20110708 jewishvoice

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ewish Voice J


Deuteronomy 32:1


July 8, 2011| 29 Sivan 5771

Case Against Dominique Strauss-Kahn Collapses

Vol. 7, Iss. 24


R’ Eckstein and the Int’l Fellowship of Christians and Jews

A Blessing or a Liability? PHOTO COURTESY IFCJ

Coney Island Dubbed One of New York’s “Worst Beaches”


Page 17

Omri Casspi Moves to Cleveland A dynamic leader - Rabbi Eckstein has been instrumental in mobilizing Christian support for Jews in Israel and around the world. BY TZVI ALLEN FISHMAN

Page 44

Israeli Borders Under Assault from Flotilla, ‘Airtilla’

Gang-Related Homicide, Staggering Levels of Pollution Harm Reputation of Once-Popular Destination BY LINA HESKIEL AND DANIEL PEREZ A national landmark for nearly a century, Coney Island is famous for its Cyclone roller coaster, side shows and carnival attractions, as well as a popular beach opposite its aging boardwalk. n any given day, the boardwalk is packed with bikers, elderly couples holding hands, black-hatted Jews, screaming children, and adolescents, many of them Russian immigrants. Walking along the boardwalk one will see restaurants (sadly,

O Page 3

While sitting on a return flight from Israel about a year ago and enjoying some falafel on pita I had picked up en route to the airport, I noticed some commotion coming from some nearby seats.

none of them kosher) packed with young couples, and New York City’s famous aquarium delighting children and parents alike. The opportunity to ride Coney Island’s iconic Ferris wheel, grab an Italian ice and enjoy a little fun in the sun is a major draw for both tourists and locals. But a number of disturbing trends in the area raise the question: Is Coney Island safe? In terms of pollution, the Coney Island area—particularly Brighton Beach from 6th to 15th streets and Coney Island from West 16th to West 27th streets were ranked among the worst in the city, according to a report

eople kept on coming over to this blond-haired, not terribly Jewishlooking fellow, all of them excitedly chatting with him about Jerusalem, the Galilee, Nazareth, Bethlehem and how they loved Israel. I finished my falafel and eventually my curiosity got the better of me. Leaning over I introduced myself to the man who was at the center of all this attention. He introduced himself and told me that he was a Christian pastor from a ministry in Texas. He had brought 50 members of his congregation to Israel for a two-week trip. Fascinated, I asked him

Continued on page 16

Continued on page 28


The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011



NASRALLAH: ISRAEL BEHIND HARIRI KILLING AND UN INDICTMENTS The leader of Hezbollah has in his defiance, implied that Israel was behind the killing of Rafik al-Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister who was murdered in 2005. ezbollah's leader says Lebanese authorities will never be able to arrest the four members of his militant-terroe group who have been indicted by a U. N.backed tribunal in the murder of a former Lebanese prime minister. Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised address the suspects will not be turned in "even in 300 years.'' A high-ranking Hezbollah militant and three others were accused in the 2005 assassination of Rafik Hariri. The Iran-backed militant group has denied any involvement in Mr. Hariri's killing and has threatened to "cut off the hand" of anyone who tries to arrest its members in the case.


Discussing the tribunal's investigations into Hariri's murder, Nasrallah said: "We mentioned the possibility of having Israel involved in the murder and the fact that [Israeli] agents were present at the murder scene one day before the murder. "No one in the STL even asked the Israelis anything. This is normal, why? Because the tribunal, since its formation, had a precise goal and no one was allowed to talk to the Israelis ... Instead of investigating the Israelis, [the STL] gathered information from them." In a telelvised speech, Nasrallah said that computers related to the case investigated by the STL were transported through Israel on their way out of Lebanon and asked why they had not been shipped out of a Beirut port? He said Hezbollah would produce a document that proves the computers were transported from South Lebanon to Israel. Speaking from Beirut, Jamal Wakim of the Lebanese International University said

that the charges over computer data were "the most important point" in the speech. He said: "It proves the implication of Israel in trying to divert and manipulate the international court." Nasrallah said the tribunal aimed to spread sectarian strife in Lebanon but that it would fail to inflame conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims He confirmed that the four men accused by the UN of the assassination were members of Hezbollah and said they had "an honourable history of resisting Israeli occupation". He said the UN charges were an attack on his movement, and authorities would not be able to arrest the four suspects. Nasrallah also revealed that he had received a document from the Qatari prime minister and Turkey's foreign minister, which stated that Saad Hariri, the son of Rafik who

Continued on page 39

Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised address the suspects will not be turned in "even in 300 years.''

TURKEY DEMANDS APOLOGY, COMPENSATION FROM ISRAEL Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Wednesday that Turkey insists on its demand from Israel on an apology and compensation for the families of those killed and wounded in an Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound “aid” flotilla on May 31, 2010. avutoglu said at a press conference that "we have been saying the same thing since last year, Israel must apologize and pay compensation. These are our


principal stance on the issue." Nine activists were killed and many others were injured in an Israeli raid on the Gaza-bound Turkish ship "Mavi Marmara", leading to a bilateral crisis between Turkey and Israel. Turkey withdrew its ambassador from Israel and asked Israel to pay compensation and issue an official apology. In the meantime, Davutoglu confirmed Wednesday that Turkish and Israeli officials were holding talks for the normalization of the two countries' relations.

"It is natural for Turkish and Israeli authorities to hold talks to meet Turkey's demands and such talks should not be viewed as an extraordinary development," Davutoglu said. He also referred to a UN panel report on the "Mavi Marmara" crisis, which was expected to be released on Thursday but postponed since Turkey and Israel could not reach a consensus. "We hope Israel would meet our rightful demands on this issue," said the Turkish foreign minister.

Gaza-bound Turkish ship "Mavi Marmara", which was stopped by an Israeli raid last year.

ISRAELI BORDERS UNDER ASSAULT FROM FLOTILLA, ‘AIRTILLA’ "Airtilla" seeks to bombard Ben Gurion airport with activists Almost two months after Lebanese and Syrian protesters stormed Israel’s northern borders threatening Israel’s national security, activists are again ready to challenge Israel’s legitimacy by air and sea. s the threat of a sea-based flotilla to Gaza copes with numerous setbacks, over 500 activists are planning to fly into Israel’s Ben Gurion International Airport Friday, in an “Airtilla” of sorts. “What we are planning for the 8th of July could be the beginning of the marches to Palestine. We are fed up with words and we need to take action,” Palestinian activist Lubna Masarawa said in a video posted to


YouTube. The activists have said they plan to declare “Palestine” as their final destination upon arrival in Israel and cause a commotion if they are denied entry, which Israeli officials said is likely. But Israeli officials offered stern warnings about any attempted breach of Israeli sovereignty. "The same hooligans who tried to break the law and disrupt the peace will not be allowed into Israel and will return to their home countries," Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said Tuesday. Since the failed May 2010 attempt of

Turkish flotilla Mavi Marmara to breach Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza, efforts have been underway by activists to send another ship to Gaza. At least ten ships are currently docked in Greece, with hundreds of activists on board, mostly from Europe. The government of Greece has currently prohibited all ships from leaving Greek ports to the maritime area of Gaza, citing concern over the safety of the passengers. Israel says the aim of flotilla is not to provide aid – food, medicine and cement are distributed in Gaza by Israel – but to provoke and delegitimize Israel and harm Israeli soldiers.

Ben Gurion International Airport, where hundreds of activists are expected to land Friday.

IRAQ INKS SIX AGREEMENTS OF COOPERATION WITH IRAN ahimi, who heads a delegation of senior Iranian officials, was officially received by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at the Baghdad airport. Later, the two leaders and their delegations held a meeting in Baghdad Green Zone that houses some of the Iraqi government offices and foreign embassies, including the U.S. one. The two sides discussed cooperation in various fields that resulted in the signing of six Memorandums of Understanding in the fields of avoiding double taxation, cultural cooperation, science and technology, communications and two memorandums in medical treatment and pharmacological cooperation. "The visit of the Iranian delegation is a new starting point in various fields that were


discussed between the two delegations which are electricity, transportation, construction, oil and gas, culture, science, technology and communications," Maliki said at a joint press conference with Rahimi after their meeting. For his part Rahimi said his country "is ready to help rebuilding Iraq and to achieve security and stability on its lands." "Relations between Iraq and Iran have reached high levels and we came here today


Iraq on Wednesday signed six agreements of cooperation with its neighbor Iran during an official visit of Iranian First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi to the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

to get the peak of such relations," Rahimi said, adding that "from here (Baghdad) Iran is offering the hand of friendship and brotherhood to all the peoples of Islamic countries." Since 2000, the Iran-Iraq relations had been visibly improved. After the U.S.-led war on Iraq started in 2003, Teheran strongly opposed the move, calling for a key role of the UN in Iraq's reconstruction.

Afterwards, Iran offered assistance to Iraq's post-war reconstruction and the bilateral relations began to improve, and top officials in the two countries exchanged official visits during the past few years. Sunni Arab-led countries in the region are increasingly worried about the close ties between Iran and Iraq, the only two Shi'iteled governments in the Middle East, particularly if the U.S. troops withdraw from Iraq by the end of 2011.

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The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

WALMART CONTRIBUTES $5 MILLION TO SUPPORT CITY’S SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Department of Youth and Community Development Commissioner Jeanne Mullgrav and Senior Director for the Walmart Foundation Michelle Gilliard today announced a $5 million pledge to the Summer Youth Employment Program. almart’s pledge, which bring private-sector support for the City’s summer jobs program to its highest lever ever, will expand the program by up to 3,400 jobs and help mitigate cuts in State and Federal funding. The Mayor announced the donation at the Brownsville Recreation Center in Brooklyn where he also was joined by Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, City Council Minority Leader James Oddo, Council Member Peter Koo and Council Member Eric Ulrich. “Walmart’s generous donation creates the most job slots the Summer Youth Employment Program has ever raised with private money,” said Mayor Bloomberg. ”This timely investment in our city’s youth comes at a moment when many young people are struggling to find employment and will give thousands the opportunity to take that critical first step toward their career goals.” “A summer job prepares a young person for a working life,” said Commissioner Mullgrav. “In the short term, these jobs mean extra money for tuition, books and household expenses. But in the long term, this experience in the world of work is the first open door to a lasting career. I want to thank


Walmart for investing in our young people and the future of our city.” “For years, the Walmart Foundation has supported programs that strive to make a difference in the lives of New Yorkers,” said Senior Director for the Walmart Foundation Michelle Gilliard. “The City’s Summer Youth Employment Program is an initiative that’s obviously important to kids and families across the five boroughs, especially during

______________________ “Young Brooklynites, particularly those in Central Brooklyn, are ready, willing and able to get the job done – all they need is the opportunity.” ______________________ these tough times. We’ve talked a lot about jobs and this donation was an opportunity to deliver during a time of real need.” “Young Brooklynites, particularly those in Central Brooklyn, are ready, willing and able to get the job done – all they need is the opportunity,” said Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz. “When we help youth find jobs through programs like the City’s Summer Youth Employment Program and Summer H.E.A.T, which my office organizes, we make an important investment in our kids by improving their self-esteem, teaching them the value of hard work and

giving them real skills for when they enter the adult workforce. So kudos to Walmart for not just improving the lives of thousands of kids today—but helping them realize their dreams tomorrow.” ”I’d like to thank Walmart for this generous $4 million investment in New York City’s future,” said Minority Leader James Oddo. “This is a lot of money, even for a large corporation, and it is being put to good use supporting thousands of city teens in their first foray in the workforce. I have always supported the Summer Youth Employment Program and encouraged kids in my district to apply, and I would like to thank Walmart for ensuring that more of them are placed this summer.” “In today’s economy, it’s hard to find a job,” said Council Member UIrich. “Thanks to Walmart’s generous donation, thousands of teenagers and young adults will be able to make a little extra money this summer. Walmart is setting a fine example by helping keep our kids off the streets and giving back to the community.” New York City is spending $20 million on the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) programs this summer. And in response to substantial cuts in State support this year, combined with the expiration of Federal stimulus funding, left big gaps in the program’s current budget, in May Mayor Bloomberg created “Summer Youth Employment Partners” to push for private donations to the program through the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City. That current total of private donations for

summer jobs that the Mayor’s Fund has raised now stands at more than $6 million – the most ever – with more expected from Walmart’s pledge. SYEP has provided summer jobs to hundreds of thousands of New York City residents, ages 14 to 24, since its launch in the early 1960s. Participants, who earn minimum wage, are placed at camps, parks, government agencies, local non-profits, hospitals, senior centers, daycare centers and small businesses throughout the city. SYEP also provides career exploration, post-secondary education information and life skills training, including health education and financial literacy. Research shows that early work experience greatly benefits young people. Students who work during high school tend to stay in school and graduate at higher rates. Early work experience is also linked to higher rates of employment and higher earnings: for every year that teens work, income in their twenties increases by an average of 14 percent to 16 percent. Using only public dollars, the City has been able to provide about 24,000 summer youth jobs this year. With the Walmart Foundation’s commitment, and with donations from more than 30 other companies, the City has been able to increase the number of summer youth jobs to more than 28,000 jobs. This is fewer than last year, but more than it would have been without the privatesector help.

GLENN BECK AND KNESSET MEMBER TO ASCEND TEMPLE MOUNT BY TZVI BEN GEDALYAHU Glenn Beck and Knesset Member Danny Danon plan to ascend the Temple Mount next week. Beck also will speak with a Knesset committee that Danon heads.

eck will arrive in Israel Monday, an organizer of his visit told Israel National News. He declined to reveal any timetable or details of the visit, but a Knesset source confirmed the visit to the


Temple Mount. Beck will appear at the Knesset Committee on Aliyah to speak about the antiIsraeli effort to present the Jewish state as being illegitimate. The controversial and fiery personality, who several days ago broadcast his last show on Fox News, has been a constant champion of Israel. He visited the Temple Mount earlier this year and later announced a “Restoring Courage” rally in Jerusalem August 24. After his previous visit to the holy site, he said, "The Temple Mount almost pulsated. I could feel it.” He is hoping for a repeat of last year’s massive turnout in Washington for a “Restoring Honor” rally. His web page encourages people to sign up for the tour but warns that the price tag is high. It also states that both American and Israel firms will be deployed to ensure security. In his announcement of the rally in Israel, he stated, “It is time for us to courageously stand with Israel” and said that high security will be required because “the very gates of hell will open up against us.” Beck added, “The only power broker, the only seat of government that can and will solve this problem with or without us is G-d.

Glenn Beck will appear at the Knesset Committee on Aliyah to speak about the anti-Israeli effort to present the Jewish state as being illegitimate. It is time to return inside the walls that surround Jerusalem and stand with people of all faiths, all around the world. “There are people that will promise you ‘peace’ in the coming months. They are going to attack the center of our faith; our common faith, and that is Jerusalem, but it won't be with bullets or bombs. It will be with a two-state solution that cuts off Jerusalem; the Old City, from the rest of the world."

SALAM FAYYAD SHOOTS FOR BEGGAR PA STATE BY GAVRIEL QUEENANN Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said Wednesday that the PA's inability to pay its bills and its regular pleas for charitable cash infusions from the international community was not an acceptable argument against PA statehood. he crisis does not undermine or cast doubt about our preparedness for the establishment of the state,” Fayyad insisted during his weekly radio address on Voice of Palestine radio. "All


states face financial troubles and need the correct procedures and oversight to overcome such problems." “Civil servants will receive today half of their monthly salaries, and the other half will be paid when cash is available,” he added. The decision to pay half salaries is a result of the PA's latest crippling financial crisis, which has lasted for almost a year. “So far, we have received only $331 million out of $970 million [in international donations] we were supposed to receive to cover the budget deficit of this year. Since

Continued on page 39

The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011


YOUTHS PROTEST FOR JONATHAN POLLARD: HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FOR EVERYONE BY ELAD BENARI & HEZKI EZRA Youth activists from Bnei Akiva and Meretz gathered on Monday outside the United States consulate in Jerusalem. Shouting “Human Rights are for everyone,” the youths protested and called on President Barack Obama to free Jonathan Pollard. e’ve gathered here today to protest the continued imprisonment of Jonathan Pollard who has been rotting in prison for the past 26 years,” said Meretz Youth spokesman Yarin Shechter. “We will continue this important struggle. It’s a struggle for human rights.” The cooperation between Bnei Akiva and Meretz is not a natural one, as the two groups are from different sides of the political spectrum. However, in this case, they both agree that the Pollard saga has been going on for too long and must end now. “Although we have many differences and don’t agree on many things, this is a consensus


that everyone believes in,” said Baruch Pikart of Bnei Akiva. “We think Jonathan should be freed without any conditions. “We came here to say what Jonathan Pollard can’t say because he’s in prison,” he added. “Enough is enough. We want him free.” “I hope that this cooperation continues, and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t,” added Shechter. “We’re all in favor of bringing Jonathan home.” The demonstration took place as fifty Bnei Akiva youths donned U.S. prison garb and entered a jail-like environment on Monday. The “Pollard Jail” is a summer camp for Bnei Akiva from Israel’s southern district. Dozens of youths and instructors will loosely simulate the daily routine of jail life for ten days, in identification with Jonathan Pollard and in protest of his continued incarceration. “These are young people who say that they don’t want to have a simple, regular summer vacation,” said Eliad Avriki, coordinator of Bnei Akiva’s southern region. “They come and say: ‘we want to spend the next ten days raising

one of the parties are content with the current state of the relationship between Turkey and Israel,” an unnamed Turkish diplomat told Hurriyet Daily News on Tuesday. Senior Turkish and Israeli officials were slated to meet on this week in New York in a bid to reach agreement before publication of a United Nations report on last year’s incident on the Gaza-bound flotilla. Prior to their talks analysts suggested Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon and Turkish representatives would try hard to ensure


compromise. All the signs are that ties between the countries are on the up, former Israeli ambassador to Turkey Alon Liel told Israel's Galei Tzahal radio on Tuesday. Following last month’s elections in Turkey, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a letter congratulating Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his re-election. Israel also thanked Turkey for preventing boats from sailing to Gaza as part of this month’s maritime convoy. In recent years trade ties have blossomed between the nations, with Israelis choosing Turkey as their number-one tourist destination. Bilateral trade peaked in 2008 at $3.4 billion prior to the downturn in political relations. Despite the differences, Israel pumped 1.8 billion dollars into Turkey last year, not including

The Palestinian Authority on Monday chided Israel for its decision to help 7,000 Jews from northeast India make Aliyah to Israel. ccording to the Bethlehem-based Ma’an news service, PA spokesman Ghassan Khatib said the Israeli decision was “in line with Israel’s policy to bring non-Israeli Jews to Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people.” Meanwhile, he added, Israel prevents the “Palestinians” from returning to their homeland


to live there. "This is something we condemn, and since we don't have enough information, we need to contact the Indian government for an explanation," he told Ma’an. The Bnei Menashe claim descent from one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, which were exiled by the Assyrian Empire more than 27 centuries ago. They reside primarily in the two Indian states of Mizoram and Manipur, along the border with Burma and Bangladesh. The Israeli Chief Rabbinate in 2005, after careful study, designated them “descendants of Israel” (zera Yisrael), which made the group eli-

S P O N S O R E D B Y:

www.JewishVoiceNY.com Activistst from Bnei Akiva and Meretz calls for Barak Obama to free Jonathan Pollard. awareness about Jonathan Pollard.’ They’re even willing to enter a ‘prison’ for it, sleep on the floor and eat food which is not top quality, and all for getting Jonathan Pollard home as quickly as possible.” Of the cooperation between Bnei Akiva and Meretz Youth, Avriki said: “This is a cooperation which says that we have a lot in common, perhaps even more than the things which separate us. It’s an amazing cooperation.”

tourism. Organizations such as the Israel-Turkey Business Council believe those figures can only increase. One area of concern for the West and Israel has been Ankara’s ever-closer ties with Syria and Iran. Turkey has been quick to distance itself from the Syrian regime as it brutally puts down domestic opposition. However, the West remains troubled by the Turkish-Iranian axis.

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gible for immigration, but which in Jewish law mandates conversion as Judaism is passed on only through a Jewish mother and that fact was not confirmed. A rabbinical court was sent to India to convert those of the Bnei Menashe who wished to do so several years ago. Members of the community, whose first representatives arrived in Israel in 1979, then began Aliyah [immigration to Israel], thanks largely to the efforts of Shavei Israel a Jerusalem-based group that reaches out and assists “lost Jews” seeking to return to the Jewish people.

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ISRAEL, TURKEY PUSH TO PUT RELATIONS BACK ON TRACK There is optimism in Ankara and Jerusalem that relations between Turkey and Israel will soon be back to normal - with a return to booming tourism and industry between the Mediterranean neighbors.


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The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

Arab MK Wants Punishment Givot Olam Begins Shomer Shabbat Oil Drilling to ‘Nakba Deniers’ BY ELAD BENARI & YONI KEMPINSKI

BY TZVI BEN GEDALYAHU Arab MK Ahmed Tibi tried to introduce a bill that would deny funds to anyone refusing to recognize that Israel’s independence was a “catastrophe” (Nakba) for Arabs. The Knesset blocked his initiative. n another attempt to adopt and re-arrange Biblical and Jewish events and phrases, MK Tibi said his attempt for a ”Nakba denial” bill is his answer to a pending bill that would bar government funds to groups eulogizing Yom HaAtzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, as a “catastrophe” to Arabs. The declaration of independence for Israel grants Arabs and Jews equal rights, but Tibi and a growing number of Israeli Arabs argue that the re-establishment of Israel as a Jewish state should be remembered as a “tragedy” that caused “pain and suffering” to Arabs. He said he wants to deny funds to organizations that not only deny the “Nakba" as a catastrophe but who also “prevent the Palestinian and Arab people from feeling they have equal rights.” Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin and his aides blocked Tibi from introducing the bill; a move which he said might be challenged in the High Court. The Knesset can prevent legislators from introducing private bills if they are racist or if they negate Israel as a Jewish state. Likud MK Danny Danon argued that Tibi’s bill “negates the very establishment of

The heads of the Givot Olam Company, whose Meged 5 well near Rosh Ha’Ayin has been said to contain an estimated 1.5 billion barrels of crude, held a news conference to mark the beginning of drilling on the site.


MK Ahmed Tibi and a growing number of Israeli Arabs argue that the re-establishment of Israel as a Jewish state should be remembered as a “tragedy” that caused “pain and suffering” to Arabs. the State of Israel.” MK Tibi’s “Nakba denial” expression is borrowed from "Holocaust denial,” which has been ruled illegal in Germany and elsewhere. Another Arab play on Israeli terms is the “right of return,” which is similar to Israel's "Law of Return" that guarantees Jews all over the world the right to reside in Israel as citizens. The Arab world has turned around the same expression to demand the immigration to Israel of several million foreign Arabs, whose parents, grandparents and greatgrandparents fled the country during the War for Independence in 1948. A majority of the Arabs left at the behest of Arab leaders, who

Continued on page 38

he company’s chief geologist is Tuvia Luskin, an observant Jew who belongs to Chabad. As such, the work on the site was done so as to never break any of the laws of Shabbat. The Torah forbids work to be done on Shabbat, and the Mishnah explained this prohibition by listing 39 types of activities that are not permitted on the Sabbath, such


______________________ “Givot Olam team has managed to find a way to continue to drill and pump oil on Shabbat, all the while not breaking any Judaic laws. This is accomplished by doing everything automatically using a Sabbath clock.” ______________________ as planting, cooking and building. Now, as the work has intensified, the Givot Olam team has managed to find a way

to continue to drill and pump oil from Meged 5 even on Shabbat, all the while not breaking any Judaic laws. This is accomplished by doing everything automatically using a Sabbath clock which allows the workers to produce oil without physically having to turn the faucets that carry the oil from various containers on and off, an act that would constitute work and thus break the laws of Shabbat. In order to arrive at this solution, Givot Olam consulted with Machon Zomet (Zomet Institute), which specializes in making modern technology compatible with Jewish law. “We’re seriously taking pride in the fact that we never drilled on Shabbat and we never did any melakhot [the Hebrew word for labor or work –ed.] on Shabbat,” exclaimed Luskin. “Now, for the first time last Shabbat we were producing on Shabbat without breaking Shabbat.” “We wanted to illustrate how exactly [the drilling] works because there is a real facili-

Continued on page 38

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice

Holocaust, 9/11 Fabrications: Top Egyptian Politician The vice chairman of Egypt’s top secular party told the Washington Times in an interview last week that the September 11 terror attacks, the Holocaust and Anne Frank’s diary are all historical fabrications. he Holocaust is a lie,” Ahmed Ezz El-Arab, Wafd Party leader told the Washington Times in Budapest where he was attending the Conference on Democracy and Human Rights. He went on to explain that it was factually impossible to claim that the Nazis killed 6 million Jews, saying “the Jews under German occupation were 2.4 million. So if they were all exterminated, where does the remaining 3.6 million come from?” (In fact there were more than 3 million in Poland alone.) The Egyptian politician acknowledged that the Nazis may have killed “hundreds of thousands” of Jews, but discounted the plau-


______________________ “The Egyptian politician [Ahmed Ezz El-Arab] acknowledged that the Nazis may have killed “hundreds of thousands” of Jews, but discounted the plausibility of gas chambers and skinning Jews alive, calling them “fanciful stories.” ______________________ sibility of gas chambers and skinning Jews alive, calling them “fanciful stories”. El-Arab’s Holocaust denial did not stop there, the Egyptian politician went on to attack the authenticity of Anne Frank’s diary, the memoirs of a teenage girl who hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam, only to be discovered and die in a concentration camp.

The Wafd leader recalled studying the novel that is one of the most widely distributed publications to date as a doctoral student in Stockholm. “I could swear to god it’s a fake,” he said. “The girl was there, but the memoirs are a fake.” El-Arab concurred with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s denial of the Holocaust – but discredited his motives. “He’s a hateful character, so whatever he says can be criticized,” he told the Washington Times, adding “what he says about the Holocaust is true, but he doesn’t say it because it’s true. He says it out of hatred to the Israeli state.” When asked about future peace with Israel, El-Arab attempted to assuage fears that a new Egyptian government would cancel the 1979 treaty. The Egyptian politician told the Washington Times that there is “no chance at all” that would happen,” adding “Egypt will not go to war unless it’s attacked,” he said. El-Arab’s historical revision was not reserved for the Holocaust alone, he also shared his theories on the September 11 attacks and their perpetrators with the Washington Times. The Wafd leader denied that Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaida leader who was recently killed in an American raid on his compound in Pakistan, was behind the attacks. “He could not have the know-how or the ability to do it,” El-Arab said, calling the dead al-Qaida leader “an American agent.” The Egyptian politician added “if he had the ability, one plane only landing on the Knesset would give more effect.” El-Arab blamed the CIA, Israel’s Mossad and the “military-industrial complex”. Despite his Holocaust-denying views, it seems as though El-Arab’s overall opinion on the Jewish people is favorable, telling the Washington Time that he believes that there was once a Jewish temple in Jerusalem, entitling the Jews to a historical claim on Israel’s capital. “The Jews are there,” he said. “Good or bad, they are there.” However, he made sure to follow up with the clarification: “You cannot as a human being think of exterminating 6 million or 5 million or whatever. That’s crazy.”

Foreign Airlines Resist EU Emission Control Regulations BY AMIEL UNGAR A dispute between the European Union and foreign airlines encapsulates the problems accompanying efforts to reduce greenhouse gases in the fight against global warming. urope has traditionally been the pioneer in these efforts and it has compelled its airlines to reduce emissions. While it is highly laudable to be a pioneer, it can prove costly and noncompetitive. If the European airlines have to invest in pollution cutting devices or alternatively, pay a penalty while their competitors are spared this cost, they are at a disadvantage. The European Union, both for the sake of environmental policy and to protect the competitiveness of its carriers, wants to impose the mission rules on American, Chinese, Canadian and other carriers. What the foreign carriers consider illegal is that these emissions will be calculated not only when the planes are over European airspace but for the entire length of the flight. This means that an American jet airliner flying from Los Angeles to London will be charged for its emissions when flying over the United States and international airspace. The Air Transport Association of America is taking legal action, has already filed suit in Britain and is now petitioning the European Court of Justice. In addition to



Iran Threatens Israel, Europe with New Missiles BALLISTIC MISSILES COULD CARRY NUCLEAR WARHEADS Iran held ten days of war games, dubbed ‘Great Prophet 6’, which featured new missiles capable of striking Israel and much of Europe, while its leaders issue direct threats against both Israel and the United States. he elite Revolutionary Guards fired 14 missiles on Tuesday of last week, the second day of the exercises, including a medium-range weapon with a range of over 1,000 miles, state media said. "Iran's missiles have a maximum range of 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) and are designed to reach U.S. targets in the region and the Zionist regime," said Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the Guards' aerospace division. "The Zionist regime is 1,200 kilometers away from Iran, and we are able to target this regime with our 2,000-kilometer-range missiles from Semnan and Damghan" in central Iran, he said. Some of the missiles Iran is developing could carry nuclear warheads. In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said U.N. Security Council Resolution 1929 prohibits Iran from activity related to the development of missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. The Revolutionary Guards have also built new underground ballistic missile silos, which store ready-to-launch missiles and can't be detected by satellites. Colonel Ashgar Qelichikhani, a military


Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh: “Iran's missiles... designed to reach U.S. targets in the region and the Zionist regime. spokesman, said that his silos "function as a swift reaction unit" and that missiles, which are permanently in the vertical position, “are ready to hit the pre-determined targets". Iranian state TV showed footage of a facility at an unknown location, containing a missile it identified as a Shahab-3. Western governments fear Tehran is developing a ballistic missile capability to enable it to launch nuclear warheads, which they suspect Iran is seeking to develop under the cover of its civil nuclear program. Iran also arms and finances Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza and Iranian specialists have been advising Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on ways to forcibly crush pro-democracy demonstrators in his country.


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Continued on page 39


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The Jewish Voice

Weiner Just Won’t Quit

July 8, 2011

Bernie Madoff: I’m not a Monster; Judge was Unfair BERNIE MADOFF IS AT IT AGAIN, BUT THIS TIME HE IS THE VICTIM, OR SO HE CLAIMS Madoff is outraged at his extensive 150 year jail sentence, given to him by federal Judge Denny Chin. Madoff complained to the New York Times from federal prison, saying, “Explain to me who else has received a sentence like that. I mean, serial killers get death sentences, but that’s virtually what he gave me.” he Judge Denny Chin, however, does not see it that way, giving a sentence of less then 150 years would seem as showing mercy, to one of biggest financial criminals in history, according to him. “Frankly, that was not the message I wanted to be sent,” Chin said. The eleven felonies to which Madoff pled guilty do not carry the penalty of a formal life sentence. Therefore, it was up to Chin to decide on a sentence, and choosing a short one did not seem right. This decision might have been inspired by 450 or so emails which the judge reviewed from victims of Madoff ’s $65 million Ponzi scheme, middle class retirees who had lost their nest eggs.


Former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner, who left his position in disgrace, wants to save his marriage to Huma Abedin, senior aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, by enrolling in intensive rehab program, while fighting to choose his successor. Weiner’s wife is currently pregnant with the couple’s first child. With a name like Weiner, you know, there’s bound to be incessant need for attention. This time former Congressman Anthony Weiner, is trying to place himself in a position of choosing his successor to the seat in Congress. he wounds have not yet healed, however Weiner reached out to Queens’s party chairman, Joe Crowley about whom should Democrats pick. He also spoke to several potential candidates, to further his cause and to make sure a Democrat takes the seat. However, it will be up to the Queens Democratic and Republican parties to choose the candidates. The Democrats vying for the seat, include, Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (Joe Crowley’s cousin), former Council members Eric Gioia, and Melinda Katz, Assemblyman Rory Lancman, City Councilman Mark Weprin


and his brother state Assemblyman David Weprin. Weiner is opposed to having a Republican fill the seat, thus Democrats need to pay their cards right so the seat does not fall into Republican hands. City Councilman Eric Ulrich and Republican Candidate Bob Turner, have their eye on the empty seat. Anthony Weiner considered running to replace Bloomberg in 2013 but due to his political, disgraceful downfall that no longer stands. He also attempted to buy his way into the graces of the left by favoring healthcare reform, appearing on liberal shows and orating passionate speeches in the House. But Weiner’s constant meddling might be useless, because the job may very well be eliminated in 2012, due to population figures according to the 2010 Census. The candidates vying for the position might need to rethink their job prospects.

______________________ Judge Denny Chin: “Giving a sentence of less then 150 years would seem as showing mercy, to one of biggest financial criminals in history. ‘Frankly, that was not the message I wanted to be sent.’” ______________________

Madoff: “Quite frankly, there’s a big difference between dying in prison, you know, and dying outside with your family.” Chin did not receive any letters of support for Madoff. “The absence of such support is telling,” he wrote in his notes. Ira Lee Sorkin, Madoff ’s lawyer asked for a 12 year sentence, but Chin felt such a sentence was not appropriate given the sheer scale of Madoff ’s actions, which in Chin’s estimation demanded a longer sentence. Madoff on the other hand is angry and outraged. “Quite frankly, there’s a big difference between dying in prison, you know, and dying outside with your family,” Madoff said (from prison).

The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

Gush Katif Commemoration, July 13th, in New York



Is the Muslim Brotherhood Coming to Brooklyn? While the noise of the proposed mosque at Ground Zero has died down after sparking a heated national debate last year, another mosque project is taking center stage in Brooklyn’s Sheepshead Bay. heepshead Bay is a quiet south Brooklyn neighborhood populated by Jews, Italians and Russians with tree lined streets and row houses. Many of the residents have lived in the neighborhood their whole life, enjoying the sea air. But many have come to question the reason behind the building of a large mosque on Voorhies Avenue, one of the main thoroughfares of the area. There is a very small contingent of Muslims in Sheepshead Bay "We welcome the Muslim families who want to build houses and be good neighbors," Benari, a local activist said. "But we will not welcome this facility in the wrong place and backed up with the wrong organization behind it." The organization behind the mosque is the Muslim American Society, or MAS. The group's leaders admit the organization was created by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood -- a jihadist movement founded in Egypt that seeks to establish Islamic Sharia law worldwide. MAS officials have recently attempted to distance themselves from the Brotherhood, at least publicly. But a 2004 exposé by The


Israeli soldiers pray and try to deal with the reality of the Gush Katif expulsions in Neve Dekalim (2005). Gush Katif lives is the message being delivered at the upcoming 6th anniversary of the expulsion from 21 Gush Katif/Gaza communities, and 4 northern Shomron communities in August, 2005. Despite the fact that promises were made to the residents of Gush Katif that there would be a "solution for every settler", the majority of the Jewish refugees are still jobless and still living in temporary trailers or makeshift homes. We deplore this situation and continue to support all efforts to help the refugees rebuild their lives. t is especially crucial on this anniversary that we affirm NEVER AGAIN will Israel turn brother against brother in destroying Jewish communities. As we hear talk of abandoning Jews living in Judea and Samaria, in exchange for meaningless promises from the PA/Hamas duo, it is especially


important to recall the horrors of the 2005 expulsion. It seems obvious that the defamation of the rabbis of Judea and Samaria is preparation for the de-legitimization of the "settlers." This atmosphere of distrust is deliberately being created within Israel, so that if and when PM Netanyahu swaps land for promises, the citizenry will have been programmed to accept the betrayal of those Jews who fought so hard to reclaim the land and rebuild biblical Israel. Droor Vanunu, representative from the displaced persons of Gush Katif, along with David Ha’Ivri and Oshri David from the Shomron Liaison Council, will be our featured speakers. Their talks will be followed by a Q&A period. Wednesday, July 13, 8 pm, Park East Synagogue, 163 E. 67th St., NYC, (between Lexington & 3rd Aves.)


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______________________ “We welcome the Muslim families who want to build houses and be good neighbors. But we will not welcome this facility in the wrong place and backed up with the wrong organization behind it.” ______________________ Chicago Tribune revealed that, "In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society. It was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members. Then, the group's leaders decided that Brotherhood members would call themselves the Muslim American Society, or MAS." Revelations like that have local residents worried about what their new neighbors

Construction site of the Sheepshead Bay mosque. might teach behind closed doors. Muslim Brotherhood documents uncovered by the FBI that identify Islamic centers as "the axis" of the Brotherhood's operations in America, where "batallions" are supplied for the movement adding further uneasiness to community members. One recent study published by the Middle East Quarterly journal found that 81 percent of those U.S. mosques feature Islamic literature that advocates violence. Recently concerned residents of Sheepshead Bay have expressed their feelings in several peaceful protests, only to be labeled as racists and "Islamophobes" by Muslim and left wing proponents. "How do you deal with people who embrace enemies of the United States? I cannot -- I don't think that anybody can," Bob G. said. The double lot on Voorhies Avenue, that would house the MAS mosque went for a whopping $800,000, and construction on the facility will likely cost at least another million. To date the Voorhies Avenue property already faces some $30,000 in fines for building violations. Although the property owner, a Yemeni immigrant named Ahmed Allowey, has said the funds are all locally raised, concerned locals noted that Saudi Arabia has financed countless mosques across the U.S. and Europe. In addition to the mosque in Sheepshead Bay, MAS recently attempted to purchase property in nearby Staten Island. Their bid was rejected after a huge public outcry. The group did succeed, however, in opening a massive mosque outside Boston in 2009 that boasted a price tag of more than $15 million. The Sheepshead Bay and Boston mosques follow a nationwide trend. In 2001, there were 1,200 mosques in the United States. In the past 10 years, that number has nearly doubled to more than 2,000 mosques.



The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

WAR ON TERROR Iran Ridicules July 4th, Quotes Anti-Israel U.S. Politician for Suport Iran “celebrated” Independence Day in the United States by saying the U.S. has lost independence to foreign creditors and, of course, Israel. RESS TV, totally funded by the Islamic Republic and a mouthpiece for the Islamic regime, told its readers, “America is no longer the land of the free. It is now ruled by oligarchs and corporatists. And it is no longer governed by the rule of law. The rich, the powerful and the politically connected abide by their own, very different, set of laws.” Choosing choice quotes from various websites, PRESS TV took a sentence from the Miami Herald that stated, “This year, as the nation celebrates Independence Day, the sputtering U.S. economy offers a stark reminder that today the U.S. is more dependent upon foreigners than ever before.” “The United States needs them to finance its debt: China and Japan together hold more than $2 trillion of U.S. Treasury bonds. It

needs them to supply much of the oil that’s critical to U.S. economy.” American-Israeli ties were cited by the Iranians as more evidence that the United States no longer is independent, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was noted for its “stranglehold on Congress.” The left-wing anti-war.com site was sourced as writing that Israel “conducts the

BY GARY THOMAS The Obama administration has laid out a new national counterterrorism strategy. In a speech Wednesday, the administration’s top counterterrorism advisor outlined a plan of beefing up cooperation with other countries to keep pressure on what he says is a seriously weakened alQaida terror organization.


