented for debate at MBP’s 36th Annual General Meeting on February 5 in Brandon. The resolutions were carried at MBP’s 2014 fall district meetings, reviewed by MBP’s Resolutions Committee, deemed to be in order and then categorized for debate at the AGM. In instances where the resolutions were identical or very similar in content and intent, they were combined for debate. There were also three late resolutions provided to MBP following the district meetings. Those were deemed to be in order and debated at the AGM. Of the 39 resolutions presented for debate, 28 were carried, 10 defeated and one withdrawn. The complete outcome of the resolutions debate follows.
Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby governments to ensure that lands held by third parties that are suitable for agriculture, but that have been idled, remain available to producers for these purposes. Mover: Ron Batho Seconder: Michael Decock Outcome: DEFEATED
Origin: District 8 5. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to provide a better brand registry system that is more accessible to the public and which includes clearer guidelines on acceptable brands that will minimize ineffective brandings and negative animal welfare consequences. Mover: Hugh Blair Seconder: Tom Teichroeb Outcome: CARRIED
A. ASSURANCE FUND C. BOVINE Origin: District 3 TUBERCULOSIS 1. Whereas increases to Origin: District 7 livestock dealer bond levels and the current status quo are not acceptable. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers continue to investigate dealer assurance programming. Mover: Art Petkau Seconder: Gerry Simonson Outcome: CARRIED
Origin: District 8 2. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers pursue the dealer assurance program to protect producers from dealer defaults with a mandatory levy on all livestock transactions and the fund should be managed by Manitoba Beef Producers. Mover: Tom Teichroeb Seconder: Allen Kopeechuk Outcome: DEFEATED
B. PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Origin: District 1 3. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship to provide agricultural landowners, whose primary income is from agriculture production, with an annual elk and/ or moose hunting licence on their property. Mover: Ted Artz Seconder: Caron Clarke Outcome: CARRIED
Origin: District 6 4. Whereas there are concerns that valuable agricultural land is being purchased by private and public interests and permanently removed from agricultural production, but is left in a state that it could still be used for that purpose.
6. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby for compensation for livestock abortions sustained as a result of the bovine TB testing process. Mover: Glen Campbell Seconder: Ray Armbruster Outcome: DEFEATED
Origin: District 8 7. Whereas producers in the Riding Mountain Eradication Area are testing their animals for bovine tuberculosis and their actions are benefiting the Canadian beef industry. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the federal and provincial governments to provide proper compensation for the time to muster animals and the loss of animal production due to testing of their livestock for bovine tuberculosis and that the rate be $16/head. Mover: Dane Guignion Seconder: Glen Campbell Outcome: CARRIED
D. DOMESTIC AGRICULTURE POLICIES AND PROGRAMS Origin: Nearly identical resolutions came forward in Districts 1 and 8 on the following matter and therefore they were combined for debate. 8. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial and federal governments to expand the needs-based forage feed assistance program to include the entire province to assist producers impacted by the 2014 excess moisture crisis. Mover: Larry Gerelus Seconder: Randy Bjarnarson Outcome: CARRIED
Origin: District 1
Origin: District 6
9. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba in regards to excess moisture deductibles in areas declared disasters, and the increase in deductibles be waived for the year following the disaster. Mover: Ted Artz Seconder: Dave Koslowsky Outcome: CARRIED
14. Whereas there are concerns around the enforcement and compliance policies of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers pursue with the CFIA and other federal officials the need for a third party appeal process for producers who have concerns related to enforcement and compliance policies administered by the CFIA. Mover: Larry Wegner Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED unanimously
Origin: District 2 10. Whereas certain circumstances require efficient and prompt animal health treatment and animal welfare could be compromised, and Whereas the safety of the producer can be at risk when tagging mature animals. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to ensure reasonable enforcement of CCIA tags when transporting animals to vet clinics for routine or emergency procedures and then returning to the herd of origin, and to provide a venue to hear the concerns from producers to ensure continued support for traceability systems. Mover: Dave Koslowsky Seconder: Don Guilford Outcome: CARRIED unanimously
Origin: District 4
Origin: District 6 15. Whereas a significant number of producers who lease agricultural Crown lands have been affected by flooding and excess moisture conditions in recent years; and Whereas in order to retain their leases producers are expected to continue making payments on the lands, even though they may not be usable. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to review agricultural Crown land policies to ensure that affected producers retain the right to use these lands, at a reduced rental rate, until such time as normal production resumes, and then normal rental rates resume. Mover: Ron Batho Seconder: Michael Decock Outcome: CARRIED
11. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers continue to work with the provincial and federal governments to reopen previously closed markets, as well as the opening of new international markets that will continue to benefit the Canadian and Origin: District 8 Manitoba beef industry. 16. Be it resolved that Mover: Heinz Reimer Manitoba Beef Producers Seconder: Don Winnicky lobby Manitoba Public InOutcome: CARRIED surance for cost effective and/ or reduced rates and prompt settlements for commercial Origin: District 4 12. Be it resolved that trucks hauling livestock and Manitoba Beef Producers ensure independent, third lobby the Manitoba Agricul- party arbitrators to settle distural Services Corporation putes. and other lending institu- Mover: Tony Atkinson tions to review and imple- Seconder: Tom Teichroeb ment new policies on loans Outcome: CARRIED for breeding stock to encourage more uptake by using Origin: District 8 current prices instead of a 17. Whereas many ru5-year average. ral wells are contaminated Mover: Heinz Reimer with nitrates and other comSeconder: Richard Carr pounds; and Outcome: CARRIED Whereas there are rural municipalities that cannot access water and it must be Origin: District 4 13. Be it resolved that hauled in at the owner’s exManitoba Beef Producers pense; and Whereas many rural resilobby the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to allow dents do not have access to the import of all forms of safe, good quality water for straw into Manitoba from the both human and livestock consumption. United States. Be it resolved that ManiMover: Don Winnicky toba Beef Producers lobby Seconder: Heinz Reimer the federal and provincial Outcome: CARRIED
