LOOKBOOK, Bespoke Shooting Attire

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Mathieson & Brooke Tailors Ltd was established in 2004 by David Brooke. At the time David worked throughout the Far East for a Multi-National company. During this time David struck up a good relationship with a tailor in Hong Kong and eventually set up a supply contract to the UK market. At the time David was one of just a few UK tailors to utilise global sourcing.

To develop a bespoke shooting service that allows customers to design exclusive shooting garments that fit them perfectly.

Over time manufacturing shifted to a state of the art factory in Europe enabling greater control, consistency, and quality, whilst reducing delivery times.

Mathieson & Brooke Tailors make made-tomeasure suits, shirts, coats, golf trousers and shooting attire. It takes on average 5 weeks to make a garment but services are available to reduce this to 3 weeks, or even 48 hrs. Mathieson & Brooke Tailors operate from a tailoring shop in Hemel Hempstead and fitting studios in Golders Green and The City. However, an important part of their philosophy is to save the time of their clients, so David spends most of his time visiting his customers at their office or home. Pushing the design boundaries has always been important to David. Over the last 4 years David has developed the concept of printing customer’s linings using their own photos. To see what image Samuel L Jackson used you can visit the website www.wheresuitsgetpersonal.com

Whilst traditional styles are possible, as this LookBook demonstrates, the design options are excitingly endless!

Clients can choose their cloth from any of the houses in the world. They can then mix and match styles and various colour trims to create something truly unique. Every client is measured to ensure the garment fits them for their style of shooting. Once the pattern has been cut every client has ‘their own conceptual production line’ that can produce garments in any cloth or style time and time again. Some customers even have their own label inside!

3. AN INTERESTING QUESTION David studied psychology at University and the idea that what you wear has a direct impact on your performance underpins his business. In 2011 David teamed up with The University of Hertfordshire to quantify this theory the positive results were later published in The Telegraph. Wearing clothes that look good and fit great makes you feel better and positively influences how you feel about yourself as well as how other people perceive you. If you look good in business, you feel more confident, helping you perform better. So if this is the case in business, why not in shooting?

UCU World Down Hill Legend Greg Minnaar with his bespoke suit and lining

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