NM Leaning Toward Clinton? 6
To Stay or Escape. 10
VOL 2 | ISSUE 49 | MARCH 11, 2016
‘Teacher of the Month’ went away to college and returned to hometown to teach. Page 9
Theater employees hailed for heroic actions. Page 8
Benjamin Gonzales
Charles Martinez
Corey Daniel
Jeremy Henry
Page 7
Jearlyn Malone
John Paradise
Joseph Gonzales
Hilario Josue Garcia
Robert B. Baca
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NEWS Luján calls for Na’nizhoozhi Center meeting
.S. Congressman Ben Ray Luján, D-New Mexico, met with area officials March 4 to shed light on future funding mechanisms related to the Na’nizhoozhi Center, Inc., commonly called NCI. Not lost in the discussion were the myriad of problems that lead people to places like NCI. The meeting lasted about 90 minutes
and was held at the El Morro Second Street Events Center. Currently, NCI receives funding some $400,000 annually in state funding, and receives roughly $84,000 per month from the city of Gallup for its residential and detoxification components. The city’s most recent contribution ran its course from Oct. 2 to Feb. 29 of this year. The monthly payment was extended Feb. 23, as per city council vote, until June 30. “The meeting was ver y
From left, Navajo Nation Speaker of the House, Delegate Lorenzo Bates, NCI Executive Director Kevin Foley, Gallup Councilor Yogash Kumar, and Gallup Mayor Jackie McKinney participated in the March 4 discussion on NCI. Photo Credit: Courtesy
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productive,” Lu ján said. “I think when you bring this many people together from so many different organizations that something very positive comes from it.” Luján said that he’d like for the same people who attended the meeting to come together again April 4 to move that much more down the road to resolution. He said such mass participation was important, considering NCI – Gallup’s sole detox center and also a residential treatment center – needs some more funding to continue its mission of helping people get through alcohol and substance abuse. NCI Executive Director
Kevin Foley volunteered to give a report to the Navajo Nation’s Health Education and Social Services Committee. Foley said such a report is necessary so that the prospective funding entities know the scope of what NCI deals with on a daily basis. “I think the meeting went well,” Foley said. “At this point, we continue to dialogue with the parties present at the meeting.” The meeting took on the root causes of what leads people to NCI and touched on the city’s “Drunktown USA” moniker. McKinley County Com m is sioner Genev ieve Jackson said the substance abuse problems of Gallup
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Friday March 11, 2016 • Gallup Sun
U.S. Congressman Ben Ray Luján is looking for a long-term solution to help NCI secure regular funding. He hosted a meeting to discuss issues at hand March 4. Photo Credit: Courtesy
shouldn’t be written off as something simply characteristic to Native Americans. G a l lu p a nd McK i n ley County have a Native American population of just more than 50 percent. The intake at NCI is predominantly Native American and when funding becomes a sticking point it is typically the city that comes forward, officials representing the city said. “Racism is the hidden elephant in the room,” Jackson said. “Everyone here knows about this problem,” she said, telling the two dozen or so gathered that she recently lost a grandson to substance abuse. Jackson said successfully tackling area substance abuse often depends on who is in office in Gallup or Window Rock. “We must look at it together,” Jackson said. “Otherwise, people will continue to suffer.” Jackson urged Luján to do what he could to secure continuous funding for NCI. She said curing people from things like alcoholism and drug abuse involves more than just locking them down for 72 hours. Mayor Jackie McKinney agreed. McKinney assured those present that the city
District 3 Commission seat attracts four hopefuls CAMPAIGN SEASON OFFICIALLY LAUNCHES
By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
our candidates have f i led for t he District 3 McKinley Cou nt y Boa rd of Commissioners seat currently held by outgoing commissioner Tony Tanner.
Tanner recently announced at a commission meeting that he would not be seeking another term. McKinley County Bureau of Elections Director Rick Palochak said the ballot order is as follows: David Dallago, Bill Lee, Johnny Greene, Jr, and Gerald O’Hara.
Dallago is an engineer and contractor who operates the Dallago Corporation, and a former commissioner whose contracting jobs with the county while holding a county seat brought forth concerns over conf licts of interest, and forth a special audit by the former Office of the State
Auditor Hector Balderas. W hile discrepa ncies were noted, former Attorney General Gary King dismissed the case. L ee is t he McK i n ley County Manager and a former executive director at the Gallup-McKinley County Chamber of Commerce. He said that if he should win the seat that he would resign f r om t he $ 9 0,0 0 0 a ye a r county manager job. “It would be a conflict of interest,” Lee said of working both jobs. “I’d step down from the county manager job if I won the District 3 election.” Greene was fire chief for
two years and worked at the city in various capacities at the fire department for the better part of a decade before ret i r i ng t h ree yea r s a go. Now the owner of a graphic design and embroidery shop, a dry cleaners and a laundry facility, Greene said he’d like to see more done in certain areas. “There are some things that we ca n improve on,” Greene said. For sta r ters, he would c o n c e n t r a t e o n ke e pi n g taxes at a minimum. He also
Harriett Becenti draws a number to determine her place on the ballot for county clerk March 8. Photo credit: Shepherd Waldenberger
Jacqueline Sloan, a county clerk contender, stands by the board of candidates on filing deadline day of March 8. Photo credit: Shepherd Waldenberger
Amazing Grace Insurance - 7 Bubany Insurance Agency - 1 Butler’s - 9 Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe - 14 Castle Furniture - 3 Cowtown Feed & Livestock - 4 Ed Corley Nissan - 2 El Morro Theatre - 10 Interstate Highway Construction - 6 Law Office of Barry Klopfer - 8 Loeffler’s Guns Etc. - 4 Pinnacle Bank - 13 McKinley Fire/EMS - 7 Small Fry Dentistry - 11 Steve A. Petranovich (Taxes) - 8 Thunderbird Supply Co. - 5 TravelCenters of America - 16
Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann Advertising Raenona Harvey Correspondents Bernie Dotson Tom Hartsock Chrissy Largo Photography Del Ray Shepherd Waldenberger Calendar Editor Lealia Nelson Design David Tsigelman On the Cover: Theater employees with Detective Nicola Martinez (far left) and Sgt. Francie Martinez (far right). - T. Hartsock The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Find us on Facebook and Twitter Phone: (505) 728-1640 Fax: (505) 212-0391 Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.
