January 17, 2025
Manitoba Beef Producers’ board of directors is bringing forward a resolution for debate at MBP’s 46th Annual General Meeting (AGM) about the potential for mandatory livestock inspection services in Manitoba. See page 4 for information about the resolution, FAQ, and our survey. Scan the QR code on this page to register for the AGM.
Manitoba Beef Producers’ (MBP) board of directors is bringing forward a resolution for debate at MBP’s 46th Annual General Meeting (AGM) about the potential for mandatory livestock inspection services in Manitoba See below.
This debate and vote will take place the afternoon February 20, 2025 at the Victoria Inn Hotel & Convention Centre at 1808 Wellington Avenue in Winnipeg. There is no charge to attend the business and knowledge transfer portions of the AGM, but if you wish to attend Thursday evening’s banquet the tickets are $60 each plus service fees Preregistration is respectfully requested to assist MBP with meal counts. To register go to:
MBP Board Resolution 1: Whereas cases of theft or fraud related to Manitoba’s cattle industry have proven very costly and disruptive for the affected parties, and can undermine the confidence of lenders, investors and buyers when undertaking livestock-related transactions in Manitoba; and
As well, if you are unable to attend the AGM to take part in the mandatory livestock inspection discussion, MBP still values your feedback on this. We have created a general survey to get producers’ views on it. Please note that this separate survey is not a formal vote on the proposed resolution, but rather it is designed to provide MBP with more producer feedback on this topic. Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LS7LMFD .
For more information about livestock inspection services and what they entail, review our frequently asked questions document: 2024-MBPFall-District-MTG-Livestock-Inspection-FAQFINAL.pdf
Whereas livestock inspection ‒ a tool used to help demonstrate ownership using various cattle identification methods ‒ can be an important means of deterring theft and fraud, thereby helping to better secure livestock-related commerce; and
Whereas inspection could potentially provide other value-added elements for Manitoba producers, such as the provision of digital manifests and helping to facilitate movement reporting and traceability requirements; and
Whereas Livestock Services of Saskatchewan (LSS) has an established history of conducting livestock inspections on Manitoba cattle on an as-needed, fee-for service basis and could be in a position to expand this service; and
Whereas the existing livestock inspection levels in Manitoba currently only cover a limited volume of total cattle-related transactions in the province, and
Whereas the legislative and regulatory environment could be improved in Manitoba to facilitate matters such as livestock inspectors being able to detain cattle or to direct the dealer to hold the sales proceeds until ownership of inspected cattle is verified; and
Whereas Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) has been investigating the various steps needed to
potentially create a mandatory livestock inspection system in Manitoba, including factors such as: cost framework; required provincial legislative or regulatory changes; the service provider and logistics for expanding inspection; the value-added potential from inspection; engaging with other value chain members about their expectations and/or concerns; whether there are funding opportunities to help offset costs of implementing expanded inspection; the possible creation of a Livestock Investigations Unit tasked with investigating livestock-related crimes that could help support the work of livestock inspectors; and more; and,
Whereas MBP has been working to raise awareness of the merits of expanded livestock inspection, including at its fall 2024 district meetings where the majority of those producer attendees indicated a strong level of interest in and support for expanded inspection services as a means of helping to deter theft and fraud, as well as to potentially capture other value-added opportunities; and
Whereas if the Government of Manitoba is to make the legislative and/or regulatory changes, as well as other mechanisms necessary to support the implementation of mandatory livestock inspection it will want to be confident that the majority of the province’s cattle producers are in favour of such a move.
Therefore be it resolved to recommend that Manitoba Beef Producers now ask the Government of Manitoba to work with value chain members to take the necessary steps needed to implement mandatory livestock inspection in Manitoba, including: making required legislative and/or regulatory changes; working with the prospective delivery agent on a service agreement; determining if funding can be secured to help offset the cost of an expanded inspection system; deciding whether an investment can be made to support the creation of a Livestock Investigations Unit; and, any other steps required to move this initiative forward in the most responsive, efficient and cost-effective manner.
As a reminder, voting on MBP resolutions is restricted to producers who are members in accordance with MBP’s bylaws. As per the Section 1(1) (b) of the bylaws, membership refers to “Every person who is determined by the Board of Directors to be actively engaged in the raising of cattle in Manitoba, and who pays all fees to the Association in the manner and in the amount imposed on sellers of cattle pursuant to regulations made by the Board of Directors from time to time.”
What does this mean? It means that if you have requested a refund in the last 12 months you have not paid all fees to the association as set out by the regulations and are not considered a member in good standing.
Burger it Forward is back again this February –with more participating restaurants than ever!
THANK YOU to all the restaurants who signed up. Starting Feb 1 2025, find the burger map for your region on https://burgeritforward.ca/ and get out to enjoy a burger (or 2) at participating restaurants to help raise funds for food banksincluding right here in Manitoba.
Don't know what Burger It Forward is? Learn more through the website and join us by participating in February: https://burgeritforward.ca/
Manitoba Beef Producers was proud to partner with Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives (MBFI) to organize calving workshops in Ste. Rose and Rosa earlier this week.
Special thanks to:
MBFI for co-organizing, providing transport of Clover, and arranging rental of the Shevchenko Ukrainian Centre in Rosa.
Manitoba Agriculture for their promotional efforts, inviting us to partner on your producer meeting in Ste Rose, and for technical expertise provided by Dr. Deanne Wilkinson-MB Agriculture Extension Veterinarian
Clover, the life size model cow calving simulator includes a mock uterus, birthing canal and realistically sized model calf, began as a teaching resource for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Clover was acquired by Manitoba 4-H Council with help from the Manitoba Beef Producers, Manitoba Ag Days, MBFI, Crop Connect, Co-ops and $5,000 worth of provincial funding.
