Will new city website reel in tourism? see page 4 VOL 2 | ISSUE 80 | OCTOBER 14, 2016
GALLUP’S BIG ECONOMIC BREAK GLP’s $4 Million Rail Project Promises Expansion, Jobs, Growth. Story Page 2
Does Chiapetti Have Proof that Turner Dropped the Ball? LETTER CONTAINS ACCUSATIONS
EXCLUSIVE By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
matter involv ing a popu la r ba s ketba ll coach who’s no longer at the helm of one of New Mexico’s most successful girls basketball programs has raised questions among Ga l lup H ig h School st udents and their parents. A letter kept guarded until its recent release to the Sun doe sn’t f u l ly cla r i f y t he
This is part of an ongoing investigatory series about the girls basketball program at Gallup High School. situation, and some suggest the matter needs fur ther investigation. A two-page letter dated Ju ly 25, 2016, sent f rom Ga l lup -McK i n ley Cou nt y S cho ol s Sup er i nt endent Frank Chiapetti to Gallup High School girls basketball
GGEDC Director Patty Lundstrom
NEWS GLP announces groundbreaking for Gallup Energy Logistics Park GGEDC, BNSF TO BE ON HAND
By Michael Sage For the Sun
fficials at the Greater Ga llup E c o n o m i c Development Cor poration, Ga llup La nd Par tners, LLC, along with of f ic i a l s f r o m McK i n le y County, the city of Gallup, and various officials from the state of New Mexico are set to get together Oct. 17 for a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Gallup Energy Logistics Park. The $4 million project, which will begin operations in January 2017, will provide business w ithin its 2,500 acre area, premier shipping, and logistic services of longhaul freight from highway to rail. “Grow i n g ou r reg ion’s transportation network will benef it ou r bu si ne s s a nd our community as a whole,” Patricia Lundstrom, executive director at GGEDC, said.
Gallup Land Partners President Robert Roche “I a m thr illed that Ga llup L a nd Pa r t ner s i s m a k i ng this investment, as the new facility will enable increased t r uck i ng a nd sh ippi ng i n northwest New Mexico.” In the past, representatives from GGEDC, McKinley County, a nd the city have lauded t he i mpa ct of t he facility. “We are excited to have Ga llup La nd Pa r tners m a ke t h i s i nve s t ment i n t he com mu n it y. We k now t he i mpor t a nce of ra i l i n
our region, and the start of this work emphasizes just that,” Tommy Haws, GGEDC board president, said. “This terminal will not only help connect McKinley County’s bu si ne s s e s t o t he g loba l marketplace, but it will also help stimulate the GallupMcKinley County economy.” Robert Roche, president of Roche Enter pr ises, the company that owns GLP, said the investment will tra nsform an industrial space into a modern and state-of-theart facility. “None of this would be possible without the vision, dedication and commitment of our many partners in this project, including the [GGEDC], McKinley County, the city of Gallup, and the state of New Mexico,” Roche said. According to Roche, const r uct ion of t he ter m i na l will begin in November, with initial activ ity focused on clearing the site to prepare for major construction. The
Greater Gallup Economic Director Patty Lundstrom holds one of the shovels for the groundbreaking of the new $4 million Gallup Energy Logistics Park Oct. 17. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura target completion date is set for January 2017. Ga l lup Mayor Jack ie McKinney offered kudos on the long-anticipated project. “We are pleased to welcome Gallup Land Partners,” he said. “The city of Gallup has a long history with the railroad and we are excited to begin the next chapter.” McK i n n e y a d d e d t h a t since the site was announced i n 2 014 , t he pr oj e c t h a s received broad-based supp or t f r om lo c a l , cou nt y, s t a t e , a n d fe d e r a l - l e v e l of f icia ls, a s wel l a s from economic development associations and various other stakeholders.
GGEDC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit orga nization that is the primary economic development umbrella of the city of G a l lu p a nd McK i n le y County. T h e O c t . 17 g r o u n d br e a k i n g i nt r o duc t ion i s schedu led for noon at t he Gallup Cultural Center, 201 E. Hwy. 66. Groundbreaking w ill take place sta r ting at 1:3 0 p m a t t h e l o g i s t i c s pa rk, three miles nor th of Ga llup. For more infor mation, ca ll GGEDC at (505) 722-2980. Ber nie Dotson contributed to this report. Michael Sage is deputy director for the GGEDC.
Check out our FREE access community website! www.gallupsun.com 2
Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
Gallup Council OK’s land deal, water budget adjustment By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
he Gallup City Council unanimously passed a Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project-related land measure at its Oct. 11 regular meeting. The matter was introduced by City Attorney George Kozeliski and was met with no opposition. The landmass in question is north of the Sacred Heart Retreat Center at 167 N.M. 602. “This is an agreement to acquire 4.576 acres of land from the Catholic Diocese for the construction of the main south-side water tank,” Kozeliski explained. “The city will pay the appraised value of the land at $26,000 and provide hookup for the Diocese property at this location.” Kozeliski said the property lies on the northeast end, and at the moment, it consists solely of dirt. He said the site has been under consideration for some five years, and was determined to be the best place for a tank site to increase pressure to the south side of Gallup, including fire suppression for University of New Mexico-Gallup to provide water to the Navajo communities south of Gallup. Had the city not purchased the land, “We would have probably started condemnation
George Kozeliski action or looked for other land,” Kozeliski said. “We never got to that point because the Diocese of Gallup has been very cooperative in that they realize this benefits Gallup and the Navajo communities to the south.” The city must now conduct a title search, look into title insurance, and buy the actual property. “This is really needed so we can get going,” Kozeliski told council members prior to the vote. Also at the council meeting, a budget adjustment in the amount of $479,000 was approved for water-main emergency repairs at the Second Street Crossing and Ellison Crossing. Gallup Water and Sanitation Director Dennis Romero said a Sept. 14 break helped the city to realize that two transmission lines could have helped in the delivery of water throughout the city, but repairs were needed at
the two locales. Romero said due to the emergency nature of the Second Street Crossing, city staff worked to obtain the services of New Mexico Underground Contractors Inc. to restore the line. The Ellison Project repair went out to bid in an expedited process, and bids closed Oct. 1. The actions required: • A budget ad justment of $479,773 from the city water enterprise fund to complete both projects.
• Retroactive approval of emergency procurement for services of N.M. Underground and Gallup’s DePauli Engineering & Surveying Co. to repair the Second Street Crossing. • The approval of the Ellison Crossing Project to the lowest qualified bidder for expedited bids that closed Oct. 11. The two repair matters under discussion connect the north side to the south side, Romero said. “It’s always something,” City
Councilman Yogash Kumar said of the matter. Accord i ng to Romero, work would begin at the end of October and conclude by the end of 2016. “We should be fine,” he said to council members, saying that as of Aug. 16, the water enterprise fund had in it more than $6 million and is estimated to have a fiscal year ending balance of more than $5 million – without taking the asked for expenditures into account.
Navajo man sentenced to prison for federal assault conviction Staff Reports
L BUQU E RQU E – Henderson Castillo, 27, an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation who resides in Nageezi, N.M., was sentenced Oct. 13 in federal court in Albuquerque, to a year and a day in prison for his conviction on federal assault charges. Castillo will be on supervised release for one year after he completes his prison sentence. Castillo was arrested on Dec. 28, 2015, on a criminal complaint charging him with assault with a dangerous weapon with intent
to do bodily harm. According to the complaint, on Dec. 4, 2015, on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Sandoval County, N.M., Castillo and another man attacked the victim, hitting the victim in the face, kicking his body and face, and hitting the victim in the left arm and back with an ax. The victim sustained an open fracture to the bone between his elbow and shoulder that required two surgeries. Castillo subsequently was indicted and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and assault resulting in serious bodily injury. On June 24, Castillo pled guilty to both counts of the
indictment. In entering the guilty plea, Castillo admitted that on Dec. 4, 2015, he and another man got into a verbal altercation with the victim, and Castillo began to physically assault the victim. Castillo struck and kicked the victim several times, and then struck the victim with an ax, causing the victim to suffer an open fracture on his arm that required surgery to repair. This case was investigated by the Crownpoint office of the Navajo Nation Division of Public Safety and was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Sarah Mease.
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Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
Gallup launches new tourism website $80K SITE CREATED TO EXPAND TOURISM, MARKETING
By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
long w ith a n nua l attractions like the Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial and the Red Rock Balloon Rally, the city of Gallup recently unveiled a new form of tourist attraction — an interactive website that lets users see the city through the eyes of its visitors. Gallup Acting Tourism and Marketing Manager Jennifer Lazarz introduced the website, GallupRealTrue.com, to the public at the Sept. 27 City Council meeting. She presented features the website offers via PowerPoint presentation and said the way people interact when it comes to the Internet and travelling has changed over the years. According Lazarz, the new site will put the city ahead of the curve. T he we b s it e’s l a u nc h c oi nc id e s w it h G a l lu p’s ‘GallupRealTrue’ marketing campaign. “I have gotten a lot of positive
The city’s newest tourist attraction: galluprealtrue.com, an interactive website featuring information about what the city — and beyond — has to offer. feedback from people regarding the new website,” Lazarz said after the meeting. “Most think it’s informative and interesting.” The website was developed by HK Advertising and the Idea Group of Santa Fe. The cost to the city is $40,000, which includes a matching amount from the state. The site has information about museums, galleries,
Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
ArtsCrawl, the El Rancho Hotel, places to stay, and tidbits about Old Historic Highway 66. An arts and culture component concentrates on Native American jewelry and culture. Bill Lee, executive director at the Gallup-McKinley County Chamber of Commerce, said a tourism website for any city must have listings, events, and general travel information. But,
he said, what really excites travelers is discovering a new place. “You want to give a presentation that tells visitors what the city is all about,” Lee said. “That is what makes it so unique. Every detail, to the photography and text, is important.” The city of Gallup entered into a $185,000 professional services agreement with the Chamber of Commerce a few months ago for marketing services. An “enjoy the outdoors” component of the website sheds light on attractions like the Red Rock Balloon Rally, rodeos, hiking and biking, and team sports. Another section of the site allows users to view
lodging locations and offers booking links, too. “I think it’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s energetic and it’s informational,” City Councilman Allan Landavazo said of the site. “I think it’s well done and it looks really, really good.” Lazarz said she’ll update the site periodically. She took over city tourism duties about two months ago when the former tourism manager decided to call it quits.
Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC
Amazing Grace Personal Care - 18 Butler’s - 21 Bubany Insurance Agency - 3 Castle Furniture - 24 Cowtown Feed & Livestock - 20 El Morro Theatre - 18 Four Corners Pet Alliance - 22 Gallup Downtown Conference Center - 6 Law Office of Barry Klopfer - 8 Navajo Nation Zoo ‘Zoo Boo!’ - 15 Pinnacle Bank - 5 RAH Photography - 8 Rez City Improv - 7 Small Fry Dentistry - 21 Thunderbird Supply Co. - 4 Trailblazer - 5 TravelCenters of America COUPON - 9
Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann Editorial Assistant Mia Rose Poris Advertising Raenona Harvey Correspondents Bernie Dotson Tom Hartsock Lealia Nelson Photography Knifewing Segura Design David Tsigelman On the Cover: Patty Lundstrom, executive director of the GGEDC, ready to unveil the Gallup Energy Logistics Park. Photo by Knifewing Segura The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office (By Appointment): 102 S. Second St., Gallup, NM 87301 The Gallup Sun, pending USPS number 1, is mailed weeky. Application to mail at periodical rates is pending in Gallup NM. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 www.gallupsun.com Phone: (505) 728-1640 Fax: (505) 212-0391 gallupsun@gmail.com Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.
