Arts Crawl ‘Heat Wave.’ Out. 10
Wanna Ride? 11
VOL 2 | ISSUE 41 | JANUARY 15, 2016
Overdose? Habitual, local felon dies. 4
Cop on wrong side of law. 2
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NEWS Gallup Cop arrested for Domestic Violence By Babette Herrmann Sun Editor
allup Police Depa r t ment O f f i c e r Va l e r i e Wilson is on paid a d m i n i s t r a t i ve le ave for allegedly beating her girlfriend Jan. 10. “ S he’s pl a ce d on pa id administrative leave pending an inter nal investigation,” GPD Capt. Rick White said. According to GPD Officer Dom i n ic Mol i na’s repor t , the couple got into an altercation at Fire Rock Casino. Wilson reportedly knocked a drink out of her girlfriend’s hand and drove off and left her at the casino. T he wom a n got a r ide back to the home that t h e t wo wo m e n s h a r e d ,
Gallup Police Department Officer Valerie Wilson
a nd that’s where the fight resu med. At f irst some hair was pulled, but then it turned brutal when Wilson allegedly punched her girlfriend in the nose and hit her in the ribs and abdomen with her knee.
1-40, Exit 19 (Hwy 66) 2
Staff Report
Wilson told a different story, claiming that her girlfriend was the aggressor and lunged at her first. Molina noted in the report that she had redness to the left side of her face, saying that’s where her girlfriend punched her. A f ter speak ing to both women, Molina stated that, “I ca me to the conclusion of Va ler ie W i l s on a s t he pr i ma r y ag g res sor i n t he matter.” Wilson was arrested for ba t t er y a ga i n s t a hou s e hold member. White said as with any domestic violence c a se, it ’s refer red t o t he District Attorney’s office for prosecution. Mea nwhile, Wilson ha s an arraignment hearing in Magistrate Court at 8 am on Jan. 22.
3404 W. Highway 66
Friday January 15, 2016 • Gallup Sun
ALERT: Truck driving man attempts to kidnap child On Jan. 12 at about 7 am, at a school bus stop in the area of Cedar Hills Apartments, a white in color box van occupied by at least one man was seen attempting to entice a
Gallup, NM 87301
child into the vehicle, Gallup Police Department Detective Cha rles Wom mack stated in an email. The man was described as having a foreign
(505) 863-6801 NEWS
Planning Capital Outlay projects Story and Photos by Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
h apt er Hou se s i n McKinley County, as well as the Pueblo of Zuni and other interested parties were treated to a six-hour training program on Jan. 8 in the Solarium at Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital. S t a t e r e pr e s e nt a t i ve s Patricia Lundstrom and Wonda Johnson introduced the guest speakers, which included: Indian Affairs Cabinet Secretary Kellie Zuni; Infrastructure Manager Laura Vanoni; Capital Outlay Coordinator Marion Sa lva do; Nor t hwest New Mexico Council of Governments Deputy Director Evan Williams; McKinley County Attorney Doug Decker; and Department Manager Casey Begay of the Navajo Capital Improvement Office. Each speaker, in the order listed above, furnished the large gathering with ideas, tips, and strategies as they compete for funding in their respective areas. One of the first things necessary for local governments – from Chapters to Counties – is properly filling out the paperwork required when they seek funding from various entities. The precision and correct language may seem to be a menial part of the entire process and is sometimes overlooked, as is the need to aptly describe the appeal in such a way as
KIDNAP | FROM PAGE 2 a ccent , but h i s nat iona lity is unknown. The truck was last seen traveling east from Cedar Hills Drive turning south on South Second Street. The photos featured with this articles are of suspect
to enhance the curiosity and interest of the funders. Williams stated it best by saying the successful people are those who do their homework. It’s not enough to just write a plan. Those involved should then work on these projects all 365 days of the year, planning a more comprehensive plan with a future of perhaps 20 years. “I’ve been hosting this event for about 10 years,” Lundstrom said, who was reached by phone on Jan. 13 in Santa Fe, where she is working on the state budget with the Appropriation Committee, of which she is a member. “The purpose is to provide better info for these smaller entities to allow them to improve their communities. “McKinley County is the fiscal agent responsible for contracts and grants and ensure the funding source that the project will be finished.” It is important to all making these applications to understand the state legislature and the difference between severance tax bonds, general obligation bonds, and the general fund as sources for the necessary funding. With all the competition among the different areas and a limited amount of funds available to the legislature, each area must strive to improve their chances in ways that may not seem obvious to most. And the purpose of this training is to open up ideas and concepts to enable each to gain an edge, no matter how slight.
Hosting the Tribal Capital Outlay program was State Representative Patty Lundstrom, D-Gallup.
Also present at the Tribal Capital Outlay program was State Representative Wonda Johnson, D-Crownpoint.
veh icles. Bot h veh icles m a t ched t he de scr ipt ion given by the child, and were in the area during the time of the incident. Note that one vehicle in the photographs has an access door on the passenger side wall of the box. Call Crimestoppers at (505) 722-6161 with information.
CORRECTION It was reported in the Jan.8 issue that artist Michael Schmaltz was in the Navy. He was in fact enlisted in the Army upon taking up the craft of silversmithing, not the Navy. We deeply regret the error. NEWS
Gallup Sun • Friday January 15, 2016
Habitual offender found dead in local motel By Babette Herrmann Sun Editor
aylon Radosevich of Ga l lup wa s fou nd de a d i n R o o m 111 a t Americas Best Value Inn Jan. 13.
and toxicology testing. “He’s is a known local person,” Gallup Police Department Capt. Rick White said. But not for t he r ig ht reasons. Radosevich’s name appears as a defendant in 26 cases, and a respondent in one case, according to the New Mexico Courts website. The first court case dates back to 2007 and each case covers a broad spectrum of charges, ranging from drug possession to multiple run-ins with police.
In fact, a pre-trial phase was underway in District Court, in Judge Robert Aragon’s chambers. Radosevich, 34, was facing four counts of criminal trespass; three counts of resisting, evading or obstructing an officer; two counts of tampering with evidence; and one count of aggravated assault upon a peace officer with a deadly weapon. T hat dea d ly weapon
Man hit by train identified By Babette Herrmann Sun Editor
hen first responders arrived at the railroad crossing at Second Street and Highway 66 shortly after 1 pm on Jan. 10, there wasn’t much they could do for the
man caught in the wheels of the train. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Gallup Police Department Capt. Rick White said the man, who has been identified as 32-year-old Myron A. Carroll of
HABITUAL | SEE PAGE 5 Myron A. Carroll of Navajo, NM was killed by a westbound train Jan. 10. Photo Credit: Tom Hartsock
An employee discovered his body sometime around 11:30 am. It’s unclear of how he died, but police found drugs and paraphernalia in his room. No foul play is suspected and his body was sent to the Office of the Medical Investigator in Albuquerque for an autopsy
THANK YOU ADVERTISERS Amazing Grace Insurance - 6 Bubany The door is open to the room where Gallup resident Waylon Radosevich’s body was discovered at Americas Best Value Inn, 2003 W. Hwy 66. Photo Credit: Babette Herrmann
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Friday January 15, 2016 • Gallup Sun
Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann Advertising Raenona Harvey Correspondents Tom Hartsock Chrissy Largo Photography Del Ray Shepherd Waldenberger Calendar Editor Lealia Nelson Design David Tsigelman On the Cover: Two mugshots and a box van. This van is not the suspect’s actual vehicle. Courtesy photos. The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Find us on Facebook and Twitter Phone: (505) 728-1640 Fax: (505) 212-0391 Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.