governments for infrastructure dollars for the development of rural water systems. Mover: Tom Teichroeb Seconder: Randy Bjarnarson Outcome: DEFEATED Origin: The following resolution was a combination of two separate resolutions arising from Districts 10 and 11 that were very similar in the topic being addressed. 18. Whereas the Manitoba Trappers program and Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation compensation programs are not effective in eliminating problem wolves and providing compensation due to the requirement of a carcass as proof of loss. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba and Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation for a $300 incentive for trappers and hunters to deal with wolves in problem areas; and Be it further resolved that the timeline for trappers be extended to address the problem wolves in defined areas. Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Bill Finney Outcome: CARRIED unanimously
Origin: District 11 19. Whereas the current compensation provided by Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) for predator-slashed calves does not reflect the true costs associated with supplies, medicine and labour involved in the treatment of the calves when administered by the producer. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby MASC to pay the producer all reasonable costs associated with treating predatorslashed calves. Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Ken McKay Outcome: CARRIED
Origin: District 11. Note: It was agreed to withdraw Resolution 20 as the delegates believed this specific concern was adequately addressed by Resolution 19. 20. Whereas the current compensation provided by Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) for wolf-slashed calves does not reflect the true costs associated with supplies, medicine and labour involved in the treatment of the calves when administered by the producer. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby MASC to pay the producer all
reasonable costs associated with treating wolf-slashed calves. Outcome: WITHDRAWN
Origin: District 11 21. Be it resolved that the Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to stop the relocation of problem animals from one place to another. Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Caron Clarke Outcome: CARRIED
Origin: District 13 22. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers continue to lobby the Government of Manitoba for the removal of the 10 per cent deductible on predation claims. Mover: Ben Fox Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED
Origin: District 10 23. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the federal and provincial governments to enable packers to reduce the costs associated with the removal and disposal of Specified Risk Materials to ensure the viability of the packing industry in Manitoba. Mover: Theresa Zuk Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED
E. WATER MANAGEMENT Origin: District 5 24. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers support organizations involved in long-term water management strategies that support enhanced agricultural practices. Mover: Ramona Blyth Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: CARRIED Note: An identical resolution was carried as follows in Districts 9 and 10 and so the issue was only debated once. 25. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to construct an outlet on Lake Manitoba to match the daily inflow from the Portage Diversion, in order to stop the negative impacts on beef and forage production and the rural economy in Manitoba. Mover: Fred deLaroque Seconder: Bill Finney Outcome: CARRIED Note: An identical resolution was carried as follows in Districts 9 and 11 and so the issue was only debated once. 26. Whereas the Government of Manitoba prevented water from leaving the Shoal
March 2015 CATTLE COUNTRY lakes areas, thus increasing water levels to the point of flooding roads and making them impassable. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to open provincial roads 415 and 416 to alleviate the devastation on the rural economy. Mover: Fred deLaroque Seconder: Dianne Riding Outcome: CARRIED
Mover: Dane Guignion Seconder: Dave Matthews Outcome: CARRIED
Origin: District 11
G. MISCELLANEOUS Origin: District 2
27. Whereas the Government of Manitoba has put forward two committees to review the Lake Manitoba levels and have accepted their own recommendations to maintain the lake level at 810 to 812 feet asl. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to honour their own recommended operating range for Lake Manitoba of 810 to 812 feet asl. Mover: Caron Clarke Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED
Origin: District 14 30. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the federal and provincial governments to provide the RFID tags at no cost. Mover: Stan Foster Seconder: Ramona Blyth Outcome: DEFEATED
H. MANITOBA CATTLE to be a safe practice in some ENHANCEMENT unspecified areas of ManiCOUNCIL toba; and Whereas Manitoba ConOrigin: District 10 34. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to ensure that a forensic audit will be conducted on the financial affairs of the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council and that the results be made public. Mover: Theresa Zuk Seconder: Stewart Tataryn Outcome: CARRIED
31. Be it resolved Manitoba Beef Producers take a serious, proactive, longterm approach to ensure a healthy slaughter plant capacity in Manitoba and Canada. Mover: Bill Acheson Seconder: Dave Koslowsky Outcome: DEFEATED
I. OPERATIONAL Origin: District 13
Origin: District 5
36. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers’ Annual General Meeting be open to members in good standing. Mover: Ramona Blyth Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: DEFEATED
32. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers acknowledge support to all organizations and businesses in form of visual recognition that are promoting and selling Manitoba and/or Canadian beef. Origin: District 11 28. Be it resolved that Mover: Ramona Blyth Manitoba Beef Producers Seconder: Heinz Reimer lobby the Government of Outcome: DEFEATED Manitoba to lower the level of the Shoal lakes with a con- Origin: District 10 trolled drain. 33. Be it resolved that Mover: Fred deLaroque Manitoba Beef ProducSeconder: Stewart Tataryn ers lobby the Government Outcome: CARRIED of Manitoba to impose a minimum fine for the first offences for convictions F. TRACEABILITY related to cattle theft and/ Origin: District 14 29. Be it resolved that or the intentional destrucManitoba Beef Producers tion of cattle to $2,500 per support research around new animal. technology related to perma- Mover: Theresa Zuk nent forms of animal identi- Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: DEFEATED fication.
35. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers investigate moving to a one day Annual General Meeting. Mover: Ben Fox Seconder: Caron Clarke Outcome: DEFEATED
Origin: District 5
J. LATE RESOLUTIONS 37. Whereas night lighting is a dangerous practice that poses a real danger to cattle producers and their cattle; and Whereas the 2014 Manitoba Hunting Guide states “Status Indians may not discharge a rifle or shotgun at night where it is dangerous to do so.”; and Whereas the above statement indicates that Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship deems night lighting and the discharge of rifles and shotguns at night
between these three provinces around similar types of environmental regulations means Manitoba producers can incur significant added costs to meet the province’s regulatory requirements compared to their counterparts in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and Whereas having a level playing field on the regulatory side is important to the competitiveness of all beef producers. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to work toward the harmonization of regulations for the western provinces to ensure Manitoba’s beef industry remains competitive. Mover: Ben Fox Seconder: Richard Carr Outcome: CARRIED
servation and Water Stewardship has failed to define safe or unsafe night hunting areas of Manitoba. Be it resolved Manitoba Beef Producers shall lobby Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship to produce and make public a map that clearly displays those areas of Manitoba in which Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship deems night lighting to be a safe practice; and Be it further resolved MBP shall request Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship produce a list of those jurisdictions in Canada that consider the discharge of rifles and shotguns at night (night lighting) to be a safe hunting practice. 39. Whereas Manitoba Mover: Fred Tait Hydro is either constructSeconder: Heinz Reimer ing new transmission lines Outcome: CARRIED (Bipole III) or in the process of finalizing routes 38. Whereas numerous for new transmission lines acts and regulations govern (proposed Manitobalivestock production in Can- Minnesota Transmission ada, including ones setting Project), lines and towers out specific environmen- that will traverse valuable tal policies and procedures agricultural lands used for around manure manage- livestock, forage and crop ment; and production; and Whereas when it comes Whereas Manitoba’s to environmental regu- agricultural producers delations there is a lack of serve meaningful assuranccontinuity around specific es from the Government parameters between the of Manitoba and Manitoba Prairie provinces, such as Hydro that the construcstocking densities, or the tion and ongoing maintevariation in what consti- nance of these lines will not tutes an animal unit in Al- result in adverse impacts berta (one cow, two feed to their operations, such cattle) versus Saskatchewan as biosecurity risks, im(one cow, 1.5 feeder cattle) pediments to production, versus Manitoba (0.8 beef reduced land values and cow, 1.3 feeder cattle); and potential liability issues, Whereas differences among other factors; and
Whereas agricultural producers believe that Manitoba Hydro and its agents should be engaging in ongoing two-way discussions with affected producers about potential transmission line routing and tower placement to ensure the least possible disruption to their livestock and other agricultural operations; and Whereas all Manitoba agricultural producers are entitled to fair compensation, either when hydro transmission lines and towers cross their land or when their land is expropriated for such projects. Therefore be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba and Manitoba Hydro to provide detailed assurances that the following will be made available to all agricultural producers: ongoing and substantive two-way discussions about transmission line routes and tower placements; fair compensation, either for line and tower placement on producers’ land or in the event of expropriation; a choice of payment methods; access to an independent appeal process producers can use if they are not satisfied with decisions around line and tower routing placement or in relation to compensation or expropriation payments; and, an ongoing mechanism to address any concerns that may arise as lines and towers are built, put into use and maintained. Mover: Dane Guignion Seconder: Don Winnicky Outcome: CARRIED
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Outcome of resolutions debated at 37th MBP AGM The following 12 resolutions were presented for debate at MBP’s 37th Annual General Meeting on February 4 in Brandon. Eleven of the resolutions were carried at MBP’s 2015 fall districted meetings, reviewed by MBP’s Resolutions Committee, deemed to be in order and then categorized for debate at the AGM. There was also one late resolution arising following the district meetings. In instances where the resolutions were identical or very similar in content and intent, they were combined for debate. Of the 12 resolutions presented for debate, nine were carried, two defeated and one tabled. Friendly amendments arising at the AGM to two of the resolutions are highlighted in bold and italics. Note: Six of the resolutions arising from the district meetings dealt with a proposed increase to the National Checkoff. These came from districts 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8. The wording of the resolutions varied only slightly, but the intent of each was the same. MBP’s Resolutions Committee combined the principles outlined in the six distinct resolutions into the following single resolution that was approved for debate by the AGM delegates. 1. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers and the producers of Manitoba support
the National Beef Strategy and the proposed increase to National Check-off from $1.00 per head marketed to $2.50 per head marketed. Mover: Larry Clifford Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: CARRIED Production Management 2. Whereas the crop sector can defer income. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the federal government to make changes to ensure livestock producers have the same ability to defer income on the sale of all classes of livestock. Mover: Gordon Adams Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED 3. Whereas a straight grain producer is eligible for $400,000 under the Advance Payments Program and a straight livestock producer is eligible for $400,000; and, Whereas a diversified operation is limited to a maximum of $400,000 for all commodities produced. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the federal government so that diversified, mixed farm operators are not penalized in the Advance Payments Program and to increase the maximum allowable limit. Mover: Theresa Zuk Seconder: Ramona Blyth Outcome: CARRIED 4. ORIGINAL VERSION: Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers ask the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association
(CCA) to ensure carcass information is provided to Beef InfoXchange System (BIXS) from all the federally and provincially-inspected processing plants in Canada. 4. AMENDED VERSION: Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers ask the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA), in conjunction with the Canadian Meat Council to lobby all Canadian packers to ensure carcass information is provided to the Beef InfoXchange System (BIXS) from all the federally and provincially-inspected processing plants in Canada. Mover: Bill Campbell Seconder: Gordon Adams Outcome: CARRIED AS AMENDED 5. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the federal government to provide more Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) inspectors in Manitoba for processing plants and export permits. Mover: Peter Penner Seconder: Tom Teichroeb Outcome: DEFEATED 6. Whereas night lighting is a very dangerous form of hunting that presents a real danger to rural residents, property and livestock; and Whereas the 2015 Manitoba Hunting Guide states that Rights based hunters (Indian and Metis) hunters “may not discharge a rifle or shotgun at night where it is dangerous to do so.�; and Whereas Manitoba Beef Producers Asso-
ciation has requested the current Government of Manitoba define those areas of rural Manitoba in which the current government deems night lighting to be a safe hunting practice; and Whereas the current government of Manitoba and the Official Opposition have failed to define safe night lighting areas in rural Manitoba; and Whereas Manitoba will conduct a provincial election in April of 2016. Therefore be it resolved, prior to the April 2016 Manitoba provincial election, Manitoba Beef Producers Association shall request that all political parties participating in the election clearly describe those areas of rural Manitoba in which they deem night lighting to be an acceptable and safe hunting practice. Mover: Fred Tait Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: CARRIED 7. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship (MCWS) to change the trapping season regulations from a restricted to an open season for beavers and wolves on occupied agricultural areas. Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Caron Clarke Outcome: CARRIED 8. Be it resolved that the beef producers of Manitoba pay a mandatory levy of $0.25/head marketed, to support a problem wildlife removal
