Tradtion 2

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Traditions are an important part of our national identity and should be preserved at all costs I believe traditions play a vital role in shaping our national identity and hence should be preserved at all costs. Traditional celebrations such as Cho Seok (thanksgiving day), Independent day, New year (same period as Chinese new year) and memorial day are events that do not exist in other countries. Also, such traditions arise from historical, cultural, political, and economical situations from the past that makes the tradition distinct from the others. For example, the tradition plays such as powerful role in the Korean society because the values are so tied to progress. It is compulsory for all Koreans to hang the national flag or commemorate the ancestors who have suffered and passed away by leading the country to independence from the Japanese colony. Tradtitions are vastly linked to our values and are what create our national identity that makes us unique and distinguish ourselves from the others. Therefore, protecting our traditions is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Our modern society can gain prolific lessons from variety of different traditions. Traditions of diverse cultures stem from handful experience and wisdom that have been developed generation by generation through our ancestors. For instance, the printing press that has now developed into laser or inkjet printers stemmed from the ancestors' repetitive research and trials that led us to such wisdom. When we visit the historical museums, the wooden plates with words sculptured are easily seen. Hence, traditions are essential parts of history that aid future development process, and we should make the best effort to preserve them.

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