NEAC Annual Exhibition 2024

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than just the Annual Exhibition

Keep up with the latest news all year round on the NEAC website and social media.

You’ll find details of exhibitions, classes and workshops, member artist profiles, interviews and articles along with a selection of original paintings, drawings and prints for sale. You can also sign up for our monthly email newsletter.


As a registered charity, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to be able to help aspiring, emerging and established figurative artists through teaching, scholarships and exhibiting.

Visit to become a Friend of the NEAC, make a donation, or find out about sponsorship and advertising opportunities. You might also consider leaving a gift or donation to the NEAC in your will.


“Because artists should be greatly encouraged and supported, without condition. Without them, the world would descend into an inhuman and terrifying greyness. To draw and paint figurative art is to be utterly present, to notice and to see, and to notice again, and appreciate and then record this light, this figure, this landscape; object; person; feeling; thought; dream as it is now in this moment, and then this one. After all, ‘now’ is the only moment we can be sure of.”



Works are available to browse & buy at

020 7968 0966 |

Mall Galleries,
Front cover: Melissa Scott-Miller Jeffrey’s View
to 22 June, 10am to 5pm
The Mall, London


This is my first annual exhibition as President, and before I get on to anything else, I have to say how delighted I am, after twenty-five years as a member, to have been elected President of the remarkable society that is the New English Art Club.

The NEAC does many things throughout the year – from a busy education programme of workshops run by our members to a number of regional exhibitions, but this annual show is the highlight. It’s the thing that, in a way, everything else has been leading up to. There is a huge amount of pride that we all feel, members and nonmembers alike, exhibiting with this Society, aware as we are of its rich history and famous past members.

To emphasise the sense of importance that this exhibition represents for us, we have revived a tradition of inviting major artists whose work we admire to show alongside us. In the early days of the NEAC, the Club regularly invited the likes of Monet and Degas to contribute works to its annual shows. The idea then was to pay tribute to such important figures working with a radically new approach which got dubbed, initially pejoratively, Impressionism. But labels apart, the thing that was so exciting for our founding members about these developments across the Channel, was the freshness of vision derived from an intense process of looking.

And this is what the NEAC continues to celebrate and promote to this day. Schools and movements may come and go, but artists always return to the business of looking and observing the world around them for new inspiration. This in turn leads to a multitude of different styles and ways of painting of which the school of Impressionism was but one.

The two artists we have invited this year could not be more different in how they paint, but both share that crucial starting point: they look, and they sketch, and out of this process come extraordinary paintings, both surprising and unique. Please take time to look at these special works from Anthony Eyton OBE RA (now 101 years of age and still painting) and Leon Morrocco RSA. Each of them said how honoured they were to be asked to exhibit with us. We are equally honoured that they accepted.

Alongside our invited artists, we also pay tribute to two exceptional members who sadly passed away last year: Tom Coates and Bob Brown. Please read about them on the following pages and be sure to view the wonderful paintings of theirs which we are privileged to be able to show in this exhibition.

In the early days of the NEAC, the Club regularly invited the likes of Monet and Degas to contribute works to its annual shows

Patrick Cullen, Self Portrait


The Ken and Dora Howard Prize

£1,000 for a painting that best captures a sense of light

The Doreen McIntosh Prize

For an artist whose work fulfils the New English Art Club’s ideals of rigour, immediate engagement with the visual and a searching attitude. Value £3,000.

The Hermione Hammond Drawing Award

£2,000 for a drawing by an emerging artist aged 35 or under

The Val Harris Prize

Two week residency in The Atelier in Hay-on-Wye followed by a one week exhibition at The Chair, the art gallery owned by Val Harris, for a non-member

The Bowyer Drawing Prize

Selected by the Bowyer family, £500

The Michael Harding Award

£500 worth of art materials

The Milner Prize for an Emerging Artist


The Winsor & Newton Award

Art materials to the value of £500

The NEAC Critics’ Prize


The Anthony J. Lester Art Critic Award

A certificate and cheque for £100

Habib Hajallie RBA, SirFrankBowling

The Hermione Hammond Drawing Award Winner 2023

The Dry Red Press Award

The winning work will be published as a greetings card in the Dry Red Press ‘Prize Winners’ range, with royalties from the sale of the cards going to the artist

Mall Galleries / FBA Award

Ten free submissions to exhibitions by the Federation of British Artists at Mall Galleries (worth up to £200) for a first time exhibitor with the New English Art Club.


HM King Charles III



Patrick Cullen

Hon Treasurer

David Elliott

Education Programme Team

Julie Jackson

Victoria Jinivizian

Patricia Paolozzi Cain

Michael Weller

Membership Secretary

Louise Balaam


Neil Pittaway


Tom Benjamin

Clare Haward

Benjamin Hope

Andrew James

Jason Line

Toby Ward

Jenny Wheatley

Jacqueline Williams




“I was a student of Anthony Eyton’s at Camberwell and exhibited with him in 2003, so I am excited to see him exhibit again as a guest with the NEAC.

“As a pupil, Eyton’s response to his teacher John Dodgson’s question, “Do you see, do you see?” was profound. Dodgson pointed to a chair and forced Eyton to look at it, to see it in isolation, as a simple wooden framework, but also as a complex of spaces and volumes. Eyton learned to touch it through sight, feel its weight, air displacement, structure, and ultimately existence.

“His unwavering curiosity and boundless energy are truly admirable, and he believes that painting should be “a cry of surprise” which Tony never fails to deliver. Seeing how his creativity has become even more playful as he’s grown older is impressive. He’s a genuine painter – a rare breed in the 21st century.

“Eyton’s inspiration comes from his mother, herself a talented artist who died in a tragic accident when he was age six. Initially influenced by the Euston Road ethos, his late works are looser and figurative, yet have become more abstract. They are dependent on the perceptual vision of things seen through construction, light, colour and the thereness of the subject.

“It is a pleasure to exhibit with such a good artist who has devoted his life to enlightening the existence of others, and who – as a centenarian –continues to explore his creative journey through life with vigour.”


Oil on canvas

100 x 109 cm



“I had admired Leon Morrocco’s work from afar for some time, so when I found myself in Edinburgh in 2022, I immediately took the opportunity to see his major retrospective at the Royal Scottish Academy. I had always known his vibrant use of colour but on encountering his work at first hand it was the strength and decision of his drawing that struck me.

“You see no hedging or flinching from the difficulties in making the work which is often complex in subject matter, detail and design. He meets the challenges this presents and deals with them head-on, bringing clarity to what are often large and demanding paintings. Using careful drawings to understand his subjects, he is able to move onto larger canvases and paint with his particular range of intense colours.

“Leon was born in Edinburgh where he also attended the College of Art. Since then, he has been a lecturer at the Glasgow School of Art and in Melbourne, Australia, where he lived and worked for twelve years and where his exhibiting career started to develop.

“Since returning to the UK in 1992, he has travelled widely in Europe, North Africa and India, often finding inspiration on the coastlines of the Mediterranean and in the mountains of southern France. During this time he has produced a large body of work for regular exhibitions with the John Martin Gallery in London and we are delighted to welcome Leon as our guest and to be able to see his work in the 2024 NEAC Annual Exhibition.”


Oil on canvas

107 x 92 cm




Join us at Mall Galleries for a series of events led by NEAC member artists including Louise Balaam, Julia Hawkins, Julie Held, Clare Haward, Daniel Shadbolt, Neil Pittaway, Michael Weller and Robert E Wells.

All events are free with admission.

For full details of what’s happening when, visit


This year’s lecture will be given by Alicia Foster on the subject of Gwen John who exhibited with the NEAC between 1900 and 1911.

Alicia will delve into the fascinating story of this talented Welsh painter, exploring her unique style, influences and her life and career in London and Paris.

Dr Alicia Foster is an art historian, curator, and novelist. Her book ‘Gwen John: Art and Life in London and Paris’ is available now.

Tuesday 18 June

6pm: Doors

6.30pm: Lecture start

Free with admission

Reserve your space at



As well as the events at our Annual Exhibition, the NEAC runs a programme of classes and workshops throughout the year. They are led by NEAC members, including Michael Weller who tells us more about the activities and opportunities on offer . . .

“The NEAC’s artist-led classes and workshops are for everyone. We see a mix of beginners and regulars attending including some who are coming back to drawing and painting later in life.

“We run five or six one-day workshops per term, taking place in artists’ studios, at museums and galleries, or outside en plein air. Our last term included events at the Wallace Collection, the British Museum, the Embankment (painting life on the river Thames) as well as a workshop in Shalbourne village in Wiltshire.