program, administered by the Manitoba Trappers Association (MTA). Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Carla Radford Outcome: TABLED 9. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to establish a producer/stakeholder board to regulate the operation of the Portage Diversion. Mover: Caron Clarke Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED Animal Health 10. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers increase their portion of the bTB mustering fee/surveillance incentive from $1.00 per head to $6.00 for members in good standing. Mover: Carla Radford Seconder: Larry Clifford Outcome: DEFEATED Miscellaneous 11. ORIGINAL VERSION: Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers create a history book for the association since inception. 11. AMENDED VERSION: Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers investigate the creation of a history book for the association
since inception. Mover: Heinz Reimer Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED AS AMENDED Late Resolution 12. Whereas having access to the community pasture system is integral to the success of Manitoba’s beef industry; and Whereas there is currently a three-year pilot project underway under Growing Forward 2 involving the Association of Manitoba Community Pastures with respect to the long-term management of the community pasture system in Manitoba as part of its devolution away from management by the federal government. Be it resolved that the provincial government engage in thorough consultations with Manitoba Beef Producers and the larger Manitoba beef industry before any final decision is made as to which organization(s) will be managing any or all elements of the community pasture system when the pilot project is completed. Mover: Heinz Reimer Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED
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26 CATTLE COUNTRY March 2017
Outcome of Resolutions Debated at 38th MBP AGM A total of 19 resolutions were debated at MBP’s 38th Annual General Meeting in Brandon on February 2. Of these, 16 were carried and three were defeated by the membership. The resolutions were reviewed by MBP’s Resolutions Committee, deemed to be in order and then categorized for debate at the AGM. This included resolutions arising from the fall 2016 district meetings, as well as three late resolutions arising after those meetings. In instances where resolutions were identical or very similar in content and intent, they were combined for debate. The following is a list of the resolutions (categorized by theme), the names of the individuals who moved and seconded them at the AGM and the outcome of each vote. TABLED RESOLUTION FROM 37TH AGM The following tabled resolution from the 37th MBP AGM was lifted from the table for debate at the 38th AGM and subsequently defeated. A. Be it resolved that the beef producers of Manitoba pay a mandatory levy of $0.25/head marketed, to support a
problem wildlife removal program, administered by the Manitoba Trappers Association (MTA). Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Matt Jackson Outcome: DEFEATED ENVIRONMENT/ PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT B. Whereas, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has been linked to climate change and global warming, and Whereas all governments are concerned about climate change, water retention within watersheds and global warming, and are committed to the climate change mandate as was evident at the Paris conference on climate change in November 2015, and Whereas the federal and provincial governments of Canada committed to reducing CO2 emissions at the Vancouver conference in March, 2016, and Whereas increasing the organic matter in grasslands and the wetlands within the grasslands is the most promising way to practically and economically sequester carbon, and Whereas Canada’s large land and wetland
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base and its potential for carbon sequestration and water retention within watersheds could provide a net cash benefit for the provinces and the country. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to implement, within their Alternate Land Use Services (ALUS) program or another complementary program, an incentive that would pay agricultural producers for any measurable increase in carbon sequestration along with any environmentally sound practices that would retain additional water resources on the land they manage. Be it further resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers encourage the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and the Canadian Roundtable on Sustainable Beef to lobby the Government of Canada to implement a program that would pay agricultural producers for any measurable increase in carbon sequestration that occurs on the land they manage, along with any environmentally sound practices that would retain additional water resources on the land they manage. District 7 Mover: Larry Wegner Seconder: Cam Hamilton Outcome: CARRIED NOTE: It was not necessary to debate Resolution C below (which arose in districts 5, 6 and 9) as the content of it was already incorporated in Resolution B. C. Whereas the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has been linked to climate change and global warming, and Whereas all governments are concerned about climate change and global warming as was evident at the Paris conference on climate change in November 2015, and Whereas the federal and provincial governments of Canada committed to reducing CO2 emissions at the Vancouver conference in March, 2016, and Whereas increasing the organic matter in grasslands is the most promising way to practically and economically sequester carbon, and Whereas Canada’s large land base and its potential for carbon seques-
tration could provide a net cash benefit for the provinces and the country. Be it resolved that the Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to implement a program that would pay agricultural producers for any measurable increase in carbon sequestration that occurs on their land; and Be it further resolved that the Manitoba Beef Producers encourage the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef to lobby the Government of Canada to implement a program that would pay agricultural producers for any measurable increase in carbon sequestration that occurs on their land. Not debated D. Whereas the federal government is imposing a carbon tax to decrease carbon emissions; and Whereas forage crops and rangelands sequester carbon. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby governments to compensate cattle producers for the amount of carbon sequestered. District 8 Mover: Tom Teichroeb Seconder: Larry Wegner Outcome: CARRIED E. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba for an exemption from carbon taxation on all agricultural-related inputs to ensure the sector is not unfairly disadvantaged. District 5 Mover: Signe De’Athe Seconder: Ramona Blyth Outcome: CARRIED F. Whereas all governments are concerned about climate change and global warming as was evident at the Paris conference on climate change in November 2015, and Whereas the federal and provincial governments of Canada committed to reducing CO2 emissions at the Vancouver conference in March 2016; and Whereas primary producers are absolute price-takers both in terms of purchasing inputs and selling production and are unable to pass on any incremental costs, and Whereas any steps to reduce CO2 emissions ahead of our trading
partner the United States would severely impact the economic competitiveness of the agriculture sector in Canada and potentially the rural Canadian economy. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial and federal governments not to take any steps toward reducing CO2 emissions that are out of step with steps taken in the United States. District 10 Mover: Betty Green Seconder: Ken McKay Outcome: CARRIED PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Explanatory note: Two districts (10 and 12) adopted nearly identical resolutions re: maintenance of drains. The areas highlighted below reflect the unique content arising from District 12. G. Whereas proper water management is increasingly a major impediment to achieving the Minister of Agriculture’s objective of growing Manitoba’s cattle herd, specifically given the need to ensure effective utilization of private and Crown lands, and Whereas beavers are creating a real problem blocking drains, culverts and natural waterways, thus impeding proper drainage of rural lands. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to improve maintenance of existing drains on both Crown lands and private lands, and to ensure proper management of Manitoba’s watersheds. Combined districts 10 and 12 resolution Mover: Bill Murray Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED H. Whereas the Minister of Agriculture has announced his goal of increasing the provincial cattle herd to pre-BSE numbers and critical to this will be increased access to pasture lands, and Whereas beavers are a creating real problems blocking drains and culverts, flooding good forage acres and impeding proper drainage of rural lands. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Province of Manitoba to provide a $50 per beaver removal