Gallup Sun • Friday March 11, 2016
Clinton pocketing NM superdelegates, support of local politicos STATE SUPERDELEGATES GIVE THUMBS UP TO CLINTON By Bernie Dotson Sun Correspondent
ost area Democratic p ol i t ic i a n s s ay t hey ’ l l s u p p or t Hilla r y Rodha m Clinton over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president of the United States. In most cases, it’s a no-brainer, considering New Mexico and McKinley County are predominantly Democratic. Clinton, a for mer U.S. Secretary of State, has locked up public support from U.S. Reps. Ben Ray Lu ján and Michelle Lujan Grisham as well as U.S. Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich. Each is a state superdelegate. Made up mostly of distinguished party leaders and elected officials, a superdelegate is a delegate to t he Democrat ic Nat iona l Convention that is automatically seated and able to choose who they want to vote for. The Democratic National Convention occu r s t he
Former Secretary of State and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. Photo Credit: Courtesy
week of July 25 and after t he Republ ic a n Nat ion a l Convention, which is held a week prior and in Cleveland. Udall endorsed Clinton on the day she announced that she was running for president in April of last year. Debra Ha a la nd, cha i rwoman of the New Mexico Democratic Party, a superdelegate and a Pueblo of Laguna native, said she hasn’t decided just who she’ll support in the presidential race in November. Haaland unsuccessfully ran for lieutenant governor on the Gary King ticket in 2012.
Friday March 11, 2016 • Gallup Sun
“I don’t have a choice right now as to who that is,” Haaland said. “But I will make a decision on that soon.” Lujan, the son of the late New Mexico Speaker of the House of Representatives, said in a recent news release that Clinton personifies New Mexico values. “She puts people first and will roll up her sleeves to change their lives for the better,” Luján said. “Her record of advocating on behalf of women, children and families, investing in science and supporting our national labs, fighting to protect our land, water and air will make a real difference in New Mexico and across the country.” Mary Ann Armijo, chairwoman of the McKinley County Democratic Party and a former Gallup city councilor, did not commit between Clinton and Sanders, but stressed that she’ll wholeheartedly support the ultimate nominee. “I will support the nominee, but I haven’t chosen between (Clinton and Sanders),” Armijo said.
Locally, Armijo voiced that all eyes are on the folks that filed Tuesday for the District 3 McKinley County Board of Commissioners seat to be vacated by Tony Tanner. Ta nner, a Democrat, wa s appointed by Gov. Susana Martinez in 2013 after Bob Rosebrough resigned the seat. Tanner announced at a recent county commission meeting that he won’t seek reelection. Sen. George Mu ñoz, D - Ga l lup, sa id he’l l sup port Clinton in the race for president. “She has the experience and
I agree with her platform,” he said. St ate Rep. Pat r icia Lundstrom, D-Gallup, said she’ll also support Clinton. State Attorney General Hector Balderas, the nation’s sole Hispanic state attorney and a former state representative and auditor, is a Clinton supporter. A Democratic pre-primary convention takes place March 12 at the Isleta Pueblo Resort. To date, Clinton has amassed 658 delegates and Sanders has 471. There are a total of nine superdelegates in New Mexico.
Former NN president Ben Shelly files for House seat held by Martinez NAME SNAFU ON BALLOT Staff Report
ANTA FE – Former Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly filed to run Tuesday for the soon-tobe-vacant District 69 New Mexico House of Representatives seat. Shelly is seeking the seat being vacated by former N.M. Speaker of the House W. Ken Martinez, D-Grants. Martinez, an attorney, is retiring from public office. The son of a former N.M. Speaker of the House, Martinez began serving the state Legislature in 1999. “Today, I accept a new challenge as I run for a state office in becoming a lawmaker,” Shelly said upon filing at the state secretary of state office in Santa Fe. “I have been a registered Democrat all of my life.” Since ending his four-year tenure as president in 2015, Shelly, who hails from Thoreau, has been operating the Shelly Trucking and Excavating LLC. “Over the next three months I want to hear from the people about their concerns,” Shelly said. “I will be traveling throughout the six counties.” While registering at the McKinley County Courthouse last week with the required written petitions, Shelly’s voter registration card with its original registration in 2005, indicated he was listed in voter records as “Bennie Shelly.” A change could not be made due to a proclamation by Gov. Susana Martinez in
Ben Shelly
which the last day for changes was Jan. 25, 2016, Shelly spokesman Desmond Tome said. Therefore, Shelly’s name for the June 7 primary election will appear on the ballot as “Bennie Shelly” until a technical correction can be made following the election, Tome said. Tome said Shelly’s first scheduled public appearance will be March 15 at 7 pm at the Cibola County Complex in Grants. District 69 includes parts of McKinley, Cibola, Valencia, Bernalillo, Socorro and San Juan counties. Besides Shelly, Harry Garcia and Terry Fletcher of Grants and Lloyd Felipe of Acoma Pueblo are running for the District 69 post. Shelly, 68, is the first Navajo from New Mexico to ever hold the Navajo Nation president’s job. Shelly was also vice president of the Navajo Nation from 2007 to 2011. Bernie Dotson contributed to this report. NEWS
Gallup PD Narcs raid four locales BUSY START TO 2016
By Babette Herrmann Sun Editor
allup Police Department’s narcotics division has been off to a busy start this year. Four different drug stings resulted in raids and netted 14 arrests thanks to the help of some confidential informants and uncover agents. The most recent raid was March 4, at the home of Joseph “Spooky” Gonzales, 2580 E. Boyd Ave. At least one stolen gun, along with other guns, drugs, drug paraphernalia, and thousands in cash were confiscated from the property. It w a s a t h r e e mont h sting GPD Lt. Matt Wright said. A nd it was a ny thing but textbook. Gonzales, 30, made a run for it, but two K-9 officers were able to catch up with him and keep him at bay. The situation could have taken a tragic turn if Gonza les wa s able to fire the pistol that he had stowed in his belt line. But instead, he dropped the gun and was arrested moments later. Gonzales was elusive in the months leading up to his arrest. He was wanted on a warrant for aggravated fleeing from an officer, driving while license is revoked, and open container (vehicle) issued by Magistrate Court Judge April Silversmith. And a second warrant for possession
Josie J Paiz NEWS
of a controlled substance and possession of paraphernalia, issued by District Court Judge Robert Aragon. There were five other individuals arrested Friday: Billy Gonzales, Logic Montona, Devin Masci, Aaron Gonzales, and Tyson Wood. “Billy Gonzales also tried to run, but was caught,” Wright said. As of March 10, Joseph Gonzales is still detained
A Gallup Police Department unit sits outside the home of Joseph Gonzales, 2580 E. Boyd Ave. GPD’s narcotics division conducted a drug raid at the home March 4, netting six arrests. Photo Credit: Courtesy
at McKinley County Adult Detention Center on two, no bond holds from District Court, and a $2,000 cash only bond. The Sun was unable to obtain release information on the five others that were arrested with him March 4, as of press time.