WEEKLY DWI REPORT Staff Reports Walter Harvey Dec. 3, 9:01 pm 5th DWI H a r vey h a d just been in an a ccident when Deputy Lorenzo Guerrero of the McKinley County Sheriff ’s Office DWI Unit approached him on the east side of State Hwy 602. Harvey, 50, admitted to having “a couple of shots in Gallup” and was on his way home to what it appears to be Bread Springs from the deputy’s report. He blew a .22/.21 and was also charged with reckless driving and for driving with a suspended license. James Deschine Dec. 3, 11:29 pm 2nd DWI Deschine made a n attempted r un from Nava jo Nat ion law i n his white Dodge Avenger. He took off from the Blake’s Lotaburger in Tse Bonito and crossed state lines into New Mexico where he stopped at Tse Bonito Trailer Park – county territory. That didn’t stop a Window Rock officer from detaining him. W hen Deput y A nthony Ashley arrived, Deschine, 46, told him that he had three Bud Light beers an hour before being apprehended. But, Ashley would find an empty bottle of Vodka on the floor behind the driver’s seat. He blew a .13 twice. He was charged for the DWI, failure to yield to an emergency vehicle, and lesser
HABITUAL | FROM PAGE 4 turned out to be his Dodge Durango in which he charged at a Gallup Police Department officer. And the evidence he t a mpered w it h wa s f rom his car – a bag of dope and syringe he tossed out in front of officers. A jail official said that he was released from custody a few days before his death and NEWS
charges. Dee Ann Yazzie Dec. 3, 2:18 pm 3rd DWI Deputy Merlin Benally was on his way to a call when he ca me upon a silver utility vehicle parked in his lane. He noticed that the passenger, Melvin Cleveland, was throwing out beverage containers on the ground. It was enough to prompt him to address the littering. He approached Ya zzie, who said said she was asking why Cleveland was littering since she saves cans. She attempted to cover her mouth as she spoke, but the smell of alcohol and slurred speech was readily noticed by Benally. She admitted to drinking two and half cans of Budweiser beer. She didn’t fare well on field sobriety tests and blew a .22 twice during the breath tests. Devone A. Charley Dec. 3, 4:45 am DWI Charley was parked in a ditch on State Hwy 602 and was sitting in the driver’s seat, completely passed out. Two Gallup Police Department officers escorted her out of the car. One of those officers started questioning her and that’s when Officer Philamina Chischilly noticed the smell of alcohol, “bloodshot, glossy eyes and slurred speech and staggering towards the back of the vehicle.” Chischilly administered field sobriety tests which Charley, 42, failed. She blew a .14 then a .12 during the breath tests.
EARLY MORNING URGE 1/10, GALLUP Jordan Torrez was spotted by a witness who said that he tried to order food from the nor th side Sonic drive through window during the 4 am hour. The fast food joint was closed. According to Gallup Police Department Officer Martin Lu ke’s repor t , a w it nes s watched Torrez, 24, pull on the front door and enter the business. As Torrez left the building, he was approached by Luke and tried to walk off, but he dropped a 59-ounce Minute Maid orange juice container. Luke would search him and find that hidden in his front belt line was another orange juice container. A medium bulge in his left pocket produced a glass pipe and his right pocket contained a purple “grinder.” He was booked for burglary,
larceny and possession of drug paraphernalia.
ASSUALT ON A PEACE OFFICER 1/10, GALLUP M u r r y Lovato’s temper got the best of h i m . For re a sons unknown, according to GPD Officer Doug Hoffman’s report, Lovato sustained a large cut on his right arm when he broke a window. When Hoffman arrived at the home, Lovato “jumped up in a fighting stance.” Hoffman “impact pushed” him, but Lovato was still poised to fight. When he came at Hoffman again, the officer grabbed him by the neck using a “Muay Thai” clinch that brought him to the ground. Lovato, 33, came up swinging, hitting the officer in the arms. A sergeant arrived and tasered him, putting a stop to the madness. He was booked for aggravated assault on a peace officer.
WOMAN STABS HER MAN 1/7, GAMERCO A m a n became the victim of his significant other’s rage. Accord i ng to McKinley County Sheriff Office’s Deputy Roxanne King’s report, Maggie Begay, 51, called Metro Dispatch to report that her boyfriend “was bleeding” and had allegedly hurt her. It turns out that she was the alleged aggressor. She told the deputy that he cut himself, yet her clothing was awash with blood. King stated that Begay “kept changing her statement and was inconsistent.” She was booked for domestic dispute with weapons.
BOOZE STORE BREAK-IN 1/6, THOREAU MCSO deputies responded to an alarm call at Red Rock Package Liquor. After watching some surveillance video, the two thieves made off with some cigarettes and booze. They left the cash untouched. The two suspects are at large.
had been serving time since June. Additionally, Radosevich had owned a home on 624 McKee that the city had condemned, but last spring he was able to plea with City Councilors during a public meeting to grant him an extension to fix the place, but he eventually sold his share of the home to Lawrence Sinnott who has plans to bring the property up to city building codes. Gallup Sun • Friday January 15, 2016
HIT BY TRAIN | FROM PAGE 4 Navajo, NM, was heading north on foot when he decided to go around or under the crossing guards and step into the path of a westbound BNSF train. A police investigation confirmed that the crossing guards were working properly and the train’s engineer was blowing the warning whistles when the accident happened. Carroll’s body was sent to the Office of the Medical Investigator in Albuquerque for an autopsy, and toxicology tests, to determine whether alcohol or drugs played a role in Carroll’s illfated decision. “What would cause him to walk in front of a moving train ... we’ll have wait until toxicology tests come back,” White said. “It usually takes six to eight weeks to determine – if alcohol or illegal/ prescription drug levels –could have impaired his judgment.”
Vigil exploring another run for Secretary of State By Andy Lyman NM Political Report
former New Mexico Secretary of State announced on Wednesday that she is seeking petition signatures to run for the position again. On her personal Facebook page, Rebecca Vigil wrote that she was seeking 5,000 signatures by Feb. 2 to secure a spot in the Democratic pre-primaries. She said she has not officially announced her candidacy and was clear that she had a long way to go. “I have several bridges to cross before I can make the announcement that I will be in the race for Secretary of State,” Vigil wrote. NM Political Report tried to contact Vigil on Wednesday, but spoke to her on the phone Thursday morning. “ T h i s i s not a for ma l announcement,” Vigil said. “I have a lot of work to do.” Vigil served three terms in the position. She was first elected as the Secretary of
Former Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil
State in 1986 and again in 1998. She held the position until 2006 when her term limit was up. Statewide officials can hold the position for two consecutive terms, then can run again. The public’s view of Vigil is likely colored by legal troubles stemming from her time in the Secretary of State’s office. In 2009 Vigil, then known as Vigil-Giron, and three others were indicted on charges that she embezzled federal money earmarked for voter education. Throughout her trial, Vigil maintained her innocence and accused then-Attorney General Gary King of holding a politically-motivated vendetta against her. A judge removed King from prosecuting the case. After numerous delays, the judge eventually dismissed the charges saying Vigil’s constitutional right to a speedy trial was compromised. Vigil still says she did nothing wrong and said of the prosecution, “They had no evidence.”
Even as King ran for governor, Vigil remained critical of King and his role in the prosecution. Vigil told NM Political Report that she is not worried about criticism regarding the accusations and plans to run on her years of experience in the office. “There will always be haters out there,” Vigil said. Vigil was the first in a string of controversial Secretaries of State. Her successor Mary Herrera found herself at the center of scandals and lost an election to Dianna Duran in 2010. Herrera was accused of abusing her power and intimidating her staff. After almost five years in the position, and winning reelection, Duran herself resigned when she was charged with stealing her campaign funds. Vigil said her situation was different from her two successors. “I was never placed in the position that both Dianna Duran and Mary Herrera were placed in,” Vigil said. When asked if the Secretary of State’s office needs to regain the public trust, Vigil said it’s the elected officials who have a bad reputation, not the staff of the office itself. “It’s not the office that has a black eye,” Vigil said. “It’s the person that has the black eye.”