incentive to ensure proper management of the beaver population. District 13 Mover: Larry Clifford Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED I. Whereas there are several options for routes to drain from Lake Manitoba, including potentially draining through the chain of lakes (i.e. Reed Lake, Clear Lake, etc.); and Whereas the determination of the route could impact agriculture and the environment. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to consult with land owners in the region of the drain as part of determination of the most appropriate route for the drain from Lake Manitoba to Lake St. Martin. District 11 Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Robert Metner Outcome: CARRIED J. Whereas night hunting is dangerous to people, wildlife, livestock and property. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Manitoba government to outlaw night hunting. District 8 Mover: Don Guilford Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED K. Whereas the Minister of Agriculture has announced his goal of increasing the provincial cattle herd to pre-BSE numbers, and Whereas Manitoba Beef Producers is trying to encourage young and new producers into the industry as a way of addressing the Minister of Agriculture’s goal of increasing the herd. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Province of Manitoba to have an interest rebate or reduced interest rate for young and new producers on their livestock cash advances under the Advance Payments Program. District 10 Mover: Ken McKay Seconder: Betty Green Outcome: CARRIED L. Whereas currently Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation’s forage program focuses on alfalfa and alfalfa-grass mixtures and doesn’t recognize other legume-grass forage
March 2017 CATTLE COUNTRY 27 mixtures. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to expand the forage program to include coverage for legume-grasses. District 14 Mover: Dane Guignion Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED M. Whereas Manitoba’s cattle producers have increasingly been looking to corn silage as a major source of feed and given this past year’s (2016) excessive moisture conditions, preventing producers from being able to access their silage crop in a timely manner, Whereas the producers’ inability to access their silage, and in many cases alternative management plans are not feasible or even potentially unsafe to the cattle. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to provide proper recognition and compensation of the 100 per cent loss of the producers’ corn silage. District 13 Mover: Ben Fox Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED N. Whereas the Minister of Agriculture has announced his goal of increasing the provincial cat-
tle herd to pre-BSE numbers and critical to this will be increased access to agricultural Crown lands in Manitoba. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) lobby the Government of Manitoba to provide the Minister of Agriculture with oversight and control of all Manitoba’s agricultural Crown lands, and Be it further resolved that MBP lobby the Province of Manitoba to allow more flexible transfer of Crown lands between producers to ensure its effective use by Manitoba’s cattle producers. District 13 Mover: Mary Paziuk Seconder: Ramona Blyth Outcome: CARRIED O. Whereas the Province of Manitoba wishes to grow the beef herd; and Whereas critical to this will be encouraging new entrants to the industry and key will be sound succession mechanisms. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to allow the sale of a producer’s beef breeding herd to be part of the one-time capital gains exemption. District 6 Mover: Brett McRae Seconder: Matt Jackson Outcome: DEFEATED P. Whereas the cur-
rent funding model of education is outdated and unfair to agricultural producers; and Whereas property ownership does not reflect on its ability to pay its tax bill; and Whereas the Minister of Agriculture has announced the Manitoba government’s objective to grow the provincial cattle herd to pre-BSE numbers. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government that the provincial education system be funded by residential property and personal and corporate income and be removed on farmland and farm production buildings. District 1 Mover: Bill Campbell Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: CARRIED Q. Whereas private property rights are essential to the management of beef cattle operations and are continually being pressured by non-agricultural and urban interests. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Province of Manitoba for right to farm legislation ensuring private property rights for agriculture. District 13 Mover: Ben Fox Seconder: Larry Wegner Outcome: CARRIED
LATE RESOLUTIONS L1. Whereas two decades of budget cuts to the Manitoba Department of Conservation has reduced the number of full-time Natural Resource Officers serving to protect Manitoba wildlife to less than 90 from a previous full-time complement of 140 officers; and Whereas the planned reduction in enforcement capacity has externalized costs savings onto cattle producers who endure increases in poaching activity, trespassing, damaged crops and fences, dead livestock and increased stress and anxiety; and Whereas there appears to be a correlation between increases in poaching and the increase in incidents of break-ins and property theft; and Whereas it is in the public interest that the number of Natural Resource Officers be increased to protect Manitoba beef producers from the lawlessness associated with poaching activity. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Government of Manitoba to commit to a plan, beginning in 2017, to increase the number of Natural Resource Officers in Manitoba by 10 fulltime positions per year until such time as a full
complement of 140 officers has been achieved and maintained. Mover: Fred Tait Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: DEFEATED L2. Whereas the objective of a modern, efficient beef industry should be the production of beef carcasses that combine high quality and high yield. Be it resolved that the Canadian beef industry leadership adopt and hasten the full deployment of the E+V technology as the official determinant of the beef carcass grade and yield system and that the yield be estimated as a percentage yield on each carcass and that the industry be encouraged to more fully recognize in the pricing system the impact of differing yield percentages on the value of beef carcasses. Mover: Bill Campbell Seconder: Gord Adams Outcome: CARRIED L3: Whereas the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is in the process of developing regulatory changes that would require national mandatory livestock movement reporting across Canada; and Whereas in Manitoba cattle producers do not regularly use approved movement docu-
ments when transporting livestock; and Whereas failure to achieve a high level of compliance from industry could result in alternative reporting requirements such as individual animal ID scanning which would be an additional financial burden to producers and other sectors of the cattle industry. Be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers Association (MBP) make it a priority to develop an educational program to make their members aware of the changes proposed by the CFIA and the new responsibilities that cattle producers and industry will be held accountable for; and, that this program educate producers on the value and importance of having a Premise Identification Number and the use of the Manitoba manifest when transporting or shipping cattle to intermediate and/or co-mingling sites; and Be it further resolved that MBP work with other industry sectors and lobby the provincial government for funding to assist in the development and execution of the educational program. Mover: Allan Munroe Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED
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March 18
Pleasant Dawn Charolais 15th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB
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March 25
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March 28
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April 1
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24 CATTLE COUNTRY March 2018
Outcome of Resolutions Session at 39th MBP Annual General Meeting Twenty-eight resolutions were carried at MBP’s fall 2017 district meetings. After a review and consolidation of some of the resolutions by MBP’s Resolutions Committee, and with the inclusion of one late resolution, a total of 26 resolutions were debated at MBP’s 39th AGM on February 8 in Brandon. The following is a list of the resolutions (categorized by theme), the district of origin, the names of the individuals who moved and seconded them at the AGM and the outcome of each vote. Some explanatory notes are included where required. Twenty resolutions were carried, three defeated and one withdrawn. For two there were either no mover, or no seconder, so the resolutions could not be debated. CATEGORY: LIVESTOCK INSPECTION/ LIVESTOCK MOVEMENT Explanatory note: Districts 4 and 8 passed identical resolutions at the fall district meetings with respect to livestock inspection (denoted below as A and B), while similar but slightly different resolutions on the same topic were carried in Districts