Two out of five firearms that were confiscated during the morning drug raid March 4. Photo Credit: Courtesy
Narcotics agents had double the trouble Feb. 19 when they raided Room 9 at the Zia Motel, 915 E. Hwy 66, and a residence on 506 S. 1st St. Agents had their eyes on Charles Martinez and Jearlyn Malone. The duo had been allegedly selling drugs to undercover agents out of the motel’s parking lot, and in two of the rooms. To boot, both a lready had outstanding warrants. Martinez, 51, for possession of a controlled substance – methamphetamine, and Malone, 33, had a warrant for trafficking a controlled substance, also meth.
A meth like substance and paraphernalia were discovered during the raid. As of March 10, Martinez is still in jail, being held on a $1,000 cash only bond from Magistrate Cour t. Malone was released on her own recognizance. The bust at the residence, a lt hou g h a bit u nu s u a l , resulted in the arrests of Corey Da niel a nd Jeremy Henry. A concerned citizen called to report that there was the “strong smell of skunk” wafting from the residence. It turned out that the passerby was smelling marijuana. The couple tried to make a grand escape through the back door, but were greeted by GPD Officer Jessie Diaz and his K-9 partner Kwinto, a Belgian Malanois trained to sniff out narcotics. What appeared to be about 1 lb. of pot, paraphernalia, foil,
102 E. Aztec Gallup Gallup Sun • Friday March 11, 2016
NARCS RAID | FROM PAGE 7 and bongs were discovered on the property. A handgun was also retrieved from the property, GPD Capt. Rick White said. And this duo are no strangers to handcuffs. Both were arrested for stealing more than $3,500 wo r t h o f i t e m s f r o m a Colorado’s man’s truck parked outside of Econo Lodge west Jan. 18. Henry was found at Motel 6 west hiding under the bed with firearms at the ready. Back in July, Henry, 23, was arrested for a rash of residential burglaries. With this latest arrest, he’s shaping up his resume as a career criminal, and as a Gallup Sun regular. As of March 10, Henry is still in custody on a $5,000 cash/ surety bond via Magistrate Court. Daniel, 22, was released Feb. 25 on a $1,000 cash only bond.
The Feb. 3 a drug raid at Road Runner Motel, 3012 E. Hwy 66, resulted in four arrests: Robert B. Baca, 26; Hila r io Josue Ga rcia , 30; Benjamin Gonzales, 22; John Paradise, 25. Narcotics agents witnessed suspicious activity going on at the motel, plus all men frequenting the motel had outstanding warrants. W hen the sea rch wa rrant was executed, agents “observed in plain sight sheets of aluminum, [and] straws on the bed used to inhale narcotics into the body,” the search warrant states. In the bathroom, agents found more sheets of aluminum foil, a spoon to cook heroin, and a scale likely used to weigh drugs for sale. An undisclosed amount of what appeared to be heroin was found during the raid. A 9mm Taurus semiautomatic pistol was found tucked in between the bed mattress and
box spring. Garcia, Paradise and Baca “are all known felons and are not allowed to have a firearm in their possession,” the warrant states. The room was rented to Jordan Strain, who was not present during the raid. Wright said charges against him are pending. Baca was released from jail Feb. 15 on a canceled warrant; Garcia is being held on a no bond hold from District Court and his probation officer; Gonzales was held on a $1,000 cash/surety bond and was released the same day he was arrested; and Paradise was held on a $1,000 cash/surety and released Feb. 4. “More drug raids will be done in the future,” Capt. White said. “They are not slowing down.” He also explained that all drugs confiscated are sent to a crime lab in Santa Fe for testing. Once testing is completed, and the results comes back positive, arrest warrants will be issued.
DISTRICT 3 | FROM PAGE 5 sa id improv ing road conditions and rectifying the ongoing fiscal problems at the Na’nizhoozhi, Inc. would be priorities should he come away a winner. O’Hara is a retired Bureau of I nd ia n A f fa i r s a d m i ni s t r a t or. O r ig i n a l ly f rom Philadelphia, he is also active in recycling efforts around McKinley County. McKinley County Com m is sioner s ea r n ju st more than $19,000 a year. Also filing Tuesday were c a nd id a t e s for McK i n ley County Clerk and McKinley County Treasurer. Jackie Sloan and Vanessa Begaye - L ee f i led for t he County Clerk seat currently held by Ha r r iet t Becenti. Becenti filed to run again. Incumbent Ernest Becenti, Jr., is running unopposed for County Treasurer. Everyone who filed Tuesday for county
seats is a Democrat. Both the clerk and treasurer jobs pay an average of $48,000 annually. In the race for McKinley Cou nt y Dist r ict At tor ney of the 11th Judicial District, newcomer Bernadine Martin is challenging incumbent Karl Gillson. McKinley County Senate District 3 incumbent John Pinto is facing Willis Nez. McK i n ley Cou nt y S en at e District 4 incumbent George K. Munoz faces two candidates – Felisha Adams and Jordon L . Joh nson. St ate Representative Distr ict 5 incumbent Doreen W. Johnson will face off against Kevin M. Mitchell, the current Gallup McK inley County Schools board vice president. State Representative District 9 Patricia “Patty” A. Lundstrom r uns again, unopposed. The New Mexico primary election is June 7, and the general election is Nov. 8.