If Vigil succeeds at getting signatures and officially announces her candidacy, she will head to the primaries against Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver, who announced her candidacy last week. Toulouse Oliver was the Democr at ic nom i nee for Secretary of State in 2014, losing to Duran. In a statement, Toulouse Oliver said she welcomes all candidates who wish to run. “It’s more important than ever that we have a strong, robust debate about the ethics, transparency and accountability needed to ensure New Mexicans can trust our state government,” Toulouse Oliver said. Vigil also applied for the interim Secretary of State position. Gov. Susana Martinez ultimately picked Albuquerque City Councilor Brad Winter. Vigil said she was “compelled” to run again because she wanted to continue public service in New Mexico. She said she is “not running against Maggie” but simply wants to run for office. “I’m a public servant,” Vigil said. “That’s the career I chose almost 30 years ago.” Update: Added a response from Maggie Toulouse Oliver. Visit:
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Friday January 15, 2016 • Gallup Sun
Josie J Paiz
102 E. Aztec Gallup NEWS
OPINIONS By Joe Schaller Guest Columnist CHAPTER THIRTEEN: WATCHDOGIE ROUNDUP Part Two – The Federal Corral C ONSE RVAT I S M : Individual freedom, personal responsibility, content of character, Judeo-Christian values, Constitutionally limited government, free market capitalism, fiscal responsibility. LIBERA LISM: Selfr i g ht e ou s el it i s m , u n a c countability, covetousness, collective thought, identity politics, good intentions overr iding consequences, a nd a neurotic need for control of others thru government
r e g u l a t ion a nd p ol it ic a l correctness. DEMOCRAT PLANTATION MENTALITY: Liberal elite masters give economic dependents government entitlements in exchange for political support but, at the same time, take away their freedom, independence and self-esteem. Those minorities who stray off the plantation by embracing achievement, education, living well and setting a good example for their children are ironically ‘selling out’ and labeled ‘uncle toms’ or ‘apples’. S O V E R E I G N T Y: T h e supreme power or authority of a governing body to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies. R E S E R V A T I O N SOCIALISM: Private property
is not recognized nor can one buy or sell land, resulting in substandard housing. Capit a l ism is con sidered threatening and businesses are reluctant to bring investment s ont o re ser v at ion s resulting in most monies spent elsewhere. Those who have jobs usually work for the public sector. Those who don’t have jobs subsist on welfare handouts that provide basic food. An authoritarian government led by the Bureau of Indian Affairs has a long history of corruption and no independent court system. R E S E R V A T I O N B O R D E R T O W N S O C I O E C ON O M I C REFUGEES: The economically and socially impoverished flee the oppression and squalor of reservation socialism seeking
freedom and temporary refuge in border towns such as Gallup. HOMELESS vs VAGRANT: Economy-driven homeless find themselves in dire need of help because of illness or loss of job. Lifestyle/addiction-driven vagrants choose to meet their needs by scamming people in the name of charity. In Gallup what many call homeless are merely vagrants who have temporarily left their homes. UNEMPLOYMENT IN A WELFARE STATE: McKinley County has an extremely low labor force participation rate yet both the private and public sector are begging for numerous job openings to be filled, many of them requiring minimal skills and qualifications. An example is Gallup’s school bus barn with normally ten to
twenty job openings. As long as food stamps, EBT cards, disability, extended unemployment benefits and various other welfare handouts are jeopardized by employment, where is the incentive to seek employment or even get an education? SPECIAL NEEDS DISTRICT: Apparently that’s what Gallup and McKinley County are. ‘Special’ is politically correct for ‘disabled’, which became PC for ‘handicapped’, which became PC for ‘retarded’. A special needs person has either learning difficulties, a physical disability, or emotional and behavioral difficulties. Whether an accurate label or not, it is demeaning
According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the stars don’t just appear brighter during the winter — they’re brighter. Summer’s warm weather has more moisture and creates a hazy sky, but the long cool nights of winter literally open up the sky. In New Mexico, we’re lucky to experience brilliant skies all year round. When you feel drained, look up towards the sky and allow winter’s crisp, clear, skies to shine light on your path.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22)
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Your hard head breaks through glaciers and your purpose driven nature is enviable. However, in an attempt to recreate yourself you’re breaking others down. This isn’t the mark of a great life, but a weak one. Reevaluate yourself and keep that temper in check. You can only push a friend or loved one so far before they crack, causing irreparable damage. In the words of Ice cube: “you better check yo self before you wreck yo self.”
Negative emotions are killing you and they don’t become you. Reality is a messy place, but it’s the best we’ve got for now. Sometimes hard truths make us stronger. Embrace change! Reflect on these wise words: “ God grant me the serenity to accept things I can’t change, courage to changes the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
Your sense of style and pizazz are renowned and maybe misunderstood. Madame G suggests taking control. It’s in your best interest to let go of toxic people and behaviors. They bring bring unnecessary stress into your life like soul-sucking emotional vampire demons. Kick the suck-ers out of your life.
Your work life balance is out of whack. But, you only have yourself to blame. It’s up to you, to manage your own time. If you can’t or won’t stand up for your personal wellbeing no one will. It’s your choice to live now or never. Madame G hopes you choose now. It’s your time Capricorn. Show no fear, even if your hands shake. Like Nike says: Just do it!
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
How much are you to blame? It’s always good to question your own motives in any given situation. You can’t change someone else’s behavior. You only have the power to change your own. If someone is misusing or abusing you mentally or emotionally, don’t get in too deep before you crack. Discernment is evaluating the difference between behaviors that require change and someone else’s baggage. Good luck!
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You’re looking forward to moving forward. Perhaps you stayed in an unfulfilling relationship for too long, or in a soul-sucking job. Fear is a powerful force and it takes an overwhelming amount of patience to kick bad habits. Do your best. Life patterns don’t adjust all at once. Implement small changes daily and try to think one positive thought a day. If you start now, you’ll have at least 300 positive thoughts by the end of the year.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) DKeep it up Gemini, your moving fast and potentially reaching that burn out phase. But, you’re not there yet. Your energy levels are greater when it involves projects you love. Embrace your passions. Reflect on what you can change and learn to accept what you can’t. Quitting isn’t failure when it serves your ultimate goals and dreams. Carry on!
You’ve had a few challenges with your health. Maybe you had a surgery or career change that took more energy than it was worth. The good news is that it’ll transform you into a beautiful butterfly and your glorious energy will return. Remember patience is a virtue, or so they say. It’s important to remain vigilant with yourself because it’s time for fun.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Jump up and take care of yourself, ASAP. As a giver, you’re liable to give more than you get back. That’s not ultimately bad. The world is full of givers who win and plenty who lose. The world needs selfless individuals like nurses, waiters, and teachers. But, you need help too. If you don’t take care of you, who will? You’re the best giver you know.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Looking at the stars is wonderful. You’ve taken the time to rejuvenate and you’re feeling powerful. It may be difficult to find a job in this climate, but not looking will make that even harder. You may have felt it was a good idea to cash in that hard-earned, 10-year-old 401K, and it might have been necessary. But, you’re starting over. You won’t have it for retirement. Plus, you’ll owe a ton in taxes. This year requires swift evaluation.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Stars are bright and the philosopher jumps at the chance to learn and explore. Your adventures of the mind are your greatest comfort and joy. Intellectual adventures are so much easier than people. But, human beings are more than just a mind or body. You must eventually take action. It’s probably best that you act now— you’ve planned enough.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Your energy is up and you’re ready for more. But, it seems like others are resisting. Did a friend not accept you on Facebook? Maybe a former employee hasn’t accepted your LinkedIn request, or your daughterin-law dodges your calls. It’s good to evaluate how you come off. Put your stink face in the closet and let it go. Don’t worry be happy!
Gallup Sun • Friday January 15, 2016
Providing More Help for the Community By Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
t was a cold and snowy morning on Jan. 8 at the old fire station on Second and Maloney, and the veterans of the A-Team assembled slowly, rubbing their hands together for warmth and leaving their jackets zipped all the way to the neck until the heat eventually seeped through their systems. This was a very informal meeting, with barely over half the team present, and initial talk continued to center around various frauds being perpetrated against veterans and seniors, which in this context were one and the same. A recent article in the AARP Bulletin put the scams for one year at $12.76 billion in America. Lots to talk about there, including ways to circumvent the predators that would take your last penny. The addition of Phillip Silva to the group gave a slight pause
LEXICON | FROM PAGE 7 and should provide incentive to our community to break the chains of government dependency. FORCED -UNIONISM CONSEQUENCES: Right to Work states have 1.3 percent lower u nemploy ment a nd forced-unionism states have three percent higher wages, however the key stats in this issue are the 22 percent higher cost of living in those democrat forced unionism states and the large migration of population and businesses to republican RTW states. FEDERAL DUPLICATION
to the ongoing conversation. Silva has been sorely m i s s e d i n t he last couple of mont hs a nd was greeted wa r m ly a s he resumed his rightful place on the team. The conversation eventually moved to the power outage on the north side of town at the start of December, which lasted for a 12-hour period. It was later found that many on the north side were in dire straits because of this, but the group quickly came up with a temporary solution. Veterans Helping Veterans will begin to acquire three or four small generators which could supply power to some houses affected by outages like this. Depending on the demand and the supply, these generators could provide life-saving help to many of the infirm
or aging residents who cannot easily leave their residences. A secondary plan is being set in motion as well that wou ld open the fire station as a temporary shelter for those able to move but with no place else to go on these cold winter nights. This plan would entail obtaining multiple cots and blankets or the comfort of those dispossessed of their homes, even for a relatively short amount of time. T he Vet er a n s Helpi ng Veterans is community based and provides services when able to every citizen of the area. All veterans, regardless of dates service, affiliation, or service are welcome to attend these meetings and help this group grow, providing resources for others that are not easily obtainable.