______________________ PRESS TV: ”U.S. President Barack Obama violated the U.S. constitution by authorizing military attacks in Libya even though there is no ‘actual or imminent threat to the nation.’” ______________________

Al-Qaida ‘Decimated,’ Says U.S. Counterterrorism Chief

Al-Qaida in decline peaking at The Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, counterterrorism advisor John Brennan said increased pressure on al-Qaida has paid off. He said the United States and partners like Pakistan and Yemen have greatly weakened al-Qaida, strangling its finances and decimating its leadership ranks, culminating in the death of Osama bin Laden at the hands of a U.S. raiding party. "Taken together, the progress I’ve described allows us - for the first time - to envision the demise of al-Qaida’s core leadership in the coming years. It will take time, but make no mistake - al-Qaida is in its decline. This is by no means meant to suggest that the serious threat from al-Qaida has passed; not at all," he said. Brennan said al-Qaida might still try to mount revenge attacks for bin Laden’s death. He said that with the weakening of the South Asian-based al-Qaida parent organization, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula still poses a significant threat. Brennan, a former CIA officer, said the so-called "Arab Spring" democracy movements have undermined al-Qaida’s ideology and its ability to attract new recruits. "This, obviously, is also the first counterterrorism strategy to reflect the extraordinary political changes that are sweeping the Middle East and North Africa. It’s true that these changes may bring new challenges and uncertainty in the short-term, as we are seeing in Yemen. It also is true that terrorist organizations, and nations that support them, will seek to capitalize on the instability that change can sometimes bring," he said.

S Former Iowa Congressman Paul Findley: “There is an open secret in Washington. All members swear to serve the interests of the United States, but ... the interests of one small foreign country [Israel] almost always trump U.S. interests.” most aggressive espionage operations against the U.S. of any ally,” with the quote attributed to the U.S. General Accounting Office. “AIPAC lobbyists with their Christian Zionist allies guarantee billions of dollars in military aid for Israel each year,” PRESS TV added, this time quoting AlterNet. Former Iowa Congressman Paul Findley, who often railed against Israel, also was given a prominent place in the governmentfunded website for his comment, “There is an open secret in Washington. I learned it well during my 22-year tenure as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. All members swear to serve the interests of the United States, but there is an unwritten and overwhelming exception: The interests of one small foreign country almost always trump U.S. interests. That nation of course is

Continued on page 39

New strategy The newly released strategy document that Brennan outlined in his speech cites four core principles for U.S. counterterrorism efforts: adhering to American core values, building resilience to recover from a successful attack, building counterterrorism partnerships with other nations, and using the proper tools and capabilities in attacking terrorists. It adds that the United States has security partnerships with countries that do not share American values or even regional and global security views, but only a mutual desire to defeat al-Qaida. Nevertheless, it adds, counterterrorism partnerships allow the United States to demonstrate values of human rights and responsible governance.

Partnership with Pakistan Brennan said different threats require different responses in different places. He said that as frustrating as the partnership with Pakistan has sometimes been, it nevertheless is critical to success against al-Qaida. And

Counterterrorism advisor John Brennan: increased pressure on al-Qaida has paid off. Brennan added that the United States will keep applying the pressure against al-Qaida, as necessary. "In some places, such as the tribal regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan, we will deliver precise and overwhelming force against al-Qaida," he said. "Whenever possible, our efforts around the world will be in close coordination with our partners. And when necessary, as the president has said repeatedly, if we have information about the whereabouts of al-Qaida, we will do what is required to protect the United States - as we did with bin Laden." Brennan said that to his knowledge Pakistan’s leaders were unaware that the world’s most wanted terrorist was hiding in a compound not far from Pakistan’s academy

______________________ “Taken together, the progress I’ve described allows us - for the first time - to envision the demise of al-Qaida’s core leadership in the coming years. It will take time, but make no mistake al-Qaida is in its decline.” ______________________ for educating military officers. But he added that would not be surprising because bin Laden and his associates were extraordinarily careful. "That’s not to say that there weren’t elements in the Pakistani broad establishment that were knowledgeable, that provided assistance," he said. "But looking at that situation, bin Laden and the people at that compound practiced absolutely phenomenal OPSEC [i.e., operational security]. He was there for six years. To our knowledge, he never left that compound once he got there." Brennan said material seized in bin Laden’s compound shows the terrorist chief was worried about al-Qaida’s long-term viability, with calls for more large-scale attacks against the United States running into resistance from his followers WWW.VOANEWS.COM

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice

Pentagon Asks Congress to Re-Allocate $5 Bil. for Libya War



Shimon Peres Awards Israel Defense Prizes The annual Israel Defense Prize ceremony was held on Tuesday (July 5) at the presidential residence in Jerusalem. he ceremony was attended by President Shimon Peres, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz and other senior defense officials. The Defense Prize was awarded to participants of several projects and activities that have contributed to strengthening Israel's national security and maintaining Israel's strength and qualitative advantage in the battlefield, in terms of both technological and operational aspects. "Thanks to you, Israel has achieved amazing accomplishments," President Peres said to the prize winners. "Israel is aware of the overt threat to existence, first and foremost the threat from Iran and its subsidiaries," Peres said. "Responding to this threat requires the mobilization of the best forces and the concentration of the best minds. The nation's security, therefore, largely depends on you." Defense Minister Barak said: "The world is changing, along with the nature of war. The home front has become the battle front after our enemies realized that they


BY KATE BRANEN The Pentagon is asking Congress if it can move more than $5 billion in previously allocated funding, including hundreds of millions of dollars to replace bombs dropped during operations in Libya - despite military leaders previously saying replacements would not be needed. he 91-page request was signed June 30 by Pentagon Comptroller Robert Hale and sent to Capitol Hill for review. The omnibus request is the Pentagon's opportunity to figure out where it is lacking money and ask Congress' permission to move funds around to cover shortfalls. This year, the Pentagon needs to replace equipment used in Operation Odyssey Dawn, what the Defense Department called operations in Libya before they were transferred to NATO. The cost includes $310 million to buy Tomahawk missiles, $38 million for Joint Direct Attack Munitions, $15 million for general-purpose bombs and $5 million for Hellfire missiles fired from Predator UAVs. The Pentagon also says it needs hundreds of thousands of dollars for cartridges, fuzes and flares.


______________________ “The chief of naval operations, told reporters that the U.S. Navy did not intend to replace the Tomahawks that were fired in the early days of the Libyan air campaign.� ______________________ In March, Adm. Gary Roughead, the chief of naval operations, told reporters in Washington that the U.S. Navy did not intend to replace the Tomahawks that were fired in the early days of the Libyan air campaign. "The Tomahawks that were shot, those are part of our current inventory," Roughead said. "There are ample replacements for those in the inventory, more than ample replacements for those." In addition to the Libya costs, the document provides unique insight into the current state of play at the Pentagon - where money is available and where it is needed. It shows that problems that plague the country, such as high unemployment and expensive fuel costs, are also affecting the Pentagon's budget, The Pentagon is asking to transfer roughly $180 million to cover unemployment compensation benefits for ex-service members. The Pentagon also needs roughly

$517 million just to cover the rising price of fuel. According to the document, the price per barrel rose from $127.26 to $165.90 on June 1. The request may also indicate a slight shift in focus in the area of operations for U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM). While there are still plenty of requests for equipment needed in Afghanistan - such as sniper rifles, communications gear and RAID towers - several items seem to be aimed at Iran. For example, the Pentagon, and specifically CENTCOM, wants to shift $40 million to accelerate testing and operation of the Army's Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor Systems (JLENS). JLENS is an aerostat loaded with sensors designed to identify and track low-flying missiles at a relatively short range. Similarly, CENTCOM wants to transfer $3.7 million to continue development of an "unmanned aerial vehicle base defense system, which will detect and deter unmanned aerial systems" or low-flying cruise missiles and "cover vulnerable areas below typical air defense radar coverage areas." There are also a handful of CENTCOM requirements for anti-mine systems, including several million dollars to procure the Navy's SEAFOX system. CENTCOM funds are also required for the development of "Torpedo Upgrade Rapid Fielding (TURF) modifications" and to fund the Block Upgrade (BUG) Operational Testing of the MK 54 lightweight torpedo. The BUG program modifies MK 54 Light Weight Tank countermeasure logic/detection algorithms and improves the torpedo's classification and tracking capability. For the Pentagon, the dollar figures for each request are low, but after years of requests dominated by needs in Iraq and Afghanistan, these items may show the Pentagon is placing a slightly higher priority on this type of threat, Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments said. Other priorities for the Defense Department - again, prodded by CENTCOM - include testing and integrating missiles onto ships to counter small boat swarming. Having lost the Non-Line of Sight Launch System when the Army canceled it, the Navy wants $5 million to test the Griffin missile on the littoral combat ship. The Navy wants another $5 million to test Javelin, Griffin and Spike missile "to determine weapons effectiveness against targets in maritime environment." The Pentagon is seeking $51 million for 14 additional M88A2 Heavy Equipment Recovery Combat Utility Lift and Evacuation Systems (HERCULES), the

Continued on page 39

"Thanks to you, Israel has achieved amazing accomplishments," President Peres said to the prize winners. could not match the IDF's superiority in the air, on the ground and at sea." Barak cited the Iron Dome and Magic Wand air defense systems as examples of the defense industry's response to the threat to the home front. The defense minister also said that he soon intends to present a multi-layered national emergency defense plan against the threat of rockets and missiles. REPORT COURTESY IDF NEWS SERVICE, WWW.IDF.IL.


The Jewish Voice


July 8, 2011

Congressional Leadership Paid Republicans Criticize U.S. Handling Tribute to Jackson-Vanik of Somali Terror Suspect Amendment at Shuvu Luncheon U.S. Republican lawmakers are criticizing the Obama administration's decision to bring a Somali terrorism suspect to New York for trial in a civilian court.

n Wednesday, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame a "foreign enemy combatant" and said he should be treated as one. McConnell said Warsame should have been sent to the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and should be facing trial before a military commission. He questioned why Warsame has been afforded the protections given to U.S. citizens, such as the right to remain silent and have an attorney. U.S. officials say Warsame, said to be in his mid-20s, was interrogated for nearly two months aboard a U.S. warship. He was questioned about his connections to the Somalia-

O (L-R) Mendy Greenberger, Yosef Moshe Aranoff, Yossi Hoch, Abe Biderman, Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Rabbi Heshy Augenbaum, Yanky Elbogen, Abe Belsky, Yanky Deutsch, Tzvi Bertram, Ezra Friedlander, Shimi Greenberger, Moshe Fuchs, Avromi Schon. Leaders of the United States Congress gathered to pay tribute to Shuvu Return, an Israeli school network, in the United States Capitol. The event featured the most powerful members of the current congress including both House Whips – Democrat Steny Hoyer and Republican Kevin McCarthy, Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn, and Chairmen and Ranking Members of various committees. he keynote address was delivered by the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, on the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship. The event paid tribute to the memory of Congressman Charles Vanik, whose commitment to the cause of Soviet Jewry, allowed for millions of Russian Jews to make Israel their home. In 1974, Charles Vanik spon-


sored the Jackson-Vanik Act in the House of Representatives which helped refugees, particularly minorities and Jews, to immigrate from the Soviet Bloc to Israel. The JacksonVanik amendment was credited with pressuring the Soviet leadership with allowing immigration to Israel. The late Congressman’s wife Betty Vanik, and daughter Phyllis Vanik, attended the luncheon. Chairman of Shuvu, Abe Biderman, Chairman of Shuvu, said "Vanik’s leadership was instrumental in facilitating tens of thousands of Jews to immigrate to Israel where Shuvu is educating thousands of children in the spirit of our forefathers”. The Friedlander Group, coordinated the event and, in its statement to the press, expressed gratitude to the event’s speakers for attending and paying tribute to Shuvu and the memory of Charles Vanik: Israeli

Continued on page 39

Where will your family go in an Emergency like the one in Japan? How will your family be safe? Will you be standing in line for water, food, or fuel?

If you can't answer these questions, then

now is the time to give then serious consideration

______________________ “After the interrogation was complete, officials say a separate group of interrogators came in and began to question Warsame again in a way that could be used in court.” ______________________ based al-Shabab militant group and the Yemen-based al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and is now in New York to face terrorism charges. The administration did not disclose his capture until Tuesday, after he arrived in New York. The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Republican Representative Buck McKeon of California said the transfer "directly contradicts congressional intent and the will of the American people." White House spokesman Jay Carney said

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame a "foreign enemy combatant" and said he should be treated as one. Wednesday that Warsame was detained "lawfully," and added that the Obama administration's first priority is to protect the American people. The case provides insight into how the United States plans to handle foreign terror suspects after the closure of the CIA's secret prison network. Warsame was indicted on nine charges, including providing material support to alShabab and al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. He also was said to have brokered a weapons deal with the al-Qaida branch in Yemen on behalf of al-Shabab. U.S. officials say Warsame provided useful information during his interrogation aboard a U.S. Navy ship. After the interrogation was complete, officials say a separate group of interrogators came in and began to question Warsame again in a way that could be used in court. The interrogators informed Warsame of his rights under U.S. law to remain silent and to have an attorney, but officials say Warsame continued to talk. VOANEWS.COM

Obama Holds Twitter Town Hall

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U.S. President Barack Obama answers a question posed to him on the social Networking site Twitter at the White House in Washington D.C., capital of the United States, July 6, 2010. Obama on Wednesday continued to push the debt agenda, urging the Republicans to accept a deal that includes tax increase on the rich. .S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday continued to push the debt agenda, urging the Republicans to accept a deal that includes tax increase on the rich. Debt ceiling "should not be used as a gun against the heads of Americans" to retain breaks for corporate jet owners or oil and gas companies, Obama said when answering questions posed to him on the social


Networking site Twitter. With an Aug. 2 deadline closing in, Obama urged lawmakers in both parties to break the stalemate that halted talks nearly two weeks ago and seize what he called "a unique opportunity" to do something big to balance the nation's finances. He reaffirmed that the country's critical debt challenge should be addressed, but needed to be done in a "balanced approach." The President's Twitter Town Hall meeting was the latest effort from the Obama administration to move the debt issue as the two parties are engaged in tough negotiations and have not inked a deal to raise the 14.29-trillion-U.S. dollar debt ceiling. Republicans have refused to discuss any debt-reduction deal that includes higher taxes, while Democrats have rejected any deal based solely on spending cuts.



The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

Fischer: Israeli Home Prices Could Double in Five Years BY ADRIAN FILUT More can be done in the real estate market, Governor of the Bank of Israel Stanley Fischer told the Israel Democracy Institute's 19th Caesarea Economic Forum today, expressing doubts about Ministry of Finance figures that claim that home prices are falling. He said that it was necessary to deal with the housing supply and bureaucracy. hy are we worried? Because prices are rising by 16%, which means that prices will double within five years. This has to stop. The question is whether it will stop in a way that won't harm the economy," said Fischer. "Our prices are already higher than in the US and Ireland. History proves that many financial crises began in the housing market; properties, and then it suddenly all bursts." Commenting on Israel's growth rate, Fischer said, "We have rapid growth. It should be remembered that we're not China and our per capita income is $30,000. We were very surprised by the 4.7% growth rate in 2010. Our 4% forecast for 2012 is conservative. What has happened to the unemployment rate is extraordinary. We thought the unemployment rate would reach 9%, due to the recession, but it never even reached 8%. Since then, it has only fallen and has reached an all-time low of 6%. We're close to full employment, which is a huge achievement. It isn't because people


stopped looking for work and dropped out of the labor market, since participation in the labor market has increased." However, Fischer expressed concern about the haredi (ultra-orthodox) and Israeli Arab communities. "Poverty in Israel is very complicated. Outside the haredi and Israeli Arab communities, poverty has not grown. Part of the population has grown, does not work, and this cannot go on. If we don’t change conduct in the labor market for these two communities, there will be a very big and worrying problem." Fischer is worried about the global economy. "Are we headed for a recession or only a slowdown? I don’t know. What is clear is that US economic growth is slower than we thought and the situation in Europe and Japan is serious. This is liable to affect us." REPORT BY GLOBES [ONLINE], ISRAEL BUSINESS NEWS - WWW.GLOBES.COM

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice

Africa-Israel Sells Manhattan Building for $222M BY KOBY YESHAYAHOU Africa-Israel Investments Ltd. (TASE:AFIL) subsidiary AFI USA Inc. has sold a residential and commercial building in Downtown Manhattan at a value of $222 million - the value recorded in the company's books. Africa-Israel will report a pretax profit of $14 million on the sale. he building at 88 Leonard Street has 352 apartments and stores. The property has two outstanding loans: a $24 million mezzanine loan and a $132 million


loan from the original financing to buy the property. Africa-Israel expects to report free cash flow of $47 million on the sale, after repaying the loans. The sale will reduce Africa-Israel's consolidated debt in its balance sheet by $156 million. Africa-Israel, controlled by chairman Lev Leviev, originally bought the property through its joint venture with Boymelgreen Developers LLC, owned by Shaya Boymelgreen, Leviev Boymelgreen, which was liquidated. Africa-Israel's share price rose 2.6% to NIS 22.10, giving a market cap of NIS 2.6 billion.

Cabinet Approves NIS 100,000 Per Couple Housing Grants The Israeli cabinet approved Minister of Housing and Construction Ariel Atias's proposal for NIS 100,000 grants to young couples to buy apartments in outlying areas. he cabinet also approved the list of communities where the grants will apply: Arad, El Sayed, Hura, Mitzpeh Ramon, Netivot, Ofakim, Rahat, Sderot, and Yeruham, in the Negev; and Acre, Bueina Nujidat, Beit She'an, Carmiel, Hatzor Haglilit, Kfar Manda, Kiryat Shmona, Naharia, Nahf, Nazareth, Upper Nazareth, Safed, Sakhnin, Shlomi, Tiberias and Yefia, in the Galilee. The Bedouin town of Rahat and the Israeli-Arab towns of El Sayid, Hura, and Yefia were not included in the original list of towns.


For the first time, the bill sets out clear criteria for including a town in the list. It must be in a national priority A area, pursuant to cabinet decision 1060 from late 2009, and it must have a current potential of 250 housing units, in order to prevent surplus demand that would boost prices. Land prices must be low and there must have been no tenders for land published in town, or tenders that failed, in recent years. Settlements in Judea and Samaria will be reviewed separately. Although the list of towns is final, it could be subject to revisions after four years, when towns may be added to or relegated from the list. REPORT BY GLOBES [ONLINE], ISRAEL BUSINESS NEWS - WWW.GLOBES.COM




The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

CONEY ISLAND DUBBED ONE OF NEW YORK’S “WORST BEACHES” Continued from Cover published last weekend by the Natural Resources Defense Council. The New York Post reports that, according to NRDC senior attorney Larry Levine, sewage and storm water at the primary factors in the contamination of Brooklyn’s beach water. Things have gotten so out of hand, says Levine, that some bathers have fallen ill with respiratory, skin, and stomach problems as a result. But dismal water quality is just the tip of a big, stinking, garbage-laden iceberg. As of late, the quality of sanitation on Coney Island beach itself leaves much to be desired. While strolling along the water’s edge, broken bottles, dirty diapers, and cigarette butts can be seen strewn throughout the beach’s hot sand. Garbage receptacles overflow. At times, the smell of it can be overwhelming. Worse still, the physical cleanliness (or lack thereof) of Coney Island serves as an apt metaphor for the neighborhood’s moral decay. After dark, seedy characters begin to come out of the woodwork, many of them under the heavy influence of drugs and alcohol – drunk driving is a major problem as well. Some areas of Coney Island, such as the Seagate gated community, are kept cleaner and safer, but the area that stretches between Brighton Beach and Coney Island is not only filthy but unsafe as well. People living the gated community literally can only leave their neighborhood at night by car. Leaving the confines of the heavily-patrolled commu-

Astroland circa 2007. nity on foot, one might as well be wearing a bull’s-eye. In one very recent incident (June 9), a gang-related shooting left four wounded, and one teenage girl, 16-year-old Tysha Jones, dead. The shooting occurred in broad daylight on a Thursday afternoon in one of the most crowded, ostensibly most-patrolled attractions in all of Brooklyn, yet the two gunmen somehow managed to flee the scene. Suffice it to say that this incident has left many Brighton locals and beach enthusiasts

apprehensive, and fearful for their safety. Setting aside for a moment the issues of safety and sanitation, which do demand urgent attention, there is the matter of Coney Island’s long-term viability as hotspot for tourists and locals. Rather than restoring the original theme park and boardwalk, they simply built a new Luna Park on the same spot. Speaking to the Jewish Voice, some locals have suggested that the new park lacks the charm of the Coney Island of old. “The

old parachute jump is just standing there, doing a whole lot of nothing,” says one Brooklyn resident, referring to the iconic structure known to some as Brooklyn’s “Eiffel Tower.” “Why can’t they do something with that?” he asked. “Seriously, how awesome would that be?” The parachute jump, originally built for the 1939 World’s Fair, was completely dismantled, cleaned, painted and restored between 2002 and 2004. In 2006 there was an official lighting ceremony at the tower, the idea being that the parachute jump would be lit year round, with different colors according to the season. In the interests of “going green,” these plans were scrapped. So, to sum up, we’ve got waste in the water, waste on the beach, and a waste of taxpayer dollars. The Coney Island Boardwalk itself is gradually being replaced with concrete, which may have benefits in terms of longevity and environmental sensitivity, but which takes away from the authentic ambience of what was home to the world’s first modern amusement park. With the recent rise in criminal activity, a decline in cleanliness, and the gradual erosion of Coney Island’s classic features, one can’t help but fear for the neighborhood’s future. But New Yorkers are a resilient lot. A new ride or two, the deployment of a few more cops, and a few new additions to the boardwalk may be just what Coney Island needs to turn things around. May we suggest a kosher falafel stand?

The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011


Case Against Dominique Strauss-Kahn Collapses BY FERN SIDMAN In France, he is known by the acronym DSK; a savvy politician with ambitions towards assuming the presidency of the country. To the global community he is known as Dominique Strauss-Kahn, 62, former head of the International Monetary Fund and a big-time mover and shaker. On May 14, 2011, the world came crashing down on Strauss-Kahn when he was accused of sexually assaulting a housekeeper at Manhattan's luxurious Sofitel Hotel. he 32-year old accuser from Guinea claimed that when entering StraussKahn's $3000-a-night suite at the hotel to perform her housekeeping tasks, he "emerged from the bathroom naked, chased her down a hallway and pulled her into a bedroom, where he raped her.” Reports indicate that Strauss-Kahn hastily departed the hotel immediately after the alleged attack leaving behind his cell phone and other personal belongings as he headed to JFK airport to catch an Air France flight to Paris. Several minutes before the plane was scheduled to take off, New York City police escorted Strauss-Kahn out of his first-class seat and arrested him on charges of a criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment. The maid was taken to the Roosevelt Hospital where she was treated for trauma and the very next day she picked StraussKahn out of a police lineup. William Taylor, one of Strauss-Kahn's lawyers said, "Our client willingly consented to a scientific and forensic examination at the request of the government" and added that his client is


Dominique Strauss-Kahn (right) former head of the International Monetary Fund, accused of raping a 32-year old hotel maid in the Sofitel Hotel (above). occurred. In the ongoing "he said, she said" drama, the accuser's lawyer Jeffrey J. Shapiro angrily responded to the defense's assertions. “It doesn’t matter what Mr. Brafman says, and it doesn’t matter what the defendant says. Her story is her story, which she has told to everyone who asked her, and she is telling the truth. She has no agenda.” After hiring a top notch investigative agency, Strauss-Kahn's lawyers announced in a May 25th letter that they had uncovered information that would “gravely undermine the credibility” of the accuser. This prompted

32-year old Nafissatou Diallo, hotel maid accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of rape. innocent of any wrongdoing and will not be pleading guilty. Initially, prosecutors embraced the accuser's account of the incident as "compelling" and told a judge that "expert forensic examination of the victim was consistent with her version of the events". This reportedly included a DNA match between Strauss-Kahn and semen on the woman's shirt, along with hospital examination results that indicated vaginal bruising. StraussKahn's lawyers did not deny that a consensual sexual encounter may have occurred. According to a New York Times report dated May 17, Benjamin Brafman, a lawyer representing Strauss-Kahn told a judge he believed the “forensic evidence” was “not consistent with forcible encounter,” alluding to the fact that the defense was going to acknowledge that a sexual encounter has

the Manhattan district attorney's office to launch their own investigation and based on their findings, prosecutors told a judge last week that they have "problems with the case". Prosecutors revealed in a letter on June 30 to the accuser's lawyers that she has changed her version of the Strauss-Kahn incident. Originally, she told detectives and the grand jury that after the assault, she fled to a hallway and waited until her supervisor arrived. Now, according to the letter, she has "admitted that this account was false and that after the incident in suite 2806, she proceeded to clean a nearby room and then returned to suite 2806 and began to clean that suite before she reported the incident to her supervisor." Investigators tested her new story through the card key she carried as a hotel employee. They procured records showing

that according to her card key, she didn't go to the other room until she had finished Strauss-Kahn's room. In a recorded conversation that took place only a day after the incident, investigators reported that the accuser phoned an incarcerated man, alleged to be her boyfriend, and discussed the possible benefits of pursuing the charges against Strauss-Kahn. In a thick Guinean dialect she said, "Don't worry… this guy has a lot of money... I know what I'm doing." The unnamed boyfriend was arrested on charges of possessing 400 pounds of marijuana. He is among a number of individuals who made multiple cash deposits, totaling around $100,000, into the woman’s bank account over the last two years. The deposits were made in Arizona, Georgia, New York and Pennsylvania. These facts could very well imply a possible drug-running scheme, and they certainly contradict the woman's repeated statements that her housekeeping job was her only source of income. The investigators also learned that she was paying hundreds of dollars every month in phone charges to five companies. The woman had insisted she had only one phone and said she knew nothing about the deposits except that they were made by a man she described as her fiancé and his friends. In addition, one of the officials said, she told investigators that her application for asylum in the United States included mention of a previous rape, but there was no such account in the application. She also told them that she had been subjected to genital mutilation, but her account to the investigators differed from what was contained in the asylum application. Also reported by investigators was that the accuser filed fraudulent income tax returns, and has misrepresented her income on an application for public housing. The New York Times also reported that sit-downs between the accuser and prosecutors became tense, even angry. Initially composed, she later collapsed in tears and got down on the floor during questioning. She became unavailable to investigators from the district attorney’s office for days at a time. As the prosecution's case against Strauss-Kahn begins to collapse, charges against him could be dropped and he could be released on his own recognizance, but his tarnished reputation may take time to recover.

Seen as a pariah by many in his social strata, it is reported that Strauss-Kahn was unable to rent an apartment on Manhattan's Upper East Side due to objections from residents and neighbors and ultimately ended up renting a three-story townhouse in Tribeca, while he remained under house arrest until his release coinciding with the case against him falling apart. Born in the affluent Parisian suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine in 1949, Strauss-Kahn is the son of Gilbert StraussKahn, a tax lawyer and Jacqueline Fellis, a journalist. His father was born to an Alsatian Jewish father and a Catholic mother and his mother is from a Sephardic Jewish family from Tunisia. Strauss-Kahn first showed an interest in political affairs in the 1970s when he became an activist member of the Union of Communist Students, before joining the Center on Socialist Education Studies and Research, CERES) led by Jean-Pierre Chevenement, a future French presidential candidate. It was also there that StraussKahn befriended Lionel Jospin, the future Prime Minister of France. Subsequent to the election of President Francois Mitterand in 1981, Strauss-Kahn opted out of government service but became actively involved in the Socialist Party which was led by Lionel Jospin, and founded "Socialisme et Judaisme" (Socialism and Judaism). In June 1995, Strauss-Kahn was elected mayor of Sarcelles and married Anne Sinclair, a famous television journalist working for the private channel TF1 and in charge of a political show, Sept sur Sept. She ceased presenting this show after her husband's nomination as Minister of Economics and Finance in 1997 to avoid conflict of interest, while Strauss-Kahn himself would cede his place as mayor to Francois Pupponi in order to avoid double responsibilities. In 1999, Strauss-Kahn was accused of corruption in two financial scandals related to French oil company Elf Aquitaine and the MNEF, a student mutual health insurance company, and decided to resign from his ministerial office to fight these charges. He was acquitted in November 2001. As Minister of Economics and Finance, StraussKahn succeeded in decreasing the Value Added Tax (VAT) to 5.5% for renovation works in construction, thus supporting this activity. At the same time, he decreased the

______________________ “The Manhattan district attorney's office launched their own investigation and based on their findings, prosecutors told a judge last week that they have ‘problems with the case.’” ______________________ budget deficit, which was more than 3% of GDP under Alain Juppe's center-right government (1995–97). He thus prepared France's entrance in the euro zone. StraussKahn also repealed the Thomas Act on hedge funds and launched the Orientation Council on Pensions. In July of 2007, Strauss-Kahn became the consensus European nominee to be the head of the IMF, with the personal support of President Nicolas Sarkozy. Former Polish Prime Minister Marek Belka withdrew his candidacy as it was opposed by the majority of European countries. Some critics alleged that Sarkozy proposed Strauss-Kahn as managing director of the IMF to deprive the Socialist Party of one of its more popular figures.



The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011


Case Against Strauss-Kahn a Travesty of Justice If our society wasn't already subjected to enough egregious and politically motivated wrongdoings, back in May of this year, yet another ostensible "sex scandal" grabbed the media limelight. Screaming headlines of newspapers around the world pronounced the news that International Monetary Fund chief and French politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn had been accused of sexually assaulting a housekeeper in the luxury suite he had been staying in at the Sofitel Hotel in New York. Before the printing presses ground to a halt and the ink was even dry, the court of world opinion had reprised the roles of judge, jury and executioner and was ready to bury Strauss-Kahn alive, with a tombstone engraved with one word: “GUILTY.” ollowing the scurrilous accusations of a 32-year old housekeeper from Guinea who said that after entering Strauss-Kahn's room to clean it, he "emerged from the bathroom naked, chased her down a hallway and pulled her into a bedroom, where he raped her." It seems that prosecutors were buying her story – hook, line, and sinker, and weren’t too keen on launching a meticulous investigation into the motives of the accuser. In a frenzied race to "nail" a celebrity and thus pad his resume, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. had StraussKahn plucked off a flight to Paris and arrested on charges of a criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprison-


_____________________ “Strauss-Kahn has established a reputation as a womanizer, and the French media has anointed him with the dubious sobriquet of ‘The Great Seducer.’” _____________________ ment. Taking a brief glance at StraussKahn's background will reveal that he's no paragon of virtue. As a married father of four, he has established a reputation as a womanizer, and the French media has anointed him with the dubious sobriquet of "The Great Seducer." In France, however, the private lives of politicians traditionally receive much less scrutiny than in the United States and being a "charmer of women" has not necessarily hurt his career. In 2008, Strauss-Kahn was briefly investigated over whether he engaged in a sexual peccadillo with a subordinate female employee. The IMF board found his actions "reflected a serious error of judgment" yet deemed the relationship consensual. But attempted rape charges are far more serious than extramarital trysts and the revelation of such has stunned the global financial world and upended French presidential politics. After Strauss-Kahn's lawyers (Benjamin Brafman and William Taylor) revealed in a May 25th letter that they had "real dirt" on the accuser, the DA's office finally began to do their homework and conducted their own investigation. Based on what their own sleuths unearthed, pros-

SOME RESPONSES TO LAST WEEK’S EDITORIAL, THE GAY MARRIAGE “CRISIS” Editor: he pride that Gays feel, that Blacks before them felt is a pride in achieving equality in a society that had marginalized them. To say that you don't feel pride for being heterosexual misses the whole point. The New York legislation allows dissenting churches to opt out of performing gay marriage ceremonies. You warn about the dangers of churches being forced to


perform gay marriages when no such danger exists. As for the issue of religious denominations asserting their primacy in performing marriage ceremonies on the basis that religious ceremonies are before Gd, when he can show that your or any other denomination officially speaks for G-d then we can take your intolerance seriously. Larry Shapiro Rancho Mirage

New York District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. ecutors had to contend with the embarrassment of informing the judge this past Friday that they had "problems with the case." It turns out the accuser has a history of making mendacious claims that could possibly entail criminal conduct and was prepared to crucify Strauss-Kahn to get her hands on some of his money. Among the litany of revelations concerning the dubious character of the accuser, it appears that a day after accusing Strauss-Kahn of rape, she phoned her boyfriend who was in a detention center after being arrested on charges of possessing 400 pounds of marijuana. Of the matter with Strauss-Kahn, the recorded conversation disclosed that she said, "Don't worry... this guy has a lot of money... I know what I'm doing." Also discovered was the fact that close to $100,000 in deposits were placed in the accuser's bank account from such places as Arizona, New York, Georgia and Pennsylvania and one of the depositors was none other than her boyfriend. These facts could very well imply a possible drug-running scheme, and they certainly contradict the woman's repeated statements that her housekeeping job was her only source of income. According to the New York Times, investigators met with the accuser and her lawyer and "confronted her with the bank records." The woman, silent, turned to her lawyer, seemingly pleading for direction on how to respond. He seemed startled. One official says the lawyer "was speechless." The accuser has also lied on her application for asylum from Guinea to the United States, has filed fraudulent income tax returns, and has misrepresented her income on an application for public housing. Now for the "smoking gun": Prosecutors reveal in a June 30th letter to the accuser's lawyers that she has changed her version of the Strauss-Kahn incident. Originally, she told detectives and the grand jury that after the assault, she fled to a hallway and waited until her supervisor arrived. Now, according to the letter, she has "admitted that this account was false and that after the incident in suite 2806, she proceeded to clean a nearby room and then returned to suite 2806 and began to clean that suite before she reported the incident to her supervisor." While the case is in the process of collapsing before our very eyes, in the name of true justice, we ask that DA Vance not prolong the agony of man falsely accused of a hideous crime. Drop the charges against Strauss-Kahn, clear his name, and be done with this shameful display of flagrant avarice on the part of a bald-faced liar, and the prosecutors who sought to make a name for themselves.

Editor: any states in the U.S. including New Jersey have civil unions (and not just for gay people) that avoid the problems of spousal privilege, survivor benefits, etc. When 3/4 of the states allow this then have a federal amendment, not before (it would be


Editor: he Torah is explicit about male homosexuality. The act is an abomination, strictly prohibited and punishable by death, should the fully required criteria be present. There can be no acceptance of homosexual behavior in a Jewish perspective. Civil unions totally undermine Torah perspective and in effect they are acceptance of this perversion as normal. My heart tells me, that there could be terri-


too divisive). There would be no more secular marriages in states that made the change suggested in your editorial. Modern Israel has gotten by with leaving marriage to the religious bodies since its creation. Why not the U.S.A. as well? Tzvi Springfield, NJ

ble Divine intervention ala Sdom in the Bible because of the perversion of justice in this case. A law, recognizing perversity as "normal" and thereby forcing a population to itself be perverse, invited the gravest possible social danger. I hope that the good people of NY have the temerity and the courage to overturn this blight on the whole community Yochanan Chicago

Letters to the Editor are the opinions of our readers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Jewish Voice editorial staf f. We welcome readers to express their opinion about an ar ticle or share their ideas by writing our main of fice (see page three), or by sending an e-mail to editor@jewishvoiceny.com. Please include your full name and contact infor mation for verification purposes.

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice

Jews, Not Resting in Peace

Thousands of people gathered at Israel's Ben Gurion airport on 4 July 1976 to welcome the hostages home from Entebbe.

A few days ago more than a dozen graves at the Mount of Olives cemetery in Jerusalem were vandalized, the latest in a series of attacks on the Judaism's oldest cemetery. The recent damage is in addition to vandalism sustained at the cemetery on 'Nakba Day'. uring riots, Palestinians hurled large rocks and boulders toward the graves, chipping and breaking at least 15. The attacks on the Jewish tombs are emblematic of the Islamist's obsession about the very Jewish presence in the land, because a nation without a past can never anticipate a future. This concept is built into the very fabric of the Hebrew language, since the Hebrew word "kever" means both grave and womb. In the Middle Ages, pogroms and desecrations of Jewish cemeteries used to occur together. During the Kristallnacht of 1938 in Germany, Jewish cemeteries became a particular object of desecration in many regions. In the Soviet Union the Jewish graves were often destroyed during the many waves of anti-Semitism. There are an estimated 150,000 graves on the Mount of Olives, where Jews have been buried since biblical times. This cemetery has always been the primary target of antiSemitic hatred. Notable individuals buried there include the prophets Zechariah, Malachi and Hagai; famous modern rabbis; Henrietta Szold, founder of Hadassah; Hazzan (Cantor) Yossele Rosenblatt; and British Parliament member Robert Maxwell. Studded with thousands of tombstones, the Mount of Olives is the resting place of


35 Years After Entebbe: Leave No Man Behind




_____________________ “Many Jewish ‘settlers’ have been slaughtered while they were defending and praying on the Biblical graves in Judea and Samaria. The last was a Breslav hassid killed near Joseph's tomb.” _____________________ thousands of Jews ranging from unknown mediaeval beggars to former Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The first graves discovered in excavations date back some 2,600 years before the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem. According to the Midrash, the famed olive branch carried by the dove back to Noah's ark after the flood was plucked from the Mount of Olives. References in Torah, Talmud, and the Midrash cite other holy events and rituals that took place there, including the ritual preparation of the red heifer ashes. Most widely known, Jewish tradition holds that resurrection of the dead on the Day of Judgment will happen on the Mount of Olives. During its control of the area between 1948 and 1967, Jordan built a hotel and a road through the cemetery on Mount of Olives, desecrating a large number of graves. The Jordanians also used the broken headstones and pillaged others to build the latrines in the construction of the Intercontinental Hotel (since renamed the Seven Arches). The hotel likely rests on burial grounds. In 1968, a year after Jerusalem was reunited under Israeli rule, a collection of plundered graves was hewn into a mass grave on the Mount of Olives. A second mass grave holds the civilians who fell during the siege of Jerusalem's Old City in 1948. In recent years, efforts have resulted in the restoration of 2,000 of an estimated 40,000 graves on Mount of Olives that were destroyed prior to 1967 under Jordanian rule.