El Morro Theatre to offer drama classes By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
ennifer Lazarz, manager at the El Morro Theatre and acting city tourism and marketing manager, recently announced Gallup’s first-ever drama workshop, which will take place at the El Morro Theatre, 207 W. Coal Ave., and its accompanying Downtown Events Center, 210 S. Second St. Lazarz, who’s been the acting tourism manager for about a month, said a fall class is set to meet on Thursdays. The workshop will begin Oct. 20 and take place until the performances are held on Dec. 9 and 11. The classes come as a result of community inquiries, Lazarz said. “There will be additional Saturday or Sunday classes, but those classes will be set after the program begins and
Jennifer Lazarz Photo Credit: jenniferlarzarz.com based on participant availability,” she said. The theatre is offering the classes in conjunction with the Tohatchi High School Drama Program and its instructors. Lazarz said the students at Tohatchi High will be responsible for all set and property construction. The cost of the class is a flat $100 for participants spanning
junior high schoolers to adults. There’s also an auxiliary children’s option, which will be determined by interest. The cost includes costume pieces and set appearances, as well as the instructor’s time and facility costs. Lazarz said the production will be a workshop re-writing — “A Theme and Variations of a Classic Tale”, she said — of The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. The class is called the El Morro Instructors Group and will meet in the Events Center. Those interested can sign up at the El Morro concessions area, and payment is required at the time of enrollment. Concession hours are 6 to 10 pm, Monday through Friday, and from 1 to 10 pm, Saturday and Sunday. Cl a s s i n s t r uc t or s a r e Ma r iya Deyk ute a nd Leo Loginov-Katz.
‘Mushroomhead’ rocks, haunts Gallup at Oct. 10 show PHOTOS BY HAWK SEGURA
Mushroomhead, a metal band out of Cleveland, Ohio, stopped in Gallup on their Fall Tour Oct. 10. Band members include: Jeffrey Hatrix – vocals; Steve Felton – drums; Jason Popson – vocals; Rick Thomas – turntables, samples, programming; custom percussion; Tommy Church – guitar; Ryan Farrell – bass; Robbie Godsey – custom percussion.
Shown: Jackie LaPonza
The El Morro will be offering its first-ever drama workshop beginning Oct. 9 and culminating in a production of its own variation of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen. Photo Credit: Courtesy
American heavy-metal band Mushroomhead brought Halloween to town early Oct. 10 at Juggernaut, with masks, costumes, and metal.
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Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
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Fire closes northside McDonald’s DAMAGES: $30,000
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On Oct. 11, a kitchen fire that damaged equipment and the vent system shut down a north-side McDonald’s. Official expects business to reopen in about a week. Photo Credit: Gallup Fire Department By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
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he north-side McDonald’s at 700 N. U.S. 491 remained closed this week after a grease fire grew out of control and forced the business to temporarily close its doors on Oct. 11, officials said. Gallup Deputy Fire Chief Jesus Morales said city firefighters responded to the scene at about 8:28 am. Morales said the cause of the fire is yet to be determined and estimated the cost of damages to be around $30,000. “The fire is still under investigation,” Morales said. “There were no injuries. This could have been a case where the machine got too hot or something along those lines.” Morales said firefighters
“Chief” sentenced for selling membership in fake Native American tribe Staff Reports
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Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
arrived at the scene within minutes, and the incident was contained to the kitchen area of the restaurant. Some equipment sustained damage, as did the interior duct and vent system in the building. Accord i ng to Mora les, restaurant employees were able to evacuate the customers who were in the restaurant at the time of the fire. Morales said grease fires happen every once in a while, but not often around Gallup. Such fires typically occur in places where there’s a high volume of cooking, like restaurants, and at locations that are open around the clock. Morales expects the northside McDonald’s to stay closed for about a week, as machinery and ventilation must be replaced and state safety inspections must be done.
ROW NSV I L LE, Texa s – A for mer Brow nsv i l le ma n, now living in Waco, has been ordered to federal prison following his convictions of selling membership in a non-recognized Native American tribe, U.S. Attorney
Kenneth Magidson announced. Humber to Reveles, 61, pleaded guilty in March 2015. On Oct. 11, U.S. District Judge U.S. District Judge A ndrew S. Hanen handed Reveles a 33-month sentence to be immediately followed
Gallup man sentenced to 10 years for federal methamphetamine trafficking conviction
LBUQUERQUE – Dex ter Diaz, 32, of Gallup, was sentenced in federal court in Albuquerque on Oct. 11 to 120 months in prison for his conviction on a methamphetamine trafficking charge. Diaz will be on supervised release for five years following his prison sentence. The sentence was announced by U.S. Attorney Damon P. Martinez, Special Agent in Charge Will R. Glaspy of the DEA’s El Paso Division, McKinley County Sheriff Ronald Silversmith, and Chief Timothy Trimble of the Zuni Pueblo Tribal Police Department. Dia z, whose cr i m i na l h istor y includes felony convictions for three
drug trafficking crimes, is being prosecuted as part of the federal “worst of the worst” anti-violence initiative. Under the initiative, the U.S. Attorney’s Office and federal law enforcement agencies work with New Mexico’s District Attorneys and state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies to target violent or repeat offenders primarily based on their prior felony convictions for federal prosecution with the goal of removing repeat offenders from communities in New Mexico for as long as possible. Because New Mexico’s violent crime rates, on a per capita basis, are amongst the highest in the nation, New Mexico’s law enforcement community is collaborating to target repeat offenders from counties with the highest violent crime rates, including McKinley
County, under this initiative. Diaz was arrested in September of 2015, on an indictment charging him with distributing methamphetamine on March 26, 2015, in McKinley County. The indictment included forfeiture allegations requiring Diaz to forfeit $1,600 in drug proceeds to the United States. On Feb. 25, 2016, Diaz entered a guilty plea to the indictment. In entering the guilty plea, Diaz admitted that on March 26, 2015, he sold two ounces of methamphetamine to another person for $1,600. This case was investigated by the Albuquerque office of the DEA, the McKinley County Sheriff’s Office and the Zuni Pueblo Tribal Police Department. Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicholas Jon Ganjei is prosecuting the case.
Couple charged with child neglect, open container violations By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
n Sept. 28 a couple wa s a r rested and booked at the McK i n ley Cou nt y Adult Detention Center on abandonment or abuse of a child; driving under the influence; consuming or possessing an open container of alcohol; mandatory license revocation; and child passenger restraint violation charges. Stevenson Lee was jailed, and his girlfriend, Kaylene Johnson, 32, was released Sept. 30 on her own recognizance, records show. Both were jailed on $5,000-bond amounts after Lee’s erratic driving nearly caused accidents. Reportedly, Lee was weaving on the highway with passengers in tow. He was released from jail Oct. 12, officials said. What Happened? Officer Douglas Hoffman of t he Ga l lup Pol ice Department wrote in a report that he pulled the couple over at 1115 W. Hwy. 66, the Premier Car Wash. He said a young child in the back NEWS
seat was not wearing a child restraint as required by law. “I quickly caught up with the SUV and pulled it over in the parking lot of Premier,” Hoffman wrote. “I could easily tell that Lee was intoxicated as he had blood shot watery eyes and a blank stare on his face when I asked if he was OK.” Lee reeked of alcohol. “After a minute had passed Lee got out of the vehicle and stumbled and fell onto the side of his car,” Hoffman wrote in the report. Lee told Hoffman he’d had a “couple of beers” at Virgie’s
restaurant on the west side of Gallup. He refused field sobriety tests. W hen Hof f m a n a ske d Johnson for identification, she responded with two different names and dates of birth, resulting in her concealment of identity charge, as well as three first offenses for endangering a child. “The Children Youth and Families Department had to be called for the 1-year-old as Lee’s girlfriend, and mother of the child, was also intoxicated with some passengers in the car,” Hoffman wrote. Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
WEEKLY DWI REPORT Staff Reports Legal limit is .08 Jonathan Bitsilly Oct. 2, 4 pm Aggravated DWI McKinley C o u n t y Sher i f f ’s O f f i c e Deputy Ivan Tsethlikai Jr. was dispatched to 131 Dee Ann Ave. in Gallup in reference to a traffic stop involving a possible drunk driver. At the scene, Tsethlikai met with Deputy Merlin Benally, who had pulled the driver over. The car had run other vehicles off the roadway. Bitsilly, 55, smelled of alcohol and slurred his speech. He failed field sobriety tests. There were empty alcohol containers in his car. He blew. 17 and .16 during breath testing and was charged with and booked for DWI. Eloise Clement Oct. 1, 7:21 pm DWI MCSO Deputy A nthony
Ashley was working the DWI Task Force when he was called to the area of Hassler Valley Road and Superman Canyon Road in Gallup in reference to a possible drunk driver and a possible domestic dispute. Clement, 48, the driver, smelled of alcohol and had urinated on herself. She failed field sobriety tests and blew .15 twice during breath testing. She was booked for DWI and “stop, standing, parking” under tribal code by the NPD, as the incident occurred on tribal land. Rufus McCabe Sept. 30, 6:37 pm 2nd DWI, Aggravated M C S O D e p u t y M o n t y Yazzie was d ispatched to N.M. 599 near Dead Horse Mustang in Church Rock in reference to a drunk driver. At the scene, Yazzie met with Navajo Police Department Officer Patrick Yazzie, who said he’d seen the
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suspect vehicle pull out of a business at 409 N.M. 566 and had pulled the car over. The driver, McCabe, 34, smelled of alcohol and swayed when he walked. There was an open container in his car. McCabe failed field sobriety tests and said, “You ain’t touching my breath b***h,” when asked to perform a breath test. He was arrested and booked for his second DWI. Jason Teller Sept. 28, 7:15 pm 3rd DWI, Aggravated M C S O D e p u t y Lorenzo A. Guerrero was on patrol in the area of Speedy’s Gas Station in Black Cat on U.S. 264 when he noticed a vehicle stop at the north side of the business. It looked to Guerrero like the driver was trying but unable to get onto 264. The driver got out of the vehicle and opened the hood. Tel ler, 32 , t he d r iver, smelled of alcohol and had blood around his lips and on his face. He failed field sobriety tests and refused breath testing. On the way to the Sheriff’s Office, Teller told Guerrero he was going to kill him, his wife, and his kids. He was booked on charges that included his third
Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
box, where he rolled down his window to place his order. He smelled of alcohol and refused field sobriety tests because “he knew he would fail the tests because he was pretty out of it,” Peshlakai wrote in his report. Benally blew .10 twice during breath testing and was booked for his first DWI. Christopher Etsitty Sept. 23, 11:01 pm DWI, Aggravated M C S O D e p u t y Lorenzo A. Guerrero was dispatched to the area of N.M. 118 at the 29.5-mile marker in Church Rock in reference to a possibly drunk driver. Guerrero found Etsitty, 33, parked on the shoulder with his vehicle running. Etsitty smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot, watery eyes. He didn’t have his license with him and could not keep his balance. He refused field sobriety tests because he knew he’d fail them. He refused breath test i ng a nd wa s cha rged with aggravated DWI for the refusal.