Dr. Venessa Graydon of Graydon Veterinary Corporation for providing technical expertise at the Rosa workshop
Boehringer-Ingelheim (represented by Devin Boitson) for generously sponsoring lunch at Rosa prepared by the Vita Hotel
Clover easily simulates birth complications, hard pulls and other scenarios on-demand to help new and experienced producers alike, veterinary students, and 4-H members learn and practice techniques to develop their skills without any of the real-world risks for animal welfare and human safety with live animals.
For information on Clover as a teaching tool please reach out to Manitoba 4-H Council, MBFI, or Manitoba Beef Producers. (Photo courtesy Melissa Atchison/MBP)
Head Office
#180, 6815 8th Street NE
Calgary, Alberta
T2E 7H7
Phone: (403) 275-8558
Email: contact@cattle.ca
Ottawa Office
#1101, 350 Sparks St.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 7S8
Phone: (613) 233-9375
November 2024
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a virus that is highly contagious tocloven-hoofed animals including cattle, pigs and sheep. Canada isfreeofFMD. This virus is thegreatest healththreat to Canadian livestock and an incursion would be economically and socially devastating.
Many countries in Asia,Africa and South America are positive for FMD. Travellers returning from these areas pose arisk to Canada
Travellers can playaroleinkeeping livestock and wildlife safe.
Always declare to Canadian Border Services Agents when you have travelled from a farm internationally OR will be returning to a farm in Canada.
Everyone must avoid contact with livestock or susceptible animals for 5 days after returning to Canada.
When returning from a country without an official FMD-Negative status, avoid contact with livestock or agricultural operations for at least 14 days
o Check the World Organisation for Animal Health website for the Official Disease Status of countries.
Declare all food products you bring into Canada.
o Never bring back meat or animal products from international travel.
o Any leftover foodservedon your flight, or bought atan overseas airport, must beleft onthe plane.
Clean and disinfect your belongings.
o Leave behind any footwear or belongings that cannot be thoroughly cleaned anddisinfected.
o Clean allsoil and organic material from items prior to disinfecting.
o Dry clean or wash all clothing.
o Remember to clean anddisinfect any equipment that has had contact withsoil.This could include camping or hiking gear, tools or equipment.
First, wash items or remove all visible dirt and organic matter. Thensoak items for 30 minutes inone of thefollowing:
o 50% water/ 50% vinegar
o 100g sodium carbonate (washing soda) per 1 litre of water
o 2g citric acid powder per1 litre of water
Clothing can be dry-cleaned.
FMDisfoundintheMiddleEast,Africa,AsiaandSouthAmerica.IthasnotoccurredinCanadasince1952.FMDisoneofthe mostcontagiousvirusesoflivestock.TheviruscouldbecarriedtoCanadaincontaminatedmeat,animalproducts,oron contaminatedobjects.FMDisNOTathreattohumans.Itisnotrelatedtohuman hand, foot and mouth disease despitethe similarname. YoudonotneedtofearFMDforyourpersonalhealth.However,your actions can help protect Canada's livestock and wildlife populations.
(January 13, 2025 Canadian Food Inspection Agency Notice) Please be advised that a new outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) has been identified in Germany.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is implementing import measures to safeguard the health of Canada’s livestock and mitigate the economic impact of a potential FMD outbreak in Canada.
Susceptible species:
• Suidae (pigs, wild boar)
• Bovinae (cattle, bison, water buffalo)
• Caprinea (sheep, goats)
• Camelidae (llamas, alpacas, vicunas, guanacos, and Bactrian camels)
• Antilopinae (antelopes, gazelles, blackbucks, springboks, gerenuks, dibatags)
• Cervidae (deer, elk, moose, caribou, reindeer)
• Any cloven-hooved (two-toed) animals not listed above
• Insectivores (tenrecs, hedgehogs, shrews, moles)
• Elephants
• Giraffe and okapi
• Tapirs
• Hippopotami
• Xenarthra (anteaters, sloths, armadillos)
• Aardvarks
Affected commodities:
• Live animals and germplasm
• Uncooked meat and meat products
• Raw milk and milk products
• Unprocessed manure
• Laboratory material
• Blood products
• Raw or unprocessed pet food
• Raw hides, skins, wool, antlers, horns, hooves
• Any other non-heat-treated products or byproducts from species named above
• Animal feed and equipment that have been in contact with affected animals
Products and by-products from affected species collected or slaughtered before the date of the critical monitoring period are eligible to enter Canada, but the date of slaughter or collection must appear in the documentation. If there is no date of slaughter or collection on the certificate, then the signature date of the certificate will be used.
Shipments of affected commodities originating from susceptible species originating from Germany must be accompanied by certification that they were collected or slaughtered prior to December 12, 2024, or else the signature date of the certificate must be prior to December 12, 2024.
An additional message will be sent if some regions of the country are recognized by Canada as free of the disease and imports from these free zones may resume.
Please consult the Foot and Mouth Disease –Disease Freedom webpage for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact the Animal Products and By-products Import inbox at APABPImport@inspection.gc.ca For routine inquiries, your local CFIA office remains your first point of contact.
An additional message will be sent if some regions of the country are recognized by Canada as free of the disease and imports from these free zones may resume.
Please consult the Foot and Mouth Disease –Disease Freedom webpage for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact the Animal Products and By-products Import inbox at APABPImport@inspection.gc.ca
For routine inquiries, your local CFIA office remains your first point of contact.
January 15, 2025 Province of Manitoba News Release) Manitobans can now apply for a modernized plastic health card online, Health, Seniors and Long-term Care Minister Uzoma Asagwara and Innovation and New Technology Minister Mike Moroz announced.
“Our government has been working hard to move our health-card system into the modern era and we’re thankful to Manitobans’ patience as we take time to get this process right,” said Asagwara. “Over the next few months, we expect the popularity of this initiative to mean it may take some time for every Manitoban to receive an updated card but we’re focused on finally getting this done.”
Manitobans applying for a plastic health card should expect it to be delivered in the coming months, the minister noted. Paper health cards continue to be valid and accepted at health-care facilities. A digital health card option will also be available soon.