“We are also doing more online events to reach a wider, less London-centric audience. Earlier this year, Andrew James and NEAC Scholar Polly Smedley led our free-to-join Drawing Club on Instagram Live with a focus on self-portraits. Viewers were encouraged to draw along and share their works with the hashtag #neacdrawingclub and we received lots of great feedback. Clare Haward also ran a still-life drawing workshop on Zoom that was well-received by the students, many of whom would struggle to make it to a London event.”

To find out what we have coming up, visit or sign up for our regular email newsletters via Full-time students (with an appropriate student number) and NEAC Friends get a 10% discount. Find out more at


• See more of the exhibition online where you can browse & buy the works at

• To purchase a work, please contact Mall Galleries at or on 020 7968 0966

• Every sale helps support not just the artist, but also Mall Galleries / Federation of British Artists (Registered Charity No. 200048).

• Many of the artists are available to commission.For details, please contact:

• The works in the NEAC Annual Exhibition are available to buy through the Own Art scheme whose interest free loans make it easy and affordable to buy original, high quality contemporary art. Representative 0% APR. Subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.


Recent Presidents, Peter Brown and Sarah Spencer’s vision for a £5,000 NEAC Artist Scholarship culminated last June when the inaugural award was given to Rae Birch Carter who was carefully selected from an impressive shortlist after interviews and presentation of portfolios.

The £5,000 scheme is a huge springboard to reimagining the winner’s artistic practice and Rae has fully embraced the ideals of this new award throughout her tenure. Two additional Scholars, Polly Smedley and Owain Hunt, each received a £250 award.

All three Scholars are entitled to freely join classes and workshops offered by the NEAC Education Programme and to seek mentoring from NEAC members. The Scholarship embodies the educational component of the NEAC, fundamental to our charitable status, and our commitment to equality and diversity, in aiming to support those who face financial barriers in pursuing the arts in a professional capacity.

Sarah Spencer described the aims of the award as follows:

“The NEAC has a wealth of talent within its membership in professional practice, mentoring and teaching. Allying this with a £5,000 award we hope to encourage the practice of figurative art at grass-roots level to as diverse a group as we can and perhaps make the pursuit of art a possible option for those who would not normally have considered it. The award, although given for one year, should actively engage successful applicants to begin a lasting and involved relationship of support and mentorship with the NEAC.”

The renewed NEAC Education Programme is now curated by Julie Jackson, Michael Weller, Patricia Paolozzi Cain and Victoria Jinivizian. With our experience as artists, educators and mentors, we have over recent months provided the Scholars with critiques and discussion about their creative development and shared insights from our own practice, generating flourishing conversations for us all.

Polly Smedley collaborated with Andrew James in three online NEAC Drawing Club sessions reaching a wide audience. In the past, Scholars have gone on to become professional artists, maintained connections with the NEAC and their mentors, and some have become member artists.


Our 2024–25 Scholars will be announced at the opening of our 2024 Annual Exhibition. We are grateful to Sir David and Lady Sally Clementi who have generously agreed to sponsor the award for the next two years. If you are interested in applying for the 2025–26 Scholarship, the application window will be around April–May 2025. The best way to ensure you don’t forget is to sign up for our email newsletter via

Victoria Jinivizian and Julie Jackson



“It was a great confidence boost to be awarded such a special opportunity, and it’s been a real privilege to visit NEAC painters in their studios and to receive advice and support from them. I’ve had lots of conversations about painting along the way, and those discussions have opened up ideas and influenced my practice.

“The award enabled me to have a studio space and allowed me precious time there. Previously I had only been able to make my drawings and paintings in the evenings after work, but the Scholarship allowed me to have some full days of studio time; time to dedicate to experimentation and exploration. To be able to dive in, immerse myself completely, lose track of time . . . Those precious days were so valuable in helping me move forward in my practice and I feel extremely lucky to have had them.

“I’ve learnt so much, and made connections and friendships that will hopefully continue long after the Scholarship year ends. Thank you NEAC. It’s been a really wonderful experience.”


“The NEAC Artist Scholarship has been an excellent opportunity to develop areas of my practice that had felt less refined and rawer prior. From one-to-one studio visits, workshops and being part of an artistic community more broadly, the experience has granted me invaluable space for shifting my perspectives; all the artists I have met have helped me approach my work in a novel way, pulling the thread on nascent ideas and developing diverse ways of thinking.

“Yet they have done so in a way that fits within my own practice and how I wish to work. It is this – the sensitivity with which you are encouraged to experiment, to self-reflect and self-direct the Scholarship, while being shown respect and interest in your own studio practice – that has made the year tremendously helpful. It is certainly the case that you get back what you put in and I would encourage anyone who is working seriously (or wants to) to consider applying.”


“I’m a self-taught artist, starting my painting life in 2020. I’m delighted to have been introduced to the NEAC, an art society that feels something like a creative home for me. As a result of this, being awarded the NEAC Scholarship has not only been an incredible privilege and catalyst to my artistic life, but an accolade that I could only have dreamed of receiving.

“Over the past year, I’ve found the most valuable experiences have been the occasions spent with members of the NEAC who have all welcomed me into their studios and generously shared their thoughts, discussing the realities of life as an artist. This has given me a much deeper and more vivid awareness of the artistic life, as well as practical insights on how to progress my own work.

“Now, having come to the end of the year’s Scholarship, I am leaving with more confidence in my work, and in myself. I have also found enormous support from fellow Scholars. I am immensely thankful to the NEAC for the belief and support you have shown in me.”

Reflection Unclothed II SundayintheLifeRoom DadLookingDownwards


Robert (Bob) Brown was elected a member of the NEAC in 1964 and for many years, along with Charlotte Halliday, was its ‘engine room’. He was not only a wonderful, dedicated painter but also, as you will read in the tributes below, a kind and generous man who was greatly loved . . .

“The word ‘delicious’ describes his handling of the paint as he placed one colour against another to create visual music. It describes the way he saw, felt and created – and the man himself. His enthusiasm always shone through when he was teaching. Such an inspiration.”

Salliann Putman

“His enthusiasm was infectious, but Bob was so modest – happy to work in the engine room with Charlotte Halliday for all those years – what a team! I wonder if the NEAC would still be here if it was not for them.”

Peter Brown

“Painting with Bob was fun but exhausting. He did not waste painting time, and while I was laying out a few tubes of paint and looking at a blank canvas, Bob had completed a painting and numbered it. He was so proud to be part of the New English family.”

Michael Whittlesea

“We certainly put in many, many hours together – dawn raids and midnight oil –but I couldn’t possibly have done what I did without him. We made a good team, with his infectious enthusiasm and energy, and my obsessions.

“For example, I insisted for years that the annual exhibition should be hung in numerical order which meant that the pictures’ original numbers were changed once they were on the wall. This involved waiting until the end of the hang and then Bob driving through the night to the printers and collecting the first batch of catalogues the next morning!

“I think Bob is the kindest person I have ever known.”

Charlotte Halliday

“How he devoted himself to painting! He worked with huge energy and application. He was forever on the move – all those journeys abroad with his painting equipment. He went to China, Australia, Italy, France, Iran and Russia. Then he would return laden with sketches, that he worked up into large, finished paintings.”

Richard Sorrell

“Driving up from deepest Dorset, I would often break my journey, staying with Bob and Sue overnight and enjoying their wonderful hospitality. Then up before 5am for a ‘dawn raid’ into London before the traffic, a huge fry-up breakfast at the local greasy spoon, with many cups of tea and lots of laughter before dashing back to help hang the exhibition . . . What memories!”

Richard Pikesley


Tom Coates was one of the ‘titans’ of the NEAC – a Past President and ‘Chief Hanger’ at our Annual Exhibitions.

He was a real character and a showman who was loved and admired by his fellow members, some of whom share their memories below

“Tom was my mentor and a wonderful friend. He had the remarkable ability to work in oils, pastels and watercolours with equal fluency regardless of subject, be it horses or portraits, townscapes or coast.”

Felicity House

“When we go to a Coates exhibition, we look for those revealing moments in paint – his wife, Mary, sitting on some terrace, painting in wonderful continental light . . . or Mary’s daughter, Julie, looking intensely at a distant landscape from some sheltered spot. Tom’s subject matter was truly embracing in its content, as was the man himself.”

Maurice Sheppard

“A wonderful artist and brilliant draughtsman. Tom could work in any medium and his skill as a portrait painter, capturing the essence of his sitter with an expressive fluency, was a marvel to witness.”

Patrick Cullen

“An inspiration ever since I watched him work at ‘Art in Action’ when I was a child. He was brilliant, so very assured, a superb tonalist but also a first-rate draughtsman.”