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State police investigate double-fatality crash in Cibola County Staff Reports
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DWI and assault on a peace officer. Ivan McKinley Sept. 26, 4:50 pm 3rd DWI, Aggravated Gallup P o l i c e Department O f f ic e r J e r e m y Shirley was c a l le d fo r a s s i s t a nce regarding a vehicle at 2654 E. Hwy. 66, the Conoco Giant, where the caller had seen a driver “slamming a bottle of vodka in the parking lot,” according to the report. At the scene, the driver, McKinley, 38, smelled of alcohol but denied drinking before admitting he’d had “one shot” of vodka. He failed field sobriety tests and blew .13 and .14 during breath testing. He was arrested and booked for his third DWI. McKinley also had a revoked/ suspended license. Brian Benally Sept. 24, 2:15 am DWI G P D O f f ic e r S t e v e n Pesh la ka i was alerted to a vehicle pa rked i n t he d r i ve through of McDonald’s at 2300 E. Hwy. 66 with a driver passed out inside. At the scene, Benally, 39, was awoken and asked to open his door. He seemed confused and drove forward to the order
RANTS – At around 7 pm on Oct. 11, New Mexico State Police investigated a double-fatality crash on Interstate 40 at mile-marker 84 in Grants. The initial investigation indicated an Infinity passenger car traveling eastbound on I-40 was driving erratically and lost control. The vehicle entered the median, rolled, and entered
the westbound lanes, colliding into a Toyota vehicle traveling westbound. The driver and passenger in the Toyota vehicle sustained fatal injuries in the crash and were pronounced decea sed on scene. Their identities are being withheld until the next of kin has been notified. The driver of the Infinity passenger car, Aaron Hazard, 35, of Alta Loma, Calif., sust a i ned i nju r ie s a nd wa s
transported to the University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque, where he remains in stable condition. Officers are conducting a DWI investigation and are investigating evidence that Hazard may have been under the inf luence of dr ugs at the time of the crash. State Police are seeking to pursue charges upon completion of the investigation. This crash remains under investigation. NEWS
Two members of Mexican drug trafficking organization convicted on trafficking, laundering charges ORGANIZATION IMPORTED COCAINE, MARIJUANA, HEROIN FROM MEXICO Staff Reports
L BUQU E RQU E – A federal jury sitting in Las Cruces returned a verdict Oct. 6 that found A mado Acevedo - Gon z a lez , 36, a Mexican national, and Yolanda Rodriguez, 50, a U.S. citizen who formerly resided in Mexico, guilty on drug trafficking offenses and money laundering charges after a four-day trial. The jury’s guilty verdict was announced by U.S. Attorney Damon P. Martinez, Special Agent in Charge Will R. Glaspy of the DEA’s El Paso Division, Special Agent in Charge Terry Wade of the FBI’s Albuquerque
Division, Ismael Nevarez Jr., Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Office of IRS Criminal Investigation, and Chief Patrol Agent Jeffrey D. Self of the U.S. Border Patrol El Paso Sector. Acevedo - Gon za lez a nd Rodriguez were convicted on multiple charges contained in a 45-count indictment that was filed in Oct. 2015. The indictment charged Acevedo-Gonzalez, Rodriguez and 18 others with participating in a major drug trafficking organization that imported large amounts of cocaine, marijuana, and heroin from Mexico into the United States. The indictment alleged that members of the DTO distributed the cocaine, marijuana and heroin in Albuquerque and other places in the United States, and smuggled drug NEWS
proceeds from the United States to Mexico. According to the indictment, the conspiracy operated in Doña Ana, Luna and Ber na lillo Cou nties from October 2014 through October 2015. The indictment was the result of an investigation by the DEA, FBI, IRS, and U.S. Border Patrol that was designated as part of the Justice Department’s Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force program, which combines the resources and unique expertise of federal agencies and their local counterparts in a coordinated effort to disrupt and dismantle major drug trafficking organizations.
money laundering conspiracies and international money laundering, entered not guilty pleas, and elected to proceed to trial. T he t r ia l of Acevedo Gonzalez and Rodriguez began on Oct. 3, 2016. The trial concluded yesterday when the jury returned verdicts finding Acevedo– Gonzalez and Rodriguez guilty on all of the charges against them. The evidence at trial established that Acevedo-Gonzalez and Rodriguez were part of a Mexican DTO that imported cocaine and marijuana into the United States, and exported the drug proceeds back to Mexico. More specifically, the evidence established that AcevedoGonzalez, distributed marijuana for the DTO, and that Rodriguez was a courier who transported drugs and drug proceeds from Albuquerque to Mexico for the DTO.
During the trial, the jury learned about the ten-month investigation into the DTO during which court-authorized wiretaps were used to gather evidence that permitted federal agents to learn about shipments of cocaine and marijuana that were transported in tractor-trailers from Mexico to an auto body shop in Albuquerque. From the auto body shop, a member of the DTO coordinated with bosses in Mexico to distribute the drugs, and to collect drug proceeds and transport them back to Mexico. Federal agents testified about this pattern – drugs going north in tractor-trailers and drug proceeds going south – occurred numerous times. Based on their knowledge of this pattern, federal agents were able to seize more than $250,000 in drug proceeds from couriers and
a tractor-trailer containing marijuana. The jury deliberated for a little over an hour before returning their guilty verdicts against Acevedo-Gonzalez and Rodriguez. Both remain in federal custody pending sentencing hearings, which have yet to be scheduled. At sentencing, AcevedoGonzalez faces a statutory maximum penalty of five years in prison, and Rodriguez faces a statutory maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. The following defendants have entered guilty pleas in this case and, except as noted, are awaiting sentencing: Rene Amaya-Rivas, 27, a Mexican national who was residing in Odessa, Texas, pled guilty on April 27, 2016, to conspiracy, possession of cocaine
During the investigation, federal agents seized and purchased 6.2 kilograms of cocaine, 2.9 kilograms of methamphetamine, 1039.9 kilograms of marijuana, and 351 grams of heroin. They also seized $267,030.00 in drug proceeds and other assets valued at approximately $153,000.00. O f t he 2 0 defend a nt s charged in the indictment, 12 have been arrested, including 10 who entered guilty pleas, and the remaining eight are fugitives. Acevedo-Gonzalez, who was charged with participating in the drug trafficking conspiracy, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and using a communication device to facilitate drug trafficking crimes, and Rodriguez, who was charged with participating in the drug trafficking and Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
STINGING LETTER | FROM PAGE 1 coach Kamau Turner gives notice that Turner’s coaching contract with the McKinley district is null and void. “I a m w r it i ng you a s Superintendent of Schools for Gallup-McKinley County to give notice that you will not be issued an employment contract as a coach for the school district for the 2016-2017 school year,” Chiapetti begins the letter. “Your Title IX compliance, now and in the past, and the financial oversight of your program has been suspect, at best, and the combining of your official duties as a coach with your participation in a thirdparty fundraising entity makes your continued employment as coach impossible.” Title IX is part of the U.S. Educational Amendments of 1972. It states that no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity that receives federal financial assistance on the basis of sex. T he le t t e r c o nt i nu e s : “While the investigation into your financial oversight and interaction with Full Court Prestige Club is still ongoing, the appearance of a conflict of interest, at this time, is too
Frank Chiapetti
Kamau Turner
great to ignore, and I find it is not in the best interests of the student athletes involved in the program for you to be a coach.” It is not immediately clear as to how Title IX figures in to the Turner situation, and the July 25 letter sent to Turner by Chiapetti does not elaborate on that detail. Joan Nez, secretar y for the Gallup-McKinley County Schools’ Board of Education, asked that the question be put to the school district in the form of an email. There was no response to the Sun as of press time. The matter stems from w h a t fo l k s a t a r e c e n t McKinley County Board of Education meeting call a big misunderstanding, notions
based on club-versus-schooldistrict funds. Gloria Watts, a retired educator and Turner’s mother, spoke at the meeting a nd advised the board to take action against the Chiapetti directive. The a llegations a re fa lse a nd bog u s, she suggested. She said that she believes Chiapetti is mistaking the full Court Prestige Club for a public entity. She said the club is private, and therefore not subject to school district regulations. Watts is a cousin of form e r U. S . C o n g r e s s m a n J.C. Wa t t s of Ok l a hom a , who made headlines a s a rare black Republican who ser ved the U.S. House of Representatives. J.C. Watts
was also the starting quarterback for the University of Oklahoma in the late 1970s. Turner, who has coached the Lady Bengals since 2009, continues to teach full-time at Gallup High School, and Chiapetti’s letter did not reference the teaching side of his role at the school. But schoolboard meeting attendees say they want Turner back as coach. “ Th is is a n at tempt to make [Turner] look bad in public,” Watts said of the contents of the Chiapetti letter. The Sun requested the letter in question from the school district, but last week Chiapetti responded by saying a copy would have to be obtained through a formal New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act request. A copy of the letter was provided to The Sun by alternative means. “This is the continuation of a pattern of harassment by Chiapetti toward Coach Turner,” Watts said after the meeting. “What [Chiapetti] is doing is an escalating attempt to mar Coach Turner’s relationship with the community and the school and the state. Plain and simple, this is an attempt to destroy the Gallup High School girls basketball program.” The tea m is respected around New Mexico and the
United States, with frequent post-season appearances by the team over the years. A girls’ basketball coach at Gallup High has not been named this year and Gallup a t h l e t i c d i r e c t o r Ja m e s Malcolm told the Sun last week that there have been no coaching interviews to date. Gallup High went 28-1 in District 1-5A in 2015 and was ranked as high as No. 49 in the country. Turner, who grew up in Oklahoma, has not returned repeated telephone requests for com ment on the matter nor has first-year GHS Principal Dominic Romero. Romero is a former athletic director at the school. Watts said the Turner family is in the midst of hiring an employment attorney to oversee the matter. The school district appears adamant in its stance. “It is the school district’s hope that this matter can be resolved amicably and quickly to avoid the need for litigation,” Chiapetti concludes in the letter. Mea nwh i le, Wat ts sa id she has sent an IPRA request to Joan Nez, superintendent secretary and the McKinley school district’s custodian of records, and asked for athletics equity data reports spanning 2009 through 2013.
10/5, GALLUP At about 5:05 pm, Gallup Police Department Officer Chaz Troncoso and fellow officers were d is patched to 517 S. Clark St. in reference to a male with a knife. A niece at the residence had a bloody mouth and there was blood on the ground. At the scene, officers were waved down by a female who was yelling that her husband, Benjoe Cayadito, 38, was wielding a knife in a room inside the residence where there were also several children. T h e o f f i c e r s fo u n d a
puddle of blood in the doorw a y. A s u p p o r t i n g o f f i cer wa s tr y i ng to control Cayadito, who was kicking on the f loor, and managed to land a kick on the officer. Cayadito was soon detained in a police vehicle. According to the wife, she’d dropped Cayadito off on the east side of Gallup earlier in the evening. A little later, she went outside of the home and saw Cayadito walking toward her. He chased the victim inside, pushed her on the ground, and grabbed a kitchen knife. The children, ages 2, 11, and 13 were in the living room and saw the incident occur. Cayadito allegedly told them he was going to kill them all. When one of the children tried to stop him from hurting the mother, Cayadito threw the child
Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
to the ground and stepped on her. The wife, who was held down, struck Cayadito, who received wounds to the head that required stitches. The wife’s niece arrived, saw the fighting, and “began to go after” Cayadito, according to the report. According to Cayadito, his wife had become upset with him, threated him with a knife, and attacked him before her niece arrived and joined her in the fight. Cayadito, who was intoxicated, was arrested and transported to a local hospital for treatment for his injuries. He was then taken to jail and booked on charges of abandonment or abuse of a child; aggravated assault household member; battery upon peace officer; false imprisonment; and interference with communications.