“I’m sure Manitobans are just as excited as we are to say goodbye to a fading paper card and replace it with a more durable option,” said Moroz. “This is just one step our government is taking to both modernize government services and make sure Manitobans can easily access services they need.”
Manitoba is also enhancing health-care access for children and youth by transitioning to individual health cards for all Manitobans, including children who were previously listed on a family card, said Asagwara, noting the change aligns with jurisdictions across Canada and updates outdated record-keeping, ensuring every child and youth in Manitoba has their own health card.
The bilingual card now includes a field which allows residents to indicate their official language preference, English or French, making Manitoba the second jurisdiction in Canada to offer this feature.
To apply for or request a new Manitoba health card, visit https://manitoba.ca/health/mhsip/.
Financial assistance is available for construction of the following fence types that reduce the risk of livestock predation:
• Predator Resistant Fence: deters predators from attacking livestock by fencing calving areas, pastures, and extended grazing areas.
• Dead Compost Pen: limits attraction of predators to farms by disposing of mortalities in a fenced deadstock compost area.
Intake Information
• The intake for this program is currently open; funding requests will be accepted from January 16, 2025 to 11:59PM on February 27, 2025.
• Applications must be received by February 27, 2025 to be considered for funding. Applications will not be accepted after this deadline.
Eligible Applicants
• Agricultural Crown Land forage lease holders
• Association of Manitoba Community Pastures
• Indigenous primary producers and communities, including First Nations and Métis
• Primary producers
Eligible Expenses
• Incremental Personal Labour
• Incremental Personal Equipment Use
• Subcontracted Services Third-party
• Equipment Rental
• Materials and Supplies
• Provincial Sales Tax (PST)
For more information on eligible project expenses, see the Program Guide.
NOTE: Program guidelines have been revised for this intake. Please review carefully to ensure eligibility before applying. For complete details go to:
https://www.gov.mb.ca/asset_library/en/scap/doc uments/lppp-fencing-guide-v02.00.pdf
Project Timeline
• Projects shall start on, or after, April 1, 2025
• Fence construction must be completed by October 31, 2025
• Fence inspections must be completed by November 28, 2025
• Final claims, with invoices and proof of payment, must be submitted by December 19, 2025
Cost Share Funding
Eligible applicants can be reimbursed up to 75 per cent of total approved eligible expenses, to a maximum of $10,000. The total amount eligible will vary by project and will be based on size, type, and purpose of the fence constructed.
Additional Information and Documents
To see the program forms and to complete forms online, go to: https://www.gov.mb.ca/scap/resiliency/livestock/fe ncing.html
Congratulations to Teegan Hyndman of Hamiota, MB for winning the $1,000 scholarship presented by Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup.
Teegan and her family operate a multi-generational Hereford operation. Teegan is attending Niagara College in Welland, Ontario to pursue a Sports Management Degree and Graphic Design in Ag Promotions while playing on the Women’s Volleyball Team. Teegan is a delegate on the Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Council. In July 2024, she was a cochairperson of the National Junior Hereford Show, Bonanza, in Brandon, MB. Teegan is also on the Manitoba Junior Hereford
Association Board serving in various executive positions over the last few years. Teegan spends her spare time volunteering at Volleyball camps and being an active member of the Hereford Association. She wants to continue to be active and involved in the beef industry in years to come. Congratulations Teegan!
Please join us at Roundup 2025 in Neepawa, Manitoba August 13, 2025. Open to Junior Livestock Members who are interested in an educational weekend with workshops, competitions and cattle shows. Watch our Facebook for updates or www.mbyouthbeefroundup.weebly.com
Join us for Agriculture in the City, an event dedicated to celebrating the origins of our food. On Saturday, March 15, at the Outlet Collection Winnipeg, we will unite urban and rural Manitobans.
This event offers a fantastic chance to explore the rich diversity of food production in our province and understand the significance of agriculture to our provincial economy.
(January 17, 2025 Employment and Social Development Canada News Release) The Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program plays an important part in supporting Canada’s economy, by allowing employers to hire foreign workers temporarily when they cannot find qualified Canadians to fill jobs. Although most follow the rules, there are employers in Canada who misuse or abuse the TFW Program. Not only does this misuse impact the health and safety of temporary foreign workers, but it also hurts Canada’s economy and sets Canadian workers back.
Delivering on its responsibility to ensure that the health and safety of temporary foreign workers is protected, the Government of Canada monitors employer activity through a strict employer compliance regime. It has taken additional steps in recent years to combat program misuse, improve the quality and reach of inspections, and increase penalties for non-compliant employers.
Recent inspection data highlights the reach and impact of these improvements. Between April 1 and September 30, 2024, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) conducted 649 employer compliance inspections, of which 11 percent were found to be non-compliant. Penalties for non-compliant employers have increased in comparison to the previous year. During this sixmonth period, ESDC issued $2.1 million in Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMP), more than double the amount in the same period in 2023. Inspections during this time resulted in 20 employers being banned from the TFW Program, a fivefold increase from the same time span last year.
From April 1 until September 30, 2024, noncompliance violations included:
• An employer in the seafood product preparation and packaging industry was fined $365,750 and banned from the program for two years after violating several requirements and conditions, including failing to retain necessary
records, non-compliance with hiring and recruiting laws, not compensating foreign workers properly, and not providing a workplace free of abuse.
• An employer in janitorial maintenance was fined $124,000 and prohibited from participating in the TFW Program for five years for improper pay and working conditions.
• An employer in the farming sector was fined $75,000 and banned from the TFW Program for five years for failing to provide required documentation to inspectors, being absent from a scheduled meeting with inspectors, and failing to demonstrate they were operating a legitimate business.
To combat program misuse and increase worker protections, ESDC has implemented stricter guidelines for AMPs. In 2023, penalties increased from $15,000 to $45,000 and a 5-year ban for employers who do not provide documents and who are found to be claiming a business that does not exist or exists illicitly. Beginning in fall 2024, the same penalties also apply to employers who refuse to meet with inspectors and who do not attend inspections. Additionally, employers who are not actively engaged in their business operations now face penalties of $15,000 for each negatively affected temporary foreign worker, rather than a total fine of $15,000 for non-compliance.