Benjamin Hope

Afternoon Sun, Port de Soller

“A wonderful person, as well as a great artist. I became a member of the NEAC during his presidency and witnessed his incredible skills in hanging exhibitions.”

Melissa Scott-Miller

“His energy, generosity, and unwavering support for the NEAC are legendary. His wonderful paintings enhanced all the exhibitions, and the time and effort he put in as chief hanger over the years made all the difference.”

Diana Calvert

“Tom was the first living artist whose paintings I fell in love with. He invited me to join the NEAC when I was just setting out as a full-time artist.”

Andrew Macara

“A lively, warm-hearted man who was an important part of the figurative art world with his beautiful paintings over the many years.”

Francis Bowyer & the Bowyer family

“Such a fine painter and one of the kindest and most caring people I’ve ever met. I also remember him being a fine carver of the ham at many NEAC Christmas parties.”

June Berry

“Modest, self-deprecating and always helping and encouraging others, I don’t know how he found time to paint for himself! He was also such fun and great company. Thank you, Tom. Your memory will live forever in your paintings.”

Susan Ryder



14 x 20 cm



Oil on canvas

50 x 50 cm



Oil on canvas

76 x 122 cm





40 x 34 cm


Portrait of a Man

Oil on board

41 x 30 cm




A Walk in the Park Oil

50 x 47 cm




Oil on canvas

60 x 60 cm



Oil on panel

23 x 30 cm



Michelin House

Oil on canvas

41 x 51 cm


Sedum and other Autumn Flowers


35 x 28 cm


The Golden Hour in SmugglersCove


28 x 35 cm




Oil on canvas

70 x 115 cm


Treasures from the East


36 x 36 cm


Frank’s Model Oil on board

76 x 56 cm


DIANA CHARNLEY JANE CORSELLIS PETER CLOSSICK PAUL CURTIS Studio, Porthmeor Beach, St Ives Acrylic 60 x 60 cm £1,350