A N D R E DU N DA NC Y: I n 2 012 t he Gover n ment Accountability Office identified 1,500 different programs that are wasteful, duplicative, or inefficient totaling $400 billion in annual spending. Since then Washington’s response has been to increase budget spending by $500 billion to create an annual burden of $12,500 for every man, woman and child in America as well as leaving a debt of $60,000 for each of our children and grandchildren. U R A N I U M WOR K E R STUDIES: The Navajo Nation banned uranium mining on its land in 2005 despite modern methods of mining which are
the safest in the world. Studies by world-renowned expert Dr. John Boice of the International Epidemiology Institute examined public health records for thousands of uranium workers from 1955 to 1990 and populations living near uranium mines in Texas, Colorado and New Mexico. Only underground miners showed increased rates of cancer. There were no differences in cancer rates between uranium mill workers exposed to uranium dust and mill products, and populations living in non-mining areas. **You can have all 13 chapters of the Lexicon in a booklet for $2.00 at the UPS store, 2418 E HWY 66**
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Friday January 15, 2016 • Gallup Sun
Presumptions established pursuant to the Agent Orange Act of 1991 By Carolie Watkins Guest Columnist
Part 1 of 2
n 1991, Congress enacted the Agent Orange Act of 1991, which prescribed a more focused and proactive policy for addressing these Veterans’ concerns. The Act directed VA to seek to contract with the National Academy of Sciences, a respected independent expert scientific body, to evaluate the evidence regarding the health effects of exposure to herbicides. Under that requirement, VA receives reports every two years from the National Academy’s Institute of Medicine (IOM). The act further directed VA to establish presumptions of service connection for any disease discussed in the IOM’s reports for which the evidence showed a “positive association” between herbicide exposure and the development of the disease in humans. The statute specifies that a “positive association” exists whenever the Secretary determines that the credible evidence for an association is equal to or outweighs the credible evidence against an association. The language and legislative history of this act made clear that it did not require evidence of a causal association, but only credible evidence that herbicide exposure was statistically associated with increased incurrence of the disease. The Act further specified that, in determining whether a positive association exists, VA must consider the IOM’s report and any other sound scientific and medical evidence available to VA. The Agent Orange Act was a compromise between the desire for scientific certainty and the need to address the legitimate health concerns of Veterans exposed to herbicides in service. By establishing an evidentiary threshold lower than certainty and lower than actual causation, Congress required that presumptions will be established when there is sound scientific evidence, though not conclusive, establishing a positive association between a disease and herbicide exposure. Based on the numerous reports received from IOM since 1991, VA has established
presumptions of service connection for 12 categories of disease associated with herbicide exposure. While there is always room to review decisions with respect to specific diseases, there is no question that the actions of Congress and VA related to the Agent Orange Act demonstrate the Government’s commitment to provide Vietnam Veterans with treatment and compensation for the health effects of herbicide exposure. It has long been known that dioxin, a contaminant of Agent Orange, is a potent carcinogen. As our troops returned from Vietnam, many expressed concerns that the health problems they were experiencing had been caused by their exposure to Agent Orange. In view of this history, VA is mindful of its duty to faithfully execute the requirements of the Agent Orange Act and to ensure that its determinations are made in a manner consistent with the standards Congress has established. Each report from the IOM is reviewed by a working group of VA employees with medical, legal, and program expertise, and by a task force of senior VA leaders. I benefit from the advice and analyses of these groups and others in VA; but as Secretary, I am responsible for determining whether the evidence regarding any disease satisfies the statutory standard. VA identified an additional recent study by Humblet and Birnbaum, 2008, which analyzed numerous prior studies and concluded that the studies with the best exposure data and comparisons were consistent in finding an association between dioxin exposure and increased risk of ischemic heart disease. In July 2009, VA received the most recent IOM report, known as “Update 2008.” The most significant findings in this report are the findings of “sufficient” evidence of a positive association between herbicide exposure and chronic b-cell leukemia’s and of “limited/ suggestive” evidence of an association between herbicide exposure and Parkinson’s disease, ischemic heart disease, and hypertension. Continued next issue OPINIONS
Dyer gives ‘State of the Campus’ address TALKS ABOUT PLANS FOR GROWTH, UNITY
By Chrissy Largo Sun Correspondent
peaking to a packed audience full of univer sit y ad m i n ist ra tors, professors, and students, Executive Director Christopher Dyers gave his “State of the Campus” address in the Calvin Hall auditorium on the university’s accomplishments, and goals for 2016 on Jan. 11. Although he is not absolutely certain, he claims that he does not anticipate any significant amounts of new money filtering in the UNM system; however, he strives to continue to work with the main campus to become more efficient and productive in how it uses their resources on campus, and focus on increasing revenues by increasing enrollment. He said that the issue of performance criteria, it is not going to go away, but improving enrollment and retention and cutting costs at the same time is something that they are going to have to explore. “We have to expand our media impacts and performance,” he said. “We are doing that. You are doing that. We are doing this together. This is a group effort. I am very pleased. This is a process though. It takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight.” He mentioned the TRIO Student Suppor t Ser v ices Program, a program designed to assist students towards academic success, completed its annual assessment for the academic year of 2014-15, which far exceeded the national standards in five areas of assessment. In return, the program was funded another five years to allow Student Support Services staff to engage successfully with students. Also, he says as compared to last year’s spring semester, there is an estimated enrollment increase of 8 percent for this year’s spring semester and anticipated increase of 2 percent for the fall semester. “We were the only 2-year COMMUNITY
UNM-G Executive Director Dr. Christopher Dyer. File Photo
A view of the large crowd of employees at UNM-G that came together in a lecture hall for the State of the Campus address Jan. 11. Photo Credit: Tom Hartsock
[university] that showed an increase in enrollment in the fall,” he said. “So, we are doing our job. Are you done yet? Are we getting there? No.” He added that the Middle College High School, located on the UNM-Gallup campus, saw a 66 percent increase of 40 students, from 60 to 100 students currently, and they are looking at ways to expand their enrollment. He continued by pinpointing different infrastructure projects and programs that are underway that would help improve a “regionally specific
and culturally vibrant education,” he said. In short, the college’s mission: “The University of New Mexico-Gallup prepares people to achieve their educational and professional goals in a context of respect for their traditions and values in the many groups it serves,” Dyer said. He mentioned the word “agape” from a book titled “Start with Why,” authored by Simon Sinek, which means the “love of others.” “Love of your fellow man and women,” he said. “Love of your community of employees.
Love of your peers. That’s agape. If you really care about other people and put them first, you will be a success in life, I don’t care what your job is.” He ta lks about the r e v a m p i n g of t h e E a r l y Childhood a nd Fa mily Center, t he Vetera n s a nd Student Adv ising Centers, Emergency Medical Services Institute, just to name a few. As for the Veterans and Student Advising Centers, the Navajo Veterans Act is being worked on, which will elevate the Navajo Veterans Association’s authority to executive level, Dyer said. Virginia Johnson, who
attended the event from the Twin Lakes area, and who also a faculty member that works in the college’s Human Resources Department, said her late husband, who is now deceased, was a Vietnam veteran. Ever since his passing, she has started to get more and more involved at the chapter level associated with Veteran affairs, and she was glad the event touched on the Veterans aspect. “There is so much need,” she said. “You see it, you hear it, but how does one go about it to even begin to address the needs because we lack funding, the long-term interest and long-term resources at all levels from the community all the way up to the federal government.” Dyer also discussed the infrastructure of student housing and the Navajo Housing Collaboration, where the University is working on a couple of short-term and long-term projects where the Housing and
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Gallup Sun • Friday January 15, 2016
Heat Wave Strikes Downtown
Clarissa and Betty Turtle display their mobile jewelry store as they stroll the streets during Arts Crawl.