ESDC also significantly expanded its efforts to monitor and combat Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) misuse, implementing the following key changes:
• more rigorous oversight in high-risk areas, when processing LMIAs and conducting inspections;
• eliminating attestations from professional accountants or lawyers as proof of business legitimacy to help ensure job offers are genuine; and
• increased use of Ministerial Instructions to suspend positive LMIAs in cases of
suspected Program misuse or illicit activity, preventing employers from hiring additional workers.
These changes have allowed ESDC to prevent suspected Program misuse or illicit activity at an earlier stage and to apply stricter application standards.
The Government of Canada continues to work closely with provinces and territories, industry stakeholders, labour organizations, and migrant worker support organizations to ensure the TFW Program supports compliant employers with genuine labour market needs, while prioritizing the health and safety of temporary foreign workers in Canada.
• To ensure the rights of temporary foreign workers are protected, and to uphold their health and safety under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR), the TFW Program has an Employer Compliance Regime in place, which aims to verify employers’ adherence to program requirements and conditions through compliance inspections, and to issue Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMP) and bans if they are not respected.
• Employers who are found to be noncompliant with TFW Program conditions are listed on a public-facing website managed by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
• To help further protect the health and safety of temporary foreign workers and
prevent abuse, ESDC administers a confidential tip line available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with live agents offering services in over 200 languages, Monday to Friday from 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern time. These agents can help workers and anyone else with anonymously reporting situations of mistreatment or abuse. The tip line also provides services to help inform workers of their rights.
• The Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is an important tool that helps protect the Canadian labour market from possible negative impacts of hiring temporary foreign workers, such as wage suppression or displacement of Canadian workers. Employers must apply for an LMIA and receive a positive assessment before they can seek to hire temporary foreign workers.
• As part of the LMIA, all job offers made by employers must be assessed to ensure that both the business and the job offer are genuine and legitimate. Applicants must provide supporting documents, as detailed on this web page: Business legitimacyCanada.ca.
• ESDC works with partners such as Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to share information on any fraudulent or criminal activity that may be uncovered during the assessment of the employer’s LMIA application, or over the course of an inspection.
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
219 Animal Science Building, 12 Dafoe Road, University of Manitoba
Dr. Sara Place is an associate professor and expert in livestock systems sustainability with over a decade of experience in academia, industry associations, and private industry. She joined Colorado State University’s AgNext, a research collaborative focused on sustainable animal agriculture, in August 2022. Sara’s research focuses on enteric methane emissions measurement and mitigation from cattle. Prior to CSU AgNext, she was the chief sustainability officer for Elanco Animal Health, senior director for sustainable beef production research at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and an assistant professor in sustainable beef cattle systems at Oklahoma State University. She received her PhD in Animal Biology from the University of California, Davis, and a BS in Animal Science from Cornell University. Sara is a native of upstate NY where she grew up on a dairy farm. Visit her Google Scholar profile
This annual lecture recognizes and honours Dr. Tsang Kay (Stan) Cheung’s enduring support for the Department of Animal Science and agricultural research at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Cheung obtained his BSc, MSc, and PhD in Animal Science from UM. His graduate training was in Animal Breeding/Genetics under the supervision of the late Dr. Bob Parker. He was also awarded a Doctor of Laws from UM in 1991. Dr. Cheung returned to his family business in Hong Kong in 1975 and is currently the Executive Chairman/Director of Herald Holdings Ltd. Dr. Cheung’s many contributions include support of the TK Cheung Center for Animal Science Research, the National Center for Livestock and the Environment, the TK Cheung Reading Room and recent contributions to education and research in Animal Science. In recognition of his generosity and commitment to education and research, the Department established this annual seminar in his honour.
Many folks tell us that coming to our sale is on their bucket list. If you’ve always wanted to come, this is the year. We’ll be ready with lots of fellowship, good food and lots of great cattle. Our sale is an “experience” and we’d love to have you come. If you can’t make it, our highly successful Sight Unseen program is a customer favorite and easy to use. See you on January 25th - Mac
That’s where we have lived for 50 years, producing 15,000 bulls for Canada’s cattle folks. Hard working ranch bulls, no purebred “fluff”, and a big cow herd that has paid for the ranch. We’re an “Old School” outfit more popular now than ever...!
Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025 12 Noon MST Exhibition Grounds, Lloydminster, AB/SK All cattle in heated facility! Free Beef Lunch 11 a.m.
• Our customers “just love” our fresh, virgin two year old bulls, they’re just not available many places in any numbers... we sell 400!
• Our customers “just love” that our bulls come from a big working cow herd raised under every day conditions... not purebred pampered.
r customers “just know” that if there is trouble, we will look after them.
• Our customers have realized how easy it is to buy our bulls.
• Our customers “just love” that they deal with the owner... The guy that bred ‘em fed ‘em and knows “em Our customers just
• Our customers “just love” that we deliver bulls for free everywhere there are cows in Western Canada.
We sell all summer born two year old bulls. We believe they are the ideal age and we develop them to maintain soundness and longevity.
• Calves are bor n mid-May until the first week of July - grass calved - checked, tagged and weighed only once per day. No night checks, cameras or calving barn. (with this system problems eliminate themselves.)
• We wean in November, bull calves are backgrounded in big groups till spring on a silage based growing ration.
• By spring our bulls ar e well grown out but not fleshy... just perfect to take advantage of our grass.
• Bulls are sorted by br eed and size into groups of 30-50 bulls.
• Bulls go to our management intensive grazing paddocks from late May or June until late October.
• Water is pr ovided by solar systems or surface piped fresh water.
• We move bulls to fr esh grass every two days all summer long.
• The pasture is good quality, everyday, it ensures they grow well all summer. A real bonus here is that they are used to a man on foot and constant checking.