Abstract Oil

76 x 50 cm


Red Room Windowsill I Oil on gesso panel

120 x 70 cm



Earth Has No Reset Button


134 x 168 cm




60 x 60 cm


35 x 25 cm


SAIED DAI Towers Oil on linen JOHN DOBBS Oil

BoywithNecklace Oil on canvas

37 x 37 cm


After Poussin’s Adoration of The Golden Calf Oil on canvas

60 x 86 cm


SnowscapeLateAfternoon Oil

61 x 61 cm





Pencil and watercolour

27 x 19 cm



The Artist, Sarah Oil on linen on board

50 x 40 cm


50 x 40 cm


Urban Dreams - The Florist


122 x 91 cm





Oil on panel

51 x 51 cm


Tom’s Chinese Vase

Oil on canvas

36 x 46 cm



Cashel Blue & Pears

Pastel drawing

37 x 52 cm




101 x 75 cm



59 x 41 cm


ANDREW JAMES Charcoal on paper JULIE JACKSON Oil on canvas

I Am Here And You Are Where You Are Oil on gesso panel

30 x 33 cm


StudioView(CentralAvenue) Oil

80 x 61 cm



Three Lemons on a Dish Oil on board

25 x 28 cm


Pigment on linen

122 x 91 cm





Oil on linen canvas

66 x 102 cm





40 x 35 cm



Golden Line


17 x 26 cm





46 x 56 cm




Oil on paper

39 x 37 cm




Oil on board

18 x 28 cm


The Kiss Mixed media

93 x 122


Summer at Nettleton Oil on board

35 x 44 cm


Posy Oil on linen

46 x 38 cm




Acrylic on board

60 x 112 cm


Green Hills Oil

30 x 30 cm



BigSky,NorthfromtheHillfort,Abbotsbury Oil on board

38 x 41 cm




The Crowded Pool Oil on canvas

46 x 61 cm


92 x 72 cm



Oil on canvas

51 x 71 cm



51 x 66 cm


SUSAN RYDER TheMantelpiece Oil on canvas



Oil on canvas

120 x 100 cm



ElephantandMahout Oil on board

30 x 30 cm


Still,AfterSwinging Oil on linen

46 x 41 cm




TheLepidopterist’sDream Oil on gesso panel

51 x 38 cm


OpeningDoor Oil

61 x 49 cm



Egg tempera

45 x 60 cm


RUTH STAGE Summer Peonies

84 x 90 cm


SARAH SPENCER Hazelwood Marshes Oil

The Bar at The Bull Oil on canvas

75 x 75 cm


TheFamily Oil

61 x 46 cm





21 x 63 cm



Oil on canvas

76 x 36 cm



Watercolour and collage on paper

56 x 79 cm



The Three Graces

Oil on panel

60 x 60 cm



Self Oil

27 x 22 cm



Selection Panel V7


19 x 28 cm






38 x 29 cm


Studio Dusk Oil on board

87 x 58 cm




Oil on canvas

30 x 50 cm


Sunset 4 Oil on board

33 x 39 cm


Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £
Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 1 Jacqueline Abel In the Mountains Oil on board 12 x 19 15 x 22 320 2 Jacqueline Abel Small Brown Pot Oil on board 20 x 20 21 x 21 450 3 Patricia Adderley Bankside Yards 4 Charcoal on paper 37 x 53 45 x 60 600 4 Tomás Aguilar Calle Adán Oil 15 x 20 17 x 23 350 5 Tomás Aguilar Santa Fe Oil 15 x 20 17 x 23 350 6 Zahra Akbari Baseri Furrow Mechanical pencil on paper 80 x 80 85 x 85 1,400 7 Georgina Allen Hampshire, Spring Oil on panel 20 x 40 30 x 50 650 8 Georgina Allen Somerset, Towards Wales Oil on panel 20 x 40 30 x 50 650 9 Kayoon Anderson Grandpa and Baby in Orange Oil on canvas 50 x 40 1,000 10 Michelle Anderson November Afternoon, Baschurch Road Oil 24 x 30 29 x 35 450 11 Diana Armfield RA HNEAC PS Full Summer Bunch Oil on canvas 25 x 22 39 x 35 7,500 12 Diana Armfield RA HNEAC PS Golden Light on the Sheep and Pastel 14 x 20 32 x 39 2,000 the Branches 13 Diana Armfield RA HNEAC PS Sheep Gathering, Winter in Wales Etching 22 x 28 39 x 48 1,500 14 Diana Armfield RA HNEAC PS Sheep Gathering Round, Llwynhir Etching 28 x 28 34 x 33 1,200 15 T.F. Ashley Natural History Museum, Oxford Pencil, charcoal, pen and ink 166 x 110 178 x 122 6,000 16 T.F. Ashley St Paul’s Cathedral Dome: Pencil 69 x 46 1,800 Working Perspective Drawing 17 Sharron Astbury-Petit Reclining with Venus Acrylic, graphite and pencil 36 x 28 39 x 32 850 on wood panel 18 Gabriella Bailey Seated Figure with Lilies Oil on board 30 x 28 32 x 30 480 19 Gabriella Bailey Self Portrait Oil on board 28 x 25 30 x 27 450 20 Louise Balaam NEAC Last Light (Kent Marshes) Oil on canvas 50 x 50 50 x 50 3,750 21 Louise Balaam NEAC Storm Clouds Moving Through, Flatford Mixed media on paper 24 x 24 42 x 44 475 22 Louise Balaam NEAC Tide Turning, Blakeney Oil on panel 20 x 23 40 x 43 795 23 Louise Balaam NEAC With Marshwood Vale in the Distance Oil on panel 18 x 24 38 x 44 795 24 Peter Baldwin Approaching Storm Oil 26 x 45 31 x 51 800 25 Louise Banks The Handing Down Gouache, acrylic and 35 x 52 42 x 59 620 ink on paper 26 Louise Banks The Mussel Harvest Gouache, acrylic and 35 x 52 43 x 60 620 ink on paper 27 David Bassinder After the Rain Oil 30 x 42 33 x 45 770 28 David Bassinder Winter Retreat Oil 30 x 30 33 x 33 680 29 Richard Bawden NEAC Picking Apples Linocut 40 x 34 66 x 55 360 30 Richard Bawden NEAC Red Admiral and Lord Bute Hand coloured etching 29 x 20 36 x 30 325 31 Tom Benjamin NEAC Calm Sea Oil on canvas 61 x 76 64 x 79 3,000 32 Tom Benjamin NEAC Gloucester Road Brighton, Oil on board 28 x 36 31 x 39 920 Sunlight after Rain 33 Tom Benjamin NEAC Late Autumn on Sydney Street Oil on board 25 x 20 28 x 23 750 34 Tom Benjamin NEAC Rockpools at Hope Gap Oil on canvas 76 x 122 79 x 125 5,000
Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 35 Tim Benson NEAC FROI RP Anna in her Overalls Oil on board 22 x 14 1,000 36 Tim Benson NEAC FROI RP Day’s End, Norfolk Oil on board 30 x 41 1,400 37 Tim Benson NEAC FROI RP January Sky, 16.45 Oil on board 30 x 41 1,400 38 Tim Benson NEAC FROI RP Portrait of a Man Oil on board 41 x 30 1,200 39 June Berry NEAC A Walk in the Park Oil 50 x 47 60 x 57 2,000 40 June Berry NEAC African Violet in the Studio Watercolour and gouache 41 x 31 60 x 49 1,000 41 June Berry NEAC Painting the Barn Charcoal and conte 41 x 46 62 x 67 1,500 42 June Berry NEAC Storm in the Estuary Watercolour 48 x 67 69 x 91 3,000 43 James Bland NEAC The Dock Tower Oil on panel 30 x 23 34 x 27 700 44 James Bland NEAC The Ice Factory Oil on panel 23 x 30 27 x 34 700 45 James Bland NEAC The Square Oil on canvas 23 x 30 27 x 34 700 46 Uri Blayer Rocks of the Burren Oil on linen 45 x 106 49 x 110 4,000 47 Francis Bowyer NEAC Boats at Rest Oil on board 14 x 28 30 x 43 750 48 Francis Bowyer NEAC Down by the Harbour, Southwold Oil on board 26 x 31 43 x 49 1,150 49 Francis Bowyer NEAC The Young Gardeners Oil on canvas 60 x 60 80 x 78 3,000 50 Francis Bowyer NEAC Towards Southwold Oil on board 15 x 30 31 x 45 950 51 Julienne Braham Tea Break Oil on canvas 80 x 80 84 x 84 2,400 52 Scott Brockett Myra in her Living Room Pastel on paper 42 x 59 50 x 70 850 53 Bob Brown HNEAC Boats at Avranche, Against the Light Oil 46 x 51 NFS 54 Bob Brown HNEAC Col de L’Iseran, France Oil 92 x 112 4,000 55 Bob Brown HNEAC Craven Fishery in Winter Oil 46 x 56 NFS 56 Bob Brown HNEAC Red Blind, Dornton Road - Window Sill Oil 76 x 76 NFS 57 Bob Brown HNEAC Self Portrait in Brown Smock, Studio, Oil 41 x 32 NFS Chestnut Rd 58 Peter Brown PPNEAC PS RBA ROI Hattie in the Studio, Bright Oil on canvas 89 x 76 103 x 90 15,000 Summer Morning 59 Peter Brown PPNEAC PS RBA ROI Marylebone High Street with Oil on board 25 x 31 39 x 45 2,850 Christmas Lights, Afternoon Winter Sun 60 Peter Brown PPNEAC PS RBA ROI Marylebone High Street with Oil on canvas 31 x 41 45 x 55 4,250 Christmas Lights, Rain 61 Peter Brown PPNEAC PS RBA ROI Michelin House Oil on canvas 41 x 51 55 x 65 5,850 62 Steve Browning Howth Harbour Acrylic on board 15 x 20 35 x 40 350 63 Diana Calvert NEAC Carnations Oil 23 x 17 31 x 25 485 64 Diana Calvert NEAC Plums Oil 26 x 25 35 x 34 850 65 Diana Calvert NEAC Sedum and other Autumn Flowers Oil 35 x 28 47 x 40 1,100 66 Diana Calvert NEAC Spring Flowers Oil 21 x 24 27 x 30 785 67 David Carpanini NEAC Late Summer Glade in the Val d’Orcia Acrylic 28 x 19 45 x 40 850 68 David Carpanini NEAC Snowfall on the Birch Grove Acrylic 27 x 39 46 x 58 1,350 69 David Carpanini NEAC The Golden Hour in Smugglers Cove Acrylic 28 x 35 51 x 57 1,450 70 David Carpanini NEAC Three Shires Acrylic 28 x 35 51 x 57 1,350
Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 71 Rae Birch Carter David Dancing Acrylic on paper 70 x 50 80 x 60 680 72 Rae Birch Carter Revellers Acrylic and oil on paper 60 x 73 72 x 84 995 73 Rae Birch Carter Small Screen Lovers Acrylic and oil on paper 47 x 38 61 x 48 790
Rae Birch Carter Teenagers Acrylic and oil on paper 47 x 61 62 x 76 985
Jonathan Chan Sef in Blue Oil on canvas board 20 x 20 22 x 22 550 76 Diana Charnley NEAC Harry Oil on board 50 x 50 50 x 59 525 77 Diana Charnley NEAC Mother Oil on canvas 90 x 120 90 x 120 980 78 Diana Charnley NEAC Paper Over Oil on canvas 70 x 115 70 x 115 850 79 Diana Charnley NEAC Working at the Table Oil on canvas 24 x 30 24 x 30 500 80 Rosie Clark On a High Stool Pencil 47 x 34 63 x 50 575 81 Duncan Clarke Large Trees Oil on board 80 x 93 84 x 97 3,250 82 Duncan Clarke Summer Landscape with Telegraph Poles Oil on board 40 x 76 58 x 94 2,400 83 Peter Clossick NEAC Francoise Oil monoprint 55 x 40 60 x 45 950 84 Peter Clossick NEAC Frank’s Model Oil on board 76 x 56 80 x 60 2,000 85 Peter Clossick NEAC Hagar Qim Oil on canvas 107 x 75 112 x 80 4,000 86 Peter Clossick NEAC Two Skulls Charcoal on paper 53 x 50 55 x 52 750 87 Tom Coates HNEAC PS RBA RP Afternoon Sun, Port de Soller Oil on canvas 76 x 102 86 x 112 10,000 88 Tom Coates HNEAC PS RBA RP Camel Riders Resting, Cairo Watercolour and gouache 28 x 38 42 x 52 950 89 Tom Coates HNEAC PS RBA RP Mary Painting in the Hills Basilicata Oil on canvas 41 x 51 44 x 64 4,000 90 Tom Coates HNEAC PS RBA RP The Tuscan Hills Oil on board 13 x 26 23 x 35 NFS 91 Austin Cole RBA Nr Castello Venice Etching with aquatint on paper 31 x 47 68 x 45 430 92 Austin Cole RBA Seville Night Scene Etching with aquatint on paper 12 x 29 28 x 40 305 93 Tessa Coleman NEAC Red Room Windowsill I Oil on gesso panel 120 x 70 125 x 75 4,900 94 Tessa Coleman NEAC Studio Windowsill II Oil on gesso panel 100 x 76 105 x 81 4,500 95 Michael Collins Whitstable Backs Alkyd 30 x 40 40 x 50 850 96 Michael Cooper NEAC Abstract Oil 76 x 50 80 x 55 2,500 97 Michael Cooper NEAC Self Portrait Oil 61 x 51 64 x 54 2,000 98 Michael Cooper NEAC Still Life Oil 51 x 41 64 x 56 2,000 99 Jane Corsellis NEAC Morning Sunshine Etching 19 x 16 39 x 36 500 100 Jane Corsellis NEAC Pot with Golden Glaze Oil 30 x 30 43 x 43 1,650 101 Jane Corsellis NEAC The Leopard Pot Oil 30 x 30 43 x 43 1,650 102 Jane Corsellis NEAC Treasures from the East Oil 36 x 36 43 x 43 1,850 103 Alex Cree Dark Skies, Sutton Poyntz Oil on board 17 x 26 20 x 29 460 104 James Crittenden PS Old Olive Tree 2 Etching and drypoint 71 x 50 86 x 64 595 105 Belinda Crozier Anne at the Jubilee Party Oil on gesso panel 58 x 43 61 x 46 2,250 106 Belinda Crozier Enid Pencil on paper 34 x 25 44 x 35 950 107 Patrick Cullen PNEAC Boats, Varanasi, Hazy Day Oil 30 x 37 35 x 42 950 108 Patrick Cullen PNEAC Earth Has No Reset Button Watercolour 134 x 168 150 x 184 12,000 109 Patrick Cullen PNEAC Marcialla Houses from the Pastel 59 x 80 77 x 95 4,000 Vegetable Plots, Tuscany
Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 110 Patrick Cullen PNEAC Vines in Autumn near Marcialla, Tuscany Oil 76 x 96 95 x 115 5,500 111 Paul Curtis NEAC Hyacinth and a Winter Sea, Cornwall Acrylic 16 x 16 30 x 30 850 112 Paul Curtis NEAC Rainy Day, Eastbourne Pier Acrylic 60 x 87 68 x 90 2,200 113 Paul Curtis NEAC Studio, Porthmeor Beach, St Ives Acrylic 60 x 60 66 x 66 1,350 114 Paul Curtis NEAC Two Beaches and a Spring Flower, St Ives Acrylic 50 x 72 52 x 74 1,750 115 Saied Dai NEAC RP Towers Oil on linen 60 x 60 74 x 74 9,250 116 Sarah Dawnay Landlines Oil 37 x 50 45 x 58 650 117 Aldo De Silvestri Émilie Oil on paper 42 x 30 50 x 38 1,000 118 John Dobbs NEAC SWLA Daffodils and Corner of Studio, Sink 1963 Oil 35 x 25 39 x 28 800 119 John Dobbs NEAC SWLA Daffodils with Boy and Car 1955 Oil 35 x 25 39 x 28 800 120 John Dobbs NEAC SWLA Flowers and Woman Reading 1959 Oil 30 x 25 34 x 28 750 121 John Dobbs NEAC SWLA Flowers in a Jar, Recollections of a Visit Oil 35 x 25 39 x 28 800 to Leningrad 1965 122 Camilla Dowse St Aubyns and Kingsway, Hove (Study) Acrylic on gesso 15 x 15 19 x 19 300 123 Genevieve Draper Memory Oil on canvas 39 x 29 51 x 42 1,800 124 John Duffin W1A - BBC and All Souls Church, Etching 61 x 46 80 x 60 995 Langham Place 125 Pippa Edwards Melon Seller Lahore Acrylic 20 x 20 32 x 32 375 126 Ginny Elston Fence and Field, Newtonmore I Soft pastel on paper 21 x 30 30 x 40 950 127 Oskar Evers Emotion I Acrylic 50 x 50 55 x 55 400 128 Anthony Eyton OBE RA Eden Project, Construction 1998 Pastel on board 83 x 122 100 x 138 17,500 129 Anthony Eyton OBE RA Mantelpiece and Chair Oil on canvas 100 x 109 105 x 115 23,500 130 Alex Fowler NEAC After Poussin’s Adoration of Oil on canvas 60 x 86 74 x 100 4,500 The Golden Calf 131 Alex Fowler NEAC Peony in a Blue Jug Oil on canvas 38 x 30 37 x 39 1,500 132 Alex Fowler NEAC Pink Tulips Oil on canvas 40 x 36 49 x 44 1,600 133 Alex Fowler NEAC Still Life with Aubergines Oil on canvas 81 x 76 90 x 84 4,000 134 Ethan Fox Untitled Oil 15 x 10 20 x 15 300 135 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Garden Study Winter Oil 36 x 36 49 x 49 850 136 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA Snowscape Late Afternoon Oil 61 x 61 74 x 74 1,600 137 Judith Gardner NEAC RBA White Moon Oil 21 x 21 34 x 34 500 138 Paul Gildea NEAC Blossom Oil on canvas 20 x 20 22 x 22 1,800 139 Paul Gildea NEAC Boy with Necklace Oil on canvas 37 x 37 39 x 39 2,200 140 Paul Gildea NEAC Doe a Deer Oil on canvas 62 x 100 7,000 141 Paul Gildea NEAC Storm Oil on canvas 40 x 40 1,500 142 Natalia Glinoer The Two Cups Etching 15 x 10 25 x 20 550 143 Rosie Good North Road Wasteland Graphite, pencil and 100 x 74 106 x 79 1,200 watercolour on paper 144 Rosie Good Quarryman’s House, Plymbridge Woods Graphite, watercolour and 98 x 135 110 x 145 1,500 pencil on paper
Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 145 Raina Goran Battersea Acrylic and collage 42 x 54 56 x 68 1,200 146 Sarah Granville Warren House Gouache 24 x 35 36 x 47 580 147 Judi Green Umbrella Pine, Pignano Acrylic and graphite on paper 77 x 57 89 x 69 850
Orna Greenberg Rainbow Trout Oil 20 x 41 35 x 56 950 149 Caroline Hall Climping After Storm Ciaran Oil on wood 30 x 40 33 x 43 550 150 Charlotte Halliday NEAC Magpies in Townshend Road Pencil and watercolour 27 x 19 43 x 33 750 151 Charlotte Halliday NEAC March Primroses with Dead Nettles Watercolour and pencil 17 x 15 30 x 27 550 152 Charlotte Halliday NEAC St. John’s Wood, Early Spring Watercolour and pencil 19 x 23 34 x 36 750 153 Charlotte Halliday NEAC The Red Cyclamen Watercolour and pencil 26 x 21 43 x 35 700 154 Hector Hamilton Dusk Sugarlift and drypoint on 51 x 61 57 x 70 750 aluminium 155 Mike Hankin Cottage in Carmarthenshire Gouache and watercolour 59 x 84 75 x 100 1,100 156 Lela Harris Mother Tongue Charcoal 60 x 40 70 x 50 950 157 Clare Haward NEAC Arrangement (Jurassic Coast) Oil on linen on board 28 x 38 30 x 40 1,400 158 Clare Haward NEAC Painter Oil on linen on board 68 x 42 70 x 44 2,000 159 Clare Haward NEAC Pett Levels: October 2023 Oil on linen on board 30 x 42 32 x 44 1,100 160 Clare Haward NEAC The Artist, Sarah Oil on linen on board 50 x 40 52 x 42 1,600 161 Julia Hawkins NEAC ROI Alice in Afghan Hat Oil 50 x 40 64 x 54 900 162 Julia Hawkins NEAC ROI Column of San Marco, Early Morning Oil 26 x 31 36 x 41 700 163 Julia Hawkins NEAC ROI Daniel and Bailey Oil 30 x 40 40 x 50 700 164 Julia Hawkins NEAC ROI Piazza San Marco on a Windy Day Oil 25 x 35 35 x 45 700 165 Julie Held NEAC Self Portrait Mixed media on canvas 183 x 91 8,000 166 Julie Held NEAC Urban Dreams - Dusk Acrylic on canvas 122 x 91 6,000 167 Julie Held NEAC Urban Dreams - The Florist Acrylic 122 x 91 6,000 168 Ronald Hellen Still Life and Prospect Cottage, Acrylic on canvas 60 x 60 67 x 67 975 Dungeness 169 Jack Hewitt Another Idle Point in Time Oil 60 x 50 62 x 52 3,000 170 Andrew Hitchcock Knights in Armour Egg tempera 13 x 18 20 x 25 850 171 Jonathan Hooper Granby Terrace, Headingley, Leeds Oil on board 31 x 41 34 x 44 600 172 Benjamin Hope NEAC PS ROI RP RSMA Long Shadows, Tranquil Vale Oil on canvas 51 x 51 61 x 61 2,700 173 Benjamin Hope NEAC PS ROI RP RSMA Morning Paper Oil on panel 51 x 51 61 x 61 2,700 174 Benjamin Hope NEAC PS ROI RP RSMA Shooters Hill Crossing Oil 31 x 41 41 x 51 1,700 175 Charlotte Houlihan The Gentlemen’s Art Club Oil, Indian ink, graphite and 91 x 122 91 x 122 1,300 pastel on panel 176 Felicity House NEAC PS At the Russell Cotes Mixed media 48 x 48 62 x 62 950 177 Felicity House NEAC PS Cashel Blue & Pears Pastel drawing 37 x 52 48 x 63 850 178 Felicity House NEAC PS Garden at Hotel de L’Orange Oil 25 x 31 39 x 44 850 179 Felicity House NEAC PS Kitchen Composite Pastel drawing 37 x 52 48 x 63 850 180 Owain Hunt Beard Pincher 2022 Oil 60 x 40 2,250
Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 181 Owain Hunt Man with a Smirk 2024 Oil 45 x 35 2,000 182 Owain Hunt Reclining Figure 2024 Oil 15 x 20 500 183 Owain Hunt The Artist’s Brother 2024 Oil 35 x 25 1,250 184 Hannah Alice Jackson Patience Acrylic on board 10 x 10 20 x 20 500
Julie Jackson NEAC Billabong, Old Gympie Road QLD Oil on canvas 101 x 75 105 x 79 2,495 186 Julie Jackson NEAC Little Rocky Creek, Gubbi Gubbi Site QLD Oil on gesso board 90 x 40 92 x 42 1,650 187 Julie Jackson NEAC Noosa Forest QLD Oil on canvas 105 x 95 109 x 99 2,495 188 Julie Jackson NEAC Time May Change Me Drawing on paper 77 x 62 1,250 189 Katherine Jackson Snowdrops Oil on panel 30 x 30 37 x 37 800 190 Mary Jackson NEAC Freshly Picked Field Mushrooms Oil on board 24 x 35 45 x 55 1,500 191 Mary Jackson NEAC The Overture Watercolour and gouache 25 x 35 45 x 55 800 192 Mary Jackson NEAC Tom Painting with his Friends in the Oil on canvas 41 x 71 48 x 78 3,000 Riverbed, Basilicata 193 Mary Jackson NEAC Tom’s Chinese Vase Oil on canvas 36 x 46 48 x 58 1,950 194 Andrew James NEAC RP Derly Charcoal on paper 59 x 41 70 x 52 1,200 195 Andrew James NEAC RP Misty Allotment Oil on canvas on board 51 x 38 58 x 44 2,500 196 Andrew James NEAC RP Romney Marsh Oil on canvas on board 58 x 40 64 x 46 2,500 197 Andrew James NEAC RP The Old Cinema, Hastings Oil on canvas on board 58 x 40 64 x 46 2,000 198 Craig Jefferson NEAC Daffodils Oil 182 x 122 182 x 122 7,500 199 Craig Jefferson NEAC Self Portrait Oil 61 x 51 71 x 61 2,900 200 Craig Jefferson NEAC Studio View (Central Avenue) Oil 80 x 61 90 x 71 3,500 201 Craig Jefferson NEAC Studio View Study (Central Avenue) Graphite 78 x 51 88 x 61 1,600 202 Victoria Jinivizian NEAC Catherine’s Room in Provence Oil on gesso panel 23 x 35 41 x 53 1,250 203 Victoria Jinivizian NEAC I Am Here And You Are Where You Are Oil on gesso panel 30 x 33 48 x 51 1,350 204 Victoria Jinivizian NEAC Interior, Patrick and Joan Leigh Fermor’s, Oil on gesso panel 31 x 43 48 x 61 1,650 Kardamyli, Greece 205 Victoria Jinivizian NEAC The Old Portrait Studio at Juliet’s (II) Pencil 42 x 60 48 x 66 525 206 Frederick Jones Hidden Wood engraving 20 x 15 38 x 30 300 207 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA Entrance to the Chateau Oil on board 20 x 30 33 x 45 1,250 208 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA Still Life with Clementines in a Silver Dish Oil on board 22 x 27 36 x 41 1,850 209 Pamela Kay NEAC RBA Three Lemons on a Dish Oil on board 25 x 28 41 x 43 1,750 210 Peter Kettle Duncasby Stacks, Near John o’ Groats Oil on canvas 100 x 50 105 x 55 3,850 211 Peter Kettle Llangorse Lake, Brecon Beacons Oil on canvas 50 x 60 65 x 75 2,250 212 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Bamboo Drawing Class - Study Pigment on linen 26 x 21 36 x 31 1,500 213 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Spike Pigment on linen 132 x 89 142 x 99 6,850 214 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Spike Study Pigment on linen 26 x 21 36 x 31 1,500 215 Michael Kirkbride NEAC Vinyl Pigment on linen 122 x 91 125 x 94 6,850 216 Luke Knight Beacon Oil on board 20 x 26 26 x 30 450 217 Luke Knight Chapel Porth Oil on board 28 x 36 32 x 40 750 218 Victoria Kurrein The First Iris Oil 30 x 24 33 x 26 375