Artist and author Linda Bowlby stands amongst her work at ART123 during the Jan. 9. Arts Crawl.
Story and Photos by Shepherd Waldenberger Sun Correspondent
espite temperatures below freezing, downtown Gallup warmed up Saturday night for the “Heat Wave” Arts Crawl event. There was live music, hot food, coffee sampling, hula hooping, and enough art on display to occupy the eyes for the whole evening. ART123 featured an artist retrospective that included old and new works from local
Local musician Ryan Dennison performs at Foundations of Freedom, creating hypnotic beats and melodies with a drum pad, keyboard, and microphone.
artists that gave a nice sense of history and progression. Steve Mar ti, generally renowned as a potter, had a solid maple flute box that he made back in 1979 on display. “This was really the first time I had the experience of a piece making itself,” he said as he thought fondly back to carving the box. It was interesting to hear this account of woodworking from a potter, but it often takes a look to the past to discover what really inspires an artist. Linda Bowlby also had
Steve Marti shows off a flute box he made back in 1979. He pulled it out for the artist retrospective at ART123 during the Jan. 9 Arts Crawl.
works on display at ART123, including books, paintings, and pillows. Most of her extremely fluid and textural paintings are solely acrylic paint on canvas. “I like the way it moves,” she said. A single painting can take months to create due to the innumerable layers employed. A variety of strange and wonderful machines created by Fitz Sargent inhabited ART123 as well. The children’s favorite was the Extenda-Sign, which rose from around six feet in
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107 W. Green Ave. s Gallup, NM 87301 Friday January 15, 2016 • Gallup Sun
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height to nearly touching the ceiling as a handle was pulled down. As the sign went up, the smiles brightened. Down the street at Makeshift Gallery, Scott Halliday played one of his electric cigar box guitars, doling out soulful, bluesy tunes to the delight of those browsing the local arts and crafts. Behind Makeshift, Aaron Anderson demonstrated how he makes a silver bracelet from start to finish, and Silver Stallion Coffee and Bread opened its doors to the public, serving up hot espresso and fresh baked goods. Aaron enjoys showing his jewelry-making process to the community and hopes to bring people together and inspire. “You can’t put a price on that,” he said, referring to the bracelet he made and gave away that evening. More music was to be enjoyed at Foundations of Freedom, where local artist Ryan Dennison created mellow tunes by looping
segments of keyboard, drums, and vocals that he recorded throughout his songs. The result was a constantly-progressing, almost-hypnotic journey. The dim lighting added to the music made Foundations of Freedom the most laid-back atmosphere of the night. For those wishing to get a little more active, hula hoops, limbo, and coconut bowling were available downtown as well. Rose Eason, gallupARTS board member, presided over the tropical festivities which proved to be fun for all ages. With so much to do and only two hours of time, the Jan. 9 Arts Crawl was a great way to get moving and shake off the winter chill. Though most of the art on display this month was accompanied by a price tag, the experience of a community coming together is what Arts Crawl is really about, and as Aaron Anderson so aptly said, you can’t put a price on that. M a rk yo u r c a le n d a r s for Feb. 13, when the next Arts Crawl sweeps through downtown.
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14 Hamilton Rd, Gallup, NM (505) 870-2535 COMMUNITY
‘Ride Along 2’ Is Safe, Bland and Predictable
is quickly forgotten. And while the leads try their hardest to invent some laughs out of nothing, the supporting
cast are given the thankless job of delivering little more than flat exposition. The antagonists aren’t allowed to assert
themselves over the course of the story and as a result aren’t memorable. It’s a disappointment because placing Barber in a truly dangerous situation with his brother-in-law would allow for a lot of drama, more outrageous scenarios and ultimately some bigger laughs. However, t he ca st a ren’t allowed to do any more than go through the motions. Fans of the performers and those who loved the first movie may find it passably entertaining. Yet even within its PG-13 confines, most will still note the serious lack of edge and vitality in this sleepy sequel. Ride Along 2 never picks up any momentum and instead takes it talented performers on a slow and uninspiring trip around the block.
Small Business Development Center Director Cindy Jarvison said her organization has helped McKinley County citizens start small businesses within the community; however, she has reached out to other entities like the Zuni Pueblo and Navajo Nation since starting her tenure as director beginning June of last year. “I help from the other end of the spectrum,” she said. “I’ve helped businesses get into the federal, state, and local procurement,” she said. “With this position, I am helping people start their jobs or start their business ideas and to help encourage them to promote and start their business. We also met one-on-one with clients on their business plan development.” Dyer applauded the faculty
and staff for working together to change the culture on campus and filling the university with positive and powerful energy. Notwithstanding, he addressed the need to help each other. “This is a journey that we have to do together,” he said. “Don’t think that you can pull off, oh, it’s about me. It is about my program, it is about what I want. It is about what I need in my classroom. It has to be all of us working together. And success depends on loving what we do.” Dyers was appointed executive director for the University of New Mexico-Gallup campus on July 1, 2013, and he has an extensive academic background in the subject of anthropology by obtaining both his master’s and Ph.D. in anthropology from Arizona State University.
By Glenn Kay For the Sun
anuary never lets me down. This week, the studios have brought us a haphazardly slapped together sequel. Ride Along 2 arrives quickly on the heels of its 2014 predecessor and features its two leads getting into all new cop-based shenanigans in Miami. Despite the best efforts of its capable cast, the approach taken is safe, bland and ultimately predictable. Since the events of the first film, Ben Barber (Kevin Hart) has become a rookie cop, much to the chagrin of his detective/future brother-in-law James Payton (Ice Cube). When he comes into contact with a mysterious flash drive, Payton is sent to Miami to investigate. Eager to prove himself, Barber begs to come along. Once in Florida, the pair encounter a computer genius on the run (Ken Jeong), a villainous businessman/drug dealer (Benjamin Bratt) and a local detective (Olivia Munn) with an abrasive personality similar to that of Payton. The two lead actors have comic timing and possess onscreen charm, but they’re not able to use it in this story. This by-the -numbers plot almost feels like a less-edgy sit-com episode. There’s little
The brothers-in-laws are back. Ride Along 2 in theaters Jan. 15. Photo Credit: Universal Pictures
to get worked up about and even less in the way of tension - viewers never feel any concern for the safety of the characters. You know a screenplay has problems when the biggest threat at the end of the second act involves a character potentially being fired from their job. It’s hardly the proper kind of dramatic stakes a movie needs. There are perhaps a halfdozen laughs in the story. Hart has an amusing reaction to a video game and is funny when he feels antagonized and attempts to express his “vision” for his upcoming nuptials. Cube has a couple of amusing deadpan comments. However, many comic set pieces in the story feel inorganic and forced. This includes an encounter with an alligator at a fancy party. Like many other gags, it is completely removed from the plot itself and plays like a strange tangent, then the event 207 WEST COAL GALLUP 505.863.1250
Construction Tech Program propose to build housing using structural insulated panels. “If we had student housing would we increase our retention rates? Yes,” he said. “If we had student housing, would we increase our enrollment? Yes. If we had student housing would we increase our graduation rates? Yes to all of those. We are actively working on this.” Since 95 percent of small businesses make up the businesses in Gallup, which means less than 15 employees, the college is looking to implement this to expand their revenues and enrollment through certificate and work shop programs, which is under the Work Force Development Division.
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Gallup Sun • Friday January 15, 2016
DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for Jan. 15, 2016 By Glenn Kay For the Sun
ello again! It’s once again time to pick out highlights coming your way on Bluray and DVD. There are a lot of interesting releases, so if you can’t make it out to the movies this week be sure to give one of these titles a try!