• As summer progr esses we supplement the bulls with a low energy, high protein pellet made specifically to our specs and made of pea and lentil hulls. No starch, high fibre with added minerals and vitamins. (about the nutrient content of good alfalfa hay)
• In late fall the bulls are brought to our bull lots and placed on our silage based bull development TMR (total mixed ration.) This is ideal because every mouthful the bull takes he has the right proportion of all nutrients, no bingeing on just grain. No barley or coarse grain is fed, just our bull development pellets.
• Our rations and protocols have been developed over years of experience to bring you the best, most durable bulls possible.
• We maintain a large cowherd managed under commercial conditions to minimize cost and time, ever y cow is a registered purebred.
• Cows calve in May and June on stock piled grass - we do not feed our cows during calving...they rustle!
• They are grass calved in gr oups of 200 or so checked by one man once per day to tag and weigh.
• No night checks, cameras or calving barns.
• Calving is what our cows do...not what we do! (with this system problems eliminate themselves)
• Cows are sorted (pair ed out on horseback to have a good look at feet, udders, milk etc.) in late June to our breeding pastures.
• Our pastures ar e spread over 150 miles so nearly every one goes on a liner going somewhere.
• We use all natural ser vice...Bulls go out August 1 for 60 days.
• Calves are weaned starting mid October to mid November gr oup by group.
• Cows are lef t on grazing for as long as possible into fall.
• Cows move home and are winter ed on standing corn in groups of 200 per quarter controlled with electric fence. Our objective is 200 cow/days per acre, they lick snow for water.
• Our cows go from the calving pastur es to summer grazing and breeding, make a short stop at the home ranch for weaning, then on to the standing corn. Corn to grass, grass to corn and on it goes, with no supplement feeding and no hauling feed or manure. I just believe that as soon as you put machinery or diesel fuel between a cow’s mouth and what she eats, it does nothing but cost money.
We will stage a normal live auction and we certainly encourage our customers to come view the bulls anytime before the sale, remember sight unseen is a foolproof option.
“There were five bulls that came off the trailer. I picked the one I liked best in my head, not knowing which one was mine. Once they sorted them the one I picked ended up in my trailer. Thanks a lot. You guys got me the bull I would have picked myself and you did it sight unseen.” -C. Tonneson, AB
“We bought two hereford bulls sight unseen. The whole process of getting such good quality bulls was absolutely painless, right from the first conversation to delivery. The bulls were everything we expected and more. Easy fleshing they maintained their weight through breeding” - G&S Clark, AB
“The Sight Unseen Purchase Program you offer, coupled with a rock solid reputation, unquestioned convenience and a large battery of quality, affordable sale bulls has again made bull buying from your ranch a pleasure.” - J. Comrie, MB
Call/email...for the Free Bull Book a 75 page, 4 color “wishlist” of the best bulls available...Videos on our Website... If you would like your very own DVD mailed directly to you - Please call 1-800-561-2855 (BULL)
• I will personally visit with each and every customer, discuss your requirements and talk through bull choices.
• I know these bulls. My men and I have calved them, watched them grow, fed them and handled them. You deal with us not a third party.
• We guarantee your complete satisfaction. While we seldom deliver an unsatisfactory bull, it is entirely your choice to accept him on arrival...SIMPLY PUT - YOU MUST LIKE HIM WHEN DELIVERED OR WE TAKE HIM HOME NO PROBLEM.
• When you have viewed the bull book, the videos and the photos, you and I will make a short list of your choices and discuss your budget.
• We will absolutely never bid on or buy a bull that you and I have not carefully pre-selected as being suitable.
• Most important...WE DON’T WANT YOU TO PAY FOR THE BULL UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN HIM YOURSELF in the flesh at your ranch. Then and only then do you make settlement.
• You can call anytime at your convenience to talk bulls. 1-800-561-BULL (2855)
Thanks Mac
...what you really need!
All the good Angus traits and “no darn trouble”. Our Red Angus are developed from mainstream maternal lineage. We’ve stared birthweight in the eye and backed it down. Our disciplined program has for 40 plus years never compromised birthweight, thriftiness or vigor. We’ve bred moderate frames, good cow traits, easy keeping and light to moderate birthweights into each and every bull we sell. Ours are reliable, predictable bulls; ideal for cross breeding with volumes of bulls for heifers and bigger stouter bulls for cows.
The offering features as many older bulls as anywhere in the country, 75 two-year-old bulls
Use our red bulls to easily calve heifers and still get a “darn good calf” to sell or keep. Raise your own red angus cross replacements with the good maternal quality our bulls offer. If your cows have too much exotic, use our angus to moderate frame, make ’em easier to feed, and increase carcass quality and feeder demand.
“Big gutted Fleshy cows behind every bull”
Share and benefit from our experience and 40 plus years of selection, volumes of records, predictable birth weights and performance uniformity. Ranch raised Red Angus that’ll do the job, never complain, and give you no grief. 75 solid bulls, buy one or you can select uniform half brothers in volume.
“Fleshy herdbulls with thickness and length”
light birthed... but beefy and thick “wide bodied”
Summer Reds are the answer…
They’re bigger, stouter and tougher than the yearlings you’ll buy other places. They’ll breed more cows, (even the big ones) hold their condition, take less management and be less worry and trouble. They’ve been gently and slowly developed on grass, so they last a long time in your herd. They’ll breed circles around a yearling and they’re not the “leftovers” like many 2 year olds you’ll find. They really are the answer. “Perfect Age” bulls - 22-26 months old at breeding time. WHY BUY YEARLINGS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THESE AT NO MORE MONEY?
“I bought 3 red angus bulls for heifers and was very pleased with the Calving Ease and temperment of the bulls. Bulls breed well over 200 plus heifers, no complaints, no calving issues.
-P. Fofonoff, SK
-B. Greaves MB
“Red Angus do exactly as advertised, low birth wt., high weaning wt. One of my bulls had a fatal accident on feed. Mac was very generous with the pick of replacement bulls available. Very satisfied.”