A police officer inspects graves desecrated by vandals with Nazi swastikas and graffiti on 56 graves and war memorial in a Jewish cemetery in city of Lyon, France. Cemetery vandalism against Mount of Olives became more frequent during and after the first Palestinian uprising in 1988. The youths who were arrested echoed a popular Palestinian argument when they told the police that the cemetery is Arab property. In 1997, vandals painted Menachem Begin's grave with a swastika and the graffiti: "Take out the bones of Menachem Begin and replace them with the bones of our fathers". During the Second Intifada, the cemetery was more deserted than ever. Fewer families buried their loved ones there, fewer families visited it, and tourists were few. In 2001, Jewish volunteers found remains of nearly two dozen 400- year-old tombstones under a garbage heap in the neighborhood of Silwan, next to the cemetery. Many Jewish "settlers" have been slaughtered while they were defending and praying on the Biblical graves in Judea and Samaria (the last was a Breslav hassid killed near Joseph's tomb). In 1929, after a pogrom that wiped out the entire Jewish community of Hevron, the Arabs destroyed the local Jewish cemetery. In 1948, the Jordanians razed the Jewish quarter of Hevron, desecrated the cemetery and built an animal pen on the ruins of the Avraham Avinu Synagogue. In addition to the famous Tomb of the Patriarchs, Hebron also contains the tomb of Otniel Ben Kenaz, the first judge; the tomb of Avner Ben Ner, general and confidant to Saul and David; and the tombs of Ruth and Jesse, David's great-grandmother and father. In 2000, an Arab mob assaulted the tomb of Joseph in Nablus/Shechem, painting the dome of the compound green (the color of Islam) and burning the Jewish books. Joseph's Tomb, under IDF control in the Oslo Accords, was attacked by hundreds of Palestinians throwing bricks, stones, firebombs and bottles and by Palestinian policemen who opened fire on IDF troops. Six Israeli soldiers were killed in 1996. Several attacks and shootings took place also at Rachel's Tomb, a tiny stone building at the entrance to Bethlehem that is revered as the burial site of one of the Bible's great women, the wife of Jacob. With the outbreak of the second intifada in 2000, Palestinians again attacked Rachel's Tomb, and for 41 days Jews were prevented from visiting the site due to shooting incidents. The war on the Jewish tomb has also been fought by Western forums: on October 21, 2010, Unesco, the UN organization for science and culture, declared that Rachel's Tomb is the Bilal ibn Rabah mosque endorsing a Palestinian lie. The Arab obsession to tear down the Jewish tombs recalls the Nazi's nihilism to destroy the Jewish cemeteries in the occupied Europe. After the living, the Holocaust machine incinerated the dead's memory. In Warsaw, the Germans even burned the old cemetery's records, so no one would really know how many Jews have lived in the city. The tombs remain an indelible link in the golden chain of Jewish being and in what Edmund Burke once called, the invisible "contract of those who are living, dead and unborn".

BY MAJOR GENERAL (RES.) DORON ALMOG July 4th marks 35 years since the Entebbe rescue. The writer, Entebbe hero, writes a special lesson to be learned from it. Maj. Gen. Almog is one of those the UK threatened to arrest as a 'war criminal', leading him to cancel plans to speak there. hirty-five years ago today (July 4, 1976), an Air France flight was hijacked and diverted to Entebbe Airport in Uganda. Shortly after landing, all of the non-Jewish passengers were released and the remaining Jewish passengers were held hostage. One week after the hijacking, I commanded the first task force to land in Entebbe as part of a daring mission that freed 105 hostages. Faced with immense challenges, we pulled off a thrilling (yet bittersweet) victory. At the time, we saw the feat as an illustration of the strength and vitality of the Israeli army and the Jewish spirit. Upon reflection (so many years later), it is clear that it also highlighted the importance of standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. It should be noted that my participation in Entebbe was voluntary. After my brother, Eran, was killed in the Yom Kippur war (he was injured in the Golan Heights and bled to death after sitting untreated for seven days), I was given the choice of leaving my combat unit as a bereaved soldier. However, I chose to remain in the military in order to change the ethos of the IDF and make absolutely sure that no soldier would ever be left behind again. It was this philosophy that drove me to participate in the Entebbe raid and numerous other military operations throughout my career and, ultimately, set the stage for the next phase of my adult life. After our son was born – and we named him Eran after my late brother – he was diagnosed with severe physical and cognitive disabilities. In an instant, my world was turned upside down. At first, I had a very hard time coming to terms with the fact that my beloved son would never speak or hold down a job, and would always be dependent on others to provide his every need. But my "no man left behind" philosophy prevailed, and I


_____________________ “I chose to remain in the military in order to change the ethos of the IDF and make absolutely sure that no soldier would ever be left behind again.” _____________________ found the strength to be the father that Eran needed me to be. In fact, my time with Eran allowed me to develop my philosophy even further, and I became committed to changing the way society views the disabled. I realized that it is not enough to make sure that these wonderful children don't get left behind. We must ensure that they are given every opportunity to excel and reach their greatest potentials. For the Entebbe raid, our IDF battalions travelled 2,500 miles to fight for those who could not fight for themselves. It is time for us to harness that bravery, resolve and dedication to our fellow men, to turn our sights inward and focus on the urgent rescue missions in our ownneighborhoods. These "hostages" are in very real danger every day of their lives and are often abandoned. They are the weakest members of our society and are completely dependent on the kindness of others. We don't need to launch a complex tactical mission to set them free. We simply need to wrap them in love and help them integrate into our social fabric. Make no mistake: our commitment to care for the disabled members of society remains immeasurably more difficult than any military campaign I have ever led. But we must stand up and fight to provide them with the care that they deserve. Because, in the end, our generation will be judged by how well we complete this mission. (Major General (Res.) Doron Almog is also the founder and Chairman of Aleh Negev www.aleh.org. – Nahalat Eran, a village named in memory of his son, that provides a continuum of residential care for children with severe disabilities as they grow from adolescents into young adults).



The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

GODLESSNESS HAS DOOMED BRITAIN tain demise. Men are insemination machines incapable of ever being truly faithful and women are genetically programmed to seek out billionaire hedge-fund managers, so much the better to support their offspring. This decline of faith and optimism may account for why Britain—once the most advanced nation on earth, which gave the world parliamentary democracy and its inim-

BY RABBI SHMULEY BOTEACH Britain today has become one of the most godless societies on earth. Its principle religious exports today are thinkers who despise religion. From Richard Dawkins, who has compared religion to child abuse, to my friend Christopher Hitchens, who titled his 2007 book “G-d Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” the British have cornered the market on being anti-G-d, at least the Christian and Jewish varieties. hile 92% of Americans believe in G-d, only 35% in Britain do and 43% say they have no religion, according to Britain’s National Centre for Social Research. The number of people who affiliate themselves with the Church of England was 23% of the population in 2009 from 40% in 1983. In truth though, if Britain’s Christian tradition is dying out, the leaders of the faith have only themselves to blame, for perpetuating the country’s highly centralized religious structure. Europeans are in the habit of making fun of American evangelicals as backward religious knuckle-draggers who believe that Adam and Eve ate apples with a talking snake. But for all this condescension, evangelical Christianity in the United States represents the single largest voting block in the world’s sole superpower. One out of five Americans describes themselves as a born-



Islamist demostration in Britain. again Christian, something inconceivable in Britain. American evangelicals build megachurches that draw thousands of worshippers, while British churches are empty enough to land jumbo jets. Leading evangelical pastors like Rick Warren and Joel Osteen enjoy vast cultural influence among millions of Americans, while in Britain no religious figure could hope to excite the youth even fractionally like William and Kate. One key difference is that in America there is no official state church. There is no Archbishop of Canterbury, no Chief Rabbi, no official defender of the faith or state religion. Religion lives and dies in America like a commercial enterprise, and is therefore highly entrepreneurial. If pastors excite their congregants with a message that is uplifting and relevant, they can be sure that the pews will be filled next week. If they deliver sermons that send would-be worshipers off into

deep comas, their churches will be empty the following week. My British friends argue that the demise of religion is a good thing, proving sophistication in sharp contrast to the religious hobos of America who speak in tongues and talk to dead people. I beg to differ. In his 1997 book “A History of the American People,” historian Paul Johnson makes the case that the remarkable growth of the U.S., from pioneering backwoodsmen to the most powerful and innovative nation on earth, was largely fuelled by religious fervor. From the piety of the pilgrims to the faith-based values of the country’s founders, to the belief in manifest destiny and even the marketing of Coca-Cola as “the real thing,” Americans tamed the wilderness with the faith that their nation was a new promised land, destined to illuminate the earth with the torch of freedom and the light of human dignity. British influence in the world has, in contrast, gone off a cliff over the last century. And while there are many factors in this decline, I would argue that the new, militant atheism that is becoming characteristic of Britain is a key reason. Atheism is a philosophy of nihilism in which nothing is sacred and all is an accident. While it has some brief, flashy moments, life is purposeless and meaningless. There is no soul to illuminate and no spirit to enliven—just dead, decadent flesh. Human love is a prank played by our genes ensuring the sexual propagation of the species, and poetry and faith are shallow distractions masking the inevitability of our cer-

“One key difference is that in America there is no official state church. There is no Archbishop of Canterbury, no Chief Rabbi, no official defender of the faith or state religion.” ______________________ itable centers of higher learning—is today more famous for exporting reality shows like Big Brother and Project Catwalk. For while religion affirms the infinite dignity of the human person, its absence robs life of its sanctity. Exploitation for fame and humiliation for cash are the inevitable outgrowth. Britain abolished the slave trade in 1807 and ended it completely three decades before the U.S., with Christian abolitionists like William Wilberforce taking the lead against the abomination. But a century later Britain is better known for football hooliganism, the gratuitous depictions of women in its mostcirculated publications and the demise of the family with one of the highest out-ofwedlock birthrates in the world. True, America has many of these same problems and a great deal more of its own. But the spiritual underpinnings of the American republic ensure that values are constantly debated in the public arena and soul-searching is a never-ending element of the American public discourse. It just goes to show how important it is to keep one’s faith. Were Britain to rediscover its own, it might rediscover a lost sense of mission and a once-glorious sense of purpose. Rabbi Boteach is the author of “Renewal: A Guide to the Values-Filled Life” (Basic Books, 2010).

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The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011


BY AARON KATSMAN With many foreign investors worried about the potential of a real estate bubble occurring in Israel, I have been asked by many tourists here for Passover about other investment alternatives available to gain exposure to the strong Israeli economy. While many of you will question my opening line about a potential real estate bubble forming in Israel, some recent data shows that it may be happening. It’s important to note that certain government officials have made it a priority to cool off the surging Israeli property market.

Warren Buffet, perhaps the world’s most famous and successful investor, made his largest non-U.S. investment when he purchased Iscar, an Israeli company, for $4.4 billion. Buffett has since referred to the purchase as a “dream investment.”

How to Capitalize?

he Bank of Israel (BOI) continues to raise interest rates to try and slow down rising home prices. This comes on the heels of other BOI regulations regarding mortgages. Under new guidelines, buyers need make a down payment of 40% of the price, and only take a loan on 60%. If this is the case, then how else can foreign investors gain exposure to the incredibly resilient Israeli economy?

For many investors, investing in Israeli stocks is an alternative way of gaining exposure to the Israeli economy. While you could open up a local Israeli brokerage account, for many foreign investors this solution is a bit complicated as it entails transferring money to Israel and converting into shekels. Foreign investors may want to look at Israeli stocks that trade in the U.S. In fact, Israel has more companies trading on major U.S. exchanges than any other country in the world. Not all Israeli companies are created equal, and unfortunately, options are limited in mutual funds and exchange traded funds that focus on Israel. As such, investors should speak to a licensed financial advisor experienced with these investments.



Israel has successfully made it through the global economic crisis without so much as a scratch. While certain European countries are on the verge of bankruptcy, not only is Israel on fiscally solid ground but the Bank of Israel actually upped its economic growth forecast for 2011 to 4.5%. Starting in May 2010, Israel was re-classified as a developed country by the MSCI. For investors, this means that you get the stability of a developed country with the strong growth prospects of an emerging economy. Sounds like the best of both worlds. I am of the belief that this change in classification will be a boon for Israeli stocks. In spite the fact that Israel used to occupy a larger percentage of the emerging market index, investments tracking the developed market are so much greater than their emerging counterparts that Israel may actually see a net inflow of investment money looking for Israeli stocks.

It’s very important to note that these types of investments carry an element of risk. As some of these companies are not very large, the smallest piece of news can send their stocks either soaring or tumbling.


Not Just a Tourist Destination With its sandy beaches and living history, Israel has always been sought after as a tourist destination. Over the last decade Israel has become a very popular destination for foreign investors as well. Global giants like General Electric, Microsoft, IBM and Johnson and Johnson are only a few of the companies that have made large investments in Israel by buying local companies. In fact,

______________________ “Investors may want to look at Israeli stocks that trade in the U.S. In fact, Israel has more companies trading on major U.S. exchanges than any other country in the world.” ______________________ It’s therefore important to speak with your investment adviser to see how, if at all, investing in up-and-coming Israeli companies fits into your overall investment portfolio. Aaron Katsman is a licensed financial professional both in the United States and Israel, and helps people who open investment accounts in the United States. Securities are offered through Portfolio Resources Group, Inc. a registered broker dealer, Member FINRA, SIPC, MSRB, NFA, SIFMA. For more information, call (02) 6240995, visit www.aaronkatsman.com or email aaron@lighthousecapital.co.il. ISRAELNATIONALNEWS.COM




Facebook said it's bringing Skype video calling to the social networking site, dubbing it "Facebook Calling." The feature is being rolled out over the next several weeks. EO Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook now has more than 750 million users, and is "still growing quickly." Adding Skype, he said, brings the "best technology" for video chat to Facebook, which is probably "the biggest chat program online" in an era where people are not only connecting, but sharing information via many means. Such sharing is what is going to dominate the future of the Internet, Zuckerberg said. Connecting with others — "friending," for example was the mantra; now sharing information is, with Facebook's users sharing 4 billion things a day. "The amount of information (users) share is about twice the amount of stuff they would have shared a year ago; and it will be twice as much a year from now; it's that kind of exponential growth." And social apps, or applications, like Skype, help make that possible. "Video calling is the first example of what we think is a great social app," Zuckerberg said. "We’re going to see a lot more things like this over the next few years and months." One-on-one calls is simple, Facebook says: If your friend is online, with "one quick click" on the call button, you can establish a call with that friend, a Facebook staffer said during the presentation. "Can you believe that your least technical friend can get online and connect with someone else? No separate accounts, no separate websites to go to; it's by far the easiest way to get connected by video." Facebook said it's bringing Skype video calling to the social networking site, dubbing it "Facebook Calling." The feature is being rolled out over the next several weeks. CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook now has more than 750 million users, and is "still growing quickly." Adding Skype, he said, brings the "best technology" for video chat to Facebook, which is probably "the biggest chat program online" in an era where people are not only connecting, but sharing information via many means. Such sharing is what is going to dominate the future of the Internet, Zuckerberg said. Connecting with others — "friending," for example — was the mantra; now sharing information is, with Facebook's users sharing 4 billion things a day. "The amount of information (users) share is about twice the amount of stuff they would have shared a year ago; and it will be twice as much a year from now; it's that kind of exponential growth." And social apps, or applications, like Skype, help make that pos-


sible. "Video calling is the first example of what we think is a great social app," Zuckerberg said. "We’re going to see a lot more things like this over the next few years and months." One-on-one calls is simple, Facebook

______________________ “Facebook said it's bringing Skype video calling to the social networking site, dubbing it "Facebook Calling." The feature is being rolled out over the next several weeks.” ______________________ says: If your friend is online, with "one quick click" on the call button, you can establish a call with that friend, a Facebook staffer said during the presentation Wednesday. "Can you believe that your least technical friend can get online and connect with someone else? No separate accounts, no separate websites to go to; it's by far the easiest way to get connected by video." The last five years have been about connecting people; the next five years are about building these apps (to do that)," he said. "What you're going to see are companies — not just companies like Google" entering that arena. "Every app is going to be social," he said. "Our job is to stay focused on building the best service for that; and if we don’t, someone else will." Along those lines, Facebook also introduced two other changes: Group Chat, "one of our most requeted features," now lets you chat with multiple people at once. "Now you can have conversations with more than one person on the fly for quick group discussion." New "Chat" design lets you see a sidebar on the screen that shows the friends you message the most, whether those friends or on or offline. "Simply click on a friend to start chatting or send a message."



The Jewish Voice

3 Tamuz: 17th Anniversary of Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Passing

Police Investigate Alleged Hate Crime in Bergen Beach/Mill Basin

BY HANA LEVI JULIAN On Monday evening, the Fourth of July, most people in the United States celebrated the nation's Independence Day with barbecues and fireworks. ut many Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidim converged on the Old Montefiore Cemetery in Cambria Heights, Queens, New York to mark a Jewish date that began at sundown and Gimmel Tamuz, the third day of the Hebrew month of Tamuz. It was the 17th anniversary of the passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Synagogues and organizations around the world participated in prayers, lectures, musical tributes and extra performance of good deeds and mitzvoth in the Rebbe's memory, according to Chabad.org. By the end of this week tens of thousands of people will have prayed at the Rebbe's graveside. Those who are unable to make the trip physically will send prayer requests via fax and emails to the office at the “Ohel,” as the grave site is called. Considered a place of deep spiritual sanctity, the Ohel is visited throughout the year by hundreds of thousands of people. Many are not Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidim, and include among their numbers both Jews and Gentiles. They come to the Rebbe's grave to seek a blessing, guidance and spiritual inspiration. In addition, more than 400,000 prayer requests that are received annually via fax – hundreds of thousands more are sent via email. One of the greatest spiritual leaders of the past century, the Rebbe left behind an extraordinary legacy. The Chabad-Lubavitch international network of Shluchim (emis-

July 8, 2011



Grave of Lubavitcher Rebbe (left) and his father-in-law. saries) stands as one example, noted Rabbi Shea Hecht, chairman of the board of the National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE). Hecht is the son of the late Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht, one of the Rebbe's closest and most trusted officials, and one of the few that he referred to as his friend. “The influence of the Rebbe grows every single day, simply because the family of Chabad grows every single day,” Hecht said in an exclusive interview with Israel National News. “Almost daily a new Chabad emissary is appointed somewhere in the world. It is the number one growing Jewish organization in the world.” Most, “if not all” Jewish movements to bring Jews back to the faith have been inspired by Chabad, Hecht added. “The influence of the Rebbe is felt everywhere in the world. Even Jews who do not follow his teachings feel that impact in some way, including those who criticize us. They too honor us in some way – they're saying that we are important when they are compelled to respond to us, because they feel so affected by our influence.”

Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz told a press conference called by the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York in the aftermath of an alleged hate crime in the Bergen Beach/Mill Basin section of Brooklyn, “The real headline should be telling the stories of the thousands of Brooklyn neighbors of different ethnicities and religions who live side by side peacefully each day. Brooklyn is a borough of people with different backgrounds, with most of us either coming from overseas or having a recent ancestor who has. My own district is home to thousands of immigrants including one of the largest populations of Turkish residents in the country, as well as a large number of Jewish residents.” ast week’s press conference, held on Wednesday at the Kings Bay Y, comes several days after one Jewish neighbor allegedly poured beer over his Turkish neighbor screaming derogatory comments about her being an Arab and a terrorist. Cymbrowitz was contacted because he has been instrumental in bringing the Jewish and Turkish communities closer together. One program he was instrumental in creating, housed at the Y, introduces Jewish and Turkish young people to each other’s customs through educational, social and cultural events. The group has traveled together to Washington, D.C. to meet with Israeli and Turkish diplomats.


______________________ Cymbrowitz: “The Jewish people have a long, common history with the Turkish people and the Turks opened the door of their country for them, demonstrating their friendship.” ______________________ Cymbrowitz stated, “This community has always been together and will always remain that way. Isolated incidents such as Saturday’s may occur, but we as leaders have a responsibility to remind the public that such acts are not commonplace and will not be tolerated.”

Cymbrowitz: “It is important that we let the justice system determine what happened last Saturday night and instead focus our attention on the positive relationships between people of different cultures and religions.” “It is important that we let the justice system determine what happened last Saturday night and instead focus our attention on the positive relationships between people of different cultures and religions. Only a few months ago I was proud to be present when The Helping Hands Relief Foundation, a Turkish non-profit organization, donated $10,000 to the Jewish National Fund to help Israel reforest the area near Haifa that was devastated by a forest fire in December. Locally, the Brooklyn Turkish Cultural Center holds an annual Friendship Dinner to which Brooklyn residents of various religions and cultures are invited. These are just two of many examples of how the Turkish community, in particular, shares its culture and generosity with the entire community,” Cymbrowitz explained. “The Jewish people have a long, common history with the Turkish people and the Turks opened the door of their country for them demonstrating their friendship,” Cymbrowitz added. “America is a country comprised of immigrants and New York City has always been called a melting pot and nothing has changed. We have to be careful not to let the quest for sensationalism overshadow the reality that we – Brooklynites – are all children of Abraham,” Cymbrowitz concluded.

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice



SHOMRIM PATROL STIR UP CONTROVERSY IN BROOKLYN BY JV STAFF WRITERS The Shomrim (Hebrew for ‘guardians’) are a well-established Jewish safety patrol group in New York City, operating since 1924. Shomrim units can be found in Crown Heights and Borough Park, and are a common sight in Williamsburg. The majority of Williamsburg Shomrim are Hasidic men who patrol the streets, without guns, to protect the local citizens from perverts and crooks. owever, Williamsburg’s Shomrim suffered some backlash recently when they were accused of targeting minorities. Hershey Deutsch, 23, founder of Kings County Safety patrol, says, “We are trying to keep the neighborhood safe. People think we go around trying to beat people up. We don’t do that.” The job of the Shomrim is to keep people safe, and create an atmosphere of security for the neighborhood’s residents. Jewish residents feel that Shomrim provide protection because the neighborhood is surrounded by public housing which is often is a hotbed of criminal activity. The incidents that sparked the latest alle-


______________________ “Judaism teaches the concept of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, which inspires Shomrim volunteers to have a strong commitment to serve their neighborhood residents- for many, a deeper motivation than the promise of a paycheck. ” ______________________ gations against Shomrim include that of Dwight Chapparo, aged 29, who allegedly attacked Rabbi Mordechai Stern, 57, by whacking him over the head with a wooden shelf, in a dispute over a parking spot, which resulted in Shomrim holding Chapparo until the cops arrived. Meanwhile, Chapparo’s mother accused Shomrim of beating her son and causing him to have black and blue marks. Despite the accusations, however, Chapparo was charged with felony assault, menacing, and criminal possession of a weapon. On May, 2009, Yakov Horowitz, 32, was convicted of disorderly conduct, when he allegedly assaulted 14-year-old John Figueroa, who, it was reported, was trying to steal a child’s bicycle at the time. However, the Kings County Safety Patrol said that Horowitz was not a member. Despite these accusations, which some would argue can be chalked up to isolated incidents, Shomrim take their job seriously. According to their Facebook page, the hiring process includes three month probation where a member is, “responding only as a backup member so they can learn how to deal with a call.” It’s important to note that Shomrim work for free and spend significant amounts of their own free time helping people stay safe. The service they provide for the community helps keep anxiety at bay, since people know that if they need help aside from police, Shomrim will come to the rescue.

The job of the Shomrim is to keep people safe, and create an atmosphere of security for the neighborhood’s residents. Furthermore, Shomrim are able to respond quickly and effectively to any emergency because, like their medical counterparts in Hatzalah, they reside within the community and people trust them. Because Shomrim members are locally-grown, as it were, their input in the safety of the neighborhood is paramount. Just like Hatzalah, Shomrim arrive at the scene faster than police and thus prevent further violence which might erupt in the moment. Judaism teaches the concept of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, which inspires Shomrim volunteers to have a strong commitment to serve their neighborhood residents- for many, a deeper motivation than the promise of a paycheck. The best part about Shomrim Society is that their efforts to keep everyone safe are community-based. The financial support comes from the people in the community who have faith in their protectors and who are willing to show their appreciation freely. In every organization or society there are one or few bad apples which cast a negative light on the entire community. While there are incidents when a Shomer might act inappropriately, the group as a whole has shown itself to be a positive influence, ensuring safety and peace of neighborhood residents. On occasion, New York City Police Officers are accused of various crimes against civilians, including rape, beatings, and money laundering as well as racial discrimination, and yet most people still trust and believe the police are there for their protection. By way of example, one cop, Christian Torres, once considered a “model cadet” was convicted of

robbing a bank in 2008 to buy a car and an engagement ring for his girlfriend. In another example, two cops—Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata—were accused of raping a woman who asked them to escort her home.

They were ultimately acquitted of rape, but convicted of official misconduct. These incidents help demonstrate an important idea, that when individuals do wrong, it is not always a direct indication of an entire group being wrong. People are individuals, who perform actions based on their own character traits, which are not always a reflection on the group they belong to. Sometimes those actions are performed on personal convictions which society might attribute to the group those individuals come from, perhaps out ignorance of what the group stands for. Hence, it doesn’t necessarily follow from the recent accusations Shomrim are are bad as a group, but rather certain members may have exhibited inappropriate conduct either for personal reasons or on account of their own misjudgment. Most will agree that police is viewed as a force for good, helping to keep the community, despite the fact that individual officers may, on rare occasion, do wrong; the same standard, some would argue, ought to be applied to Shomrim. At the end of the day Shomrim volunteers are people who, like anyone else, are capable of making mistakes. But as an institution Shomrim, whose work is carried out by people freely volunteering their own time, is a professional organization with good intentions. So the next time you are faced with an emergency which requires immediate help, do not hesitate to call Shomrim before police arrive.



The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

NEWS IN REVIEW INTERNATIONAL Shooting of Boxing Champ May Lead to Knockout of Assad yrian protests spread in numbers and frequency as Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces shoot to kill, wound an Olympic boxing champ and confiscate mobile phone videos. At least seven more people were killed in the last 24 hours, most of them in the large city of Hama, north of Damascus, where protesters had a free hand in the past month until soldiers swooped down on the city Monday. In early June, Assad’s troops had killed more than 70 people in the city of 800,000. One of those wounded Monday was boxer Nasser alShami, 29. A 13-year-old was also wounded, opposition activists said. Assad’s father, Hafez al-Assad, sent troops into the city in 1982, when 20,000 residents were gunned down or died from starvation during a siege.


Neturei Karta Joins Pro-Salah Forces in London embers of the small, isolated but vociferous ultra-Hareidi fringe group Neturei Karta have expressed support for Islamist Ra'ad Salah, an Arab citizen of Israel who is under arrest in Britain. An internal Neturei Karta email describes Salah’s arrest shortly after he entered Britain, and the protest undertaken by local Muslims "with the support of Chevrat Darkei Shalom London,” a Neturei Karta group in the English capital. “The honorable Sheikh Ra’ad is one of the


leaders of the Palestinians in the Holy Land, and always arouses the anger of Zionists because he refuses to accept their conquest and their filthy takeover,” the message said. "The honorable Sheikh is especially mindful that the Zionists must not harm the places that are sacred to Muslims, and has demonstrated much about this matter, and so has been placed in jail several times by the Zionists..."

Vatican Opens Archives of WWII Documents he Vatican will be displaying 100 select documents from its Secret Archives at an unprecedented exhibit next year, including previously unpublished papers on its World War II-era pope.The Vatican No. 2, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, unveiled plans for “Lux in Arcana: The Vatican Secret Archives Revealed” at a briefing Tuesday. The exhibit, which runs from February to September at Rome’s Capitoline Museums, marks the first time such precious documents, manuscripts and parchments have been allowed out of the Vatican vaults for view by the general public. The occasion is the Archive’s 400th anniversary. Officials said some of the previously unseen documents concern Pope Pius XII, accused by some Jews of failing to speak out enough to stop the Holocaust.


A Poster of Jewish Figure Shot by an Arrow is Spurring Outrage in Geneva he ad for a Swiss national day party planned for Aug. 1 by the extremist group GNC shows a doll wearing a


skullcap and an Israeli flag with an arrow in its forehead, evoking the legend of William Tell, with the slogan, “Save Switzerland: Shoot Straight!” in French. “This is a call for the murder of Jews,” Jonah Gurfinkel said. A GNC member said the ad was directed against the Israeli government, not Jews. Jewish groups say they are considering a lawsuit.

don’t intend to fall into the provocative traps of extremist organizations, whose unrestrained positions that even I, as a man of peace, refuse to accept,” the Israeli lawmaker added.

Meeting on the Holocaust Mass Graves in E. Europe

rime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday tasked the Head of the National Economic Council, Professor Eugene Kandel, with examining the possibility of making Sunday an additional day of rest instead of a regular work day. According to the proposal, Saturday and Sunday will be official days of rest while Friday will become a half day work-wise. Shas party chairman Eli Yishai said on Tuesday that his party will object to the proposed bill to extend the weekend to Sunday. Yishai made the statement on Tuesday, following the directions of Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita, during an interview with the Charedi radio station, Radio Kol Chai. many in the religious world have been advocating Sunday as a free day saying that as is now many people violate the Shabbat because they have no other day for leisure activity. On Monday Shas MKs backed the initiative, saying it would allow religious people to make use of a vacation day while still observing the Shabbos.

ozens of scholars and historians from across Europe and the U.S. attended a symposium Friday on Holocaust mass graves in Eastern Europe to raise awareness in countries where little information on the subject was available under communism. Paul Shapiro from the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum said well over 1 million Jews were murdered in Eastern Europe before the Nazi concentration camps were operational.


Egypt Hotel to Refund Couple $45 for Hitler Greeting German holidaymaker has won compensation for being confronted with a sketch that included a ‘Heil Hitler’ greeting while on holiday in Egypt, a judgment published Monday said. On the penultimate day of his holiday in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, the hotel put on a show which included the portrayal of how different nationalities greeted each other. The Germans were portrayed marching past each other, raising their left arms and shouting ‘Heil Hitler.’


ISRAEL MK Successfully Escapes UK Arrest Warrant member of Israel’s parliament narrowly escaped an arrest warrant issued for him in London over the weekend for suspicion of war crimes, Israeli media reported. The Hebrew-language daily Yedioth Ahronot said Amir Peretz cancelled his trip to the UK after learning from Israel’s ministries of justice and foreign affairs that “extremist organizations” initiated a warrant. Under advice from the security officials in Israel, Peretz pushed his return up from Sunday to Saturday evening—a crucial move as the warrant was issued right after his departure. Peretz was quoted as saying, “I do not intend to run away from anyone. But I also


Chacham Ovadia Yoseph Against Extending Weekend


Barak's Veto: Suicide Bombers' Bodies to Stay efense Minister Ehud Barak said that Israel will not transfer the bodies of several terrorists to the Palestinian Authority. Among those that will not be transferred are the bodies of members of Hamas who were suicide terrorists or committed particularly severe attacks, such as the bomber who murdered 21 in the Maxim restaurant in Haifa, a bomber who murdered several in the Carmel market, and the bomber of Cafe Hillel in Jerusalem. In addition, the bodies of terrorists from Gaza will not be returned. Barak suspended the transfer of 84 bodies of terrorists to the PA earlier in the day, contradicting an order from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who had given the goahead to the transfer. Barak said the move could hurt efforts to free kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit.


Attorneys Demand Nitzan Investigate Leftist Incitement he Yesha Human Rights Organization on Tuesday sent a letter to chief state prosecutor Shai Nitzan demanding he investigate leftwing journalist Yonatan Shem-or over statements he made on the Hebrew-language news website MySay.


The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011



NEWS IN REVIEW The Yesha Human Rights Organization said Shem-or's comments were nothing short of incitement to violence against rightwing Israelis. In the letter, attorneys for the group said that Shem-or's article “fulfills the criteria to warrant a criminal investigation against the writer and against the website that published it.”

IAF Grads Get Their 'Wings" he country's military and political leaders were all in attendance at the graduation ceremony of the Israel Air Force's pilot training course, as dozens of pilots – including the air force's first religious female pilot – received their “wings.” In attendance were President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister. Binyamin Netanyahu, Minister of Defense, Ehud Barak, Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz and IAF Commander, Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan, along with the families of those graduating, as well as guests and IAF staff.


Jellyfish Become Latest Threat to Israeli Power ellyfish have become the latest threat to Israeli energy consumption.The stinging sea creatures are swarming into the Mediterranean shoreline and are being sucked into ducts at Hadera's Orot Rabin Electric Power Station, which uses sea water for cooling. According to Israel Electric Company power station worker Nachum Plaumbaum, the jellyfish are being sucked into the system despite filters. Workers are forced to dispose of large schools of the creatures, which are often clumped together in a big pile of goop. “They're blocking the cooling system,” Plaumbaum explained, “and they diffuse to become gels. The gel blocks the condenser and interrupts the condensing of steam.” It is possible, he added, the jellyfish could even temporarily create a blackout in numerous cities by stopping the power plant from generating electricity.


Samaria Town Fights for Right to Prayer Center


esidents of the Samaria town of Shvut Rachel expressed protest Wednesday over their inability to build a synagogue. After years in which every family in the 20-year-old community donated 150 shekels per month toward the construction of a prayer center, the longed-for synagogue has yet to be built due to a lack of government authorization. Minister of Religious Affairs Yaakov Margi told Arutz Sheva that he supports Shvut Rachel in its fight for a prayer center, and has joined them in calling on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to supply the long-awaited authorization. Netanyahu now has the power to do so, as the Prime Minister's Office assumed responsibility for the rural settlement department two weeks ago.

Secret Service Probes Hack on Fox News Twitter


'Religious Abandoned Cities' t seems to me that for a long period of time, the religious-Zionist community and the hareidi-religious community abandoned the cities of Israel,” Rabbi Shlomo Amar said Wednesday. “The religious-Zionist community went with great passion and self-sacrifice to settle Judea and Samaria after the Six Day War, but in the throws of passion, neglected all the cities for decades.” Rabbi Amar praised the “garin Torani” movement that has seen religious-Zionist families settle in major cities and work to strengthen Judaism and national pride. “I see a tremendous and unique blessing in these groups,” he said. Rabbi Amar, the Chief Sephardi Rabbi of Israel, spoke at a conference on the garin Torani movement and its latest projects.


ashington - The Secret Service said Monday it will investigate the hacking of Fox’s political Twitter account over updates claiming that President Barack Obama had been assassinated.Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie says the law enforcement agency whose job it is to protect the president will conduct a probe of the false postings and that “we will conduct the appropriate follow up.” Hackers broke into the FoxNewsPolitics account early Monday, leaving a series of six tweets reporting that Obama had been shot to death in Iowa and the shooter was unknown. In a statement posted on its website, Fox News called the tweets “malicious” and “false.” “We will be requesting a detailed investigation from Twitter about how this occurred and measures to prevent future unauthorized access into FoxNews.com accounts,” said Jeff Misenti, vice president and general manager of Fox News Digital.


Water Rates Increased by 134% Since Bloomberg Took Office he U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is standing by regulations that will force New York City and other municipalities to spend billions of dollars on projects that provide virtually no health benefits, the Bloomberg administration said in a


letter to the agency’s chief. “America’s cities are seeking a rational policy developed through constructive engagement but are being largely ignored,” Deputy Mayor for Operations Stephen Goldsmith and the commissioner of the city’s Department of Environmental Protection, Caswell Holloway, wrote to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. Mr. Holloway said EPA regulations are “unnecessarily driving up” the cost of water in New York City. Water rates have increased by 134% since Mr. Bloomberg took office in 2002 and more than 91% since 2006. Between fiscal years 2002 and 2010, the city has spent, at the behest of federal mandates, nearly $15 billion on capital projects for its water and wastewater system. Roughly 1% of that was paid for by the federal government, city officials said.

Jewish Approval of Obama Unaffected by Israel Tensions resident Obama's status among American Jews remains unaffected despite recent tensions with Israel's government, according to a Gallup Poll. Obama's approval rating among U.S. Jews was 60 percent in June, the polling company said, consistent both with earlier months. Also, Jews still consistently approved of the president's performance at an average of 14 percentage points above the general public, Gallup said in its release Tuesday. Obama's overall approval rating in June was 46 percent. There was no statistically significant change in the wake of Obama's May 19 Middle East policy speech in which he called for talks with the Palestinians to resume based on 1967 lines with land swaps, Gallup said.


Dust Storm Swallows Phoenix, Arizona large dust storm rolling through the Phoenix area obscured visibility and created dangerous driving conditions Tuesday evening. Pictures show a wall of dust moving through the city. Sandstorms like this happen during the region’s monsoon season, which is underway. They occur over desert land and can reach thousands of feet into the air, spurred by strong winds. The dense cloud dramatically reduced visibility, grounding flights at a major airport and leaving thousands without electricity. The storm traveled across much of the Valley at 30 miles per hour, according to the National Weather Service. It originated near Tucson and reached metro Phoenix. Many people have said that the dust storm


was remanecent of the infamous dust bowl that covered most of the U.S. during the 1920's.

Two Armed Robberies in Flatbush-Boro Park Border area ust a short while after an armed robbery on McDonald Avenue and 47th Street, on Tuesday there has been another armed robbery – this one on 18th Avenue and East 2nd Street. NYPD are looking for 3 black males, who robbed the T-Mobile store. They displayed a weapon, and took an unknown amount of money. It apears that both crimes were perpetrated by same suspects, although NYPD Detectives have as yet confirmed this likelihood. A large police force is on the scene, and canvassing the area usually quiet area. the robberies took place in close proximaty of each other but being on the border of two police stations the 70 Pct, and the 66th Pct.


Accused Somali Terrorist to Be Tried in NYC Somali man was brought to the city to be tried on nine terror-related charges, in a move to show President Barack Obama’s commitment to using civilian courts to try terrorists. Officials say Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame was captured in April and has been interrogated on a U.S. warship for more than two months. Warsame is charged with supporting the terrorist groups al-Shabaab and al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and conspiring to teach and demonstrate making explosives between 2009 and last spring.