Candlestick No.4

Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 219 Deborah Laidlaw Domestic Chess Oil on wood cradle board 59 x 84 77 x 102 2,500 220 Maxim Langford Arnold Charcoal 57 x 50 500 221 Lena Larsson Green Cup Acrylic 15 x 15 300
Kenneth Le Riche Unscripted Composition with Horse Acrylic on panel 92 x 122 106 x 136 2,750
Lee Tuileries Cup and Tripod Tree Oil on acid-free paper 24 x 35 29 x 40 1,400
223 Chien Hsun
224 Barbara Leidl Dominic (and Bird) Oil on linen 41 x 31 46 x 36 900 225 Jason Line NEAC Bric-a-brac Charcoal 56 x 76 68 x 88 1,600 226 Jason Line NEAC Open Window Oil 40 x 35 42 x 37 2,000 227 Jason Line NEAC Still Life with Ginger Jar Oil 25 x 30 27 x 32 1,400 228 Jason Line NEAC Still Life with Shell Oil 50 x 55 54 x 59 3,200 229 Alex James Long Spring at the Cottage Oil on board 30 x 24 39 x 33 550 230 Norman Long Heat of the Day Oil on board 30 x 20 42 x 32 595 231 Norman Long Pall Mall with Institute of Directors Oil on board 30 x 25 42 x 37 650 232 Andrew Macara NEAC Fishermen’s Huts, Milos, Greek Islands Oil on linen canvas 31 x 51 51 x 71 1,850 233 Andrew Macara NEAC Playing Ball, Adamas, Milos Oil on linen canvas 41 x 51 61 x 71 2,350 234 Andrew Macara NEAC Spring Snow, Wirksworth Oil on linen canvas 66 x 102 86 x 122 4,850 235 Niall MacCrann At the Midsummer Fair #1 Etching with aquatint 30 x 40 35 x 45 345 236 Michelle Maddox Cups Having Fun Oil on linen 30 x 40 32 x 42 750 237 Michelle Maddox Self Portrait in the Studio Oil on linen 35 x 45 37 x 47 850 238 Michelle Maddox Studio View Oil on linen 30 x 24 32 x 25 650 239 Rod Major Cucuron, Provence, France Oil on board 25 x 30 38 x 43 575 240 Sarah Manolescue ROI Four O’clock Shadow Oil on panel 26 x 31 36 x 40 895 241 Sarah Manolescue ROI View from Trundle Hill, Late September Oil on panel 16 x 41 26 x 51 895 242 Tom Marsh AROI ARSMA Hennesseys, No. 80 Northcote Rd, Oil on board 20 x 41 24 x 45 950 Clapham 243 Binny Mathews Hare Today Gone Tomorrow Acrylic and oil on canvas 50 x 50 56 x 56 2,300 244 Binny Mathews Top View Acrylic and oil 51 x 51 57 x 57 3,000 245 Connor Mcintyre JUBILUM Mixed media on wood panel 84 x 240 4,500 246 Anastasia Mironova Portrait of a Man with a Scarf Charcoal 60 x 42 64 x 46 650 247 Loraine Monk Blue Dreaming Aquatint etching 40 x 30 40 x 30 225 248 Billy Moon Stripped Uncertainty Acrylic on wood 22 x 14 25 x 17 650 249 Bridget Moore NEAC RBA Golden Line Gouache 17 x 26 37 x 44 875 250 Bridget Moore NEAC RBA Work Horse Gouache 19 x 26 39 x 44 875 251 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Beechwood, Autumn Oil 46 x 57 56 x 66 2,500 252 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Blenheim Palace Watercolour 10 x 9 30 x 39 300 253 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Venice Oil 47 x 56 51 x 71 2,700 254 Anthony Morris NEAC RP Walking in the Snow, Magdalen, Oxford Oil 46 x 56 62 x 71 2,600 255 Peg Morris Matera Etching 33 x 86 40 x 94 775 256 Leon Morrocco RSA Hills Near Saint-Remy Oil on canvas 107 x 92 POA