BIG NEW RELEASES! Hotel Transylvania 2 - In this sequel to the animated hit, vampire/ hotel propr ietor Drac decides to give the his grandson a cr a sh course in how to be a proper monster. The film garnered mixed reviews, although they were a little more positive for this effort than for the first installment. Most suggested it was a reasonably enjoyable bit of family fluff. The voice cast includes Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Kevin James, Steve Buscemi, David Spade, Keegan-Michael Key, Fran Dresher, Molly Shannon, Megan Mullally, Nick Offerman, Dana Carvey, Rob Riggle and Mel Brooks. Howl - A group of train passengers in England come under attack when something from the tracks sneaks onboard. They must work together to sur vive. This independent horror f lick directed by a make-up effects artist whose credits include The Descent, Doomsday and Attack the Block ended up receiving a few more picks than pans. Some felt that it petered out by the end, but many admired the likable cast and the movie’s dark sense of humor. Ed Speleers, Holly Weston and Shauna Macdonald make up some of the passengers. Irrational Man - Woody Allen’s latest is a very dark comedy about a burnt-out philosophy professor who preaches taking direct action to intellectuals around him. To prove his point, he goes to the extreme and gets himself involved in an ethically dubious plot to change a random person’s life. Critics had issues
with this film – while some found it interesting, others felt that it borrowed too heavily from the director’s earlier works (in particular, Crimes and Misdemeanors) and didn’t quite hit the mark. It stars Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone and Parker Posey. The Look of Silence - This documentary is one of the best reviewed films of the year. In fact, it stands a strong chance of receiving an Academy Award nomination. It’s a follow-up to the 2013 non-fiction effort, The Act of Killing. This time out, the camera tails an Indonesian optometrist who confronts the elderly generals responsible for murdering his baby brother decades earlier. He does this while fitting them for glasses. It’s accurately been described as a disturbing and powerful effort that brings attention to a truly horrific period in the country’s history (as well as world leaders who turned a blind eye to the atrocities being committed). The Martian - The biggest release of the week is this hit adaptation of t he be st selling book. It follows an astronaut who i s wou nded left behind on the surface of the planet Mars. Completely stranded, he uses his wits to survive while others back on Earth plot to get him home safely. Notices were very strong, stating that the movie captured the plight of its hero exceptionally well and added in effective doses of humor to create an excellent and entertaining underdog story. One should expect a couple of Oscar nominations. It stars Matt Damon, Jessica Cha sta in, K r istin Wiig, Jeff Daniels, Michael Pena, Sean Bean, Kate Mara, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Donald Glover. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension - The sixth entry in this horror series was advertised as its final installment. The plot follows a family who move into a haunted house and find that they can see the evil spirits through a video camera left behind at the home. Reviews were quite poor – although a few write-ups claimed the jump scares were effective, almost all felt that
Friday January 15, 2016 • Gallup Sun
the same material had been rehashed yet again and that the big finale ultimately failed to satisfy even the most avid of fans. Chris J. Murray, Brit Shaw and Ivy Jones lead the cast. Siniste r 2 - The first Sinister was a creepy supernatural horror flick that scored at the box office – this sequel involves another family who move into the same house and begin to experience simila rly disturbing phenomena. Unlike the previous installment, critics hated this follow-up. They called it unnecessary and claimed that it simply repeated the same material from the original, only with less visual panache. The cast includes James Ransone, Shannon Sossamon Robert Daniel Sloan and Dartanian Sloan. This Changes Everything - Inspired by the non-fiction book of the same name, this documentary tackles the subject of climate change and the likely causes of this ever growing problem. Write-ups were decent for this sobering effort. While some complained that it needed to take a more aggressive stand against the systems responsible for the declining state of the environment, most felt that it did make some solid points and offered some potential solutions.
BLASTS FROM THE PAST! There’s a wide variety of reissues coming your way. Shout! Factory are putting out a double-feature Bluray containing two cheesy Bo Derek B -mov ies. Both have won awards (albeit for the wrong reasons). In fact, they were both crowned as the year’s worst film by the Golden Raspberry Awards. Bolero (1984) is about a woman going through a sexual awakening. She travels across the world to find the perfect man to lose her virginity to. Ghosts Can’t Do It (1989) finds the actress playing the wife of an elderly millionaire (played by Anthony Quinn). When he passes away, his lovesick spouse attempts to find a young man for her husband’s soul to possess. Donald Trump also appears (as himself) – he probably doesn’t want you reminded of this mov ie’s existence.
They’re truly terrible features, but do hold a certain charm to purveyors of the worst in cinema. Out 1 (1971/1974) is an extremely lengthy, but far classier effort that falls under the category of French New Wave cinema. It’s a character study drama about two unrelated characters searching for meaning in their lives, only to find their experiences slowly intertwining as the story plays out. The cinema-verite style project is being delivered on disc in two separate cuts. The first is as an 8 episode miniseries (released in 1971) as well as the 1974 four-hour theatrical cut. Extras include a feature documentary about the production as well as other bonuses. Criterion also has two notewor thy Blu-rays. T h e American Friend (1977) is an eccentric tale from German director Wim Wenders (Angels of Desire, Buena Vista Social Club) about a criminal who attempts to convince a picture-frame shop worker friend to become a hit man. Both drama and mystery follow in this well regarded arthouse effort. The disc includes a new transfer and interview with Wenders and star Bruno Ganz. It also contains a pre-existing commentary track (featuring co-star Dennis Hopper) recorded in 2002 along with some deleted scenes. Bitter Rice (1949) is an Italian drama about a female criminal taking refuge as a worker in a rice field while she hides from the authorities. Events spiral slowly out of control when co-workers and her old partner take an interest the woman. The Blu-ray features a new restoration as well as a documentary on the film and an interview with its screenwriter. Not to be outdone, Kino have several interesting Blurays in the pipeline – all of which appear to be UK productions. T he Bed Sitting Room (1969) is an eccentric sci-fi comedy with Rita Tushingham, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore about characters getting on with their lives amidst the ruin after a nuclear war. Robert Shaw and Malcolm McDowell star in the drama Figures in a Landscape (1970). They play two prison escapees on the run
in a Latin American country. How I Won the War (1967) marks a headlining performance from famed musician John Lennon. He and Michael Crawford lead this anti-war comedy about an incompetent WWII general clumsily leading his troops across battlefields in Europe and Africa. It’s something of a cult item and will definitely be of interest to any Beatles enthusiasts out there. Finally and most recently, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead (1990) is a tale that takes the supporting characters from Shakespeare’s Hamlet and throws them into their own story. In this case, they’re dim half-wits attempting to learn the source of pal Hamlet’s malaise (and getting into all sorts of trouble in the process). Gary Oldman and Tim Roth play the title roles. T h e Wa r n e r A r c h i v e recently put out a series of older catalog titles on DVD. The lengthy list includes Anne of Green Gables (1934), Bad Boy (1949), The Littlest Hobo (1958), My Pal, Wolf (1944), Roughshod (1949), Snowfire (1958), Station West (1948), The Time, the Place and the Girl (1946), Two Guys from Milwaukee (1946), Two Guys from Texas (1948), Wild Bill Hickok Rides (1942) and The Younger Brothers (1949). I must admit to being curious about The Littlest Hobo. For those unfamiliar, it follows the adventures of a good hearted German Shepherd who would wander into variou s tow n s a nd save t he residents from some sort of trial, before hitting the road and moving on. It inspired a Canadian TV series in the 80s that was ver y popular with youngsters (and featured appearances by several future stars).
YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS! Here are the week’s options for little tykes. Hotel Transylvania 2 Powe r Range rs Dino Charge: Unleashed! Reading Rainbow: Miss Nelson is Back COMMUNITY
SPORTS 360 Never Too Late for Resolutions Story and Photos by Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
aybe this column should have been written a couple week s a go, but since I don’t personally tie resolutions to any specific date, this time will have to suffice. It is at this time of year people world-wide like to celebrate by a reasonably strong desire to change the things they don’t like about themselves. Hopefully for the better, though circumstances being what they are, one never knows for sure. My personal resolutions began with a visit in October to the V.A. Hospital that quickly
evolved from sore knees to other long term problems. Before I knew it, I not only had eight weeks of physical therapy lined up at Enchantment Therapy here in town but also a prescription for Chantix to help me quit smoking. Plus another pill or two just to make the doctors’ day complete. Now, I’m as far from being a fitness nut as anyone you can think of, but I soon found the exercise made me feel much better. Also I noticed my knees were not giving out on me as much as they had previously. The Chantix worked marvelously, or should I say is working. The exercise has also been beneficial in more ways than being able to walk
Stella Shoultz can’t keep the grin off her face as she does multiple push-ups with ease.