13 and 14 (denoted below as C and D). The resolutions were as follows: A and B: Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to make livestock inspection mandatory in Manitoba. Origin: Districts 4 and 8 C and D: Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to implement mandatory livestock inspection in Manitoba. Origin: Districts 13 and 14 MBP Resolutions Committee Recommendation: The Committee recommended that the identical resolutions arising from Districts 13 and 14 be the single livestock inspection resolution debated at the 39th AGM. The delegates supported this approach. C and D. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to implement mandatory livestock inspection in Manitoba. Origin: Districts 13 and 14 Mover: Ben Fox Seconder: Larry Wegner Outcome: CARRIED Note: An attempt to amend the resolution to read “investigate” live-
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stock inspection instead of “implement” livestock inspection was defeated by the delegates. E. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Province of Manitoba to provide manifest books to cattle producers free of charge. Origin: District 9 Mover: Laurie Slater Seconder: Fred Delaroque Outcome: DEFEATED F. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency to develop an ear tag that will remain in place. Origin: District 7 Mover: Larry Gerelus Seconder: Jade Delaurier Outcome: CARRIED CATEGORY: ANIMAL HEALTH G. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to provide funding to subsidize producers for the treatment for liver flukes with Fasinex. Origin: District 4 Outcome: There was no mover or seconder for this resolution so it was not debated. H. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to improve availability of effective treatments for the treatment for liver flukes with Fasinex. Origin: District 4 Mover: Heinz Reimer
Seconder: Dianne Riding Outcome: CARRIED I. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to ensure improved enforcement of the Feed Regulations, and specifically to enforce maximum contaminant levels in feed produced and sold by commercial feed mills. Origin: District 4 Mover: Bill Campbell Seconder: Heinz Reimer Outcome: CARRIED J. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to reward producers for existing practices that contribute to carbon sequestration and also recognize producers who have been maintaining perennial grasslands and maintaining practices that benefit the ecosystem. Origin: District 2 Mover: Don Guilford Seconder: Greg Johnson Outcome: CARRIED K. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to make changes to the manure management program to cease treating manure as a waste product and to treat manure properly as the organic nutrient that it is. Origin: District 5 Mover: Matt Jackson Seconder: Ramona Blyth Outcome: CARRIED L. Whereas environ-
mental responsibility is an integral part of promoting a positive public image for the beef industry. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the manufacturers of plastic net wrap and twine and silage wrap as well as the provincial government to establish a valid, recycling program for beef farmers who use the product. Origin: District 8 Mover: Tom Teichroeb Seconder: Fred Tait Outcome: DEFEATED CATEGORY: PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT -WILDLIFE M. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the department of Sustainable Development to delist wolves as big game animals in agro- Manitoba. Origin: District 11 Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Robert Metner Outcome: CARRIED N. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the department of Sustainable Development to employ staff who are dedicated to dealing with problem wildlife on a full-time basis. Origin: District 11 Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Robert Metner Outcome: CARRIED O. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers
lobby the departments of Sustainable Development and Manitoba Agriculture to develop a proactive preventative program to deal with problem predators so as to reduce the risk of predation on livestock in areas deemed to be at greatest risk. Origin: District 11 Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Robert Metner Outcome: CARRIED P. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to prohibit the practice of using meat and animal fat in bear bait on agricultural Crown lands. Origin: District 13 Mover: Larry Clifford Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED Q. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to base their prices for the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (compensation for livestock predation component) based on the value of a five weight animal in October, not on the value of a five weight animal based on prices in July and August. Origin: District 11 Mover: Glen Metner Seconder: Robert Metner Outcome: CARRIED R. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to include ravens and magpies as species
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March 2018 CATTLE COUNTRY 25 ing envelope. Origin: District 13 Mover: Ben Fox Seconder: Larry Clifford Outcome: CARRIED V. Whereas livestock production losses are increasingly unpredictable and costly and arise in many forms and circumstances. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to investigate the possibility of a production insurance program for cattle producers with similar costshared premium arrangements as available in crop insurance. Origin: District 6 Mover: Brett McRae Seconder: Larry Wegner Outcome: CARRIED W. Whereas there is currently no program in place to compensate livestock producers for cattle losses due to extreme weather events. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to develop a compensation program equivalent to the compensation program available for predator losses under the province’s current Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. Origin: District 6 Outcome: There was no mover or seconder, so it was not debated. X. Whereas nongovernment organizations are purchasing farmland and applying restrictions to its use in perpetuity; and Whereas this practice is negatively impacting the
long-term economic sustainability of agriculture in rural Manitoba; and Whereas this practice is negatively impacting the local tax assessment. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to undertake an assessment of agricultural land that has caveats, easements or conservation agreements attached to it for the purpose of developing a policy on this issue. Origin: District 7 Mover: Larry Gerelus Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED Y. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the federal government to find alternatives to the use of DEF in farm truck and tractor diesel engines and suspend its required use, maintaining manufacturer warranties until such time as the alternative can be found. Origin: District 7 Mover: Larry Gerelus Seconder: Cliff Trinder Outcome: DEFEATED CATEGORY: WATER MANAGEMENT/ FLOODING Z. Whereas there continues to be concerns related to ongoing flooding on the upper Assiniboine River downstream of the Shellmouth Dam, as well as the associated compensation processes. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to establish an effective process to administer the Shellmouth Dam Compensation Regula-
tion under The Water Resources Administration Act that: 1) declares the circumstances of artificial flooding as described in the legislation as soon as such events occur and; 2) upon such artificial flooding being declared ensures that inspectors/ adjustors attend the affected lands in a timely manner so as to make a determination of losses
the operating guidelines of the Shellmouth Dam which will be tasked with soliciting feedback from parties who are affected by its operations and then updating the guidelines with an aim to mitigating future risk to the affected stakeholders. Origin: District 7 Outcome: WITHDRAWN Note: Based on new information, the resolution
Manitoba Beef Producers members cast their votes during the resolution debate at the 39th Annual General Meeting. Twenty-six resolutions were voted upon at the AGM.
that is fair and accurate for all affected parties. Origin: District 7 Mover: Cliff Trinder Seconder: Larry Gerelus Outcome: CARRIED AA. Whereas multiple stakeholders, including agricultural producers are affected by the operation of the Shellmouth Dam and the resulting flow volumes and water levels. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to immediately establish a committee to review
was withdrawn by request of the original mover. The delegates supported this. BB. Whereas several studies have been undertaken that have identified potential options to deal with chronic flooding that occurs downstream of the Shellmouth Dam to St. Lazare. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to work with the area stakeholders to find a timely and permanent solution to this natural bottleneck on the Assiniboine River
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to four hours less travel time for livestock haulers than taking the northern route between the two provinces and could provide benefits for the animals in transit and result in a reduced carbon footprint. Therefore be it resolved that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby both the provincial and federal governments to have in transit livestock permits between Canada and the United States reinstated. Mover: Heinz Reimer Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED
We would like to thank our retiring directors for their years of service Everett Moore and Tom Marchant.