Leon Morrocco RSA Row of Houses beneath Mountainside, Charcoal pencil, gouache

Near Gourdon and oil pastel on paper

Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £
42 x 60 POA
John Murphy-Woolford Dried Rose Oil on panel 25 x 25 29 x 29 850
John Murphy-Woolford Dried Sunflower Oil on panel 15 x 15 19 x 19 650
Arthur Neal NEAC Conversation at the Edge of the Sea Oil on canvas 30 x 25 30 x 25 1,500 261 Arthur Neal NEAC Departure Oil on board 26 x 43 38 x 55 1,750 262 Arthur Neal NEAC Figures by the Sea Oil on board 35 x 25 43 x 25 1,650 263 Arthur Neal NEAC Study for Pearl I Oil on paper 39 x 37 54 x 52 1,850 264 Rob Neil Weymouth Harbour Oil on paper 30 x 25 37 x 33 850
Paul Newland NEAC Kingston: The Street Oil on board 18 x 28 27 x 39 800 266 Paul Newland NEAC Near Lewes: Changing Light Oil on canvas 61 x 82 64 x 86 3,250 267 Paul Newland NEAC River and Cliff: High Summer Oil on board 25 x 35 28 x 38 1,050 268 Paul Newland NEAC Secluded House Oil on canvas 46 x 66 49 x 70 2,250 269 Li Ning The Double Oil on canvas 90 x 65 4,500 270 Polly Nuttall Outside 1 Oil on linen board 40 x 40 42 x 42 1,400 271 Taidg O’Malley Piazza del Campo Rooftops, Siena Emulsion paint 60 x 60 900 272 Vicki Olverson Lesirikan Oil on paper 30 x 30 49 x 49 1,150 273 William Packer NEAC PS RBA Peony Buds Oil on linen 51 x 41 55 x 46 2,500 274 William Packer NEAC PS RBA Posy Oil on linen 46 x 38 50 x 42 2,500 275 Shanti Panchal HRBA The Book of Revelation Watercolour 77 x 58 93 x 73 9,900 276 Patricia Paolozzi Cain NEAC Locating Independence Mixed media 50 x 40 55 x 45 950 277 Patricia Paolozzi Cain NEAC Not Form, Content (2024) Mixed media 56 x 39 60 x 45 950 278 Patricia Paolozzi Cain NEAC The Kiss Mixed media 93 x 122 97 x 129 4,800 279 Melvyn Petterson NEAC RBA Costa Rica Oil on canvas 24 x 36 42 x 52 850 280 Melvyn Petterson NEAC RBA Summer at Nettleton Oil on board 35 x 44 52 x 62 1,750 281 Melvyn Petterson NEAC RBA Yellow Lincolnshire Oil on canvas 30 x 40 43 x 56 1,250 282 William Pierce Trainers Pastel and charcoal on paper 38 x 27 51 x 40 375 283 Richard Pikesley PPNEAC Big Sky, North from the Hillfort, Oil on board 38 x 41 54 x 56 1,950 Abbotsbury 284 Richard Pikesley PPNEAC Lights Coming On, Tea Huts and Dog, Oil on board 25 x 38 42 x 50 1,450 West Bay 285 Richard Pikesley PPNEAC Looking at Goats, Melplash Oil on board 18 x 30 33 x 46 950 286 Richard Pikesley PPNEAC Queuing for Chips, West Bay Oil on board 25 x 38 35 x 45 1,400 287 Ilona Pimbert Solar Colours Monoprint on paper 77 x 111 86 x 120 1,450 288 Cathy Pink Winter Jasmine Egg tempera on gesso panel 30 x 40 32 x 42 1,100 289 Neil Pittaway NEAC At the Heights of Machu Picchu, Peru Acrylic on board 60 x 112 67 x 118 2,150 290 Neil Pittaway NEAC Brunel City Pen, ink, watercolour and 53 x 98 69 x 114 2,450 body-colour 291 Neil Pittaway NEAC First Light on Hiunchuli Peak and Acrylic on board 60 x 121 66 x 127 2,150 Annapurna South, Nepal
Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 292 Neil Pittaway NEAC Wiener Jugendstil Palast Pen and ink 65 x 92 83 x 118 2,150 293 Chris Polunin Underworld Oil on linen 30 x 40 32 x 42 770 294 Chris Polunin White Fence Oil on linen 40 x 50 42 x 52 990 295 Aidan Potts Not Forgotten Watercolour 51 x 36 62 x 47 1,500 296 Ian Price Ruth Oil 50 x 40 60 x 50 800 297 Lauren Prosser Curzon Street Acrylic on canvas 125 x 100 1,500 298 Salliann Putman NEAC Blue Landscape Oil 30 x 30 33 x 33 850 299 Salliann Putman NEAC Green Hills Oil 30 x 30 33 x 33 850 300 Salliann Putman NEAC Pink Sky Oil 30 x 30 33 x 33 850 301 Salliann Putman NEAC Quiet Corner Oil 19 x 19 34 x 34 625 302 Simon Quadrat NEAC Man in Striped Suit Oil on canvas 41 x 51 46 x 56 3,200 303 Simon Quadrat NEAC The Crowded Pool Oil on canvas 46 x 61 49 x 64 3,600 304 Simon Quadrat NEAC The Lido Oil on canvas 65 x 54 69 x 58 4,000 305 Charles Rake NEAC A Continental Shopping Spree Oil on canvas 36 x 26 40 x 30 750 306 Charles Rake NEAC Autumn - Fallen Fruit Oil on canvas 71 x 97 4,200 307 Charles Rake NEAC Coffee at the Cafe Oil on panel 30 x 25 35 x 30 750 308 Charles Rake NEAC Girl Reading by a Window Oil on canvas 51 x 71 2,950 309 Georgina Rey Needles, Isle of Wight Oil 15 x 21 27 x 33 450 310 Georgina Rey View over Treyford, South Downs Oil 16 x 20 17 x 33 400 311 Michael Riddle Listen to the Bees Oil paint on wooden panel 30 x 24 32 x 26 1,500 312 Serena Rowe Petunia Triptych Oil on plywood 20 x 15 30 x 25 1,950 313 Susan Ryder NEAC RP Dower House Bureau Oil on canvas 36 x 36 48 x 48 1,600 314 Susan Ryder NEAC RP Hall Lamps Oil on canvas 56 x 61 73 x 78 4,800 315 Susan Ryder NEAC RP The Mantelpiece Oil on canvas 51 x 66 66 x 81 4,800 316 Glyn Saunders Honfleur Oil 16 x 20 24 x 29 350 317 Glyn Saunders Paris in the Rain Oil 12 x 9 17 x 23 350 318 Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RBA RP Avery’s Springtime Nap Oil on canvas 120 x 100 128 x 108 9,500 319 Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RBA RP February Night in Denmark Street Oil on canvas 50 x 60 53 x 63 2,750 320 Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RBA RP Jeffrey’s View Oil on canvas 60 x 80 68 x 88 6,500 321 Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC RBA RP Waterside Cafe, Little Venice Oil on canvas 40 x 45 43 x 45 3,000 322 Shani Sela Kathryn Oil on paper mounted on wood 17 x 17 20 x 20 800 323 Daniel Shadbolt NEAC Catherine Oil 92 x 72 117 x 87 1,200 324 Daniel Shadbolt NEAC Sunrise Oil 91 x 121 2,500 325 Daniel Shadbolt NEAC White Camellias Oil 65 x 65 82 x 82 1,600 326 Ann Shrager NEAC Elephant and Mahout Oil on board 30 x 30 38 x 38 2,500 327 Ann Shrager NEAC Goat Herder, Evening Oil on board 30 x 30 38 x 38 2,500 328 Ann Shrager NEAC Peacock Oil on board 30 x 30 38 x 38 2,500 329 Mike Skinner Three Blue Chairs Mixed media on board 15 x 21 25 x 31 750 330 Sukey Sleeper Boy Watercolour on paper 17 x 20 NFS 331 Polly Smedley Dad Looking Downwards Oil on canvas 25 x 20 NFS
Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 332 Polly Smedley Head Studies Oil on canvas 15 x 10 NFS 333 Laura Smith NEAC Coats of Sunny Green Oil on linen 36 x 51 1,700 334 Laura Smith NEAC Frizzling Sounds Oil on linen 25 x 25 1,000 335 Laura Smith NEAC Still, After Swinging Oil on linen 46 x 41 1,500 336 Agata Smolska Arrangement in Yellow Oil on paper 31 x 33 39 x 42 750 337 Agata Smolska White Cyclamen Oil on canvas mounted on wood 21 x 24 24 x 26 700 338 Charlotte Sorapure NEAC Shadowland Oil on linen 76 x 51 94 x 68 9,500 339 Charlotte Sorapure NEAC The Lepidopterist’s Dream Oil on gesso panel 51 x 38 65 x 52 9,500 340 Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA Clearing up the Long Gallery Acrylic 26 x 18 42 x 33 950 341 Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA Opening Door Oil 61 x 49 73 x 61 1,900 342 Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA Renovation Project Oil 50 x 36 64 x 49 1,300 343 Richard Sorrell NEAC RBA Telescope Acrylic 23 x 26 39 x 43 900 344 Sarah Spackman RBA ROI Solstice Rose Oil on board 30 x 25 42 x 37 1,300 345 Sarah Spencer NEAC Cley Seascape Oil on panel 23 x 27 27 x 31 1,100 346 Sarah Spencer NEAC Estuary and Dog Oil on panel 21 x 31 24 x 31 1,100 347 Sarah Spencer NEAC Hazelwood Marshes Oil 84 x 90 88 x 94 6,000 348 Sarah Spencer NEAC Seasalter Evening Oil on panel 70 x 100 74 x 104 5,950 349 Ruth Stage NEAC Boating Central Park Egg tempera 45 x 60 49 x 64 1,900 350 Ruth Stage NEAC Clear Waters Egg tempera 45 x 60 49 x 64 1,900 351 Ruth Stage NEAC Midsummer Allotment Egg tempera 26 x 35 30 x 30 900 352 Ruth Stage NEAC Summer Peonies Egg tempera 45 x 60 49 x 64 1,900 353 Kimm Stevens Studio with Flowers Oil on canvas 80 x 120 94 x 132 5,000 354 Sarah Story Bristol Oil on board 30 x 40 1,000 355 Sarah Story Winter’s Table Oil on canvas 30 x 30 32 x 32 600 356 Bernadett Timko Fridge Still Life Oil on board 34 x 32 36 x 34 800 357 Andrew Torr Estate - The End of the Affair Oil on canvas 40 x 40 43 x 43 900 358 Andrew Torr Small Estate Oil on canvas 50 x 50 51 x 51 1,400 359 Patrick Twiss-Prentice After the Haul, Douglas I.O.M. Graphite and charcoal 85 x 56 95 x 66 600 360 Shadi Vahabzadeh The Daughter of the Sun Acrylic on wood 30 x 30 36 x 36 2,250 361 Lorna Vahey NEAC A Bonfire Oil 20 x 20 36 x 36 650 362 Lorna Vahey NEAC The Artist Martyred Oil 20 x 20 33 x 33 600 363 Lorna Vahey NEAC The Family Oil 61 x 46 76 x 61 1,100 364 Lorna Vahey NEAC The Scary Mr Cope Oil 36 x 31 51 x 46 850 365 Claire Venables Pale Blue Water Bomb Oil on linen on panel 20 x 20 24 x 24 695 366 Claire Venables Recreating the By-product Oil on linen on panel 25 x 25 31 x 31 895 367 Anne Waller Self Portrait with Patterned Shirt Oil on panel 21 x 15 24 x 18 475 368 Toby Ward NEAC Bike Repair Station Watercolour and pencil on paper 38 x 57 42 x 64 1,250 369 Toby Ward NEAC Café de la Paix Oil on canvas 51 x 101 4,500 370 Toby Ward NEAC Sevilla Oil on canvas 100 x 70 7,500 371 Toby Ward NEAC The Bar at The Bull Oil on canvas 75 x 75 78 x 78 6,500
Name Title Medium Size (cm) Framed £ 372 Jeanette Watkins BOUQUET Oil on canvas 30 x 40 32 x 42 600 373 Grant Watson NEAC Big Fish Oil on canvas 81 x 122 81 x 122 4,500 374 Grant Watson NEAC Cat Painting Oil on canvas 76 x 36 76 x 36 2,700 375 Grant Watson NEAC Cat Study Charcoal and acrylic on 25 x 20 38 x 33 750 watercolour paper 376 Grant Watson NEAC Horses from the Barracks Charcoal and acrylic on 20 x 25 33 x 38 750 watercolour paper 377 Michael Weller NEAC January Apples Oil 18 x 13 29 x 24 500 378 Michael Weller NEAC Plum and Oranges Oil 18 x 24 29 x 35 600 379 Michael Weller NEAC Weymouth, October 1 Oil 21 x 63 32 x 74 950 380 Michael Weller NEAC Weymouth, October 2 Oil 21 x 63 32 x 74 950 381 Robert E Wells NEAC RBA Clouds Eastbourne Oil on panel 16 x 21 29 x 34 695 382 Robert E Wells NEAC RBA Heart Oil on panel 21 x 21 36 x 36 995 383 Robert E Wells NEAC RBA The Three Graces Oil on panel 60 x 60 72 x 72 3,995 384 Robert E Wells NEAC RBA The Woods Oil on panel 15 x 32 30 x 47 1,100 385 Dave West Harbour Crane Oil 25 x 30 35 x 40 900 386 Jenny Wheatley NEAC Highland Hut in Stormy Weather Watercolour and collage 56 x 79 77 x 99 4,200 on paper 387 Jenny Wheatley NEAC Looking towards the Daymark Acrylic on canvas 61 x 61 76 x 76 2,800 388 Jenny Wheatley NEAC Working Boats and the Daymark Acrylic on canvas 61 x 61 76 x 76 2,800 389 Max White Rise Oil on board 20 x 20 34 x 34 475 390 Max White Summer Haze, Bologna Oil on board 18 x 24 32 x 38 525 391 Michael Whittlesea NEAC Self Oil 27 x 22 69 x 56 1,800 392 Toby Wiggins RP Nestling Figs Oil on gesso panel 20 x 25 23 x 28 1,550 393 Antony Williams NEAC VPRP Study of Margaret Pencil 38 x 29 44 x 35 2,800 394 Charles Williams NEAC Flora Oil on canvas 75 x 55 78 x 58 3,500 395 Charles Williams NEAC Horse and Rider Oil on canvas 45 x 30 48 x 33 910 396 Charles Williams NEAC Selection Panel V7 Watercolour 19 x 28 25 x 33 550 397 Charles Williams NEAC Tired Rider Watercolour 38 x 56 42 x 60 1,200 398 Jacqueline Williams NEAC Studio Dusk Oil on board 87 x 58 94 x 64 4,500 399 Jacqueline Williams NEAC Teatime Oil on card laid on board 28 x 58 34 x 64 2,000 400 Kate Wilson Sugar Pink Pencil on paper 20 x 20 41 x 41 550 401 Duncan Wood NEAC Sunset 4 Oil on board 33 x 39 53 x 59 3,800 402 Duncan Wood NEAC Two Cloud Studies (Diptych) Oil on paper 19 x 14 37 x 26 1,150 403 Manny Woodard My Son Charcoal on paper 72 x 59 88 x 67 600 404 Neale Worley NEAC RP Grey Venice Oil on canvas 30 x 50 41 x 61 4,600 405 Neale Worley NEAC RP Venus Admiring Herself in the Mirror Oil on canvas 45 x 30 60 x 44 4,300 406 Jiaxuan Yi Pyramid Oil on linen 38 x 46 2,500 407 Rizza Zahid B66 Ink and charcoal 59 x 84 59 x 84 1,500 408 Johanna Zhang Reflection Oil on linen 137 x 127 137 x 127 8,964 409 Wei Zhang Flowers & Beyond 10 Oil on linen 119 x 60 3,000



