Anuswar Ank 6/7 April-September 2022

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ISSN No : 2583-3855




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10  Hons channel:/UCd0kSRJgtE1pFr–J–NepK2Q
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12  parulvineet@gmail.compinkshe
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Crowes HeartofPoet), (Chatment) CrowLaw) Crow pathy) elegantcrowcnatment)

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CrowishlyCrowthorityflash Crowspered)
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Non–translatable: The Importance for Skritizing(qualified/qualityless),English" (Soul) (Illusion) (Soul), (Salvation), (Monotheism or polytheism), (Amen), (Energy), (Space), (Fire) (Air), (Word), (Sense



(The foetusofdeer)(Goat)

indian bandar

Tomb of Sand

.Astateofdeepmeditationortrance,the finalstageofYagya

. Self immolation of an acetic by en Tombment.Placeofentombmentspeciallyofa­intly personage oronewhodiedheroically Tomb

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Everyoneseyessparkledforthefirst timeineversolong,Thecrowscratched his wings for the first time in ever so long…


Somethingmustbesaidaboutdaughter TombofSandPage–36

When Beti was growing up (Tomb of Sand,LikePage–36)Beti,Poor,poorthing(TombofSand, Page–36)

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Bahu,whomSeriousSonhadstartedto callMaa,becausewhatisallhisshorteningof siddarth to Sid and Pushpesh to Push and ShatrunajyatoShatandMatoMom? Bahu, hismomsensedherlittleonewasbesiegedby worries.(TombofSandPage–81)

What was Bahu to do? She began to massgehisforeheadwithbalmtohelphim sleep,andshesentfortheservantRatilal's nephewFitroosohecouldmassgehisfeetafterschool.(TombofSandPage­85)

Bahugavethemallatongue–lashingbut nowherheartbegantopound,andshebroke intoasweat.Sheincreasedhersurveillanceso thatonenightshealso(TombofSandPage86)

We'llneverknowunlesswequestionand counter–questionSeriousSonandBahu,readingbetweenthelinesandbehindthemtoo, whatPirNabina'spreciserolewas.(Tombof SandMa–a.k.a–BahuPage­89)


Dryearthcracksnightingalesrisegurgling springssurface,(TombofSandPage­37)

The hissing popping bubbles'(TombofSand,Page–79)thebubblesof laughter'(TombofSand,Page­78)

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ThatbugjuststrokedthecollarofitsLouis Vuitton blousewithitstinyHand,andthatone hasstuckitsfingerupitsnose!(TombofSand Page­30)Inlove'sstruggle

onewithers,astheotherblossoms oneisshaded,theotherilluminated one'sasheep,theotherashepherd one'sthefeet,theotheratoweringhead one'sagluttonastheotherstarves oneridesthewindsastheotheristrampled underfoot, one blossoms, the other fades (TombofSandPage­33) blossoms

toeveryone'ssorrows. Bothbeganto map their selvesonto onean other, and one becameaboaconstrictorandtheothertheobjectoflove.(TombofSandPage­40)

Now, in just a few months, he too would retire to ample leisure, and the yellingwouldfalltoSid.Butfornow,he stillraged.(TombofSandPage­46)



For example,oncethere was amother. Likeallmothers.Whohadsaidtoherson, YouaremyGod,andthesonsaidtoher,You aretheGreatSacrificingGoddesslayingwaste

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Whenthecloudslower,theheartofthe heroineisfilledwithlongingasinKalidasa's playMeghadutam.Whenblossomsbloomthe footdancesandevokesChitanyaMahaprabhu. InadropofdewTagorediscernedthecosmos.InthelullofwindAristotle'sphilosophy wakes.(TombofSandPage­344)

Thediplomatsaresuchdeities,theycan sometimesfinishthegamewithnopreparation atall,andsometimestheykeephittingsixes andlosinganyway.(TombofSandPage­532)

NooneSawit.Becausewhounderstands everythingjustbyseeing?Asightpassesright beforeusandevenwhenweseeit,wedon't, don't see a catastrophe approaching, nor a beloveddeparting,noradotturningsquare, noracheetahbecominganant,northestemmingofthetide.Ifwedonoticethingsoccasionally,thenwhatweseeiswhatourimagination has formed for us.Outside me as within.(TombofSandPage­435)

Whenacountrydivides,enmityjostles amityandvisasandbordersdependonthe mood–be it slighted, delighted, even far–sighted.Ormeditative.InastateofSamadhi. BadecameasfarasWagah,dividinghisattentionbetweenMaaandBetiasthoughhe himselfwereatype ofborderslighted,delighted,far–sighted.Entranced.Inatrance. SamadhistTombofSandPage­532)

Thenitisnotfalseoramyththatwolfman, fish

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