Mar 1 Mar 5 Mar 7 Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 19 Mar 20 Mar 21 Apr 7 Apr 15
so as to help reduce the risk of future flooding. Origin: District 7 Mover: Cliff Trinder Seconder: Larry Gerelus Outcome: CARRIED LATE RESOLUTION L1 Whereas in transit livestock permits between Manitoba and Ontario through Minnesota existed prior to 9/11; Whereas reinstating these permits could result in up
for which wildlife damage compensation can be paid. Origin: District 12 Mover: Bill Murray Seconder: Larry Clifford Outcome: CARRIED CATEGORY: PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT – OTHER S. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to provide compensation to beef producers for losses due to illegal hunting practices such as night-hunting. Origin District 10 Mover: Ken McKay Seconder: Glen Metner Outcome: CARRIED T. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the governments to provide improved borrowing tools for producers to assist with capital shortfalls as they work to build their operations. Origin: District 5 Mover: Ramona Blyth Seconder: Dianne Riding Outcome: CARRIED Note: There was a friendly amendment to remove word “new” before the word “producers”, as had originally been proposed in the resolution at the district meetings. This was accepted by the delegates. U. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to support the Association of Manitoba Feeders Cooperatives to allow flexibility for the association to manage individual coop limits within the current fund-
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10 CATTLE COUNTRY March 2019
Outcome of Resolutions Session at Sixteen resolutions were carried at Manitoba Beef Producers’ (MBP) fall 2018 district meetings. After a review and consolidation of some of the resolutions by MBP’s Resolutions Committee, and with the inclusion of one late resolution, a total of 14 resolutions were debated at MBP’s 40th AGM on February 7 in Brandon. The following is a list of the resolutions (categorized by theme), the district of origin, the names of the individuals who moved and seconded them at the AGM and the outcome of each vote. Some explanatory notes are included where required. Thirteen resolutions were carried and one was defeated. CATEGORY: AGRICULTURAL CROWN LANDS A: Whereas cattle producers rely on secure access to leased agricultural Crown lands, and Whereas unauthorized public access to these pastures creates a dangerous situation for the public,
extended time to complete drafting and circulation of the policy and regulations associated with â&#x20AC;&#x153;modernizingâ&#x20AC;? producer access to Crown land by extending all existing Crown land leases and fees structure for a period of one year and by placing all new 2019 Crown land allocations under a one year casual permit. District 6 Mover: Ian Robson Seconder: Larry Wegner Outcome: DEFEATED CATEGORY: BUSINESS RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS D: Whereas currently producers are required to choose between Pasture Insurance and/or Pasture Days Insurance, and are not able to purchase both. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to allow a change to the programs to permit producers to purchase both Pasture Insurance and Pasture Days Insurance. District 2 Mover: Greg Johnson Seconder: Don McIntyre Outcome: CARRIED E: Whereas currently Individual Productivity Indexes (IPIs) are available for most other crops grown in Manitoba, and not available for silage and forage corn. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Offers for Sale by Private Treaty Producers lobby the Manitoba Agricultural Services 65 Yearling Black Angus Bulls Corporation to implement Individual Productivity InSires Represented: dexes (IPIs) for silage and forage/grain corn. *Bar-E-L Candidate 10C District 1 Mover: Ben Fox *Young Dale Absolute 3D *BM Feel Good Seconder: Gord Adams Outcome: CARRIED Explanatory note part 1: *BJ Harvestor * BM Total Districts 5, 9 and 10 passed similar but slightly different *Young Dale Hi Definition 185B resolutions re: the need for compensation for wildlife damage to hay/feed left on All bulls are Bunk Fed fields as part of an extended TMR Silage Ration feeding regime. Resolutions F, G and H were as follows: Fertility Tested F: Whereas the Minister of and Delivery Available Agriculture is pushing to expand the beef herd and Manitoba Agriculture staff are supporting the use of extended grazing practices, Fed Responsibly including the practices of grazing bales and standing to Ensure corn, swath grazing, etc. Longevity! Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government for changes to the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program for Crop Damage 48$/,7< Miniota, MB to ensure that any feed left $1*86 on the fields as part of an Call Bill extended feeding regime be VLQFH eligible for compensation at 204-567-3782 related to wildlife and/or
the cattle and producers, and creates potential environmental and biosecurity concerns, and causes damage to grazing infrastructure. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to enact strict informed access regulations to prohibit unauthorized public access to leased agricultural Crown lands. District 5 Mover: Ramona Blyth Seconder: Ben Fox Outcome: CARRIED B: Whereas the temporary suspension of all unit transfers has been put in place as part of Bill 35, The Crown Lands Amendment Act (Improved Management Of Community Pastures And Agricultural Crown Lands), and Whereas this will limit the growth of the cattle herd by hindering commerce and impeding the ability to sell/ transfer viable cattle operations. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef
Bar-E-L Candidate 10C
Young Dale Absolute 3D
Young Dale Hi Definition 185B
Producers lobby the provincial government to move as quickly as possible to revoke the temporary suspension of unit transfers. District 13 Mover: Ben Fox Seconder: Mary Paziuk Outcome: CARRIED C: Whereas the Minister of Agriculture has initiated a policy of â&#x20AC;&#x153;modernizingâ&#x20AC;? the allocation of Manitoba agricultural Crown lands (ACL), forage and grazing leases, and Whereas future allocation of forage and grazing leases in Manitoba may be determined by a combination of tender and public auction, and Whereas the elected directors of Manitoba Beef Producers have endorsed the Ministerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s initiative to â&#x20AC;&#x153;modernizeâ&#x20AC;? the allocation of Crown land forage and grazing leases, and Whereas the membership of Manitoba Beef Producers may not be well informed as to the potential impact that â&#x20AC;&#x153;modernizingâ&#x20AC;? the allocation of Crown
land forage and grazing leases will have upon their continuing access to Crown land or their future cost of operation, and Whereas for the purpose of business planning it is essential that producers currently leasing Crown land or seeking to lease Crown land have sufficient time to study and understand the potential impact â&#x20AC;&#x153;modernizationâ&#x20AC;? may have upon their future security and cost of operation. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Minister of Agriculture to request that the Minister make public both policy and the regulations relating to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;modernizationâ&#x20AC;? of access to agricultural Crown land forage and grazing leases in Manitoba six months prior to proceeding with the first Crown land allocations made available under the new â&#x20AC;&#x153;modernizedâ&#x20AC;? process; and Be it further resolved Manitoba Beef Producers would support providing Manitobaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Minister of Agriculture