“reliable, predictable”
“In the 20+ years we have been doing business together (sight unseen and at the auction) there has never been a bad bull from you. In Northwest Cattle’s eyes, there is only one bull breeder in Canada to buy from!”
– Neil Campell & Family, AB Northwest Cattle
We sell, and deliver for free, hundreds of bulls all across the country! Here’s what our customers say...
“I called M.C. Quantock and told them what I was looking for. Never had such a good looking, quiet, heifer bull before. Thanks to Mac, we call him ‘roley poley.’ ” – J. Driedger
“Thanks so much for your kindness once again, very pleased with the bull. It is a pleasure doing business with you once again.” – I. Tuttle, NS
“Nothing but a positive experience. Even being a small producer, you have treated me like I was important to you.” – S. Goldie, SK
“We had problems with one of our bulls. We called Mac and he took it back and made an adjustment. We had had the bull one year. Very pleased with your service and prompt reply. I have been very satisfied. You take a professional approach to your business.. Something that is often neglected in agriculture.”
– L. & R. Cooper, SK
“As a first time buyer I was very suprised how easy the whole process was. From purchasing sight-unseen to bull development to shipping. The purchase was enjoyable, I especially like the personal contact/relationship Mac develops with the customer.” – B. Booth
“Sight unseen program and bull were exactly as described, easier than travelling a lot of places looking for the right bull for our herd.”
– J. & B. Tripp, ON
“I bought sight unseen and was very satisfied. The video was very helpful.” – D. Wray, ON
“Very impressed with sight unseen. Both bulls I bought were what Mac told me they would be. Easy to handle and work with and throw good calves. I am 100% satisfied and will be buying again.”
– R. Morrow, MB
“Extremely pleased with our sight unseen purchase and would not hesitate to buy this way again. Our local vet remarked “That’s one heck of a nice bull.”
– D. Parkin, SK
“Customer service has been awesome. Past bull purchases produced good quality calves and have enhanced my herd.”
-W. Magneson AB
“No longer in the farming business so won’t require a catalogue. Thank you for helping us through our farming years. Good luck and best wishes.”
- L & D VanHeuklom, SK
“Bull arrived yesterday afternoon - appears to be just what we wanted. Everything worked out just fine like you said it would. Thanks.”
- R & D Roach
“Talked to Mac before the sale and he gave me some good options that would work with my herd. Bull sale was great. A lot of bulls to pick from.”
- W. Lakusta, AB
“Customer service was the best! Past bulls made a definite improvement in my herd. Don’t foresee any problems with the new angus bulls.”
–R. Thorhaug SK
“Customer service is excellent. Had an issue with a bull, Mac took care of me by giving me a credit on a new bull. The bull turned out to be excellent.”
- D. Breitkreitz, AB
“Excellent service, super nice people to deal with, can’t wait to see our calf crop this spring as this is our first bull. The other bull never worked out, so Mac replaced him with a credit for the next sale. When we had trouble, Mac offered to bring us another bull but we were o.k. Thanks.”
- O. Kaminsky, MB
“A+ all the way around. These cattle work for us, not the other way around. We look forward to seeing the bulls and your family every year. We never feel very far from home.”
- S. Kitzman, ND
We’ve harnessed the best of both breeds. Incredibly beefy, thick bulls, they pack awesome payweight on disciplined moderate frames. They have all the convenience of Red Angus; moderate consistent birthweights (85-95 lbs. almost without exception), “easy fleshing” (they’ll hold their condition in the tough going) and on feed they’re “quick fleshers” with bold hybrid performance (4-5 lb. gains are common place). The Simmental blood gives them that essential “touch of continental muscle” you need today, as well as adding milk and growth to the blend.
Our “Super Baldie Bulls” are an industry success story over nearly 35 years.
They add milk and muscle and are “right sized” to give you no calving problems or management nightmares. Best of all, they’ll give you Red Baldie females for replacements you’ll want and need to keep. Too much exotic — they’ll beef ’em up.
You can find a few Red Angus X Simmental bulls other places... but what you cannot find is the volume, uniformity, quality, and selection potential available from M.C. Quantock.
You can spend a lifetime infusing that blend of Red Angus Simmental or you can do it “one shot” using our Super Baldies.
You’ll get beautiful “Angus Type” calves with “muscle and snap.” Your steers will top the market. Your heifers will be the envy of your neighbours.
add “milk and muscle”
oldest, largest, most successful hybrid program in the industry”
Big, soggy two year olds. The same great crossbreeding machines as our Red Super Baldies… but Black. A perfect option on Black base cows or Herefords. Blacks with a touch of exotic muscle growth and milk... all you really need to sell those market-topping Blacks. These bulls have been carving out a “niche” and carving up the competition for years. You just can’t find ’em anywhere else. We will sell nearly 80
75 bulls sell! All are summer born 2 year olds.
Balance, muscle, milk and a whole lot more!
All the good old-time Angus traits — volume, beefiness, quick fleshing, dependable and durable. Broad, deep-bodied and beefy 2-year-olds. Black heifer bulls. Black cow bulls. They’re black bulls like black bulls should be.
Ours are easy fleshing Black genetics, yet they still have frame and length. Just like our Red Angus, our Blacks are light at birth, then really grow when it counts. Angus convenience, the black color and no darn trouble. We’re your best Black bull opportunity. All older bulls, bigger, stouter and tougher than yearlings. Why go anywhere else. 70 powerful bulls, amazing uniformity, big groups of half brothers. Impressive and affordable.
Light at birth but thick
“We have bought bulls over the years and they always meet our expectations. Bulls we got this year are very good. The black baldie came home from breeding fatter than when he left.”
broad and “big gutted”
We sell, and deliver for free, hundreds of bulls all across the country! Here’s what our customers say...