Diana Armfield

Charlotte Halliday

Richard Pikesley

Jacqueline Rizvi


Michael Fairclough

James Rushton

Maurice Sheppard


Julian Bailey

Louise Balaam

Richard Bawden

Tom Benjamin

Tim Benson

June Berry

James Bland

Jane Bond

Francis Bowyer

Peter Brown

Diana Calvert

David Carpanini

Diana Charnley

Peter Clossick

David Cobley

Tessa Coleman

Michael Cooper

Jane Corsellis

Patrick Cullen

Paul Curtis

Saied Dai

Stuart Denyer

John Dobbs

Alex Fowler

Caroline Frood

Judith Gardner

Dennis Gilbert

Paul Gildea

Paul Handley

Charles Hardaker

Clare Haward

Julia Hawkins

Julie Held

Benjamin Hope

Felicity House

Julie Jackson

Mary Jackson

Andrew James

Craig Jefferson

Victoria Jinivizian

Pamela Kay

Michael Kirkbride

Peter Kuhfeld

Jason Line

Andrew Macara

Bridget Moore

Anthony Morris

Arthur Neal

Paul Newland

William Packer

Patricia Paolozzi Cain

David Parfitt

Melvyn Petterson

Neil Pittaway

Salliann Putman

Simon Quadrat

Charles Rake

Susan Ryder

Melissa Scott-Miller

William Selby

Daniel Shadbolt

Ann Shrager

Laura Smith

Charlotte Sorapure

Richard Sorrell

Sarah Spencer

Ruth Stage

Benjamin Sullivan

Nick Tidnam

Lorna Vahey

Toby Ward

Grant Watson

Michael Weller

Robert E Wells

Jenny Wheatley

Michael Whittlesea

Antony Williams

Charles Williams

Jacqueline Williams

Duncan Wood

Neale Worley

Martin Yeoman


Jon Armitage

Graham Barclay

Richard and Alison Chenevix-Trench

David Corsellis

Kerrie Cunningham

John Deston

Lord Hindlip

Greg Ladd

Jans Ondaatje Rolls

Peyton Skipworth

Marc Winer

Susan Wolff

Artists’ General Benevolent Institution

For over 200 years the AGBI has provided assistance to professional artists and their dependants in times of need. Funds are urgently needed for the continuation of this work.

Office of the Institution: 15 Churton Street, Pimlico, London SW1V 2LY Telephone 020 7734 1193

Registered Charity No. 212667

Back cover:
Patrick and Joan Leigh Fermor’s, Kardamyli, Greece

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