William Nez places his hands farther apart on the pull-ups, and gets even better muscle definition in his back.
better. Both have now become a part of my new life, resolved, though the Chantix will soon be removed. Hopefully, since I have not suffered any withdrawal attacks, stopping the nicotine has now become easier after 58 years as an addict. The exercise, at the opposite end of the spectrum, is something I look forward to doing. W hether at Encha ntment, where I recently purchased a two-month membership, or at home, which I filled with exercise equipment, I find that I want to get into better shape. I’m not a muscle man, nor do I want to be. Having lost just over 20 pounds during the last two months of 2015, I desire to lose another 20 or so and see if I can remember what I looked and felt like in 1968 when I finished basic training for the Army. I realize that I am going to be about 48 years older, so I don’t expect to climb mountains or do anything else considered crazy. I just want to feel better, perhaps drop down to a 34” waist on my pants and reduce my six-pack from the current 30 down to eight or 10. Wa t c h i n g o n e of t h e instructors at Enchantment Therapy, as well as one of the younger clients there, also gave me incentives in the right direction. William Nez is a 24-year old graduate of Wingate High
School and Bethany College in Kansas. Nez ran CrossCountry and Track in college, indoor and outdoor. His slight build belies his inner strength, having a personal best of 4:37 in the mile and 29:47 in the eight-kilometer run. He is on-track for his certification as a Personal Trainer, as approved by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Helping Nez with a physical fitness showing was 15-year old Stella Shoultz, a homeschooled student and swimmer. She specializes in the 100-yard Butterfly and has qualified to compete in New Mexico’s state meet later this year. Her best time in that event is 1:06. Ench a nt ment Physica l Therapy is full of machines to help and guide you to better fitness, though Nez and Shoultz were limited in their demonstrations to ones that
would make good pictures. Enchantment also works on Speed Training and clients never feel like they are being forced to compete against others in their training. That’s not a slam against other gyms, just a note for those low-key individuals to keep in mind if they are in the market for physical training. The championship game for the 72 nd Annual Bengal Boys’ Tournament was played the way all games of similar importance should be played. Hard-fought, but clean, and extended beyond regulation by the use of overtime. Hats off to the Bengal boys, and kudos to the Grants Pirates for playing as well as they could on that particular night. I missed that one, but will try to do better as district play starts up. And then, I hope to see you in the bleachers!
Gallup Sun • Friday January 15, 2016
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Scores Jan. 5, Tuesday GHS GBB 61 Los Lunas 53 MHS BBB 70 Newcomb 27 MHS GBB 28 Moriarty 57 RCHS GBB 64 Navajo Pine 40 ToHS BBB 56 Dulce 61 Jan. 7, Thursday GHS BBB 68 Tohatchi 51 (Bengal Invite) MHS BBB vs. Valencia CANCELLED, WEATHER MHS GBB @ Wingate CANCELLED, WEATHER RCHS GBB 43 Sandia Prep 55 (Sandia Prep Tourney) ToHS GBB 58 Thoreau 33 (Striking Eagle Invite) WHS BBB 59 E. Mountain 50 (Striking Eagle Invite) WHS GBB vs, Miyamura CANCELLED, WEATHER Jan. 8, Friday GHS BBB 74 Sandia Prep 46 (Bengal Invite) MHS WRST @ Al Salazar Invite (SF), NO RESULTS RCHS GBB 32 Robertson 61 (Sandia Prep Tourney) ToHS BBB 66 Kirtland 77 (Bengal Invite) ToHS GBB 57 Santa Fe Indian School 45 (Striking Eagle
Invite) WHS BBB 50 Santa Fe Indian School 67 (Striking Eagle Invite) WHS WRST @ St. Mike’s Invite (SF), NO RESULTS Jan. 9, Saturday GHS BBB 78 Grants 70 O.T. (Gallup Invite Championship) MHS BBB vs. W. Las Vegas UNREPORTED FINAL SCORE MHS GBB 38 St. Pius 53 RCHS GBB 27 Belen 38 (Sandia Prep Tourney) ToHS BBB 48 Artesia 52 (Gallup Invite) ToHS GBB 64 Monument Valley 49 (Striking Eagle Tourney) WHS BBB 65 Zuni 63 (Striking Eagle Tourney) Jan. 12, Tuesday GHS GBB 76 St. Pius 52 MHS BBB West Mesa UNREPORTED FINAL SCORE RCHS GBB 47 Laguna Acoma 55 ToHS BBB Wingate UNREPORTED FINAL SCORE WHS GBB Grants UNREPORTED FINAL SCORE
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Attention Gallup residents! Have the Gallup Sun delivered to your home Friday morning! Special rate $20 for 26 weeks or $40 for year. (Must live in Gallup metro area.) Send payment to: PO BOX 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Call (505) 728-1640 to pay by card.
Gallup Boys Win Invitational By Shepherd Waldenberger Sun Correspondent
he Gallup Bengals won the 72nd Gallup High School Invitational Basketball Tournament on Jan. 9. Gallup overcame Tohatchi in round one on Jan. 7, then defeated Sandia Prep in round two the following
day before moving on to face Grants in the final on Saturday evening. The game tipped off at 7:30 pm before a huge hometown crowd. The two teams battled back and forth and finished the fourth quarter tied at 70, pushing the game into overtime. Gallup got the best of Grants in overtime, outscoring them 8-2 and winning the game 78-72, clenching first place in the tournament.
Schedules Jan. 15, Friday GHS BBB @ Albuquerque Academy, 7 GHS GBB vs. Grants, 7 MHS BBB @ Espanola Valley, 7 RCHS BBB @ Santa Rosa Tourney, TBD RCHS GBB vs. Ramah, 6:30 Jan. 16, Saturday MHS BBB @ Los Alamos, 4 MHS GBB vs. Belen, 1 RCHS BBB @ Santa Rosa Tourney, TBD ToHS GBB @ Wingate, 4 WHS GBB vs, Tohatchi, 4 Jan. 19, Tuesday MHS BBB @ Farmington, 7
ToHS BBB vs. Navajo Prep, 4 WHS GBB @ Bloomfield, 7 Jan. 20, Wednesday RCHS GBB @ Crownpoint, 6:30 Jan. 21, Thursday GHS BBB vs. Eldorado, 7 GHS GBB @ Eldorado, 7 MHS BBB @ Moriarty, 7 MHS GBB @ Farmington, 7 RCHS BBB @ Ramah, 5 ToHS GBB vs. Navajo Prep, 7 WHS BBB vs. Bloomfield, 4 Jan. 22, Friday GHS BBB vs. Piedra Vista, 7 RCHS BBB @ Newcomb, 4 ToHS BBB @ Crownpoint, 4 WHS GBB @ Zuni, 4
Friday January 15, 2016 • Gallup Sun
Tohatchi’s Erik Becenti holds off a Gallup defender in round one of the 72nd Gallup High School Invitational Basketball Tournament.
Gallup’s Matthew Begay pulls up for a jump shot against Tohatchi in round one of the 72nd annual Gallup High School Basketball Invitational on Jan 7. The Bengals overcame the Cougars 68-51 to move on to round two.