“I don’t think you could run much better sale and service really. Bulls always do good, any problems I have had was solved immediately and a replacement bull loaned free of charge. Thanks.” – J. Sykes, MB
“The two H-2 bulls came in off the range and they look awesome, good bulls.” – W. Mulvahill, BC
“Mac don’t change! Keep taking pride in what you are doing. Hope to get another bull from you soon.” – VanKooten Farms, MB
“Your service was great. You helped me a tremendous amount just over the phone as to what bulls you would suggest I was very satisfied.”
– D. Norman, ON
“The bulls are excellent and we have no trouble. We run 30 bulls which are all hybrids.”
– J&G Naylen, MB
“We needed an unexpected bull and Mac delivered an excellent bull on the day and time he said. Very nice to deal with people who respect your time.” – Cowley’s, SK
“Impressed with the level of individual customer service! Mac took the time to call and talk to us about our program numerous times.”
-Charcoal Creek Cattle BC
“Hey Mac. Just letting you know that I totally loved the substitute bull you brought for me. I do think he is awesome. Thanks for picking him out for me and catching the issues with the other bull. It is nice to know I can trust that any bull that comes from you is ready to work.”
– S. Goldi, SK
“We absolutely love the bull we got “sight unseen.” This bull has made heifer calving easier! We never had to pull one and all the calves had get up and go.” - E. Penner, MB
“Very happy with the service and very pleased with sight unseen. I like that the bull is of good nature and calm to pass on to his replacement daughters.”
- R. Dymond, MB
“No problems at all, very pleased with the bull Mac picked for us.”
-B. Walker
“My third M.C. Quantock bull, same great communication, same reliable breeding bull. I have never been disappointed but know Mac will back every bull if I ever do.”
- B. Fletcher, AB
“We have been using M.C. Quantock bulls for several years. Been very happy with the prices our calves have been bringing in the fall. We are repeat customers because we like what we find.”
- D. Luckwell, AB
“Seven great bulls, all are good tempered and easy to work with.” - C. McCuaig, MB
“I used sight unseen for the first time in 2021. I was quite satisfied with the selection made for me. I don’t have big numbers so I have to buy the best bulls available.”
-R. Beddoes, AB
“Bulls arrived ready to work, good working condition. The Black Angus bulls have nice length, a nice Angus head and shoulders and a nice full ass end.”
– D. Willman, BC
“Fast paced sale Guppie came home in good shape with less than 3% open cows.”
-D. Eggeson SK
“Was happy with info I received from Mac, buying the bull was easy. We’d never had an H2 bull so we are excited to see the calves.”
- K. Torkelson, AB
“Been good bulls, when have had problems bulls have been replaced the following year. Pleased with good bulls and sight unseen service. I got exactly what I was looking for.”
- J. Nyland AB
“We have been super happy. Have bought three bulls from your great operation.”
- L & R Chrapko, AB
“Everything worked good. No problem buying a bull sight unseen. Mac is always fair.”
-B. Leavitt, BC
Established in 1951, our Hereford herd benefits from 60+ years of development. Our Hereford bulls are broad topped, deep-sided bulls packed full of natural thickness on moderate frame sizes.
Trouble free... “you bet”, our Herefords have been selected for years for good udders you never have to touch, because you don’t have the time and you don’t need the hassle.
Use our Hereford bulls to add the good Hereford traits your Dad took for granted. Deep, thick hair coats, easy keepers that’ll get by without the barley bin, and dispositions that make cows a pleasure to handle - not an ordeal
Use Herefords to add British blood to those exotic cows.
Our bulls are durable, long living, and tough.
You won’t find any “big fat ton bulls” here, but what you will find are bulls that have never seen “hot feed” and pampering. Bulls that will last and last.
Rediscover what your dad knew! Herefords work and are a pleasure to own.
Bulls purebred & papers transferred.
“Mac and the video reassured me that I was making a good decision buying sight unseen. When I finally received my bull I never knew that kind of quality was available at such a reasonable cost. Perhaps the best bull I have bought. Look forward to doing business again. ”
– K. Victoor,
Bulls like this… moderate size, broad & deep.
Durable, Quiet!
All Hereford Bulls dehorned!
20 bulls sell!
“Wide body bulls”
“Our Hereford and H-2 udders are as good as Angus”
Most Herefords are sold as big fat 2-year-olds. They’ve spent way too long at the feed bunk. If you’re tired of 2 year olds that are too big, too fat and too narrow or yearlings that are barely big enough, our bulls are the answer. Gently and slowly developed on pasture, easy keeping, they’ll hold their condition for life. Our bulls will be 20 - 22 months old at breeding, just the perfect age. They’re mature and will do everything 2 year olds can and a darn sight more than a yearling will, best of all they’ll last and last. They’re the answer to the “Hereford Dilemma” 20 head sell.
Our H-2’s are a Hereford/Fleckvieh 2-breed composite line. Real beefmakers, loaded maternally but bred to simplify and sustain the Hereford/Semi influence in our customer’s herds.
Produced on the home ranch using mid-aged proven Hereford cows and beefy, low set, pigmented Fleckvieh sires; these 2 year old bulls really offer something unique. Enough age to breed a lot of cows, solid maternal genetics and bottom line performance. We call them “H-2’s” — they’re hummers.
These potent composite bulls are being used on Hereford x Simmental cows, as well as black, and black and red baldie cows with great success. Any way you fit them in your program they’ll make money.
These bulls just work so well, they make repeat customers out of everyone who buys one!
25 Bulls sell! Summer Twos - Some are polled...
Pigment and hair
These bulls really work…
“Super Guppie” bulls are a great crossbreeding option. A blended composite of Gelbvieh and Red Angus. Super Guppies have a little more “exotic muscle” than our Super Baldies but are still built from all maternal cattle. Gelbvieh have the carcass, the early sexual maturity and the growth. The Red Angus blood provides the hair, thriftiness and fleshing ability while moderating birth weight.
Use our Gelbvieh X Red Angus bulls as the third option in any crossing program and maximize your hybrid vigor. They’re cowman’s Gelbvieh that will work the big range country and fit your management.
Our customers love a little Gelbvieh on the cow side.