10/4, RAMAH Around about 12:19 pm, McKinley County Sheriff’s Office Deputy J. Bowman was dispatched to Ramah High School at 27 S. Bloomfield Ave. in reference to several individuals making threats to the school. Bowman met with the principal of the school who said he had three individuals who made comments about “having a shooting here at the school.” Bowman spoke to the students who’d been detained for the threats. One of the suspect students told him, “I was just telling people they going to shoot up the school like Columbine. I was just repeating what they were saying.” Another suspect student said, “We were in first hour and we were watching the Presidential debate, in a joking manner I said ‘I’m gonna shoot up the school.’” The bags of all three individuals were searched and nothing dangerous was found. All three students were released to their parents.
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AG Balderas announces arrest in attorney general human trafficking operation Staff Reports
LBUQUERQUE – On Oct. 13, Attor ney Genera l Hector Balderas announced that the Office of the Attorney General Human Trafficking Task Force recently conducted an undercover sting operation resulting in the arrest of Tyrone Davis. “Human trafficking is nothing short of modern-day slavery and it remains a top priority of this administration to continue to protect New Mexico’s most vulnerable populations from this abhorrent depravity,” Balderas said. On Oct. 12, Office of the
Tyrone Davis Attor ney Genera l specia l agents conducted an operation in which they were contacting females advertising in the escort section of Backpage. com. One female was contacted
via text and agreed to meet at an undisclosed location. Upon arrival, she negotiated with the undercover agent to have sexual intercourse in exchange for cash, and was then taken into custody. Agents outside the location made contact with Tyrone Davis, who had transported the female to the meeting site. Davis admitted to posting ads for the woman on B a ck p a ge.c om a nd a l s o replying to text messages on her behalf to set up meeting times and locations. He was arrested for promoting prostitution and transported to the Metropolitan Detention Center for booking.
TRAFFICKING | FROM PAGE 9 with intent to distribute and money laundering charges. Pablo A lber t o A r a n a Delgado, 35, a Mexican national who was residing in El Paso, Texas, pled guilty on June 8, 2016, to conspiracy and possession of cocaine and marijuana with intent to distribute charges. Elier Gabriel Jaime-Castillo, 35, a Mexican national illegally present in the United States, pled guilty on Aug. 30, 2016, to conspiracy, money laundering, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and use of a communication device to facilitate a drug trafficking crime charges. Mauricio Ledezma, 23, of Albuquerque pled guilty on Dec. 8, 2015, to misprision of a felony, and was sentenced on April 6, 2016, to 24 months of probation. Cerbando Carbajal, 20, of Columbus pled guilty on March 29, 2016, to conspiracy and money laundering charges. Emilia Quezada, 31, a U.S. citizen who was residing in Chihuahua, Mexico, pled guilty on April 1, 2016, to conspiracy and money laundering charges. George A. Taylor, 55, of Deming pled guilty on April 20, 2016, to conspiracy, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and money laundering charges.
Someone in The Crashing Thunder Gallery adores the late artist, Andy Warhol, so much so that they built him a shrine. This moment was captured during Arts Crawl in downtown Gallup Oct. 8. Photo Credit: Ryan Hudgeons
State GOP (and a handful of Sanders supporters) call on state Democratic Party chair to resign By Matthew Reichbach NM Political Report
he Republican Party of New Mexico says t he cha i r of t he Democr a t ic Pa r t y of New Mexico should step down because of her actions at the Democratic pre-primary
convention earlier this year. The state Republica ns say that the cancellation of a non-binding presidential preference poll at the pre-primary convention in March shows the state party had bias toward Hillary Clinton. The party previously criticized Haaland for supporting
Clinton after she defeated Bernie Sanders in the New Mex ico D emo c r a t ic pr i mary, saying it was against Democratic party rules. “Much like Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the
by three years of supervised release. He was further ordered to pay restitution of $198,795 to 144 victims of the scheme. In handing down the sentence, Judge Hanen noted that this scheme was just as bad as coyotes smuggling people past the checkpoint. He also noted that this crime was victimizing the individuals who could least afford it (undocumented aliens). At the time of his plea, Reveles admitted to selling membership in the Yamassee tribe as part of a scheme to defraud. Reveles was the chief, and later grand chief, of the tribe. He claimed the tribal identification documents that came with membership would allow tribe members to remain in the United States, prevent them from being deported, allow them to travel within and work in the country, despite not having immigration status. Reveles opened an office
Grisel H. Majalca, 32 of Columbus pled guilty on Aug. 3, 2016, to conspiracy, use of a communication device to facilitate a drug trafficking crime and money laundering charges. Leonardo Martinez-Olivas, 49, a Mexican national, pled guilty on May 11, 2016, to conspiracy and money laundering charges. Neftali Garcia-Torres, 20, a Mexican national, pled guilty on Sept. 14, 2016, to misprision of a felony. The following defendants, all Mexican nationals, have yet to be arrested and are considered fugitives: Edgar Estopellan-Torres, Ignacio Villa lobos- Sa lina s, 30, Angel Daniel Silva-Silva, 31, Rigoberto Estopellan-Torres, 35, Jesus Muñoz-Lechuga, 36, Emilio Delgado-Olivas, 43, Jesus Gilberto Varela-Sanchez, 28, and Carlos Adrian OrtegaAcevedes, 25. Charges in indictments are merely accusations and defendants are presumed innocent unless found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The case was investigated by the Las Cruces offices of the DEA, FBI, IRS and the U.S. Border Patrol. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Selesia L. Winston and Renee L. Camacho of the U.S. Attorney’s Las Cruces Branch Office are prosecuting the case. where he would meet with prospective tribe members in addition to holding informational meetings. Prospective tribe members would pay Reveles or his employees and were to receive tribal naturalization certificates, tribal identification cards and tribal drivers’ licenses. The documents were to be presented in support of the false immigration claims underlying the scheme. The Yamassee tribe not a federally recognized Native tribe nor recognized by the U.S. Department of State. Prev iously released on bond, Reveles was permitted to remain on bond and voluntarily surrender in December 2016. T he c a s e w a s i nve s tigated by Homela nd Security Investigations and U.S Department of State Diplomatic Security Service with assistance from Border Patrol, FBI and the Brownsville Police Department. Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Leonard is prosecuting the case.
Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
OPINIONS General Obligation Bond for higher education By Dr. Christopher Dyer Chief Executive Officer University of New Mexico – Gallup Guest Submission
his November, voter s i n McK i n ley County will be asked t o i nve s t i n New Mexico’s public colleges, universities, and specialty schools. General Obligation Bond C (referred to as GO Bond C) is asking voters to release $131,106,200 statewide to New
Christopher Dyer Mexico’s institutions of higher education.
Here in McKinley County, $1.5 million is being requested
for the University of New Mexico-Gallup Campus to be used for planning, designing, construction and equipping of a new physical plant facility. While approval of funding for a new physical plant building will bring enormous benefit to our campus and community, a vote for GO Bond C will not increase taxes. Our current physical plant building shares space with our Early Childhood and Family Center, which is an inappropriate arrangement that forces
small children and heav y equipment to share walkways and driveways. The new site will be fully developed with appropriate access and egress driveways, fenced equipment yards, heavy equipment storage and secure parking for campus safety and transportation vehicles. The enhanced structure will also provide our physical plant staff greater capabilities to
The dictionary defines diplomacy as the, “art of dealing with people in a sensitive and effective way.” From Oct. 7-24, Mercury is in Libra. This opens doors for diplomatic relations. Madame G suggests learning the art of communication. Don’t look to the professionals (like the Presidential candidates) for clarification. Instead, Madame G suggests you look at your fellow human beings with compassion — we’re all in this together.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22)
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Are you feeling a bit depressed this week? Watch who you’re spending time with, for they may be contributing to your unhappiness. If the job is dragging you down, consider your options. If you’d like to one day be in your boss’s shoes — you’re on the right track. However, if you’d rather drown, you may need rethink your priorities. Life is a gift. Don’t waste it.
You may attend a class or function against your will. Instead of bemoaning the inconvenience, look for your next opportunity. What will help you in the future? Perhaps you’ll meet a new client or land a new job. Maybe you’ll even meet up with an old friend for tea. Whatever the case, remember every day that you’re alive is a chance to live the life you’ve always wanted.
Balancing the scales is tricky. Are you trapped in the middle? Listening to both sides of an argument is always valuable. Stop and reflect on your emotions. Try to separate your judgement from your emotions. You may feel right but actually be in the wrong. If you’ve messed up, speak up and take heart — everyone errs. It’s human.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
If a loved one is having a rough patch, are you being supportive? Maybe you’re not really helping, but you’re listening. If you are, keep up the good work. If you’re not, reconsider your behavior. You don’t have to fix the problem to help. Madame G suggests stepping back and looking at the situation objectively. If it’s not an actual medical emergency, then stop and listen.
Diplomacy is a weapon like anything else. How will you act? Focus on what benefits you most. This doesn’t mean taking advantage of others, quite the opposite in fact. It means caring for yourself like a mother cares for her body so her child is healthy. In order to have mental health, you must ensure you’re meeting your own expectations — not just the ones others create for you.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You’re in a precarious situation. You’re on the verge of discovery while nearly succumbing to fear. People will often risk more to prevent a small loss than they will for success. In other words, people are more motivated by pain than gain. Consider your own motivations. What are you too afraid to lose? What are you too afraid not to do?
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Run for the hills! Just kidding, don’t panic; that’s the worst thing you could do. However, do stop and reflect on what you’re doing. Are you communicating effectively? Are you sure? Often times, we hear only what we want to hear, especially when emotions are involved (yes, even you have them). It’s not a weakness to ask someone what they meant instead of assuming.
Falling “outs” are difficult, so instead, fall in. If you want an old friend or loved one back in your life, ask. If you find your loved ones aren’t communicating with you, consider the common factor — you. Don’t gossip. And don’t make demands. If your children are adults, they’ll tell you what you need to know when it’s necessary. Don’t pry. Your love will show through.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
There is a time when feeling sad is normal. It could be the “mean reds”, as Audrey Hepburn said in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Don’t suffer. Take a long healthy walk with the pooches. Have a lively conversation with your spouse about spinach. But if the feeling continues, seek help. Depression is a medical condition, not a weakness. Live well!
You may feel nostalgic. Fall is time for reflection and winding down. It’s beautiful and terrible. It plays with your emotions. But this is all part of life. Don’t forget that spring and summer will come again, and sun will continue its rise and set. Be careful you don’t burden one child over another. Use sound judgment when looking at the past, and smile — for you have lived.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
The world is troubling you. This is understandable. Watching current political mayhem is disturbing. Madame G suggests you get outside and breathe the fresh air. Take what action you can. Vote or don’t, the choice is yours. Feeling anxious? Organize your space. Begin with one drawer, closet, or room. Learn to make peace with what you can’t change; fix what you can.