MOVIE: CRIMSON PEAK Starts: 6 pm. El Morro Theater, 207 West Coal Ave. PG-13. FAMILY FRIENDLY FUN Join Rock N’ Sports Pub and Grille and Coffee Bar for Karaoke, with DJ Marvelous on Ladies Night. For more information please call (505) 863 - 2220. Location: 107 West Coal. FAMILY MOVIE (ALL AGES) Join us for a free family movie. Starts at 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Film: Minions AWARD-WINNING LECTURE SERIES Rehoboth Christian School presents Ron Susking’s lecture: Life, Animated: A story of sidekicks, heroes, and autism. This lecture kicks off 15 days of free liberal arts education, from an award winning lecture series. Live Internet video feed will be available. For online listening and archives of past lectures, please visit From 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Location: 07B Tse Yaaniichii Lane. Free LIVE MUSIC Kim Robinson…Solo Violin at its finest takes center stage from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 West Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117 SATURDAY JAN. 16 FAMILY FRIENDLY FUN Rock N’ Sports Pub and Grille and Coffee Bar presents Breaktime, from Grants. For more information please call (505) 863 - 2220. Location: 107 West Coal. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BIRTHDAY Join the Children’s Branch in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Enjoy stories, songs, crafts and activities, and birthday cake. Begins: 2 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Free
tional Historic Site located in Ganado, Arizona. The social get-together with refreshments will run from 2:30 - 3 pm. Program begins: 3:45 pm. For more information please call, Martin Link: (505) 863 - 6459. Location: Red Mesa Center, 105 W. Hill St. MONDAY JAN. 18 GALLUP-MCKINLEY COUNTY SCHOOLS No School CITY OF GALLUP Offices Closed AWARD-WINNING LECTURE SERIES Rehoboth Christian School presents Leroy Barber’s lecture in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. This lecture kicks off 15 days of free liberal arts education, from an award winning lecture series. Live Internet video feed will be available. For online listening and archives of past lectures, please visit From 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Location: 07B Tse Yaaniichii Lane. Free TUESDAY JAN. 19 AWARD-WINNING LECTURE SERIES Rehoboth Christian School presents William Close and the Earth Harp Collective. This lecture kicks off 15 days of free liberal arts education, from an award winning lecture series. Live Internet video feed will be available. For online listening and archives of past lectures, please visit From 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Location: 07B Tse Yaaniichii Lane. Free WEDNESDAY JAN. 20 AWARD-WINNING LECTURE SERIES Rehoboth Christian School presents Jere L. Krakow’s lecture on National Parks: America’s Greatest Treasure. This lecture kicks off 15 days of free liberal arts education, from an award winning lecture series. Live Internet video feed will be available. For online listening and archives of past lectures, please visit From 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Location: 07B Tse Yaaniichii Lane. Free
LIVE MUSIC 10 Minute Max…Vocal Duo takes center stage from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 West Coal Ave. (505) 7220117 SUNDAY JAN. 17
UNM GALLUP SBDC UNM Gallup SBDC is hosting a workshop that aims to help small businesses grow their online presence: let’s put Gallup on the map. This workshop involves bringing community members, business owners, and civic leaders together to help small businesses succeed on the Web. For more information please call, (505) 722 -2220. Begins: 8 am. Location: Gallup Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room, 106 W. Highway 66.
PLATEAU SCIENCES SOCIETY This month’s meeting features a presentation of the fascinating history associated with the Hubbell Trading Post Na-
MAKER’S CLUB A club for kids interested in science, math, building, and inventing (Ages 7 and up). Each week will feature
a different challenge, project, or experiment. Starts: 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec. This Week: Build Elsa’s Ice Palace. Free NEW YEAR, NEW MOVIE Join us for a free weekly movie. Popcorn provided. Begins: 5:30 pm. Location: Main Branch, 115 W. Hill Ave. Free OPEN-MIC-NIGHT Local talent takes center stage from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 West Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Meetings every Sunday at 6 pm, First United Methodist Church, 1800 Red Rock Dr, corner of Nizhoni/Red Rock. Enter northwest corner off Nizhoni; Library room. THURSDAY JAN. 21 AWARD-WINNING LECTURE SERIES Rehoboth Christian School presents Gabriel and Jeanette Salguero: How Latino Churches are changing America. This lecture kicks off 15 days of free liberal arts education, from an award winning lecture series. Live Internet video feed will be available. For online listening and archives of past lectures, please visit From 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Location: 07B Tse Yaaniichii Lane. Free CRAFTY KIDS Fun crafts for the whole family (all ages). Starts at 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec. Make: Star Wars Toilet Tube Character. Free ONGOING COMMUNITY PANTRY The Hope Garden is offering organic produce for sale from 10 am - 12 pm, Tue - Fri. We are located at 1130 E. Hasler Valley Rd. All funds go to helping feed local folks. For personal attention call (505) 726-8068 or when visiting ask for Kenworth Jones. FIRST INDIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Monday Night Back to Basics Bible Class, Red Hills Trailer Park recreation center 7 pm; Tuesday Family Bible Study FIBC 501 S. 3rd St, 6 pm; Sunday Worship and Prayer at FIBC 501 S. 3rd, 10:30 am. Contact: Pastor Robert Fontenot (505) 979-0511. / www. GALLUP-MCKINLEY COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY Wednesdays are low-cost Spay and Neuter Days, at the Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society. For more information please call (505) 863-2616, or email: Location: 1315 Hamilton Rd. GALLUP SOLAR MEETINGS Interested in learning more
about solar energy? Come to a Gallup Solar meeting, held the first three Wednesdays of the month from 6 - 8 pm, East Logan Ave. Email: or call (505) 726-2497. GALLUP SUSTAINABLE GALLUP BOARD The City of Gallup’s Sustainable Gallup Board meets on the first Monday each month from 3 - 5 pm in the Mayor’s Conference Room at City Hall. Community members concerned about conservation, energy, water, recycling, and other environmental issues are welcome. Call Bill Bright at (505) 722-0039 for information. Location: 404 West Maxwell, Ave. HABITAT GALLUP Join us for the Habitat Gallup, a home building organization offering a hand up, not a hand out. We need your help to plan for our sixth home in Gallup. For more information please call Bill Bright (505) 722- 4226. Meets monthly on the third Monday of each month 6 – 8 pm. Location: 113 E. Logan Ave. HISTORIAS DE GALLUP The Library is collecting oral histories from people in the community. Historias de Gallup will focus on Hispanic History in the area and stories that will give listeners a picture of Gallup in the past. These histories will be recorded and stored at the library for future generations to listen to. Anyone interested in participating should contact the library to schedule an interview time. Latino Americans: 500 Years of History has been made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association. Information:(505) 863-1291 or email: QUILTING GROUP Come on down and join our quilting group. We have quilting bees every Tuesday from 9 am – 2:30 pm, and Thursday from 9 am – 2:30 pm. For more information please contact Virginia Gustafson (505) 879-3001. Located by the Playground of Dreams and Harold Runnels Center in the Larry Brian Mitchell Recreation Center, 705 Montoya Blvd. RECYCLING COUNCIL McKinley Citizen’s Recycling Council is a local non-profit working to increase recycling through education, community outreach, and partnership with local government agencies. MCRC meets the first Saturday of the month at 2 pm, at Red Mesa on Hill St. For more information please call (505) 722-5142 or visit
www. EXPLORING THE NEW TESTAMENT The Westminster Presbyterian Church offers a Wednesday evening study: Exploring The New Testament. Join the Church on the Hill near Orleans Manor Apartments, as we dig deep into the early world of the church. We’ll discover more about the context of our Scriptures. Begins: 7 pm. For more information please contact, Pastor Lorelei (505) 905-3247. Location: 151State Highway 564. SAVE THE DATE FAMILY EMPOWERMENT SERIES Please join us on Saturday, January 23, 2016 for a new family empowerment series: Good food for Good Growth. Begins 10 am. Good nutrition and healthy growth and development go together. Learn ways in which you can share healthy eating habits with young children. Free and open to all interested parents and caregivers. For more information please call Maria Quintana (505) 566- 3859. Location: 3539 E. 30th St. room 218, Farmington. AWARD-WINNING LECTURE SERIES Rehoboth Christian School presents 15 days of a free liberal arts education from an award winning lecture series, Jan. 6 - 26. Live Internet video feed will be available. For online listening, and archives of past lectures please visit Begins: 10:30 am. Location: 07B Tse Yaaniichii Lane. Free AMERICAN INDIAN DAY Save the date! It’s American Indian day at the Legislature on Friday, February 5, 2016. Broadening State Tribal Relations for generations to come. For more will be posted on the Indian Affairs Department website: or call Nicole Macias at (505) 476-1600. NAVAJO NATION SCIENCE FAIR The Red Rock State ParkChurch Rock presents the Navajo Nation Science Fair, February 23- 25. Registration deadline: Feb. 17 at midnight. Categories available include: animal science, behavioral and social science, biology, chemistry, and more. For online registration please visit: www.sciencefairregstration. com. For more information please contact the Dine School improvement: (505) 871 - 7452. To post a non-profit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday 5 pm.
Gallup Sun • Friday January 15, 2016
Friday January 15, 2016 • Gallup Sun