Bloomberg Flips Stance On ‘Outrageous’ NYPD Perp Walks ayor Bloomberg did a flip-flop in the direction of French critics who’ve denounced the NYPD’s “perp walk” of Domique Strauss-Kahn by calling such public displays “outrageous” and a “circus.” “We’ve done perp walks for the benefit of newspapers and television for a long time,” said the mayor. “I’ve always thought the perp walks were outrageous. That’s only my view. Nobody’s asked me and I have no say in it. It does if somebody is innocent — and even if they’re guilty they’re not guilty until they’re convicted — and yet we villify them for the benefit of theater, for the circus. You know they did it in Roman times, too. This is nothing new.”




The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011


Golus Festival is a land-based celebration of Jewish culture from around the world. There will be camping, musical performances, shabbos, sports, Jewish diaspora language activities, agricultural building workshops, a children's program and more. Tickets for the 4-day festival are $150 for adults, and $50 for children under 12. In order to register for the festival, please go to the Volunteer scholarships are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you are interested, please indicate this in your registration. Festival is co-sponsored by the Center for Traditional Music and Dance and Yugntruf- Youth for Yiddish. _______________________________________________


Join the Young Friends and enjoy breathtaking views from our outdoor terrace overlooking New York Harbor, sip summer wines, and explore our ground-breaking special exhibitions. Gallery educators will be available to answer questions and provide tours. Open beer and wine bar. Light fare will be served. Dietary laws observed. All proceeds benefit the Museum's education programs. For more information, contact Regina Roper at 646.437.4320 or rroper@mjhnyc.org. _______________________________________________


Jewish people constantly face challenges to which we must respond. Come learn how to deal with the issues of today using the eternal wisdom of the Torah. Taught by Rabbi Yossi Weiser. _______________________________________________



Spend an outstanding Shabbos in the Catskills with Rabbi Naftali Citron, the rabbi and spiritual leader of the Carlebach Shul and international singing sensation Eitan Katz! Join hundreds of people at the new Kutcher’s resort and spa, a historic Jewish complex in Monticello, New York. Spend time in nature, daven in a spiritual minyan, enjoy 6 great kosher meals, an oneg and a kumzitz, be entertained Saturday night by Eitan Katz, who just released his latest album, "Eitan Katz, Unplugged", a compilation of nigunim of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, ztl - some never heard before, and some known, but rarely sung. Be inspired by Rabbi Naftali Citron, the Rabbi of the Carlebach Shul which serves as a center for thousands of people worldwide. Rabbi Naftali continues the Carlebach tradition of deep Torah learning mixed with psychological insights, and he has the unique ability to explain very complex mystical concepts and make them relevant to people's lives. Engage with the teachings of Reb Nachman of Breslov and the Baal Shem Tov. _______________________________________________


We are looking forward to a great ride this year, raising money and awareness for JBFCS, an amazing 110-year-old organization committed to helping the most vulnerable New Yorkers among us. In the first year (summer 2009), 300 riders raised over $425K for our programs and services. Just this past July 18th, many of those same 300 riders were back to top that goal and raised nearly $550,000!! Everyone agreed that year TWO was a big improvement on the first year, with better rest stops, routes and fantastic entertainment----provided by our friends at Road Recovery. This year's ride (Sunday, July 17th 2011) through beautiful Westchester, NY will continue to improve and we anticipate another fun and successful day. Register to ride, sponsor a rider, or donate to the organization. Every effort helps. _______________________________________________



The Orthodox Union will present its sixth “Positive Jewish Marriage Retreat” at the Woodcliff Lake Hilton in Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey, the weekend of July 15-17, Shabbat Parshat Pinchas. The Orthodox Union’s Department of Community Services has been organizing Marriage Enrichment retreats for couples of all ages to strengthen and enhance good marriages, within the context of Torah and Halacha. The weekend is part of the OU’s ongoing efforts to address timely and relevant issues for strengthening Orthodox Jewish families, including “Positive Jewish Parenting,” in addition to “Positive Jewish Marriage” programs. Orthodox mental health professionals specializing in marriage enrichment will be present at the retreat and will lead workshops to offer practical ideas for marriages. Workshop topics include, “Make Your Good Marriage a GREAT Marriage;” “The Art of Conflict Resolution and Compromise;” “Unity in Decision Making;” “Enriching The Relationship;” “Enhancing Communication Skills;” “Intimacy in Marriage;” “Improving Team Parenting;” and “Strengthening Bonds,” among others. _______________________________________________

Join Chabad Lubavitch of the Hamptons, supporters and friends at one of the most anticipated events of the Hamptons season. Cocktail reception, passed hors d'oeuvres, specialty food stations, music, raffles, silent auction and more! Honoring Rabbi Leibel and Goldie Baumgarten and celebrating seven years out East. All proceeds benefit the activities of Chabad Lubavitch of the Hamptons. RSVP: Tickets $180 per person. For more information, sponsorship and tickets visit www.JewishHamptons.com or email rsvpJuly17@yahoo.com. _______________________________________________


The grandfather of the artist Sebastian Mendes makes for monumental source material: Aristides de Sousa Mendes was the Portuguese consul general in Bordeaux, France, in1940, and helped rescue an estimated 30,000 Jews from Nazi persecution. Sebastian hascreated a new exhibit that includes drawings, sculptures and occasionally in-gallery per-formances dedicated to Aristides’ life. For more info: (212) 294-8330.


Israeli artist Ruth Schreiber's sculpture installation is her attempt to come to know her grandparents through copies of the letters they sent to their children who left Germany for England following Kristallnacht in November 1938. The paper masks made from the letters and stretched over mold's of Schreiber's children's faces, are complimented by a historical exhibition on the experience of her family as told in their own words. Schreiber's work will resonate with anyone who seeks to know something of always-to-be unmet people in the past. 15 West 16th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues, New York, 10011, 212-294-8330


Andy Statman Trio (with Jim Whitney and Larry Eagle) at the Charles Street Shu.lSpecial guests at Tuesday performances _______________________________________________ TUESDAY NIGHT LEARNING PROGRAM AT OZ TUESDAY 7:00 PM VENUE: CONGREGATION OHEV TZEDEK - OZ 118 WEST 95TH STREET NEW YORK, NY CONTACT 212.749.5150 WEBSITE: WWW.OZNY.ORG

7:00 - 7:30 PM - Introduction to Halacha with Moshe Schwartz 7:30 - 10:00 PM - Open Beit Midrash, Chavruta Learning Partner Learning, You pick the subject and we will match you with a chavruta 7:45 - 8:30 PM - THE WOMEN’S CHABURA: Join the women from the community as we study the classic work of Sefer Hachinuch. With Rabbi Akiva Willig. 8:30 - 9:10 PM - AHAVAT YISRAEL FOR WOMEN with Dr. Nava Silton-Brandwein 8:30 - 9:30 PM - UNDERSTANDING THE DAVENING: The Vocabulary of Prayer. Hebrew Class with Joel Goldman. Learn Hebrew and become familiar with the key and common words of the prayer book to make your prayers more meaningful. 8:30 - 9:30 PM - GUEST SPEAKERS: To be announced— Check your e-mail inbox for updates. 9:00 - 10:00 PM - CHABURA CLASS FOR MEN with Rabbi Akiva Willig. _______________________________________________

JASA Club 76 120 WEST 76TH STREET, THIRD FLOOR, 212 712-0170

JASA Club 76 is open Monday through Friday 8qm4pmand provides a full range of activities including Theater Workshop and Improvisation, Yoga, Exercise and toning Tai Chi, Hebrew Language class, creative writing, Current Events Discussion Groups, Walking Club, Lectures, cultural events, parties trips and man other exciting opportunities. JASA 76 serves delicious hot Kosher breakfasts and full course Kosher lunches for a modest suggested donation.

The Jewish Voice does not attest to the level of adherence to Kashrut or any area of Halakha for any of the above events. For more information, please contact the event organizers.

The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011



arrogant about a lot of things, especially my father," he said. "I wanted to prove to myself and to everybody else and to my father that I didn't need him....unfortunately I never saw my father again until I stood over his grave, and that was, that was not easy." Simmons, who was born in Haifa, left Israel with his mother when he was a kid. The recent trip marked his return to Israel after more than 50 years.

Omri Casspi replaces Lebron James in Cleveland he Sacremento Kings have traded Israeli born basketball star Omri Casspi to the Cleavland Cavilears. Casspi will be filling the vacancy left by Lev\bron Kames who had left Cleavland to play for the Miami Heat. There is a much larger Jewish community in Cleavland than in Sacremento and it is bel;ieved his presence will not Omri Casspi only help the team on the floor but also in ticket sales.


Israeli Director Wins International Award etroit Windsor Film Festival honors Guilhad Emilio Schenker with Best Short Film price for 'Lavan' The Detroit Windsor International Film Festival honored Israeli director Guilhad Emilio Schenker for his film "Lavan" by awarding him with Best Short Film prize last week. The film is Guilhad Schenker


based on the Iranian idea of “White Torture,” and the storyline (i.e. events, characters) are 100% fictitious. This award came one week after he snagged the award for Best Director at the Washington Film Festival.

Yardbirds to Perform in Israel nglish 1960s rock band, which started careers of Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Jimmy Page, to play one gig at Tel Aviv's Barby club on October 29 In the 1960s, English rock band Yardbirds included three of the greatest guitarists of all times, basically Yardbirds starting the careers of Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page. Together with additional members – singer Andy Mitchell, guitarist Ben King and bassist David Smale – they will arrive in Israel for one performance, which will be held on October 29 at Tel Aviv's Barby club.


CNN Cancels Eliot Spitzer's Program he network reshuffled its prime-time schedule on Wednesday, canceling the former New York governor’s show, “In the Arena.” Spitzer lasted less than a year at the net-


work. He began on CNN’s prime-time lineup last October paired with conservative columnist Kathleen Parker, who exited in February. The show never made a ratings dent in a tough cable news time slot dominated by Fox News Channel’s Bill Eliot Spitzer O’Reilly.

Philip Roth wins Man Booker International Prize hilip Roth, the much-lauded author of "Goodbye, Columbus", won the biennial Man Booker International Prize on Wednesday, adding to a collection of prizes that includes two National Book Awards. Roth has also won the Pulitzer Prize for "American Pastoral", Philip Roth featuring favored narrator Nathan Zuckerman. The prize, announced during the Sydney Writers' Festival, is worth about $150,000 for the winner.


Gene Simmons Visits Estranged Father’s Grave in Israel ock star Gene Simmons paid a visit to his estranged father’s grave in Israel recently, which was documented for his reality show: Gene Simmons: Family Jewels. Simmons went to the cemetery with Shannon Tweed and their children (Nick and Sophie), along with Simmons’ siblings. The rock star hadn’t seen his father since he was a kid. He broke down in tears when he saw the grave. "I've been kind of Gene Simmons


Ian Kinsler: I would be Happy to Play for Team Israel arlier this week, a reporter from the Israeli website Walla! asked the Texas Rangers' second baseman Ian Kinsler whether he wouldn't mind playing for the Israeli national baseball team in the World Baseball Classic. "Wow, I would be happy to play for Team Israel," was the reply."There is no determining factor, I would just do it. If the United States did not ask me to play on their team, I would Ian Kinsler like to join another team, if asked. The truth is that if a proposal comes from team USA to play for them, I will have a very difficult decision to make.


Museum Barbie new Barbie doll inspired by Adele Bloch-Bauer, Klimt’s famous Austrian Jewish model, the latest in a new series of collector’s edition dolls dedicated to great works of art. The art work that the doll is based on became famous after the Shoah when it became embroiler in a battle over restitution of Jewish art stolen by the Nazis. The beautiful piece of art was eventually returned to the niece of the model Adele Bloch-Bauer and later sold for a record setting 135 million dollars to Ronald S. Lauder. Today the magnificent portrait is on display at the Neue Galerie, across Fifth Avenue from the Metropolitan Museum. The new doll is part of a series Barbie Collector Museum Collection that also includea Mona Lisa-inspired Barbie, adorned in Renaissance finery, and a van Goghian Barbie, rocking a Starry Night cocktail. Each doll in the series costs$34.95Museum Barbie



How to play Sudoku? One simple rule: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9

TIPS FOR THE BEGINNER SUDOKU PLAYER • Make sure you have some free time ahead. • Resist the temptation of guess and use logic instead! • Solving time for the Sudoku is typically from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your Soduku skill and experience, so don’t quit if you’re Soduku-ing for 5 minutes and getting nowhere. • Use a pencil, you will make mistakes.

Solution is on page 39



The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

R’ Yechiel Eckstein and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews A BLESSING OR A LIABILITY? Continued from Cover how it was for them. He responded, with great sincerity and a slight Texas drawl, “We love Israel; it’s my first trip and I can’t wait to come back. Next time I am bringing a hundred with me. We got into a deep discussion during the eleven-hour flight from which I learned a lot. I asked him why he loved Israel so much, and

______________________ “Eckstein operates under strict guidelines to accomplish his objectives: ‘Cooperate whenever possible, oppose whenever necessary, and teach, sensitize and build bridges at all times.’” ______________________ he replied, simply and honestly, that it’s “the ancestral home of the Jewish people and our (Christian) roots are from the Jewish people.” Sensing my apprehension he attempted to allay my fears.

“I know what you are thinking,” he said, “it’s about who is the messiah.” When I responded that such was indeed the case, he answered: “Well, we talked about that with our tour guide and we came to a conclusion that it just does not make a difference at this point and we don’t have to discuss nor agree on that now.” He continued and assured me that the future of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel is of paramount importance to the majority of Christians in America. This reporter (along with many traditional Jews) feels both happy and slightly uncomfortable with the idea that so large a segment of America’s non-Jewish population supports Israel strictly on a theological basis. Yet, we also realize that more than anyone, they are zealous about there support for Israel and are willing to act on their beliefs, opening both their hearts and their wallets to help the people of Israel in any way they can. There is a certain American rabbi, one of the most controversial Jewish figures in the Orthodox world today, and his name is Yechiel Eckstein. This reporter, along with Jewish Voice publisher David Ben Hooren and his editor Daniel Perez had the distinct honor of interviewing him. If I was confused before, I am even more confused now, but was nonetheless astounded by what we learned. Rabbi Eckstein is President of the International Fellowship of Christians and

Before founding the IFCJ, Rabbi Eckstein was a successful singer, and sometimes used his musical talents to entertain and boost the morale of IDF soldiers. Jews (IFCJ), and he has been actively involved in promoting ecumenical ties between Christians and Jews for 35 years. He was ordained by Yeshiva University and is recognized as the world’s leading Jewish authority on evangelical Christians. He has received dozens of awards worldwide and was named in June 2010 as one of the top 50 most influential rabbis in America. Eckstein has appeared on numerous radio and television programs worldwide, lectured in some of our nation’s top universities, and has written numerous books, including a book for Christians about Israel entitled “The Journey Home.” Additionally, Eckstein serves as gatekeeper for an IFCJ fund, some $200 million raised each year for Israel by Christian ministries all over the United States, much of that coming from Sunday collections. (Note for our readers: While Judaism prohibits the handling of money on the Sabbath and holidays, allowing us only to make pledges to tzedakah, many Christian churches have the custom of passing around a collection plate during prayer services to collect charity in a practice that they, borrowing the language of the Tanakh, refer to as “tithing.” –ed.) In a July 24, 2005 New York Times Magazine article, writer Zev Chafets, notes that “Some of Eckstein’s Orthodox rabbis would like to exile him for consorting with Christians.” The article continues that for decades Orthodox critics have accused him of being a closet Christian while the The Jewish Observer, the house magazine of the Agudath Israel of America, called Eckstein’s work “a curse.” Abraham Foxman, National Director of the ADL and a prominent critic of Eckstein, accused the Rabbi of “selling the dignity of the Jewish people” by pandering to Christians. Our interview with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein revealed a very different picture. Eckstein’s career has taken some interesting twists and turns, and our paths actually crossed about 40 years ago, when I was producing and writing Jewish music and young Yechiel was singing as part of various Jewish pop groups, sometimes using his talents to entertain IDF troops. He is a soft-spoken, intelligent, motivated and dedicated Orthodox Jew with a true abiding love for Torah and Judaism. He truly believes that his work is part of a G-d given mission to fulfill the mitzvah of making the Jews “a light onto the nations.” It is for this reason that he uses the term “ministry” (a term with which Christians are comfortable but which gives many Jews pause) in describing his work. Eckstein states that he has to speak to Christians in terms that they understand, and

they understand the word “ministry”. Jews work together and form “organizations,” Eckstein explained, whereas Christians get together and create “ministries.” By using another term he may placate his Jewish critics, but it would harm his ability to reach out

The IFCJ supports projects that feed Israel’s needy. Seen here: Kosher for Passover care packages. to his Christian supporters. Eckstein further states that despite some negative reactions over the years, he has brought the majority of the Jewish secular and even religious communities over to his point of view. “The Jewish Community was puzzled by Christians and their love for Israel. In the beginning the main sources of opposition came from the liberal Jewish Community and the secular Federation liberal side, not the religious and Orthodox side. They were concerned about the impact on them from the likes of Jerry Falwell, and the implications of the United States being made into a Christian nation. They were concerned about the key political issues and less so about the religious issues. Says Eckstein: “Their concern was about what the quid pro quo is from this growing group of influential conservative evangelicals who are pro-Israel, and what is the price they want for having their support. They worried about their Political Agenda and such issues as Abortion, Gay Rights etc.” Time eventually showed the liberal Jewish world that there would be no price to be paid either politically or religiously. At a

The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011 meeting with Jewish leadership and Jerry Falwell in Washington, Falwell stated, “I know that my support for Israel embarrasses you, but I don’t do it for you. Because Christians truly believe in this, I am not asking for anything in return, I do it no matter what.” Secular Jewish groups woke up and realized that the Evangelical Christian world was a great source of funding for various Jewish and Israel-related programs and when it became evident that conversion wasn’t part and parcel of the Christian Zionist agenda, rendering the whole enterprise “kosher,” more traditional and religiously-observant Jewish groups came around as well. Eckstein with a big smile turns to us and says that they come for money, and lots of it. Eckstein sits on the Board of various Jewish


Organizations including the well-known Joint Distribution Committee, or JDC. The JDC gets from the IFCJ more than thirteen million dollars a year in order to establish and sustain programs. The money is from Christian sources and everyone “appreciates and honors it,” to use Eckstein’s words. In addition to the JDC, many groups both secular and religious, and even far-right religious institutions are taking money for their projects, some outright and some more discreetly. Eckstein explains that “we fund many Chareidi (‘Ultra-Orthodox’) institutions.” In the various wars in Israel, The IFCJ was there through a fund called “The Kupat Yedidut,” the “Friendship Fund.” In over 160 cities in Israel, millions of dollars in funding were given for specific projects that have no other means of public support, including but

Rabbi Eckstein with JV Publisher David Ben Hooren. PHOTO BY TZVI ALLEN FISHMAN

Rabbi Eckstein working with Jewish villagers in Ethiopia. PHOTO BY KAREN SANDVICK.

by no means limited to health care for the needy, including dialysis for children, and community needs such as fire engines. Eleven million dollars was donated just for just to build and reinforce missile shelters. In other countries around the world, The IFCJ also funds security projects for synagogues and other Jewish communal institutions. In our interview, Eckstein explained that he did not have any problem with the theological differences between Christians and Jews, “as long as they are not trying to convert us,” it is not an issue. Eckstein operates under strict guidelines to accomplish his objectives: “Cooperate whenever possible, oppose whenever necessary, and teach, sensitize and build bridges at all times.” The distinctions between Judaism and Christianity run deeper than the identity of the Messiah, and include differing perspec-

tives on sin and redemption, as well as the purpose of the ingathering of the exiles, and even the very purpose for the Messiah’s coming, be it his second (according to Christianity) or his first (according to Torah). Does this mean that we should not be associating with, receiving chizuk from and accepting money donated by Christians, particularly for causes pertaining to the State of Israel? Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and many others feel that these theological differences should be respected but should not have any bearing on our showing gratitude as a matter of simple derech eretz to the Christian world for its support of Israel. He further feels that the Christian world has so far demonstrated loyal support for the people of Israel and the plight of world Jewry, and that we as a people should accept this support graciously and with the realization that Israel needs all the friends she can get.

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The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

HEALTHY BBQ TIPS OU Presents Second Advanced Kashrut Seminar for AND A GRILLED CHICKEN KABOB RECIPE Women at OU Headquarters Is a woman’s place in the kitchen? Yes, if that woman is interested in the finer points of kosher law and that kitchen is the large facility at the Sheraton Meadowlands in New Jersey. A group of those women will visit the hotel kitchen, where kosher meals are prepared for hundreds of people simultaneously, as part of the second Orthodox Union Advanced Kashrut Seminar for Women, to be presented by OU Kosher, Monday August 29 – Friday, September 2 at OU Headquarters in New York.

methods of food service and industrial kosherization; and general questions on Jewish laws of kashrut, in addition to the site visits. In reflecting on the first Advanced Kashrut Seminar for Women, Rabbi Grossman noted, “I was extremely pleased with the outcome of that program. We were able to educate, on an advanced level, a group of women representing the broad religious spectrum from left to right. They were all united in their quest and apprecia-

he seminar, part of the ASK OU program sponsored by the Harry H. Beren Foundation of Lakewood, will feature lectures on a wide variety of aspects of kashrut as well as industrial plant and hotel kitchen tours, with instruction provided by a faculty of OU experts. “The course will go into the home kitchen as well,” declared Rabbi Yosef Grossman, OU Kosher’s Director of Kashrut Education and program coordinator, “for proper control of one’s own kitchen requires extensive kashrut knowledge.” Space is limited. When the course was offered for the first time in August of 2009, a group of 25 women — some coming from as far afield as Sydney, Australia, Edmonton, Canada and Efrat, Israel — attended sessions on checking vegetables for insects; finding blood spots in eggs; meat and dairy control; identifying and purchasing kosher fish;

“The course will go into the home kitchen as well, for proper control of one’s own kitchen requires extensive kashrut knowledge.”




tion for accurate kashrut information, which OU Kosher’s kashrut experts so adequately provided. We look forward to duplicating that success.” The only cost is a $75 registration fee. For more information, or to apply and set up an interview, contact Avigail Klein at 212-613-8279, or kleina@ou.org. WWW.OU.ORG

BY KAREN MORENO, MS, RD, CD Looking for a grilled chicken recipe? Well, chicken kabobs on the grill are a hot topic these summer days. Enjoy, and healthy Grilling!!! his week’s question is, “What are some tips and rules our readers should follow when it comes to grilling on the BBQ?” I don’t know about you but I love BBQ’s in the summer, it’s one of my favorite summer foods and the best thing about it is that it’s healthy too (as long as you follow some of my tips below). Grilling fish such as tuna steaks and salmon can make for a healthy lunch or dinner and if your grilling meats, stick to lean (turkey breast) burgers, white meat chicken, and lean cuts of steak such as round, sirloin, and flank steak. Also remember that you can grill tomatoes, onions, corn and pretty much any vegetable you like just remember to limit the amount of red meat (and hotdogs) you have this summer. One of the problems though with grilling is that grilling meats at high temperatures can create mutagens known as heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) which can lead to cancer. But don’t worry, if you follow these tips you can grill safely this summer:


• Avoid cooking meats at high temperatures for a long time • Marinating the meat before cooking it can remove compounds that turn into HCA’s (it doesn’t matter how long you marinate for or what’s in it. Even dipping the meat right before grilling it seems to help) • Keep the meat on the grill for minimal time at lower temperatures • Microwaving the meat before cooking has also been found to eliminate up to 90% of the HCA’s if you microwave for 1 ½-2 min (and throw out the juices) then throw onto the grill • Seafood and fish have less HCA’s then meat • Keep the meat moist- drying it out and over grilling creates more HCA • To switch things up a bit, try baking, roasting, or stir frying meats because they create the least HCA • Flip the meat often-flipping every 6 minutes (per side) vs. 10 cuts the HCA production by 70% • Skip the drippings-which contain more HCA then the meat itself • Veggie burgers and cooked vegetables create barely any HCA’s and cruciferous veg-

etables like cauliflower and brussel sprouts may actually help the liver detoxify HCA’s.

Side Tip: You would be surprised to learn that dark meat chicken with skin contains more calories and fat than a hot dog and hamburger: BBQ chicken (2 pieces) 390 calories, 20 grams of fat Hot dog contains 260 calories, 17 grams of fat Hamburger contains 245 calories, 10 grams of fat So, always opt for white meat chicken with no skin, hamburgers made from extra lean beef and if you must have a hotdog, choose the low fat low sodium variety. Here’s today’s recipe!

Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Skewers (serves 4) (Time Saving Tip: You can buy premade chicken skewers at your local supermarket [and marinate on your own] or make your own at home.) • 8 wooden skewers • 16 oz white meat chicken, sliced into 2 oz strips • 4 Red bell peppers, cut into 2 inch squares • 2 medium onions, quartered For Barbeque Sauce: • ½ cup teriyaki sauce • 4 tbsp fresh lemon juice • 2 tsp light soy sauce • ½ tsp each: garlic powder, onion powder, pepper Thread chicken onto skewer, alternating between chicken cubes, peppers, and onions. Set aside. In a bowl, mix all ingredients for sauce. Brush sauce over chicken skewers and pour remaining over skewers. Cover and refrigerate for one hour (or less if necessary). Heat grill and grill chicken skewers for 6-7 minutes per side, or until meat is thoroughly cooked. Serve with a mixed green salad! Nutrition Content (Per 2 skewers with 4 oz chicken): 273 calories 4.5 g fat 1.25 g saturated fat 39 g protein 18.7 g carbohydrates 3.3 g fiber 1637.5 mg sodium 625 mg potassium RECIPE COURTESY OF THEJEWISHHOSTESS.COM

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice

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The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

Bentley Ice Racer Takes On The Hillclimb Challenge At Goodwood

It is a tradition at the Goodwood Festival of Speed to run up the hill of this famous estate. Just about every type of road and racing car make this trek, and the Bentley ice racer is no exception. arlier this year, Bentley set a new record of the highest speed achieved by a car on ice when it hit 205.48 with their 631-horsepower Continental Supersports convertible. The record run took place on a section of the Baltic Sea on a 10mile track, just off the coast of Finland, and the car was driven by rallying superstar Juha Kankunnen. The weather at Goodwood was a lot warmer and the crowd was much bigger for the run up the hill, but Kankunnen delighted the crowd with some quick runs. He said; “Driving this very special Bentley Continental in front of the packed


Goodwood grandstands was a special experience for me. Driving on a frozen sea was a unique challenge and only a few Bentley engineers and my support crew were there to witness the new world record. So it was a pleasure to provide a glimpse of the capabilities of this Bentley to a huge audience of motorsport enthusiasts on a beautiful summer’s day.” However, Kankunnen wasn’t the only celebrity on the Bentley grand stand, as fivetime Le Mans winner Derek Bell was also in attendance. Bell, who now works as a driving consultant for Bentley also made the run, choosing to drive the new Continental GT coupe up the hill. Bell who was part of the winning 2003 Bentley Le Mans team said; “Driving the GT at Goodwood was a lot of fun. The new car maintains all the luxury and refinement for which Bentley is renowned, but is even quicker, dynamically sharper and more powerful than its predecessor.”

The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

MayDay Sends Alerts for Car Crash Victims



New Tag Heuer’s Formula 1 Gulf Edition Watch

The MayDay emergency app can send text or email messages to friends and family in the wake of a crash. Photo by Kobi Gideon/Flash90 BY BRIAN BLUM Israeli space engineer's iPhone app is activated by impact and sends emails or SMS messages to predetermined addresses. eidad Pariente was driving from his home in Tel Aviv towards Dimona for a family get-together. About 20 kilometers north of Beersheva, he passed an accident scene. A young man was being wheeled into an ambulance on a gurney. When he reached his destination, the whole family had arrived - except for his youngest brother. Four hours later, they received a phone call from Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva informing them that Pariente's brother had been in a serious car accident. When Pariente later spoke with his brother, he realized that it had be the very crash he had seen earlier. The wait and the worry had been interminable, and Pariente was determined to do something to allow accident victims to inform their loved ones, even if that person is unconscious. Fortunately, the 41-year-old Pariente knows his way around software development as a long-time space systems engineer who worked for Israel Aerospace Industries for 16 years and was the chief engineer for the Amos 3 satellite. What device would drivers have with them at all times that might be able to sense an accident, he wondered? That was easy: a cell phone. And how would the phone know when a driver was in trouble? Given that Apple's iPhone remains the hottest and fastest-growing mobile device around, Pariente began to delve into its specs. "I quickly realized that Apple had built this amazing piece of hardware with built-in GPS and very high-precision accelerometers," Pariente says. Those accelerometers can judge how fast something - like a car - is traveling, and if there is


a sudden change in speed. The math is a little complicated. "A typical car accident is measured by an impact of 5G for more than 50 milliseconds," Pariente explains. By comparison, the earth exerts a gravitational pull of 1G, while a fighter pilot can travel at speeds generating 7G of force. Once Pariente knew he could measure when an accident had occurred, it was relatively simple to create an app that would send a message to a pre-determined email address or generate up to 50 SMS (short message service) messages to loved ones informing them there had been a collision. The app - known as MayDay - went live on February 22, after six months of development and is now available on the Apple app store.

Works anywhere in the world Activated with a big on/off button, MayDay doesn't send its message until 60 seconds pass, giving the driver plenty of time to turn it off if it's been triggered in error. It makes quite a ruckus, flashing and generating a warning tone that makes it hard to ignore. Another safety precaution: if the vehicle is going under 30 miles an hour, it won't work. That can be adjusted in case a user wants the app to trigger during, say, a fall while walking or biking. Pariente developed this feature after a man who requires a defibrillator contacted him and explained that he really enjoys walking on the beach but, since he never knows when he may have some sort of disruptive heart incident, he always needs to take along a chaperone. MayDay has given the man a new sense of freedom, Pariente says proudly. Despite its life-saving potential, Pariente developed MayDay as a hobby, and it shows:

Continued on page 38


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So many cool watches, so little time. Tag Heuer is celebrating a partnership with Gulf Oil and Formula 1 with the limited edition Formula 1 Gulf Edition Watch. his has already been a busy year for Tag Heuer – they’ve put out a slew of timepieces including the Tag Heuer Monaco V4 Titanium Chronograph, the Tag Heuer Limited Edition Indy 500 Centennial Chronograph, and the Tag Heuer McLaren MP4-12C Chronograph. The Formula 1 Gulf Edition Watch rounds out the collec-


tion nicely, but since the year is only halfway done, we wonder what other watches the company will grace us with before 2011 is over. Based on the steel 44mm wide Tag Heuer Formula 1 Big Date watch, this limited edition timepiece features a Swiss quartz movement and a time, subsidiary seconds dial. With style to spare, the Formula 1 Gulf Edition Watch is outfitted with a black dial, a light gray cross-hatching pattern, contrasting Gulf racing stripes in orange and blue, and the orange and white Gulf logo. Finishing it off is either a steel or rubber strap.



The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011


Palestinian kids, too. I wanted to help them get more exposure."

The multiethnic troupe formed by Idan Raichel is a ‘blend of all those sounds that Israel has been absorbing for the past 63 years.'


he long dreadlocks framing the face of superstar Israeli musician Idan Raichel are his signature to fans across the world, second only to his unique multiethnic ensemble that has rebranded Israeli music for the 21st century. And yet, he reveals in an interview, he'd shave his hair off without hesitation -- for the right price. "I definitely want to cut it," Raichel says, "if someone will donate [to charity]. It would be nice if once a year there would be a day in Israel when [celebrities] donate their hair for different causes." Difficult as it is to imagine the 34-yearold pianist and composer with a shaved pate, the notion of buzzing his head for the greater good is squarely in character. When asked why he has traveled to Rwanda and Ethiopia as a "goodwill ambassador" for the Israeli medical charity Save a Child's Heart, he quips, "It's not that they were impressed with



“This summer and fall, Raichel and his troupe will play in Madrid, Milan, Budapest, Berlin, Timisoara (Romania) and Warsaw, in addition to several California cities. ” _______________________________ my performing surgery. This organization does great work, bringing over 2,600 kids from 42 countries for heart operations [at the Edith Wolfson Medical Center] in Holon --

Growing up in suburban Kfar Saba, Idan started playing accordion at age nine and moved on to keyboards as a teenager. His tastes ran to the exotic -- gypsy music and tangos -- and he studied jazz in high school before winning a coveted spot in the Israel Defense Forces band. After the army, he worked as a session musician and as a counselor in a center for immigrants, many of whom were Ethiopians who introduced him to their musical traditions. Setting up a studio in his parents' basement, Raichel invited 70 friends to join him in producing a demo disc, which was snapped up by Helicon Records. That 2002 album, featuring the hit single "Bo'ee" ("Come With Me") prefaced by Amharic lyrics voiced by Cabra Cassai, was released worldwide by Cumbancha in 2006 and went triple platinum. When concert requests started rolling in, Raichel chose seven of his original collaborators to comprise the Idan Raichel Project, playing what's often referred to as IsraeliEthiopian fusion but has since branched out. The group's 2009 album, "Within My Walls," includes numbers sung in Hebrew, Spanish, Creole, Swahili and Moroccan Arabic, backed by a 24-piece orchestra. The ensemble has a steady core of vocal and instrumental talent. Its most noted singers are Cassai and fellow Ethiopian Avi Wassa, well-known for his Amharic opening to Raichel's wildly popular "Mi'Ma'amakim" ("From the Depths") (see video below), in addition to Maya Avraham, the sultry voice behind the ballad "If You Go." But it's a strictly fluid group. "Musicians always write us, and sometimes we contact those we want to join us,"

Idan Raichel says he’d gladly shed his signature dreadlocks for the benefit of charity. Photo by Bartzi Goldblat says Raichel. "We've performed with about 90 musicians, some of them for just a onetime concert. Lately we had the great honor to record with India Arie. She joined us for some live concerts in New York and the East Coast. And I've started working with a Somalian guitar player." Raichel waves off the risks inherent in sharing the stage with a changing cast of characters representing a wide range of musical styles and traditions. "You never know if there will be chemistry until you try," he says. "One day you're recording with super-talented and professional singers such as India Arie or Shoshana Damari, and suddenly the next day you're recording with someone holding a mike for the first time, but he has a deep truth in his voice and you think, ‘He can make it.' "

CULTURAL AMBASSADORS FOR ISRAEL In 2006, the Idan Raichel Project opened the fifth annual Ethiopian Music Festival in Addis Ababa, the first time Israeli artists had ever performed there. The group has since performed to sold-out crowds from New York's Central Park to Australia's Sydney Opera House. This summer and fall, Raichel and his troupe will play in Madrid, Milan, Budapest, Berlin, Timisoara (Romania) and Warsaw, in addition to several California cities. Raichel frequently stages concerts in Israel; in June, he appeared with India Arie in Tel Aviv. "I hope that in 2012 or 2013 we will perform in Japan and China," says Raichel, who has performed in Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore. Raichel always positions himself at his keyboard at stage left, allowing each member of the ensemble to shine individually while performing the songs he writes, arranges and produces. Raichel says his inspirations come from a variety of places -- the Bible, nature, letters from fans. Despite the group's multiethnic makeup, says Raichel, "We are very proud Israelis.

Wherever we go, people see our music as world music -- but for us it's Israeli music. And in every interview, whether it's for the New York Times or Al Jazeera, we identify ourselves as Israeli musicians. We became, without even wanting to be, cultural ambassadors."

NEW ALBUM THIS SUMMER He humbly acknowledges his role in shaping the Israeli sound, which is new on the world scene. "Tourists mostly knew about the hora [folk dance], and later on others brought their own heritage -- Ofra Haza brought in Yemenite chants, Chava Alberstein brought in Yiddish culture, and now we're bringing the heritage and the roots, the blend of all those sounds that Israel has been absorbing for the past 63 years." On July 13, the Idan Raichel Project's long-awaited live album, a triple CD, is due for release. "Many fans asked for this," says Raichel. "I've been recording concerts for two years and I just took the best of them." It will include extra tracks of never-released material, and rare acoustic shows. Five years ago, when Raichel realized he'd be in great demand for media interviews around the world, he changed his email and SMS settings to English and asked people to be patient as he mastered the language. But he has no intention of ever leaving Israel permanently. "It's a very Israeli thing to always come back home," he says. "I love to play outside of Israel and I love to take a walk in Santa Monica or in Barcelona after concerts, but you should always know where you came from and where you're headed to and to whom you will give your final report when your day will come. Sometimes I ask singers, ‘When your day comes to pass away, where do you want to be buried?' Israeli artists always say, ‘I want to go back to the homeland.' Well, I'm not waiting till then; I want to be here now." ISRAEL21C.ORG

THIEF SNATCHES FAMOUS PAINTING FROM HELLY NAHMAD GALLERY A 1917 work of art, valued at $350,000 was stolen from Helly Nahmad Gallery in Manhattan’s famed Carlyle hotel. The “Composition aux elements Mécaniques,” painted by the influential 20th Century French cubist Fernand Léger, went missing between 3:00 and 5:00 AM on Tuesday, June 28. Video surveillance in the hotel shows a man walking into the Carlyle, and coming out with a bag a short time later. he thief stuffed 10 inch by 8 inch painting into a bag and made his escape by car. A detective dusted the area for fingerprints, hoping to find a lead. However, the detective explained, a crimi-


nal’s hands coming into contact with a crime scene do not guarantee that investigators will be able to recover useable fingerprints. Police do hope, however, to uncover some sort of DNA evidence, which will, with a little bit of luck, give the investigation a muchneeded push. The Carlyle is a sophisticated, posh destination frequented by the famous and wealthy. France’s glamorous first lady Carla Bruni was among the hotel’s guests last year. Word of the theft spread quickly throughout the art community. “Everybody in the art world already knows that painting’s gone,” said one employee. “That is horrible.” No arrests have been made so far.