Hunting season is here. Even non-hunters can see the value in gathering your own food. If you’re an avid meat-eater, consider adding in fresh fruits and vegetables from your local farmer’s market. Ask your vegetarian friend for advice. If you’re the friend, help them model your good behavior. Remember, showing love to those we disagree with is always in season. Good luck!
Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
A blueprint for a state in the red PART 2 OF 2; CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK By New Mexico Voices for Children T h e p at h t o p u bl i c investment The path to a strong New Mexico begins with making sma r t investments. There a re m a ny com mon - s en s e ways to ra ise new money, create jobs, and bolster our economy: • Require all out-of-state corporations to pay income tax on their profits in New Mexico New Mexico is one of the few states that still allows outof-state corporations to shift their New Mexico profits on paper to another state to avoid paying taxes here. We lose millions in revenue, and local businesses lose out. A partial fix (called Mandatory Combined Reporting) to this was enacted in 2013, but it exempted many profitable corporations such as banks. Could raise $25 million. • Increase the distribution from the Land Grant Permanent School Fund New Me x ic o h a s t he nation’s second largest Land Grant Permanent School Fund. Legislators and voters could choose to increase the distribution of that fund for early childhood education, K-12 schools, and higher education. Increasing the distribution by 2% could provide $300 million. • Enact a health care provider assessment Instead of facing cuts in
Medicaid reimbursement rates, many health care providers would prefer to be assessed a provider fee. The money collected could then be added to the state’s Medicaid budget, allowing the state to draw down the federal matching money. Amount raised would vary depending on rates. • R a i se a lcohol a nd tobacco taxes and include e-cigarettes These taxes could both increase revenue and deter young people from using products that are harmful to their health. A 20% increase in both taxes could raise $26 million; an increase in the alcohol tax of 25-cents a drink could raise $154 million. • Increase the tax on the sale of motor vehicles New Mexico’s excise tax on
motor vehicles is lower than the general sales tax on most other goods purchased in the state. It’s also lower than in surrounding states, and could stay lower even if this proposal is put into effect. Could raise about $100 million. • Decouple from certain federal income tax provisions W hen the federa l government makes changes to the income tax code, those changes often affect state tax codes unless states take action. New Mexico could decouple from two current federal rules: bonus appreciation and the cancellation of indebtedness provision of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act; as well as one potential rule: a deduction for domestic production activities. Could raise between
$10-$14 million. • Ex t end t he g r o s s receipts tax to more internet sales “Main street businesses”— those with a brick-and-mortar presence in New Mexico— pay gross receipts taxes on their internet sales here, but businesses without a physical location in the state don’t. This exemption drains a lot of revenue from the state and puts local retailers at a competitive disadvantage. Could raise $10 million. • Enact a new tax on diesel fuel A large portion of this tax would be paid by out-of-state entities like interstate trucking companies. Amount raised would vary depending on rates. • Enact a temporary increase in the gasoline tax While gas prices are low,
New Mexico could enact a temporary hike in the taxes we pay at the pump. The tax could be set to automatically expire if fuel prices rise to a certain level. Could raise $60 million for every 5 cents per gallon. And to help keep us in the black: • Require a tax expenditure budget in statute A tax expenditure budget allows legislators to see the hundreds of tax exemptions, deductions and credits they have enacted over the years. This makes it easier to review tax expenditures for their cost-effectiveness and repeal those that do not grow the economy. While the tax department does produce a tax expenditure budget under executive order, requiring one under state law would give legislators more authority over which expenditures are studied. • Require sunset provisions on all tax cuts, exemptions, deductions, and credits When Congress passes tax cuts, they always include a sunset, meaning they expire after a cer tain amount of time unless Congress acts to reauthorize them. This allows Congress to evaluate tax cuts and let those that do not have the desired economic impact to expire. New Mexico lawmakers have begun to add sunsets to their tax cuts, but Governor Martinez has been vetoing the sunset provisions. If a sunset was required under statute, the Governor could not veto it. Visit: nmvoices.org
Report: SNAP delivers more nutrition assistance to children than any other program
By New Mexico Voices for Children
L BUQU E R QU E A repor t released t he week of Oct . 11 by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities calls the food assistance program Supplemental Nutrition OPINIONS
A s si st a nce P rog ra m, formerly called food stamps, the single largest provider of nutrition assistance to children in struggling families across the country. The report also shows that 46 percent of New Mexico’s young children—ages zero to four—receive SNAP benefits.
That’s the highest rate in the nation. “Getting a healthy, adeq u a t e d ie t i s e s p e c i a l ly important for our youngest ch i ld r e n , b e c a u s e nut r i t ion plays a huge role i n brain development,” James Jimenez, executive d irector of New Mexico Voices
for Children, said. “Many of the skills that are critical for success in school and in adulthood are developed in the first five years of life. So we need to ensure that these infants and toddlers do not go hungry because of staffing shortages or problems with processing applications and
renewals.” Food i nsecu r it y i n the ea rly yea r s of ch i ld hood can have consequences even when youth are getting the nutrition they need in later ye a r s , a c c o r d i n g t o t he
Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
OBLIGATION BOND | FROM PAGE 12 maintain and improve all campus facilities. For many of New Mexico’s colleges and universities GO bonds are the only source of much-needed funding that allows for repair, upgrading and replacing of aging structures. These voter-approved funds will be a critical component of ensuring that UNMGallup is safe, well-maintained, and attractive to all current and potential students. We pride ourselves on the
strength of our facilities and the benefits a strong learning environment gives our students. While GO Bond C investments provide direct funding to colleges and universities, projects funded by GO Bond C also inject life into the local economy by creating jobs for architects, builders and contractors. For additional information about GO Bond C, visit nmbondc.com and click on the “My Community” tab. Thank you for your consideration of support for the students of UNM-Gallup.
STATE GOP | FROM PAGE 11 DNC, Haaland’s and the DPNM establishment’s bias toward Clinton was clear throughout the primary,” RPNM spokesma n T ucker Keene sa id. “Haaland broke party rules to shelter her favored candidate from the embarrassment of losing a straw poll. The Sanders supporters in New Mexico, of which there were many, deserved the entire primary system to be fair, and neither candidate should have been given preference that may have affected the vote.” The Democratic Party of New Mexico said the call for Haaland to step down was just a distraction from the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. “New Mexico Republicans are clearly using empty accusations to mislead the public and distract from their continued support for a misogynistic and dangerous presidential candidate who brags about sexual assault,” DPNM spokeswoman Felicia Salazar said. The Santa Fe New Mexican reported that a handful of Sanders supporters who were
SNAP DELIVERS | FROM PAGE 13 report. “[T]eens who had experienced food insecurity in infancy are more likely to score lower on achievement tests, repeat a grade, a nd fail to graduate from high school…,” the report reads. Having access to SNAP as a child also improves longterm health and economic outcomes. “SNAP is our most efficient and effective tool to combat hunger. Ensuring families can buy nutritious food helps kids succeed in school. It a lso br i ngs much-needed econom ic a ct iv it y to t he state,” said Sovereign Hager, an attorney with New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty,
Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairwoman Debra Haaland part of the Democratic Party of New Mexico’s State Central Committee also called on Haaland to step down. Sanders supporters delivered a petition with the signatures of five State Central Committee members saying Haaland broke party rules by canceling the straw poll, according to the New Mexican. Donald Trump has been working to attract Sanders supporters since the end of the Democratic primary, which ended with many Sanders supporters skeptical of Clinton’s candidacy. On Oct. 11, hours before the RPNM statement, Trump tweeted that he thought the Democratic primary was rigged against Sanders. Tr ump a lso mentioned Sanders a number of times during the Oct. 9 debate. Visit: www.nmpoliticalreport.com
Photo Credit: cbpp.org
which represents applicants in a case against the state concerning illegal delays and denial of SNAP and Medicaid. “We must maximize the benefit to New Mexico by removing unnecessary barriers for eligible families applying for and renewing benefits,” she added. Across the nation, 69 percent of SNAP par ticipants live in families with children, according to the report. In New Mexico, that rate is even higher at 74 percent. “Unfortunately, the budget cuts enacted last week—on top of previous budgets cuts and years of chronic underfunding for New Mexico’s SNA P prog ra m— a re on ly goi ng to ma ke mat ter s worse,” Jimenez said. The report, SNAP Works for America’s Children, is available online at cbpp.org/ resea rch /food-a ssista nce/ snap -work s -for-a mer ica s children. New Mexico Voices for C hi l dre n i s a n o npar tisan, nonprofit organization advocating for policies to improve the health and well-being of New Mexico’s c h i l d r e n , fa m i l i e s a n d communities. Visit: nmvoices.org
GALLUP SUN ARCHIVES Effective June 24, 2016, ALL Gallup Sun *archives (past issues) will be mailed. Must provide exact release date and mailing address. Send info. and check or money order for $1.50 to: Gallup Sun PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 *Based on availability. 14
Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
COMMUNITY Locals ring in inaugural Gallup Indigenous Peoples’ Day By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
hough Gallup is recognized for its rich Nat ive A mer ica n history, it’s often forgotten that Native peoples occupied the area before anyone else. That’s part of the message Navajo civic activist Mervyn Tilden wants to promote in light of the newly instituted Gallup Indigenous Peoples’ Day, which the Gallup City Council formalized via resolution at its Sept. 27 regular meeting. “This is a great day – a great day for everyone,” Tilden, a Church Rock native, said. Asked what word he’d give to the Oct. 10 demonstration in front of the Gallup Cultural Center at 201 E. Hwy. 66, Tilden replied, “Life.” Close to 20 people joined him at the demonstration off and on throughout the day. Marchers burned cedar to signify life, death, birth, a mong other mea nings sacred to Native American tradition. Tilden advocates the importance of Natives helping other
Natives reconnect to their ancestral ties. He said he was just a child when it occurred to him to embark on a personal journey to discover his Native American roots. Chr istopher Columbus, Tilden mused, was not the true discoverer of the place now called the United States of America. Yea rs of traveling a nd re sea rch i ng per ma nent ly changed his perspective, he said, and others at the demonstration seemed to feel the same way. “I think this is a great occasion,” Loren A nthony, who i s f rom t he Chu sk a Mou nt a i n s, s a id. “I w i sh t her e wer e mor e p e ople here, but the fact that this is now the day that it is means something.” Anthony carried a bullhorn and shouted expressions like: “This is Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” Angela Chavez, who owns a restaurant inside the Cultural Center, said the demonstrators were not much of a distraction. She said she saw her usual lunch crowd, and was surprised more people didn’t attend the affair.