Red Rock 10 Theater employees honored THWARTING ROBBERS AND FINDING RUNAWAYS
By Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
t was hard to determine which of the two groups were happiest on March 9 at the Gallup Police Depa r t ment , t he of f icer s involved in a recent “missing child” episode, or the young
employees at Red Rock 10, who found the missing boy. It was Sunday evening, Feb. 28, when the Gallup Police visited the large theater on the east side of town to show employees a picture of a missing 11-year-old seen in the area. When employees recognized the boy – it being a very slow
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From left, front row: Jen Jones, Brianna Cisneros, asst. General Manager Kathy Moreno, and Andrew Wood. Back row, from left: James Shepard (friend of manager who helped in the search), Manager Mathew Vargas, and Patrick Martinez. Photo Credit: Tom Hartsock
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Friday March 11, 2016 • Gallup Sun
night at the theater – the search by McKinley County Search and Rescue and the police shifted to this area. According to theater manager Mathew Vargas several employees immediately looked around the large building to see if the youngster was hiding there, and once the crew was able to close around 11:45, the group began searching around the Vanden Bosch area. It was a recently empty Cheetos bag that caught their attention and sent them into a canyon toward the water tank, where they literally walked
upon the crouching and hidden boy, who was in sight of his house that he had left before. Vargas also explained that a search team was a short distance away and moving in their direction at the same time the boy was found, so it was probable that he would have been found soon anyway on this frigid night. This was not the first time the crew at Red Rock 10 helped the police. In November, they brazenly jumped on and held onto some people attempting to rob the theater. One of those robbery
suspects was bound over on March 9, the same day the group was invited to the break room at GPD to receive a certificate of appreciation from Sgt. Francie Martinez, who had received the first report of the missing child, and Detective Nicola Martinez. These are local heroes, the ones that help keep us safe. They gladly work to solve problems instead of running away or ignoring them. Give them all a “tip of the hat” or a quiet “thank you” on your next visit to the theater. They deserve it! NEWS
COMMUNITY Local educator values the community she hails from TEACHER OF THE MONTH: MONIQUE MARTINEZ
Ms. Martinez goes over an earthworm diagram with her class before handing out clay for them to create their own 3-D models. Ballots for Teacher of the Month contest can be filled out at Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe, 306 S. 2nd St. Photo Credit: Shepherd Waldenberger
By Shepherd Waldenberger Sun Correspondent
onique Martinez, a first grade teacher at Juan de Oñate Elementary School, was selected as the ‘Teacher of the Month’ for February. Martinez describes herself as a “born and raised Gallup girl,” and has been teaching for 11 years. All 11 of those years have
LUJAN | FROM PAGE 4 was behind making progress at NCI. “This is a public health crisis,” McKinney said. “I think we all know how serious this issue is.” Foley noted the receipt via the 2016 state Legislature of $500,000 of a behavioral health investment zone bill that was signed by Gov. Susana Martinez. He said he didn’t know how much of that would trickle down to Gallup, noting that Gallup isn’t the sole community in New Mexico with COMMUNITY
been spent at Juan de Oñate Elementary with first graders, and she sees no reason to change course. Martinez left Gallup briefly to earn her teaching degree at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales before returning home to teach in her community. Her parents have always been Sunday school teachers, and she began helping them out at a young age. “We have a lot of educators in my family,” she said.
This family influence, along with exposure to admirable teachers during her school years, led Martinez to pursue a career in education. “I had rea lly awesome teachers growing up,” she said. The kids are what motivate Martinez to keep coming back to school every morning. On her choice of teaching first grade, she said “I like this age, because they still get excited about learning things.” Also, “they love to share.”
substance abuse needs. S en. George Mu ñoz , D-Gallup, noted that years ago his father, former mayor Ed Muñoz wa lked to the Roundhouse in Santa Fe to highlight Gallup’s substance abuse woes. Muñoz said the message his father took to Santa Fe years ago hasn’t changed. “There has to be something for people to advance into once the detox period ends,” Muñoz explained. “People have to move into jobs and employment and go on to lead productive lives.” Over the years, NCI was
funded, and was heavily funded by the Navajo Nation, but that funding dwindled from millions to nothing at one point. The city owns the Boyd Avenue land in which the non-medical and crisis intervention center (NCI) sits. St ate Rep. Pat r icia Lundstrom, D-Gallup, a member of the New Mexico House of Representatives since 2001, was part of the oversight committee that created NCI in the 1990s. As a state legislator, she has been out front in securing hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for the facility over the years.
This enthusiasm for knowledge and teamwork was evident as Martinez’s students passed out red and green clay and began to mix them to create three-dimensional diagrams of earthworms on March 9. Sm iles a nd squea ls of delight filled the room while the children shared techniques and shaped their models. Martinez is trying out a new testing strategy that involves creative methods and student choice in how she evaluates her class’s understanding of material. Earthworms are the current topic. While most of the class elected to work with clay to create earthworms and label their parts, a few students chose different routes to show off their knowledge. These included a poster, an informational pamphlet, and an electronic presentation on the computer. Martinez says “the hands-on activities give me a better idea of what they know” as compared to a conventional multiple choice assessment. Principal Kristen Bischoff admires Martinez’s approach
and says that “she’s able to speak to every learner in her classroom.” Martinez acknowledges that Gallup “has many difficulties,” and she strives to open her students’ minds to a larger world. She tells her students they can be anything they want, and uses field trips to expand their knowledge of opportunity. “I always encourage them to do what they love and always do their best,” she said. Martinez acknowledges that her students are not the only ones learning either. There are two other first grade teachers, and Martinez said, “we work super close together and learn so much from each other.” She also noted that “there are so many wonderful teachers in this community,” and she wishes they could all receive awards for the work. Bischoff feels that Martinez is well- deser v ing of her “Teacher of the Month” accolade and said that “she’s smart, she’s diligent, and she’s just an all around amazing person.” W hen a sked about his favorite part of the first grade, Axion, 7, responded “when they do their homework.”