pig damage. District 5 G: Whereas Manitoba Agriculture recognizes that bale grazing of beef cattle can save producers time, effort and money and help distribute valuable nutrients to the soil to enhance future productivity; and Whereas even though this practice is well utilized by Manitobaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beef producers, they currently receive no compensation for wildlife damage to bales left in fields or pastures for feeding purposes; Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government for changes to the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program for Crop Damage to ensure that baled hay that remains on fields for use as part of an extended feeding regime becomes eligible for compensation related to wildlife damage. District 9 H: Whereas the Minister of Agriculture wishes to expand the beef herd and Manitoba Agriculture staff are supporting extended grazing practices including the practice of grazing standing corn, swath grazing, etc. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government for changes to the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program for Crop Damage to ensure that any feed left on the fields as part of an extended feeding regime be eligible for compensation related to wildlife damage. District 10 Explanatory note part 2: The three aforementioned resolutions (F, G and H) were combined into a single resolution for debate as follows, with the proposed edits underlined. The delegates agreed to debate the combined resolution. COMBINATION OF RESOLUTIONS F, G AND H: Whereas the Minister of Agriculture wishes to expand the beef herd and Manitoba Agriculture staff are supporting extended grazing practices including the practice of grazing standing corn, swath grazing, etc. Whereas Manitoba Agriculture recognizes that bale grazing of beef cattle can save producers time, effort and money and help distribute valuable nutrients to the soil to enhance future productivity; and Whereas even though this practice is well utilized by Manitobaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beef producers, they currently receive no compensation for wildlife
March 2019 CATTLE COUNTRY 11
40th MBP Annual General Meeting damage to bales left in fields or pastures for feeding purposes; Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government for changes to the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program for Crop Damage to ensure that any feed that remains on fields for use as part of an extended feeding regime becomes eligible for compensation related to wildlife damage and/or pig damage. Districts 5, 9 and 10 Mover: Ramona Blyth Seconder: Dianne Riding Outcome: CARRIED Explanatory note part 1: Districts 6 and 12 passed similar resolutions (I and J) re: the need for compensation for blackbird-related losses. Resolutions I and J were as follows: I: Whereas blackbirds cause significant losses to producers’ crops. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Minister of Sustainable Development to include blackbird damage as eligible for claims under the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program for Crop Damage. District 6 J: Whereas blackbirds can cause damage and losses to standing corn and other annual crops. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to include blackbird losses under the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program for Crop Damage. District 12 Explanatory note part 2: The aforementioned resolutions (I and J) were combined into a single resolution for debate as follows, with the proposed edits highlighted underlined. The delegates agreed to debate the combined resolution. COMBINATION OF RESOLUTIONS I AND J: 6.2 Whereas blackbirds can cause significant losses to standing corn and other annual crops. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation and the Minister of Sustainable Development to include blackbird damage as being eligible for claims under the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program for Crop Damage. Districts 6 and 12 Mover: Clayton Breault Seconder: Larry Wegner Outcome: CARRIED CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENT
K: Whereas the Western Prairie Fringed Orchid is listed as an endangered species, and is found commonly in areas of southeast Manitoba and is impacting producers’ ability to farm their private land as they wish. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby Manitoba Sustainable Development to work with producers in southeast Manitoba to develop management strategies to both respect producers’ right to make a living as well as to protect the Western Prairie Fringed Orchid; and Be it further resolved to compensate producers annually for the loss of production caused by the presence of the Western Prairie Fringed Orchid. District 4 Mover: Heinz Reimer Seconder: Robert Kerda Outcome: CARRIED L: Whereas cattle producers are the owners of huge tracts pasture and grasslands which sequester significant amounts of carbon from the environment annually. Whereas the Minister of Agriculture announced the government’s objective to grow the beef herd, and cattle production is continually under pressure from annual cropping for productive acres. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to create policies to recognize the carbon sequestration of grasslands and perennial forages, and to incent the protection of these important pastures for beef cattle production. District 8 Mover: Tom Teichroeb Seconder: Larry Wegner Outcome: CARRIED M: Whereas problem predators continue to harass cattle in pastures; and Whereas these cattle can break loose out of even the best maintained fences and find their way onto roads and highways leading to potential liability concerns for producers. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to enact clear policies to protect cattle producers from future liability caused by predators harassing their cattle and breaking through fences and finding their way onto roads and highways. District 10 Mover: Mike Duguid Seconder: Robert Kerda Outcome: CARRIED
CATEGORY: OTHER N: Whereas land values continue to rise and municipal taxes on farm lands continue to increase. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to remove and increase the Farmland School Tax Rebate cap. District 2 NOTE: There was a friendly amendment to the resolution to delate the words “remove and”, which carried and was debated as follows: Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby the provincial government to increase the Farmland School Tax Rebate cap. Mover: Don McIntyre Seconder: Greg Johnson Outcome: CARRIED AS AMENDED O: Whereas unmaintained Manitoba Hydro line right of ways with overgrown brush and trees can lead to unexpected and sometimes long-term power outages; and Whereas these outages cause inconveniences and can lead to significant animal welfare concerns for
producers needing power to ensure animals have access to water. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers lobby Manitoba Hydro to properly maintain their hydro line right of ways. District 10 Mover: Mike Duguid Seconder: Robert Metner Outcome: CARRIED P: Whereas Manitoba Beef Producers is celebrating its 40th anniversary and is celebrating its history at its annual general meeting in February 2019. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers invest in the writing and publishing of a book to capture and celebrate its long and proud history before its history is lost along with its founding members. District 4 Mover: Cliff Graydon Seconder: Robert Kerda Outcome: CARRIED CATEGORY: LATE RESOLUTIONS L1: Whereas Manitoba beef producers retain significant areas of natural habitat as an essential part of their sustainable production sys-
tem; and Whereas these natural habitats preserved by Manitoba beef producers produce and protect significant portions of Manitoba’s wildlife population; and, Whereas the presence of wildlife on lands owned by cattle producers attracts the often unwelcome interest of licensed and un-licensed hunters; and Whereas it is a common occurrence for hunters to enter upon cattle producers’ privately-owned land without first obtaining landowner permission to do so; and Whereas provincial trespassing laws require the landowner to press charges of trespassing, exposing the landowner to the possibility of retaliation and the expense of appearing in court to support the charge; and Whereas the Province of Manitoba has in place a regulation requiring hunters to obtain signed landowner access prior to hunting on private land in two Game Hunting Areas (GHAs) that are in close proximity to the City of Winnipeg; and Whereas the implementation of an extension of the
signed access regulation to other GHAs would offer the cattle producers and law enforcement officers a significant tool in discouraging and preventing acts of illegal hunter trespass onto private land. Be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers director and staff lobby local municipal governments and members of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) to seek AMM support in urging the Manitoba Department of Sustainable Development to extend the signed landowner access requirements to all hunters seeking access to privatelyowned agricultural land in rural Manitoba, and Be it further resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers make a formal request of Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) requesting KAP’s support in expanding the signed landowner access to all hunters seeking access to privately-owned agricultural land in rural Manitoba. District 5 Mover: Fred Tait Seconder: Ramona Blyth Outcome: CARRIED
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