Loren Anthony protests Columbus Day on Oct. 10 in front of the Gallup Cultural Center on Highway 66. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura
A group celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day in place of Columbus Day on Oct. 10 in front of the Gallup Cultural Center. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura
Protesters demonstrated against Columbus Day and in honor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Gallup on Oct. 10. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura COMMUNITY
Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
Camille’s pumpkin carving contest captures the macabre CASH PRIZES AWARDED TO LUCKY WINNERS By Dee Velasco Photos by Ryan Hudgeons For the Sun
n Oct. 8, Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe held it s t h i r d a n nu a l Pumpkin Ca r v ing Contest, and it began just like a typical Halloween story. It was a cold, dark, and windy night at 306 S. Second St., and little ghouls and goblins gathered inside Camille’s to see if their hard work carving pumpkins would pay off. This year, the age categories were split — 13-and-under, and 14-and-over, as well as People’s Choice. The firstplace pumpkin-carving winner
would take home $100; second would receive $75; third, $25; and Peoples Choice, $50. Camille’s owner, James Rich, said events like this make Halloween an exciting holiday, full of anticipation. “This is our third annual event,” Rich said. “It’s always fun to get a large crowd — certainly a lot of people enjoy it, something different. We started this downtown, and I’ve always liked the idea that we lead and not follow.” Rich said more businesses are beginning to hold similar events. Every imaginable carved-pumpkin creation was displayed for the public to see — from a creepy clown pumpkin;
James Rich (standing, left) talks with the crowd during the pumpkin carving contest Oct. 8. to an old-school pumpkin with “Boo” carved into its side; to BB8, the character from Star Wars, which was created from two pumpkins; among several other unique creations. E i g ht -ye a r- old L i l l i a n Bowman and her father, Jacob Bowman, decided to enter the competition for the fun of it.
“This was my daughter’s first time,” Jacob said. “She picked out the characters Lilo and Stitch, so I drew out the design and she did the rest. It didn’t take long — about an hour and a half.” While Lillian’s pumpkin didn’t place for a win, Jacob said it was fun, regardless.
As the wind howled outside, and the cold autumn air was chilled to the bone, curious onlookers inside Camille’s treated themselves to hot coffee and waited to hear who the lucky winners were. Everyone who attended the event had the opportunity to cast their vote for the winning pumpkin — and there were more than 20 to choose from. The judging began at 7 pm, and the judges went up and down the tables to carefully observe the awesome creations. Rich thanked folks for participating in the contest and wished everyone good luck. The results came in and the awards were given. Taking first place in the 13-and-under category was No. 13, Isabelle King, and No. 16, Skylar Hubbard, won the 14-and-over prize. Both winners took home $100 for their Jack-o-lanterns. The People’s Choice award went to No. 18, Leeah LongEdwa rds, who took home $50. Carolyn Stansberry, who counted out the score for the People’s Choice, said the decision was unanimous. “I was just counting out the score for the PC, [but] the people are the ones who vote,”
Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
A fabulous first for Zuni Autumn Fest Story and photos by Randy Delena For the Sun
n Oct. 9, the Zuni Autumn Fest kicked off its debut, spanning noon till dusk on the Old Zuni High School field at 1203 Hwy. 53. With live music, artistry, a bike-andrun, and food, the event was sponsored in part by Jamon Graphic and Printing, The Best Lemonade stand, friends, and local businesses. Carlton Jamon, the creator of the event, told the Sun he did it “for the community” and “so they can enjoy the art and listen to good music.”
Among the audience members interviewed, all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the many sets, and no one was disappointed. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea to have [the fest] during football season,” Jamon said of the event, which was held on a Sunday. Indeed, there was a slow start with a dwindling crowd, but in the end, the finish was a strong one. The performing ar tists included Voodoo Rhythm Band, and Blue Shades, and the set that really captured the essence of the fest was the sassy-meetsbeauty duo, Dey and Nite, who played guitar and vocals to covers of the great Johnny Cash,
From left to right: “Nite” sings and engages crowd, while “Dey” rocks the guitar and sings back up during a tribute to Miranda Lambert’s ‘White Liar.’
Artist Edward Lewis enjoyed tinkering and listening to the music as he sold his paintings, drawings, and woodwork at the first-ever Zuni Autumn Fest on Oct. 9.
Left to right: artists Carleton and Felicia Albert enjoyed the music at their stand, True Etch, which showcased their collective works of custom glass and ceramic etching during Zuni Autumn Fest on Oct. 9.
PUMPKIN CARVING | FROM PAGE 16 she said. “I was just doing the compiling of all the paperwork. It was hands-down for No. 18.” Sage Enote took
second place in the 14-and-over category. “It’s just simply coming up with something very different and going with it,” Enote said. “I was looking through a magazine and I sort of got inspired
by what people were doing in theirs, so I kinda went [with] that. It took me a couple days, just non-stop work. You just have think outside the box.” In the end, the event was a good time, and everyone
Miranda Lambert, and Jimmy Hendricks. Without any help, the sisters from Gallup mixed humor with music, and in announcing every mistake they made, they
sprinkled in a little sass — and had the crowd laughing and enjoying themselves, to boot. With more to come next year, the first-ever Autumn Fest had a positively great start.
seemed to enjoy themselves. In fact, as the participants gathered up their pumpkins, there was talk of pumpkin-carving ideas for next year. R ich sa id he hope s to bring the same excitement
this coming Christmas with t he Gi ngerbread House contest. “It will be our fourth, and we like coming back to that, it creates a lot of creativity,” he said.
Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
‘The Accountant’ doesn’t add up RATING: «« OUT OF 4 STARS RUNNING TIME: 128 MIN. By Glenn Kay For the Sun
wonder who ex a c t ly thought that it would be a grand idea to title an action /thriller T he Accountant? Heck, even something as unexceptional as The Reckoning would be slightly snappier (and is a bookkeeping term, to boot). The chosen title doesn’t exactly get the blood pumping, even when the film in question is undoubtedly intended to excite viewers. Yet in a strange way, I suppose the moniker is appropriate. As hard as the talented cast and crew try to add a few twists and create something unique, the end result can’t help but feel a bit stiff and generic. C h r i s t i a n Wol f f ( B e n Affleck) is a brilliant freelance accountant who can cook the books for wealthy corporations or find missing funds, all in a matter of hours. However, his high-functioning autism also results in considerable difficulties with social interactions. When he’s hired by the upper management of a robotics firm to find a money leak, Wolff dives into the books and even manages to make a friend (Anna Kendrick) in the accounting department. However, his findings make
While it ends up stiff and generic, ‘The Accountant’ — starring Ben Affleck as a geeky killing machine — could have been a complete disaster with others in front of and behind the camera. Photo Credit: Warner Bros. the pair targets for an assassin (Jon Bernthal). Surprisingly, Wolff is just as adept as a killer as he is an accountant, leading to a lot of bloodshed. It seems fairly straightforward, but there’s a lot more going on aside from the business scheme and a budding friendship. The movie seems determined to explain how Wolff developed his accounting and killing skills, revealing pieces of information through 207 WEST COAL GALLUP 505.863.1250 www.elmorrotheatre.com Facebook @elmorrogallup
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Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
multiple flashbacks. Also on Wolff’s trail is a pair of Treasury Department agents (J.K. Simmons and Cynthia Addai-Robinson). Several of these characters have lengthy histories that are slowly laid out, with the emphasis on slowly... The first act is quite dry and awkward, introducing numerous characters and taking its time to develop the various parties involved. Creating
well-drawn personalities is all well and good, but it also means there’s little in the way of threat or tension in the first third of the film. And when the action starts, it’s a strange tonal shift. In fact, it also seems as if the screenplay is attempting to wedge in various genres all at once. The story frequently shifts from a character study, to a family drama, to a gritty, toughguy vigilante picture. It even
wants to hint at the possibility of romance and introduces elements that wouldn’t be out of place in a superhero movie. There’s just too much going on here. While some aspects are interesting, the pacing gets bogged down in the numerous flashbacks, several of which feel overly extended, repetitive, and at times not even essential to the central story. The movie isn’t helped by a dull and dark color palette that doesn’t offer any sort of visual punch. Director Gavin O’Connor (Warrior) handles the handful of physical action scenes well. He also has an affinity for family drama and hard-boiled characters. However, as written, relationships don’t come off in nearly as convincing a manner. The screenplay also wastes its villain, who isn’t given much to do besides snarl and panic in the final act. I can appreciate what some elements of the film are trying to address and that the performers are elevating the material to a degree. This picture could have been a complete disaster with others in front of and behind the camera. But there’s really no saving a clunky, awkwardly constructed screenplay that lets down all of the talent involved. In the end, The Accountant should have been scrutinized and adjusted significantly before the cameras started rolling.
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DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for Oct. 14, 2016 By Glenn Kay For the Sun
t’s time for another look at the highlights coming your way on DVD and Blu-ray. This list includes a couple of big summer releases as well as plenty of independent fare. So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!
BIG NEW RELEASES! Bee p: A Doc ume ntar y History of Game Sound Like v ideo g a m e s ? Seems like you’d better if you want to appre ciate this non-f iction effort. Over the two-hour running time, the filmmakers trace the history of music and sound in games, starting all the way back in Victorian penny arcades and following it through the decades to modern times. It also features interviews with composers and sound designers. Blood Father - An ex-con and recovering alcoholic gets a shock when he learns that his wayward 17-year-old daughter is being hunted down by a drug cartel. Dad steps in, using his own criminal past and connections to make sure they don’t go down without a fight. Critics were complimentary about this pulpy, violent action-thriller. While they stated it wasn’t the most original story in the world, they called it an effective little B-movie with strong, charismatic performances from its leads. They include Mel Gibson, William H. Macy, and Miguel Sandoval. L e s Cowboys T h e Cowboys is a French f ilm with a n intr iguing idea — a mo d er n Ga l l ic d ra ma w it h a Western tinge. This tale of an estranged family follows the efforts of a father (who loves all things cowboy-related) and his attempts to find his lost daughter. His son also ends up COMMUNITY
taking on the search, which takes him to the Middle East. Notices were quite strong for this release, calling it unusual and unpredictable, with interesting insights into a post 9/11 world. Ghostbusters - This reboot sure caused a lot of controversy among bloggers and go t ple n t y of press as well; I supposed many didn’t realize just how beloved the original was. While admitting it wasn’t as strong as its inspiration and was only intermittently funny, several enjoyed the laughs that did work. The cast includes Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Chris Hemsworth, and Cecily Strong. Hil l ar y’s Am e r ica: The Secret History of the Democratic Party - Well, the audience for this effort is pretty specific — the far, far, far right. It’s a dubious “documentary” that posits bizarre theories about the Democratic Party and the current Presidential nominee’s motivations. And almost no members of the press liked the movie, criticizing it for being pure rhetoric and lacking in coherence or even basic facts. Ice Age: Collision C o u r s e - With a m e t e o r threatening their ex istence, a group of dinosaurs travel to outer space to impede the rock’s progress. It’s the fourth sequel in the animated family series and it has garnered the worst reviews thus far. Apparently, it will entertain only the youngest of viewers. The Infiltrator - Based on a true story, a U.S. customs agent is sent undercover as a businessman in the hopes of infiltrating the world of drug cartel Pablo Escobar. As expected, the job endangers the man’s life at every turn as he interacts with bigger figures in the organization. Write-ups were generally positive about the drama, complimenting the cast’s work as impressive... even if several
felt the story was a bit generic and could have gone into more behind-the-scenes detail. It stars Bryan Cranston, John Leguizamo, Diane Kruger, Benjamin Bratt, Amy Ryan, and Olympia Dukakis. T h e L e g e n d of Tarzan The classic Edgar Rice Bu r r ou g h s character gets a modern update in this new adventure. The plot involves t he newly m a r r ied L ord Greystroke being lured with wife Jane back to Africa. The pair gets into trouble after investigating a nasty entrepreneur and his mining operation. Critics were split on this updating, with more leaning toward the negative. While a few enjoyed its attempts at modernization, more believed that the character’s return had not been asked for and didn’t work in a blockbuster framework.