Gallup Sun • Friday March 11, 2016
‘10 Cloverfield Lane’ suspenseful, but slight RATING: «« OUT OF 4 STARS RUNNING TIME: 105 MIN.
nyone remember the movie Cloverfield? Believe it or not, it has been eight years since that found footage science-fiction f lick depicted aliens invading Manhattan. Out of the blue and completely without warning, a sequel has appeared. The follow-up is called 10 Cloverfield Lane and is set in the same world as the original, even though it focuses on a completely different group of characters. Specifically, this story follows Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), a young woman on the road. After a horrific car accident, she awakens to find herself inside a bomb shelter and chained to the wall. Howard (John Goodman) introduces himself as the person who “saved her” from the crash and explains that a chemical or nuclear attack (maybe even involving extraterrestrials) has killed all life on Earth. Also living in the shelter is Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.), a local who claims that Howard is telling the truth... well, at least that something terrible has occurred above. Of course, Michelle is suspicious of Howard’s bizarre claims and immediately works to try and free herself. Early portions of the film are quite tense. The initial crash is excitingly captured
John Goodman plays the seemingly moody and paranoid “Howard” in 10 Cloverfield Lane. He keeps two young people in his underground bunker, claiming the world has ended. In the background is “Michelle,” played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead … well … she wants out. Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures
and edited. In fact, this opening is flat out startling as the camera spins around with Michelle inside the vehicle, cutting jarringly away and back as the event unfolds. And the photography inside the small bunker is equally impressive, with old-fashioned family living room decor contrasting with the strange and eerie stories about the horrors above. As the characters are introduced, a great deal of trepidation is generated. Goodman is clearly having a good time as the conservative farmer. There are some unexpected mood swings as he veers wildly from a calm and fatherly presence to bursts of frustration and rage. In fact, some of the movie’s
most chilling moments are the quieter ones. There’s a great bit when the group attempts to play a game together. Howard gives clues in an off-kilter and overly intense manner - the scene manages to play in both humorous and chilling manner. Yet, while the cast are excellent and the film looks great, there are a few problems. As the story develops and more information is revealed, the level of suspense begins to dip. Early on, it’s quite easy to get caught up in Michelle’s plight and be unsure of her captor’s
honesty. Unfortunately, we also know that this is a sequel of sorts so viewers will ultimately be able to guess where it’s going. For a movie that begins in such a small, claustrophobic environment, it changes its tone and approach significantly in the last twenty minutes, becoming much sillier in the process. Truthfully, I would have preferred that the movie stay locked down in the bowels of the shelter. And as well made as it all is, this is also one of those movies that feels like a mere
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chapter in a lengthy film series (or a television series, for that matter). Apparently, you can’t just tell a standalone story anymore. The movie doesn’t offer a great deal of closure. Yes, it promises a bigger story. Yet with all of the tangents that have already been presented in the two films, the cynic in me speculates that the next chapter may just be another tale set within the same universe that doesn’t move the central concept forward. And other than Michelle’s simple character arc in which she eventually resolves to face her problems head on, there isn’t a whole lot more going on. It’s difficult to see a deeper theme being presented. So in some respects, one wonders what the ultimate goal of this franchise is. It seems that wherever it may be going, there is no way that it will deliver a satisfying resolution. To be fa i r, on a ba sic level 10 Cloverfield Lane is a well-performed and effective little scare flick. It just seemed a bit slight and left me indifferent about it’s ultimate purpose - in the end, it’s hard to get all that excited about another film series that may or may not resolve itself many yea rs a nd severa l mov ies down the line. Vi sit: www.cinema
I Want to be Your Friend
DONNA MARCH 11-17 Friday, Sunday-Thursday @6PM No Saturday Showing E.T.: Extraterrestrial (Digitally Remastered!) Showing Sunday @1:30 and 3:40PM Gallup McKinley County Schools Student Concert Free to the Public 5:00PM Saturday March 13th
Friday March 11, 2016 • Gallup Sun
What can I say? I am a cute little puppy and I know it! Looking for a mature companion? The shelter has plenty that are in need of adoption or a foster home. “Oh Donna!”
Visit and adopt one of these deserving furry friends at Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society: 1315 Hamilton Rd #B, Gallup, NM. Information: (505) 863-2616. COMMUNITY
Finding Nemo translated into Navajo UNDER GUIDANCE OF UNM-GALLUP PROFESSOR
Staff Report
fter a year in the making, the Disney Pixar animated movie Finding Nemo has been fully translated into Navajo and is ready for its premiere as “Nemo Ha’deist’ii’” UNM- Ga llup A ssociate
Professor Joe Key was instrumental in the success of this long a nt icipated project . Professor Kee was also one of the lead translators when Star Wars was translated into Navajo several years ago and he is proud of the work he has done promoting his native culture.
“A s a tra nslator, adap tation, and dubbing supervisor on this project, it has been my ut most plea su re and honor to represent the University of New Mexico as a n Associate Professor t ea ch i ng t he Nav a jo la nguage as I travel and share my experiences.”
THE MOVIE WILL PUBLICLY PREMIERE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS MARCH 18 – 24: Harkins 11.................................................... Flagstaff, AZ Century Rio 24 Plex and XD...................... Albuquerque, NM The Gateway Multiplex.............................. Salt Lake City, UT Red Rock 10................................................ Gallup, NM Animas 10.................................................... Farmington, NM Black Mesa Twin......................................... Kayenta, AZ Harkins Arizona Mills 25............................ Tempe, AZ Goen Cinemas Window Rock.................... Window Rock, AZ Goen Cinemas Tuba City........................... Tuba City, AZ
Tribute to ‘Ziggy Stardust’
it’s recess! EDUARDO VALDA, DDS Birth to 21 s Hospital Dentistry s Emergency Service Physically & Developmentally Challenged Children and Adults We Accept NM Medicaid s Hablamos Español
you made the team!
spring is here! it’s graduation!
Amber Raye took home the top prize for her tribute to rock legend and actor David Bowie. The Octavia Fellin Library paid tribute to Bowie March 8 by showing the film ‘Labyrinth,’ which stars Bowie. Anyone who came dressed as a Bowie persona, were eligible to win prizes. Bowie, who pushed gender and musical boundaries, passed away after a long battle with cancer Jan. 10. He was 69. Photo Credit: Octavia Fellin Library
107 W. Green Ave. s Gallup, NM 87301 Gallup Sun • Friday March 11, 2016
SPORTS 360 Garcia’s Judo Club brings Arizona medals home to Gallup By Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
wenty teams from a huge geographic area met in Phoenix on Februar y 26 -27 for the 2016 Arizona State Judo Championships and all five of the students from Garcia’s Judo Club in Gallup did well. Nancy Rodriguez, a fiveyear veteran in training with Miguel Garcia and a past state champion more than once (three-state champ titles in 2013 and another in 2014), held on to her title for 2016 at this
They will also be attending the Junior Olympics meet in Texas later this year. I n t he Women’s L ig ht Heavy Novice class, Amanda Richardson took second place in her first tournament. “There were about 170 players,” said Garcia. “It took almost seven hours for everyone to finish.” That makes for a long day for players and teachers, not to mention the officials, and the spectators on hand got to observe young kids and adults in this discipline. Garcia has trained quite a
Certification for Matthew Graham as 2015 #1 Ranked National Master Athlete. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Miguel Garcia
From left: Joica Long, second place; Paige Kee, first place; and Alyson Pinto, third place in the 8-10 Novice Girls’ competition. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Miguel Garcia
meet. Rodriguez will compete later this year in a Junior Olympics and International Championship in Irvine, TX. In the 8-10 Novice Girls class, the trio of Paige Kee, Jocia Long and Alyson Pinto finished 1-2-3, respectively.