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice

Parshat Balak: Balaam and Dostoevsky BY RABBI DR. TZVI HERSH WEINREB Frustration. Disillusionment. But also insight and a lifelong intellectual perspective. That is how I would describe the experience I am about to share with you, dear reader. t all started with Dostoevsky. That’s right, Fyodor Dostoevsky, the famous 19th century Russian novelist, author of Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov, and much more. His works were strangely not part of the curriculum of the high school I attended. I came to his writing on my own. How impressed I was! Here was a writer who really plumbed the depths of the human psyche. He grappled, not only with profound



“I was stunned to discover that this perceptive, sensitive and gifted man [Dostoevsky] was…. a vicious anti-Semite. I had great difficulty in reconciling the discrepancy between the art – sophisticated and empathic; and the author, full of primitive hatred, which I experienced as aimed at me. After all, my ancestors lived in the towns and villages he describes – and not long ago!” _______________________________

moral issues, but with questions of existential religious significance. I vividly remember reading Notes from the Underground, astounded by the fact that a gentile author, living in Czarist Russia, had so much to say to a Brooklyn yeshiva boy. And then I learned a bit about

Dostoevsky’s background. I was stunned to discover that this perceptive, sensitive and gifted man was… a vicious anti-Semite. I had great difficulty in reconciling the discrepancy between the art – sophisticated and empathic; and the author, full of primitive hatred, which I experienced as aimed at me. After all, my ancestors lived in the towns and villages he describes – and not long ago! I experienced this disillusionment time and time again in subsequent years. In college, I became enamored with the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, who was often acclaimed as the greatest thinker of the 20th century. Then I learned of his support for the Nazi regime, and I could no longer bring myself to even open his books. This experience was repeated later in my education when I became familiar with the psychology of Carl Jung, only to discover his complicated relationship with Jews and Judaism, and his pro-Nazi sentiments. What an exhaustive list of gifted men who possessed such talent when it came to humanity, yet who were so absurdly tainted by their active aversion to our people. It extends back in time to Martin Luther, persists through the music of Wagner and the history of Toynbee, and is certainly not lacking for contemporary examples. Truth be told, the list goes back even further, to this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Balak, and the extraordinary and fascinating man named Balaam. If there is one lesson to learn from this week’s narrative of Balaam and his encounter with the Jewish people, it is this: A man can be a universally acclaimed spiritual leader, and a gifted poet and orator with prophetic powers almost identical to those of Moses, and simultaneously be a vile anti-Semite, capable of genocidal schemes. Read this week’s parsha very carefully, for there is an essential message in it. The message is that we dare not assume that we need only fear anti-Semitism at the hands of maniacs, fanatics, or ignoramuses. Quite the contrary! Sophisticated, educated and highly cultured individuals can also detest us and conspire to destroy us. This is the lesson of the Holocaust. True, Hitler was hardly an intellectual or artistic giant. But his evil genius lay in his ability to realize that the most advanced civilization in the history of the world would eagerly abide



Summary of Haftorah:

Haftorah Balak (Michah 5:6 - 6:8)

This week's Haftorah is from Micha. Micha prophesized around the year 3200 during the reigns of Achaz and Chikiah. The prophecy in this selection relates to the period prior to the war of Gog and Magog and the coming of Mashiach. he nations of the world will have assembled against Israel, and the Jews will know that their salvation can only come from G-d. G-d's power will be revealed to everyone and a time of peace and tranquility will envelop humanity. Armies and defenses will no longer be necessary to protect the Jews and the nation's war machinery will be disassembled. Micha was then commanded to chastise his generation for violating G-d's will, despite all the goodness He had bestowed upon them. In the final verses of the Haftorah, the prophet tells the nation that true atonement can only be attained through change and action. The ceremonious aspects of devotion, such as sacrifice and prayer, will not accomplish forgiveness. Justice, loving kindness, modesty, humility, and active change are the services that G-d desires. The connection to our Parsha is the mention of Balak and Billam as examples of G-d’s caring and protection for the Jewish people. The story of Parshas Balak involved G-d protecting us from our enemies even when we were totally unaware of their insidious conspiracies and intentions. Prior to the coming of Mashiach, the Jews will realize that their safety is dependent upon G-d and G-d alone, just as the Jews in the desert were totally dependent upon G-d's continuous protection and intervention.



by his murderous vision. He knew how this was just the veneer of German art, literature, philosophy and, yes, religion. In terms of this week’s Torah portion, he knew what Balak knew: That there are individuals with: • Strong religious commitments: “I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God to do anything small, or great.” (Numbers 22:18); • A direct spiritual channel to the Divine: “And God came unto Balaam at night, and said unto him…” (ibid. verse 20) • Inventive skills sufficient to create a phrase

which we ourselves adopted to preface our daily prayers: “ How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob…” (Numbers 24:5). But in actuality, they are no more than “hired guns,” and beneath the façade of the “gentleman” lies the “agreement” to discriminate, persecute, murder and exterminate an entire people. It is a difficult lesson to accept. But our history has long established its deep-rooted veracity and its urgency, clearly based upon the story we read this Shabbat. TO READ MORE ARTICLES AND ESSAYS BY RABBI WEINREB, VISIT HIS BLOG AT WWW.OU.ORG/RABBI_WEINREB.



The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

Israeli Medical Device Prevents Stroke from Heart Surgery BY KARIN KLOOSTERMAN It's a classic Catch-22: A revolutionary, minimally invasive heart repair procedure now being investigated in America, and already being performed by European doctors, could save the lives of older people who might not be able to withstand open-heart surgery to repair their heart valves. However, up to 15 percent of all patients undergoing this procedure -called TAVI, for transcatheter aortic valve implantation -- suffer a stroke on the operating table. oreseeing the risk years ago as TAVI was being developed, Israeli cardiologist Dr. Dov Shimon invented a novel way to prevent stroke, which happens when hardened bits of calcium come dislodged during the TAVI procedure, passing through the heart and going into the brain. His innovation is a filter against these embolisms. Fitted onto the aortic arch, the medical device, now under development by the Israeli company SMT Research and Development in Herzliya Pituach, ensures that particles do not get into the blood flowing to the three main vessels leading from the heart. The company of seven was founded in 2005 and has already raised $15 million, $10 million of which is from the healthcare equity fund OrbiMed. It is running its first human clinical trials in Europe, and similar clinical trials are to begin in the United States in 2012. In 15 surgeries performed in Holland using the SMT device, not one stroke has occurred.


A successful deflection system Inserted before the operation and removed shortly after, the SMT filter appears to successfully prevent hardened artery materials from coming dislodged during TAVI, which holds great promise for many patients because it is performed through an artery in the leg. "Studies of the last two years have shown significant incidence of stroke with this pro-

cedure," SMT CEO Paul Zalesky tells ISRAEL21c. "These valves are so diseased that big chunks of calcium [break off] when they go in to do the procedure. Sometimes this material is knocked off, and breaks loose and goes into the brain." The SMT solution offers "a deflection system that sits on top of the arch of the aorta so any material will be deflected and not go to the brain," he says. Zalesky, who travels widely, and divides his time between Israel and California, recently presented the technology at the Paris Course on Revascularization, the second biggest conference in the world for cardiologists. Physicians there told him they are eager to start using this device, he reports, but it must first get approval from the US Food and Drug Administration before it can be mass marketed. Dr. Pieter Stella of the University Medical Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands, got a sneak preview by participating in the clinical trials. "The SMT device is the first embolic protection device that I have seen that offers coverage of all three primary vessels feeding the brain. I have been pleased with our early results, and believe that the SMT deflector will help to ensure the continued market expansion for safe, effective TAVI procedures," he says. WWW.ISRAEL21C.COM

Study: Cinnamon Inhibits Alzheimer’s Disease BY GIL RONEN Cinnamon has properties that inhibit the development of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a mouse model study carried out by researchers under the direction of Prof. Michael Ovadia of the Zoology Department at Tel Aviv University’s George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences. everal Life Sciences Faculty laboratories participated in the study, including those of Prof. Ehud Gazit (TAU’s Vice President for Research and Development), Prof. Daniel Segal, and Dr. Dan Frankel, and their students: Anat Frydman Maor and Aviad Levin. The research findings were recently published in the scientific journal PLoS ONE. Prof. Ovadia had found, in the course of past research, that an extract from the bark of


the cinnamon plant possesses the ability to inhibit the infectivity of “enveloped” viruses, such as influenza, herpes, HIV, and other viruses. A later study showed that the same extract (one that is highly ultraviolet absorbent), also inhibits the accumulation of the β-amyloid (Aβ) polypeptide assemblies that cause neuron destruction and result in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. The study was conducted in two stages. In the first, in vitro stage, the researchers demonstrated the ability of the cinnamonbark extract to inhibit formation of the toxic intermediate β-amyloid oligomers and of Aβ fibrils. It also became apparent, to the researchers’ surprise, that the extract was able to disassemble large intermediate oligomers and Aβ fibrils that had already formed. Thus, the extract may retroactively

Continued on page 38

TYLENOL RECALL Johnson & Johnson announced a recall of 60,000 bottles of Tylenol extra strength due to musty, moldy, odor linked to trace chemical. he trace chemical that is most likely the culprit of the hideous odor, is TBA (2,4,6-tribromoanisole). The lot ABA619, manufactured in


February 2009, is the only one affected. TBA is a chemical by product used on shipping pallets. However, TBA does not pose a serious health threat, but exposure to the chemical may cause gastrointestinal problems in some people. If you are using this product, it is advisable to stop, and contact McNeil Consumer Healthcare at 888-222-6036, or email at www.tylenol.com for further information and a refund.

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice

Does English Literature Have a Place in Yeshiva? Absolutely! BY DAVID LEV You wouldn't necessary think that familiarity with Shakespeare would be something a Talmud teacher or even a Yeshiva high school principal would need, but Amy Gelbart, chairperson of the English Department of Herzog College in Alon Shvut, which is now offering a major in English literature, thinks otherwise. here is a big demand for male English teachers in Yeshiva high schools, and those teachers often double as ramim (Talmud teachers) and even principals,” she says. Besides, teaching – and learning – English isn't just about English; it's about getting an understanding of the heartbeat of Western culture, and man's place in the world, as seen through the eyes of the “classics” of Shakespeare and others. Of course, a program like this could only happen at Ya'akov Herzog College, Alon Shvut; for over 40 years, the college – affiliated with Yeshiva Har Etzion – and started at the urging of roshei yeshiva Rabbi Yehuda Amital and Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein, whose doctorate, from Harvard, is actually in English literature!. The college seeks to develop an intelligentsia for the national religious community, providing teachers and academic experts with Torah point of view. “Creativity is an important value that we stress in all studies, especially in the English Literature major,” says program director Gelbart. “We prod students to write poems and engage in creative writing projects, conduct workshops, and hold other creative activities. Learning is about growing, and educators, especially, need to be aware of the importance of expanding their outlook and experience, because that is an attitude that will rub off on their students.” A sampling of the kinds of material students in the program will be studying was on display at a recent symposium hosted by Dr. Gelbart at Herzog, called “Literature and Jewish Culture: Convergence and Divergence.” Speakers include Dr. Yael Ziegler of Midreshet Moriah, whose talk was titled “Megillat Ruth and the Art of Storytelling,” and Prof. William Kolbrener of Bar-Ilan University, who spoke about “Milton and Israel: The Hebrew Areopagitica.” Also speaking were Rabbi Lichtenstein himself, and Rabbi Yuval Sherlo, whose topic was “Responsa on the Web: A new literature or a change in Halacha?” Participants in the symposium were extremely enthusiastic about the presentations – so much so, says Gelbart, that “they didn't want to go home


when the evening was officially over; they just kept asking questions of the speakers, and I had to literally cut off the discussion because it was so late!” For male yeshiva students who are interested in teaching English – a growth area, says Gelbart; Israeli schools have a hard time finding qualified teachers – the program is perfect, because “it is the only English Literature major that is gender-separate.” And while the idea of English Literature as a career track may sound like a strange one for "avreichim" and an unlikely one to be taught in too many yeshiva high schools, where one would expect the emphasis to be on learning the basics of English, not the cultural heritage of its literature, Gelbart says that it's not strange – or unlikely – at all. “First of all, the Education Ministry has restored the literature component to the bagrut matriculation tests, so some students may actually be tested on this material,” Gelbart says. “For that you need teachers, and we would expect any teacher to know more then their students – even in a setting where the school's curriculum is not going to delve into the likes of Shakespeare and Milton.” In order to be an effective teacher – English, Talmud, Oral Torah (Toshba) or anything else – you need an education that allows you to understand the interconnectivity of culture, if only by way of contrast with Jewish culture, ancient or modern, says Gelbart. “For that, you need what is essentially a liberal arts education, where you learn not only facts, but learn how to understand – and teach. That's what our program is all about – creating a teacher who can lead students, and using English Literature as a springboard for that.” ISRAELNATIONALNEWS.COM




The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

Study: Cinnamon Inhibits Alzheimer’s Disease ... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 36 correct damage that has already occurred, meaning that, should it eventually be used prophylactically against Alzheimer’s disease, it might also be useful in restoring functions impaired by the accumulation of oligomers and/or fibrils. In the second stage of the study the researchers tested the substance on experimental animals commonly used in Alzheimer’s research − fruit flies genetically altered to produce the Aβ peptide, and transgenic mice with five mutations that lead to the rapid development of Alzeimer’s disease. In both models Alzheimer’s disease shortens the affected animals’ lifespan and causes either a reduction in their normal activity or induces aggressive behavior. When the cinnamon extract was added to the flies’ food or

to the drinking water of the mice, it inhibited the development of Alzheimer’s disease: subsequently, the treated animals resembled healthy members of their species, both behaviorally and in terms of longevity. Why cinnamon? Prof. Ovadia’s answer to this question is a surprising one. Fifty years ago he won second place in Israel’s National Bible Quiz for Youth. One of the quiz questions had to do with the composition of the holy ointment with which the High Priests − the Kohanim − anointed themselves before making ritual animal sacrifices. “I had a blackout and almost lost the points, but fortunately managed to remember the components mentioned in the Ki Tisa portion and answered correctly just before the gong sounded,” Prof. Ovadia recalled. "I

would recollect that question with dread whenever I read this Torah portion.” “You have to take the bad along with the good, however, and now something good has come of it − one day it occurred to me that there must have been a good reason to provide the Kohanim with protection against the severe infection that can result from contact with animals and the blood pooling around them. Because most of the components of the anointing oil are unknown to us today (“sweet calamus,” for instance), I focused on cinnamon. And, in fact, we succeeded in isolating from it a substance with important medicinal properties, as noted above.” Prof. Ovadia, who had already gained recognition for his work with snake venoms, thus decided to strike out on a different path

and study the properties of cinnamon. Prof. Ovadia: “There is a problem with this − raw cinnamon also contains substances that are harmful to the liver. Whereas one may consume 6 to 10 grams per day without damaging the liver, to reap the substance’s medicinal benefits, however, one would have to consume tens of grams per day at least, which starts to become dangerous. For this reason we developed a means of extracting the active substance from the cinnamon and separating it from the toxic substances.” Tel Aviv University has submitted a patent application for the substance and its activity, via its technology transfer company, Ramot.

Ishmael. They also have claimed that several ancient Jewish sites, such as Rachel's Tomb at the entrance to and the Temple Mont, actu-

ally are Muslim holy places, although Islam was not founded until only 1,400 years ago.

“The Israeli energetic independence does not relate only to gas,” he said. “Oil is important by itself because there is no full tradeoff between gas and oil, so it’s important to pro-

duce Israeli oil in order to supply it to aircraft, tanks, trucks and many other methods of transportation. The more successful we are, the better it is for the country.”

with 911 emergency services, so that Magen David Adom or the Red Cross would be alerted immediately if there's a crash. "Statistics show that if medical help reaches a person within an hour, the chances are high that the person will survive, no matter the severity of the injuries," Pariente explains. He will be presenting the app publicly for the first time at a conference later this month organized by Israel Transport Systems and the non-profit Or Yarok (Green Light).

In the meantime, Pariente has his hands full running the Hod Hasharon-based consulting company Spacecialist, which specializes in space industry "insurance." It's COO, space engineer Maya Glickman, is his wife. "We're the only husband and wife team in Israel both working in the space industry," he says. Pariente's brother, by the way, has fully recovered from his accident and is back at work - undoubtedly with MayDay now installed on his iPhone.


Arab MK Wants Punishment to ‘Nakba Deniers’... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 promised them they would return quickly following the expected swift annihilation of the fledgling Jewish state.

Arab Muslim clerics also have changed several Biblical concepts, such as calling the Binding of Isaac (Yitzchak) the Binding of

Givot Olam Begins Shomer Shabbat Oil Drilling... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 ty over here,” said Maj. Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, who serves as an external advisor for Givot Olam. “We took the opportunity to present some of the future steps as we’re

planning for the next two years and for the years after that.” Eiland emphasized that the entire Meged 5 project is made in Israel.

MayDay Sends Alerts for Car Crash Victims ... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 33 Only 260 copies of the app have been downloaded, all of them a "light" version that costs $1.99 and sends emails but not SMS's. Pariente considers SMS the killer feature, no pun intended. The pro version of MayDay, which costs $4.99, just went live in mid-May and includes 50 prepaid SMS's. The app works anywhere in the world. "You can be traveling in Thailand and if you're in an accident, your friends will know it," Pariente says. Surprisingly, the country with the third most downloads is Saudi

Arabia. "Apparently they don't know it's an Israeli-made app." Raising MayDay's visibility MayDay suffers from an inherent lack of buzz. "It's not a game or a cool app," Pariente says. "It's more like an insurance policy which you buy but hope to never use." Pariente's best bet could be to weave the app's functionality into a larger software or hardware offering, such as a dedicated GPS navigation device. An even more promising alternative would be to integrate MayDay

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice


Iran Ridicules July 4th: America is Not Independent... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 Israel.” PRESS TV also charged that recent acts by Congress, such as the Patriot Act in 2001 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Amendments Act in 2008, violate Americans’ rights. It also asserted that the U.S. President Barack Obama violated the U.S. constitution by authorizing military

attacks in Libya even though there is no “actual or imminent threat to the nation.” The government-funded website also noted, “For the past few centuries, the Fourth

of July has been celebrated with fireworks, parades, picnics, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, concerts, baseball games, political speeches and ceremonies.”

Congressional Leadership Paid Tribute to Jackson-Vanik Amendment at Shuvu Luncheon... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Ambassador Michael Oren, Senator Chuck Grassley, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, Assistant

Democratic Leader James Clyburn, Chairman Darrell Issa, Chairman Peter King, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Ranking Member

Sandy Levin, Ranking Member Dutch Ruppersberger, Rep. Eliot Engel, Rep. Ted Deutch, Rep. Marcia Fudge. The Group

offered special thanks to Rep. Nan Hayworth of New York State who graciously hosted the luncheon.

Nasrallah: Israel Behind Hariri Killing and UN Indictments... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 was toppled as Lebanon's prime minister earlier this year, had agreed to a set of demands, including abandoning the STL process, if he could stay on as premier. Nasrallah said he would reveal the document to the public at a later date if the need arose, but that the message conveyed to him

was that it was approved by the Saudis, French, British and US. 'Disrepuatable' accusations Earlier Ali Larijani, Iran's parliamentary speaker, said that the STL was "political" and "disreputable" and that its indictment against Hezbollah members is of no importance.

"The court is so disreputable for anyone to pay attention to its results," said Larijani from Azerbaijan, where is is travelling on official duties, the Iranian parliament's website reported. Larijani accused the court's ruling of being influenced by the United States.

"The Americans feel they have been slapped in the face and they are seeking to make up a story" by indicting Hezbollah members, Larijani said. Hezbollah, an influential political party in Lebanon, is considered a terrorist organisation by the United States.

their financial promises,” he said. “This is regretful.” Abed Rabbo said that the crisis would not prevent the PA from proceeding with its plan to ask the United Nations in September to recognize a PA state along 1949 Armistice lines. "We can't rely on negotiations to end the occupation because Israel does not want negotiations.” Abed Rabbo said.

But the Arab world's reaction to the PA statehood bid at the United Nations has been tinged with quiet skepticism and Western donors – whom Fayyad asked for $5 billion to launch a state – have largely rejected his request for funds and reacted negatively to the attempt at unilateralism. Jordan has openly said it will vote against PA statehood at the United Nations in September.

Fayyad Shoots for Beggar PA State... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 we could not borrow more from the banks, we were forced to pay half salaries,” he added. Fayyad claimed that the PA has always been able to meet its debt requirements, even when the deficit has reached more than 1 billion USD, but failed to mention that the PA's shortfalls are often covered by Arab states who step in to bail it out. He voiced hope that Arab countries

would still step in and help the PA overcome the crisis – saving it yet another time. PLO Secretary-General Yasser Abed Rabbo told Voice of Palestine that the PA was surprised by the Arab countries’ “failure” to assist it and accused them reneging on their promises. “The situation has become very complicated for the Palestinian Authority because of the failure of the Arab countries to fulfill

Foreign Airlines Resist EU Emission Control Regulations... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 world. If the industrialized countries still want the developing countries to impose curbs on their industrialization they would have to offer compensation. China has another weapon in its arsenal, namely the fact that its growing air traffic

requires new planes and the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus is dependent on these orders. The Chinese, and indeed the airline industry as a whole, have said that it is better that the money go to the purchase of new and less polluting planes than on the

proposed penalties. The thinly veiled threat is that if forced to pay the pollution tax, these countried will simply have to cancel orders for European made planes. Additionally China has always been zealous about its sovereignty and independence and therefore the

regulations will be self-defeating: "The EU's attempt to force the rest of the world to conform to its own system is sure to undermine the international cooperation needed in the historic battle against climate change.".

Pentagon Asks Congress to Re-Allocate $5 Bil. for Libya War ... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 only vehicle that can recover an Abrams tank on its own. This buy will extend production of the vehicle to 2014, according to the document. Money is also needed to modernize Army Maneuver Combat Training Centers to help the Army shift from training strictly for counterinsurgency operations to combating a more diverse set of threats. The Army also wants to shift $45 million to test existing combat vehicle technology, which should help the Army's Ground Combat Vehicle program, the Pentagon request says. "The effort will examine sensitivity of cost and integration maturity for elements like survivability, capacity, armament, mobility, and other key requirements," the document says. The reprogramming document also includes hundreds of millions of dollars for classified programs. For each funding transfer, the Pentagon supplies an offset. Sometimes where the money is coming from is more interesting that where it is going. Much of the money is available due to improved efficiency and reduced reliance on service support contractors, according to the document. Harrison called this a good sign for the Pentagon's efficiency initiatives, because it indicates that at least some of the savings the Pentagon has budgeted for may be real. However, the more difficult savings to generate may take much longer, he said.

For example, the Army is requesting to transfer $13 million to consolidate its data centers, as mandated by the president to save money and energy. According to the document, $45 million are available because the Army has reduced its requirements for the Ground Combat Vehicle. The service now estimates it will need $413 million to award up to three technology development contracts in June/July 2011. Another $51 million has been freed up because the Army has decided to delay a Materiel Development Decision to modernize the Bradley fighting vehicle until completion of a Combat Vehicle Portfolio review. Another $49 million is available because the Joint Air-to-Ground Missile program is behind schedule, according to the document. Continuing Resolutions provide another big pot of money, because for months they funded the Pentagon at 2010 levels. For many programs, this funding level was higher than required, resulting in excess money in some areas and too little in others. The best news in the entire document is tucked away in one line: $3 million is available "due to a lower than anticipated casualty rate, which has reduced death gratuity payments."




The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

The Devil in New Jersey For most people the mention of a New Jersey brings to mind the hockey team based in the Meadowlands. In fact the team is named after a legendary creature that was first reported about 260 years ago in the Pine Barrens of NJ. There are many legends about the devil (not to be confused with the devil as found in some religious beliefs) and there has developed a cult following with people searching the Barrens for signs of the creature. he Jersey Devil's Birthplace is generally regarded to be in Leeds Point, in what is now Atlantic County. Differing legends put the birthdate at 1735, 1778, 1850, 1855, and 1857. The remains of the old Shourds house, reputed to be the birthplace in Leeds Point, can be found in the woods, locals say. Naval hero Commodore Stephen Decatur fired a cannonball through the Jersey Devil in the early 1800s at Hanover Iron Works in Hanover. Legend has it the gaping hole did not effect the Jersey Devil, which flew casually away. Joseph Bonaparte, former King of Spain and brother of Napoleon, made a sighting of the Jersey Devil while hunting on his estate in the early 1800s. He had finally settled in New Jersey under the name of the Count de Survilliers (Americans tended to call him Mr. Bonaparte)--taken from his Mortefontaine estates—in early 1817. He acquired title to over 1000 acres of land near


The Jersey Devil, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, January 1909. Bordentown, on the Delaware River. Many reported Jersey Devil raids in 1800s, include an 1899 raid on Vincentown and Burrsville, during which many sheep and chickens disappeared. The largest spate of Jersey Devil sight-

This crumbled ruin of an old stone house is ground zero for Jersey Devil fans. It's where Mowas Leeds allegedly gave birth to the beast many years ago. Take the Garden State Parkway south to Route 9. Take Route 9 south toward Smithville. Turn left on Rte. 561. The Shourds House is somewhere off on the right side of the road, about 2 miles down. Beware, there are no markers for it. ings took place in January 1909, when thousands of residents of more than 30 towns in and around the Delaware Valley saw the fiend. In Burlington, panic gripped the city after the Devil's hoof prints were found in backyards and on snowy rooftops. The same week, in Jacksonville, hunters organized a posse, but their dogs were too scared to follow its tracks. In Gloucester City, a man watched the Jersey Devil cavort on the roof of his woodshed for 10 minutes. He described the creature as "three and a half feet high, with a head like a collie and a face like a horse. It had a long neck, wings about two feet long, and its back legs were like those of a crane, and it had horse's hooves." A telephone lineman working in a desolate Pines spot near Pleasantville was chased up a telephone pole by the Jersey Devil. He stayed there until a co-worker arrived and shot the Devil in the wing, wounding it. The Devil escaped into the surrounding woods. The Jersey Devil attacked a dog in Camden, relinquishing it only when the pet owner charged at it with a broom. The devil dropped the dog and flew at the broomwielding woman, then disappeared over a fence. The monster had torn a chunk from the dog's flesh. In 1951, in Gibbstown, the bloody-faced Devil shocked a 10-year-old boy. A posse tried to hunt the creature down, but failed. Witnesses described it as a "hairy man" towering over 7 feet tall. In 1987, in Vineland, a German Shepherd was found chewed and torn apart, lying 25 feet from its chain. Around the body were strange tracks that no one could identify. In 1973 NJN did a documentary called "Mother Leeds' 13th Child". For anyone in Jersey, you can borrow it from any branch of the Ocean County Library.

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice


The Atlantic City Historical Museum is open daily (check on major holidays) from 10 a.m .to 4 p.m., and is Free to the public. See beautiful exhibits and video presentations. They also have a gift shop.


Three exhibition galleries change monthly and bi-monthly featuring artwork by contemporary artists and artisans of national, regional and local renown. Free Admission and Parking Open 10 AM - 4 PM, 7 Days a Week. Closed on National Holidays



The Noyes Museum of Art is the place in southern New Jersey for people to meet, explore and enjoy art. The Noyes displays a growing collection of American fine and folk art, an exceptional collection of vintage bird decoys, and outstanding special exhibitions featuring works by leading regional and national artists. If you become a member (There is a Fee) then admission and Free. Otherwise admission is $3 -Children under 12 free


Somers Mansion was built around 1725 by Richard Somers, the son of an early area settler. The three-story brick dwelling, the oldest house in Atlantic city is almost 300 years old!!! The house contains beautiful 18th century furnishings Call for hours. Admission is Free

101 HUNTER RD TITUSVILLE NJ 609-737-3299

Howell Living History Farm is a time machine that takes you back to the year 1900 - a time when horses and buggies traveled the lanes of Pleasant Valley. When you visit You could build a barn, or deliver a lamb, or bake a loaf of bread from wheat that you grew yourself. Kids can play with the animals or help sweep up the barn. Admission is Free to this wonderful farm.


Over 100 species of wildlife are housed in the beautiful setting of this well maintained zoo. Food concessions are available as well as Picnic areas. Open Daily year round 9 - 5 Admission is Free


The unspoiled beauty of nature is the main attraction at Cattus Island County Park. The park, which is Free to the public, spans almost 500 acres and has miles of hiking trails. Come bird watching on boardwalks through wetlands. You can also go crabbing, cross-country skiing and fishing. Handicapaccessible, nature trails, picnic area, playground, restrooms and scenic overlooks.


See some of the rarest and finest seashell specimens in the world. In the Shell Yard more than 10,000 varieties of seashells can be seen. Admission is Free


See marine animals up close. The Center has responded to over 2500 strandings of whales, dolphins, seals and sea turtles that have washed ashore over the years. Whenever possible, the animals are brought back to the MMSC for rehabilitation and eventual release. Rehabilitation can last up to several months and cost thousands of dollars for a single animal. Come see the current animals and learn about them for Free


See displays of the areas history and of plant and animal life. The center also offers a wide variety of Free public programs including Night Excursions, Bird Watching Reptile and Amphibian Walks, Herb Garden Talks, Lectures and much more.





The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011

MYSTERY SPOTS IN AMERICA Mysterious spots pockmark the tourist landscape, promising to show Nature and Physics gone berserk. Mystery Spots offer an amazingly similar menu of wall-walking, seat-balancing, body-shrinking and growing tricks; most are placed suspiciously near interstate interchanges and bloated tourist meccas. he drama of the unexplained is best conveyed by an old codger, wise to government coverups and the shifty vagaries of science. Listening to the ravings of the expert at the Mystery Spot Santa Cruz, California, is half the fun. Unfortunately, many mystery spots fail this crucial test, employing 14-year-olds to convince skeptical summer visitors of their spot's veracity. "Scientists think it's caused by the 'igmmeous' rock in the hill, I think. . . " offered one bored, gum-clicking expert. For our money, America's premier mystery spot is the Oregon Vortex near Gold Hill, Oregon, open to the public since 1930. Tennis balls really do seem to roll uphill here, brooms really do stand on end. After subjecting many spots to rigorous, very scientific tests, our Mystery Spot Test Kit ™ indicates that the Oregon Vortex is the most disturbed. What causes the mysterious goings-on here? No one knows. One theory is that a great beam of "high velocity soft electrons" exits the earth through the vortex. Another claims that a giant underground device produces the weird effects.

Mystery Spot MI

Address: 150 Martin Lake Rd, St. Ignace, MI Directions: I-75 exit 344. Drive west on US Hwy 2 for a couple of miles. North side of road. Hours: Daily summer 8 am - 9 pm; fewer hours and days off-season. (Call to verify) Phone: 906-643-8322


Oregon Vortex OR Address: 4303 Sardine Creek Rd., Gold Hill, OR Directions: I-5 exit 40, right at end of ramp then left on Hwy 99. Go through town, then right onto Sardine Creek Rd. 3 miles, left at the fork, then another mile to the Vortex. Hours: Open daily: Jun-Aug 9 am - 5:15 pm; Mar-May Sep-Oct 9 am - 4:15 pm. Phone: 541-855-1543

La Jolla Gravity Hill Skeptics usually write off the effects observed in Mystery Spots as nothing more than optical illusions manipulated to mysteriously lighten the wallets of tourists. But when was the last time you enjoyed a vacation accompanied by a skeptic? For the true believers, there's always a trendy scientific theory on the gift shop shelves, explaining how TIME speeds up and S-S-L-L-O-W-W-W-W-S-S-S down in a vortex, depending on where you stand and when. One man who apparently knew the secret of the Oregon Vortex -- John Litster - studied its effects first-hand for more than forty years. He even claims to have corre-

sponded with Einstein on the subject. What he uncovered no one will ever know, for he burned all his notes before his death. "The world isn't yet ready for what goes on here," he warned.

La Jolla Gravity Hill

Mystery Hole WV Address: US Hwy 60, Ansted, WV Directions: West of town. On US 60 at mile marker 44, just west of Hawks Nest State Park. Hours: W-M 10:30 am - 6 pm (summer); _______________________________

The first thing that makes this hill interesting is that you roll forwards up the hill, not backwards like all the other hills I've tested. It looks like a dud at first glance compared to some other hills, but your vehicle will crest the hill you are rolling "up" then proceed on a long downhill stretch where you will eventually have to stop your vehicle yourself -run out of road. This roll uphill to a downhill thing really trashes my current ranking system, but that's how 'scientific research' goes, I suppose. The uphill to a downhill section also provides the highest speed of any hill tested to date, 33.1 mph, and the longest roll, .28 mile. Worth the trip if you are in the area.

Marfa Mystery Lights Mysterious green/yellow lights found on a stretch of US Hwy 67/90. They can best be seen looking southwest across Mitchell Flat, in the direction of a low range known as the Cuesto del Burro mountains. Many scientists have studied the lights and none have an explanation. The mysterious lights at Marfa were first reported in 1883, and still stump scientific observers -- at times explained as camp fires, phosphorescent minerals, swamp gas, static electricity, St. Elmos Fire, and Ghost Lights. The blobs of illumination appear on clear nights. A historical marker is located at the prime viewing vista, a parking area right off of Hwy 90 -- which is also a prime makeout/hook-up spot. We advise against attempting to use a flash when photographing the mysterious lights, or even the historical marker.

There are many strange palces that will tickle your fancy around the country here is a short list of them:

Santa Cruz Mystery Spot CA Address: 465 Mystery Spot Rd, Santa Cruz, CA Directions: East of Hwy 17, off Branciforte Drive. Hours: Summer 9 am - 7 pm, Winter 10 am - 5 pm. (Call to verify) Phone: 831-423-8897

“Skeptics usually write off the effects observed in Mystery Spots as nothing more than optical illusions manipulated to mysteriously lighten the wallets of tourists. But when was the last time you enjoyed a vacation accompanied by a skeptic?” _______________________________ reduced hrs/days off-season; wknds only Apr. Phone: 304-658-9101

Cosmos Mystery Area SD Address: 24040 Cosmos Rd, Rapid City, SD Directions: North of Keystone two miles on US 16, then east one mile on US 16 toward Rapid City. Or from Rapid City, go South on Hwy 16 past Rockerville until you see the blue entrance sign for the Cosmos before US 16A. Phone: 605-343-9802

Anti-Gravity House TX Address: 1000 Prospect St., San Marcos, TX Directions: Wonder World Cave and Park. Southwest side of town. I-35 exit 202. Northwest on Wonder World Drive, right on Hopkins St., left on Bishop St., right on Prospect St. Phone: 512-392-3760

July 8, 2011

The Jewish Voice

Grand Canyon Rafting Trips Feature Unique Side Hikes

There is more to a Grand Canyon rafting trip than “shooting” the rapids, or lazily floating down the Colorado River. There are numerous side canyon hikes accessible only from the river’s edge. hen pondering a Grand Canyon Whitewater rafting trip, many people simply envision….white water. While the whitewater rapids are thrilling and provide a wild ride, there are many unique aspects that come together to form the whole experience of a Colorado River trip. A Grand Canyon rafting vacation is generally a great combination of hours spent on the water, relaxing in camp and taking off river hiking excursions. Grand Canyon Whitewater guides want to make sure that their guests get to know the Grand Canyon in a truly unique way, and can recommend and lead a variety of hikes depending on what guests are interested in, available time and conditions in the Canyon. The Grand Canyon has countless side canyons that feed into the Grand Canyon that make for memorable off river hikes. Many of these side canyons have water in them that contributes to the Colorado River, such as the Little Colorado River. Taking a hike through The Little Colorado River side canyon provides an opportunity to see water that is a truly amazing shade of blue. When the Little Colorado River has been undisturbed by rainfall drainage, the water is an opaque baby-blue color that beautifully swirls into the green of the Colorado River as they intersect. Many of these hikes are exclusive to those who are rafting the river, and can only be accessed from the river’s edge. Seeing the Grand Canyon from the river offers a unique perspective to begin with, but when you are able to take advantage of these exclusive excursions, you truly get to experience the many faces of the Grand Canyon. Imagine


taking an easy walk up a beautiful sandstone slot canyon whose depth provides refreshing shade. Blacktail Canyon is a serene spot so inspiring that a visitor will sometimes break out a guitar or a poem to share. “The Patio” is another place to relax, this time in the shade of huge cottonwood trees after hiking to the top of the thundering 100-foot Deer Creek waterfall. Side hikes allow river runners to see parts of the Grand Canyon’s history as well. Step into Redwall Cavern, a huge natural amphitheater originally discovered by J.W. Powell, who claimed the cavern could hold 50,000 people. Bring your flashlight and explore within the Marble Canyon Boreholes, where the integrity of the rock was tested for a potential dam site; a whitewater rafting trip is a Grand Canyon geology tour as well. Only those on the river will see the plaque commemorating Willie Taylor as the 100th person to travel the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. Imagine how many have navigated the river since then! And of course, there are hikes to spots where ancient inhabitants made their homes. A stair-stepper hike leads to Nankoweap Granaries, the ancient Anasazi granaries in the Redwall Limestone where the ancestral Puebloans stored their grain, seeds and food. Looking downstream is the most published photo of Grand Canyon from the river. Newspaper Rock at Tanner Rapid is a short stroll to some incredible Anasazi pictographs. Grand Canyon Whitewater guides are both, constant students and teachers in the Canyon, and love to discover and share what they have learned with their fellow travelers. Venturing out into side canyons, experiencing waterfalls and creeks, geological phenomenon and signs of ancient civilizations all add to any visitor’s knowledge and understanding of how truly spectacular the Grand Canyon really is.



New Hampshire’s Old Man Resurrected, If You Squint

In May 2003 the “Old Man of the Mountain” fell off a cliff in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire. It was a natural rock formation that looked like a craggy face, so loved by its state that its profile is still used on New Hampshire license plates and road signs. lans were discussed to somehow revive the Old Man. Sticking something back on the cliff was seen as both disrespectful and impractical, since the Old Man only survived his later years with the help of a maintenance team equipped with anchor cables and epoxy glue. Instead, a memorial was conceived that would give people some idea of what it was like to look up and see the Old Man. It was announced that it would open on the five-year anniversary of the collapse.


In fact it took a little over eight years, but now “profiler plaza” is open. The “profilers” are seven upright steel rods set into a semicircular granite base at the site of the former Old Man overlook. They look like strange, black street lamps with bumpy tops, random and meaningless. But if you stand just so on the plaza and squint at the exact spot where the Old Man used to be, the bumps on the profilers align to recreate its outline. Future generations will now know that New Hampshire’s icon was actually kind of small and never as spectacular as its reputation. But they’ll also have the interactive experience of standing at a specific spot to see an otherwise meaningless jumble of bumps and angles turn into the face of an Old Man. Until the profilers fall down.