Our Super Guppie Bulls have really found their stride in the past few years as our customers calve their daughters and recognize how well these bulls fit their crossing programs.
“Use ’em and you’ll love ’em!”
“more muscle... still maternal”
“Quiet bull right off the trailer, was able to scratch him immediately. Have 24 pregnancies in nine weeks and now covering our 20 fall cows and is in tremendous shape.”
– R. Glover, ON
... big, strong two year olds.
40 Bulls Sell! All summer born 2 year olds, Red and Black.
We’re cowmen first and these are cowmen’s bulls. Our objective in Charolais bulls is to provide our customers bulls that maximize the Char cross advantage in feeder calves and minimize any problems. Our bulls are thick bulls but they are still smooth bulls. The bulls have rapid early growth which you need but as two year olds will not be too big. Our Charolais are built for the ranch trade with very moderate birthweights and unquestionable soundness — white bulls that will last and last.
We deliver what you asked for: lots of hair, so you can sell those “deep coated, good doin’” tan calves and top the market; good dispositions because we’ve all got families that help; unquestionable soundness, because some other Charolais bulls don’t last; moderate frames because some others get too big
Our Charolais pack lots of muscle, are long bodied, smooth and not real tall. Gently grown out and sold in perfect working condition.
Charolais are still the best terminal sire for a British cross cow.
Bulls purebred & papers transferred. ... hard to find big groups of two year olds, “we’ve got the good ones.”
but thick” “lots of hair”
“I have purchased 11 bulls in the past 2 years. easy to work with, being able to move with a person on foot makes quite a difference.”
- S. Webb, ON
We sell, and deliver for free, hundreds of bulls all across the country! Here’s what our customers say...
“The calves off the Super Guppies are shaped just right. They slip out of the cows and are sucking in minutes. Just the way you want it.”
– J. Nawrot, AB
“I must say, I couldn’t have picked a better bull myself, so thanks – calves hit the ground running lots of vigor, the bull passed on his good disposition and conformation.”
– G. Gramlich, AB
“Sale and service is excellent, second to none.”
– F. Galloway, MB
“Bulls look good, sale well run; how do you improve on a bull every 50 sec. A very well run sale.”
– B. Murray, AB
“Very happy with the bulls, love how quiet they are and love that you only put one bull in ring at a time, sell one at a time.”
- C. Lee , SK
“Bulls arrive in good shape, ready to work, easy to handle and we really appreciate the calving ease.”
- P. Hollman, SK
“Getting calves by our bulls and they are great. Noticeably fancy - good, thick, big calves.”
- M. Jacklin, AB
“Can’t say I’ve had any troubles with your bulls so far. They seem to be very easy to handle and are in the shape I like to see sale day. They hold their shape all summer here on grass. ” - M. Johnson, SK
“Kind, considerate people behind every bull purchase.”
- B. Fletcher, AB
“Nothing but top notch service and quality animals and people that understand livestock.”
- F. Kehler, MB
“Sight Unseen bull looked good on delivery and stayed in real good condition right through breeding season. I look forward to seeing his calves come spring!” - D. Shankowsky, SK
We have been at this for 50+ years. The cattle don’t make many mistakes... they “walk what we talk.” Our simplistic everyday, practical management, and the integrity of our program have simply made us better with age. Wisdom gained from years of experience. Hard working ranch bulls, No purebred “fluff”, and cows that paid for the ranch. We live in the real world and always have...
Our simplistic program “flies in the face” of a purebred industry that increasingly wants to breed cattle just for numbers on paper and how “pretty” they look in the show ring. I believe there is an art to breeding cattle, as well as the science. It takes the instinct and talent of “cattle people” to make the good ones. I just believe if you keep it simple, cull the open ones, the problem ones and the ugly ones , you’ll be making quite a lot of progress, after all the auction mart does not ask you to send in a list of EPD’s. They buy your calves because “they’re big, stout, hairy calves” that look the part and because of your good reputation. While we are one of Canada’s largest purebred breeders in several breeds, we also devote 500 purebred cows to the production of our hybrid bull lines. Our bulls will help get it done and we will give you the simple, important “real world data” that makes us both money.
Our only customers are Canada’s commercial cowmen. They love our older summer two year olds, the bulls are tough and trouble free. Most leave their bulls with us until spring, they don’t need new bulls around so they rely on us to deliver their bulls in the spring “absolutely free.” About half our customers buy their bulls Sight Unseen, their trust and confidence in us makes it all possible. It’s always convenient and simple to buy your bulls this way. Give it some sincere thought and talk to Mac. We will provide references close to you.
Our bulls are guaranteed like no others... you’ll have a bull to breed your cows no matter what... hard to get better than that! As sale time approaches, you can view all our bulls on video on our website or we’ll send you your very own DVD and Bull Book and you can show the neighbors. In fact, it’s probably easier and simpler to buy our bulls than buying bulls locally. You get great service, the best guarantee, lots of selection and your calves will be sired by nationally known bulls. It all helps you get them sold! Our customers like the fact that all our cattle are managed and fed just like most all commercial cattle.
This year call me for your bulls.
* Order Your Free Bull Book * Free Delivery * “Great Bulls” * Call Today
Call Mac... 1-800-561-BULL (2855)
Watch our website for updates! In Quebec call: Andre Hould - 819.534.3789
We want to say thank you to the best customers in the world. We would be nowhere without your support. We have been at this for 50 plus years and have worked with hundreds of folks we now count as not just customers, but friends.
You have supported our unique program through droughts and blizzards, the BSE insanity, covid, good times and bad. You appreciated our ground breaking multi-breed and hybrid approach when most of the purebred industry did not… now it’s all gone mainstream. Your continued support and the opportunity to work with clear thinking, “salt of the earth” cattle people is what makes every day a good day on our ranch. Thank you.
15,000 ...We’ve branded bulls - The MAC brand left ribover 50 years for Canada’s Commercial Cowmen
Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025 12 Noon MST
Grounds, Lloydminster,