BLASTS FROM THE PAST! It’s another great week for introducing classic titles in high definition. Arrow Films is a distributor that has been mention before in this column. This week, they have two great scare flicks arriving on Blu-ray. Dark Water (2002) is actually a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack. This is an effective little supernatural horror flick about a divorced mom and her young child who move into a creepy apartment complex with plenty of water leaks. They also begin seeing a ghostly figure in the halls. It’s an effective tale with great atmosphere. Arrow a lso ha s a Blu-ray for the We s C r a v e n (A Ni g htm ar e on Elm Str e et, t he S c r e a m s er ie s a nd cou nt le s s ot her s) hor ror classic, The Hills Have Eyes (1977). It’s about a family whose camper breaks down in the desert. They’re soon targeted by a nasty group of feral characters and must fight for their lives. It’s an incredibly
intense and effective picture that was very disturbing and edgy in its day. Criterion has a new, extraspacked Blu-ray of Richark Linklater’s drama, Boyhood (2014). This film chronicled the life of its main character from childhood to adulthood, all in real time over a period of 12 years. They are also bringing the Rober t A l t m a n (M A S H, Na shv i l l e, The Player) Wester n Mc C a b e & Mrs. Miller (1971) to high definition. This one is about the goings on at a frontier town brothel and features Warren Beatty and Julie Christie as the title characters. The movie is renowned for its unusually gritty, realistic, and beautiful photography. If you pick it up, you’ll be rewarded with a new 4K restoration of the film elements, along with an audio commentary from 2002 featuring director Robert Altman and producer David Foster, and more. Shout! Factory has a couple of fantastic scary flicks that they’re giving the special treatment to. They’ve put it out before, but never quite like this. Carrie (1976) is one of the most famous horror flicks of its time, about a telekinetic high school student who eventually turns on the nasty student body. And they’re giving the same treatment to John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982). Another classic (and one of the best remakes ever) this tale involves a group of researchers in Antarctica who find an alien mimic infiltrating their base, copying them, and wiping each person out one by one. The paranoia between characters, as well as the cold and uniquely remote environment really set this one apart from others of its ilk. A n d t h a t ’s n o t all, folks. It isn’t a great picture, but those w ith a ta ste for B-movie drive-in fare can now pick up The Astro Zombies (1968)
on Blu-ray courtesy of Kino. Film Movement Classics has a high-definition transfer of the Japanese cult flick Violent Cop (1989), which marked the first starring role for actor Takashi “Beat” Kitano. The Salton Sea (2002) is a great little thriller with Val Kilmer as a trumpeter hanging in the seedy, dr ug-addict underbelly of Southern California. However, viewers soon find he ha s ulterior motives for his actions. Strictly Business (1991) is a romantic comedy that stars Halle Berry in an early role. Surviving the Game (1994) is an action thriller about a homeless man being hunted to death as sport. Of course, he fights back and eventually gets the better of his pursuer s. T hat one ha s a great cast. As for classic studio fare, Paramount is releasing It’s A Wonderful Life (1946) in a “Plat i nu m A n n iver sa r y Edition” Blu-ray. At Universal, your can pick up a couple of box sets and both definitely include some classics. The C lint Eastwood 4 Movie Thriller C o l l e c t i o n i nclude s T h e Beguiled (1971), Coogan’s Bluff (1968), The Eiger Sanction (1975) and Play Misty for Me (1971). The same studio is also releasing the Gregory Peck Centennial Collection, which includes two titles — Cape Fear (1962) and To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). Both come with plenty of bonus features as well.
YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS! Listed below are some choices that might appeal to youngsters. Adventure Time: Season 6 (Cartoon Network) Doctor Strange (Marvel Animated Fetures) Ice Age: Collision Course The Kwicky Koala Show: The Complete Series (Warner Archive) Pokemon: Master Quest: The Complete Collection
Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
ORT DEFIANCE, Ariz. - The Monument Valley High School Mustangs played to practical perfection Oct. 7 and clobbered the Window Rock High School Fighting Scouts 64-6 in an Arizona 3A North football game at Window Rock Stadium in Fort Defiance, Ariz. The Mustangs remain in the mix for a repeat run to the Arizona State playoffs. The team is undefeated this year and was undefeated at this point in the season last year, too. The Mustangs opened the game by scoring on each of their first few possessions. Junior running back Billy Mitchell took it in from six yards out to give the Mustangs a 6-0 lead. The extra point was good, and Monument Valley created some momentum that allowed for a 14-0 lead on a pass play in which Valley senior quarterback Cauy Nelson connected with senior
Monument Valley senior quarterback Cuay Nelson makes his way around Scouts defenders and to the end zone in an Oct. 7 at the 3A North football game at Window Rock Stadium. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura wide receiver Royce Charley on a 30-yard-pass play. Window Rock couldn’t get anything moving on offense, and the Valley defense wasn’t giving up much. But Scouts’ running back Cornelius Nez was a bright spot for the Scouts throughout the entire game. Nez finished the game with close to
Monument Valley’s defense swarms on Window Rock, freeing up Quarterback Cauy Nelson (10) to make a play for the touchdown. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura
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100 yards on the ground. “This was a good all-around game for us,” Monument Valley head coach Bryan Begay said. “We played to our strengths. We had some trouble containing their running back, but overall, I am pleased with the win.” Nelson was particularly effective in roll-out screen plays in which he threw to either Charley or Mitchell in the flat. The Mustangs penetrated the Window Rock defense a lot in the first half and came away with several first downs. Valley went up 28-6 with 3:54 left in the second quarter. If Window Rock was to mount a comeback, the time to do it
High School Sports Scoreboard
Football Oct. 7 Farmington @ Gallup 58-7 (Gallup 2-4) Miyamura @ Bloomfield 40-33 (Miyamura 5-1) Whitehorse @ Wingate 24-34 (Wingate 3-3) Boys Soccer Oct. 7 Gallus @ Miyamura 0-8 (Gallup 0-15) (Miyamura 5-10-1) Oct. 6 Farmington @ gallup 13-0 Miyamura @ Bloomfield 3-1 Girls Soccer Oct. 6 Gallup @ Farmington 0-7 (Gallup 4-10-1) Bloomfield @ MIyamura 1-0 Rehoboth Christian @ Grants 0-4 (Rehoboth 4-11-1)
Girls Volleyball Oct. 11 Gallup @ Kirtland Central 3-1 (Gallup 6-8) Miyamura @ Aztec 0-3 (Miyamura 6-9) Tohatchi @ Rehoboth Christian 0-3 (Rehoboth 9-6) Shiprock @ Wingate 3-1 (Wingate 1-12) Oct. 6 Gallup @ Aztec 0-3 Rehoboth Christian @ Zuni 3-0 Scores and overall standings feature Gallup, Miyamura, Wingate, and Rehoboth High teams, courtesy of maxpreps. com, which is not always up-to-date. We will only post scores from Thu Wed. prior to publication. Submit up-to-date varsity team scores/standings by Wednesday to: gallupsun@ gmail.com
MV BLASTS | FROM PAGE 20 was near the end of the first half when Valley accumulated penalties that took away prime field position. “We pl ayed h a rd, but [Monument Valley] came out the winner today,” Scouts’ firstyear head coach Scott Weaver said. “Defensively, we let them get good field position too many times. That punt return was a back-breaker when we had our running game going decently.” The Mustangs improved to 7-0, 1-0 on the 2016 football year. Begay said he expects the Mustangs to go far in the state playoffs this year, as they did last year, before losing in the final round. Window Rock fell to 1-6, 0-3. Monument Valley plays Ganado (5-2, 1-2) Oct. 14 at Kayenta in the Mustangs’ homecoming game. Valley, Window Rock, and Ganado play in the same realigned 3A North conference. Senior running back and kick-return specialist Gabriel James of Monument Valley took a punt return 65 yards for 48-6 Mustangs lead. Still, Nez remained the work horse for the Scouts, running hard
and breaking several tackles for large gains. But the Scouts couldn’t get to the end zone often enough. Valley scored two more touchdowns in the latter minutes of the third quarter and at the beginning of the fourth.
The Scouts went through three quarterbacks in the game, but each found the tough Mustangs’ defense stingy. Through the 2016 football season, Nelson has compiled a 671 passing percentage while throwing just four interceptions.
Tight end Shamon Salway (2) of Window Rock attempts to thwart Monument Valley High’s wide receiver Jalen Lane (12) from catching the ball. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura
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Gallup Sun • Friday October 14, 2016
10:30 am – noon: Octavia Fellin Library is offering free computer training to the community. Class size is limited to 10 people. Register at the Front Desk. Prerequisites: Must have taken Intro to the Internet. Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill Ave.
4 pm: a family film for everyone to enjoy. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Film: The Addams Family SATURDAY Oct. 15
Meetings every Saturday at 10 am, First United Methodist Church, 1800 Red Rock Dr., corner of Nizhoni/Red Rock. Enter northwest corner off Nizhoni: Library room. Contact (505) 307-5999 or (505) 721-9208.
2 - 3 pm: The Fire Department will be doing a special day of reading, activities, and prevention drills for kids of all ages. There will be two stations, one for kids aged 4-7 with stories read by firefighters and coloring/activity sheets related to fire prevention week. The other station for kids 7 and older will have bunkers (firefighter gear) and exit planning. For more information, call (505) 726-6120 or email aprice@gallupnm.gov. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave.
4 – 6 pm: This documentary series focuses on Latino history and experiences throughout American history. Episode 6: Peril and Promise will be screened. Octavia Fellin Public Library: 115 W. Hill Ave.
Pantry, 1130 Hassler Valley Rd. MONDAY Oct. 17
3-5 pm: The library is offering free computer training to the community. Class size is limited to 10. Register at front desk. Must have basic computer skills. Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill Ave. TUESDAY Oct. 18
6-8 pm: Martin Link will present his new book about Route 66 and will sign copies. Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill Ave. Free
6:30 pm: Get to know your neighbor, and be a part of creating a better community. As the Rev. Derwin Gray of Charlotte, N.C., says: “How can I love my neighbor, if I don’t know my neighbor?” Bring a dish or drink for a shared meal. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 151 State Highway 564, on the hill near Orleans Manor Apartments. For more information, contact Rev. Lorelei Kay (505) 290-5357, wpcgallup@gmail.com. WEDNESDAY Oct. 19
An active and energetic program for toddlers, featuring music, movement, rhymes, and stories. Starts: 10:30 am. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Free
A club for kids interested in science, math, building, and inventing. Each week features a different challenge, project, or experiment. This week: Lego challenge. Starts: 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave.