The Jewish Voice

ISRAEL BAGS 51 MEDALS AT SPECIAL OLYMPICS UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS FOR ISRAEL’S JEWISH, ARAB ATHLETES Israel won 51 medals, including 17 golds, at the Special Olympics, which closed this week in Athens. he games are for athletes with special needs and are part of the organizers’ ongoing effort “to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.” Israeli President Shimon Peres lauded the unprecedented achievements of the Israeli delegation. “You have proved that something we call a disability is not so cut and dry. There are other ways to display capabilities and give ______________________________


hope to those who suffer,” Peres said in a call to the team. The Israeli competitors claimed 17 gold medals, 18 silver and 16 bronze. The 85strong group of Jews and Arabs participated in track and field, aquatics, cycling, tennis,

OMRI CASSPI MOVES TO CLEVELAND Israeli basketball star Omri Casspi has been traded from the Sacremento Kings to the Cleveland Cavilers, filling the place once held by Lebron James. asspi was traded by the Kings for J.J. Hickson, along with the Cavs receiving Casspi, they will also acquire a 2012 lottery pick originally from the Houston Rockets. This is an interesting move as it comes so quickly after the 2011 NBA draft, but it is a move in the right direction in my opinion. Casspi was a solid contributor for the Kings over the last couple of years and a player that could have a major role on an NBA team in the near future, but Hickson addresses a need at forward for the Kings and is a smart move. J.J. Hickson was somewhat of a bust last season for the Cleveland Cavaliers as he struggled to play as well as he did as LeBron James’ sidekick, but failed to reach expectations when the super star left for Miami it is thought that he could have a promising future with his new team in Sacramento. With rookie Jimmer Fredette, star point guard Tyreke Evans and up-and-coming center DeMarcus Cousins now in the fold in Sacramento the Kings could have a solid chance of becoming relevant in the NBA for the first time since the Chris Webber era. Generally, it is thought the Kings won that trade (they got the better player). But there is also certainly some interest around the league in the Israeli Casspi, as Marc Stein of ESPN noted on twitter. According to ESPN's Marc Stein, the New York Knicks and San Antonio Spurs checked in on Omri Casspi's availability after he was traded to Cleveland.



Israeli President Peres: “You have proved that something we call a disability is not so cut and dry. There are other ways to display capabilities and give hope to those who suffer.”

July 8, 2011

Clising ceremony of the Special Olympics 2011 in Athens. table tennis and bowling. As in developed countries around the world, there is a healthy debate in Israel regarding education for people with special needs. As many as 10 percent of Israeli children have special needs. Many Jewish and Arab families choose to send these youngsters into the general education system, while others opt for special schools. This right to choose was enshrined in law in 1988. Government work in this field is backed up by many charitable organizations that help increase the opportunities for people with special needs. Not only does the Israeli government offer support for people with special needs at home but also overseas. MASHAV, the international aid branch of the Foreign Ministry, provides medical care to people across the developing world. In addition to establishing field hospitals and more abroad, the organization also brings medical professionals to Israel to study areas including early childhood development, psycho-social intervention and community health in rural and urban areas.

Casspi was traded by the Kings for J.J. Hickson Word is Knicks/Spurs are still hot for Casspi and checked in to see if they could wedge their way into last trade fun of 201011. But … Cavs told ‘em they traded for Casspi with intent to keep him. GM Chris Grant says Cavs have liked Casspi since Kings drafted him in 2009 Interesting. If the Cavs do decide down the line they need to make another move to get a specific piece, don’t be shocked if Casspi’s name comes up in the rumors. There is interest in him from teams around the league.

The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011



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MANHATTAN Washington Heights Bright apt share with religious male, cheerful, light 4.5 room apt, safe well kept building, own room and own bath, Near shuls, kosher shops and subways, share kitchen, must be shimmer shabbos and keep kosher rent. Negotiable 212-942-0981 917-916-0981 1060

NEW YORK STATE. House for sale. Adirondock Park: 2500sqft, 4BDRM, 3 bath, large loft 7.84 acres w/r iver front, open floor plan, deck, attach garage, Private, quiet. 937-689-5990 See WebID NS1103221664 of the NY Times. 1080

1060 Exclusive Park Avenue - Executive Space. Two executive corner offices now available in the Plaza District. Perfect opportunity for the professional seeking individual space. Finely furnished offices in this Class A share present a turn-key opportunity and room to grow with admin & support workstations outside your door. No broker’s fee. Available for viewing & immediate occupancy. 917-526-3629

West End Ave: 90’s, classic beautiful prewar newly renov 4 room ground flr apt, DR will convert to 2nd BDRM, 12.5ft ceilings, eight huge windows bring in gorgeous light, hrdwd floors, AC, pet friendly, pieda-terre, you will absolutely love this location! Asking 1.5M; Maintenance $1000/mo. Please no brokers. Call 914-384-3600 1050

Unfurn apt/ Manhattan: Canal Street 83 (Corner Eldridge St.) 414 sq ft. NO living $12000/Mo No FEE 212-736-6888 x113 Call Marvin 1060


1060 Upper East Side NEWLY RENOVATED 1Br APTS NEW APPL; AVAIL IMMED No Fee! FOR $2,000 to $2800 Call Glenn @ 917-941-0210 or Email SEANGLENN47@yahoo.com

1060 UPPER MANHATTAN RENTALS. Newly renov 2 BR apt $1322 Elevatored/ laundry bldg. Heat & hot water inc/ nr Subway. Must meet income & credit req. Call Mgmt 212-994-2246 or 212-994-2247

Manhattan 90’s & Bdwy $850 March 1st – Mid flrs, Elev bldg, Huge RM. 2 windows on Bdwy. Comp, Furn incl, TV, internet, dvd. All util & serv incl. 212-749-2549 1060

1060 EAST HARLEM Between 109th & 110th Street. !st Ave, 2 BR apts $1950 & one store for rent. $2100. Available immediately. Call owner at 917-848-7540

Manhattan West End Avenue, 90's, classic beautiful pre-war newly renovated 4 room ground floor apartment, dining room will convert to second bedroom, 12.5 foot ceilings, eight huge windows bring in gorgeous light, hardwood floors, AC, pet friendly, pied-a-terre, you will absolutely love this location! Asking 1.2M; maintenance $1000/month. Please, no brokers. Call 914-384-3600 APT FOR RENT/NYC: Studio apt: Studio apt near UN. Doorman, fitness room $1700 Heat, hot water, incl. 212-749-5060 1060


Apartment For Sale

Office/Commercial/ Business For Rent





MANHATTAN TRIBECA, 20 Warren St MINI MALL, Lower level btwn B’way & Church St. 8’X8’ booths for rent. Free basic elec & Adv. $1K/mo 917-579-5655 1090

86th St. West: pre-war, doorman bldg, BRIGHT 2 BR Hi, Flr, NO FEE. $3900/mo 212-724-8774

Manhattan: For rent, 1 BR and 2 BR and 2 BR apts for short or long term. Furnished or for short or long term. Furnished or unfurnished Available. Please call: 646-996-6643 or 212-410-4957


1060 Near side Drive, unfurnished BR, util incl, $985/mo A/C, TV + GE Incl. Retired male pref, credit ck. 917-848-6160

E 65th Street FS24HrDM No Fee!!! Huge Lux 2 Bed/2 Bath. Top-of-the-Line Kitchen Excellent Closets $5,900 Ronit Uziel @ Uziel Group 212-891-7136 Prudential Douglas Elliman


Apartment For Rent 1080

MANHATTAN 1060 NY APT FOR RENT. Wall St Area waterfront renov 1 BR w/ balcony, lux hi rise condo. 24 hr doorman, all amenities, $3700mo. Owner 973-540-0220

1090 555 8th Avenue, New York NY OPEN 24 HOURS/7 DAYS with full time professional security. Great REASONABLE space avail 4258-7366 RSF. Bldg renovated, incl new windows, A/C, sprinklers, light & bright w/sep freight ent on W 38th St. Call owner 212-695-0005 or main office at 718-387-0500

APARTMENT FOR SALE, NYC: 350 Cabrini @ 190th St. , 10040 $289,900.00. 745 SF, 1 BDRM, New Paint & Floors Bright, near Ft. Tryon Park. Open Every Sunday from 1 – 4. Contact (917) 612-3973


1050 CPW ( 100th St ) Condo Jr 4 Oversized 1 Bdrm with conv dining alcove, raised 1st fl, 6 CLOSETS, full service building, low monthly expenses, $745K Julie 917-453-5330 fenwickkeats.com

Coop for sale NYC: Central Park West aerie stu ceil miles of brit open cty vws, piedaterre/ starter, steps frm cpw, lux lob, pets gym laun 24 cons/ drmn 9 17-549-5021 Email: dmichele@gmail.com For pictures 1050

1050 CONDO FOR SALE NYC: 96th St W 275, 9H Condo by owner, 1 BR mint. New kit & bathroom, terrace, pool, health club. $750K, Maint $735/mo. Open house Sun 1/30 @1:30-3pm 917-561-8054

~THE MILAN~ @ 300 E 55 - 26C New to Market! Mint 3 Beds/3 Bath + DA, Hi-Floor Amaz City + River Views, Top-of-the-Line Windowed Kitchen + Custom Built-Ins W/D in Apt ~ $11,500 Ronit Uziel @ Uziel Group 212-891-7136 Prudential Douglas Elliman

~Tower 53 Condo~ @ 159 W 53 – 15H Corner Huge Lux 2BR/1.5Baths Windowed Kitchen w/ Stainless Steel Appliances + DA w/ BuiltIn Marble Server’s Bar Low Maint + Tx. Utilities Included. $859K Lisa Mansour @ Uziel Group 212-891-7282 Prudential Douglas Elliman

1090 Office for rent 8th Ave #555 NYC Midtown Manhattan Open 24/7 w/ security West 38th st.. Convenient to all trans 5-11-4150 RSF Will Divide, Reasonable Prices Very Bright, High Ceilings. Great for Showroom/ Offices Owner (212) 695-0005 (718) 387-0500

Midtown Manhattan: OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT, a congenial group of diverse professionals share on office suite in a prestige, 24/7 Class A building in great locations with magnificent East River views on a high floor, with impressive natural light, we have two exceptional offices available for a one year or possibly longer rental. One office is 14x15, the second office 12x16, both offices also have adjacent secretarial spaces available. Attractive receptional area, conference room, phone system, wi-fi, copier, file space. Call Barness + Barness LLP 212-752-3575 1090

Office/Commercial/ Business For Sale


MANHATTAN 1090 Financial District: Beaver St 2nd Floor, 2500 sq ft, avail imm. Debra Rosenfeld 212-604-4744 1095 PRIME MIDTOWN LOCATION: 2500SF, btwn 5th/6th Ave. Close to all trains. Good for ofc & showroom. Please call 917-815-0788 or 917-496-3529

Real Estate Bridge Loans For All Property Types CALL 917.913.0000 or e-mail:


2 FURNITURE STORES FOR SALE: Owner retiring. 1) Clinton St. Lower Eastside Manhtn, 2)Broadway, near Flushing, BKLYN. Call Al 631-860-1437


UWS: 25Ft wide, 542 West 110th St: Vacant building air rights, ideal for non-profits, single family, home, school. Asking 3.995M Call: 212-696-2500 Ext 7223. Massey Knakal Realty Services. 1095

Business for sale Restaurant: Classic running, cozyFrench/Brazillian, well located, 74 seatbar and outside terrace, 5 to 10 yrs lease option. Call 347-753-0427

Midtown Manhattan: Beautiful 4 story building, 10,500 sq ft with 3 flrs of night clubs, 1 kitchen, 3 bthrms, 3 DJ booths, 4th flr, 1000 sq ft, owners apt. building can be delivered vacant. 516-483-6045

Apartment For Sale 2045

BROOKLYN 1170 Ocean Pkwy: Charming 1 BR in beautiful luxurious doorman building. Apt is in pristine condition & radiates with natural sunlight. Pool, laundry & Sabbath elevator. $164K For apt call David 347-249-9302 2045

2 spacious and modern co-ops 1BR 1530 East 8th Street Asking $165K 545/mo maintenance. ALSO 1170 Ocean Parkway Asking $195K 1,000/mo maintenance Please call David 718-336-2021 2045

Midwood: 2 spacious and modern co-ops, 1 BR, 1530 East 8th St, $165K maintenance, 545/mo. Please call David at 718-336-2021


2045 Co-op Midwood 1680 Ocean Avenue 4BR, 1.5 bath. Totally renov $425,000 Prudential Douglas Elliman RE Robert Nicoletti 917-679-2685

2045 Ave I/ East 29th St: Large 1 BR, newly renovated, new kitchen ad bath. 2nd flr. Low maintenance. Asking $159K 347-850-4886

2045 Boro Park: 22 Webster Ave #3C Open House, Sun 4/10, 14PM. Spacious 1BR, new modern EIK with appliances, LR, large DR, extra closets, low maintenance. Priced to go!! 718-501-4003

2045 1170 Ocean Parkway: Charming 1BR in beautiful lux doorman building. Apt is in pristine condition and radiates with natural sunlight. Pool, laundry and Shabbath elevator. $209K for apt call David 718-938-3248

Ocean Pkwy / Ave L: *Mint L-shaped Studio…$75K also for rent $1100. *Front 1 BR, new kitch/bath…$109K *Sunny Jr 4 with large patio…$199K All apts in luxury 24 Hr doorman bldg with pool & CAC. Maint incl all util. OCEAN PKWY/ AVE M *Sunny mint 1 BR, low maint…$185K *Mint 1BR, patio, low flr & mnt $199K *Huge front 3BR, patio, low flr & mnt $375K All apts in drmn bldg with garden area. Close to trans & shopping. BRIDGEVIEW RLTY 718-375-1920




For Sale

BROOKLYN 2020 Marine Park: Prime, 1 block from park, renovated, semi det. Tudor home, 3 BRs, 1.5 bths and windows, new porches, fin Basement, driveway. Asking 639.9K. Call owner 917-873-3395 2020 Marine Parkway: 1650 MARINE PARKWAY: Amazing deal! Beautiful spacious home, new renovations throughout private driveway, near shuls and park, shopping, trans and more! 5 BR, 4 bth, 2 kitchen, finished basement, guest room, family room. Asking $929K. Call 848-525-7703

The Jewish Voice



July 8, 2011

REAL ESTATE 2020 Marine Park: 3807 Avenue R, East 38th, Ryder detached private driveway yard, 4 BR, 1 BTH 1800sf + 589K. 646-732-6620

Boro Park: 2 family house for sale newly renovated with finished basement and backyard 1st floor 2BR 1bTH 2nd Floor 3 BR 1 BTH R & H Realty 718-232-2550 2020

2020 Flatbush, Ocean Pkwy: Foreclosure exclusive 30,000 sf, land approved ready to build for many condos. Parking avail. Call Yvette at Magic Realty 516-702-6300

House for sale or rent – Brooklyn, Flatbush. E20’s one family 40x100 house. 5 BDRM/ 3 ½ baths, solid brick home with slate roof. Master suite on 1st fl. Drive in garage with radiant heat. FSBO 917-239-6270


2020 Boro Park: 58th St/ New Utrecht Ave 2 story frame plus basement and lot. R5 Zone, building 20x60 plus lot 20 x 62. Total lot 40x62. Asking 699K. 4 Reasons RE 718-238-8222 2020 Gravesend: OPEN HOUSE – Sun 1-3pm: May 22nd 702 Gravesend Neck Rd. 2 family corner, 5 rms/ 5 rms/ 5 rms new finished bsmt. 2 car garage. Reduced $789K. Fran Rizzo agt 646-207-5087 2021 Midwood: For sale, 1 family, 4 bedrooms detached. 40x100 lot Bedford Ave. BY OWNER. No Brokers. Please call JOYCE 917-721-3438

Ave N-O/ East 23rd St: Newly renovated, 1 fam semidetached brick, 3BR, 3 bath, LR with fireplace, finished basement w/full bath, private drive/garage. 917-596-6932 2020

Open House 3/20 2147 59th st btwn. 1+3 Fully detach brick Owner motivated Joseph 917-613-1443

Boro Park: 50’s Dahill Rd. New on market. 8 rooms, 2 family brick. $779K negotiable. Krone Realty. 646-286-6208


CROWN HEIGHTS New York State Public Auction JUNE 22, 2011 Min Bid $700,000 836 Prospect Place, Crown Heights 3200 SF 3 story residence 5 bdrs, 2 bths, 2 car garage fenced yard OPEN HOUSES May 4 & 24, June 9th 11:00am to 2pm Also available at auction Camp Gabriels in the Adirondacks, Schenectady Armory, Schenectady house FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. NYS OFFICE GENERAL SERVICES 518-474-2195 www.ogs.state.ny.us 2020

Fisk Terrace: OPEN HOUSE: Sun, March 6th 2:00 – 3:30pm 807 East 19th Street $910,000 #583 853 East 18th Street. $850,000 #586 www.MaryKayG.com 718-282-3141 2020

Midwood: 1325 East 29th St, Stylish 3 BR, colonial with both classic and contemporary updates. Large rooms at a spacious interior. Accentuate this lovely home. Close to all shopping and houses of worship. Century 21 Amiable 718-479-5600 2020

Midwood: 1325 East 29th St, Stylish, 3 BR colonial with both classical & Contemporary updates. Large rooms at a spacious interior. Accentuate this lovely home. Close to all shopping & houses of worship. Century 21 AMIABLE 718-479-5600 2020

2020 Midwood: $695,000 Great 3BR semi, DR, 2bth, 113 lot. Neuhaus Realty 718-979-3400 www.neuhausrealty.com

Brooklyn/Midwood: 1 Fam house. 3 bdrm, 1.5 bth, LR, DR, EIK. Near Ocean Ave & Ave M. $1900 + Gas & electric. Call 718-894-7728



Marine Park: 3807 Avenue R: East 38/ Ryder: Detached private driveway, yard, 4 BR, 1 bth, 1800sf + 589K. 646-732-6620 2020

East 23rd St/ Ave S: Beautiful, 1 fam det 3 BR, near shuls, By owner, No brokers. $650K. OBO Must sell. Call 305-751-0412


Marine Park: 3807 Avenue R. East 38/Ryder OPEN HOUSE SUN 4/17 2-5 PM, detached private driveway, yard, 4BR, 1 bath, 1800sf. $589K 646-732-6620

East 20’s/ M&M: 1 Family detached 40x100, finished attic, private drive. Nice block, great neighbors. 917-863-4708 2020

PRE-SCHOOL FOR SALE: Marine Park area. Amazing opportunity. Licensed, equipped, all set to go for this year. Call today 201-898-8977 2050

Marine Park: Low East 30’s S/D, 1 farm, 3 BR duplex, master bath, full DR, full DR, Kosher EIK, finished bsmt w/full bath, C/A Mic, no brokers. 718-637-1386 2020

Midwood/ Marine Park. Ultra modern s/det brk, fin bsmt, 3BR duplex, $735K. Legal 2F. 917-748-7780 bkr 2020:

2020 Ave L/ E.32: Excellent condition, 3 BR, 1 ¾ baths, modern kitchen, LR, DR, fin bsmt, gar, new vinyl siding, all Anderson windows. Asking $510K. Call James 718-938-3326 2020 EAST NY, BROOKLYN: Large 2 Family Brick, semi quiet block, needs work. Asking low $3K 646-753-1400

-OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY 12-2PM Midwood 1385: E 2nd, 2 Fam + Fin Bsmt, 3 kitchs & 3 baths. Madison 1432E 2nd, 1 fam det 3BR Duplex. 33x100. Madison 1640 Madison Place. Det Brick 5 BRs, 3 bths, 38x100 Lot. Century 21 SAVALOT 718-336-1144 2020

Boro Park: 2305 12th Ave, open house, every Sun 3-5pm. Asking 1.369M or best offer. 5-2BR apts at $1250/mo + Store @ 1700/mo. Please Call: 347-554-8282 2020


Avenue U/East 4th St: Concession space available together with Love to Dress, behind Coquette Kids. Call owner: 917-913-0000


2040 Boro Park 17 Ave/55th Street Mod dental/medical office available P/T or F/T. More than 2000 square feet. 4 operatories. Fully computerized and equipped. Nice waiting area + reception desk, kitchen and storage room. C/AC and heat. Excel oppty with no investment. Rent negotiable. Security deposit required. Credit check. Lease. Available June 1. 718-435-0045 9080 Williamsburg: 5000sqft warehouse for rent on Spencer Street between Park and Myrtle Avenue, suitable for school, shul/retail/ warehouse. Please call: 718-998-2767 2040 Boro Park: 1000 – 3000sqft, beautiful space. Serious inquiries only. Please call management. 718-855-2000 or 845-270-1213

BORO PARK 42nd Streer/12th ave double car garage. rent for storage only. $300/mo. call owner 917-593-0707 2040

OCEAN PKWY & CHURCH AVE: Medical space y owner. From 500sf to 400sf. Rent from $1000/mo 718-338-6300 artesq@gmail.com Brokers Welcome

Warehouse for rent, near BROOKLYN COLLEGE. 4000sq ft with 20ft ceilings. 2nd flr office space. Currently has refrigerated storage. Call 718-258-0006 2040

Educational & profl space for rent. 4 Classrooms, 2 offices & use of gym. Corn Ave I / Coney Isl Ave. Bus stop on corn. For info call Alice 718-377-4400 or Mr. Weiss 917-301-2898


2040 Williamsburg: Beautiful office for rent. 1,200sqft. Ready to move-in. Price Negotiate. Call 917-250-4899

VIDEO CONFERENCE ROOM available for daily and/or weekly rentals. 26 Court St. Downtown Brooklyn. Joe Schacter 646-529-3632 2040

EAST, NY: Kid Kelly boxing gym space available for karate, yoga, aerobics or fitness class. Call 718-495-5710 or 917-589-6568 2040

2040 New cubicle space in the heart of Boro Park. 2nd floor officw with 4 cubicles, each comes with internet, telephone and all util incl. Fax & copier avail on per use basis. Bath & kitchenette available As well. $350/mo 212-400-7934 ext703


SCHOOL SPACE: 4 large bright clsrms plus gym plus offices. Ave I & Coney Island Ave. Avail September. Call Alice 718-377-4400 or Mr. Weiss 917-301-2898 2040

PARK 58TH STREET/ NEW UTRECHT AVE 2 story frame plus basement and lot 20x60 plus 20 x 22 total 40 x 62 Asking 699K 4 SEASONS RE 718-238-8222 GRAVESEND: New const 1000sf, full bth, adjacent to physical therapy ofc, ideal for medical. 718-382-8881 2040

Psychiatrist seeks office sublet for Wednesdays in Boro Park. Private waiting area necessary. Call 516-330-9776

2040 Ave U/ East 7th: Renovated approxiametly 350 sf, storefront, prime location. Ideal for professional office or small store. 718-938-9899

Office/Commercial/ Business For Sale


BROOKLYN Boro Park: 18th Ave/ 54th St: WAREHOUSE / Retail space for lease / rent. 7,000 sq ft. Building For sale. Call owner: 917-440-7280


ESTABLISHED Daycare: FOR SALE. Great Opportunity! Call 718-339-0755 or 718-677-7028 2050

PIZZA SHOP: For Sale in Midwood, Brooklyn. By owner. Call 718-253-1896 or 347-522-8896 2050



Office For Rent. MARINE PARK OFFICE SPACE. Corner bldg, 1200sq ft. Good for professional/ day care, etc. Delivered vacant. Long term lease avail. $2500/mo + utils. Owner 646-3025001 or 646-302-5003

Rare opportunity! Motel for sale. 40 large rooms with kitchens. Ideal for yeshiva or institution. Call 917-365-2037


BUSINESS FOR SALE: TRENDY WOMEN’S BOUTIQUE. Brooklyn. Great location. Very busy. Near nail salon. Established clientele. Fully equipped. Must sell – Moving out of state. Great price! Call owner: 347-424-7460 or 718-513-6664


Boro Park: Hi 30’s for sale by owner, corner building. 1 story, 80x85 lot. 1.5M Call: 347-424-1500 Lv Msg


2050 Brooklyn warehouse for lease by owner. Ground flr, loading docks for three 50ft trucks. High ceilings, brick bldg, 24 hr surveillance, pvt entr, plenty of parking space, minyan in bldg. Exceptional oppty 3,100 sf $3000 or 2,000sf $2500. Free heat! Free electric! Tenant must build own office inside space. Price is not negotiable! Only serious enquiries please. Contact: 718-940-1597

BROOKLYN Ocean Parkway and Church Ave Medical space by owner from 500 sf to 4,000 sf rent from $1,000/mo rooms available @$500/mo call 718-338-6300 artesq@gmail.com Brokers Welcome





718-921-0500 718-7483741 East 7th Street/ Ave T: Modern elevator building, 1 BR, windowed kitchen and bath, low floor, shabbot entrance, price $189K. Call owner 917-751-7974


Marine Park: Storage only excellent condition finished basement runs length of house $275 negotiable, references required, 1 month rent plus 1 month security call owner 718-375-8785 If you can’t leave a message please call again 9040

2040 Kings Hwy/ E 9th: 2nd Flr, corner building, 18 x 24. 750sf, c/9 $1800. Also 18x24 430sf $1,000. Izzy 917-533-7889

Marine Park: detached rare extra, 2 family, 3 BR, $695K. Midwood: Semi Detached. 3 BR, 2 bth, $415K. 514 Ocean Pkwy: Co-op, 1BR, $165K. Call Robert 917-399-6374 or 718-646-3600 Coldwell Banker. Mid plaza


STORE FRONT / SUNSET PARK: Prime office/Retail space, 900 sq ft great location, prime bus area, split level business, 2 flrs, very busy intersection, 39th St + 5th Ave. Bus stop on every corner. $2600 a mo includes tax/ lease term. Call mgmt 718-288-2922 2040

2050 GREENPOINT COMMERCIAL BUILDING – FOR SALE. Approved kitchen . 2 floors plus basement / Hi ceilings 14,000 sq ft, fully equipped. Everything in TOP CONDITION. 917-331-0671

For sale or rent – Rstrnts, Bars & Clubs Kings Plaza – Brooklyn, NY – 6yr old bar / restaurant, 10 yr lease w/option , back yard, full kitch, 1400 sf + bsmt, open options, $200K/business, $4000/rent + 9500sqft, bar also avail. Contact Joe 917-862-5214 2050

2050 KINGS HIGHWAY EAST 9TH ST 2nd floor coner office space for rent new c/a 18x42, 750 sf, $1800. Also 18x24 430 sf $1000 Izzy 917-533-7889

2035 Madison/Bedford Ave/Btwn R+Quentin: Price reduced! Large rooms, EIK, LR, DR, 4 BR, 3bth, 40x100lot. Legal rental. Over garage. $1.1M. Negotiable. Ruoff Realty 718-945-3362

Ave L/E 12: 2 family + basement, 2 car garage. 20x58 (25x90lot). REALTOR 646-391-4211 Foster Ave, East 30th: 2 fam, 4 BR, 2 bth, bsmt. 17.83x40 (17.83x82 lot) Sheepshead Bay: Newly renovated 3BR, Duplex house, front and Back porch, LR, DR, EIK all Applncs. Private parking Included. Curtis 516-316-8658 2035

Apartment For Rent 2010

BROOKLYN 2010Midwood: Furnished room in private house FOR RENT Male preferred $400/month, Utils included Near Q & F trains (917) 841 5821

2050 Rare Oppty! Motel for sale, 40 large rooms with kitckens. Ideal for Yeshiva or institution. Call 917-365-2037


2050 Boro Park: Beautiful office/warehouse avail. 1,000-12,000sf. Also 28,000sf avail on ground flr. 12 ft hi ceil. Sep entrance optional. Call 845-270-1213 or 718-855-2000




2020 Midwood: OPEN HOUSE Sunday 10/17, 2-4:30pm, 1503 East 22nd St. Detached 1 family with office, 5 BR, 3 bth, kosher kitchen, parking broker 917-912-8669

Office/Commercial/ Business For Rent

Boro Park: 12th Ave + 42nd Street: Double garage for rent, for storage only. $300 per month. Call 917-593-0707 9050

SEAGATE: Beautiful 2 family, new construction, semi detached house. Private drive. 3 BRs/ 1 BR terrace. Full basement. Ask $759K Call agent 718-680-9633

2020 Bedford Ave/ Near Madison HS: 2 fam, large LR, DR, EIK, den, finished basement, private drive. 3 gar with full multiple unit above. Rouff Realty. 718-945-3362

Boro Park, 13th Ave: Top location, professional offices for rent. 2000sf and 1400sf for rent, elevator building and parking. 718-438-3736


Williamsburg: Heart of 111 Lee Avenue: Bts Keap and Hooper. ALSO doctor’s office wanted. Call 917-335-6001

EAST FLATBUSH – 3 bedroom, 3rd Fl of 3 family. Close to trans & shops. $1700 mo. Credit ck. Principals onlyOwner 917-613-7545 2010

Far Rockaway 2m/8M/12,000 square feet for storage or rent. Gas, heat, Low tax, high ceiling. 718-945-3500 Cell 516-697-2296 2010

7050 SEAGATE: Hotel Services available for weekend get togethers (ie: shabbatorim, simchas, events, meetings, etc) Reasonably priced. Avail imm. Call owner 718-714-0028 2010 Bergen Beach 1 BR walk in LR, DR, EIK near transportation, shopping and more $1100 including heat call owner. 718-209-2146 or cell 347-713-2619

East 2nd/Aves N+O: Garage for rent. Good for 1 car. Shomer Shabbos. 718-614-9233 or 718-627-6155


Ave T , West 4th St: House for rent. Upstairs + Downstairs. 2 BR, 2 bth. Newly renovated, nr trans (F+N Trains). Backyard & driveway (backyard parking avail) also near shopping. $3000/mo. Call owner 718-266-0496 2010


2050 East Flatbush. 2 Family plus store. Store vacant. $70 OBO. Call 917-803-8702



For Rent

BROOKLYN 2035 Bergen Beach: 6.5 rooms, 3 BRS, 1.5 bths, good condition. $1600 utilities not included. 718-238-6381 or 917-968-5684

2010 Kensington: 3 BR, 1.5bths heat incl, 2 flights up, balcony, 3rd flr, private brick house. Reasonable. Shomer shabbos. 718-972-3473 2010 Ave X/ E 7th: 1 BR apt, EIK, close to beach, Q + F train + express bus, refrigerator, brand new stove. Mint condition private house asking $950/mo 718-332-2849 2010 Georgetown: 1 BR apt, new kitchen, new windows. Parquet floors. $1200 Call owner. 917-412-5184 or 718-306-2582


The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011



REAL ESTATE 2010 Georgetown: 1 BR for rent, newly renovated and furnished excellent condition. Good location near transportation shopping and more short/long term avail. Call 917-696-0000

Apt for rent Brooklyn: Madison / Midwood / Sheepshead Bay. Studios 1,2,3 BD’s $800-$2600 Courtland Real Estate. Jack 917-596-6507 Mark 646-359-6323


SUNSET PARK RENTALS Newly renov 1BR apt, $1150. 41st between 4th and 5th Ave. Must meet income & credit req. Heat & Hot water incl. Call Mgmt: 212-994-2246 or 212-994-2247

2010 East 68th Street: 3 BR duplex apt $1800/mo includes parking, heat and gas. Call 947-412-5184

3000 STORE FOR SALE, 10,000sq ft in Bronx, NY corner of Pelhalm PKWY and White Plains Rd. Two entrances, Very busy location. Unbelievable rent. Contact Alex 917-957-4313

Dahill Rd/ Ave P Vicinity: Great location! Near F train, 1 BR apt, 2nd flr, private house, credit references. MIC. Reasonably priced! Call owner 516-633-2969 For details.

3000 City Island: Historic landmark Victorian mansion immaculate. 8 BDRM/ 4 bth on 100 x 200 Lot on the border of Westchester, ideal for large family or a profession group of doctors. Close to “the Shul by the Sea” & schools, unique purchase. $1M negotiable. City Island, NY best kept secret. Call port of Kall Realty for CI. Waterfronts, cottages & condos 718-885-1166 Web ID NS1101191127 of The NY Times

E 7/ Bet 18th & Ditmas, sound – proofed, large 1 BR BSMT w/washer, dryer. $875 util incl. 718-972-5058 2010




Office/Commercial/ Business For Rent


2010 DUMBO 133 Water Street, Brooklyn NY. 2BRs, 2 bths $4000. Huge studio $2600 per month. Exc loc, lux bldg. Owner Sherry. Many amenities 516-395-3017 or 718-523-9700

Brooklyn Room Furn: TEMPORARY LODGING MOSSAIC SUITES. Fully serviced – Internet. As low as $65 Daily, $385 Weekly 718-972-4377 2010

Ave L/ E18th: Beautiful 1BR, MIC, East 13th/ J&K, 1 BR apt, Ocean Ave/ Ave J. Studio apt. Call owner 718-236-3199 NO FEE. 2010

2010 Ave M/ Ocean Pkwy: 1 fam detached 4 BR, 1.5 bth, LR, DR, EIK, MIC, near shopping, transportation and all. Asking 800K-neg. Ask for Connie 917-674-7136

QUEENS/BRONX *HUNTS POINT WAREHOUSES FOR RENT* 3200 sq ft 15,000sq ft multiple options/Owner 917-662-2425 3060

EAST TREMONT AVE: STORE FOR RENT. Top retail location, high pedestrian traffic, 3000sf, can be divided. For details: Rafi 718-364-1400 or 347-495-0614 3060

Continental Ave, Forest Hills: 2nd flr walk up, 1500sqft, currently insurance co. Debre Rosenfeld. 212-604-4744 3060

Retail space for rent/Queens Laurelton Merrick Blvd, 2000 sq ft for rent, 6000 sq ft air space available. Call owner 917-750-0966

Boro Park: 54th St/ 16th Ave, 2 BR furn bsmt, full kitchen, 1.5 bth $1150/mo negotiable. W/D avail. Call 732-901-8947

LIC Warehouse Bldg for sale. 4100sf, overhead door, hi ceilings. Additional development rights. $1.3M MSparks@ergpa.com 646-253-0904

Office/Commercial/ Business For Sale

Apartment For Sale





NEW BRONX BAKERY FOR SALE. Close to precinct, 3 schls in immediate area. Fully optional, most equip new. Asking $110K 646-496-7885 3000

Riverdale, 1 BR Apt: Private entrance, patio, wooded area, close to trans, renovated, dishwasher, eat-in kitchen. $1190 1st/Last/ 1 mo sec. Credit check required. NO FEE 646-269-0587 KEW GARDEN HILLS: Hyde Park Gdns, spacious 1st fl, 1 BR coop, wd flrs, 24 hrs security, near all. $1200/mon utils incl. 1 mon sec. Call OWNER 718-481-7752 2060

Apartment For Rent 2080


Midwood/ Ave O: East 3rd & 4th Sts, Newly renov 1 BR in 3 fam, top floor. Near F train & shops. Owner: 347-672-0874 or 917-662-6456 2010

2045 FLATBUSH Brooklyn College lg brand new 1BR w/balcony, lg LR, wood flrs, doorman, near trans. No fees. $1595/mo 917-494-1520 or 917-337-5307

2060 OPEN HOUSE – 3133 Rochambeau Ave : Saturday and Sunday. 11am -2pm Great renovations, clea and new fixtures. Near Bronx Botanical Garden, Montifore hospital. – 1 Bedroom - $900-$1100 PAUL 917-659-4255




1060 MIDWOOD 2 spacious and modern coops. East 8th Street. 1 BR $165K. Maint $545. 1170 Ocean Pkwy 2BR, $215K Maint, $1,000. Dave owner 718-336-2021


2080 122nd Street/ Rockaway Park: Airy Sunny room for rent. Room for a kitchenette, shared bath, looks like studio, utilities included. Fully furnished, clean, quiet house, great location. Half a block to the beach. Asking $750/mo. Call owner 917-287-6876

Fresh Meadows: 71-44 160th Street: Condos for rent 1-2 BR duplex, 2 bth, LR, DR, EIK, extended backyard large recreation area $1800/mo. No pets/ 2-1BR, 2 bth with porch$1300/mo, no pets. Call owner 718-810-0001 or 617-304-9050. Both Avail Feb 1st 2080

FRESH MEADOWS: SPAC 3BR, 1.5 BATH, MOD KIT, 2ND FLR, WASHER/DRYER. NR SHOPS & TRANS. CALL 917-687-9928 2080 Forest Hills: 2 BR, newly renov, dishwasher, 2nd flr, newly carpeted, very private and quiet. Express bus to Manhattan. Owner 347-545-2665

2080 Main St/ 70 Ave: 2 BR apt, good condition, EIK, 2nd flr, no smoking, no pets. Avail immediately. 718-757-4433 -After 5pm 2080 NEW LISTING $1100-$1400 NORWOOD: 3133 Rochambea Ave Revenue, new kitchen and bathrooms, clean building, 24 security, near botanical garden, Montifore Hospital, forham University and shopping. 1 Bdrm, 2 Bdrm. Call Property Manager. PAUL 646-319-2373

Washington Heights: Easy access to transportation, next to Ft. Truimph Park. Internet access, 6 months only, no couples, Women only. 1 BR room for rent. Call 646-305-7678




For Sale


Kew Garden Hills: 3BR co-op with attic. Prime location, Motivated seller. $250,000 908-998-4992


QUEENS/BRONX Kew Garden Hills: One of a kind. West of main street semi detached 23 x 100 lot 4BR, LR with fireplace, charm circle. Call Vera Coldwell Banker 917-853-5455 3020

3020 Far Rockaway 239 Beach 3rd Street For Sale 20,200 Sq ft waterfront development site 200 plus ft fronting canal marina Ideal for luxury 1 and 2 family homes all suitable for temple, school, etc asking $525K or best offer – broker protected Foreclosure agent 718-478-5858




Oakdale/55+ Condos. New construction on Oakdale Bohemia Rd. 2 BR, 2 ba, models now open from $385,000. 631-472-2242

8095 Hewlett 4BR cape beautiful wood floors EIK large finished basement, 1 block from yeshiva Walk to trash and town Sale $299K or for rent 347-539-1332 or 718-938-4517

5040 Hewlett: 4 BR cape, beautiful wood floors, EIK, large finished basement. 1 block from Yeshiva. Walk to train and town. Sale $299K or for rent. 347-539-7332 or 718-938-4517.