few champions and high-placers with his recent teaching, including Rudy Graham and Amber Johnson with wins in NM and Levi Saucedo with wins in AZ, all in 2013. In 2014, Noah Junzo, Shinasha Benally, and Enrique Diaz all
Friday March 11, 2016 • Gallup Sun
won Arizona state titles in their classifications. A longer list of placers are also honored on the wall of the small studio that serves as the current arena and classroom for the students. A nother Gallup native, Mathew Graham, received his certification in December 2015 as the #1 Ranked National Master Athlete for that year. Mathew earned second place at the 2014 Sr. Nationals after w i n n i ng st ate cha mpionships in 2013 in both Arizona and New Mexico. Graham is employed by the Gallup Police Department. Garcia was also a GPD Officer and a military veteran, and has 35 plus years in instructing students in the fine arts of Judo. Located above City Electric Shoe Shop i n dow ntow n Gallup, Garcia’s Judo Club is open five days a week, offering classes to adults and kids, with private classes available for Women’s Self Defense. Miguel may be reached at (505) 8795641 for more info or on Face Book at Garcia’s Judo Club. Adult hours are Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 - 9 pm. Kids are trained on Tuesday from 5:30 - 6:30, and from 5:30 - 7:30 on Thursday, and also on Saturday from 10 - Noon.
Amanda Richards, right, poses with Joica Long. Both were in their first tournament and both finished in second place. Amanda competed in the Woman’s Light Heavy Novice class and Joica was in the 8-10 Novice Girls. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Miguel Garcia
Down to the last two area basketball teams at state
It’s two against two in a struggle for the ball, but Gallup lady Bengals easily St. Pius girls couldn’t stop Gallup’s Ni’asia Mcintosh (34) for making a leap prevailed against St. Pius, 64-37 March 4. Photo Credit: Ryan Hudgeons toward the basket March 4. Photo Credit: Ryan Hudgeons
By Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
t’s always a sad or happy occasion for fans following the state tournament results in Albuquerque.
The sad news came yesterday (today is Thursday, Mar. 10 as this story is written) when the Bengal boys lost to neighboring Grants, 59-39, to end their season. The Gallup and Tohatchi girls’ teams continue to advance
to brighten up the day. The Bengal Ladies handled St. Pius easily, 64-37, and then squeaked past Piedra Vista, 66-63 while the Tohatchi Ladies disposed of Dulce, 70-46, and Laguna Acoma, 52-45. Now the competition gets tougher for both as Gallup faces #4 Espanola Valley and Tohatchi goes against #1 Texico in their attempts to play in the Championship game. Coaches will tell you the most important win of the season is that last game, for the title. Even a perfect season record means little or nothing in comparison to bringing the Blue Trophy home. Of course, coaches on the other side are thinking the same thing and inspiring
Grant’s Michael Anzures (1) on the heels of Gallup’s Armando Ramirez (23) March 9. Photo Credit: Ryan Hudgeons
their players to have a game above their normal ability. That is what keeps the State Tournament interesting, year after year. So let’s all send a little hope
Gallup’s Colton Lowley (32) tries to squeeze in a play against Grant High’s Gregory Harris (24) and Armando Ramirez (23) March 9. Photo Credit: Ryan Hudgeons
and love to our representatives on the hardwood as they prepare for the next game. Sorry I won’t see you in the bleachers for those games, but I’ll be following the action here at home.
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Gallup Sun • Friday March 11, 2016
Scores Mar. 2, Wednesday GHS B TEN 1, Rehoboth 8 RCHS B TEN 8, Gallup 1 Mar. 3, Thursday GHS BASE 0, St. Pius 20 MHS BASE 6, St. Mike’s 0 Mar. 4, Friday GHS BASE 0, Onate 12 #1 GHS GBB 64, #16 St. Pius 37 MHS BASE 6, (Valencia Tourn) Valencia 5 MHS JV SOFT @ (Cleveland Tourn), TBA #4 ToHS GBB 70, #13 Dulce 46 #16 WHS GBB 23, #1 Portales63 Mar. 5, Saturday GHS BASE @ 1, Los Alamos 12 #7 GHS BBB 46, #10 Belen 33 GHS SOFT 0, Belen 9 GHS T & F @ Farmington, 9 MHS BASE 7 (Valencia Tourn) Hope Christian 6 MHS JV SOFT @ (Cleveland Tourn), No Score Reported MHS T & F @ Farmington, 8 No Scores Received MHS JV T & F @ Laguna Acoma, 8 No Scores Received Rehoboth Invite T & F Meet No Scores Received #15 ToHS BBB 61, #2 Texico 73 ToHS T & F @ Laguna Aco-
ma, 8 No Scores Received #15 WHS BBB 44, #2 Robertson 63 WHS T & F @ Rehoboth Invite No Scores Received Mar. 8, Tuesday GHS BASE 3, Shiprock 5 GHS GBB 66, Piedra Vista 63 GHS TEN @ Grants, 3 No Scores Received MHS G TEN vs Rehoboth (Ford), No Scores Received RCHS SOFT 20/20 Zuni 2/3 RCHS G TEN vs Miyamura No Scores Received ToHS GBB 52, Laguna Acoma 45 Mar. 9, Wednesday GHS JV BASE vs Zuni, DH 4/6 Mar. 10, Thursday GHS BASE @ Bloomfield Invite, TBA GHS GBB vs Espanola Valley, 1:15 MHS BASE @ Cobre Tourn, TBA MHS JV BASE @ Farmington, TBA MHS JV SOFT @ Grants, DH 3/5 MHS B TEN vs Rehoboth (Ford), 4 RCHS SOFT @ Cobre Tourn, TBA RCHS B TEN vs Miyamura (Ford), 4 ToHS GBB vs Tularosa, 11:30
Mar. 11, Friday GHS BASE @ Bloomfield Invite, TBA GHS SOFT @ Bloomfield Invite, TBA MHS BASE @ Cobre Tourn, TBA MHS SOFT @ Las Cruces, TBA RCHS SOFT @ Cobre Tourn, TBA Mar. 12, Saturday GHS BASE @ Bloomfield Invite, TBA GHS SOFT @ Bloomfield Invite, TBA GHS T & F @ Piedra Vista, 9 MHS BASE @ Cobre Tourn, TBA MHS SOFT @ Las Cruces, TBA RCHS SOFT @ Cobre Tourn, TBA Mar. 15, Tuesday
GHS BASE vs Window Rock, 2/4 GHS SOFT @ Shiprock, DH 3/5 GHS TEN vs Miyamura (Ford), 3 MHS TEN @ Gallup (Ford), 3 MHS JV/C BASE @ Wingate, 3/5 MHS SOFT @ Bloomfield, 3 Mar. 17, Thursday GHS JV BASE @ Thoreau, DH 3/5 MHS BASE vs Los Lunas, 4 MHS JV BASE @ Piedra Vista Tourn, TBA MHS SOFT @ Grants, DH 3/5 Mar. 18, Friday GHS JV SOFT @ Grants Invite, TBA MHS JV BASE @ Piedra Vista Tourn, TBA MHS SOFT @ Laguna Tourn, TBA
Ed Corley Nissan is looking for dependable, self-motivated sales associates. Must apply in person, 1000 W. Jefferson Ave, Gallup. Ask to see Lou. Sign on bonus available to the right candidate!
