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A drop of water worth is more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man. Every drop, which we save today, will keep the disasters away. It’s better to conserve the Water that makes living possible on earth. Save Water!! “Water Water everywhere, And all the boards shrink, Water Water everywhere There is no any drop to drink, Save Water or learn to live in wilderness.” Kashish Goel VI Travellers MRIS 46 Gurgaon

MRIS 21c, Faridabad students speak: Thoughts on- WORLD WATER DAY World water day is celebrated across the world annually on 22nd March. It is a medium of realizing the importance of fresh water and advocating the sustainable management of fresh water resources. It is important to conserve water since water is the basis of life and only 1 percent of the total water on our planet is available as fresh water used by its 7 billion people. We can conserve water by using some of the following simple tips. - Turn the water off all the way after using the sink and do not let the water drip. - Turn the water off while brushing your teeth - Tell the restaurant waiter not to get water to the table unless you are going to drink it. - Rinse your fruits and veggies in a tub rather than in running water. - Take a shorter shower or use a bucket to bathe. Hope we all start to save a little more water going forward.

Aadya Gupta Grade4 Atlantic MRIS 21 C Water conservation encompasses the policies, strategies and activities made to manage fresh water as a sustainable resource, to protect the water environment, and to meet current and future human demand. Population, household size, and

“ Why to save water” – Water Conservation: Water is one of the nature’s precious gifts to mankind. All living things consist mostly of water eg. the human body is of two thirds of water. Water is the most essential component of life and is vital for sustenance. The importance of water in our diet can be seen as it helps the body to perform specific metabolic tasks and regulates our body temperature. There is no doubt that water is everywhere and it is very important to our Earth and the life inhabiting it. Water contains no calories and is a significant factor in losing weight. It is the key component in determining the quality of our lives and is a universal solvent. We have the same amount of water now as there was when the earth was created. This is the water we have, and we must preserve its quality. Water is the foundation of food and life. Next to air, water is our most precious resource. We cannot live without water. Saving Water helps to preserve our environment. It reduces the energy required to process and deliver water, which helps in reducing pollution and in conserving fuel resources. Saving water now means having water available in the future for all our life purposes. If we save water now, we are helping to ensure a water supply enough for future generations. Saving water saves money. We must save water today so that it will be available to us in the future. We need to think of future generations, people who will not have a sufficient supply of water unless we become more concerned with how we use our water today. Water is known as the elixir of life. So Conserve water to save life. ARNAV TIKKO MRIS 21C

growth and affluence all affect how much water is used. Factors such as climate change will increase pressures on natural water resources especially in manufacturing and agricultural irrigation.[1] The goals of water conservation efforts include: The withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem does not exceed its natural replacement rate. Energy conservation. Water pumping, delivery and waste water treatment facilities consume a signif-


icant amount of energy. In some regions of the world over 15% of total electricity consumption is devoted to water management. Habitat conservation. Minimizing human water use helps to preserve freshwater habitats for local wildlife and migrating waterfowl, as well as reduces the need to build new dams and other water diversion infrastructures. Riya Kapoor, MRIS 21 C

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