Join us for the Holy Eucharist. Begins: 10:30 am. For more information, please call (505) 863-4695. Location: 1334 S. Country Club Dr. Tours of the Pantry and Hope Gardens begin at 1 pm. Walk begins at 2 pm. CROP is an initiative of the Church World Service, a first responder organization to global tragedy. Shafiq, (505) 227-7242; Betsy (505) 722-9257. Community
FIRST 25 WORDS: FREE! 26-50 WORDS: $5 51-75: WORDS: $10 76-100 WORDS: $15
$300 – Gallup Oct. 22-23 (505) 410-7889 swphlebotomy.net ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Are you tired of sitting behind a desk? Or do you need a fresh start? If you enjoy meeting new people and being out and about, consider a position as an Account Executive for the Gallup Sun. We are looking for that special someone who knows the community well and radiates positivity. Candidates must be punctual, reliable and friendly. Must have reliable transportation, and some customer service or past sales experience. The hired candidate will work closely with current account executive, so training will be provided. Some travel outside the Gallup area required. Must own laptop with Internet access and printer/scanner so you can work at the office or on the go. For consideration, send cover letter/resume to: gallupsun@gmail.com
$5 PER WEEK FOR EACH ITEM: TEXT BOX, HIGHLIGHT, ALL CAPS, PIC/LOGO EMAIL : GALLUPSUN@GMAIL.COM DUE: TUESDAYS 5 PM AD RUNS 4 WEEKS, UNLESS SPECIFIED beat coverage available for the diehard watchdog. Email resume and clips to: gallupsun@ gmail.com. Ability to take photos and/or video a plus.
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Looking for some help? Why not put a shout out in the Sun! First 25 words are FREE! Email it on over to: gallupsun@ gmail.com. HOMES FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT 116 W. Princeton Ave. Will show from 6pm - 7pm everyday until rented. HOMES FOR SALE
The Gallup Sun is currently seeking writers/reporters that can tell a captivating story about stuff that matters to readers in this region. Teachers, professionals of all stripes, and students with some experience are encouraged to apply. We also have
Cabin in Zuni Mountains 2 Bedrooms 20 Minutes from Grants, New Mexico 78,000.00 505-240-2112 PLACE YOUR REAL ESTATE AD HERE! FIRST 25 WORDS FREE. LOGO and/or PHOTO $5 EACH. APPEARS ON GAL-
SUNDAY Oct. 16
Gremlins. Free
5:30 pm: popcorn is provided. Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill Ave. Film:
Local talent takes center stage from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 W. Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117. Continued on page 23
22 Friday October 14, 2016 • Gallup Sun
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MOBILE HOMES MOBILE HOME SPACES Mobile Home Spaces – Single wide – any size $205/mo. Double Wide $260/mo. Call Mike 505-870-3430 or Carmelita 505870-4095. SERVICES BUILD A GUITAR! Build this acoustic seven string Russian guitar. This is a one week class and includes all of the materials and hardware. Full instruction and tools provided. I have openings for three students. The class will run from Saturday November 5th through Saturday November 12th. The cost of the class is $1200.00; a 50% deposit required to register. For more information and to register please contact Robert Brochey at 505-979-4027 VEHICLES 99 FatBoy $6K 505-870-6966
MAIL DELIVERY 1 year subscription. Send check for $59.95 to:
Gallup Sun Publishing PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305
***Currently Looking for Prize Sponsorships!***
Contact mall office for info. & registration: 1300 Maloney Ave • (505) 722-7281
COMMUNITY CALENDAR OCT. 14 – 20, 2016 Continued from page 22 THURSDAY Oct. 20
Learn the basics of using the Excel spreadsheet program and earn an 8G thumb-drive. Seating is limited. Register and pay by Oct. 17. $10. Class is held Oct. 20. Held at the Gallup Chamber of Commerce meeting room, 106 W. Hwy 66. Contact: Gallup Small Business Development Center, (505) 722-2220.
3-5 pm: Octavia Fellin Library is offering free computer training to the community. Class size is limited to 10 people. Register at the Front Desk. Prerequisites: Must have taken Beg. PowerPoint. Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill Ave.
Fun crafts for the whole family (all ages). Starts at 4 pm. This week: paper-sack pumpkin. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave.
We invite residents of District 4 to our meeting beginning at 6 pm. Councilor Palochak will be there to listen to your concerns. It’s a great opportunity to share ideas and we welcome your compliments and complaints. 6 – 8 pm, Tobe Turpen Elementary School, 3310 Manuelito Dr. ONGOING
ArtsCrawl is held the second Saturday of every month from 7 to 9 pm, downtown Gallup.
Every Sunday in the Camille’s parking lot from noon to 2 pm. Check out cars – new, old, vintage, and bikes. Cruise at 1:30 pm. Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe, 306 S. Second St.
RMCHC Women’s Health Unit offers childbirth education classes, at no charge, every second Saturday of the month in the RMCH Library, 1901 Red Rock Drive, from 9 am-1 pm. Contact WHU at (505) 863-7026.
First Monday of the month, from 3 - 5 pm. Community members concerned about conservation, energy, water, recycling, and other environmental issues are welCALENDAR
come. Call Bill Bright at (505) 722-0039 for information. Octavia Fellin Public Library: 115 W. Hill Ave.
A nine-week exploration of some of the Bible’s more than 800 references to water — from the waters of chaos at the beginning of earth’s story to the river of the water of life in John’s Revelation – begins Aug. 31. The study begins at 7 pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 151 State Highway 564 (Boardman Drive) – the Church on the Hill near Orleans Manor Apartments. All are welcome. For more information, call the church office at (505) 905-3247.
The Hope Garden offers organic produce for sale from 10 am - noon, Tue – Fri., 1130 E. Hassler Valley Rd. All funds go to helping feed local folks. Call (505) 726-8068 or when visiting, ask for Vernon Garcia.
Gallup’s longest-running live show! Every Friday night from 7 - 9 pm. Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe, 306 S. Second St.
Wednesdays are low-cost Spay and Neuter Days, at the Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society. For more information, please call (505) 863-2616, or email: gmchumanesociety@gmail.com. Location: 1315 Hamilton Rd.
The nonprofit, Gallup Solar, is hosting free Solar 101 classes about all things related to off-grid solar systems on the first three Wednesdays of each month, 6 - 7 pm, at 113 E. Logan Ave. All welcome any week. No registration required. For info call: (505) 728-9246.
The fundraisers are open 9 am - noon every Saturday. If you have household items to donate or wish to volunteer on construction or another service call Bill Bright at (505) 722-4226, Warehouse Lane off Allison Road.
Friday nights: Karaoke at Sammy C’s with DJ Marvelous. 9 pm. 107 W. Coal Ave. (505) 863-2220.
McKinley Citizens Recycling Council is a local nonprofit
working to increase recycling through education, community outreach, and partnership with local government agencies. MCRC meets the first Saturday of the month at 2 pm, at Red Mesa on Hill St. For more information, please call (505) 722-5142 or visit Recylegallup.org. SAVE THE DATE
Oct. 21, 11 am – 1 pm: Enjoy lunch while being served by local law enforcement. Your contribution to the Olympics is appreciated. Cocina De Dominguez Restaurant, Indn. Rte. 12, Window Rock, Ariz. (928) 871-6111.
Oct 21, 1 - 4:30 pm: A one-day workshop that offers educational opportunities to all professionals, small business owners, and the community, with understanding and respect for disabilities. Topics: service animals, disability awareness, accessibility. Gallup Chamber of Commerce, 106 W. Hwy. 66. Contact: Small Business Development Center, (505) 722-2220 or gallupsbdc@unm.edu.
Oct. 21, 4 pm: a family film for everyone to enjoy. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Film: Hotel Transylvania
Oct. 22, 10 am – 2 pm: Solid prescription medication and patches can be dropped off at ANY of these following sites for safe disposal: Crownpoint Police Department - Gallup Rio West Mall - New Mexico State Police Department - Ramah Chapter House - Thoreau Police Substation - Zuni Tribal Building. (505) 729-8249.
Free to enter. Entries must be received on Oct. 24 by 5 pm. Cash prizes will be awarded. Rio West Mall, 1300 Maloney Ave.
Oct. 25, 9 am to noon: Free seminar to learn more about the Wage and Hour Division, its enforcement of federal labor laws, and common violations to avoid. Gallup Chamber of Commerce Meet-
ing Room, 106 W. Hwy. 66, (505) 722-7222.
Oct. 25, 2-4 pm: Octavia Fellin Library is offering free computer training to the community. Class size is limited to 10 people. Register at the Front Desk. Prerequisites: Must have taken Beg. PowerPoint. Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill Ave.
Oct. 26: We invite you to meet with Councilor Linda Garcia at the Northside Neighborhood Association monthly meeting beginning at 6:30 pm at the Northside Senior Center. Councilor Garcia will be there to listen to your concerns. It’s a great opportunity to share ideas and we welcome your compliments and complaints. Please join us and feel free to bring a friend or two. If you have any questions, please call Linda at 879-4176.
Oct. 27, 5:30 – 7 pm: Join the Gallup McKinley County Chamber of Commerce for “Business After Hours.” This is an excellent opportunity to build important business relationships, keep up on what’s happening in Gallup and with your Chamber. Light snacks and drinks are always served and there are great prizes to be won! Held at TDFL. (505) 722-2228.
5:30 – 7:30 pm, Oct. 27: From the creator of Harvey Girls: Opportunity Bound, comes a new set of oral histories focusing on the women of the mother road and their contributions. El Morro Theatre, 207 W. Coal Ave. Free
Oct. 27, 6 -8 pm: For kids 0-12. Prizes awarded. Afterward visit one of the non-profit organizations hosting a fall carnival with games, cake walks and face painting. Rio West Mall, 1300 W. Maloney Ave.
tered receives a goodie bag for their pet. Prizes will be awarded. Rio West Mall, 1300 W. Maloney Ave.
Oct. 29, 2-4 pm: Annual Family Halloween Carnival at the Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Free
5 -7 pm, Oct. 31: Stay warm and trick or treat at the mall. No Masks. Rio West Mall, 1300 W. Maloney Ave.
The Moving Wall is a replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C., and will be returning to the Navajo Nation on Nov. 3 – 7. For more info, contact Jackie Burbank (928) 349-0975; Tom Tso (928) 724-3386; Elbert Wheeler (505) 780-2803. Chinle High School, Chinle, Ariz.
Nov. 5, from 9 am - 3 pm: Gallup Community Service Center (Old Bingo Hall) Seeking vendors of recycled arts and crafts. Contact: Betsy (505) 721-9879, betsywindisch@yahoo.com.
Oct. 31: Families are encouraged to come to the library to show costumes and receive a special treat. Trickor-treat time will be 5 to 7 pm. Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill Ave.
Nov. 18: As always, this is a community Christmas tree. It is you tree — a tree that will bring your family together once again, to laugh, to giggle, to cheer and “Rock Around the Christmas Tree.” Hogan Family Restaurant parking lot, 10 Main St., Tuba City, Ariz.
Nov. 19: Booths, $25. Big cupcake cake walk. Rio West Mall, 1300 W. Maloney Ave.
Oct. 28, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm: Nov. 25 at the Rio West Mall, Octavia Fellin Library is offer- 1300 W. Maloney Ave. ing free computer training to 2016 WINTER ARTS & CRAFT FAIR the community. Class size is Dec. 3 – 4 at the Larry Brian limited to 10 people. Register Mitchell Recreation Center, at the Front Desk. Prerequi700 Montoya Blvd. (505) 722sites: Must have taken Beg. 2619. PowerPoint. Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill Ave. To post a nonprofit or
Oct. 28, 7 pm: Pre-register at mall office. Categories: Dog, Cat, and other. First 25 regis-
civic event in the calendar section, please email: gallupsunevents@gmail.com or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.
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