Job location: Becenti, Tohatchi and Window Rock. Native American Preference Applies. Must have shingle experience. Must have tools. Fax resume to (505) 244-1250 Or call (505) 244-1252 ask for Lauren or Kristi
Ed Corley Nissan We are currently taking applications for Porter/Detailer positions. Full time position. Must be dependable. Must be 18 years of age or older. Clean driving record and Valid driver’s license is required. Apply in person at 1000 W. Jefferson Ave. in Gallup. REPORTER WANTED Gallup Sun is looking for freelance reporters to cover public safety and general assignment. Send resume/clips to:
SERVICE ADVISOR Ed Corley Nissan is seeking one qualified, experienced candidate for the position of service advisor. Must be dependable, personable, likeable and outgoing. Clean driving record and Valid Driver’s license required. SIGN ON BONUS for the right candidate! See Brian at Ed Corley Nissan 1000 W. Jefferson in Gallup.
MOBILE HOME RENTALS MOBILE HOME SPACES Mobile Home Spaces – Single wide – any size $200/mo. Double Wide $260/mo. Call Mike 505870-3430 or Carmelita 505-8704095.
MAIL DELIVERY 1 year subscription. Send check for $59.95 to:
Gallup Sun Publishing PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305
Attention Gallup residents! Have the Gallup Sun delivered to your home Friday morning! Special rate $20 for 26 weeks or $40 for year. (Must live in Gallup metro area.) Send payment to: PO BOX 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Call (505) 728-1640 to pay by card.
Friday March 11, 2016 • Gallup Sun
COMMUNITY CALENDAR MARCH 11 - 17, 2016 FRIDAY MARCH 11 FAMILY MOVIE (ALL AGES) Join us for a free family movie. Starts at 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Film: Maleficent COMPUTER TRAINING The Octavia Fellin Public Library is offering computer training: Facebook for Beginners. Starts at 11 am. Class size is limited to 10 participants per session. Registration is required. For more information please call, (505) 863-1291, or email: Location: Main Branch, 115 W. Hill Ave. LIVE MUSIC Picked Clean…Old time Folk, takes center stage from 7:30-9:30 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 West Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117 SATURDAY MARCH 12 GALLUP-MCKINLEY COUNTY SCHOOLS El Morro Theatre is proud to feature students from the Gallup McKinley County schools in a concert entitled: Traditions: It Takes a Village. The Indian Hills Elementary School’s 5th graders kick off this event. They’ll perform vocal selections under Kathy Bostic. To immediately follow at 6 pm. The students of the Tohatchi High School drama club, under the direction of Leo Loginov- Katz and Mariya Dekuyte, will perform a unique rendition of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” The Gallup Mid School Band 2 and Honor Band, under Sharon Wilkins will follow. The final performance of the evening will be the Tohatchi High School Jazz Band and Mixed Chorus under the direction of Sharon Swindler. In addition to their dramatic and musical contributions, Tohatchi High Students Louvannina Tsosi and Shundeen Martin will act as program emcees and Devin Nez, percussionist, will be performing during transitions. Begins at 5 pm. Free. Location: 207 W Coal Ave. FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM Join Friends of the NRA as they host an annual fundraising banquet: Fighting for Freedom Family and the Future. Doors open at 6pm. Event ticket price: $30. Purchase your tickets online at Dinner includes raffles, live auction, games, and guns. For more information please call (505) 728-7036. Location: Cathedral Gym, 415 E Green Ave. FAMILY SPROUTS (AGES 0 TO 4) Sprouting Melodies is a music education program that helps inspire learning at early ages through music. Led by a certified music therapist, Antoinette Neff. This program will be a great way for families to connect and learn
how to use music to develop learning. Starts at 10 am. Location: Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec. Free. TEEN FILM MAKER’S SPACE Teens participating in the Teen Film Festival are welcome to attend free help sessions to create and edit their films. Computers will be available to work on films and a camera will be on site. Begins at 2pm. Location: Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. LIVE MUSIC Kim Robinson…Solo Piano takes center stage from 7:30-9:30 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 West Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117 TUESDAY MARCH 15 TEEN FILM MAKER’S SPACE Teens participating in the Teen Film Festival are welcome to attend free help sessions to create and edit their films. Computers will be available to work on films and a video camera will be on site. Starts at 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Free. WEDNESDAY MARCH 16 RELAY FOR LIFE The Gallup High School Relay for life team is hosting auditions for the Spring Talent show on Wednesday, March 16 and Thursday, March, 17 in the GHS band Room from 4-6:30 pm. Students from Gallup high School, Miyamura High School, Gallup Central High School, Rehboth Christian School, Chief Manuelito Mid, JFK Mid, and Gallup Mid are invited to audition. There’s a $10 entry fee for single performers and $15 for groups. Proceeds will be donated to Relay for Life and The American Cancer Society. For more information please contact Pam Yardley at (505) 721-2518. SOUP SUPPERS Soup Suppers will be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. Join us for a simple meal to learn about prayer practices in various faith traditions. The scheduled speaker is Josh Kanter. For more information please call Pastor Lorelei Kay (505) 905-3247. Location: 151 State Highway 564 Boardman Drive. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING We invite residents of District 4 to visit with Councilor Fran Palochak. Starts: 6 pm. For more information, please call (505) 863-1220. Location: Tobe Turpen Elementary School TODDLER TIME (AGES 2 TO 4) An active and energetic program for toddlers, featuring music, movement rhymes, and stories. Starts: 10:30 am. Children’s Branch, 200 W Aztec Ave. Free.