Apartment For Sale


Belle Harbor 2nd from ocean 60x100 Views galore! 5800sf 4 Brs, WB frpic, cust ElK 3.5 bths call for details & appt…$1.9m L.Keating Realty 718-945-9267 3020 Far Rockaway: 239 Beach 3rd Street. FOR SALE. 20,200sq ft WATERFRONT. DEVELOPMENT SITE. 200+ FT, fronting canal – marina. Ideal for luxury 1+2 family homes. Also suitable for temple, school, etc. Asking $525K or best offer – Broker protected. Foreclosure. Agent 718-748-5858

House For Rent


LONG ISLAND FAR ROCKAWAY: 1 + 2 BR apts, some with balconies, new kichens, closets, 24 Hour doorman, security cameras. Walk to all trains. Call Sherr @ Weissman RE 516-791-6100 or 516-297-7995


LONG ISLAND 5000 Woodmere: C/H col on ABC St. 6BR, 5 full bths, full kosher kitch, wood floors throughout, full finished basement with BR. Total house Renovation in 2004. Call 516-640-8646

Melville Condo For Sale by Owner (62 and older). 2-Bedroom/2- Full Baths unit is big & bright with walk-in closets. Totally up-graded with granite, tile & more. VERY LOW TAXES & Maintance costs. Gated community has Private parking. Clubhouse has pool, fitness, kitchens & more. Five minutes from restaurants, parkways, shopping, golf course, Republic Airport. Forty-five minutes to N.Y.C. or The Hamptons $469,000. Call 516-456-6445 or lindaann919@yahoo.com 5000

5000 ROCKAWAY BEACH: Beach 2 BR condo for sale in a 4yr old building. Eff kitchen, LR, DR area & terrace. Beautiful views of Manhattan & 1 block from the boardwalk. Asking price is $255K. Call Gisela of Century 21 Amiable 917-601-2489

North Woodmere: All new 2 BR apt heat & electric included. Shomer shabbot. Close to Shuls and shops. 917-642-7879 Shay

CO-OP FOR SALE L.I. Cedarhurst: FALL IN LOVE, beautiful large 2 Bd, 2 bth, co-op. All new kitch+baths. W/D in Apt. locked storage, balc, gar. Just reduced moving $369K Call: 516-812-9160

Far Rockaway: 2BR, 1st FL, porch & patio, own thermostat, near shuls & schools. Avail Nov 15th. 516-643-9204

Atlantic Beach 2BR, 1.5 bth Condo, Patio CAC Walk to Private Beach, Boardwalk + Temple Private parking, Low Main. $399K 516-596-7305




For Sale


Ridgewood Queens: 6 family building FOR SALE. Brick 12 Bdrms, 6 BA. New plumbing, windows, roof, sidewalk, Walk to subway. Asking $879K. Call owner 917-714-0779


Apartment For Rent


For Sale


Lynbrook, NY: House for sale, 4 BR, 2bth, LR, DR, EIK, great location. Reasonably priced, call owner. 516-945-5268


GREAT NECK land for sale, 3 res lots on wooded pvt cul-de-sac. Builders/ principals only. 516-443-2700 5070

Hewlett 2 family house, $529K visit www.monicamohanst udio.com/1792Broad way/ or call 917-6487682 By owner SD14 5040

Office/Commercial/ Business For Sale


LONG ISLAND CANDY / ICE CREAM/ COFFEE SHOP: Eastern Long Island, Busy, Great Buy. $139,900 516-523-4678 5080

5080 Why rent, when you can own for less? 750sq ft liquidation sale. LYNBROOK office/ co-op for sale. Completely renovated, 2 offices, 1 conference roo,, waiting area, bathroom, pool, gym, walk to LIRR. $119K must sell. $749 monthly maint 70% tax deductable. 516-359-4489

SUSHI RESTAURANT TURNKEY - Already Set-up. Just needs Sushi Bar. Very Busy Port Jeff area. Low Down-payment. Required. Pete 631-944-2067

5040 Lawrence: Elegant Center Hall Colonial set back on 1/3 ACRE PRIME LOCATION, all shuls, LIRR, 12 rooms, 5 BR, 3.5 bth. Oversized BR, 3 walk-ins, fireplace, FDR, Pesach kit, circular driveway, maid’s room. Sunroom, decks, All systems. Central Air; Many more features. Email: elegantcolonial@hotmail.com Call 718-974-6766 5040 SOUTHAMPTON: 3BR/2BA: Cottage By The Sea. Across the street from pvt beach, contemp, fplc, 2 car gar. Large 2nd story deck on treed ½ acre. Low taxes, 3 zone heat. Ask $769,000 Pete 631-283-5499


Central Ave, Lawrence: 3000sf good condition, busy corner. Parking attached. Approved for food establishment. Call 917-975-7062


5080 WESTBURY – Commercial space 241 Post Ave. 2 story building. $350K 917-301-1625 5080VALLEY STREAM: Office building, 4300 sq ft, 1 block to LIRR and Sunrise Highway. Potential rent roll $81K. Ideal for Prof’l or medical 516-695-7222

Hewlett: 4BR cape, beautiful wood flrs, EIK, large finished basement, 1 block from yeshiva. Walk to train and town . Sale $299K or for rent. 347-539-1332 5040

5040 HUNTINGTON WEST HILLS: 1 acre, beautifully landscaped, country col, updated 4 BR, 3.5 bth, FLR, DR, den, new kit, fin bsmt, 2 car, IGS. 631-692-9160 5060 Cedarhurst: 4BR, duplex apt, private laundry, kitchen, closets galore plus LR, DR. Unlimited parking. Garage/ backyard. Avail Jan 1st. Call 516-996-1955

5065 Central Islip/ Hauppange: Large, 1BR, grand floor, no pets/cats. W/D, A/C near trans, exit57 LIE, 1200/mo + security deposit includes gas/ heat/ water. Quiet building, retirees. Serious inquiries only. Call owner 631-757-6959

Amagensett Dunes 400 feet to ocean beach Access. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. AC. Labor Day. $50, 000 or avail monthly. Call: 631-655-9319 5065 ROCKVILLE CENTRE new kitchen, new carpet, 2 BR, attic/storage area, walk LIRR, parking, $1850 plus electric. Call 516-250-8604 5065 Central Islip/ Hauppauge: LG 1 BR ground floor, no pets/cats, W/D, AC, near NR, RR, exit 57, LIE, 1200/mo+ Security deposit. Includes gas/heat/water. Owner 631-757-6959

5065 Central Islip/ Hauppange: Large, 1BR, grand floor, no pets/cats. W/D, A/C near trans, exit57 LIE, 1200/mo + security deposit includes gas/ heat/ water. Quiet building, retirees. Serious inquiries only. Call owner 631-757-6959


The Jewish Voice



July 8, 2011

REAL ESTATE Nassau/ Suffolk: Co-ops & condos. ATLANTIC BEACH3 BR/ 2.5Ba renov townhse in “PebbleCove”. Resid-only Beach, pool, 24HR Sec. Stunning Ocean view. Low tax $1.399M Agent 516-808-5927 5040

Office/Commercial/ Business For Rent


STATEN ISLAND (New Dorp) 2000 sq ft office space. Near train.Convenient to all. Pat 646-369-9457

Bayswater: Brand new 2 family brick 3 over 3 bdrms, basement driveway, stainless steel appliances. Walk to Shul. Only $5400 down. No closing costs. Owner / builder. 718-755-2135

Port Richmond-3 office suites w/reception area. All brand new, fully renovated C/A. full bsmt 2,700ft w/dual bthrms, new carpet. Please call: 347-424-7809




For Sale

Office/Commercial/ Business For Sale



STATEN ISLAND 4020 Staten Island/ Willowbrook: Detached 6 BR, 3 bth all brick, 1 block from young Israel. Near express bus city. My owner 718-698-8425 or 917-576-6312 4020 STATEN ISLAND HOUSE FOR SALE// ROYAL OAKS “The best house in the best borough of the best city in the best country in the world” GO TO www.FRENCHMANORON CLOVELAKES.COM 917-622-3728

Apartment For Sale

Liberty, NY – 2 – Story comm. Bldg for Retail or Warehouse On Main St. Surrounded by municipal parking. 2 x 5000sqft. Originally was a super market. $300,000/neg. Ask owner about finance options. 914-584-2982 1024


For Sale


NY STATE Montefiore Cemetery: 1 Grave, lot 187. Section H. Asking $900 or best offer. Call 310-246-9666



STAPLETON Applications for the waiting list for rental units in Staten Island will be available to families with limited income, based on section 8 qualifications, beginning on April 19th 2010, call between 10am & 3pm 516-466-6527 Ext15&/26 1000-

Apartment For Rent 3065

STATEN ISLAND Staten Island-Condo for sale 2 bedroom, 1 bth condo, Rossville, bottom Floor, corner unit, central air, eat-in kitchen, living room, washer, dryer, pool, tennis court, parking space, $189k 917-693-8239

Monticello: Beaverlake Est: large BRs, 4 bths, 2 large open porches. Shomer Shabbat day camp on premises. 2 pools + Sport amenities. Call 718-208-8286 6090

BUSINESS FOR SALE UPSTATE “KOSHER IN THE CATSKILLS” Country Comfortable Restaurant, Fireplace and Bar, Beautiful older building-On 2 acres—on major road 500’ plus road frontage possible to subdivide an additional lot or two— Seats over 50— Fully equipt, TERMS AVAILABLE— NEGOTIABLE. CALL, Art 845 807-8267 6090




Fishing, Hunting, Surfing, Wake/Boarding


Email: L.houck@bresnan.net 406-761-1851 or 9697

6090 Monticello, NY: 23 acres, 5 ranch houses on property + one main house with 6 apartments, swimming pool, underground pool and electric cables, well water, walking distance to walmart and shul. 718-848-6974 cell: 917-601-3002

For Rent


NY STATE Monsey: Assisted living for elderly includes personal home care, 3 meals, day etc. 718-924-8067 6080

6080 MONTICELLO: Morning acres. 5BR, 4bth house. Avail for July. Excellent location. Friendly colony. Heated pool and day camp. Call 718-377-6662

Woodridge Sullivan County Summer rental Apt in private home on 2 acres 2BR/ 1 bath/ large living room/ modern kitchen/ Private entrance walking distance to worship. Minimum one month. Call Harriet. 212-284-5262 6080

Monsey: Assisted living for elderly includes personal, home care. 3 meals/day, etc. 718-924-8067





For Sale


NY STATE Kew Garden Hills: One of a kind. West of Main Street. Semi-detached. 23x100 lot 4BRs, LR with fireplace, charm circle. Call Vera. Coldwell Banker 917-853-5455 6060

6060 Catskills: Private New Country Cottage. Reduced to $159K. 1 BR, sleeping loft, nr Windhamm Ski Mtns. Min fr hiway. Owner 646-330-0927 or 914-235-1684


6060 Sackett Lake: Waterfront, magnificent views. Private road. 6BR, 4bth, fireplace. Near shul. 917-434-0349 or 845-406-4564

SWANLAKE: Winterized House 50x120 lot, $1200 maint/ tax year needs renovation quick sale $37K. Near shopping, transportation and shuls and kosher pizza. Wigs and wig machine for sale. Call 718-972-6068 6060

6060 Kimball & Yonkers Ave: Houses for sale $359,000 – 1 Family. 2 BR’s, living room, dining room & kitchen on 75 x 100 lot in 2 family zone. Finished basement with separate entrance. Garage. CAPOBIANCO REALTY 914-963-5522 6060 Sullivan County: Monticello Country 4/bed 3bth home 4sale in the Catskills. 2 car gar, hrdwd flrs, all appl incl. Water View. COME TAKE A LOOK. 845-807-2486 See WEBID NS1104014930

Ballstan Spa – Ranch Model Home. Shocase of the home winner 4/ 2 ½ baths, central air, beautiful features. Costume made $525K 518-309-4707 or 518-894-2234 6060

Monticello: Triple net lease of Catskills. Bungalow colony, lovely grounds with pool. 55 units, 165K + 10% security. Subject to owner approved credit report. Carol 626-394-2378; carol@acmecos.com 6060

Woodridge: 2 story 2BR home, 2 bths, large deck inground swimming pools, views. 2.56 acres. Walk to town. Price 225k. Call 845-791-0945 www.resortrealtyny.com


6060 NEW YORK STATE – HOUSES FOR SALE Adirondock Park – 2,500 sqft, 4 BDRM, 3 bth, large loft 7.84 acres w/river front, open floor plan, deck, attach -garage, private, quiet. 937-689-5990.




DOWNTOWN DENVER – REAL ESTATE Match our $4 million equity for 50% & receive cash flow from rentatls plus upside on sales for 2 downtown townhome communities & vacant land up to 144 units for details call 303-295-0177 Email: build@summitlegend.com 7060

Vacation Village: 4 BR townhouse, 2 full baths, C/A fireplace, new siding and roof, large deck, in/ out pools, tennis courts. 718-614-9233 6060

6060 South Fallsburg: Bungalow Colony, 29 units, for lease to camp/ group with option to buy. Please call: 347-350-5208 or 718-854-3434




For Sale



914-245-9000 See WebID NS110220832

NEW ROCHELLE. OWNER FINANCING. Renovated 3 BR/ 2 BTH w/new bright. 1 BR/ 1 BTH in-law $724,000. 914-715-3494 6060

NEW LISTING: Lakewood Indian Park. 51,977sf 22-28 ceiling height. 4 loading, 1 drive in docks, $95sf. Principles only. 732-905-5606 or email at mehgh2011@yahoo.com 6060


Monticello: Triple net

lease of Catckills, bungalow, colony. Lovely grounds with pool. 55 units. Price negotiable. Subject to owner Approved credit report. Carol 626-394-2378


Monticello Monticello: Beaut ranch, 4 Br, 3 bth, kosher kit. ½ acre, bkyrd. Walt to dist to falkof. For pesach Summer. Call 718-679-4339


PROPERTY FOR SALEVERMONT VERMONT –WORCHESTER, 5 Acres with Beautiful Mountain Views, Logging Load, near Power, $37,900.00. More Land Available Also. Contact Roger (603) 685-3396


Maine Property for Sale- MAINE, HARTLAND – Lakefront 600 ft-Morrill Pond, Wooded 8 acres. Divided into 5 bldg lots, Beautiful Beach $495K FOR ALL! Call 631-929-4587 7030

PROPERTY FOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA 76 Acres in the Heart of the Poconos, Great Hunting Retreat or Estate. Property only 1.5 hours escape from NYC. $950.K Please call: (570) 269-5067


Available For Rent


OUT OF STATE 7060 Office Space for Rent, Philadelphia, PA PHILADELPHIA NE, Executive office space on US 1, FULLY FURNISHED, Furniture & Office Equipment incl. Ideal for Lawyers or a Call Center. Contact (215) 669-4001 7065 Boyton Beach: Lovely courtyard home 3BR/3ba; Enclosed pool, separate cabana private end lot; Lake View Shutters, New A/C, 2 car gar, EASY walk to local Chabad. Call 561-738-9772

Lower Makefield: 4300sqft, 2 sty French Colonial, 4 Bdrms, 4 Ba min to shopping train, hospitals, golf course…$3,250 DAVID FIORI INC. 215-757-1000 7065

Office/Commercial/ Business For Sale


OUT OF STATE For Sale Retail centers Metro Memphis TN 47,290 SF Metro Nashville, TN 78,105 SF Lewis K. McKee, Jr. McKee and McFarland, Inc. 901-680-7700 maem@mckeeandmcfarland.com 7060

7030 Out of State Property for Sale – Rhode Island 36 acre estate & horse farm. Less than 3 hours to Times Square. Magnificient, View property @ WWW.PILOTPOINTFARMCOM $1,350,000.00 Contact Tim (413) 237-5140 For photos & more info


METRO NASHVILLE, TN 78,105 SF Lewis K. McKee, Jr. McKee and McFarland, Inc.

901-680-7700 macm@mckeeandmcfarland.com



CALL OWNER 917-660-6005


The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011




7070 South Shore only glatt kosher take-out & butcher shop in town for sale. 15 yrs in Busn. No competition. Best Loc. Low rent. Excel income. Grt Oppty. Priced for quick sale. 347-517-8818


US PATENT for Sale #6526612 for Unique travel pillow w/speaker for MP3’s, I-Pods, etc. 917-968-1048 or email uspatinfo@cs.com


BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 100,000 RX Cards Placed in 80 Pharmacy Locations @ .03 each. You Earn $1.50 for each new & $.75 for Refills. Compounding Residual Income. Contact (877) 308-7959 X 231 Website: WWW.FREERXADVANTAGE. COM 7070


For sale coffee shop/ restaurant kosher dairy/ upper west side very good terms asking $70k call owner 917-660-6005 7070



Business Opportunity INVESTOR WANTED – $500K, Guarantees. Well established Automotive Rebuildable Business. Invest your Money in a most Liquid Commodity in the World. Contact (646) 287-1402 7070

7070 KOSHER MARKET ESTABLISHED, 45 yrs, lower Westchester, seeks working partner to expand in new direction. Experienced, talented + Computer savvy. Call Mr. Cohen 914-373-1802

7070 8% on Very Safe $170K Mortgage, House sold for $335K, 51% Loan to sales price, 3200 sq ft home in gated comm. All due in 4 yrs. Why earn only 2% on CD’s? OWNER 817-579-5222

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OIL AND GAS LEASES Producing Oil & Gas Leases with Semi Proven Development. Drilling Acreage Locations. All Leases Bears 100% W.I. 75% Revenue. Two 2 Million to Sixteen Million . Call (325) 668-6000 7070

7070 SEEKING FUNDING Attractive Interest Return Seeking Working Capital Boston Subcontractor seeking short term funding or 10% more on return tomsloane2003@yahoo.com Thomas P. Sloane 617-799-2404

BELIZE – Ambergus Caye – N San Pedro. Thirty American condo owners want you to own their resort. We will let you rent them out! Tom 406-580-5568 or Email: STC1006@QWESTOFFICE.NET 7070

6% - 7% INTEREST ONLY 7070

Paid Monthly Lend on an interest only apartment building note/ mortgage, 1st lien position. Properties located in AAA area's in Miami-Dade. Loan to Value below 70% and DSCR greater than 1.5. Yields Paid Monthly via ACH to your bank account. Inspect properties, rent roll, and profit statements. Call for more details:

305-858-4058 Investors Only

PIZZA SHOP: For sale in Midwood, BKLYN. By owner. Call 718-2531896 or 347-522-8896 7070

Excellent Business Opportunity Property is excellent for Multiple Business. Owner retiring. 2+ Million in sales yearly, Full Service Liquor license and business operating for 43 years. 7,000 +/sq ft bldg, 2 ac of land. May include 3 bedroom house, also zoned Commercial. $1,500,000. Nino Trujillo 505-456-8179 Mike Liguori 505-620-7166 7070

8.5% Return European Microfinance Geocapital Secured – Short Term Investment $5K - $60K Accounts Available invest@geocapital.ge 800-276-1468 www.geocapital.ge 7070

Own your own business. County Resource Guide Licenses Available Nationwide. $35,000 complete. Financing available to qualified persons. Training provided. 877-826-1515 7070

Professional NASDQ/Futures day trader seeking serious investor to make huge profits averaging 300%+ low risk. Call Mark 917)825-0053

DORE BARS $32,000 per kilo (92% - 22K) Hand delivered to NYC - FMI: gold@amefricaltd.com 7070 Online Auction Alabama I-65 Building *Freeway Access* Sells to highest bid TheRealEstateClearingHouse.com 800-499-9378 7070 Capital Wanted Investors wanted secured by CMO + CMB invest $5Mil, will have return of 7% of your investment w/in 6months. Secured by the instruments. Call Sheridan Capitals LLC. For further details. Contact 347-785-5980

Great Opportunity! Home phone, business phone services for only $39. Tax included. Unlimited USA/Canada. All features included. Call 845-637-7352


7070 Need additional income? Learn to operate a mini-office outlet from home, free online training, flexible hrs, great income. www.ziporasnolimits.com Call 416-785-0206

VENTNOR: Singles 40-50 Block from beach Long Season All amenities Laurel 215-219-9358


Sale: Mineral Rights +/- 1,428 acres Shark Island, Vermilion / Weeks Bay inner coastal Iberia Parish, LA $20K per acre. For details: jpscholes@cox.net


7020 Absecon 4 Plex 2 commercial and residential with parking lot. Three already rented $330,000 609-377-7109

Capital Wanted. 60% GROSS to investors FILM: Industry Pros producing for cable Int’l, VOD & DVD. Bug $705K. MI 250K. GP $3M. SIO 860-490-2866 7070

7070 For sale: Commercial Maintenance and Repair Company serving businesses in Manhattan. For details Call 646-438-9186 or 917-797-0360

Fund Any Project 10 million to 1 billion Call Bill 334-435-6013

Lines Distribshps. Wtd. Distributors needed in your area for the world’s leading company in reshaping nutrition, skin care, unmatched diet plan and green products. Amazingly you can lose 2.3 Dress sized in 10 mins. you can dress a new beautiful you. products can be purchased 877-403-2721 www.ardysslife.com/pioneerlife




Uri! Uri! AWAKEN! AWAKEN! Prana Mandir Yoga Studio 4 West 43 rd Street, 501

7070 GOLD MINE – Profitable, operating placer mine seeks capital /loan/JV/equity for expansion and permitting of additional mines in Oregon and Nevada with proven reserves. $2 million minimum. Geologist reports and proven reserves. Principals only. Paul 503-670-1093 www.paulvaden.infop www.aumine.com

Meditation Class:

Financial Services

every Monday at 6PM

Shabbat Service: every First Friday at 8PM

Psychotherapy: Rabbi Robert Teixeira, L.C.S.W.

212-961-1745 Info@AwakenAwaken.org


Contact Lester Phillip for detail. lester@sikamangroup.com Office: 212-695-1716 www.sikamangroup.com


7080 FUND ANY PROJECT 10 Million to 1 Billion Call Bill 334-435-6013

Investment Opportunity




Retired university professor, math, chemistry, physics “My motto is: Basics come first” Manhattan, Upper West Side. Please all: 212-662-2324 Tutoring for all levels! 3005


The Jewish Voice



July 8, 2011


Educated lady with 8yrs experience with elderly seeks companion job. Experienced in medical/ non medical area of care. Excellent references From employ. Call 347-998-1170



8000 JEWISH MUSIC LESSONS: Guitar, Piano, Bass & Drums. Individual or group lessons for all ages. In my Queens studio or I will travel to your home. Credentials include a BA in Music performance, a MS ED in Music Education, NYS Certification and 20+ yrs of performing & teaching music. Rates are $40 for 40 min lesson & $50 for a 1HR lesson. Excellent refs avail. Call Yerachmeil at 917-373-9613

MUSIC INSTRUCTION Piano lessons all levels + ages Professional musician + experienced teacher Call (917) 459-1228 8000

Music Instruction Berkeley College of music professor available for private drum lessons. Conatct: 617-835-6404

HELP OFFERRED NURSING ASSISTANT – (Private) Hardworking, Reliable, Personable, Licensed, Many Years of Experience in Kosher Homes. . Excellent Refs. Contact Barbara (347) 383-5462 8010

HELP OFFERRED NURSE, MALE – Seeking Job in Priv Residence to Care for Adult or Child Highly Qualified. Available NY, NJ, CT & LI. Contact (954)588-3139 8010

I am looking for a job: Those who are struggling to get a honest (110%), smart, responsible and respectful employee. Yes I am here! I can help & handle any business owner to bust their business. Pl call 212-470-9611 mdlitonkhan@gmail.com 8010

A nanny – Experienced NANNY sks FT, live out position. Loving & caring. Certified infant care. Checkable references. Please call Clair: 347-721-4056 or 718-221-4419




7090 Life Coach SUSAN TEEMAN LIFECOACH. Free one hour Phone Consultation •Find balance in work & life •Set & Execute goals to overcome obstacles •Improve business & personal relationships •Discover what you should be doing •Become your BEST self susanteeman.com 646-481-2520 7090 MELT 2-5 LBS PER WEEK. Try it for $4.95 For 2 weeks. For details call ANN 347-561-6030

Help Offered


HOME HEALTH AIDE – (Private) Hardworking, reliable, personable, licensed, many years of experience, excellent refs. Call BARBARA 347-383-5462. Exp in kosher homes. 8010

HELP OFFERRED COMPANION/ELDERLY CARE – Look no Further, we Highly Recommend this Honest and Kind Caregiver for your Elderly. Refs. Upon Request. Contact (917)968-0112. 8010

Experienced Lady Seeking to care of the Elderly / Housekeeper 718-703-1730 8010

Health – HHA & CNA w/ good references & 16yrs in field. Take care of your loved ones, w/dementia & or other illnesses. Avail ASAP! Call 917-807-4766 8010

NESI (NonPublic Educational Services, INC) has provided much needed educational programs to atrisk youth across the country for more than 30 years. We are seeking part-time Title I teachers for our Title I program in NYC. 8010

Successful candidates must have a bachelor’s degree and/or teacher certificate. CAR/ SAVE (child abuse, violence intervention and prevention) workshops required. Seeking part-time Middle and High School Math teachers also. Please email resume to mlee@nesieducation.org or mail to 1212 Avenue M, Brooklyn NY 11230 ATTN M. LEE

SALES New York Life Insurance Co is looking for isurance and financial services sales representatives. Sales experience helpful but not necessary. Comprehensive training program management oppty for qualified candidates. Equal oppty employeer. M/F/D/V. For Information, please call George at 646-227-8171 8010

CERTIFIED, RELABLE CNA/HHA seeks job to care for the elderly. Many years exp Excellent References. Available immediately. (917)741-3583

8010 CHAUFFER: Driver, courteous, reliable with a clean driving record. Solid Refs. Seeking a position. (Amazingly Talented Person) Contact 917-771-3405

Chauffer: Have my own gorgeous super luxury JAGUAR SEDAN, looking for an exclusive contract with a family. Solid refs + I speak many languages (amazingly talented person) 917-771-3405 8010

8010 Seeking job to take care of the elderly. Home health aid, 16 years experience. Please call 718-882-5244

Position Wanted: Experience in banking compliance research administration. Oral + written. Communication skills. 718-968-3213 8010

8010 Companion Aide. Live in, Good references. Kosher experience. 17 years, experience. 973-592-6081 8010 Goldstein Home Care Service. Live in/ Live out or hourly. Companion Aide 732-788-1974

8010 Reliable Nurses’ Aide w/10 yrs exp. Will care for you in your home. Refs & good driving record. Seek job Asap. Call Babs 407-936-4863

PROFESSIONAL LIGHTHOUSE HOME SERVICES. Compassionate Home Care FOR THE ELDERLY IN NYC. Lic Agency providing the finest in home care for your loved ones. Email: rbecker@lighthousehs.com or call 718-389-3304 We accept Medicare /Medicaid/private pay 9050

8010 Nurse LPN. Medicaid provider seeks private duty or Medicaid case. Good references available. 718-581-9786

I am a LPN – private provider w/8 yrs of hospital & home care exp. Seeking a private duty or Medicad homecare case – pediatric or adult. Days/ Nights, Any boro. Have car, Will travel. Call 718-581-8570 8010

8010 Live-in. 7 Years exp. Very good ref. Would consider live in/out. Call 347-869-1956 8010 I am a certified and licensed HHA with many years exp. Seeking job to care for the elderly, willing to cook, clean etc. Excellent references. Live in/out. Call Jennifer 347-965-4506

I am a certified HHA: Companion/ Aide seeking job to care for the elderly. 14 years experience. Loving and caring. Live in only. Excellent references. Loving and caring. Live-in only. Excellent references available. Willing to start immediately. Call 973-592-608 8010

Responsible and honest HHA/ CAN with over 16 years experience. Looking for a job to care for the elderly. Live out only. Excellent references. Willing to start immediately. Call Monica 347-451-4409 or 718-469-1798


8010 NURSE looking for private duty CNA/ LPN position. 25 years of experience. Day or night. References available. Call 917-573-1937 or 718-479-7113 lv msg.

SMALL GROUP DAYCARE Experienced warm loving care. Ex-RN from Israel willing to care for children from 0 to 2 years old, in my home at Ave M + East 5th Street Transportation avail 347-283-5516


8010 Dating & Relationships Group. Develop communication skills for social and intimate settings. Weekly group sessions led by psychotherapist Phyllis Tompkins Ph. D. 917-741-1120

Attn: Small business owners! Get you’re A/P,A/R, & PR done for a flat monthly fee – less than you would pay for a bookkeeper’s weekly salary. Over 30 years experience. Pick-up and Del service. Synagogue experience. Call or email for info & rates: (732) 503-4343 or efficientbooks@comcast.net


Administrative / Executive Assistant Part time/Full time. 19 years experience. 718-805-1448 8010

BOOKKEEPPER in Brooklyn looking for position. 15+ years experience, bi-lingual. I work efficiently and with extreme accuracy. Kindly call or email: 718-216-7842 or email Mmariaoro@optonline.net 8010 24/7 Live-in Avail, able to start immediately 23yrs exp. Highly educated, grt refs, pls note patients who have bedsores, I can cure them within THREE days. Contact 973-580-7321 Email: TorfriedVLet@comcast.net

Help Wanted


Responsible and honest: HHA/ CAN with over 16 years experience , looking for a job to care for the elderly. Live out only. Excellent references. Willing to start immediately. Call Monica 347-451-4409 or 718-469-1798

Real Estate Sales Agents Make Extra Money! Astor Brokerage (bold) Real Estate Center serving the Kew Garden Hills community is seeking new local agents. We will train you Call Chanita for info (718)263-4500 8015

8015 Experienced certified HHA seeks position to care for elderly with Alzheimer’s, stroke etc… Live-in 7 days/WK. Good references. Call 862-218-3880

Expert on Israeli Politics + Policy w/ Rich editorial exp. Seeks employment mobile: 917-225-7665


Real Estate Sales Agents Make extra money! Astor Brokerage Real Estate Center serving the Kew Garden Hills community is seeking new local agents. We will train you Call Chanita 718-263-4500

Professional Nasdaq / futures day trader seeking serious investor to make huge profits averaging 300%+ Low risk. Call Mark 917-825-0053


8015 Looking for religious Jewish workers in the “HASHGACHA” field Kosher supervision. Option for training top become a “SHOCRET” Opening available for fully Certified SHU”B Midwest locs: NE, MN, WI Call: 303-810-8011 Email: moshedenver@aol.com

OUTSIDE SALES. Commission based. Great opportunity! Call 347-850-0770 8015

8015 In fashion magazine is looking for experienced motivated salesman to sell advertisements. Great opportunity! Big commission payouts. 718-676-1186

TEACHER DIRECTOR with NYS teacher’s certificate in edu. For small Brooklyn daycare center. Call 718-385-0571

8015 8015 Warm responsible woman looking to be a shadow for your child in Boro Park/ Flatbush/Manhattan. Call 718-437-9152 or cell 917-627-3542 Many years exp. Avail for summer or winter

A CNA experienced in elder care IRISH woman. Prefer Mahattan, lv-in/out. References and information. 914-272-9590 8015

A Certified Nurses Aide/ HHA available to care for the sick or elderly or childcare. Kind, caring people person. Lv-in/ out, day or night. Also cleaning, cooking & laundry. Recent Checkable refs. Call Joyce 516-334-7859 or 516-236-2833

TEACHERS NEEDED. Boys middle and HS in Queens, math biology, social studies, Hebrew language, 15 minutes from Brooklyn. Call 347-204-8658 or 718-732-1200 For appt. please fax resume to 718-732-1900 Leave name and contact number. 8015

ADVERTISING SALES PRO WANTED Top commission! Experience required. For phone interview. Call MR. Haggerty @ 877-665-6618 www.123adsales.com


8015 P/T office assistant. 3 days a week. Experience using Quickbooks. Business office in Flatbush. Send resume by email pcpccomp@msn.com pr Phyllis 917-533-2326 8015 Buyer/ managing partner wanted for newly renovated, fully equipped turnkey. Glatt Kosher LI catering hall. Seats 300. Long Lease, reasonable rent. Attractive terms call 516-450-7323

HHA looking for live in/ out position to take care of elderly. Call Yvonne 240-595-5626


8015 Real Estate Agents: Make Extra Money! Astor brokerage real estate center, serving the Kew Garden Hills community is seeking new local agents. We will train you call Chanita for info at 718-263-4500

Hardworking, honest reliable woman, certified HHA seeking a job to care for the elderly. Over 20 Yrs Exp. Will clean house, live-in/out. Excellent refs. Call 914-476-2846 Or 646-235-5450 8015


An extraordinary loving companion Great skills and dependable. FT/PT 212-579-9692


EXPERIENCED Lady Lifeguard available for the summer. LTI and WSI certified. Call 347-782-7714 8015

8015 A loving nanny with excellent reference seeks full-time/part time position in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Riverdale. Call 917-674-2445

REAL ESTATE SALES AGENTS: Make extra money! Astor brokerage. Real Estate Center. Serving the Kew Garden Hills Community is seeking local agents. We will train you! Call Chanita for info 718-263-4500

8015 Clothing store in North Carolina & Tenn. are looking for motivated sales people experience preferred. Long term, room to progress, must have valid US working papers. Eldar 818-325-7555 eldar_benlo@walla.co.il or 865-430-3310

Looking for religious Jewish workers in the “HASHGACHA” field. Kosher supervision. Option for training to become a “SHOCHET” opening availale fully Certified SHU”S Midwest locs: NE, MN, WI Call 303-810-8011 moshedenver@aol.com


8015 Drivers/ Delivery/ Courier: Mail dispatcher needed P/T Mail out envelopes all over the US $150 weekly. James Flanagan 718-705-4889


Rabbi / Partner wanted for completed development adjacent to Oorah in Stamford, NY. Call 607-652-3387


8015 REGISTERED NURSE: 30 YRS experience seeking employment in community health facility, private practice, senior center or home care. Call 718-634-8029



HOME HEALTH CARE AIDE: Experienced CNA Eldercare / Baby care Available ASAP 347-469-2767



Serious keyboard player needed for gigs & showcases around the world. Youtube.com “Project 6 reunion” Call 973-207-2604

8015 Successful busy PIZZA SHOP Located in UPPER EAST SIDE is looking for experienced. Mashgiach to start immediately. Call 212-987-9130

DOMESTIC HELP WANTED. HOME HEALTH AIDE NEEDED. Certified experienced 5 days/week, must have car. 516-3794283 Merrick, NY 8015

8015 Buyer/ Managing partner wanted for newly renovated. Fully equipped. Turnkey Glatt Kosher, LI catering hall. Seats 300, long lease reasonable rent. Attractive terms. Call 516-450-7323

Buyer/ managing partner wanted for newly renovated fully equipped Turn-Key. Glatt Kosher, LI catering hall. Seats 300 long lease, reasonable rent. Attractive terms. Call 516-450-7323 8015

AARP FOUNDATION WORKSEARCH Are you…age 55 and older? Unemployed? Low income? Unemployed? Low income? Resident of Queens? Looking for permanent? AARP Foundation WorkSearch, Senior training Program can help! Please call 718-433-0010 Ask to speak with an employment specialist. 8015

Food Co. sks experienced sales people. Draw against comm + expenses. Call 347-561-9744 Berish


Office manager/ Buyers & sales agents with Experience for busy RE management office. Call 917-921-3467


Work from home Complete training & support. Contact Sammy 646-812-2574 8015 SALES PEOPLE NEEDED For a local BKLYN business. Must be energetic, reliable + enthusiastic, base salary, Plus commission. Great Opportunity. Please Call Joe: 646-619-2822 x6100

Partner/ Salesperson for jewelry mfg business. Knowl. of Internet sales. Willing to travel. 212-575-9590 Home attendant Fulltime or part time. Felxible hours. Live in or out. Experience required. Good salary. Call 917-676-1309 or 347-512-8229

HELP WANTED Saleslady with some sales exp needed for fabric Store. Call 718-436-5849 or 347-743-7339

Cleaning Services


9015 Brooklyn Sanitation Rubbish Removal Backyard cleanouts apartment specializing in both commercial and residential same day service shomer shabbos Call owner:718-243-2525

Bonded and insured kosher trained polish/English speaking European Expert care. Licensed Home Care Agency. Elderly care – house keeping. RNs, CPN, HHA, PCAs. Live-in/ out. Avail call 718-349-0099 8045

S+S Rubbish Removal: All clean up. Yard / Basement/ garage. Free estimate. S+S Rubbish Removal, Demolition. Shomer Shabos. Call 347-404-1643


8045 Simply the best: Employment Agency, we offer eldercare, companions, housekeepers, babysitters, al with excellent references and experience. Licensed and board agency.Live in/out 718-332-7608


The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011




Improvement 8081

9050 We meet or beat any price interior demolition one stop backyard basement clean out stop violations. Same day 24/6 licensed insured call 718-243-2525

Painting, sheetrocking 20 years experience Insured No job too big or small. For quality Call John Today at 718-898-7560 917-359-4579


8081 LICENSED & INSURED ALG AWNING When the sun gives you a fight, We make it alright. Free InHome Estimates Free InHome Renderings 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL RETRACTABLE AWNINGS, PATIO AWNINGS, RCOVERS, ALUMINUM AWNINGS, CAR PORTS, REHANGS/TAKE DOWNS, TRUCK LETTERING, GRAPHICS, RAILS, GENERAL WELDING tel: 718-909-7195 toll free: 888-853-0442 web:algawning.com email: info@alg-awning.com 2943 Falcon Ave., Far Rockaway NY, 11691 SPECIAL DISCOUNT IF YOU MENTION THIS AD WHEN YOU CALL

8081 INTERIOR PAINTING FAUX FINISHES & MURALS MON – SAT 10AM – 6PM CALL 917-589-9601 www.colorwisedesignsllc.com



8081 One source Home Inspection serving the NY area. From foundations to the roof. Anthony 917-577-8464

ALFA CONTRACTING -Custom Cabinetry -Kitchen remodeling -Home offices -Home Entertainment -Space Efficiency -Free Estimates -We’re in the neighborhood “NO JOB TOO SMALL” $100 off WITH THIS AD www.alfacontractingny.com 212-234-5878 rosstfrench@aol.com 8081

9015WE MEET OR BEAT ANY PRICE. Interior demolition, One stop backyard basement clean out. Stop violations. Same day 24/7. Licensed & Insured. 718-243-2525

D.L.M CONSTRUCTION Licensed and Insured New Construction, Extension and Complete Renovation, 25 Years Experience Free Estimate 917-968-6809



Handyman: Quick service at low prices, carpentry, sheet roc, plastering, painting, electric + plumbing. Replace old toilets, sinks, electric fixtures and windows 917-385-8587


9000 Painting, sheetrocking: 20 years Experience. Insured. No job too big or too small. For quality, Call John today at 718-898-7560 or 917-359-4579

HANDYMAN AVAILABLE!!! Carpentry, Tile, Plumbing, Landscaping, Painting, Furniture, Asembly. Reasonable rates, Friendly service Call Orrin 646- 671- 3906 ingramo@earthlink.net

8080 Contractor: All kinds of jobs plus windows, plumbing, carpentry, painting. Call Baruch 215-725-9161 8080 Mike’s Home Improvement/ Roofing Sheet rock/ tiles, Kitchen/ Bath, Gutters + Leaders. 718-426-2167 8080 I AM A PLUMBER (Boiler & Heating) LOOKING FOR WORK. Henry 718-809-6150 Reasonable rates! 24HR Service


Exterminators 8075

BED BUG SPECIALIST Professionally Dry Clean: Clothing – Linens – Drapes. Discreet and reliable. Pick up and delivery/ Unmarked van. Call toll free! 1-888-241-2199 8075

M + K Pest control: Special price for bedbugs, senior discount. Reasonable + reliable services. Licensed and insured. Call 917-304-8777 8075


Electricians 9050 Top Security! Alarm and camera system phone and intercom system. computer working and all electrical needs. new line fixtures call now for free estimate Reuben 718-431-4408 Free Estimates & Low Prices! 8065 TRACK BY JACK 917-748-7225 74Track 914-725-0785 TRACK lighting specialist, Installation, Sales. Update old cans with small efficient, low voltage halogens wholesale bulbs delivered.

Electrician All electrical needs. New lines Trouble shouting fixtures. Call Yahuda: 347-631-0481

Autos 9030

9030 AUTO FOR SALE FORD FUSION 2010 4 Door Sedan, 7,000 Mi, Original Owner, Asking $17.K Contact (516) 242-5833 9030 Bala Cymoyd: 3 BR, 2 BA brick colonial, full bsmt, attached garage. Asking $430,000. Call 973-985-8789

AUTO FOR SALE – 2008 Toyota Sienna, good condition, one owner. 56K miles 347-965-4842 Asking $13,000

9030 MUST SELL! 2009 BMW 335d Like new condition. More pictures at robertbrown201@yahoo.com Robert Brown: 361-237-4612 9030 2010 Lincoln Town Car dark blue, light tan interior. 5 months old, low mileage, one owner. Perfect condition $38K. Contact Alex 203-746-0181. Lv Msg.


9030 2003 Toyota Forara, fully loaded interior immaculate silver bodied. 45,000 miles routine maintenance. Price negotiable – 8,500 CD changer, leather heated seats, premium JBL sound system. Call owner 516-297-4583 or email bnespola@gmail.com

TRUCK FOR SALE: 2003 Ford Crew Cab Model #450 with utility body 30,000 miles. 4xs4 with fisher stainless steel plow diesel $19K. Plus 2005 Ford Crew Cab Model #350 4x4 Diesel tool box + racks. New seats, also hare ladder racks. Owner retiring. Contact 201-207-5533 or 201-436-0447 9030

CHEVY 1996 IMPALA SS Rare green Immac. 21k $28,500 516-383-6326


Pets 9035

TOY POODLES AKC 2 Male 1 Female ready to go Tails docked, 1st shots, 1st heart guard, 1st front line. Champion sire, Dam on sight 203-881-0072 www.shamerspoodles.com 9035


PETS FOR SALE–DOGS Tawny briard puppies INTL Championship bloodlines Long Island, NY available to approved homes. Contact #631-537-5346 Website: www.briards.com


Selling 9040

MERCHANDISE FOR SALE-COLLECTABLES: ROSEVILLE COLLECTION 60 Pieces, All Patterns, Shapes & Sizes, Beautiful $8,000.00 + ARMOIRE – 1875 Italian, Perfect Condition, Breaks Down in (5) Sections, Elegant $8,000.00 . Contact (212) 741-3887 or (646) 267-7391 9040

Americana Collection American Mechanical Muscle 1850-2000 140+ Diecast Models, 200 + Plastic kits 98% NIB 290+itemdescriptive & historical books$24K/OBO Eric @ 860-683-2140 Leave name, phone # & Best times for callback 9040

9040 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: 2 Knudson seemless gutter on machine 5” type hold 4 coil clean + painted $4000 – 6” seamless road 6” Gutter and 16 Flange Type $9K. Owner retiring, clean + well maintained. Factory maintenance. Contact 201-207-5533 or 201-436-0447

ANTIQUES FOR SALE - Morgan Silver Dollars 1878, 1882, 1889, 1895 & 1897 609-494-0900 9040

Collectibles – 1961 WORLD SERIES BALL – W/signatures incl. Roger Maris, Yogi Berra, Whitely ford, etc. in box; also NASCAR. Winston Cup Poster + vintage comic books. Antique hand embroided quilts. Rare record albums. Contact 205-670-9044 9040

9040 MOVING, MUST SELL ALL! FURN, APPLIANCES, HOUSEWARES, SACRIFICE! CALL 718-450-4879 9040 Kawai Baby Grand piano. Ebony satin finish, excellent condition. Contact 978-505-0971

Commercial gym equipment (4), hammer strength (2) nautilus (1) cybex – 2 yrs old original cost 18K asking 8K. Call owner 516-661-9639 9040

Motorized Scooter. Lynx L3, bright red brand new, used once, battery operated, holds up to 300lbs. $800 215-499-6226


9040 Beautiful mahogany dining room set with breakfront, 8 chairs, 2 couches, set of coffee tables, 2 end tables and console, children’s new BR set. 917-771-6669

9040 BETH ISRAEL MEMORIAL PARK: Woodbridge, NJ . 4 graves with perpetual care $1250 each or best offer. 941-320-0945 Cell or 941-535-7886 9040 Beautiful custom designer L-shaped sofa (1yr old) salmon color, two tone fabrics, seat depth 41”, Length on one side (sections) 108” (68”x40”) and 100” (60”x40) condition perfect, Original price $25,000 must sell, Asking $3,000. Contact 646-642-8666

Whole House: Contents includes 4 BR sets, living room, dining room, den and more! Excel quality. 718-757-0975


PETS FOR SALE – DOGSAKC Labrador Retrievers: Pups ready for pick-up CH. Bloodlines bred for temperament, up to date on shots. Call and visit, BiGi’s Labradors. 973-993-9006 9035


9030 NATIONAL MOTOR CLUB: Auto and personal injury coverage. Anywhere in the US, Mexico, Canada. $18/month, 60% off prescription medications. Call Francisca 347-320-3890 Salesperson wanted.

9040 COLLECTIBLES AMERICANA COLLECTION – American Mechanical Muscle:1850-2000. 140 + Die Cast Models, 200 + Plastic Kits. 98% NIB; 290+ItemDescriptive & Historical Books. $20K/OBO Contact Eric @ (860) 683-2140 Lv name, phone # & best times for callback.

Oceanside Private Sale. Auto BB’s, pics, all sports cards, dolls, hot wheels, xmas décor + more!! For appt Please Call: 516-678-1394


9040 2011 Dimension one hot tub, brand new, 3 year warrantee, seats 6 (2 pumps) Stainless steel jets. The #1 rates hot tub for energy efficiency. Originally $8839. Sale $5997 631-681-4400

DRY CLEANERS for sale in Boro Park. Asking $95K. Please call 347-585-6943 9040

Furniture Kew Garden Hills: Italian and French DR, BR, breakfront, Hi-riser, chandelier and Paintings. Call 917-836-0146


Wooden Dining Room set, table with 8 chairs, china cabinet and buffet + server. Only 3 years old. Great condition. Also leopard/ wood coach 80x10 area rugs. Side tables with marble, 2 leather living room chairs etc. Call 917-364-5272 9040

Machpelah Cemetary, Ridgewood, Queens NY. Two cemetery plots. Price $1000 each including Perpetual care. Call 732-657-7120



JAZZ LOVERS! Over 1,000 jazz greatest records, excellent cond, negotiable. Ellington, Vaughn Parker, Holiday + Fitzgerald, just to name a few + Many more. Contact718-379-6401 9040

9040 Antiques for Sale. 5 piece large bdrm set/ dining rm + China + circa 1900 Sunburst Oak, excel cond. Pieces can be sold separately. View website: http://tinyurl.com/39mo7go Click collectables + Antiques can view. Approx 37 photos/ Contact732-937-9167

9040 PARKER 2005 PILOT HOUSE-25’ 9’6”beam, 250 Yamaha 4strk on bracket, low hrs, all electronics, outriggers, saltwater washdown, windlass, new trir w/ electric winch & fishing equip. Asking $54,000. Call 631-909-3582 WILL DEMO IN WATER!!


Old Watches clocks wanted. By collector Regardless of condition Highest paid (212) 517-8725 9050

9080 Ventor: Furnished Ranch A/C 3BD 1 ½ BTH 3 blocks beach. July $7900 Aug $7900 or yearly $1875 No pets 610-517-4284

9050 Shlomo Hamelech’ s Tour of The United States and Beyond (bold) Motor home RV trips for free on condition of purchase of electronics, batteries and groceries starting price of $6,000 over a period of time on condition you acquire entire RV for additional $194,000 Call 917-216-8379

Shlomo Hamelech’s Tour of the United States and Beyond. Motor Home RV strips for free on condition of purchase of electronics, batteries and groceries starting price of $6,000 over a period of time on condition that you acquire entire RV for additional $194,000. High bread car. Plus groceries for 10 years provided I am the driver. Minimum 30 day tour. Call 917-216-8379 9050

9050 MOVING: Custom handmade pool table, handcrafted, wall units, oak finish, fits up to 52” TV. Technics stereo w/JBL speakers. Apt size washer. Best offer 215-338-5301

Roosevelt Memorial Park 2 adjoining single plots in very desirable section, across from Mausoleum. Sec B 10, LOT 157 Single plot only $2800 will sacrifice both only $4900. 561-479-0790 9050


US Coins Wanted Especially interested in Govt proof/ mint sets. Orig boxes. Rare coins / Estate Jewelry 212-642-4324 Midtown 9045

WANTED: HENREDON 1980s Chinese bedroom set. Need bed, lighted canopy, 2 pier armories, will also buy matching pieces and wall unit/ carved chest + cabinet. Contact 201-664-6983 lve msg 9045

Other 9050

9050 Fig trees purple, white and giant black Call owner: 732-663-0918

9050 On Long Branch boardwalk or in Broadway area. Desperate disabled man Lost black fanny pack containing cell phone & glassescommissioned for the Blind. Please call 732 222-5721

New Mercedes Sprinter van bought 11/10. 15K Many extras. Mint condition Priced for quick sale. 718-387-6571 9050

$50,000 REWARD for evidence leading to the conviction of the person or persons who used my identity to create an account in my name at the Bank of America leading to credit card charges over $48,000. Eugene Bivins, 3475 S. Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL. 33480 561-493-4875



HEADSHOT 2 GO…$150 Super 8X10 print & CD in one session Agent-Mgr-Casting Dir.APPROVED Fully guaranteed. Midtown-See web for details, samples: www.headshot2go.com Also-Artistic & Executive Portraiture 212-564-4005 9050 Mt Ararat: Farmingdale, 8 burial plots for sale $12,000. Best offer. 516-466-4432 or 631-466-1635 9050 Beth David Cemetery Elmont, NY One Plot asking $1750 negotiable. 540-846-6380 9050 Ask the expert. Harav shlomo Fogel. Any problems with social security, SSI + medicare. Call 718-252-0336

SEAGATE: Hotel services avail for weekend get togethers (ie, shabbatonim, simchas, events, meetings, etc) Reasonably priced. Avail immediately. Call owner 718-714-0028


Ford Workplace Solutions Seminar Professional Women’s Network Overcoming Barriers in the Workplace Ms. Ford, MPA, Seminar host & founder, will examine the history and growth of women in the workplace. Come network with women from all professions. Tues. May 24, 2011 6-8 pm 110 Wall Street, 11th Flr, NY, NY RSVP/ID: two photos for security. Fee 40.00 Call: 212-709-8081 9050

Essential sharing – Licensed Massage Therapist. Spoil your every need. Up-close and personal, come see me! Call 212-702-9872 9050

Ask the expert: Harav shlomo fogel: Any problems with social security. SSI + Medical. Call 718-252-0336 9050

DIVORCE IN ONE DAY: No court appearance, guaranteed, from $995 978-443-8387 365 Boston Post Road #241. Sudbury, MA 01776 www.divorcefast.com


9050 Excellent Sofer Musmach, shamayim. Expert in writing and checking mezuzahs. Tefillin. Please call: 347-406-1999

9050 Couturier Seamstress Will create custom designs for your unique style or recreate pieces from famous designers. Alterations also. Call Jasmin (646) 645-7069 Jasminfashion@gmail.com 9050 Reputable moving excellent prices quality service DOT #2104954 Eli’s Moving Service 718-338-MOVE


The Jewish Voice



July 8, 2011

New Jersey Apartment For Sale 9055

9055 AC Berkley: Luxury condobuilding on boardwalk. 1BR furnished. Parking yearly. $1050/mo, pool, fitness center, WID. Call 609-335-7855

Margate Rancher (bold) Large lot. 2 Bedroom large seperate garage. Fenced dog run. large driveway upgrades. near boards and beach. Block and half from dog park $285,000 609-377-7109 9055

Passaic Park: Open hse, Sun 5/15 11-4; 358 Brook Ave. MIC, 5BR, 2.5bth, very lg LR/DR, H/W fls. Huge kshr EIK opens to deck. Lg bkyd, 2c gar. fin bsmt/attic $649K. Nr shuls/trans. For sale by owner. No agents, Owner has RE referral lic 973-773-2103 9055

9055 Marriott Fairway Villas at Seaview, Absecon, NJ: 2BR, 2 baths, floating week, Elizabth Arden spa, pool, golf on premises. Atlantic City Beaches nearby. 908-431-5157

9055 Manalapan: True mother/daughter colonial, 2 kitchens, 2 LR, total 6 BR, 3 bths, many upgrades, lg pool, C/Vac, large lot 732-792-1143

Condos/Co ops/NJ Hoboken-$1.15 m secluded carriage house, 3 firplaces, luxury, appliance package, patio +w/trellis+hot tub, terrace 3 flrs 201-400-3986 FOR SALE, LAKEWOOD 4 CONDOS AVAILABLE 2,000-2,400 sq. ft. $335,000- $345,000 1st St. & Madison Ave. Please call for info/appt. 718-974-5550

Apartment For Rent

Lakewood, NJ: 1 BR, 1.5 bth, newly renovated apt, LR, DR, EIK. Reasonably priced, near shopping and houses of worship. Call 732-904-1921 Parsippany: Lak Hiawatha-1 BR condo quiet building, 2nd flr, walk-up, updated appliances in EIK. Renovated bath, new windows, new electric, good closet, space storage bin + laundry room on-site ample parking, great nearby park and ride. 2 miles, no pets, no smoking. $875 monthly. Call 973-207-0860 Owner.

Monmouth Beach: Oceanfront, breathtaking 2 BR, 2 bth, kitch, lg LR w/dining area, huge deck, indoor/outdoor pool, 24-hr security, easy bus/ ferry commute NYC, $2500/mo 201-825-2646 Apartment for rent, NJ, 2nd floor in private house. 2 BR, Lrg LR, lrg kitchen. Includes heat & hot water, lrg closets. $1,150 201-659-5574 Apt for rent Oradel: Renov Victorian 3 BR/ LR/ DR/ EIK, 1.5 bth sun room/ 2 car gar + includes aupare apartment w/ EIK full bath/ mini kitchen/ LV Bdrm. Close to trains/ Bus. $3300.00 Contact 203-241-2243

Proper ty

For Rent


9070 New Jersey JACKSON- Prof. 2 rm ofc approx. 500sf $650/mo+ elect. Private entrance 732-995-3271

New Jersey FREEHOLD TWP Class “A” Office Space 400 W. Main St. 1500 s.f. (5 rms incl. kit. & recep). Elev., marble lobbies, 24-hr. access, Daily janitorial, Immed occ. 732-780-0900 9075


Red Bank Downtown office space available 1350sqft. Vaulted ceilings, fios Internet. Parking available. Call Art 732-222-3553

AC Boardwalk: Ocean Club Beautiful Decorated 1 BR 1 ½ BA 2 TVs Cable kit w/d Sleeps 6 All amenities. Monthly or Season. Call owner: 201-670-9015 9050

Proper ty

For Sale


9070 New Jersey MIDDLETOWN – Rt. 36, Join CVS & P.O. in high traffic location, 1400 – 4200 S.F. 732-996-4354

Beth Israel Cemetery Wood bridge, NJ Burial plots. With grave sites $2,000 Must be sold together. Call 917-371-4871. 9050

9065 Clifton Patricia Loop: Move in condition! 3BR ranch, EIK, updated full bath. $329,900 FSBO 973-220-9116 www.zillow.com

Rockaway Township, NJ: New construction New Jersey. ( 2) story colonial. Lakefront property. Walking distance to temple. Contact 973-983-9527 9065


Teaneck: Totally renov 4 BR, 2.5Bth with finished basement in prime w Engelwood location. $739K Vacant 201-483-8901


HOUSE FOR SALE Bergenfield/ Teaneck border 5+1 bedrooms & 3 full bathrooms. Renovated side hall colonial. Large master suite with vaulted ceilings, large walk in closet and spa like bathroom. Wood/granite/ Stainless steel modern. Kosher eat-in kitchen, lrg LR, large DR (can seat22), lrg FR. Close to many shuls and right near 2 parks. Asking $749K, 2010 taxes $13,333K OPEN HOUSE 3/27 11-1PM 69 Wilbur Rd. 917-930-4057 9065

9075 Lakewood: Corner store for rent, good location. Call 732-513-9470


9065 Ringwood: 1 acre wooded lot, 280’ of frontage. Beautiful area. 180 Magee Rd $229K 406-522-0325

Elizabeth, NJ: Historic Center: Newly renovated brick/ vinyl one family house- 8 Bedrooms/ 3 bths, family room, bonus rooms, eat-in-kitchen, new roof, siding, windows, boiler, water heater and porchhardwood floors and new carpeting -$280,000. Call owner 908-688-7262 7030

Far Hills: 14 Acres trees/ Stream BEDMINSTER Horse County. Foundation Built holds 7000 sq ft. Home Well Septic patio/pool/ spa Driveway. Contact 908-234-1743 or 908-399-2100 9065

Alpine Treetops: 9 miles from GWB. 4bd/4bth amazing updated modernist on 2 private ac. Views, pool, 13K taxes, best schools. $2,974,000. See WebID NS110210769 Alpine 9 mi to GWB. 4bd/5.5 bth, 1.5 private acres. Best site, architecture, finishes, appliances. Energy efficient. Taxes 15k. $3.85M 201-750-0372 See Web ID NS1102091197 9065

9065 CEMETARY PLOTS. 2 ppairs of cemetery plots at MT. Lebanon Cemetary, Iselin NJ. 1 pair with prepaid pre-needed internment. hannabe@juno.com 732-545-6373 or 732-896-6230

Philadelphia, PA Bogota, NJ: 2 BR, 1.5 bths, LG EIK, 6 drvwy, central AC, new furnace w/3, zone heat. Close to all buses. Fast sale $259K OBO Owner 201-820-4391 Spring Lake Heights: Builders/developers, Land for sale: Zoned Residential 908-482-0528

Available For Rent


7065 AC WARWICK: Lg unfurn, new carpets, Ocean View. Yrly rental $1275 per month, includes utils, storage cable, prkg. 856-596-1816

Lower Makefield: 4300sqft, 2 sty French Colonial, 4 Bdrms, 4 Ba min to shopping train, hospitals, golf course…$3,250 DAVID FIORI INC. 215-757-1000 7065

Are you looking for a clean remodeled 3BR, 2 ba shore house colonial 2.5 blocks from the beach. New roof, kitchen & bath, parks 5 cars. Asking $339,900. Call 973-464-5561

Office/Commercial/ Business For Sale


5000sqft restaurant in Monmouth County. Elegantly designed seats 115 people with (8) apartments + (2) additional. Retail spaces. Contact 908-902-7828 9010

Apartment For Sale 9055

Help Offered


8010 Loving Caring couple, both certified and licensed, wife is practical nurse and husband is seeking jobs as companion for the elderly. Handyman w/HHA Certifications. Excellent, many years experience. References available. Call 516-330-3429 Have own car.

Other 9050

PHILADELPHIA FOR SALE Kosher MidEastern Restaurant (due to owner’s retirement) Over 20 yrs in business Great location in Center City (downtown Philadelphia) 856-254-3384 7060

Spring Lake, rent/buy, A+ condo hotel, 2 units furn, new designer décor, quality details, marble bth, custom clsts, 1 BD + LR; 1BD + Porch lake view, pool, 3 blks Beach, Zagat rest. Amp/480Volt 215-990-1252 9055

Teaneck: Garden apt, land 3BRs, renovated kitchen. $1150-1395 including heat and hot water, 2 blocks to NYC transit. 1 lock to kosher Shops. No fee. Call 201-836-8745


9070 Lakewood: Corner store for rent. Good location. Call 732-513-9470

Commercial property HBWE REALTY Ranway/Linden NJ Warehouse 15,000, 30, 000& 40,000 22 ft high, plenty of parking space, Avail for imm purchase or lease! Call Barry Littman 917-363-3974

Residential/Commercial Howell, NJ Near Lakewood, 20,000 sq ft asking 650k. Reasonably priced! Call now Dominick 908-415-2299 or Sal 718-853-3629

175,000 Co-op Apt For Sale: Great Size Bedrooms. Too many upgrades to mentrion! Ready to move-in. Close to GWB. Call Angela 201-328-6603 9065


The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011





9000 Jerusalem/ Lev Yerushalayim: 2 BR, furnishes, sleeps 6. Available 6/27 – 7/25. Reasonable, Jack 561-414-7998 jm@erspec.com 9000 Israel Ramat Beit Shemesh Ramat Shilo (bold) 2BR fully furnished A/C Washer dryer groud floor no steps 2 min walk to mercaz short/long term call owner 248-214-9573

Lev Yerushalayim Hotel 2BRs 2 BTHs kosher kitchen terrace 011-972-673-7330 email arusi_ez@zahav.net.il 9000

Talbieh: Exclusive Bartenura St. Very big 210sqm, 5 room completely renov apartment. Private garden,parking etc… $1,950,000. Serious seller. DWELL Jerusalem. 02-567-0607 Reuven 050-523-1478 We have many more properties! 9000

9000 Lev Yerushaky: Hotel, 2 BRs, 2 bths, kosher kitchen, terrace 972-3-673-7330 Email: arusi-ez@zahav.net.il

Lev Yerushalayim: Hotel. 2 BRs 2BTHS, Kosher kitchen, terrace. 972-3-673-7330 e-mail: arusi-ez@zahav.net.il 9000

9000 Jerusalem: Private suite in 5 Star Ramada sleeps up to 8. In/out pools $250/nite. Albert 514-803-8838

9000 SPECIAL DEALS 1. King Solomon: Jerusalem & Tiberias 2. Prima Kings: Jerusalem 3.Selection of hotels throughout Israel & abroad 4.Early bird specials Grossman Tours Tel: 052-624-4733 or 052-624-8189

9000 Talbeih: Exclusive Bartenura St: Very big 210 sqm, 5 rms completely renovated apartment. Private garden, parking etc. $1,950,000. Serious seller. DWELL, JERUSALEM. 02-567-0607 Reuven 050-523-1478. We have many more properties.

Ramat Bet Shemesh: Ramat Shilo: 2 BR, fully furnished, AC, WD ground floor, no steps, 2 min walk to Mercaz. Short / long term. Call owner 248-214-9573


Designer living in JERUSALEM: Beautiful 1 family house with a view to die for. You’ll never leave home, high ceilings, amazing gardens/ patio for entertaining and huge succah. Spacious LR and master bdrm suite. Big DR, full kitch, book lined den. 5 BRS, CAC, oil heat and advanced solar heating and advanced solar heating. Private covered parking. Contact owners. Michael and Sara at MikeWid@netvision.net.il or 011-972-2532-23868

9000 Kosher Services Worldwide: Malcolm Green Events from the dryer of the angl-saxon caterers for all your Glatt Kosher catering needs in Israel and throughout the Caribbean and the wider world. Call 052-244-8709 or 9-862-6442 Email: koshercaterer@yahoo.co.uk

Jerusalem: Private suite in 5 Star Ramada, sleeps up to 8. In/out pools $250/nite Albert 514-803-8838

9000 Ramot Beit: Charming spacious 6+ rooms cottage spectacular view, garden patio, quiet lane, in amazing anglo-saxon, modern Orthodox community! 050-873-2442 or 02-586-3242


Luxury rentals for short/ long term in Herzelia. The apartments are furnished and newly renovated. They are avail for individuals or families. Call 011-972-54-942-1444 or www.99yafit.com


9000 DESIGNER LIVING IN JERUSALEM: Beautiful 1-family house with a view to die for. You’ll never leave home. High ceilings. Amazing gardens/ patio for entertaining and huge succah. Spacious living room and master bdrm suite. Big dining rm. Full kitchen, book-lined den, five bdrms. Ctrl AC, oil heat and advanced solar heating. Private covered parking. Contact Owners – Michael and Sara at mikewid@netviosion.net.il or 011-972-2-5322-868

Beautiful apartment for sale in the old city of Jerusalem with unique view. Call 011-972-52-462-8913 9000

Great opportunity: Lots for sale in Rosh Pina, lots for sale in Even Yehuda, also apartments for rent in Ezilya Pituach. Call 408-340-1125, 011-97-50-529-3777, 011-972-77-575-1170 irit0110@hotmai.com

Israel Nadlan Cachol Lavan: In the western section 430/270sm newly renovated and unique penthouse. Very attractive, good conditions. 6,900,000 NIS. Negotiable Yigal 052-253-5746

9000 Haifa: Luxurious, new, 8-room house in Alonei Abba (15mins from Haia), option for 2 separate units for clinic/office/ dwelling. Immediate. Tel 052-220-0207

Retire in Jerusalem?

3.5 room unique penthouse in “Hod Jerusalem“ retirement home (self ownership - no deposit required!)

Call 972-50-5920507 firmdew@hotmail.com

9000 Jerusalem Center: 16 King George, furnishes, 3BR penthouse duplex, 2.5 bth, 4 porches, Shabbat elevator, short / long term. 718-776-3282 http://dennydaniel.com/israel

9000 Jerusalem: Best location 3 min to plaza and great synagogue, 5 min to Mamilla and 15 min to kotel, stunning 3BR luxuriously furnished balcony with stunning view, private elevator, 2 car gar. Available holidays! VIEW ONLINE: www.akivaiz.com or call owner 917-582-9441

Jerusalem: in a central prime location at 60 Jaffa Street apt for rent! On then new light right pedestrian mall route, cute 2 room apartments in a new building, fully furnished, AC, lift, wireless wi-fi, for long + short term. Within short walking distance to primary sites. (Kotel, Geula, Machine Yehua market) Frank 0505-344478 Wise 0505-34448

9000 Lev Jerusalem hotel apt suite. Best location. All amenities included. Daily maid, sleeps 4. Reduced $120/Day (5 day minimum). Private owner. Tel/fax 011-972-8-633-4758 zerwand@yahoo.com


Jerusalem Center: 16 King George, furnished, 3BR penthouse duplex. 2.5 bth, 4 porches, Shabbat elevator, short term/ long term. 718-776-3882 http://dennydaniel.com/Israel/ 9000

9000 Jerusalem: Lux 3 BR hotel apt, 20 min walk to kotel, kit, DR, LR, pool. Avail for Pesach 347-721-7722

Ramat Bet Shemesh: Ramat shilo, 2 BR, fully furnished, A/C, w/d ground floor, no steps, 2 min walk to mercaz. Short /long term 248-214-9573 9000

9000 REAL ESTATE IN ISRAEL. INVESTMENT AND MANAGEMENT. MORTGAGES FROM 7096 AND UP. Simcha Teitelhaum 917-474-7440 simchatb@gmail.com

9000 Tallbieh: Exclusive Bartenura St. Very big 210 sqm, 5 room completely renovated apt. Private garden, parking etc, $1,950,000. Serious seller, DWELL, Jerusalem. 02-567-6607 Reuven 050-523-1478 We have many more properties!

9000 Beautiful apartment for sale in the old city of Jerusalem with unique view. Call 011-972-52-462-8913 or see www.apt-oldcity.com

New villa. Very high quality. Stunning 210 sqm corner center of Omer, 2 floors. 052-758-8102


9000 All types of properties available. Looking to buy apts or invest in Israel? Many options available. Call my new number. 011-972-52-763-1845

HERZILYA PITUAH. For sale, rare and wonderful villa, 10 rooms, 500/750 sq m., modern architecture, new meticulously designed and built with perfectionistic quality at the highest level possible, located in quiet and tranquil surroundings, exciting and one of a kind. 050-620-0000, zvicohen3@gmail.com


9000 WHAT! My family in a luxurious Lev Yerushalayim Hotel Suite holiday apt (sleeps 5) best location, all amenities, daily maid for just $100/night? (7night min) Private owner Tel/Fax 011-772-8-633-4758 Zevwand@yahoo.com

9000 THE PREMIER CHOICE FOR JERUSALEM PROPERTY SERVICES. – Long term rentals – Short term rentals – Renovations – Buying a property assistance Shia Getter Property Management +972-77-234-6011 sg@shiagetter.com or www.shiagetter.com


The Jewish Voice

July 8, 2011



Florida Real Estate

For Sale


9080 Margate/Ventnor Beautiful home 3 houses off beach 4BR 3 full baths magnificent view. Elegant furnishings, no pets no smoking. Great location. Close to restaurants. July 6 – August 5th Available September – May 2012 9 month lease. Asking $990/mo Call 856-663-0671

9080 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP: 1000 to 2150sqft Close to Oxford Valley Mall, Across from supermarket, Walgreens, Bank. Imm Occupancy. Rent Reduced. Must be seen. DAVID FIORI, INC. REALTORS 215-757-1000

David Fisher Loves Naples, Florida and thanks you will too! Condos – Villas – Homes southwest Florida Had it ALL! Call Now! David Fisher Residential Real Estate Cell 215-740-4745 Office 239-732-7837 millindale@aol.com 9080

9080 Central Florida. Very private Estate Site 240 acres. Mile from paved road surrounded by Gov’t property, one well/ 2 barns / 3 stocked fishing ponds. 24x24ft, sleeping quarters. Abundant Wildlife. Contact 407886-4922 Email: Kenggn@hotmail.com

Main Line Valley Forge Reduced from 2.5 million to 1.9million 6400 sf 3.91ac 4/3.5 Private Gated Driveway 2000 sf Decks and Stone Patios, 4 fireplace, wine cellar, kitchen, DR, LR Great Room, exercise, library, billiard rooms, 3 car garage. 215-783-3122 www.huffequities.com


Main Line Valley Forge Reduced from 2.5 million to 1.9million 6400 sf 3.91ac 4/3.5 Private Gated Driveway 2000 sf Decks and Stone Patios, 4 fireplace, wine cellar, kitchen, DR, LR Great Room, exercise, library, billiard rooms, 3 car garage. 215-783-3122 www.huffequities.com


9085 Bal Harbor, FL: Luxurious 1 BR condo with terrace, Ocean and city view, heated outdoor pool, Jacuzzi, gym, valet, kosher kitchen, 24/7 security, walking distance to shul and shop. Call owner 305-761-0537

Central FL. Land with Greenhouses, 20 acres deeded (some in lake) Highway + lake frontage. Business w/nice lake front. Home site, low real estate tax/ Low sales tax. No state income tax. Zone for park recreation/ Church/ Synagogue. Can be changed to suit. Contact Ken 407-886-4922 Email:Kenggn@hotmail.com 9080


Condo for sale Boca Raton: 55+ community with active clubhouse + theater, swimming, pools, gym, tennis courts + (2) synagogues. 2 BDRM/ 1 ½ Bth completely renovated, all tile, custom counter tops. New bathroom, $65K Contact Marty 914-953-8988 Will email pictures. 9080


Very successful restaurant in Hollywood, Florida. Asking 500K Call owner 954-809-5998

Tampa Triple Net Lease: Quick lube, 649K Cap 8.25% strong tenant, 13+yr left. 10% incrs 813-546-2766


FLORIDA REAL ESTATE The following propertied are located in Clearwater area, near Gulf of Mexico. For more information, or pictures, on any of the 3 properties, call Virgil at 727-410-1205 9080

Immaculate townhouse two blocks from beach. 2 BR/2bth, fireplace. 2 car garage, furnishing included. Reduced to $209,900 Attractive “Florida” 2BR/2bth home. 4 minutes to bch. Screened lanai. Orange trees. 30 golf courses in 30 miles. $237,000. One BR/1 bath condo. Safe neighborhood. Walk to restaurants, grocery, hospital, etc. five minutes to bch. Reduced to $39,900 9080 Delray Beach: Int’l Club Condo (Huntington Lakes/ Clubhouse) 55+. Move-in ready, spac corner unit, 2BR, 2bths, EIK, enclosed porch. Steps from shopping w/glatt kosher supermarket and orthodox shul. Motivated seller 201-981-8094 or 561-715-7086 9080 Palm Beach, FL: REDUCED PRICE for this INTOWN PRIVATE PARADISE. 3BR/4.5BA townhouse featuring 3851SF, elevator to luxurious master suite. Bonus room EIK, pool. 2 car gar. Close to beach. $1.499M. Walking distance to shul. Stan Gordon 917-864-5321

Hollywood Beach Florida: Oceanfront Trump Condo, 3 BR/ 3.5 BA, new ad beautiful $1,350,000 786-390-7340 9080

9080 8 acres for sale Levy County, FL. SR-24 – Approx 15 miles W of Gainsville. 1200ft of highway frontage. Power + water throughout the 8 acres. ½ grass/ ½ large oak trees. Very beautiful, must see to appreciate $180K OBO. Call 352-495-9810

INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Temple Triple Net Lease quicklube, 649K, Cap 8.25% strong tenant, 13+ yr left, 10% incrs 813-546-2766 9080

CONDO FOR SALE. Miami Beach, The Alexander, 5225 Collins. Newly renov all marble 2 BR, 2 bth. Spectacular south side Ocean Bay view. All new SS appliances, closets & wsh/dryr. 516-369-0419 9080

9080 Boca Raton, FL: CC/4Golf courses-2b/2b furnished, 1st flr condo, 1,250+ sq ft, All golf view/ Ask $67,000 + Equity. SAMJ121@aol.com Call 561-479-2841


Florida: 52ac

Riverfront/Equestarian lot St. Johns County

Lot For Sale on Lake Forest, at West Colligan Lake, Poconos/PA. Private community where you can enjoy many activities ranging from indoor/outdoor pool, tennis court & much more. Financing available with down payment. 10% discount for members! Call 917-843-9068 9080

2 luxury condos each with 2 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms, one in Boca Raton for $79,900 one in Boynton Beach $119K 802-782-0721 Boca Raton: Century Village, 5 BR, mins to Miami Beach, beaut 2 BRs, 1.5bths. Excel kept facilities, extras incl pool, gym, tennis etc. 305-308-8517

Real Estate

For Rent


Miami, FL: A luxurios apt avail for rent in tower 41 for Passover or Monthly or weekly 514-991-3964


9085 Miami Beach 41st/ Alton: 6th FL, 1BR, 1.5Bth, furnished condo for rent or sale. Large LR and porch, beautiful view near shuls, shopping Transportation and more! Call 914-522-4636 9085 Boca Raton/ Century Village: Beautiful 1 BR, 1.5 bth, new appliances, enclosed porch. Great location. Call 917-749-7135

9085 Miami Beach: Collins Ave/ 36th St, beautiful 3.5 room condo ready for pesach, 2 bath, Porch facing ocean. 305-534-6706

Miami, FL: Tower 41 Luxury Apt. Monthly or weekly. 514-991-3964 9085

9080 Excellent Oppt: Fountainbleau Hotel, Miami Beach, magnificent 850sq ft studio, sleeps 4-6 renting daily/weekly. Avail short/long term. Call 347-804-4666 9085 Miami Beach: Beautiful newly renovated apt in tower 41. Bay view with balcony and gorgeous view of downtown Miami, 1 spacious BR with master bath newly furnished DR/LR area w/guest bath, state of the bed. Call 917-838-1528

9085 For sale: One of the largest Glatt kosher supermarkets in southeast FL. Catering, butcher, deli, produce dept. huge potential. 561-317-0274

Miami Beach/54th St Collins Ave: Fabulous, 1 BR condo on top Floor Overlooking ocean, Shul in building. Avail Daily/weekly or monthly. 917-349-9471 9085

Kings Point, Delray Beach: 2 BR, 1.5 bth apt for rent. Short term/ Long Term. Weekly/ yearly. Call 845-536-1080


9085 Boyton, FL: Direct Intercoastal million $$ views 2BDRMS/ 2BTHs, 55+ close to beach + shopping. 3 month rental @ $2600 a month. Contact 203-453-3164

Miami Beach: 41st, 1BR, 1.5bth furnished, cond o for rent or sale. Large LR and porch. Beautiful view. 914-522-4636


9085 Delray Beach: (Palm Beach County) VACATION CONDO in a beautiful well established community. 1 & 2 BDRMS available-Fully Equipped- Jan. Feb or March 2011. www.ALRFLORIDA.COM Info@alrflorida.com 800-336-6925 Aspen Leaf Realty, INC.

Boca Raton, Yarmouth: For rent seasonal or yearly 2 BR, 2bth, beautifully furnished. Bedding & mute. Lakeview near pool. Walk to temple and clubhouse. Call 561-883-1168 or 845-807-7468


www.flriverfront.blogspot.com 904-860-4500 9080 Lauderhill, FL: Luxurious 3BR, 2 bth in gated community. Dbl car garage, 2000sf, newly renov. Ceramic tiles. $189K neg. owner 954-552-4520

North Myrtle Beach for sale1 bdrm, 1 bth, pool. Asking $85,000 Call: 718-661-1286 9080 ADULT COMMUNITIES. FL, FORT MYERS 0.9%. 10year Fixed Rate (1.41% apr) NEW HOMES from the $160’s 55+ Active Adult CALL 239-689-8790 or visit www.55PlusMyCascades.com

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