MAKER’S CLUB A club for kids interested in science, math, building, and inventing (Ages 7 and up). Each week will feature a different challenge, project, or experiment. Starts at 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec. This Week: Catapults. Free MARCH FILMS: CELEBRATING WOMEN DIRECTORS Join us for a free family movie. Popcorn provided. Starts at 5 pm. Main Branch, 115 W. Hill. Film: Frida OPEN-MIC-NIGHT Local talent takes center stage from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 West Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Meetings every Wednesday at 6 pm, First United Methodist Church, 1800 Red Rock Dr, corner of Nizhoni/Red Rock. Enter northwest corner off Nizhoni; Library room. THURSDAY MARCH 17 CRAFTY KIDS Fun crafts for the whole family (all ages). Starts at 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec. Make: Shamrock Rainbow Necklace. Free. COMPUTER TRAINING The Octavia Fellin Public Library is offering computer training: Job Search with Technology. Starts at 3 pm. Class size is limited to 10 participants per session. Registration is required. For more information please call, (505) 863-1291, or email: Location: Main Branch, 115 W. Hill Ave. ST. PATRICK’S ZUMBA EVENT Join the Rio West Mall for the St. Patrick’s Zumba Event. Begins at 5:30 pm. For more information please contact Anita Artalego Location: Rio West Mall, 1300 W I-40 Frontage Rd. ONGOING ART EXHIBIT Throughout the month of February, the Children’s Branch will display the pillars of history exhibit featuring historical figures. Each pillar in the library will show images and information on a figure that has contributed to the growth and development of the country. For more information please contact the Children’s Branch at (505) 726-6120. Location: 200 W. Aztec. RECYCLING COUNCIL McKinley Citizen’s Recycling Council is a local non-profit working to increase recycling through education, community outreach, and partnership with local government agencies. MCRC meets the first Satur-
day of the month at 2 pm, at Red Mesa on Hill St. For more information please call (505) 722-5142 or visit www. COMMUNITY PANTRY The Hope Garden is offering organic produce for sale from 10 am - 12 pm, Tue - Fri. We are located at 1130 E. Hasler Valley Rd. All funds go to helping feed local folks. For personal attention call (505) 726-8068 or when visiting ask for Kenworth Jones. GALLUP-MCKINLEY COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY Wednesdays are low-cost Spay and Neuter Days, at the Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society. For more information please call (505) 863-2616, or email: gmchumanesociety@ Location: 1315 Hamilton Rd. SAVE THE DATE PLATEAU SCIENCES SOCIETY MEETING The March meeting of the Plateau Sciences Society will take place on Sunday, March 20. This month’s program is the fifth in the series commemorating the Centennial of the National Park Service and is open to the public. It’ll feature the thousand-year-old history of Chaco Canyon, as well as one of its Northern outliers: Aztec Ruins National Monument. The social get-together with refreshments will run from 2:30-3 pm. The business meeting will start promptly at 3 pm, followed by a short break and then the program at 3:45 pm. For additional information please contact Martin Link (505) 863-6459. NM LATINA & MISS TEEN The City of Gallup is proud to host Gallup’s first Miss Gallup New Mexico Latina and Miss Teen Gallup New Mexico Latina Pageant on March 20, at 5pm. Admission is free to the public. This event is a wonderful opportunity to showcase and support the talent and beauty of our own Gallup residents. The winners of this pageant will continue on to compete at the state level for scholarships and prizes. This event will feature top- notch pageantry and music. For more information please call (505) 409-3939. Location 207 W Coal Ave. REHOBOTH CHOIR The Rehoboth High School Choir invites you to its spring concert on Tuesday, March 22 at Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church at 7pm. Join the choir as they explore the theme of Belonging. The choir will use this program as they tour Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan. A free will offering will be taken to help with tour expenses.
NAVAJO NATION SPECIAL SESSION The Navajo Nation Council will convene in a special session on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. The purpose of the special session is to consider all pending legislation. If you have any questions please contact, Chief of Staff Pete Ken Atcitty with the Officer of the Speaker (928) 871-7160. Begins at 10 am. Location: Council Chamber in Window Rock, AZ. VETERANS MINI-STAND DOWN Join us for the first annual Dine’ Hoghaan Bii Development, Inc. on March 25 at 8:30 am-5:30 pm, for the Veterans Mini Stand Down. Please confirm if you’d like to provide your services with the participants. Table and chairs will be provided for information booths. Please inform all veterans, families, and service members. Refreshments and lunch will be provided for registered veterans and service members. Please bring your DD214 or VA ID. This is an alcohol and drug free vent. Hair We Are will provide vouchers for haircuts. Registration begins at 3:30 pm for the 5K fun run/walk. Zumba walk off begins at 4:30 pm at the Church Rock chapter house. For more information please contact Duane (505) 879-1003. Location: Fire Rock Navajo Casino, East Center 249 Rt. 66 Church Rock. CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION Please join CYFD us in a parade of people who care on April 2. Walk will start at the Gallup CYFD office. Location: 1720 E Aztec. Begins at 10:30 am. You may also attend mini-information sessions on a variety of topics. Learn how you can help prevent child abuse and help keep children safe. The local police, Sheriff, and Fire Departments and many other agencies will be available to provide information about their role in the community. Booths are open from 11:30 am -3 pm. For more information, please call (505) 863- 9556. Location: 640 S. Boardman. EVENTS AT RIO WEST MALL March 11—March madness Freethrow Shoot Out 7 pm To post a non-profit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5pm.
Gallup Sun • Friday March 11, 2016
Friday March 11, 2016 • Gallup Sun